#but the fact that KR is purple is too good to pass up
tyranttortoise · 7 years
Mabey you could wright a Dusttale sans and genocide sans fight? I feel Like it's be interesting to see how sans feels about himself being the one who went genocide.
(*Did you guys know that I reallyreallyreally love Dusttale? )
“It’s a beautiful day outside.Birds are singing…Flowers are blooming.
…but you already knew that.”
Sans opens his eyesockets, staring at the hooded figure before him.  His opponent has a creepy grin permanently plastered on his face, despite the fact that he had just left a trail of dust and despair in his wake.  
Of everyone he’s judged, of all the various outcomes he’s experienced, he never in a million timelines saw this coming.
It’s unsettling seeing his own expression mirrored back to him.  The only difference is the red eyelights and thick layer of dust clinging to the other’s clothes.  
“you know what i’m about to say, dont'cha buddy?  you’ve been here before, standing on this side of the judgement hall.”
His Dust Mirror shrugs, seeming so nonplussed by the confrontation. He finally spoke up, “yeah, yeah, burning in hell, broken promises, blah blah.  i know the spiel.”
Sans’s fingers clench in his pockets, but he tries to maintain his composure.  There’s no mistaking who this skeleton is, and it’s left him rattled.
“ok, so how about something off-script?  why did you do it?”
Dust cocks his head slightly to the side, a bony brow quirking.  "why’d i go genocide?“  Sans nods, confirming the query.  "heh. you already know the answer to that, pal.  i got stuck in the loop, same as you… only eventually, my attacks stopped working.  i couldn’t kill the kid anymore.”  He pauses, his grin widening.  "so i knew i just needed some LOVE in my heart to win.“
Sans furrows his brow a little.  "what are you talking about?  you started killing to beat frisk?”
Dust twitches a little at the name.  "no–chara.  to beat chara… to save frisk.  are you telling me you don’t know?“  He chuckles, shaking his head.  Before he continues, however, he looks off to the side, his attention drawn elsewhere.  Sans doesn’t see anyone else in the Hall, yet with the way Dust’s head is tilted, it seems as if he’s… listening to someone.
"ok, but even if you beat them, don’t they just RESET?”
Dust nods slightly, but Sans doesn’t think it’s directed at him.  "you’re right.  he’s so dense.  it’s hard to believe i was ever like this.“
Dread began to pit in Sans’s gut.  ”…who are you talking to?“
Dust scoffs.  "who else?  paps.”
Sans’s gaze hardens, the recent loss of his brother biting into his SOUL.  "enough talking.  you’re nuts, so let’s just get straight to the point.“
With that, Sans opens with a quick attack.  A row of bones jutted toward his mirror, followed by several Gaster Blasters, each larger than the last. There was a whirl of magic, building into a whine, before each of their maws opened up to unleash raw energy toward Dust.  
Each bone sent Dust’s way was countered with a purple-tinted bone, and when the Gaster Blasters fired, he narrowly teleported directly behind Sans.  Anticipating this, Sans teleported to the other side, reversing their positions.  
Dust chuckles. "not bad.  i mean, you are me, but… heh, i’m stronger than you.”
Sans narrows his gaze, focusing on the other.  Instantly, the Check is performed.
* sans  250 ATK  1 DEF* wanna have a mad time?* LV 37
Sans is so stunned by the other monster’s LOVE that he barely dodges the purple-tinged bone that abruptly juts from the ground.
Dust’s grin widens as Sans barely dodges being skewered.  He had felt the Check, and he knew what the other would see, knew how it would quite literally rattle his bones.  
Dust glances toward the floating form of Papyrus, his bust slightly opaque, but highlighted by the bright, wafting scarf cinched around his neck.  
“you’re right, paps.  he’s only got 1 hp still… and we all know he can’t dodge forever.”
Sans shudders, his smile tighter than it’s ever been.  “yeah?  and you have more than 1 hp?”
Dust’s left eyesocket wisps purple, and he raises his hand.  “yep.  ya’see, i used to feel like you… so hopeless.  but then, i realized what i had to do.”
Sans stares, shaking his skull.  Dust unleashes another barrage of bones, and Sans nimbly dodges each with flare, sometimes leaning back, sometimes ducking, sometimes hopping up and doing the splits.                         MISS
“you had to kill everyone, huh?  kill papyrus, too?”
