#Jack Link&039;s
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britishhiphop · 2 months ago
Habitat 617 - Another Season EP [Audio]
East Midlands MC Habitat 617 the original King of Killa Bars, the Killa Tapes rap competition, brings you his Another Season EP featuring the four previously released singles. This is a combined Killa Tapes Music and Boom Bap Professionals release and is available on cassette tape. It’s a banger and an EP not to be missed with production from DJ Fever and Gob Hoblin, the release also features…
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gaming-grounds-de · 4 years ago
FNC zieht großes Los: Siebenstelliger Werbe-Deal
#Esport und #Wirtschaft Die führende Beef Jerky-Marke #JackLinks kooperiert mit #Fnatic und setzt verstärkt auf Gamer als Zielgruppe:
Jack Link’s, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Protein-Snacks und der weltweit größte Hersteller von Fleischsnacks, steigt mit einem siebenstelligen Werbe-Deal in die Welt des E-Sports ein. Die Investition ergänzt die laufenden Spendings im Digital-Marketing des Unternehmens, heißt es in der zugehörigen Pressemitteilung. In Deutschland ist Jack Link’s vor allem mit der bekannten Marke Bifi…
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fwacata · 7 years ago
LAUNCHED! Tommy Volume. 2 “Guess what's in my POCKET” Kickstarter is live!
LAUNCHED! Tommy Volume. 2 “Guess what’s in my POCKET” Kickstarter is live!
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LAUNCHED! Tommy Volume. 2 Guess what’s in my POCKET Kickstarter is live! Produced by @creatureentertainmentllc and created by @johnulloa1 and myself, Vol.1 saw the rise of Jack in Tommy’s world and after its whirlwind ending, we were left hanging with what came next! Here comes SUZY! Read more by hitting the link on my profile and read the first pages! This is your best bet to get the whole…
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seachranaidhe · 5 years ago
A short documentary 'Brexit raises concerns about new violence in the North of Ireland'
A short documentary ‘Brexit raises concerns about new violence in the North of Ireland’
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Marisa McGlinchey
Aired this week on Swedish TV’s Channel 4 (in English), featuring interviews with Monica McWilliams, Jack Duffin and myself Marisa McGlinchey.
Follow these links to find out more: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217862278221477&id=1618791835&ref=bookmarks
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THE other 45 minute documentary on Brexit, Republicanism, the Border, the Orange Order, and Loyalism, also…
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naschkater-com · 5 years ago
Snacken ist wie naschen etwas für zwischendurch – nur salzig. Und weil der Verbraucher immer mehr darauf achtet, gesund zu snacken, rücken erwünschte bzw. unerwünschte Zutaten in den Fokus der Lebensmittelindustrie. Nicht erwünscht ist Fett, deshalb sucht man nach Produkten mit niedrigem Fettanteil. Erwünscht sind Eiweiße oder Proteine – sie gelten als das Nonplusultra im Snackwesen, weil ihnen viele Vorzüge zugeschrieben werden: So hilft proteinreiche Nahrung beim Aufbau von Muskeln. Und bei der Verwertung von Protein verbraucht der Körper sogar Energie, Proteine machen außerdem lange satt.
Proteine stecken zum Beispiel in Hülsenfrüchten, aber auch in Fleisch. Für beide Zutaten gibt es passende Lieferanten, Produkte und Kundengruppen. In diesem Beitrag soll es um Snacks aus Fleisch gehen, an anderer Stelle betrachte ich Linsenchips und dergleichen. Die Konsumenten von Fleisch-Snacks sind tendenziell Sportler und Outdoor-Freunde, aber auch Berufskraftfahrer,  die diesen unkomplizierten, deftigen Proviant nutzen. Dass sich jemand vor dem Fernseher einen Fleisch-Snack genehmigt, ist wohl eher unwahrscheinlich…
Der deutsche Fleisch-Snack-Klassiker ist Bifi
Das klassische Bifi gibt es schon seit den 1970er Jahren und beherrschte lange den deutschen Snack-Wurst-Markt. Es besteht – anders als der Name vermuten lässt – aus Schweinefleisch und hat einen hohen Fettanteil. 2018 gab das neue Mutterunternehmen Jack Link’s, das in den USA vor allem getrocknetes Fleisch (“Beef Jerky“) verkauft, eine neue Sorte “Bifi Beef” aus Rindfleisch auf den Markt.
