#Jacques Vriens
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Memory Lane: Kersemus stalletje
Dec. 2023 Kersemus stalletje In Memory Lane Als kleuter maakte ik dit kerststalletje. Het zat als bouwplaat in een van mijn favoriete voorleesboeken. ‘O Denneboom,’ van Jacques Vriens. De poppetjes en dieren prikte ik uit met een prikpen. En later maakte ik met een vader van een vriendin het houten huisje. We gebruikte voor het hout een oud sigarendoosje. In de loop van de jaren heb ik de…
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Theo’s Buitelingen (56): Vol op de bek
Lierop, 5 juli 1970. De koers van de aspiranten – toen nog als ‘adspiranten’ geschreven – is gedaan. “Op de de eerste plaats Rik Sentjens (*), Budel. Tweede plaats Wim Daniëls, Aarle-Rixtel. En de derde plek voor Frans Verstappen uit Neerkant.” Godfather-speaker Cor Wijdenes laat ze nog even gladjes over de tong rollen, de namen van de eerste drie aankomenden. Continue reading Untitled
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#Ad Prinsen#Cor van Bokhoven#Cor Vriens#Cor Wijdenes#Frans Kooijmans#Frans van der Kam#Frans Verstappen#Henk Gijsbers#Jacques Verbruggen#Jan Spetgens#Karel van Wijnendaele#Piet Kessels#Rik Sentjens#Stijn Streuvels#Wim Daniëls
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i have reached the nosebleed stage of my cold
#of het is leukemie he je weet het nooit (boze blik richting jacques vriens)#fun fact ik dacht vroegah dat jacques vriens en jules verne dezelfde man waren
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Het is Kinderboekenweek! En nu ben ik benieuwd:
Pin me hier niet op vast, maar volgens mij zijn dit ze allemaal
Keesje Kruimel, Hans Dijkhuis
Viermaal J en Janus, Hans Andreus
De blauwe boekanier, Tonke Dragt
Het kleinste sprookjesboek , Annie M. G. Schmidt, Mies Bouhuys, Eleanor Farjeon, Pieter de Zeeuw, Hans Christian Andersen en de Gebroeders Grimm[12]
Arthur en de lettervreter, Henk van Kerkwijk
2 is te veel, Henk Barnard
Ogen op steeltjes, Jan Wartena van Staatsbosbeheer
Het verdwenen plakboek,?Het Schrijverscollectief, bestaanden uit: Jan Riem, Ries Moonen, Arie Rampen, Fetze Pijlman, Hans Dorrestijn, Karel Eykman en Willem Wilmink
Wie je droomt ben je zelf, Paul Biegel
De tram is geel het gras is groen, Gertie Evenhuis
De klepel of de klok, Mies Bouhuys
Spook tussen spoken, Willem Wilmink (1980)
Je eigen tijd, Hans Dorrestijn, Alet Schouten en Willem Wilmink
Retourtje ver weg
Mijnheer van Dale en juffrouw Scholten, Kees Fens
Een tijdje later, Willem Wilmink en Paul Biegel
Houden beren echt van honing?, Midas Dekkers
De zaak Jan Steen, Karel Eykman
Die van hiernaast en van de overkant. Kinderen en boeken in Europa, Marja Baeten en Paul Arnoldussen
Duizend dingen achter deuren, Joke van Leeuwen
Het eiland daarginds, Paul Biegel
Jorrie en Snorrie, Annie M. G. Schmidt
Het wonder van Frieswijck, Thea Beckman
Het raadsel van de Regenboog, Jacques Vriens
Het weer en de tijd, Joke van Leeuwen
Fausto Koppie, Anke de Vries
Bombaaj!, Els Pelgrom
De huiveringwekkende mythe van Perseus, Imme Dros
LYC-DROP, Paul van Loon
Mijn avonturen door V. Swchwrm, Toon Tellegen
Bikkels, Carry Slee
Eiber!, Sjoerd Kuyper (2000)
Ik ben Polleke hoor!, Guus Kuijer
Boris en het woeste water, Rindert Kromhout
Het Zwanenmeer (maar dan anders), Francine Oomen
