anni-writes · 4 days
Kuroo Tetsurou x reader | very suggestive fluff
word count: 1.8k
Warnings: post timeskip Kuroo x coworker! reader, fluff nsfw-ish language
@ anni says: I'm Kuroo Tetsurou's whore. but I also adore him. this was just another innocent self indulgent drabble that was lost in my drafts, so there you go, enjoy!
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the lingering stares, the coffee excuses, the light subtle touches while exchanging papers, the gossipy chatting every lunch break,
the way you look so goddamn hot when you're focused in your work and how that sometimes distracts him from his own work…
and also the inhumanly strenght he need to gather to divert his stare from your plump thighs when you cross your legs under the desk… the privileged view from his desk across from yours can be also a burden sometimes
and then there's that damn high heels you use… not often, though. only when there's important meetings. makes you feel more confident, you said once. but god, when you use it he just want to lay on the floor for you to step on him
there's more and more and so much more about the office bond he has with you that irks him both in the right and wrong ways.
working in the JVA marketing implied that your most strong stakeholder was the promotion division, once the areas needed each other to thrive
therefore, makes total sense that you and Kuroo were so close to each other, right?
it's normal when you're training a new intern and he tags along with the excuse to help you, but spends the whole time glaring menacingly at the guy when he stares at your cleavage a little to much, isn't it?
or when he passes by your desk, leaving a chocolate once every other week, with his handwriting in a note thay says “that presentation was sick, congratulations” or “you deserve a raise, but take this chocolate in the meantime” or some other silly thing that makes you smile
your eyes always dart to him, smiling softly,
but you also can't help but think to yourself that he wanna fuck you so bad— and the thought itself is so entertaining that you shake your head, snorting, as he eyes you puzzled
the tension is clear for you as much as it is for him… he, too, checked all your boxes. a handsome smoking hot smart and competent man that has his eyes set on you? you'd be crazy not to enjoy
so, eventually, you would throw paper balls at him while he's focused, making him roll his eyes and smirk
but also never ceased to bring him coffee when you go get for you. you know how he likes, he works so close to you, why wouldn't you bring him one too?
and the glint in his eyes make it worth it every damn time
neither of you were making the first move so soon, but everyone in the office knows about the unspoken bond you share, gaining some attention in gossip groups around the floor
but then, one day, you were working until very late, apparently alone at the office.
and suddenly, he popped up back, with a can of beer, a loosened tie, two buttons opened, walking torwards your desk, placing the beer beside your papers
you looked at him tilting your head puzzled
“Where did you get that?”
“At the bar across the street”
i tilted my head even more
“You were at the bar across the street and came back to the office to hand me a beer?”
he said matter-of-factly, making you snort. his words were subtly slured, indicating he drank enough to get at least tipsy
“Why not?”
he answered shrugging, and you read through his attempt to divert the topic. but you also know he's very stubborn, so you just brush it off
“How did you even know I was still in the office? It's late…”
you say, while opening the can while looking at the hour on your computer
“It's the first Monday of the month, you always stay late finishing the monthly report… Besides, I saw the light on from across the street, just put two and two together”
“Damn, you're good—”
you say, amazed at how he memorized your routine by now, while sipping your beer, sighing as the cold liquid soothes your tense muscles, feeling the last motivation to end the report today getting obliterated
he watches your every move like a hawk, walking sneakly behind your back to rub your shoulders
you sigh, feeling a chill down your spine with his touches, humming softly with the massage
“You're done with the report?"
he asked, his fingers rubbing circles in your back muscles, sliding to your shoulders. you lean in his touch
“No… But I think I can finish it tomorrow morning," you reply, trying to suppress the pleasure in your voice from his magical touch.
he chuckles lightly, lowering his torso to lean closer, his breath hitting your neck, making you shiver embarrassingly
"That's what I thought," he says softly, his hands never ceasing their movements, the tension that's been building between the two of you for months feels like it's finally reaching a boiling point
before things get awkward, you start to stand up from your chair, closing your laptop on the desk, sipping your beer casually,
when he took advantage of the moment to pull your chair away and leaning closer, his chest pressing against your back, his mouth on your ear
"Don't I deserve a… reward… for the beer and the massage?”
