#Jake seresin head cannon
topguncortez · 2 years
How do you think Jake and Bradley would handle PPD?
If you aren’t comfortable answering I completely understand.
Some HC's under the cut:) Also, send in more head cannons. I've only gotten a handful since I started this blog and I really like them:))
I feel like Bradley is very in tune with your moods and your body. I think he noticed the signs of postpartum depression before you even did. He knew it was a thing, and knew that it was something to look out for.
Now, I think he is more focused on how to help you vs the baby. Not saying he's not a good dad, I think he'd be the best dad ever, but I think he is also a very nervous dad.
Bradley is very careful with his words. He knows that words can have a strong meaning and sometimes he says the wrong thing. But he is careful when talking to you because he knows that one thing might make you slip even further into depression.
"I am very proud of you." "Nick will be just fine, sweetheart." "I love you, so much." "You'll get though this, honey, it'll be okay."
He also wants you to talk about how you are feeling. Bradley has been to therapy before, as a kid, when things hit the fan with Mav, when his mom got sick, when he almost died on the Uranium Mission. He likes therapy and knows how important it is to talk about what you are feeling. So he just sits and listens to you talk about how you are feeling. He doesn't offer an advice like he's a doctor, he just listens to you and gives you affirmations on how proud he is that you can talk about what you are feeling and how it'll pass soon.
He's very much an act of service type of guy.
He's cleaning the house, doing laundry, making meals for you, drawing you a bath every night, bringing you medication, helping you set up your breast pump and freezing extra milk.
But beside doing just chores, he's also making sure that friends and family don't just show up unannounced. Like one time Mav and Penny showed up at the house and Rooster told them to leave. Any calls from your parents he is taking and telling them that you can't come to the phone and writing down messages for them.
He's keeping the family updated about the baby and not telling them about your depression because he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed by it. He's leaving it up to you if you want them to know or not.
He's also supporting you by letting you make the decisions. If you want him to touch you, or if you want him to do this, or if you want him to do that. Sometimes, you just don't know what you want, and that's okay, so Bradley will just sit with you in the quiet bedroom. Just silently letting you know that he's there for whatever it is you need.
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At first I think he doesn't understand what is going on with you. Going off the cannon that Jake doesn't deal with emotions well because of his parents, he might see your PPD as a very negative thing (WHICH IT IS NOT)
So when your doctor first tells you that you have PPD, Jake feels like the biggest asshole in the world. He turns to look at you with a shocked expression and then tries to put the math together on where he missed the signs.
so this kicks him into gear.
Like Rooster, Jake responds in acts of service, but it is more geared towards the baby. I think Jake is more comfortable around children, especially babies, than Bradley is.
Jake takes over the night feedings so you can get some rest. He keeps up with changing diapers and laundry. He'll take the baby during the day to go run some errands or go on walks so you can have time to just decompress in silence by yourself.
Unlike Rooster, he's not very big on the whole, let's talk and get this out sort of thing, so he's assurances to you are physical. It's a kiss on the forehead, or a hug, or a hand on your back, or running his fingers through your hair, or helping you wash yourself.
Jake says some affirmations but it's his typical "I love you," and "You're beautiful."
He's actually very interested in therapy, which shocks you. Jake has never gone to therapy in his life (even tho he could use it). But he wants to be able to help you through this tough time. He's open to sitting down with your doctor and hearing how to help you.
Because Jake doesn't handle emotion well, he relies on others to be his outlet when he gets overwhelmed. Usually that outlet is you, but he doesn't want to add more to your plate, so he confides probably in Penny or Phoenix or maybe even Rooster. They all give him some advice on how to help you and ways that he can help himself to not get too overwhelmed with a newborn and helping you through your PPD.
Jake struggles with patience, but it's something he learns throughout this whole thing. In the military everything is very cut and dry. You get told something, you do it. It's not a lot of guessing on what to do. But when it comes to you and your needs, Jake is kinda stumbling in the dark. He figures out that he just has to wait for your move on what you want. He struggles at first, and gets a bit pissy with you but after you called Phoenix in tears, he understood that he had to take things slow.
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chaos369 · 2 months
"The character's one dimensional" Omg use your brain and traumatize the bitch, that's what your brain's for. God men are so boring
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snapghoul · 2 months
I’m either onto something or on something. New head cannon just dropped.
Jake and Tyler are twins.
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✦ More under cut ✦
✦ Growing up they both were fascinated with the sky, Jake loved the idea of flying and Tyler loved violent storms.
✦ Both graduated form University of Texas Austin, Jake has a bachelor’s in aviation science and Tyler Meteorology (after being stomped on by one too many bulls)
✦ When Tyler started doing rodeo he changed his last name to Owens since the Seresin name wasn’t really liked around their hometown. He kept his show name for his YouTube when he started it, it was easier to say than Seresin.
✦ Jake follows Tyler on all the wrangler’s social accounts, he watches the streams when he can. Him watching Tyler with a confused and astonished look when his brother shoots fireworks into the tornado like “what the hell is this shit??”
✦ They talk when they can, the two are really close and always miss each other when they’re at home, it upsets them a little but they always have phones.
✦ Tyler threatened to drive all the way to one of the bases Jake was stationed at. Jake strongly advised not to.
✦ Jake once saw Tyler’s truck from his jet when he was flying cross country (he wasn’t supposed to be flying low altitude but he got bored of watching clouds) it was like the umbrella academy driving meme. They called each other at the same time to ask if that was the other.
✦ They make fun of each other’s name/callsign.
“Hangman? That’s one of the stupidest names I have ever heard.”
“Okay, tornado wrangler.”
✦ Tyler visited family weekend once, Rooster was very confused when he turned around and Jake was in different clothes than he was two second ago. He learned then that there is in fact two Seresin boys and that Tyler is very much a sweet southern boy compared to Jake who is still very much full of himself (he’s working on it)
“You’re Rooster right? Bradley?”
“Huh? What the hell are talking about bagman?”
“Bag-? Bagman!? What the hell?! What kind of shit name is that? Did he lie to me about his name? Where is he…. Jake!”
“Tyler?! What the hell? What are you going here!”
✦ Jake has met the wranglers once, Boone asked him if he’s flown his jet into a tornado which Jake promptly answered “no, that would probably kill me.” But now he’s curious.
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thewulf · 1 year
Just Keep Swimming || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Hi there! If it's not too much trouble can I ask for a hangman x fem!reader kinda enemy to lover fic? There's a new squadron coming to top gun and there is some tension between the two squadron... Read Rest Here
A/N: Another long one! Little bit of made of squadron stuff to make the story flow/work better. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 9.4k +
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“Dory!” Your head snapped up from the manual you were staring at, hopelessly lost in thought, “Are you paying attention, Lieutenant?” Your captain, Kasper, stepped forward eyeing you. He knew you were gone, lost in your head. You didn’t garner your callsign from just any Dory. Too often you’d be lost in thought almost ignoring anything your leadership was trying to teach you. It drove them mad. But it was just you. It helped that you were a damn good pilot. A really good pilot, exceptional even. Best in your squadron. You’d worked hard to be in that position. Putting in more flight hours than anybody around you almost combined. If you wanted to be the best, you had to beat the best. You always knew that.
“Yes Cap.” Nodding your head with the smallest smile spread across your lips you waited for his reaction.
Shaking his head as he stepped forward, he stopped in front of you table, “What did I say about calling me that? Care to share what I was just saying?” He asked glaring right at you. Although he couldn’t hide the hint of a smile that to his lips. You just drew that reaction out of him.
“The enemy will have fighter jets far superior to ours.” Ignoring his first question you paused flashing him the grin you always did when you won the little battle you were having with him, “Which begs the question, what’s our military spending all that money with?” Leaning back in the seat you watched for his reaction intently. This is what you loved to do, flip it around and put the heat on him.
You’d earned a few snickers from your fellow pilots. You’d always been the firecracker of the group. Sort of a loose cannon. You’d argued that it was because you were the only female in the squadron. You had to be a little tougher. A little snarkier. It worked for you though. When you’d finally landed in your squadron, you’d gelled with almost everybody
“That’s a good question. Take it up with the admiral next time you see him.” He sighed knowing better than to challenge you. Even when it didn’t look like you were paying attention you were always listening. You always had to be on. It wasn’t an option for you. If you weren’t on that’d be an excuse to remove you from the group. You’d never be the reason.
You nodded your head taking in what he said, “You know Kasper, I just might. That’s a really good idea.” You grinned seeing the slightly horrified expression. You really just might. You hadn’t a problem taking anything up with your captain. Why not try a little higher?
“Alright, onto the news. We’ll be traveling to Miramar for the next month.” He broke the news so casually it earned confused glances from everybody in the classroom. Miramar meant Top Gun. What in the absolute hell were you being called back to Top Gun for?
“Top Gun?” Cairo, another pilot, asked after registering what he really meant.
His smirk grew to a smile as he remembered his time there. He seemed equally as thrilled as the guys as soon as they realized, “We’re all getting called back to Top Gun. Joining the Dagger Squadron on a mission in Russia.”
Leaning back in the seat you decided to simply listen. Listening as the men erupted in both happiness and confusion. A few with annoyed looks knowing they’d be far away from family for a while. You didn’t know how to feel. It’s probably something dangerous. The last mission you went on being very short of successful it was hard to comprehend going in and doing something even harder.
The Navy employs four separate groups of elite pilots with the best rising pilots as the elder pilots aged out and promoted up. The squadrons consisted of the Dagger Squad stationed at Top Gun in Miramar. Your squad, the Red Rippers out of Virginia. The Wolves down in Texas and the Ace Squad in Nevada.
You’d been stationed in Virginia for the last four years. With the Rippers Squad for the last three. It had been a while since your Squadron flew something incredibly dangerous. The last mission just consisted of you and Red. They didn’t have the semi-fear that you felt hearing that statement.
You’d listened as all the men around you turned from confusion to cheering in glee. Most of them craved the danger. Danger made you nervous. You had to hide your fears as you feigned a smile. Playing into the cheers.
“A joint training for four weeks followed by a week-long deployment. Captain Mitchell, Maverick, will have more details when we arrive.”
You’d never been on a joint mission between two squads. You’d heard it happen before, but it wasn’t very common. Whatever the hell the mission was must’ve been serious though. Joint trainings were serious business that the Navy spent lots of money on. You knew you had to impress. You needed to redeem yourself. Fly a successful mission. Whatever the hell it took.
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“Ten pilots. Five wizzo’s. Will be dropping ten successive bombs over a large intelligence base off the coast of Russia. It’s gone nearly undetected for almost five years. They don’t have a clue we’re onto them though. One pilot to one wingman with a wizzo. Each pair will drop two long range laser guided bomb over a designated part of the facility. The wizzo will guide both bombs in. We’ll be practicing heavily on the drop. There’s hardly any security and we’re planning a Tomahawk attack on the runway.” Mav paused making sure each student was listening. He didn’t know your squadron at all, but he sure had everybody’s attention. You looked around counting everybody. Twenty pilots and ten weapons systems officers gave Mav their full attention.
“You’re a shoe-in.” Jax, one of your very best friends leaned over while poking your side. He never let you forget just how good you actually were.
You shook your head, “You don’t know that. You don’t know how good they are. Didn’t they just like blow up a Uranium plant last year? Living legends.”
He rolled his eyes, “You beat Kasper yesterday Y/N.” It wasn’t often that he was beat, but it always seemed to be at your hands. Still, he got you a majority of the time. For every ten times he beat you, you beat him once in the midst.
“The place must be huge if it needs ten bombs to level it.” Steering the conversation away from topic of you and back onto the mission you didn’t love bragging about yourself.  The confidence you exuded was entirely manufactured for visuals
“Five million square feet. Two bombs per million square feet. Rapid succession within twenty seconds of each other. We can’t give them enough time for their defense to scramble. The good news is they’ve never had to worry about any attacks. So, they’ll be a little rusty. We’re going to be testing that. We’ll be dealing with SAM’s. Potentially drones. Recon’s doing more research on the base and its defenses now to confirm. Any questions?” Maverick continued bulldozing through the small side conversations that erupted at each pair at a table.
You nodded your head. You liked him. To the point and simple. He reminded you a lot of your captain, Kasper. He continued as he answered other aviator’s questions. You went into your own head imagining the mission. It didn’t sound overly complicated. Get in, get out and get home.
“Alright, planes up in fifteen.” Mav ordered bringing you right back to the present, “We’ll have Hangman against Dory first. Coyote and Berlin after.”
“Oh, this oughta be easy.” The blonde one laughed patting his partner’s shoulder.
His comment piqued your interest more than you wanted to admit. You didn’t really want to start a fight this early, but he was the one that spoke out first, “Why do you say that?” You turned around asking the man in row in front of you. You really should’ve just walked away. You were sure your first impression of the cocky guy was about to reign true, an utter asshole.
“Honey, you’re walking onto our base. No offense.” He smirked seeing the anger grow slightly on your face. He just loved getting a rise out of anybody that he possibly could, “But if you really have to know sweetheart. We’re the best of the best. Each one of us is better than each one of you.”
