#cairo day 2024
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macgyvercairo · 1 year ago
Hey, all! This is a hype post. Cairo Week is on its way! This is a chance to share a snippet of your projects in a reblog, cheer each other on in the comments, commiserate in the tags. We are so excited to see what you've got cooking!!!
And remember, if life is getting in the way of deadlines or your muse is taking a vacation, the deadlines are really more of guidelines, anyway. We will always take late submissions.
Happy creating, y'all! 💛
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strange-relics · 1 year ago
I'm trying my best to finish at least one fic for Cairo Day next month, and one scene involves needing to crack a safe, something I was trying to do in a way that was heavily improvised and very much on brand for our boy Mac.
Well I decided to bring it up to my grandfather (former EOD, named Jack) during our weekly coffee date today, and not only did he tell me exactly how to crack that safe (using explosives and a wine bottle, no less) he even sketched a diagram of the whole process for me.
Once again I am reminded why the show hits so close to home for me, whose irl nickname is Mac, and whose father-figure is named Jack. Role reversal with the EOD stuff, but this fic just became so, so special to me!
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improvidus · 11 months ago
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Cairo Day | "In Flight"
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h0ur-glass · 11 months ago
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I've been super busy lately but wanted to participate at least a little.
Swimming with the fishes prompt for Cairo day!
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rosieblogstuff · 7 months ago
Have a little flash fic for Cairo Day Reprise Day 2. This is excerpted from a longer WIP that I started in the spring. I would looove to finish more, but here's what we've got.
Original prompt was: Cairo Day 2024 Day 2: Crash Course
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gooseberryfox · 11 months ago
beans attempts cairo day ! chapter one is up now :)
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authorangelita · 11 months ago
"What's going on in here?" Riley asked as she walked into the mess that had become of Mac's living room. There were books strewn across every surface, loose printed pages all over the floor, three laptops all open to webpages about plants, and about twenty coffee mugs among the detritus. The TV was also playing a black-and-white monster movie.
Bozer, leaning against the partition that separated the kitchen from the foyer, nodded in greeting. Then, he turned his attention back to the whirlwind that was MacGyver. "Our boy is doing a crash course on lycanthropy. Including all the movie versions."
"He looks like he's about to crash," Riley said with a fair amount of concern.
Mac's clothes were coffee-stained and disheveled. His hair was sticking up in all directions, and his eyes had enough baggage for extra fees at the airport.
"He's been like this since they got back from Italy."
"That was three days ago!"
Read more at AO3
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purplecolouredglasses · 11 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Matilda "Matty" Webber, Russ Taylor, Gwen Hayes, Phoenix Team (MacGyver TV 2016) Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Possibly Pre-Slash, Friendship, Character Study, Cairo Day 2024 Summary:
"This is the file. Everything is in here,“ Patty says. Mac places his fingers on top of the bold „Eyes only,“ idly tracing the letters. His boss lets out a heavy sighs and leans back in the uncomfortable chair in the interrogation room she’s commanded for this off-the-records-talk.
“Do not, and I repeat, do not leave this room while you read this file. Once you’re finished, leave this room and look the door with the code I had you memorise.”
Mac's life has been controlled by shadowy outside forces since he was a child. When his past collides with his presence, Mac needs to decide whether keeping his secrets is worth the price of his and, by extension, Jack's future as well.
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finnarcher7 · 11 months ago
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So I know I’m super late to the Cairo week party, but I thought I could tie in one by expounding on something that is briefly touched on in the fic I’m writing
Swim with the Fishes
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macgyvercairo · 1 year ago
Here they are, your 2024 Cairo Day Prompts
This fandom knows what it likes. A few of the prompts that received the highest number of votes were also prompts used for previous Cairo Days.
So this year, each day will have three prompts for you to choose from. The highest voted prompts for both written and visual and one randomly selected written prompt.
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Day One: Monday, April 8th Collapse Eclipse
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Day Two: Tuesday April 9th Hidden Injury Crash Course
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Day Three: Wednesday, April 10th Polaroid Swim with the fishes
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Day Four: Thursday April 11th Jack Lives Midnight Rituals
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Day Five: Friday, April 12th Shot Locked In
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Day Six: Saturday April 13th In flight "Sh, sh, you're okay now."
