#Jade Ortiz
laopiniononline · 1 year
Muerte de una mascota: ¿Cómo nos puede afectar y cómo podemos sobrellevar el duelo?
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/98
Muerte de una mascota: ¿Cómo nos puede afectar y cómo podemos sobrellevar el duelo?
La docente de Psicología UST Santiago, Jade Ortiz, explicó la importancia de entender el proceso y los cambios que se producen con él, para luego “idear” la mejor forma de sobrellevar el duelo.
La muerte de un ser querido siempre afectará al ser humano, justamente por eso: su condición humana; y pese a que muchas personas no experimenten amor por aquellos que comparten con nosotros el reino animal, y que no son parte de nuestra raza, existe un gran número de los que sí lo hacen. Ese amor hace la diferencia para comprender que un duelo ante uno de nuestros hermanos animales, nuestras mascotas, puede ser tan fuerte como la pérdida de un familiar, e incluso más.
Los duelos se viven de forma distinta, se asimilan y se procesan en la individualidad, no obstante, hay procesos parecidos. Primero que nada, el duelo no implica olvido, de hecho, hay personas que no quieren vivir sus duelos y se aferran a la imagen del ser perdido por el temor de olvidar. Hay otras que olvidan. Y otras que comprenden que es sano vivirse la pena, y que luego reacomodan sus esquemas e integran la pérdida a sus vidas. “¿Qué hace la diferencia?, entre las muchas variables: el amor, el apego, la relación que se establece entre dos seres vivos”, explicó Jade Ortiz, docente de la carrera de Psicología UST Santiago.
Proceso de aceptación de la muerte de una mascota: ¿Es similar a cuando se pierde a un ser querido?
Según explicó la experta, esto sí es así, “sobre todo si la relación fue afectiva, cariñosa, de acompañamiento, de cuidado, si el vínculo que se estableció es fuerte, si llenó vacíos, si dio sentido a la vida cotidiana. Muchas personas tienen mascotas, otras definen su relación con nuestros compañeros animales como familia, otros, sólo los ven como animales ajenos a la vida de uno”.
“En este sentido es el lazo el que define el duelo, el tiempo de proceso, los rituales de despedida, y la incorporación de esa mascota a la historia singular”, añadió, reafirmando que “el impacto del duelo depende del cariño y de lo involucrado que se esté con el ser que falleció”.
Fases del duelo
Jade Ortiz sostuvo que “cada individuo vive el duelo con sus características particulares. No obstante, hay procesos parecidos, que van desde la negación, la ira, la tristeza hasta llegar a la aceptación. En este último proceso las personas terminan de integrar el hecho a sus vidas”.
“Dentro de los síntomas más reconocidos se encuentran la pena, el vacío, el aumento de la irritabilidad, menor capacidad de funcionamiento en las tareas cotidianas, disminución de la atención, concentración, memoria. Algunas personas presentan bajas de ánimo significativo, pérdida de disfrute, llegando a sostener síntomas depresivos. También se observa baja del sistema inmune, y se aprecia somatización o desarrollo de enfermedades que no estaban presentes antes”, añadió.
La psicóloga también señaló que hay otros aspectos a considerar y que están relacionados con el “antes” de la muerte de la mascota. Por ejemplo, “cuando el animal está en riesgo de vida, ya que esto provoca un desgaste logístico entre veterinarios y cuidados; una percepción de injusticia debido a que la mascota podría haberse salvado si el veterinario no fuera tan caro o si existiera un buen seguro del Estado; si no existiese la maldad o violencia contra los animales, entre muchos otros”.
“Se suma el duelo alargado o pospuesto cuando la mascota ha desaparecido, lo que trae consigo el sufrimiento aumentado por la incertidumbre y la impotencia: imaginar el dolor de ese ser querido y no poder hacer nada para aliviarlo”, comentó.
Finalmente, la profesional aseveró que “el duelo se elabora también en la compasión, en la profunda sensibilidad de aliviar el sufrimiento, pero no como un consumo o un antidepresivo, sino que haciendo frente a la condición humana. Se sobrelleva en función de los recursos de cada uno, de la familia y de sus creencias. Los rituales de despedida son importantes, así como conversar sobre el evento y compartir el dolor con personas que sintonicen en el valor y amor por los animales. Hoy se destaca la red de apoyo que surge desde las redes sociales cuando se publican estas pérdidas, y que dan confort al que experimenta el duelo”.
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danhausensboots · 2 years
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Not this card being better than rampage last Friday 🫢
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Just got to Tulip the Makeup Artist and my PC Carlos is... uncomfortable. He’s a very unfashionable man, especially when he’s teaching. Loose clothing, slightly oversized sweaters, messy hair, glasses he forgets to clean quite frequently. Being on the road isn’t helping matters, because his hair is half pulled back due to not getting it cut in a while and also just the dirt of training. He probably shows up a hot mess.
Hearing Tulip calling him good looking is an instant “ah, you’re mocking me” moment and he distrusts her immediately. It’s a complex he has yet to work through from high school, he’s doing his best but it still shows up sometimes.
If she seriously offered to help him out, he’d take it because he knows he knows nothing. If it helps him get noticed by his coworker the incredibly hot Home Ec teacher... it’s worth the awkward.
