#James why are you talking about your heart and body and hotel rooms PLEASE
wafflesrisa · 2 months
Listen James Vowles obviously thinks that this is THE final piece of his Williams WCC master plan and is very emotional about it
But please can he stop saying things that make him sound like he’s having an illicit affair with Carlos Sainz Vasquez de Castro
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bellysoupset · 2 months
Hey Soup~
It's so nice to see you being active again 💞
For a mini fic idea: can we please get a snippet of Max' thoughts after Vince took care of him and they talked a little during that field trip?
As always, feel free to ignore if it's not good enough
(I'm going to come back and comment on so many things in your recent stories soon, but I saw your post about mini fics and thought "why not")
- 💜
Hi darling!! I hope life is treating you well! 💕
Max felt like he had just been run over by a truck. Physically and emotionally.
He had been so happy about the field trip, not only because at heart he was still a little bit of a kid and really enjoyed all the jumping and running around, but because he had been invited by the kids, unlike other teachers. He was the teacher they trusted, the one they came to for college recommendations and letters, the one that they weren't shy about asking for extra credit or opening up about problems at home. Max was proud of this.
So it had been a blow to his ego to be bed ridden for all of the trip, entirely at Monacelli's mercy. He had missed out in a lot of shenanigans, had only heard about them second hand by Vince during the last night at the hotel, when Max finally had been aware enough to ask questions. He hated the amount of vulnerability he had been forced to show, how much he had relied on Vince and he hated even more missing out in such a formative thing.
Then there was the matter of Vince.
Max slumped against his front door and slid down to the ground, without energy to walk all the way to his bedroom. He had been putting up a brave face for the past twelve hours in an effort to convince his coworker he didn't need a hospital and definitely didn't need a nanny, but it was taking its toll. He felt awful.
His stomach was gurgling unhappily, rejecting the saltine crackers he had been munching on since they left the hotel, eight hours before. His body was ravenous, his head cottony, his stomach sore and queasy and he felt really close to crying, because Max had never felt so incredibly lonely.
He had never felt so... Cared for as he had been in the last three days. It was pathetic and sad to even think it and Max let out a groan and uncurled from his position, deciding he'd rather lick his wounds in bed.
The blonde didn't bother showering, despite the fact he really should've. Instead he climbed up his bed with great effort and curled up under the blankets while still wearing his jeans and shoes, because he had no more strength. His head was throbbing and the minute he buried his nose in his pillow, his mind started drifting.
His mom telling him little kids shouldn't be pillaging their bodies with medicine - who knows what chemicals are in there? - and so the easiest way to end a fever was by riding through it.
Monacelli sitting on the ground next to his bed and playing tic tac toe because Max kept waking up every fifteen minutes thanks to the cramps, using his own pen to mark Max's Xs, "here? You sure about that, man?"
His parents yelling down the hall because his father had gotten him mcdonalds for breakfast instead of cooking and he had ended up throwing up in the school bus and the school nurse had called them. "You didn't have to go! They were just being dramatic, like they're always are! They call us every week!" "If none of us show twice in a row they'll call my job again James!"
"What are you gawking at?" Monacelli had asked on their second day there, once Max's fever had finally broke and he was able to sit up in bed, "you need anything?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"I'm not, really," Vince had shrugged, then crossed the room to put away his towel, shaking his wet hair and sending droplets Max's way, causing him to frown, "I just brought you dinner, relax."
"You brought me one of everything," Max had pointed out, nodding to his untouched plate. His stomach still felt iffy and he didn't want to risk his luck once the heaving had finally ceased.
"I don't know what you can eat or not, you said your stomach is sensitive," Vince had gestured to the plate, "you're not gonna eat?"
"Not hungry," Max had curled up further, feeling more than a little woozy.
"Thirsty though? I can run to the kitchen as grab you a smoothie before they close, that might be easier on your belly."
"He's going to fail because of attendance," "he's failing because he doesn't apply himself, not because of attendance. He's always faking sick, always skipping class, anything in the world not to study." "With the stellar role model he's had, it's a wonder" "Not everything wrong with him is my fault, Maya." "Most of it is."
A horrible ringing interrupted his drifting away and Max pushed through the fog, trying to identify the noise. He reached for his phone in the bedside table, then groaned when he didn't find it. His jeans, his pocket...
He clumsily tried to hang up when the number was unknown, but instead took the call and Max groaned loudly, before barking "What?"
"Hey, it's Vince," the other teacher's cheerful voice was the last thing Max wanted to hear, maybe for the rest of his days. It felt... Soothing. Like a cold compress against a feverish forehead, where the better it feels, the worse you are, "was wondering if you got home safe, you looked a little pasty in the parking lot."
"I'm fine," Max grumbled, "just need to sleep the ick off."
"Alright, I'll let you sleep," he could almost see Vince shrugging, had gotten well acquainted with it in the past three days, "save my number and you can text if you need anything. Really, uh- Your house is on the way, just holler." It wasn't, Max had dropped Vince and that friend of his at Monacelli's little house once, their places were close but Vin's was in the opposite direction of traffic.
"Thanks, dude."
"No problem," Vince's voice went up a note, all cheerful, "feel better!"
Max nodded, then realized the man couldn't see him, so he cleared his throat and grumbled, "yeah, thanks" before hanging up quickly. He let the phone fall back on his chest, then let out a sigh.
He was falling for the guy, that was great.
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
Part 2!
James winced as he watched his lover arch his back so far it popped loudly in the quiet of the hotel room. The younger man had been hunched over his laptop for the better part of three hours, barely moving, and now he was paying the price.
“C’mere, baby,” James held out a hand from where he was currently supine on the bed. “lemme give a back rub, that sounded like it hurt.”
Steve murmured in agreement and eagerly crawled up the bed, tossing his shirt aside before sprawling on his front, pillow tucked under his chin. James swung a leg over narrow hip and began pressing down on Steve’s spine with just enough pressure to make the column crackle softly. Steve moaned happily, melting further into the mattress.
“Feel good?”
“Did you have a good day, baby?”
Steve nodded again, eyes closed, skin warming under James’ touch. He was tired enough that he didn’t fight the gentle drift of cotton candy flowing into his brain. James almost let it happen, let Steve fall under, so sweet and soft and perfect...
But they needed to talk about today. And the possibilities for the future. He leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss to Steve’s cheek. “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he urged softly. “I wanna talk to you about something.”
Steve grumbled out a protest, burying his face in the pillow he held close.
“I promise I’ll finish the massage as soon as we’re done talking,” James chuckled, shifting off his lover, making him grumble again. “Please, Stevie?”
After a few more noises of displeasure and some unhappy squirming, Steve finally rolled onto his side and glared at James. “What?”
James gave a sharp look of reprimand, and Steve immediately dropped his eyes in apology.
“What did you think of meeting Mr. Rogers and Bucky today?” James asked, relenting his gaze.
Steve blinked in surprise, but rallied quickly. “They seem nice,” he said, fingers absently working one of the corners of the pillow. “Mr. Rogers is kinda intimidating, like you were at the start. His smile is kind, though. And Bucky loves him, and Bucky’s cool, so Mr. Rogers must be, too. And he’s your friend. That means I can trust him, right? You’re picky with your friends.”
“So you like them?”
“I mean...as much as I can with how little I know them?”
James nodded in concession. “That’s fair. One meeting isn’t enough to get a full read on someone. But you said you could trust Mr. Rogers because I trust him, right?”
Steve’s eyes narrowed, sensing a trap. “Yeeees?”
“And you liked Bucky, right?”
“He’s cool, like I said. Funny, quick, snarky...”
“With bedroom eyes and cock-sucker lips?”
Steve choked on his spit, face flaming, “James! I-- You--!”
James hushed him quickly, pulled Steve into his arms and stroking his hair and back. “Breathe, baby. It’s okay. Bucky is Mr. Rogers’, just like you’re mine. He’s a pampered, spoiled, loved baby boy, just like you are. And Mr. Rogers is a Daddy, just like I am. But there’s a part of you that knew that, isn’t there?”
Steve struggled in James’ hold for a moment, before relenting and nodding. “Yes, Daddy,” he whispered.
James nodded as well, unseen but felt against the top of Steve’s head. “And both Mr. Rogers and I can see and appreciate each other’s boys, because we love them so much. We like bragging and showing off. Okay?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“But boys can also appreciate each other. I know you think Bucky is pretty, because I know you. I know you think his lips are beautiful, and I know you think his body is attractive. I know you wanted to touch him and kiss him. Because you’re my baby boy, and I see those same things on your face when you look at me. And that is so very much okay.”
Steve raised his head, eyes bright and little scared. “Really? You’re not mad at me?”
James smiled and dipped his head for a kiss. “Not at all, baby. Wanna know why?”
James dropped his voice to a playful whisper, “Because Bucky wanted to touch and kiss you, too.”
The older man couldn’t help the clench in his heart at the hopeful and wary look in Steve’s eyes. His boy still had trouble believing he was attractive and desirable. “Really? H-how do you know?”
“Because Mr. Rogers knows his boy just as well as I know mine, and he told me. And he’s as happy as I am about it.”
Now Steve was truly confused. “You’re happy? He’s happy? Why? I don’t want him to think I wanna steal his boyfriend!”
“He doesn’t think that at all, baby, I swear,” James quickly assured. “And neither do I. We’re happy because it’s really nice to know that our lovers know a good thing when they see it, just like we do. And that there’s a good chance of everyone getting along, which is always nice in a friend group, right?”
Steve nodded slowly, settling back against James’ chest.
“It also opens up opportunities for us Daddies to show off a little bit. And for you boys to explore safely, if that’s what you want.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed again. “Explore what?”
A smile tugged at James’ lips, but he quickly stifled it. Damn, his Stevie was so fuckin’ smart. He schooled his face into something serious, because this was serious. “First and foremost, before anything else, I need you to know you have every single right to refuse, say no, back out, change your mind, and demand it never be brought up again. Everything I’m about to say is purely hypothetical and entirely academic if that’s what you want. I’m merely placing an opportunity in front of you, for you to do what you want with. Clear?”
Stevie, bless his beautiful blond head, really did think about it, his brows crumpling slightly, and his eyes staring at a point on James’ chest. After several minutes, he looked up and nodded, once. “I understand,” he said clearly. James rewarded him with a kiss, sighing happily as Steve opened so easily beneath him. They both pulled away slowly and smiled.
James nestled Steve back to his chest, tempted to slot a thigh between Steve’s, but dismissing the idea as coercive in the current situation. He didn’t want anything swaying Steve’s choice. Not pleasure, not pressure, not fear...none of it. So he simply held Steve close and stroked a hand up and down his spine.
“The opportunity that I’m talking about,” he began, feeling Steve’s head tilt just enough to show he was listening, “is a chance for you to experience pleasure and enjoyment with someone who is of the same mindset as you. Not submitting to a Dom or a Daddy, but playing and having fun with another boy. Equal footing, with no power in play, except from the outside.”
Steve’s head tilted further, “What do you mean, ‘from the outside’?”
“Both Mr. Rogers and I would be present, but not participating. We’ll be there as guardians, for the most part. Making sure that neither of our boys are pushing or being pushed, just having fun and enjoying each other. We know our boys best, and we want to make sure that such an experience, if it were to happen, is pleasurable for everyone. I would be there to make sure that you are safe and comfortable, and keeping an eye on your headspace, and Mr. Rogers would be doing the same for Bucky.”
Steve was silent for a long time. James kept stroking his back, letting the younger man process everything he’d said. It was a lot to take in, and he was pleased that Steve wasn’t trying to give an immediate answer.
His question, when it came, nearly broke James’ heart.
“Do...,” Steve’s whole frame shuddered as he swallowed, “do you really think Bucky wanted to touch me, and k-kiss me? Like I wanted...want, to do with him?”
James was so, so tempted to show his sweet, shy, uncertain lover the text that remained open on his phone, but he wanted to keep this as unbiased as possible. “I really do. Mr. Rogers would never lie to me, and Bucky would never lie to him.”
“You’ll be there the whole time?”
“Every single second,” James promised, pressing a kiss to Steve’s hair.
Steve started to tremble. “I can change my mind?”
“At any point before, during, or even after. Just like Bucky, Mr. Rogers, or I can. Everyone has to want to be there, or no one will be there.”
“You’ll...,” Steve’s voice dropped to a reedy whisper, “you’ll still love me?”
“Oh, Stevie,” James crushed his boy even closer to his chest, cupping the back of his head and throwing his leg over the smaller man’s hip. “Absolutely nothing about this will make me love you even an iota less. Nothing. You are my lover, my boyfriend, my partner, my best friend, and my sweet, amazing baby boy. I’ll be holding you before anything happens, and holding you even tighter when it’s all done. I love you, and I want you to experience every kind of pleasure I can think of. This just happens to be one of them, and all it’ll take to make it happen or not is a single word from you. My love is not conditional to your answer. You’re stuck with me. Forever.”
Steve choked out a strained giggle, but his trembling slowly abated. Burrowing impossibly closer, he nuzzled under James’ chin and released all his tension in a deep and heavy sigh.
“I think...,” he said at last, pulling James from a slight doze. “I think...I do wanna play. With Bucky. He’s...he’s really pretty, and...I feel like I could—I could learn from him. He seems really happy to be Mr. Rogers’ boy, and I like his energy. Playing with him feels like it would be a lot of fun and feel really good. And,” James could feel the heat of Steve’s blush against his throat, “Mr. Rogers is very handsome. I want him to know that you have a good boy, too. I want to make you proud of me.”
“Sweetheart, I am already so, so incredibly proud of you,” James assured. “You’ve got nothing to prove to anyone. Mr. Rogers will only let you play with his boy because he already knows how good you are. Our babies only deserve the best, after all. And the fact that we get to show both of you off to the other is just icing on an absolutely delicious cake.”
Steve giggled again and lifted his face, asking for a kiss. James happily obliged, and the room filled with the sounds of loud breathing, soft moans, and clashing lips.
Much, much later, hours after the promised back-rub, which happened after the impromptu romp they had, James picked up his phone.
To: Rogers—Stevie said yes. Same place and time as today for negotiations? Thursday?
The response was quick.
From: Rogers—We’ll be there.
here is part 1
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You Flinch During An Argument
request: none
prompts: none
warnings: mentions of abuse and murder, drinking, Kai being an asshole, language, crying, fighting, blood
a/n: this is formatted a little differently than my other headcannons
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Tate Langdon
“Tell me it isn’t true!” you yelled, anger and betrayal flooding through you.
Tate didn’t say anything at first, keeping his eyes on the ground. You found out. He didn’t know how but you found out. The one thing he tried to keep hidden finally came out. And this definitely wasn’t going to end well.
“Tell me it isn’t true!” you yelled once more.
“I can’t! I did it, alright?! I shot up my school!”
You froze as soon as the words left his mouth. It was true. It was all true. Everything Chad told you was true.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because I didn’t want you to look at me differently.”
While speaking, Tate raised his arm slightly, trying to emphasize his words. But as soon as you saw his arm come up you flinched backwards, putting your arms in front of you to block yourself, preparing to be hit.
“Y/n,” Tate said weakly, his voice broken as he watched you cower away from him.
The anger between the two of you was gone. He slowly walked towards you, pulling you into an embrace.
“I would never hurt you. You know that right?”
“Y-yeah,” you said through oncoming tears.
“Then why,” Tate trailed off, not being able to find the words.
“My ex. He used to hurt me. And I saw you raise your arm and I just thought-,” you paused, trying to collected yourself, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no you don’t have anything to apologize for. You’re safe here, and I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Kit Walker
“You’re never home anymore! All I’m saying is that I miss you! I want to be with you!” you yelled out in tears.
What started as a simple comment of how much you missed him throughout the day, exploded into something way more than that. The two of you were screaming at each other, neither wanting to give up their side.
“I’m never home cause I’m working! I’m trying to help us have money! Which is kinda important!” he said while raising his arm to make a point.
But you didn’t realize that. Memories came flooded back. Dear came flooding back. In an instant you put your arms in front of your face and backed away.
Kit froze when he saw what you did. All of his anger left him when he saw you react the way you did. Did you think that he would hit you?
“Y/n,” he trailed off, pain filling his heart.
You were sobbing now. You lowered your arms, but didn’t step any closer to him. You leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor, curling up into a ball.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry,” you mumbled out, attempting to speak through your sobs.
“Y/n you have nothing to be sorry about. What happened?” Kit asked softly and he sat down in front of you, still keeping his distance as to not upset you.
“My father, he,” you cut yourself off with a heavier sob, not wanting to reminisce any longer.
Kit’s heart shattered when he realized what your were saying. He immediately moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug.
“You don’t have to see him ever again, I promise. We can move, go somewhere far away from him, if you want. But I will never let him go near you again, I promise.”
You looked up at him with bleary eyes.
Kit nodded, and instantly relief flooded through you. You let your weight fall into Kit’s side, wrapping your arms around him, happy that you would never have to face your father again.
Post-Death Kyle Spencer
Kyle was having a meltdown again. You were trying to teach him how to communicate again, showing him flash cards to help him relearn words, and get his needs across to you. But Kyle didn’t like that. He thought you were treating him like he was stupid. And that made him upset.
“Not stupid!” he yelled, smacking the cards out of your hand.
You flinched, and brought your arms up to protect yourself, not bothering to think beforehand. Kyle froze and looked at you sadly when he saw what you did.
“Scared.... of me?”
“No Kyle, I’m not scared of you. I promise, it’s not you. It’s just, some people weren’t so nice to me when I was younger, and I just got scared. It wasn’t your fault.”
Kyle didn’t really know what to do, so he pulled you into a hug, trying not to hug you too tightly. You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder, allowing a few tears to slip out.
“You... safe. I... protect y/n.”
You gently smiled, and hugged him tighter.
“Thank you Kyle.”
Jimmy Darling
“Jimmy, I think you’ve had enough to drink,” you said laughing slightly at his drunken state.
You reached over to take the bottle away from him, but he pushed you back and held the bottle away from you.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Jimmy slurred out, glaring at you.
“Jimmy,” you said softly.
You knew he was a little grumpier when he was drunk but this time he seemed different. He was angry. Violent.
“Please, just stop drinking and come to bed.”
Jimmy stood up and walked over to you, seeming even more angry. The bottle slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor, shattering.
“I said don’t tell me what to do!”
He was so close, and so angry. You didn’t know what was going to happen and you didn’t want to. Without thinking you brought your arms up to block your face and cowered away from him.
Seeing your reaction cleared some of the fog over his mind as he realized what happened. You were afraid. Of him. He immediately backed away, a few tears falling past his eyes.
“Y/n, I’m sorry,” he whimpered out, not wanting to startle you by talking loudly.
You lowered your arms and slowly faced him. The sight broke you. He was crying because he thought you were scared of him. You slowly walked over to him and hugged him, trying to o comfort both him and yourself.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he mumbled, feeling guilt overtake him.
“I just got scared. You’ve never been angry like that before and I didn’t know what you were going to do. I’m not scared of you. I promise.”
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
“I’m not going to drink anymore. I promise. I’m going to stop, I never want to upset you like that again.”
James March
He was late again. The two of you were supposed to be having dinner together, but for the fifth time this week James was late. Normally you just waited for him, but you were so fed up. Was he cheating on you? Why was he always late?
You walked out of the room you waiting in and started walking around the hotel, hoping to find out where he was. Then you heard noises coming from James’ room. They sounded almost like moans.
You assumed he was cheating. That’s what it sounded like. You pushed the door open and gasped when you saw what was really happening. Maybe seeing him in bed with another women would’ve been better.
But there he was. Standing over a mutilated body and covered in blood. He turned to face you when he heard the door open, his face immediately falling when he saw your reaction.
“Darling, what are you doing here?”
You didn’t answer, still in too much shock to form your words.
You turned around and started to walk away. James ran after you and grabbed your wrist and turned you to face him. You instantly pulled your wrist out of his grip and backed away from him.
“Dearest please,” he said reaching for you.
You flinched away and pulled your arms up to cover your face. James’ heart shattered at your reaction. You were scared of him.
“Dearest, I would never hurt you. I promise.”
“But- but you killed that person. Why? Why would you do that?” you said, starting to cry.
“It’s just a hobby darling. I assure you, I would never lay a finger on you.”
No matter what he said, you didn’t believe him. You turned around and ran, not knowing where you were going. You just had to get away from him. You had to get away.
Kai Anderson
“What the fuck y/n?” Kai yelled.
He held your wrist tightly and dragged you down into the basement. You were scared, no terrified. Kai was the angriest you’ve ever seen him. You were supposed to kill someone, but backed out at the last moment. You only expected him to be disappointed, not like this.
He dragged you down the stairs and threw you to the floor. He crouched down next to you, and brought his hand near you face. You immediately flinched away, not knowing what he was going to do to you.
He laughed lowly at your reaction. You were scared of him. Perfect. Maybe now he can get you to do what he needed you to do.
He gently ran his fingers through your hair, trying to lure you into a false sense of security. And it was working. You let your guard down.
“You know, I believed in you. I thought you were strong enough to do it. But since guess I was wrong.”
He gripped your hair tightly and started dragging you over to a closet. Your eyes widened when you realized what he was doing.
“No, Kai please! I’ll do anything please!”
“You already had the chance little lamb. But maybe when I let you out, you’ll be more obedient.”
He opened the door and threw you inside. The door slammed after you, leaving you locked in darkness. Trapped, until he calmed down. Or until you died. Whichever happens first.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
europe - request
pairing: sebastian stan x singer!reader (seb!pov)
summary: singer!reader writes another song, this one is about seb
warnings: suggestive content (*wink wonk*), language, the works ya know
a/n: this took so long bc im not lyrically inclined and there isn’t even that many lyrics in here. i can’t even guys this was a nice break though. i liked the concept, i hope i lived up to your dreams. :)
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are both open loves!
check out my other writing on my full m.list
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Sebastian was doing a press interview for his new movie. It was his first on television interview. First time being back in the studio for The Late Late Show with James Corden. First time since you and him had gotten together. He was eager to see what James had in store for him.
He was wearing a bright yellow shirt paired with a red leather jacket. His legs were clad with a different pair that he wanted to wear originally because you couldn’t get quite enough of his thighs. Had he worn the other pair, there would’ve been a prominent wet spot on one leg where you rode him to your own satisfaction. The memory made him bite his lip and adjust his pants to try to quell his oncoming boner.
“Good luck out there tonight, lovey. You’re gonna crush it.” Your voicemail warmed Sebastian’s heart. He missed you a lot, but you were currently on your own press junket. Your new album finally came out and your manager had been running you ragged. Sebastian was so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and he wasn’t afraid to show it.
“Hi, Mr. Stan. You’re needed on deck in five minutes.” He nodded at the assistant producer who stuck her head in his dressing room. Sebastian ran his hands through his hair one more time before deciding enough was enough.