Swing, Paul Biegel
Wat rijmt er op puree?, Edward van de Vendel
Laika tussen de sterren , Bibi Dumon Tak
Kaloeha Dzong, Lydia Rood
Vlammen, Hans Hagen
De wraak van het spruitje, Jan Paul Schutten
Mees Kees - In de Gloria, Mirjam Oldenhave
Bert en Bart redden de wereld, Tjibbe Veldkamp
Het Akropolis Genootschap & De slag om bladzijde 37, Tosca Menten
Je bent super... Jan!, Harmen van Straaten
Zestig spiegels, Harm de Jonge
Per ongelukt!, Simon van der Geest
Oorlog en vriendschap, Dolf Verroen
Kattensoep, Janneke Schotveld
De eilandenruzie, Jozua Douglas
Haaientanden, Anna Woltz
De diamant van Banjarmasin, Arend van Dam (2020)
Tiril en de Toverdrank, Bette Westera
Waanzinnige boomhut verhalen, Andy Griffiths
Ravi en de Laatste Magie, Sanne Rooseboom
#nederblr#Kinderboekenweek#nederlands#dutch#kinderboekenweekgeschenken fascineren me#ik heb een hele stapel omdat mijn moeder een tijd in een boekhandel heeft gewerkt en ik heb eens geprobeerd ze allemaal te lezen#maar er zitten echt wat slechte tussen#en weinig zijn echt goed want het zijn zulke kleine boekjes#iig vgm heb ik er 19 gelezen en dat is vrij veel gok ik#ergens wil ik een bracket maken voor kinderboekenweekgeschenken maar ik gok dat de meeste mensen er maar zo’n 5 hebben gelezen#ik heb wel meningen#i made an original post#polls#part time booklr
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I'm apparently in charge of the page dedicated to Dutch children's author Jacques Vriens! Lol I'm honored
What if when we were born we were each assigned a Wikipedia page like a social security number would that be fucked up or what
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'Jacques' (20 x 15 cm, inkpen)
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Leesautobiografie deel 1
Welke boeken werden er thuis vroeger voorgelezen?
Bij mij thuis werden er toen ik nog een peuter was vooral prentenboeken voorgelezen. Het waren vooral dunne boekjes met veel prenten.
Een paar voorbeelden daarvan zijn: Rupsje nooitgenoeg van Eric Carle, Kleine muis zoekt een huis van Petr Horàcek, De gele ballon van Charlotte Demabus en natuurlijk vele Nijntje boeken. Het waren dus vrij simpele boeken. Ik denk dat dat het geheim achter een boek voor peuters is. Een dun boekje met veel prenten en een simpel verhaal zonder serieuze onderwerpen, is een goed boek voor de allerkleinsten. Dat vind ik tenminste.
Welke boeken werden er voorgelezen toen je op de basisschool zat?
De boeken die toen aan mij werden voorgelezen hadden minder prenten en waren dikker. Het ging meer over het verhaal zelf. Ook begon er humor in te komen doordat de personages ondeugend waren. Of ze beleefden een avontuur aan boord van een piratenschip. Zo'n avontuur speelde zich dan wel af in de fantasie van de personage. Het werd ook nooit eng of echt spannend, maar het was wel een avontuur.
Om het nog beter te begrijpen neem ik al voorbeeld het boek. De vrolijkste avonturen van Tommie en Lotje van Jacques Vriens. Dit boek was opgedeeld in tientallen korte verhaaltjes. Er staan nog wel prenten in maar niet veel en er staat best wel veel tekst op een bladzijde. Vergelijkbare boeken als Pluk van de Petteflet of Jip en Janneke van Annie M.G. Schmidt vielen bij mij ook wel in de smaak.
Welke boeken las vanaf het moment dat je zelf kon lezen?
