#Jace Wayland Fan Fiction
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OVERHATED CHARACTERS POLL: Jace Wayland (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
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Hello everybody my name is Calithea I’m 19. My blog will probably contain NSFW content like fanfiction so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, I won’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or any hateful things if you do comment or reblog offensive things I’m gonna block you. 
I’m a big fan of Jamie Campbell Bower, Chris Evans, Joseph Quinn, and their characters. I love Chase Atlantic, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Styles, Zayn, Shawn Mendes, Austin Butler, and Henry Cavill.
Other “fictional” characters I like are Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank, Klaus Mikaelson, Peter Ballard/001, Eddie Munson, Jace Wayland, Steve Harrington, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Andy Barber, Ari Levinson, Billy Loomis, and FP Jones.
My book boyfriend is definitely Aaron Warner.
I also read Wattpad books and paperbacks soo if you wanna talk about the people mentioned above or books feel free to dm me and we can talk about it and be friends. Or recommend me some dark romance books. If yall want I can give some recs and thoughts about books I’ve read before. 
In the future, I’m planning on writing fanfics because I wanna be a writer so if you have any tips feel free to share them. 
My blog is safe for everybody so if you are a person of color or part of the LGBTQ+ community this is a safe place for you.
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Can I request a clace fanfic? Maybe when they are married or engaged idk quite a bit into their relationship. Maybe jace gets jealous of clary joking with another boy and you can decide what happens. 💙
A/N: I’m sorry if this is a weird mix of TV/ book universe I’m just kind of going for it and I’ve been re-reading and watching the TV show so my wires are a bit crossed. Also, this is an AU where Simon remembers everything and can be with Izzie and apparently vampires can have children now! There are no rules. Also oops you’re getting a long-ass proposal flashback as well (two for the price of one!) because as stated before, there are no rules. I wrote this in 4.5 hours after midnight in my bed so hopefully, it still has a plotline in the morning. I really hope you like it! Give me notes or criticisms or requests!!!
Category: Fluff with angst peppered in
Warnings: Suggestive humor, angst, rare cursing, and not really adultery but jealousy I suppose???
Word Count: 3706
- 3 years after City of Heavenly Fire -
*Clary’s POV*
The early March snow falls lightly from a grey New York sky. Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and I sit in our regular booth at Taki’s on a double date. Well… it was less of a date and more of a meeting. After all, I had been dubbed Isabelle’s amatuer baby shower planner, and she, my wedding planner. Wedding. that word still sends my head spinning. It isn’t that I’m not ready, or that I don’t want this. I mean, after all, I’m living my dream! I had always known I would marry Jace, but something about this is so surreal and I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Still, a wedding! I try to ground myself as Izzy explains what she had in mind for the floral arrangements, but, as can be expected, I find myself daydreaming instead. Jace popped the question the night of Izzy and Simon’s wedding. We were driving home from the reception as they had portaled to Idris for their honeymoon, and while I napped in the passenger seat Jace had driven us out of the city to Luke’s farm in the countryside. I imagine his grip on the wheel was a little tighter than usual as he ran over his speech in his head and the jewelry box burned a hole in his pocket. He let me sleep until just before sunrise when he started to lightly trace the runes that swirled across my arms. The less-than-comfortable car seat, combined with the introduction of sunlight, and the touch of my love had all awoken me. He told me he had a surprise for me and carried me bridal-style a few hundred yards until I tapped him on the shoulder to signal that I could make it the rest of the way to wherever this “surprise” was on my own. He laid out a blanket on the side of a big hill where I used to play tag with Simon while my mother painted. I had brought him out here the night of her wedding - it is one of my favorite places. He laid down and I laid on his chest as the stars dimmed and the sky transitioned from muted blues into various shades of pastels. After several minutes of laying there in silence, I twisted around and kissed him gently, at first, and then deeper. We stayed like this for a while, until I noticed a dampness on his cheeks. He wasn’t crying per se… but he was teary. I wiped some of the moisture away with my thumb. “Jace, what’s wrong?” He bit his lip and gently shook his head regaining his composure “S’nothin.” He pulled my leg over his torso and I straddled him as we continued to kiss. Things got more heated, though he was moving at a slower pace than I was used to, so I pressed my body closer to him and grinned. “Do you have something in your pocket, or are you excited to see me?” I questioned. Little did I know how intensely my cheesy jibe was going to backfire. My then-boyfriend chuckled, almost sadly, under my weight. “Jace… what’s wrong?” he glanced to the wildflowers scattered about the field next to us. “I’m nervous Clary,” he confessed. Now it was my turn to giggle, “Why would you be nervous silly?” I ran my fingers through his hair and gazed in wonder at the morning sky reflected in his eyes which were just a bit watery now and he flashed his classic smirk. “Well, this isn’t how I had planned on this going at all!” He exclaimed as he ran his hands up and down my sides slowly, “I’m not complaining though… it’s just a little less traditional than I had wanted.” I raised one eyebrow, “Since when have you ever wanted to do anything traditionally?” He smiled up at me knowingly and held both of my hands in his, “Well typically I would ask your father first, but that one seemed out of the question so I asked Jocelyn and Luke. And, well, normally instead of you straddling me I would get down on one knee in front of you. But! Here we are, and I did get one thing right.” He dropped my left hand to dig in his pocket and pulled out a dazzling emerald ring set amongst tiny diamonds and my vision went blurry. “You’re a size six and a half right?” he questioned feigning confidence, but I heard his voice waver. “Isn’t there something else you should ask me?” I struggled to say attempting to match his wit but instead meeting his emotional vulnerability. “Clarissa… Clarissa Fairchild,” he spoke softly now, his eyes locked with mine, “you know beyond a shadow of a doubt how absolutely madly in love with you I am, and somehow you feel the same way,” he was really crying at this point, “to me you are the most important thing in this world and I will never turn my back on you unless you ask me to, so would you do me the pleasure of marrying me?” No words left my mouth so I met him with a small yet unspeakably meaningful kiss instead. When the kiss subsided I nodded gently our faces centimeters apart. “I can’t wait to marry you.”
“Clary!” Isabelle snaps, pulling me out of my daydreams. “I swear to god if you keep on doing this it’s neon Gerber daisies the whole night!” Izzy gripes at me “and I’m allergic!” Simon pipes in eliciting a blushing eye roll from Isabelle. “Sorry” I blush as Jace looks at me quizzically. Before he has a chance to question me Isabelle’s necklace starts to glow red causing the hair on my neck to stand up. “Oh no” Simon whispers. Izzy begins to get up “Well?! Let’s go!” she insists. “Not so fast!” Jace interjects, “Isabelle if you think you are going on a mission anytime in the next year you’re even crazier than I thought you were.” He turns to Simon now “Simon you take her home. Clary and I will take care of this.” Izzy looks like she is going to protest for a split second but instead thinks better of it. As Simon reaches for her wrist to take her away from the danger she puts on hand up to unclasp her necklace and hands it to me. “Clary, I have a feeling you’ll be needing this more than I for the foreseeable future.” I grasp it firmly, “Thank you, Isabelle.” Jace grabs my shoulder and I turn to face him “Let’s go” he suggests “Let’s” I answer.
We run out into the alleyway together where we see a teen girl’s limp body lying against a building about 50 yards away. We run in the direction of the body when we catch sight of the culprit, a possessed young man with light hair, running East. Jace and I communicate nearly telepathically as he runs over a block to try and cut the demonic boy off as I tail him. I had nearly caught up when Jace burst out of an alleyway tackling the boy to the ground and holding his arms behind his back, presenting his chest to me. But it can’t be. I can’t be seeing what I’m seeing. Then again if I’m not seeing what I’m seeing the boy would have been dead. The boy in front of me was the spitting image of Jonathan. But the Jonathan this boy is bringing to my eyes now is not the one who tried to kill all of my loved ones, held me hostage, and had a strange obsession with me. The boy in front of me transforms instantly into the Jonathan who died in my arms, finally freed of his impurities, the only real brother I ever had. “Clary! What are you doing! Kill him he’s strong.” Jace’s yelling interrupts my thoughts, but the boy still seems so innocent. I have an irresistible urge to save him, to set him free. I kneel in front of the boy, the demon admittedly, and I do the unthinkable. I kiss him. Not on his mouth but on his forehead, his cheek, his nose. I’m not in my right mind as I whisper, “please, please come back. Make it alright again.” Jace recoils in disgust and the demon, a lesser one, is set free leaving a gash in my arm as he leaves the boys body and flies off into the night and the boy, now dead, collapses onto the sidewalk. I’m shaking and the world doesn’t feel quite real yet. I feel nothing and everything all at the same time and when I finally look up to my fiance for reassurance Jace is fuming. Oh. Oh my god, what have I done? Why did I do that? I put him at risk, I put myself at risk. I kissed the face of a demon. What am I doing? “Jace -I” I realize my face is wet with tears. “You’re hurt,” he states. He walks over to me and inspects my wound, taking off his jacket to place over my torn one. “I’m taking you back to the institute” but his voice carries no emotion.
In the car his knuckles are white on the steering wheel and though we are three-fourths of the way to the institute he hasn’t said a word to me. “Jace I- I’m so sorry,” I choke out “I don’t know what came over me I really d-” “Stop,” he interrupts. “But I-” I try again. “I can’t do this right now!” he runs a red light and continues driving determinately in the direction of his institute.
As we arrive he asks no one in particular for a medic to accompany me to the infirmary. And then he just… leaves. He walks to the stairwell and I catch my last glimpse of him for the next few hours as the door swings shut. Sitting in the infirmary without him there stings. It stings more than the antiseptic and the stitches the two medics at my bedside work at. Although I’m sure that my actions outside of the diner hurt worse, and shocked him more. As much as I tell myself that it doesn’t lessen my pain, it focuses it. Jace is the love of my life and I can’t believe I hurt him in such a stupid and irrational fashion. It’s been three years since Johnathan died. Since we killed the only part of him strong enough to sustain life. With Jace being promoted to head of the institute a meer six months later after Alec moved to Idris to serve on the council and restart with Magnus life had gotten so inexplicably busy. That’s when I had stopped going to therapy. I truly believed I was over this, but I suppose I proved myself wrong tonight. I would talk to the psychiatrist at the institute in the morning about getting back on the schedule before I have a psychotic break at the altar. Wedding. Oh… wedding, my fiance. betrayal… ouch.