In Österreich und Italien lieben sie Cabanossi und Peperoni
Cabanossi oder Peperoni sind als Dauerwürste ohne Kühlung lange haltbar und gehörten deshalb schon immer zum Proviant auf Schiffen. Vielleicht kommt auch daher ihr Name, denn “cabaña” heißt Hütte auf Spanisch – vielleicht spielt das auf die Schutzhütte einer Schiffsbesatzung und ihre Vorräte an…? Jedenfalls bestehen Cabanossi seit jeher aus länglichen, schnittfesten Rohwürsten aus Schwein- und/oder Rindfleisch mit Speckwürfeln. Sie haben eine rötliche Farbe und sind oft pikant gewürzt mit Paprika, Pfeffer und Knoblauch. Es gibt sie auch als Käse-Variante, dann ist sie noch fetter, so um die 40% Fett auf 100 Gramm! Die Österreicher nehmen sie gern mit auf die Wanderung und oder knabbern sie bei einer “Jause” oder “Brotzeit” auf der Almhütte.
Trockenfleisch “Beef Jerky” ist in USA beliebt
Der größte Unterschied zwischen einem Bifi und einem “Beef Jerky”-Snack ist der unterschiedliche Feuchtigkeitsgehalt. Während die Snacksalami kaum getrocknet ist, ist Beef Jerky normalerweise stark getrocknet und dadurch leicht und zäh. Hier in Europa hat sich Beef Jerky bisher nicht großflächig durchgesetzt – man findet vereinzelt Packungen in Supermärkten, es scheint aber kein großer Renner zu sein. Auch bei den zugesetzten Aromen ist man hierzulande zurückhaltend – neben “Original” gibt es “Teriyaki” und “Sweet & Hot“, was stark nach Barbecue klingt.
Moderne, trendige Produkte wie die Snackwürste von “Berwork” oder eben Bifi “Beef” werden aus Rindfleisch hergestellt. Sogar die Zutat Hirschfleisch habe ich beim Riegel von “Die Kraft des Urstromtals” gesehen (leider hat die Firma nur bis 2017 existiert). Damit entgehen diese Hersteller dem negativen Image des Schweinefleischs und sind auch für religiöse Minderheiten problemlos konsumierbar.
Aus Polen kommt der “Meat & More”-Riegel nach Deutschland, in dem sich neben Schweinefleisch auch diverse Körner finden, nämlich Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne, Kürbskerne und Buchweizenkleie. Das macht das Mundgefühl allerdings noch ein bisschen seltsamer. Im Grunde eine gute Idee für zwischendurch, aber irgendwie auch ein komischer Zwitter zwischen Bifi und Müsli. Ob sich dieses Snackriegel durchsetzt – ich bin mir noch unsicher…
Hier ein paar Beispiele für fleischige Snacks mit viel und wenig Fett
Auch bei der Herstellung einer Mini-Salami geht bei der Reifung Wasser verloren, weshalb für 100 Gramm Mini Salami 150 Gramm Fleisch aufgewendet werden müssen. In diesem Fall 125 Gramm SChweinefleisch und 25 Gramm Rindfleisch. Am Ende stecken sage und schreibe 40 Gramm Fett in 100 Gramm dieses Produktes. Das ist schon viel für einen Snack zwischendurch! Dafür sind es nur 1 Gramm Zucker/Kohlenhydrate pro 100 Gramm Mini-Salami.
Bifis Beef-Produkt von Jack Links besteht zwar aus Rindfleisch, aber es sind krasse 43% Fett je 100% Gramm enthalten – das ist fast die Hälfte!