In groep 3 leerde ik lezen maar toen waren het nog alleen maar de gebruikelijke ‘maan roos vis boekjes’ bestaande uit woorden van 3 of 4 letters. Er was nog geen sprake van een verhaallijn of iets dergelijks. Toen mijn moeder me het eerste deel van Harry Potter gaf, ontdekte ik pas dat lezen leuk kan zijn. Ik was toen 8 jaar oud.Ik heb in de 2 jaren daarna via verjaardagspartijtjes, Sinterklaas en dergelijke alle 7 delen gekocht/geleend. Daarna ben ik aan de Grijze Jager van John Flanagan gegaan maar bij nader inzien werd dat te duur. Toen is ons gezin lid geworden van de bieb. Daar heb ik tig boeken geleend die aan mijn smaak voldeden. Het waren meestal dezelfde soort boeken: Avonturenromans
Het ging mij vooral om het avontuurlijke deel en het maakte niet uit dat het een beetje romantisch was. Ik hou niet van die stukken maar ze waren te klein om storend voor mij te worden. Daarnaast hadden we ook op school een bieb. Het principe was simpel: Eens per week leende onze klas een boek. Dat boek mochten we dan tussen de lessen door lezen. Alleen de groepen 5-8 konden iets lenen. Als leesfanaat vond ik dit natuurlijk geweldig. Dat en feit dat ik bovengemiddeld slim voor mijn leeftijd was en dus op school veel tijd over had, zorgde ervoor dat ik redelijk veel boeken op school heb gelezen. Dat ik op school en thuis veel lees heeft er voor gezorgd dat ik al jaren geleden de tel ben kwijtgeraakt. Ik las daar titels als de Koning van katoren. Maar ook meer humoristische boeken als Dummie de Mummie van Tosca Menten en boeken van Roald Dahl. Kortom ik heb al vele boeken gelezen waarvan een groot deel een avontuurlijk aspect in zich heeft.
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Okay so my favorite authors were Carry Slee (teen angst and drama), Jacques Vriens (families or school classes) and Francine Oomen (hoe overleef ik series).
My favorite books were the bende van de korenwolf series, by jacques vriens, its a family that lives in a hotel and they get guests or have to fix the hotel or have to solve a mystery, really fun.
Also from him Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet, about a girl with leukemia in groep 8 (last year before high school) and her journey with it. The title means 8th graders don't cry but you WILL cry with this one. (There's also a movie)
From hoe overleef ik any book is fun but the first one probably best to start.
From Carry Slee I really loved the timboektoe series, a family moves to the middle of nowhere to start a camping, the kids are very annoyed at first but then start having adventures. (Also a movie)
Also from her there's Lover of Loser, Afblijven, Spijt, Hot or Not. Those are mostly about more serious topics like drugs or prostitution etc, with teenagers as main characters. (Some also have movies)
I also still use a recipe from one book, its called Alles Kookt Over by Anna Woltz and its about a bunch of siblings having to run a restaurant by themselves bc their parents aren't home. And in the back are recipes that are actually good 😂
Hopefully this was helpful and one of them seems fun!
This is absolutely wonderful 😍 Thank you so much, I'll take a sneak peak at these and see if any of them sparks a bit more extra joy than the rest!
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10, 11 and 14 😘
thank you!!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? I personally use ‘kut’ a LOT. like I think it might be my most-used swearword, together with ‘fuck’. it’s just short, it’s snappy, it really expresses how I feel about not-good things, I like how you can also use it to sympathise with people (like ‘oh man that really sucks’: ‘oh dat is echt kut man’) and it has the added bonus of not being a deadly disease that kills/has killed millions of people, unlike SOME swearwords in this language lmao
11. favourite native writer/poet? gonna really show at what age I stopped reading Dutch literature here but: probably Jacques Vriens? Which is primary school level lmao. I went to a signing of his once, as a full adult, and ironically still haven’t read the book he signed because it’s about a child who dies of cancer and I don’t do well with those stories sflhdlkghdfkl. I think I mostly like children’s authors? I do like Paul van Loon, Annie MG Schmidt, Thea Beckman, but it’s all just children’s novels because I mostly moved towards foreign literature very quickly (and completely switched to English by the time I was, oh idk, 14/15-ish)
Okay and maybe Arjen Lubach but I’ve only read a tiny bit of what he’s written. I tried reading proper Dutch literature as a teenager, absolutely hated it and just never looked back. I did try reading some popular novels and YA about 2 years ago when I worked at a library and could read it all for free but none of it ever really stuck with me.
