#Jack dalton whump
dinosaurswant2rule · 1 month
For the whump prompt ask list:
🪷 breathless fear, wide eyes, terrified anticipation of what will happen next...
I have no idea when you asked this and I'm appalling at answering these for sure.
I also don't know if this was what you had in mind?
But after a huge cluster fuck mind blank and much thinking this is what I came up with
Jack was trapped in that tiny room. Well not trapped quite, he’d raced inside, desperate to escape the guards. He had been driven a bout of insanity and fear and his brain not quite functioning. When he had seen Mac’s body drop, something short circuited in his head,  he’d seen the hostages too, heard them screaming and then started shouting to get the guards attention and well it had worked. He had started to run, his lungs were still burning. His heart was pounding as he’d finally found a tiny place to be temporarily safe. Everything had stopped, the footsteps, the rain of bullets, the flying bits of the walls all coming at him. It had all stopped and he was not safe. 
He felt sick and ashamed, he’d seen his friend’s body drop and he’d run the other way. Dalton had no idea if the hostages had even made it. It had been a stupid, stupid plan, not even a plan, a half-baked, it was so stupid that it wasn’t even a scrap of an idea, half an idea. Nothing. Jack took a few deep breaths, spouting gibberish in his head would not help. He leaned back against the stone-cold wall and continued to breath in and out, long and slow, or at least as slow as he could manage. He realised at some point that he was shaking, he was frightened and cold. That was shock though, he knew that, difficult and scary events produced shock and that in turn produced side effects like shaking. Lack of food and sleep probably didn’t aid the whole shock thing, he knew that too. 
Finally his breathing improved and the pain in his chest improved, but the shaking didn’t stop. Now he had slowed down, he also realised that the noise of the outside was at full volume, he could hear guards, plenty of soldiers, lots of men with more weapons than he had all yelling and swearing in a variety of different languages. The level of cursing, in exhausted hysterical state he found himself smirking. Who knew there were so many different ways to say fuck? 
The rest is on HERE on AO3
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wolfnight360 · 5 months
hey y’all if anyone knows of any good csi nick stokes or Macgyver jack dalton whump fanfics let me know. big George eads fan and love any story where one of his characters is hurt and acting all big and tuff about it, or not so tuff I don’t care one way or another. Only asking cause I about 99% sure i’v already read them all. But never hurts to ask 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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finnarcher7 · 7 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis, Matilda "Matty" Webber, Wilt Bozer (MacGyver TV 2016) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Jack Dalton Whump (MacGyver TV 2016), Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump, Hurt Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Hurt Angus Macgyver (Macgyver TV 2016), Torture Summary:
Mac and Jack find themselves all tied up after a successful mission, thanks to the betrayal of an anonymous traitor at the Phoenix. Lots of Jack and Mac whump.
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MacGyver 2x9 CD Rom + Hoagie Foil
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mostlywhump · 1 year
The wildest ep of the Macgyver reboot
Sometimes I think fondly about Macgyver (2016) season 3 episode 13 Wilderness + Training + Survival....and how absolutely batshit this episode was. If the creators had decided to confidently maintain these chaos levels, I think the show would have been better and had a longer run in general (but that's just my opinion).
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Some random insane details that got fully brushed over but make me lose my mind every time:
Mac actively choosing to bring no emergency supplies out of pure god complex.
That time the bad guy leader tore Mac's beanie off and grabbed him by the hair sexual-style. Absolutely no other character has thought to grab Mac by the hair in the original show or the reboot like wtf
EDIT I've been reminded by some friendly reblogs that hair-pulling happens in a couple other episodes. Regardless, it cracks me up every single time. The guy seems to do it out of pure frustration and that is so funny to me.
Riley wearing acrylics into the wilderness
The bad guy just up and massacred his entire squad so he wouldn't have to share the money. Like he just shot them all in cold blood. That's some GOT shit.
Mac getting shot in the thigh from like two inches away and not having his entire femur shattered.
Riley and Bozer running into a clearing scattered with dead bodies?? With Mac bleeding out (?) in the middle?? No questions asked.
At least two of the bad guys were SEVERELY injured and they just got left to die in the absolute middle of nowhere after all that emphasis on how dangerous the wilderness is lmfao
Bozer being totally confused by the word yarrow implying that he did literally none of the reading.
That one guy who was blinded by burning poison oak and left to die in the woods
Mac doing math and science word problems outloud while a group of murdering criminals stare at him in confusion
Why did he have a random hillbilly friend in the mountains
Why did he suddenly have a pickup truck for the occasion
anyway i miss Macgyver and i wish it would come back RIP ok bye
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sun-ni-day · 9 months
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~~ I never got over those blue eyes ~~ ~~ I see them everywhere ~~ ~~ I miss those arms that held me ~~ ~~ When all the love was there ~~
MacGyver 5x05 Jack + Kinematics + Safe Cracker + MgKNO3 + GTO
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anguishmacgyver · 1 year
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letthewhumpbegin · 1 year
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MacGyver gets shot by Murdoc
Macgyver (2016) s2e15
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rosieblogstuff · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
“How about we worry about getting you patched up, first, buddy? Jack said. “Then maybe you can take a crack at ‘im after you’re able to hold yourself upright without support, huh? Your brain’s probably still all filled up with extra electricity and not thinking all right.”