Then Isabelle and Simon walk through the door and Isabelle informs the medics that Jace would like to know if my wounds have any severity to them. Yikes, he won’t even come in here himself to ask about me. God, I hate myself right now. She sends me a sympathetic and intense look as they reassure her I will be fine after a few hours of rest with my treatment and turns assumedly to report back to Jace. Simon, however, leaves her side and walks over to sit on the cot across from me. Tears start to spill out of the corners of my eyes and Simons eyes are almost painfully fill with sympathy as he sees my own. “I don’t know very much,” he says “do you need to talk? Or would you rather be distracted by the story of Passover with my nana meeting my pregnant nineteen-year-old wife?” This is the first thing all night that has lifted my spirits at all. I even giggle a little causing the medics to chastise Simon. “You have to tell me that one soon, but, Simon, I really screwed up.” My voice cracks as the tears start to spill down my cheeks. “My ears are yours Fray,” Simon reassures. So I tell him. I tell him everything that funneled into what happened tonight. And he is maybe the best best-friend/ ex-boyfriend anyone could ask for because he listens, attentively, and actively to all of my hot mess. “Well Clary, It isn’t the most ideal situation you could have gotten yourself into.” I nod as he responds to my ramblings. “But, after the past five years we’ve had, it’s certainly not the worst. If I were Jace I would be hurt. You’re an easy person to get jealous over. But you and Jace have overcome so many odds and you know each other so well. You need to talk this out but I’m sure you’ll be on the other end of this in no time.” The medics ask Simon to leave and explaining to my uninterested ears that I need to sleep for a couple of hours for the salve to take effect. “I need to speak to Jace I don’t have time to sleep right now,” I argue. “The gaping wound on your arm says otherwise Ms. Fairchild, don’t you have a sleeveless wedding gown to put on in a few months?” one medic claps back. At this moment I realize just how exhausted I am from all of this. “Thank you, Simon, I love you,” I state before he closes the door behind him. I lay my head down on the pillow and fall into an uneasy sleep within minutes.
Nearly three hours later I wake up with a single-mindedness to confront Jace and be back in his arms. I don’t wait for the medics to talk to me. I just get up and head to the training room, where I know he’ll be if he needs to burn off steam. I was right, he was there, but when I show up to the training room a young shadowhunter informs me that I’ve just missed him. I run up the stairs to our shared suite, which is probably ill-advised as it makes my arm throb, but I’m far too impatient for the elevator right now. I open and close the door quietly to discover that he’s in the shower. Nothing has ever stopped me from interrupting him there before. However, this is different, I haven’t messed up this badly before. I haven’t hurt him like this before. So instead I pull a barstool out from our counter and wait. Somehow this waiting is worse than the overthinking earlier while I got stitches. I think it has something to do with the fact that he’s right there, in the next room. Additionally, I know he’s thinking about me. I sit there for a few minutes and let more tears fall as they may. But now he’s turned the water off and I know I only have a matter of seconds to regain my composure. I wipe my last tear away and tuck a stray strand of hair back as he opens the door. Steam rolls from the opening and he walks out with a towel tied dangerously low on his waist. It’s nothing I haven’t seen a thousand times before, but it’s still just as mouthwatering, again, this is not the time. He, of course, is unsurprised by my presence with his catlike reflexes. However, he is looking at me with a pain in his eyes I haven’t seen in years. I have never felt this responsible for his pain, and feeling it is horrible.
Finally, the silence is broken. “Hi,” he says after a few beats. Good. It’s good that he wants to talk. That’s step one. I can’t force this on him. “Hello Jace” I respond and I sound like a child confessing to their parents that they did eat the last cookie and the dog didn’t knock over Grandma’s vase. I want normal us so badly right now. “So… “ Jace says. “Yeah” is all I can say. How do I do this? “I’m going to get dressed,” he states. He walks over to his drawer to pull on sweats and a v neck as I stare at the counter. “I know what I did was wrong.” I begin. “I would take it back if I could, I would do almost anything in the world to take it back… but I can’t.” I look up to gauge his reaction, I can’t read him right now but I decide to continue. “I can say that I’m really, really sorry. I’ll never do anything like that again, I promise.” He’s looking me in the eye now which makes this nearly unbearable. I stand up from my barstool but remain across the room. “I know I hurt you,” my voice cracks. Goddammit, I’m crying now “And I know you don’t owe me forgiveness or anything, but I want you to know how very very sorry I am. Because I love you so much, Jace. If I had to set one goal for the rest of my life I would just want to never hurt you again.” After about a minute he breaks his silence. “You shouldn’t want that,” I look up at him confused “What on earth do you mean?” “I don’t want you to not hurt me, screw being hurt, I want you to love me! That’s what’s important here and it bothers me that you don’t see that. That you not only wanted to kiss another guy but then you did yeah that hurts Clary. That lack of love really f*cking hurts.” My jaw drops. How can he question my loyalty? I know I messed up but I can’t believe he said that. That that’s what he’s thought about how I feel for him for the last several hours. A fresh set of hot tears invade my already salty cheeks. “Jace, I’m sorry, I know I messed up but I can’t believe after all we’ve been through that you would ever think even for a second that I ever loved you even slightly less than all that is god damned humanly possible and then some! I mean we chased this demon after a meeting where we were planning our wedding where I couldn’t focus on what Izzy was saying about flowers because you had your hand on my thigh or I was thinking about how much I love you.” He scoffs which sends a salt spray into my metaphorical wound. “I’m sorry,” he says sardonically, “I didn’t realize you wanted to kiss a demon because you’re just so in love with me!” Now it finally clicks. I can’t believe I missed this the whole time! He even said it earlier. “Wait! You think that I wanted to kiss him because I was attracted???? To a demon???” Jace is unwavering, “what other explanation is there?!” I sit back down for this one. “I’m sorry I didn’t explain it earlier,” you sigh, “I didn’t even necessarily want to kiss him. I wanted to save him. I guess that was just how it manifested.” Jace blinks, “Clary you’ve been hunting for five years you know that we can’t save possessed humans. You should be used to this by now? I was sure you were.” I shake my head, “No, not because he was human. Because he… he reminded me so much of Jonathan.” Jace’s whole body stiffens and he stands up from the bed as if he’s trying to securely bodyguard me from across the room.
He gets it! Thank god I just didn’t know how to explain it. Thank god he understands.”I just wanted to save my brother, it was like I was back in that same moment three years ago. I- I’m going to go back to therapy,” I try to elaborate. Everything about Jace softens and he approaches me quickly but cautiously, gauging my reaction to his proximity. He takes me in his warm, strong arms, and everything in the world is fixed. I let out a few residual tears from the stress of tonight’s conversation. But I feel… whole again. He is rubbing my back and calming me and he smells like soap and I love this man. I could stay here forever. But he steps back and holds me away and studies me. “Clary, I owe you an apology.” he starts but instead of letting him continue I close the distance between us and kiss him. He pushes me away and tries again but I hold a finger up to his lips. “You don’t owe me anything! Ever. I’m still sorry for what I did. I put you in danger! And I should have explained.” “But!” he starts to say against my finger. “No! Jace. Thank you. Thank you for listening to me and understanding and still wanting to talk even when you were angry and for being… here” my voice cracks. “I’m so in love with you… and the same way we got through tonight is how we’re going to get through the rest of our lives.” His eyes light up as I say this and my heart does victory hurdles at the glorious sight. He kisses my hand, and up my arm, and my neck - which I giggle at -, finally across my jaw up to the corner of my mouth. “I am so completely addicted to you, Clary Fairchild-Wayland,” he says just before kissing my mouth. “Not quite yet mister!” I object and he smiles back at me. “Fine… Fairchild… for now,” he halfway concedes “but can we please never do that fighting thing again? I hated every second of not being able to think about how madly in love with you I am.” “Deal!” I grin back at him. Jace kisses me and I almost forget to come back up for air, he is so intoxicating. “Come to bed with me,” Jace whispers against my ear. And I am all too happy to oblige.
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riverdalee · 7 years
The One Where You’re Drunk
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Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Summary: Completely drunk during girl’s night with Isabelle and Clary, you’re dared to sneak into Jace’s room and tell him how you really feel about him.
A/N: it’s been a while but here’s one i’ve been saving!
MASTERLIST (mobile and desktop) (you can like it and save it for later!)
“Okay, kiss, marry, kill,” you say. Isabelle and Clary nod.
“Jace, Simon, Alec.”
“Ew, Alec is my brother y/n!” Isabelle frowns in disgust.
“And Jace is mine,” Clary says distastefully.
You sigh.
“Okay, Simon, Meliorn and Aldertree.”
“Aldertree? Really?” Clary shoots you a pointed look.
“You guys suck at this game,” you sigh.
“Maybe that because we’re not little teenage girls,” Isabelle laughs, “Well, maybe you still are.”
You flip her off, rolling your eyes as you rest your head in her lap, “I think we need more booze.”
“I think you’ve had enough,” Isabelle says, scrunching up her nose when your burp.
You pout, trying to reach for a half full bottle without moving. She moves It away from you.
“Why don’t you answer since you’re not related to anyone in the Institute? Jace, Simon or Alec?”
You rub your chin thoughtfully – not that there was even anything to think about. It was Jace. It would always be Jace. But that was something that was hard to admit to yourself, let alone to Clary and Isabelle.
“Well, Simon is dating Clary last I checked and Alec is dating Magnus…”
“So Jace?” Isabelle giggles, “I think the two of you would be cute.”
“Same,” Clary beams, “You’d be good for him.”
You blow air through your lips, waving a hand, “Jace treats me like I’m Alec but the girl version.”
“Well, Jace loves Alec,” Isabelle shrugs, “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.”
“Because it’s not a sexual thing. He loves Alec but he’s not in love with him,” you say, “Jace may love me but not the way I want him to.”
“The way you want him to?” Isabelle asks with raised brows, moving hair away from your face as she looks down at you. You turn away from her and look at Clary.
“The way he loved you,” you say, your speech a little slurred.
You’d been so jealous. Clary had walked in and made Jace fall for her without even trying. And you were happy for him, really. You’d watched him be closed off his whole life and she made him feel again. But a part of you wished it had been you.