You hummed a little amused by the whole situation. This man was cockier than ever. Even finishing his comment with a dazzling smile, you were sure always worked for him. God, you’ve dealt with hundreds of these dickheads too many times before.
Taking a peek behind you, you noticed almost the entirely of your squadron paused turning to this guy. You didn’t like the expression on any of their faces. It seemed like Hangman had already pissed half his squadron off already too, “I wasn’t aware the air is magically different here. We don’t believe in home field advantage.” You laughed softly looking over at Jax who was nodding his head in agreement. The entirety of the squad had your back. Making sure you were good before they went to go get changed.
“We’ll see about that. In the air.” He paused eyeing you. Giving you a once over. Seemingly not used to getting talked back to. It made you smile. You loved taking people out of their comfort zone. It’s how you got to where you were.
You nodded beginning to walk out, “We sure will Hangman. Can’t wait to see you up there.” You’d noticed his last name was Seresin from his name plate. Connecting the dots, you put two and two together. This guy was the one with the second most live air kills, behind Maverick. It was no wonder he was such an arrogant asshole. You wondered how you’d fair in a dogfight had you been given the chance to try. All the missions you flew on were long range missile drops. You hardly encountered any air-to-air combat in your time.
You got the last word as you made a beeline towards the locker room changing for the training session. This was the worst. When your anxiety got the best of you. Nerves so deep it felt like you were choking on them. Luckily your thoughts were interrupted as you heard footsteps come from the entrance of the locker room, “Ignore him. He’s an asshole.” She walked closer holding her hand out, “Natasha, Phoenix.”
Taking it in yours you smiled, “We’ve both dealt with hundreds of him by now, I’m sure. What’s another?”
Her soft snicker could have been taken as innocent, “Hangman is… a very special breed. One of a kind I’m afraid.”
You nodded zipping the front of the suit all the way up. Checking your hair repositioned a few bobby pins making sure no hairs were out of place, “Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind. Y/N. Dory.”
“I’ve heard good things.”
You smiled, “Likewise. So, what’s his deal?”
She shrugged, “We call him Bagman for a reason. He’ll leave you high and dry for a shot any day. He’ll play by the rules though. Watch your back.”
You nodded along adjusting your helmet to better fit, “Noted. Watch out for the dickhead.”
That earned a laugh from your fellow pilot, “To say the very least. Good luck out there and please, kick his sorry ass. He needs a good humbling.”
You grinned, “You got it.” Walking out of the locker room you felt that surge of confidence you always felt when you walked to your plane. Man did you love your job.
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Being in the air was like nothing else. It came so naturally to you. You flew closely behind Kasper while Hangman flew closely behind Maverick.
“Alright. No going below the hard deck. Hard deck is 2000 feet. No other rules. Fight how you see fit.” Maverick’s voice broke you from the daydream you were in. No rules and a hard deck that low? This was about to be so much fun.
“Mav and I will be in the air to monitor.” Kasper spoke quickly after Mav wrapped it up. You nodded along, easy enough. You’d done these training exercises hundreds of times with the guys in your squad. How much harder could it be with Hangman really?
“What’s the punishment for Dory when she loses?” Hangman chided in before Mav could give you the green light. All you could do was laugh. This fella sure was cocky.
“250 sit-ups for the loser.” You wouldn’t dare let him get the last word in. Plus, you knew how fucking hard sit-ups were for the men in your squadron. They always started crying at 150 while you flew through them, they were cake for you. Just another day of training really.
“That’s a hell of a punishment.” Kasper spoke up. You knew he was shaking his head in that cockpit. He was always shaking his head with a smile on his face. You never ceased to surprise him.
“I like it.” Mav agreed with you, “250 sit-ups for the first person to get shot down. It’s going to be a dogfight. On my command. Go.”
You dove immediately. Your plan was to lose him low in the mountains. They gave you a 20 square mile range to fly in, which wasn’t a lot. The closer you got to the hard deck the harder it would be for him to detect you. You didn’t have time to pay attention to what he was doing. That might’ve been a mistake as he found you easily and was on your tail immediately. You heard your radar beeping as he tried to lock onto to you.
Well shit, he might’ve been better than you were planning to give him credit for. Eyes narrowing you pushed it a little faster to get into the mountains. It was so much easier to dodge lock when you were constantly moving side to side.
“Darling, this is too easy.” He nearly locked on to your jet before you dove even further. He followed relentlessly as you dodged and swerved through the canyons and valleys of the mountain.
“Where are you off too?” He questioned as you pushed him to his limits. It’s a known fact that shorter women pilots were able to take the g-forces far better than their much taller counterparts. But he was handling this well. You just had to hit all those turns just a little bit harder.
You couldn’t seem to shake him as he kept pace with you. It wasn’t easy and you were making it absolutely impossible to get a lock on which was beginning to piss him off. Usually, it only took him a few minutes to take someone out. You were much, much smarter than the guys in his unit. He should’ve known as the only person that could beat him was Natasha. The women had the brains, and he knew it. And you seemed to be even more strategic than Phoenix as you kept diving and rising just to throw him off even further.
And those brains paid off. You knew you couldn’t do this forever. Kasper and Mav would come in and shoot the both of you down. It wasn’t supposed to be a game of cat and mouse but a dogfight instead. Checking out the map you found a straightaway that would let you go up and over without risk of hitting the mountain side.
Hangman was giddy when he saw where you were heading. This was his only literal shot he could get on you. What he certainly didn’t expect was for you begin pulling some Maverick moves. Moves that not even Kasper dared to try. Moves that made even Hangman a little leery to try. Kasper always claimed he loved his life too much to pull the ‘shit that you do’ off.
You pulled up. Before Hangman could follow, he watched as your wings turned down almost stopping you in mid-air nearly halting your speed down to zero knots. Hangman darted right past you. ‘Gotcha’ you whispered to yourself as you hit the stick forward beginning to chase him down.
“Easy my ass.” You giggled speeding right back up hightailing it behind him.
“Fucking serious?” Hangman grumbled as he realized he was now being chased, the mouse. This simply didn’t happen to him. He tried to think fast but you were faster.
“As a damn heart attack, sweetheart.” You locked on before shooting him down.
“Fuck.” Hangman sighed hitting his head against the stick.
“Damn. Good work Dory.  That’s a kill.” Maverick chimed back in, “Go ahead and land. Jake, you got 250. Don’t short them.”
“Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll be counting.” You chimed in. Hearing Kasper’s hearty laugh. You knew you made him oh so proud. He defended you until his face was blue. You had to repay him by backing up your mouth that often ran a too far. You hadn’t let him down though. You backed it right on up.
“There’s really no need for that.” Hangman grumbled as you followed him back down to the runway. Both Mav and Kasper were staying up so long as they had fuel guiding the next groups up.
“There really is.” You countered knowing you were slowly driving him up a wall.
“Has anybody ever told you that you were annoying?” You could hear the frustration dripping through his responses. The laugh that followed was sincere.
“All the damn time. In fact, Jax told me that I was this morning.”
“Christ.” He sighed descending down to the landing strip. Coyote and Berlin were lined up ready to take off once the two of you landed.
“Did I just hear a good old Christian country boy take the lords name in vain?” You gasped knowing exactly how to press his buttons. He sure was special but you knew exactly what to do to keep that bark back inside him.
“I’m not responding anymore.” He grumbled. Somehow you knew he had a stupid little smile on his face. You had a big ass smile on your face as you hopped out of the cockpit of your jet once you landed.
Hangman stood by his jet holding his helmet looking pissed at himself. You nearly skipped over thrilled you got the upper hand so easily against him.
“Good job up there.” He grumbled as you approached.
“Is that a compliment?”
He nodded, “One and only.”
You grinned, “I’m honored. Thanks Jake. Now get to it.”
The two of you chatted causally back and forth. The front that he had in front of the other guys nearly vanishing as you started talking. The conversation surprisingly coming very easily between the two of you. Something you hardly expected at the beginning of the day. You wished you knew how rare of an occurrence this was.
“You guys coming to the Hard Deck tonight?” He asked as he finished up the 250. Naturally he did it with ease and didn’t even complain to you once. You had to admit that Phoenix was right. There was something so different about this man.
“That depends. Are we allowed?” You smirked sensing the tension between the two groups of nearly all men early on in the day. You and Natasha got along easily enough the boys should’ve been able to do the same. Naturally, the Dagger Squad wasn’t too thrilled about your groups appearance, especially on their base. There was bound to be undeniable tension. You thought they’d get over it. But no, they could never. They were like dogs marking their territory everywhere.
“You graduated from Top Gun, right?” Jake was full of Jokes. Every class in Top Gun seemed to make their way to the Hard Deck. It was right around the corner from the base, and it was easy going, The two things pilots needed.
Rolling your eyes you nodded, “We’ll be there.”
“I’ll buy you a beer.”
You shook your head while standing up, “No need.”
“Why? Got yourself a man back home?” He smirked wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“I don’t. I can pay for my own drinks. Nothing good happens when a guy buys you a drink.” You hummed beginning your walk back to the locker room. He followed like a little golden retriever puppy right behind you.
“I’d disagree with that.”
“You have your opinions, I have mine.” You shrugged trying your best to keep him behind you. Unlucky for you his stride was much longer than yours, catching up to you like it was nothing.
“Come on sweetheart. Just one?”
“Why are you so adamant Hangman?” You returned his question with one of your own.
“You kicked my ass up there. I think that deserves a drink.” Was he trying to make the peace with you?
“Will it shut you up if I give in?” You didn’t really want to give in, but man was he persistent. Sure, he would’ve kept pestering you all night if you kept the game going.
“You know it darling.” He stopped in front of the door that led to the women’s locker room smirking right down at you.
“Then you can buy me exactly one drink.” You hated giving in but you had a feeling the man you’d simply never stop.
He nodded, “That’s what I like to hear.” He stepped aside heading to change just like you. You took your time putting your regular military khakis back on. Not entirely eager to go sit in a room full of hyped-up men ready to go fly. That was the one downside of going first. Waiting for everybody else to go.
You walked back into the classroom taking a seat at the empty desk. Jax must’ve been coming up since you didn’t see him in the room. You didn’t really feel like listening to the radio, no matter how entertaining.
Hangman’s loud voice pulled you out of the manual you were going through. You suppressed the eye roll when you heard him tell the other guys about how lucky you got up there and that he had you the next time, no problem.
Again, you didn’t want to approach him, but he really didn’t leave you with a choice. You couldn’t let him just sit there and run his mouth.
“Luck?” You laughed behind him as he talked to the guys around him, “That’s not what you said twenty minutes ago, Hangman. Might I repeat what you said? Something about me kicking your ass?”
He turned with wide eyes completely unaware you stood behind him, arms crossed over your chest with an unimpressed look. He kept underestimating you. He needed to knock that off or his reputation would be as good as gone by the time the mission rolled around.
“Yeah,” The one with a mustache behind him agreed with you, “Didn’t sound like much luck on the radio Hangman.” He tipped his head at you as if to thank you. It seemed as though Hangman was a touchy subject even within his own squadron.
He sighed knowing you got the better of him, “Luck and skill.”
“Or just skill. Not all of us need luck to be successful.” You were officially annoyed with this version of Jake. Not the guy who you were chatting with thirty minutes prior. That guy had a personality that was somewhat redeeming. This guy was insufferable.
The one behind him started laughing, “We all get beat Hangman. It’s okay to admit defeat.” He egged him on. You officially liked the dark-haired moustache man. He seemed to find immense enjoyment out of antagonizing the guy. Almost as much as you.
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see who’s the real winner after the next few weeks.” He couldn’t seem to back down. Not willing to admit defeat just yet.
“We sure will. Can’t wait to find out.” You walked away right back to your seat waiting for the rest of the class to go through their training for the day. Luckily the latest version of the F-18 manual had come out giving you something to scour through as you waited.
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Walking into the Hard Deck with Jax had never felt so good. It’d been far too long. The two of you made it over to where the rest of the two squadrons were mingling. The tensions were still a little too high for comfort. Hopefully the alcohol would lower everybody’s hostility not heighten it.
You took a seat next to Berlin and Bob. You’d taken a quick liking to the gentle naturedness of Bob. He sat behind you in class asking you a few questions as the two of you scoured through the new manuals. The only two not actively listening to the radio comms. Quickly you spotted Jake sitting at the bar with Javy. Javy had been one of the few Dagger Squad members to introduce themselves to you. The rest seemingly put off by the extra squad at their base.
Who you didn’t spot was your old partner in the skies, Red, sitting right next to them. He sat next to them in his civilian clothes being as discreet as possible. It’s not that he wanted to hide from you. He just didn’t know what to say to you. It was difficult. The two of you thought you were untouchable in the skies. Until you weren’t.
“Lieutenants.” Red held his beer up to Jake and Javy. You’d turned back to conversation with both Bob and Berlin. The two biggest nerds keeping you enthralled with whatever they kept going on about. It’s not like you understood the physics they kept going on about.
Jake gave him the up and down, unable to figure out who and the hell was talking to them, “Lieutenant?” He questioned back as if to ask who he was.
He nodded, “I once was. Had to retire. My wingman and I took a few nasty hits on our mission months ago. I got stabbed in the eye on my decent down. My wingman almost bled to death. Needless to say, you can’t fly with one eye. Call sign’s Red. Just took a job as a Chief Warrant Officer though.” He held his beer up to the pilots.
