#Ja Low
critical-quoter · 5 months
The difference between you and I is, I'm willing to lose everything for her.
Tempting the Billionaire - J. A. Low
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readyforbooks · 6 months
Somehow, he smells fresh and manly.
—J.A. Low, Off Limits
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dailyadventureprompts · 4 months
I want a low level adventure for investigating an old abandoned (why) temple/jail? Why they have been asked to go in is the adventure but as a plot hook for a future adventure they will find a locked up vampire (how) who they can leave, attempt to kill or let go. The key thing is he will offer something if they do the latter pertainent to a later adventure.
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Dungeon: The Bargain At Barrowfort
A grim history and rumours of haunting keep people away from the old fortress, Once the domain of a wicked count who was all too fond of brutality and torture as a means of keeping his power. Though it has been many years since a heroic rebellion ousted the count and his patrons from power, time has yet to banish the shadow that has come to dwell behind it's battlements.
Adventure Hooks:
Using the area's foreboding reputation to avoid detection, a band of outlaws has claimed the Barrowfort as their base, striking out at caravans and small settlements with weapons salvaged from it's old armouries. When the party eventually raids the crumbling fortress, the scent of ensuing death will awaken a long slumbering hunger; the Barrowfort's ghoulish final garrison, starved out by besieging rebels and driven to unspeakable acts that cursed them with undeath.
Local lore has it that the fortress was built on the burial mound of an ancient queen, who's tomb-curse doomed the original builders and all those who laid claim to the fort in subsequent generations. Due to a quirk of inheritance, an ailing relative of one of the PCs has left them a deed in their will, and the party best get to the root of the curse (and claim their sick new base) before it brings doom upon them.
In the dungeon's deepest vault resides the last victim of the Count's cruelty: Before his capture Ser Karagol was a ruby knight of Wee Jas, goddess of death, passion, and magic. Ser Karagol was a vampire, but he was also a dutiful and pious man, living his life according to a code that restrained his appetites and directed his long centuries of unlife to the goddess's service. The count hoped to force the vampire into sharing the "gift" of immortality, binding him with holy chains and starving him for months at a time in an attempt to break him down. Decades after being forgotten in the dungeons, Karagol is in a sorry state, slipping between lucidity and feral hunger as he struggles against his bindings. Deliberation and mercy in rehabbing the vamp can earn the party a powerful ally in both the knight and his church, but a slip of awareness might result in one of them becoming gravely hurt.
Repeated acts of cruelty and deprivation have stained the Barrowfort to it's very foundations, marking it for Yeenoghu: demon lord of insatiable hunger. Some time in the future, whether the party is holding a feast in their new hall, or when an ambitious occultist claims the ruins for their own, a portal will open and allow minions of the gnawing god to steal through.
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hevosmies · 1 month
Lonkero koira
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littledragonkana · 7 months
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Diversity win! Das Opfer war transgender
Nicht wirklich aber pssssshh
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nocternalrandomness · 9 months
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Low level through Thirlmere
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chichimodele · 9 months
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Jas Tookes
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anukkuna · 8 months
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Ich war inspiriert von den ganzen coolen Bingos hier und hab mir auch eins gebastelt!
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critical-quoter · 2 months
I know the world we live in can make women think that the only way they will make it in society is with the right named man on their arm, I'm telling you, you don't.
Tempting the Billionaire - J. A. Low
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Rival: Zamaados Amida, Curator of the Burning Archives
Sometimes even the greatest of magi must be reminded of a lesson that we all learn as children, that there are things not meant for us, despite the lure of their beauty and power. It is my role to instruct them of this lesson, as many times as they might require.
Setup: As folk who routinely overrule the laws of reality, most magic users are at some level used to getting their way. As such it takes a special sort of person to not only tell them “no”, but rip the forbidden tome/cursed artifact/world changing theorem from their hands and put it out of reach on a high shelf until they/society at large have proved they’ve earned it. Enter Curator Amida, dutiful and ardent servant to the goddess of love, death, and  witchcraft, who grew up seeing the worst abuses that unchecked magic could wreak and now controls an organization dedicated to ensuring its proper use.
While too easy to write off as the “magical no fun police”, Amida and other acolytes of the Burning Archive do invaluable work safeguarding dangerous knowledge and training stray magical talents in how best to use their gifts. However, while attempting to provide stability to an all too chaotic realm, the archive and its curator may act as roadblocks to a party attempting to steer that chaos in the right direction.
On the trail of a rogue warmage with a large bodycount and even larger bounty, the party find their steps dogged by a band of warriors in crimson armour who are apparently after the same target. Having to race against this group of acolytes both overland and for clues to their quarry’s location, the party may end up having to wrest the warmage from their clutches, or have to run with him overland in order to avoid their pursuers from doing the same.