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irlpretear · 8 months
100 more trans/genderqueer musicians
a pt.2 to my last post
Problem Patterns (riot grrl) (x)
Et On Tuera Tous Les Affreux (hardcore punk) (x)
Speedy Ortiz (indie rock) (x)
Foxtails (punk rock) (x)
Come To Ruin (deathrock) (x)
Arabella (hardcore punk) (x)
Flummox (metal) (x)
Dream Sequence (emo, post-hardcore) (x)
Escuela Grind (grindcore, metal) (x)
Buggin (hardcore punk) (x)
The Aquadolls (indie rock) (x)
Vile Creature (black metal) (x)
Caustic Soda (punk) (x)
Go! Child (indie pop) (x)
Tribe 8 (punk rock) (x)
SeeYouSpaceCowboy (hardcore punk) (x)
NARC (hardcore punk, sludge violence) (x)
BRAT (hardcore punk) (x)
[ctrl] (power violence) (x)
Strawberry Milk Cult (punk rock) (x)
.gif from god (metal) (x)
CyberGirlfriend (indie rock) (x)
Vermin Vendetta (metal) (x)
Pretty Frankenstein (glam goth) (x)
Doll Chaser (punk) (x)
RENT STRIKE (folk punk) (x)
Tears for the Dying (goth rock) (x)
Himbo (math rock) (x)
Out of Sight (hardcore punk) (x)
Morta (metal) (x)
Girlpool (indie rock) (x)
Life of Agony (metal) (x)
Mashrou' Leila (indie rock) (x)
Basketball Divorce Court (post punk) (x)
Bad Waitress (art punk) (x)
Rural Internet (hip hop, electronic) (x)
The Crystal Furs (indie pop) (x)
Blind Tiger (hardcore metal) (x)
Atomic Broad (punk) (x)
tote bag (tender punk) (x)
Pansy Prep (indie rock, emo) (x)
UT/EX (metalcore, screamo) (x)
Your Heart Breaks (indie pop) (x)
Yam (punk rock) (x)
K's Choice (rock, alt pop) (x)
Elderberry Industries (noise, synth) (x)
Qi.x (kpop) (x)
The Mermerings (folk punk) (x)
Refractory Period (synthpop) (x)
fenix (rock) (x)
Solo Artists
Tape Girl (hyperpop, ska) (x)
Titica (kuduro, pop) (x)
Lauren Bousfield (synth punk) (x)
Liniker (r&b) (x)
TRVDWIFE (grindcore, cybergrind) (x)
Stomach Book (electronic, indie rock) (x)
Coyote Grace (bluegrass) (x)
Jake Zyrus (r&b, soul) (x)
D'Nayzja (hyperpop, electronic) (x)
Adeem the Artist (country) (x)
Renee Goust (pop, cumbia) (x)
Linn Da Quebrada (club, Brazilian funk) (x)
The Reverent Marigold (folk) (x)
Çağla Akalın (arabesque) (x)
Jessie Chung (Malaysian pop) (x)
Spike Fuck (post-punk, smackwave) (x)
Shea Diamond (soul, r&b) (x)
Vivek Shraya (pop, dance) (x)
Mocchi (folk, alt rock) (x)
SuperKnova (indie pop) (x)
Creep-P (hyperpop) (x)
Aljas (rap) (x)
Sylvia Baudelaire (rap) (x)
London Jade (hip-hop, rap) (x)
Susy Shock (tango) (x)
Slugwife (hyperpop) (x)
Jupiter Fiction (singer-songwriter) (x)
Mrs. Yéyé (punk) (x)
Lady Charles (glam rock) (x)
Mily Taormina (indie) (x)
Dope Saint Jude (rap, hip-hop) (x)
Imbi the Girl (hip-hop, rap) (x)
187 (drum'n'bass) (x)
zombAe (experimental hip hop, electronic) (x)
The Official Bard of Baldwin County (folk) (x)
Skylar Rose Stravinsky (singer-songwriter) (x)
hard Tiddies (country, singer-songwriter) (x)
Bunny Danger (punk) (x)
Ataru Nakamura (pop) (x)
Anjimile (folk) (x)
Villano Antillano (rap, urbano) (x)
Lauren Auder (indie pop) (x)
Justin Vivian Bond (cabaret) (x)
Namoli Brennet (folk, indie rock) (x)
Mya Byrne (Americana, folk) (x)
Quinn Christospherson (indie rock) (x)
Jayne County (proto-punk, glam rock) (x)
Katie Dey (experimental pop) (x)
Electra Elite (electropop, dance) (x)
Quay Dash (hip-hop, rap) (x)
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norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
Ikemen Prince
- Aesthetics 2/3 -
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Rio Ortiz / Valerio of Benitoite
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Crown Prince Silvio Ricci of Benitoite
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Carlo of Benitoite
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Crown Prince Keith Howell of Jade
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Princess Mireille Howell of Jade
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Crown Prince Gilbert von Obsidian
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Roderic of Obsidian
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Prince Kagari Amagase of Kogyoku
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Prince Azel Radwan of Tanzanite
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Crown Prince Matthias Åsbrink of Achroite
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vi050iv · 7 months
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Spidersona incoming!!
