sugarcowffee · 1 year
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Last one: SO is gently using their skele's skull as a drum, when they finish, they say "did you know that you are bald?" Then they kiss there skull. For OT, HS, UT, G!T and
And? Lol I’m getting a lot of cut off questions like this lately
Pluto: he’s throughly enjoying the attention at first and will be sighing all snuggled up in your lap. When you call him bald though, plutos eyes open and he looks up to give you the most deadpan expression lol. “R-really? I never noticed.”
Jupiter: when you stop drumming, he makes a disgruntled noise and asks why you stopped. After you call him bald, Jupiter sniggers in your face and smugly says “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS I DONT HAVE TO SHAVE”
Lilac: If you’re snuggled up and petting his head, then he has to be asleep on top of you. Lilac hates the feeling of being pinned and can only cuddle when he’s on top. It would be mean to wake him. He doesn’t get enough sleep as it is
Basil: you’re in his lap facing him, nearly on your knees so you can reach his head better. When you call him bald, he huffs out a small laugh and sits up straight. Now you can’t reach his head. That’s right. Suffer.
Sans: this big baby will literally whine at you when you stop patting his head. Why’d you stop?? He was so comfortable?? When you call him bald, sans will laugh. “Oooh no, not my deepest insecurity~”
Papyrus: you’re drumming on his head, and he’s doing an opposing drum beat on your knees. Together you two make harmony. You think it sorta sounds like the drumbeat of a linkin park song papyrus likes. When you call him bald, he’s genuinely sad about it. “I WILL NEVER FEEL MY HAIR IN THE WIND….” *he sadly looks off into the distance*
G: he’s humming along with your patting. When you call him bald, G gives a mock look of offense and puts his motorcycle helmet on. “Nope, you just lost baldy privileges y/n~”
Green: he’s throughly enjoying the cuddling. Green has his head in your lap and a book in his. When you break the drumbeat to call him bald, he has to lift his glasses up so you can see him roll his eyes at you. “OBSERVANT AS EVER DEAR~”
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Rating: G
Word Count: 1280
Summary: After a year as queen, Alphys no longer expects a reset.  With her newfound confidence and with Sans by her side, would it be awful to admit she doesn't want to go back? (Salphys fic for @con-cognito!)
Sans and Alphys shared a queen-sized bed.
It was a joke, a gift that he’d gotten her a few months after she was flung into this position.  She hadn’t been a queen then, not really.  She was just… there.
Sometimes, just being there was enough.  Sans had taught her that.
Now, over a year later, Sans was here. In her bed.  Tangled in her pink bedsheets, his bare ribcage rising and falling with ironic snores.
Normally the noise was enough to put her straight to sleep.  Tonight, though, old worries found new footholds in her head.
How long was this going to last?  In the first days of her reign, the thought of the human resetting the timeline was all that kept her going.  Then as the days turned into weeks turned into months, she decided they weren’t that benevolent.  They’d wanted this.  Sans had watched them murder without hesitation or mercy.
But now that she was finally getting used to this life… well, it wouldn’t surprise her if the human decided to take it all away.
“Alph,” Sans grunted.  His bony hand flopped onto her face.  “Shhhh. You’re thinkin’ too loud.”
She snorted.  “You read minds now?  What are you, an anime character?”
“Nah.” His eyesockets were still closed, but his permanent grin stretched wider. He looked blurry without her glasses on.  “You spark when you get in your head.”
“Huh?” She sat up slightly, then caught a jolt of static electricity jolting off of her pillow and down her nightgown.  “O-oh.  Oops.”
“Heh.  ‘S cute,” he mumbled, still smiling.
“Sh-shut up.”  She blushed. They’d been in a queerplatonic relationship for about a month now, but she’d always been easily flustered.
(He could be flustered too, she’d found out.  Physical displays of affection wouldn’t faze him, but a genuine compliment would have him hiding in his hood for an average of four minutes and thirty-seven seconds.)
“Make me,” he teased drowsily.  
He only said it ironically—she’d overused the trope in too many of her old fanfics.  It had become somewhat of an inside joke after he’d “accidentally” found her computer folder full of them.
(She couldn’t bare to read them anymore, not when over half of the characters were dead.  But for the same reason, she couldn’t bare to delete them.)
(Some nights she caught Sans up late reading the more tame ones about Papyrus and Mettaton.  In the shameless darkness of their room, he’d admitted that it was nice to pretend they were happy somewhere.)
“I’m gonna make you sleep on the couch,” she grumbled, but snuggled closer to him.  
His pointy elbow was jabbed in her side, and his skull was cold against her cheek.  She didn’t mind.  On nights like this, it was nice to feel someone so solid.  So real.
“C-ouch,” he echoed, emphasizing the pun.
She let out a loud snrk.  
“Just go back to sleep, Sans.”
He rolled towards her slightly, one eyesocket peeking open.
“You sure?” he asked. “I know I’m not the most useful guy around, but. Uh. If all that static’s keepin’ you awake…”
She winced.  He was always observant, even when he didn’t know what to do with what he knew.
“Just the usual. Resets. The human.”  Losing myself. Losing you. “Lame stuff.”
“Oh.”  He was clearly more awake now, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes for some reason.  “Yeah.  Guess that’s… still a possibility.”
“Did you stop thinking about it?” she asked, brow furrowed.  
He’d always seemed more caught up in the concept of alternate timelines than she had.  If he’d stopped worrying, maybe he could help her, too.
“...Nah.  I mean, I’m still not getting my hopes up… but I can see how it’d be nice.” He rolled onto his back.
She shouldn’t feel betrayed.  Alphys had lost most of her friends, but Sans had lost his family.  Of course he’d want to get that back, even if it meant losing… this.
It wasn’t like he was wrong.  She could see how it would be nice, too.  Asgore leaving her voicemails she wouldn’t answer.  Mettaton barging through her doors, recounting his latest episode that she’d already watched on TV.  Undyne calling her up just to talk about the nonexistent weather, or to watch anime, or to build giant swords.
But to go back… to lie again, to hide again, to pretend she was fine when she was just steps away from the abyss— 
She couldn’t live like that again. She couldn’t.
“Alph?”  Sans shook her gently, and her magic sparked along his carpals.  “Hey.  Talk to me.”
“S-sorry.”  She reined her magic back in.  “I’m just—being stupid.”
“There’s only one bonehead around here, and it’s not you.”  He rubbed a thumb soothingly over her arm as he spoke.  “I said something dumb, didn’t I?”
“N-no!  I just…” She sighed.  “You won’t judge me for being selfish, right?”
“Hardly fair for the pot to call the kettle black,” he said wryly.
“Ha ha.”
She wrapped her arms around herself and tried not to lean into his touch.  She didn’t deserve it.
“At least you don’t want things to stay like this,” she muttered.
His thumb stilled.  “...Huh?”
“You want the k-kid to reset.”  She dug her nails into her arms.  “I don’t.  I can’t.  I mean, according to our r-reports, I wouldn’t even remember, but!  If I did!  Or, or even if I don’t, and I just feel like, like I’m living it all over again, that whole time I h-hated myself…”
Tears were leaking from her eyes.  She’d long since given up being embarrassed around Sans over things like that.  Still, it made it even harder to see his expression. 
“Why do you think I want to go back?”
She blinked.
“B-because you just said you did?”
“Oh.”  He scratched the back of his spine.  “Huh.  Honestly, I just said that ‘cause I assumed you wanted a reset.”
Well now she felt dumb.
“I mean, yeah.  I wish less people were dead.”  He shrugged, shifting the sheets around them.  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Papyrus.  But he… he wouldn’t want me to stop living too.”
His eyelights were fixed on the ceiling.  She untangled her arms from around herself and squeezed his hand.
“I think he’d be really proud of you,” she said quietly.
“Yeah.”  He smiled.  “Heh, I can picture the look on his face if he found out I’m working for the Queen.  He’d be so jealous.”
“H-he wouldn’t have to be.  I’d make him a part of the Royal Guard.  A-and give him the fanciest, spikiest armor he could want.”
“He’d shine it every day.  You’d be able to see your reflection in it.”
“He and Undyne would cook spaghetti for us—”
“And we’d pretend we could stomach it.”  Sans grinned, fully facing her again now.
She smiled back, nuzzling her snout against his nasal ridge.
“It’s… not so bad to think about them,” she realized.  “Even if they’re not coming back… we still have their memories.”
She’d been wrong to try to throw that away.  Even if remembering hurt sometimes, it was better than chopping off her memories like a diseased limb.  Asgore, Mettaton, Undyne… they all deserved better than that.
“We do.  And, uh. We’ve got each other,” he added, his cheekbones glowing an ethereal blue.  “Right?”
“You’re such a n-nerd.”  She kissed the top of his nasal ridge.  “I couldn’t do this without you.  You know that.”
“Doesn’t hurt to be reminded.”  He smiled, his eyesockets drifting closed again.
Within seconds, he’d fallen asleep in her arms.
“Thank you, Sans,” she murmured.  “For reminding me, too.”
This time, his snores lulled her quickly to sleep.
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alottanothing · 4 years
Left to Ruin: Chapter Sixteen
Summary: The pharaoh Ahkmenrah takes his new queen with ample celebration. Nouke learns of the struggles laid out in her new path.  
Previous Chapters
Word Count: 9684
Warnings: 5K PLUS WORDS OF WEDDING NIGHT SMUT. You younglings stay away, (18+ only)!! Why am I so thirsty? Seriously this chapter is the longest one in the whole story because I’m a thirsty hoe.
Tag List:  @xmxisxforxmaybe​, @r-ahh-mi​, @theultraviolencefan​, @hah0106​, @rami-malek-trash​, @diasimar​, @sherlollydramoine​, @flipper-kisses​, @ivy-miranda-2390​, @txmel​, @sunkissedmikky​, @concentratedsassandcandy​, @babyalienfairy​, @edteche2​ (Let me know if I missed you, or if you would like to be added to the tag list)
A/N:  I-uh-sorta went feral with this one. I got my feet wet writing smut a few chapters ago and with this one I straight up jumped into the deep end. Hopefully you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, thank you so much for your comments and reactions! I adore you all! Once again as a disclaimer, I am not an ancient Egyptian expert and google only knows so much. So yeah, I took so historical liberties while writing this to make my life easier, but tried to keep it as “authentic” as possible
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When Nouke stepped out into the hall with Setshepsut at her side, dripping from head to toe in finery, she did so with a new wave of confidence, using every perfect step as a moment to reflect. Her childhood was spent roaming the very halls in which she strode, wearing shoddy garb, ignored, and expected to serve men and women greater than herself. She’d come so far from the life of servitude she was born into. Now, Nouke walked freely, poised on a higher tier than a princess. Her rags were replaced with riches: adorned in fine linen and gold—she was someone no one could ignore.
Servants and nobles alike bowed to her as they passed, the crown on her head a sign of the status she would soon carry—its weight a reminder as well. Every piece of her history and the shimmering future laid before her was difficult to wrap her head around, but it thrilled her nonetheless.
Before another surge of hesitance could claw into the pit of her stomach, Nouke cast a studying glance to Setshepsut, watching the elegant way she carried herself. Her inherent grace was much like her brothers, especially when he turned on his pharaoh act. Every line in her body was straight but not rigid. Her posture was precise but comfortable; with her shoulders squared and her chin held just high enough to resonate a calm authority, she was regal without seeming arrogant.
Every step was weightless and fluid like a leaf on a breeze; Nouke walked as though she had rocks tethered to her feet. It took effort to stifle her frown, suddenly overcome with the desire to replicate the casual sophistication.
The chance she could master a paralleled radiance before they reached the council chamber was nil. Too straight of a posture would come across as stringent, and if she angled her chin even a fraction too high, she would surely come off as snobbish: two factors Nouke was keen to avoid.
With some luck and a large amount of diligence, Nouke knew she would be able to find that middle ground on par with the likes of Setshepsut and the rest of her family. Until then, Nouke made a vow to herself to stay calm and mimic Set’s gentle smile, hoping she did not look as foolish as she felt. 
When they reached the set of double doors, Setshepsut took the liberty of opening them herself. The council room was longer than it was wide and decorated with statues of the most important gods. Shelving ran along the wall to her right, housing scrolls of papyrus and other idols. At the rooms center was a long wooden table, which was already filled with a sea of unfamiliar faces.
A sense of panic consumed Nouke when each of the foreign faces turned to appraise her with varying expressions she had trouble reading. To a degree, she expected to be met with a cold welcome. To them, she was a filthy servant—a witch—who seduced their noble pharaoh into giving her a seat in the monarchy. Most of them probably wouldn’t believe her if she confessed to not wanting the crown; she just wanted Ahk.
In spite of the scrutiny, Nouke held her resolve, unwilling to let them upset her. Ahkmenrah chose her to be his queen. She had nothing to prove to them except, possibly, how much love she possessed for the pharaoh: that she would most willingly prove for the rest of her life.
Uninterested in catering to so many probing expressions, Nouke scanned the faces until she found Shepseheret at the furthest end, happily seated next to Maketaten. A grin broke through her protective mask of indifference as she found her mother dressed in finery befitting a noble. She looked so young and healthy the vision was almost enough to fill Nouke’s eyes with joyous tears, but she fought them, not wanting to ruin her makeup.
Beyond them, Merenkahre stood looking calm and pensive, harboring the same confident air Nouke needed to master.
Without a word, Setshepsut ambled prettily around the table to take the empty seat next to a handsome young soldier, leaving Nouke alone in the open space between the head of the table and the wall of shelves. The loss of her closeness triggered more panic to manifest, causing the rhythm of her heart to increase and a lump to build in her throat.
Instantly her mind and her eyes searched the room for a way to remedy the sudden wave of anxiety, wondering if she should join them at the table or wait for instruction. 
Just as she was starting to feel faint from holding her breath, everyone who was seated stood.
The abruptness startled Nouke with a gasp, and before she could follow their gaze to find an answer, Ahkmenrah twined his fingers with hers, throwing her a blinding, toothy smile. 
“Hello, my love,” he said proudly.
His presence easily allayed her unease and suddenly, Nouke felt weightless.
“Hi,” she replied with a dreamy exhale, her awe prompting his lips to curl into a grin until laughter lines crinkled at the corners of his eyes.
“If we now may proceed, my king?” Merenkahre cleared his throat to gain their attention.
There was the slightest hint of an adoring smile playing on the former pharaoh’s lips. No more was his face a mask of dutiful indifference; there was sincerity in his tone and eyes that was a welcomed sight. Perhaps she wouldn’t have to win his approval after all.
“Yes, father,” Ahkmenrah said with a respectful nod.
Merenkahre returned the gesture and took a single step to place himself between his wife and Maketaten.
“In following tradition, marriage contracts are usually written by the fathers of the young man and young woman. However, we must offer our condolences to our soon to be queen and her mother. Ramentukah was a loyal soldier under my reign and a good man.”
The room collectively bowed their heads in a show of respect—a moment of silence that was bittersweet.
“Thusly,” Meren began again. “I thought it more appropriate, that in this circumstance, the mothers scribe this agreement.”