he whispered, the warmth of his breath making your heart race, his arms encircling youe waist in a new way… despite your supposed closeness, it's the first time you feel him this close.
his voice is like velvet, seductive and irresistible, making you question if this was a good idea.
you pathetically place your free hand on the desk to anchor yourself, feeling the weight of the intensity that has been building between us
"Is that what you've been thinking about all along? Pinning me on the desk when there's no one around?"
you whisper back, your voice dropping to a sensual tone as you lean in his chest, looking at him through your shoulders
the tension is palpable, your mutual attraction finally coming to a head. you put your beer down on the desk, meeting his gaze with a daring look, ready to cross the line you've been flirting with for so long.
"And what if I have?" — he whispers back, his voice a low growl that sends shivers down your spine. —"What are you going to do about it?"
his challenge hangs in the air between us, a gauntlet thrown down, waiting for you to pick it up. and that's exactly what you do.
you turn around to face him, raising your chin to line your mouth with his, as his arms hook around my waist
“I might just finally kiss you… would that be bad?”
his eyes darken with desire, his hands pulling you closer.
"That might be the best idea you've ever had,"
and just like that, we give up, succumbingto the tension building for months,
he leans in, or you lean in… its indistinguishable who kissed who first, but you capture each other lips in a heated intense kiss, your tongues already seeking each other’s and you taste the faint malt of the beers he had earlier, sighing with the deliciousness of it all
he gives one step further, boxing you on the desk behind, making you lean back, his hand traveling down my hips
you retaliate, taking his bottom lip between your teeth and biting softly, making him groan
he pushes his tongue inside your mouth again, and you gladly take it, sucking on it, kissing him back with the same passion
it feels almost relieving having him like this after so much tension building. it feels right.
he parts the kiss, but kept his mouth on your jaw, leaving a trace of wet kisses down, reaching your neck
you lean your head back, giving him free reign on your neck, which he gladly take it, switching from kisses to bites, making you moan softly
your moan unlock something primal in his brain, and one of his hand on your hips travel down your thigh, reaching the back of your knee, pushing up his waist, and the other slides to cup your ass
all that while assaulting your neck with languig nibbles, and you can't help but let out a chuckled moan
“Fuckk… eagerrr, are we?”
you say, low and purring, and the way you draw the words from your mouth goes straight to his pants, making his cock twitch, unconsciously grinding his hips on you, his hand giving a light squeeze in your ass
he grins, groaning a little in your neck, the tone vibrating against your chest
it takes you the damn last bit of strenght to knock some sense into him
“Mmhmm… Kuroo… you know… there's cameras in the office… ”
you say slightly breathless, threading your fingers in his hair, gripping, trying to pull him away from your neck
“Call me Tetsurou”
he say lowly and i can't help but chuckle
“Tetsurou…” — i say, rolling his name from my tongue, liking the sound— “there's cameras—”
“They're not gonna check the cameras unless something gets stolen…”
“We're not gonna fuck in the office, Tetsuro”
he parts from your neck, looking straight at me with a glint in his eyes, his famous lazy smirk
“Oh? So we are gonna fuck?”
you narrow your eyes, he got you now.
you snort, grabbing his tie and pulling him for another kiss, mumbling a quick
“Shut up”
he kiss you chuckling in your mouth, his hand on your thigh progressing further, sliding your skirt up, feeling the soft skin he drooled so many times before—
“Not here, Tetsuro—”
he grumbles, releasing your thigh and raising his hands in mocking surrender
“Okay, okay. I get it.” — then he takes your hand, pulling you closer to him — “but you're coming to my place now, and I'm not taking no for an answer”
as you two leave the workplace giggling and holding hands, your coworkers on the bar across the street watch the scene, all ready to let the gossip spread, but also knowing it was bound to happen eventually
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cavarage · 1 month
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just vibes (aesthetics) → (1/?) saints and sinners.