Nur 4 Gramm Fett je 100 Gramm bringt dieses Beef Jerky von Lidl mit Sweet Chili-Geschmack auf die Waage. Weil es sich um getrocknes Rindfleisch (Beef!) handelt, wiegt die gesamte Tüte nur 32,5 Gramm. Dafür kostet sie aber auch nur 1,99 Euro.
Berwork Snackwurst aus Rindfleisch mit nur 5% Fett.
Snack Factory Meat+More Proteinriegel aus Schweinefleisch mit Körnern herzhaft mild mit Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkernen, Kürbiskernen und Buchweizenkleie.
Snack Factory Meat+More Proteinriegel aus Schweinefleisch mit Körnern herzhaft mild mit Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkernen, Kürbiskernen und Buchweizenkleie.
Diese Knabbersalami aus Schweinefleisch von Aoste hat einen sagenhaften Fettgehalt von 44% pro 100 Gramm!
Aoste Stickado Pikanto Salami-Sticks
Aoste Stickado Hähnchen Salami-Sticks
Kabanossi sind vor allem in Österreich als Jausensnack stark verbreitet. Im Grunde sind sie unserem Bifi Minisalami vergleichbar, weil sie normalerweise aus Schweinefleisch hergestellt werden und einen hohen Fettgehalt haben – diese Käse-Kabanossi von Lidl sogar 37%.
Die Kraft des Urstromtals war einmal: Diesen Riegel aus Hirschfleisch und Pistazien, gewürzt mit Cayennepfeffer, gibt es leider nicht mehr im Handel, denn das Berliner Unternehmen ist leider pleite.
Beef Jerky & Co: Fleisch-Snacks sind im Trend Snacken ist wie naschen etwas für zwischendurch - nur salzig. Und weil der Verbraucher immer mehr darauf achtet, gesund zu snacken, rücken erwünschte bzw.
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dgf2099 · 7 years ago
The Driver Suit Blog-Paint Scheme Grades-June 16, 2018
The Driver Suit Blog-Paint Scheme Grades-June 16, 2018
By David G. Firestone
Austin Dillon #3 Dow Salutes Veterans Chevy Camaro-The silver works very well, and the patriotic motif is not over done, and looks quite good. This is a great scheme. A
DJ Kennington #7 APC Chevy Camaro-Decent color scheme, but the cutting edge design is over done.  If it was toned down, it would be much better.  Still, it’s not horrible, so I’ll give it a B-.
Ross Chastain…
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linktothecast · 7 years ago
LTTC Presents: The Popcorn Social Episode 1
Roll up, roll up for the debut of our new monthly movie podcast The Popcorn Social! Join hosts Dave Ryan ( http://twitter.com/daveryaniv ) and Jack Layzell ( http://twitter.com/JackLayzell )for a bumper pilot as they chat about what they have seen lately, and run down some of their personal highlights and lowlights of 2017. Of course, spoilers abound from the off, so be wary, but enjoy!…
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city0fflowers · 7 years ago
Review: Mallen - This Dream EP.
Review: Mallen – This Dream EP.
West Midlands rockers Mallen are back with their second studio EP ‘This Dream’ which was released earlier this week through Gauge 11.  Promising huge vocals, strong riffs and crushing grooves, Mallen certainly return with a great EP. You can give a listen to The Otherside,  through Youtube now here.
Mallen has a great vocalist in Kelly Jane. A powerful vocal that drives these tracks throughout…
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whitedragongolf · 8 years ago
Memorial Tournament. Jason Dufner Flying High.
Memorial Tournament. Jason Dufner Flying High.
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Jason Dufner is flying high at the top of the Memorial Tournament leaderboard at Muirfield Village, and will take a five hot lead into the week-end. Jason / getty Jason shot another -7 under 65 in the second round of the Memorial Tournament at Jack’s Place, to sit comfortably on top of the leaderboard at -14 under par, with better putting; “When you’re not holing putts, it puts more pressure on…
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newssplashy · 6 years ago
Tech: 10 things in tech you need to know today
Facebook's ex-CSO warned of a repeat in Russian interference, Zoost ousted its CEO, and Iran's fake news push reached Google and Twitter.
Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Thursday.
1. Facebook's former security chief Alex Stamos warned that "it's too late to protect the 2018 elections" from meddling. Stamos was in charge of Facebook's response to Russian hacking and meddling during the 2016 election, and he says it now risks happening again.
2. Apple banned Facebook's security app Onavo Protect that also reports back on which apps people are using. Apple determined that the app violated its new rules on data collection, and it has now been removed from the App Store.
3. The $3.2 billion self-driving car company Zoox has ousted its CEO. CEO and founder Tim Kentley-Klay says that he was ousted "without a warning" because "the board chose a path of fear."
4. Facebook has suspended 400 apps as part of its investigation into developer data. Facebook launched the investigation in March after the Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal.
5. Facebook is warning 4 million users that another app may have mishandled their data. It took action against "myPersonality" after the developers failed to submit to the Facebook app auditing process.
6. Iran's fake news push was much bigger than Facebook, and spread to Twitter and Google. A report from cybersecurity firm FireEye revealed fake accounts and information on Google+ and YouTube.
7. Uber will pay $1.9 million to former and current employees claiming sexual harassment. The ride-hailing company will pay an average settlement of just under $34,000 each to 56 current and former employees claiming sexual harassment.
8. Reddit users shared thousands of links from fake Iranian news sites which were exposed as misinformation. The links came from six sites exposed by security firm FireEye as hoaxes, rather than the genuine British and American news sites they appeared to be.
9. One of Facebook's key dealmakers is leaving the company to be with his family in Hawaii. Facebook VP of Partnerships Dan Rose says he is leaving the company early next year.
10. It sounds like Jack Dorsey wants to massively change how you follow people on Twitter. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Jack Dorsey addressed the issue of bias on Twitter, and suggested that one fix would be to "break" the way people follow specific accounts and hinted instead that people would follow broader general topics.
Have an Amazon Alexa device? Now you can hear 10 Things in Tech each morning. Just search for "Business Insider" in your Alexa's flash briefing settings.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/tech-10-things-in-tech-you-need-to-know_23.html
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seachranaidhe · 7 years ago
Sectarianism can never be treated if not properly diagnosed.
WE CAN be reasonably sure that the muted cacophony of outrage following the intimidation of four Catholic families on the Ravenhill Road did not reach the Midland Hotel in Manchester and that the DUP did not raise the issue with their Tory friends when they addressed that conference.  There are many reasons why sectarianism endures and festers uniquely and unchecked in the Northern State. But…
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#(October 9) Mr Jack Duffin#And that only makes the problem worse#And the sense of siege felt by the land thieves who came over here from England and Scotland 400 years ago has been mischievously kept alive#and there is no propensity for it as he claims#And Tom refers to the schools#And Tom&039;s contention that republicans show disdain for Orange culture and overreact to every parade is manifestly untrue#And yet when I started to read Tom Kelly#assessment and comprehensive analysis#at long last the origins and remedy for this cancer that the British introduced into our country#Belfast#BT11#But#But like any illness#but no popular support for it exists anywhere#But they have never been sectarian#But this only feeds the false narrative that the Catholic victims of this disease must share the blame for it#disappointment would be an understatement#During my entire life I have never heard a priest or bishop make insulting comments about Protestants from the pulpit#Follow this link to find out more information: http://www.irishnews.com/paywall/tsb/irishnews/irishnews/irishnews//opinion/columnists/2017/1#Indeed only a small number of those thousands of parades have been contested#it can never be treated if it is not properly diagnosed#It is not reciprocated by Catholics#It is not so much about what unionism is#nor does it run in all our DNA as Tom Kelly claims#pictured above (October 2) I thought that#refer to other religious beliefs as being in error or declare that the Muslim faith is satanic#Sectarianism can never be treated if not properly diagnosed#The Catholic hierarchy have been slated publicly for many historical misdemeanors#The truth is that political unionism is underpinned by a pervasive and diabolical hatred of Catholics that goes back to the days of Oliver C#There are many reasons why sectarianism endures and festers uniquely and unchecked in the Northern State
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punkdeal · 9 years ago
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Coupon: $2.00 off TWO Jack Links Bag of Jerky $2.00 off TWO Jack Links Bag of Jerky Jack Link's couponFoods Exp: 2016-10-31
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city0fflowers · 7 years ago
Review: Bellevue Days - Rosehill.