Dust shrugs.  “better me killing him than the human.  besides… paps is still here.”  He tilts his skull toward the side, and while Sans doesn’t see anything there, Dust sees his brother’s phantom bust floating around him, coming over to speak close to the side of his face. 
“paps is happier this way.  paps understands that i did what’s right.”
Sans rolls his shoulders, chuckling humorlessly.  “you’ve become everything you wanted to stop, and you don’t even see it.  buddy, i know you’re not that blind.  or maybe you really can’t see with your freaky eyes.”
Dust grinned wider.  Integrity…. Justice…. who needed those traits when he had Determination?  That red tinge to his gaze was just that, shining through.  “i can see clearer than i have in hundreds of timelines, pal.  besides… don’t act like you’re LOVEless.  i’m you, remember?”
Sans gritted his teeth together and snapped his fingers.  In an instant, Dust’s SOUL turned blue.  “ y o u ‘ r e  w r o n g .“  And with hollow, empty sockets, Sans sent Dust flying across the Judgement Hall, into a nearby pillar.  Dust chuckled, shaking his head.  The attack would have been easy enough to counter, but he wasn’t worried.  He hadn’t been lying when he told Sans that he had more than 1 HP, so why not prove it?  Why not let him see how much HoPe there was to be gained from his way of handling their mutual problem?  
A bone jutted from Dust’s shoulder, jagged and broken.  He crushed it in his palm.  “still only 1 ATK.  you’re pitiful.”
“heh, hurts a lot, coming from you.”  Sans shrugs, his hands still casually in his pockets.  “i would never kill paps.  i don’t care how many times all of us die.  i’ll never stop trying to get through to frisk, and i would never hurt my brother.”
His gaze is hard; his sockets dark.  Dust’s shoulders shake briefly, before he starts all-out laughing, holding his sides as he loses his composure.  “ah ha… haha… AHAHAHAHAHA!  that’s hilarious!”  Dust wipes a purple-tinged tear from the rim of an orbit.  “never?  never ever?  sans, buddy, pal–look at me.”  He stops laughing to lock gazes with Sans directly.  
“y o u   a l r e a d y  h a v e . ”
Another bone goes through Dust.  And then another.  And another.  Sans rapidly fires them through the other skeleton, while Dust starts cackling again.  
“you must really hate yourself, huh?  too bad it’ll take you hundreds of…. of….”
Dust trails off, suddenly wobbling.  He tries to catch himself on a bone, but ends up landing on his knees on the Judgement Hall.  
Dust’s vision starts to blur as Sans steps forward, his slippers slapping against the polished floor.  
“welp, you know what they say…”  He stops right in front of Dust, his grin wide and humorless.  “karma’s a bitch.”
Karmic Retribution.  Of course.  He should have realized what was going on.  After all, the the purple tint to his eye was born from that brand of magic.But he was used to using it against Chara, against their LOVE.  
He forgot entirely that his special attack as Judge could be used against him as well.  
Dust drops his skull, his reflection staring back at him in the shiny, golden tile.  He can see Papyrus, floating beside him with worry weighing heavily on his features.  “heh, don’t worry, paps.  i’ll see you again soon.”
Dust raises his gaze to Sans, listening to the sound of a Gaster Blaster whirling to life from somewhere off to his right.  
“get the hell out of my timeline, and don’t come back.”
A smirk crosses Dust’s face.  “don’t worry.  we’ll meet again soon.”
He chuckles.
“only next time, it’ll be when you’re looking in a mirror.”
And then the Gaster Blaster turns him into nothing but dust, while Sans grimly watches.
(* Mobile Imagine MasterlistI’m going to start including that at the bottom of all my imagines, if I can.  )
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sharinluna · 5 years
Love and Producer(MLQC) Lucien Overseas Date Translation
Translation of excerpt from unreleased Lucien date.
This is not a full translation, only some parts. 
The translation is based on KR version text. I am not a professional translator and get things wrong. So do not regard this as the actual canon.
I used Yōurán as the name of MC because that is the unofficial default MC’s name in CN version.
I think this date happened before chapter 13, so it can help you understand him better in chapter 13.
Overseas Date
Lucien’s business trips were usually short terms, but this time it seemed that he had to be away for a long time.