Merenkahre stepped back into his previous place as Shepseheret and Maketaten stood, both smiling.
“Ahkmenrah. Anuksamun. I speak for both of us when I say it warms my heart to see the both of you reunited,” Shep began.
Maketaten brandished a roll of papyrus and laid it on the table as Ahk’s mother continued, “The terms of this marriage are simple. It states that in the unlikely want of a break to this union, any children of royal blood will remain heirs to the throne of Egypt. The homestead of Maketaten, Ramentuka, and Anuksamun will remain their property. Until such a time, the farm's upkeep will be the responsibility of the crown to ensure its longevity.”
“Are these terms agreeable to you both?” Maketaten added.
It was absurd to even speak about the notion of their union breaking; Nouke would never surrender Ahkmenrah, and she knew beyond a doubt he would never surrender her.
“Yes,” they said in unison, causing them both to crack a smile.
A pridefully pleased grin spread over Shepseheret's face as she gathered the marriage document and brought it to their end of the table.
“Then, if you please. Make your marks, your majesties."
Nouke’s heart was hammering as she watched Ahkmenrah scribe his name; the rush of excitement made her feel faint again, and she gripped Ahk’s hand a little tighter to keep from falling. He passed her the quill with another blinding smile, and her hand was shaking so badly it took all of her focus to will it steady as she wrote her name next to her husband's.
And then, it was done. He was hers, and she was his—forever.
Merenkahre spoke then, his smile wide and sparkling, a hint of his son’s expression peeking through.
“Our honored guests, and respected councilmen. It is my pleasure to present to you the pharaoh Ahkmenrah and his Queen, Anuksamun!” 
While Nouke found the ceremony to officially mark her union to the pharaoh to be—in a word—underwhelming, the celebration that followed made up for the boring political fuss of signing a document in the confines of the council chamber. The moment she stepped into the great halls of the palace with her husband, the commotion of the festivities echoed through the stone walls in such a way it was difficult to pinpoint their true origin.
Sounds almost alien, bounced around in a muffled and obscured clamor that instilled Nouke with curiosity. The corridors were nearly vacant as they strode; everyone, it seemed, having been coaxed with intrigue to the cause of the sounds pulsing through the palace.
Step after fluid step, the din of celebratory excitement grew louder until the halls of the palace gave way to a large courtyard oasis. Nouke’s breath caught with thrill as she took in the unbelievable sight, the crowd gathered below the stairs she and Ahk stood atop.
Shouts of praise for their king and queen burst from the guests below, in a thunderous roar that triggered a wave of shock to freeze Nouke's movements. Were it not for the proud smile on Ahkmenrah’s lips, the number of eyes suddenly cast upon her would have been even more staggering. His heartened expression was enough to combat the fluttering of butterflies in her belly, and she smiled too.
His sparkling eyes met her with a silent question—to ask if she was ready to keep going—and she nodded. Confidence thrummed from him and into her where their hands were joined, lending her the posture she thought she would need to work at to master. With Ahk at her side, the air of casual dignity came to her with ease.
She felt a true queen at that moment as a hush fell over the crowd when they began descending the stairs. Every person fell in a wave to their knees, parting like a river through sand for them as they slowly tread past.
Ahkmenrah was the paragon of regal as he moved throughout the crowd, his crown gleaming in the burning of torchlight, his golden robes catching the breeze, and sweeping elegantly behind him. Like all those before her, Nouke too was in awe of his presence: so calm and utterly beautiful. And all hers.
When they reached their destination at the center of the grand courtyard—a raised platform of identical twin thrones—Nouke was unsure if her heart was pounding from the thrill, the nerves or simply by the way Ahkmenrah glowed at her side.
There was so much to focus on from their stage and Nouke’s eyes scanned over it all feeling breathless. It wasn’t until Ahk stole a quick kiss that her nerves settled. He proudly drew her into the warmth of his orbit, and out from the tepid eyes surrounding them. The glean in his eyes moved through her entire body, snaking and rooting into her core.
Ahk’s puckish grin spread wider, recognizing her look of want all too easily, and gave her one last peck before turning to address his still kneeling guests. 
“Rise, my loyal, most cherished friends.” Ahkmenrah’s voice bellowed with a robust, prideful vigor that immediately settled between Nouke’s thighs despite the mundane nature of his words.
With a small bereft sigh, Nouke bit her lip and steered her focus to the crowd hoping to allay the heat Ahk’s deep bravado stirred.
“Tonight, I am the happiest man in all Egypt. Fore on this night, I have the supreme honor to introduce to you, my wife.” Ahkmenrah’s glittering eyes turned to drink in her sight, holding her gaze as he spoke again, “Whose beauty could have only come from the gods themselves. She is my greatest love, and your new queen…”
He sounded breathless, completely in awe, and almost in tears when he continued, “I present, Anuksamun!”
Instantaneously a chorus resonated throughout the air, “My Queen!”
Everyone bowed before her, even Ahkmenrah bowed, murmuring a gentle, “My queen,” that curled tendrils of warmth through her body.
Nouke’s mouth hung agape as her eyes flitted over each bowed head, her heart bursting and pounding all at once, overcome with a hundred different emotions, but mostly she stood with disbelief and profound gratefulness.
With a deep breath, Nouke poised herself with all the grace and confidence she could derive from those turbulent feelings inside and prayed her voice would not crack under the onslaught of pressure.
“My lords, my ladies, my new friends. I am humbled by your praise. It is my honor to share this night with each of you.” She paused to take in another slow breath, letting her sight catch Ahkmenrah to gauge how her first official address was faring.
His eyes were wide with admiration; his lips parted and quirked into a three-point smile. The look of reverence instilled a fresh wave of courage, and Nouke continued.
“Thank you all for making the journey to celebrate with us—”
“Let the festivities commence!” Ahkmenrah declared, ceremoniously flailing his arms to the heavens with a toothy smile that put the moons silvery light to shame.
All at once, the large garden erupted with life as every manner of entertainment broke out. Music and laughter sprung up on every side, filling the air with an ample joy that mirrored the sensation buzzing in Nouke’s chest.
With the spotlight no longer on her, a grin unfurled on her face, both proud and glad their guests were suddenly too caught up in the merrymaking to pay her and the pharaoh much attention.
“That was terrifying,” she half-joked with a shaky giggle.
In a fluid movement, Ahk’s arms were around her waist, guiding her against him until nothing remained to part them.
“You, my love, are a natural,” he purred with a smirk before claiming her mouth with his.
The delicate sweep of his tongue over her lip, begging for entrance, cajoled a pleased hum from Nouke’s throat. She was only too willing to open for him--starving for his intimacy after days without it.
His kiss was all greedy tongue and skillful lips, dancing desperately against one another, tasting and worshiping, until it stole the air from their lungs, leaving them panting with desire. Warmth coiled for each of them, low in their abdomen, spurring more quiet and indecent laments to pass—muffled—between them.
It took all of Nouke’s diminishing will power not to ravish her pharaoh then and there for everyone to see. His lips curled into a devious smirk, and his eyes trailed down the deep V of her neckline with a hunger no feast could fill, gnawing his bottom lip to curb his own appetite.
She shivered, thinking he was going to indulge her lewd fantasy and christen her his queen there before all of his subjects. However, the cloud of lust dissipated as quickly as it had formed when Ahkmenrah’s family swarmed them with praise and introductions.
Nouke had only met Ahk’s older sisters once or twice in her youth. Most were married off to important husbands before she and Ahkmenrah were old enough to speak, but she did remember that they were all beautiful, kind people.
While she stumbled through each introduction, confusing names of sisters, husbands, nieces, and nephews, each welcomed her with open arms. As they caught up with their younger brother, Nouke stood at Ahk’s side, her heart swelling every time she found a piece of her husband in one of their expressions. Ahk, Set, and their oldest sister had a tendency to bite their lip before they smiled. His laugh was a perfect echo of his second oldest sister and all of them had strong jaws and expressive eyes. There was an entire repertoire of matching idiosyncrasies that made Ahkmenrah and his sister’s harmonious, and Nouke was never more delighted to be among a group of strangers.
Nouke was unsure how far into the night the celebration had lasted when she found herself longing for it to be over. The food and drinks continued to flow endlessly; the guests continued to dance and thrive in the convivial atmosphere without constraint. She alone seemed to beg for an end.
Sleep was far from her mind, yet the thrill of the festivities concluded when Shepseheret and Setshepsut pulled her away from Ahkmenrah, tasked with the obligation of introducing her to all the important ladies of Egypt in attendance.
The burden of duty, she thought, easily recalling each time Ahk had spoken of duty and frowned. At last, she understood. And just like her dutiful husband, Nouke wore a kind face and as regal a posture as she could manage, while her mother-in-law and sister-in-law paraded her from noble to noble.
Each woman greeted her with a respectful bow, yet not all their praise felt genuine, which made for a keenly distressing jumble of introductions and conversations. From awe to abhorrence, their lofty masks split to reveal the truth of how they saw her. Some commended her for coming from nothing, while others made it clear with only their icy tone, that the notion of a commoner queen repulsed them.
“Don’t let them get to you,” Set said in a timely fashion, just as Nouke’s anxiety was beginning to root in her bones again. The negativity and false faces were too much too quickly.
“Some of them are jealous, and some of them are upset my brother chose you over their daughters.” There was a smug quirk to Setshepsut’s lips that was enough to allay a sliver of Nouke’s malaise finding it to be a twin of Ahk’s smug simper.
Still, Nouke’s brows had difficulty not knitting together with inquiry.
“Did Ahkmen not tell you?” Set asked, her brows pulling together in a similar expression.
“Tell me what?”
Setshepsut’s features softened into a genuine, wholehearted smile, and she looked to her mother.
“When the council encouraged him to seek out a second wife, my husband sent for suitors,” Ahk’s mother explained, joining the conversation as they stood amid the sea of guests.
It should not have come as a surprise the handsome, young pharaoh would have a line of women waiting to wed him, and even though she’d married him hours prior, Nouke struggled to keep jealousy from twisting a frown onto her lips.
“Ahkmen denied them all,” Setshepsut assured her, once again swift enough to combat the nagging sensation the thought of suitors conjured. “He was already so in love with you; I'm not even sure he truly looked at any of them.”
Nouke’s smile grew firmer, “When did this all—”
“A few weeks before you showed up,” Set said happily. “It is as though the gods knew you needed one another.”
Nouke beamed, and while her words struggled to compile themselves to form a response, she knew Set was wise enough to understand that the feeling was the same.
“The gods always know what we need before we do,” Shep said in a scholarly tone, full of wisdom and warmth. “Which is why the gods blessed me with three daughters before a son. His kindness comes from all his sisters, and kindness can be just as powerful as any weapon a king could hold.”
The former queen’s sentiment was not lost on Nouke; Shepseheret's knowing expression provided enough context. Her son would always rule Egypt with a level head and no cruelty, unlike his brother.
A quiet moment passed as they idly scanned the crowd around them until Shepseheret’s elegant posture relaxed.
“I do believe we’ve met everyone.” She exhaled, releasing more of her queenly persona, looking every bit as exhausted from the charade as Nouke felt.
“I know those were a lot of names and faces, but it will spare you in the future,” Shepseheret explained, offering an apologetic smile. “It should keep them from showing up unannounced to introduce themselves.”
Nouke frowned, “They do that?”
Ahk’s sister nodded, frowning herself, looking more irritated than sad.
“Mmhm, any excuse to possibly gain more favor with the pharaoh.” Set threw a narrow-eyed glance around them. “Everyone here is not-so-secretly vying for the next-best position of power.”
Nouke’s frown pressed deeper into her features as she glanced at the party-goers through a new lens of understanding. It made so much sense suddenly—the grandeur of every detail—the frock and the praise and the forced well wishes. 
Every soul in the garden was there only for the prospect of selfish gain, be it for a seat at the pharaoh’s council or merely to nurse from the royal teat. They attended only to take whatever they could: meals and drink and entertainment when no guest in attendance ever knew a day of famine.
They owned no golden crown to mark them supreme over all, but they were mayors and governors—lords and ladies—who knew only lavishment and plentiful meals. None of them put in a day’s labor under the sun out of fear of going hungry. And still, they took what was provided freely with heedless greed.
The worst thought was that the pharaoh could do nothing but play along to ensure no offended party sought to overthrow him.
Queen for less than an evening and already the weight of it all seemed crushing.
“I’m going to find Ahk,” Nouke announced, suddenly in need of his warmth after hours of only cold faces.
“Thank you,” she added with a genuine smile, grateful to have them both to ease her into her new life.
A sickly air of melancholy swept over Egypt's new queen as she wandered the party alone, her inner thoughts a tangled web that drastically contrasted the joviality enduring around her. Nouke felt her usual spirit unexpectedly laden: overwhelmed and acutely out of place among a legion of highborn faces. Their mocking expressions could not be overshadowed by the few wholesome gazes that met her as she walked making her spirit heavier.
Every non-distracted face and sober mind bid her a bow as she maneuvered passed, each act making her wonder whether they saw a queen or a servant strolling by.
The envy was easiest to catch on the young faces of potential queens; each one of them beauties Ahkmenrah passed up to tie himself eternally to her. Nouke did garner a hint of pride at that particular thought, manifesting with a well-hidden smirk.
Nevertheless, by the time her feet carried her across the spacious garden to its center where the twin thrones sat, Nouke felt thin—like the threadbare garments, riddled with holes, she wore on her farm. She lingered a moment in the open area between the masses of guests and her throne, letting her focus slip into the distance with a deep inhale, and a slow exhale. Only after several slow, calculated breaths did her spirit find its center once more, bringing a much-needed wave of calm.
The abrupt sound of children laughing quickly stole Nouke’s focus, and the sight she found was enough to devour the remaining traces of melancholy. Instantaneously her face erupted into a grin so wide it hurt to hold. All at once, the heaviness in her heart melted into a warmth that swelled to fill her entire body with adoration. 
Upon the lordly stage, where the thrones sat unoccupied, was Ahkmenrah and a slew of his tiny nieces and nephews. All of them were laughing and smiling as their uncle playfully chased them with a mischievous smirk on his lips, his fingers outstretched and threatening to tickle them. Nouke’s heart fluttered, and tears prickled her eyes as she pictured their children running and giggling as Ahkmenrah chased them; beautiful babes with ringlets, blue eyes and smiles that rivaled the sun. What a wonderful vision.
The smallest of Ahk’s nephews let out a yelp when he scooped the boy into his arms, his cry immediately followed by a barrage of shrieks and laughs as his uncle tossed him into the air. When the pharaoh caught him, Ahk kissed the boy’s cheek before releasing him. The little boy let out another mirthful cry as his tiny legs carried him into the crowd the moment his feet met the ground. Ahkmenrah’s grin was like magic, unfurling slow, with ample affection as he watched his nephew vanish into the sea of people.
