#Jake Holling
two-martians · 1 month
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i AM the #1 green ranger defender and no one can say otherwise
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disastardly · 1 year
Every Green Ranger is at least a little bit queer. This is both true and non-negotiable.
Except Joel. Joel Rawlings, Sky Cowboy, is thoroughly and unwaveringly heterosexual. In fact, he's the only straight person on his team.
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what-the-whump · 8 months
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Febuwhump 2024 | Day 9 | Bees
Power Rangers Megaforce | 1x05 | United We Stand
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Troy: You have one day left to live, what do you do?
Emma: Cry.
Gia: Something illegal and edgy.
Jake: I’d message ten people saying that if they don’t forward my message to ten more people I would die tomorrow.
Noah: I think I would worry so much about what to do I'd end up doing nothing.
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thena0315 · 28 days
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Ryota Ozawa and Yui Koike with the Mega Force Cast + Dan Southworth at Power Morphicon 2024
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amberbeach · 1 year
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gif belongs to me
The building was destroyed, the cement was now rubble around the iron posts that had supported the roof that was now gone. Jake looked around at the fires that were burning, groaning as he pushed himself to his feet, holding his side as he slowly turned, taking in the destruction.
He began to walk around, searching for someone, anyone, and he found Noah a few feet away, his legs trapped beneath an iron beam. "Noah!" He rushed over to lift the beam, groaning as he struggled for a moment, managing to hold it long enough for Noah to move aside.
He dropped the beam, his eyes scanning his friend for injuries before the two took in their surroundings. "Have you seen Y/N?"
Noah reluctantly shook his head. "I was next to Troy, he should be here somewhere."
They set off to search for their leader, and a short while alter came across Gia and Emma walking with Troy. Jake was relieved no one seemed to be seriously wounded, but he immediately noticed your absence.
"Have you seen her?" Gia asked.
Jake shook his head, swallowing his fears as his eyes darted around. "I'm going to keep looking."
"Let's split up and meet back here. We'll cover more ground," Emma suggested.
Noah followed Troy while Emma and Gia headed in a different direction and Jake went further away, trying to bury the dread creeping up his chest.
His voice grew hoarse from calling your name and Jake walked through the chaos, feeling his hopes of finding you dwindling as time ticked away.
He took out his communicator, closing his eyes as he spoke, "Y/N, come in." He looked at the night sky with tears in his eyes, "Y/N, if you can hear this, talk to me."
He lowered his head when there was no response and dropped his hand. He turned, his eyes taking in the people sheltering around him, fires burning in barrels to keep everyone warm.
He returned to meet with the team and his final hopes that you were okay, that you weren't out there missing, your condition unknown, evaporated when he met Gia's gaze.
The blonde shook her head, tears in her eyes, and Jake lowered himself onto the cement block next to Noah, resting his elbows on his knees, lifting his gaze to stare into the fire.
"Where are you?" He whispered into the flames.
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skyland2703 · 3 months
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-“I’m gonna do the stupid thing”
-“Please do not do the stupid thing”
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 4 months
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skylandart · 4 months
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✨More Jakemma✨ for you~
@ineedsomesleeptoday said something about a cherry blossom kissu with these two and I just couldn’t RESIST.
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ghost-papers · 8 months
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Source: Marco Renna's twitter
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madhare0512 · 6 months
Infodump about your crystal rangers!! ✨💚
*with the energy if the "I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories" tiktok sound* I'm so glad you asked!
Welcome to the first in a (hopefully) long line of asks to come. Introducing the Crystal Force Rangers! In an AU written with @estel-eruantien, @takingback-thepenguin, and @lgbtqregalacademy, these are my additions!
Kenzie Holling-Carver:
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Child of Noah Carver and Jake Holling, pronouns: She/her, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Red Garnet Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Red!"/"Crystal Force Garnet Ranger!")
Kenzie is the Red, a leader who isn't quite sure yet how to lead such a big group (10 Rangers, one of the largest Ranger Groups). She lives with fellow Rangers, Nyx, Casey, and Alexander. She's very much taken and very in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of luck, good or bad, and the power to change hers at will. She's asexual and proud of it, unwilling to change and refusing to conform to others.
Kenzie has a strong relationship with both her parents and her aunts (Gia and Emma) and uncles (Troy and Orion), but it's obvious to anyone looking that Noah is her favorite.
Kenzie has aspirations of being a writer, and is currently in college at Pearl City for creative writing.
Kenzie didn't want to be a Ranger. She saw what being a Ranger did to her parents and the Megaforce Team. Kenzie didn't want that for herself. When the crystal chose her, she immediately wanted to give it back - the Power made a mistake, Kenzie isn't the Red they're looking for. Even so, she steps up and fights the fight. She goes to her parents, aunts, and uncles often for advice.
Nyx Moran:
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Child of Gia Moran and Emma Goodall, pronouns: They/them, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Blue Moonstone Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Blue!"/"Crystal Force Moonstone Ranger!")
Nyx is the Blue, calm, cool, and collected. They are Kenzie's second in command and good at their job. Nyx lives with their fellow Rangers: Kenzie, Casey, and Alexander. Nyx is also taken and very in love. Their Ranger Crystal gives them the ability to read minds, a useful tool in the field, and to root out who stole the last of their chocolate cookies. Nyx is demisexual and proud.
Nyx has a good relationship with both their mothers, but Emma will always be closest to Nyx's heart. They share a similar love of kids and teaching. Nyx also gets along with their four uncles (Troy, Noah, Jake, and Orion).