“Well, this is as good as it's gonna get.” He murmured to himself as he walked out of the dressing room. He rolled his shoulders, snuggling into the leather jacket encasing his back. Sebastian took a swig of a water bottle from the table backstage. He still got nervous when doing interviews, always worried that he’s going to say the wrong thing.
“And now I would like to introduce our next guest. You’ve seen him as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the last ten years. He’s played the borderline psychotic Jeff Gillooly in I, Tonya, and the corrupt Sheriff Bodecker from The Devil All The Time. It is my pleasure to introduce the one, the only, Sebastian Stan!”
James stood, clapping as Sebastian made his way to the main set area. He raised his right hand, his left remaining on his stomach. As he approached James, Sebastian switched hands, his left coming up as an offer for James to shake. Afterwards, James held his hand out to the chair beside his desk, waiting for Sebastian to sit down.
“Hi, Sebastian! It’s so good to have you back.” James’ accent broke Sebastian’s name up into three distinct syllables, bringing a smile to Seb’s face.
“It’s good to be back, man.” He grinned big, waiting for James to ask the first question. Once they got into it, the interview went smoothly. Sebastian was able to avoid giving out spoilers for his new project, leaving just enough to the imagination. James was in a fit of laughter after Sebastian had told a crazy story from being on set. James wiped tears away from his lower lashline, calming down just enough to catch his breath.
“Okay, so I want to move onto something else.” Sebastian sobered up quickly, unsure of where James was taking the conversation. “We want all the juicy details about your relationship with Y/N.” Sebastian’s brow raised as he pulled a face at James’ question. He laughed to himself for a minute before answering.
“Ya know, we really have you to thank for that.” Sebastian pointed at James, before bringing that same finger to rub his eye.
“Really?” The man’s voice pitched up, brows hitting his hairline.
“Oh yeah. We were only introduced because of your show.” Sebastian leaned back in his chair, remembering that night with you. The two of you had gone out for drinks, talking for hours at the bar and then even longer in his hotel room. He remembered waking up with you wrapped up in his arms. You didn’t have sex that night, but you definitely did the second night.
And oh god, if  that second night wasn’t just as amazing as the first. The face you made whenever you climaxed danced it’s way to the forefront of Sebastian’s mind. Not good, definitely not good. He had to readjust himself in his pants again, crossing his legs to cover up his rather large problem.
“Yeah, we started dating that same week. Kept it quiet though.” Sebastian held his palm out in the air, bouncing it up and down.
“Right, right. And do you want to tell everyone how you did end up revealing that you and Y/N were an item?” Sebastian looked down at his lap, smirking to himself. “Or should we just play the clip?”
A clip played for the studio audience. It was Y/N doing her makeup for the Vogue Beauty Secrets Youtube video. Sebastian waltzed in the background of the shot. It then cuts to Sebastian kissing Y/N on the cheek, brandishing the hickey’s that she had sucked onto his cheek the night before. Mhm, I remember that night too.
Sebastian had surprised Y/N by coming to see her. He wasn’t doing anything and he missed you, so why waste a perfectly good opportunity. He spent the night there completely ravishing you until you begged him to stop. That night he proudly wore your thighs as earmuffs, burying his face in you. He really needed to stop reminiscing during an interview.
“How adorable. Was that planned at all? Or did you just do that because you could?” Sebastian shook his head, his right hand scratching at the stubble decorating his jaw.
“Oh, no. It definitely wasn’t planned. I honestly don’t remember if I knew Y/N was filming that morning, so I’m just glad I put on pants before I left the bedroom.” James laughed at Sebastian’s comment.
“Okay, so I’ve gotta ask your opinion on something though.” Sebastian made a hum of acknowledgement, signalling for James to continue. James leaned back, pulling out a cardstock of your new album. “So, this is Y/N’s new album, it just came out about three or four weeks ago?” The crowd clapped for you, and Sebastian cheered along with them.
“What do ya want my opinion on? If it’s the album, then I gotta tell ya, I loved it. Every single song on there is absolutely amazing.” James nodded, a smirk forming on his lips making Sebastian think he made a mistake.
“So you’re aware of the song Europe?” Sebastian smirked, nodding his head because he knew where this was going. “Would you like to tell us what that’s about?” James laughed as Sebastian stammered, looking for the right words. “I mean, let’s just read some of the lyrics.” James looked at the cards in his hands as Sebastian drifted into his thoughts again.
You had brought him into the studio before finalizing Europe. He remembers watching you twist your hands at your waist and continuously cracking your knuckles. Sebastian was curious because you hadn’t ever been like that when showing him a song before. Every question he had about your anxiety revolving around the song was thrown away when he heard it.
Europe was an ode to Sebastian, all of Sebastian. He couldn’t help pulling you down onto his lap by your waist as he listened. You were the only two in the studio, so the two of you were free to do whatever you wanted. The funny thing about that night was that there was a new track recording.
“Oh shit, Seb.” The dam broke afterwards, peels of laughter leaving your lips without explanation. Your right hand raised to your mouth, attempting (and failing) to quiet your giggles.
“Babe, why the ‘oh shit’?” You held up a finger to your lips, telling him to be quiet and listen. He strained his ears, waiting for his own ‘oh shit’ moment. Then, his own voice filtered into his ears, making him crease his brow in confusion. “What is that?”
“That’s the audio from when I first played you Europe.” Small giggles passed your lips again. “I was going to ask you if I could use, like, a sound byte from it for either the beginning or the end of the song.” Sebastian nodded, slightly amazed that you were so creative with your work. “But, I forgot to turn off the recording.” Sebastian’s eyes locked on your expression, waiting for him to connect the dots. He pulled a face and then,
“Oh shit.” His eyes widened, a huff of laughter escaping. “Wait, so it caught all of it?” Your lips rolled inwards, holding back laughs as you nodded your head. Sebastian raised a brow, his eyes flicking over your face. “Use it.” He had a few new hickeys after that night too, but not after decorating your body with a few of his own.
“Sebastian, I would like you to read a few lines from the song, please.” James handed Sebastian a card, a snort leaving Sebastian’s body involuntarily. He glanced at the cards, know the lyrics by heart already. He took a big breath, reading the lines that James chose. He threw him a look with his eyes, head tilting slightly toward the British man.
“Uh, okay, here we go.” Sebastian laughed to himself, blowing out a breath through clenched lips. He lifted the card again, “You know,” dropping his hand back to his lap while raising his other hand. “You know, she’s gonna make fun of me for this right?” James laughed, looking into the camera as if he was on The Office, then to the audience with a duh look on his face.
“Sebastian. We’re going to make fun of you.” The crowd didn’t hesitate to join in James’ amusement. Sebastian dropped his head into his hands, groaning loudly. “Do you need a little encouragement?” The audience began cheering and clapping for Sebastian.
“Fine, alright, alright.” He shook his head before starting. “Long nights with hickeys earned like a badge of honor. Teasing kisses, twisted sheets, all signs of true seduction.” Sebastian looked up from his hands, expecting James to say something. All James offered, though, was a wave of his hand for Sebastian to continue. “I never have to worry because all my sins are forgiven when I’m with you.” James held his hand up, stopping Sebastian from continuing.
“Okay, let’s dissect that, Mr. Stan.” James propped his elbow on his interview desk, placing his head at an angle in his palm. “What is this song about?” Sebastian’s lips curled inward, stopping himself from laughter.
“James,” Sebastian leaned forward against the arm of the couch. “I thought this was a family show.” The British man quirked a brow, sweeping both hands in front of his body gesturing to the studio.
“This is the Late Late Show, Sebastian.” He turned back to the audience, addressing them and the cameras. “And that is all the time we have tonight! Thank you to Sebastian for coming on the show with me tonight! And thank all of you for tuning in tonight. We’ll see you next time.” The producer beside the camera signaled that the show ended and Sebastian turned back to James.
“It’s a good song.” Sebastian smiled wide afterwards, saying his goodbyes to the crew. He was back in the safety of his dressing room when his phone started ringing.
“Hello?” He knew that it was you from the personally assigned ringtone you picked out when he wasn’t looking.
“The Internet is going to eat you alive.” Sebastian grinned as your peels of laughter trickled in through the speaker of his phone.
“Oh yeah, could you imagine if I told them that it wasn’t just random sounds at the end?” He could just imagine your smirk at his mention of your little addition to Europe.
“We’re gonna have to do that again.” Sebastian paused, waiting for you to explain. “Although I think next time we should do a visual along with the audio. You pickin’ up what I’m putting down Stan?” Sebastian smirked to himself, thinking about being able to watch himself bring you to the brink over and over again, even when you’re not together. His pants got tighter at the idea.
“I think we might have to look into that, Y/L/N.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda x Reader - The one and only
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Gif is not mine, another day falling in love with her.
Summary: You have always loved Wanda in secret. When Vision dies, she loves you back. But you are also the one who can bring him back. Prompt from @stay-casual
Warnings: Fluff, angst, death, insinuation and brief mention of smut (no sex though)
Words:  13.036k // Read on AO3 too
Marks: @mionemymind @abimess
Notes: Hope everyone like this, let me know if you don’t. Sorry for any typos. 
You loved someone who was not meant for you.
It was a bitter truth you had to accept.
Being an enhanced human, a Hydra experiment, and having spent years under physical and psychological torture by Nazi doctors, pain was not exactly something you were unaware of. You got used to it. You were always down to earth anyway, accepting things as they were.
When you joined the Avengers, you just hoped to help those in need, figuring your days of emotional stress were over.
But then you met Wanda Maximoff.
She was something you didn't understand in the first instant. When she tried to get inside your head, fighting as your enemy, you resisted and almost broke her neck. You saw fear in her eyes, and realized in that second that you would never again try anything that would hurt her. When her brother fought you, and you saw her worried expression, you surrendered. Steve and Tony scolded you for letting them get away, but you just tried to understand why your heart was racing when the witch looked at you before she escaped.
You fail to save Pietro however, and had to watch Wanda collapse. Never, even after so many battles, you felt so helpless. 
But you did everything in your power to be there for Wanda. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't want to allow it, but you used all the favors they owed you to get Pietro's body not treated as an experiment, but as a civilian. And then you organized the whole memorial service. You didn't speak to Tony for two weeks, because he simply wasn't interested in the matter and you wanted to punch him in the face every time you remembered.
The ceremony was simple and small, and while Wanda was finishing paying her respects alone, you took the dirty dishes into the kitchen. Natasha was sitting at the counter and nodded slightly when you entered.
"You care about her." She said after a moment. You continued to wash the dishes, without sketching any reaction.
"No denying it?" she teases, but you remain impassive.
"I have no reason to lie to you, Natasha." You say with a smile. "We are friends, I trust you."
"Are you complimenting me to make me feel guilty for teasing you?"
"Maybe." You say laughing lightly, and Nat smiles.
"Something's bothering you." She says after a moment. You sigh, finished washing the glasses to turn around. You cross your arms and lean your back on the sink.
"If I hadn't organized everything, you would all treat Pietro like an experiment." You say seriously and Nat looks away. "I guess I was just disappointed in the way you all acted about it. Pietro was our teammate, and he sacrificed himself for Clint. If I didn't say or do anything, he'd be in a lab right now."
"You're right." Nat says next, holding your gaze. "But I don't know what to say. Everything has settled down now, and honestly most of us wouldn't have the power to get his body back."
You let out an impatient sigh.
"Right, Natasha." You interrupt and she blinks at your serious posture, but you just have an almost disappointed look on your face. "I should have known that you guys pick the fights you're going to fight. I just hoped that all members of the team would have the same importance."
But you just give her a sad smile, and turn around, leaving the kitchen. When you walked back to Pietro's grave area, you noticed that Wanda was kneeling on the ground, leaving some flowers. Vision was beside her, and when she stood up, she allowed him to hug her. Swallowing the bitter feeling in your stomach, you forced yourself to think that you were glad that he was there for her.
It doesn't take long for you to realize that you are in love with Wanda. It's not in your place to confess it, though. 
She is your friend, and your teammate. And more importantly, she is in a relationship with Vision. You were never the jealous type, because you were never possessive, and honestly, you just hoped that Wanda would be happy. And if Vision was responsible for that, that was enough for you.
When Steve and Tony start fighting, and the team splits up, there is not the slightest possibility that you will stand up to Wanda. So you throw your weapons on the ground, and Tony looks at you incredulously.
"Have you lost your mind?" He asks.
"I'm not going to fight with my friends." You say simply turning your back on him as you walk to the other side of the parking lot.
"She really changed sides in the middle of the fight?" You hear the boy dressed in red ask impressed. But you don't care.
"If the deal divides us, there's something wrong with it" You tell Steve when he accepts you as an ally. He smiles and then you are helping him, not fighting any of your companions, just deflecting blows and preventing them from hurting you.
Natasha lands a punch to your face, and your natural instinct is to knock her down. Before you can apologize, she assumes a provocative expression.
"Too bad I wasn't Wanda." She sneers and you roll your eyes, assuming a defensive stance as she stands up. 
"I don't want to fight you, Tasha" You say as you defend the blows. "Please, this isn't right."
"You don't just want to stand against your girlfriend." She taunts almost hitting a blow to your face, but you hold her leg up in the air.
"Why are you insisting on this?"
She releases herself from your grip, and you return to defending her attempts to punch you. 
"I just don't think it's fair."
"What are you talking about?"
"You should tell her. Wanda should know." She explains and then you hold her fist closed, preventing her from hitting you. She tries with her other hand, but you stop her again, restraining her. Your faces are close together. 
"No." You say seriously as she tries to break your grip. "She doesn't need to know."
"You deserve to be happy too." She says before breaking free by hooking her legs around your waist. You loosen her wrists to avoid being knocked over as you struggle.
"Tell her" Nat ordered again and you let out a sigh, knocking her to the floor and falling on top. 
"She has already found her soulmate" You reply with a sad smile, immobilizing Natasha "Now please stop fighting".
Nat hits you in the ribs, and you let out a grunt of pain. She manages to immobilize you next.
"You are unbelievable." She comments with a slight smile, and then she lets you go. "Always making me make the worst choices, darling."
You laugh  in surprise when Nat helps you up. You think Tony is complaining that it is not fair that people switch sides in the middle of the fight, but you are not listening. You watch Vision and Wanda interact from some distance away. And then you are helping Steve to the plane.
The fight is over and you are laughing, but not with happiness.
The government wants to arrest anyone who didn't escape from the parking lot, and they are coming. So you are holding Tony Stark by the neck.
"No one is going to touch her." You warn him, and there is only fear and surprise in the man's eyes, "How can you treat your friends like that?"
You saved James Rhodes' life during the fight, and so this is what you use against Tony.
He laughs when you put him down.
"What exactly are you asking me for?"
"You made that choice when you chose your side."
"That's too easy for you to say, isn't it, Tony?" you retort with irony. "If you take off the armor, you are no longer Iron Man, and the deal doesn't affect you. We don't all have that choice."
Tony looks at you with annoyance. And then he puts his hand to his ear.
"They've gone north." He warns the agents over the communicator. You look at him one last moment before turning, running back outside.
"Vision, let her go." You warn the man and he looks at you in surprise, probably trying to understand why Tony let you go. 
"I don't understand."
"They're up north, Vision." Tony says appearing at his side. "We couldn't reach the fugitives in time. Our colleagues have fled north."
Vision gives Tony one last look before letting go of Wanda's arm. 
As Wanda walks over to you, you signal to your the rest of the captain's team that you have also been contained. You find the Ant-Man is injured. 
"They also stole the transport vehicle in warehouse 23, the keys were in the cabin." Vision says next and you exchange a look with him, thanking him. And then you run.
Being an out-of-state fugitive is quite stressful, but you get used to it. 
There are no fixed locations, or very long term accommodations, but you try to stay positive about the whole thing.
You all can't stay together, so you have a cell phone that connects to Steve's and Sam's. You stayed in the same hotel room as Wanda for three weeks, then Vision contacted her.
They were trying, and then you let her try it alone. Natasha agreed to run away with you, and you made sure to check on Wanda every week, but she was always fine. 
T'Challa agrees to let you stay in Wakanda for a while after the government almost captures you. 
Your powers are difficult to control after the agents hit you with a strange weapon, and the people of Wakanda seem to be the only ones able to help you.
You don't like to owe favors, but you think they are good people. 
Bucky is free when you meet him. You become close again, and it is good to see him rest.
It is Shuri who discovers where your abilities come from, and you finally understand why you have always felt connected to Wanda and Vision. Your energy came from one of the jewels, as did their power. You don't know how Hydra got access to this, and you don't understand why Thor doesn't tell you all the things humans don't understand, but you realize that these mystical stones are too dangerous.
You talk to Shuri, and then to the council and the king of Wakanda. They all agree that no human should have access to such power. You help her build a machine that can separate the stone and Vision's body. 
"How do we destroy it?" you ask her as you are putting the finishing touches on the equipment.
"Maybe you can." She says and you deny it with your head.
"No, I don't think I can." You say. "But maybe Wanda can. It's her thing, and it's her stone too."
Shuri nods and you get back to work.
Unfortunately, events move faster than you do. 
There is an army controlled by a purple man. 
That is the only information Steve gives you through the communicator. You hugged Wanda tight when she arrived in Wakanda, and she was happy to see you, but she also seemed upset. You knew it was because of Vision.
"Hey buddy, it's going to be okay." You told him with a smile as you helped him climb into the machine you built.
"Thanks, Y/N" Vision said to you.
You didn't stop fighting for the next few hours.
There was a moment, on the battlefield, that you felt something in the pit of your stomach. When you destroyed your opponent, your hands and eyes were glowing even after you stopped throwing your power. Your stone was here. 
You knew something was wrong, so you ran to where you were being pulled.
Some opponents tried to hold you back, but you defeated them easily, feeling much stronger than you ever had.
"No!" you exclaimed angrily as you launched your energy at the creature that was supposed to be Thanos, preventing him from reaching Wanda. He used the golden gauntlet to hold his power, but you kept him busy long enough for her to destroy Vision's stone, an energy field pushing you away when she did. You fell to your knees afterwards, exhausted from having held out against your own stone for so long.
Thanos slowly walked over to the redhead, and you struggled to move toward her.
"I understand, child. Better than anyone." He said and you choked, fearing that he was going to hurt her. 
"You could never." She replied angrily still on the floor.
"Today I lost more than you could ever imagine".
"Leave her alone" You muttered stumbling toward her. You are feeling a sharp pain all over your body, but managed to stand. Thanos smiled at you wryly.
You raise your fist toward him, but he just raises his golden gauntlet.
"I felt you." He with a wry smile. "In my hand"
"You will feel my fist on your face in a second." You retorted angrily and he laughed. You are almost reaching for him, but you frown when you notice the green glow on his gauntlet. The time stone.
"One second is all I need."
You blink, and you're not there anymore. You are halfway again. And then you understand what he has done. When you run back to where Wanda was, a golden light throws you away. This time, it wasn't Wanda who destroyed the stone. 
"No. No" you repeat to yourself as you run back, your body no longer aching like before, and you stumble among the trees.
You were going to attack Thanos as soon as you saw him, but Thor hit him first. Then you were running to Wanda, kneeling beside her.
"He's gone." She cried beside Vision's body. You couldn't feel his stone anymore, and your own face was wet with your tears.
You placed your hand on top of Wanda's next, and looked forward. Thor had struck Thanos in the chest and was saying something to him. 
Then you gasped in surprise as the titan raised his fist. 
"No!" you exclaimed getting up, but he snapped his fingers. You launched a wave of energy at him, but he used his gauntlet to defend himself. "What have you done?" you shouted rushing to reach the fallen titan. 
"The necessary thing." He whispered before using his last breath of energy to teleport away. 
You turned to Thor at the same instant, but he is not looking at you, but at Steve. 
"Steve?" A male voice calls out, and you watch Bucky walk toward you all. But he turns to dust midway.
"W-what?" you whisper breathlessly, taking a step forward. Steve kneels on the ground in the same place your friend was and looks at Thor in confusion. 
You look at Wanda immediately and feel your heart soar when you notice that the same thing is happening to her.
"Wanda?" You cry running to her, but by the time you arrive, she is gone. There is only Vision's body.
You can't feel either of them anymore.
The world is in complete chaos during the blip. There is no more S.H.I.E.L.D, and many other deals. And then there's a company that wants to take Vision's body away, and you destroy their trucks, and Steve has to calm you down for twenty minutes.
"No one is going to touch him." You say only as you release yourself from Steve's grip, and ignore the startled looks from the agents of S.W.O.R.D. You kick them out of the Avengers compound, and say that Tony Stark may be dead, but they had no jurisdiction there. If they had a problem with that, they could fight you.
It took 23 days for Tony Stark to come home. You hug him first when he gets off the plane. And you are impressed that it barely takes two hours for him to start talking shit.
"I told you guys we needed armor around the world..."
"And here we go again." You mumble impatiently as you take the focus away from the discussion to the tablet in your hand. 
You are startled when Tony collapses to the ground, and the team moves to rescue him. You don't worry, because you feel he is fine.
"Tony always has to make a scene." You comment to yourself shaking your head slightly. "Hey, you," You call out to the metal girl you don't know while the other avengers are out of the room, "help me find your dad."
The team is trying to locate Thanos by analyzing planets that fit Nebula's description. You feel a sharp twinge in the back of your neck and then you are getting up towards the scanning equipment.
"Y/N, what is it?" Steve asks worriedly as he notices her movement.
"I found him." You say a moment later. 
The team is impressed, but you swallow dryly.
"I felt my stone." You explain to them. "And then I didn't feel anything else. We need to go to him."
The Avengers exchanged worried looks, fearing what you were implying.
Soon you were all on a spaceship, heading for an unknown planet.
When Thanos confirmed your suspicions, the stones were destroyed, you sobbed.
"Wanda. She..." You said breathlessly turning to leave the cabin. You sat on the ground, trying to normalize your breathing. She's gone. Your friends are gone forever.
Your way of experiencing grief is unconventional.
You try to balance managing the chaos that the world has become while splitting chores with Natasha, and going to a few community therapy sessions. Steve is acting strange, but you make sure he eats properly.
There are no tears. You feel that if you start crying you won't stop, so you just work. And you help those who need it. And you have movie nights with Natasha, and you try to remember things that are worth living for.
There is a secret project too, something that is not progressing, but that you don't give up on. The machine you created with Shuri in Wakanda was destroyed in battle. With the world in complete chaos, you didn't have enough time to put it back together, especially with the current state of Wakanda. But you kept the projects going. Part of you didn't know if your lack of absolute dedication was because you believed Vision wouldn't want to live without Wanda. You wouldn't and you didn’t.
So there is this side project, to rebuild the machine and try to restore Vision, but it falls by the wayside after a few months. You keep the papers in a safe in your room, and start accepting more missions.
Tony has given up the hero's life, just as you always said he could do. You are not angry with him, though. And you visit him not so regularly, and agree when Pepper says that Morgan is the cutest kid in the world.
Steve becomes a kind of group therapist, and you want to tell him he needs a degree, but Natasha pokes you in the rib, and you just nod as you listen to the story.