Also I guess Rutger Bregman counts as a native writer? (he writes nonfiction about topics like universal basic income) I’ve read some of his stuff. I should probably dig deeper into older Dutch literature at some point, but also hhnnnnnggg I mostly have bad experiences with it ngl.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV? I don’t! I used to watch a grand total of one (1) show, Zondag met Lubach, but that one ended a few weeks ago. I will very occasionally watch a show if I happen to know it’s on (I do like Maestro, and sometimes watch De Slimste Mens), but generally speaking I don’t enjoy any Dutch media, full stop. My sense of humour doesn’t align with what seems to be the standard Dutch sense of humour (with the notable exception, again, of Arjen Lubach. rip zml), and I hate how a lot of it is obviously trying very hard - and failing, imo - to be funny. It just makes me cringe, mostly. Every time I’m forced to see a little bit of de Meilandjes I can feel part of my soul wither and die. I think what doesn’t help is that I grew up in an area with an accent/dialect, and also went to uni in an area with a different accent/dialect, both of which tend to be more, well, lyrical in their pronunciations. Most media is made in the Western part of the country, and to me that accent, the ‘standard’ Dutch accent, sounds very flat and unemotional and, quite frankly, fake. I can’t really take any of it properly seriously or get into any characters, so I end up never watching any fiction because to me it just looks very stilted and badly acted. And the reality shows, well. Hm. Some of the game shows on NPO1/2/3 are fun, but I stay really far away from some tv channels like SBS6.
ask me questions about my country!
#ask meme#lmaooo this whole ask thing is just going to be me complaining about my own country huh#I promise there's stuff that I like!!!#myunghjun
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5, 7, 9, 16, 27!!!
hi i'm not from the us // @svmmercmance
5. favourite song in your native language?
oh that's a tough one. it's a toss up between 'dat ben jij' and 'handgeschreven kus'. both are written and performed by o'g3ne.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
fun fact, i actually have a list of dutch words in my phone to remind myself that it can, in fact, be a beautiful language. (if you know me, you know i rag a lot on the dutch language as a whole ;P) my three favorite words are: hartendief, which loosely translated means heart thief, which means someone who's stolen your heart for a lack of better term, someone who holds your heart. navelstaren is another word i like. apparently it's a meditation technique. i always thought it had something to do with selfishness and/or being egocentric. gezellig is also a good word. i don't know if it's translatable because it can be applied to so many things: seeing your best friend after spending quite a lot of time apart, spending time with your family, going to the movies with your partner. it's cozy and friendly and comfortable and relaxing all at once.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
i've been to germany a couple of times; i've been to france a few times; i've gone to belgium, and to scotland once for my birthday. i would like to go to scotland again. but also ireland because a friend of our family went and she loved it a lot.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
i don't know if it's a stereotype per se but i heard that dutch people just... say what needs to be said. we don't talk in circles. we just say it. though i always try to be mindful, i've been known to do the same thing.
the one i hate the most is that we all smoke weed and do drugs. like, to each their own, but my lungs are already fucked so i'm not looking to fuck 'em up even more.
27. favourite national celebrity?
i grew up with the books of carrie slee, tonke dragt, francine oomen, jacques vriens and paul van loon. their books were such a big part of my childhood. they were such a staple. i always wanted to do what they did.