After you found out they were siblings, he returned to his usual string of flings and self-destructive behaviour and you, as always, stayed by his side as his best friend.
Clary shifts uncomfortably, “Don’t remind me,” she groans, pinching the bridge of her nose, “It’s still weird.”
“It’s a bit weird,” you giggle.
“Wait,” Clary says, sitting up, “Do you – do you like Jace?”
“N-no,” you stammer, “This is just hypothetical.”
She and Isabelle share a look before Isabelle pulls you up and props you up against the wall, “How drunk are you?” she asks.
You turn the bottle in your hand upside down to show her it’s empty and then laugh.
They both laugh, their faces filled with shared mischief – they knew it wouldn’t take much convincing to get you to do something stupid.
“It’s for her own good. Hers and Jace’s,” Isabelle justifies to Clary. Clary nods firmly.
Isabelle hands you the half full bottle and let’s you finish it.
“Are you gonna throw up?” she asks.
You wait a second before shaking your head. Sure, the room was spinning, but surely you weren’t going to vomit.
“Good,” she says rubbing her hands together, “Let’s play a game of truth or dare.”
“Dare,” you nod hazily.
“Go into Jace’s room and tell him you’re in love with him,” she says.
Truthfully, you guys didn’t get to have much fun around the Institute since Valentine had made his return. It was rare to have a girls night. It was even rarer to mess around like this as a Shadowhunter since you’d been taught to be disciplined. You didn’t get to giggle like little girls and do dares growing up.
Your eyes widen slightly but you try not to look fazed – you wandered if you were making a funny face since you were so drunk. In your right mind, you would’ve said ‘no way’ but it seemed like a promising idea. Something you’d laugh about in the morning.
“Deal,” you nod. They both look surprised.
Isabelle pulls you up from the ground and leads you to through door and out into the hallway. You all pause outside Jace’s door – tyring to stifle your laughter.
“Go,” Clary hisses, nudging you.
You slowly twist the door knob. A line of light illuminates his room before you pull the door shut behind you, only to realize you can’t see.
You hold your hands out in front of you until they come into contact with something that clatters to the floor with a loud smashing sound.
A lamp turns out and you look toward it to find Jace staring at you in confusion. He climbs out of bed, wearing slim fit sweatpants and no shirt. You’d seen him shirtless millions of times – you’d even been pinned under him that way during training – but while you were drunk, it made your cheeks flush and your skin tingle.
“Y/N?” he mumbles, walking over and running his fingers through his hair.
You look down at the floor – broken glass and a photo frame with a picture of the two of you in it.
“I’m so sorry,” you sigh, kneeling down and beginning to pick up the shards. You don’t stop even when one of them cuts into your palm.
“Stop,” he says, pulling you up and walking you across his room into the bathroom, carefully dusting your palms into the sink.
“Are you drunk?” he asks, inhaling sharply. You smelled like a bar.
“Sorry,” you apologize, biting down on your lip.
He shakes his head with a grin, “Sit,” he says, pointing to the toilet, “Let’s get that cleaned up,” he points to the bloody cut in your palm.
You sit on top of the counter next to the sink, letting your legs dangle and watching as he reaches for the top of the cabinet and pulls out a first aid kit.
You knew you could’ve just used your healing rune but Jace had done this for you since you were kids – anytime you got a small cut or graze, he’d pull out a first aid kit and treat it himself. The way your mother did before she passed away. Jace was all you had growing up.
He pulls out an alcohol wipe and then a cotton swab, dabbing at it slowly.
“I take it girls night is what left you this way?” he asks, concentrating on your hand.
“Maybe,” you say, dragging the word out.
He laughs, shaking his head and looking you in the eye, “Did you leave because you missed me?” he asks, unscrewing the cap of the rubbing alcohol. He tilts it carefully, not wanting to get too much on you.
“I left because I wanted to tell you I’m in love with you,” you blurt out. He squeezes the bottle too hard, clamouring away from you when it spills all over your legs. He stares at you with wide eyes, frozen.
“S-sorry,” he mumbles, grabbing a towel and wiping your legs down. You place a hand over his, letting it rest on your lap, “It’s okay.”
It felt so good to be close to him. It felt so good to say those words knowing that tomorrow you wouldn’t remember them and that you could just say it was a dare of play it off as being drunk. It felt good to be honest and to admit it – to him and to yourself.
His face was so close to yours.
“It’s okay,” you say again, resting your forehead against his.
“You’re drunk,” he says, drawing a line that you so badly wanted to cross. He pulls away from you, resting his hands on your knees with a slight frown, his eyes studying you. He reaches into the first aid box and pulls out a band aid, placing it across the cut.
“You should get back to your room,” he says firmly.
You slide off the sink, feeling your chest tighten. This had all been a mistake.
You walk back into his room, hesitating at the door. He walks up behind you, “I’ll see you in the morning y/n,” he says softly, “Drink some water before you sleep.”
You didn’t want to go. You didn’t want to leave things this way.
You turn around, resting yours hands against his chest and moving them up to his shoulders. You stand on your tip toes and lean in closer to him, praying he wouldn’t pull away.
He doesn’t.
He rests his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to him, pressing his lips to yours, the sound of your breathing filling the room.
“Y/N,” he mutters, pulling away, “I – I shouldn’t have – you’re drunk… I’m-“
“I love you Jace,” you say. You had no other words. You didn’t know how to explain it to him or how to tell him how you were feeling. You knew it was an overwhelming thing to say. Maybe it was too much, but it was all you had.
He just stares at you in frustration.
You’d done a lot of stupid things while you’d been drunk and none of them had meant anything to you. Was he just one of those things?
Or did you really love him?
He thinks about how you’ll have no memory of this in the morning because of the state you were in.
“I-I’m gonna go get you something to eat so you can sober up and we can… talk about this,” he says. That was probably the best course of action. He didn’t want to blow you off and pretend this never happened.
You nod, watching him leave. It’s only then you get the urge to throw up.
When you wake up, your head is resting on Jace’s toilet seat. You groan in disgust – at least your hair was tied up.
“You wouldn’t let me move you.”
You turn your head slightly to find Jace slumped against the wall. You stand up and a blanket falls to the floor that had been over your shoulders.
“How are you feeling?”
“Probably not as bad as I should,” you say, rubbing your temples. You had hoped you wouldn’t remember last night but it was right there, front and centre, on your mind.
You could tell he was thinking about it too but the way his jaw was tensed.
You look over his shoulder at the broken glass still in the middle of his room.
“I’ll clean that up,” you say. You felt terrible.
You’d thrown up and passed out on the toilet and now you had to have ‘the talk’ completely sober -without any excuse for your actions or what you say.
“Can we talk about last night?” he asks, getting straight to the point.
You nod, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and then crossing your arms over your chest.
“You said you were in love with me and then we kissed,” he says with a pointed look, trying to gage whether you remembered or not. You nod with a guilty look on your face and in return, he looks mildly relieved.
“What was that about?” he asks, “Were you just drunk-“
“No,” you say quickly, “Look, Jace – I mean, yes I was drunk. It was a dare.”
“A dare?” he frowns, disappointed.
“Isabelle dared me to do it because I basically told her I liked you and you didn’t like me back,” you rest your head against the wall, “It was the first time I wasn’t scared to tell you how I felt.”
“Are you scared now?” he asks.
You nod, swallowing hard, “I’m scared, Jace, but I’m still in love with you. And I’m glad last night happened and that I can’t take it back.”
“Are you sober now?” he asks with an exhilarated look.
You nod. With one step, he’d standing inches away from you and pulling you into him. He was kissing you so hard you could barely breathe. You smile against his lips, pulling away for air.
“I love you so much, y/n. I barely slept last night thinking you’d sober up this morning and regret that kiss or worse, forget it. I was scared you’d tell me you have no feelings for me. Because I love you,” he sighs, taking your hands in his, “And I want this for us. I always have.”
“You’re a real keeper,” you laugh.
“Why’s that?” he asks with a smirk.
“Because you’re kissing someone who spent the whole night throwing up,” you laugh, causing him to scrunch his nose up when he realizes.
He shrugs, “I don’t care,” he shakes his head with a wide smile, “I love you y/n.”
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kianadove · 2 years
Happy 2 Year Anniversary on Wattpad
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Hiya Bugaboos,
Today is the 2nd Anniversary on Wattpad! Thank you for all the support and making my 'The Life of a Shihōin Princess!' story reach over 4,000 views! That is very mind-blowing and epic!! Thank you for sticking with me as I haven't been posting any new chapters this year, for which I am sorry. Please Enjoy a new chapter from 'The World of Runes' and 'The Life of a Shihōin Princess!' today!!
The Life of a Shihōin Princess!' Chapter XXIV Link:
The World Of Runes Chapter 17 Link:
I love you, Bugaboos and thank you again! 💜💜 Happy 2 Year Anniversary on Wattpad!
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
sacrifice (i would have loved you all my life)
The fic based on a prompt from @thelightofthebane is finally here! It will be posted in four chapters, this being the first <3 I hope you enjoy!! 
Read on AO3
Alec took a deep breath and willed his hands to stop shaking. He didn’t have much time.
The half-written letter on his desk glared at him, and Alec sighed. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t find the words. How was he supposed to tell his family that he would never see them again? It was feeling more and more like an impossibility with each minute that ticked by.
“Right,” Alec muttered to himself. “I can do this.” He picked up the pen once more.
By the time you find this, I’ll be gone. You’re going to lose your parabatai rune. It’s going to feel like I’m dying, but I’m not. I can’t explain everything, but I’m doing this for Magnus. You didn’t see him at the loft, after I tried to propose. He was devastated. Heartbroken. He can’t go on like this, without his magic. He needs it back. This is the only way. I’m sorry. I love you and I wish I didn’t have to do this.
Please don’t look for me. I know I’m making the right choice. It’s hard, but it’s for the best. Watch out for the others. Don’t do what you always do and get yourself killed. Clary and the others are there, if you’d just let them be. Please let them, Jace, for me.
I’ll miss you. You’ll be okay, Jace. Everyone will be.
Remember that our rune is just a symbol of what we have. When it breaks, we won’t break. We’ll always be parabatai, even without the rune.
