#Jac Flounders
marvelevreni · 3 years
Fantastic Four 1967 Animasyon Dizisi
Fantastic Four 1967 Animasyon Dizisi
1966 yılında The Marvel Super Heroes‘u yayınlayan ve memnun kalan ABC, 1967 yılında aynı anda 2 farklı Marvel animasyon dizisine daha başlar; Fantastic Four ve Spider-Man. 9 Eylül 1967 yılında başlayan Fantastic Four 21 Eylül 1968 yılında iptal edilene kadar 20 bölüm olarak yayınlanır. Bölüm başına 22 dakika süreye sahip olan bu animasyon dizisi Hanna-Barbera Productions tarafından…
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cultfaction · 8 years
Fantastic Four (1967) Fantastic Four was an animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and the first animated series based on Marvel's comic book series Fantastic Four. 
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sir-adamus · 5 years
One thing I enjoyed this episode was how ultimately pathetic Jac is. He's no mastermind, no surprise super schemer, he's like an Adam who can't even fight. He got where he is on a mixture of base cunning, immorality in the background and faux charm that thanks to circumstances people accepted long enough for him to succeed. But the moment he's not in total control of the situation he flounders and flops HARD.
yeah the moment Weiss said she knew who had committed the crimes and that Jacques was in on it, you can see his mind just running every equation to try and figure out how he lost control of this situation
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and then when the video starts playing you can see the wheels in his head frantically spinning, trying to come up with an excuse to get him out of this and regain control
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but then the best excuse he could come up with was “i was deepfaked”
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and then he just up and tries to run away
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and then he just spends the next few minutes pissing his pants as he finally faces the consequences of actions he couldnt weasel his way out of
it was all very satisfying watching the impression he was trying to make just deflate like so much hot air
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salavante · 7 years
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Inktober, 13-15: The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep 
I got a chisel pen and it’s fun. I’m starting to like using technical pens for the looser style I use when I sketch. I was kind of floundering trying to come up with something to draw for the first time in awhile, so I did a few primary NPCs for the little D&D game I’m in the throes of plotting. It takes place in the August of 1988, in a primarily French & Dutch town on the outskirts of a huge swath of uncharted, old growth temperate rainforest in The Green. It involves a mysterious illness, a quarantine, and something in the woods. 
Officer Saperlipopette suddenly finds herself in charge of the Sheriffs of Pontoise, but whether or not people will listen to or find comfort in her is yet to be seen. 
Jacaranda “Jac” Anzavour has a lot to prove, and a past full of troubles. 
Lorna van Horst doesn’t know her importance. 
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gothknight · 7 years
closed startere @dualityoflight
Time couldn’t be moving any slower. This was not the part she was good at. Jac was standing in the local police station, trying to talk to the parents of the most recent attack victim, a young cheerleader who was hurt and scared and messed up but thankfully alive and in the hospital. They’d tried to keep it quiet until her team got back but somehow the locals had been alerted and the entire cheerleading team and their parents were now in the station demanding answers, demanding an explanation. Jac was surrounded, parents and kids, mothers in tears, angry fathers. “You said you had him.” One of them all but bellowed, doing that thing angry men often did where he weaponized the difference in their height and Jac’s. She hadn’t even noticed Blair come in, and hadn’t seen her since 11pm at the bar the night before. It was 6 am now. She hadn’t slept yet. Her team was on their way back but couldn’t get there fast enough and Jac was floundering. “Please,” Jac urged, her voice as firm and patient as she could keep it despite the panic that was rising in her chest. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this --” “How are we supposed to trust anything you say?” “You said that two days ago.” Jac took another deep breath. “I know. I know. We’re going to figure it out. Please, I just -- I need you all to have a seat and our liaison will speak to each of you when he arrives. Please.. “
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thepurrbutton · 7 years
I said at some point that I felt Hanssen failed Serena in this storyline. @alielpez asked me to expand on that here. This became ridiculously long and involved and I feel very sure that everyone, including me, has better things to do with their life, but here this post is anyway. Also, this could easily be read as critical, though that is definitely not the point of it. It’s just me sorting though the storyline and my thoughts while having Feelings(TM).