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Day Seven: Sunday, April 14th (aka Cairo Day) IMPROVISE
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strange-relics · 9 months ago
Life sort of imploded right before Cairo Day started (and it still is insane, for the most part) so my time for creativity and writing kind of disappeared. But, I am determined to finish these fics, so here is a portion of the one I was writing for the fifth day/prompt, as a sort of accountability for me to continue writing it as I am able:
Two shots rang out in quick succession and Jack only barely registered the pain that suddenly sprang to life in his shoulder. His attention was focused solely on the way Mac's body had jerked
before the kid had tackled him and sent them both falling behind the nearest cover. "Mac!" he yelled. He turned, his eyes widening at the sight of blood on Jack's shirt, and any hurt Jack was feeling vanished as if it had never been there in the first place. The kid had so much blood flowing down his chest and side it was a miracle he wasn't unconscious. "Oh man, okay, hoss, just...just stay still for me, alright?" he said as Mac started to reach for the wound on Jack's shoulder, likely to put pressure on it.
His brow furrowed. "Why? You're bleeding, we need to get that stopped. Did you see where the shots came from?"
At this, it was Jack's turn to frown. Did Mac even realize he'd been shot? "How are you feeling, bud?"
"How am I-what does that have to do with anything?" Mac shook his head, breathing labored.
"A lot, trust me," Jack said, reaching for the wound that looked the worst, only to get his hand slapped away.
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sayruq · 10 months ago
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The Occupied Palestinian Territory is enveloped in a spiral of unstoppable violence, with stories Palestinians and other witnesses relay adding new depths to atrocities the world has witnessed since the beginning of Israel’s assault on Gaza over six months ago, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Francesca Albanese said today. “The pace and intensity with which this violence has spread to the rest of the occupied territory confirms that no Palestinian is safe under Israel’s unfettered control,” Albanese said, concluding a visit to Egypt and Jordan. The Special Rapporteur said Israel had once again arbitrarily denied her access to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, compelling her to report on the situation of Palestinians under occupation from neighbouring states. Albanese said her visit demonstrated that the situation in Gaza is worse than previously assessed, with serious and multi-layered long-term implications. Most victims she met had endured catastrophic injuries, witnessed family members killed and experienced the effects of Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s health infrastructure, even after 26 January 2024, when the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a ruling ordering Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza. Patients that previously arrived in Egypt primarily with explosive and war injury-related symptoms are now joined by patients with chronic diseases and/or malnutrition, especially children, arising from Israel’s intentional humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. “Photos from a mere eight months ago show a chubby-cheeked 8-year-old Hamid, now rake thin and spending his days in excruciating pain due to pancreatitis developed through the harsh conditions of the siege,” the Special Rapporteur said. “Those who have left Gaza come out fractured and wracked by ‘survivors’ guilt’ and severe trauma,” Albanese said. “Just 50 kilometers away from the Gaza Strip, crucial, life-sustaining aid and goods, including water desalination equipment, first aid kits, oxygen cylinders and portable toilets – paid for by taxpayers across the world – languish in warehouses, barred entry into Gaza on the pretext of use by combatants.” “Humanitarian measures implemented so far – airdrops and maritime corridors – are a mere palliative for what is desperately needed and legally due,” the expert said. “These measures are grossly inadequate to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe that Israel’s assault has created.” “At this point, Israel has reneged on its international obligations to a degree that warrants a call for sanctions,” Albanese said.