Clint is different too. Losing his family has completely messed him up, and he has become a vigilante of sorts. You find Natasha crying often after you discover that he has been murdering people, and you always hug her until she stops. 
As time passes, your pain becomes numb, and your nightmares stop happening. You think it is because Natasha lets you sleep in her bed now.
Five goes by much faster than you realize.
You are somewhere in Georgia, investigating a lead on a possible terrorist group forming, when Nat calls you. Scott Lang was alive.
When you return to New York, you discover that you have to go back in time.
Your friends want to know if you know anything about how Hydra had your stone, but you have no memory of that time. And with no time, they decide to just follow the right date and place that Rocket provides. You accompany Nebula, because it might be helpful to get a feel for where your stone would be.
You hug Natasha before she leaves with Clint to get the soul stone.
"You're getting sentimental" She teases when you let go of her.
"I know" You retort with a smile. "Just be careful, Tasha."
"I'm usually the one who tells you that." She says in the same tone, squeezing your hand lightly before turning away. 
When Nebula takes you and James to a place called the Temple of the Power Stone, you can barely breathe. 
"I can feel it." You say to the two of you as you walk to the stone. 
"How are we going to get it?" James asks as he looks at the repository where the stone is placed.
Nebula is sticking her hand in the protective flame next second and you let out an impressed hiss.
She hands the stone protector to you, and you nod in appreciation.
"Let's synchronize then." You say as you form a small circle. 
"Wow, that always feels weird" You joke as you appear in the Avengers compound again, now on your time. But your smile dies when you look around, and can't find Nat. "Clint...where?"
He just denies it with his head, and you feel your heart soar. This can't be true, you think in desperation. 
"No. Nat... She can't." You say breathlessly, falling to your knees. Steve is touching your shoulder next. But then you release yourself from his grip, rushing to get out, feeling yourself suffocating. 
You end up on the pier of the complex, thick tears streaming down your face.
It doesn't take long for the team to catch up with you.
"What do we do now?" You hear Tony ask. Steve sits down on one of the empty benches.
Bruce, in his Hulk form, is further away and looks just as upset as you.
"Did she have a family?"
You let out a short laugh at Tony's question.
"She had us." You retort trying to control your tears. 
"Why are you guys talking like she's not coming back?" Thor asked angrily. "We have the stones, we will bring her back."
"It can't be undone." Clint said next, nipping in the bud the shred of hope that had risen in your chest. You sobbed. "She sacrificed herself for the stone, her soul was the price." He says looking forward. He lets out a breathless sigh. "It should have been me."
"You bet it did." You retort bitterly as you get up and walk away. No one follows you this time.
You go directly back to Nat's room. And you stay there for two days. When you calm down, and decide to take a shower and try to eat something, on the way out of the bathroom, you stop in front of her closet.
She would hate for you to take her clothes without asking, but you are wearing one of her leather jackets anyway. Wanda used to steal them too, and you both used to joke that it was because Nat had a wonderful fashion sense. 
Now you had lost your two friends, and you were alone. You tried to control your sobs. Her sacrifice had to be worth it. So you put on her clothes and went out into the living room.
The team was arguing when you came in. You just blinked in surprise when you noticed the iron gauntlet. Tony really did it.
You tried to argue that you could handle the gauntlet's power too, but Bruce insisted that since he was made of gamma ray in his Hulk form, that was what he was there for.
And then he snapped his fingers. 
You looked at Clint in surprise when he took a call from Laura. 
"Honey?" He whispered tearfully and you felt your heart soar. And then something exploded and you were creating a force field to save Clint from the rubble.
When you were finished falling among the remains of the completely destroyed Avengers compound, you checked to see if the archer was okay, sighing with relief when he opened his eyes.
"Stand up." You ordered helping him to stand. "We have to find the others."
"The gauntlet." He warns pointing to something among the stones that glowed in the dark a few feet away from you. Before you could walk towards the item, a noise caught your attention.
Clint aimed an arrow from the direction of the sound, and you choked as the space creatures moved in the dark.
"Go." You shouted to him before starting to attack the beings as he ran to reach the gauntlet and leave the place, you following him with some delay.
You almost died a couple of times though. And when you reached Clint again, there were two Nebula's with him, and a green girl.
"What's going on, people?" You asked confused, and then let out a surprised exclamation when you realized that one of the Nebula's had a gunshot mark on her chest.
"I'll explain on the way, we have to get out of here." Clint spoke pulling you through the halls.
"Wait, she killed her past self? Isn't that going to be a problem?" You exclaim as soon as Clint explains it to you and he shrugs his shoulders. "May I ask why you are green?" You say to the strange girl next to you and she looks at you reproachfully.
"Why aren't you?"
"Touché" You retort smiling, "I am Y/N."
When you reach the battlefield, things are chaotic and you barely have time to notice your surroundings and you are already fighting again.
Your heart races when you realize that everyone is back. But you don't have time to talk to anyone now, as you are busy fighting.
A red glow catches your attention, however. Completely taking your attention is the right thing to say.
"Who's got the gauntlet?" You hear Steve ask over the team's communicator, but you don't wait for the answer; you're headed toward Wanda.
When you find her, she has the titan trapped in her magic. You choke with excitement at seeing her again, feeling your eyes water.
But then a loud explosion catches your attention. Thanos has activated the airstrike, and you are running toward Wanda, reaching her just before one of the missiles reaches you two.
"Whoa, hi!" She greets you in surprise as you roll on the ground together. A mixed force field between your and her magic surrounds you, protecting you two from the attacks. You let out an exclamation of happiness, raising your hand to her face, wanting to confirm that she was really there.
"God, it's really you." You gasp with emotion, letting your tears flow. Wanda probably doesn't understand what is happening, but she hugs you back as you bury your face in her neck.
This can't last long, though. You take one last look at her face before standing up, the force field still surrounding the two of you as you help her to her feet.
However, when you go to ask her how you could take down the ship, someone does it for you.
"Wow, that's cool" You comment with a smile watching Carol destroy the entire ship with one blow.
"I think you're drooling." Wanda scoffs lightly making you laugh awkwardly. 
"Shut up."
And then you are fighting again.
You have the impression that you are losing. But then Thanos' army is turning to dust before your eyes and you are exchanging a confused look with Wanda.
"Tony snapped his fingers." Steve says into the comm and you choke in surprise. Then you are running halfway across an open field until you catch up with your friends.
Pepper is kissing her husband's cheek when you arrive.
"S-Steve, what?" - You ask and he just shakes his head, thick tears in his eyes.
You gasp and then there are arms around you. It takes a moment for you to hug Wanda back. And when Steve takes Tony's body, she holds your hand.
Your hands are shaking as you step out of the shower. 
You are staying at Tony's house, as are some of the others, while the compound area is being restored and Pepper organizes the funeral. 
The laundry on your bed is Natasha's last set of clothes, and you don't want to cry anymore, but your face is wet anyway.
You finish getting dressed, but remain sitting on the bed in the room you are sharing with Wanda. The redhead enters a moment later, but you don't look at her.
Wanda sighs slightly and sits down beside you.
"Do you also have the feeling that everything is a bad dream?" She starts after a moment, you blink in surprise feeling a bit distracted and forcing yourself to pay attention. "Like the pain is so overwhelming, it's easier to think it's all temporary. Because there' s not the slightest chance you can survive this for much longer."
"Yes. I feel exactly like that." You agree smiling faintly. "But that's grief. No matter how impossible it seems now, it gets better." 
"How can you know that?"
"Because I already lost you once."
Wanda blinks in surprise and then looks straight ahead. You don't face her either. 
"How was it?" she asks after a moment, almost in a whisper. Clearly not exactly sure whether to ask that or not. You let out a dry laugh, running your hand over your face to wipe away the tears.
"What kind of question is that?" you retort and Wanda lets out a sigh, apologizing, but you shake your head. "You know exactly how I felt Wanda. Because you lost Vision too."
Wanda swallows dryly, looking at you with a frown. You stand up, leaving no room for questions. 
You leave the room next, it was better to try to eat something.
Steve Rogers is going back to the past. And he will stay there.
He confesses this to you on the eve of Tony's funeral, and you push him by the shoulders, before hugging him tightly. Bucky also cries when he tells him.
No one else must know, not yet. You go back into the room you share with Wanda and mask your tears. She probably thinks it's because of Nat, so she doesn't press you to talk.
When the ceremony takes place the next day, you entwine your arm with Steve's. You were about to lose the three leaders of the Avengers all at once, and it looked like your heart couldn't take it.
But Steve smiles, and squeezes your hand lightly, before going to talk to Potts. You walk to the edge of the lake at the cabin, joining Clint and Wanda.
"I wish there was a way to tell her." Says the man after a moment. You clench your jaw, knowing exactly who he is talking about. "Of telling her that we won."
"Natasha was sure we would make it." You say half hoarsely, trying to hold back the cry. "She trusted us. That's why she did what she did."
Clint nods slightly, not holding back the tears that were falling from his eyes.
"She knows." Wanda said next. "They both know."
Clint slung an arm around Wanda's shoulder and one around yours, embracing you both. You allowed yourself to cry some more.
There are no more Avengers. At least not for now.
The world is in complete chaos with everyone coming back after five years.
You don't want to think about how many responsibilities you will have to take on when you are a hero again, you just want to get some rest.
Your first stop is Vision's grave. The restoration of the complex took a few weeks, but Potts was kind enough to take care of everything.
You took Wanda there as soon as everything was ready.
"I know we haven't talked about this yet, but, I got it back." You tell her as you walk together to the spot Potts showed you on the map. "After Thanos activated the missiles, I worried that something had happened, but the restoration team was able to map everything out again." You counters by leading her around the place. 
Wanda just listened to your words, saying nothing. She seemed surprised by everything.
You reached a small hill, where there were two small metal and rock tombstones. On the first gravestone you made a few years ago completely recovered by Potts' team and already with slightly rusty lettering, it read "Pietro Maximoff - Brother, Friend and Hero. You are loved beyond words and lost beyond measure." On the second, a newer metal, and with gold lettering, it read "Vision Maximoff - Friend, Lover and Hero. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
"I used to bring flowers, but..."
You fell silent as Wanda hugged you. You reciprocated the hug for a moment, until Wanda let go, smiling weakly at you before turning around, kneeling on the graves.
As she ran her fingers over the letters, you cleared your throat.
"I know you two weren't married, but since Vis didn't have a last name..."
"It's okay." She interrupted in a whiny voice. "Thank you."
She stood there for many minutes. You don't mind waiting. And when she allowed it, you hugged her again, wiping away her tears.
You returned to the compound just as the sun was setting.
You were going to help Wanda to have a proper grief.
She had the same quirks as you, unhealthy habits of disconnecting from reality. 
You wouldn't want that for her. Vision wouldn't want that.
The day after you took her to Pietro and Vision's grave, you appeared in her room in the morning. A tray of breakfast in your hand. 
"I don't want to get up." She grumbled against the pillows when you entered the room without knocking, opening the curtains.
"I know, but it's almost ten thirty and you need to eat something." You said, leaving the tray on the bedroom table.
The first day she resisted. But two weeks later, she was already on her feet when you came into the room. You always ate together, and you made a point of taking her for walks, and spending time doing the things she liked, for example watching old TV series together.
"Potts called me." You said as you two shared coffee. "She wants me to take over the compound."
Wanda let out a surprised exclamation and you laughed lightly.
"Yeah I know, it's a lot." You say. "But Tony left the command to Steve. And Steve left it to me."
"Are you sure you want this?" She asked looking at you. You shrug.
"It's not about wanting it, Wands," you say. "I am who I am after all. These powers are with me for a reason. Maybe I can use them to do something good."
Wanda nods slightly, looking at you in a way that makes you embarrassed.
"And what does the government think of all this?" She asks and you sigh, running your fingers through your hair.
"They want to control everything of course." You tell her. "Potts is trying to keep everything classified as private property, but after Thanos, that's pretty unlikely."
"I guess the treaty of Sokovia was inevitable after all." She then comments, and you grumble in agreement.
"I would like to enjoy the rest of my vacation, though" You say with a smile, making Wanda look at you.
"What do you want to do?" 
"I'm torn between a quiet weekend at a spiritual retreat or getting completely drunk in Las Vegas."
Wanda laughs.
"Okay." She says smiling, "Let's do both then."
"Oh, you like both then?"
"Oh, yeah."
Wanda replies wryly, and you notice her cheeks flush slightly, suggesting that she understood your insinuation. You laugh, going back to eating.
Sam has been calling you for a few hours, and you left an automated message on the answering machine that says "I'm on vacation, if it's life or death, send a letter".
You are driving to Las Vegas now, humming a pop song on the radio with Wanda in the passenger seat.
 "Now that you are Tony's heiress you will spend the money on gambling, I suppose" She teases making you laugh.
"I'm not Tony's heiress." You counter laughing. 
"Oh, yes, sorry, Miss Avengers leader."
You laugh at the teasing, then turn up the volume. You and Wanda sing at the top of your lungs.
When you park in front of the first big casino you encounter, Wanda has a mischievous grin on her face.
"I bet I win more games than you do." She says stopping in front of you.
"Can we use our magic?" You ask in the same joking tone, and she nods. You let out an excited exclamation. "Game on."
You two are thrown out of the casino a few hours later.
You both laugh as you run away from the angry security guards and get into the car quickly, many small coins falling out of your pockets. You drive through town, until you find a bar that seems crowded.
"Ready for the second half of your vacation?" Wanda asks with amusement as you get out of the car, making you laugh. Parties aren't really your thing, but you had said you wanted to drink after all.
The girl at the door looks at your clothes with a judgmental eye, but you think Wanda may have used her powers to get you two into the club.
The atmosphere is extremely noisy and with lots of lights, but you are not bothered when you start drinking.
"I think this is the worst way to go through grief" You comment before you and Wanda pour a shot of vodka together.
She laughs lightly afterwards.
"It's fun though." 
And then she is pulling you onto the dance floor. You are too drunk to care about the closeness. You laugh as you dance together.
As the nightclub is beginning to empty, you and Wanda stumble out, visually drunk.
"Where's the car, Wands?" You ask between giggles, Wanda shrugs her shoulders, leaning on you to be able to walk.
It takes many minutes for you to find the vehicle. And when you do, Wanda passes out in the back seat. You use the rest of your sobriety to throw a jacket over her body, before sitting down in the front seat and falling asleep.
The next morning you both have a very bad migraine, and decide to have breakfast at a dinner on the way back to the compound.
Sitting on opposite sides of the same table, you drink some orange juice while Wanda steals a piece of your pancakes. You don't mind.
"Where are we going to spend the last stage of your vacation?" She asks curiously, and you rest your face on your hand while propping your elbow on the table.
"I don't know." You say. "I don't think I know anywhere quiet."
Wanda stands thoughtfully for a moment.
"We could rent a cabin."
"I make minimum wage."
Wanda laughs rolling her eyes. But she becomes quiet next, her expression serious.
"I can split the bill with you."
You raise a curious eyebrow.
"May I ask where the money comes from? Please don't say drug dealing."
Wanda laughs, looking away. 
"Shut up." She retorts the next moment. "So what, you'll take it?"
You look at her suspiciously. You weren't going to pressure her into telling you what she didn't want, wishing to give her privacy. 
"All right, Wands."
Wanda smiles at you, raising her hand. You give a "Hi-Five" and the waitress looks at you curiously.
Maybe renting a cabin with the woman you've secretly loved for years wasn't your best idea, but you're handling things well.
You were only going to stay three days, and if you could disguise that you completely melted when Wanda touched you or how cute she looked when she woke up, you'd be fine.
The cabin had two rooms, which was the best thing for your sanity.
After you had finished unpacking, you decided to prepare something to eat.
"How do you know how to cook this?" Wanda asks in surprise as she joins you in the kitchen. "By the way, how do you have the ingredients to make it?"
"I bought it on the way, smarty pants" You replied with amusement, moving around the kitchen to prepare the Sokovian Stew. "And I've cooked it for you before, I don't understand the surprise."
Wanda laughed lightly, remembering.
"Sorry, you're right." She says leaning against the countertop as she watches you cook.
"Come here and see if the seasoning is good." You tell her a moment later as you are stirring the pots. 
You raise the spoon toward Wanda, expecting her to take it. But she just brings her mouth close to the cutlery, and looks at you as she tastes the food. You swallow dryly, feeling your heart race at the intensity of her gaze. You almost choke when she lets out a groan of satisfaction.
"It's delicious."
"Uh." It is the only sound you are able to produce, as Wanda looks up at you with an innocent smile. You quickly face the pot again, trying not to embarrass yourself so much.
"I'll set the table for us."
"Are you sure food is not your love language?" Wanda asks suggestively when you hand her a mug of hot chocolate. You are on the veranda, a few hours after dinner. You laugh lightly.
"My what?"
She settles into the seat she is sitting on, turning her face to you as you sit down next to her.
"Your love language." She explains with a smile. "There are several, one of them is cooking for the people you love."
You frown slightly, growing thoughtful.
"That's hardly mine, Wands." - You reply. "I hate cooking."
"What are you talking about, you always cook for me!" She retorts with a mix of confusion and humor in her voice, you shrug.
"It's because it's you." You say looking away.
"What does that mean?" She asks and you sigh lightly, taking a sip of your chocolate. Wanda looks at you incredulously. "You're not going to tell me then. Okay."
"Tell me more about these love languages." You ask next trying to change the focus of the subject from yourself. 
Wanda seems excited to talk about it.
"Okay, I think there are five kinds." She starts with a smile, you're just happy to hear her say anything. And she sounds absolutely adorable when she talks about something that gets her excited. "They are words of affirmation, quality time, touch, acts of service, and gifts."
"What happened to cooking?" You tease and she pats your shoulder, laughing.
"I guess it comes into gift giving" She says thoughtfully. "But I read somewhere that it was like a sixth language".
You make an understanding noise with your mouth, but Wanda interprets your lack of reaction as a lack of interest, and apologizes that she is boring you. You frown.
"Hey, what are you talking about? I love this idea!" You assure her, and she smiles shyly after a moment. "I was just wondering which language I fit best in. That is, if I'm the one who decides that?"
"It's not a decision really." She says. "It's more of an analysis in how you behave. Usually the people around you notice."
"Oh, right." You grumble in agreement. "You really would make a terrible analyst then." You tease and Wanda laughs, pushing you lightly and making a face when she almost knocks over your hot chocolate. You laugh. "That story that I cook to show my love, not a thing."
Wanda rolls her eyes amused and then looks at you curiously.
"Oh yeah, and what do you think your language is then?"
You think for a moment.
"I have no idea." You confess and Wanda laughs looking away, "That's harder than it sounds."
"Take a guess."
"Um... I don't think they are words of affirmation." You say and she looks at you expectantly, wanting you to talk more about it. You smile awkwardly. "I never know what to say, so that would be the last language I would think of."
Wanda smiles, biting her lip and shaking her head slightly.
"What else?"
You inhale deeply, thinking. 
"Well, I'm not the best gift-giving person." You counters. "Maybe quality time is a good option, but I'm not sure either. I'm pretty anti-social."
"I think quality time might be your thing." She says with a fond smile.
You raise your eyebrow curiously.
"Why do you say that?"
"Look around you." She replies with a smile, and you understand that this is exactly what is happening now. You give a shy little laugh.
"Can I make it official then?" You ask and Wanda laughs.
"I don't know, don't you like the others?"
"I forget which ones they are." You confess and Wanda laughs. 
"Touch and Acts of Service." She clarifies and you nod in understanding.
" Okay let me think about it." You begin running your fingers through your hair quickly. "How can anyone know that touch is their thing?"
"I guess if the person likes to be touched." Wanda says and you raise your eyebrow in confusion. "Like, if you like to give hugs or cuddle."
"Do some people not like that?"
Wanda laughs.
"I think we have an answer." She says and you smile, shrugging.
"No, seriously. I don't know." You speak. "I guess I have no problem with touching people I like, but I can't tell if that would be my language."
"Okay." Wanda says and you look at her curiously as she picks up your mug and places it on the table along with hers. She moves a little closer to you, and entwines your hands together. You swallow dryly.
"Do you like that?" She asks gently, and you look into her eyes, glowing green. You nod shyly, and Wanda smiles. She releases your hands to slip her arms over your shoulder, and you melt into her embrace almost instantly. "Is that good?"
"Yes." You whisper with flushed cheeks. Wanda releases you next.
"I think we have a winner." She jokes, and you giggle awkwardly. 
"What about you? What's your language?"
"Definitely quality time" She says and you smile. 
"I think words of affirmation are your thing too."
Wanda looks at you curiously.
"Because you're nice." You say. "You say nice things all the time I mean. You are an affectionate person."
"Maybe words of affirmation are your thing." She hits back with flushed cheeks, you laugh awkwardly looking away.
"What happens if people have different love languages?" You ask after a moment. "Do they fight?"
Wanda sighs lightly, thoughtfully. 
"I don't really know." She replies. "I think they each show their love in a different way, and if they talk, there's no reason to fight."
You nod in agreement and then straighten your posture, extending your hand to Wanda.
"Miss Maximoff, I swear I will try to show my affection to you with words of affirmation and quality time" You tell her in a fake serious tone, and Wanda joins in on the joke, agreeing to shake your hand.
"I swear I will try to show my affection to you with touch and also with quality time." She repeats the pledge, and you both look serious for a second, before laughing.
Neither of you realizes that by proposing to act outside your comfort zone for each other, perhaps acts of service are the best suitable love language for you two.
The second day at the cabin is like heaven on earth.
You wake up early, have coffee with Wanda, and walk a short trail with her until lunchtime. You cook again, and she teases you about it. In the afternoon you play monopoly, and cards. She makes you tea, and then you two sit on the sofa, each with a book, just enjoying each other's company.
It must be about ten o'clock at night when Wanda starts to yawn. You two are already lying on the couch, and you poke her ribs with your foot and she laughs lightly.
"Go to bed." You tell her with a smile, and she looks quickly at you.
"I don't want to sleep." She says and yawns next, making you laugh.
"Of course you don't."
Wanda laughs and then closes the book, placing it on the small table beside the sofa. She buries her body against the cushions afterwards. You laugh as you look at her.
"What are you doing?"
"I don't want to get up." She replies by closing her eyes. You laugh, closing the book and sitting down. You place the book on the coffee table, and when Wanda yawns again you sigh. 
"Come on you big baby, I'll take you to bed." - You tell her as you approach. Wanda lets out an exclamation as picks her up and carries her, blushing as she places her hands on your neck. You were laughing and didn't realize it.
When you reach your bedroom door, Wanda uses her powers to open the door, and you look at her quickly to thank her, which is a mistake, because you realize how close you are. It's hard to reach the bed without shaking now.
"Here we go." You mumble clumsily as you lay her down on the bed. Wanda doesn't let go of your neck however, and you swallow dryly. "Wanda?"
"Can I kiss you?" she asks breathlessly, and you feel your stomach drop. Your bodies are very close together, as you bent down to place her on the bed. Your hands are stretched out beside her neck, to keep you from falling on top of her.