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los chicos cool no lloran Pelicula Online
### VER CLIC AQUI |✼✮☛ http://moviespanel.com/es/movie/115929/achtste-groepers-huilen-niet
### VER Colección de películas populares |✼✮☛ http://moviespanel.com/es
Alternativa Sitio web :
### VER CLIC AQUI |✼✮☛ https://filmzsae.com/movie/115929/achtste-groepers-huilen-niet.html
### VER Colección de películas populares |✼✮☛ https://filmzsae.com/
Lanzamiento: 2012-02-15
Duración: 105 minutos
Género: Romance, Drama, Familia
Estrellas: Hanna Obbeek, Nils Verkooijen, Fiona Livingston, Bram Flick, Amin Belyandouz
Director: Karen van Holst Pellekaan, Dennis Bots, Jacques Vriens
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Jacques Vriens - Achtste-groepers huilen niet Samen met wat andere meiden en @nikkileest dit boek gelezen. #samenlezenweachtstegroepershuilenniet #samenlezenisleuker #weekreadathon En dus nu uit. Had hem nog nooit eerder gelezen. Wat een mooi en heftig emotioneel boek. Echt heel goed hoe Vriens dit onderwerp bespreekbaar maakt. Zeker een aanrader. Ook om te le z en in de klas. @jacques_vriens #jacquesvriens #achtstegroepershuilenniet #geefmijmaareenboek #geefmijmaareenboek2017 #bookstagram #bookstagramnl #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammers #instabook #dutchbookstagrammer #dutchbookstagrammers #instaboek #dutchbookstagram #dutchbook #lezenisleuk #lezenisleuk📚 #boeken #boekenlezen #kinderboeken #kinderboek #kinderboekeninsta #kinderboekenlezenisleuk #boekeninsta #boekenlezenisleuk #boekisuit #jekannooitteveelboekenhebben #boekenoverkanker https://www.instagram.com/p/CP6S8YjrDZr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Dutch and Flemish Childrenʼs Media - Part 1: Books
Part 2: TV - Part 3: Studio 100 - Part 4: The Rest
When youʼre studying a language you often want to learn something about a corresponding culture as well, however, I have always had trouble finding resources on things meant for kids. Childrenʼs books are rarely mentioned in literature lists and nobody really wants to talk about the songs they listened to as a child.
This series will be dedicated to childrenʼs media in the Dutch language. Because of my own age most things I say will mainly be relevant for children born in the late nineties or early zeroes. (But thatʼs probably the biggest part of Tumblrʼs demographic anyway.) I have tried to include Dutch and Flemish media, but because Iʼm Dutch, the Dutch will most likely be over represented.
If you think I missed something, feel free to add it yourself or send me a message and I’ll edit this post.I have sorted this list by author.
For each author I shortly describe their genre and most well known book. Then I will mention 2-3 more books by them (probably ones I liked). The authors that I feel are exceptionally well known will get a * behind their name. An (f) behind a book means that the book has been made into a movie or series (or both). (No guarantees on the quality of the movie or series)
Thea Beckmann
Mostly known for her historical childrenʼs fiction. Her main characters are often young girls, but her best known book is Kruistocht in spijkerbroek(f)about a 17 year old boy who ends up going back in time to the childrenʼs crusade. Most of her books can be read from 8 years old.Other notable books are: The Geef me de ruimte trilogy (historical), The Kinderen van Moeder Aarde trilogy (dystopian) and Hasse Simonsdochter (historical).
Marc de Bel*
A very popular Flemish author of which I’ve unfortunately read nothing. I think either the Blinker(f) series about a boy who goes on adventures with his friends, or De Zusjes Kriegel(f) about triplets who cause a lot of mischief is his best known book. Other notable books are: Het ei van oom Trotter (contemporary fantasy) and Blauwe Snoepjes (realistic).
Dick Bruna*
Well known for his picture books in his characteristic drawing style. Most well known for the Nijntje(f) (Miffy) books about a young rabbit who does fairly daily stuff like going to the zoo or the sea. His books are mainly meant for toddlers.
Marianne Busser en Ron Schröder
They are a married couple writing picture books in rhyme. They are probably most well known for their Liselotje books about a young princess. Their books are meant for children slightly older than for the Nijntje books.Other notable books are: Pietertje Pet (picture books), the Muis en Egel series (picture books) and Koen en Lot (beginning readers).