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haikyu-mp4 · 7 days
Expensive taste
word count; 483 – f!reader, suggestive!
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The promotional event that the JVA hosted for the all-star battle of the generation of monsters would certainly not give Kuroo any time to rest. From hours before the event even started until the athletes arrived on the red carpet, Kuroo did his job and tried to converse with everyone, from sponsors to volleyball players to journalists.
He was in the groove, truly in his element despite feeling the tiredness creeping up on him. The only break he had taken the last three hours was when his eyes found you.
You arrived on the red carpet in a floor-length, absolutely gorgeous dress, holding the arm of none other than Yaku Morisuke. Even from a distance away, Kuroo could tell you were closer to his height, but Yaku must have felt like the tallest in the room with such a beautiful date. The two of you smiled and laughed as the cameras clicked, seemingly having small hushed conversations as you moved to the end of the red carpet, finally taking in deep breaths. You still held onto Yaku’s arm, albeit a bit looser as you two approached Kuroo.
The taller man turned on the charm and started by greeting his old friend with a pat on the back before moving his attention back to you, picking up your hand and pressing a kiss to the back. You told him your name and Kuroo nearly purred it back to you. He knew he was rude for having these thoughts when he didn’t know the nature of your relationship with Yaku, but you look like you taste expensive and Kuroo was dying to spend whatever money it would take to find out.
“She’s my team’s manager,” Yaku said, eyes narrowed on his friend. He still knew him well enough. “Thought she deserved a trip out of the gym as well.”
Your eyes sparkled as you looked around at everything and everyone, subconsciously smoothing your hand over your dress as if you had any flaws. Kuroo would forever argue you have none. “I can’t believe I got to go here. Thank you again, Yaku,” you gushed with a glowing smile aimed at the Libero.
“My pleasure so far, just don’t go too wild on the drinks,” he chuckled, winking at you before looking around as well. Kuroo chuckled with him, eyes moving behind you as he realised he had to keep doing his job.
“I would love to stay and chat with you…” His eyes were solely on you saying that. “…but I have to keep welcoming everyone, please excuse me,” he said, bowing shortly before moving on. At least it gave him a chance to feign looking for something so he could get a good look at the open back of your dress while walking away.
At the end of the night, Yaku went home alone. You were very taken by his old captain’s… conversational skills.
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anadiilua · 3 months
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I'm going to cry! This is beautiful
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oldmama · 3 months
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JVA (Japanese Volleyball Association) official illustration featuring Haikyuu!! Kageyama and Hinata alongside ryujin Nippon (male national team)players Yuji Nishida and team captain Yuki Ishikawa and Hinotori Nippon (feminine national team) Sarina Koga ( fun fact : she is Nishida’s wife IRL) and Mayu Ishikawa (fun fact:Yuki little sister )
The exhibition will take place in Shinjuku
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yulchi · 10 days
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olympic birthday boy 🎂🌻🥹
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rwpohl · 3 months
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codex gigas, bohemia 13th century
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rebelliousdandy · 2 months
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in honor of kuroo being named special chief of jva’s PR department, here’s his first team collab
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moonartemisia · 5 months
Idk why I have this— but enjoy the skit I made for them 🫠💜🩷💕
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
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this got to me ngl
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astrowaffles · 2 years
do you ever pray for kuroo's coworkers
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cavarage · 1 month
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just vibes (aesthetics) → (2/?) cherry chapstick.
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akkoeln · 2 years
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Spaziergang zum Knast - 31.12.22 18 Uhr
JVA Ossendorf, Köln
Wie jedes Jahr treffen wir uns am 31. Dezember 2022 zur traditionellen Silvester-Anti-Knast-Kundgebung vor der JVA Ossendorf in Köln. Kommt vorbei!