“Cheers.” Jake held his beer up. The three of them drinking in silence until Jake couldn’t take it anymore.
“You’re wingman. Does he still fly?” He didn’t know why he was so curious but he was.
Jake missed the quick glance he threw you through the crowd, “She does.”
Jake took a long sip of his beer contemplating his next move. Did he really want to know? He did, “What happened then?”
Red sighed leaning his back against the barstool, “Recon didn’t do their job. We got ambushed right in the middle of the mission. It was supposed to be a few long-range bomb drops. No big deal. We’d done it hundreds of times before. This was different though…” He paused looking down like he had failed you, “There were so many SAM’s that we couldn’t shake. She went down defending me. I didn’t last much longer. Got stabbed in the eye by a tree, I think. I don’t really remember. Doctor said I was lucky that’s all that happened. My wingman though. She took the brunt of it. Found her lying in the snow shivering half conscious. When I rolled her over there was a 10-inch cut running right next to her spine. Doctor was amazed she even survived. Said she should’ve died from the blood loss. She got lucky the cut didn’t hit anything crucial. Doc said whatever it was that cut her missed her spine by inches. Miracle really. She made a full recovery in a few months. She’s flying right now.”
“Is she good?” Javy asked, curious as ever.
“Good?” Red laughed thinking of all the stunts you’d pulled over the years, “She’s the best damn pilot I’ve ever gotten the privilege to fly with. She put her life on the line for me and would do it again in a heartbeat. I’d do anything to go fly with her again. But when you lose an entire eye it’s hard to convince the Navy.” The three of them chuckled at his joke around the subject. He was trying to lighten the drawn down mood.
“What’s her name?” Jake asked.
He shook his head, “She wouldn’t want me to say. It’s between the two of us and her squad. She’s not looking for any points.”
That’s when Jake heard your laugh. He turned towards you with a warm smile on his face, “Got it.” Jake failed to turn back towards Red as he collected another beer from Penny for you, “I’m sorry. Not be rude but I told Dory I’d buy her a drink.”
Red laughed unironically and nodded, “Go on. I’m sure she needs it.” The three of them laughed as Jake walked over to you. Javy kept the conversation going with the retired Pilot who was returning as a CWO. He’d gotten fast tracked with the aviation department after the unfortunate incident. That’s why he was here after all. Kasper invited him out to help out with the mission and he jumped at the opportunity. He just hadn’t had the courage to tell you just yet.
Red simply smiled as he watched your face scrunch up as the pilot walked over to you. That was the same damn face you’d make at him for years as the two of you trained together. As much as the two of you got on each other’s nerves you loved the other harder. Red finished the glass that Penny poured him and headed out. Tomorrow. That’s when he’d tell you he was back.
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To say the next few weeks were anything but challenging would be a vast understatement. You’d put a target right on your back after handing Hangman that first defeat. Not only was he, but everybody in his damn squadron had it out for you. They had to beat Dory. But you didn’t let them. You had to hand it to everybody though, they were making you the best pilot you could be. Having to be so technically sound and anticipating in the air wasn’t an easy task.
Jake managed to beat you a few times in all the trainings. But you still had the edge. Every two times you beat him, he beat you once. Natasha was right, Hangman was a very special kind of guy. He made you so irate one moment and then had you giggling like a middle school girl with a fiery crush the next.
Just as much as he drove you mad you did the exact same to Jake. He’d never met anybody like you. You were nothing like Natasha but every bit as confident, if not more than the girl. You never seemed to let any comment bring you down only drive you further. He knew what to say to get under your skin. You knew what to say to get under his.
It all hit a breaking point when you and Hangman were against each other again in another dogfight training. Mav and Kasper just seemed to love to pair the two of you up. Neither one of you wanted to give it up in this training session which led to Maverick and Kasper yelling at the both of you on comms to let up, both of you ignoring him, you almost running into Jake and narrowly avoiding the side of the mountain and Jake completely fucking the frame up of his F-18, bending it so it was unflyable as he tried to shoot you down.
To say Maverick gave you an earful was the understatement of the year. Kasper simply stood there and watched as he berated the both of you. Threatening Court Martial and all. Truly, you’d never been so frightened by a leader in the military. Kasper must have noticed the expression on your face as he simply shook his head once Maverick was done tearing into the side of both of you. You felt lucky you weren’t having to go see the Vice Admiral on base, Cyclone. Now that was a terrifying man.
Both you and Jake stood there in silence. Both too afraid to speak or move. You’d surely done it now. Your chances of getting picked for the mission were slim to none now. It was so quiet you were sure that was Jake’s heart you could hear hammering in his chest, or yours.
“That could’ve gone better.” You whispered. It almost sounded like you were yelling it was so quiet in the hanger. The rest of the class was surely in the classroom waiting on you. They definitely heard everything on the radio. You were sure one of them heard the nice ass chewing that just commenced.
“Fuck.” He ran his hands across his face through his hair. You watched as the emotions crossed his face and ended in anger, directed right at you, “What the fuck was that?”
Was he really blaming you? “What was what? We were training.”
“You wouldn’t stop.” He frowned.
“Neither would you!” You mimicked him with a frown right on your face.
“Because you wouldn’t!” He could never be wrong, could he? It’d always be your fucking fault. He was so exhausting. You didn’t know how much more of him you could realistically take. While the highs were very high with the man, the lows were just as low. It was a roller coaster ride you suddenly wanted off of.
“Oh my god. Are you serious right now?” Eyes wide you walked away from him, quickly.
He followed quickly, “What is that you say? As a heart attack.”
You stopped so quickly he almost ran right into you, “Has anybody every told you how insufferable you are?”
The smirk that crossed his face almost made you want to slap him. That’d give him far too much satisfaction though, “All the time.”
Your face saddened just enough to get to him for a second, “I didn’t really think you were Hangman. I thought that was just a front. That’s so… disappointing.” Walking away slowly this time he didn’t dare follow. You hit him right where it hurt. You really thought he was an asshole. All that work he did put in was shattered in an instant. He had to admit he was being a bit of a dick.
Once he made it back to the classroom you were already sitting with Jax. Not daring to take a single look in his direction. Jake saw the comforting squeeze Jax gave you. He knew it was because of him.
Mav went on and on about how we weren’t clicking as a team. You had a sneaking suspicion it was because of the tension between you and Jake. Almost everybody seemed fine besides the two of you. You could only look at your notebook in shame, not daring to look towards the front like you always did.
“Alright. Go to lunch. I don’t want you reporting here after. Get to the Hard Deck. We’ll be playing some good old fashioned dogfight football to get you all gelling just a little bit better.” Mav walked out of the room followed by Kasper.
“The hell is dogfight football?” You asked Jax who looked just as confused as you were.
Bob so kindly explained as best he could. You just knew you were in for a hell of time. After changing and riding to the beach with Jax you both made it out to where most of the squadron already stood. You looked over to Phoenix and Halo noticing they were both in just sports bras and shorts. The t-shirt was already clinging to the sweat on your skin. You really should’ve thought this one through. You pulled on Jax giving him the help me face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked once the two of you were out of ear shot.
“Please tell me you have a tank in your car? I’m too hot in this t-shirt.” Your expression must not have given off how panicked you felt.
He shrugged, “Take it off then?”
You sighed, “What about the big ass scar down my back Jax?”
Scrunching his face, he thought for a second before responding, “Just take it off. Nobody will even notice. It’s a bunch of jacked up dudes ready to go.”
“Really?” You looked at him skeptically.
“Yes, Y/N. You’re fine.”
Rolling your eyes, you slid the shirt off. Back facing the rest of the group. Jax would’ve been right if Jake wasn’t already staring right at you. His eyes crinkled as he took in the sight before him. An almost footlong scar racing down your back had his eyes nearly bugging. That pilot at the bar wasn’t lying. It was you? You should’ve died before Jake was ever going to meet you? That realization just wasn’t okay with him.
His heart started racing as he watched you walk back down the beach towards them with Jax. It hit him that he absolutely loved training with you. There was a world where you probably didn’t make it out of that crash alive and he had to do this without you. That also wasn’t okay with him.
The whole situation wasn’t sitting quite right with him. He was beginning to realize how much he enjoyed having you entangled in his life. How much he loved riling you up. How much he adored seeing you smile at his expense. He loved that smart ass mouth that always seemed to put him in his place. He cherished your presence. You.
He knew he had a whole lot of work to do to change your mind. He was going to have to do the most un-Hangman like things to win you back over. He was going to be himself. That’s when you smiled the most around him. He could do it.
He lined up opposite you on the line, “Hey pretty lady.” He smiled warmly. It turned into a frown when he saw you roll your eyes.
“Really, Hangman?” You spoke his call sign with so much disdain it made the comment sting that much worse.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted out, “For earlier, for now. For everything I’ve put you through.” He spoke quickly before the ball was snapped. You gave him a funny look before running off for the play. Was he being serious?
When you lined back up with the next play, he just looked at you, waiting for you to respond, “You’re not joking?”
“No! I’m sorry, I… I have no excuse.” He sighed almost forgetting you were in the middle of a game before you took off again. You were loving this game right now. These runs gave you a chance to think. Not that you’d come up with a good response. You weren’t very good when it came to this stuff. Talking about feelings.
“Okay.” You nodded gaining the courage to look up at him.
His concentration on you broke as he smiled hearing that response. It wasn’t great but it certainly wasn’t bad. You weren’t all out rejecting him at this point, “Okay. Yeah?” He nodded hoping to get something else out of you.
“Yeah. Yeah okay. Sure.” You weren’t sure why any words were coming to your brain.
He laughed at that, “What’s your favorite color?” He asked changing the subject.
You raised an eyebrow before darting off. This time you caught the football scoring one for your team. Jax was right, nobody seemed to give a shit about that red scar. Even if they did, they did a good job hiding it. That or your squad mates threatened them. It certainly wasn’t out of the question.
Both you and Jake were tapped out. He sat next to you again, waiting patiently for your answers, “Sometimes it’s blue, the color of the sky on a bright sunny summer day blue. Sometimes it’s green. Like when you find that perfect Christmas tree on a cool winter day. And sometimes it’s orange. The orange of the sunset when you’re at the beach on a crisp fall night. There’s nothing like it really.” You weren’t lying. Your favorite color rotated just like the seasons seemed too.
“Wow. I was just going to say green.” He coolly scratched the back of his head suddenly feeling terribly less than. How could he keep up with you if that’s how you thought? He knew you were smart not downright brilliant.
You smiled looking up to him, “Nothing wrong with that. You can like green. There doesn’t need to be a reason.”
He shook his head, “And here you are comforting me.” He was at a loss for words as he studied you expression. Suddenly he didn’t give a shit if Bradley or Javy walked over and watched. He didn’t seem to care. It was about you. How could he have been so damn blind not to see it?
You shrugged, “It’s the truth, so.” Playing it off as nothing more you tuned your head towards the setting sun outlining your squad and the dagger squad playing football.
He smiled seeing you so coy. He’d found a weakness. Something he wasn’t planning to exploit, “Do you have any siblings?”
You nodded thinking of your past life. A life so innocent compared to this one, “I do. A younger brother. What about you?”
“A couple of sisters. A few older and one younger.”
You grinned, “Lucky you. Sisters are a blessing.”
“So are brothers.” He countered knowing it’d get a rise out of you.
Raising your eyebrows you continued, “I didn’t say they weren’t.”
He sighed knowing he had to let the ego drop, “They are a blessing. Each one of them. They’d be horrified at how I’ve been treating ya sweetheart.” The term of endearment tumbled out so easily it almost slipped by you.
You prayed your foundation was heavy enough to hide the blush. Having a sneaking suspicion, it wasn’t you continued talking trying to distract him, “If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life what would it be?”
He grinned, “I was supposed to be asking you the questions. But to answer yours, it’d have to be Tex-mex. I could eat it all day every day.”
You nodded smiling wide not saying a word.
“What?” His smile was unlike one you’d seen on him. It seemed so genuine and sincere. Like he was smiling at you for this first time.
“That’s the most Texas answer you could’ve given me.” Your grin only widened seeing his smile turn to shock then guffaw.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Can I tell you something?” He asked once his laughter died down. Nodding your head, you watched the game unfold before you. Smiling as you saw Berlin tackle Jax out of the corner of your eye. The boys were having a hell of time.
“I find you fascinating.” He stopped before he went on. He knew a big confession was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t yet. Not until you trusted him. He’d started to burn the bridge and he was desperately trying to put that fire out before the bridge snapped.
Shaking your head slightly in disbelief you had a hard time believing him, “What?”
“Absolutely fascinating. And incredibly beautiful. One of the best pilots I’ve flown with. The most unafraid person I’ve worked with… I could go on…”
You stopped him, “Don’t. Thank you.” You smiled to yourself gleefully. How this man could make you feel such things in such a short amount of time.
“Anytime sweetheart.” His goofy grin was noticed by almost everybody playing in front of them. Jax wanted to slap it right off his face. What was more concerning was your face. You looked utterly taken by him. A look he’d quite literally never seen on it before. He wanted so desperately to disapprove but he knew it was bound to happen. The way one moment you complained and the next you had nothing but good things to say gave him whiplash.