I was hopeful in the beginning. I liked when Hanssen had her called, asked to meet in Pulses. One of the things I loved about that conversation with Serena (here) is that he wasn’t critical of her, he wasn’t patronizing, in fact he made himself vulnerable by apologizing and the effect was a 180 degrees from everything everyone else had tried up until that point. It was a breath of fresh air to me because it was the first time someone was able to connect with her since Elinor died, and she actually opened up.
But during 19x21 The Price We Pay, after she has her eh episode, Serena and Hanssen have a conversation. Serena says about her break down that “I clearly have an issue with grieve and I was taking it out on Jasmine.”  Hanssen answers with “Now that we know what we’re dealing with (...)” and outside of a Holby context I would say Noooooo, how about a formal assessment? A suspension might go a bit far but if he can tell Dom to take some time off a few eps later, he can tell Serena that too. Presumably, he doesn’t know how she dropped the ball with her patient on Valentine’s Day but nonetheless he should be worried. She just said she is having an issue with grieve. 
As her boss he shouldn’t just care about Serena but also about her patients and coworkers. She has people’s lives in her hands and she’s people’s boss. There has been a complaint against her about bullying, he’s seen it himself and Serena just had a complete breakdown. This isn’t about punishing her, it’s about keeping everybody, including Serena, safe. 
This is Holby though, so okay: “Now that we know what we’re dealing with, I suggest we just monitor the situation very carefully. That’s all.”
“That’s all?”
Hanssen nods.
“You’re prepared to let me loose on your wards again?”
“We all need support from time to time, Serena, and at least you’re recognizing the problem. That’s the important first step.”
“What if I can’t take the next step? What if I don’t want to?”
“Then we will continue to support you.”
(Emphasis mine.) 
1) Her only response to Hanssen’s faith in her is 4 questions in which she clearly signals that she does not feel able to take the next step and isn’t ready to let go of her grieve.
2) He promises to monitor the situation and to support her. He says we, I know, but that does include him. It is very clear at this point that he can’t trust anybody on AAU to tell him anything. The complaint came from Jac. We don’t see him talk to Bernie at any point to coordinate anything. And we never see him on AAU again. In fact he monitors nothing and gives no support. 
I understand why Serena and Jasmine want to try the mentoring thing again but that is really something Hanssen should have put a stop to. If Serena’s bullying was a structural problem that’s different, you can’t accommodate a bully that way. But Serena is normally not a bully. Her behavior stems from recent trauma. She’s basically a wounded animal and Jasmine has become a stand-in for what is causing Serena’s pain. They can’t take away all of Serena’s pain but they could lighten it, maybe give her a chance to heal by easing the pain, by not allowing the mentoring. They could at least have avoided Jasmine being hurt more. 
So things go wrong again. It is again Jac who steps in and again there is a conversation with Hanssen.
Serena is not going to any of them for support, it is very clear she is pushing everyone away. It is clear she is not coping. She indicates to him that she wants it acknowledged, that maybe she should be reviewed, get assessed, get mental health workers in, that maybe… she should be stopped. This is the clearest she’s been about the fact that she needs help and wants help, that she’s not coping.
He stops her from talking about it.
I understand that this is supposed to be a nice thing for her, career-wise, but mental health wise this is not at all nice. All he does is say she can come to him and he would do anything for her, and then he does nothing and let’s her loose on his wards again.