“You can’t–” Mac paused as a tingling shiver ran through him. “You can’t get filled up with extra electricity. That's not a thing."
“Yeah, you sure about that? ‘Cause I know how it felt like when I played with electricity back in Shanghai and I don’t think I had nearly as much for as long.” Jack switched his firm gaze to Thronton as if determining his audience wasn’t receptive enough. “He needs a medic lookin’ at him asap, Patti.”
“I’m fine,” Mac tried, but his assertion was probably weakened by the involuntary shudder that shook through him. Thornton gave him an unamused look and waved over the tac team medic. Mac let out a huff. “I’m not the one who literally died,” he muttered. 
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impossiblepluto · 2 months
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dinosaurswant2rule · 5 months
This story was written for @lailuhhh originally
But I nabbed the April 8 prompts for @macgyvercairo
Collapse/Eclipse for it
Happy whumping!
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purrgilpawkins · 10 months
Needle + Thread
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Summary: Mac needs his wounds stitched up. Unfortunately for him, he and the team are in the middle of nowhere without painkillers. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver, Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Comfortember 2020 series Prompt: Campfire
Warnings: non detailed wound stitching
Notable tags: H/C, stab wound, field medicine, hurt Mac, caring Jack, caring Riley, Mac whump
The sound of the crackling fire was the only thing heard amongst the chirping crickets, the chattering of Riley’s teeth, and Mac’s ragged breathing. At least, it was all Jack could hear, which was a good thing for the most part.
They had to set up camp in the woods to lay low and wait for exfil. Unfortunately none of them were wearing appropriate attire to be camping during November, which left them all a little on the chilly side. Jack and Riley could handle it but they were both worried about Mac, who was currently bleeding out thanks to a gash on his belly when he decided it’d be a good idea to get into a knife fight with someone.
They’d started on building a small fire immediately and Jack was on a constant lookout in case anyone decided to bother checking out the smoke. Riley was doing her best to make sure Mac was warm and comfortable.
After doing another sweep of their makeshift campsite, Jack walked over to them and sat on the other side of Mac, “How you holdin’ up?”
Mac lifted his bloody hand from his wound and shook it, giving Jack a glare.
“Right. I guess you’re doin’ a little bad.”
Mac replaced his hand and groaned, “Understatement.”
“Well, good news,” Jack rummaged around in his jacket pocket, “I have a needle and thread here, so we could stitch you up real quick, if you want.”
“Why’d you pick up a needle and thread?” Riley piped up.
“You never know what weird shit Mac’s plans may call for. Good thing those terrorists were hiding out in an abandoned crafting supply store, huh?”
Mac groaned as he sat up to inspect the needle, “Yeah, I think I can do without the tetanus. Or the pain that comes with sewing up a wound with cotton.”
“Oh, I know not to use cotton, hoss. That’s why this thread is actually silk.” Jack showed Mac the end of the thread, a sticker that was labeled 99¢ with “SILK” just under the price.
“Whatever. Don’t want to do it.”
Jack frowned and turned to Riley, “What’s the ETA on exfil, Riles?”
Riley grabbed Jack’s wrist to look at his watch, “Two, maybe three hours.”
“Alright so it’s either extinguishing or risking tetanus and I’d rather take a risk than watch you bleed to death, hoss.”
“Okay, first,” Mac grunted, “it’s ‘exsanguination’, second, tetanus could just as easily kill me.”
“Yeah, but by the time you get it we’ll be back home and not in the middle of nowhere.”
“And that’s still if you get it,” Riley added.
Mac let out a long and pitiful groan, “Fine.”
“Besides, you’re more likely to get an infection.”
“Riley,” Jack whispered harshly, “why would say that after he just agreed to gettin’ patched up?”
“Come on, Jack, he already knows the dangers this might bring, right Mac?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Jack started to stick the thread through the needle while Riley helped Mac lay back down. After much trial and error, Riley eventually took the needle from Jack and stuck the thread in the first try.
“Need to bring your reading glasses next time?”
Jack fake laughed and took the needle back from her. He moved to Mac and started to lift up his shirt, “Now, you know this is gonna hurt like hell.”
Mac gave Jack a pleading look, “Let’s just get this over with.”
Jack sighed, having zero desire to hurt his kid, but knowing this’ll help in the long run, “Okay.” He positioned the needle under the gash and Mac squeezed his eyes shut before Jack pulled back, “Wait, hang on a sec. Hold this.” Jack handed the needle to Riley and started to unbuckle his pants.
“Don’t make it weird, dude. It’s just something for you to put in your mouth.” Jack stopped, Riley groaned, and Mac face-palmed.
“Way to make it weird, Jack.”