Alec exhaled shakily and folded the letter into an envelope, scrawling Jace’s name on top of it. There. That would have to do. There was so much more that he wanted to say to his parabatai, but he didn’t have the time. He still had to write letters for Izzy, his mom, and Magnus.
Alec took a deep breath and reached for another sheet of paper. He didn’t regret his choice, but he was starting to realise just how much he had to give up. Magnus, he reminded himself. This is for Magnus.
With that, Alec steeled himself and started to write once more.
By the time you find this, I’ll be gone. I’m not dead. I’m not being coerced into writing this. This is my choice. Please don’t look for me. Tell Jace not to look for me, too. Things are going to be bad for a while, but this is the way it has to be. I’m sorry.
I can’t explain everything right now; I’m running out of time. But just know that I’m doing this for Magnus, because I love him and because he deserves so much more than I could ever give him. Please take care of him for me, Iz. I know this won’t be easy, but it’s for the best.
I’ll miss you, Izzy. It’ll be alright, I promise. You’ll be okay without me. I love you, little sis.
It took all of his willpower to keep from breaking down. This was Izzy, this was his little sister, this was the person that he had watched over and taken care of since he was five. Leaving her felt a little like leaving a piece of himself behind, and Alec had to wonder how many pieces he would have left at the end of all this.
His shoulder burned for a split second, and Alec looked back just in time to see another rune disappear from his skin. He sucked in a deep breath, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He had to keep going. The curse was working faster than he was.
Alec wrote Izzy’s name on her envelope and set it to the side with Jace’s, reaching for another sheet of paper. He had to hurry.
By the time you find this, I’ll be gone. I can’t explain everything, but please know that I am alive and safe. I can’t promise you’ll see me again, but I can promise that this is for the best and this is my decision and mine alone.
I know you won’t understand, even if you figure out the truth, but all I can say is that I love Magnus and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for him. One day - maybe with Luke (and yes, I know) - I hope that you’ll understand.
I love you, Mom. I wish we had more time together, to fix things. As it is, I’m counting on you to do right by Jace and Izzy. I know you haven’t always seen eye to eye with them, but they’ll need you. Take care of them for me.
I’m sorry.
Alec blew out a harsh breath and folded his mom’s letter, giving it the same treatment that he’d given the others. The letters were forming a pile now, a little stack of white that made dread settle in Alec’s stomach. They were the last of him that his family would have, and that thought made him want to collapse to the floor and weep, mourn everything that he was going to lose and everything that he would miss and all of the people that he was letting down. But he knew he couldn’t. His runes were steadily disappearing and he still had work to do.
Feeling sick, Alec grabbed one final sheet of paper and prepared himself for the last letter he had to write. Magnus’s letter.
Dear Magnus,
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone. Please don’t come looking for me. You can’t interfere. Please leave it alone. I promise that I will be okay.
I can’t possibly begin to explain this to you, but I know that I have a responsibility to try. Magnus, when I saw you break down like that in the loft, it made me realise something. It made me realise how badly you were hurting and how much you were suffering without your magic. I’m so sorry that I didn’t realise before. I was so caught up in saving Jace and stopping Lilith that I never stopped to think about how much you might be hurting. I’m sorry.
I had to do something after that, and this is me doing something. I won’t explain it all to you, because I know you’ll try to come after me and undo what I did, and I can’t let you do that. I won’t let you go back to a life without your magic. It was killing you.
Magnus, you deserve so much - you deserve someone that will always make you a priority and never put you in second place. You deserve the world. You don’t deserve me. I will never be good enough for you, Magnus.
I know it’ll be hard, but please try to move on. Find love again. Get married. Have kids. Love your life like you used to before everything got so complicated. You deserve that. You deserve everything.
I love you more than words can say, and I will miss you so much. I’m sorry, Magnus. Please, please choose again. Choose somebody better. I’m not your choice. I’m sorry.
I love you.
Alec folded the letter with shaking fingers, ignoring the teardrops that splashed onto the paper. He stuffed it into an envelope and just managed to scrawl Magnus’s name on top of it and toss it onto the pile with the rest of them before he broke down in tears.
Memories rushed into Alec’s mind, unbidden - his first kiss with Magnus, at his wedding, and the way Magnus had kissed him back like he was air and Magnus couldn’t fucking breathe. His first mission with Jace, and the way that they moved together so fluently that they just knew, right from the very beginning, that they were destined to be parabatai. When Izzy was born, and Alec had slept beside her crib for three nights afterwards, whispering promises into the air about always protecting her and keeping her safe.
Alec choked on a sob and desperately tried to pull himself together. He felt the burn of his deflect rune disappearing, and that made him dig his fingernails into his palms, hard. The extra bite of pain grounded him, centered him in a way that nothing else could at the moment. That was the rune that Magnus had always loved, always said was “placed perfectly, Alexander” and always damn near worshiped in bed. Losing it was like losing a tie to Magnus, and Alec had to grip the edge of his desk so tightly that he feared his fingers might break in order to keep himself under control.
Right. He had to snap out of it. There was still more to do.
Alec glamoured himself invisible and slipped out of his office, letters in hand. He stopped by the training room to grab his bow and quiver before he made his way to Jace, Izzy, and Maryse’s rooms to slip their letters under their doors. By the time they woke up in the morning, Alec knew, he would have no idea who they were. That thought alone made him want to break down again, but he shoved his emotions aside with practiced ease and continued on.
The cool night air was a welcome change from the Institute’s stifling atmosphere, and Alec took a deep breath, trying to appreciate the sights and sounds of New York before his last rune disappeared.
By the time he made it to Magnus’s, Alec only had four runes left - his glamour, his iratze, advanced hearing, and his parabatai rune. He shivered, trying not to think about it. His parabatai rune, he knew, would be the last to go, and all Alec could do was hope that the other runes would take a few hours to disappear so that the breaking of his bond with Jace wouldn’t wake the other boy up. He at least wanted Jace to be awake, maybe have Clary with him, something. The hardest part of all of this was leaving the people he cared about behind.
“See that Mr. Bane gets this tomorrow morning,” Alec instructed the boy who worked at the front desk of Magnus’s apartment building, slipping him a 20 for good measure. With that, he walked out of Magnus’s building for possibly the last time, and headed for the park.
Alec wasn’t sure what made him choose the park, of all places, to lose the last of his runes, but the feeling of the gardens settled something in him when he sat down on the park bench. This would be the last time he sat in this park as a Shadowhunter, the last time he would look down and see the physical representation of his bond with Jace marking his skin. Finally, for the first time all night, Alec put his head in his hands and allowed himself to cry.
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silverwolfdesign · 4 years
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           • Shadowhunters: fan cast •
   Clary Fairchild: Luca Hollestelle;    Jace Wayland: Charlie Hunnam (Young version);    Jocelyn Fairchild: Jessica Chastain;    Luke Garroway: Michael Vartan;
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 years
Mysteries Unfold ch 9: The long awaited demon attack and battle with Valentine.
Start at the beginning with Fate Beckons.
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cityindreams · 5 years
Jace Be Like:
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
I Get to Marry Him
Read on AO3
Alec took a deep breath as he stood in front of the mirror in his office, smoothing his suit jacket around his hips. Flashes of preparing for his wedding to Lydia flew through his mind as he adjusted his tie so it was tight around the collar of his neck. He wasn’t sure when the last time he breathed this clearly was. The past few months felt like he was constantly under a cover of thick black smoke, filling his lungs until he couldn’t stand to take a deep breath in anymore. When he filled his lungs today, staring at the crisp suit in the mirror, it was like he was breathing in the fresh ocean air. The happiness that flooded through his body was overwhelming. He heard the door behind him open and caught his sister’s teary eyed gaze in the mirror.
“Izzy, it’s my wedding. I’m supposed to be the one crying.” Izzy nodded, wiping her fingers underneath her eyes to try and dry the tears that kept on spilling. “You’re going to ruin your makeup.” He reasoned with her, turning away from the mirror to face her. Izzy placed a hand over her mouth at the sight of her brother and another round of tears fell from her eyes.
“I just want to take this moment to say ‘I told you so’, big brother.” Alec tilted his head questioningly, reaching out to wipe away a few of her fallen tears that she was starting to control. Izzy reached out to smooth her hands over his tie, placing it perfectly in it’s spot. “A few months ago I told you, ‘one day, someone is going to love you heart and soul’. Do you remember that?” Alec choked up a little, nodding his head as he rested his hands on his sister’s shoulders. “Magnus loves you more than I ever imagined possible. I can’t believe you’re getting married today!” Izzy squealed and Alec couldn’t help but pull her into a tight hug, his arms encasing her small shoulders as her head burrowed in his neck.
“I don’t know what I would do without you, Iz. Thank you for being there for me through everything.” Izzy nodded into his shoulder, pushing him back slowly to take a look at him one more time. She nodded again just as another knock sounded on the door. It was open, but the visitor didn’t want to ruin the moment. Izzy sighed, pulling fully away from her brother.
“Can I interrupt?” Jace asked softly, walking up towards his siblings and placing a comforting hand on Izzy’s shoulder. Another sob erupted from Izzy’s lips, this time mixed with laughter at her reaction.
“I promise I’ll keep it together at the wedding, I swear!” Alec laughed and kissed her forehead gently, pushing her towards the door.
“Go see Magnus. Tell him I love him, will you?” Izzy nodded, the most loving look in her eyes. She sent one last glance at her brother before practically skipping out the door. Jace pulled Alec over to the cluster of chairs, taking a seat and motioning for him to do the same.
“So, today’s the day?” Alec nodded in response, not able to keep the grin off his lips. “I remember asking you a few months ago if you were sure this is what you wanted. Marrying Lydia.” Alec looked up at his brother and caught the glint in his eyes. “I’m not going to ask you that right now because it’s written all over your face how much you want this.” Alec sighed happily, running his fingers through his hair. Magnus had insisted it be at least a little styled for the occasion so the motion didn’t move it much.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life, Jace. When I was going to marry Lydia, I had assumed I’d never find what I have with Magnus. I was so stuck with what the Clave wanted and what they would accept, I never took the chance to accept myself. The greatest thing that’s happened to me in my life was learning to accept who I am. And accept that Magnus is it for me. He is it for me, Jace. I can feel it.” Alec had never been a talker. He preferred eye rolls and glares to get the job done for him. But sitting here with Jace, getting ready to marry the love of his life, he couldn’t think enough to shut himself up. “And Magnus chose me, Jace. Some repressed Shadowhunter who messes up every day and tried so hard to push him away.” He took a deep breath, still not believing those words were true.
