#James Mangles
mirqmarq428 · 8 months
Discovered the Ace Couple podcast because of their Somerton episode and I'm sitting here listening to them trying to work out what lust is and whether it implies directed attraction
Senpais, 'lust' is just a scam by the Church to sell purity culture. Accidentally staring at someone conventionally attractiv is lustful. Random bones ar lustful.
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rynnaaurelius · 1 year
Not to be condescending or validate the existence of philosophy majors, but
Every time I see someone raging against the sentiment of What Makes Someone Human or Importance Of LoveTM, I see a person who hasn't realized they're entering a several-millennia-old forum thread full of very angry people with extensive citations and should read more before being expected to be taken seriously in a debate about the state of the human condition <3
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kizzer55555 · 28 days
Dismissed on a Technicality
Ok so Danny accidentally killed the joker. He was working part time as a taxi driver. Funny thing is that he got hired in the city next to Amity Park. The problem is some moron decided to have him drive aaaalllll the way from Amity to Gotham city. And Danny might have run over the Joker while there.
Look…he didn’t feel like a human. Danny (as someone half dead) can feel souls and he could only barley feel anything from the guy so it just looked like a blob in front of the road. He thought it was an animal or something! Danny was short on time so he was going pretty fast. And drivers Ed was very clear that one is NOT to swerve the car to avoid animals as it causes the car to go into other lanes and can cause a crash, especially in a big city. It’s sad, but it’s true, better to run over the poor animal.
So Danny hit the gas.
Only to be greeted with the face of a clown smashed into his windshield.
Danny stopped the car.
He got out.
Looked around at all the people of the city staring at him (no longer cowering as Joker went on a monologue, holding them at gunpoint while waiting for a bat.)
Danny looks down as the mangled corpse sprawled over the front of his taxi.
And he pulled out his phone and called 911 to report a car crash. In front of everybody.
When Batman arrived, Danny held out his hands and willingly let them be cuffed. Time to be taken to court!
Now one might think Danny would be panicking in this situation. After all, he just killed someone, even if it was on accident. But Danny had a different point of view and made it known in court.
It was a whole thing. Full courthouse, practically the entire city attending or watching on a live news feed. And who did Danny call to defend him as his lawyer?
And this begins the most confusing and controversial court in the history of Gotham.
Now, what defines a human? Because according to the law it’s ‘anyone capable of speech or higher reasoning.’ But that cannot be. There are aliens and Atlanteans who fit those categories and they do not classify as human. And what about that demon the Justice League killed last week. The one with 2 snake heads and a hippo body? That thing could talk. What about being a Homo sapien capable of speech? But there is an entire city of talking gorillas. Therefore, the definition of human should be revised.
As for the Joker, he had many differences to the typical human. When he fell into a vat of chemicals it changed his very atomic structure physically and altered his mind mentally. Those gassed with Joker venom can be turned back but Joker’s transformation was permanent. Meaning the change occurred at the level of his very DNA.
Which begs the question. Is the Joker really human? And if not, is what Danny did really murder?
Let it be known that Daniel James Fenton is not trying to get out of his crime.
Despite his appearance, the joker was alive. He was breathing, had a heartbeat, and blood flowed through his veins (despite that blood being green).
So yes…Danny committed a crime. And he confesses in front of the entire court.
He confesses…to animal cruelty.
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theemporium · 1 year
💰 with sugar daddy Carlos, you get in an accident in one of his expensive cars and freak out thinking he’s going to be pissed but instead he just worries about you?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It happened so fast that you weren’t even sure what happened.
Carlos had been so insistent that you take one of his many cars. You had been stubborn for the best part, far too attached to the crappy car you saved up for and bought after almost a year of working your ass off and saving every penny. It was your baby even if it took more effort and money to keep running over the years over buying a new car, and you weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. 
But then Carlos had seen you taping your side mirror back on (again) and had to practically beg for you to use one of his cars. He even promised to keep your car in the garage amongst his multiple sports cars and high-end names that you still thought only existed in James Bond movies, and in return, you took one of his cars out when you needed to go to work or run errands.
And that was exactly what you had been planning today.
It was meant to be a quick errand run: mostly grocery shopping, picking up a few things from the dry cleaners and popping into a few other shops you had been meaning to visit the next time you were out. And everything had been going fine until you were on your way to the food shop before you returned home. 
You didn’t see him coming. You didn’t hear him coming. You didn’t even know what happened until the ringing in your ears stopped and the taste of metal was prominent in your mouth. 
Ambulances and police were called to the scene. You were pulled out of the wrecked car by a paramedic, only to let out a sob and almost fall to your knees when you saw the damage. It was honestly a surprise it was still in one piece, but it was mangled and you hated to think about how much repairs would cost. 
And despite your deepest wishes, the police had to call Carlos since his name was not only under the main driver of the car but also as your emergency contact. 
Your stomach was in knots at what he would say. He had many cars, far too many for a single person to have but he adored every single one. The memory played on a loop in your head of Carlos telling you why he bought each car, when he bought them, the special occasion they were linked to. Each car had a meaning, and you had completely shattered one of them.
You were on the edge of throwing up the whole time you sat in the back of the ambulance, clutching onto the blanket they placed over your shoulders and trying to bite back the tears when you realised this was it. 
This would be Carlos’ breaking point. This would be the reason he needed to break up with you. This would be too much even for him, even if it would barely dent his bank account to repair the car. This would be a step too far in his eyes and he was going to leave you. 
“Where is she?!” 
Your eyes clenched shut as you heard his voice a few feet away. You could hear the commotion like muffled voices underwater, but it took less than thirty seconds before he was rushing towards you. 
“Mi amor,” he breathed out as his hands cupped your cheeks, his eyes glancing over every inch of you to make sure you’re okay. 
But his touch was the last thing you needed before you broke down. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” you sobbed as the tears began streaming down your face, blurring your vision of the Spaniard standing in front of you. “I didn’t see him coming and he just came out of nowhere. I didn’t mean to crash the car, Carlos, I promise. I-I’ll help pay for—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he murmured, his thumbs wiping away the hot tears running down your cheeks. “Breathe for me, amor, breathe for me. Deep breaths. Just….breathe.” 
Your breathing was still shaky and shallow as you shook her head. “But the car—”
“Fuck the car,” Carlos said, a frown downturned on his lips as he softly squeezed your face. “Mi amor, I don’t fucking care about the car. I just care if you’re okay.”
You blinked. “Really?”
“Yes,” Carlos murmured, and it was only now you could really see the fear and concern written all over his face and shining in his eyes. “Those cars mean nothing to me. They can be replaced. But you can’t.” 
“Oh,” was all you could reply with.
“I was so scared when I got that call, I—” he let out his own shaky breath as he shook his head, leaning down to press his forehead against yours. “I thought I lost you.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“Stop apologising, amor,” he murmured before lifting his head to press a lingering kiss on your forehead. “C’mon, let’s get you cleared and then I’m taking you home and not letting you out of my arms for at least three months.”
“I’m serious, mi amor, don’t fight me on this.”
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prongsiepotter · 5 months
sunbathing by the black lake | j. potter
summary: your childhood best friend james is being a little shit but in an endearing sort of way while showing his little acts of love
pairing: james potter x childhood bsf!reader
a/n: my first time writing on this blog!! i have a childhood friends to lovers playlist on spotify if anyone wants to listen to it bc i have a feeling it’s all i’ll write abt lol would really appreciate some feedback! enjoy x
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There's no way to explain how the energy shifts when James is around. It simply does. Just like how you can feel the sun beating down on you right now. Hence, you can sense his approach without as much as a glance at him, your gaze continuing to drift across the notes Remus left for you in the margins of your essay.
James knows that, of course, as he strides across the grass towards you. You have never really talked about it, but seeing how he can also just tell when you're about to enter a room he's in, you both have made it a habit to not announce your presence. There's just no need.
So when he plops down next to you and rests his chin on your shoulder like it's his birthright, neither of you is surprised. In fact, it’s just right. Like puzzles slotting in perfectly.
For a few minutes, the world consists of birds chirping, a warm breeze, and the distant laughter of a group of Hufflepuff girls sitting a few paces away. You flip the page and let out a huff of laughter. James chuckles, his voice low and right next to your ear as he says, "Wouldn't be Moony if everything he touches didn't have a chocolate stain on it."
"It's like he's marking his territory." You try to rub it off with your sleeve, but the smudge only gets bigger. You squint and hold the paper in front of you, trying to discern if it's that noticeable (it is) but with a shrug you decide you couldn't care less. The movement makes James' glasses slide down to the tip of his nose, and he leans forward to make a dramatic face at you as if you had done him deeply wrong. With a playful eye-roll, you push them back for him and get a signature James Potter smile in return.
"Cheers, love." He beams at you and retrieves a balled-up napkin from the inside of his robe before taking it off. You watch him roll up the sleeves of his white Oxford shirt to his elbows, placing the mystery napkin on your lap. You glance at it curiously. "Unwrap it," he says. "It's for you."
Doing as you're told, you perk up with excitement when the content reveals itself. "Effie sent them?" You hold up the mangled piece of apple crumble like it's the most sacred thing you have ever gotten to hold, which it is. James nods, smiling at your happy dance. "I love her apple crumbles. Thank you!"
"You love everything my mum bakes," he says while lying down on his side, right in front of you with his head propped up on his palm. There's a glimmer in his amber eyes.
You give him a pointed look.
"Because everything that lovely woman bakes is the most scrumptious and amazing thing to exist." You take a big bite from the apple crumble to prove your point and your eyes flutter close as you hum. "This is why we're friends, Potter," you say with a mouthful. "No other reason. This is it."
"Oh yeah?" You hear the amusement in the drawl of his voice. Then he cups the side of your face and you look down at him as he distractedly brushes off some crumbs from the corner of your mouth. He looks up at the sky. "That's a shame because this is the last time you will get anything my mum has baked."
James' gaze is still turned upward, giving the sky his utmost interest as if to check if it's still blue. You stare at him in bewilderment. "Are you insane? Why would you deprive me of Effie's food?"
"I wonder how the weather will be tomorrow," he responds flippantly, and you swear your eye twitches.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you say, narrowing your eyes at him. "I forgot you were satan's spawn."
James does not react. You don’t think he will even reply with the way how he’s squinting and examining the very much non-existent clouds in the clear sky. But then he looks at you like you had asked him to solemnly share his meteorology findings with you, and with undeserved earnestness he tells you, "I think tomorrow will be just as sunny as today."
You blink at him. Then give a long-suffering sigh. "I thought you cared about me."
"I do," James says, rolling over to lay on his back with his eyes closed. "Which is why I can't have you lose your mind over some flour and sugar. I'm doing us a favour. Preserving our friendship." He cracks an eye open to look at you. "We've been friends since diapers, not because of my mum’s food, but because I'm brilliant and extremely lovable. Get your facts straight, woman."
You toss the napkin at his face.
He laughs.
Glancing at the last piece of the apple crumble in your hand, you ask, "Do you want it?"
James shakes his head, looking fond. "You assault me and then offer me the last bite?"
"Force of habit," you say flatly. "I can take it back."
He chuckles and takes off his glasses, resting his arm over his eyes. "You can have it, love. Cheers."
You don't have to be told twice and pop it happily in your mouth. With his other arm, he sweeps the scattered pages aside and pats the spot next to him. "Sleep with me?"
You quirk a brow. "Trying to get into my knickers, Potter?"
A breathy laughter escapes his lips. "Are you offering?"
"You wish."
"Merlin, yes." He sighs dramatically as if all James Potter has known in this lifetime was the pain of longing. He grabs blindly for you and pulls lightly at the hem of your skirt. "A man can dream. But for now just nap with me, yea?"
You bat at his wrist but let him pull you towards him nonetheless. There was never any other option, really.
