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purpleskkfosblog05 · 7 months ago
Hello, I am new to your account and I am trying to understand the story. How did y'all become husband and wife? By y'all I mean Jambio and You. Sorry if that weird or anything just confused by the story. Thank you for reading and thank you for answering if you do :)
I’m not really Jumbo’s wife, I just like to think I am for the fun of it since I been a simp towards Jumbo for a very long time😅
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azureaeondragaeon · 1 month ago
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millions must mouthwash
stupid stuff dump from the past like 2 months oopsies,,, idk if anyone has done any of these yet,, if they have, my sincerest apolocheese
OG images under cut
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entomoblog · 2 months ago
Une bactérie pourrait aider à endiguer la propagation des maladies transmises par les moustiques
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Les moustiques Aedes aegypti propagent de nombreuses maladies. Ils ont malheureusement dĂ©veloppĂ© une rĂ©sistance Ă  de nombreux insecticides. Les programmes de lutte contre ces vecteurs de maladies reposent dĂ©sormais sur la production et la libïżœïżœration volontaire de moustiques gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©s. Des chercheurs ont dĂ©couvert qu’une bactĂ©rie pourrait accĂ©lĂ©rer la production de masse de ces moustiques.
  Publié le 8 novembre 2024 à 16:00
Par Fleur Brosseau
  "... Des recherches antĂ©rieures ont identifiĂ© les bactĂ©ries acĂ©tiques du genre Asaia comme de potentiels microbes bĂ©nĂ©fiques chez les moustiques. Des Ă©tudes ont montrĂ© qu’elles peuvent accĂ©lĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement des larves. D’autres travaux ont suggĂ©rĂ© qu’elles pouvaient servir Ă  la paratransgĂ©nĂšse dans le cas du paludisme. Une Ă©quipe de l’UniversitĂ© d’Exeter a donc entrepris d’étudier plus avant les interactions entre Ae. aegypti et ces bactĂ©ries.
Une interaction hĂŽte-bactĂ©rie spĂ©cifique Ă  la souche ou Ă  l’espĂšce
L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait de quantifier les avantages de trois espĂšces d’Asaia sur le dĂ©veloppement de Ae. Aegypti : A. krungthepensis, A. siamensis et A. bogorensis. Il ont Ă©galement examinĂ© la capacitĂ© de ces bactĂ©ries Ă  former une association symbiotique stable avec les larves en croissance."
  Asaia spp. accelerate development of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, via interactions with the vertically transmitted larval microbiome | Journal of Applied Microbiology, 17.10.2024 https://academic.oup.com/jambio/article/135/11/lxae261/7825875?login=false
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cusickgallery · 6 years ago
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“It's always a good time to share a photo of JamBios spokesperson Henry Ian Cusick enjoying someone's JamBook.” - Jambios Facebook page
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sunshinejcowger-blog · 7 years ago
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Ian answered my question in a very kind way. If you'd like to see it, you're more than welcome. Just go to www.jambios.com and register for your free account.
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fire-of-the-sun · 7 years ago
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Henry Ian Cusick > Global Morning News [8/?]
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realchrisilluminati · 6 years ago
Want To Be Happy? Here Are 5 Things Every Parent Should Do Daily
The top 5 things the happiest, healthiest parents do every day.
Do you ever wish you had a cheat sheet to life, with all the shortcuts laid out for you?
As the CEO and co-founder of JamBios, the online memoir website, Beth Carvin has had the opportunity to read memory stories written by thousands of different users.
In doing so, she’s discovered the 5 things that the happiest, healthiest men do