Meet Victor Ortiz!! Also known as Earth 426’s the Violet Spider🕷️ Vic was mutated by a radioactive Mexican Jade Fuego Tarantula (and his suit is inspired by it’s vibrant coloration as well as the neon vibes of Retrowave~✨) There are still some more spidey doodles to come (some lore, allies and villain concepts that I’m still working on)
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brokenfuturerpg · 1 year
Hola personitas. Venimos con un aporte que nos ha costado un tiempito reunir. Es posible que algunos PB tengan 1 añito más de lo que pone, porque igual cumplieron recién. Esperamos les guste ^^
Tydus Talbott (9)
Diesel Rojas (11)
Diezel Ortiz (11)
Christian Convery (13)
Paxton Booth (13)
Ryan Buggle (13)
14 / 17
Matthew Illesley (14)
Iain Armitage (15)
Gavin Magnus (16)
Hayden Haas (16)
Jacob Tremblay (16)
Walker Bryant (16)
Andrew Ponch (17)
Jentzen Ramirez (17)
Sawyer Sharbino (17)
18 / 22
Noah Jupe (18)
Noah Schnapp (18)
Thiago Vernal (18)
Alex Sampson (19)
Armani Jackson (19)
Blake Talabis (19)
Brandon Rossel (19)
Brandon Spink (19)
Casey Simpson (19)
Dante Albidone (19)
Diego Martir (19)
Dylan Kingwell (19)
Eric Montanez (19)
Flynn Curry (19)
Gavin Lewis (19)
Harry Still (19)
Harvey Petito (19)
Jack Dylan Grazer (19)
Jackson A. Dunn (19)
Jacob Buster (19)
Jaden Michael (19)
Martin Rompeltien (19)
Max Valenzuela (19)
Maximo Rivano (19)
Nicolas Cantu (19)
Raúl Balilla (19)
William Franklyn Miller (19)
Zane Austin (19)
Asher Angel (20)
Finn Wolfhard (20)
Gaten Matarazzo (20)
Jaeden Martell (20)
Joaquín Bondoni (20)
Johnny Orlando (20)
Aidan Gallagher (20)
Levi Miller (20)
MattyB (20)
Wyatt Oleff (20)
Andrés Vázquez (21)
Caleb McLaughlin (21)
Gregory Kasyan (21)
Lewis MacDougall (21)
Hunter Rowland (22)
Lucas Jade Zumann (22)
Ty Simpkins (22)
24 / 27
Chandler Riggs (24)
Charlie Plummer (24)
Mateus Ward (24)
Owen Teague (24)
Devin Druid (25)
Dylan Sprayberry (25)
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin (25)
Jaden Smith (25)
Jungkook (25)
Lucky Blue Smith (25)
Shawn Mendes (25)
Asa Butterfield (26)
Austin Abrams (26)
Colin Ford (26)
Dylan Minnette (26)
Jacob Elordi (26)
KJ Apa (26)
Lucas Hedges (26)
Michael Ronda (26)
Miguel Bernardeau (26)
Tye Sheridan (26)
Álvaro Rico (27)
Austin Crute (27)
Charlie Rowe (27)
David Castro (27)
Jacob Lofland (27)
Joe Keery (27)
Kim Taehyung (27)
Kodi Smit-McPhee (27)
Miguel Herrán (27)
Nathan Westling (27)
Noah Centineo (27)
Park Ji-Min (27)
Ross Lynch (27)
Skyler Gisondo (27)
Timothée Chalamet (27)
Tom Holland (27)
29 / 32
Alex Lawther (29)
Cody Christian (29)
Dacre Montgomery (29)
Ellar Coltrane (29)
Kim Namjoon (29)
Nat Wolff (29)
Nick Robinson (29)
RJ Cyler (29)
Tony Mahfud (29)
Alexander Gould (30)
Ansel Elgort (30)
Charlie Heaton (30)
Connor Jessup (30)
Harry Styles (30)
JHope (30)
Mitchell Hope (30)
Moisés Arias (30)
Adam Hicks (31)
Alberto Rosende (31)
Cameron Monaghan (31)
Ezra Miller (31)
Jin (31)
Josh Hutcherson (31)
Min Yoongi (31)
Nick Jonas (31)
Will Poulter (31)
Zayn Malik (31)
Blas Cantó (31)
Casey Cott (31)
Cole Sprouse (31)
Dylan O’Brien (31)
Dylan Sprouse (31)
Jaime Lorente (31)
Jordan Connor (31)
Louis Tomlinson (31)
Tyler Posey (31)
Ben Hardy (32)
Charles Melton (32)
Cody Kearsley (32)
Callum Worthy (32)
Ed Sheeran (32)
Francisco Lachowski (32)
Jorge López (32)
Stephen James (32)
Vadhir Derbez (32)
33 / 42
Aaron Taylor-Johnson (33)
Alexander Calvert (33)
Bill Skarsgard (33)
Caleb Landry Jones (33)
Chris Colfer (33)
David Castañeda (33)
Dominic Sherwood (33)
Grant Gustin (33)
Jacob Anderson (33)
Justin H. Min (33)
Lee Jong-Suk (33)
Liam Hemsworth (33)
Luke Baines (33)
Nicholas Hoult (33)
Ross Butler (33)
Simon Nessman (33)
Taron Egerton (33)
Thomas Brodie-Sangster (33)
Alfred Enoch (34)
Chai Hansen (34)
Chord Overstreet (34)
Daniel Radcliffe (34)
Harry Melling (34)
Keegan Allen (34)
Joe Jonas (34)
John Bradley-West (34)
Matthew Lewis (34)
Prince Royce (34)
Rupert Grint (34)
Sean O’Pry (34)
Cody Walker (35)
Dougie Poynter (35)
Jake Abel (35)
Matthew Daddario (35)
Robbie Amell (35)
Robert Sheehan (35)
Sonny John Moore (35)
Tom Felton (35)
Tyler Hoechlin (35)
Zac Efron (35)
Alfie Allen (36)
Brendon Urie (36)
Darren Criss (36)
Don Benjamin (36)
Evan Peters (36)
Ian Harding (36)
Jeff Ward (36)
Kit Harington (36)
Lee Min-Ho (36)
Manny Jacinto (36)
Michael B. Jordan (36)
Nick Bateman (36)
Ricardo Baldin (36)
Tyler Blackburn (36)
Will Tudor (36)
Winston Duke (36)
Bruno Mars (37)
Cameron Britton (37)
Colin Morgan (37)
Daniel Sharman (37)
Jamie Bell (37)