In the blink of a moment, you're nestled into James’ side. His arm is cushioning your head, fingers absentmindedly playing with your hair as he tells you his thoughts on a book he recently read because he knew you liked it. You listen intensely, enjoying the easy conversation and the sunlight warming your skin. The world feels peaceful, and it doesn't take long before sleep pulls you both into a cosy slumber.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
hey lovely! if you’re up to it, would you be able to write something w james or remus with comforting a reader who’s insecure about her skin/having broken out? i’m totally not projecting (i get chronic rashes on my face and one broke out recently and it’s making me sooo self conscious because my birthday is soon and i wanted to feel pretty 😖)
thank you!! mwah!!!
xoxo @mareagirls
Hi Rosa my love! Thank you for requesting and happy early birthday!!
cw: reader is insecure about her skin
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 750 words
You scrub at your skin with your fingertips, pads pressing harshly as you distribute the cleanser over your face. Then turn the tap as cold as it can go, splashing water and scrubbing again to make sure the product is all gone. 
“Alright, enough of that,” says Remus as you towel your face dry. You look up to see your boyfriend watching you in the mirror from the bedroom. He tents his book beside him on the bed, beckoning you over. “Come here, bring your stuff.” 
You turn around to look at him. “Why?” 
You can see Remus intentionally smoothing the pique from his expression, gentling it into something kinder. “Just come sit with me, please.” 
You gather your things off the bathroom counter, carrying them into the bedroom and plopping down in front of him on the bed. Remus knows your routine. He takes a washcloth from you wordlessly, wetting it with product. 
“Close your eyes.” 
You do, and he starts swiping the product gently over your skin, starting at your jawline and working his way slowly upwards, following the planes of your face. His free hand is wrapped loosely around the side of your neck to steady the both of you. 
“Why are you doing this?” you murmur, trying not to move your face as you speak. 
“Couldn’t stand seeing you look so angry with yourself,” Remus replies, matching your volume. His voice is low and raspy, inlaid still with traces of frustration. You hadn’t realized you had been looking like that. “S’like you’ve no idea how pretty you are.” 
There’s a thick pause. The washcloth shushes over the skin of your forehead, and you can feel Remus’ gaze boring into your shuttered lids. 
“I know you think I just say that,” he says, setting the washcloth down on your leg. You open your eyes, and he’s squirting moisturizer onto the pad of his index finger. His eyes flit up to yours, the color of honey or perfectly steeped tea. You look away. “I don’t. I wouldn’t bother saying anything if you weren’t as lovely as you are, and it’s insane that you don’t know it yourself. I mean, we’re looking at the same face, aren’t we?” 
Your lips twist upwards as you close your eyes and Remus sets his hands to your face again. He smooths the moisturizer into your skin with thorough, loving strokes. 
“I do feel pretty, sometimes,” you admit. “Just not so much when my skin is acting up like this.” 
“Not sure how that changes anything.” His voice is gruff, audibly judgemental in the way you’re sure only he can manage. It coaxes a soft laugh from you, and Remus’ thumb swipes extra affectionately over your cheekbone, approving. His tone lightens. “Really, dove, it’s not like the rest of you just disappears because you’ve broken out. You’re just as lovely. I’m not sure anything could change that, short of reconstructive surgery I suppose.” 
You roll your eyes. They’re still closed, but you hope he sees the motion anyway. “You’re being too nice to me. I know it’ll go away eventually, but it’s still not the same as when my skin is clear.” 
“It’s not,” Remus allows. “Of course it’s not the same. But that’s like saying I’m not the same with my scars as I was without them. And I still managed to snag you all mangled-looking.” 
You open your eyes, despite his hands still moving over your face. “You’re not mangled-looking,” you say. You know Remus knows this, but it feels important to tell him anyway. “I love you with your scars.” 
He smiles softly, and you close your eyes again, satisfied. “Then you see what I’m getting at,” he says. “I love you like this, just the same as when your skin looked a bit different.” His touch arcs over your eyebrow. “And everyone else loves you just the same, too.” 
You hum, a pleased sort of capitulation. “You’re such a sweet talker.” 
“Doesn’t take much imagination to tell the truth.” You can hear Remus’ smile. “You’re always lovely, dove, but I like you best when you look like you feel lovely, too.”
“I’ll try,” you say. He hums satisfiedly, thumbs brushing twin paths across your cheeks. “Is there really still product to rub in?” 
“Mm, not strictly speaking.” Remus’ lips press, soft and sweet, to your freshly moisturized cheek. He doesn’t seem to mind the bumps. “But I think I’d better do this a while longer just to be sure.” 
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kombuuuu · 1 year
miles deflecting is so GOOD he makes me ILL!!!!!! i love ur writing <3 do u think we cld have like a short continuation 4 it?
Deflecting on you.
42!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
“Would you hurt me?” “Never again.”
continuation to this C:
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im infecting people with the 42!Miles propaganda cough cough 🗣️ ly2 pookie (also this is definitely not short)
A few days had passed now, and Miles had stayed his previous level of civil, bordering caring, with you.
He wasn’t glad with how easy he had let the two other kids get off. But when they were reduced to cowering forms in darkened corners whenever he was around, it brought a pinch of justice, pride to his chest. Although, James had a rather decent punishment, in his opinion.
Word had gone around that he’d gone insane, smashed his head against a desk in an old , deserted classroom until he’d passed out. Mangled his own skull, intended to stab someone, but couldn’t get up from the damage to his own self.
A tip to the cops surveying the scene, and the rumour was spread a little wider.
He had been wary with you, from the moment you both sat staring at the city life below you, in his bed.
In his room, his house with his Ma just outside. The domesticity of the moment making the ache in his lungs suffocate his heart. Squeezing and pumping out as much blood as it could, heart rate trying to keep up with the lack of air.
He’d thought back to it too often in the mere days since occurrence for him to simply brush it off, but he sure tried.
He tapped the rubber of his pencil along his desk, staring at the page below him. The words being said had been drowned out by his racing mind, something he fully knows would get him in trouble eventually for “lack of effort”. But it was maths, there wasn’t a single thing being told that he didn’t already know.
What had his current attention, was the faint sketch of you on his gridded paper. He hadn’t meant to draw it, he’d just—, spaces out and it was there when he snapped back.
Now he was at a standstill with himself, use the currently tapping eraser to get rid of the drawing, or live with the faint lines hidden between pages. It was obvious, rub it out. But the thing, the most difficult aspect—,
—Was how utterly gorgeous the drawing was.
How your hair framed the page, the shape of your eyes being shaded in led. The soft look you’d given him that night being practically pulled from his mind and placed on the cheap paper. He’d recreated it perfectly, he could feel the apprehension, the uncertainty.
But despite how bitter those words sounded, uncertainty was still consideration.
You were considering him. Not as an enemy, or a nuisance — as a stranger.
You can get to know a stranger.
You can get to know him.
Miles closed his eyes and groaned under his breath, rolling eyes at the hope rising in the back of his neck.
He flicked to the next page, promising to never open to it again.
If it ended up cut out of his book, folded neatly and stuffed in the hidden latch of his desk drawer, no one but him would know.
You hadn’t forgive him, of course you hadn’t — you’re not that naïve.
He hurt you, cause you an entire season of torment, sleepless night and stress filled days.
You tried to stay quiet, like you always had. Passing by crowds unnoticed and surfing under the noise with a cotton stuffed ear.
And he’d started a ruining of that.
Trying not to draw attention to yourself, despite him so clearly trying to put you in spotlight.
This whole ordeal was a domino effect from that damn kaleidoscope, and he was just another finger flicking the next tile.
Until he wasn’t.
And he’d near killed a man for you. Taken care of you, feared for your life.
He’d found you, from nothing but a gut feeling.
The way he would stare now, was less vindictive. His gaze no longer that of anger but of a man conflicted. Like he couldn’t tell what to think of you.
You lay over your ruffled sheets, quilt and bedding under you to not overheat yourself. You window was wide open, airing out your humid room. The soft sway of leaves sprouting from the vines crawling over your building was pleasant. Digging their roots in the crevices of your window sill like Miles had been digging into the crevices of your mind.
You put a hand over your head, stretching your back up and listening the the crack that came from it.
Dropping back down and huffing, you continued to watch your ceiling in mild disinterest, trying desperately to reach the essence of sleep, and let the way Miles’ lips curled into a smirk fall from your mind.
He hadn’t realised it, but his small rebuttal to your teasing that night in his room had made a permanent statement in your head, no longer able to forget about it.
“No, just you —,” Your mind hadn’t cared to supply the rest.
Every single thing about that scarring night had burned its way into your temporal lobe. Like giving it a searing kiss with memory stained lipstick.
A small clicking had caught your attention, like fingernails tapping glass. The clinks were rhythmic, had the coordination of a spiders legs.
Your focus on the plain ceiling was now broken, a curiosity replacing it.
You approached the open window without caution, Moonlight spilling through the glossy panes. Placing your hands on the sill, you leaned forward, and felt the small rush of wind over your shoulders, the breeze cooling your heated face. An urge to close your eyes and take it in almost over-reigned that new curiosity, but your self preservation thought better of it. Checking left and right either side as if someone was going to be waiting right there for you. Because that was a completely rational and not at all ludicrous thought. You scoffed to yourself, glancing at the skyline with glistening eyes before turning and heading back inside, to finally — maybe, fall asleep.
Miles released a quiet breath, braids swaying from his suspended position hanging from a rooftop. Your rooftop, of your building—.. Where he was watching you. It was coincidence, really. That somehow, running from guys he stole a cure his Momma needed for a patient from. And when grappling from building to building, using clips and hooks and zip lines to get away from them, he’d stumbled into your street.
He’d lie to himself and say it was just the street his Ma’s favourite Paella was made, but the one time he’d seen you, exhausted from school—, drag yourself into an apartment across the street from that very place..
His opinion hadn’t changed, so to speak. But there was an added motive, that’s it.
And he’s hiding, it’s not his fault if your apartment is high up. Or his need to see you is growing at alarming rates, or his heart was beating so loud in his ears that he hadn’t heard you approach the window.
So when your fingers had softly scraped along the sill of your window, he’d pulled himself above you — and prayed you wouldn’t look up.
You hadn’t, thankfully.
He’d watched the way your skin had shone under the city lights, your features illuminated and accentuated by the chaos the streets. You were so unbothered—, so calm, even amidst everything he (and everyone else) had put you through.
Like a stubborn stone keeping the whole wall from collapsing.
His admiration for you had grown, not only from the past months — which he realises is slightly sadistic — but from your tenderness that had only lasted mere minutes. Even the glimpse of a softer you, not the one covered in a satiated rage, hands squeezing lemons until the bitterness dripped not from the fruit broken skin, but from your own. The sting of acid only making your bloodied finger feel more justified.
Not that.
What he saw was a woman free of woes, no need to split her skin when her heart was already so vulnerable.
And he craved for a mere glimpse of that again.
Like old, your anger had satisfied him. Gave him those doses of you he’d fiend for, and had excited him to no end. Now, he’s found something stronger.
He can’t let you go.
He watches you scoff at yourself, his mask retracting from his face. You look towards the city’s edge one last time before turning and making your way back inside.
He sighs, adjusting his position on the buildings ledge, and grabs the waterspout running the side of the building, crawling back to the shadows.
His claws clink, like nails tapping glass.
There wasn’t a day of peace in the last fortnight.
You were still suffering the effects of your previous injuries. People knowing that something had gone down between you and James, seeing as he hadn’t showed up in two weeks. And the near-healed bruises on your face were a well indicator of your involvement.
So when you stumbled upon Keith, someone you’d basically owed your still-intact-body too, scrambling out of an alley. Bloodied and bruised, nose broken and face almost as busted as your was that day. Safe to say you weren’t exactly confused to what was happening.
He looked up, eyes meeting yours almost eerily fast, the blood from his nose coating his teeth a deep crimson. A sick chill ran down your spine and you stumbled back. A wet gasp for breath was heard, diverting your attention towards its gruesome origin.
Turning your body towards the darkened alley, vision blurring at the edges. Your breath escaped you.
Keith had started speaking, and over the ringing in your ears he’d begged for your forgiveness, scraping his knees while he clawed to get away from his friends continuous spluttered coughing.
Mathew was lying on the floor, avidly trying to protect himself using only his bare hands. While a figure you could only see the back of punched in a strict, repeated pattern — like they’d done this before.
The man whipped his head towards you, blood dripping down a cut on his cheekbone, and a snarl over his face.
Said contortion quickly smoothened out, a rather *confronted look replacing it.
Keith was long gone by now, having dragged his bloodied body away from whatever mess you were now a part of.
“Chiquita, don’t freak out.”
