Reasons I’m #TeamGale
Okay, yeah, so Gale might have accidentally killed Prim, but at least he did something--at least tried to do something--for the Rebellion!!!! He gave EVERYTHING for the Rebellion! He was willing to give his life, to give others, to give his time and energy so that they--Katniss--could have a better life in the future! What did Peeta do? Absolutely NOTHING. He probably like went off and baked muffins or something. Katniss wants a guy with ambition! Peeta is literally a brick-shaped piece of dough. And if being around Gale reminds her that he killed her sister, then shouldn’t being around Peeta remind her of the time that SHE killed other people’s siblings???! And Gale saved Prim way more times than he killed her too!! He took care of her family while she was in the Hunger Games getting cozy with some other guy--HE LOVED HER UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!!! Gale would actually help her!!!! Peeta’s just dead weight! And he’s been with her almost her whole life. He knows her better than anyone else (cough cough T Swizzle’s You Belong With Me cough) He’s always been there for her. Without him, she and her sister and mother might have not even been alive to meet Peeta!!! He gave her the moral support and technical knowledge she needed to go through those tough times and how to make snares and catch rabbits... and Peeta threw her two burnt loaves of bread. Peeta turned evil and started working for the Capitol. Gale saved almost all of District 12. Can someone say ungrateful? There are so many more reason why Gale is the better choice but I have to actually go do homework now so bye.
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