"Are you sure?" You reply in the same tone, your voice husky. Wanda nods biting her lips lightly, her face very flushed.
You slowly advance against her and she meets you on the way. You both sigh as your lips touch. It is as overwhelming as you ever imagined it would be.
Wanda nuzzles the back of your neck lightly and you slide your tongue against hers, changing the intensity of the kiss.
She sighs, pulling you down and you shiver as you rest your weight against her.
When you pull away to take a breath, your foreheads stay together.
"Wanda..." You start breathlessly, trying to decide what to say.
"I like you." She confesses in the same tone, her voice husky. You feel your heart race. "Is that okay?"
You let out a short laugh, nodding. You kiss her again, smiling against her lips. 
You kiss for several minutes, and when your lips are swollen and you are hot, you part. It's still early for this, you don't want to press Wanda.
"Maybe I should go to my room" You whisper against her lips, finding hard to reason with such closeness. Wanda kisses you again, making you sigh. You are almost giving up on the idea of getting up when she breaks the kiss, biting your lip as she does so.
"Goodnight, darling" She whispers and you melt at the nickname, but smile, starting to get up. Wanda is still lying there, just as affected by the make-out session as you are, and you just smile shyly at her as you say goodnight and go back to your room.
You both have silly smiles on your faces as you fall asleep.
There is a delicious tension in your relationship with Wanda now.
You got up early on your last day, and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of you. While you were preparing coffee, Wanda woke up.
She stretched, and seemed to hesitate slightly about what to do next, but you were already handing her a cup of coffee and kissing her cheek before walking over to the table. 
You sit in silence, glances and smiles stolen between the small talk.
When you have finished eating, you turn on the television, and Wanda sits down next to you. 
"Come here" you ask softly, and she smiles as she approaches, cuddling up to you. You watch some silly movie together, and you like to feel Wanda laughing against you.
In the afternoon, Wanda is the one who prepares lunch, and you lean on the counter when you finally decide to look at your cell phone. You sigh as you look at the number of missed calls and notifications. There are at least a dozen messages from Sam saying that something was wrong.
"What is it?" Wanda asks when she notices your expression.
"Dever calling us" You reply with a mixture of weariness and irony, shaking the cell phone. Wanda exchanges an understanding look with you, and you put the cell phone on the counter, sinking your face into your hands. She gives the pot one last check, and you are slightly startled when she moves in front of you, gently pulling your hands away from your face.
"I just wanted to stay here forever" You confess and let out a short laugh "I know it's selfish, but I just... it feels like my whole life I've been fighting." You tell her with a sad smile. "This must be the most at peace and content I've felt in a long time"
Wanda raises her hands to caress your cheeks.
"It's not selfish." She says tenderly. "I know exactly how it feels, darling. Ever since I was a child, Pietro and I went from one fight to another." She tells you and you let your hands rest against her waist. "I can't thank you enough for giving me moments like that."
You smile, shaking your head slightly. Then you sink your face into Wanda's neck and she hugs you back.
Now that your cell phone is no longer on silent, it doesn't take long for another call to come in. You grumble when you let go of Wanda to answer it. 
Sam is saying something about a new Captain America and you are frowning, but smile when Wanda presses her fingers against your forehead to get you to stop grimacing.
"Are you listening to me?" Sam asks half impatiently on the other end of the line. You had been silent because Wanda is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and she is standing right in front of you, smiling.
"Of course, Sammy." You then reply, raising your free hand to Wanda's cheek caressing her skin. "I'll come back to the compound tonight and then we'll talk better."
"Okay, just hurry please." He asks and looks tired. "Things are a mess".
You hang up and move forward, kissing Wanda intensely. She sighs against your lips, and you wish you could call Sam again and tell him you're not going anywhere. 
When you return to the compound again there is a lot of work.
You find out that Sam is going to become the new Captain America and you couldn't be prouder.
You are no stranger to the idea that he should be the new leader of the Avengers, as Steve was. It feels right and you tell him so.
He seems surprised that you refuse the leadership, but you assure him that it was never really your thing, you would be happy in solo missions and other activities. 
Besides this, things with Wanda were going in a direction you never imagined.
Part of you kept repeating that she would never look at you if Vision were alive, but you suppress these thoughts as much as you can.
You start going out frequently, casual encounters that leave you two with flushed cheeks and racing hearts. There are some kisses. But in general, Wanda is already so much a part of your life that nothing has really changed. You live together in the complex, and spend almost all your free time together. 
There are many missions now, many people needing help.
Four months after you started to go out, Shuri calls you.
She apologizes for not getting in touch sooner, explaining how complicated things have become in Wakanda as well. You assure her that it's okay and that you would like to visit her when you can. She has a mysterious tone when she says that she needs your help with a project, and that she would have more information in a few days. You are curious and thoughtful as you hang up the cell phone and walk back to your room.
Wanda is strangely quiet the next day. You don't understand what is going on, but when you check the calendar, you bite the inside of your cheek. It was the anniversary of Vision's death. For you it had been five years, but for her, only a few months. Sighing sadly, you prepare something hot for her to eat.
When you arrive in her room, she has a sad and thoughtful countenance and is slightly startled when you enter without knocking, but you just smile and put the tray of soup on the table.
"I brought you some food, baby" You say tenderly and Wanda looks at you just for a moment. You notice a piece of paper in her hands and have a curious expression. "What's that?"
Wanda's eyes immediately fill with tears, and you blink in concern. She holds out the paper to you.
It is a house plan. It is stamped "property sold" with the date close to when you traveled to the cottage. You understand where the money came from now. But what catches your eye is the scrawl in red in the center, which reads "To grow old together, V."
Swallowing dryly, you fold the paper again, leaving it on the table before returning to Wanda.
"I'm sorry, I just... I just miss him and it seems like everything changed all at once"
"No, Wanda. It's okay." You assure her as you sit up and wrap her in a hug, which made her cry, but also relax her immediately. "I wish I could take this pain away from you, but I can't. I'm really sorry for the life you two couldn't live together."
Wanda sobs against your T-shirt and while you soothe her to sleep, you decide what you are going to do.
Shuri called. So you were going to Wakanda, Bucky next to you on the plane. 
You teased him one last time about his new name "white wolf" before you got off.
You hugged your friend tight before you two left for the laboratory.
"I managed to recover the wreckage of your machine" She tells you with animation. You push down any insecurity as you smile, and hand her the projects that have been locked away in your room for five years.
You will work together again. It will take some time, due to the amount of tasks, but you will have this as your main project.
After three days, you and Bucky return home.
Before you enter the compound, he calls out to you.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks with a worried look, you nod.
"They belong together, Buck." You say with a bitter taste in your mouth. Bucky has an almost pitying look on his face and you hate it, so you are changing your stance. "Don't say anything to Wanda, though. I can't give her hopes like that and fail. She can only know if I succeed."
Bucky nods in understanding and you walk back.
Your heart and your body belong completely to Wanda Maximoff. You eventually realize this when you return to the compound, and even though you are secretly working to resurrect her dead boyfriend, you can't resist her.
Perhaps the best choice would have been to end things between you, but all you can do is completely melt in her presence. You laugh at her jokes, engage in her conversations, and fall apart in her kisses.
The trips to Wakanda become more frequent over the next month, and you begin to miss Wanda terribly when you are away, but you use this frustration to work.
It's May, and you'll need to travel again just three days after you arrive, and by the way things are going well, this should be your last trip to Wakanda. 
"Okay, Shuri, thanks for letting me know. I'll get everything ready." You tell her through the hologram in your room and she smiles before hanging up. You are startled when you notice Wanda at the door.
"Are you leaving again?" She asks annoyed and you nod sadly. 
You hope that Wanda will not be as upset as she has been the last few times. You obviously don't tell her the reason you go to Wakanda so much, and Bucky covers for you by saying it was confidential. It has been enough to maintain the logic that the less people knew, the less dangerous it was, and Wanda believes it.
"I'll call you while I'm there" You tell her trying to soften her annoyance as she walks into her room closing the door.
"It's not the same." She mumbles moving closer only to pass her arms around your torso. "I miss you."
You feel your heart soar as you hug her back. You know that the sentence refers to the new distance you have put between you, and part of you wants to confess everything. But you hold your words back.
"Everything is going to be okay, Wanda." You tell her disguising any sign of your recent need to cry. "This is going to be the last time."
Wanda then releases you, looking at you tenderly. You smile back, and she moves in to kiss you.
You know those kisses. The ones she only gives when you are alone, or when you have been apart too long. Kisses that are dangerous to cross barriers that you didn't know if she was ready to cross, and that also make your body hot and take your breath away.
Going out for almost seven months, this was the only line you hadn't crossed yet. Honestly, your cuddling sessions were borderline. But there were so many other things about your relationship that sex really wasn't the focal point. 
And then you had Wanda kissing you like this and you couldn't resist.
Letting your hands slide down her body, you felt her sigh against your lips as you squeezed her ass, pressing her forward against you.
You began to walk with Wanda around the room, exchanging passionate, hot kisses, until she stumbled on the bed and you fell over her body on the mattress.
When your clothes came off, you reached for one of her hands and entwined it in yours on top of her head, kissing her neck as you trembled at the sound of her moans.
Wanda came on your fingers, moaning your name with her eyes closed and mouth open as you kept your free hand entwined in hers. You looked at her with adoration, thinking she was absolutely perfect.
You came against her thigh, and then she came in your mouth a few moments later. You repeated it one more time until your bodies were too tired to do it again. 
You woke up first the next day, and while preparing coffee, you felt your face getting wet. You were going to lose her again. But you quickly wiped the tears away. She was never really yours to lose.
Bucky didn't come back to Wakanda with you, and you figured he had some other mission. You also insinuated that he was spending a lot of time outside the compound with Sam, and laughed when he got flushed and told you to go fuck yourself.
When you arrived at Shuri's lab, you didn't sleep properly for two weeks.
Non-Reader Pov
Bucky nodded slightly when Wanda entered the kitchen. She had been really upset these days, feeling lonely. But Y/N made the soldier promise to check on her girlfriend often and keep her company, so that's exactly what he's been doing.
After coffee, he suggested that they walk around the compound for a while, and the witch accepted.
"You know, I think Nat would like to see you two together." Commented the soldier with a smile. Wanda grumbled in agreement, slightly distracted, but then she assumed a confused expression.
"What do you mean?" She asked and Bucky blinked curiously. "How did Nat know that Y/N liked me?"
Bucky let out a short laugh also confused by the conversation.
"What do you mean, Wanda? Everyone knew all along."
Wanda stops walking, blinking with confusion.
"Bucky, what? No, Y/N and I only fell in love after Thanos, what do you..."
Bucky laughs in disbelief and confusion.
"Whoa, she really didn't tell you." He says surprised and at Wanda's expression, he straightens his posture, putting his hands in his pockets as he looks at her. "Look, maybe it wasn't the best idea for me to be the one to tell you, but I imagine since you're together now it won't make much difference." He says, sighing slightly. "She's been in love with you ever since you joined the Avengers. You were the reason she fought alongside Steve when he defied the law for me. Everyone always knew."
Wanda shook her head, surprised and incredulous.
"Bucky what are you saying?" Wanda muttered more to herself than to the soldier. Bucky just looked at her curiously.
"All these years, and you never knew." He said surprised.
Wanda felt her eyes fill with tears.
"But... Why didn't she say anything?" She asked holding back the tears. "I... She's been with me all this time, and... how could she not have said anything?"
Bucky shrugged. 
"You had Vision, Wanda. She didn't want to make things awkward." He says. "She used to tell Natasha that loving you was enough. She never needed you to love her back."
Wanda gasps in surprise and cries, running her hands through her hair. Thousands of memories flashing through her mind at once. All the times Y/N was by her side, their escapes from the tower, their pranks, their jokes. The way she always stood up for her, helped her on missions, in training. How she blew up the TV set in the briefing room the day the government agent broadcast the report of what happened on Sokovia to the team in an attempt to shock them with Wanda's mistake. Pietro's grave, the way she took care of everything and assured Wanda that she was happy to help. But mostly in the way she always smiled when Wanda told her about Vision, how she supported her when they were on the run, and how she didn't leave her side when she was grieving. 
Wanda couldn't imagine how much it must have hurt to watch the person you love, loving someone else.
Wanda let out a dry laugh, finally letting the tears flow. 
"All this time, and she loved me in secret." She mumbles breathlessly. "How could she bear it?"
Bucky looked away.
"Well, she's always tougher than most."
Wanda shook her head, laughing sadly.
"Take me to Wakanda."
Reader Pov
You did it.
"Shuri, is this really happening?" You ask with a mixture of surprise and excitement. Your eyes completely glaze over in front of you. 
The door to the machine you created then opened, a metallic noise filling the room. It took the machine man a few seconds to open his eyes, and when he did you held your breath.
"You really did it." Shuri said to you impressed and looking forward as well.
"We did." You retorted taking a step towards the being that was looking at you with curiosity. He seemed to be getting used to the idea of being online again. "Vision?"
The question escaped your lips firmly, although your heart was racing.
Vision moved out of the machine, looking around.
"I'm confused." The male voice filled the room. "I think I've been asleep. My last memory is of a field."
You gasp, feeling your eyes fill with water.
"I can't believe you're here, buddy" You tell him, stepping forward to hug him. Vision doesn't respond however, still appearing to be in shock.
When you let go, you are smiling.
"I'll explain everything to you, Vis."
Shuri leads you to a meeting room, and she keeps checking Vision's functionality signals while you talk for a bit. You tell him about the blip, about his death, and a little about Thanos. He is different, maybe it is the stone. He seems more mechanical and logical than ever, talking about statistics and asking about social impacts. You just think he needs to get used to the world again.
"There's someone coming to see you" Shuri announces after a moment while fiddling with her computer. 
"T'Challa wants to check if we are eating properly again?" You joke and Shuri laughs, but then she frowns.
"Actually it's..."
The door to the room then opens. You get up from your armchair in surprise to see Wanda standing there. She looks at you with adoration in her eyes, but her expression falls completely when she notices who is beside you.
Her face is a mixture of surprise, disbelief, and confusion. You swallow dryly, ignoring the urge to cry, and force yourself to smile shyly.
Wanda walks towards you slowly.
"I've been working to bring him back, Wanda." You explain in a husky voice. "To bring him back to you."
Wanda's eyes are filled with tears, and she gasps as Vision rises from the armchair, looking at her curiously. 
"How...?" Wanda asks breathlessly, but she sobs then moves forward to embrace the robot. 
You feel your heart break, because it is over. You smile however, nodding to Shuri lightly as you leave the two of them alone.
When you reach the hallway, your hands and legs are shaking and you lean on the wall to keep from falling to the floor. Bucky is joining the two of you as Shuri looks at you with concern.
"Everything okay?" She asks touching your arm lightly. You nod frantically.
"I did what I had to do." You say breathlessly, holding back tears. "She...She's happy."
Bucky exchanges a look with Shuri and then he is asking if he can hug you. You nod slightly and when he does, you collapse.
You are avoiding Wanda.
It's childish, but you feel your heart ache every time you think about seeing her, so you're trying to buy time to only talk to her again when you can show that you're happy for her.
It has been two days since she arrived in Wakanda.
You and Bucky are in rooms in the same hallway, and you know that Shuri has set up facilities for Vision and Wanda to be together. You haven't seen her yet, and it's all due to the fact that you accepted whatever task the king had to keep you well away from the castle.
You returned very late to your room on the third day, and Bucky was waiting for you in the hallway.
"You two need to talk." He said, following you into the room as you sighed.
"I know, Buck." You grumble taking off your jacket. "I just need time, I...I think I'll crumble if I see her again"
Bucky runs his hand across his face, slightly impatient. 
"No, you don't understand." He says. "You just brought her dead boyfriend back, you can't just ignore her."
You throw yourself on the bed, closing your eyes.
"I'm really considering alcoholism now." You grumble, and Bucky laughs lightly. 
"Talk to her." He says before turning to leave.
You take a while to fall asleep after that.
You see Wanda again. At a safe distance. Your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest.
She and Vision go out for a walk just before lunchtime. You look at them from the balcony, their silhouettes in the field of flowers. It's beautiful. You don't realize that you are crying.
Walking to Shuri's labs, you intend to accept some project, but she has a worried look on her face when she looks at you.
" There' s something wrong." She comments by showing you a graph that you don't understand at first. "While you were behaving like a child, we had some problems." The teasing makes you blush slightly, but you are too worried to respond. 
"What happened?"
Shuri sighs weakly.
"Wanda and Vision talked for a few hours. And then she realized what we didn't anticipate." She explained as she changed the chart. "Without the mind stone, Vision is just a computer program. There's nothing human in him anymore."
You blinked in confusion, and let out a short laugh.
"What are you talking about?" You ask, but before she answers you are talking again. "Vision was always a computer. His love for Wanda was his humanity."
Shuri shook her head in the negative.
"The mind stone created a connection with Wanda." She explained. "Without it, he is just a set of algorithms. He remembers everything he experienced, but he can no longer feel."
You gasp in surprise and then sit down on the floor, trying to understand exactly what you had done.
"I think our mistake was not accepting death." Shuri said after a while. "We can't reverse something like that. We should know."
"I can't believe I did that." You commented with a dry laugh. "I brought him back only for her to lose him again. My god what the fuck is wrong with me?"
Shuri walked over to you, kneeling in front of you, and placing a hand on your knee.
"You didn't know, okay?" She said trying to reassure you. " Your intentions were the best".
"That doesn't matter now". You grumble bitterly.
Eventually you get up, and decide that you should apologize.
Shuri tells you that she will handle everything with Vision, that she would ask him if he would like to continue to exist, if he had a purpose, or if he would like to be deactivated. You told her to make sure that he knew that he would always have a place on the Avengers team, and she smiled saying that Wakanda would also accept him.
Your heart was racing when you knocked on Wanda's door.
She used her powers to open it, and you walked in, finding her sitting on the bed, pensive.
"You finally decided to talk to me." She teased looking at the television. You swallowed dryly, twiddling your fingers nervously.
"I talked to Shuri." You begin with emotion showing in your voice. "She told me about...about everything. I'm so sorry Wanda." You cry. "I didn't know this was going to happen, I didn't mean to hurt you..."
Wanda blinks confusedly getting up as she approaches you, raising her hands to your face.
"It's okay." She assures wiping away your tears.
"No, it isn't. I brought him back only for you to lose him again, I can't believe I could do that to you, I'm sorry..."
"Stop. No." Wanda says shaking her head, her eyes filled with tears. She swallows her emotion as she looks at you tenderly. "You gave me a chance to say goodbye to him."
"I didn't have that chance before." She continues with a sad smile, "I am grateful for it."
"W-what?" you sigh breathlessly with incredulity.
Wanda smiled, stroking your cheek lightly.
"All this time, and you've been loving me in secret." She spoke tenderly, and you felt your face heat up.
"It doesn't matter." She interrupts shaking her head slightly, the look in her eyes is one of pure adoration. "I still don't understand how you can hide this from me, and..."
You shake your head, letting the tears flow.
"I just wanted you to be happy, Wanda." You interrupt with a smile. "It didn't have to be with me."
Wanda gasps slightly, and moves forward to kiss you on the mouth. The kiss doesn't last long, however, and she breaks away to bring your foreheads together.
"I love you." Wanda whispers against your lips, you sigh in surprise. "Sorry it took so long."
You let out a short laugh, hugging her. When she hooks her arms around your neck, you lift her off the ground, and Wanda lets out a giggle. You spin around, smiling, your chest exploding with happiness. 
On your last day in Wakanda, you visit Vision.
He is in one of the castle rooms, looking contemplative, and pours you a cup of tea.
After you talk about what he wants to become, you hug him goodbye and he looks at you curiously.
"I never directly asked you what your motivation was for doing all this." Vision begins with a curious posture. "Shuri told me about your affection for Wanda, but I never understood precisely."
You look away from the floor, kind of awkwardly.
"I thought you two were soulmates." You say to him, and Vision observes you for a few seconds before speaking.
"How could we be soul mates, if I never had a soul?" He asks and you raise your face in surprise. Vision just smiles slightly as he puts his hand on your shoulder. "I wish you had told her how you felt in the beginning. It would have prevented so much suffering."
"Hey, we would feel your loss even if Wanda liked me..."
"I was talking about you." He interrupts with a smile and you fall silent, not knowing what to say next. "I hope you'll be happy together. You have a high level of compatibility."
You laughed at the mechanical way Vision spoke and gave him one last hug before leaving in farewell.
You return to Wakanda the following year. Many things are different now, from your address, to Wanda's rings, and your last names.
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Sleep Paralysis (Helmut Zemo x Reader)
Summary: You hated sharing a room with another person. Especially when it came to sleeping. Which usually resulted into you staying awake for the night if you were teamed up with someone. Sometimes you could not escape exhaustion, though.
Words: 2,381
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, insomnia, experiencing sleep paralysis, anxiety, TFATWS spoilers (I don’t think there are any but just to be sure I guess), Zemo awakens the poet in me idk, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
The people you found yourself teamed up with gave you safety. Sam, Bucky & even Zemo. With the three of them on your side, you had nothing to fear. Missions with these guys were easy. If the two grown ass men children were not occupied with killing the other grown ass man child. Names were not needed here, that was explanation enough. You were surprised yourself when you started enjoying Zemo’s company. He was a criminal. He was supposed to be the bad guy. So why could you not view him as such? Was it the way he moved his body? Was it his hair which fell in place just perfectly imperfect? Was it his coat that accentuated the weight of the world he carried on his shoulders alone? Was it his smile that was just the tiniest bit bigger whenever he glanced at you? Was it that stupid head tilt thing that was everything but stupid to you? What the hell was it? And why the hell was resisting your urges so damn hard?
Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you but you could have sworn that his eyes fell on you, no matter how big the crowd. You could have sworn that his body searched out your presence wherever you went. There was this unspoken thing between you guys. As much as you wanted to address the tension building up, you were apprehensive what your best friends would say about it. You were doubtful how he would receive the news. Your ever growing friendship was at risk. The mere thought of having to live your life without him was inconceivable. How did it work before he came along? It was like your brain erased those memories altogether. Truthfully, he changed your life around without having an idea of the effect he had on you. Or he did know but enjoyed messing with your feelings. Though he did not strike you as that type of man.
Countless nights were spent with you having deep, meaningful conversations. Thanks to those times, you perceived his side of the story. His motives & what drove him to the actions that brought him behind bars in the end. By no means were you trying to justify his crimes. There would have been multiple different ways. Back then, the only purpose for him was revenge. Apologies that came too late were given. Zemo truly was sorry. And while words & emotions could be faked easily, it was impossible to hide the deeper meaning that his eyes held. The softness, the wariness, he could not simulate this. Those beautiful brown orbs were withholding years worth of tears. It was not your position to force him to display his weakness in front of you. Sometimes, simply knowing that another person was available if needed, that was enough.