“He loves you.” Jace said simply, fiddling with the tie around his neck. Alec sighed again, pushing himself up so he was standing as he started pacing around the room.
“On our first date, Magnus told me he’d been with 17,000 people. 17,000! That fact alone almost had me running for the hills. But I turned to look at him and I didn’t care how many people he’d been with. I only cared about being the person he was with right then. 17,000 people and he’s never been married. Did you know that?” Jace was leaning back in his chair now, shaking his head and attempting to contain his laughter as his brother droned on and on.
“Never?” He responded, urging Alec to continue. Alec’s eyes widened as his breathing started picking up.
“Never. None of those people saw exactly what he was worth. Which at this point, I don’t care because that means I get to give Magnus something he never thought he could have. I get to marry him. Marriage at the Institute between a Shadowhunter and a warlock. Did you think this would ever happen? With me especially?” He stopped for a moment, not waiting for a response from Jace. “I thought for the longest time I’d be lusting after my parabatai for the rest of my life. I thought I was unlovable and then Magnus happened. Magnus swooped in with his wavy hands and cat eyes and beautiful face and amazing body…” Jace cleared his throat at that, pushing Alec out of his thoughts. “I’m panicking. Why am I panicking? Why did you let me talk so much?” Jace finally let his laughter leave his lips, leaning over to clutch his parabatai rune.
“Alec, you’re about to marry your soulmate. If you weren’t panicking, I would be shocked.” He stood up to walk next to his brother, clapping a firm hand on his shoulder. “Magnus is pacing back and forth in your room, wondering if you’ll back out before this wedding happens.”Alec’s eyes widen as he made a beeline towards the door. When he pried open the door, he saw his mother standing on the other side.
“Cat was right about you both trying to see each other before the wedding.” Alec blushed, running his hand along the back of his neck.
“I’ll go tell him you’re ready.” Jace gave his mother a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door and turning down the hallway.
“You know, Magnus tried to do the same thing not five minutes ago. I assured him I’d come make sure you wouldn’t be a ‘runaway groom’ as he put it.” She raised her eyebrows at her son as a bought of laughter fell from his lips. Alec sat back on the chair he’d taken previously, his hands running up and down his thighs. Maryse sat across from him, taking one of his in her own. She squeezed it tightly before taking a deep breath in and making eye contact with her son.
“Mom? Are you okay?” Alec placed his unoccupied hand on top of hers as he leaned forward to try and read her expression. There was still a part of Alec that assumed his mother was disappointed in this marriage. He couldn’t help but think this was the moment she would let him know what she really thought.
“Alec, I’m so proud of you.” The quick intake of Alec’s breath was unstoppable as he heard those words. “You fought so hard for everything you wanted in life. You fought for Jace to become part of our family and your parabatai, you fought for Izzy when the Clave was looking for someone to blame, you fought for your rightful place as Head of this Institute. The most important thing you fought for was being able to love Magnus as openly as you do.” Alec felt the tears cascading down his cheek as his mother reached up to wipe them away with her thumbs.
“Mom…” Alec was speechless as his sobs overtook his body. He grasped onto his mother’s shoulders, pulling her into the tightest hug he could manage. He felt his mother shaking in his arms and pushed her back slightly to look at her face. “All I ever wanted was to make you proud. I was so worried you would come in here and tell me not to go through with this wedding.” He admitted, eliciting a gasp from his mother’s lips. She slapped his shoulder lightly, wiping his tears once more.
“Remember that I’m the one who gave him the Lightwood family ring when you decided to break up with him!” Alec laughed through his sobs, squeezing onto his mother’s shoulders tightly. “I will spend the rest of my life proving to you and your husband how much I love you both.” She nodded in sync with Alec, moving her hands to wipe at her own tears. “I am so proud of you for taking this incredible step and I’m eternally grateful that you and Magnus have accepted me back into your lives after everything I put you through.” She placed a finger over Alec’s lips as he went to protest. “Don’t you dare say anything to the contrary, Alec. Now, it’s time for both of us to stop crying. We have a wedding to attend.” Maryse got up to walk Alec to the door but stopped at the soft knock that sounded through the office. “Just in time.”
Alec remembered the day of his wedding with Lydia when he went to see Magnus. With a little magic and truth, Alec’s heart was beating faster, his skin was tingling, and he could barely catch his breath. The next time he felt that way was when he saw Magnus walk halfway down the aisle later that day. Right now, he felt like the world was about to fall out from underneath him. He could feel his heart pulsing against his chest, the breath pushing from his lungs, and a shiver flow through his entire body. Magnus stood there, looking sheepishly at Maryse.
“I couldn’t stay away.” Magnus spoke softly, letting his eyes glide over to Alec. As if the same thought burst through both their heads, they were on each other in a moment, Magnus’ arms wrapped around his waist while Alec’s clung to his shoulders. With a soft sob, Maryse left them alone.
“You’re here.” Magnus nodded into his neck, placing small kisses wherever he could reach. He kissed up Alec’s damp cheeks before pressing their lips together softly.
“I had to see you. I needed to know that…” Alec nodded, placing his lips back on Magnus’ once more. They kissed simply, lips gliding against one another, until they were both breathless. When they pulled away, they kept their foreheads together and basked in one another.
“I’m glad you’re here. It’s like you always know when I need you.” Magnus nodded against his head, keeping his eyes closed.
“And I’ll always be here when you do. Especially in…” Magnus glanced down at the watch adorning his wrist, his eyes widening slightly. “10 minutes!” Alec jumped back, smoothing out Magnus’ tie he had somehow come to grasp during their kiss. Magnus laughed, fixing the collar of Alec’s suit jacket and wiping a small amount of lip gloss off the other’s lips. “Are you ready to be my husband?” He whispered, taking Alec’s face in his hands one more time.
“Only if you’re ready to be mine, too.”
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positivitywarriors · 6 years
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Clace fan artists and writers Positivitywarriors is looking for submissions for a very special project that will benifit the trevor project and #SaveShadowhunters All the information is right here on our tumblr and Herondale_Ducks pinned tweet
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finnpves · 7 years
Give you something good to celebrate
Alec woke up early as always. Although, now it was less about his duty, and had more to do with his issue falling asleep. Since the demon attack, he still felt weird around Clary. And now he had the added guilt of aiding Clary in her quest to get her mother, and how he had let Iris split them up. And Valentine was still very much on the loose, plotting God knows what. When he closed his eyes, he saw himself covered in blood, heard Izzy's voice, or imagined himself running through Iris'. With the stress of everything going on his quick glance at the date didn't ring any bells. He went through the motions of his boring routine, grabbing a small breakfast with coffee, reporting to the OPS center, filling out reports concerning the demon attack. No one paid him any more attention than usual, still reeling from the attack on the Institute and the Silent Brothers. He had his head bent, shoulders slouched as an extra precautionary measure. He was unbothered for a few hours as he worked before he felt two arms wrap around him.
“Hello, big brother.” Izzy had been more careful with him recently, offering her silent support, but never prying. She too was healing still from the attack. She had been physically injured, along with the possession, but being with each other, quietly reassuring the other, kept some of Alec’s worries at bay. He turned around and embraced her, squeezing her a little and kissing the top of her head. Alec was forever indebted to whoever decided to give him Isabelle as a little sister. She had supported him through so much and had been his anchor for so many years. They pulled apart after a few more moments and Izzy had a smile on her face. “I know that it doesn’t feel very celebratory around here, and I’m sorry, but I think you deserve to have a slightly better day than surveillance and paperwork.”
“Isabelle, why would I be celebrating anything today, Valentine is out there plotting against us, we’re down quite a few men, and the Clave no longer has the soul sword.” Alec pulled back once he realized he had been ranting again. Izzy sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Alec, its September 12.” She looked at him expectantly as his brain worked for a few moments for the significance of the date. Once it dawned on him Izzy started chuckling. “23 years and you still don’t know your own birthday.” Alec sent a faux glare her way. “I’m heading to Aldertree before I go the Iron Sisters. I’ll see if I can get you the rest of the day off. And before you start, I am feeling good as new and ready for this, and you deserve some time to yourself. I don’t care what you do, read, nap, ride the subways for five hours, I just don’t want you over working yourself.” Alec knew it was a lost cause once he noticed the determination in her eyes. If he didn't acquiesce, she would find a way to get him out of the OPS center for the remainder of the day.
“You’re going to do amazing, Iz. I’m so happy you get to see them.” Izzy’s childhood dream of becoming an Iron Sister may have faded, but her admiration had not dwindled. “I’m a little jealous, I’m not going to lie. The Citadel must be amazing.” Izzy’s eyes became dreamy and distant.
“Alec, I finally get to see them!” Alec’s smiled brightened. Excitement in the Institute was rare to begin with, but with each passing day, it seemed as though a little more hope drained out of them. The situation with Valentine had taken tolls on each of them, but it was moments like these that Alec was reminded of how resilient they were. Izzy stood on her toes, kissed his cheek, and started backing away. “Happy birthday! Love you! And remember: today is your day!” With that she hurried away, presumably to Aldertree. Alec went back to watching the monitors when Lindsay came to relieve him a few moments later. He nodded and smiled at her before going back to his room. He looked around and picked up the book he had started three weeks ago, right before his life had been turned upside down. Before a new Shadowhunter entered their lives, and before he had met Magnus. That thought brought a smile to his face.
He thought back to his last birthday, how he had been happy to be surrounded by his family, followed by the crushing weight of his parents’ expectations when Maryse and Robert took him aside and mentioned that twenty-two was a wonderful age to find a wife. He always knew his sexuality would become more of a burden, but for awhile he was allowed to be young and untethered to one person. The first mention of looking for a wife came on his twentieth, a reminder that he was now adult enough to decide his future. His twenty-first brought Aline, his mother’s first attempt to match him up. They were already friends and each of them knew that they could get married to end the uncomfortable conversations and neither of them expected a true marriage from the other. Yet, they both yearned for something more. His twenty-second had brought the not so gentle reminder, and threat of his parents finding someone they approved of. His parents, ever the Shadowhunters they were, arranged a modest dinner with the entire family for birthdays. As they entered the field, they would get better patrol routes and a shortened day. The siblings, under his direction, would sneak into the kitchen and bake a cake. They would quietly celebrate like mundanes and sing and blow out candles. Those moments in the kitchen were the highlight of every birthday he had. Alec had forgotten most of his wishes, too caught up in the spirit and laughter, but last year’s stood out to him. He felt quite foolish in the moment, wishing for a way he could be true to himself. And then Magnus came along and Alec saw what he wanted.