Luke Youngblood (37)
Osric Chau (37)
Richard Madden (37)
Robert Pattinson (37)
Sam Claflin (37)
Shia LaBeouf (37)
Yon González (37)
Brant Daugherty (38)
Dave Franco (38)
David Gallagher (38)
Iwan Rheon (38)
Jon Kortajarena (38)
Kellan Lutz (38)
Luke Mitchell (38)
Theo James (38)
Tom Hopper (38)
Adam Devine (39)
Adam Driver (39)
Alfonso Herrera (39)
Bradley James (39)
Calvin Harris (39)
Gaston Dalmau (39)
Jesse Eisenberg (39)
Steven Yeun (39)
Andrew Garfield (40)
Brett Dalton (40)
Chris Hemsworth (40)
Domhnall gleeson (40)
Henry Cavill (40)
Yusuf Gatewood (40)
Adam Lambert (41)
Eddie Redmayne (41)
Harry Shum Jr (41)
Ha Seok-Jin (41)
Jamie Dornan (41)
Jared Padalecki (41)
Ju Ji-Hoon (41)
Sebastian Stan (41)
Ben Barnes (42)
Chris Evans (42)
Elijah Wood (42)
Jake Gyllenhaal (42)
Jesse Williams (42)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (42)
Joseph Morgan (42)
Justin Chon (42)
Justin Timberlake (42)
Kunal Nayyar (42)
Rami Malek (42)
Ryan Gosling (42)
Simon Helberg (42)
Stephen Amell (42)
Tom Hiddleston (42)
43 / 52
Channing Tatum (43)
Charlie Hunnam (43)
Chris Pine (43)
Daniel Henney (43)
David Gandy (43)
Gilles Souteyrand (43)
Jason Schwartzman (43)
Jason Segel (43)
Matthew Gray Gubler (43)
Sam Heughan (43)
William Jackson Harper (43)
Adam Levine (44)
Anthony Mackie (44)
Chris Pratt (44)
Ian Somerhalder (44)
James McAvoy (44)
Jason Momoa (44)
Jesse Spencer (44)
Kevin Hart (44)
Kristofer Hivju (44)
Tyrese Gibson (44)
Chadwick Boseman (45)
Daniel Brühl (45)
Jake Johnson (45)
James Franco (45)
Jensen Ackles (45)
Josh Hartnett (45)
Ludacris (45)
Matt Bomer (45)
Tom Hardy (45)
Alex O’Loughlin (46)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (46)
Eric Christian Olsen (46)
Joe Manganiello (46)
John Cena (46)
Jon Bernthal (46)
Kal Penn (46)
Michael Fassbender (46)
Milo Ventimiglia (46)
Orlando Bloom (46)
Ryan Reynolds (46)
Scott Caan (46)
Zachary Quinto (46)
Benedict Cumberbatch (47)
Cillian Murphy (47)
Colin Farrell (47)
Kristian Nairn (47)
Michael Peña (47)
Pablo Puyol (47)
Rodrigo de la Serna (47)
Adam Rodriguez (48)
Bradley Cooper (48)
Casey Affleck (48)
David Harbour (48)
Joaquin Phoenix (48)
Johnny Galecki (48)
Leonardo Dicaprio (48)
Masi Oka (48)
Taika Waititi (48)
Tobey Maguire (48)
Andrew Lincoln (49)
Christian Bale (49)
Isaiah Mustafa (49)
Josh Radnor (49)
Misha Collins (49)
Sendhil Ramamurthy (49)
Adam Scott (50)
Adrien Brody (50)
Idris Elba (50)
Jason London (50)
Jim Parsons (50)
Josh Duhamel (50)
Neil Patrick Harris (50)
Omar Epps (50)
Ben Affleck (51)
Dwayne Jhonson (51)
Jared Leto (51)
John Cho (51)
Justin Lin (51)
Karl Urban (51)
Luke Wilson (51)
Martin Freeman (51)
Matt Schulze (51)
Sung Kang (51)
Damian Lewis (52)
Ewan McGregor (52)
Jeremy Renner (52)
Matt Damon (52)
Mark Wahlberg (52)
Michael C. Hall (52)
Paul Bettany (52)
Sean Astin (52)
53 / 62
Chris O’Donnell (53)
Gerard Butler (53)
Henry Simmons (53)
Matthew McConaughey (53)
Michael Trucco (53)
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (53)
Richard Speight Jr. (53)
Shemar Moore (53)
Simon Pegg (53)
Skeet Ulrich (53)
Vince Vaughn (53)
Warwick Davis (53)
Dave Bautista (54)
Hugh Jackman (54)
Jack Black (54)
Jason Bateman (54)
Javier Bardem (54)
Norman Reedus (54)
Owen Willson (54)
Paul Rudd (54)
Peter Dinklage (54)
Rory McCann (54)
Toby Stephens (54)
Will Smith (54)
Aidan Gillen (55)
Daniel Dae Kim (55)
Jamie Foxx (55)
Josh Brolin (55)
LL Cool J (55)
Mark Rufalo (55)
Tom Goodman-Hill (55)
Jason Statham (56)
Jon Favreau (56)
Kiefer Sutherland (56)
Vin Diesel (56)
Vincent Cassel (56)
Will Ferrell (56)
Ben Stiller (57)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (57)
William Zabka (57)
Conleth Hill (58)
Don Cheadle (58)
Keanu Reeves (58)
Mark Pellegrino (58)
Martin Lawrence (58)
Robert Downey Jr. (58)
Brad Pitt (59)
Lenny Kravitz (59)
Mark Sheppard (59)
Nicholas Cage (59)
Russel Crowe (59)
Jerome Flynn (60)
Jet li (60)
Jhonny Depp (60)
Mike Myers (60)
Ralph Fiennes (60)
Clark Gregg (61)
Ralph Macchio (61)
Thomas Gibson (61)
Tom Cruise (61)
Wesley Snipes (61)
Eddie Murphy (62)
Forest Whitaker (62)
George Clonney (62)
Hugh Grant (62)
Iain Glen (62)
Jean-Claude Van Damme (62)
Laurence Fishburne (62)
Woody Harrelson (62)
63 / 72
Antonio Banderas (63)
Hugo Weaving (63)
Ken Watanabe (63)
Sean Penn (63)
Hugh Laurie (64)
Sean Bean (64)
Viggo Mortensen (64)
Alec Baldwin (65)
Dolph Lundgren (65)
Andy García (67)
Mel Gibson (67)
Tom Hanks (67)
Bruce willis (68)
Denzel Washington (68)
Kevin Costner (68)
Michael Rooker (68)
Jackie Chan (69)