The same feeling of secureness was provided by him. Your past was not necessarily pleasant either. Innumerable regrets labeled your existence. You were not a good example of a hero. Every day, you contemplated the what-if’s. Overthinking was part of your diurnal routine. All the pondering was needless. The switch only shifted after the beginnings of Zemo’s nocturnal reassurances. Without him, you would still be stuck in that gloomy pit your body had constructed on its own. You two were reliant on each other. Not physically but mentally. Unpretentiously, small touches followed. Brushing his thumbs over your smooth skin on the back of your hand. Squeezing your shoulders gingerly. Goosebumps erupted each time his body warmth was transferred to yours. Whether he wore his leather gloves or not, your body responded with endless fireworks that launched from deep inside.
The hotel you entered radiated wealth. Zemo negotiated the reservations. Which was obvious by the mere impression of the lofty ceilings that were embellished with immense sparkling chandeliers. Your eyes overstrained from the extravagance, switching from one highlight to the next. As a regular citizen, your income denied you such a lifestyle. Avengers did not earn a fortune, this trait came with the job description. Meaning that you would savor every little ticking of your stay. The marvelous high of contentment ceased when the receptionist informed you of an immutable adjustment concerning your room situation. The only two vacant premises were a king size in one & two singles in the other. Apparently, the decision was resolved without you having a say in it. Your questions were answered with a definite proclamation. You were the only soul unable to kill the Baron. Your attempts to conceal your embarrassment were unsuccessful. The smirk adorning Zemo’s features was unhelpful in your current position. Sam & Bucky abandoned you in the entrance, heading off to their room to rest after a tiring mission.
Zemo demanded your luggage to be brought up to your chambers. One of his hands rested on your lower back. This motion warmed your body. It was so simple yet filled with extensive care. It should have been wrong but you have never felt more protected in your entire life. One thing worried you. Sharing a room with the man who brought out your true happiness. It was no secret that you suffered from insomnia. Usually, it vanished after indefinite missions. The interminable flight in Zemo’s private jet added up to your exhaustion. Under no circumstances would you sleep in a room with the Baron. The trust existed, that was not the issue. What happened during your slumber could not be controlled. The tossing, turning, screaming. Nightmares invaded your dreams every time you closed your eyes. Therefore, you obviated sleep as long as possible. Multiple cups of coffee, the heavy does of caffeine every day, aided your wish to stay up. If you narrated a good enough excuse, he would not inquire. At least, that was what you hoped.
Stepping through the tall door into the spacious room, you stopped dead in your tracks. You needed a second to take everything in. Never before had you occupied such a luxurious chamber. It resembled a suite. Different shades of warm colors complemented each other. The vast windows enabled your view of the city beneath. Colorful lights brought the dead of the dim night to life. Facing the stars aligning the somber night sky, Zemo arranged himself next to you. Minutes of silence enveloped you, filling the room to the brink. The man next to you fractured the quietness with whispers. He pointed out various constellations. Observantly, you absorbed his words. He was cultured but never bragged about it. His sentiment of deliberate timing was unique. One of his characteristics was fathoming when to quit talking. Or when it was suitable to speak. Zemo constantly knew how to ease the tension with his thoughtful comments.
“You take the bed. I am content with resting on the couch.” he proposed. As much as you appreciated his deliberation, you pronounced the contrary.
“No, Helmut. I won’t sleep anyway, you can have the bed.” your gentle smile underlined the tiredness emanating from your eyes. He tilted his head to one side, observing your body language.
“You have not rested after our mission yet. Not even during the flight where Sam, James & I slept.” he annotated, worry audible in his voice. Your shoulders lifted in a short shrug. Alleging that you were fine. Spending hours with you concluded to him comprehending your lies. Your features were different whenever you attempted feigning him. Approaching your figure in the barely illuminated room, he halted a few steps away from you. Movements of his hands caught your attention. The gloves were peeled off. Lifting one of his arms, you shivered when his skin touched your cheek affectionately. His fingers caressed your face so lovingly, your eyes closed instinctively. “You are exhausted, darling.” his words were soft, soothing your ears by the fragility of them. The space between you two was narrow. You breathed the same air. His body heat passed onto you. Your heart sped up, almost as if it could break out any second. Nobody had ever made you feel that way. Nodding obediently, Zemo dragged you closer to the soft mattress covered with silk sheets. It was a desired invitation. It did not last long before you gave in. The smooth material welcomed you. Realizing Zemo’s retreating steps, your hand reached for his wrist, freezing his tries. He glanced over his shoulder bewildered.
“Stay.” it was music to his ears, hearing your quiet proposition. Holding himself back, he shook his head briefly. A signal that he did not want to disturb you. “Please.” his face softened at your plea. How could he resist your sweet voice? How could he resist you when it was obvious that you wished for him to stay with you?
“Okay.” pulling back the blankets, he lied right behind you. Your back was facing him. The shock was only brief when your hand searched for his arm. Draping it over your waist, you sighed contently when he embraced you tighter. It was not just what you needed. This, it was required by him as well.
Peaceful hours of cuddling went by without disruption. The calm was interrupted by your eyes snapping open in fear. Your back was against the mattress. Staring at the tall ceiling, your breath quickened when you could not move. Could not talk. Could not scream. There was not a single thing that could be done but you awaited the bad that would arrive soon. It was not the first time you experienced such a situation. The pressure in your chest grew steadily, obstructing your breathing. Your muscles ached, your head pounded. Someone would murder you. If you did not rise soon, death would come knocking on your door. Your attempts to push away the sheets & your labored breath stirred the man next to you awake. His confusion ended when he noticed your struggles. Propping his head onto one of his arms, he scooted closer to your body. Zemo knew what you were going through at the moment. While he had never suffered from such a period himself, he had read about it. Your eyes widened when his locked onto yours. The fear was visible even without a light illuminating the room. His free hand moved to your cheek. In the process, he whispered sweet nothings to you in hopes that they would reach you. Irregular breaths were still very much present. Though you had him with you, your anxiety was acting up still. Your mind was determined that you would die in a few minutes.
“Hey, hey, hey. Darling, look at me.” your eyes slowly shifted from the ceiling to his dark, almost black ones. They were a beautiful shade of brown but it was too sinister to detect the different hues. “There you go.” his voice was steady, controlled. “What you are experiencing is called sleep paralysis. It means that you are awake but your body is asleep still. It will be over soon, I promise. This might feel life threatening to you but I’m here, okay? I am here with you & I will not let anything happen to you.” his eyebrows raised expectantly. The most you could give him was a useless attempt of a nod. His fingers stroked over your skin, bringing you comfort. You were not on your own. Zemo held you close to his body. Still unable to move, the one thing you could feel was his body heat. Minutes without change went by. Affirmations were whispered into the quiet of the ample room. Your leg shuffled the blankets. A small smile crept onto your face. Finally, you had control again. Your muscles were no longer frozen in place. Overwhelmed by the sudden liberty, you embraced Zemo into a tight hug. Reciprocating immediately, he held your head in place in the crook of his neck. His other arm raked around your waist, keeping you as close as possible. He assured you that you were alright. That nobody & nothing could hurt you. Not when he was around. The silent tears rolling down your cheeks were inevitable. They stained his shirt but he could not care less. All that mattered was you overcoming the feeling of uncontrollability. Maybe it was his explanation. Or his proximity. Or his sweet words calming you down. In the end, the cause was insignificant. Zemo helped you through this & there were no words to express your gratitude to him.
Pulling away slightly, he rested his forehead against yours. You mimicked his deep breaths, disposing of the last bits of worry. When you were in his presence, it was gratuitous to be fearful. Demons had no chance. Not when it came to Zemo. The next reaction came naturally. This time, you did not fight the urge to press your lips onto his. You took his breath away by the unexpected action. There were no complaints from his side. Both hands rested on your face, bringing you closer if it was even feasible. In your imagination, you recalled kissing Zemo to be heated. This right now was the exact opposite. No words could depict what emotions were rushing through your entire body. Descriptions were useless if you could demonstrate it with a simple kiss. After it ended, silence sheathed you two once again. It was everything but unpleasant. He kept holding onto you. Zemo would never judge you because of nightmares or similar occurrences. Your head rested on his chest, above his heart. The beat calming your nerves even further. Explaining that you had always suffered from the monsters of the night, he did not interrupt. You needed to confide & he was more than happy to be available. Another soft kiss was pressed on top of your head. A content sigh left your lips. Zemo assured you that he would stay, no matter what. He was in this for good. Whatever this was. Time would clarify the relationship between you two. All you knew was that it felt right. Having him close to you. Having him as your protector. Having him to brighten up your days. Simply having him. That was adequate. That was your unspoken wish. You expected a lot but you did not expect the fulfillment of a previous unknown dream. You were home.
Published (04/21/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @eristudytime, @hiraethmaximoff, @incansas, @fionanovasleftnut, @mundaytuesday, @ashamed23, @pedropascallovebot, @kpoptrash2000, @lulu-yuming, @bibliophilewednesday, @arctic--ash, @mischiefmanaged71, @yallgotkik, @noavengers, @lieutenantn, @birdieofloxley, @aisling1985, @tatooineisdry, @obsidian-queen, @h0ly-fire, @dxnxdjarxn (thanks for your support <3)
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matildashoney · 3 years
love on tour
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hiiii. i haven't written anything in so long, i'm not really sure if i even know how to do it anymore.
since we last talked about me not writing anymore, i moved to a new state, started graduate school, have been spending a lot of time with friends, have started going to concerts again (safely, of course), have seen harry twice! and i'll be seeing him again this weekend with a bunch of friends, turned twenty two, started a new job and i'm starting a second one next week. things in my life are absolutely hectic but since tour has started it's made me miss writing.
a lot.
so, with that being said, i think i'm going to start back up again. i have a series in my head that i think i want to roll with, and i'm going to try this out one more time. please bear with me as i try to figure out what i'm doing, again, lol.
love you all very much. enjoy violet and harry.
Harry rushes through the curtains, adrenaline pulsing through his veins and sweat dripping down his forehead, his mask sticking tightly against his face. His eyes are searching for the one person he hasn’t seen since before he was wheeled away in the metal box to go underneath the stage, the person that he knew was dancing in the corner with her friends, unnoticed by anyone else in the room. His lips are pursed together in a straight line when he can’t find her, his ears perking at the sound of her laughter rushing through the hallways as she wipes her hands on her trousers and links arms with their mutual friend to walk back to where her boyfriend would be waiting for her, as he told her he would be before he left ninety-some minutes ago.
This is Violet’s first show since officially stepping out as Harry’s girlfriend. Harry Styles and Violet James are officially dating in the public eye, after navigating nearly two years beyond their initial split, the getting back together and taking it further than it’s ever been before, it’s astonishing to see that they’ve made it this far. Jeff and Lilah have been loving this so fondly with all the press about their relationship thus far, and it’s only made the transition that much more insane.
“V,” Harry calls from the end of the hallway, reaching his hand out and grabbing towards her, smiling when she whispers something to her friend and walks towards him, laying her hand in his and letting him bring her into his chest. “Mm, you smell good.”
“That’s because you smell like sweat,” Violet laughs, pulling her mask down slightly to kiss his cheek, smirking when he brings his own mask to his chin and meets her mouth in a quick kiss. “Taste like it, too.”
“Don’t like the sweat with the ‘stache, love?” he says, kissing her temple sweetly and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “I didn’t see you in the crowd. Where’d you run off to?”
“Lilah and I were in the back dancing,” she explains, leaning into his chest and hearing the rush of the crowd begin to leave the building. “Curfew” as they called it – or when they had to leave the venue – was at eleven, and they were nearing their time to get kicked out. “I didn’t want to get in the way. Get distracted very easily, H.”
“I do not.”
“Do, too,” she argues, shaking her head and stepping out of his grasp around her body, wiggling her eyebrows as she begins to hurry towards the dressing room where he would be getting changed and showered for the evening.
“Not this, again,” Harry grunts, hurrying after her and following her into the dressing room, ignoring the shouts and hollers from his friends and bandmates as he hustles after her. He knows what’s in store for him behind the shut door, and he’s been waiting for it all night. Especially since she refused to do it in front of his friends and bandmates and crew before the show.
Violet was still getting used to all this. Violet, or V as Harry calls her fondly, is still getting used to all the ‘having everyone around all the time’, ‘everyone in your business always’ thing. Violet never had to deal with that, even as a young engineer in the industry. That was one of the many perks of being behind the scenes. Her name was always in the background. Until now.
“Violet, come here. It’s just us; we’re alone. Cross my heart.”
“What are we? In primary school?” she teases, walking out of the en-suite bathroom and peeling the mask off her face, tossing it on the spare couch in the corner and walking towards her boyfriend – who was insatiably pouting – standing near the door. “You make it so easy to tease you, H.”
“I know, I know,” Harry smirks, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her tightly for the first time all night, a real embrace, one where their hearts are pounding against their chests and their mouths are mere inches from each other. “Thank you so much for coming. Know you’re busy working on some stages and all, but it means everything to me that you’re here.”
“Why wouldn’t I be here? I’m your girlfriend. It’s not like I’m crashing the whole tour with you.” Harry pulls away and quirks his eyebrows, silently saying, but you could if you wanted to. “I’m not crashing the whole tour with you. We already talked about this.” Violet made it clear to Harry that she wouldn’t be staying for the entire tour from the very beginning – she wouldn’t be that type of girlfriend, as much as she wanted to be. “I’ll be here until Tuesday and then I’ll see you for Madison Square Garden and Halloween and the last stint in LA.”
Harry chuckles quietly to himself, “Can say it, love. Harryween.”
Violet shakes her head, “I refuse to feed your ego, like that, as much as I love you. It’s a Harry Styles show on Halloween.” Harry smirks and wraps his arms tighter around her waist, holding her as tightly to his chest as physically possible, soaking in the way she brushes through his hair sweetly and hums quietly to herself to the music playing in the background of the arena. “That was amazing, as always, you know. I love seeing you on the stage. It’s where you belong, baby.”
Harry’s eyes crinkle at the corners with his smile, the genuineness of the moment making his heart well with love and affection for the person he’s lucky enough to have a second chance with. Convincing her to go out with him again wasn’t easy, she isn’t very persuadable when it comes to things that she’s already made up her mind about. Harry considers himself lucky that she wasn’t so set in stone when it came to things with him.
Harry always thought of himself as very lucky, especially considering how things turned out with his career and his dream but having her with him, here, halfway across the country when she’s working with their label on about four other stages, at the minute, and not being the one that got away, made him feel especially so. “Thank you for being here.”
“Happy to be here,” she smiles, kissing his cheek and squeaking with a giggle when he lifts her onto his waist and walks her into the bathroom with him, settling her on the counter before stripping and stepping into the shower. “I could’ve waited outside, you know. Until you were, you know, at least a little bit decent.”
“Not anything you haven’t seen before, baby.”
“Is it anything I prefer to see?” she says, squinting her eyes playfully, as though she is trying to see through the steam beginning to surround the bathroom.
Harry smirks and pokes his head out of the shower, “Come in here and find out.”
“You know the rules, H.”
“They’re stupid rules, V,” he mumbles beneath his breath, shaking his head with a quiet laugh. His showers never last very long in the arenas, a quick in and out to rinse off the sweat from the stage and feel semi-clean; nothing like the showers he takes when he gets to the hotels, where he can take his time and really feel refreshed.
“They’re not stupid!”
“They’re a little stupid, my love.”
“Don’t add the ‘my love’ in there to break the insult!” she says, handing a towel towards him as he steps out of the shower and shakes his hair against her legs, dampening her thighs with a hearty laugh. He’s always a child at heart, but especially around Violet. “That’s rude, Harry.”
“I think you’re just making excuses, Violet.” Harry wraps the towel around his waist and walks to the counter, spreading her legs just enough to slide his body in between her thighs. “I’m happy I’ll be seeing you in two weeks. I don’t like being away from you for that long.”
“I know you don’t. You’re a little clingy, my love.”
“Don’t add the ‘my love’ in there to break the insult,” he mimics, shaking his head and laughing quietly. Harry knows he’s clingy; it’s just who he is. He’s always been this way, especially since they’ve barely spent any time together since getting back together at the wedding nearly two months ago. Violet and Harry decided to try again and then Harry was leaving for tour literally two weeks later. “Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?”
“Unfortunately, I’m sure,” she says regretfully, giving him his shirt and watching as the muscles on his back tense beneath his movements – she’ll take advantage of feeling them later – as he dresses himself. “I’m definitely going to miss you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Harry smirks, his sweatpants settling on his hips and his shirt hanging loosely from his torso. “I think I know why you’ll miss me, but we can pretend it’s ‘cause of other reasons.”
“You’re deranged,” Violet says, jumping off the counter and wrapping her arms around his waist, holding him tightly. “Absolutely deranged.”
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detectivedamian · 3 years
Following Damian getting friendzoned by Jon, Jon realizing he’s in love with Damian, Jon trying to court Damian, and Jon figuring out Damian’s in love with him, too; Jon becomes emboldened by the knowledge that it’s him, that Damian loves him.
He writes him a note in class and passes it to him. It’s all rather simple: Will you go out with me? -Jon
Damian is confused at the note, because that sounds like a date? Oh, Jon must want him to pass the note to somebody. Ouch, but he’ll do it to keep his cover. And then he looks up and sees a pretty girl with long eyelashes, and of course he thinks yeah, that’s Jon’s type and passes the note to her. The girl takes the note, and is very confused, looking back at Jon. And now Jon is miming “no” to her, shaking his head, body combusting with pure red. Damian watches Jon bury his head in his hands and wonders what he missed. Damian has to go to lunch ahead of him because Jon spends the first five minutes explaining that the note was not meant for her, please, oh god, don’t misunderstand.
They’re flying home in one of the patented Bat-Planes with their fathers after a long, arduous mission that Damian didn’t want to call for help to close, but the mystery led Batman and Superman to them anyway. They’re in the back, snarking at each other, the way they always do, and Damian smiles. It’s everything in Jon not to kiss him, then. They’re silent for a moment, Damian drawing up a report on his pad, Jon watching the way the lights reflect on that perfect skin, on his long eyelashes, the emerald green of his eyes. Jon reaches over, slowly, to take Damian’s resting hand at the armrest, and he squeezes it. The words are on his lips: Damian, can I kiss you? Damian... I love you. Damian blinks at him and takes the hand away, instead patting his back. “You’re flushed,” Damian notes, “Is it possible for a Kryptonian to get motion sick?”
“Well sure,” Clark says from the front two seats with Bruce, before Jon can scream, “...usually it takes more than a smooth plane ride like this, though!” Bruce offers some antacids and ondansetron, because bats are always prepared for anything, and Damian is already standing and lifting one of the plane’s many compartments up to retrieve medication Jon does not need to sooth an infliction Jon does not suffer from. Damian returns a moment later, hiding concern under inconvenienced irritation. Jon’s eye twitches as he takes the bottle and mumbles a very insincere “thanks”.
They have to go undercover for a mission, infiltrate this fancy little gala where their target will be attending with some blueprints to a world-ending machine-- Jon isn’t paying super close attention to the overly-complicated details but it sounds like a death ray of some sort. Very James Bond. Damian draws up a backstory and passes Jon the papers and a costume, some patchy plaid suit and glasses that are wider and thicker than what he usually wears, blond wig, too. He looks like a total dork. By the time Jon has figured out how to get this wig to look like normal human hair, he steps into the main room at their Fortress of Attitude and finds his heart is stopping.
Damian stands at the center in a dress, bright lime green with ruffles, small black mary-janes with white pantihoes, and it doesn’t even stop there. He’s got a blond wig on, too, and it’s big and wavy, and those curls frame his face and oh god he’s wearing this ruby red lipgloss. His eyelashes are coated in mascara and there’s green eyeshadow on his lids and Jon can feel his knees wobbling as Damian bats his eyelashes at him. Jon coughs and crosses the way as Damian slips on elbow-length white gloves, then gingerly sets a hand at his upper arm and squeezes. “So,” he says with a blush, “I guess we’re a couple of betrothed lovebirds for the night?”
Damian scowls and slaps the hand away. “No! Didn’t you read the mission biops? We’re brother and sister, genius! Nobody would buy an engagement at our age. This is Europe, Jon, not the Persian Gulf.”
Because of course. Of course that’s how Damian set them up. Damian is manufacturing their fake IDs and passports as he’s crossing his arms. The night is going to be long, and awkward, because he knows very well that the interest between himself and Damian is not that of a familial bond, and people are going to notice them staring lovingly at each other, right? “You really think people are going to buy that you and I are brother and sister?”
“Of course,” Damian glares at him. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“No reason,” Jon rolls his eyes.
On another mission, the’re headed to Hawaii. They can go as themselves this time, of course, because the Wayne Foundation has a headquarters there, and it wouldn’t be suspicious if Damian Wayne just brought his friend along to a tourist hotspot. Damian assures him: “We’ll be right on the beach, a prime stakeout location if we’re going to spot Miss Spumoni in the open.” Jon nods along, but he’s staring at Damian again, thinking about having a romantic walk on the beach with him, sharing a coconut together, kissing him in front of the sunset...
“Our hotel is roughly a quarter of a mile away from the Wayne Foundation HQ stationed in Honolulu.” Jon’s face goes red-- a hotel.
“Are we sharing a room?”
Damian scoffs at him. “Of course. We never know when we could get ambushed. Separating while we sleep is one surefire way to find ourselves at a disadvantage.” A hotel room! Together! Sharing breakfast alone together! One bed! Cuddling! A soft first kiss in the glow of the sunrise! If Damian notices Jon melting on the spot, he doesn’t acknowledge it.
When they get to the hotel room, there are two beds. Because that’s what they’ve done every time before. Jon wants to die. Damian is puzzled by the way Jon buries his face in his hands and stews to himself silently.
It’s later on this trip, after the mission is over and Spumoni is behind bars. Damian relents and tells Jon they have the hotel for a few more days-- may as well enjoy the rest of Hawaii.
They go surfing together. Jon falls off his board and Damian laughs at him.
They do actually share a coconut together, having lunch at a shack on the beach in the summer heat.
Damian falls asleep in the sun and wakes up buried in sand. He screams at Jon who is at this point at the other end of the beach, grabbing a popsicle. He hears Damian’s angry screeching. The vendor is confused about why this kid suddenly just starts breaking into side-splitting laughter.
Damian refuses to go into the water, and Jon, renewed in all of this sun he’s soaking up, lifts Damian easily over his shoulder and drags him to the water as Damian is screaming and hitting at his back.
There’s one night where there’s a luau, and Jon convinces Damian to hula dance with him. There’s even a slow song, and as Damian pauses in his loose dancing with Jon, he looks around to find couples holding each other close and dancing together. He’s a little jealous, not that he’ll show it. Jon’s probably jealous, too, he figures, for different reasons. Jon would probably love to be holding a pretty dainty girl in his arms, slow dancing (while he stands at the sidelines and watches his best friend fall in love). Jon is just a friend, after all, and it still hurts. He grows tense, and straightens his back as he brings his walls back up. But then Jon’s hand is on his shoulder, and as he turns his head to look up, Jon is pulling him into his chest, smiling at him, just like he did at the engagement party that one time. “There are cameras here,” Damian mutters.
