#Jake is so disappointed
theanoninyourinbox · 8 months
Wonder how the kittypets felt about Oakstar(?) Or I believe some leader who did raids on kittypets. I believe I read it in warrior cats, and I imagine it left a very sour taste
Maybe some violently hating the clans, and others feeling it was just one cat. Maybe others feeling thr clans are trapped by a tyrant and need help escaping?
The Kittypets and Loners of the area tell of the Creatures in the Wildwoods, creatures that look like cats but are twisted beneath. They grow poison Ivy leaves from their pelts, and are led by an Oaken Creature, who cat emerge from any tree. Their claws are poisoned thorns, and their eyes are pits of hate. But there are also Good Creatures, with flowers in their fur, that lead lost kits home…how can one tell the difference? That’s why Princess insisted on escorting her brother in the woods - things lurk, and it’s very hard to tell if they’re friend or foe…
(Jake saw Talltail remove his feather decorations and darn near lost his mind - he thought that the Good Creatures grew those!?! What do you mean you can’t fly?!)
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jakexneytiri · 8 months
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maybe I’ll have this published by THIS christmas 😭
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rin-hanarin · 8 months
Sometimes I realize how much self-indulgent dirkjohn I made and it's like. Genuinely impressive to me. I'm impressed by my own art/fic and even analysis posts because damn, I miss my own energy, you mean I was able to just make shit up because I tend to be a little bit bonkers when I'm really passionate about something? For real?
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
ah. yes. this guy
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he lives in my mind rent free so i just really had to draw him
i could spend hours just rambling about how much i love him i'm fuckibg tired
idk the thought of him just wearing cool stuff wouldn't leave my mind and one day i was just sketching things this is the result XP
jake by zarla-s
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minispidey · 10 months
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getting this out of my chest, having moonboys x bimbo is okay, alrighty fine. but please don't steal my lines/ dialogue (even if it's reworked/ reworded 💀). i'm glad that i popularized moonboys x bimbo, but it really upsets me when yall steal from what i write barbie and the giftshopist COUGH COUGH
btw, i know it sounds so stupid but it just seriously upset me. if you've written moonboys x bimbo without reading my stuff, then this isn't towards you. I don't know how to express my feelings about this so i feel some of what i just wrote won't make sense (english is not my first language 😭). All in all, I'm just upset my original bimbo lines/ scenes are getting stolen. Because one: it's directly from IRL because two: i'm pretty much a bimbo and i'm not escaping the bimbo allegations.
(btw u guys read the tags. i feel better expressing my feelings there ❤️)
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railingsofsorrow · 4 months
I've just finished moonvale episode 1 and I'm freaking out because of that ending?? WE GOT HIM BACK???? I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS
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mysticpetals · 4 months
Jake and mc headcannons
(Mermaid au!)
All your life you had always lived in a city. So when suddenly, you had to go to the coast to take care of your grandparents dog while they left for a few weeks for vacation, it got you really excited.
Before you knew it, you were at the beach, seeing off your grandparents from the porch.
It was a ridiculously big house for two people but you weren’t complaining.
The dog, Max, was happy to have such a large space to himself, so who were you to complain.
The first day you went to the beach, you regretted not wearing more sunscreen.
Although, that did teach you a lesson on not forgetting to take the important stuff along with you, as the beach was at a bit of a walk and quite secluded. So you would not be getting those items from anywhere near.
About a week in was when you first saw it.
You swore you saw a navy blue fishtail diving into the water and got excited thinking it was a dolphin or something.
But unfortunately, you couldn’t see it again and walked back home dejectedly, regretting on missing a chance to see an aquatic creature.
The next few days you kept sighting the same tail fleetingly but it’s frequency had definitely increased.
Although when you went into the water to investigate, you couldn’t find anything.
Oh well, at least you found some really pretty shells!
Which was weird because you always found them in the same place and you swore that they were not like other shells people found on the beach, pulsing with an otherworldly light.
Two weeks in and you finally saw him.
Oh no, that was no dolphin.
It was a man with fishtail instead of legs (do they call them mermen?)
You rubbed your eyes.
And sure enough, it was real.
Oh, he was swimming towards you.
Oh god, what do you do? Do you say hi? Or run away? Didn’t mermaids lead sailors to their death? No, that were sirens. But what do you do?
At last, you settled on staying right where you are in the most rigid posture ever.
Oh wow, he had the softest voice you’ve heard from a man.
Looking closely, you can tell he was incredibly handsome. The mop of black hair lay flat on his head, drops of water running down his face (you gulped seeing his very bare, very toned chest)
“Hey.” You voice cracked embarrassingly and you just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
The merman didn’t seem to mind though and gave you a smile.
“Did you like my gifts?”
What gifts?
He opened his palm to show a pretty shell, arm outstretched towards you.