The way your lungs seemed to refuse oxygen kind of refuted that command.
You were frozen still, eyes stuck on the barely conscious body beneath the subject of your recent intrigue.
Mathew was barely recognisable, eyes puffed up in bruises and bloodied flesh. Miles had taken near no damage compared to the other men.
“[Name], c’mon.” He was getting up now, shuffling off his opponent with a tone of apprehension.
Only when his movement shifted your frozen eyes, did you see the key details you’d missed.
Braids, Nikes, Jacket, Collar, Claws.
A spray painted logo you’d only ever seen one man branding.
The Prowler.
"No te precipites, Ma."
“Don’t act rash, Ma.”
Right as the endearment left his mouth, you turned on your heel and ran.
"[Name], Por dios — quedate aquí."
“[Name]! Oh my god — stay there.”
He waved nonchalantly to the definitely not-going-anywhere boy on the floor. Shifting his foot back and jumping at a wall, claws digging in and gripping the ledge to the roof, swinging himself over it and keeping the momentum in a run.
Darting through corner stalls and confused pedestrians, you tripped over yourself to get away.
A strong, persistent mantra of ‘Holy fuck.’ was circling through the forefront of your mind, and yet everything else was hyper aware.
Not a fault in your step as your grace seemed to come out in times of dire panic, like a dancer following their cues, every movement made around you was an instructors yell.
You turned into the alley leading to your apartment, a shortcut, when you heard someone drop down behind you. You spun around, fast enough to dizzy yourself, and gave one look to the neon mask of the vigilante before going to run again. A small noise of panic escaped your shaking form.
“No corras, por favor!”
“Don’t run, please!”
Your heart beat fast, reaching the door to your apartment complex, swiping your key card and launching yourself inside, the scuffle of shoes being heard just outside the slammed shut door.
“Please, [Name], let me in. We can talk this out, Ma.”
Miles begged, knocking on the complexs’ back door.
"They were gonna jump you, [Name].”
“I don’t believe you.”
Your voice came out shaking, confused and *scared. You’d known he’d been capable of violence. It was adamant in the way he wouldn’t flinch at a hit, or the scars that coated his exposed skin.
But this? A man who’s killed people? Who was going to do it again had you not been a witness.
“I—“ You whined, voice giving out and tears finally breaking the surface of your waterline. “I’ve seen you—,” The back of your head hit the metal door and you sobbed silently. “,—On the news.”
Outside the thin steel, Miles sighed, guilt weighing his chest down heavy. He got sloppy, and paid the price. His anger, rage toward these men. And what they’d planned to do to you — he’d say it was justified. You’d say it was monstrous.
“You kill people, Miles.”
His heart broke at the tone of your voice, the quiet sniffles and shortened sobs. The way your voice cracked and broke under the pressure of your open heart.
“Ma, I—“
“I don’t wan’ hear it.”
His hands rest on the cooled metal, forehead pressing against it as he sighed.
“Please let me in.”
“I can’t.”
“[Name]. Chiquita, por favor.”
He’d begged, ready to get on his knees and stand out in the 40° (104°) heat, and wait until you opened the door. Even if it took days.
“I’ll break in.”
“Wha—,” you cut yourself off in a sobbing laugh, rubbing at your tear tracked face. “Miles, That’s not a very good bargaining chip.”
He smiled, closing his eyes and loving the sweetened tone you held. You weren’t scared of him, you were scared of the Prowler.
“‘Made you laugh.”
His accent thickened over the words, dragging them out in a rasping hush. Something only for you to hear.
Your resolve was breaking, lungs slowing to a calmed lull as the adrenaline left your body. You didn’t break though— couldn’t.
“I can’t—,” You looked to the ceiling of your apartment’s ground floor, standing in an empty back room. “,—You’re not good, Miles.”
“You helped them, before.” Your brows furrowed, not of anger, but of betrayed desperation.
“You.. You just watched—“
“I know, baby, I know.”
He opened his eyes again, staring at the door like it had attacked you.
“Go upstairs, yeah?”
“Just go on, Ma.”
You huffed out a slow breath, fight draining from your being. You wanted to yell, to scream at him how wrong of a man he was. How he couldn’t risk everything he had for you, not now. Not as the estranged people you were.
You wanted to show the anger you never could, reach that brink of anguish until you’d finally given him what he’d wanted since your moment of meeting. But he no longer wanted that.
He’d always wanted you to break, now he just wants you.
“Okay.” You were breathless and tired, coerced.
He lifted his head quickly, hands splayed against cooled metal curling into fists, an excitement running through him like that of a promise.
A minute later you were opening the door to your apartment, and locking it behind you. Anxiously making your way to your bedroom, worried to see what was inside, When you stepped inside, you weren't exactly surprised when your eyes landed on Miles' face, what had surprised you though — was that he was hanging off your window sill with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Now will you let me in?" His voice muffled through the glass and you breathed out a quick gasp, "You— Miles, get down!"
"Down?" He smirked, letting one of his hands drop from the wooden sill. "Oh my god!"
You rushed towards your window, discarding your phone on your bed carelessly. You slid your window up, as Miles laughed, swaying from his one hand. "Jesus Miles— are you trying to kill yourself?!"
He crawled through and you grabbed his free hand, dragging him inside. "Get—.. get." Giving up on your scolding half way through, you quickly ushered him towards your bed and turned to close your window.
"When you said 'Go up.' I didn't think yo—"
"I'm sorry.'
Your hands were left floating above your windowsill, shaking in still air. Miles had come up behind you, hands resting over your hips, toying with the hem of your shirt. His face lowered towards your ear voice dipping with it.
"I know you're mad— hate me, all that. 'S okay. I know—,"
He slowly moved his arms further around your waist, watching your breath hitch and the feel of your pulse under the blow of his breath.
",—And I'm sorry."
"I don't hate you."
"You don't hate anyone."
You relaxed into his hold, tears brimming forth again.
"You keep—" "Scaring you." "Yeah." He dragged his left hand down, trailing his fingers over the skin of your arms and watching as the bumps rose along your flesh. You were entrancing.
"Are you scared now, Mami?" He grabbed your wrist in a gentle hold, swiping his bloodied thumb over your smooth skin. Your hand twitched, and his thumb stopped.
"No." You flipped your hand into his, linking your fingers together, careful to not agitate his bruises.
"Would you hurt me?" He reciprocated, closing his fist over your own, the flick of pain felt like nothing— not when the aching in his chest was finally being calmed.
"Never again."
no ending image today im on my laptop (fucking cries)
translator (bbg) @sataraxia
taglist!! @red-riot-rat , @stvrfir3 , @erensbbg , @umawooma , @wisteriaflowersss , @inejsknifes , @meowsannie , @manduse , @rainy-darling , @riya1161 , @key-zee , @toasttew , @em711 , @starsval , @gemma42 , @lovelymiaablogs
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader ft. remus and sirius
summary: james is surprisingly willing to help you despite only having known you for a few weeks.
contents: reader is on her period, james barges into the bathroom because he's That Close to his friends
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Sharing both a room and a bathroom with three men after having shared with four women is jarring, to say the least. Your old roommates could be slobs, of course, but there's something about James's habit barging into the bathroom whenever he pleases that doesn't sit right with you at first. You understand why he'd done it before you'd gotten there; you're sure they all had. You had no problem brushing your teeth beside Lily or Marlene while they were showering or peeing, but now that you're equipped with different tools than the rest of your roommates, it just feels wrong for them to see.
You first encounter it on a Monday morning, an appropriately terrible day for a terrible experience. You've just gotten up, and you're using the bathroom before you get dressed for the day, when James decides he needs to shower right then and there. He shouts a quick, 'Comin' in, mate!' Before turning the knob with the broken lock and storming right in, not giving you enough time to announce your presence.
"Ah- James!" You think you'll die right then and there, hands hovering over your crotch as James realizes what he's done. He's butt naked, probably tired after practice and in need of a steamy shower, but he's not any more enthusiastic about you seeing his parts than you are of him seeing yours, and he scrambles to cover himself up.
"Uh- sorry. I didn't realize it was you, I thought- I thought you had classes this morning. I apologize," He smiles kindly, though his eyes bulge where they're glued to your own, "Uh- you can... get back to business."
Neither of you had looked each other in the eyes for nearly 36 hours, but eventually the awkwardness died down, and you moved on.
Until the second time.
"Y/N," He calls, while you're in the shower, behind the flimsy curtain, "Listen, I know you're in the shower and all, but I'm running late, and I really need to brush my teeth. I don't want to rush you, can I just- just pop in there for a second? I swear I won't look."
You're at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing like a fish while the water streams around you. You appreciate his consideration, you know he doesn't want to scare you off or cross your boundaries, but it's a bold request. You're covered, sure, but the bathroom light is on, and you're sure you've got a silhouette behind the curtain. But you're going to be a while longer, and it's not fair of you to hold James up.
"Uh- sure," You stammer, covering up your chest like he'll be able to see through the curtain with laser eyes, "Come on in."
He doesn't hesitate to rush inside, but he's considerate enough to close the door after himself so that no one else stumbles upon you. You appreciate it, but you're frozen as he brushes his teeth quickly, bidding you a cheery goodbye like he hadn't just skimmed over giving you a heart attack. He shuts the door on his way back out, and there's not an ounce of awkwardness in his tone when he chats with you about his day later.
The third time, the third time is the kicker. You've started your period, the first time since you've been staying with James, Remus, and Sirius. You're sure they wouldn't give you a hard time for it, they seem decent enough so far, but there's just something mortifying about putting a used pad in a man's bathroom trash can.
You've changed your sheets before anyone can see the red stain, but your panties haven't been as fortunate yet. They're laying stained and wet on the ground beside your equally mangled shorts, hopefully not transferring the blood to the fabric below.
You don't get any warning, not enough time to hide them when you hear James's heavy footfalls by the door. He barges in without warning, face shifting to apologetic for only a split second before he registers the bloody clothes on the floor.
"Aah," He yelps, "Fuckin'- Are you wounded? You- oh." His sex education catches up to him, realizing why you've got blood only in the pad of your underwear, "Uh- right. Sorry."
"Get-" You start with a hiss, but you rein yourself in, trying to be kind, "James, can you- can you please get out?"
"Yeah! Yeah, right, I'll-" He motions over his shoulder with his thumb, "Uh- the guys are coming, so I'll head out. And-"
"The- what? Remus and Sirius are on their way back?" You panic, regretting your late wake-up. You could have really used the time they spent at breakfast to clean up."
"Yeah, they're- at the door."
"Close the door!" You urge him, as you hear the two other men enter the room. James does as he's told, but instead of stepping out, he steps in, panicked by your harsh tone of voice.
"Not- no!" You gush, but when he tries correcting himself, you lunge for his hand.
"Don't leave!" You beg, but rush to explain yourself when he frowns worriedly at you.
"I don't-" You whisper, "I don't want them to know I'm in here. Like- like this. If you leave they'll know. Just-" You fall silent with a sigh, "I don't know."
"Right." He nods, keeping his voice down so that it's muffled to Remus and Sirius, "Uh, I'll-"
"James? Mate, m'coming in," Sirius's voice comes from just outside the door, and you and James stare at each other, terrified. He rushes to slam his back against the door, and Sirius is unable to turn the knob.
"No! Uh, you can't-" James stammers, clearing his throat and steeling himself, "Use the bathroom in the hallway. I've got the squirts, mate, you don't wanna be in here with me."
You're lucky that Remus and Sirius groan in disgust, because it muffles your quick snort into your fist.
"You fuckin' animal. I told you not to cram those sausages down your throat," Remus snaps, "Now we can't use it for the rest of the day."
"Yeah, yeah, I've learned my lesson," James promises, shooting you a knowing wink, "Now get out!"
You're fairly certain you hear Sirius groan 'gladly', but you can't be certain. Their footsteps recede, then the outer door shuts, and once again you're alone with James. You wait for him to leave, but he lingers for a moment, politely avoiding staring at your soiled clothes.
"Right, well, they won't be back for a while. Do you want me to leave, too?"
"Uh- no, it's- it's okay," You decide, "You know."
"Yeah. Do you need any," James cringes before he even offers, "Help? I mean, I'm sure you've got wiping down, just- do you want, like, chocolate or something? Doesn't that help?"