 Eyes moving up to the handsome man you had to wonder where all of this was coming from? Did your words actually mean something to him? You’d only known him for three fucking weeks, but it felt like three years at this rate. The intensity between the two of you was bubbling up and hitting a head, “Where’s all this coming from Jake?” You had to ask. As fun as it was to play twenty questions with the man you needed to know.
Did he want to tell you he knew? How much your words from earlier already affected him and seeing that fresh scar running down the right side of your spine pushed him over the edge of realization. He liked you. Maybe even more than liked you. He’d never admit that out loud though. He’d never met a woman so sure of herself. It all made sense now. Why he wanted to be around you. Why he found enjoyment poking fun at you. How it hurt him when you were hurt from Mav’s words and his. He realized he never wanted to be the cause of your anguish. Only the root of all your happiness.
“I met a pilot friend of yours at the bar a few weeks ago, Red.” He stated so causally.
Giving him a quizzical look, you had to wonder how in the hell had he known Red? Your guy. Your partner in the sky, “He didn’t tell you…” You paused not sure what the hell you wanted to say. It was never easy admitting when you went down. Nonetheless shouldn’t have survived. It was awkward to talk about. Like you weren’t good enough at your job.
Jake shook his head quickly, “He didn’t say who, he just told Javy and I what happened.”
“How did you know…” Again, it suddenly clicked. The fucking scar that dragged along your back. Nobody noticed it except for Jake, “The scar.” You stated continuing to look ahead letting out the breath you had been holding in.
“He didn’t realize we’d be playing football when he told us the story.” Jake laughed trying to ease your discomfort. He wouldn’t lie about it. That was no way.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly, “I don’t blame him. I’m just glad he’s back. He was talking about retiring for good.” He wasn’t here. He was with Hondo training a few new guys all the ins and outs of the F-18.
“And you?” Jake asked.
You hadn’t really been asked that in the six months since the accident. It was assumed that once the Doctor said you’d make a full recovery you’d be right back on track. That’s what you did. Not even sure if you’d properly processed all the trauma you went through just months prior, “It wasn’t even a thought.”
“Well, I’m glad.” Jake smiled down at you even though you were so intent on staring straight ahead, “I’m happy you’re here.”
“Are you?” You hadn’t a clue where that came from. It’s not like Jake was the worst person you’d come across, but he certainly had shown you a side you weren’t particularly fond of. Even if he had been complimenting you moments before. Finding some courage, you looked back up at him curiously.
He took a second to come up with the right words, “I’m so happy you’re here. You’ve made me a better pilot. A better person. I know how I’ve come off to you and it wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. When I saw that scar along your back, just like Red was describing I realized a few things. There was a chance that you could’ve never had made it here. You could’ve died before I even got the chance to meet you. It made me realize just how important you are to me. I… I can only apologize for the way I’ve treated you before, but I promise you I won’t do it again.”
Placing your palms behind you in the sand you leaned back taking in every word. Jake was a whole lot of things, but a liar wasn’t one of them, “Okay.”
“Okay.” He continued smiling knowing you weren’t terribly good at words when it came to stuff like this. The dichotomy between your personality, a spit fire in the sky yet too shy to say a word when it came to emotions, “Would you be willing to give me a second shot? I won’t disappoint you this time.”
You nodded, “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice and I’ll find somebody to kick your ass.”
A hearty laugh escaped his lips, “I’ll let you kick it, how does that sound darling?”
Grinning and nodding it felt good to talk to the man you’ve been harboring a crush on, “That sounds amazing. You better not mess it up again or I’m coming for it.”
“You know, I completely believe you.”
“Good.” You giggled feeling all the tension finally leave your body. It felt so damn good letting it all out in front of him.
He sighed. Looking at him fully you could see there was something bothering him. Like he wanted to keep going but was holding back his tongue.
“Spit it out Jake.” You wanted to roll your eyes, but he was trying. Having battles in his head on how to best handle the situation.
“Are you okay? He said you should’ve died. That… that can’t be easy.”
Were you okay? You still loved being up in the air. You loved everything about flying. In fact, the accident made you only want to become a better one. But were you okay personally? You thought you were. You’d been to a couple of military required therapy sessions that didn’t do a whole lot for you.
“I think so. Haven’t really thought about it much.” Admitting that to him was hard. You were a sure person. Think wasn’t in your vernacular, you knew. But you didn’t know if you were okay. You thought you were, but could you really be?
“Does it hurt?”
You shook your head, “Not anymore. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t remember much. I blacked out.” You took a moment before continuing, “I ejected to late. It’s my own fault but they were going to kill him. I should’ve pulled the handle sooner. I don’t know what happened. I was too close to the ground…” You paused not really wanting to think too much into it, “I think the cockpit cut me on the way out. I was spinning out. I don’t remember. It just hurt.” You blinked back a few tears that flooded your eyes just thinking about it. You were not okay. You weren’t a crier in the first place, so this was odd for you. Sitting back up you used the back of your hand to wipe away the few that fell. Fuck.
He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze, “Hey, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. But I just want you to know that I think you’re insanely strong for being able to fly the way you do after going through that. I don’t think I could.”
Wiping away the remaining tears you shook your head, “Bull. You’d be right back up in the air. You’re too much like me. Can’t let it go. Not yet anyway.”
The two of you were so immersed in the conversation both of you missed Mav calling you back into the huddle. Your eyes were trained on him as his eyes were on you. It was only Jax’s whistle that tore you from the gaze.
“Come on.” He gave you a hand once he stood up, “Better go join the group or we’ll get another ass chewing from Mav.”
Placing your hand in his felt so right, so natural, “I’d rather not go through that again.” He pulled you up. Walking back over he broke towards his squad as you nestled yourself in between Berlin and Jax.
“I don’t like the way he keeps looking at you Dory.” Jax spoke far too loudly. Berlin, Cairo, and a few others snickered knowing exactly what he was talking about.
“Shut up Jax.” Giving him the look your turned your attention back towards Mav.
Berlin decided he wanted in on the conversation, “Were you not just complaining about him, oh I don’t know… yesterday?”
You punched his arm playfully, “Yeah, so?”
“It means we don’t like the way he’s looking at you.” Cairo chimed in from in front of you.
Raising your eyebrows, you looked at them all skeptically, “You’re all so nosy.”
“And I don’t like the way you’re looking at him!” Jax gave you a wide-eyed look like you’d failed to tell him something.
“Shut up.” You pushed him.
“Oh? Does Y/N have a crush?” Berlin quipped earning the laughs of everyone around you both. Including some of the Dagger Squad.
Rolling your eyes, you resigned to flipping him off instead not daring to disagree.
“Well boys we lost her. She’s not fighting back.” Jax started cracking up.
“If it’s any consolation, he won’t shut up about you. Pretty sure he feels the same way.” Rooster leaned in smirking with that damn mustache on his face.
You put your hand over your face avoiding everybody’s gaze. The random burst of Oh’s made Jake turn towards the group you were by with that same genuine smile. You’d deal with all the teasing in the world if it meant you got to see that smile again.
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“Y/N! Wait up!” Jake’s voice broke your stride as you turned towards him.
Jax continued walking not waiting up on you, “Be good Y/N.” He snickered as he walked back towards his car.
“Let me give you a ride back to base?” He was practically begging for some more time alone with you. No matter how short of a ride it was.
“Sure.” You followed him to his truck. Jake being the newfound gentleman he really was rushed over to open the door and close it for you.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but to smile up at him as he slid into his seat.
Nodding his head he turned the key, “Anytime sweetheart. Really. Anytime.”
He pulled out driving back to base, “I heard what your friends said earlier.”
“You did?” The blush that coated your cheeks was probably immaculate. He was so forward with everything it made you want to scream. He put you right on the spot with that one. You’d normally dance around the emotions rather than full on confront them.
“Mhmm. I might have a crush on you too.” He said so nonchalantly it made you double take.
“Really?” You were sure your voice was three octaves higher as your eyes widened in realization. How could he be so cool about it?
He nodded taking his eyes off the road for just a second to reassure you, “What’s not to love? Beautiful, kind, tough, smart as hell, the whole package.”
“Wow. Are you sure?” You didn’t know
He chuckled taking your hand in his, “I’m so positive about this. I know we’re stationed across the country, but we can figure it out. Moves can be made. Promotions can be had. I want to try this with you. If you’d let me?”
The smile that burst onto your face felt incredible, “Hell yeah. Let’s do it.” You answered before you could really process it. But your brain knew before you did because you were thrilled.
He squeezed your hand tight as he parked the truck. Seemingly the last group to make it back. Surely the rest of the squadron was waiting on the two of you, “Yeah?”
You nodded looking so happily up at him, “Yes! Yeah, who knows what’ll happen? Plus, you know I have a whole squadron ready to hunt you down if you fuck it up.”
“Trust me, I’m not messing this one up.”
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Taglist: @dempy @djs8891 @senjoritanana @thataviationlovingchick @alldaysdreamers @krismdavis @fangirlvibez @shelbycillian @trolostodos @iprettymuchsimpforeveryone @queerqueenlynn @peacelilyplants @hellobroadwaydreamer @themusicalweirdo
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persephone11110 · 9 months
Self Control
Jake Seresin x Reader
Three times you should’ve stopped fucking Jake Seresin, and one time you finally did.
tw:one night stands, insecure reader, KINDA DARK, mentions of sex throughout—DUBIOUS CONSENT fic,Dead Iceman->reader is grieving and doesn’t how to process her emotions properly, asshloe J.S->cheater Jake, they both need fucking therapy!!,—jake abusive childhood Jake chokes reader->bruises, happy ending, the two kazansky children seen in the movie are cannoned just gave them names(Xander,Ana Kazansky),self-slutshaming, reader calls herself whore 2-3x, mavdad—feminist icon
WC : 2.7k
AN: I really can’t tell you how this fic was born tbh, but enjoy❤️, title from Self Control- Frank Ocean
1. his bedroom
You’ve been thinking to yourself lately,everynight you lie in bed in wondering if you should be tired of doing this?, giving a piece of yourself to Jake Seresin three times a week.
You wondered if the man even cared enough to get to know you, after all you’ve been acting as his bed warmer for the past three months.
But that just it, you were warned of how this would work, you both agreed to emotionless sex— being each other’s fuckbuddies when work got to much to emotionally handle.
As it seemed neither of you had the mental capacity to have a healthy coping mechanism. You sat on your floor infront of a mirror trying to cover up a neck bruise, Jake had a nightmare again—the same one as usual, Instead Jacob Sr was the one doing the choking.
“Jake, Jake!” your throat was closing, Jake hand around throat was tightening—his fingers digging deep into your skin Again. You were begging for him to release you. You stared into his green forest like eyes—their so fucking beautiful.
At first he doesn’t acknowledge your pleading tone, Jakes most likely still stuck in nightmare from hell “Jake please let go”. Your voice was dry now, tears sprung from your eyes as it did his.
A loud thump happened as your body rolled of the bed to the floor. You heard heavy breathing which normally signaled Jake had finally woken up . He banged his head against the headboard loudly. Jake utters a small—“I’m sorry”before leaving you alone in the room to gather himself.
You sat on the floor like fucking obedient dog waiting for Jake to come back and tell you what do next. While you sit there in silence apart of you wonders were the strong Y/n“Killerfrost” Kazansky went, the woman who didnt break a sweat while looking death in the face. The woman who flew more colder than Iceman more crazier than Maverick. What happened?
Death happened,cancer stripped your dad of his life. Sitting at his beside watching him struggle take his last breath, shushing him he because he was pushing himself to use his voice.
Going on base and listening to the Admiral Simpson go over on the speaker and tell the base that Admiral Kazansky—your dad drew his last breathe. Which led you to Jake Seresin bed.
Younger you would be so disappointed in you right now. Younger Y/n Kazansky would rather die before laying down with man who’s ruining their mental health. If someone told you ten years down line you would be fucking one of the worst men as an emotional outlet. You would’ve laughed in their face repeatedly till you passed out from lack of oxygen.
“Tom Kazansky would be so disgusted with his daughter”, a thought lingered around your mind, “Dad wouldnt even want to be in the same room as you”.
You picked yourself off the floor as you heard Jake’s footsteps getting closer. Your legs were bouncy as anxiety was coursing through your veins—flying never did make you feel this, but leave it to Jake‘Hangman’Seresin to.
Jake voice was low and rough,“See you next week”. Before you could say something to the man, he already had his back turned walking away from you.
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment,“How am I falling for a man who doesn’t love me and never will?”. You continue to slip your clothes back on as you toss the thought around in your head, careful of your sore skin. “You should be ashamed of yourself Y/n Kazansky, you were not raised be a whore who re adjust their clothes as a John throws a fucking dollar at them., You were raised with dignity”.
Whore. Y/n Kazansky callsign should be Jake Seresin whore.
Your pressed your head into the shower wall, allowing the hot pressed water to soothe your aching muscles.“I’m so sorry daddy”.