Alle Jahre wieder, aber nicht nur zu Silvester! Vielerorts weltweit hat es lange Geschichte sich gerade am geselligen Silvesterabend vor Gefängnissen zu versammeln, um die Gefangenen mit Feuerwerk und Getöse wissen zu lassen, dass sie Draußen nicht vergessen sind. Mit unserem Silvestergruß an die Gefangenen in Ossendorf feiern wir das Näherrücken von Entlassungen, poltern gegen die Angst vor dem alleine und vergessen Sein, oder veranstalten einfach eine kleine Abwechslung zum immer gleichen Knastalltag. Aber nicht nur das: Leben im Knast bedeutet, abgeschottet und ausgegrenzt zu werden vom Leben Draußen - von Herzensmenschen und Wohlfühlorten, der eigenen Lebensplanung und gesellschaftlichen Diskuren,ökonomischer und sozialer Teilhabe, allen bislang vertrauten Handlungsspielräumen. Wir können die grausame Absolutheit dieser staatlich organisierten Isolation und Entfemdung entschärfen, indem wir Austausche zwischen Drinnen und Draußen knüpfen und pflegen – beispielsweise per Brief, Telefonat, Besuch, Radiobeitrag, oder lautem Gruß über die Gefängnismauer. Aus dem Knast heraus solche Kontakte zu organisieren, ist oftmals praktisch unmöglich. Es ist die Aufgaben derjenigen Draußen, Kommunikationswege herzustellen. Tragt daher gerne auch unsere Postanschrift in die Gefängnisse, damit Menschen uns schreiben können.
Auch für Angehörige von Gefangenen ist die Anti-Knast-Kundgebung ein potentieller Ort der Vernetzung, zum gegenseitigen Trösten und gemeinsamen wütend-Sein. Angehörige im Knast zu haben bedeutet, einen lieben Menschen zu vermissen, sich sorgen, ökonomische Probleme und soziale Stigmatisierung. Menschen treffen, die Knäste auch scheiße finden, gibt die Gewissheit mit diesen Nöten nicht alleine zu sein und die Perspektive solidarische Unterstützung zu organisieren. Außerdem soll diese Kundgebung ein Vernetzungsort für alle sein, die eine Welt ohne Knäste herbeisehnen und für diese kämpfen wollen. Wir sind es Leid, dass Menschen weggesperrt und bestraft werden, statt dass wir unsere Konflikte untereinander lösen und Verantwortung füreinander übernehmen. Knast ist lediglich eine Zurichtungsanstalt, die niemandem hilft und uns davon abhalten soll, mit dem Staat und den Verhältnissen in Konflikt zu gehen.
Also auf nach Ossendorf! Wir treffen uns um 18 Uhr vor der JVA Ossendorf beim Lauti. Wahrscheinlich Es ist ein Spaziergang rund um das gesamte Knastgelände angemeldet. Bewegt euch also gerne vom Treffpunkt aus frei um den Knast herum, damit wir Drinnen von möglichst vielen Orten aus zu sehen und hören sind. Ziel ist es, die Gefangenen hinter den riesigen Mauern und monströsen Anlagen zu erreichen! Bringt gut sichtbares Feuerwerk, Rufe, Gesänge und Musik! Seid laut und hell!
(Cops nehmen Pyro oft zum Anlass für Kontrollen, Platzverweise oder vorläufige Festnahmen. Habt das bitte auf dem Schirm und passt auf euch auf.)
Prisons are for burning.
Solidarity 1803
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gutachter · 4 months
Fliesenskandal in der JVA Aichach: Jetzt steht fest, wer zahlen muss
Aichach: „…Beim Bau des JVA-Versorgungszentrums werden 4800 Quadratmeter Fliesen mangelhaft verlegt. Schaden: 1,6 Millionen Euro. Nach langem Rechtsstreit gibt es eine Einigung. Der Fliesenskandal in der Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) Aichach hat es zu zweifelhafter Berühmtheit gebracht: Zweimal hat ihn der Bund der Steuerzahler in sein Schwarzbuch aufgenommen. Er kostete obendrein Nerven, Geld und…
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datenarche · 6 months
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hartl · 9 months
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