"No! No, James, it's alright," You assure him, touched by his offer even if you're also embarrassed by it, "I don't want you to go to any trouble."
"No trouble," He shrugs, letting himself out of the bathroom and hovering in the doorway, "I know where Remus's stash is! He probably won't even notice it's missing, he's got so much. I can snatch some for you?"
"Really, it's okay," You smile kindly at him, still doubled over on the toilet with your elbows covering what you don't want him seeing, "Just- a moment alone, please?"
"Right," He nods with a grin, shutting the door, "Sorry!"
You breathe deep when you finally have a moment alone, cheeks burning with mortification. You're not sure you'll recover from this for a month, conveniently just enough time for it to happen again. You clean yourself up swiftly, not eager to spend more time in the bathroom that's revealed you to your roommate thrice in a month now.
James is kicked back on his bed when you reenter the main room, and he shoots you a kind smile that you bashfully return. You get to work putting new sheets on your bed, but when you move your pillow, you find a chocolate bar tucked under it.
If the sly grin on his face as he turns the page of his book is any indication, he's heard your light chuckle, and knows you appreciate him.
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repulsiveliquidation · 9 months
Too Dangerous
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Ona Batlle x Reader [SMUT! rough.] Mafia and Football, can the two worlds coexist?
two part series, part two is in the making.
i had to use the new gifs im sorry, they’re not mine!
“I expected it to be dropped off by noon today, Michael.”
“I-I was five minutes late! There was t-traffic!”
“That’s not my fucking problem. I said noon, I want fucking noon!!”
Your hand slaps across his face, eyes seething with anger. You chuckle darkly, your fist forming tight before you punch his face repeatedly. His face slices open from the ring you were wearing, you hold yourself back from leaving another bruising blow on his mangled face. You put your hand out and a wet towel slips into it which you use to wipe your knuckles off.
Your right-hand man, George checks his pulse, nodding at you.
“He’ll be alright.”
“Of course he will, I didn’t even hit him that hard.”
“What do you want me to do with him?”
“Send him home with another shipment for tomorrow and see if he’s learned his lesson.”
You turn on your heel and throw the towel somewhere. The mansion is big with four wings; the east wing is reserved for activities such as this. You’ve two bodyguards that follow you around everywhere, your head of security insists that you can never be too careful.
“Pat, James, give me a fucking minute to breathe yeah? I think I can handle any moron that tries to jump me in my own house.”
“Yes ma’am,” James says gruffly, walking away with Pat to hang out in the security room.
Stepping into the west atrium, you hear your favorite sound in the world. You hear your girlfriend laughing at something when you also hear the chef telling her one of his serially bad jokes.
“What’s brown and sticky?”
“A stick!”
It’s a stupid joke but Ona is too nice not to laugh wholeheartedly at it. You walk in and she hears you, leaving the conversation to jump into your arms. It had been days since she last saw you, you were on a business trip and she had shoots to do after training.
“Hi baby girl,” you say, catching her when she jumps up into your arms.
“Hi…,” she whispers, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, darling. The boys pick you up on time?”
“Sí, they were waiting for me when I walked out and saw your text. I think Martin drove my car here for me too.”
“Good, I told him to. Are you hungry? Gio would be more than happy to whip something up for us. Approved from your diet of course.”
“Mm, I am a little hungry.” You gently put her down, she presses her lips to yours and controls a searing kiss for a while. Your hands find her small waist, pulling her into you before she pulls away.
“Okay, I’m not so hungry anymore.”
It's your turn to laugh, pecking her forehead.
“You’re something baby. Come on, let’s get you fed.”
Ona requests Spanish breakfast for dinner, and Gio goes a little crazy when fulfilling her request. There are plates upon plates of food, the smell making everyone’s stomachs growl with hunger. You sit at the head of the table, Ona deciding to scoot in and settle herself in your lap. Your hand slips around her hips as she leans back into your chest.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I have a concern, can we talk after dinner?”
She pulls back and looks down at you, eyes looking a little worried. You nod, rubbing the small of her back softly.
“Of course, baby. I’ll get a bottle of champagne chilled, we can relax by the pool and have a little swim, how’s that sound?”
"Suena perfecto, bebé.”
She looked a little more relieved then, she moved to get off your lap and into her usual chair on your right. You grasp her waist a little tighter as she tries to stand, whispering only to her.
The voice used insinuates obedience, she nods and begins to pile her plate high. She digs in, feeding you off her plate.
“Gio, these tostadas are divine,” you say as Ona feeds you another bite.
“Gracias! My mother would kill me if she knew I was selling her sacred recipes online.”
“Oh, could you slip a Boërl in the chiller Gio? Ona and I want a bottle to have by the pool tonight.”
“Already have, madame, it’ll be ready when you are.”
“Perfect, feed the boys will you? Lord knows they’ll never let a speckle of your cooking go to waste,” you say, pushing your chair back and helping Ona to her feet before standing yourself. You take her hand and walk towards the bedroom, climbing the quartz stairs with a little pep in your step.
The entire dinner consisted of being one, fed by Ona, and two, wracking your brain as to why she wanted to talk to you about something that was concerning her. Was it the club, or did something happen? Was there someone bothering her at the facility, a stalker I needed to get rid of? Did she want to break up with you? You’ve been together for 4 years, maybe she was bored of all the secrecy and the vows of not making your work interfere with her life when you made a mistake when we started dating.
You called her over in the morning a year ago on her day off, forgetting that she was coming soon after. You had a money laundering prick who scammed little old ladies come in and you had to “deal with it,” she walked right into the east wing where a newbie security detail moronically brought her to me.
She stood and watched you break a man's ribs, and jaw, then proceeded to cut a few fingers off to find in a bucket of others to have sewn back on. Only when there was a loud gagging sound and a flash of brown hair did you realize who was watching.
She ran to the closest bathroom and threw up, yelling at you to go away. After coaxing her to open the door, she pushed herself as far as she could away from you; she was scared. You had never let her into this part of your work, scared for this very reason. She had seen a side of you that you kept well hidden, reserved for people who fucked with you. It took her days to even look at me, let alone be in the same room as you. You had made it crystal clear that what you did was not for her to know, but for her to enjoy the wealth that came with it. She had a vague idea, and was warned severely of the consequences, should she be inclined to speak to people who could end it all. But as time went on, you knew she was not one to betray you; she had turned into one of the most loyal people in my world, someone you would gladly lay you life down for.
“I’ve got you a present,” you say, pulling her into our bedroom.
“What is it this time? You spoil me way too much.”
“It’s not another car, I promise. It’s little, fitting for tonight.”
You pull out a brand-new swimsuit, one that leaves anyone who would see her in a minute jealous that she was all yours.
“Oh bebita, it’s gorgeous.”
“Put it on, I’ve been dreaming of you in it since I bought it.”
She hops into the bathroom to change, as you pull on a swimsuit yourself. It’s plain black, and if the night goes to plan, will end up next to a lawn chair in about 30 minutes.
She walks out shyly, hands behind her back, standing in all her muscular glory.
“Fuck, it is so much better than I imagined. C’mere.”
She timidly walks over, wrapping her arms around your neck. She leans in and kisses you, lips soft and tasted like cherry. You kissed back, humming softly into her mouth. She pulled away, hands softly stroking the back of your neck.
“I love you,” she whispers, “and thank you. It’s so pretty.”
“Just like you, my girl.”
She blushes again, grabbing your hand and running down to the pool outside. She lets go of your hand and dives in, coming up and swimming to the edge. She rests her arms on the side, taking the glass of champagne from you with a soft “thank you, amor.”
You sit by the edge, feet dipped into the cold water. Sipping on the expensive alcohol, she suddenly pushes herself out of the pool and sits beside you. Remembering why you were here in the first place, she finishes her glass and you immediately fill it up again. The bubbly wine gives her liquid courage, and she feels brave enough to admit her troubles and not let her brain convince her that she’s overreacting.
“I think someone’s been following me.”
You stop drinking, head slowly turning to look at her.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s been this car I’ve been seeing for weeks. At first, I thought it was just a new staff member or something but I saw it in the parking lot when I was grocery shopping the other night and I thought it was a new fan or something but now I think it’s someone because of you.”
“How long? Do not lie to me.”
“2 months.”
“Fucking hell Ona.”
Your brain immediately goes into protective mode, coming up with all the ways to find the fucker and cut him into a million pieces. You run your hand down your face.
“I want a detailed description for George tomorrow. I’ll increase your security, and put George on your team. You will not go anywhere without him, I will make sure you get to training and whatever on time. I’ll have a word with Jonatan too, see if my men can hang around to protect you and the girls if necessary until I fucking kill the bastard.”
“That’s too much baby,” she begins to negotiate but you stop her, hand raised in front of her face.
“No, not when it comes to you, darling. You only get the best, if the girls get to enjoy that too on my dime, so be it.”
She sets her glass to the side and surges forward, pressing her lips desperately on yours. You kiss back, cupping her face gently. Ona pulls away and grins, before slipping back into the pool. You’re about to jump in when she grabs your hands and pulls you in. You squeal in surprise, coming up with a cheeky grin on your face.
“You’re in big trouble, baby girl.”
“What if I want to be?” Oh, bold Ona. Very bold, my love.
“Then you won’t be opposed to being punished, hm?”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“You pulled me into the water, and you didn’t tell me about your stalker for two months. You’re lucky he didn’t do anything.”
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to be wrong.”
“I’m not mad, my love. I’m so proud of you for being brave and coming to me. Let me worry about it now, yeah?”
You pull her in for a kiss, hands roaming her body. You won’t lie, the swimsuit she had on was a massive turn-on and if we weren’t about to fuck in the pool, you was sure as hell going to devour her before bed.
“You look way too fucking good in that two-piece not to be ravishingly worshipped, my darling.”
She blushes, kissing you hard. Ona pulls your hands around to her ass, which you squeeze hard and draw a deep moan from her. Your hands pull at her cheeks, fingers rubbing gently at her asshole and folds. You maneuver her around to the edge again, picking her up easily to sit. She leans back, as your fingers pull her bottoms to the side and bury your face in her folds. She’s soaking wet, arousal thick and delicious.
She whimpers for you, strong hands tangled in your wet locks. Your tongue darts into her, throwing her legs over your shoulders before pulling her closer to the edge. You're practically holding her hips up, lips suckling at her clit hard. Ona moans loudly, back arching off the ground.
“Please!” she moans, fingers tightening in your hair as her legs squeeze at your head deliciously. You slip two fingers into her, pumping in and out of her slick pussy hard. They press up into her sweet spot, fingertips rubbing circles over it to get her to come faster. She huffed and puffed, face contorting into all kinds of pleasure. She makes eye contact and cries out your name, coming hard and fast. Ona pants, licking her dry lips.
“A la mierda esto, if you don’t fuck me right now, I will die.”
“Picked out a new strap for you to be split open on, mi amor.”
“puta madre!”
“Yeah, this one’s pretty fuckin’ big huh?”
“Feels s-so good!”
Your hips pound into Ona, swimsuits abandoned at the foot of the bed. She’s on her front, trying her best to push her ass back on you as you fuck her from behind. She tries to keep up, knees buckling every time the new strap finds a new erogenous spot she never knew she had. It was significantly bigger than she had ever taken, with three prior orgasms and a fingering of a lifetime, she was finally open enough to take the head. Coming once again was the key to taking the whole thing, Ona looked absolutely wrecked when speared on it.
“You’re so fucking hot baby, taking my cock so well princess,” you cooed, hands turning her onto her back as your fingers rubbed her clit that you just spat on. She was sensitive beyond words, her speech slurred, and was barely babbling, hyper-focused on her pending sixth orgasm for the night.
“Are you gonna cum, my sweet?” you whispered into her ear, leaning over her as your hips did not slow down one bit. Hands pressed her legs wide open, harness dragging over her clit with each powerful thrust.
“Yes, yes!” she croaked out, head nodding hard and fast as she cried tears of frustration and sexual arousal.
You spat on her hot clit again, fingers rubbing messily at her folds as you sped up even more. She screamed, orgasm ripping through her hard. She was convulsing and begging for you to not stop, the aftershocks making her beg again, this time for you to stop.