2. Family Dinner
You kept tugging at the hem of your turtle neck, it was to hot to be wearing this damn thing in the first place. But last thing you wanted to was to worry your siblings as they had just lost their father. That last thing they needed was their weak sister falling apart at the seams, as if they weren’t either.
Two times a month your siblings held saturday dinner. The idea was to keep up with eachother.
Guess who’s been missing family dinner to fuck Jake Seresin?, the answer is Y/n Kazansky.
You stood on Ana porch quietly, wondering if you should even go in, not wanting the catch the end of your short-tempered sister.
“You plan on standing there till hell freeezes over?”, a voice pulls your from your thoughts, Xander Kazansky was standing behind you with pie in his hands. “Come on sis, Ana been waiting to see you”. He smiled, softly pulling on your wrist to get you into the door. You mirror his smile, forgetting all about last night. You closed the door behind you.
“Hey kid”, you stand there waiting for him to put the pie down before you pull him into a tight hug. Your ruffling his hair, with one hand.
“I have you know Y/n I can legally drink alcohol”. Xander pouts like little kid.
“Y/n didn’t wait until she was twenty one drink”. Ana tone of voice was sour as she gestured the both of you to sit down.
“Ana I—“ Your cut off by her harsh words.
“Y/n the longer you spew bullshit at me the longer its takes to bless the food”. Ana states before bowing her head and closing her eyes.
You and Xander make eye contact before joining her.
“So us non-aviators aren’t good enough for you anymore?” Ana asked you in calm tone, yet you could hear how angry she truly was.
Xander was to busy scraping at his dinner plate, shoving food in his mouth—not wanting to be caught in the middle of his sister’s argument.
You bite at the inside of your cheek unsure of what to say back. Can’t say the truth because then Ana will really flip out if she finds what her little sister been doing lately.
You glanced at your plate again thinking up lie to tell her. “I’ve been busy Ana, since the mission the dagger squad have become a permanent squadron”. Your telling the truth but the full truth.
You pray Ana takes the bone you threw at her and leaves it alone. Ana gave you a dirty look before picking at her broccoli and shoving it in her mouth. Thank god neither of your parents were here as they would’ve picked up on ticks, the picking at your nails, nibbling at your bottom lip.
“Sweetheart you can tell us whats going on you know that right”, your dad would say while nudging your shoulder, “Your off the clock, you can retire Killerfrost till your up in the air”.
You thought Ana had let it go as she stopped acknowledging you, and was only talking to Xander. "I hope that whatever you been doing was worth it Y/n, you haven’t even seen mom in goddamn month”.
“Ana” Xander sighed, he was getting tired of his sister remarks, you didn’t wanna defend yourself anymore, not that you even tried to.
You bowed your head in shame, no longer wanting to make eye contact with either sibling.
“What Xander?”, Ana raised her voice,”It’s the same fucking thing dad would’ve say to her too,I’m getting tired of her acting as if she’s the only one who lost a dad, like mom didn’t lose apart of her”.
You could feel the tears attempting to escape from your eyes. You placed the silverware back in its place, you stood from the dinner table. Casting a look between the both of them—“I’m sorry Ana, Xander” before you walked out of her house with tears rushing down your face.
Your sitting at a gas station thinking about everything, you really were acting selfish.
Maybe fucking Jake Seresin was a bad idea?
You picked up your phone, eyeing the text message. “I can’t sleep Y/n, come over if your aren’t busy”.
And just like that, Jake was telling you to come over it’s like he knew when it was a bad time for you. How dare you say no to him?
You put the key back in the ignition and start to slowly pull out of the parking lot.
Your on the back road, the shortest way to get to his house.
3. All I Could Was Cry
She was standing there with my man.
I heard them promise death do us apart.
A woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe was her descendant hung off of Jakes arm, she wrapped her hand around his bicep. They both shared a smile with one another, “I’m busy tonight Y/n“, he texted you this morning.
They were pushing eachother into the water- her screams of joy as Jake playfully her slammed into the water. She leaned into to him pushing her tongue down his throat.
I was losing the man I loved.
“Falling in love with a man like that is dangerous game Y/n” A familiar voice interrupts your self pity. Uncle Maverick is standing behind you with two beers in his hands and small smile. “Scoot over kiddo” Your sitting on cold sand, pretending to be okay with the scene infront of you.
And all I could do was cry.
“Uncle Mav if your here to give me I’m so disappointed in you speech, I’ve already gave myself one more than once I-“. He gently cuts you off when he pulls you into a tight, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“Your mom been worried about you, so has your siblings , me and the daggers”. His voice is laced with worry, you hated making people worry about you. “Your flying been…crazy these past couple of months”. Maverick struggles to find more words to say, unsure if he does it might push into Jakes arms.
He was right you been flying like your ass was on fire, and if you’ve been pulling maneuvers even he wouldn’t dare to.
“Ana Kazansky is worried about me?”, Your eyes widen at that,“It didn’t seem like that a couple nights ago when she was going for my head”.
“Ana is like your father, arguing with them is like sitting on the stand defending yourself against a criminal charge”. Uncle Maverick explains with a soft tone, “I would know after pissing your dad off for over thirty years”. You swear he blinks away a few tears before continuing.
“I have everything under control, yes I like Seresin and I understand he doesn’t want me”. You feel indifferent as the lie rolls off your tongue through your mouth. “I’m Killerfrost Kazansky who doesn’t allow her emotions to get the best of her”. Your eyes shift away as you attempt to not hold eye contact with him.
“The same bullshit your father tried to pull with me years ago, your Y/n Kazansky the woman who just her father, the woman who misses her father dearly the man who showed you how to spell your name, the man who managed to get out of deployment early to drop you off for the first day kindergarten”.
Tears pricked at your eyes,“I didn’t think about it that way,maybe i’ve been to hard on myself?”. Your voice cracks with emotion. “As much I hate to say it— It feels nice to be ‘wanted’ by someone, Mav”.
“Kid, I was that man thirty some odds years ago when Goose died, I had sex with any woman who looked my way and said yes”. Maverick pulled away from you, gently wiping away your tears. “It’s going to hurt kiddo for awhile, but I promise you its gets better, the last thing Ice would want is for his daughter to lose herself, to allow a man to tell her how worthy she is”. He presses a kiss into the side of your head“It’s okay to feel emotions Y/n Kazansky”, he said low enough for only your ears.
After leaving you alone with your thoughts, your phone blinks as a notification pops up.
“Y/n I need you over tonight”. Your walking back to the car, hand on the car handle. “10 is good”. Your driving past his house, your driving to your apartment.
4. Happier Again (3months later)
He’s in standing your doorway with roses in his hand, and red wine in the other. When you heard knocking on the door you expected Ana because it almost time for movie night or Harvard because he’s sucks at cooking and needs help. But not him—Jake Seresin was standing in your doorway looking apologetic.
The new you wants to slam the door in his face, forcing him to catch a hint that the nights you spent in his bed were over. Deciding against your gut you decide to allow him in, for what you’ll never know—maybe he’s here to offer a peace offering.
You still had to work with him still— the dagger squadron is permanent till Cyclone and Cain think otherwise.
Jake goes to open his mouth but nothing leaves it, which is a first. The great Hangman is left clueless not a insult dripping with anger and sarcastic comment in sight.
“Come in Jake” He cocks his head to the side unsure if he really should.“If you want stand outside and look stupid thats fine by me”. You turn on your heel,but before you get far he grabs you by wrist, pulling you into a kiss.
The roses, the wine—he loves me, Jake“Hangman” Seresin finally loves me. You feel the old you try to blossom like a dead flower, attempting to sprout back to life.
“Stop!”You shoved at his chest he falls back alittle. “No, I’m not doing this again with you Jake”. Your cheeks are starting to get red,“What about that woman from the hard deck?”.
His lips slip into a tight smile“She and I are going through a rough patch right now”. Jake steps into your apartment, “Y/n its nothing to worry about she wouldn’t know”.
You shake your head at him,“You haven’t changed?”.
“Oh come on darlin it’ll be like old times”, He stands tall, his hangman smile is fully on display.
You scoff, doesn’t he understand what I just said?
“Jake you have a girlfriend, its make you a cheater!” You jabbed a finger into his chest. “Your cheating on your girlfriend”. He doesn’t give a shit.
“And your such a fucking angel darlin, we fucked for how long Y/n?”. His voice is harsh, anger bubbling—getting ready to explode like a volcano. “Were’s ya fucking halo at?”.
“I didn’t know” you yell back at him—standing your ground. The one bad thing you inherited from your dad was his temper, when your button been pushed for too long.“You must fell from heaven when your father casted you out, huh?”. A low blow that was uncalled for, but he’s taking it there.
“I need you darlin, I need to fuck you!”. he screams, your pretty sure you and Jake are one second close to having the cops called for a domestic disturbance.
“You and I need therapy Jake”, your voice returning to a calm tone.“Fucking you was worst shit i’ve ever done, I’ve been using you as a tool”. You step back from him.“Jake you can’t honestly tell me we aren’t ‘broken’ a little bit, sane humans don’t do this shit”.
Jakes eyes were squeezed closed, your cupped his jaw with your hands.“It’s okay not be okay, but its not okay to be doing this”. You sighed,“As much as I want to, its not healthy Jake”.
Jake opened his eyes, tears were rolling down his face. “I’m so sorry Y/n I just needed a break, I needed a break from being Hangman”.
“A smart guy told me once your no longer in the air, there’s no need to fake who you are”. Your eyes are beginning to become teary, “We need help Jake”.
“Your right Y/n” His eyes were still wet.
“Go back your place and try to figure out what went wrong with you and her”. You gently told him. “Work buddies?”. You had hope in your voice, you put your hand out.
A wet laugh fell from his mouth,“Work buddies”. He shakes it.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Chapter 1
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pairing: bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader; kendall adams (oc) x bradshaw!reader; (eventual) jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader
characters: bradley bradshaw, y/n bradshaw, tom ‘iceman’ kazansky, sarah kazansky, kendall adams, pete ‘maverick’ mitchell (mentioned), goose and carole bradshaw (mentioned)
word count: ~3.2k 
warnings: angsty bradshaws, mentions of cannon character deaths, sibling separation, drinking, LOTS OF TIME JUMPS, please let me know if i missed any
a/n: just a general note!! from what I’ve seen rooster's birthday is around June, he also just seems like a summer baby. So y’all’s birthday is 19/06/1987
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: mav has pulled the twins papers. bradley is set out to prove something, while y/n takes it as an opportunity to do a reality check and see what other options she has
ch 2  ch 3  ch 4  ch 5
************ *You and Bradley are 17* (just graduated HS)
Bradley burst through the door of your shared home, being only the two of you since your mom passed in the middle of your senior year.
“Woah, Bradley, what’s wrong?” You looked up from your book. “Maverick, that’s what’s wrong!” He ran a hand through his curls, angrily placing it on his hip afterward. 
You marked your page and stood, “What did he do, Brad?” He paced, running his hand over his mouth and jaw.
“Brad, what did Mav-” “He pulled our applications!” You jumped back a little and Bradley watched tears line your lid.
“Maverick pulled our papers…” You were in shock honestly. He nodded even though it wasn’t a question. You scoffed past your tears and let your hands drop, “Why would he do that? He knows how much we want to be like-” The name got stuck in your throat. You shook your head, running a hand through your hair, “Why would he do that Brad?” Your twin shrugged, “He thinks we aren’t ready? I don’t know, Duckie.”
You sighed and wiped your eyes. “Well, I guess we need to look at colleges.” You crossed your arms and rubbed your bicep with your hand, trying to self-comfort.
Bradley noticed the immediate change in your behavior. “Y/N, it’s okay to be upset about this. You have every right to be mad! Hell, I’m fucking pissed off! When was the last time you’ve seen me this angry?” 
“Oh, I’m upset Bradley. Fuck, I want to march right down there get in Mav’s face and demand an answer. But what good is it gonna do, huh? I don’t have time for fighting.” You turned around and went to leave for your room.
“So, that’s it? You’re just gonna give up?” 
His voice stopped you in your tracks and you just knew he had his hands on his hips; looking just like Carole. “You think Mom would just let us walk away like that? She has always supported us!” You didn’t face him but looked up at the ceiling, hopefully squeezing your eyes shut to keep the tears away, “Don’t Brad-” “You know, if Dad-”
You never whipped around so fast in your life. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” You marched up to him and poked his chest, hard, “Don’t you fucking say it.” He realized he crossed the line when you didn’t even look up at him. 
“Duckie-” You shook your head, “No, don’t Bradley.” You shoved past him and went to the door and grabbed your motorcycle keys.
“Wait where are you going?” You didn’t even look back as you slammed the door. He sighed, “Shit.”
You drove for a long time, not really sure where you were headed. But you ended up at the cemetery that held both of your parents. 
Of course this is where you would go.
You took your helmet off, and walked through the cemetery, muscle memory taking you right to your parents headstone.
Sighing sadly you sat down, “Hey Mom, Hey Dad.” You bit your lip, “God this doesn’t get any easier…” 
You proceed to tell them both about your week; ranging from how work was, what you watched on TV, everything up to the moment your brother nearly broke down the door..