So he was the one behind the shells.
“I wanted to befriend you since I live alone and don’t get along with my kin much.”
Poor baby and he seemed so sweet! You wanted to squish his cheeks!
“Wow, um, i definitely didn’t expect that.”
His brows furrowed into a frown and he hung his head dejectedly.
“Sorry to bother you. I-“
“No! No! That’s not what I meant at all!”
You spend the next half an hour telling him about how humans make friends and assuring him that you wanted to be his friend too when he looked slightly sad.
The next week at your grandparents house was like a dream.
You got to know him (Wow! Jake is such a human name!), about how shy he is and how much courage it took for him to approach you.
“Something in me just called to you.” When you asked about why he only now revealed himself.
You are a puddle at his feet (or tail?) when you hear it.
You talked so much, discussing your lives and the differences in how you do everything and it was so fascinating.
Jake had literal stars in his eyes when you told him what a computer can do.
He taught you how to make a seashell chain and you clumsily made one, selecting all the shells and braiding them carefully in a thread and gifted it to him.
At that moment, he was ready to risk it all for you.
Sometime later you both realised that the friendship had turned into something a little more fragile, a little deeper.
But reality hit you both like a truck.
With only a day left before your grandparents came back and you had to leave, you decided to spend the day quietly in each other’s company.
You were watching the sunset together, side by side in the water (god your skin was all pruned with the amount of time you spent in the water everyday. But it was all worth it for him.)
You could see his downturned lips as he gazed ahead, likely thinking about how you probably won’t see each other again.
So with all the courage you had, you slipped your pinky finger into his and quickly turned to look ahead.
Jake was surprised and flustered by your action but couldn’t hide his pleased little smile.
He tentatively held your hand in his, heart pounding and trying not to focus on the way your breath hitched at his action.
And looked ahead.
It might be difficult but you both would find a way.
He was sure of it.
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ja3yun · 5 months
I just finished reading Jake's chapter/part and I really love it. I love all things horror, creepy, suspenseful so this was perfect. I like that the dolls are...doing little things for her like the bandage. I like that she's not quite sure if her mind is playing tricks or if the things are actually happening. The whole time she and Jake were spending time, I imagined the other dolls downstairs just having a casual conversation lol. I'm so eager for the other chapters and seeing how each doll's personality comes through. My poor Jaeyun they don't think he can keep the secret and just be a doll. I wonder if they scolded him when he said thank you at dinner? I love this so much.
thank you so much! honestly i imagined them waiting in the dining room already knowing he spilled and just thinking of ways to reprimand him 😭 like my boy didn't even last a week bless him
i hope you like the rest of the chapters! i'm trying to make each one different so everyone kind of gets something they like from it <3 i appreciate you reading so so much ily
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tearsofcaravel · 8 months
This new album is going to be sooo good!!!. I’m over the moon.!!🎀❤️‍🔥
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mom-friend-socko · 6 months
I may never be over Jake hurwitz casually revealing that he regularly kisses many of his friends on the lips
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itzymaeee · 2 years
I don't know if some of you know that tsu'tey mom and mo'at has literally a beef going on between them like I want to know why did they hated each other to the point they can't tolerate each presence?? 🤨
To the point Tsu'tey mom and dad really planned how to take down Jake meanwhile my boy Jake doesn't even knew they were going to kill him thinking it's just going to be a normal fight, and also they were so wrong to blame tsu'tey little brother that he planned it me personally I would be side eyeing my parents if they start acting like that. 💀😭
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mooseyspooky · 7 months
I'm really obsessed with Spring Heeled Jim right now, and it's so weird to me how brief the discussion on Moz Solo is of it. Simon Goddard probably goes over it better in the Mozzipedia, but
It's definitely not just a man past his prime unable to score anymore. The use of Jim in the title immediately makes it more likely to be about a James Dean figure. That is to say, a bisexual man. And so it feels way more, to me, about a man regretting his choice to not explore his sexuality in his youth. "So many women, his head *should* be spinning," implies he's not impressed by the women who fawned over him. "And his eyes on some other fool," the use of fool here is gender neutral. It could be a man or a woman. "Well it's the normal thing to do," harkens back to the restrictive expectations of heteronormativity.
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wandringaesthetic · 10 months
I have several times considered writing a "Christmas Episode" Animorphs fic but run into the fact that Jake and Rachel are Probably Jewish and I realize I am not qualified
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freetobeafcknriot · 2 years
not what i'm working on but i put a bit of my wip through a tiktok template and it fits 'cause the way 👏 he looks 👏 at 👏 him.
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4lph4kidz · 2 years
Character opinion on j... jake... e.... eng
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They Are So Silly
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eternalsams · 2 years
guess who just bought Hangman's dog tags? not me
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