You chuckle and do, pulling out and pulling the harness off. She tucked in your chest immediately, cradled, and kissed softly.
“You took that so well, darling.”
“Can we take a bath together please?”
You pick her up, heading into the huge en suite. She sits pretty on the counter, feet dangling as you start a hot bath. You help her in, climbing in behind her as she settles back against your chest. Her eyes close, pulling your arms around her middle. Your lips press against her shoulders, sucking softly at her skin. She hums, biting her lip gently.
“Can we do one more?” you ask her, grinning against her ear, hand already caressing the inside of her thighs.
“Amor…” she whines, body jolting in surprise when your fingers gently rub at her sore folds.
“Just one more baby girl, then we’ll go to bed.”
Your fingers, long and thick, fill her pussy with unsurprising ease. They drag slow and taut, mulling her pleasure like an aged wine. She whines, legs opening wider in the water as your fingers slip in deeper. She grasps your forearm, grinding carefully into your hand.
“Already so close, mi vida? I can feel you clenching around me hm?”
“You feel just…so full…”
“Come for me baby, you’ve done exceptionally all night, love.”
She comes with a cry of your name, going boneless in your arms. You finger her through the aftershocks, her whines dying in her throat.
All dried and tucked in bed, Ona suddenly presses herself up on top of you. She looks down with fear in her eyes.
“When you find him,” she takes a deep breath, “You’re not going to kill him are you?”
Your hands brush up on her thighs, thumbs softly rubbing her hips.
“It depends on what choice he gives me, darling. What I do with him is none of your concern.” Your tone is final, and she doesn’t argue, instead scooting down and resting her head on your chest.
"Buenas noches, mi amor".
“Good night, my beautiful girl.”
“I’ll see you at the game. You won’t be late, right?”
“No, my love. George will take you; I have some business to attend to first. I’ve also spoken to security at the stadium, my men are there as an extra precaution looking for the description you gave us. It’ll be a little stuffy for the girls, I apologize.”
“Can you come and explain the situation to the girls with me?” Ona asks with wide eyes, wrapping her arms around your neck. Your hands hold her hips, gently pulling her into yours.
“Of course, bebita. Anything you want.”
She walks out of the house with three more security guards than she’s used to, shoved into a huge van with tinted windows that she couldn’t even see out of and instructions to not engage with fans for today.
“But, they’re here to see us! I can’t just ignore them!” Ona argues, determined to put her foot down.
“I’m sorry ma’am, we have to be safe,” George informs her, looking back from the front seat.
“No, I will not do it. The fans have nothing to do with it, you don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m calling Y/N,” she says firmly, dialing your number.
“Missing me so soon, princesa?”
“Why am I not allowed to meet with the fans today?”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t.”
“Can you tell George that please?” 
She hands the phone over, deciphering the conversation you two were having, grinning when she heard she had her way.
He hands her phone back with a slightly annoyed look.
“No one gets a shirt signed until I’ve determined they don’t look funny.”
“Chicas! Why the hell are there so many men in suits outside?” Patri yells out as she enters the changing room. Most of the girls nodded and began to talk amongst themselves. Suddenly, the door is opened and you walk in, the door locking behind you.
“Hola girls, hi baby,” you announce, Ona running up to you for a hug and a kiss. You spin her around and put her down before you shrug your coat off.
You greet everyone else with hugs and kisses before Alexia pipes up and enquires about why you’re here.
“Board members don’t usually visit their teams before an easy game,” she questioned, hands on her hips dramatically.
You’ve owned a sizable chunk of Barcelona for years, something your father passed down to you along with his “business” when he died 7 years ago. It was how you met Ona, having been a close friend of Alexia’s when she introduced you two at a Spain international friendly when you had visited to see Alexia play. It was love at first sight, at least for you. No one could ever compare to her.
“Sorry girls, this one’s my doing. We have a situation, I’m handling it. It’ll be this way for a while until it’s resolved.”
“Is this about that guy that’s been hovering around the facility for weeks now?” Caro asks, and the whole team begins to nod.
“Is there something I’m missing here?”
You look at Ona, then at Alexia. Alexia opens her mouth to speak when Ona lifts her hand.
“All of us have been stalked bebé. It’s the same guy,” she says, some of the girls discussing his description, and it was becoming clear that it was the same guy that Ona was talking about.
Your eyes change and you run a hand down your face. Just as you’re about to call George, he does.
“Ma’am, I have the information you asked for.”
“I do too although I have a feeling you’re going to tell me something I already know, you go first.”
The girls listen in, the room is silent except for your voice and George’s muffled one.
“He’s more than just Ona’s stalker, he’s been following all the girls.”
“Well, it looks like we’re both on the same page.”
“How did you know to check?”
“A hunch. You better have more than that for me.”
El Clasico goes as smoothly as it could, with Barça getting an easy win over Real. You’re in the stands, phone pressed to your ear. Ona and Aitana walk over to sign autographs and such, you wave and go back to talking to George on the phone. Ona gets close enough to hear you, sighing when you move away and walk into the tunnel without her.
Aitana notices, asking her friend if everything is alright. Ona shrugs, signing another fan t-shirt.
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it.”
You’ve made your way into the changing room as the girls slowly filter in. You look at little angry but smile at Ona when she walks in with Aitana.
George continues on the phone.
“He’s got a few favorites. Besides Ona, he’s been frequenting Alexia, Aitana, Lucy, and, this one was a surprise, Ingrid.”
You pull your phone from your ear, looking at the girls whose names were listed.
“Ona, Ingrid, Alexia, Aitana and Lucy. With me.”
Mapi gives Ingrid a look but lets her go, the five girls following you out to an empty physio room. They’re silent, looking at each other with great concern.
You keep talking to George.
“What’s the plan, boss?”
“He isn’t here, is he?”
“No ma’am, we’ve searched every nook and cranny.”
“The house is the safest for them right now.”
“I agree.”
“I’ll call you back in a minute.”
“Do not panic,” you start, walking into the room towards the girls. “As George said earlier, he’s been stalking everyone. But he’s followed you five more.”
"¡Oh, Dios mío!"
“What the fuck?”
“What does that mean?”
“You four will stay with Ona and me until we find the bastard.”
“The maids have your rooms ready. You’ve each got your own, the kitchen is through there, the gym is beside the theater, we’re having dinner by the pool on your left and I wouldn’t go near the east wing if I were you.”
“Sí, gracias,” Alexia says, grabbing her bags and taking the closest room to her. The others follow while Ona sticks around.
“I’m worried for them, bebé.”
“I am too, they’ve just been put into a world that they did not sign up for and it’s all my fault.”
“It comes with the job, amor. These stalkers aren’t something new.”
“I know but, for him to be this close to home makes it a reality I am scared to face.”
She wraps her arms around your neck, caressing the soft hair on your nape. Ona leans in and kisses you chastely, thumbs rubbing your ears softly.
“I know you will do everything possible to keep us safe, bebita. We trust you.”
“Sí, we all do,” Aitana says softly and you both turn to look at her, surprised to see all of them standing there; you hadn’t heard them come in.
“We may not know what you do Y/N, but we know enough that nowhere else is safe but here.”
“We’ve got extra guys on the ground, I called in a favor from an old friend of mine and we’ve gotten access to all the camera footage in the stadium that Barcelona has refused to give me. If he’s here, we’ll find him.” You tell the team at training one day, fear of him getting bolder and bolder had spread to the whole team now. Everyone was on edge, scared to go home even; you had arranged for an Airbnb for the rest of the team with the highest security you could buy, even then it didn’t feel like it would be safe till the asshole was found.
A couple of weeks had gone by and every time we got close to catching him, he managed to slip away. It was getting increasingly frustrating, the girls were getting more and more anxious about him potentially getting away with it.
There was a cryptic note on our car last week after training, with pictures of Ona and Ingrid at the park with Zeus, my dog. The letter inside said, “I know your every move before you make it, give up your search and give her to me and maybe I’ll leave the rest alone.”
The picture showed Ona circled in red. There were also five bullets in the envelope; five bullets that belonged to your gun. You knew it did because a. they were a specific size handmade for you and b. your initials were stamped on each case, hidden within the shell upon further inspection.
“George, what the fuck, are you out of your mind?! We’re not using my girlfriend as bait!” You yell, slamming your hand into the table. George sighs, shaking his head.
“Boss, please-”
“We are NOT using her as bait, George!”
Both your heads whip towards the sound of the voice; Ona stands in the door frame of your office in the east wing. She’s not supposed to be here.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” George starts but you raise and hand and point at the door then at him.
“Out,” you tell him before looking at Ona, “Hello, love.”
She sighs and steps aside for George to leave; he closes the door behind him.
“George is right, you’re not supposed to be here.”
“I wanted to see you,” she reached out for your hand but she looked a little hesitant, “ever since you’ve been looking for this guy, you’ve been obsessed and so stressed. It’s wearing you out, bebita.”
“I have to find him, Ona. I have to protect you, protect the girls.”
“But you’ve been neglecting me.”
Her tone was sad and dejected, one that pained you to your core. You had been ignoring her, ignoring her needs. She was here and yet you were always in your office or out somewhere working. This guy had taken over your life for a while and you didn’t see the damage he was doing within.
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melonisopod · 9 months
I think the funniest part of the fallout to Hbomberguy's video is how the Internet Historian fans saw him lose a couple thousand followers and acted like IH was Christ on the Cross and they were the Virgin Mary holding his bleeding mangled corpse like "How DARE you slander his reputation, Mr. Bomber! You're only attacking him cause you disagree with his politics!" meanwhile James Somerton, a gay guy who does queer leftist video essays about LGBT history in film, nuked his online presence and is currently on suicide watch after his whole fanbase turned on him.
Like there is something truly spectacular of seeing the IH fans react as if "their guy" was hit the hardest cause he got the tiniest hint of backlash for ripping off another man's work and MAYBE a couple Nazi dogwhistles? I mean, I do wish the shoe were on the other foot, I wish it was the other way around. Well, ideally I wish nobody plagiarized ever, but failing that, I wish it were the guy putting 1448 and rape jokes in his videos who was tearfully groveling into his expensive camera about how much he wants to keep making content and not the guy celebrating queer history in pop culture, but real life is seldom as narratively satisfying as fiction.
Still, his fans are a bunch of pussies.
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fantisyoflove · 2 months
Don't Think I'll Stay - one shot
Hooking up with Remus Lupin. Not cannon. Everyone is alive and 25. [What could have been without the war]
Warning: period accurate misogyny, drinking, and smoking
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This version of Remus by @industrations
The boys had shown up right in the middle of the busiest time. James had come out of support for his friends, his girlfriend Lily home with their son.
Sirius had convinced them, Remus and Peter, that they should try hooking up with muggle women tonight.
"Come on Moony! Muggle girls are way easy! So impressed by stupid shit. Besides you can say your scars are from a motorcycle accident or like some fight or whatever!"
They were all sitting in the living room of the flat Sirius, Remus, and Peter shared. Remus was smoking by the window while Sirius paced dramatically while trying to convince him to go. He had changed his mind again. It was one thing to try and talk to witches, atleast then he could lie and say something cool like 'oh this? Yea just a run in with some dragons'. In the magical world his scars were easier to explain away. In the muggle world appearances meant a lot.
Remus sighed and walked over to stub his cigarette out in the tray on the coffee table and then threw his hands up in defeat.
"Alright, alright! I'll go"
Sirius pumped the air with his fist, jumped up and clapped, "Woooo!"
Walking in the thrum of bodies felt overwhelming. They had pregamed at the flat but he was already itching for a drink and another drag. He motioned to the bar and James gave him a thumbs up.
Once he had a drink in his hand he scanned the crowd behind him to spot his friends.
James was dancing with nobody in particular but he kept a close eye on all 3 of them. If all he could do now is live vicariously through them he would.
Peter was chatting to one girl along the wall. She looked nervous and gave half hearted smiles as her eyes flicked back and forth, probably trying to find a friend or a way out. Remus couldn't put his thumb on it but something about Peter always rubbed people, women specifically, the wrong way.
Sirius, of course, was leaning up against a table towards the back with a circle of girls around him. Remus watched as he knocked back one girls drink and then took another girl to the dance floor.