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motivator-leadership · 3 years ago
Motivator leadership jambi
Motivator leadership jambi – Jika Anda Mencari Motivator leadership jambio Anda Berada di Website yang Tepat. Setelah membahas tentang Motivator leadership jambi info kali ini tentang ,Motivator leadership jambi
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Banyak Orang yang menganggap enteng sebuah Motivasi atau bahkan sebuah pelatihan, kenyataannya sebuah motivasi adalah bagian penting dalam mencapai sebuah Target . Lupakan saja impian dan pencapaian target besar tersebut jika kita atau team kita kehilangan motivasinya. Hal ini yang banyak terjadi dalam sebuah pribadi manusia Instansi maupun sebuah kelompok. Mereka yang menganggap ringan sebuah motivasi adalah mereka yang tidak punya sebuah impian dalam kehidupannya. Maka disini pentingnya kita memilih Motivator leadership jambio Bukan hanya Sekedar berbicara memotivasi tetapi semua yang disampaikannya berdasarkan keilmuan serta aplikasi lapangan yang sudah pernah dialami oleh sang Motivator tersebut.
Dian Saputra melayani 3 program utama yang menjadi basis service -nya pada sektor pengembangan SDM. Tiga program tersebut meliputi Training, Coaching dan Consulting. Kemudian, Anda pun dapat meminta pemaparan program mengenai spesialisasi yang ingin dikaji. Dalam hal ini, Dian Saputra telah menguasai berbagai tema seperti Sales, Teamwork, Penentuan Strategi Baru, Loyalitas Kerja, Produktivitas Usaha, Negosiasi, Service Excellence, Public Speaking dan lain sebagainya.5
Pada tema mengenai efektivitas penjualan di perusahaan, Dian saputra akan menetar para Salesman, Sales Manager, dan semua elemen yang terlibat dalam skop penjualan di perusahaan Anda. Perlu disadari bahwa mereka adalah para striker utama dalam jajaran skuad perusahaan Anda. Sehingga target goals harus bisa dicapai dengan maksimal.
Menyurutnya spirit kerja para pegawai tentu akan berpengaruh ketika menjalankan pekerjaannya. Hal ini lah yang coba ingin diatasi oleh Dian Saputra dan Tim Corpora Sinergi. Dian Saputra akan mendongkrak daya motivasi para Salesman dalam berbagai faktor, baik internal maupun eksternal. Diharapkan dengan meningkatnya motivasi kerja para Salesman akan berpengaruh terhadap hasrat menjual lebih banyak untuk memperoleh keuntungan secara optimal.
Style Training Dian Saputra
Dian Saputra adalah seorang pribadi dengan dedikasi tinggi dalam menangani setiap permasalahan yang diampunya. Sosok yang gesit, aktif dan interaktif adalah beberapa karakteristik yang dapat ditengarai pada pribadinya. Sehingga, peserta akan dituntut untuk terlibat secara ekspresif untuk membangkitkan rasa kepercayaan diri tinggi. Sebab Rifqi selalu membawakan sebuah forum dengan nuansa yang energik, mendalam namun tetap menyenangkan.
Banyak penilaian yang menyebut Dian Saputra adalah sosok trainer profesional yang Out of The Box. Testimoni ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh peformanya yang dinaungi spirit tinggi dengan materi-materi luar biasa. Kredibilitas Dian Saputra sebagai seorang trainer tercermin dari konsistensinya dalam memegang prinsip tujuan yang sudah disepakati. Jadi, walaupun Dian Saputra membawakan dengan style khususnya, namun Ia masih memegang orientasi pencapaian yang telah digariskan bersama dengan Anda.
Dian Saputra terbukti sebagai praktisi Salesmanship dan pebisnis sukses. Tak ayal, modal inilah yang kemudian Ia kolaborasikan dengan kenyataan usianya yang masih terbilang muda. Sehingga, dalam tiap forumnya selalu tercipta iklim spirit yang membara dan tepat sasar. Kenyataan inilah menjadi pertimbangan Anda dalam mengadakan Training Salesmanship dengannya.
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Topik muatan yang akan disampaikan tentu akan melewati proses panjang dan penyesuaian. Isu training akan disesuaikan pada beberapa aspek seperti problem yang sedang dialami, kebutuhan dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Anda dapat melakukan dialog dengan kam untuk mengkustomisasi topik yang akan menjadi tolok ukur utama dalam pelaksanaan traininnng nantinya.
Hal ini merupakan persoalan yang senantiasa diatasi bersama, agar ketepatan dalam efikasi tujuan dapat tercapai secara maksimal dan tepat bidik.
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kane-and-griffin · 7 years ago
With the news that Octavia is going to be very different at the start of the season (much harder/unbending...), what are your thoughts on how Kabby will have changed? They start shooting soon, right? Ian is promoting Jambios and his beard doesn't look as long. I'm hoping they keep it trimmed short!
I’m very, very concerned about a rift between my beloved Kanetavia family, to be quite honest.  I think it could be really interesting to watch Octavia have to adopt some of the hardline policies that made the Ark a place where she herself was so miserable and that she thought were so unfair, but now she’s in the position Kane and Jaha were in back then.  I’m actually 10000% down for Octavia, who has spent a lot of the past 4 season judging the choices of basically everyone in leadership positions, suddenly realizing just how many complicated factors went into those decisions in the first place.  I could see Abby, who resisted Kane so hard as the voice of authority on the Ark, being equally resistant to Octavia.  I could see Kane trying really, really hard to get through to her, like he’s done before.  So I don’t know how this will all play out, in terms of their relationship with her.  I think there’s a lot of room for interesting S1 parallels in terms of their roles (Abby the rebel, Kane the rule enforcer), but my hope is that the main thrust of their storyline is about their relationship.  If they stay together in the bunker and settle into a domestic relationship, by the end of the time jump they could end up where Abby’s been with Kane for like one-third the amount of time she was married to Jake, which totally changes their dynamic.  They’d be settled into a totally different rhythm by then, and would be much more sort of merged together as an established unit.  So that’s what I’m really hoping to see.  If they’re at odds with Octavia (or Jaha, or the Grounders, or anyone else) but they’re a unit together, I’m happy.
And yes, I’m with you, my ideal beard length is mid- to late season 3.  It got a TEEEEEENY bit too floofy for me in season 4, but it’s at its peak circa like the Polis chipped kiss.  That being said, I am DYING for a new Abby look.  New clothes?  Grounder braids?  Shoulder-length hair?  A DRESS???  I don’t know I just want her to mix it up.  I WANT EVERYONE TO HAVE NEW HAIR IN SEASON 5 except Kane.
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vincentpennington · 5 years ago
How to Heal From Your Past
We all know how powerful stories are — both the stories that we’ve been told and the stories we tell ourselves. Beth Carvin — CEO and co-founder of JamBios, an online memoir website — knows this better than anyone. She’s had the opportunity to read life stories from thousands of different users and has learned a lot in the process. Here are her top takeaways when it comes to learning from — and healing from — the hardest things in your past. 5 Ways to Heal From Your Past, by Beth Carvin In the mid 1900s, plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz

The post How to Heal From Your Past appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.
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eileenebass · 5 years ago
How to Heal From Your Past
We all know how powerful stories are — both the stories that we’ve been told and the stories we tell ourselves. Beth Carvin — CEO and co-founder of JamBios, an online memoir website — knows this better than anyone. She’s had the opportunity to read life stories from thousands of different users and has learned a lot in the process. Here are her top takeaways when it comes to learning from — and healing from — the hardest things in your past. 5 Ways to Heal From Your Past, by Beth Carvin In the mid 1900s, plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz

The post How to Heal From Your Past appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.
from Fit Bottomed Girls https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2019/12/5-ways-to-heal-from-your-past/
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suavvmagazine · 6 years ago
Do You Want To Be Happy? 5 Tips to Make It a Reality.
Do You Want To Be Happy? 5 Tips to Make It a Reality.
Do you ever wish you had a cheat sheet to life, with all the shortcuts laid out for you? We were able to talk with Beth Carvin CEO and co-founder of JamBios, the online memoir website. After she had the opportunity to read memory stories written by thousands of different users she discovered 5 things that the happiest, healthiest men do to get ahead in all areas of life. We indulged her and agree

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iamrashod · 6 years ago
Do You Want To Be Happy? 5 Tips to Make It a Reality.
Do You Want To Be Happy? 5 Tips to Make It a Reality.
Do you ever wish you had a cheat sheet to life, with all the shortcuts laid out for you? We were able to talk with Beth Carvin CEO and co-founder of JamBios, the online memoir website. After she had the opportunity to read memory stories written by thousands of different users she discovered 5 things that the happiest, healthiest men do to get ahead in all areas of life. We indulged her and agree

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evajrobinsontx · 6 years ago
What to Know About Writing as Therapy
For many people — myself included — writing is hugely therapeutic. Not all writing, of course — some of those term papers I wrote in college were far more anxiety-inducing than relieving, and it’s not like every email I send takes a weight off my shoulders. But there’s a reason why we love journaling so much. Science has proven that it’s got all kinds of benefits. We at FBG aren’t the only ones who are preaching about the power of writing, of course. Recently, we were introduced to JamBios, an online journaling website designed to help people who’ve gone through

The post What to Know About Writing as Therapy appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.
from Sarah Luke Fitness Updates https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2018/10/what-to-know-about-writing-as-therapy/
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cusickgallery · 6 years ago
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Here's a photo that I thought I shared a few days back...Ian and Jambios creator, Beth Carvin. They have some announcements planned for tomorrow!! We'll keep everyone updated!
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sunshinejcowger-blog · 7 years ago
Brent - The story I wasn't going to share
Simply click link, read and like. Takes less than 5 minutes. https://m.facebook.com/notes/jambios/brent-the-story-i-wasnt-going-to-share/844640129020599/
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