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apod · 2 months ago
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2024 December 21
A Year in Sunsets Image Credit & Copyright: Wael Omar
Explanation: A year in sunsets, from April 2023 to March 2024, track along the western horizon in these stacked panoramic views. The well-planed sequence is constructed of images recorded near the 21st day of the indicated month from the same location overlooking Cairo, Egypt. But for any location on planet Earth the yearly extreme northern (picture right) and southern limits of the setting Sun mark the solstice days. The word solstice is from Latin for "Sun" and "stand still". On the solstice date the seasonal drift of the Sun's daily path through the sky appears to pause and reverse direction in its annual celestial journey. Of course the Sun reaches a stand still on today's date. The 21 December 2024 solstice at 09:21 UTC is the moment of the Sun's southernmost declination, the start of astronomical winter in the north and summer in the south.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241221.html
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blueycarpenter · 5 months ago
little star
Ever since Cairo submitted her midterm assignment, things haven't been the same between you two.
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fandom: MILLER'S GIRL (2024) content: x reader a/n: i had posted this on a previous account, in case it looks familiar
Cairo hadn’t been herself lately. You two had talked for hours for the past couple of weeks. You had grown closer and more intimate with each other. Then, all of the sudden, everything changed.
Cairo wasn’t around anymore. She never called or wrote. It was ever since she turned in her midterm assignment for Mr. Miller that ties had been cut. Due to her tight deadlines, you two had agreed not to see each other until after she had finished the midterm, but it had been 3 days since the due date… She had been a ghost.
You called Winnie that morning—the dawn of the 4th day after. She explained the discord that had accumulated and how Cairo had taken the beating to heart. But she was the strongest person you had ever met. She couldn’t be broken.
Could she?
Winnie had said a lot of things. 
Cairo was emotional. Cairo was resentful. Cairo was heartbroken. Cairo was alive, at least.
No more alive than the works she’d create from a blinking cursor, the lead of a pencil, or the ink of a pen, though. She’d masterminded such beauty that reflected nothing but the world around her. Though when she had unlatched the door to let the monsters in, the rain poured and the lightning struck. 
You weren’t as talented a writer as she was, but who could be? Between those paragraphs of literacy and media was blood. It was a rich kind of blood that lured you to Cairo Sweet in the first place. It was reckless and mysterious, but you’d never felt more grounded before you laid eyes on her. Heard her speak… Learned her heart… And you missed that more than everything.
Was there Sweet to her name anymore? Or was there just Cairo? 
Winnie said Cairo had been alone. She said she had wanted to be alone.
But alone meant misery and displacement. Defeat and loneliness. Longing and torture. And Cairo didn’t deserve that. You didn’t care what she’d done or what she didn’t do. She was your north star. She shone brighter than anything you’d ever known, and therefore, nothing could ever change that.
So, you showed up to her house after that 6 AM phone call with Winnie Black. You needed to see her. Not just because you missed her more than anything, but because you couldn’t bear the thought of her discouraging her potential and honesty. Not in her wondrous existence.
Cairo didn’t fear anything, you’d learned, so you let yourself in and found her sitting in the darkness of her room, three cigarette butts on the floor and her journal open on the bed. Through the shadows, you found the top of her head over the other side of the bed. “Cairo?”
She didn’t move a muscle, but she did answer. “If you’ve come to talk, don’t bother. I’ve heard enough, and the sincerity I’ve expressed has been more than society is willing to tolerate. Honesty is feared by many. It’s tragic and hateful, yet it’s a quality that etiquette claims to be most valuable.” Then, she managed a wry scoff. “Hypocrites.” 
“Cairo, I don’t care what happened,” you replied. “I haven’t heard from you in days. I just missed you, and I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
She actually gave a laugh this time. “Aren’t I?”
As convincing as she may seem to other people, you had learned her better than most, because you had to figure her out the hard way, through phone calls and communication of words, not expressions. You didn’t have to see her face to determine how she truly felt. You could hear it. Dare you say, you could feel it. 
There was a tear in her voice as she spoke. And it led you rounding the bed to find her knees up, while she stared at the wall ahead. Those beautiful eyes were slow, like shards of obsidian as they raised to meet yours without a blink.
You dropped to your knees and pulled her into a hug. She didn’t reciprocate, but you held her for everything you were worth. You rested your cheek against her head, your fingers gently pulling the small tangles from her hair and your other hand corralling her back, clutching her shirt like she was going to disappear into the darkness. “Cairo, listen to me…” you whispered. Her warm breath filtered through your shirt. “I don’t care what anyone says. About you… About me… About anything… You are the greatest soul anyone could ever dream of having in their school, in their class, in their life, in anything.”