Rolling his eyes he turned back to the bar. As long as his friends were busy they wouldn't be nagging him to 'just put himself out there'. He didn't think there was a 'one' out there for him. Being a werewolf he was lucky he hadn't been kicked out of society entirely. It was his friends that helped him. All he needed was them.
"Hey, umm is this seat taken?" A shy voice perks his ears.
She looks like she would smell like flowers and honey. He thinks dreamily.
"Oh ... um, no, go ahead!" He stutters as he pulls the stool out for you a bit and you take his hand to help yourself up. A curl of sandwood and wood smoke greets him surprisingly.
A cold sweat tickles his back. You are holding his hand. His scared and mangled hand. You are holding his hand and you arnt flinching away or quickly letting go to then wipe it on your dress. You smile at him and thank him and then casually let go of his hand.
Remus quickly turnings back to his drink, hunching his shoulders and arguing with himself in his head.
From the corner of his eye he can see you fiddling with the strap of your purse and then motion to the bartender for a drink but you are promptly ignored.
"Here, uh let me. What would you like?" Remus offers.
You give a soft smile and tell him what you would like.
Remus lifts himself from his chair, gives a wave, and then calls out your order. The bartender nods to Remus and you refrain from rolling your eyes.
"Thank you" you say as the drink is set before you.
"Remus" he says quickly
Remus coughs to clear his throat, "sorry, I said my name is Remus"
"Oh, well hello Remus im Y/N" you take a sip of your drink and try not to down the whole thing.
"Look I am so sorry," you begin and his face falls, "I mentioned to my friends that I thought you were cute and they made me come over here." You are fiddling with the strap again and blushing up to your ears.
"I am not very good at this whole" you wave your hand in the air, "thing."
Remus feels like he is on a Rollercoaster. His stomach had dropped at least 3 times and all for very different feelings.
"No, no! You are fine! I am also here under duress" he says leaning in closer like it's a secret.
"Oh?" You give a nervous giggle.
That seemed to break the ice and you both start talking. You talk about your jobs and school, some of his answers seem very vague but you just assume it's because he is also nervous like you. He tells you about his friends and points them out to you around the room. You in turn point out your friends who are still sitting together at the same table and don't even have the decency to act like they weren't staring. One even waves to you two.
You do roll your eyes this time, "sorry they can be so ..."
"Nosey!" You both laugh. Touches your knee innocently enough. Your friends had told you muggle men were easier to get into bed and it had been a long time since you had slept with someone.
"Would you ... I mean you can say no ... but would you want to maybe get out of here?" You ask and force yourself to meet his eyes. If he is going to reject you might aswell get it over with.
"Oh? I, yea I mean yea let's uh. Do you wanna come back to mine?" Now he is fidgeting with his glass and struggling to meet your eyes.
You take his hand in yours, "lead the way."
Your friends give you a thumbs up and make smoochie faces at you as you walk past them to leave. Remus glances around, probably looking for his friends, but doesn't seem to find them anywhere.
You wish you could apperate because the London air is chilly but all you can do is hope this muggle man doesn't live too far away!
You both settle into a calm silence as you walk. He notices you shiver slightly and goes to reach for his wand before remembering that he can't use magic around you.
"Here" he says as he stops on the footpath and shrugs off his jacket for you.
"Thank you." It is so warm and smells like coffee and old books. You pull it closer around your neck and breath in deeply.
Thankfully a short 10 minute walk is all it took to reach his flat. He pauses at the door and realizes that his wand, which he needs to open the door, is in his jacket pocket.
"Oh um can I see my... " He starts
"Oh right sorry." You fumble as you take the coat off and hold it out to him.
He unlocks the door and opens it but then slams it shut again.
"Okay, umm. I didn't actually think I would be bringing anyone here. Would you mind too terribly if I clean up quick?" He looks so embarrassed and honest and man oh man you could loose yourself in those soft amber eyes.
"You want me to wait here?" You couldn't stop the tone of dumbfounded from leaching into your words.
He flinched, "uh yes, please. I promise I'll only be a moment!" He doesn't wait for your reply but hastily squeezes inside the small gap in the doorway before shutting it in your face.
You looked as shocked as you feel.
You roll your eyes again. You really should stop, your mother says it causes wrinkles.
You go to pull your dress down and your hand brushes against your wand strapped to your thigh. You hesitate at first but then quickly unclip it and stow it in your purse instead.
You here some crashing and banging around like he is just frantically throwing things into different rooms at this point. And then in exactly 2 minutes he throws the door open again.
Remus had used magic to clean up the flat and was still holding his wand in his hand when he opened the door. Thankfully it was the hand behind the door he thought as he quickly shoved it behind his back and into his waist band.
You cover your mouth to stop a nervous giggle from coming up. And walk inside the flat.
Remus led you to his room and then sat on his bed. Hands behind him to lean on he just watched you with a bemused half smile on his face.
"What?" You ask nervously. He shakes his head and then hides his face in his hands.
"You don't seem real." He whispers
You set your bag down by the edge of the bed and straddle his waist.
"Does this feel real?"
The small gasp from his lips is addictive and you want him to do it again.
"No" he breaths
You card your fingers through his hair, it's so soft. You can now see he recently had a mullet but must have not gotten around to triming it back again or he was trying to grow it out.
His eyes are searching your face and you give him a genuine smile as you lean down and capture his lips with yours.
His hips roll into you as he gasps against your mouth. His kisses with his whole body. His hands are gripping onto your hips and pull you in closer. You nip at his bottom lip and he groans.
"Very real."
You tease your fingers along the hem of his shirt before pressing your hand against his soft belly.
"Wait" he sputters grabbing your wrist.
"If you're about to warn me about what you look like under your shirt, please don't. I like you, Remus, no amount of scaring will turn me away. Besides if you show me yours, I'll show you mine" you give him a mischievous wink.
He hasn't let go of your wrist yet but he nods.
"Could.. could you go first?"
You kiss him on the nose and stand up to turn around for him. He stares at your back a beat to long before you turn to look at him.
"Could you pull my zipper?"
"What?! Oh right yea yes." His hands are shaking but he grabs onto the collar of your dress and the zipper and pulls it down.
You hold the front against your body waiting.
Remus holds onto your hips and pulls you closer so he can kiss along your spine. You shiver and wiggle away to face him.
Part of you wants to do something sexy but the other part of you feels like nothing you could do in this moment would be sexy and you just feel awkward and your mind is running a million kilometers a minutes... you catch his eye and see the soft patient expression on his face. He looks so vulnerable even if you are the one almost naked here.
Finally you decide to just let the dress fall to the floor. Remus sucks in a breath and reaches for you. You let him pull you back into his lap as he kisses you again. First on the lips, then on your jaw, down your neck, across both shoulders and then finally, as he gazes up at you with those beautiful sleepy eyes, he kisses you between both breast's.
You let your head loll to the side as he takes his time undoing your bra and kissing you all over. You let out a soft moan when he takes your nipple into his mouth. The flat of his tongue swirling around it before the tip flicks against it.
Letting go with a small pop he leans back to look you over. "So where are these scars you told me about."
You giggle and take his hand to trace over a thick patch, the size of a baseball, under your ribs.
He lifts an eyebrow at you. "Is that all?"
"So far yea,"
He shifts you onto the bed and stands before you.
His eyes search your face one more time just trying to remember you in this moment, happy and carefree. He is afraid, afraid of what you'll say or do once he does show you all of himself.
With a deep breath he yanks the shirt off and tosses it onto the floor his trousers follow and he is left in just his pants. He hasn't looked at you yet.
"See we arnt so different" you say cheerfully.
His head snaps up and he looks at you confused.
You take his hand and pull him towards you onto the bed. He hesitates but then climbs in next to you.
One night won't hurt.
He leans over you and kisses you again. You pull on the waistband of his pants and he helps you push them all the way off. Then your panties come off and you breath catches in your throat as his cock brushes against your thigh.
This is really happening.
He grinds into you as his teeth graze against the soft spot on your neck. You arch into him and he begins to kiss and suck that spot in earnest.
He draws his hips back and then rocks them forward. The pressure slowly builds, "okay?" he hisses in your ear.
You press your forehead against his and nod eagerly. He smiles and places a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
One final thrust and he is sliding all. the. way. in.
Breathless sighs echo each other with every push and pull. Hot urgent kisses becoming more frantic until finally, finally, they fade into cries of passion.
Remus kisses you one more time before slipping out of you and rolling off of you with a satisfied groan.
"Brilliant" he huffed.
"Fuck" you say taking a deep breath. You lay there in your post orgasam haze just listening to the rain outside.
When did it start raining?
Remus scooped you closer to him, holding you against his side. You rest your head against his shoulder and sigh in pure content.
You are lightly snoring next to him when Remus hears the front door slam open and the drunken, very loud, voices of his friends. He holds his breath as he slips out of the bed, making sure to cover you with the blanket before he tip toes out into the hall.
Remus runs to the living room, "Shh guys shhh"
"What are you on about, Moony?" Peter slurs
"Yea what does moon moon have against *hiccup* my *hiccup* my..." James was holding up a very drunk Sirius who was unfortunately not holding up his end of this conversation.
James slung him onto the couch, "Moony, you always leave early and then I am left to tend to the children on my own!" He then drops his full body weight onto Sirius's legs.
Sirius groans but doesn't try and kick him off.
"I left with a girl" Remus said stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Oh fuck off, no you didn't" Peter snaps throwing his jacket at Remus. Remus watched it fall to the ground a good two feet in front of him, unamused.
James was looking back and forth between the two of them, he was feeling skeptical of Remus too.
"I did and all your yelling is going to wake her up so please keep it down!" Remus hissed.
Peter got a shit eating grin on his face and he starting shuffling towards the hall. "Well then Moons lets just see this girl then!" He made to run past but Remus catch him round the middle.
"Oh come on Moony! I just wanna see her!"
"No wormtail! Seriously please just go to bed!" Remus shuffled side to side to block Peter's way to his room.
Peter got a green look to his face and fell back into an armchair. "You're lucky i had way too much to drink tonight to fight you."
Remus rolled his eyes, "Just got to bed."
Peter shot a look at James, "I still don't believe him."
James shrugged and slapped his palm down on Padfoot's backside. "Welp Pads, since you are so comfy here guess I get your bed tonight" Sirius groaned but couldn't even lift his head to protest.
Back in his room you woke with a start at the sound of the guys arguing. Carefully you dressed and pulled your wand to apparate back home.
With a pop you are back in your flat. Your flatmates had all made it back home as well given the amount of heels discarded by the front door.
You softly padded down to your room, as you passed one of the girl's doors it opened to a man, holding all of his clothes in a ball in his arms, sneaking out.
You both made eye contact and he gave you a crisp solute and then let himself out the front door.
"Muggles" you scowl and relock the door once more.
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gerryrigged · 1 year
wait wdym dc didn't stick with Red Robin for Tim [and the de-aging thing?] what are they calling him if not RR?
He's been Robin again since 2019 😬 it's a bit more complicated but that's the gist of it.
Okay so Tim became Red Robin in the 2009-2011 series of the same name, back in the post-Crisis timeline. He was supposedly 17 at the time, by official records, and I believe he was still supposed to be 17 when the universe was rebooted with Flashpoint in 2011? (Although this doesn't really make any sense with respect to jamming the huge number of events that happened while he was Robin into like four years, if he was supposed to have become Robin at 13; he should probably at least be 18 if not 19-20).
The Flashpoint reboot took us into the New 52 (much beloathed), where nearly everyone was de-aged to some extent to keep Bruce Wayne and his generation from getting ~too old~, and also Tim Drake was mangled into a completely different character who had never been "Robin"; he'd been "Red Robin" right from the start of his vigilante career. He was de-aged to 16 for the New 52 Teen Titans series.
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Teen Titans (2011) #0; as you can see, this version of Red Robin kept a version of the bandoliers and gave Tim a fancy new functional wing cape that he could fly around with.
Next, Rebirth in 2016 was a partial reboot that brought back some aspects of the post-Crisis timeline; tbh I'm not an expert on this period. What I do know is that Tim mainly appears in James Tynion IV's run of Detective Comics that ran from 2016 to 2018. During this period Tim was still called Red Robin, but he'd basically reverted to a Robin costume, with only the silly doubled "RR" symbol identifying him as not ~actually~ Robin winkwink nudgenudge, and as I understand it he was mostly back to functioning as Bruce's partner.