Jeff Goldblum (70)
Pierce Brosnan (70)
Joe Pantoliano (71)
Liam Neeson (71)
Marc Hamill (71)
Mark Harmon (71)
Bill Murray (72)
Kurt Russell (72)
Richard Gere (74)
Samuel L. Jackson (74)
Ted Danson (75)
Arnold Swarzenneger (76)
Tommy Lee Jones (76)
Sylvester Stalone (77)
Tom Selleck (78)
Ben Kingsley (79)
Robert de Niro (80)
Harrison Ford (81)
Al Pacino (83)
Patrick Stewart (83)
Ian McKellen (84)
Anthony Hopkins (85)
Jack Nicholson (86)
Morgan Freeman (86)
Donald Sutherland (88)
Michael Caine (90)
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chicinsilk · 4 months
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Spring/Summer 1961 Haute Couture Collection.
On the left, Michel Goma Miss Isabelle Pons wears "Monaco", jade green satin dress embroidered with diamond rhinestones and crystal.
In the center, Pierre Balmain Miss Maria Dolorès Ortiz-Echague wears a white silk organdy dress from Buche entirely embroidered with silk threads, pearls and blue, yellow and white gems.
On the right, Maggy Rouff, Miss Caroline Motte wears a white plumetis tulle dress stitched with roses and white satin bows.
Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1961.
À gauche, Michel Goma Mlle Isabelle Pons porte "Monaco", robe en satin vert jade brodée de strass diamantés et de cristal.
Au centre, Pierre Balmain Mlle Maria Dolorès Ortiz-Echague porte une robe en organdi de soie blanc de Buche entièrement brodée de fils de soie, de perles et de pierreries bleues, jaunes et blanches.
À droite, Maggy Rouff, Mlle Caroline Motte porte une robe en tulle plumetis blanc piquée de roses et de noeuds en satin blanc.
Photo Gérard Decaux
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mlentertainment · 1 year
okay 4 month long fancast/elaborate sleep deprivation project is complete. here's who should star in the unsleeping city live action tv show
pete - elliot page (officially endorsed by ally)
kingston - jeffrey wright, isaiah mustafa; laurence fishburne or idris elba if they wanted to
sofia - samantha win (wow she looks So Very Italian for sure definitely... dw about it i want her wushu skills more than anything)
ricky - mackenyu
misty - CATHERINE O'HARA (hunter schafer as rowan)
kugrash - hank azaria (voice only), fiona dourif (voice and physical)
iga - if catherine's not available for s1 can she come on for s2 as iga. otherwise patricia arquette
cody - devon bostick is 31 which means he still fits the 27 yr old mall goth window and i cannot unsee the rodrick eyeliner and also can't think of anyone better. hi devon you're my last hope
esther sinclair - jade eshete (the casting thought that started this monster post)
gabriela sinclair/furies - i mean angela bassett if you're free--
alejandro ortiz - edward james olmos
ana and amelia ortiz - isabella gomez? classic single actor playing twins moment but i think her energy is good #odaat
robert moses - ed harris. or another guy who can do crazy scary. i'm finishing this list at 5 am can u tell
dale lee - daniel henney
jackson wei - key quy quan i don't care give him work i am kissing him respectfully
emiko matsui - karen fukuhara
53V3N - brennan's cameo
priya danger - i mean. come on. jameela jamil
dr. lugash - anthony carrigan. i had to fit him in here somewhere LET'S GOOOOOO NOHO HANK... 2!
mario bicicleta - james ransone *sniper shoots a warning shot next to my head*
lowell masters - nick offerman i guess
wally kugrich - alan tudyk
david kugrich - michael shannon
cindy wong - margaret cho
tony simos - dave bautista (is apparently part greek? That's fun. what's important is he's built like a truck)
heather simos - ME!! ✌🥰✌
jj jacobs - lane factor
not casting Nod bc i literally don't pay attention to child actors. saw someone mention bradley whitford as sondheim which i thought was genius (and joe pesci as don confetti which was great but unrealistic) (<- is treating this like they're an actual casting director) but beyond that are there any fun roles i missed?? i tried to cover both szns as well as i could
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jareauism · 2 months
what if emily, at some point in season 18, considers asking jade to stay with her like she did with carrie ortiz and david smith? she clearly understands what jade has been through. i feel like during/after their conversation emily saw herself in jade, so she would want to help her
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dear-indies · 1 month
Hi Cat and Mouse! Hope you're having a great day/night.