“Dad, Maverick pulled Brad and I’s papers…” You drew in a shaky breath, “We just want to be like you. We looked up to you… still do and Mav, God Maverick, he never let us forget about you. Mom didn’t either. Bradley actually learned piano, can you believe it? Hell, I bet you guide his fingers every time like when we were kids.” You dryly chuckled, wiping the tear with your thumb.
“Thought I’d find you here.” You turned and looked up, seeing the other pilot that took up a fatherly/uncle role in your life. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky.
“I’m that predictable, huh Ice?” The older man laughed, “Just a little. May I sit?” You nodded, resting your chin on your knee. “So, did Bradley call you?” 
The older man nodded, “Yeah, said you’d got in a fight and you’d been gone for hours.” “Hours? I have-” You looked at your watch, “Damn, I’ve been gone for hours.”
It was quiet for a moment, you leaning on Ice’s shoulder.
“Did he tell you what Mav’ did?” You felt him nod. “Could you have stopped him?” “Me? Stop Maverick? You’re asking for a miracle there Y/N.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, but cut it off with a sigh, “I’m so angry at him, Ice. I just want to scream and cry, make him feel bad for it.” 
He nudged your head with his shoulder to get you to look at him, “You know, you could always wait a few months and find another way in.”
You sighed, “I appreciate that, I really do. But who’s to say he won’t do it again. Maybe-” You picked at your nails, glancing at the headstone with your father’s name engraved and painted black on the white marble.
“Maybe it’s a sign,” you chanced a look into Ice’s eyes. They held nothing but curiosity at what you meant. “Maybe I’m meant to help the world in a different way. Or maybe I’m not ready and I need a little bit to figure myself out before I jump in the backseat of a plane.” “Backseat? Figured you’d want to frontseat.” You shrugged, “Dad was a RIO, so I figured I could do that since Bradley wants to be a pilot. Our plan was to fly together; him as the pilot and me having his back, just like we’ve always been.”
Tom gave you a small smile before giving you a side hug, “Well, whatever you choose, I’ll be your wingman. And I think as long as your heart’s truly in it, your father would be proud of you.” You hugged him, “Thanks Ice.”
********* (18)
“I still can’t believe you chose Arkansas for college. You’re smart enough to go to MIT. You got accepted into MIT! And you chose Arkansas?” 
You scoffed, smirking at your brother as he helped you move in, “Hey, don’t diss the Natural State, Brad. It’s beautiful here and you can’t deny that. Plus, it’d be such a weather change. I mean, freezing winters, no thanks. AND I got a scholarship to play softball.” 
Bradley sighed, sitting a box on your bed, “I know, I’m just gonna miss you.” You nodded, “I know, I’m gonna miss you too. This will be the first time we’re apart, but we have phones and I bet Ice will pay for your flight here.”
He just nodded, looking around, “Was that the last box?” You looked around also, “Yeah, I think so. Wanna go eat?” He smirked, “You read my mind.” You smiled, clapping your hands, “Let’s go!”
************* (Now 20)
You brought in a deep breath, rolling your neck, “Talk to me, Dad.” You eyed your catcher, seeing the signal she gave you. Breathing in through your nose, you wind up your pitch.
It flew right over the plate, right down the middle. Strike 3. Batter out. Ball game. Your team won.  
Your team rushed the mound lifting you into the air. “Bradshaw! Bradshaw! Bradshaw!” You laughed and pumped a fist in the air. You kissed two fingers and pressed them to the sky, something your mother had started doing at your games in honor of your father.
Your team put you on the ground and you went to the dugout going from there to talk over the game and develop a plan for tomorrow. (a/n: college games are played in series; Friday, Saturday, Sunday - best 2/3)
You left your team and went to your car. 
You jumped, looking around frantically before finding a familiar face. 
You sprinted across the parking lot jumping into your brother's arms. “I can’t believe you came!” “Of course I came! I wouldn’t miss my baby sister punching her ticket into the SEC Tournament.” 
He put you down and you looked at his face, seeing something that wasn’t there when you saw him at Christmas. “First, your only older than me by 12 minutes and second-”
You gestured to your upper lip, “That’s new.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh, yeah. I just thought-” “You look like him. You look a lot like him.” Bradley gave you a smile, hugging you one more time. 
“I mean, it could be fuller…” “Shut up,” he chuckled, gently shoving you away. You laughed.
You brushed some hair out of your face, “Oh, and about the SEC Tournament. We won't punch our ticket until tomorrow.” “Sorry I couldn’t be here yesterday,” he said, walking you back to your car. You shook your head, “It’s okay, Brad. I batted like shit yesterday anyway.” He laughed, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, Y/N.” “Oh no, it was pretty bad,” you snorted.
You got to your car and you picked up your bag that you had dropped. “Oh, by the way, Ice is here too but he left foooor uh…” Bradley racked his brain for the town name, it was right there.
You noticed his finger pointing in the direction of a town just North from where you were. You smiled, “Rogers?” 
He clapped his hands together, “Yes! Rogers! He said to call Sarah when we left and we’d find a place to eat at. They’re grabbing a room for the night. You know I probably need a room too.”
You scoffed, “Bradley Bradshaw, you are not staying in some over-priced hotel. Just come stay with me, I have an extra room.” “You sure? I don’t want Jason-” “Oh we broke up. He was an asshole. Plus he wouldn’t get a say anyway, not his place.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t really like him anyway. Would have messed up the Bradshaw genes.” You rolled your eyes, “Oh my gosh, shut up.” You shoved his shoulder, getting into your car, “Follow me and we can stop by my place then go to Rogers. I know you hate driving in cities.” He nodded, “Lead the way.”
You pulled up to your place and parked, getting out real quick to clean the trash out of the floor. 
“Still using the floorboard as a trashcan, I see,” Bradley teased behind you before moving to help. 
Without missing a beat or looking up you retorted, “Still driving that museum piece, I see.” 
“Hey, she runs just fine, she ain’t that old.” You laughed, dusting your hands off before running a hand on the fading paint, “She needs a paint job.”
Bradley just shrugged before getting into the passenger seat, “I kinda like the faded look, gives it character.” “What, like the ceiling liner coming off? Does that give it character?” You questioned as you slid into the driver's seat. 
“It’s called a headliner and yeah I need to get that fixed. But can we go? I’m starving.” You laughed and threw the car in reverse, “Call Sarah and pick a place.” “Geez you sound like Mom.” You smiled, glancing both ways before turning onto the highway, “Thank you.”
*********** (21)
It was finally yours and Bradley’s 21 birthday, which meant you were at a bar having drinks.
“I didn’t know Arkansans had this much fun!” Bradley said with a laugh before tossing back a shot.
Bradley decided to spend the summer in Arkansas rather than have you come up to Virginia where he was going to school at UVA.
“Well, now you know!” Kendall, your current boyfriend, said raising his glass (of water) in a toast. 
You smiled, glad that Bradley liked Kendall when they met the same night he came to watch your game in April, back when Kendall had just been a friend. 
“So, why don’t we go back to the house? I’m kinda hating this bar right now,” you said. 
The bar had started to feel stuffy, and despite both of your parents being outgoing and ‘party people’, you and Bradley both had your moments where crowds became too much. But sometimes you and Bradley weren’t in sync.
“If that’s okay with Brad?” You turned to him, it was his birthday too and you wanted to make sure your brother had a good time. “Will there be drinks at the house?” You laughed, “Just barely 21 and you already love alcohol. But yeah, Kendall went and bought some this morning.” Bradley patted the bar, “Yeah, let’s go.” Kendall kissed your temple, “Thank goodness. I was getting so tired of water.”
In your tipsy state that made you laugh really hard, like full on ‘Goose’ laugh.
“You kill me. You really kill me!” You wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed him before pulling away and mumbling on his lips, “Thank you for being the DD, Ken.” He pecked your nose, “Of course, Baby. Anything for you.”
“Hey if you two are done sucking face, can we go?” 
You laughed and flipped Bradley off before pulling your boyfriend in for another kiss. “Come on, he’s getting antsy. He might play the piano.. Again.” Kendall paid the tab and kept his arm around you the whole way out.
You got back to the house and all three of you had a few drinks.
Bradley had started to drink water, per the request of Kendall. 
“Hey, I know you’re having fun Bradley, but for your first time drinking maybe we should take it easy the rest of the night? Hangovers suck major ass the first time.” Bradley agreed and now he watched you, still drunk despite having your last drink about 2 hours ago when he also had his last..
“Kendall, take me to bed or lose me forever.” You had yourself sat on top of the counter, arms extended toward your boyfriend. Bradley chuckled, shaking his head but tensed slightly hoping that the one boyfriend he approved of wouldn’t take advantage of you like this.
“Sweet girl, you’re drunk. I’ll take you to bed, but you’re gonna go to sleep. Plus, you have training tomorrow. Your coach would kill me if I kept you up all night. Come on.” 
And with that, all the tension rolled off Bradley as Kendall carried you bridal style to your bedroom down the hall.
Kendall came back, chuckling lightly as he filled a glass with ice and water. He stood across the bar from Bradley. 
“You know, our parents would have liked you,” Bradley spoke up. 
Kendall gave a small smile, “You think so?” “Oh yeah. I’m sure of it. You make her happy, that’s all they could ask for in someone. You’re a good guy, Kendall. Dad definitely would have given you a hard time, but that just means he likes you. Mom, she definitely would be embarrassing Y/N,” Bradley gave a quiet chuckle and sipped his water. Kendall nodded, “It’s hard to imagine Y/N getting embarrassed.” “She got that from our dad. He definitely had zero shame.”
“She talks about them a lot. How carefree your parents seemed to be when they were together, even though she doesn’t remember much of it. She said she’s always wanted a relationship like that, and I want to give her that.” “I’ll hold you to that.”
********* (21)
You walked out of the arena a huge smile on your face, you just graduated.
“Hey Baby!” You looked up and saw Kendall, arms open ready for your embrace. “Kendall!” You ran and jumped in his arms. “I’m so proud of you baby.” You lifted your head, looking down at him, “And I’m proud of you.” You giggled and kissed him.
“Now that’s one for the photo album.” 
You pulled away, gasping at the voice. Kendall chuckled and put you down. “Bradley!” You ran once again and jumped into your brother's arms, legs wrapping around his waist. “Y/N!” He laughed as he caught his balance before wrapping you in a big hug.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” He put you down, “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He pecked the top of your head, well the top of your cap. “Why don’t we head out of here? Ice and Sarah are in the parking lot.” You nodded, “Let me get a couple pictures and then we can go.” You passed him your camera you had.
He held his hand up. “No need.” 
At the tilt of your head, he held up a camera of his own. A polaroid, your Dad’s polaroid. “Wait, is that…” He nodded, “Sure is. And I already got a photo with it.” He held out the photo and you took it.
It was you and Kendall, just a few moments ago looking down at each other. A beautiful sunset was your backdrop and you know who painted it.
“It’s beautiful, Brad. Thank you.” Kendall’s arm found its way around your waist, “Look at us, Baby. College graduates.” You nodded, still looking down at the photo. “I wish they were here…” Tears had gathered in your eyes as you looked at Kendall then to Bradley.
“Come here, Duckie,” Bradley opened his arms to you and you immediately fell into them. 
“They’re here. They’re always here. And they are so damn proud of you.” You nodded, sniffling a little, “Thanks Bradley.” 
“Plus, look at this photo,” he grabbed your wrist and held your hand up. “You know damn well Momma painted that just for you.” You giggled, tears still falling out of your eyes. “She loved sunsets.” “And she loved us. She would be over the moon right now to see you standing here. Dad would probably be openly sobbing that his baby girl is no longer a baby. Mav-” Bradley cut himself off, clearing his throat. 
You just nodded, because you both knew that if Mav hadn’t pulled your papers, you wouldn’t be here.
“I guess I should thank him. Cause had he not been a total asshat, I wouldn’t have been here.” Your brother pressed his lips into a thin line, “He doesn’t deserve it. Let him wallow in the fact you’re succeeding. Cause I certainly will.” He ended with a smirk prompting you to step back in shock, “Wait, did you get into flight school?” 
He nodded, fully smiling now. “Brad! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You squealed, feigning offense. “I wanted to surprise you!” “Well consider me surprised. I’m so happy for you! I’m proud of you, Bradley.” 
Tears brimmed his eyes, your approval and praise was all he needed to know he had someone that thought he could do it. Someone that would support him. 
He pulled you into another hug, “Thank you, Duckie.”
When you pulled away, Kendall clapped Bradley on the shoulder, “Congrats man.” He patted his hand before holding up the camera, “Now, I believe we need to get some photos. And we better hurry, Ice really wants to go back to that Mexican place.” You all laughed and moved to find your friends and teammates to take pictures; both on the polaroid and digital camera.
Now, once the photos were developed, you made a copy of three photos. One of you, one of you and Kendall, and one of you and Bradley. Then you would slide those photos into an envelope and send them to Ice, a long with a special note.
let me know what you guys think and i may post the next part tomorrow when i get home from class
but i’ve been sitting on this series since like August so i’m very excited to put this out there
top gun tags <33 (i will put these in the comments as well): @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​
lmk if you want to be tagged :D
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pizzacast · 1 year
Jake Seresin head cannons.