Tynion's run ends in Detective Comics #981 with Tim telling Bruce that he's going off to Ivy University. (He's totally lying, as Tim Drake does; Alfred notices that his tracker is going off in the opposite direction of the university, but Bruce is like "I trust him" and turns the tracker off. Yay, I guess?)
Anyway the important bit is this revealing that Tim is 'going-off-to-college' age. Which could still reasonably be anywhere from 17-19, and DC being DC, they ~refuse to confirm~
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Tim as Red Robin on the cover of Detective Comics #934 (2016); as you can see, he's pretty much Robin again lol
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Detective Comics #968 (2018); another shot of his "basically Robin" Red Robin costume
In 2019 we got the actual return of Tim as Robin (no "Red") in Brian Michael Bendis's Young Justice run, re-uniting the Core Four from YJ 1998.
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Young Justice (2019) #1
As you can see, he no longer has the doubled 'RR', and he confirms that he's Robin - "Well, one of them!" I think he's supposed to be filling in as the Gotham Robin while Damian is running around the world having adventures and presumably getting into trouble, as Robins do? idk.
Tim also chases down his erased post-Crisis past at the beginning of this arc, having Zatanna magically restore (most of) his memories of the previous timeline, and, crucially, his forgotten best friend Kon, kickstarting some plot.
Tim, and all of the Young Justice crew, are notably young-looking for almost the entirety of this run. It varies based on the artist, but uh, yeah for the most part they are really damn baby-faced. This is a trend that continues with Tim and his generation of friends from this point onward, so fans have basically thrown up their hands like "is he 17 forever???? is he Edward Cullen from Twilight???? is he aging backward????"
We Just Don't Know
In any case, Bendis makes DC's next attempt to give Tim his own identity in short order, giving us the hilarious, ill-fated, and rightfully short-lived "Drake" identity.
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Young Justice (2019) #10
He's back to being Robin by issue #18, hilariously switching costumes from one page to the next, although some time has apparently passed during the scene transition.
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Young Justice (2019) #18; Jinny: "Is Drake back to being Robin?" Kon: "I think Batman and Spoiler made him go back to Robin. Don't bring it up. And say thank you because we didn't have to have the Drake intervention we were planning."
And as of the current date (July 13, 2023), Tim is still in the Robin identity, sharing it with Damian ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ God knows how old he's supposed to be right now. I certainly don't.
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Batman (2016) #136; the most recent issue out to date, with Tim suiting up as Robin while filling Bruce in after diving into a bunch of parallel dimensions to bring Bruce home.
As you can see, it's a Mess. The Tim Drake's Vigilante Identity question is of course a hotbed of wank and infighting, as people are torn between (a) wanting him to continue as Robin and (b) wanting him to move on and "grow up" into his own identity again (and, importantly, leave Damian as the sole Robin again, lol).
It feels like most people are for option (b), but then nobody can agree on what his next identity and costume should be. Red Robin again?? Some other bird-based identity that doesn't share a name with a major restaurant chain?? Something else entirely??
God only knows what DC is going to come up with, especially after the Drake fiasco.
And there you have it, Anon! Hope that was helpful.
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Power Play - Chapter 1
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AN: And here is Week 5 of HBS and the start of a new multi-chapter fic, this one a Bucky x Reader story, cos I like to give you all some variety. This also strays into Soft!Dark! Territory, cos, you know… Mob! Bucky. Thanks @buckybarnesevents for the inspo.
I’ve chosen the prompt When I first met you... Electricity
Beta’d by @buckysbarne
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me. Pictures of Seb courtesy of https://sebastian-stan.com/
Master list | Hot Bucky Summer Master list
Summary: Waking up in a mobster’s house the morning after the night before was not how this was supposed to go…
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Relationship: Mob! Bucky x Undercover Agent! Reader
WC: 2.3k
CW: Kidnap, Manipulation, Soft!Dark! Bucky, Alcohol consumption, Reader briefly believes Bucky will force her against her will (use of R word once), kissing, Russian Pet names as mangled by Google translate (all variations of sweetheart/darling except Pchelka, which is explained.)
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Your head was foggy and your mouth grainy as you opened your eyes, blinking against the harshness of the late morning sun coming through the window.
“Good morning, Pchelka.” Strong fingers gripping your chin and pinching your jaw harshly, brought you out of your stupor, and you looked up at the owner of the gravelly voice. 
“Did you sleep well? I slept like a log. I’m going to say that it was because of the connection we made last night.” He chuckled darkly. “Did you feel it, sladkiy? The electricity when I first took your hand in mine? Because I did.” His body shivered at the memory, and you felt a fission of fear travel down your spine.
His eyes were blue - cool and chilling - and you wished you were looking at them under different circumstances. Wished you were here with him under different circumstances, because although he was your enemy, you weren’t blind.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. Revered head of the New York Mob, and so sinfully handsome it was no wonder that men and women swooned at his feet.
“Are you going to answer me, Pchelka?”
His brow was arched, amusement still playing at his lips. Challenging you to defy him.
“I’m not your ‘little bee’. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He let your face go with a snort that told you that he knew you were lying. Because you were. How could you not have felt it, when your slim hand had been completely engulfed by his when you’d been introduced? When he’d raised your hand, gently turning it to press a kiss to the fluttering vein in your wrist.
You should have known then that you were fucked. Should have called the whole thing off and got out of there. 
But no. You’d decided that you had to stay - had to pull your big girl pants up, get a hold of yourself and prove to everyone else that you were capable of carrying out this mission. You wondered if your colleagues, your fellow agents, were trying to actually rescue you, or were they laughing at your ineptitude?
Barnes crossed to the far side of the room, a classic dark wood office with floor-to-ceiling bookcases filled with leather-bound tomes. Turkish wool rugs covered the wooden floor that matched all of the furniture. He picked up a decanter, poured a hefty measure of amber liquid into a matching tumbler and brought it up to his lips. You didn’t even realise that you were watching him that intently until he smirked.
He walked back over to you, power and grace showing with every move of his body. He sank into a crouch before you, dipped his finger into the alcohol and then painted it over your lips. Instinctually you licked it away, and the whisky burned on your tongue.
“They think you’re dead, by the way.” That got your attention, making you halt with your mouth part open, tongue tip still midway through catching the errant drops he’d applied. His finger returned to the glass, then back to your lips once again as you sat, stock still. 
A sudden anger burned through you, and you tried to leap to your feet, but you hadn’t counted on the bonds that tied you to the chair. You struggled against them, hands curling into fists and feet ineffectually kicking as you let out a wail of frustration.
“Tsk tsk.” Barnes admonished you for your reaction as he stood and backed up to rest against the edge of his, no doubt antique, desk. “And here I was thinking you’d be more grateful. If you’d continued in that job you’d have died of boredom, milyy. Just think. I’ve actually saved you.” He took another sip of his drink, observing you and you wanted to shrink under his gaze - you had to look a mess.
Your evening gown, which had looked stunning on you when you’d gotten ready for this op, was now torn and filthy. Your nail polish was chipped, a couple of the nails torn, and no doubt your makeup was smeared across your face. Somewhere along the line, you’d lost your shoes, or had they been taken from you? Admittedly a lot of it was a blur and you’d also been unconscious for some time, only waking up once you were here, tied to this chair, a smirking Barnes looking down on you.
Conversely, he looked so put together it should be illegal. Last night he’d smouldered in a dinner suit, but this morning he exuded power and danger. His shirt was black, with two opened buttons, showing off the silver rope chain around his neck. His suit jacket and pants were also black but covered with a wide pinstriped check. He had a large signet ring on the pinky of his left hand, and silver and black onyx ring on the adjacent ring finger, and it was hard to take your eyes off them. His pants were tight across his crotch, leaving little to the imagination, and he’d finished off his outfit with a pair of patent black boots and a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses, perched on his head. In a nutshell, he was sex personified and you needed to get your head back in the game before you did something you’d regret.
“You’re deluded, you know that?”
“Focused, Pchelka. Not deluded. I didn’t get where I am now without knowing what I wanted and taking it. And I want you. I think you want me too.”
It was your turn to snort, and you didn’t bother to hide your derision. “In your dreams!”
He was back in front of you in an instant, his beringed fingers curling into the leather chair back, his face millimetres from your own.
“I don’t think I imagined how you trembled when you were in my arms, lyubimyy. When I led you around the dance floor and you felt as though you were made to fit in my embrace. I don’t think I imagined how you sighed and leaned against me as I spoke soft words in your ears.”
Heat burned your cheeks and you tried for some bravado.
“All an act, I assure you. As you know, you were my mark.”
His mouth broke into a feral grin and, for the first time, you were worried. Worried about what he had in store for you… and worried that you might like it.
“You keep telling yourself that. I don’t think you’ll be able to maintain that lie when you’re screaming my name later.”
“I didn’t know your name was Rapist.”
He moved one hand from the back of the chair to rest at the base of your throat, fingers applying just enough pressure to remind you who was in control here.
“Don’t insult both of us, Pchelka. When I take you, you will welcome it. Want it. You will be begging me to make you mine. And I think it will happen sooner than you think.” His voice was a hypnotic whisper, and you could feel yourself spiralling, enchanted by the power that he exuded from every pore, so when he kissed you, you were unprepared.
Barnes used the thumb of the hand he had around your neck to tip your chin up. His pink, sinful lips demanded entry efficiently and you were powerless to resist. His mouth explored yours, tongues tangling, and when he teasingly broke the kiss you were horrified to find that you were whimpering.
Your captor just continued to smile, animalistic and condescending.
“Electric, as I said. You betray yourself without even meaning too. It’s a good thing that I’m a nice man, and I’m not torturing you for information. You wouldn’t last five minutes.”
Feelings of anger, shame and embarrassment rose within you. He was right, god damn it. You weren’t cut out for this work. You knew it. He knew it. The people you worked with knew it. Backroom paper shuffling was where you excelled, but there was no way you could’ve turned down the opportunity for undercover work, because success would have meant a level of recognition and respect that you could never have hoped, to gain otherwise, even if the op was a classic, and somewhat demeaning, honey-trap. 
You closed your eyes and willed the tears not to fall.
“Please, Mr Barnes. Just let me go. I don’t know anything. Nothing has happened here that can’t be forgotten.”
“Call me Bucky, lyubimaya. And I don’t want to let you go, or forget you. Stay here with me. Leave those narrow-minded idiots you work for. I would treat you with the respect you deserve. And you wouldn’t just be on my arm and in my bed, you would be by my side. You have useful skills that shouldn’t be wasted.”
Your eyes snapped back open and looked at him in surprise and confusion. “What do you mean?”
Barnes - Bucky - ran the knuckles of his left hand down your cheek, the coldness of his rings a balm to your heated flesh. Tattoos peeked out from under his sleeve, twisting and winding down his skin, and onto his fingers. Vines and flowers and thorns. Letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.
“You think that I would bring you here, to the seat of my power if I didn’t already know every… little… thing… about you? I know what your role was before you started this ill-advised op. I know where you lived. I know what cereal you like for breakfast and what your regular coffee order is. You’re always flitting too and fro, concentrating on work. Busy as a bee.”
You weren’t sure why you weren’t shocked, but you asked him all the same. “There’s a mole inside my unit?”
“Of course, Pchelka. There’s always a mole. Always someone who is more than willing to trade loyalty for power and money, or someone who is so desperate that they can be easily persuaded. Desperate people do desperate things, and tell themselves they aren’t really the bad ones, it’s just their circumstances.”
Both his hands had now settled on your waist, the size of them making you feel smaller than you often thought of yourself. Bucky himself was still on his knees, between your bound, spread legs, his torso virtually pressed against your inner thighs. You absently noticed that the knife you’d placed in a thigh holder was missing. No doubt Bucky or his men had found it almost straight away once you’d been rendered unconscious. You hoped it had been the man in front of you - the idea of being touched in such an intimate place by someone other than him was abhorrent. A part of you wondered why you didn’t think that him touching you was also horrifying.
“And which one do you think I am? Disloyal or desperate?” You arched your brow, trying to ignore the way his fingers were branding you through the satin of your dress.