I would like to make a circus ringmaster oc, somewhere between 30-35, but my biggest issue is finding someone with a vibe similar to Arlecchino from genshin impact. The gender, ethnicity, or anything else besides the age doesn't matter, I just need someone who you think has those vibes. Thank you so much for your help!
Kamijo (1975) Japanese - is older but he's LITERALLY the vibe.
Janelle Monáe (1985) African-American - especially when she has light hair - is non-binary (she/they) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kazuchika Okada (1987) Japanese.
JuJu Chan (1989) Hongkonger - vibes in Wu Assassins and Fistful of Vengeance.
Ilona Verley (1990) Nlakaʼpamux - especially when she has light blue hair - is two-spirit, trans, and genderfluid (she/her).
Vico Ortiz (1991) Puerto Rican - non-binary (they/them) - especially when they have platinum/silver hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jade Cargill (1992) Afro Jamaican.
Yamada Ryosuke (1993) Japanese - Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation.
Inukai Atsuhiro (1994) Japanese - Kei x Yaku: Dangerous Buddy.
This was a tricky ask but I hope these suggestions work for you!
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hillzhqs · 10 months
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'𝚝𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗
hear those silver bells? it's christmas time in los angeles. some families actually do make the yuletide gay, managing to leave their troubles far away. other families have a merry little christmas even when their troubles aren't so far away. some presents might end up returned but some gifts are for keeps. other presents come when you least expect them and everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box. then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened. have a holly jolly christmas, xoxo.
‹   ⅰ.   › you have been cordially invited to celebrate christmas eve at the kennedy estate in hidden hills, california. this year's theme is 'the colors of the season.' there will be different themed rooms throughout the home that will be color coordinated - red, green, white, silver, gold and black. the dress code is to wear one of these colors. admission to the party will not be granted if you are not following dress code. this is not a casual event by any means, so please do dress your best.
‹   ⅱ.   ›  the party will be taking place on discord. please keep an eye out for the link. while the event will be taking place over the span of one night rp time (december 24th, 2023), you can start writing on sunday, december 10th, 2023. threads can continue until everyone completes their writing.
‹   ⅲ.   ›  in the spirit of the season, kathy kennedy hosts an annual 'kathy kringle' where she pairs up people from the party to exchange gifts with one another. under the cut, please find your partner. there will be a channel in the event server where you can drop pictures and edits of the gifts called 'kathy kringle' and you can write out your characters exchanging gifts in the 'grand foyer' channel
‹   ⅳ.   › gossip girl has eyes everywhere, especially in an event as star studded as this one. if there's anything specific that you don't want leaked, please be sure to come to me before hand. if not, everything is up for grabs and can potentially be blasted for everyone to see.
‹   ⅴ.   ›  be inclusive! make sure you're writing/plotting with everyone and most importantly, have fun!!
✳    𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬   ﹕please see under the cut!
LEX -adrian fitzgerald . - DEE - julian calvary
SOPHIE -mallory wells - T - travis buckley .
KELLY - tyler cobb - SOPHIE -kaya khalid
KELLY - drew monroe - CANDICE -bentley hart
CANDICE -sienna spencer - T - vincent hart .
KELLY - madeline kennedy - CANDICE -genevieve evans
DEE - lilian hawker - CANDICE -sebastian davis
KELLY - roman barlowe - LEX -teddy taylor .
LEX -camryn kennedy . - T - hunter valmont .
BECCA - juliette hart . - KELLY - matteo rossi
SARA- oliver van horn - LEX -madden kennedy .
BECCA - stacey ortiz . - KELLY - franz wanger
SOPHIE -angel griffin - CANDICE - felicity dupont
SARA- avett marie - LEX -keanu carter .
SOPHIE -ford anderson - LEX -jade santos .
LEX -beau calvary - SOPHIE -archie sinclair
DEE - ezra basel - T - james vanderbilt .
SOPHIE -everly blackwell - CANDICE -jackson blackwell
SOPHIE -zion davis - FREY - na-eun seo
T - austen sinclair . - CANDICE -johnny kennedy
KELLY - charlotte windsor - SOPHIE -maddox mckelvie
CANDICE -adelaide windsor - BECCA - erin halliday .
KELLY - ayaz demiric- SARA- caleb khan
DEE - dominic law - FREY - penelope kennedy
DEE - gigi majok - SARA- finley kennedy
T - jordana kennedy . - CANDICE -brooke hawker
KELLY - ethan briggs - T - hana hershey ratanavadi .
SOPHIE -kacey king - DEE - carter talbot
KELLY - afia amoabeng - T - caiden sharpe .
FREY - kwame amoabeng - KELLY - seo sieun
KELLY - merve baysel - CANDICE -persephone sinclair
SOPHIE - ophelia evans - BECCA - farrah osmond
LEX -selene sinclair . - T - alabama messi .