What he felt for Magnus was what he had been searching for, and the full between them was undeniable. The more he learned about the other man, the more he wanted to be with him, no matter what. Magnus reminded him of what he really wanted, to be understood and loved by someone, and he knew that exploring what they had to could lead to that. He had gotten side tracked, but he was ready to commit to Magnus, if only they ever had the time to talk. It was at that moment that fire message appeared in front of him. He was puzzled as to who would send one to him. Normally fire messages were reserved for important information and generally the head of the institute was the one to receive them. He grabbed it out of the air and quickly recognized the writing. He read the message and his heart started pounding before he reached Magnus’ signature. He threw his jacket on and was out of the Institute in record time. He rushed over to Magnus’ having flashbacks to their first meeting, the Circle members swarming the loft. he could only imagine that Magnus was easier to find now that he was no longer employing the use of his more powerful wards. He had only been there a handful of times, but is feet knew the way.
He reached the building and entered, feeling the wards as he did so. The feeling was warm and familiar, much like when he and Magnus had shared strength. Nothing appeared to be wrong as he approached the door. He opened it and called out. —————————————————————————————- “You have a spare room?” Alec had never considered killing his brother but he was pretty close to it now. He and Magnus had just returned from their date and his birthday was looking up. He now officially had a boyfriend, and of course his brother had to barge in. “Aldertree isn’t happy with what happened at the City of Bones and I need somewhere to lie low.” Magnus sighed and snapped his fingers, a blue spark lighting up his hand. “The guest bedroom is all yours.” Alec looked at Magnus. He knew he was generous but letting someone into your home was a big deal, especially taking in a shadowhunter. “Thank you, Magnus” Jace began to walk to his new room, before turning around. “Wait, Alec, its the twelfth isn't it. Happy birthday!” As  he walked off, Alec could feel Magnus stiffen. He turned toward him and couldn't read the look on his face. “Magnus, thank you for tonight, I had so much fun, and thank you for what you just did for Jace.” Magnus sighed.
“Alexander, were you really going to let the whole night pass without telling me today's your birthday?” Alec shrugged.
“It didn't seem that important. Our date  was better than any birthday dinner with my parents.” Magnus looked thoughtful at that before moving to the kitchen. Alec could hear him rifling through his pantry and his curiosity got the better of him and he followed him in. Magnus had set some ingredients down and was taking out a pan before he looked up and noticed Alec in the doorway. He smiled at Magnus and took a closer look at everything on the island. When he put the pieces together he started beaming.
“Is the High Warlock of Brooklyn going to bake a cake?” Magnus rolled his eyes at Alec’s shocked tone.
“I can cook you know. Believe it or not but I do things without magic sometimes. And this is extra special and deserves a little more care.” Alec smiled.
“Thank you. Funnily enough this is what I usually do on my birthday. My siblings and I would sneak out and make it. Izzy is closely monitored.” Magnus smiled as he started mixing ingredients together.
“I'm sorry you couldn't celebrate with your family today. I hope this is a good substitute?”
Alec nodded and moved closer. They started working in silence and Alec felt at ease. It amazed him that he was able to feel this comfortable with someone else so soon. Magnus was a comforting presence and he never felt the need to break the silence. They started up the mixer a little too high and when batter flew everywhere they looked at each other and laughed. Magnus’ eyes went to his mouth and Alec saw the mischievous glint is his eyes.
“You have some batter on your lip.” Alec raised an eyebrow. “Let me help you.” And then Magnus was in his space and they were kissing again and Alec hoped and prayed he would never get used to this. He always wanted to feel this excitement, the nerves, and the spark that Magnus  lit in him. Everything was warm and Alec never wanted it to end. But soon enough Magnus pulled back and gave him an appraising look. “Much better.” With that they went back to the cake and it was ready. Magnus stuck some candles in it and lit them with his magic. When he opened his mouth and started singing Alec was not at all surprised that his voice was beautiful. And when it came time to make his wish, he was at a loss. Standing in front of him was a man that was everything he could wish for and more. He quickly blew out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” Alec gave Magnus a smile.
“World peace.” Magnus looked confused. “Being with you is better than anything I could wish for, so I thought why not use my wish for the greater good.” Magnus’ face was fond as he looked at Alec.
“Happy birthday, Alexander Lightwood.” Alec’s twenty-third birthday brought him the love of his life and the most important relationship he would ever have.
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penpatronus · 7 years
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WHUMP! An excerpt from a S H A D O W H U N T E R S fanfiction story:  
P A R A B A T A I     P A I N    by PenPatronus
Jace forcefully arched Alec’s limp knees, levered him up at the waist, and then scooped him up off the floor like he was as light as Max. “I’ve got you, parabatai.” Terror disoriented Jace so quickly and absolutely that he almost dropped Alec on a countertop instead of a mattress. More medics rushed in. Nameless nurses dumped gauze into his fingerless gloves and steered his shaking hands towards the worst bleeders.
Alec ignored the doctors and nurses. He just stared, trembling white lips slightly parted and heavy eyelids turning gray, at his parabatai. His only voluntary movement was clutching Jace’s t-shirt above their rune. “You…This will hurt you, too…I’m sorry,” he whispered, “so sorry.”
Jace immediately leaned over and touched his forehead to his parabatai’s… 
R E A D  the whole story H E R E ::  FanFiction.net: http://bit.ly/Parabatai1 Archive of our Own.org: http://bit.ly/AooOParabatai1
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riverdalee · 7 years
The One With An Unintended Rescue
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Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Summary: When Simon brings Jace along to check up on you, his sister, Jace ends up kicking your abusive boyfriends ass and getting you away from him.
implied domestic abuse 
MASTERLIST (mobile and desktop) (you can like it and save it for later!)
Jace and Simon were not buddies, but they shared a mutual interest; Clary. Or rather, her wellbeing.
And because of it, Jace had somehow got stuck driving Simon around for the night while he tried to find Camille’s whereabouts.
In his head, he was going over all the things he’d rather be doing, but he knew this was a priority; he just hated that it involved Simon.
“Can we make a stop somewhere?” Simon asks.
“Is it on our schedule?” Jace asks pointedly.
Simon shakes his head, “It’ll only take a second. It’s just here…” he points out the window, “On our way, you see.”
Jace reluctantly pulls into the driveway Simon directs him too and climbs out, following him to the front door.
“A mundane house? Really?” Jace scoffs.
“My sister’s house,” Simon explains with a frown, “Well, her shared house.”
“Who does she share it with?”
“Her boyfriend and two other idiots,” he says, his frown deepening.
“What, you don’t like her boyfriend?”
Simon exhales loudly and shakes his head, knocking on the door before Jace can ask why. They could hear shouting on the other side of he door and it momentarily subsides as it swings open.
“Y/N,” Simon sighs in reliefat the sight of you, his smile contorting into a frown as he studies your face. You’d been crying. A lot. Your hair was messy and you had your arms wrapped around yourself.
“Simon,” you wrap your arms around him, “I didn’t know you’d be stopping by.”
You look over your shoulder every few seconds.
“Did he hit you?” Simon asks, moving hair away from your face. You shake your head vigorously, but he notices you wincing each time you move.
“I’m fine,” you reassure him, turning to Jace, “Who’s your friend?”
“This is Jace,” Simon introduces him.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say, holding a hand out. Jace shakes it slowly, his eyes pinned on your swollen wrist.
“Who the fucks at the door?!” a boy yells, joining you in the doorway.
“It’s just my brother, Luke,” you say.
“Huh, four eyes,” Luke scoffs, his speech a drunken slur, “What happened to your glasses? D’you lose em’?”
“Actually, I don’t need them anymore,” he says.
“Too bad, I’ll have to think of another nickname for you,” Luke says, laughing loudly and clapping a hand to Simon’s shoulder. His eyes shift to Jace.
“Who is he?”
“Just Simon’s friend,” you tell him. Luke steps closer to him.
“Really? Because he looks like that guy who was hitting on you at dinner the other night…”
“What?” you frown, “No – that’s- it’s not him. You’re drunk. Why don’t you go rest?” you suggest, resting your hand on his arm. He yanks it away, poking a finger into Jace’s chest.
“You’re that bastard, aren’t you?”
Jace scoff’s, pushing Luke’s hand away, “No,” he deadpans.
Simon steps between the two of them, “I think y/n’s right. Maybe you should go back inside.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Luke spits, shoving Simon’s backwards.
You pull Luke back, pleading him to stop and he shoves you against the wall, pinning you there, “Come on babe,” he growls, “I’m just having a little chat with your brother.”
You swallow hard, trying to squirm out of his grasp by which time Jace grabs him and throws him across the driveway as though he was light as a feather.
“Are you okay?” Jace asks you. You nod slowly, your eyes widening as Luke rushes towards him with his fist pulled back.
“WATCH OUT!” you yell, but Jace is already a step ahead of you. He catches Luke’s fist in his hand and twists his wrist back until Luke drops to his knees, whimpering in pain.
Jace kicks him in the gut before slamming his head against the wall.
“He’s not dead,” Simon reassures you when he notices your hands are clapped over your mouth, “He’ll wake up.”
“And you won’t be here when he does,” Jace says pointedly. He pulls Simon aside.
“How could you let her stay here?” he growls.
“I didn’t know he was hurting her,” Simon says, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve barely seen my family since I transitioned!”
“Well, you didn’t like him to begin with! You said so before!”
“They started dating in High School and I hated him back than because he was a jerk. I never thought he was capable of… this,” Simon trails off, his eyes pained, “But you’re right. We have to get her out of here.”
“I’ll sort something out,” Jace reassures Simon, “She’ll be safe with me, I promise you. In the meantime, you have to keep looking for Camille. Raphael isn’t kidding about using your mom as leverage to get you to do what he wants.”
Simon nods, walking back over to you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he sighs.