Tonke Dragt*
Well known for her fantastical (weird) books. Most well known for De brief voor de Koning(f) a fantasy/adventure book a bit in the style of King Arthur myths. It tells the story of 16 year old Tiuri who just before he gets knighted gets a mysterious assignment of bringing a letter to the king of the neighbouring country. The book was voted best childrenʼs book of the past 50 years in 2005.Other notable books are: Ogen van Tijgers (science-fiction), De Zevensprong (f)(mystery) and Verhalen van tweelingbroers (adventure).
Paul van Loon
Writer of childrenʼs horror stories. Best known for the Dolfje Weerwolfje(f) series about an 8 year old boy who discovers heʼs a werewolf and adventures follow. Most of his books can be self read from as soon as children can read, though some might be a bit difficult at first.Other notable books are: De Griezelbus(f)(horror) and Foeksia de miniheks(f) (fantasy).
Mirjam Oldenhave
Basically only known for her Mees Kees(f)books about a school intern who due to a shortage in teachers (very real actually here) has to teach 10 year olds all on his own. His methods are unorthodox, but he does clearly care a lot for the kids. The narrator is the student Tobias whose father died and whose mum now struggles with depression.
Francine Oomen
Mostly known for the Hoe Overleef Ik series(f) following the teenager Rosa through puberty. The books discuss a lot, from moving to another town and divorcing parents to sexuality, drugs and teenage pregnancy.Other notable books are: Lena Lijstje (realistic) and De Computerheks(contemporary fantasy (actually I donʼt know how well known this is, but I really liked them)).
Annie M.G. Schmidt*
A writer of books for younger children (though she also wrote television and radio shows and songs for adults). The adults are usually pretty useless. I honestly canʼt decide her most well known book, because on the one hand we have Jip en Janneke about two neighbour kids who play together. And on the other hand we have Pluk van de Petteflet(f) about a young boy who (on his own) comes to live in an apartment complex and basically has to deal with multiple adults who want to destroy nature.Other notable books are: Floddertje (realistic), Minoes(f) (contemporary fantasy) and Otje(f) (realistic).
Carry Slee
On the one hand known for her books about teenagers dealing with heavy things like drugs and eating disorders, but has also written books for younger children. I would say that either Spijt!(f) about a boy who commits suicide after being extremely bullied or Afblijven(f) about a girl who starts to use drugs to become less self conscious is her most well known book.Other notable books are: De kinderen van de Grote Beer(realistic), Iris en Michiel(realistic) and Timboektoe(f)(realistic).
Jan Terlouw
An ex-politician who writes books that often contain a critique on society. Most well known for Oorlogswinter(f) about a 15 year old boy in the last winter of the Second World War. He gets involved in the resistance. Other notable books are: Koning van Katoren(f) (fantasy-like), Pjotr(historical) and Briefgeheim(f) (thriller).
Mark Tijsmans
Another Flemish author I haven’t read. Probably best known for his Wiet Waterlanders series about a boy who goes on adventures with his friends. Other notable books are: Het Geheim van te veel Torens (detective) and De Ridders van de Ronde Keukentafel (arthurian retelling).
Jacques Vriens
An ex primary school teacher who writes mostly books set in a school setting (but also a few historical novels) I am just going to say that his most well known book is Achtste groepers huilen niet(f) about a 12 year old girl that gets diagnosed with leukaemia. Other notable books are: Meester Jaap (funny/realistic), Oorlogsgeheimen(f)(WOII) and Tien Torens Diep(f) (historical).
I would also like to point out the existence of the Kinderboekenweek in the Netherlands. Every year in autumn, 10 days long thereʼs a focus on Dutch childrenʼs books (especially with a certain theme). Prices for the best Dutch childrenʼs book are awarded (de Gouden Griffel/Penseel by a professional jury and de Prijs van de Nederlands Kinderjury/Jonge Jury by popular vote). But, most importantly, if you buy for childrenʼs books for a total of more than €12.50 you get a free extra book. Het Kinderboekenweekgeschenk is every year written by a Dutch writer of Childrenʼs books and ties into the theme of the year.