DEE - derek taylor - CANDICE -bianca sinclair
T - bristol decker . - SOPHIE -mackenzie kennedy
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wandaluvstacos · 3 months
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Genre: Contemporary Romance Rating: 18+
Includes: Extensive horse nerdery + cowboys, mxm romance (1 trans + 1 cis), some discussion child abuse, some instances of trans/homophobia (it is rural Oklahoma, y'all), depression, occasional sex scene (but it’s a slow burn for sure)
Victor Ortiz-Bennett had some reservations about moving to Oklahoma, but his late aunt willed him a 70-acre horse farm, and he decides to fulfill his dream of running and operating his own training facility. Victor’s been around the reining horse show circuit for a while, and he’s ready to settle down, travel less, and spend more time with the horses he loves and away from the people he can do without. That is, until he picks up a horse at an auction with a bucking problem he can’t fix, and he has to take her to the one guy who can ride anything– Johnny Stearns, a retired professional rodeo rider.
Johnny Stearns is loud, chatty, eccentric, and fears nothing, exactly Victor’s opposite. However, Victor finds himself sinking into an odd friendship with this new foul-mouthed cowboy without a filter, diving deeper into the mess that is Johnny’s life until there’s no way to extract himself from it. Johnny may talk a tough game, but there’s more to him than he’ll let most people see. Victor knows getting in too deep will mean a rough ride, but if there’s anything Johnny’s taught him, it’s how to stay in the saddle.
    “I ain’t the one being difficult. If I knew we’d be inviting our boyfriends, I woulda brought Mike.” At this she smirked, raising an eyebrow like she expected this to get a reaction.
            “Mine doesn’t hit little girls,” Johnny retorted, seemingly without thinking. But instead of taking it back or stuttering out a correction, Johnny fell silent and met his sister’s stare with matching intensity. Victor watched some surprise and doubt cross Kayla’s face, probably wondering if Johnny was just messing with her or if he was being serious about the boyfriend part. Victor could barely breathe, wondering what the fuck was going on. Was Johnny really going to tell his sister the truth just to win a stupid argument?
            Then again, that would be just like him.
            “I don’t know how to fuckin’ take that.” Kayla’s cheek bulged as she pressed her tongue against it. “You’re fuckin’ with me.”
            “You and Vic ain’t…” She trailed off, eyes darting between Victor and Johnny. “That was a joke, right?”
            Victor froze, afraid to do or say anything in fear it’d be something Johnny might hold against him either. He couldn’t possibly be considering coming out to his sister, right? They had not discussed it. He’d been so hesitant to let Sarah and Jade know, there was no way he’d take a chance on his sister, whose opinion of gay people Victor knew nothing about. Maybe Johnny knew. Maybe that’s why he was choosing this very inopportune moment to be honest.
            “What if it wasn’t?” Johnny said. His voice came across as confident, but Victor could sense the tension in his body, especially the way he clutched the edge of the table with white knuckles. He was terrified, but it was only evident in the twitch of his jaw.
            Kayla’s mouth dropped open slightly, stopping somewhere between a smile and bewilderment. “You’re fuckin’ with me.”
            “Does that sound like somethin’ I’d fuck around with?”
            “I dunno.” The smile faded when it finally dawned on her that Johnny might be serious. “Seriously?”
            “I didn’t really come here to talk about it.”
            “Fuck off. You can’t just say shit like that and change the topic.”
            Johnny sank back against the booth, spine still rod straight.
            “Johnny,” Kayla prodded. “What the fuck you on about?”
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undrcssed · 1 year
A masterlist of muses that I have played throughout the years, that I am always willing to play. I do need to go over some of the FC's and probably make some changes since this list is YEARS old. But I will do that and update it!!
Abigail ‘Abbi’ Abrams FC: Victoria Justice 
Addison Smollen FC: Kendall Jenner 
Allison ‘Alli’ Ortiz FC: Madison Beer 
Amelia ‘Mia’ Abrams FC: Torrey Devitto
Ana Flores FC: Camila Mendes
Angelina Rose FC: Clemence Posey
Apollo Kona FC: Roman Reigns
Augusta ‘Gwen’ Porter FC: Hailey Baldwin
Avery Smollen FC: Kylie Jenner
Bailey Allwood FC: Katherine Langford
Bethany DuPont-Hunter FC: Rachel Bilson / FC: Crystal Reed
Benjamin DuPont FC: Theo James
Blaise Zabini FC: Keith Powers
Bleau St. Claire FC: Val Mercado
Braelyn Carter FC: Alycia Debnam Carey 
Caleb Kyriakos FC: Tom Austen
Callie Haverford FC: Gigi Hadid
Cameron Bartell FC: Natalia Dyer
