#Jake Morgendorffer
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Redesigning Daria characters again. I’m gonna redo the girls too
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DARIA: "Jane's Addition" [S3 Ep13]
#daria#cartoons#cartoon#90s#mtv#daria mtv#daria morgendorffer#helen morgendorffer#jake morgendorffer#quinn morgendorffer#90s cartoons#gif#tv#daria scenes#jane's addition s3ep13#cartoonedit#television#gifs
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TV Shows: Daria (1997-2002)
I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.
#daria#daria mtv#daria morgendorffer#daria and jane#jane lane#quinn morgendorffer#jake morgendorffer#helen morgendorffer#trent lane#cartoons#MTV shows#90s cartoons#00s cartoons#tv shows#TV show aesthetic#TV show moodboard#tv aesthetic#tv moodboard#moodboard#aesthetic
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#daria mtv#daria morgendorffer#helen morgendorffer#jake morgendorffer#quinn morgendorffer#jane lane#kevin thompson#brittany taylor
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Daria: Christmas is just corporate propaganda that glorifies the stealing of the holiday Yule and the lies fed to the public by Christans, as well as it glorifies a fat old magic man breaking into homes at night while everyone is sleeping. Presents are simply obligation, which parents use to hold power over their children by telling them they’ll go on the naughty list if the child doesn’t behave exactly as the parent wants the to throughout the year. Jake: ...I just asked if you want to help me put up the tree...
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May I suggest Jake Morgendorffer from Daria

Jake Morgendorffer (Daria) aesthetic board for @sarahlovesadultcartoonz
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decided to do one of these
#daira#trent lane#daria trent#jake morgendorffer#daria jake#helen morgendorffer#sandi griffin#timothy o'neill#mr. o'neill#kevin thompson#daria kevin#ed speaks#eddie speaks
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Jake Morgendorffer from Daria

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Spider Quinn 01: Quinn and the Spider
Spider Quinn
Let’s do this one more time. My name is Quinn Morgendorffer and for the past several years, I have been the one and only SpiderGirl. But let’s start at the beginning…
01 Quinn and the Spider
It was an ordinary day at Lawndale High. Quinn Morgendorffer certainly thought so as she headed to her science class.
“Good morning, Class,” Ms. Janet Barch said. “The field trip is today. I hope you have given your permission slips to the office. This field trip will cover much information on Genetics and Entomology, so be sure to take notes. There will be a test next week. Oscorp is one of the leading companies in biotechnology today. Too bad it’s lead by a MAN!”
Everyone in the class was familiar with Barch’s opinion of men, so they didn’t asks questions about that.
They were soon on their way.
“Have you heard about Brooke’s latest surgery, Quinn?” Sandi Griffin asked.
“I have, Sandi,” Quinn replied. ‘Ew!’ She didn’t want to think about it.
“I haven’t, Sandi,” Stacy Rowe answered.
“Wha-at?” Tiffany Blum-Deckler asked.
Sandi sighed.
“What do you think this field trip is about?” Quinn asked, trying to change the topic. ‘Something about genes?’
Sandi glared at Quinn. “Qui-inn! That is a question I would expect from the mouth of that girl who lives with you!”
“No, she would already know, Sandi!” Quinn pointed out. She didn’t like to be reminded of Daria by Sandi!
Stacy gave a nervous look.
“I give you that, but you don’t need to know, Quinn,” Sandi said.
“I hope we don’t have to wear those ugly safety goggles,” Stacy said. “Ugh!”
“Would those make me look fat?” Tiffany asked.
Quinn sighed.
“Back to Brooke,” Sandi said.
“Let’s not,” Stacy said.
Sandi glared at Stacy.
“We are talking about Brooke,” Sandi said.
“She’s suddenly so weird,” Tiffany added.
“I wouldn’t know,” Quinn said. “I haven’t seen her around.”
Sandi sighed.
The bus soon arrived at the destination. Ms. Barch supervised the class as they disembarked. “Make a straight line as we wait for our guide.” She grumbled as the thoughts of her ex husband came to her mind yet again. ‘I hope it’s not a male!’
‘How likely is that?’ Quinn wondered.
A guide soon approached. “Welcome to the Oscorp Lawndale Genetics Laboratory,” she said.
Ms. Barch gave a quick smile before they followed her inside.
After going through other rooms, the class entered a room filled with cages containing spiders.
“One project is the addition of genes from multiple species to create a hybrid,” the guide explained.