“Shut up! You know what I’m talkin’ about!” Jack angrily wrangled with his belt then handed it to Mac. He waited for Mac to fit it in his mouth and got the needle back in position when Mac gave him a thumbs up.
The needle pierced Mac’s skin and he inhaled sharply. Were the needle bigger than a sewing needle, the pain likely would’ve been worse. He briefly thought that this was nothing, it was something he could handle, but it pierced again and he couldn’t deny that it hurt.
He flinched at the next poke and Jack brought his free hand up to rest on the blond’s stomach. The delta gently brushed his thumb on Mac’s skin, hoping that his touch offered some kind of comfort when Mac flinched again. Riley took Mac’s hand in hers and didn’t protest when he squeezed it a little roughly. They both do their best to help Mac ride out the pain as Jack finished stitching him up.
The second Jack said “done”, Mac spat out the belt and goes to sit up but the hand still on his stomach prevented him from doing so.
“Whoa, hey, slow down there, hoss. This thread was designed to keep clothes together, not human skin.”
“As opposed to other kinds of skin?” Riley said. Jack gave her a look and she raised her hands in a shrug as Mac let out a quiet laugh.
“What I’m saying is, take it slow cause it’ll probably come apart real easy.” Jack removed his hand but Mac remained flat on his back.
“In that case,” Mac huffed, “I think I’m gonna sit here for a while.”
“Hey, you do what you gotta do, man. We gotcha.”
Riley moved to lay down beside Mac, hand still in his and Jack started to take off his jacket. The oldest agent placed it on the youngest, despite his protests, and laid down on the other side of him. “Don’t want you catchin’ a cold to go along with that possible infection.”
“It’s not even that cold.”
“Then why’re you shaking, Mac?” Riley asked.
Mac sighed and accepted his fate before leaning into Jack’s warmth and squeezing Riley’s hand.
The three basked in the comfort of each other’s presence as the fire continues to snap and pop. The woods are cold and uncomfortable and the youngest of them is suffering through a stinging pain in his side but there was no place he’d rather be than next to his family.
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finnarcher7 · 6 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis, Matilda "Matty" Webber, Wilt Bozer (MacGyver TV 2016) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Jack Dalton Whump (MacGyver TV 2016), Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump, Hurt Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Hurt Angus Macgyver (Macgyver TV 2016), Torture Summary:
Mac and Jack find themselves all tied up after a successful mission, thanks to the betrayal of an anonymous traitor at the Phoenix. Lots of Jack and Mac whump.
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MacGyver 2x15 Murdoc + Handcuffs
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paperxcrowns · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Original Characters, (the exfil team) Additional Tags: Buried Alive, Near Death Experiences, Claustrophobia, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump, this tag is going to become my best friend i think, Hurt/Comfort, Restraints, Hurt Angus Macgyver (Macgyver TV 2016), Worried Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Bad Parent James MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), its like. just barely alluded to. but its there and i DO need yall to know that, Whump, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, No beta we die like mne Summary:
He’s sinking back in, the mud refusing to relinquish its hold on him. A shudder runs up Mac’s spine as he drags himself out of the mud. Slowly, painfully, clawing at the earth trying to find a hold to use to free himself. Small roots and grass are ripped loose in his destructive wake of panic.
Finally, finally, Mac’s legs pull free from the mud and scrambles back from the unmarked grave.
The unmarked grave that almost became his.
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batnsonswrites · 1 year
For the drabbles: "You're burning up."
HO HO!!! Let’s seeee, how about good ol’ Mac and Jack. Definitely not a Drabble because I can’t write only 100 words to save my life. I think this is nearly 300 words lolll
“I’m fine, Jack, it’s nothing,” Mac lies, turning away from the doorway and hoping Jack hasn’t noticed the flush in his cheeks or the feverish look in his eyes. But he’s got no such luck. Jack is through the doorway and stepping in front of Mac in seconds.
“I know you’re lyin’ to me, Mac, would you just look at me for a sec?” Jack says firmly, an almost pleading tone to his voice, and Mac sighs. He looks up at Jack slowly, and he sees the way Jack’s brow furrows in a mix of concern and anger. “Mac… you look like shit, kid. You really expect me to let you go to work like this?” Jack says, raising one eyebrow and waving a hand at all of Mac to prove a point. But Mac is stubborn, and he hates the idea of Jack having driven all the way here to pick him up for work for nothing, so he sets his shoulders and looks away.
“I’m fine, Jack. Just a cold,” he sniffles, trying not to let Jack know just how much his body is aching. And then Jack steps closer and before Mac can even react, he’s pressing the back of his hand to Mac’s forehead. Jack instantly pulls away with a hiss.
“You’re burning up!” He accuses, and Mac knows he’s lost. Jack shakes his head and grabs Mac by the shoulders, maneuvering him towards the living room and kicking the front door closed behind them. “That’s it, I’m calling Maddie, you’re on bed rest today and I’m taking care of you. No arguments!!”
And honestly, Mac couldn’t even complain if he wanted to, because the second he sinks onto the couch, he’s out like a light.
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