Nyx wants to be a science teacher and is currently studying science and teaching at Pearl City College.
Similar to Kenzie, Nyx didn't want to be a Ranger. Nyx saw what it did to their parents and uncles, and they knew that being a Ranger is not in the cards for them. When the crystal chose Nyx, their immediate reaction was anger. Nyx hated their crystal ability, and hated that they where chosen. Ultimately, it was Casey who convinced them to stay. Nyx doesn't regret their Ranger status now.
Casey Grayson-Mitchell:
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Child of Carter Grayson and Ryan Mitchell, pronouns: she/her, age: 22, dating: Kelly Hemingway
Crystal Force Orange Carnelian Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Orange!"/"Crystal Force Carnelian Ranger!")
Casey is the Orange Ranger, fun-loving and positive. She keeps the teams spirits up when possible. She lives with her fellow Rangers, Kenzie, Nyx, and Alexander. Casey is taken and very much in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of invincibility, which means that Casey can be used as a sort of shield and cannot be hit by projectiles or lazers. However, it only lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so she has to be quick when she used it. Casey is heterosexual and has no shame about it, though being on a team full of LGBTQIA+ Rangers was a bit of an adjustment.
Casey's relationship with her dads is close knit. She fosters a positive attitude with them, just as her teammates. She's closest to her Dad, Carter, but she also didn't slack in her relationship with Ryan either.
Casey intents to be a firefighter like Carter, and she's going through the fire academy in Pearl City with her boyfriend.
Unlike her friends, Casey was the first to accept being a Ranger. Like Carter, Casey knows that saving lives is what she's called to do. When the crystal chose her, she didn't hesitate, she dove in head first. Her view on it is, if you can't avoid the fire, bring help for those trapped inside. Casey is responsible for Nyx staying with the team.
Alexander Collins:
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Child of Trip Regis, Eric Myers, Wes Collins, pronouns: he/they, age: 26, dating: Benji Rocca
Crystal Force Gold Pyrite Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Gold!"/"Crystal Force Pyrite Ranger!")
Alexander is the Gold Ranger, and while he doesn't make many puns, he does have a good sense of humor. He's a Sixth Ranger, so he's got the power boost that allows him to take on stronger generals by himself. He lives with his fellow Rangers Kenzie, Nyx, and Casey. He's taken, and he adores his boyfriend. Due to Xybrian biology, Alexander has the telltale gem on his forehead and shares his father's mental abilities. His Ranger-given ability is "influence," which allows him to influence the decisions made around him or the emotions others feel, similar to Piper McLean of the Heroes of Olympus series. Alexander is gay and proud, unapologetic about his preferences.
Alexander has a good relationship with all three of his fathers, as well as a good relationship with his aunts, Katie and Jen, and Uncle Lucas. Alexander fully admits to being closer to Eric than his other fathers, though he loves all three the same.
Alexander intends to run the company one day when Wes steps down. He's in school for business in Pearl City.
Alexander, knowing what his parents went through as Rangers and what happened between Eric and Trip before they got together, never wanted to be a Ranger. When the Crystal chose him, he refused for days. It's not until he spoke with Trip, who'd also been hesitant at first, that Alexander accepted the responsibility and came into his full Ranger status.
The Crystal Force au Characters are open for asks and NSFW asks over on @the-mad-closet, but I will not do NSFW asks for Kenzie. Please don't ask.
Thanks Estel!
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Power Rangers Megaforce Incorrect Quotes because I'm Bored
Troy, slamming pots and pans together to the rhythm of "Give it to me, I'm worth it": I didn't get no sleep cause a' y'all! Y'all never gonna sleep cause a' me!
Jake: Ow!
Noah: What’s wrong?
Jake: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Noah : It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Troy: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Emma: Aww-
Troy: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Jake, about Emma and Troy: My god, would you two just get a room already?
Troy: Excuse me, Jake?
Jake: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding?
Emma: ...
Noah: I ship it!
Gia: Why is Troy crying on the floor?
Noah: He's drunk.
Gia: And?
Noah: He saw a picture of Emma's boyfriend.
Gia: But he's Emma's boyfriend.
Noah: I know.
Jake: Why do you look like that?
Troy, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Jake: Like you’re dead.
Troy: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Gia: Troy accidentally called Emma “babe” in front of everyone today.
Troy: *sobs into the floor*
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ranger-ribbons · 9 months
Good Early Morning, I just remembered Sims exists, so time to go make Ranger characters.
Here's what i got! Please excuse the poor quality.
Noah Carver
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Jake Holling
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Troy Burrows
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Emma Goodall
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Gia Moran
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Relationship Save Lore:
- Troy and Noah are half-siblings (same mom, different dad)
- Emma and Orion are siblings
- Noah and Jake are married (Holling-Carver)
- Emma and Gia are married (Moran)
- Troy and Orion are engaged to be married
There will be fics for this save... I don't know how... but there will be fics for this save...
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Fandom: Power Rangers Megaforce
Sample Size: 204 stories
Source: AO3
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Emma: You're going for your own look?
Gia: Yeah, I thought I'd go for the helpful gay pirate kind of thing.
Emma: You don't look helpful.
Jake: Actually, I learned this at the sensitivity seminar. We do not use that word, okay? I mean, I'm not, but we don't know who may be...
Emma: A pirate?
Gia: Helpful?
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thena0315 · 2 months
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Ryota Ozawa with the Megaforce Cast
📷 ozawa_ryota
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