I’m gonna cry
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Disney’s Kickin It
- Opening Credits
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So true guys. Uriah is the bomb.com and anyone who has something against that... FIGHT ME
Get over yourselves
I hate the fact that I can’t go in Uriah’s tag without seeing a bunch of bullshit hate, slamming, namecalling and bullying. 
If you don’t like Uriah, don’t post about him ??? If he happens to be in a show you’re watching, ignore it. You hate him for supposedly bullying people, and yet you do it to him. Two wrongs don’t make a right. 
It’s so hard to understand a person from a few tweets and Instagram posts. I see things he says in a COMPLETELY different manner than everyone else seems to. Even if I didn’t agree with him, I accept that he has his own opinions. People are allowed to have opinions that don’t agree with my own. I’m not gonna bitch about them because of it. 
Let people like what they like, and get the fuck over yourselves. You’re not perfect. The majority of you are teenagers who don’t understand the world, or don’t understand what Uriah’s trying to say. 
Stop ruining the tag of someone for those of us who do like him.
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cutest smol bean ever
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uncle josh appreciation post (◡‿◡✿)
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Why are people trying to make Josh the bad guy? Excuse me but Lucas did nothing but prioritize Riley over Maya in front of Maya many times (on girl meets texas part 3, girl meets the New Year and girl meets ski lodge part 2) by getting jealous of every guy that talked to Riley. He got so jealous of Charlie that Maya had to ask him “why do you care?” on girl meets the new year and also Lucas “likes Maya so much” and he says all these amazing things about Maya when she’s not around but when Maya says the reason that she thinks Lucas likes her and Lucas says she’s wrong he can’t even tell her what he likes about her to her face? Like? Do you guys really think Maya deserves a guy who not only prioritizes her best friend over her but can’t even tell her what he likes about her? Lucas is a coward. He never tells her anything sweet to her face meaning it (except for the “you’re a good artist Maya” thing and “I want Maya to be happy”) whenever he did it, it was to even it up Bc he complimented Riley first or it was something directed at both Riley and Maya. This isn’t me talking as a Joshaya shipper, this is me being realistic. Lucas doesn’t deserve Maya or Riley. They’re both too good for him. And the truth is, Josh was better to Maya in girl meets ski lodge part 2 than Lucas ever was to Maya in 3 seasons, he told Maya all the things he admired about her, made sure she would know how special she was and helped her figure out her true feelings in the end, said that he will always want her in his life and most importantly he was the first boy that looked her in the eyes and said he likes her back, which is something she’s been waiting to hear from him for a long time. So stop making Josh seem like the bad guy when Lucas has been acting like a dick to both Riley and Maya. Lucas called Riley a loser in girl meets permanent record, and he made Riley explain herself to him even tho she owes him nothing, he gets crazy as hell and possessive whenever Riley talks to someone even tho he was not even dating Riley. And don’t even get me started on how he treated Maya on gm ski lodge part 2 because that will make me lose my shit. He’s ridiculous for doing those things and should just stay friends with them. He honestly doesn’t deserve any of the girls. It shocks me how people still want Lucas and Maya together after the way he treated Maya in girl meets ski lodge part 2 (by that I mean prioritizing Riley over Maya in front of Maya and not liking her rebel side and fighting her over it even tho Maya accepts Lucas bad side) and girl meets the new year. And stop saying that Josh doesn’t know things just because he’s not around much, he knows what was going on with Maya and the triangle Bc Riley told him, and both times that he gave his advice was because he was asked to by both Riley and Maya. Stop trying to find reasons to hate on Josh, he’s a genuinely nice guy, he’s a way better guy than Lucas after the things he said and done. And to all the people saying “but Maya doesn’t want a good guy” lol so do you want her to date someone who won’t care about her or will treat her like trash? Yikes y'all are insane! Bye.
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Love love love love!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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gif meme: favorite minor character ღ joshua matthews + tropes
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The only character I want to see in Descendants 2
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Reasons I’m #TeamGale
Okay, yeah, so Gale might have accidentally killed Prim, but at least he did something--at least tried to do something--for the Rebellion!!!! He gave EVERYTHING for the Rebellion! He was willing to give his life, to give others, to give his time and energy so that they--Katniss--could have a better life in the future! What did Peeta do? Absolutely NOTHING. He probably like went off and baked muffins or something. Katniss wants a guy with ambition! Peeta is literally a brick-shaped piece of dough. And if being around Gale reminds her that he killed her sister, then shouldn’t being around Peeta remind her of the time that SHE killed other people’s siblings???! And Gale saved Prim way more times than he killed her too!! He took care of her family while she was in the Hunger Games getting cozy with some other guy--HE LOVED HER UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!!! Gale would actually help her!!!! Peeta’s just dead weight! And he’s been with her almost her whole life. He knows her better than anyone else (cough cough T Swizzle’s You Belong With Me cough) He’s always been there for her. Without him, she and her sister and mother might have not even been alive to meet Peeta!!! He gave her the moral support and technical knowledge she needed to go through those tough times and how to make snares and catch rabbits... and Peeta threw her two burnt loaves of bread. Peeta turned evil and started working for the Capitol. Gale saved almost all of District 12. Can someone say ungrateful? There are so many more reason why Gale is the better choice but I have to actually go do homework now so bye.
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This is Sharpay Evans.
In her junior year, all her hard work she’d put into the East High drama department was thrown down the drain when a ruthless monster named Gabriella Montez transferred to the school and heartlessly seized the leading role from her.
Over the summer break between her junior and senior years, she was stabbed in the back by her own twin brother mere moments before she was meant to go on at a talent show, and she was deprived of the prestigious Star Dazzle Award that she - and not Gabriella Montez - deserved.
In her senior year, she was betrayed yet again. Sharpay, out of the goodness of her own heart, took a British exchange student named Tiara under her wing. Tiara turned on Sharpay and stole her role in the spring musical.
Nevertheless, Sharpay managed to bounce back, and she overcame all that stood between her and her dreams.
Everyday, I am inspired by her strength. Like and reblog if you are too.
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