• he loves cows. He espically loves highland cows, he has one on his ranch named milkshake.
•He can’t drive. For some odd reason he’s great at flying jets, but has no idea how to properly drive a car. Bradley has tried to teach him, but one time he really thought yellow meant speed up and Bradley decided it was too dangerous getting in a car with him.
• When he’s not in uniforms, he loves Wearing crop tops. His favorite one is this one
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When Bradley saw him wear that at the hard deck, he nearly spat out his beer.
• He loves Korean BQQ just as much as texas bqq. When the dagger squad hangs out and it’s his turn to pick the place, 50 percent of the time it’s somewhere with Korean bqq.
• he’s great at cooking, he learned most of it from his mom and he never shares his mom’s recipes. One time he brings in a home made pot pie for a ceremony held for the dagger squad and everyone is almost begging him what’s his cooking Secret.
•He’s a bit of a anime nerd. He loves cowboy beepboop and Sailor moon. He has a pink sailor moom phone case that phonix got for him as a gag gift, not knowing he loves the show. So they’re really surprise when they see him use it.
•he is a huge dolly patron fan and he will throw hands with anyone who disrespect her or turns off her music while it’s playing. Bradley made the mistake of turning off one her songs while it was playing on the bar’s jukebox and he will never make that mistake again.
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shadowdancing-writes · 8 months
Hangster (Rated E) fic, Mostly Cannon Compliant with Some Fantasy Elements
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has a secret. And Jake “Hangman” Seresin intends to figure out what it is.
Well, actually Bradshaw has many secrets. But there is one secret above the rest. One that Rooster refuses to crack on.
Jake Seresin has known Bradley Bradshaw for over a decade. It's been a decade of rivalry, of push and pull, between the two.
Everyone has secrets, including Jake himself. But he knows that there is something Bradshaw has been hiding from everyone. A big secret.
This story follows two pilots, both coming from troubled pasts and heading towards a troubled future. With each revealed secret, their friendship, and their love only grows more.
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
I have a Jake head cannon. I love the chicken but this one is about Hangman.
Jake is a huge asshole when he’s around the other daggers and others at work. We all know he’s a cocky asshole that thinks he the best. However, when he’s back home with his family or with his close friends he’s a complete softy. He is the most polite southern man you will ever find and he is actually a big sweetheart.
Oh, Jake 😂 I think once he and the Daggers are bonded for life, he lets his softer side come out a bit more!
But I’m a huge supporter of the “Jake Seresin is a total mama’s boy” agenda. He will drop anything to do whatever that woman asks of him. In my headcanon, Jake also has three younger sisters—Savannah, Caroline, and Lauren—who he adores and looks out for, but also likes to tease mercilessly, especially Savannah 🤭
Join my “TOP ONE” Anniversary Celebration! 🥳
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meikadonnelly · 1 year
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hii, i'm mimi, i'm 17, from australia and i write fan-fiction one shots, head cannons and multi part stories. my favourite bands are motley crue and guns n roses. my favourite members are nikki sixx and izzy stradlin and my favourite actors are miles teller and glen powell if you couldn't already tell.
i also have an edit account on tiktok. i’m not the best editor by any means but i’m giving it a go 🫶🏻 : @terr0rtw1ns
{who i write for}
motley crue
^nikki sixx * ^tommy lee * ^mick mars ^vince neil
guns n roses
^izzy stradlin * ^duff mckagen ^slash
^james hetfield ^kirk hammett
top gun / top gun maverick
^bradley bradshaw | rooster * ^pete mitchell | maverick ^nick bradshaw | goose ^tom kazansky | iceman ^jake seresin | hangman
^tyler owens
bleed for this
^vinny pazienza
+if a story has any mature themes, they will be named with a trigger warning for reader safety.
+i know much more about certain people which means their chapters will most likely be more detailed, and this is why for some bands/movies, i do not write for all members. this doesn't mean they won't be included in other member's chapters. (people who i believe i will be better at writing for will have a star next to their name)
+as said before^, certain people will have a stronger storyline to others, however, this doesn't mean that I will only put effort into some and not others.
+the more detail in the requests, the better, as i want to create a clear and accurate piece.
+i write all types of fan-fiction, whether it is angst, fluff etc. keep in mind that i may turn some requests down if i am not comfortable writing it for you.
+i do not write male x male or female x female. this is not because i’m against it in any way. it’s purely because i have no idea how to write it 🤷‍♀️
+i also have preferences on what i do and don’t write. i will not include r&pe. i will not write a fic where the reader is under 18 and the other person is over.
things i will not write:
r&pe kinks
ins£st kinks
pain kinks
p!ss/sh!t kinks
a fic where the chosen person dies.
a fic where the chosen person purposely assu&lts the reader or anyone.
breeding kink. (this one is only to a certain degree. i do include unsafe sex in my fics and any kinks that include that, however i won’t specifically write that the reader or chosen person is doing it to ‘breed them’).
extreme age gaps (like 18 x 65 etc)
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topguncortez · 2 years
Hangman x reader-
What he’s like when he knows he fucked up and needs to grovel
I'ma use Shy Wifey for this one and this is seat during Jake and Bradley's fight at top gun:
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Jake knew he fucked up the moment the words left his lips, and Bradley lunged out of his chair. He also knew it was only a matter of time until Javy, Phoenix or Fanboy text his wife and tell her what happened.
So Jake was not surprised when he came home and the Missus was standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She knew very little about Bradley, but that still didn't make what Jake said okay.
He knew he was in the dog house, and it was going to take a lot of begging and groveling to apologize to not only her but Bradley as well.
He hated when she got mad at him, cause she went silent. In the past, when he'd have a partner give him the silent treatment, he'd roll his eyes and do something like take his shirt off or get down on his knees in front of them to get them to start talking
but not with Y/N. . . oh no, not with her.
His usual tactics did not work one bit on her. She would just glare at him when he'd walk around shirtless or when he'd try and crawl in between her legs.
So, Jake had to get creative in his methods. and he had a three part plan that worked every time:
part 1: doing the household chores. Jake would do every single thing around the house from doing the dishes, to folding laundry, to doing the grocery shopping. He'd make all the meals, he'd be on Alex duty and put him to bed and then put him back to bed when he'd wake up in the middle of the night. He never let the house get dirty during this plan.
part 2: shower her with gifts. This man is bringing home a bouquet of flowers daily. Y/N started running out of vases to put the flowers in. He would also bring home some other little gift like a coffee mug, or a bunch of new face masks, or chocolate, slippers. He was determined to buy back her affection.
and part 3, the final part: it was actually apologizing. He would stand in the doorway of the bedroom, looking like a rather guilty little kid, and scratching the back of his neck, and saying; "I'm sorry for what I said to Bradley. It wasn't fair or nice."
Y/N would just blink a couple times, just looking at him, making him shake a little in his boots, before smiling and opening her arms for him to come cuddle with her in bed.
"I forgave you when you came home with the first bouquet of roses," Y/N said, kissing his forehead, "Besides, I know your little 'apology plan'."
Jake lifts his head up in shock, and is like "what gave it away?"
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snapghoul · 2 months
More Seresin twin head cannons
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I have been consumed by these two, they live in my head rent free, like I need a fic now.
✦ The Seresin twins grew up on a ranch, they have one older sister, Sophia.
✦ All through elementary and high school, Tyler was picked on because he was a weather nerd. He regularly went to the science clubs and was very outspoken about his knowledge in class. Jake was a popular kid, he played all kind of sports and everyone liked him. Jake has broken two of his teammates noses when they made nasty comments about Tyler to his face, that’s his brother and no one makes fun of him but Jake.
✦ Jake and Tyler regularly mess with their parents and family, they purposefully swap clothes to confuse them. They did it all the time when they were kids.
✦ Their parents color coded them, Jake was blue and Tyler was orange. They don’t realize it but they still use those colors to identify their stuff.
✦ Tyler sucks at video games, his hand eye coordination is not the best. Jake is way too good at video games to the point he’s accused of cheating.
✦ Jake swears he was born first, Tyler disagrees. When they ask their mom, she honestly doesn’t remember who was who. It’s an ongoing argument.
✦ Tyler texts pictures of the Wranglers on the field to Jake and Jake shares pictures of the Dagger squad.
✦ They are very competitive at darts.
✦ Tyler broke the passenger side window to their Dad’s truck when he shoved Jake into it, trying to stun him when they were wrestling for shot gun.
✦ The baseball hat Tyler wears in the film came from a town Jake was stationed at when the family visited him for the first time. Jake’s watch was given to him by Tyler when he graduated flight school.
✦ Jake met Kate and immediately approved, he then made fun of Tyler about how smitten he is.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Chasing Angels | Top Gun Maverick masterlist
This is the rewrite of both Among Angels and Chasing Angels
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Being a Kazansky wasn't easy, especially going into the academy, and it was even harder when your other grandfather disappeared on a mission. But Bianca Kazansky is ready to prove that she is more than just her name and help Maverick try and rebuild their family before Iceman dies. Because they all knew that Maverick always messed things up and hopefully his daughter can help him fix it before it was too late.
Rated M For Adult Content, Slash, Het, Polyamorus, Drug Use and Violence 
Jake “Hangman” Seresin/Bianca “Bee” Kazansky
 Phoniex/ Bee
Bob/ Maggie
Rooster/ Ellie
Hangman/ Phoenix 
I decided to skip all the stuff before this and go right into the academy and flight school. Also I own Bianca, Maggie, Steven, Ana, Sophie, TJ and Alex.  Ellie belongs to @prettyinpayne
This is going to be cannon divergent, Ice is going to live until after Bianca is recused after a mission gone wrong. 
Bianca Kazansky
Maggie Bradshaw
Ellie Mitchell
Volume 1
Acamdey Years
Year One
Jake and Bianca's wedding
Rooster x Bianca
Hangman x Bianca x Rooster
Hangman x Bianca
Phoenix x Bianca
Bob x Maggie
Rooster x Bianca 1
head cannons
Being Maverick's Daughter
Iceman Sending His Daughter to The Academy
Bianca x Rooster
Just Getting Started
Dating The Admiral’s Daughter
Being A Top Gun Legacy
Short Stories-
All in Heartbeat part 1 , 2 , 3, 4
Last Christmas part 1 . 2 , 3
Cowboy Take Me Away 1 , 2 , 3
Just Dance 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5
The Golden Child and The Mistake 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
One shots
Right Now- Rooster x Bianca
Jealousy is 7 Letter Word- Hangman x Bianca
Not Worried.- Rooster x Bianca x Hangman
Volume 1
Year one
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
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lgg5989 · 2 years
What does one do when stuck home with covid you ask? A movie marathon! Duh.
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Just some HCs about how our precious pilots deal with being sick.
Mav: Fights the fact that he is sick until he collapses, then sleeps for 3 straight days.
Rooster: Sucks it up and loads himself up on DayQuil and decongestant. Flying high has a whole new meaning for the fever ridden pilot.
Hangman: I love him to death, but this man is a man-cold man all the way. He is crippled from the first sneeze to the last possible sign that he could still be sick.
Phoenix: "Me? Sick? Never." Phoenix has never been sick a day in her life. So far she has managed to evade Corona. Rooster has had it three times and is now placing bets with Hangman on when it will strike Phoenix.
Cyclone: looks perfect, ya boi has styled hair, clean clothes, a steaming white mug of tea, but then he sneezes and the Earth moves 3 inches to the left.
Bob: Bob is as quiet sick as he is regularly, sometimes Phoenix checks to make sure he is still breathing because he hasn't moved in 2 hours nor has he made a sound.
Hondo: His policy is to sleep it off, the man has never suffered through any illness, he simply sleeps.
Payback and Fanboy: If one is sick then the other is sure to follow. The base doctors have started writing them both prescriptions for whatever they need, it saves them all a trip to the clinic.
Coyote: Sweat it out. He will drink Gatorade non stop as he walks around his apartment with several layers of clothing on trying to sweat out the cold.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Chapter 2
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pairing: bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader, kendall adams (oc) x bradshaw!reader, (eventual) jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader
characters: bradley bradshaw, y/n bradshaw, kendall adams, penny benjamin
word count: ~1.6k (i know, it’s weird for me too. but i’ll make up for it in chapter 3)
warnings: drinking, mentions of cannon character death, pregnacy, please let me know if I missed any
a/n: yes, the gif is kendall from big time rush, but he is also our sweet sweet guitar boy 
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: when y/n and kendall go to visit bradley in california before he goes to flight school, they’ve got a big birthday surprise for him ;)
ch 1  ch 3  ch 4  ch 5
************* (21, turning 22)
You and Kendall decided to fly up to California to spend your birthday, and about a month up there, since soon Bradley would be off to Maryland and you would have limited time to see each other.
You knocked on the door to your childhood home, Kendall holding both your bags while you bounced in anticipation. Bradley had no idea you were coming, you hadn’t been feeling well the past couple weeks and he assumed that you would stay home so as to not get others sick.
You knocked once again, hearing a small groan and footsteps speeding up behind the door. “I’m coming!” 
The door swung open and Bradley stopped, dropping his water bottle. 