Several of the other children ran after the toddler, all carrying on with convivial squeals that somehow made the pharaoh’s grin even brighter. Only one of his nieces remained, older than most of the other kids, but still small enough to warrant her yanking on her uncle's cape to get his attention. Ahk turned his radiant smile upon her, and she matched its vibrance when he scooped her up as well, neatly tumbling backward onto the wide seat of his throne.
The little girl cackled as they expertly fell, reaching with wonderment in her eyes for the golden crown on her uncle’s head. Ahk’s smile touched his eyes as he carefully removed it and placed the headpiece on her head. Immediately it slipped past her ears and nose, causing her to giggle as she pushed it back far enough on her crown to see. She stood in Ahkmenrah’s lap, throwing her arm around his neck for a quick hug before mussing his hair.
A second later, the girl hopped from his lap with an excited squeal and ran to join the other children, her uncle's crown still on her head.
Ahkmenrah chuckled a delightful sounding bellow that shook his entire body with joy as he settled back into his throne effortlessly. He took a long swig from his goblet that was precariously perched on the wide arm of his chair, relaxing.
All at once, the warmth in her chest dripped further down, becoming something much more immodest than the virtuous affection it had been only a moment ago. Never had Nouke been so compelled to sit on someone’s lap. Seeing her husband forgoing his perfect posture for a lax slouch, legs sprawled wide in front of him, with the curls on his head an unruly mess, made her tingle and ache.
He was like poetry in motion, and all hers. 
The keenly alluring sight of her husband perched so prettily on his throne, with a hint of kingly arrogance playing around his upturned lips—brought on by the drink in his hand—was like flint on steel. Sparks stoked molten heat to spill to her core; like a pot boiling over, the wave of longing begged for attention. No routine introduction or beckon of duty was going to keep her from taking advantage of such an enticing sight. The liquid desire coursing through her veins evoked a brazen want that Nouke clung to, allowing it to bleed into her movements. Her sultry gait quickly caught the pharaoh’s attention and the moment their eyes met; Ahkmenrah's playfully arrogant smirk spread into a wide, adoring, and proud smile.
“My queen,” he purred, welcoming her into his lap gladly when she lithely perched herself there, tucking her legs at either side of him.
She swept her fingers through his unruly curls, no longer able to quell the desire to do so, before her hands came to rest at the back of his neck. A gentle hum vibrated from deep in his chest at the glide of her fingers over his scalp, and his eyes fluttered shut as he savored their feel. Just the sound was enough to prickle her touch starved skin in a wave of goosebumps.
As her fingers wove and played absently with the hair at the back of his head, the queen met her king's eyes in a gaze that transcended all others; an exchange marked with wonderment, as though the meaning of life itself was transcribed in the smoldering colors of each other’s eyes.
Nouke’s heart was beating with a familiar, anticipatory fervor; every passing moment without kissing him moved painfully slow. There were hundreds of wandering eyes, but sensibility was lost when she was under the worship of Ahk's stormy gaze. He looked upon her as though she was the only living being in the universe; a mix of awe and affection that coupled sublimely with the quirk of rascally desire on his lips.
Ahkmenrah's own aura was inherently beguiling, effortlessly eating away every rational thought until Nouke found it impossible to douse the growing fire within her, wandering eyes be damned.  
Shamelessly, she took his bottom lip between hers, teasing a brush of her tongue over the sensitive skin until Ahk welcomed the kiss with a hungry sound. Nouke leaned closer, controlling the lascivious play of his lips and tongue, purring agreeably at the delicious taste of her king's mouth under her own. 
Ahkmenrah artlessly abandoned his goblet, the clank of the chalice against the stone ground barely registered when his hands came to moor at the small of her back, and the heat of his fanning fingers consumed all her senses. He drew her closer still, the slight friction against his frame utterly divine as their kiss built with a burst of fervor. It deepened and expanded, her hands holding his jaw as their joined passion became something inevitably bigger than they both could contain. Nouke’s sober mind grew drunk with lust when his heavy breath swept over her skin; Ahk’s low gasp curling around her spine. Every sensitive part of her was tingling. She wanted him. Needed him. 
When they parted to find their breath, the blue of Ahkmenrah’s eyes was narrow; a thin ring around wide pools of black, and he blinked slowly, watching her with feline intensity.
“Are you enjoying the festivities, my love?” he asked once his breathing calmed. His tone was like velvet, warm and luxurious; a bravado that actively attempted to unravel any trace of composure she had left.
Nouke’s lips quirked into a coy smirk as she considered her answer until she decided to reply with a kiss; her words tangled in the haze of her desire. Her hands surrendered their delicate press to the edge of his jaw, blunt nails raking over the skin of his neck, mapping the jeweled wesekh and down further over the lean muscles of his torso until she found the bulge under the silky fabric of his shendyt.
The pharaoh shifted and gasped a choked sound as his eyes fluttered with mild shock, lips trembling into a grin. With a purr and a mischievous simper of her own, Nouke palmed him, the sensation of his girth twitching and growing with even the slightest touch instilled Egypt's new queen with pleasurable power no crown could ever foster.
“I am now,” she whispered against his ear, and when she flicked her tongue to taste the soft lobe, Ahkmenrah groaned.
The strain to keep his kingly resolve in front of potentially gauging eyes only made Nouke want him more. His eyes fluttered shut as she pumped him slowly, watching as he gnawed his bottom lip to combat the need to express his pleasure with a wanton cry. 
Another rampant surge of power tore through her in a wave that heightened each of her senses and dripped to her own arousal. The desire to hear every sound she could coax out of her handsome pharaoh fueled every movement. She worked down his covered length, brushing her pinky over his sensitive tip, and when he moaned, Nouke muffled it with a burning kiss. An impish grin worked onto her face while she sucked and nibbled his bottom lip until her resolve folded as her mind and senses blurred with lust.
Ahkmenrah was quick to pick up the shift in her ministrations, their kiss stealing some of her confident vigor. The distraction of his lips allowed him to gather her dress just enough for his fingers to find her heated center. Without ceremony, he glided two digits through her slick folds, and he grinned.
“So wet for me,” he murmured, his thumb sweeping quick circles over her sensitive nub with enough pressure to make her gasp.
The shock of his delicious fingers was enough to make her forget the scene around them.
“Oh! Ahk!” she bit out louder than she should have. Instantly her vision flashed white and her once preoccupied hands anchored themselves to his strong shoulders.
“Shhhh,” he admonished gently, pumping his fingers slowly and just enough to send Nouke reeling.
All rational thought abandoned her, leaving her to the mercy of her own desires and her husband's gifted fingers. Suddenly, Nouke cared little about who may have taken notice of their less than proper behavior.
Wantonly, she rolled her hips into his cupped hand, its heel providing the friction she longed for. A jolt of pleasure pulsed through her, and her walls squeezed tight around Ahk’s wide fingers, causing them both to moan.
“I do so love the intimacy of large gatherings,” he mused, watching her as she skirted around the edge of unravel, so very close to coming undone already. “Everyone is entirely too caught up in everything else to notice anything. . . peculiar.”
Nouke gasped when Ahk pressed the heel of his hand against her clit with a sweeping motion that triggered a wave of euphoria so grand his name tumbled heedlessly from her mouth again. The pharaoh pressed a finger to her lips to shush her cry, throwing her a devilish grin.
“That is, of course, if you don’t make too much noise.”
Even through her half-lidded, hazy vision, Ahkmenrah’s impish smirk was easy to make out: supremely proud of his innate ability to properly sate her.
In a rapidly diminishing moment of clarity, Nouke drew his thumb into her mouth, tongue curling around the digit, sucking and hallowing her cheeks until the act won her a groan from her husband, giving her a taste of satisfaction. 
Had she been capable of more than a solitary moment of coherent thought, Nouke would have happily gone back to teasing him, but her body was greedily playing into his game; surrendering to desire with eager desperation. Nouke released his thumb when her mouth fell open with another cry of pleasure as her hips bucked against the soft heel of his hand.
The pharaoh’s free hand moved to cradle her throat, the brush of his finger so soft. His warm lips followed his touch, trailing from her jaw to her neck, as his hand fell to palm the globe of her breast. Even through the fabric of her dress, her nipples stiffened wantonly at his contact, her head falling back, body shivering. Nouke husked out a ragged sigh, a helpless cry that wanted to be more, but he shushed her again just as gently as before. Warmth curled through her body, triggered by the timbre of his soft chide, making the muscles in her abdomen so, so tight.
“Come for me,” Ahk murmured low against her ear, his teeth grazing the soft skin of her lobe.
Nouke bit out a sharp inhale when his confident fingers began working her in earnest, steering her with precision to that heavenly peak. Another moan spilled past her lips as everything inside coiled hot, and tense and hard.
“Quiet, my love,” he warned softly, and she could hear his smile.
“Come for me, my beautiful queen,” he encouraged, hooking his fingers perfectly.
That was enough.
The velvet of his voice in her ear coupled with the feel of his hand circling the aching cluster of nerves at her center swelled until it burst, surging throughout her body like lightning from the tips of her fingers to her curling toes. Every nerve was on fire with ecstasy.
The intensity secured her to his shoulders with a white-knuckled grip, afraid she would fall. Her lips parted with rolling whimpers and tiny cries she could not contain, riding out her pleasure as quietly as she could will herself to do.
“Perfect…” Ahkmenrah marveled, completely beguiled by the sight of her undoing.
When the waves of her pleasure shifted into small tremors of aftershock, Ahk withdrew his fingers, leaving Nouke suddenly bereft. She whined on account, blinking slowly until her vision came back to her.
Despite the threat of wandering eyes, Ahkmenrah pushed each slick digit into his mouth, indecently sucking and licking them clean, his expression utterly smug.
Little by little, the entirety of Nouke’s senses returned to her; the lusty haze dissipating enough for her to lay her focus on her handsome husband who was ogling her with playful arrogance.
Immediately she cursed herself for allowing Ahk to get the upper hand. He ruled every night they spent together—not that she minded; Ahkmenrah was an attentive, generous lover. However, Nouke felt it more than fair she got a chance to be smug, to send him reeling. No longer could he hold over her the guise of the powerful pharaoh who did as he pleased. She was a queen, and she was going to prove it.  
Nouke shifted in his lap, a sly gambit to test the state of his arousal. She licked her lips feeling his hard length beneath her; the peak of her tongue making Ahk’s lewd smirk grow. Nouke matched his arrogant grin, and the change in her body language sent a devious twinkle into Ahkmenrah’s lust dark eyes.
Before he could, Nouke kissed him, pushing her lips on his with prurient vigor stemming from the irresistible need to be the master of his undoing. The phantom feel of his fingers inside her encouraged her movements, her wet center grinding against his clothed cock. A low groan rumbled from deep in his chest.
“Shhh,” she admonished teasingly.
Nouke grinned when his blunt fingernails pressed into her hips in an attempt to quiet his own cries as her body continued to roll against him. She kept her hands at either side of his face to hold him where she wanted, controlling every movement of their kisses.
Ahk’s tongue was warm and velveteen like his voice, the inside of his mouth damp and hot, and when he made another low groan, it wound around her with warmth. Ravenous need began to whirl and tighten deep in her belly once more, and for a moment all traces of playfulness was scoured away leaving only breathless need.
Nouke willed herself to focus, breaking their kiss long enough for the haze to settle, carding her fingers through his dark hair as she met his eyes. They were half-lidded and sparkling—the blue-gray she loved nearly consumed by black. The more or less smug twist on his kiss swollen lips did well to lend Nouke a rational thought: a reminder not to let him win the game again so quickly.
Once more, her hips rolled against his pulsing length, coercing soft hums and groans past his lips in a beautifully soft fanfare that worked between Nouke’s thighs as she fought off a cry of her own. She tugged his bottom lip with her teeth before moving to the heavenly angle of his jaw, her tongue tasting its sharp edge from his chin to the soft skin behind his ear.
Ahk inhaled sharply, his mouth falling open as her name spilled heedlessly off his tongue in a tone too loud to be a whisper. His hips bucked in helpless abandon, arousing another strangled moan deep in his chest, and Nouke stopped.
The pharaoh’s breath hitched at the unexpected end to her ministrations, and the sudden loss of her body against his prompted a whimper. Nouke reveled at the sight of his blinking, wild eyes searching her face for an explanation while she nonchalantly took her time re-situating her gown and jewelry.
Right where I want you, she thought, stretching her legs to allow blood to flow.
Her husband was still blinking, looking profoundly bereft and confused when she threw him a coy smirk. A flash of her tongue to tease and wet her lips caused him to swallow—hard—and his mouth fell open, as though he wanted to speak.
All Ahk managed, however, was another choked whine.
Nouke held his gaze for only a moment before turning without a word, ambling into the crowd with an air of mystery she knew would see him venturing after her—once he’d calmed himself down first. 
This time, as the new queen strolled through the mass of party guests, her spirit was buzzing with a puckish charm that carried her feet across the garden in a buoyant stride leaving her oblivious to any mask of disdain thrown her way.
It wasn’t long before she found a vacant corner, free of guests and guards; a quick discovery that made Nouke smirk. Ahkmenrah was right, there was a certain level of solitude that correlated to large gatherings, and she was abundantly grateful.
The sounds of celebration faded into the distance as the fervent beat of her heart grew more prominent in her ears. Only a few minutes passed, but Nouke was impatient. Every nerve in her body was aching to finally have Ahkmenrah buried deep inside of her; ready to feel that coiling spring snap for a second time as she was lost in the feel of him.
However, neither she nor her husband would know that satisfaction until he paid for what he’d done; defiling her proudly and publicly—the perfect justification to have her way.
The moment he found her leaning against the high stone wall; Ahk's eyes devoured her. Nouke recognized the look of animalistic need on his face—she felt it in herself—and the second he stepped into her orbit, heat pulsed to her core. Hastily, she clenched her thighs in an attempt to deter her own want.
Make him yours, she reminded herself.
But Ahkmenrah’s hands and mouth were already on her. He pressed her against the wall with avid hunger and a low, sensual growl that was almost enough to steal the teasing Nouke had in mind. The pharaoh was so decadent and rich to taste—a nectar that was so sweet; it made her feel helpless each time his kiss was deep and full of passion. It took all of her will power not to drown in the luxuriousness of his tongue and mouth.
 “I do not like seeing you walk away from me like that,” he scolded, his pouty upper lip close enough to brush against hers as he spoke.
The bass note of his voice dropped sinfully low, and the lascivious fire in his eyes was difficult to look away from. His words prompted a chill to work down her spine as he pinned her harder against the wall.
Slowly, a familiar haze began to cloud her mind when his warm lips seared a line of wet kisses down her neck, sucking and nibbling until soft purple marks burnished the surface of her skin. Each one he tasted with a wide sweep of his tongue, making her hum gentle encouragement—sinking further into his ministrations.
Nouke’s nails dug into his biceps, leaving tiny red crescents, her body bucking wantonly against his—betraying her rationale. Ahk had a talent for unraveling her resolve.
With what clarity remained, Nouke pushed through the haze. Her fingers sunk deeper into the muscles of his arms, sureing her grip, and with a calculated spin she pinned him against the wall.