A warm, damp feeling found its way to your collarbone, and you knew it was tears. And all of the sudden, her weight was recognizable against your embrace. She felt so small in your arms that didn’t even hold all of her. It was the first time you realized just how petite she was for an 18 year-old girl with an extraordinary personality. “You know, to me… you’re above everything in this world. I’ve only seen people wander the earth, dreaming of what it’d be like to fly, but you… you fly, Cairo. You’re that star in the sky everyone dreams of being.” Your chest ached from how serious those words coming from your heart were. You then lifted your head to place a loving kiss to hers, because just holding her wasn’t enough anymore. 
Cairo sniffled, but didn’t say anything. However, she had managed to unbend her legs to hold you against her. And when you gently pulled away to have her look up at you and you, down at her, the wet streaks against her cheeks shimmered in the halflight.
You wiped them away and gave her a small smile. “Beautiful…” You kissed her forehead. “Magical…” You kissed her cheek. “Wonderful, you are.” The next place you were dying to heal with your lips caught your eyes, though it was merely small motions of your irises. Instead, you brushed her hair aside and pressed your foreheads together. Her eyes shut and for a moment, she looked peaceful as you finished with, “Yes, you are…”
She opened her eyes, now only tainted with a thin gloss. But then she managed the smallest, sweetest smile you’d ever seen. Her Cairo Sweet smile. “Thank you,” she said, her voice only a little above a whisper, mostly steady but with the slightest crack.
“It’s true,” you whispered back. Seeing her small smile was enough for you to give her your own, though yours was out of admiration, pride, and love. She truly was a star. 
She was your little star.
Then, her smile faded and she glanced away. It was almost shy, which surprised you. “Y/N?” Her voice grew a little stronger.
“Mm-hmm?” Whatever she wanted was hers.
“Kiss me.”
There was no hesitation as you granted her wish. Little did she know though, it was your wish too. You had wished upon a star, because that was the old saying. Wishing on a star was a chance that didn’t come often, especially when that one star was a shooting star. Yet, it hadn’t passed you up, and there was no way in hell you were going to pass it up.
Cairo’s lips were soft, but you could tell there were stories imprinted on them. They weren’t ex-stories, per se, but they were mysteries that you wondered how hard they would be to solve. How many pages would you have to read to uncover them? How much would she have to write to reveal them?
Only time would tell. But every journey starts somewhere.
And the best had a star to guide them.
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guoman · 9 months ago
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Wen Qi for Shang Cheng Shi June 2024 Photography: Yin Chang Styling: Xi Duo
The 16th edition of Shang Cheng Shi's On The Road series takes actress Wen Qi to Cairo, Egypt. "Standing in front of the massive rock formations, it was as if I was being scrutinized by giants," was how she described her first day of shooting feelings.
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kellyvela · 1 month ago
Sophie's Hon Vol. VIII One Year Anniversary Edition 🎂
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!! In time to celebrate one year since I started this series ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
So let's see what the lovebirds have been up to lately!!!
Before starting this recap, it's worth to mention that Sophie Turner is legally and oficially single again.
Indeed, on Friday September 6th 2024, a Florida court declared Sophie's marriage dissolved.
Red Cockscombs & Pink Calla Lillies 🌹🌸
On Sunday September 15th 2024, Sophie posted this instagram story captioned with a red heart emoji ❤️
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In the story we can see a flower bouquet and a card that reads "I Love You So Much"
In the bouquet we can see red cockscombs (love & affection) and pink calla lillies (appreaciation & admiration).
When I saw this story, the red heart emoji, the meaning of the flowers, and the message on the card made me think it might be a gift from Perry.
And a couple of hours later, my suspicion might have been confirmed with Sophie's post on her grid . . . .
On Sunday September 15th 2024, Sophie posted a carousel on her instagram grid featuring several photos of Perry and/or Perry related.