“Oh my gosh!” He picked you up and spun you around, “What are you doing here? I thought you were sick?” You shook your head, “Nope. It was just a little something, it went away like a week and a half ago.” He looked at Kendall and brought him in for a bro hug, “Good to see you, Ken Doll.” Your boyfriend laughed, “Good to see you too, Brad Squared.”
You smiled and moved to pick up your bag but both boys stopped you, “Nuh uh.” “Nope.” 
Kendall swooped up your bag and Bradley moved to let you in. “I can carry things, you know.” “Not when we’re around.” You shook your head, “Ken, my room is this way.” You walked him through the house and to your room.
When you came back you found Bradley on the back porch.
“See you didn’t change my room,” you chuckled as you leaned on the railing. 
“You kiddin’ me? You woulda kicked my ass if I touched your stuff.” “Yeah, but what about when you bring girls over?” “I go to their place.” You just shook your head, “Ever the player Bradley.” “You know it.” “Gross, I was kidding.” You gagged and shoved him.
You both came back in and Kendall was already on the couch. “See you’re comfortable already,” you plopped down next to him and his arm went to your waist. 
“Hey, I was thinking about going to the Hard Deck, just hang out. Talk to some friends.” You nodded and craned your neck to look at Kendall, “I’m down.” He pursed his lips and nodded, “Yeah sure.” Bradley nodded and checked his watch, “Okay, we could go about 6? Gives us like 3 hours to hang out and get ready.” You smiled, “Beach?” The two guys shared a look, “Beach.”
Later, you, Kendall, and Bradley walked into the Hard Deck. “Wait, we didn’t decide on a DD,” Bradley mentioned. You raised your hand, “I’ll be DD.” “You sure?” You nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure. You two have fun.” Kendall rubbed your back as you went to the bar.
“Hi, sweetie, what can I get you?” “Um, two beers, bottles are fine. And what do you have that’s non alcoholic?” The bartender threw the towel over her shoulder, “Well, I’ve got lemonade, sweet tea, soda, and water of course.” “Okay, I’ll take a lemonade, please.” “Comin’ right up.”
She gathered the beers and sat them down. “So, you’re the designated driver?” She questions as she pours the lemonade, while nodding towards the two men. You nodded, “Yes, ma’am.” “Which one’s yours?” You chuckled, “Technically both.” She rose a brow. “The one with the stache is my brother, the one in the bright board shorts is my boyfriend.” She nodded, “Got it.” 
She glanced back at them, brows pinching in confusion and her eyes widened in realization.
You followed her gaze, seeing that she was looking at Bradley and then turned to her. She looked at you, “Wait, are you Goose Bradshaw’s kids?” 
You nodded, pride in your chest hearing your dad’s call sign. “I should have known, he looks just like him.” You chuckled, “Yeah, the stache and the shirt, it’s crazy.” “You, little miss, look like your Mama. But I can see your Daddy in there too.” You laughed, grabbing your drinks, “Thank you, Miss…?” “Penny, Penny Benjamin,” she told you with a smile. 
Your jaw dropped, “Wait, you’re THE Penny Benjamin?” “One and only.” “Wow, we heard a lot about you growing up.” She cringed, “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” “Well, it came from the one and only Maverick, if that’s any hint.” 
“Just don’t tell me you followed in my footsteps,” she begged, a chuckle right behind it. You shook your head, “I haven’t dated a Navy man, no. Not to say I didn’t see my fair share of football players, before settling with my guitar player over there.” She smiled, “That’s good. Have fun, girl. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.” You nodded, grabbing the drinks and walking away before turning right back around. 
“I still need to pay for these.” You laughed, sitting the drinks down and pulling out your wallet. “First round’s on me. I’ll start your tab on the second round,” she threw you a wink before tending to someone else. You smiled and grabbed your things and went to the table.
After a few rounds, you all head back to the house for a shower and then settle in the living room for a movie.
“What are we watching?” You asked as you squeezed your hair with a towel. 
“I’m thinking of Spider-Man, but I want you to pick since you didn’t drink and it’s also your birthday,” Bradley said, moving out of the way of the dvd and vhs collection. You gave him an appreciative smile and sat cross-cross in front of the cabinet.
“Speaking of drinks, I’ve got some. I got beer, wine, and I think there’s Crown in there,” Bradley said pointing to the kitchen. “I’ll take a beer,” Kendall said, moving his gaze from you to your brother. 
He snapped his fingers, “One beer, got it. Y/N, you want anything?” You shrugged while looking through movies, “Got Dr. Pepper?” “Uh yeah I think so. Want that with anything? Like I said, I got Crown.” “Just the soda is okay, thank you Brad.”
Your brother tilted his head before glancing at your boyfriend, silently asking if you were okay. Kendall just shrugged, shaking his head. Bradley nodded and decided to chalk it up to you not wanting to get sick.
You decided to go with your brother’s choice, having no problem watching a superhero movie. “Okay, now that that’s in, I can get comfortable.” You go to sit down but stop, “Snacks, I need snacks.” Kendall laughed, giving your butt a small pat when you walked by. “What do you want, Babe?” He shrugged, “Whatever you got.” You nodded and went to the kitchen.
“Brad, do you have cookies? Like Chips Ahoy or something?” He just nodded and pointed to the cabinet. 
You opened it and gasped, making Bradley jump. “What?” You reached in and grabbed the box, “You have the ones with M&M’s in them! Yes!” He laughed and shook his head, watching you reach in and grab something else. “And you have goldfish.” “Yeah, I’ve got popcorn in the microwave. What movie did you pick?” “Spider-Man.” 
Your brother looked at you, squinting his eyes, “Really? Y/N you don’t have to pick what I pick just because I picked it. It’s your birthday too, I want you to have fun.” “Bradley, I want to watch it, I promise. If I’m not having fun, I’ll let you know. Okay?” He nodded, “You promise?” “Promise.”
The movie ended and both Kendall and Bradley had fallen asleep. You looked at the clock, 2:30 AM.
You got up and decided to go to the back porch.
As you looked up at the sky and watched waves roll by, arms wrapped around your middle. “Did I wake you?” Kendall shook his head, planting a kiss on the back of yours, “No. I woke up and thought you had gone to throw up in the bathroom.” You shook your head, “No, I’m okay. You should go to bed though, I’ll be in in a bit okay.” He nodded and gave you a kiss, “Happy birthday, sweet girl.” “Thank you, baby.” He gave you another quick kiss before retreating to the bedroom.
You looked up at the sky and sighed, your hand splayed out on your stomach. 
“I wish you guys could have met him. He’s great. He makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. When I’m with him… it’s like the world doesn’t even exist. Dad you would have loved him, he’s funny and respectful, makes your little duck feel like a queen.”
You sighed, “I’ve always dreamt of a love like this, a love like you and mom have.” You decided to let the tears flow instead of holding them back. 
“We miss you, Bradley and I.” You choked on a sob, hand gripping at your shirt. “Your two little chicks aren’t so little anymore. And in about 9 months, you’ll have a little grand-gosling.”
“Wait what?” Your brother's groggy voice made you jump. “Geez, Bradley! You scared me.” 
“What did you say?” You gave him a small smile, “I’m pregnant, Brad. You’re gonna be an uncle.” That really woke him up. “Wait, really? Are you serious? Like you aren’t playing a joke on me right now.” “I’m 100% serious.” “Great balls of fire! That’s amazing!” You were scooped up in a hug, laughing at the use of your dad’s old catchphrase.
He sat you down, “So that’s why you felt sick. And why you weren’t drinking.” You nodded, “Yup.” “When are you due?” You shrugged, “Around February.” “When did you find out?” “About two weeks ago. We think it happened right after graduation.” “Okay, I don’t want to think about that.” 
You laughed and so did Bradley. “Why don’t we get some sleep and tomorrow we can go see the Kazanskys? Then maybe a beach day? Go see mom and dad?” You nodded, “Sounds perfect. Goodnight, Brad.” “Goodnight Duckie.”
well, would you look at that. another bradshaw is on the way
do you think the little gosling is gonna be a boy or a girl? 
top gun tags <33 (i will put these in the comments as well): @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​
lmk if you want to be tagged :D <33
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
I don’t know if this is one you can post but for the flyboy universe 🥺 one of them mentions he knew when he was in high school he was in love with you
But I just thought maybe a blurb about him taking you to prom but then flashes of the parallel in modern times of him taking you (his new wife/fiancé) to the naval ball and how much has changed and how much is still the same and just some little head cannons of how absolutely delighted you both are and maybe some silly flashes of the things you both had wanted to do/wished the other would have done back then
ahhhh this is soooo cute! yes, yes, he did in Part 5 of Flyboy!
context: Flyboy (mentions of male masturbation below) and ties in with this drabble
“Time’s up Bradshaw, give me back my wife.” Jake’s voice cuts in as Rooster gives you a final twirl around for good measure as the notes to the upbeat song ends.
“Not your wife yet Hangman,” Rooster teases, to which Jake snorts dismissively, waving a hand in his face. You both weren’t married just yet, but the date was fast approaching, with the RSVPs of the entire uranium mission team locked in months ago.
“How many more people are you going to let correct you,” you laugh breathily, catching your breath as Rooster saunters away, in search of Phoenix, and Jake slides his arms around your waist, his hands pressing against the silky fabric of your dress as the song changes to one with a slower pace and the lights dim; you throw your hands loosely around his neck. Jake had started calling you his wife a few weeks ago, his term of address for you alternating between retaining the term fiancé only on occasion - you didn’t mind it, it made your heart skip a beat each time he referred to you as his “wife”.
“There’s nothing to correct,” Jake grins, pressing his lips to yours, his hands pulling you closer against his front as you both sway, at his lead, to the music. You roll your eyes, but the smile pulling at the corners of your lips tells your true feelings on the matter.
“Do you remember prom?” Jake asks, out of the blue, and you squint at him quizzically.
“I do,” you draw out your words, tilting your head to one side, wondering where this was going, “Mindy Taylor dumped you two months before so I had to go with you,” you pause, sliding a hand to cradle his jaw, a mischievous grin on your face at the thought of the day you had to be Jake Seresin’s saviour. Jake smiles at you, the curve of his lips hiding a secret, before he speaks.
“I broke up with Mindy Taylor so that I could take you to prom,” his admission makes your brows knit, confusion clouding your eyes.
“You dumped Mindy Taylor?”
“I did.”
“But you told me she dumped you!” You gasp, pulling your head back slightly in shock to stare at the twinkling green eyes which glint in the dim lights of the ballroom, as Jake shakes his head lightly from side to side.
“It was the least suspicious, and sure fire way of getting you to go to prom with me without you overthinking it,” Jake takes in your shocked expression, eyes wide, realisation and comprehension as to why Mindy Taylor had been glaring daggers at you all night that fateful day, before leaning forward to plant a kiss on the tip of your nose, your cheek, and then your lips. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you that day,” Jake mutters, his head ducking, lips finding your neck, as he plants a series of feather light kisses on your skin.
“Did you,” you ask, slightly absent minded, your brain still working through the realisation, while simultaneously distracted by Jake’s lips against your neck.
“You have no idea,” he says, his teeth nipping slightly at the spot below your ear, before his head straightens to find your eyes again, “and the way you looked in that green dress, off the shoulder, wrapped around your body, with the slit that ran right up your thigh,” Jake shifts his hand to the side of your leg, ducking under the silky fabric of the dress you had on today, with a similar slit, running up the side, fingers squeezing your skin, “it did things to 18 year old me.”
“Oh yeah?” Jake’s hand runs its way back out from the slit, securing itself around your waist again as you ask, leaning your forehead against his, “what things?”
“Pretty sure I jerked off twice to the image of you that night.” Jake says, expression serious, his admission legitimate, and it makes you giggle, your head falling into his shoulder, shoulder shaking. Jake only holds you tighter as you let the laughter out of your system, a small smile on his own lips as you both continue swaying to the music - the action jolting another memory for Jake, of you in his arms, swaying to a similarly slow song at prom, giggling into his shoulder at something he had said which made you laugh; so many things had changed, and yet none. “I hope I don’t have to repeat my post prom night activities again today,” Jake ducks his head, lips brushing against your ear as your giggles slow.
“I’ll take care of you Jakey,” is the response he receives from you as you lift your head to look at him, mirth still decorating your features at the revelation, eyes twinkling in a mix of amusement and mischief. Jake had always been candid with you throughout your friendship, and it hadn’t changed as you progressed in your relationship.
“Good,” he says, ignoring the fact that you were at the Naval Ball, surrounded by both his peers and superiors, his hands reaching down your waist, cupping the globes of your ass, and squeezing, causing you to whine lightly into his shoulder, the sound, albeit soft, catching Phoenix’s ears a few steps away, which makes her whisper something to Rooster, the two Naval Aviators looking towards you and Jake, “looking forward to being taken care of by my wife.”
“Not your wife yet Seresin.” You tease, mimicking Rooster’s earlier words, as Jake’s hands go back to holding you by the waist.
“I swear to god I’ll drive you to Vegas now and marry you,” Jake says, serious - because he would, but joking - because his grandmother and mother would never let him live it down, and you - you deserved a proper wedding. It earns him another giggle from you, and Jake settles for capturing your lips in a kiss again, his smile something you can feel against yours.
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