The sudden rush of power was like a drug in her veins, spreading wild with desire she couldn’t quell. An impish smirk drew her lips with a curl seeing the look of shock in his big, beautiful eyes, and she quickly covered him with her whole body. Her nails raked possessively down his arms as her hips rolled against his middle, relishing in his hard length pressed against her center.
When he moaned, she kissed him until the air was taken from his lungs, leaving him panting and thirsty for more. Ahk hissed and bucked under the friction of her undulating movements, and Nouke’s lips trailed down the line of his throat, suckling on his fluttering pulse.
“My queen…” he sighed raggedly with exuberant praise of encouragement.
Her mouth climbed inexorably upward, along the column of his neck to the edge of his jaw, and Ahk’s head rolled against the wall. She coaxed a groan from his lips as she suckled her own marks on his flawless skin, tasting each before mapping the rest of his enticing throat with her mouth.
While her lips explored, Nouke’s hands wandered the lean plates of his chest and torso, calloused fingertips raking over the tight muscles of his abdomen before venturing lower, untying his fanciful belt with practiced ease.
Ahkmenrah’s moan was low and loud when she gripped him through the fabric of his shendyt, the sound eliciting tendrils of warmth to pool in her center. Nouke stroked him lazily over his silky garments, her focus lost in every guttural sound she was able to cajole out of him.
Her hand stilled, prompting a whimper and she blazed a line of kisses to his ear.
“Would you like your queen to kneel before her king?” She grinned when his skin erupted in goosebumps, inspiring another wave of power to envelope her.
“Yes,” Ahk swallowed.
“Yes, what?” she murmured, sliding a single finger under the waistline of his shendyt.
“Yes, my queen,” he husked out just as her fingers dipped bellow the fabric and curled around his cock.
A string of profanities spilled from his lips and his head rolled against the wall; Nouke watched with avid thrill as he unraveled with every slow stroke she offered. She surged forward to kiss him in a hasty brush of lips before tasting her way down his body, humming pleasantly at the feel of his muscles shifting under her mouth.
Every sound and instinctual movement of his body chasing the pleasure she stimulated rushed through her own like fire. Nouke's thighs were slick with her own arousal, her core ready and begging to accommodate him.
A sort of sigh escaped Ahkmenrah’s mouth when she released his throbbing cock to kneel in front of him. She could feel his lustful gaze upon her, and she met it, tugging gently at the fabric that hid him until the garment slipped past his slim hips, all the way to his ankles.
His freed cock jutted proudly, and she licked her lips taking in the sight of his kingly grandeur—there truly wasn’t a part of him that wasn’t perfect.
When she glanced to meet his gaze, she found it half-crazed with lust, pleading for her to touch him. A mischievous smirk quirked onto her lips as she leaned to press soft kisses to each of his hip bones, causing him to whine until finally, she took mercy on him.
Gently, she curled her fingers around him, letting her thumb swirl the pearly bead of precum over his sensitive tip, feeling him shiver and hiss from the sensation. She squeezed him to reacquaint herself with his girth before stroking him once, delighted with the way he trembled against her.
He was a vision of licentious need, and Nouke was certain no queen ever felt so powerful on her knees as she did then.
Nouke kept eye contact as her tongue unfurled to taste him, licking his entire length before taking him into her mouth. A haggard string of curses tumbled off of his tongue, groaning as he pushed his hands into her hair to keep her head still against the slight thrust of his hips, fucking her mouth slowly until her tongue swirled over his tip.
Ahk’s body stilled and tensed as Nouke dipped and suckled, cheeks hallowing as her hand worked his base until with an impetus shove, he pushed her away.
“I need you,” he proclaimed urgently, pulling her to her feet and into a sloppy kiss.
“Yes,” she agreed against his mouth without protest. 
Nouke welcomed his weight when he turned to pin her to the wall, the swift gesture awakening something dark and primal in them both. Without ceremony, Ahkmenrah freed her breasts from the gown she wore, humming delightfully, his palms instantly molding to the globes like his hands were made to hold them. He kneaded and pinched until her nipples stiffened, and when he leaned to kiss the soft underside before dragging his tongue over the stiff peak, Nouke moaned loudly feeling his smile of satisfaction.
Every part of her was more sensitive to his touch than ever before, his hot breath tingled over her skin as he kissed his way up her torso to her mouth. Her fingers trembled as she gathered her dress before swinging her leg around his waist to draw his center against hers.
In a single perfect thrust, Ahk glided to fill her, completely engulfed and could go no further. They moaned in unison, the sudden pleasure almost enough to work them over the edge in one fell swoop.
His movements were slow at first, surely an attempt to draw out every moment of their pleasure, and she tightened around him at the same rhythm, watching his eyes darken and flutter until his thrusts became the paradigm of desperation. Nouke’s head rolled against the stone wall, staccato moans of absolute lechery spilling from her mouth as her husband fucked her hard.
The pharaoh buried his face in the crook of her neck, his teeth nipping the darkening spots of lavender he’d kindled previously, each bite shooting a luscious chill throughout her whole body.
Nouke gasped and keened, free to make any and every sound he coaxed out of her this time, and he did the same. Every hungry thrust teetered precariously between calculated and clumsy. One, a mindful push that aroused glorious friction, while the next was a carnal shove that yielded both pain and pleasure.
Her fingers twisted into the short hairs at the back of his head, pressing against him to better angle herself to meet every thrust. Immediately she was rewarded with a fresh wave of heat that seeped to where they were joined, arousing a moan to pass between them.
“Ahk,” she cried, so close and almost in tears from the intense waves of pleasure he sparked with every thrust like nothing she’d ever felt.
Nouke clung to him with an iron grip despite her rapidly diminishing strength. She choked out another moan when his hand hoisted her other leg around his waist, creating a new angle that found her sweet spot every time his hips hammered into her.
Sweat beaded to cool her skin, provoking more chills to work down her spine, coupling euphorically with every other sensation vibrating through each nerve ending.
“Ahk…” she husked out again in a plea, the muscles in her abdomen constricting, her walls growing tighter around his cock as her climax built.
His lust-filled eyes took several moments to find their focus as his hand moved to cradle her throat—a gesture of prideful passion—squeezing just enough to propel a fierce jolt of heat to every hollow and shadowed place inside her. Nouke’s muscles grew impossibly tighter, back bowing in reaction.
Ahkmenrah’s hand was still on her throat when he found the focus to drink in the sight of his queen. The lewd intensity in his black eyes was something that, even through her hazy vision, made Nouke powerless against him.
“This time I want you to scream,” he demanded with a growl and a crooked smirk. “Come for your king, and scream so everyone knows you are mine.”
As he spoke, his hot breath scorched across her overly stimulated skin, causing the build-up of tension to snap at once. She screamed as everything uncoiled in a white-hot rush. Nouke’s vision tunneled, forcing her eyes shut, tears ruining the kohl as they streamed down her face at the manifestation of her joyous pleasure.
The erratic pulse of her walls worked Ahkmenrah to the brink, hips trembling as he reached his peak a moment later. He cried her name into the air with a chanted refrain that echoed the movements of his thrusts until he filled her; hot cum coating her walls, mixing with her own.
Her head rolled forward onto his shoulder, its weight suddenly too much to manage as she came down from her high, sounding a haggard but satisfied sigh. Ahk mimicked the motion, resting close enough to plant soft, barely there, kisses to her neck and shoulder as he held her with all his remaining strength.
“Did I hurt you, my love?” he asked in a calming murmur that was free of his previous, dominating bravado.
After a couple more steady breaths, Nouke raised her head to meet his gaze; his eyes were blue again—the lusty blackness chased away. There was a twinge of concern on his compassionate features that made her heart swell as he searched for an answer in her expression.
A gentle smile spread over her lips as her fingers mapped the line of his jaw in feather-light touches; her eyes fixated on his, enchanted by the kindness glistening in them.
“No,” she said, her smile growing. “On the contrary.”
Ahkmenrah beamed and joined their lips in a lazy passionate kiss.
Incrementally they unwound themselves from the other, and immediately Nouke missed the feeling of him inside of her. By the look on his face, Ahkmenrah shared the bereft feeling and made a point of keeping himself pressed to her body as they stood.
“Do you think anyone heard us?” Nouke asked with a coy smirk playing around her mouth and eyes, unable to look away from her husband's swollen lips.
He teased her with a flash of his tongue, making them shine deliciously in the starlight. Ahk stole a glance around, then met her with a cheeky smirk.
“It doesn’t appear so,” he paused. “Perhaps we should try again?”
His brow hoisted high into a playful arch as his hands wove behind her, giving her ass a firm squeeze.
“If you think you’re up to it.” Nouke matched his grin and tangled her fingers in his thick hair, gently massaging his scalp.
Ahkmenrah closed his eyes and purred at the sensation of her blunt nails working the crown of his head. He stole a quick kiss before his entire face erupted into a toothy, arrogant smile.
“You doubt your king?”
Nouke claimed his lips again, feeling each of their impish grins mold into a soulful and demanding show of effortless passion. It took only the sweep of his tongue begging for entrance to prompt the familiar heat to begin to build once more, and when he moaned, she did too. They were blatantly aware how easy it would be to chase their pleasure to completion a second and third time, and both of them didn’t care. They were making up for lost time.
Ahkmenrah was already semi-hard; the growing length of his cock pressed against her making her ache, and she whimpered impatiently.
“Always so eager,” Ahk mused, reaching as he dipped a finger between her slick folds; the surprise almost enough to send her careening back over the edge.
Before Nouke could bite out a witty response, the sound of Setshepsut’s voice broke their serenity.
The sudden sound rendered their roaming hands and lips immobile and Ahkmenrah cursed under his breath with a defeated smirk.
“Apparently, my sister heard us.” Although his tone was annoyed, his expression was amused.
When Set’s call came again, it was closer, causing the king and queen to scramble in a rushed attempt to make themselves look respectable; as if the purple and red marks on both their necks weren’t evidence of their rendezvous.
“Nouke?!...Oh! Ahkmen, have you seen Nou—”
Ahk was still tying his shendyt when he turned to cast her a grin. And while Nouke couldn’t see it, she knew it was undoubtedly gushing with shameless gusto and telling enough to match his hastily adorned attire and wayward curls.
“What’s the matter, Set?” Ahk asked as he casually bent to retrieve his discarded belt and refastened it.
Setshepsut’s eye watched him, blinking, mouth slightly open as though her words were suddenly lost.
“I—um—heard Nouke scream…” she decided on, abruptly looking as though she regretted investigating the sound.
The pharaoh tossed a quick look to his queen behind him, then met his sister with a prideful smirk, “I assure you; we are both quite well.”
Set nodded, casting a swaying glance to them both, “I see that.”
She paused to give her brother a mock look of disapproval, “I am aware the future of Egypt relies on you producing an heir, but some of your guests have noticed your absence. I suggest you finish this up.”
She eyed them both with a quirk tugging the corner of her lips that made it clear she was more amused than dismayed.
“Of course, Set. We were only doing our duty as king and queen,” Ahkmenrah teased further, and Setshepsut rolled her eyes.
“Mmhmm,” she hummed as she turned away to make her way back to the party.
“We probably should go back,” Nouke sighed as she smoothed out the wrinkled front of her dress.
The allure of staying tucked away with Ahkmenrah was almost too much to ignore, but the beckon of responsibility was stronger. When he glided effortlessly into her orbit, wrapping his arms around her waist, she reached to comb her fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame the messy curls she couldn’t keep from touching.
“Mmm,” Ahk purred, brushing the tip of his nose over her’s gently. “We do have the rest of our lives to spend together.”
He never looked away from her, his eyes crystal clear.
“I think we can afford to share the rest of this night with people who came to celebrate us,” he added as he pulled her into one last kiss that drifted into a slow draw that embodied the depth of his love.
“Are you with me, my love?” Ahkmenrah wove their fingers together as he spoke.
“Now and forever,” Nouke nodded. 
Next Chapter-> Chapter Seventeen: The Blessings We Deserve
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Some Sense of Normalcy ch.4 (baon)
Summary: It’s Edge’s first day back to work at the Embassy, but his job isn’t the only thing on his mind.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of Past Injury
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read Chapter 4 on AO3
Read it here!
At almost exactly ten minutes on the dot there came a knock on Alphys’s office door and if Stretch didn’t already love Edge, he would at least have thrown a dollar store valentine his way for the rescue from Alphys’s monologue on how the Kissy Cutie fandom really didn’t understand the true motives of the main characters and the pureness of their love, and how was she supposed to read about that and not comment, she couldn’t, right, and did he think she did the right thing?
That sharp, precise knock interrupted her and before Alphys could say a word, Stretch was already calling out, “come on in, babe, you’re the next contestant on—”
He trailed off as the door opened and Edge came inside. Or, more accurately, he scooted inside. Not like the scooters the kids used to zoom around on the streets of New New Home, oh, no. He’d said it was getting his mobility scooter today and it was so much better than Stretch could have ever hoped.
First, it was red, metallic candy-apple red, and whether Edge ordered it to match his car or the doc had a sense of humor did not matter. There was padded sort of seat for Edge to put his knee and there were handlebars and a hand brake and best of all, a little wire basket for Edge to put any of his work stuff. Holy shit but Stretch would pay good money up front for a photograph of Edge dignifiedly tooling through the hallways in his business suit with his bright red scooter, a cup of coffee secured in his basket along with a collection of folders, maybe even a scone wrapped up in a paper napkin.
Stretch wondered if Edge would kill him if he put a bike horn on it or just maim him. Probably banishment, max, and it might be worth a night or two on the sofa just to see the look on his face, way better than the cool, stoic look he wore now, tempered with a hint of worry.
Seriously, he didn’t want to make his baby self-conscious, but it was a scooter and if Stretch kept resisting the urge to make a pun, it might result in actual bodily harm.
He propped his chin on his hand and gave Edge the best cheeky grin he could manage, considering his lack of cheeks, “nice new wheels, babe, that how you roll? lemme scoot aside and you can have my seat.”
The scathing glare Edge shot is way might’ve knocked the points off his new HP growth, but hey, least Edge wasn’t worried anymore.
Edge ignored the stifled snort from Alphys, who was diligently trying to keep a straight face, points to her for staying out of the line of fire. Stretch was pretty sure that by definition, scooters weren’t listed anywhere in the Esquire guide for a business-like appearance, so it was pretty impressive how Edge managed to scoot on up to the chair, all but radiating poise. Hell, Asgore needed to take some tips from his honey about majesty, seriously, those Hawaiian shirts of his were an embarrassment for all of Monster-kind.
Edge settled into the seat, shrugging Stretch off when he tried to lean against his back, his spine ramrod straight as he asked, coolly, “What can I do for you, Alphys?”
Oof, looked like Edge wasn’t in the mood for jokes if Stretch wasn’t rating a greeting. That Edge wasn’t asking what he was doing here in the first place was a fair sign that he was either hacked off or respecting privacy until he could corner him alone. Maybe both.