The post was captioned with a sun emoji 🌞 and accompanied by The Zombies song "Time of the Season"
It's the time of the season When love runs high In this time, give it to me easy And let me try with pleasured hands To take you in the sun to promised lands To show you every one It's the time of the season for loving —The Zombies
The carousel basically summarizes Sophie's Summer of Love with Perry and their close friends, but for the first time she posted pictures that she took of her boyfriend alone.
Here we can see Perry at Estelle Manor:
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Here we can see that Sophie got her wish to go to the beach the past Summer!!!
“I would like to go to the beach at some point, but right now I’m working in London and it’s basically pissing it down with rain every day,” said Turner, who was headed back to London right after the event. “So I don’t really feel like I’m getting much of a summer, but I’m hoping to do a few more barbecues, maybe go to the beach soon.” —WWD
And next to her, we can see some limb of Perry lol 👣
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Another unknown limb next to the backgammon board??? Probably Perry 👋:
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Here we can see Perry bathed in the sunset light at the Wilderness Festival:
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It was the time of the season for loving indeed!!! 🌞💕
On Septermber 19th 2024 Sophie attended the Launch of her new ITV series 💎 Joan 💎, at Jack Solomons Club in London.
Perry accompanied Sophie to the event, supporting her during her big night ❤️
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On Friday October 25th 2024, Sophie and Perry dressed as Neo & Trinity from The Matrix to attend a Halloween party:
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It was a great choice for a couple costume 💊
Sophie's friends Tabby, Taura & Ellie W. were also at the party.
On Sunday October 27th 2024, the day of Perry's 30th Birtday, Sophie posted a sweet tribute to her Hon with twelve photos of them together during their first year as a couple 💕
The post was captioned with "Happy Birthday my angel pie 🍰 🎉 30, flirty and thriving 🎈" and accompanied by Goldford's song "Orange Blossoms."
The caption is a reference to the movie "13 going 30", as you can see in this gifset.
And "Orange Blossoms" is a song that I first listened when Sophie posted it on her instagram stories on December 12th 2023, and since that moment, I knew it was their song!!!  [See here; here & here]
Now, to the pictures!!!
Oh my God! When I first saw this photo of them kissing in that romantic pose, him in a tuxedo, the pyramids of Giza in the background, etc., I immediately thought I was looking at some poster or scene from a James Bond movie.
Now, I can tell you that this pic was taken during Perry's 30th Birthday Party in Cairo, Egypt:
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I would love to know more details about this lush party ✨
Back in London, a little bird told me there may have been a more intimate celebration with Perry's family and Sophie ❤️
Here they are also in Egypt, sat together touching heads, with the River Nile in the background bathed in the sunrise light . . . . This photo can't be more romantic!
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Egypt is a special place for Sophie and her family. During a Dark Phoenix promotional interview, when asked "What was your brightest holiday memory?" She said: "I used to go to Egypt a lot with my family. I love Egypt." And now she also shares Egypt memories with Perry 💕
Also, I think Perry's 30th Birthday Party in Cairo was planned months in advance, because when Sophie was filming the Hugo Spritz campaign in Côte d'Azur mid June, she was asked about her "Next destination?" and she answered: "Cairo, baby."
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3. Him
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This is a classic "boyfriend taken by his girlfriend" candid photo ❤️
And if you haven't noticed yet, check out how their styles are mirroring each other: black Ray-Bans and tan Polo Ralph Lauren corduroy jackets!
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When Sophie was filming her upcoming psychological thriller movie 'Trust' in Mexico, Perry visited her for about a week, and they were doing a lot of turist activities, like flying in a hot air balloon over the Teotihuacán Pyramids, near Mexico City:
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Sophie posted this instagram story with the view she had from the hot air balloon:
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Another photo from Mexico. Here the lovebirds are sat on one of the colorful "trajineras" in one of the Xochimilco canals:
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In the middle of a crowd, bathed in red light, music blaring, the lovers kiss 💋
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On January 29th 2024, Sophie posted some photos of them skiing in Meribel together with a couple of Perry's friends. Those were "group friendly" photos, but for his birthday, Sophie chose a photo of them alone hugging in the middle of the snow ❤️
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Find someone who looks at you the way these two are looking at each other under the Regent Street's beautiful Christmas lights in London 💕
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That's some sexy little black dress, Sophie! But please explain why are you tying a pink ribbon around your man's neck?