Review: Bellevue Days – Rosehill.
Bellevue Days release their new EP this week, Rosehill through Kobalt. Rising stars of the UK Pop Punk scene, Bellevue Days are certainly a band to keep an eye on and this EP makes clear why. You can give a listen to track from the album, Faith now through YouTube here.
From the moment this band’s new record begins you can tell this is a band with a firm grip with melodies. Building these tracks…
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newssplashy · 6 years ago
Facebook's ex-CSO warned of a repeat in Russian interference, Zoost ousted its CEO, and Iran's fake news push reached Google and Twitter.
Good morning! This is the tech news you need to know this Thursday.
1. Facebook's former security chief Alex Stamos warned that "it's too late to protect the 2018 elections" from meddling. Stamos was in charge of Facebook's response to Russian hacking and meddling during the 2016 election, and he says it now risks happening again.
2. Apple banned Facebook's security app Onavo Protect that also reports back on which apps people are using. Apple determined that the app violated its new rules on data collection, and it has now been removed from the App Store.
3. The $3.2 billion self-driving car company Zoox has ousted its CEO. CEO and founder Tim Kentley-Klay says that he was ousted "without a warning" because "the board chose a path of fear."
4. Facebook has suspended 400 apps as part of its investigation into developer data. Facebook launched the investigation in March after the Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal.
5. Facebook is warning 4 million users that another app may have mishandled their data. It took action against "myPersonality" after the developers failed to submit to the Facebook app auditing process.
6. Iran's fake news push was much bigger than Facebook, and spread to Twitter and Google. A report from cybersecurity firm FireEye revealed fake accounts and information on Google+ and YouTube.
7. Uber will pay $1.9 million to former and current employees claiming sexual harassment. The ride-hailing company will pay an average settlement of just under $34,000 each to 56 current and former employees claiming sexual harassment.
8. Reddit users shared thousands of links from fake Iranian news sites which were exposed as misinformation. The links came from six sites exposed by security firm FireEye as hoaxes, rather than the genuine British and American news sites they appeared to be.
9. One of Facebook's key dealmakers is leaving the company to be with his family in Hawaii. Facebook VP of Partnerships Dan Rose says he is leaving the company early next year.
10. It sounds like Jack Dorsey wants to massively change how you follow people on Twitter. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Jack Dorsey addressed the issue of bias on Twitter, and suggested that one fix would be to "break" the way people follow specific accounts and hinted instead that people would follow broader general topics.
Have an Amazon Alexa device? Now you can hear 10 Things in Tech each morning. Just search for "Business Insider" in your Alexa's flash briefing settings.
via Nigerian News ➨☆LATEST NIGERIAN NEWS ☆➨GHANA NEWS➨☆ENTERTAINMENT ☆➨Hot Posts ➨☆World News ☆➨News Sp
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newssplashy · 7 years ago
Politics: Trump's Syria strikes might have been illegal — and it shows Congress has limited power to stop him from going to war
Trump's strikes on Syria may show that "Congress clearly has abdicated one of its most crucial functions, and that is the power to take the US into a war."
President Donald Trump's administration over the weekend carried out its second military strike on the Syrian government without even asking for permission from Congress.
Congress has the sole constitutional authority to declare war, but most US military action since 2001 has been covered by a sweeping Authorization of Use of Military Force that covers actions against terror organizations linked to the 9/11 attacks.
But the US attacked Syria's actual government, not a terror group, on Friday, which legal experts say stretches the framework of the law.