“Th-thank you for coming down,” Alphys said. She looked uncomfortable enough to make Stretch regret yanking Edge’s chain. Didn’t stop her from forcing out, “I w-w-would have sent an email, but Asgore p-prefers we don’t keep an electronic t-t-trail for these studies.” The way she flicked a glance at Stretch when she said Asgore’s name meant his unsubtle dislike of the King was getting around the rumor mill. “You b-both know we’re working on studying M-monster souls.”
“yeah?” Stretch said warily. That wasn’t news, souls had been studied since Monsters evolved enough sentience to poke at ‘em with a stick.
“We’re c-currently studying the r-resonance of souls and how it d-differs between different Monster s-s-species.” She spread her hands, tittering nervously, “Obviously, it’s more c-complex than that. B-b-both of you have clearance to read the r-results if you’re interested, but you’d have to do it in the lab, the d-d-data isn’t cleared for general release.”
Yeah, there was some reading material that wasn’t about to end up in Stretch’s mental librarby, no thank you. Edge was tapping his gloved fingers against his knee in that way he did when he was getting impatient. It was his first day back, he probably had shit to get done, so maybe it was time to push Al to cut to the chase, “so, what, you want to get some measurements from skeletons, is that it?”
“N-not exactly,” Alphys leaned forward across her desk, her eyes gleaming behind her glasses, “I already have r-readings from Sans and Papyrus. What I’m investigating is if th-there is any difference in resonance of s-souls from the other Universes. Blue let me scan his s-soul already and—er—” She cleared her throat uncomfortably, “Red has already d-d-d-“ Alphys struggled and finally spat out, “declined.”
Yeah, Stretch bet he had. Now there was a conversation Stretch would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall to see. Kudos to Al for having the cojones to even ask Red.
Alphys didn’t linger on whatever mental scars that chat left her with and went on, “That l-leaves you and Stretch—”
“No,” Edge said immediately. The word was sharp enough to cut and it might if Edge kept flinging it around.
Alphys only nodded, accepting, “O-of course.”
“hey, wait a second!" Stretch straightened up, offended, “i get my own vote here, we left the word obey out of the vows, thanks.”
Edge only glanced at him briefly, “Of course I wouldn’t presume to speak for Stretch, only myself. I…” Edge hesitated, his fingers starting to dig in where his hand rested on his pant leg. “You must be aware that I have LV.”
“I am,” Alphys agreed, softly, nothing but kindness in her broad face, “but it w-won’t affect the scan.”
Edge nodded stiffly, “I’m sure. But my answer is still no, I’m afraid.”
“I understand,” Alphys said. Her gaze flicked to Stretch, hopefully, “W-would you be w-willing, Stretch?”
Well, hell. Hadn’t thought that through very well, had he, too busy getting pissy about making his own choices. It wasn’t showing his soul that was the problem; fuck, Alphys was literally just plugged into it and it wasn’t like most of the medical community hadn’t taken a solid look at his soul already. The only way it’d get more exposure is if he’d sent a pic in to be the centerfold in some skin magazine. Yeah, he was okay with the soul part, it was the scan he wasn’t so sure about and the look on Edge’s face said pretty clearly that he wasn’t okay with either or.
But Alphys was trying to help him out, he owed her one, and if it was only a scan…maybe better to hedge his bets. “how invasive is it?”
“It’s only a s-scan,” Alphys said reassuringly. “You’ll n-need to s-s-summon your s-soul and leave it exposed f-for a couple of minutes, no more th-than that and no samples.”
Edge was all but radiating no, no, no, and that was enough for him to hesitate. His baby’s comfort was important, sure, but Stretch could appreciate the necessity of scientific progress. If scanning his soul could help someone, then he could suck it up this once. Sure. He could. “can you do it now or do you need me to stop by later?”
“Now is fine.” Alphys looked relieved, already hopping out of her chair. “The m-machine is in the other r-room, follow me.”
It was so damned hard not to bristle at the phrase ‘the machine’.
Stretch followed her out of the office, his sneakers dragging on the floor and his gaze firmly fixed on her tail. He didn’t look back at Edge scooting along behind him. They didn’t go far and the anxiety that was starting to itch at the inside of his rib cage eased a little when he saw the inside of the room.
There was a nicely padded table in the middle of the room with a couple long, flexible wands attached to it. No gleaming stainless steel, no restraints, and nothing at all like the portal machine or…huh, he didn’t quite remember what else. Didn’t matter, this looked less threatening than an x-ray machine from any doc’s office.
Alphys patted the table. “Lay d-down right here. I’ll be in the other r-room configuring the machine. S-summon your soul, I’ll get a s-s-scan, and its done. T-take your time.”
She waddled off and left Stretch there, looking at that table, at the little wands with their lenses focused right in the middle. He took a breath, let it out, then flopped down, living up to his namesake as he stretched out. The table was a little short, his feet hung off the end, uncomfortable but bearable. It was okay, it was all good. Stretch could do this, no sweat, summon his soul and let her scan it, then he was getting the fuck out of here and out into the sunlight.
“Let me summon your soul,” Edge said suddenly, startling him so badly he nearly yelped. Fuck, he’d almost forgotten Edge was even here. Stretch opened his sockets and looked up at his husband looming over him. Crimson eye lights met his own and there was no mistaking his concern. It helped, knowing he wasn’t alone here, that Edge was with him. Edge wouldn’t let anyone do a damn thing that Stretch didn’t want them to, he’d tear the whole lab down with his bare hands if someone hurt Stretch and he believed that with every bit of his trembling soul.
Then the words actually registered.
“um, okay.” Stretch gave Edge a narrow, suspicious look, “but no touchie, you. if you start touching, it gets all excited and i am not riding the bus with soul jizz on my shirt.”
The corner of Edge’s mouth quirked upward. Of course he’d think that was funny, the pervert. He ran a gloved finger gently down the side of Stretch’s skull, tracing the line of his jawbone. “At least the Humans won’t know what it is.”
“yeah?” Stretch snorted, “and any monsters will think i’m headed home from the orgy scene of a less than tasteful porno. my gossip tank is full up right now, thanks, no touch, got it?”
“No touching,” Edge agreed, softly, so it was pretty stupid that Stretch felt bereft as he pulled his hands away.
Stretch closed his sockets, focusing on his breathing. A long moment of nothing and then came a gentle, insistent pull, painlessly urging his soul to emerge. The touch was achingly familiar and Stretch relaxed into it and let go, felt the cool air on his soul as it manifested for the second time that day. A quick peek showed Edge was going with the ol’ sibling standby of ‘I’m not touching you’, and he wasn’t, but it sure was a close thing. Both his bare hands were cradled around it, a protective bony barrier as a replacement for his own rib cage, the silver glow of his soul reflecting off the ivory bones, seeping through Edge’s fingers to fill the room.
Alphys’s voice came from a speaker overhead, “Edge, you’ll have to step back so I can scan it.”
Even without Edge touching his soul directly, Stretch could feel his reluctance as he slowly stepped back. Souls were like radar dishes for magic and Stretch was already overly sensitive on a good day, even without his soul lurking outside his body all bare-ass naked. Checks irritated him when others barely seemed to feel them, Intent came rolling in like he was accidently tuning in to bad AM radio station and right now, he was picking up something from Edge past his unwillingness to let go.
The faintest glint of green, healing magic, hm, in-ter-esting, someone had used healing magic on Edge and recently, very recently, and Stretch almost asked what the fuck was up with that, except maybe lying here with his soul hanging out wasn’t the best time for a chat. Particularly when he’d snuck down here to visit Alphys on the sly to begin with.
Yeah, okay, if he got to keep his secrets then Edge could have this one. For now.
Edge had hardly let go when Alphys’s voice came overhead again. “Done.”
Stretch hastily let his soul fade back in, scrambling to his feet as Alphys came back in from the other room.
“T-thank you, Stretch,” she said happily, “Edge, if you ch-change your mind, let me know?”
“Of course,” Edge said crisply, in a tone that meant ‘not fucking likely.’
“yep, he will,” Stretch blurted, already backing his way towards the door. He didn’t mean to be rude, but he’d had just about enough of the labs today and he needed to get out, right now, before he vomited on the nice, clean floors. “thanks for everything, al, see ya!”
He didn’t wait to see if Edge follow him, didn’t wait for Alphys to ask to see him again or for any other favors or even to bring up anime. He headed right to the elevators, ignoring anyone else that he passed in a white coat. He slapped the up button so hard his hand ached, silently commanding it to hurry the fuck up and open because that nausea was sitting right at the back of his throat, thick and sickly-sweet.
“Easy,” Murmured next to him, “Try to slow your breathing.”
Stretch only stared blindly at the closed door and didn’t say anything because if he did, that morning’s partially incorporated coffee was going to make a return appearance. The elevator dinged and Stretch all but crammed through the opening doors, stumbling to the back to press his overheated face against the cool metal. He heard the door close behind him, felt as elevator lurched and started up.
Even without looking, Stretch knew Edge was standing next to him, watching him with concern and trying to resist the urge to touch. Respecting boundaries, that was his baby, always trying so hard.
“it’s okay, you can go hands on,” Stretch mumbled. Immediately, a soothingly cool hand settled on the back of his neck, a strong thumb rubbing gently along his cervical vertebra.
“Are you all right?” Edge asked, gently blunt.
“getting there.” Stretch took a deep breath and stood up straight, leaning into the comfort of Edge’s touch. “we still on for lunch?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of you coming to my office and lying down for a bit.”
Stretch nodded, weakly, “that works, too.”
Another ding warned that they were at their floor and Stretch turned towards the door as it opened. There was nothing out there but offices, people in business suits at their desks and making copies and typing away at their computers. No labs, no experiments, only paperwork and administration.
Knowing that made it easier to step out this time, walking towards Edge’s office with the skeleton himself scooting along next to him. Stretch stuck his hands in his pockets, moseying along, his lingering agitation slowly easing. At least the scooter kept Edge to a pace a little less than his normal power walk; maybe that was a high HP thing, Papyrus always chugged along at top speed and Blue might have shorter legs, but he always kept pace with those two.
Huh. Thinking of HP…
“so.” Stretch kept his gaze on the floor, watching the way the untied laces of his sneakers trailed along the carpet. “you gonna ask what i was doing down there.”
“I am not,” Edge said calmly. Seriously, it was really impressive how dignified he could make riding along on a kneeling scooter look. “If it is something important concerning your health or someone else’s, I’m sure that as my husband, you would tell me and not go down to the labs alone while trying to keep secrets from me out of a misguided attempt to protect me or shield me from any issues that as your spouse should be mine to help you deal with—”
“yeah, yeah, edgelord, i get it, quit shoveling the guilt, i’m already knee-deep.” Stretch took a deep breath and let the words come, “i went to see al because i wanted her to scan my hp. we kinda got off track with it after, you know, everything, and lately i’ve been feeling tired. not…not bad tired, not too bad…i’m doing a shitty job explaining it.”
“You’re doing fine.” Yeah, like he couldn’t see the way Edge’s jaw was working, the slight twitch in his cracked socket. Even the pace he was scooting at changed, stiffened, his highly polished shoe scraping against the rug.
“let me just cut to the spoiler alert,” Stretch said. He ignored the quiver in his voice as he spit it out, “my hp is going up. like, permanently.”
Edge stopped completely, right in the middle of the hall. Two interns who were walking close behind almost ran right into them, and whatever bitching they were about to toss out was swallowed down when they got a good look at who they almost ran over. Edge didn’t even watch them scurry on down the hall. His eye lights stayed right on Stretch, sockets hooded and his expression unreadable.
Hurriedly, Stretch went on, “it’s not huge, only, when it got to 5, looks like it decided, what the hell, let’s keep going up, it’s 5 and change now, not super impressive but—urk!’
Of all the reactions Stretch was expecting, having Edge pick him up right in the middle of the damn hallway to hold him tightly was nowhere on the list, but here they were, him lifted completely off his feet while strong arms crushed him into Edge’s embrace.
People were probably staring and Stretch didn't give two goodie goodie shoes because holy shit, this was actually happening. Barring the time Edge carried Stretch through the Embassy in a sheet in a misguided attempt at protecting his non-existent dignity, the most Stretch usually got in the way of PDA was hand holding and the occasional peck of a kiss.
“edge!” Stretch gasped out, mostly laughing with a pinch of scolding, “put me down, you’re gonna hurt yourself!”
He might as well have saved what little breath he had since that didn’t happen. Instead, Edge spun them around like this was some beach movie and they'd just done the long run across the sand to embrace in front of the sunset. Stretch could only hold on dizzily, laughing and trying to squirm loose without actually getting there.
It was a relief and a disappointment when Edge finally set him on his feet, and that was only to cup his face in both hands as Edge rose up on his toes to scatter kisses over his face. By the time he drew back, Stretch’s whole face felt a little damp and the only thing dimming his giddiness was the sight of faint tears rimming Edge’s eye sockets.
"hey." Stretch ran a thumb along the rim of the socket, gathering dampness, "it's good news. you don't cry for that."
A rare smile lit Edge’s face, lit him, and Stretch wanted to capture that image in his own mind, whisk it away someplace safe to bring out whenever his inner sadness loomed threateningly.
"You do if it’s about the person you love," Edge told him, hushed, and leaned up to press a soft, lingering kiss to Stretch’s mouth. Right about that moment, from somewhere nearby came the muffled sound of an ‘aww’ and Edge immediately jerked back, all signs of that smile vanishing.
Ah, well, good thing Stretch had an excellent memory, right?
“Let’s discuss this in my office,” Edge murmured as he dusted off his jacket and straightened his tie before he started up the scoot again.
Luckily, it wasn’t too far away. Stretch managed to give Janice a wave even as Edge herded him into his office. The door was barely closed when Edge had both hands on him again, shoving him back against the door and kissing him with deep, fervent delight. It was a huge disappointment, particularly in his pants, when Edge drew away, holding Stretch back when he would have dived in again.
His smile was fainter, softer, and that was okay because it was still there as Edge asked, “Was she able to tell you anything else? It’s certainly good news, but why now?”
“dunno,” Stretch shrugged and when Edge didn’t let him go for another kiss, he sighed and added, “she did mention something about monster souls responding well to being happy.” If kisses weren’t gonna pan out, Stretch could at least give Edge a poke in the ribs, right where he wasn’t supposed to be ticklish. “looks like you’re holding up your end of the bargain in the whole happily ever after thing.”
Instead of being amused, Edge’s expression fell a little, his smile fading and that was exactly the opposite of what Stretch was hoping for, “babe?”
Edge ducked his head, his voice dropping in something like a hoarse confession, “Lately, I haven't felt like I'm making you very happy, Rus.”
Okay, yeah, no, not going there. Stretch shook off Edge’s hands and instead of shoving in for a kiss, he took a quick shortcut and stepped out behind him, wrapping Edge up in the little spoon of a tight hug. "nope, none of that. babe, even when things are rough on our personal roller coaster, you always make me happy. always. you are my happy ending, you get me?”
Gloved hands settled on his wrists, holding on gently as Edge leaned back into his arms, “I’d rather be your happy beginning, love.”