“Your dad’s a playboy, I think his son could handle a scandal or two.”
And to his surprise, Jon rests their foreheads together and closes his eyes, wrapping both hands together at his lower back. It’s so romantic, and god help him, Jon is playing with his heart now, and he’s mad about it. He closes his eyes, too, and he wraps his arms around Jon’s neck, rubbing his nose against Jon’s and hoping he doesn’t notice. (Jon does). They’re like this for what feels like an eternity before Jon opens his eyes just a sliver. He’s leaning down, closer, and Damian stays still, eyes still shut. This is it, Jon knows. His lips brush against Damian’s--
-- but it’s not even a kiss because there’s an explosion in the distance that startles the luau, and both Jon and Damian are pulling away from each other, eyes wide, before they jump into battle mode.
They don’t talk about it at all afterwards. Damian has no idea there’s anything to talk about, he’s just soaking up what he thinks was an accidental brush on Jon’s part. Jon is fuming at the universe. In an almost hilarious shift, Damian is the one all sunshine and smiles on the ride back, while Jon is quietly stone-faced and twitching.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Alley (Request)
James Mcavoy x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: hello! alternatively, could you please write a James McAvoy x teen!costar!reader where after an interview, the reader leaves backstage to an alley to receive a call. before she can enter the building, she is stopped by a an older man who are being super creepy and whatnot. James, wondering where the reader is, goes to the alley and seeing what is happening, becomes really mad and protective over the reader. thank you!
Warnings: pedophilia, sexual assault, attempted r*pe, creepy dude, creepy remarks, language, violence
(A/N): this is a very heavy and sad fic. if you have experienced something in the realm of r*pe, i highly encourage you to reach out and talk about it
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“Stop laughing, you idiot!” James wheezed, the two of you clucking with laughter. Whoever had put the two of you together for the press tour had made an embarrassingly large mistake. You were pretty sure you hadn’t answered a single question. 
“I-I can’t!” you were crying now, falling back in your seat and clutching your stomach. Even the people behind the cameras couldn’t hold back their smiles and light chuckles.
“Alright, lunch break!” Your publicist called rather bitterly. She was horribly overworked, trying desperately to get you and James to get a hold of yourselves. 
You and James stilled your laughs, finally, for fuck’s sake. 
“Ready for lunch?” he asked. Just then, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took it out and sighed, seeing your sister’s name displayed on screen. 
“In a moment,” you responded and James nodded, disappearing into the break room. Meanwhile you clicked to pick up your phone.
“Y/n!” your sister hissed.
“Yeah?” you asked, bemused. 
“You’ll never guess what- Wait, are you alone right now?” 
You looked around. There were at least 8 people still in the room. “No,” you mumbled.
“Find somewhere empty!”
“Because this is embarrassing, and I cannot have some randos listening in!” Your sister urged and you pinched the bridge of your nose, considering just hanging up and dealing with repercussions. Finally you gathered enough will to go ‘okay, fine’, and then you left the interview room. 
You entered a hallway, that, sadly, contained more people. You poked your head in through several doors, but none were empty. 
“Are you alone yet?” 
You finally gave up on the building itself and exited, pleased to see a dark and shadowy, but empty alley. You sighed in relief. 
“Alright, I’m alone.” 
“Great, alright, so-” 
Your sister told her story with much enthusiasm, and you had to admit it was both pretty funny and embarrassing for your sister. It was worth it to have entered the alley, you decided, when she was finished. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later, Y/n. Have fun!” 
“Thanks, bye!” 
You hung up. Your stomach growled and you groaned, realizing the extent of your hunger. Taking a few steps forward to leave the alley, you suddenly bumped into someone. You looked up in shock.
An old man, maybe 50 or so, was standing there, smiling at you knowingly. Just as you were about to apologize, he spoke: “You’re a pretty little one, aren’t you?” 
You were stunned. “Uh-” 
“What do you say you and I have some fun?” his voice was low and wet and raspy. He licked his lips. You gulped and shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak confidently. 
You ducked your head, trying to simply walk past him and avoid an uncomfortable situation. The man reached out and grabbed your arm, swinging you back to face him, angrily. You yelped. 
“You don’t get to just walk away, now, baby,” you were so scared, you were shaking, your eyes were rimming with tears, and your heart was pounding. Alarms were blaring in your head. You were revolted by him and his hand on your arm. 
“I said, let’s have some fun,” he spat and reached his hand up to touch your cheek. He chuckled dryly when a tear escaped your eye. You shook your head, whispering a ‘no’. 
The man pushed you up against the brick wall. A switch flipped inside you, and you did the only thing you could think of: Scream.
Meanwhile, James was starting to wonder where you were. He was sitting alone at lunch, chewing sadly on his salad. 
He decided to find you, knowing you were always the most excited about lunch (or any meal for that matter), and that it was highly unlikely you would let a phone call keep you away from your precious calories.
“Y/N?” he called, walking through the interviewing room and into the hallway. “Y/n?” 
“Oh, Y/n L/n? They went outside,” a man with a clipboard said, pointing to a heavy, grey door. James nodded a thank you, pushing through the door. 
He came out, sun shining on his face, and birds chirping sweetly, just in time to hear your ear-piercing scream. 
Admittedly, it was a very scary sound. James’ first thought was not that it was you, just a poor woman in a bad situation (and of course he would help). You and James had a mostly silly and funny friendship. There were very few moments of sincerity and seriousness between you, so the thought that it could be you, your petrified scream, was impossible. Because you were you. Y/n.
But it was you. James was frozen for a moment. You were pressed between the old man and the brick wall, thrashing and crying, but the man was much stronger than you. He brought a wrinkly, disgusting hand over your mouth and whispered breathlessly: “Shut up, you stupid whore.”
James didn’t think, like he so rarely did when upset, rather strolled up to the man and, mutely, sucker-punched the creep right in the mug. 
The old man stumbled back, grasping his face and groaning. James was seeing red. His entire body was tensed, and then he took two quick steps, and the hit him again. The old man’s body jerked and he fell to the ground. 
James lifted his fist to hit him again, when he felt a hand on his arm. Your hand. He turned to look at you, eyes softening when he saw your red, wetted eyes, and your features twisted into anguish.
No words were spoken between the two of you, you just simultaneously fell into a hug. You wanted to stay there, but you were shaking. You couldn’t feel safe when the man was on the ground right next to you, curled up like a shrimp. 
You pulled back, glancing at the man. “C-Can we go?”
James nodded. He turned back to man once more, elegantly kicked him in the dick (another scream sounded, this time the man’s response to having his balls crushed), and the grabbed your hand and marched out of there. 
You sniffled and, though entirely and irreversibly distraught, giggled at the action. James pulled open the grey door and pushed you both inside. The man with the clipboard was still there, clipboarding.
“Hey, call security, there’s a fucking rapist out there, he needs to be arrested,” James said and the clipboard man was not ready for this, eyes widening, looking at James, then you, then his clipboard and then the door. Then he nodded, like he was given a great and burdening task.
James pushed you further along, past all the questioning eyes (you were rather disheveled), and into the break room. His salad sat lonesomely on the dining table. 
When you two were alone in the break room, he turned towards you and hugged you again, You hugged him back and allowed yourself fall apart. You cried and shook.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, N/n,” he whispered. It was only then he felt the severity of the situation dawn on him. “It’ll be alright. He’ll be arrested. You’re safe. Nothing like that will ever happen to you again.”
You nodded into his chest, sobbing. “T-Thank you, James.”
“It’s nothing. It’s nothing at all. I would do that a million times if it meant keeping you safe.” 
You nodded again. 
He held you for a few minutes. You felt safe there, but something inside you still felt so wrong. 
“I’m sorry you have to see me like this,” you whispered when you stopped crying. James looked at you like you were crazy. 
“Y/n? Are you kidding me? That man just- He just- You have every right to cry. Every right to ‘be like this’, whatever that means. If you weren’t crying, I’d be more concerned!” He looked in your eyes as he spoke, hands gently on your shoulders. 
“Well, how about I bring you back to the hotel, so you can relax a bit,” James suggested gently. You nodded shyly, but then:
“Don’t I need to speak to the police?” 
“You’ll speak to them, when you’re ready to. They can come find you at the hotel, alright?” 
James drove you back to the hotel and stayed with you while you dozed off. The police came during your slumber, and James asked them, quietly, if they could come back later, and that you really needed rest. They reluctantly agreed to wait outside. 
It turned out the man was a serial rapist, finding young teens out alone at night and having his way with them. He’d apparently slipped through the law’s cracks by moving from state to state. 
You could care less who he was and what he did. It was impossible to tell how you’d deal with it and how you’d move forward, you were just happy James had been there that day, and happy he stayed with you as you moved forward.
You knew that the road to being happy and healthy would be much tougher without him there. Luckily, James cared for you endlessly, and he’d search every alley in the world to make sure you were okay. :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel
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zamoimagines · 4 years
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There’s Your Trouble
Word Count: 3,529
Pairings: Billie Dean Howard x Reader, Sally McKenna x Reader 
Chapters: 1, 2
Summary: You and your girlfriend, Billie Dean Howard, are staying at the Cortez for the weekend but you meet a pretty ghost. 
A/N: Chapter two is finally here! Hope you guys enjoy :)
The rest of your night wasn’t what Billie had promised. You remember telling her how excited you were to spend time with her at a hotel because it meant you both could maybe have a little alone time. She was constantly working on her show, or traveling, or doing interviews, or signing autographs on the street. This was a chance for the two of you to actually spend some quality time together. 
How wrong that assumption was. The rest of the day was spent interviewing different residents who obviously didn’t want to be filmed, and some of them even looked as if they were the ghosts themselves. Billie was so focused on learning the history of the building and asking the owners about James Patrick March. She cared more about her crew than anything you had to say. Any time you would try to speak, someone would cut you off and Billie would completely ignore that you had said anything at all. You were an afterthought to say the least. It had been this way long before you’d arrived with her at the Hotel Cortez. This seemed to be a pattern that never ended. 
Night fell rather quickly. You didn’t realize that it was dark out until you glanced out one of the windows of your room. Billie was still going on about all that needed to be filmed before Devil’s Night to her worker bees. 
“Uh.. Billie?” you tried to interject. 
“I’m thinking we can get a couple shots of the front for dramatic effect? I talked to Liz as well, she said we could see the basement if we really wanted to.”
“Oh! And what if we got a scene in front of that creepy empty pool?”
“Billie, can I please talk to you for a second?”
The blonde finally turned in your direction. She gave you a wild smile. 
“Yeah! Sorry, honey. What is it?”
“Are we gonna go to the bar and get some alone time? I figured tonight would be perfect since we just got here.”
“Of course!” she replied happily. The sound of that brightened your world. 
“I’ve just got to get a few shots first.” Your heart sank in your chest. 
“Oh… okay.”
“Honey, I promise we’ll go on a date when we get the footage we need.” Billie pressed a small kiss to your forehead. “Do you want to come with us? You could see all of the chilling content first hand!”
“I-I’m okay. I think I’m gonna wait here until you get back.” 
“Are you sure, baby?”
“Yeah, I gotta unpack anyway.”
“I’ll film as fast as I can. It won’t be too long, right guys?” Billie looked to her crew for reassurance, though all they did was glared coldly back at you. They barely knew you and couldn’t give less of a shit about your romantic endeavors. She stood up while grabbing her mic before leading everyone out of the room. 
“Why don’t we just go out tomorrow night?” you offered.
“It won’t be too late, Y/N, I promise-”
“I’m just tired. It’s no big deal, really.”
“Okay, then. I’ll try not to stay out too late. I’ll see you later, sweetheart!”
“Bye, Billie.”
Alone. Yet again. Your own girlfriend cared so much more about her damn TV show than about spending the evening with you. It stung quite a bit, though you wouldn’t dare to ever let her know. She worked hard to get where she was. You just wished she would care about more important things sometimes.  
Instead of wallowing, you figured you would change into something more comfortable. You changed out of your travel outfit and immediately ditched your bra before slipping on some shorts along with a big t-shirt over your head. A sigh of relief escaped you. Folding your old clothes, you began to unpack your bag and put your belongings into the drawers of the dresser. You switched on the tv just to have a little background noise as you finished putting everything away. The only thing left was your makeup bag and a small carrier full of hygienic products. Taking the last two bags, you sauntered into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.
As you started to brush your teeth, your mind wandered aimlessly about Billie. You only agreed to come because she told you that she had so many things planned for you. Every business trip turned out to be all about your girlfriend and she’d always happened to just forget about every promise she made to you. This one was only proving to be the exact same. How could a damn TV show be more important than your own relationship? You didn’t understand her thought process whatsoever. 
You finished up before making your way back to the bed. Though, there was something off about the room. Something felt incredibly eerie but you couldn’t quite place what it was. Perhaps it was just your mind playing tricks on you. After all, you were spending your week in a haunted hotel, so it was probably normal to feel a little creeped out by your surroundings. 
Just as you sat down on the bed, you heard a soft humming sound. Your head quickly turned in the direction of the bathroom door. Was someone in your room? 
“My, my… You’re even prettier than I remember, Princess.” a familiar voice spoke. You nearly jumped out of your spot as you let out a gasp. 
There standing in front of the doorway was the woman you’d met from earlier. The one in the elevator. You thought you’d locked the door but perhaps you actually had forgotten to and it slipped your mind. She was still as gorgeous as ever, only now she was just dressed in a simple black nightgown. Her fingers were laced around two glasses and a bottle of some brown liquor was in her other hand. You noticed large rips in her fishnets as she made her way closer to you. 
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
She shrugged as she inhaled the lit cigarette hanging out of her mouth, “Just a minute or two. The walls are paper thin here, though, so I heard your little conversation with the girlfriend.” She paused to take a longer drag. As she exhaled smoke, she raised a brow.
“Saw her leave too. She seems a little… Prissy.” Sally added in a disgusted tone. 
“Billie isn’t prissy. She’s just well-rounded!”
“Keep telling yourself that.” She plopped down next to you on the mattress with a sly grin on her face, her cigarette draping smoke all around your body as she nestled in closer.
“Just because she’s high maintenance doesn’t mean that she’s a bad person.”
Sally handed you one of the glasses before popping open the bottle. Pouring some alcohol into your cup, she chuckled in disbelief. 
“I’m not sure I believe that. The bitch is more infatuated with her camera than her own girl.” 
Those words definitely stung. You stared blankly down at your drink as you tried hard not to think about it too much as water pricked your eyes. Sally poured her own glass then glanced back up at you. 
“Look, I’m not trying to be a debbie downer or anything. I just think it’s fucked up that she’d just leave you here.” 
“She’s… She’s just very professional. She takes a lot of pride in her work.” You tried to explain, “Besides, she said we could go on a better date tomorrow.”
She raised a brow. “A bit too professional, don’t you think? How could she pass up a night with a gorgeous girl like you?”
There was a thick silence that hung in the room.Your vision grew fuzzy as more tears welled up in your eyes, though you were quick to wipe them away to appear like you had everything together. “Oh, my poor baby girl.” Sally cooed as her index finger lifted your chin. You could see that her own eyes were watering but you weren’t entirely sure what for. She offered you a soft grin that caused the skin on your cheeks to flush; it had been so long since you’d received this sort of affection from anyone. “Why don’t we have a drink, hm?”
You looked down at the glass skeptically. Was this a trap or something? 
“I’m not sure I should-”
“Oh come on, you were gonna go to the bar earlier anyway. What’s one little glass going to do?” 
She was right. It wasn’t like you had anything better to do with your night. Rather than waiting for her to pour you a glass, you simply took the bottle from her and screwed off the cap. Your lips pressed against the mouth as you quickly took a huge swig. 
“Straight to it.” Sally chuckled as she grabbed the liquor back from you, “What a good girl you are.” 
Your whole body felt warm. So warm that you couldn’t notice that damned blush on your face was becoming more apparent. It was probably just the effects of the alcohol and not the fact that her remark had been incredibly smooth. 
Nearly two hours had passed in which you both kept passing the bottle back and forth. Each swig from the bottle made you significantly more inebriated as you both talked about everything under the sun. You told Sally about your life, and in return she told you more about herself. You’d learned that she used to be a musician, that she had been dealing with a drug addiction for decades, and that she lived here at the hotel. She even made you crack a smile or two. 
There was so much alcohol in your system now that you were completely relaxed. It was as if Sally took every problem you ever had and melted it away with simple conversation. You had to admit, no one had ever made you feel this way before. Not even your own girlfriend. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked, your words slightly slurred. 
“Only if I can ask you one in return.” Sally replied with a sly grin. 
“That sounds like a fair trade.” “Then go right ahead, gorgeous.”
You took a deep breath as you tried to summon the right words. It might’ve been stupid, but you had a sneaking suspicion that there was something paranormal about this woman. You could’ve sworn you felt something deep in your gut telling you that it was true. The worst that could possibly happen was that she’d think you were crazy. “I’ve noticed that you’re rather unique.” You gulped, “This might sound stupid to ask, but uh, are… a-are you a-” Before you could finish your sentence, she cut you off completely. “Are you asking if I’m a ghost?” Your brows furrowed as your eyes widened slightly out of shock. It was as if she had taken the words right out of your mouth. The blonde chuckled to herself when she saw your reaction, then inhaled more smoke from her sixth cig of the night. “Yeah. I’m a ghost. Been dead for fucking years now.” She paused briefly, a fire in her eyes now. “Does that scare you?” So it was confirmed. Sally wasn’t alive… If you were honest, you weren’t sure how you felt about that. You’d seen enough of Billie’s work to know all of the signs but you didn’t figure you’d be the one that would have a run in with the dead. Shaking your head, you could feel yourself growing dizzy from this new information. You weren’t about to act like a wuss in front of her now. “Not at all.” You muttered maybe a little too quickly. Sally raised a brow at your response. “Do you believe me?” You shrugged. “I mean, you practically walked through the wall when I wasn’t looking. And you took me for a spin in the elevator earlier, which was a little eerie.” “So is that a yes?” “Yes… I believe you.” Sally looked rather pleased with you as she took back the bottle. “Good… You’re not a skeptic.” She took a swig and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I fucking hate skeptics.”
You simply just nodded along as you listened to her. If you were honest with yourself, you were still on the fence as if you actually believed her or if it was the alcohol getting to your head. You had been overthinking the matter so much that you had barely missed the other women speaking directly to you. “Shit- Sorry. What did you say?” You asked. 
“I said it’s my turn.”
“For what?”
“To ask you a question.” A mischievous grin appeared on her pretty pale lips. 
You gulped. It was just a question, and surely what she had to say wasn’t too terrible. 
“R-Right. Go right ahead, ask away.” 
Sally paused for a moment to fully pivot her body in your direction. She leaned forward a bit before asking, 
“Why do you stay with a woman who doesn’t give you the time or day?”
A much more loaded question than you were expecting. Instead of responding, you simply took the bottle from her lap and took a very long swig to avoid saying anything whatsoever. The blonde chuckled to herself as she watched you chug the liquor down. “We had a deal, Princess.” She sang out. There had definitely been a deal, and you needed to hold up your end of the bargain. 
“Billie does care about me. I promise… She’s just really busy.” You set the bottle back down before continuing, “She’s been waiting for months to get coverage on this place. There’s a reason she’s so preoccupied.” 
“I’m sure that’s what it is.” Sally scoffed. “I don’t mind, though. I’m just very happy that you like blondes.” She gave you a wink as she ashed her cigarette into the glass bottle. 
You were at a loss for words. No matter what you said, your new acquaintance never believed a word that you said despite explaining yourself over and over again. In a way, you felt completely defeated. You were defending a cause with not a lot of evidence to back you up. Sally could tell you were getting upset, for she got even closer and let out a whine of sympathy. 
“Awe, don’t pout. Here, I’ll make a bet with you.” She began, “If this Billie chick comes in here tonight and fucks you when she sees you in this number, then I’ll keep my distance and respect your relationship. But if she goes straight to bed?” She paused for a moment to discard her cigarette completely, “You have to come by my room and let me show you how pretty you are.”
The immediate flush upon your cheeks was enough for Sally to chuckle darkly to herself. You were sure you had never blushed this hard in your life. You couldn’t remember how long it had been since someone had flirted with you like this, let alone your own girlfriend. 
“U-Uh- I’m not so sure about that-” You stammered. 
“Let me put it this way; When will you ever get to tell someone that you got to make a bet with a ghost?” 
She had a fair point. Surely the drinks weren’t helping you to make any logical decisions. Your head felt like it was spinning as the words fell out of your mouth,
 “Fine. Sure, why not.” You were sure that the blonde was just bluffing, what harm was one little bet going to do? 
But oh how you would regret ever saying a damn words. 
“Good.” The next moment, Sally’s face was only an inch away from your own and those deep brown eyes were staring directly into yours. 
“How about you let me give you a sneak peek?” She whispered. 
Your breath caught in your throat. Her stare put you into a trance, though you did your best to stay grounded. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Mm, it’s only a kiss.” Her fingers reached out and danced upon your shoulder, “Maybe two.”
Before you knew it, you were paralyzed under her touch. Your eyes shut tight as if to try and wake yourself from some sort of dream, but as you did so, something hot pressed to the side of your neck. Her soft lips brushed against your skin, your heart beginning to beat rapidly in your chest. Her hand traveled up to caress your cheek and her forehead rested upon yours as you slowly opened your eyes. There was no denying there was a heated passion building inside you. 
“Come on, Princess. Let me taste those pretty lips of yours.” Her voice was so dark and inviting. You couldn’t help but swoon into her touch. 
“Sally…” You tried to protest, but you were finding it hard to resist. Your vision grew hazy the moment she captured your mouth into a tender kiss. 
You felt as if you should’ve been beating yourself up for not stopping her, but you craved the amount of affection she was offering you. After the first, she kissed you again with much more confidence. Her tongue slid against your bottom lip as if to beg for entrance. Your mouth opened with ease as she eagerly deepened the contact between you both, slowly but full of lust. A low groan escaped her which in turn caused you to whimper against her. You could tell how bad she wanted you, but more importantly, you were starting to realize how badly you wanted Sally.
You pulled away briefly to catch your breath though you managed to stay close. The other woman let out a soft laugh before practically moaning, “I could eat you up.” She bit her lower lip as her gaze studied your mouth and back up to your eyes. 
“I can’t imagine what your pussy tastes like.”
“Sally- jesus.” You hissed.
Thankfully, she rose from where she had been sitting before picking up the bottle of liquor and the two glasses she had originally come in with. Her hip was cocked out to the side as she watched your every move. 
“You just wait,” She said as she pointed toward you, “You’re gonna lose.” 