Few congressional checks remain on Trump's ability to start wars, and a congressman told Business Insider the legislature is "derelict in its duty" for allowing this.
President Donald Trump's administration over the weekend carried out its second military strike on the Syrian government without asking for permission from Congress, and it could indicate the legislature has lost its ability to stop the president from going to war.
The US constitution, in Article I, Section 8, clearly states that the power to declare war lies with Congress, but since 2001, successive US presidents have used military force in conflicts around the world with increasingly tenuous legality.
Today, most US military activity falls under a broad congressional Authorization of Military Force that passed in 2001 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks that allows the US to "to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons."
This has essentially become a carte blanche for the US president to fight terrorism wherever it rears its head.
But on Friday night, and one year previous in April 2017, the Trump administration attacked Syria's actual government.
At Harvard's Lawfare blog, law professors Jack Goldsmith and Oona A. Hathaway both summed up all of the Trump administration's possible arguments for the legality of the Syria strikes in an article named "Bad Legal Arguments for the Syria Airstrikes."
The article concludes that the US's stated legal justification, that Article II of the constitution allows the US to protect itself from attacks, falls short, and that other legal arguments are a stretch at best.
California Rep. John Garamendi, a House Democrat on the Armed Services Committee who spoke with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis hours before the strike, told Business Insider the strikes were probably illegal.
"The bottom line is I do not believe he has legal authority to conduct those strikes," Garamendi said.
Congress 'derelict in its duty' as Trump doesn't even try to get approval
Trump "could have and should have come to Congress and said these facilities and the use of poisonous gas is horrific, it is illegal based upon the international conventions, and I want to take military action," Garamendi said. "I believe that a limited authorization to do that would have passed Congress in one day," if it had been written in a concise, limited way, said Garamendi.
But Trump did not ask for permission, and it shows the incredible power of US presidents to start wars.
"I think that Congress was derelict in its duty," said Garamendi. "Congress clearly has abdicated one of its most crucial functions, and that is the power to take the US into a war. The Constitution is absolutely clear, and it's for a very important reason."
Fred Hof, former US ambassador to Syria and Atlantic Council expert, pointed out that while there is some reason for Congress to allow the president leverage in where and when he strikes, the two branches of government still need to coordinate.
"Most, maybe all, in Congress would concede there are circumstances in which the commander-in-chief must act quickly and unilaterally," Hof wrote to Business Insider. "But there are reasons why the Constitution enumerates the duties of the Congress in Article One, as opposed to subsequent Articles. I really do believe it's incumbent on the executive branch to consult fully with the Congress and take the initiative in getting on the same page with the people's representatives."
Lawrence Brennan, a former US Navy Captain and an expert on maritime law, told Business Insider that "the last declaration of war was in the course of World War II," and that Congress has "absolutely" given the president increased powers to wage war unilaterally.
Possibly illegal strikes create a 'window' for the US's enemies
Trump's Syria strike had questionable legality, but it wasn't even the first time he struck Syria's government, as a salvo of 59 cruise missiles hit the regime in April 2017.
Before that, the US had attacked Libya's government in 2011. Now the US has stretched the 2001 congressional Authorization of Use of Military Force to attack Islamist militants in the Philippines, among other countries.
By neglecting to request congressional approval, thereby cementing the strikes as legal, Trump has "given Syria, Russia, and Iran an argument that never should have happened," according to Garamendi. By opening an internal US argument over whether the strike was legal or not, Garamendi says Trump has committed a "very serious error," and "opened a diplomatic attack that could easily have been avoided."
Trump certainly did not start the trend of presidents conducting the military without congressional approval, and he enjoyed wide support for his action against chemical weapons use, but the move indicates a jarring reality — the US president can go to war with thin legal justification and not even bothering to ask the legislature.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/04/politics-trumps-syria-strikes-might.html
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punkdeal · 9 years ago
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Coupon: $0.75 off ONE Jack Links Bag of Jerky $0.75 off ONE Jack Links Bag of Jerky Jack Link's couponFoods Exp: 2016-10-31
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