“endings, beginnings, whatever part of the story we’re at, you make me happy,” Stretch told him fiercely. He buried his face into the crux of Edge’s shoulder where the collar of his shirt met his cervical vertebrae, breathing in the familiar mixture of laundry detergent and spice. “every chapter of our lives, every misplaced comma and run-on sentence, every—”
“You’re losing the metaphor,” Edge said dryly. He turned in Stretch’s arms, his mouth warm and meltingly gentle, and this, yes, this. This was his happiness and Stretch planned to hold on as tight as he could, with fingers and toes.
“you wanna see my soul?” Stretch murmured against Edge’s mouth, just to see the hot, eager flare of crimson eye lights. It was already manifesting in his rib cage as Edge walked him backwards to the sofa, silver slickness beading on the surface and if he had to lose his shirt for a hasty cleanup after, welp, that was a sacrifice Stretch was more than willing to make.
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Chapter 8: I’m a simple human, nothing more than that.
In which you almost cried in a friend’s house
*Your POV*
I had to go to the doctor to see if my injury wasn't anything serious.
Turns out it was.
He had to put twenty-five stitches on my fingers. Obviously not twenty-five on each of them, of course not. They were twenty-five in total...
Wow, you are such an idiot. Who the fuck punches a mirror?! You'll probably feel worse than before...
And that was true.
The doctor recommended me to avoid any activities involving my fingers. That practically is avoiding any activity at all. But I, being the stubborn woman I am, won't listen to this suggestion he made, although it sounded more like an order. Still, I can't quit my job just because I did something stupid.
So I arrived at my messy apartment, angrier with myself than before. I felt like trash. But, after seeing the pleased and happy faces of all those people, I feel like I can't give up. So I'll continue living...
For now, of course.
I changed into my pajamas and sat on the couch. I surely don't want to go to my room yet, remembering what happened yesterday. Or today. Whatever.
When I was scrolling through the channels my phone buzzed, and I took it without hesitation. I watched TV a bit before checking the notification but I got bored and decided to see it.
Sans: hey
Sans: can i ask u something???
Well, that was new. Sans had never messaged me before; or well, at least not in private. After all, he did say a few jokes and puns to me especially, but only in the chat group with everyone else.
You: Go ahead
I silently prayed for it to don't be something related to my past or my backstory. It's really complicated and hurtful to explain; maybe it wouldn't make me cry, but it would definitely make me uncomfortable.  
Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me. Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.  Please, not about me.
Please, not about me-
Sans: i noticed an injury on ur right fingers today
Sans: wanted to make sure what happened
Still, I couldn't just tell this guy that I punched a freaking mirror. He would probably block me and stare at my soul whenever we would meet. And it was for a fact that I will see him more, so...
You: Oh, about that...
You: It was an accident
Wow, that didn't look suspicious at all.
Sans: really?
You: Yeah, pretty much me being stupid
At least you didn't lie this time.
Sans: oh
Sans: it wasn't somethin' serious, tho?
You: A bit
Sans: stitches?
Wait, why does he know about stitches? He doesn't even need them!
You: Actually, yes
Why did you say that?! You are supposed to keep it a secret!
Even if he was going to find out anyway...
Sans: oh shit
Sans: how many?
Well, it's not like it's there any point in lying...
You: Twenty-five
Sans: jesus, what did u do?
Sans: r u ok now, tho?
You: Pretty much
Sans: well, that's good, kiddo
I'm fucking twenty-
Sans: welp, that's all i wanted to know
Sans: srry if i bothered ya
You: Nonsense!
You: That's actually really nice of you!
You: I mean, to actually care enough to ask
Sans: eh, it's nothin'
Sans: i was goin' to ask ya there, but thought it would be better in...
Sans: private?
You: I understand; talking about someone's injuries it's not that great of a topic.
You: It would have been catastrophic if Mrs. Dreemurr or Mrs. Arial knew
Sans: yeah
Sans: welp
Sans: i should go by now
You: I bet
You: Have a good night, Sans
Sans: you too, (l/n)
It was quite a conversation, I must say. I mean; Sans called me by my last name at the end, which it's weirdly formal. And, out of all the people, he was the one who asked. Maybe he was the only one that noticed something odd on my hand, but I highly doubt it. It was visibly out of place.
Or well.
At least for a human.
It's hard to remember that we don't have the same problems, physically talking. Some of the monsters that confuse me the most are the skeletons and the fish-like. How could skeletons feel anything at all? One day I heard Arial complaining about how hot the day was, and that's... weird. How Undyne can breathe? She's out of the water! Unless she has lungs...
But wait- skeletons don't have lungs...
This is confusing as fuck.
How could Sans have noticed something odd to my hand, though? It's either he had seen it before on Frisk, or he actually researches a lot about humans. That would be weird as well. I mean, it would be like he had a human fetish. And that's scary.
I'm making him sound like he's a fucking rapist.
I felt shivers down my spine and quickly shook my head. It was disturbing to think like that, to say the least. I don't think someone like Sans could have such a guilty pleasure.
But maybe he's just like me.
I mean- not as a fetish! But more like... curiosity. After all, I do have my doubts about monsters. I just made some five minutes ago. So he has all the right to know about humans as I do about monsters. Or maybe we don't. But hey, how a freak can judge another?
Did I just call Sans a freak? I barely know the guy, for God's sake!
I felt worse, naturally. I would apologize to him, but he doesn't know that I called him a freak. He doesn't need to know, either.
As much as I wanted to avoid it, I had to enter my bedroom eventually. This night, though, I decided to take a sleeping pill. And just like that, I was knocked out on my bed, forgetting that my daily dose should be a quarter of a pill.
Good thing I have an alarm, or else I would have been on dreamland forever. Well, I don't remember what I dreamed, but that's not the point. The thing is that I have work to do, so I can't sleep all day.
And so I got ready and went to work, taking the subway like every day. And, for my surprise, I saw a family of monsters hanging out on the subway station. I smiled, knowing that now they can take public services.
I arrived and went straight for a cup of coffee and a mini donut. Miracle there was any food to eat with the coffee; good thing they actually had coffee and not water. I need my drug to start the day. Always.
Such a coincidence I was listening to that song: 'Always' by Bon Jovi. Such a nice and romantic ballad, cheesy and totally different from what I use to hear. But hey, whenever it's a rock classic, I have a reason to listen to it. Especially if it is a ballad of Bon Jovi. They are just unique.
Fun thing: I was listening also to a song called 'Unique', by Lenka. It's not a classic; it isn't even Rock N' Roll, but I like the calm and cheery tone it has. The lyrics have a direct and almost literal meaning, and it's really positive.
The group of monsters arrived, then we headed out of the building.
Work wasn't in my office.  
Everyone took their money and belongings with them. We went to a near bank and I made all the changes in their currency to make them dollars. We had agreed that every 'Gold' would be a dollar. 1 for 1. (I remembered a song again. I shouldn't be talking about my whole playlist)
They ended up with a good amount of money. Well, a lot. Some of them had sold their houses in the Underground, so they had even more money. Now, who bought their houses? God knows- that's the answer.
So some of them bought a house. Like, today. This totally surprised me, considering how much time I spent searching for a new place to live, that it's a small apartment. And now they have houses. HOUSES, FOR GOD'S SAKE!
Calm the fuck down, (Y/N) (L/N).
That kinda reminded me about my conversation with Sans. I glanced down at him and saw that he was talking to an excited Papyrus.
"You look happy" I bluntly said, facing towards him. I froze but quickly relaxed, watching his smile growing bigger.
"aren't i always happy?" he answered, winking an... "eye".
"I mean, for real" I muttered, but I was conscious that he heard me since he stared at me in shock "Shit, I'm sorr-"
"you could say i feel happier. i, after a long time, have a bit of hope about the future-"
He isn't that positive, huh? We may be really similar, then.
I could see why he was more positive, though; he got a house for his family, and that feeling is simply amazing. Well... I suppose it must be incredible. I haven't bought a familiar house, but when I got the keys to my apartment, it sure felt great. It must feel similar, if not better.
But he was eager about something else as well, noticing the look he gave to a bookstore. That really caught me off guard, not seeing him as the type to read a lot. Maybe I shouldn't be judging the poor guy just yet. He seems nice to this point, and that's it.
We finished our journey at the new and huge house of the Dreemurr family, everyone feeling like little kids. And with everyone, I include myself. I honestly forgot my problems for a bit and I was hoping to see how these guys reached their dreams eventually.
It's just a matter of time.
"How about if you stay as well, (Y/N)?" Frisk asked with a smile, snapping me back at reality. Wait, WHAT?!
"S-stay?!" I asked amazed, not believing what my ears were hearing. Why would they want me to stay?!
"YEAH! WE WILL HAVE A HUGE SLEEPOVER IN WHICH EVERYONE WILL PARTICIPATE!" Papyrus exclaimed, eyeing Sans and Dr. Gaster there for a second.
"Uh... I don't know..." I started, trying to dismiss the topic. And as expected, I failed.
"it's really late now, kiddo. from what you have told me, it's not good to leave at this time. less if you're a girl" Sans cleverly argued, using my words of that telephonic conversation.
Goddang it, Sans.
"...are you sure?"
"Well, if you really want me here..."
Everyone smiled, even that freaking flower (though I bet he won't admit it). I felt a nostalgic wave hit me, but I hold the tears.
You can always cry at night, (Y/N)...
Except that tonight you can't, if you plan to stay.
Shit. If I had grabbed along my pills, it would have been easier. Hopefully, this so-called sleepover would last until morning. Maybe then I'll pass out.
That means no coffee, though.
However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. All of them were super nice, and even shy Napstablook opened up once in a while. I felt really welcomed by most of them, making jokes and thanking me for what I've done.
Even if it was really nothing.
"So (Y/N)..." The sassy robot asked, making a fake hum of curiosity... that makes me feel curious as well. "How is your love life, darling?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I'm lonely as fuck...
"Pretty much dead, honestly" I simply answered, trying not to get into details.
"Oh. Did a bastard just left you?"
I don't think I should tell this guy I've always been lonely as fuck.
"Eh... sure"
"That didn't sound too believable, (Y/N)!" Frisk pouted, getting into the conversation without anyone minding her opinion.
...that was rude.
"YES HUMAN! YOU DIDN'T SOUND TOO CONVINCING!" Papyrus exclaimed, making my heart skip a beat for a second at how loud his voice is. I need to get used to this. "...OR DO YOU RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT IT?"
It would have been useless if I lied, knowing how little experienced I am about the topic. They would find out sooner or later that I was a fat ass liar, just trying to fit in and failing miserably. So instead of taking that risk, I decided to take another.
"Actually... my love life has always been dead..."
Mettaton almost choked in the glass of... an unknown drink he was... drinking?
How does he fucking drink, though?
"Darling, what the hell?!" He exclaimed with a remarkable tone of indignity in his voice, gaining the attention of the others in the room... who weren't paying attention before. Oh my god, why?! "We need to get you a date! Like, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Eh... what about no?" I answered, trying my best to escape. And, as expected...
I failed.
"WHAT ABOUT YESSSSSS??????????????????????????" He snapped back annoyingly, making me feel like the stupidest person on Earth. Maybe I would have really lied if I knew he would be like this about my non-existent love life.
"Me-mettaton" Alphys intervened, with an instant look of regret after spitting out that word. Please save me. "I do-don't think you should judge her that easily. I mean, everyone has their reasons. I bet she does as well"
"...fine!" He sassily exclaimed, faking their annoyance "Just don't say that I, an expert in love lives, didn't try to help!"
"...sure thing, Mettaton" I sighed, mostly in relief "Sure thing"
And so the night continued, not without me being able to avoid all their questions. I was okay with telling them about the surface, but my life... now that's another thing. People say I should be proud of what I've done, either in school and work, but it's hard for me to see it that way. And so my pride is substituted by doubts and insecurity, feeling not good enough. Because maybe if I tell them too much about me, they would not like me anymore (if they ever did, in the first place). And even if it's really selfish, I enjoyed their company more than anything in ages.
And I didn't want it to stop.
My time there was pleasant until it was 1 am. Frisk and Papyrus were seemingly tired, and Sans added that "his brother would get cranky without his bed story" or something like that. I felt a rush of panic hit me like a brick, realizing that it would be impossible for me to sleep at this hour.
And knowing that I couldn't do my nightly shenanigans made me feel worse.
Panic, then, was starting to get mixed up with anxiety, while the others were discussing who should get the couch-
wait a minute.
"Uh... I can sleep on the couch if you want me to" I interrupted, hoping that this would be a good idea.
A lot of the people arguing told me countless times I shouldn't take the couch since I was "the guest", but my insistence and my insecurities were way stronger than all of their goodwill combined.
Or maybe not, but the point is that I won.
Everyone went to sleep, some of them even hugged me before leading to their temporary rooms. I smiled, feeling happy...
Wow. Never thought I would use that word again.
Don't get me wrong, my life it's not that shitty. I mean, if we get ourselves more reasonable, at least I'm not in the middle of nothing dying from starvation and from having a fucked-up mind. That's something I should really feel thankful for, except for that last part, since my mind it's actually a huge mess.
Still, I can't consider myself being happy. Or more like... satisfied? Yeah, that must be. I've always been exigent with myself, feeling the pressure of keeping people's expectations high. I don't want to fail them. I don't want them to see me how I see myself. That's why I smile, I laugh and even cry when I don't want to.
To feel more human.
To feel sane.
To keep moving on.
Because I know that other people might need my help in, well, anything! I just can't give up if people in worse situations haven't. That would just make me look and feel worse.
But it's really worth living just for the others and not for myself?
I mean, it's not like I'm completely selfless. I consider myself really selfish at some points. Because I also do things to keep myself sane, to keep myself out of trouble, and hell, to even keep myself out from the death list.
I'm scared of death, no doubt about it. I'm scared of letting go before I find someone that truly cares about me...
...maybe I should listen to Mettaton. But a broken heart would be unbearable to me. Falling in love is a risk I can't take, less if I'm in this state.
I mean, look at me! I've been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and a high fucking IQ which I'm not proud of at all! I question reality often, I doubt how capable I am to do even the simplest of tasks, and I can't even establish a normal conversation without freaking out! I sometimes even ask myself if I don't have schizophrenia, for God's sake!
My mind went blank when I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. That warm and familiar feeling made me want to scream and punch a fucking mirror again. I contained myself, though, when I see in the darkness the green couch I was laying on.
I couldn't make them worry about me.
I just couldn't.
And so I softly removed the tears from my face and shut my eyes, not before noticing a blanket that, as far as I could remember, I never grabbed...
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sheewolf85 · 6 years
Writing Challenge – Day 35
Prompt: Imagine your OPT constantly making doe eyes at each other but always denying it whenever someone calls them out Pair:  Fellbros talking about Kustard and SpicyHoney\ Rating: M Tags/Warnings: Language NSFW/SFW Notes: For whatever reason, I couldn’t get inspiration to work with me yesterday on this prompt.  I kept going back and forth between Kustard and SpicyHoney, and finally I decided to fuck it all and write this instead.  It’s….kinda like the prompt? Maybe? AO3 Link
Red ignored his brother yet again, his preference for staring at his phone taking precedence over whatever it was Edge wanted him to do this time.  On the screen in front of him were pictures he and Sans had taken together over the last few weeks.  He would never, ever admit that he had a crush.  Never.  But, as long as no one else was looking, he could allow himself to pine for just a moment.