 In need of some vital information kept in the archive’s possession and stonewalled at the front desk the party must heist their way in and pluck the required volume from its resting place. While infiltrating a temple full of mage-librarians is difficult enough, the real hurdle is the anti-theft method that gives the archives its name: Every volume stored in the archive’s deeper shelves is enchanted to burn continuously, never harming the document but making it hell to study the information without scorching your hand. Supposedly the blessing of Wee-Jas can circumvent this ward, but the party are unlikely to be able to obtain that given they’re in the process of stealing form her.
Though cautious and patronizing in equal amounts, a party that conducts themselves in a professional manner may be able to earn Zamaados’s trust, assisting rather than competing with Burning Archives agents and handing over dangerous artifacts no matter the lure of their power. Choosing this harder road will grant the party an ally and potential mentor who’s well versed in the secrets of the unseen world, one who can provide great insight and magic of debatable forbiddenness when situations get dire. 
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takiki16 · 8 months
A Fine Chain
UPDATE: Chapter 15/?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Beta: @gallifreyburning
Relationships: Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Light Dom/sub, Power Imbalance, Royalty, Slavery, Collars, Leashes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don’t copy to another site, Dark
Summary: Caine Wise, disgraced ex-Skyjacker and convicted criminal, is suddenly inducted into the service of the enigmatic Queen Nea-Seraphi, mysterious new Recurrence and puzzle to the Entitled social circle. While figuring out the boundaries of his new station, worrying about his old commander, and nursing old wounds from his court martial, Caine finds himself slowly being drawn into the confidence of his royal employer. What could Her Majesty possibly want with a defective splice?
In which Caine experiences a Night of Revelations, and Nea-Seraphi experiences another tragedy in a long line of tragedies.
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jazajas · 8 months
i wish a lot of people would be more open about the last airbender live action show
i can do a whole rant on how diluting Sokka's sexism isn't a bad thing, because i keep seeing it everywhere and it pisses me off - and you know what? i'm going to. strap in losers, i'm not TLDR-ing this nor putting it under a cut and you better fucking read the whole thing before you comment
so, Sokka's sexism: doesn't actually make that much sense. now before the people who are all up in arms about this come at me, i can prove it to you
we'll start with Hama, the SWT waterbender the Gaang meet in the Fire Nation: she was an active part of defense of the SWT when they still had waterbenders. WHAAAT???! women defense? in my southern water tribe???? (please pick up on that sarcasm) a lot of people talk about how getting rid of Sokka's sexism is only a surface level understanding of the character and show, but his sexism IS a surface understanding of the world. i'm sure the writers had at least major plot points written out by the pilot episode, but there's no way they had the full series written and ready to go, no one does. which means that there is some world building that changed or was created that no longer supports initial decisions from the first episodes.
Hama is also Gran Gran's age - THEY WERE FRIENDS!! Gran Gran also LEFT the Northern Water Tribe, her BIRTHPLACE because of how sexist it was. And you think Gran Gran was going to let her son AND her grandson grow up sexist? Bitch, please. I just know that small sexist comments Sokka picked up from lord knows where were beaten (metaphorically) out of him by his grandmother, who basically raised him and Katara after Hakoda left for war.
speaking of Hakoda: he does not seem like the parent that would make his son, the only of age (so to speak) boy in a village with the heavy burden of hunting and defense. given what we know about Gran Gran, it's possible that a lot more women were doing hunting, even if the village was tiny, because of the desperate circumstances the SWT faced. especially given that Sokka hadn't completed his ice dodging trials and therefore hadn't gone through his coming of age ceremony. would Sokka have tried to do it all by himself? yeah probably. but it would have been because HE wanted to help, not because he was told his was his 'responsibility as a man' - though there's always the fact that he could phrase it like that to which i know Katara would hit him for. Hakoda literally wishes that his kids didn't have to grow up so quickly just to stop the war
given all of that, it makes sense that they would change his character to either not be sexist or just be less sexist. the world changed by the end of the show from where it started (world building wise) so it makes sense that they are now starting the story from the top but built into the world that was made.
also i saw someone mention that Sokka not making sexist remarks will keep Aang in the iceberg and i've never wanted to call someone an only child more than in that moment
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imobsessedwiththem · 22 hours
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admit it. we all had a time in your lifes when this was always on repeat. and if u havent had until now you WILL, trust me
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sn0wbat · 1 year
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it's mort at 19 yrs old, about to graduate from school.
yeah this is very norwegian, so i wrote it in mostly norwegian. sorry
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