“I will not!” You rebutted. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
You moved to protest her words, but in the blink of an eye, she had completely vanished. The room had seemed to change as well for everything seemed much darker than a moment ago. The window revealed a black sky full of stars. How much time had passed? 
The faint sound of clicking heels echoed down the corridor outside your door. Billie. 
At least she was finished filming so you could forget this night had ever happened. You made sure to freshen up your hair and get into a position that looked inviting for your girlfriend to walk into, for you were sure you wouldn’t lose your end of the bet. Billie loved you, and that was a fact. She wouldn’t deny the chance to spend a sensual evening with you. 
The door swung open. In the doorway was Billie Dean, her posture slightly slouched as she flashed a winning, yet sleepy smile to you. 
“Hey, Honey. How was your night?” She asked, her voice groggy as ever. 
“It was fine.” You replied immediately. Your head was still woozy from all of the alcohol. “I missed you, though.”
Billie plopped down on the opposite end of the bed as she kicked off her heels. She shimmied out of her skirt, then worked at the buttons of her blouse to reveal her silk slip. You did your best to appear sexy but it was proving to be difficult when she wasn’t even paying attention to you. 
“I missed you too. I’m so exhausted, we spent hours wandering this place and didn’t find a damn thing.”
“That’s too bad.” 
“Yeah. We’ll try again in the morning.” Once she was situated for bedtime, Billie got under the covers next to you. She leaned over to press a soft peck to your cheek before turning around to turn off the lamp beside her. 
“Wait, don’t you want to spend some time together?”
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so tired. Why don’t we grab breakfast in the morning? I promise I’ll make it up to you after I’ve had plenty of sleep.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
She turned completely away from you and didn’t notice a damn thing. Not what you were wearing, or what you looked like, or how she had made you feel so lonely. Instead of fighting her on the matter, you sighed sadly to yourself. 
“Goodnight, Billie.” 
You turned off your own lamp before curling up under the blankets and faced where Billie’s back had turned. Tears stung your eyes once again, though you managed to stay completely silent to try and drift to sleep. You were nearly asleep when you felt a familiar sensation upon your neck; hot breathing and a soft pair of lips. A warm kiss was placed upon you as you heard Sally’s voice faintly whisper in your ear,
“I win.”
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 14
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: ALL the characters in Twilight DO NOT belong to me. ALL RIGHTS GO TO STEPHENIE MEYER
“I can see you clear as yesterday Top down, fingers in the breeze Weavin' through the lights in the sky You said, "Baby close your eyes" And I prayed we would all always Hold on to this feeling, stronger, faster Faster.”
Kwamie Liv, Angel Haze: Pleasure This Pain.
I couldn’t remember much of the ride to the airport, nor did I remember much of the plane ride. I was in shock, paralyzed with worry and fear. Not for me per-say but, My dad, the Cullens, they were all at risk. I couldn’t stand the fact that any of them would be killed because of me. I wished my dreams could’ve predicted this, that I had somehow acquired the ability to see the future like Alice did. I could only predict death it seems... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone getting killed. Maybe it was a good sign, we would be fine. Yes, I would convince myself that... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone dying, we would be fine. 
The only thing I could remember was Bella constantly calling mom, she wouldn’t talk to me or look at me. I felt the same tension I always felt when I was around her a few months ago. I was livid with her, not one call to dad... not one. She clearly didn’t give a damn about his safety either, she was ready to abandon him. Throw him into the wolves to save herself... that selfish side to her had never left it seems. I pulled out my phone again, texting dad.
“Made it to phoenix, we’re safe... getting a ride to a hotel now. I haven’t changed her mind yet. I love you and miss you.” 
I read the text again, wishing the contents of it were true. I wanted to be safe, I wanted to be back home. I wish I was sitting across from dad in the diner talking amongst ourselves. I wish I was driving down the forest going to see the Cullens. I wanted to attempt to beat Alice at chess, to joke around with Emmett and Dean. To have heart to hearts with Esme who was more of a mother to me than Renee had ever been. I wanted to be with Jasper, wrapped in each others arms doing random things together. But, I had to come back to reality... I might not be able to do those things... ever again. 
The hotel looked nice and comfortable but I couldn’t stand the heat of Arizona. It was sickening, the hot air struggled to get into my lungs. The rainy weather of Forks sounded wonderful right now. Dean and Alice got us a hotel room and eagerly brought us up to it. I had a feeling they thought we would be fully safe in there. I put my bag down at the side of my bed and clasped on it, my exhaustion was setting in. Bella had sat on the one next to me and signed. She sounded annoyed to me.
“I didn’t want to come here, I wanted to be with Edward.”
I lifted my head and stared at her... I wasn’t going to snap... maybe she was just scared and was lashing out at people... yeah that was it. 
“I’m really sorry this is happening Bella, It must be really hard to be away from Edward.”
“Yeah it is! If you hadn’t said anything...”
“Look this isn’t either of our faults. If we’re going to get pissed at anyone, it’s James.”
Bella looked at, she knew I was right... I could see it in her face. But, she couldn’t admit it right now and just scoffed and went into the lounge area of the hotel room. She was making this more difficult, I wanted to snap at her just as much as she was angry with me. We’re falling back into the dark hole of resentment, it was suffocating. 
“Fleur? Could you come in here for a second?” Alice asked
I groaned slowly raising myself up from the bed, I went into the lounge room, Alice and Dean looked at me sympathetically. 
“How ya holding up?” Dean asked.
“I’ve been better.”
“Look, you’re going to be okay.” Alice said.
“It’s not about me guys, It’s everyone back at home... They could get hurt, and I can’t do a thing about it.”
“They can handle themselves Fleur, I’ve lived with them for decades... the know what they’re doing.” Dean said.
“But what about dad, I know he’s hurting right now.” 
“He’s going to be fine Fleur, I promise besides, Esme and Rosalie will be down there with him as soon as they leads the tracker away.” Alice said
“You guys are right... could we get something to eat, I am absolutely starving.”
“Sure, I’ll order room service.” Alice replied.
Room service had come, the food was devoured quickly. The nerves were still lingering in the back of my mind but I knew I would just have to have faith in everyone back at Forks. We were all sitting in silence, Bella was facing away from all of us, she looked tense. I heard Alice gasp and my heart sunk to my stomach... she had a vision and I knew it wouldn’t be good.
“What’s wrong?” I said.
“What do you see, Alice?” Dean asked.
“The tracker... he just changed course.”
“Oh on.” I said.
Bella’s head whipped around coming to sit next to Alice.
Dean grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. He put it in Alice’s hand, she then started drawing where the tracker was going.
“So the tracker is going to be at a... Ballet studio?” Bella inquired.
“You’ve been here?” Alice asked.
“Yeah, I took lesson as a kid, the school had an archway just like that.” Bella added.
“Is the school here in Phoenix?”
“Yeah..” Bella’s phone began to ring, she went to the balcony and closed the door, clearly wanting privacy.
“If the school is here in Phoenix... he probably going to use the place as a trap in some way.” I said.
“Are you sure?” Alice asked.
“Yeah I mean... why the hell would he go to a ballet studio other than the fact that he was trying to find Bella and I.”
“We better leave then, get Bella when she is done and meet us down in the lobby.” Dean ordered.
“Yeah... I will.” 
The pair then left quickly, going to check out. I had just grabbed my back when my phone had rang.
“Fleur, the tracker... he changed course.” Jasper said, he voice was dripping with worry.
“I know Alice just saw, we plan on leaving soon.”
“I’ll be coming down to find you as soon as I can. Your dad is safe still. We can go anywhere you want as long as it’s safe.”
“My phone’s about to die... I have to go. Love you, please, stay safe.”
“I will, love you too.”
I sat in the room, my body stuck in it’s place. He was coming here... we didn’t have much time to get out. Bella had burst through the balcony door, worry etched all over her face.
“Fleur we need to go, we need to go right now. James has mom, in the ballet studio.”
“Bella, calm down... I think it’s a trap.”
“Like hell it is I heard her over the phone. She kept saying my name she sounds terrified.”
“Think about this Bella... Alice just saw James change his course to that studio... it’s a lure Bella he’s going to kill you.”
“How selfish can you be Fleur!?”
“Excuse me!?”
“Yeah you heard me, this entire time all of this has gone down you’ve been trying to convince everyone you’re right.”
“I said two things Bella, I’m not trying to get people to follow me blindly... I use context clues... It’s been working for me these past 17 years!”
“I mean you just had to butt in that we had to go back to Charlie, you made Edward change his mind about taking me to Vancouver, and now you’re trying to convince me that mom isn’t in any danger at all! How selfish can you be?”
“YOU...” My hands had begun to shake, I pointed a finger at her hitting her in the chest.
“I am going down to that studio whether you like it or not.”  
Before I could get another word in she stormed off. Not matter how pissed I was at her... I couldn’t leave her alone in that studio. I would have to find a way to get there without Alice or Dean noticing me. I snuck my way down to the hotel lobby, I looked around for Bella, she was no where in sight. 
“She moves quick... I’ll give her that.”
Alice and Dean had just made it to the front of the line to check out. That was when I made a run for it. I made out, the sun already blistering my skin even if it was 8:49 PM. I ran to the nearest taxi.
“Hello, where can I take you today?”
“Mimi's School of Dance, please.”
“Of course ma’am.”
I remember the name of that school by heart. I had begged my mother to go when I was younger but, she never let me.
“Oh c’mon mommy please?”
“NO, that is my final answer!”
“Why, Bella gets to go?”
“Because you’re way too lanky, you’d look like a dying deer out there!”
I had looked up at here, tears were spilling down my face.
“Daddy says I look beautiful.”
“Well there’s a reason why I left him... he has no sense to him what so ever.”
“I asked why I couldn’t go... not to get insults hurled at me.”
“Maybe if you’d just keep your mouth shut you wouldn’t have to worry about now would’t you? You’re just like your father... you never know when to shut up!”
“I hate you.” I said. I turned and ran back upstairs, Bella was looking over the corner of the room. A smirk was plastered on her face.
“She’s right you know... you would look like a dying deer out there.”
I didn’t even engage in her conversation, I just slammed my door shut. I didn’t come out for the rest of the day.
I stared out the window, the same mantra going through my mind.
“Just let me get there quick enough, please.”
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I'm Gonna Crawl
Chapter 23
I looked around again at the completely deserted restaurant, no one but Jimmy and I in the large dining room.
“I paid for us to have the whole place to ourselves for the evening.”
“You did what?” The astonishment in my tone was loudly apparent.
“Well for the exception of Ralph, our waiter and the chef of course.” He smiled. “Do you like moussaka d'agneau? I’ve been told the chef’s version of it is impeccable.”
I could feel words and air escaping me. I was speechless and in complete awe. If someone had told me a week ago that the man who was so irritatingly cocky and persistent would be buying me an extravagant dress and taking me to an expensive restaurant that he paid to have all to ourselves, I would have choked from laughing in disbelief.
“Cali?” He drew my attention back to him.
“I’m sorry?” I was stunned.
“Moussaka d'agneau?”
“Oh… yes.” I answered. “What is it?”
He chuckled as he pinched a stray and tucked it behind my ear. “Lamb.”
A young waiter dressed in a black tuxedo came from the darkness of the room, a glass bottle in his hands. “Tete de Cuvee?” He asked, holding the bottle to Jimmy.
“Oui Monsieur.” Jimmy answered skillfully.
The waiter filled two champagne glasses, placed the bottle in a tumbler of ice and descended back into the darkness with a small bow.
“You speak French?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Not well.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. He picked up his glass from the table and held it up in the air between us. “To my love.”
“Music?” I picked up my glass and held it up to his.
“Always with the sarcasm.” He shook his head. “No, to you, darling.” He clinked his glass lightly against mine then took a sip. “I must say I’m not a terribly big fan of champagne.” He made a face
“Why are we here, Jimmy?”
“For dinner, darling.” He teased in a condescending tone.
“No, I mean why here, why not at the hotel or even in a restaurant you didn’t completely buy out?”
He sighed, and looked down at his hands. “I wanted to do something special. I didn’t want to just ask anywhere. I wanted it to mean something, to be memorable.”
“Ask what?” I was growing concerned. His eyes shifted back up to mine, they were burning bright. A sudden realization and panic hit me like a thousand bricks. I quickly shook my head and gazed into his eyes. “James, please don’t–”
He held his signature finger to my lips and smiled. “Darling, let me ask before you give yourself an aneurysm.” He moved his finger back to his lap, his eyes like emerald waves, swirling around his iris’. “I want you to know - I may be a fool, yes, but all the same, my feelings are true and my love doesn’t waver - I love you, Cali….” He stopped talking, his face twisting into a confused expression. “What is your real name?”
“Cali.” I raised an eyebrow, stubborn.
“And Cali is short for?” He pressed; his stubbornness as strong as mine.
I narrowed my eyes, to which he narrowed his. We were in a standoff, a standoff forged by our innate obstinate personalities, ready and waiting for war, determined on both sides to win. He leaned forward, his eyes burning bright in the candlelight. He was trying to hypnotize me, like he had done so many times before.
“Tell me.” He breathed, his face inching closer until he was so close, I could smell the faint scent of lavender on his skin. I kept my composure, my stubbornness never fading. I crossed my arms over my chest to indicate to him I wouldn’t break. He chuckled quickly then composed himself again. “If you tell me, I will do whatever you want, for one whole evening.”
“Anything I want?”
“Yes, love. You want me to run the hotel halls naked, sing Vera Lynn at the top of my lungs in front of the entirety of the audience at the Garden, kiss Robert, anything you want.”
“Kiss Robert?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Oddly enough, it wouldn’t be the first time.” He slightly blushed, embarrassed as he reminisced.
I laughed. “You kissed Robert? What’s the story behind that?” I postponed the answer to his question.
“Technically he kissed me…” he corrected then shook his head and narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re not distracting me, clever girl. Your name please.”
I gave a heavy sigh and backed down. “You will pay up for it.” He nodded in agreement. “Calliope.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you Greek?” He eyed me suspiciously as though he were trying to find a part of my face that resembled the culture.
I shook my head. “My dad was really into mythology. It was Calliope or Electra. My mother opted out of the latter, arguing that they shouldn’t name me after a tragic murderer.”
“She had good reason.” He shrugged.
“My mother or Electra?”
“Both.” He smiled. “Your name is fitting.” His grin turned crooked. “You have certainly been my muse.” I could feel my cheeks turn pink. “Now, darling, back to what I was saying before you so stubbornly defied my request,” He held the palm of his hand to my cheek. “I am in love with you, Calliope.” I opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head at me, his eyes dark, warning me to keep quiet. “I want to ask you something.” He paused and gauged me; the look of warning still apparent in his features.
He shook his head again. “Before you completely go mad, just listen.” His smile disappeared, he was being serious and for a moment I was stunned. “When the tour is over, when I go back to England, I want you to come with me”
My heart thumped unsteadily in my chest. I could feel it slowly slide down and dip deep in the pit of my stomach like a hard rock. Feathers drifted around my lungs carelessly caressing my insides. Anxiety and hope swirling around my entire body like sparkling confetti falling from the ceiling at midnight on New Year's. I caught my breath and mentally shook my head, trying to regain my wits. “That’s not a question.” I blurted out, no filter, really, that’s the only sentence I could form?
He bit his lower lip as he smiled. “Perhaps it was a demand.”
“Are you demanding I go with you?”
He took a moment to think about it, lips pursed, eyes calculating. “If you weren’t as stubborn as you are, I might demand you of it.” He paused and gave me his full attention. “I respect you, Cali. I want you to make your own decisions. Knowing that, I want you to know that I very much would like you to come home with me.”
The waiter walked over to us, food in hands. “Enjoy.” He smiled as he placed the plates on the table in front of us then walked back into the darkness.
“Think about it.” Jimmy smiled as he held his glass out to me. I clanked mine against his and took a sip, wondering what I was going to do. This was far from being something you just jump into. It was a decision I had to think about thoroughly.
‘Should I go?’
@tangerine-page @within60s @jimjcm @rocknrollsoul76 @zeptrashahoy @taurusgrl444 @melancholi-e @floatinginthedunes @tessthemess45 @itachiuyeehaw @royalblueviper @fleetwoodgroove @rick-sauvage @magicaldestinytrash @kashmir-baby @70sdeakster @ritacaroline @evhelynn @liviacarol88-blog @electra-phoebe @zralokxwell @deafshepherd @rogertaylorseyelashes @jimmypage7 @discobeezy @mictic @idekatthispoint03 @pleasantcreatorbanditvoid @jimmypages @lady-jane-revisited @missdaisypage @salixfragilis
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mvrtaiswriting · 4 years
Your writing is so beautifully done! I feel like you really capture your characters’ personalities. Would you consider writing a scenario where reader was part of the Crusaders and is reconnecting with part4!Jotaro after his recent divorce. It’s awkward dating at first, but Joot’s heart melts every time he sees reader and Jolyne getting along so well.
Are you even real? - Jotaro Kujo.
HELLO HELLO HELLO and thank you so much for waiting so long! Writer’s block has been a pain BUT this one actually carried me away and helped me get through it.. so thank you for requesting it! Gotta say it: timeline of jojo’s event is not accurate, but it does include everything you asked for!! I don’t wanna bother you anymore so please enjoy! I hope this meets your expectations!! 
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Neutral reader x Jotaro Kujoh.
Jojo’s bizzare adventures: Diamond Is Unbreakable & Stardust Crusaders
Timeline of Jojo’s events (mostly jotaro’s fatherhood) is a bit bizzare
Trigger warning: usual jojo’s violence
Words Count: 2631
Song suggestion: Are you even real? by James Blake
Hi! Are you a new reader? Check my masterlist for more content!
Please feel free to reblog or leave a comment :) help me support my art (it’s free!),
© bearing in mind everything I post/write is my intellectual property so please don’t steal/copy and paste and post it as yours.
Jotaro was about to throw what would have been his last punch to Kira when he was interrupted by the manifestation of a familiar stand. Was he hallucinating? Did he lose too much blood to imagine things now? While he asked himself this questions, resting his back against the wall trying to preserve the few energies he had left in his body, he looked around looking for the owner of the stand that just came to his rescue. His eyes scanned meticulously the area; he was sure you weren’t far – of course, if all of it just wasn’t a massive joke made by his tired mind.
But you were there – you were really there. And you were beating up Kira so bad, making it look so easy. He widened his eyes open, forcing himself to remain conscious. Josuke would have arrived in matters of minutes and he would have cured all of his injuries.
Jotaro closed his eyes, and the next thing he saw was you and Josuke leaning over him. You smiled when you noticed he was regained energy and health, looking into his beautiful aquamarine eyes for some seconds. You really missed them, you missed him.
“Getting old?” you said laughing, offering him a hand to help him stand up. He shook his head while a soft, almost imperceptible smile formed on his lips as he fixed his hat onto his head as per usual.
“What are you doing here?” he said, opening his arms and implicitly inviting you into a hug.
You smiled, hugging him tight. You guys hadn’t seen each other in so long, and being in each other’s arms just felt like coming home.
“Guess this is your way to say ‘thank you for saving my ass, nice to see you again!’” you said laughing.
Behind you, Josuke’s and his friends’ all had riddled expressions on their faces. Seeing Jotaro so outgoing surely was something unexpected – so much that Kira running away didn’t seem to matter at all.
Jotaro nodded at your words, breaking up from the hug and taking a good minute to look at you. He still was much taller than you, and you didn’t seem to have aged a bit. You were as beautiful as he remembered you. What he didn’t remember was all the complicated, little emotions he felt every time he was next to you that were now coming back to surface. You always held a special place in his heart. You two always shared a particular bond that never got the chance to really develop. During the crusaders days, you were too busy fighting and looking for Dio to get involved into emotional relationships; and following the final battle, after losing Kakyion, Avdol and Iggy, Jotaro didn’t think it was appropriate to actually confess you his feelings. All of you were mourning the deaths of your companions, and although Kakyion would have encouraged Jotaro to actually tell you about how he felt, in that moment, it just didn’t feel right. So he let you go, and everyone just returned to their own lives. He had moved on since then or at least he tried to do so; he was now a father with a failed marriage, but he never really forgot you. Afterall, no one ever forgets their first love.
“Joseph called me a week ago. I’m sorry I came late but it was the best I could do!” You answered Jotaro’s previous question. “He told me you guys needed a hand and that my degree in criminology would have been useful. He explained everything to me and.. here I am!” you continued.
Jotaro’s expression seemed surprised. He didn’t know his grandfather was still in contact with you. At first, he started to ask himself why didn’t Joseph tell him years before. He could have had a chance with you – he would have followed you wherever you were. His jiji knew what he felt towards you, how could he just stay silent? Those questions were quickly followed by doubts: what was Joseph planning? Did he call you because they really needed you there or because he was just trying to help Jotaro overcome his divorce and find someone to help him with Jolyne? All these doubts clouded Jotaro’s mind, leaving him silent.
After you were introduced to everyone, you and the rest of the guys went to a coffee bar to discuss how  investigations would have been organised and what methods would have been more successful in finding Kira’s new identity.
Jotaro kept his eyes locked on you while you professionally explained to Rohan, Koichi and the rest of the boys what to do. A part of him was busy studying every little detail of your face. How you still did the same facial expression you did 10 years before, how your smile still managed to lighten up everything around you. It was so strange how much time passed by, how many things changed during these years; yet  things stayed the same between the two of you. He still felt the same way he did when he was just a boy, you guys still related to each other the same way you did when you travelled around the world.
Jotaro’s posture was much more relaxed now that you were around. His face had a more relaxed expression, and you gladly found out that he became a bit more talkative than he was in his younger days.
Joseph found you a room in the same Hotel where him and Jotaro where staying in while in Morio-cho, leading the two of you to spend an incredible amount of time together.
As time passed, you and Jotaro grew closer and closer. You quickly learned about his love life and that he became a marine biologist, something you would have never expected from him. He was very curious about your life too: he was eager to know what happened to you during those years – he wasn’t able to find you when he tried, and now that you were right in front of him, he wanted to make the best out of the time he got to spend with you. He wanted to know if the person he always loved was taken, and what happened to them during all that time. However, he never directly asked you any private question. He learned that you had an important relationship at a certain point, which broke your heart and made you afraid of love, but only because you and Joseph talked about it.
He thought it was ironic; he had a similar experience.
Searching for Kira’s new identity was tiring. You were all doing your best, and were using every resource you could. You in particular were really involved with the whole research project– it was the main reason why you were there. Every time there were news, whether they were minor or not, you were always the first one to be notified.
You were busy examining some of your notes and the pictures Rohan took when Jotaro knocked on your door. You sent your stand over to open the door, focusing on your studies. It was only when you smelled Jotaro’s sweet perfume filling the room that you finally lifted your eyes up from the books and the various pics in front of you. You greeted Jotaro with a weak smile, as he sat down next to you.
“Thought you could use some coffee.” He said, leaving a fuming cup in front of you.
You thanked him, and proceeded to take a long sip from the cup.
“How is it going?” he asked.