His bedroom door wasn’t locked.  He’d learned the hard way to never lock his brother out after repairing the doorjamb a few too many times.  So when Edge kicked the door open, shattering the wooden frame yet again, Red stood up and yelled.
“what in the motherfuck do you want, asshole?”
Red groaned dramatically, throwing himself back down on the bare mattress behind him.  “you had to kick down my door for that?  what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Edge ignored his brother’s theatrics and stomped forward, grabbing the phone out of his hands.  Edge knew he was onto something when Red shrieked and jumped up, growling as he tried desperately to get the phone back.  He grinned wickedly and backed up, holding the phone up and swiping through image upon image of him and Sans together.
“AW, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?  I LIKE THIS ONE.”  He held the screen outward, showing Red the picture of him and Sans standing with an arm around each other’s shoulders and smiling happily.  He flipped to another picture, this one of Sans’ face that Red had put a heart-shaped frame around.  Edge snorted.
“give it the fuck back!” Red jumped up, tackling Edge to the ground. They rolled around on the floor, Edge barely managing to keep the phone out of Red’s reach.  Red continued to growl while Edge laughed, still flipping through pictures.
Red snarled. “never!”
“OH! SO YOU DO LIKE HIM!” Edge laughed again and managed to shove Red off of him and scramble to his feet.  He dashed out of the room and made it to the top of the stairs before Red appeared before him.
“give it back to me, papyrus,” he ground out, using his older-brother voice.
Red sighed.  “fine.  i’ll help you.  give me. my. phone.”  He held out his hand and gestured for Edge to hand it over.
He ignored the growling behind him and continued down the stairs.
“yeah? what about you and stretch? when you two gettin’ together?”
That made Edge stop.  He turned slowly on the stairs, his face betraying his surprise.  “WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?”
Red huffed.  “please. you think you’re being inconspicuous, but really you’re just making a fucking idiot of yourself drooling over him.”
“I HAVE DONE NO SUCH THING. I DON’T EVEN LIKE THAT ASSHOLE.”  Edge turned quickly before his brother could see the lies on his face.  He may or may not have a few pictures of Stretch on his phone, taken covertly when Stretch wasn’t paying attention.  He didn’t have the easy friendship with him as Red did with Sans.
“you like him, don’t you?” Red prodded, chasing after his brother.  “like, you like-like him.  you wanna fuck him, don’t you?”
Red snorted. “i’ll stop bein’ crude the day you learn to whisper.”
“I KNOW HOW TO WHISPER!” Edge shouted, proving Red’s point.  Red just laughed.
“yeah, sure. give me my phone ‘r i’m gonna text stretch ‘n tell ‘im you wanna take him out on a romantic date and suck his dick.”
Edge turned and crossed his arms over his chest.  “WITH WHAT PHONE?”
Red disappeared for a moment.   When he reappeared, he had something black in his hands.  He held it out.  “your phone, of course.”  Red unlocked it and opened the messages.  He was a little surprised to find that Edge didn’t even have Stretch’s number.  He needed to fix that.  Good thing he had all the skeletons’ numbers memorized.
Edge’s whole face turned red.  “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE.”
“give me my phone back.”
With a growl, Edge pulled Red’s phone out and handed it to him.  Red reluctantly gave Edge’s back.
Red nodded; he didn’t want to risk Edge taking a page out of his book and texting Sans something sexual or inappropriate.
Edge nodded.  “TRUCE.”
~*~Meanwhile, in Undertale~*~
“SO…SANS? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HANG OUT WITH RED AGAIN?”  Papyrus looked far too curious.  He had yet to learn how to approach a subject subtly.
Sans looked at his brother for a moment before looking across the table at their guests, Blue and Stretch.  “don’t know when, bro.  haven’t talked to him in a few days.”  They usually got together a few times a week, sometimes less often if one or the other was busy.  Edge had mentioned repainting the living room, so Red was probably busy helping with that.
“uh…whaddaya mean?”
Stretch snickered.  “yeah, papyrus; whatever could you mean?”
Sans shot him a glare.  Stretch just gave him a lazy smile back.
Sans attempted to remain calm.  He was sure he’d hidden his feelings well enough that not even Papyrus had figured them out.  How in the hell did he know?
“red’s a friend, paps.”
“yeah, sans; he could be so much more.”  Stretch made a lewd gesture with his hands—poking one finger through a hole created by the fingers on his other hand—only to get slapped on the arm by his brother.
Stretch’s face went paler than usual as he stared at his brother.  “i am not…i don’t even…” He couldn’t think of words.
Sans burst out laughing.  “you like edge?!”  Now that he thought about it, the two had been sharing more insults with each other than usual lately.  “oh, man. ohoho, man. this is good.”
Stretch grimaced.  “yeah, you’re one to talk. red’s a fucking nightmare!”
Sans and Stretch both nodded, heads hung in shame.  “okay,” they said in unison.  They eyed each other.  They knew the teasing had just begun; they just had to be more subtle about it.
Papyrus and Blue shared a look.  They both grinned.  They had to make time to get together and talk about how they would get their brother’s together with the Fell skeletons.
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drabbletale · 7 years
Overcome - PuppyBerry drabble
After a rough break-up, FS!Papyrus chose his brother, his universe, over Swap!Sans and the Swap universe. It was easy and familiar for someone terrified of change and anxious in a too-gentle universe. But when his brother finds out where he had been, he ends up back at Blue’s door... tail between his legs.
Angsty with a happy ending? I love this pairing.
I’ll probably be posting more puppyberry in the future. I’m obsessed. Probably shorter ones though, unless an idea comes to me.
Words: 1693
Pup stood completely still as the smaller skeleton’s hands gently played at his hips. “I knew you’d come back.” His smile was almost… sad. Blue’s eyes seemed to shine against the dim lights in his dining room, grip keeping Pup pinned against the side of the dinner table. Their teeth clacked together and Pup trembled at how soft Blue’s body was. Always seemed to be.
“my brother kicked me out when he found out i’d been… with you.” He tried to keep his voice neutral, not letting the pain in his chest show through his words…. though his face was flushed and he knew he must look exhausted. “where was I supposed to go?” He said as Blue slowly backed away from the other, once again staring into his eyes. He seemed to be hiding his emotions as well, it was a strange look for his baby Blue.
“And what exactly were you planning to do when you got here? What did you expect I would say?” Blue gave him a small smile, grasping his hips more firmly as he pressed against him. Pup gasped quietly, hands now gripping the edge of the table, but made no attempt to get away. “Do you expect me to let you stay here? Welcome you with open arms and take care of you?”
Pup had the common decency to look ashamed, closing his eyes and turning away from Blue, voice calm. “of course not.”
“Ah…” Blue let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head. “I get it. You want to be punished.” His body was flush against the other’s now, teeth just barely grazing over Pup’s jaw. “For failing, right? Not being who he wanted to you to be. For being weak and giving in to someone as ‘good’ as me.” Pup tensed, a sharp pain overtaking his soul and making him whine. “Maybe you even want to die…. For me to kill you?”
“m-m’lord…” His breathing was labored, mind completely fogged over by the proximity of the other skeleton.
Pup felt Blue push away, but didn’t open his eyes. “sorry, Blue.”
A short exhale of breath from Blue could have been a sigh or a scoff, he wasn’t sure. “And I am NOT going to kill you. You can just let the guilt eat you alive, okay? B-because I… I’m not going to be used any more. I-I deserve to be happy. My brother w-wants me to be happy and he says I deserve it. And… And killing you… getting some sort of sick r-revenge… h-has never made anyone happy. So whatever sick satisfaction you think you’ll get from me punishing you, is just too bad!”
There was a complete silence between them, until Pup opened his eyes to look at Blue. He tried to blink away the tears, but they simply fell down his pale cheekbones and over the ridged lines of his jaw. Pup couldn’t help the small smile. “i am… so happy…. for that….” He closed his eyes again and placed a hand over where his soul sat in his chest, burning with untapped desire. “i want nothing more than your happiness now. if forgiveness is what helps you, then it’s what i want you to do for me.”
Blue was taken aback by this. “No more of this… this… pretending I’m your brother? You can get over it? Just like that?!” His voice was harsh, perhaps a bit of fear laced within it.
The taller skeleton only shook his head, still with a small, sad smile. “m’lord has spoken and he no longer wants me around. our relationship is over. it’s been destroyed, torn apart by my indecisiveness.” Blue looked to the floor and nodded. About what, Pup wasn’t sure, but he continued anyway. “and if you want me to live with my guilt, i understand. i only want what is best for you, blue. despite everything that happened… honey…. despite everything that i’ve done to you, i only want you to understand that i was doing it all for you.” He stared at Blue’s more gentle facial features, as he seemed to be gazing out of a window, deep in thought. “or rather… for who i believed you to be. i… i have to adapt to this universe and its rules… honesty and love… to understand exactly who you are.”
Blue looked back to him now with a stern expression. “Finally.”
He received another small smile in response, “you’re better than i could ever dream to be.”
Another short silence went between them as Blue looked around the room, seemingly everywhere but at Pup. “How did you even find me? I’ve moved since then…” He crossed his arms, but to Pup it looked more like he was hugging himself. “I did everything to hide my tracks…”
“you’re not very skilled at it. and the underground is small, it’s not like you moved to another universe.” Pup played with the edges of his sleeves, his heart sinking. He tried not to sound desperate. “please don’t do that…”
Blue rolled his eyes and shook his head. “My universe is perfect for me, thank you.”
Pup wiped away his own tears with the back of his sleeve, suddenly realizing that they were still there. He must have looked like a babybones. “i’m sorry for the pain i’ve caused you. i don’t expect you to forgive me. i will leave you now…” He stood straight and zipped up his hoodie to his chin. He could still feel Blue’s hands on his hips…. though they had long since been removed.
Blue shook his head, looking over the other. He still seemed to be holding himself, but his body had stopped being as tense as it was when Pup had first arrived. “And where are you going to go, huh? You can’t exactly go around looking like that.”
“what’s wrong with how i look?” And there was the growling voice Blue remembered.
He sighed and let his arms fall again, “Do you see the way I dress?” Pup’s gaze seemed to eat him up as he nodded, “You’re from a Fell universe. You dress really dark, your teeth are sharp but not naturally, and the way you sulk around and glare at people is scary. Monsters like me will notice you in a crowd right away.”
“there is not a single person in the multiverse like you, blue.” Pup seemed to be sinking into himself, as he eyed the door, but made no move toward it.
“Yes there is.” Animated as ever, Blue’s hands were at his hips. “I’m a normal monster with normal hopes and dreams and a normal life! I am not special, okay?”
“you are to me.” It was said with the finality of a goodbye and Pup turned to leave, worn shoes shuffling as he walked. Blue stood in silence as he left the dining room and through the front door. It closed softly behind him, but the noise still made the nervous skeleton jump a bit. It wasn’t fair! None of this was fair at all!
“Oh stars…” He said softly to the room, shaking his head slowly, “What am I supposed to do?”
And he felt it. He felt an emotion from the deepest part of his soul, an ache, sorrow and he knew in his heart that he was the only one who could answer his prayers. There was a voice from within, calling out in his mind. 'It would be okay if you gave in’, it told him. 'You cannot change the way you feel. You want him and that will never ch-’
“UGH.” He covered his face and grit his teeth. “JUST SHUT UP! I-I can’t… he’ll hurt me again, I just can’t. I can’t…”
'Help him.’ The dark voice insisted, 'Help your puppy. Only he can make you happy.’
He wanted to rip his own soul out of his chest, but the voice was gone. The pressure in his soul had dissipated with it and he was left alone and tired.
“P-Puppy…. But he….”
He lied to me. But I promised… I promised I would forgive him… He didn’t let me say it!
Blue burst through the front door and down the driveway to where Pup was still walking. “Wait! Don’t go!” He was already trembling by the time he was near the other skeleton, hands aching to reach out to him. “Don’t leave… Not yet…” He caught his breath and looked to see the taller monster staring down at him, worry etched in his pointed features. “I forgot to tell you something…. I just have… to say this…”
Pup nodded, taking a step closer, “what is it, honey?”
They looked into each other’s eyes and Blue felt a small flood of relief wash over his soul. “I forgive you.” He said it with perfect honesty, but Pup looked almost heartbroken.
“what?” He replied in a near-whisper, eyes wide and shoulders tensed.
“I said… I forgive you.”
He approached Pup then, hands outreached towards him and a cautious smile on his face. The other skeleton seemed to shrink at the sight of the oncoming skeleton, but he didn’t back away. Hands were placed on either side of his cheekbones as Blue pulled him down into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around Pup’s neck, holding him close as he felt the other press back.
Slowly, so slowly, he backed away enough to rest her forehead against Pup’s. “thank you….” He had never thought Pup could speak so desperately, so full of raw emotion, in two simple words. He pulled Blue into a tight embrace, bodies completely pressed against one another. Blue felt large hands stroking down his spine.
“Stay here then…. With me?” He buried his face into the warmth of Pup’s hoodie. “You have nowhere else to go…”
“i will, blue. i will forever be indebted to you, for this kindness… after everything that i have done. i will do anything for your love… for your attention.”
“N-no, that’s…. I just want you to stay here, not…” He sighed and relaxed in the comfortable arms. “We’ll work on that.”
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mtt-metal-crusher · 7 years
But I’m hot!
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Mettaton and Alphys friendship:
1670 words. Request for anonymous.
“I honestly don’t know what you see in her, Alphys,”
“Wh-who? Undyne?”
“She’s utterly terrifying,”
Mettaton and Alphys sat on opposite ends of the sofa as Mettaton flicked through the television channels idly, watching the screen with a bored expression. The choice of television content was immense in the human world, and yet there never seemed to be anything worth watching.
“She’s not scary w-when you get to know her!” She countered, “She’s actually quite sweet and gentle,”
“W-what was that noise for?”
“That was my noise of pure disbelief, darling,” He said, sprawling out on the sofa to get himself more comfortable, taking up half the space along with it.
Alphys crossed her arms, “D-don’t make noises of disbelief about my girlfriend! S-she’s a nice person,”
“I’ll make whatever noises I like, sweetheart,” He informed her, stretching out further and laying his legs on Alphys’ lap. There, now he was comfortable. “She once threatened to ‘noogie me so hard my head caved in’,”
“That’s just her way o-of... bonding!”
Mettaton smirked, “Oh really?”
“It is!
He looked over to her, placing the television remote down. He’d never find anything of interest to watch at this rate anyway. “Say, honey, it’s cute to see you so defensive about her. You really have fallen for that angry fish woman, haven’t you?” He pressed, nudging her teasingly with his foot.