“I didn’t know what to do,” you choke, finally crying as he hugs you, “C-can I go home with you?” you ask.
“Of course,” he nods, “Jace will take you. I just have something to do but I’ll join you as soon as I can,” he says, resting his hands on either side of your face, “You can trust Jace.”
You nod climbing into the car. You don’t look at Jace as he reverses back onto the street but instead at Simon was waving at you with a sad look in his eyes. Jace had it too and it made you feel so small – that everyone knew how broken you’d become.
“I’ve seen photos of you,” Jace says, breaking the silence, “At Simon’s house. You look different in person.”
You knew what he meant. You mother had big, smiling photos of you all over the house from before you’d left.
“Those photos are from when I still lived at home,” you say.
“Why’d you leave?” he asks quietly.
You think for a minute, “When I started dating Luke in high school, my mum wouldn’t let me see him and I really resented her for it. We fought all the time and the minute I graduated, I moved in with him. Of course, she was completely right about him,” you mumble.
“Why didn’t you leave him?” he asks.
“Because I had nowhere to go,” you say, “And… he wasn’t always like this. He never used to…” you trail off, “He took care of me. He still does. It’s just sometimes, he get’s so angry. And I didn’t want to abandon him.”
Jace shakes his head, “Sometimes you have to let people go. Trust me, this is for the best.”
You did trust him. Something about him made you feel like you could.
“So, Simon’s never told me about you,” you say.
“Well, we’re only acquaintances,” Jace says.
“Simon wouldn’t leave me with an acquaintance, he’s very overprotective despite me being a year older than him,” you say pointedly.
“So, you’re the same age as me then,” he nods, “I guess Simon and I are friends, in some weird way.”
“How’d you meet?”
“Through Clary,” he admits honestly.
“Ah, Clary,” you say with a small smile, “Has Simon-“
“Yup, they’re dating now,” he says.
“You don’t look too happy about it,” you raise a brow.
“She’s… my sister,” he says, slightly bitterly, “I feel about Simon the way Simon feels about Luke.”
“Simon’s nothing like Luke. You have nothing to worry about,” you reassure him.
“I know, your brother’s a good guy,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes, “I just don’t like to admit it.”
You laugh softly, cuddling your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them, “So, where are we going?”
“Someplace safe,” he says, “Where I’m currently staying. At least until Simon gets back. Is that okay?”
You nod quietly.
He pull up outside a large building and you both take the elevator up to the top floor.
“Magnus?” Jace calls out. A man steps out from behind a bookshelf.
“I thought I told you no girls over after midnight!” Magnus sighs in frustration, “Alec and I-“
“She isn’t a date,” Jace says, clearing his throat, “This is Simon’s sister.”
It’s only them that Magnus takes a proper look at you. At your smudged mascara and bruised skin.
“Is it okay if we wait here until Simon comes by?” Jace asks.
Magnus nods, “Make yourself at home,” he tells you, “My boyfriend and I are going out for dinner so you can relax. Take a bath,” he says, his eyes soft.
You thank him and wait for him to leave to exhale loudly. As of tonight, no one would ever have to look at you with sad eyes again because you promise yourself, you’ll never go back to Luke.
Maybe someone knocking him out and dragging you away was exactly what you needed to start afresh.
Jace disappears into a room and then comes back out, “I left some clothes for you on my bed. Why don’t you take a shower while I get some dinner ready?” he suggests. His voice was so soft and reassuring.
You nod, slinking into his room.
When you walk back out in his clothes, he laughs a little, “They seem to fit you,” he says sarcastically. They were all too big, but it made you feel protected. Maybe it was how big they were or just the smell of Jace lingering on his clothes.
He hands you a bowl of spaghetti, “I can’t make much else,” he admits.
“Thankyou,” you say appreciatively. You finish within seconds – you weren’t sure when you’d last had a proper meal.
Jace’s eyes are pinned on you almost the entire night. He was worried he’d do something wrong or say something to upset you – he didn’t have much of a filter after all. But you just laughed and made jokes and asked him about his life like you weren’t suffering the tiniest bit – like you’d never suffered a day in your life.
“So that’s how you know how to fight,” you nod after Jace tells you an elaborate story about how he’s a trainer at a boxing studio downtown.
He nods, “I can teach you sometime, if you want?”
“I’d like that,” you smile.
There’s a knock at the door and then Simon walks in, pulling you into a tight hug before ruffling your hair, “I talked to mum. She started crying when I told her you were coming home,” Simon says with a soft smile, “She’s missed you.”
Simon looks at Jace, “Thanks for looking after her tonight.”
“Anytime,” he says, “Really. Anytime.”
Simon frowns slightly, looking between the two of you, “I’ll get a cab,” he says, “Meet me downstairs?”
You nod, waiting for him to leave.
“Thanks for everything. For dinner and for… for getting me out of there,” you mumble, “If not for you and Simon, I probably never would’ve left at all.”
“Sometimes we just need a push in the right direction,” he shrugs, “I’m here. If you need anything. Ever,” he says sincerely, “And I meant what I said. If you ever want to learn how to fight, just ask me. You seem like a fighter to me,” he grins.
“I think I’ll take you up on that,” you say, waving to him before heading downstairs.
Simon waits, leaning against the cab and looking up at the terrace as Jace watches the two of you from it.
Simon looks from Jace to you as he pulls the cab door open, “I think Jace likes you,” Simon says.
You’d barely considered the possibility, but it made you feel a little bit more hopeful… a little excited, even.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to date him. I know you two aren’t best friends.”
Simon smiles at you, “No, we’re not. But he’d be good for you.”
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kianadove · 3 years
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Hiya Bugaboos,
Today there is a New Chapter of 'The World of Runes (A Mortal Instruments Fanfiction)' on my Patreon!
We've made it to Chapter 17 now!!
Become a Patreon today for just $3 a month and you will get to read this new chapter.
If you'd like to read it from the beginning, here is the master link for the story on Wattpad.
Love you, Bugaboos!! 💜💜
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karenhikari · 7 years
What Could Have Been But Wasn’t
I've been trying to publish this story for so long it's not even funny anymore... I swear to God, first it was written but I had to transcribe it and it was sitting on my desk for months... and then it's been weeks and I just can't seem to get a hold on my to-do list...
Anyways, I want to give a huge shoutout to Writeslott, who was kind enough to beta this... something. Thanks, sweetheart!
Alright, moving on to the story... I don't want to spoil you anything, but I will say this is kinda weird... In my defense...
For as long as he could remember, Jonathan Morgenstern had been compared to who some referred to as his brother. He could not find it within himself to think of Jonathan Herondale with any kind of filial fondness and perhaps, just perhaps, that wasn't his fault, as it had been his father ―their father― the one to teach him to perceive Jonathan as a rival instead of as an ally.
However, while it could be blamed on his father that he felt no affection towards his so-called brother, neither did he feel any trace of fondness towards Valentine Morgenstern himself.
It wasn't that he was incapable of feeling emotion. Far from it. He felt, and he did so strongly―hate, despair, rage, wrath. He was willing to admit that he was even capable of feeling jealousy. Towards whom, that was yet to be seen.
When Valentine died, Jonathan hadn't felt anything, not because the grief had numbed him or because the monster he was couldn't do something as human as mourn the loss of a loved one. Rather, he simply hadn't cared.
On the other hand, when he heard that the one who had killed his father had been Clarissa, a taunting smile had curved his lips.
Now, of course he'd been dead at the time, but he was slowly getting to know all the gossip he'd lost while he'd been gone.
Speaking about gossip, it was a good thing Lilith had chosen Jonathan to be connected with Jonathan. It was hilarious, having Valentine's precious son at his feet, ready to carry out his commands.
Oh, Jonathan, sweet, brave, caring Jonathan Herondale, Valentine's favorite son, the son that wasn't his but that Valentine had learned to love as his own, more so than his own flesh and blood, even. More than he'd ever loved his real son. Despite the blood bonds they shared, Valentine had loved his golden boy more than the one he had fathered.
Jonathan, silly name, wasn't it? Jonathan Shadowhunter and all the other Jonathans that had followed. Silly name, silly that he shared the same name with his so-called brother.
And Jace, Jace sounded even sillier, didn't it? But then again, it made sense that Jonathan wanted to forget, to bury the past he'd shared with Valentine along with the Michael Wayland he'd called father.
Jonathan had entertained the thought that, perhaps, Jace and he were not so different after all―Jace wanted to set his name ablaze just as much as he'd craved to see Idris burn.
And no, he wasn't Jonathan Morgenstern any more than Jace was Jonathan Wayland ―or Morgenstern, for that matter. No, he was Sebastian Morgenstern and he was going to make the whole world remember that name―his name, not the one that Valentine had given him.
Jace wasn't such a bad company Sebastian learned after a few days of living with him. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that Jace was under his control, which meant he wasn't acting as egocentrically as he usually did.
It gave him a sense of contempt, and maybe even of relief―for once he was stronger than Jace, for once he was better than Valentine's golden boy.
It had been almost fun―until Clarissa had arrived.
He knew his sister ―and with her there was no need to add a 'so-called' to her title. He was well aware that she could be impulsive and reckless. However, he hadn't expected her to actually go looking for Jace like she had. Perhaps he'd wanted her to recognize his power and respect it, wanted her to recoil and stand back.
Perhaps it was more than that.
Perhaps he'd wanted to gloat about the knowledge that, for all her words and reckless acting, for all the times Clarissa had claimed that she'd follow Jace to hell and back, now that it came down to it, now that he needed her the most… she failed him, the strength of love, nowhere to be found when it was needed the most.
It would have been a pleasant discovery―to learn that love wasn't so durable after all, to prove that it could be broken with the same ease with which one could break human spirit or snap someone's neck. It would have been gleeful news for him to find out, that, for all the big talk about family and companionship, Jace was just as alone as he was.
Unfortunately, it seemed this was not an area of common ground.
Clarissa, against all odds, had indeed followed them to Valentine's house.
For the longest of years, Sebastian had thought that the only thing he shared with his father was their last name. Sure enough, he had some of Valentine's blood in him, but just like Jocelyn's blood running through his veins, it could have been demon blood, for all he cared.
At the time, coincidentally, he was discovering that perhaps he had Valentine's scientific strike as well.