Quinn noticed that one cage was empty. She wasn’t the only one.
“One of them is missing,” Joey Black said.
“The researchers are probably working on it,” the guide said.
In fact, the spider had escaped! It was spinning a web near one of the air vents. A sudden gust dislodged it from the web!
It fell on Quinn’s shoulder! She noticed it. “Ew!” She tried to brush it off. But it bit her. “Ugh!” She squashed it. She then went pale and her vision went blurry.
“Quinn, are you OK?” Stacy asked.
“Dizzy!” Quinn said, before stumbling.
Sandi saw Quinn stumble after Stacy asked if she was OK. “Ms. Barch! Quinn isn’t feeling well.”
“Wha-at?” Tiffany asked.
Sandi saw that the bite site was swelling.
“What’s wrong?” Ms. Barch asked.
“Quinn’s not well!” Stacy answered.
“There was this spider,” Quinn explained.
Ms. Barch looked at Quinn.
“Class, we’re going back to school.”
Nurse Chase turned to Quinn. “Here’s some antivenom.”
She injected it into Quinn’s arm.
“Good thing, you have it.”
“There are spiders that Pavlov misses. But you still need to go home for the rest of the day.”
“Thanks,” Quinn said.
Helen was home early.
“Mom?” Quinn asked as she came inside.
“I was concerned when I received the call,” Helen responded.
“I’m feeling a little better.”
“Go up to your room and rest.”
Quinn didn’t argue.
Quinn entered her room in a daze. She looked at herself in the mirrors. “Gosh! I look pale!” She flopped onto her bed. She was asleep before she hit the sheets. She began to dream.
In the living room, her father was fretting. “Quinn was bitten by a spider! On no! We should take her to the hospital!”
“Jake! The school nurse gave her antivenom,” his wife, Helen said reassuringly. “She would have sent her to the hospital if she had concerns. We’ll see how she is in the morning.”
“The morning?”
Quinn’s sister, Daria was in her room, on the phone with her friend Jane Lane. “…. So now, Quinn is recovering in her room,” she said.
“I suppose whatever date she was going on was cancelled,” Jane said.
“No doubt.”
“You’re going to be easy on her?”
“Not a chance,” Daria answered. “She will be back to her usual self tomorrow.”
“Or maybe she’ll be more insufferable.”
“Is there a word for insufferabler?”
Later that night after her parents and Daria had gone asleep, Quinn stirred, but remained asleep. However, she then started sleepwalking. She got out of bed and went downstairs.
She grabbed some food from the fridge and ate it. She headed back upstairs and to bed.
She awoke after sunrise. “I feel better, but something’s weird… What is it?” She went over to her mirrors. Something was off about her appearance. She found that her abdominal muscles are more defined. “What’s going on with me? Is this a nightmare?”
She decided to try to go back to sleep.
She awoke again and looked at the time. “Breakfast!”
She slipped at the top of the stairs. She summersaulted and then landed on her feet. “What just happened?” she asked herself. She wasn’t sure.
Helen was preparing breakfast when Quinn entered the kitchen. “How are you this morning, Quinn?”
“I feel a lot better.”
“We were worried.”
“You mean, Daddy was,” Quinn responded.
Daria then entered the kitchen. “Oh. You’re up and about,” she said.
“I feel a lot better,” Quinn said again.
“I didn’t expect otherwise,” Daria said.
Quinn met Sandi and Stacy at a door as she arrived at the school. “Are you feeling better, Quinn?”
“I do,” Quinn responded.
Sandi gave a dubious look. “There’s like, a Fashion Club meeting this afternoon.”
“That’s fine,” Quinn responded. “I’m a lot better.”
Sandi gave another dubious look. “Good,” she said.
Later, in between classes, Quinn saw Brooke Peterson approaching.
“I see you were sent home yesterday,” Brooke said.
“So what?” Quinn asked.
“Something happened, didn’t it?” Brooke asked.
“Something,” Quinn murmured.
Brooke then tried to attack Quinn. Some sort of tingle caused Quinn to move out of the way. Brooke tried again, but she missed!
“Uh!” Brooke said. She swung again, hitting another locker. “Stay still!”
Quinn moved out of the way again.
Brooke then leapt at her.
Quinn jumped, quite high, right over Brooke!
Quinn was confused, something was definitely happening to her. She ran.
Quinn ended up on the roof. ‘What is happening to me?’ she wondered. ‘Was it that spider?’