Cathleen ‘Rey’ Murphy FC: Paige / Saraya Jade Bevis
Chasity Dean FC: Troian Bellisario
Clara Spencer FC: Alexis Ren
Connor O’Brien FC: Cody Saintgnue
Cooper Brozene FC: Joel Kinnaman
Cyrus Morgan FC: Scott Speedman
Daphne Greengrass FC: Pia Mia
Darya Smirnov FC: Taylor Hill
Davina Pace FC: Carmella Rose
Dawson St. James FC: Finn Wittrock
Dean Munroe FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Demi O’Connor FC: Jessica Lowndes
Destiny Savvin FC: Eiza Gonzalez / FC: Salma Hayek
Dev Ambrogino FC: Nathan Parsons
Diya Gupta FC: Naomi Scott
Dorian Porter FC: Justin Hartley
Dylan Boyer FC: Olivia Wilde / FC: Odeya Rush
Eden Hunter FC: Danielle Campbell
Elizabeth Rush FC: Hayley Atwell
Evelyn Perez FC:  Bruna Marquezine
Genivive ‘Ginny’ Kennedy FC:  Alicia Vikander
Gracie Abernathy FC: Nicola Peltz
Harleen Quinzel FC: Margot Robbie
Hudson O’Connor FC: Charlie Hunnam
Hunter Munroe FC: Kit Harington
Irina Savvin FC: Claire Holt
Isabella Martinez FC: Naya Rivera  Christian Serratos
Isobel Garcia FC: Jackie Cruz
Ivy Hartley FC: Maggie Duran
Jack Collins FC: Tom Holland
Jalessa Myers FC: Jade Thirlwall
Jayden Munroe FC: Leigh Anne Pinnock
Jayson Hunter FC: Dominic Sherwood
Jennifer Martinez FC: Diane Guerrero 
Joanna ‘Joey’ Martell FC: Marie Avgeropoulos
Judith Grimes FC: Daisy Ridley 
Karina Smirnov FC: Irina Shayk / FC: India Eisley
Katherine ‘Katy’ Abernathy FC: Katie Stevens
Katya Ambrogino FC: Ariel Winter
Keith Newman FC: Travis Mills
Kimber Rhodes FC: Karla Souza
Layla Abernathy FC: Emily Kinney / FC: Candice Swanepoel
Leah Douglas FC: Nathalie Emmanuel / FC: Amandla Stenberg
Lee McBride FC: Dan Stevens
Lilliana ‘Lily’ Rey FC: Bella Thorne Luca Hollestelle
Lorelei Ambrose FC: Imogen Poots
Maddox Young FC: Amadeus Sarafini
Madison Nolan FC: Ashley Greene
Makenna Dean FC: Shelley Hennig
Mateo Fiore FC: Theo Rossi
Matheus Silva FC: Chay Suede
Matty Dodson FC: Cody Christian
Maximus ‘Mac’ Porter FC: Austin Butler
Melanie Rhee FC: Lauren Cohan
Mickey Wolfe FC: Troye Sivan
Natalia ‘Talia’ Smallwood FC: Emily Ratajkowski
Nate Ballard FC: Randy Orton
Nikolai Savvin FC: Joseph Morgan
Paige Stabler FC: Madison Davenport
Pansy Parkinson FC: Nona Komatsu
Parker Mercer FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Phoenix Dattolo FC: Avan Jogia
Piper Romero FC: Maia Mitchell / FC: Giza Lagarce
Priyah Jacobs FC: Alysha Nett
Psyche FC: Sophie Turner
Rami Armand FC: Zayn Malik
Reagan Powers FC: Allison Williams
Rhea Lockhart FC: Julianne Hough
Richard Thorne FC: Jon Hamm
Rose Granger-Weasley FC: Madelaine Petsch
Ryan O'Brien FC: Cam Gigandet
Samantha ‘Sammie’ Barker FC: Arden Cho
Sergei Savvin FC: Max Riemelt
Sierra Tsu FC: Dichen Lachman
Stella La’ei Kona FC: Nikki Reed
Sunshine ‘Sunny’ Jacobs FC: Dove Cameron 
Sydney Pearson FC: Zendaya 
Tanya Dash FC: Khole Kardashian Bree Kish
Teegan O'Brien FC: Lili Reinhart
Titus Kona FC: Jason Momoa
Tobias Graves FC: Travis Fimmel
Trent Lancaster FC: Andrew Lincoln
Valentino De Luca FC: Dominic Cooper
Veda Patil FC: Priyanka Chopra
Wyatt Cahill FC: Ryan Guzman
Xavier Waters FC: Don Benjamin
Zion Waters FC: Ricky Whittle
Zoe DiMarco FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus / FC: Ruby Rose / FC: Ash Stymest
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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Welcome to my first event of 2023! Please read over all the information below carefully! I will be posting over the whole of February for this event.
Pick your suitor/character x Reader/MC, pick your gift package, and a prompt! Example: Ran + Rose Petals + Smut prompt # 1
I am taking 1 requests per suitor/character listed below. They will be marked below and updated as I receive requests.
NSFW prompts will be written with characters aged up to over 18
You can suggest a specific kind of reader (i.e. someone’s sister *wink wink* or vampire reader etc) but please do not request any incest or the sort.
Requests will close on January 5th
Again: I am taking 1 Request per character listed HERE only. *EDITED WITH EXTRA CHARACTERS*
Tokyo Revengers: Ran Haitani, Chifuyu Matsuno, Hajime Kokonoi, Keisuke Baji, Shinichiro Sano, Rindou Haitani, Haruchiyo Sanzu. Kazutora Hanemiya Shuji Hanma, Seishu Inui, Ryusei Satou, Hishi Kojiro, Mikey Sano
Twisted Wonderland: Riddle Rosehearts, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Ruggie Bucchi, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim,
Ikemen Series: Rio Ortiz, Silvio Ricci, Charles Henri-Sanson, Fenrir Godspeed, Isaac Newton, Dean Tweedle, Clavis Lelouch,
Genshin Impact: Tighnari, Cyno, Chongyun, Ayato, Alhaitham , Heizou, Kazuha, Thoma, Aether
Blue Lock: Sae Itoshi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage
Gift Package Selection:
Flowers (Platonic)
Chocolate (Romantic)
Rose Petals (Intimate 18+)
Fluff Prompts: List 1 ; List 2
*For platonic, some prompts will be reworded to be friends instead of lovers*
Intimate/Smut List
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