He'd been… experimenting, for scientific reasons, of course. He could, if not share Valentine's views about the importance of experimenting with demon blood, at least understand what had drawn Valentine to do so.
It started because he wanted to test how deep Jace's love for Clarissa was. He wanted to know how strongly whatever was left of Jace would fight against doing something that would hurt Clarissa if she ever found out about it.
The first step was physical touch, which of course Sebastian wasn't fond of, but he complied for the sake of science.
Jace, on his side, had practically leaned into the touch, and more often than not, he had initiated it―a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, a pat on his back, an arm thrown over Sebastian's figure, a nudge to call his attention.
That much was ironic, but Sebastian could only blame Jace's pathetic need of physical touch on the excess of Angel blood that coursed through his veins.
Sebastian's silly experiment backfired not long after that, as the son of Valentine soon found himself craving Jace's touch as much as the blond boy did.
It started with small things that none of them noticed―Sebastian realized he didn't mind the way Jace brushed their shoulders together when they walked next to each other. He began to look forward to the way Jace patted his back after they slayed a demon, the friendly hand that the blond boy placed on top of his own as they trained.
When they took it to the next level, it came out as a surprise to both of them―to Jace because he was being controlled, probably; to Sebastian because he hadn't planned on it happening.
They were finishing off a pack of Shack demons, nothing too complicated, rather, some exercise to keep in shape.
Sebastian had turned to his right to stab a demon―which had stupidly thought it'd be able to catch him off guard if he attacked from behind him. Rolling his eyes at how imbecile these creatures were, he promptly turned on his heels, sword held high and ready to attack. Instead, he found himself staring in surprise.
Without him having willed Jace to do it the blond boy had moved forward, swiftly piercing through the creature with his seraph blade.
Sebastian felt his brow crease as he watched the demon disintegrate in a cloud of gray dust. Jace didn't even spare Sebastian a second glace, busying himself over another demon and, soon enough, Sebastian was doing the same. The whole display had only lasted a matter of seconds before they had to move on and continue fighting.
When there were finally no more demons coming, Sebastian sighed contently, watching Jace's every move from his peripheral view.
Jace didn't mention a thing. It wasn't as if he had saved his life and, perhaps the way the blond had acted had something to do with the fact that if, by any chance Sebastian was hurt, then Jace would suffer the consequences of it too. However, Sebastian was pretty sure that was not the case.
The movement had been too sudden, too automatic for Jace to have considered all the edges and possibilities before stepping forward to slash the demon. Besides, Sebastian's life hadn't been at risk. Everything had been under control.
Jace hadn't been thinking about Sebastian's wellbeing as he took out his own seraph blade and he hadn't been thinking about himself either. He'd simply stepped forward, as if it were something natural, unplanned, expected.
Sebastian had never had someone who threw himself into battle to defend him. And he sure as hell wouldn't have returned the favor.
After the incident, Jace hadn't waited for thanks, or even for Sebastian to look grateful―not that he would have received either, but still. In fact, Jace hadn't brought the matter up at all, and Sebastian wondered for the first time if that was how the other shadowhunters worked, expecting their partners to watch their backs, protecting one another, demanding no more than a second glance in return.
Grimacing, he decided to push those disturbing thoughts away.
It was a few days later that it happened.
They were in the armory, Jace endeavored to polish his sword while Sebastian named his seraph blades next to him, close enough to feel the heat emanating from the blond's body.
More often than he cared to admit, Sebastian found himself distracted with Jace's strong hands, his long fingers, perfect for playing the piano, painting leading a dance. Perfect like his would never be, too tainted with blood and despair to not soil the instrument he meant to play.
They weren't the hands of a fighter. No, those were the hands of an artist, and for the first time Sebastian understood what Valentine meant when he complained of having to break Jace's sweet nature and transform him into a warrior. Too bad that sometimes things broke beyond repair.
But Jace wasn't broken, unlike him, Sebastian caught himself thinking. And, if he was, it wasn't to the extent to which he'd been shattered.
Absurd thoughts, that's what was crossing his mind at the moment. Heedless, useless and yet―was it so scandalous that he wanted Jace's careful hands to roam his body, slowly, taking his time, chasing away the everlasting chill from his bones with his summery warmth? Was it so condemning that he wanted someone if not Jace to stare at him with the stupid affection with which Jace looked back at Clarissa?
He didn't know when it happened.
Later on he wouldn't remember ever giving his muscles the order to move forward, but the next thing he knew his lips were crashing into Jace's. Numbly, clumsily.
This wasn't his first kiss, for hell's sake, he wasn't even a virgin, but he had never kissed another guy and most importantly, he hadn't endured the millisecond between him initiating the kiss and his partner corresponding it with trepidation.
It wasn't a sweet kiss―it was rough, full of tongue and a burning need of recognition that Sebastian hadn't known he felt.
Jace followed his lead without a second's hesitation and Sebastian revealed in the touch, marveling at how unfazed Jace seemed when his hands ghosted over the ever hurting scars in his back, content with the docile way in which Jace complied.
Panting as he broke from the kiss, Sebastian stared into Jace's eyes only to gasp in realization as he remembered―the only reason the blond boy had reacted in such a way was because he was controlling him.
It was stupid, stupid, stupid. No, he didn't wish that all of his sporadic lovers did that. No, he didn't yearn to have a partner that kissed back without stiffening, that caressed him with no trace of horror as they discovered the memories of Valentine that he bore on his skin, a partner that agreed to follow his lead with no fear.
If, as he stormed out of the room something that wasn't hatred burnt in Sebastian's eyes, then no one had to find out about it.
After that, it became something akin to routine―before leaving their base Sebastian would lean in and kiss Jace; as they trained; when they returned; as they discussed plans their plans to take over Alicante and the world.
Secretly, Sebastian liked to entertain the idea of Clarissa finding out. He liked to imagine her dejected face. He also liked ―even more so, perhaps― to entertain the idea of Jace willingly answering the gesture, instead of it being contributed to by their connection and the control Sebastian had over him.
Oh, Sebastian thought, but what a thing it was to have Valentine's golden boy at his mercy. This was the perfect proof of what he'd known all along―he was better than Jace could ever be, stronger, more powerful, more prepared for a leading role. And the fact that Valentine wasn't there to see it left a bittersweet taste in his mouth.
That all changed once Clarissa caught up with them.
On one side, Sebastian was secretly glad that, at last, Clarissa could see what was going on between them. On the other one, it was hard to cling on to a stolen and technically forced kiss when he saw the way in which Jace's eyes beamed with recognition whenever they crossed paths with Clarissa.
He had already proven that he was better than Jace on the battlefield, but what about a more personal level? Clarissa loved Jace ―or that she claimed, at least― without any kind of coercion. Clarissa had fought tooth and nail to remain by Jace's side ―something no one, not even Valentine or Jocelyn, his so-called mother had done for Sebastian. She'd defended Jace when he'd been at his worst, and even now, against all odds, she was convinced that she'd be able to help Jace somehow.
Jace and Clarissa were the closest to actual love he'd ever seen although, as far as he understood, siblings were supposed to love each other too. Whether if there were different levels of love or if love was someone that was distributed equally among all the people you were fond of was something Sebastian didn't know, for he'd never felt even the slightest trace of affection towards anyone, but the idea soon stopped being a mere thought to smirk at, until it became something akin to an obsession.
Sebastian could take Jace down in battle, he could strip him of his sword―but could he take Clarissa's love away from him too?
Clarissa was attractive, that much was undeniable, with fiery red hair and emerald eyes, with the way she set her jaw when she threw her shoulders to the back to appear taller when she was in an argument. Under that criterion, Sebastian was also aware that both men and women turned to look at him as he walked, even when he had never paid much attention to it.
Clarissa also had an unyielding character―getting her to consciously feel something for him would be a thousand times more difficult than playing with Jace's mind had been.
Sebastian had always felt drawn to a challenge.
He tried to captivate her. He smiled at her, discreet and almost cynical. He tried to start a conversation with her. He stepped her in front of her to shield her when the demons attacked them.
He tried to make her look his way and force her to see something different, something more than what Valentine had made out of him.
But try as he might, that never happened.
Clarissa never learned ―she never aimed, either― to look beyond the demon-blood coursing through his veins. She didn't see Jocelyn's or even Valentine's blood in him, choosing only to focus on Lilith's heritage instead.
He insisted, going so far as to trap her in hell with him, but as she sat on the throne he'd especially prepared for her he knew she was looking down at him with barely concealed hatred, as if he were a repulsive crawly animal in her way. He knew this look because that was the same way in which Valentine had stared at him his whole life.
The only time she looked at him with something other than despise was when she saw the scars on his back, and even then he saw no fondness in her eyes, just horror and pity. There was a despaired gleam in her orbs that he'd seen on the faces of those looking down the mortally wounded, those with hours left to live.
It was even more enraging, knowing that the only emotion that he could provoke in the one person he'd ever wanted to be loved by was pity and revulsion.
Perhaps that was what he remembered most as he laid there, bleeding on the marbled floor of the castle he'd created, staring back at Jocelyn and Clarissa as the everlasting pain that he hadn't been conscious of feeling subsided, like lifting a weight not only off his chest, but off his back, his arms and his whole body. The relief leaving him weightless, exhausted, allowing him to see more clearly.
Only then, as the blood left his body in a fast bumbling did he recognize something else shining in Clarissa's eyes, something that wasn't pity or hatred or contempt.
It wasn't love either, it was more like pain―a long, throbbing grief for what could have been but wasn't, an open wound that would never fully heal. A look that was mirrored by Jocelyn.
That was a good way to put it, wasn't it? He thought, sighing as his eyes closed without him having commanded them to do so. What could have been but wasn't.
Oh, and if someone knew about daydreaming impossible scenarios, it surely was Sebastian Morgenstern.
Alright... so, I know this was weird as hell, okay? I know. A friend of mine who likes to play with my feelings gave me a prompt about Sebastian and Jace as a couple and I told him "No, that's twisted and strange", but then my mind started going through it and I decided that, actually, if it was properly played it could work out. I mean, it actually makes sense that Sebastian would want to prove how much better than Jace he is and he actually had "something" going on with Clary, so... Yeah, I know it's still weird either way, but the story wrote itself and I couldn't resist.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed nonetheless and if you did... please comment and let me know what you think about this little something!
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