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Here are the lovebirds again, matching in green and earthy tones, looking lovingly at each other:
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This is a familiar sight by now:
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The decoration with cobweb, the lovebirds in costume, and Sophie's long hair, makes me think that this photo is from a 2023 Halloween party:
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I would love to know what they are dressed as? They look hot 🔥
Sophie and Perry trying unsuccessfully to FaceTime Tabby Doherty and making sad faces ☹️ ☹️
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Sophie deleted this photo from the carousel since she accidentally posted Tabby's phone number . . . . Opps!
Being in love is very distracting lol
It was a lovely set of photos, testament of Sophie's new chapter in her life. They look truly happy together 💕
On October 30th 2024 Sophie was announced as the recipient of the performance award for the UK Harper’s Bazaar Women Of The Year Awards 2024.
Lydia Slater, editor in chief, interviewed Sophie for this edition. At the end of the interview she asked Sophie about Perry:
Still, there is no doubt that she has moved on, both professionally and personally. Since the end of last year, she has been dating Peregrine Pearson, who is in line to become the 5th Viscount of Cowdray. “We’re very happy,” she says, blushing, when I ask how it’s going. “It came around very quickly. I just needed to go on a date to know how to do it again. That was the first date and the last date, and it’s been great.” What’s he like? “He’s lovely. He’s funny, and he brings out the cheeky side of me, the fun side. He lights me back up.” It will be thrilling for us all to see how brightly Sophie Turner can shine. —Harper's Bazaar
The "she says, blushing" got me blushing (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
BYE BYE 2024
On January 6th 2025, Sophie posted a carousel recap of 2024. The post was captioned "Bye bye 2024 - A pic a month."
The new pics fearturing/related to Perry are the following:
Here we can see Sophie performing for a small audience of friends/family. She is singing Mazzy Star's song "Fade Into You" while trying some sexy/acrobatic moves.
Bless Perry who was ready to hold her in case she fell, lol
He really brings out the cheeky fun side of her!
Here we can see Sophie wrapped around Perry, while snapping a selfie in a bathroom's mirror:
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This is another familiar sight now:
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Ahhh the perks of having a very tall boyfriend . . . . So you can climb him!
Here we can see Sophie happily posing in front of the Ramessid columns in the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III in Medinet Habu, Egypt:
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This picture was taken during the trip to Egypt for Perry's 30th Bithday Party.
Here's a photo of Sophie taken by Perry (you can see his leg there), while she was sleeping in the fetal position, somewhere on a beach location:
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As Tabby's comment on this post says: "If sexy and cute had a baby, it would be you."
They are two cheeky fun lovebirds, indeed!
I'm glad Sophie got to go to the beach one more time to end the year. And maybe she even welcomed the New Year on the beach, since her instagram story from January 8th 2025, mimicking Macaulay Culkin at Raw on Netflix on January 6th 2025, looks to be recorded on a beach location, with those white windows, her wet hair and tan skin (also, I'm pretty sure she's wearing Perry's black cap).
This story can also be an answer to all those stupid comments about her daughters on her 2024 recap post. In the video this is the exact moment when one commentator says that "Kate McCallister (Kevin's mom in Home Alone) is the worst mom of all time:"
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Well, Sophie seems not bothered at all by that! As she should!
Or maybe I'm reding too much into this story and she just wanted to say: “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal" to some unknown addressee ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, boy! This was a fun post to write, full of happy and fun images. I wish for an even more happy and fun 2025 for our cheeky lovebirds and for us all 💕
You can read the previous editions here: Vol VII - Vol VI - Vol. V - Vol. IV (Appendix) - Vol. IV - Vol. III - Vol. II - Vol. I
Until the next report 👋
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