And if he really means that, if he wants to do something for his friend who he clearly loves, his friend who is suffering, who has not felt able to go to her friends for help or support, who has been pushing everyone away, who has been so afraid to put her weapons down, her guard down, who has been veering between fight and flight this whole time, who has barely been able to let anyone in, let alone on her own initiative, often not even without a fight, than the thing he really needs to do is stop being reactive and passive and take some initiative. She finally indicates she wants to talk. You can’t talk in your office? Fine. Fill that thermos, take your blankie, grab your friend’s hand and go up to the roof. Talk there. Take her for a drive. Go to a pub, go sit in the peace garden. But. Take. Some. Initiative. Because if there is one thing Serena has shown it’s that she somehow isn’t capable of coming to you. You already know this. This is not rocket science, it is not a difficult action to take.
She is the wounded animal. You are not. She is hurting. You aren’t. She is bullying someone, acting out of character, unable to stop and you are her boss and a friend who loves her and frankly, it is the least you can do.
And in fact, she doesn’t go to him. She goes to the roof, alone, with two bottles of wine, as if she hasn’t been spending enough time alone with her gloomy thoughts soaked in alcohol. And can you blame her? He’s her boss and he just told her not to talk to him about personal things in the hospital.
The only thing he has done for her is keep what happened out of her file, but he failed her as her boss and as a human being. As her boss he was best placed of everyone in that hospital to do more for her than just offer a shoulder and he left her to flounder and didn’t even give her a shoulder.
An episode or so later he says to Dom that he failed to give pastoral care (or something like that). I’m not entirely sure of the connotations of that term. I do think monitoring an employee who is not functioning within acceptable parameters is his job as the boss and as a boss he therefor failed Serena, Jasmine and Bernie.
As a human being I think he fails her in that last conversation when she is so clearly indicating she needs help, and he shuts her up and gives her no help.
I don’t think any of this is malicious, some of it is even well-intentioned, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t fail her.
Sorry for this very depressing view on things and sorry it is so long and emotional. If you see things differently, I would love to hear it!
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akaanonymouth · 8 years
Once Upon A Time (according to Emma Naylor)
Jac tucked the duvet up under Emma’s chin. “Once Upon a Time,” she began, absently smoothing Emma’s hair. “There was a beautiful princess...” Emma shook her head vehemently, dislodging Jac’s hand. “No.” Jac’s eyebrows rose. “No?” Emma continued shaking her head. “No, not a princess, Mummy.”  “Ok,” Jac shrugged, smoothing the hair out of her daughter’s eyes. “Who, then?” “The one about the Big Macho Army Medic,” Emma declared, staring at Jac expectantly. Jac floundered for a response.  “The... what?” Emma rolled her eyes, and Jac almost conceded Johnny’s point that she may be instilling some very un-toddler-ish traits into their child.  “The Big Macho Army Medic,” Emma enunciated. “Once upon a time, there was a Big, Macho, Army Medic...” she prompted, her eyes narrowed at Jac, and Jac definitely conceded the point, if only to herself.  Emma suddenly beamed at the space behind Jac. “Zoshee knows it!” Jac arched an eyebrow, leaned back slowly into the chair and crossed her arms.  “Oh, she does, does she?” she drawled, swivelling her eyes to the bedroom doorway where Zosia stood, shuffling in place.  “Zoshee, tell Mummy!” Emma bounced excitedly where she lay, grabbing Jac’s hand and hitting it on the empty space next to her on the bed.  Zosia waited until Jac’s eyes beckoned her, and she plonked herself next to Emma, her knees touching Jac’s. “Once upon a time,” she began, throwing Jac a rather apologetic glance. “There was a Big Macho Army Medic-” “Who was very beautiful!” Emma supplied eagerly. “Yes, who was very beautiful,” Zosia repeated, wincing as Jac’s knee pressed harder against her own. “To a certain Vascular Surgeon,” she added, hurriedly.  Emma frowned. “No, Zoshee, all the land thought she was charming! Tell it properly!”  Zosia’s eyes closed almost of their own volition as Jac began tapping her fingers against her own arm.  “Yes, Zoshee, do tell it properly. I’m all ears.”
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