A small, hesitant smile grew on her lips, “Y-yeah, I like her a lot,”
He sighed, “Okay, well I guess I can’t change your mind about her,”
“You c-certainly can’t!”
“Even though she terrifies me,”
They looked at each other with subtle smiles, knowing that they were both as stubborn as each other.
Once a silence began to grow over the conversation, and the hunt for something to watch on the television came to an end, Mettaton finally turned it off all together.
“How about we play a game?”
“L-like what? I have plenty of games on my PC-”
“No no! I mean, like... Truth or Dare?”
Alphys gulped. That game always promised a lot of panic and terror for her. Alphys wasn’t the best person to be playing a game about truth, but then again, neither was Mettaton. Maybe they’d just have to take dares all night.
“O-okay then, you start,”
“Hold on, I have to get the wine first,”
“What for?”
“You expect me to play a game about admitting the truth without getting drunk beforehand? That’s preposterous,”
Alphys laughed, “You h-have a point!”
“Truth,” Mettaton said, tempting with fate. The only solace he had with playing this game was that, if Alphys started asking intrusive questions, he could always fire them straight back at her.
“How long are you g-going to let that Burgerpants guy think that you hate him?” She asked, “Because he r-really hates working for you- he tells everyone who walks in! He even t-told me- and he knows I made you! I-I think he holds me responsible,”
Mettaton rolled his eyes, “I’m going to stop treating him like crap when he starts acting like a good employee. See- he’s lucky I don’t fire him for talking trash about me behind my back. I was even kind enough to hire him again when we got to the surface,”
Alphys took another giddy sip of her wine, letting the fruity taste roll around on her tongue, “Y-you make a good argument,”
He also took a sip, or rather, gulp of his wine himself, almost downing half the glass, “That guy really does push me to the limit,”
“I-I see!” Alphys looked at him, a little worriedly. Maybe she should replace the wine with something non-alcoholic in a while, “Okay, my turn. I choose... truth?” She said uncertainly.
“Okay! Truth time,” Mettaton said, straightening up to think of a good question, “Have you, or have you not ever...” He gave her a mischievous look, “Had a crush on me?”
“O-oh my God!”
Mettaton smirked “I knew it,”
“W-wait n-no!” Alphys said, giggling infectiously, “No Mettaton. I’ve actually n-never felt like that about you,”
He looked at her like she’d just shot him, like she’d just said something to betray his whole trust and everything he stood for, “Never?”
“Nope! You’ve always j-just been my friend, 
“But I’m so hot,” He said, as though he was trying to convince her to crush on him.
She had to cover her mouth to stop all of the giggles from escaping, “Y-yes but I was the one who m-made you hot. I got fed u-up of seeing your stupid hot face every time I had to work on it,”
“Now this is just bullying,” Mettaton huffed, trying his hardest to suppress a laugh. “You’ve seen me... in the nude,”
Alphys snorted and covered her face, the laughter becoming too much, “I have! B-but I’d rather see Undyne in ‘the nude’,”
Mettaton finally caved, laughter pouring out of him. The idea that anyone would rather see Undyne naked than him was hilarious to him. He couldn’t quite believe it.
When the laughter eventually petered off, Mettaton shook his head, “Okay, my turn again. I choose dare,”
Alphys held her chin in thought, “I dare you to... call Undyne and tell her y-you love her!!”
He gasped, pouring another glass of wine quickly, not caring much when some of it sloshed over the side, and then poured the whole glass-full down his throat. He slammed the glass back down on the table and pulled out his phone.
Alphys had to hold her hands over her mouth again as Mettaton dialled the number, knowing that Undyne would be able to hear her giggling otherwise.
“Hello, beautiful,” Mettaton breathed when Undyne picked up, his tone full of wanton lust.
“Mettaton? That you?” She replied, her voice only showing confusion.
“Oh, you know who it is, darling,” He said, winking and biting his lip, far too drunk to realise she couldn’t see him.
“Well... what’s up?” She asked, his tone alarming her immensely.
“I was just calling to... admit s-something rather personal to you,” He said, slurring his words slightly but still holding onto his sultry voice, “You see, I’m just dreadfully in love with you and want nothing more than to... than to father your children!”
There was silence on the other end of the phone and both Mettaton and Alphys looked at each other, holding their breath to keep in their laughter, “Darling? Are you there?”
At long last, Undyne was heard again, this time, howling with laughter, “I can’t believe you just- oh my God! As if I’d-” More laughter, and then Mettaton and Alphys joined in, unable to help themselves. Undyne could be heard saying something quietly to someone else, and then laughing harder “Hey, Papyrus says he’ll father your children- so you can have that,”
“METTATON, DON’T LISTEN TO HER- I SAID NO SUCH THING,” A loud voice yelled through the phone, supposedly belonging to ‘Papyrus’.
Undyne spoke again, quieter this time, “He totally would if you asked him, though,”
“Well I gotta go- catch you later metalbutt,” And with that, she hung up, leaving Alphys and Mettaton with tears of laughter streaming down their faces.
“I really thought she was taking it seriously for a moment there,” Mettaton said in between laughs.
“Me too! I thought she was going to get all angry,” Alphys said, wiping the tears away.
“I thought she was going to agree,”
Mettaton threw his head back and kicked his legs with laughter.
“She’s a lesbian, Mettaton,”
“I don’t know how strong my charms are-”
“Not that strong, Mettaton,” She patted him on the arm, knowing he was taking the fact that not everybody fell hopelessly at his feet hard, “O-okay- my turn. I’ll choose dare this time,”
“Alrighty, I dare you to let me give you a makeover,”
Alphys eyed him, wondering where the catch was with this dare. It seemed too simple. But when Mettaton started pulling out a black wig and makeup- she knew exactly what he was up to.
“You made m-me look like you!” She said when he was finished, looking into the mirror, “D-do I look hot now?”
Mettaton shushed her by placing a finger clumsily upon her lips, “You are always hot Alphys- now you’re just hot in the same way as me,”
“Y-you think I’m always hot?”
Mettaton nodded, “Everyone has the ability to be hot- it’s all in the personality,” He chuckled, “How do you think I got everyone in the underground to fall in love with a box?”
She giggled, “Th-that makes sense,” But then her brow furrowed, “But... I don’t have a hot personality,”
“Of course you do... you know smart things. That’s hot to a lot of people- look you have a girlfriend so she must think so,”
She gasped, as though the mystery of how she managed to get herself a girlfriend was finally revealed.
Mettaton nodded slowly, grabbing onto her shoulders, “You’re hot Alphys! Say it with me, ‘I am hot!’,”
Alphys felt like she was about to faint. Or throw up. She wasn’t sure.
“I am h-hot!”
“Say ‘I am cute!’”
“I am cute!”
“Say ‘I would happily let Mettaton father my children!’,”
“I would ha- Wait! I’m not saying that.” She laughed, “Mettaton, you have to let this go,”
He looked like he was about to sob, “But I’m so irresistible, why won’t any of you be infatuated with me?”
“Because that would be weird! Mettaton, I’m your best friend. Not everyone has to think you’re sexy,”
“You don’t think I’m sexy?!”
“M-Mettaton no- I-”
“This changes everything,”
They carried on like this for the rest of the night, daring each other to do increasingly stupid things and arguing about Mettaton’s attractiveness. In the morning, all they had left of the day was three empty wine bottles, fuzzy headaches and a photo Alphys had sent to Undyne dressed as Mettaton with the caption ‘don’t you want to father my children?’.
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
Mabey you could wright a Dusttale sans and genocide sans fight? I feel Like it's be interesting to see how sans feels about himself being the one who went genocide.
(*Did you guys know that I reallyreallyreally love Dusttale? )
“It’s a beautiful day outside.Birds are singing…Flowers are blooming.
…but you already knew that.”
Sans opens his eyesockets, staring at the hooded figure before him.  His opponent has a creepy grin permanently plastered on his face, despite the fact that he had just left a trail of dust and despair in his wake.  
Of everyone he’s judged, of all the various outcomes he’s experienced, he never in a million timelines saw this coming.
It’s unsettling seeing his own expression mirrored back to him.  The only difference is the red eyelights and thick layer of dust clinging to the other’s clothes.  
“you know what i’m about to say, dont'cha buddy?  you’ve been here before, standing on this side of the judgement hall.”
His Dust Mirror shrugs, seeming so nonplussed by the confrontation. He finally spoke up, “yeah, yeah, burning in hell, broken promises, blah blah.  i know the spiel.”
Sans’s fingers clench in his pockets, but he tries to maintain his composure.  There’s no mistaking who this skeleton is, and it’s left him rattled.
“ok, so how about something off-script?  why did you do it?”
Dust cocks his head slightly to the side, a bony brow quirking.  "why’d i go genocide?“  Sans nods, confirming the query.  "heh. you already know the answer to that, pal.  i got stuck in the loop, same as you… only eventually, my attacks stopped working.  i couldn’t kill the kid anymore.”  He pauses, his grin widening.  "so i knew i just needed some LOVE in my heart to win.“
Sans furrows his brow a little.  "what are you talking about?  you started killing to beat frisk?”
Dust twitches a little at the name.  "no–chara.  to beat chara… to save frisk.  are you telling me you don’t know?“  He chuckles, shaking his head.  Before he continues, however, he looks off to the side, his attention drawn elsewhere.  Sans doesn’t see anyone else in the Hall, yet with the way Dust’s head is tilted, it seems as if he’s… listening to someone.
"ok, but even if you beat them, don’t they just RESET?”
Dust nods slightly, but Sans doesn’t think it’s directed at him.  "you’re right.  he’s so dense.  it’s hard to believe i was ever like this.“
Dread began to pit in Sans’s gut.  ”…who are you talking to?“
Dust scoffs.  "who else?  paps.”
Sans’s gaze hardens, the recent loss of his brother biting into his SOUL.  "enough talking.  you’re nuts, so let’s just get straight to the point.“
With that, Sans opens with a quick attack.  A row of bones jutted toward his mirror, followed by several Gaster Blasters, each larger than the last. There was a whirl of magic, building into a whine, before each of their maws opened up to unleash raw energy toward Dust.  
Each bone sent Dust’s way was countered with a purple-tinted bone, and when the Gaster Blasters fired, he narrowly teleported directly behind Sans.  Anticipating this, Sans teleported to the other side, reversing their positions.  
Dust chuckles. "not bad.  i mean, you are me, but… heh, i’m stronger than you.”
Sans narrows his gaze, focusing on the other.  Instantly, the Check is performed.
* sans  250 ATK  1 DEF* wanna have a mad time?* LV 37
Sans is so stunned by the other monster’s LOVE that he barely dodges the purple-tinged bone that abruptly juts from the ground.
Dust’s grin widens as Sans barely dodges being skewered.  He had felt the Check, and he knew what the other would see, knew how it would quite literally rattle his bones.  
Dust glances toward the floating form of Papyrus, his bust slightly opaque, but highlighted by the bright, wafting scarf cinched around his neck.  
“you’re right, paps.  he’s only got 1 hp still… and we all know he can’t dodge forever.”
Sans shudders, his smile tighter than it’s ever been.  “yeah?  and you have more than 1 hp?”
Dust’s left eyesocket wisps purple, and he raises his hand.  “yep.  ya’see, i used to feel like you… so hopeless.  but then, i realized what i had to do.”
Sans stares, shaking his skull.  Dust unleashes another barrage of bones, and Sans nimbly dodges each with flare, sometimes leaning back, sometimes ducking, sometimes hopping up and doing the splits.                         MISS
“you had to kill everyone, huh?  kill papyrus, too?”
Dust shrugs.  “better me killing him than the human.  besides… paps is still here.”  He tilts his skull toward the side, and while Sans doesn’t see anything there, Dust sees his brother’s phantom bust floating around him, coming over to speak close to the side of his face. 
“paps is happier this way.  paps understands that i did what’s right.”
Sans rolls his shoulders, chuckling humorlessly.  “you’ve become everything you wanted to stop, and you don’t even see it.  buddy, i know you’re not that blind.  or maybe you really can’t see with your freaky eyes.”
Dust grinned wider.  Integrity…. Justice…. who needed those traits when he had Determination?  That red tinge to his gaze was just that, shining through.  “i can see clearer than i have in hundreds of timelines, pal.  besides… don’t act like you’re LOVEless.  i’m you, remember?”
Sans gritted his teeth together and snapped his fingers.  In an instant, Dust’s SOUL turned blue.  “ y o u ‘ r e  w r o n g .“  And with hollow, empty sockets, Sans sent Dust flying across the Judgement Hall, into a nearby pillar.  Dust chuckled, shaking his head.  The attack would have been easy enough to counter, but he wasn’t worried.  He hadn’t been lying when he told Sans that he had more than 1 HP, so why not prove it?  Why not let him see how much HoPe there was to be gained from his way of handling their mutual problem?  
A bone jutted from Dust’s shoulder, jagged and broken.  He crushed it in his palm.  “still only 1 ATK.  you’re pitiful.”
“heh, hurts a lot, coming from you.”  Sans shrugs, his hands still casually in his pockets.  “i would never kill paps.  i don’t care how many times all of us die.  i’ll never stop trying to get through to frisk, and i would never hurt my brother.”
His gaze is hard; his sockets dark.  Dust’s shoulders shake briefly, before he starts all-out laughing, holding his sides as he loses his composure.  “ah ha… haha… AHAHAHAHAHA!  that’s hilarious!”  Dust wipes a purple-tinged tear from the rim of an orbit.  “never?  never ever?  sans, buddy, pal–look at me.”  He stops laughing to lock gazes with Sans directly.  
“y o u   a l r e a d y  h a v e . ”
Another bone goes through Dust.  And then another.  And another.  Sans rapidly fires them through the other skeleton, while Dust starts cackling again.  
“you must really hate yourself, huh?  too bad it’ll take you hundreds of…. of….”
Dust trails off, suddenly wobbling.  He tries to catch himself on a bone, but ends up landing on his knees on the Judgement Hall.  
Dust’s vision starts to blur as Sans steps forward, his slippers slapping against the polished floor.  
“welp, you know what they say…”  He stops right in front of Dust, his grin wide and humorless.  “karma’s a bitch.”
Karmic Retribution.  Of course.  He should have realized what was going on.  After all, the the purple tint to his eye was born from that brand of magic.But he was used to using it against Chara, against their LOVE.  
He forgot entirely that his special attack as Judge could be used against him as well.  
Dust drops his skull, his reflection staring back at him in the shiny, golden tile.  He can see Papyrus, floating beside him with worry weighing heavily on his features.  “heh, don’t worry, paps.  i’ll see you again soon.”
Dust raises his gaze to Sans, listening to the sound of a Gaster Blaster whirling to life from somewhere off to his right.  
“get the hell out of my timeline, and don’t come back.”
A smirk crosses Dust’s face.  “don’t worry.  we’ll meet again soon.”
He chuckles.
“only next time, it’ll be when you’re looking in a mirror.”
And then the Gaster Blaster turns him into nothing but dust, while Sans grimly watches.
(* Mobile Imagine MasterlistI’m going to start including that at the bottom of all my imagines, if I can.  )
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