“You, milyy, are a secret third thing. You are an intelligent woman, who makes decisions based on all the information available. It’s not disloyalty if you’ve been betrayed first. It’s also not desperation that would make you join me if I have no pressure point - no sick aunt, no cousin in debt to a loan shark, that sort of thing. If you joined me it would be because you wanted to. Because you saw the merits of such an action.”
You had to admit, his offer was tempting. You hated your job and you hated your co-workers. It was still a ‘boy’s club’ and all the inclusion and diversity training in the world couldn’t counteract the toxic masculinity that the job attracted. You hated that, despite putting up with this job for so many years, you were still living in a crappy apartment with too long a commute to work.. You hated that, despite the fact you never even got around to taking your PTO, you also weren’t making any decent deposits into your savings account. Okay, you weren’t quite living paycheck to paycheck, but you were by no means where you thought you’d be by now. 
The long hours also meant little time to socialise, and the friends you’d once had, had all dropped away one by one as you’d cancelled one social engagement after another. This also meant that your love life was, as the song goes, DOA, and after a while, all the toys in the world failed to satisfy. Which also meant that the feeling of soft, expensive wool, encasing a warm, hard body, rubbing against your inner thighs was upsetting your equilibrium quite a bit.
Then, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to you, his face dipped closer again, his breath, tinged with whisky, fanning over you.
“Imagine how it would feel, Pchelka. The power. The pleasure. You’d want for nothing. Every need would be met. Every whim indulged.”
It was your turn to shiver and as your eyes fluttered closed again you heard him chuckle.
“You want it, don’t you. You want me and everything I can give you. It’s okay to want those things. I want things as well. I want you, lyubimyy. I’ve waited a long time for a Queen.” 
“You don’t know me…” Your denial was whispered, and even you didn’t believe what you’d said.
“But I do. I know exactly what you need...”
His lips captured yours once more, but this time you didn’t even pretend not to respond. You drank him in as though he would quench your thirst and you only remembered your bonds again when your body strained against them. Your knees managed to dig into his waist though, and you felt him smile against your lips.
His hands slid from your waist, to one wrist and then the other, freeing them. You threw your arms around his neck, not even trying to get away. In any case, your ankles were still bound.
Your fingers brushed over the short hair on the sides and back of his head, the strands prickling your skin. His own hands were now cupping your face as he continued to kiss you, and you knew what was going to happen. You were falling under his spell.
Chapter 2
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coltishcaterpillar · 6 months
Unmasked / Platonic!Alastor x Teen! Daughter Reader
Chapter II: Sneaking Suspicion
After reading over thirty-one entries, three disturbing pages are brought to light….or the darkness, depending on how Emily wants to look at it.
WARNING: This entire chapter (and probably the next one) depicts a very disturbed, traumatized, paranoid child (who is you, the reader.), who has just lost the person she loved most in the world. A HUGE deterioration in her psyche is seen here.
Look out for: Murder, Mental Illness, Paranoia, Anxiety, Delusions, Cannibalism, etc….
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November 12th, 1933
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, my dear diary. Please, Jesus, please help me find my way back, I’m…I’m shaking relentlessly and the monsters at night won’t leave me alone.
My Pa….he’s not come home in three weeks. I know he will never open that door again, but I wish he would just one last time.
It started with a simple hunting trip. I saw him bringing a large trash bag over his shoulder whilst he was going out, and I just assumed it held his gun and other necessities.
A few hours later, people heard gunshots go off in the area he hunted and now he’s…..
When they opened the bag they found another mangled body….and concluded that my Papa was the serial killer terrorizing New Orleans since 1922.
No, he couldn’t have done anything of the sort. He was a good man. PAPA was a good man. He was. He is.
I read it in the papers…nobody wants to see me anymore. I’ve tried contacting everyone I knew and loved, and they told me to never set foot on their property again, they thought I was involved in this hellish situation!
Anne, James, Elbert, Carol, Mr. Devereaux, Charlotte, Martin…..EVERYBODY has abandoned me!
I wanted to desperately contact Grandma, so I wrote her a series of letters. Her caretaker wrote me a letter back that she went into shock after finding out Pa died, and she’s….well, she’s in Heaven now too.
I just turned sixteen, please. I need my Papa back….my Grandma….
I’ve been in the house surviving off of scraps. I’m afraid to leave again; I don’t want to be shot, I don’t want people coming after me because of what my Papa allegedly did. I’ve lost so much weight, I’m tired, I feel sick….
I’m not ready to be a woman, to grow up, quite yet. I grew up taking things for granted; I thought I would have my family and friends for life. How will I find a job? Will anybody take me in? Can I find a new family?
I’m still here, I’m still here, my dear friend. My beautiful…I’ve not lost my mind, not yet. I’m not crazy, am I? No, no….I’m just….going through some traumatic moments!
I’m hungry….
My stomach is hurting so bad, I’m perspiring and my toes are curled…I need more food. I’ve eaten nearly everything, I have no money to purchase anything else…
Every time it growls, there’s a new tang of pain….
Papa, you would never….you’re a good man, Pa. I love you, I’ll always love you….
Oh, it all makes sense now! Why you never wanted me to see what you brought home, why you were always out late, why you were so secretive…oh, Pa, why didn’t you tell me?! I…I would’ve….contacted the authorities.
Which is what you didn’t want.
I miss your kisses and your hugs, Pa. Please….please come back. At least tell me where your grave is so I can hug your body one last time….I’ve never wanted to hear your voice more, whether it be in real life or the radios, please!
Oh my god, what are we having for dinner? I’m starving, Pa….
I have a headache, Pa….please give me some medicine to ease the pain…..
I need you, I need somebody. Anybody. Please….
I never want to see you again. If I ever see you again after this lifetime I will do everything in my power to slaughter you a second time for all the pain that you’ve caused….
I’m going to take a breather soon, my dear friend. I need to let off some steam. I’m….I just need to find an energy source. I’ll be back, I promise.
November 13th, 1933
Oh, I’ve found something to eat, finally. It didn’t taste as terribly as I thought, and in fact, it tasted similar to how you cooked our meat, Pa. So tender….so, so, tender…..
The gangster didn’t even see it coming. I don’t think he liked me, he was looking at me like I did something wrong. I hushed him, hushed him well, and said,
“No, no, sir. Why are you giving me that look?? I’m only hungry! I’m just trying to survive! Please don’t let me starve!”
I hated that gaze. That look on his face made me feel like a monster, like I wasn’t justified in my action to cut him into tiny little pieces-
Pa, it’s just like you used to make. I never knew how…similar the meat tasted until now. Why did you do that? To so many innocent people….this man was not innocent, Pa. He was part of a cartel, I was doing this world a favour!
I feel better, I think. My stomach feels more satisfied than it has in days.
I don’t feel any better, though. I just…I just ate somebody….
I don’t know what to do! How is….how is his family going to react when they find this out?! I….I caused him pain, so much pain….
But I need more. I want to live….I have so much goodness to offer to the world, I promise I can be better! I’m not usually like this! I promise to make you proud! To make everybody proud…like I’ve always tried to do!
I know how much I was lacking in performance, I’ve never been cut out for the big leagues, but I am positive I can amount to something! If this world will give me a chance, I’ll be the best version of myself I can ever be. I can, I can! You always said I could do anything I put my mind to, I can do this. I can still be a happy girl and young woman, I can still grow up, I can make new friends. Perhaps I’ll move? Yes, maybe that’s a good idea…
I miss you. I miss Grandma, I miss our talks. The things you would do with me…how you used to sing to me when I was scared of the monsters under my bed, our weekly theatre nights; we’d always go to see Charlie Chaplin, that was your favourite; and it grew to be mine too.
I miss how close we were to each other. We were like….we were like two peas in a pod. We couldn’t be one without the other.
1917, was the year of my birth. How well do you remember picking me up that day? When I was alone, cold, nearly dead…in a dumpster? You saved me.
That’s why….I don’t want to believe you did those things, Papa. I don’t. I have a very strong sense of morality, you know that. I….I can’t fathom you ever being capable of something like that.
I…I don’t think I knew you, Papa. You…
You betrayed me.
Everybody was right, you know. The suspicions people had about you. Anne…she always talked about you with a certain look of fear in her eyes, and I always made the time to defend you to anybody who ever judged.
How was it, that the only person who never saw the signs, was me? The person who lived with you for sixteen years?
Maybe I just didn’t want to believe it.
And now look at what you’ve done. You’ve killed a part of me…you killed Grandma; your mother! I was supposed to meet her up for tea a few days after your death, but time had beaten me to it. What ever will I do, without your love?
I miss you, Pa. And I love you, so very much. But you better pray to the devil himself; that I do not die for another five decades. I won’t be able to hold myself back…from hurting you. And I’ll hurt you bad.
To be hated….to be attacked by somebody you protected, nurtured, loved with all your heart….yes, that’s the pain I want to inflict on you. Your daughter, the person you’d kill for, turning against you.
I love you, Pa, I really do. But….a serial killer will never be somebody I bode well with.
January 10th, 1934
I am sorry. For everything. It’s very frigid out here due to winter, and I’ve been camping outside for quite a while…I can’t feel my legs anymore.
To….anybody I may have scared or hurt, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
I'll be completely honest, I just kinda feel like the romance genre needs to accept that dubcon/noncon, whether or not you want to read it, was a big part of the genre's history.... and no amount of rerelease editing is going to make that go away.
You wrote a book; it was a long time ago; you followed conventions of the time; you maybe wouldn't now; but you were in fact writing into a genre that did raise you creatively on this element being a big part of it.
No issue with authors wanting to voice what they'd change, make edits with author's notes (and without the erasure of the original content). But pretending it didn't happen does nothing to help us, and it frankly makes it harder to treat the genre as one deserving of serious, potentially academic, analysis. If you're erasing the original work because it makes you uncomfortable, how can we discuss it honestly and analytically and contextually.
This is a very different matter in some ways, but—Eloisa James (an academic scholar who got her doctorate from Yale and taught at Fordham at one point, among other things) backed out of writing the forward to a special edition Georgette Heyer book because of the antisemitic content being removed. It erases an important part of the work, however we may dislike it. How can we DISCUSS the book if the book has been mangled and its history compromised?
"But it's less readable with the bad content", I mean, yeah. For a lot of readers, noncon and dubcon takes a book off the table. And that's so valid. And it's also true that no book can be for everyone. It Happened One Autumn is not for readers for whom dubcon and noncon is a hard stop. I so respect that. I frankly think it's a bit insulting to butcher a book like that in order to get readers who have hard limits to read something that like... famously did. Just let them pass on a book.
I mean, the reality is that for the AUTHOR, there are many reasons to make edits likke these, and again, I'm not necessarily against releasing a VERSION of your novel that better matches your perspective today... as long as that's very clearly not the only version around. For the publishers? It's money. It's making a book more palatable to a larger group of people.
But also... some people like reading dubcon and noncon. And that's okay. And they should have books with content that they like to read, too. And it's fine. There's a huge history of women reading that content specifically to process complex feelings about their experiences and their feelings about their places in the world, and also to simply have fun, and... yeah. That's valid, too.
I just have a lot of feelings about this practice, and it really does come back to a love of the genre and wanting everyone to have books that they enjoy reading (while acknowledging that literally zero books work for everyone and that's OKAY). And a RESPECT for the genre too, and a desire to make it something you can study, if you so please, like any other. I think there's a way to satisfy readers who want to just read for fun and people who want to read for fun and take the genre seriously. We just don't need to make every book cozy and without people who have flaws in order to do so.
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noahmullariii · 6 months
My weirdest headcanon is that at the end of 4th year Remus bites his leg off during a transformation. It's the first moon after his mum's funeral so he's extra distressed and the wolf isn't having it. Pomfrey is terrified when she finds him all mangled and cold from blood loss, and it's the first time James, Peter and Sirius aren't allowed to see him right away. Pomfrey magically sews his leg back together, of course, but like all his werewolf injuries it doesn't heal quite right. Now Remus has to hide his newfound limp to avoid suspicion. It makes Severus question him even more than before though, especially with Professors making up new excuses for Remus' absence after that since, you know, his mum's illness can't be a reason anymore. It also makes James, Peter and Sirius work faster on their animagi master plan cuz "bloody hell he chewed off his leg!"
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