You sighed, running an hand through your hair as if that gesture could help you reorganise your thoughts. You explained everything to him, ranting a bit about how stressing the whole situation felt. Every time you thought you got closer to finding Kira, something happened that forced you to start all over again. He wasn’t like every other serial killer you studied about; he was always a step ahead of everyone.
Jotaro listened carefully to your words, nodding sometimes to let you know that he was really paying attention to what you were saying. Once you finished, he looked a bit perplexed and offered you his insight regarding the whole situations. You trusted his words more than anyone else’s – you knew he had great analytical skills, you would have trusted him with your life. Something you already did in the past.
The two of you spent the night together, smoking some cigarettes while discussing about every possibility regarding Kira’s escape. He sat exactly next to you on the sofa, reading some documents given to you by the Speedwagon foundation when you tiredly rested your head on his shoulder.
This gesture made his muscles contract for a second, catching him out of guard. He turned to look at you, your eyes almost closed because of your tiredness. Without saying a word, Jotaro leaned his lips against your head, leaving a soft kiss on it before continuing reading his documents as if nothing happened. It wasn’t long until you fell asleep. When Jotaro noticed it, he wasn’t sure about moving. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he knew that wasn’t the most comfortable position for you to sleep in. He slowly lied on the sofa, letting you rest your head on his chest. He put his white coat on you, deciding to stay there for the night.
You woke up next to him the following morning, your bodies completely intertwined. You were confused, as you didn’t remember falling asleep. Also, you didn’t really want to bother Jotaro this much, and immediately felt bad about it. You slowly got up, leaving the beautiful man sleep on the sofa of your hotel room. After a quick shower, you headed towards the hotel’s canteen to buy some breakfast for both of you.
When you finally returned to your room, you saw Jotaro stretching up, standing tall in the middle of the room. “Morning” he whispered in a low, raspy voice.
Smiling as if you were a teenager in love, you replied and offered him a donut.
“I’m sorry for yesterday. You could have woken me up.” You said shyly, doing your best to avoid eye contact.
He hinted a small laugh, messing your hair with his hand.
“No need to apologise, silly. It’s fine, I fell asleep too.”
Days passed by, and you knew you were getting closer to find out Kira’s identity. Your days however, weren’t made up solely by studies, researches or fight. Most of the time you found yourself spending time with the Joestar’s family: you would usually have dinner with Josuke, Jotaro, Joseph and Josuke’s mum, spending quality time together and hearing funny anecdotes from Josuke and Joseph. You also had the chance to meet Jolyne a few times; Jotaro drove you out of city because he really cared about letting the two of you meet. And it was a good thing: you and jolyne relly got along with each other, almost as if you had been friends in a previous lifetime.
Although Jotaro was never vocal about it, he was important to him to see how  along you got with his family. He loved seeing you playing with Jolyne, and he knew how much you appreciated and respected Joseph. It was also nice to see you getting along with Josuke – both of you had a lively personality, and he grew affectionate towards you really quickly. Sometimes, Jotaro would find your bond a bit irritating – but he knew Josuke was only a 14 y/o boy. He was also conscious about how irrationally jealous he could become, so he never really spoke about it.
As time passed, Jotaro became more and more aware of his feelings towards you. He never forgot you and now every emotion he felt in the past was simply coming back.
 The two of you spent an awful amount of time together, always finding new excuses to do so. Whether it was to investigate over Kira, training to prepare for the final battle or simply visiting some new places, there wasn’t a moment when you weren’t with him; and although he felt incredible bad for thinking about it, Jotaro hoped to find Kira as late as possible.
He needed more time; more time to fully understand what was going on inside his mind and his heart, more time to find the right words to explain everything to you, more time to understand whether his feelings were reciprocated or not.
It was during the final battle with Kira that he finally had the responses he needed.
Seeing you covered in blood made his heart beat incredibly fast. For minutes that felt like an eternity he did not know what to do, how to act - something which was very unusual for him. Jotaro had always been the kind of person to think rapidly, without letting his emotions overwhelm him. But this time it was different. He left you and Josuke fighting alone against Kira for too much time and now the both of you were in danger. It was something he already experience before in Egypt, and he wasn’t willing to lose anyone else.  You kept one of Josuke’s arms around your shoulders to help him standing, the young boy still towering you even if his figure was arched over you. Both of you were covered in blood and with various injuries over your bodies. You were still able to stand on your feet, looking angrily at Kira who was grinning in response. Your breath was heavy and you didn’t have much strength left in your body, but when you saw Jotaro, you knew you had to hold on.
You gave him a quick look, his face covered with worry and fear. “I’ll cover your back but you'll have to be quick.” you said, summoning your powerful Stand once again. Jotaro understood your plan, and without losing anymore time he started walking towards you, becoming close enough to use Star Platinum against your enemy.
“Star Platinum. The World!” he said, stopping time and letting Kira have a taste of Star Platinum’s punches.
Before he let time flow again, he gently picked your body up in his arms and stepped far enough from the explosion Killer Queen would have caused moments later. Shielding you with his own body, time started to flow again. You looked at him smiling, gratefully crouching yourself onto his chest, trying your best to recover some energie and enjoying the warmth of his body.
“Thanks for always being my hero.”
Jotaro couldn’t help but smile hearing those words, shaking his head in response.
“I just returned you a favour.”, he added.
Two weeks passed by since the defeat of Yoshikage Kira.
You and Jotaro decided to stay in Morio-cho a bit longer than what you originally planned. The time spent together allowed you to discuss your mutual feelings and, after a long night of passion and love, you started dating.
It was awkward at first. You and Jotaro never really officialised your relationship; you just let things between you evolve naturally, preferring a physical love language over words – what united the two of you wasn’t something that could have been easily described. However, he eventually confessed you that he had loved you since your trip in Egypt, receiving a: “I did too, idiot.” in response.
As time went by, you and Jolyne managed to build a strong, beautiful bond – so much, she’d start to refer to you as a parental figure and nothing less. Jotaro loved seeing the two of you together; you were the people he loved the most, and he was happy his little daughter liked you as much as he always did.
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vhsrights · 4 years
Only Losing You Matters
Only Losing You Matters
A jemily first kiss story, based off of the Minimal Loss timeline
for @top-jj-rights  :) ily jame
WC: 1956
“I can take it.”
“I can take it.”
Maybe Emily could, but JJ couldn't. Hearing each blow against the agent flipped her stomach. She was nearly in a mind of her own, but there were other things to think of.
First off, this was an entire covert operation and any rash decisions on her part would further endanger Emily, let alone exposing Spencer as well. Second, she was pregnant, thanks to the imbecilic detective that had done that to her. JJ knew that her feelings against him were over-exaggerated, but she couldn’t help it. It had felt like his every move was actively against what she wanted, solely for his comfort. That didn’t do well to add on to the fact that he had told the team about her pregnancy and that she had a generally strong disliking towards most men. The thoughts fell to the background of her mind as she once more focused on where she was.
The crash of what sounded like broken glass made her throw the headphones down. Why the hell was she so irresponsible? What made Emily think that she could just toy around with her own life like that? How dare she? JJ had a thousand words in her head to throw at Emily. Some were more emphatic than others but she couldn’t help it. The only thing that mattered was Emily. She needed the woman safe again, in her arms, and this situation made it seem impossible.
Eventually, the sound from Emily’s side of the mic died down. They heard her get moved to her room, kept alone. JJ almost let out a sigh of relief. Almost. Hearing the door to Emily’s room open caught her breath in her throat. They were no strangers to cases like this and she understood that Cyrus had virtually no limits. The soft, nurturing sound of an older woman’s voice through the mic was the closest to relief that she had felt in hours.
They made much haste in relaying their signal to rescue Emily after the woman had gone. Once Emily had confirmed her side of things, all they could do was wait. Unfortunately, that was not something that JJ had always been adept at doing. The woman paced frantically, her eyes shifting, and hands hurriedly tangling and detangling. She checked her watch over and over again, willing the needles on the timepiece to approach 3 AM faster.
When the time showed 3 AM, it was time. They were ready to free the compound and save their agents. JJ’s heart beat in her throat. What if they didn’t find Emily? What if she had been moved? What if they hadn’t accounted for one of Cyrus’ contingencies? What if JJ lost Emily?
What if, JJ lost Emily?
The question bounced around her in head unanswered. JJ had the answer but didn’t dare voice or think it. That would shatter her heart beyond repair. She wouldn’t be able to take care of herself, let alone the baby that she had on the way. Not without Emily. Emily had always had her back, supporting her no questions asked. Emily had always held her hand and kept JJ’s head up high, reminding the blonde: she was right at her side. That was what JJ had loved about her since day 1.
Love. Of course, it had to be love. JJ had fallen for her best friend, the woman who deserved the world in her hands, knowing that she would never get it back. Some days she cursed herself for it. Other days, she could do nothing more than to marvel at Emily and the woman she was.
Once more, JJ was ripped from her internal war. The compound that they had been watching, that had been harboring Emily, burst into flames. People slowly emerged from the spreading embers that kept the flame ablaze. All JJ could think of was Emily. She only needed Emily in that moment, forgetting the rest of her team and responsibilities. JJ prayed to whatever higher power she could imagine. To simply bring her Emily back to her. She couldn’t go on without her, not like this and not ever. The blonde screamed out for Emily.
She screamed and searched. She went as close to the compound as she could. JJ felt the crushing weight of futility begin to sink onto her shoulders.
What if she had failed?
The woman had no more time to speculate before Emily emerged from the cinders. Her arms were wrapped around a woman that was begging to go back in. Emily’s clothes were ragged, her body littered with injuries, and her gait was reduced to a supported limp. JJ had heard the screams of the compound members when the fire first erupted. However, now, with Emily in her sight, nothing else registered. JJ ran as fast as her legs allowed towards the brunette. She just needed confirmation that Emily was okay.
She needed to feel the breaths that Emily took in. She needed to feel the woman’s heartbeat against her damaged skin. She needed any inkling of hope that things would be okay. She needed to know that she wasn’t dreaming.
Their bodies collided and JJ could have sworn that the universe shifted. The blonde had Emily in her arms, alive and breathing. Her grip tightened around Emily, never wanting to let go. JJ could feel the life in the agent and the plethora of adrenaline-fueled insults surged through her head again.
“Please don’t ever be that stupid again.” The words escaped JJ’s lips with a shudder.
“I can’t promise that.”
Even having just gone through brutal events, Emily made time to quip. JJ simply rolled her eyes and squeezed the woman harder. She could give her a piece of her mind later. The women stood in the locked embrace for longer than either cared to count. Eventually, Derek broke them up to get Emily medically checked out but JJ stuck to her side.
JJ stayed by her side for the rest of the day. She drove them back to the hotel, mulling over what she could say to the woman that rested in the passenger seat. Her anger was beginning to bubble up again. It was purely out of worry and care for Emily, but she wondered if the brunette would ever understand.
JJ looked over to Emily again, gently resting her hand on top of hers. She couldn’t hold it but the position gave her enough solace in the moment itself. Emily barely stirred in her seat, catching up on the restless hours that she had spent in the compound cot.
They were able to get up to their shared room without any more chaos or mishaps. However, once the door closed behind them, JJ’s anger had other ideas. Words came out of JJ’s mouth before she could stop, think, or even process where her head was at.
“Why are you such an idiot? Huh?” She spoke harshly, with her back turned to Emily, undoing her things. “Can you please tell me that it’s not just for kicks?”
“Excuse me?” Emily stood baffled at JJ’s outburst, still partially disoriented.
“I don’t know. It’s like you have some kind of tendency to always just headfirst into fire without a second thought.” JJ had turned to face her best friend now, the concern and anger clear as day on her face.
“Jen, I was just doing that to protect Reid. You guys didn’t hear it but he cocked a gun to Spence’s head. What else was I supposed to do?!” Emily’s voice rose at the end of the sentence, sending JJ an unspoken invitation to do the same
“Talk Cyrus down! Isn’t that what you do as a profiler?! Right now, as bad as it sounds, I don’t even care about Reid!” JJ’s words were loud and clipped. They had no hesitation in delivering her harsh message. “The only thing that ever mattered to me was losing you!”
“JJ, that isn’t always an option! I tried, but neither of us would have made it out of there alive!” Emily slammed the clothes in her hand down on the bed.
She truly couldn’t believe what JJ was saying. When she was taking the beating by Cyrus and splayed out in her compound cot, JJ was the only thing on her mind. She had been the main thing on her mind since she met the woman. The woman was Emily’s only place of solace, regardless of the fact that she thought it would never be returned.
“God damn it, Emily! Can’t you see what I’m trying to tell you?! Don’t you understand that I can not go on without you? Don’t you see that you are my home? How can you not see that I need you with me? When will you get it through your thick skull, that you’re the only one I want? How can I make you understand that I can’t do this without out you? What magical words do I have to say? HUH?!”
The words had shocked Emily. She truly hadn’t expected such a visceral reaction from the blonde. Then, JJ words sunk in. You’re the only one I want. Emily couldn’t tell if it was intentional or simply a Freudian slip. Either way, the message JJ was sending couldn’t be what she thought it was.
JJ would never have feelings for someone like her. After all, she was damaged and messed things up. Today was the proof for that. Emily could barely hear the rest of what JJ said. She just wanted to retract away.
JJ watched the brunette slowly retreat into herself. The harsh words came to a stop and all of the feelings rose. To this day, JJ can’t tell whether it was some kind of invisible push or the weight of her emotions that drove to the other woman. She likes to believe it was the universe pulling them together when they clearly needed each other.
She took long, hurried strides to reach Emily. Nothing else was making sense in the moment. There had to be some way to get Emily to stay with her at that moment. That was when she felt some sort of electricity buzz through her body. The blonde jumped forward and grabbed Emily’s lips with her own. That was good enough to bring Emily out of her trance.
At first, Emily didn’t register what was happening. She thought she was dreaming. Then, when JJ’s hands wrapped around her waist, she knew it was anything but that. She pushed back into the kiss with the force that she had been met. The women stood for a solid minute, lip locked.
Her lips are soft and taste sweet.
Her lips are rough but they feel like home.
They finally pulled back, entranced, and simply looked at each other. However, this wasn’t simply watching the other’s features. The two saw what each other was, how they were, and what the two of them could be. Emily was the first to smile which led to the women laughing out of relief.
“Don’t scare me like that again, Em. I’m not joking. The only thing that matters to me is losing you.”
She spoke again before Emily could ask the question she knew was lingering in her mind.
“I broke up with Will that night in New York. I couldn’t stand him and I was also infatuated with someone else. So what do you say, wanna take a try at us?”
Emily wrapped her arms around the blonde and looked from her to her pregnant belly. A smile that shined bright enough to light the world came to her face.
“Absolutely. I would be more than honored to.”
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“Hotel Potter” (Part 3)
Paring: Remus x Reader (Marauders Era)
Warnings: Fluff, James is bad at fixing things, More awkwardness haha, and mentions of eating issues?
Word Count: 1775
A/n: I didn’t proof read this, so enjoy/I’m sorry... (Also, we’re getting close to the part I had in my DrEaM✨)
You watched as Sirius dropped his bag on the floor before immediately breaking into a sprint to fling himself onto the bed. The bed...
You didn’t know exactly why you were expecting there to be two... I mean that would be a bit excessive for a regular house... but not until this very moment did you realize the consequences of your poor decisions.
“Hey, Y/N,” Marlene called out from the hallway after hearing Sirius’ loud running start. “Good luck!” Her laugh echoed throughout the hall.
Lily came from around the corner to let you know you were always welcome in her room if Sirius turned out to be an actual dog. You simply accepted and just smiled while shedding a singular, figurative tear. “Nah, I’ll be fine... Probably ;)”
It didn’t take you very long to choose a side of the room and stick to it. You were just going to leave most of your stuff in your suitcase to avoid any huge messes. This obviously left you with some time to kill so you wandered back into the hallway.
When you got there, however, all you saw was Remus sitting on the floor in front of the first door James had tried so hard to open. When he saw you step into the hallway, he stood up.
“Where’s James?” you asked confused since they were supposed to be ‘bunking’ together.
Remus shifted his weight, “Oh um, he went to get a hammer, I think.” He shoved his hands in his pockets in hopes of looking less awkward.
“Oh,” you laugh. “Wh- why on Earth does James need a hammer?” You laugh at he thought of James actually fixing anything successfully.
He turned and jabbed his finger behind him to the door. “It, uh... locked us out.” He laughed under his breath as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
You laughed as well. “...Did you try Alohamora?” you offered to your ‘genius’ friend.
He straightened up a little, almost offended. “We did, actually,” he smiled, “...Except James kept saying ‘Hola-ha-mora’, so it shouldn’t have worked the first three times anyways.”
You, having the heart of a Hufflepuff but intuition of a Ravenclaw, made your way over to him to see the doorknob yourself. Remus shuffled out of the way after first being stunned by your unexpected approach.
“So what’s actually wrong with it, then?” you question, getting on one knee to peer though the keyhole.
Remus awkwardly leaned over your head to look down on the situation but quickly realized how weird it looked from everyone else’s perspective and simply took a step back. “Um... You know I was actually thinking there might be internal rusting somewhere?”
You tutted your tongue on the top of your mouth, still very concentrated. “I mean sure, but that seems very unlikely due to the appearance of the rest of the house. You would think if someone could take the time to polish the toilet-paper holders, the inside of the room locks should be in perfect condition...” Remus nodded in agreement. “... And James doesn’t have the key?” you asked, confused by the concept of poor safety measures.
Remus just shrugged, “He said the house is so old that with unlocking charms, you know, because they are so common in wizarding communities, his parents figured ‘what would be the point’ of keeping any of the keys I suppose? I don’t know... Anyways, I told him that was dumb and then he went to go get a hammer.”
You stood up, having to steady yourself first from the fast rush of blood to your head. “What does he exspect to do?” you wonder out loud, “It’s not like he can just smash the handle off— though that would solve the problem,” you mutter that last part. “...But come on... I mean Mr and Mrs Potter would kill him and let Sirius bury his bones...”
“...Nothing,” you continued. “But by the looks of it, all the handles look like an original artist’s craftsmanship which means not only are they more valuable and rare as a completed set, but they’re also way more expensive.”
Remus marveled silently at your quirky fountain of knowledge. For such a quiet and peaceful-minded soul, he often forgot that in the moments you weren’t tarnished by the boisterous personality of everyone else, you were more than bright enough to light up his world for a moment.
Just then, you and Remus turned to where you could both hear quickened footsteps making they’re way up the staircase. “Not to fear, Moony!... You’ll be reunited with your precious books in no ti-” James stopped mid-sentence before he nearly ran into the two of you.
“Back from your quest, oh key-less one?” You watch as James furrowed his brow before glancing at Remus then back to you.
”Ah, yes, I almost—”
“Is that a screwdriver?” you bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing right in his face. James lifted up the “hammer” he got from heaven knows where with pride.
“No. It’s a hammer, Y/n, jeeze, I would have though you’d know, coming from a nice muggle community.... Now will you please move out of the way so I can fix this thing?” He readjusted his glasses sassily.
By this point in the conversation, Remus and you were nearly having a seizure trying not to burst out in laughter at your friend who really was trying his hardest. You eventually caved and shrunk up against the wall in a ball. “You ca- You can’t fix a door know with-”
“James,” Remus chuckled as he tried to pry the screwdriver from his hands. “That’s not going to-”
You both burst into another fit of laughter as James broke free and started whacking the lock with the butt-end of the device.
When the knob finally came loose, the three of you let out a little cheer. It was you, of course, who realized that the door needed to be lifted up a little while opening or closing becuse the real probably was with the hinges, not the lock.
About fifteen minutes later, when everyone had finally “set up camp”... James gave everyone a grand tour of the house. Your favorite bits were probably the drawing room because of the gorgeous window view and the library/study for obvious reasons. The part that you couldn’t quite get over, though, was the fact that there was a fireplace in practically every room. YAAAS WARMTH✨
When dinner finally hit though, you were definitely hungry. (You weren’t exactly starving because, well, eating had always seemed like a chore to you... Just thanks to the many perks of living in a 26% functioning body... But of course, you would push it aside unless you were on mental overload and therefore stress-ate an entire box of Cheerios plus a whole bag of goldfish and chocolate all night during that one OWLS season). But right now, in the midst of friends and good food, you were excited to spend the first evening of the weekend with them :)
The table (the smaller one meant for family not business guests in the main dining hall, was seated with James and Mary on both ends. Lily had somehow slithered her way to James’ left putting her, Marlene, and Sirius between the two. Peter sat on the left of James, smushing you between Remus on your left and Mary on your right.
You watched as the conversation switched from quidditch fowls, to hot quidditch team players, to James, Sirius, Mary and Marlene competing on who had gone out with the hottest Gryffindor member.
You obviously stayed out of this one as the three of you, Remus, and Peter all watched... Lily would throw in some deviously timed mention about her short flings with Slytherin team boys just to throw James off his lead.
“Sorry about not answering earlier...” Remus stated out of nowhere.
“What?” you muffled, trying not to choke on the soup you were currently obsessing over.
Remus was hoping he would t have to repeat himself, but just when he was about to, your brain registered his words.
“Oh! Oh, no no, that’s totally fine. I actually had just told Sirius that I didn’t care where I was- Wha- I’m sorry,” you laugh nervously, stuttering on every new sentence. WhY wAs iT sO HaRd To TaLk RiGhT NoW? “I just didn’t want to put you in that position, you know having to choose who to sleep with- I MEAN not sleep-sleep with just you know...” You could practically feel your face cooking.
“...Sirius(?).” You both finish as you gesture to the boy across the table from you, trying to stick his spoon to his nose using only his breath.
You both sat there, distracted and watching him until he actually succeeded. “Mary, look!” Right as he turned to show her however, it slid off and splashed soup up in his face.
You propped your head off your hand after a long moment of thought.... “Bet I could do it longer...” you start, turning back to Remus.
A confused smile stretched across his face. “...What?” he questioned again as if he hadn’t hear you properly the first time.
Without answering, you picked up the second spoon placed at your table spot (for whatever reason) and you watched as your reflection became more and more cloudy.
“Are you—”
You turned calmly to meet his face with a spoon now hanging from atop your nose.
After a good couple seconds of Remus staring at you, it finally clicked in his head what you were doing. A rare grin stretched up his face as he grabbed his own spoon and tried it himself.
It took a couple of tries for the spoon to really stick, but as soon as it did, Sirius saw from across the room and automatically turned it into a table-wide competition.
By the time pudding came around, you were holding the record of four minutes and twelve seconds versus Peter somehow who was thirteen seconds shy.
When the competition had ended though, Lily finally asked what the heck the plan was for the rest of the weekend...
In the morning, James said, everyone could go up to an abandoned village area where a muggle summer camp once stood and they could spend the night there. He promised the plumbing still worked for whatever reason, so it could be totally doable.
Every fiber of your being was telling you that was a dumb idea, especially a bunch of teenagers in the woods alone, but whatever right? Majority votes are always won by the delinquents.
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