She suddenly realised that she needed to get to class. She grabbed the doorknob. Her hand than somehow stuck to it. “Oh no!” she said as she panicked. The knob then came off in her hand. “Oh no!” Then a web came out of her wrist! “Ew!”
She was shocked and sat down. ‘What has happened to me so far?’ she wondered.
She sorted through the memories from earlier in the day. That her muscles were more defined. That there was some sort of danger sense that allowed her to avoid being hit by Brooke. That she was sticking to things. And that a web had come out of her wrist. She thought more on this before looking at her watch. “Yikes!”
Quinn ran late into History.
“You’re late, Ms. Morgendorffer!” Mr. DeMartino said.
“Sorry, something came up,” Quinn said.
“That’s alright, Ms. Morgendorffer. Just don’t do it again!”
The rest of the day went by without further incidents.
“See you at the meeting,” Sandi said they left the school.
‘I didn’t forget the meeting, Sandi!’ Quinn groused to herself as she walked away from the school.
She headed downtown. ‘This is a good time to test what I can do now.’
She looked at her right wrist. “What can I do with these webs?” She looked at a nearby building and remembered seeing a spider spinning it’s web.
She produced a web but it didn’t get far.
“Again!” she said with determination.
The second web came out faster and hit somewhere higher on the building.
She then jumped high, but came down on the ground.
‘I’ll try again.’
She ran and shot a web. This time she swung up at an angle. But she still slammed into a wall.
“Ugh!” she said as she fell down the wall. But not far. She found she was sticking to it. “Oh!”
‘I’m sticking to the wall! Can I climb down? Or up?”
She moved down the wall to the ground. “Even more like a spider! Ew! But can I climb up?”
She then climbed up.
She got to the eave. “Time to try swinging again,” she said as she looked at it. She produced webbing again, and swung.
This time she ended up on the roof. “That worked!”
She walked to the edge of the roof, and shot another web.
Soon she was going from rooftop to rooftop through Lawndale’s downtown. But she soon came to the edge of the downtown, where it and the suburbia met. ‘This is going to be more difficult,’ she thought as she looked over the sprawl towards home.
She swung to the ground.
As she went towards home, she wondered if she could swing from trees. There was only one way to find out.
She shot out webbing and it connected to a branch. She smiled and swung. She found that it worked, but not as well as in the built up area.
Ten minutes later, she swung up onto the roof of her house. She looked back in the direction she had just come. ‘I wonder what the future has in store.’
#anthony demartino#daria#daria morgendorffer#fanfic#helen morgendorffer#jake morgendorffer#jane lane#janet barch#quinn morgendorffer#sandi griffin#spider man#stacy rowe#tiffany blum-deckler
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Her parents are a real gas aren’t they(?)
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"Lane Miserables" [S3 Ep08]
#daria#cartoons#cartoon#90s#mtv#daria mtv#jake morgendorffer#jane lane#90s cartoons#television#gif#daria scenes#lane miserables s3ep08#tv#cartoonedit#gifs
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seems legit.
hello daria tumblr
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Jake: DARIA! WHY THE DRUGS? WHY DIDN’T YOU COME TALK TO ME?! Daria: Dad this is fucking ibuprofen.
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Daria's strained relationship with her family makes sense.
The Morgendorffers are a lot more complex than the Daria wannabes (*coughs* Wednesday- seriously I should NOT be using 'Daria' and 'Addams' in the same sentence! *coughs*) give them credit for. It's why Psycho Therapy is one of the best episodes of the whole show, imo. They finally have to confront all their issues with each other. On the surface, they're a 'normal' family, but dig a bit deeper and they're pretty dysfunctional.
Helen prioritizes work over her family (except in extreme situations), Jake turns every single thing into a pity party that does stem from childhood trauma which is sad but oh my god dude you need to talk to someone about this, and for most of the series Quinn was too busy trying to be cool and popular to even acknowledge Daria as her sister. (Side-note, Quinn Morgendorffer has one of the best character developments of any show I've seen) So of course Daria wouldn't be that close with her family.
BUT as the show pointed out on quite a few occasions, she does love her family. Daria literally wrote a story talking about what she wants to happen most in the world about her family in the future just sitting down around the kitchen table playing a game of cards. Calm, peaceful, happy, and actually communicating with each other.

Daria Morgendorffer cares about her family. Get it through your heads, shows that are desperately trying to be the next Daria!
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