#langblr#dutch#flemish#books#belgium#the netherlands#children's media#Vlaams#nederlands#I made an original post#part time langblr#other langblr's feel free to steal this idea for you own native language#(but please at least tag me if you're french or swedish)#next post will probably come up in the coming days#I basically finished all posts#I had more on the flemish authors#but tumblr deleted my post so I had to rewrite it#sorry#look I hate dutch literature#but dutch children's books are actually great#so now I pinned this post so that you can all see my great love for dutch children's books
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Mees Willemse en Lieke Bax winnen Nationale Voorleeswedstrijd Limburg 2019
Mees Willemse en Lieke Bax winnen Nationale Voorleeswedstrijd Limburg 2019
Mees Willemse en Lieke Bax winnen Nationale Voorleeswedstrijd Limburg 2019
Mees Willemse
8 april 2019 vonden in het Theater Hotel Oranjerie de nationale voorleeswedstrijden Limburg plaats.
Theaterhotel De Oranjerie
De jury dit jaar bestond uit Jacques Vriens, Lex Uiting, Marc Rodenburg en Elly Cuijpers.
De jury
Mees Willemse en Lieke Bax mogen zich met…
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Moon, if you please
(SORRY for my rediculously late reply, I was sleeping :’) )
Moon: A childhood book + your favourite line from it?
The first book that came to mind was a wonderful Dutch childrens book called “Achtste groepers huilen niet” by Jacques Vriens. But I can’t really find a good quote in it and it’s in Dutch so that wouldn’t work anyway.
My mother used to read me and my brother Winnie The Pooh stories when I was little. There are loads of wonderful quotes in there but this is one of my faves:
“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
also this one:
“You can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count.”
ask me one/some of these if ya like
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20 Questions Tag~
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better Tagged by: @waitinginthedarke (I didn’t notice that you tagged me at first but thanks^^)
Nicknames: Jihye, lasso, babyboo, bitch, kudora~chan (<-animie friends)
Zodiac sign: pieces
Height: 5.8 ft. (? Idk)
Orientation: Straight (i think not sure yet)
Nationality: Dutch
Favorite fruit: Right now, lemon.
Favorite season: It used to be winter but since we dont have snow here anymore (T_T) its now Summer.
Favorite book: oorlogsgeheimen - jacques vriens
Favorite flower: Cherry blossom, because they stand in front of my house and it looks pretty.
Favorite scent: The scent of roses (and a lot of other flowers)
Favorite color: blue/green(ish)
Favorite animal: turtle
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: DID YOU SAY COFFEE?! ice coffee in the summer (just wen its not to cold outside) hot chocolate in the winter (or when its cold outside)
Average amount of sleep: idk man that can be 8, that can be 7 but it can also be 6 depending on how interesting tumblr is. ;)
Cat or dog: Both, But i prefer a dog Favorite fictional character: A mermaid ^^
Number of blankets you sleep with: depends sometimes 2, sometimes none.
Dream trip: I don’t really have one? But Me and my friends have a “promise” (jokingly) that we would go to Spain, Korea and America together so i guess that counts.
Blog created: November 2016? I really don’t know
Number of followers: 22
I know I should tag followers but I’m going to tag blogs I’m following, some are following me so i guess that’s oke.^^<br> So i tag @texting-nct @thesammtimes @kpop-snaps-and-chats @jungblue @join-the-kpop-army @jungblue @omgxiuchen @lalisas-bitch @kpopreacting @smuttyfairy @sexonextdoor @soobadnoonecanstopher @bbreactions @midnightkpoptrash @incorrect-nct-quotes @ijustyehethatlotto @365-l @3kpop2jagi1 @kpop-text-messages @your-dreams-your-wish Thats it ^^
#20 questions tag#questions#tumblr keeps messing the post up#i hope this goes well#first the giff doesnt work now the tags aishh
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