Yōurán: Are you going far away this time?
Lucien: Not that far. I am going to the country of The Little Mermaid, one of your favorite fairy tales. But I won’t be home for quite some time. So, could you look after the plants in my home while I’m away?
Yōurán: Do you really think you could entrust them to me?
Lucien: Don't worry. I've left instructions on the flower pot. If you think it's too hard, you can always call me, whether it's about the plants... or you.
He patted my head softly as if he was trying to encourage me.
Lucien: By the time I return, the marguerite daisies will be blooming. When that time comes, we can sit together on the terrace and look at flowers, drink tea, and eat your favorite desert. How about that?
Yōurán: I'd love it. You have to let me know right away when you come back.
Lucien: I promise.
The smiles in his eyes seemed to go deeper. He took my hand and placed the key to his house.
Lucien: Take good care of them while I’m gone.
I held on tight to the key which still held his warmth, and nodded.
Yōurán: I’ll look after them. You take care of yourself too.
Lucien: I will. You take care as well.
I hugged him as a goodbye. He also hugged me in a warm, powerful embrace.
Half a month passed.  Every day I got up 30 minutes earlier than my usual time to water Lucien's plants. The marguerite daisies he mentioned were in full bloom, but I could only share the delight with him through a small cellphone screen.
I was working on a project with YBC to run a TV show about Hans Christian Andersen. I decided that I have to go to Denmark for the local shooting. To ensure the quality of the shooting, but there was also a personal reason that I alone knew. I wanted to see him.
After 13 hours of long flight, I arrived in the city that Lucien was staying. After I got off the plane, a cool wind brushed my face. I could tell that the latitude was higher up here. (She’s remarking that Denmark is colder than Loveland city.)
I took out my only jacket that I packed and put it on. After I unpacked my luggage in the hotel I moved straight to shooting. It was important to meet him, but I had to finish my work first. My week here was filled with day after day of busy shooting.
Lucien: Have you been busy lately? You don’t send me pictures of the plants as often.
Yōurán: Yes, a little. But I’m looking after them as best as I can, so don’t worry!
Before I left, I installed a device that would water the plants automatically. Lucien cared a lot about his plants so I must take every measures I can.
Lucien: It’s not the plants I’m worried about. I’m worried about you.
Yōurán: Me? You have nothing to worry about me. I’m perfectly fine and healthy!
Even though I said so, I was feeling dizzy. It seemed like I had a cold.
Lucien: Are you going to keep lying to me? Hmm?
Lucien’s voice was still soft, but I could feel irresistible pressure. I panicked. I thought he saw through my perfect cover.
Yōurán: Why, Why would I lie to you…..
He sighed after listening to my nervous denial. Then in a tone more gentle and more worried, he said.
Lucien: Did you think I wouldn’t know, with how your voice sounds? You tell me every day to look after myself but you don’t keep your own words. What would I learn from this?
Yōurán: No, I took some pills, and I’m fine now!
I sighed in relief when he didn’t seem to realize that I was here. I discreetly changed the subject.
Yōurán: By the way, where is the hydrangea garden that you told me about?
Lucien: They are near my office.
Yōurán: Can you tell me the exact address? I, I was just curious…
Lucien was silent for a moment before answering like he was interested.
Lucien: You really want to know? Are you…
Yōurán: Er… My friend! She wants to go there!
After I gave a sloppy excuse, he sent me the address without questioning me further.
Lucien: If your friend is planning to go there today, maybe we could cross paths.
Yōurán: Oh, are you also going there?
Lucien: Yes. I have someone very important to meet. We’ll talk later. Get some rest. Good night.
After he hung up, I still held on to the receiver. I felt really warm, but I wondered who was his “very important person.”
After I was done with my work, I went to the garden that he told me. Under the sun I could see blue and purple flowers delicately embroidered on a broad grassy field. The scene was identical to the pictures Lucien sent me a few days ago. It was like seeing the flowers with his eyes.
A sudden unexpected rain came and blurred my visions, but I could clearly see the person with his back turned towards me not far away. It was Lucien. Without wasting my time to open my umbrella, I ran to him.
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He started to look around when he heard footsteps, but I had already attached myself firmly to his back. Even without seeing, he knew it was me and stroked my hand gently with his fingers. I felt familiar warmth and familiar scent and I could hear his actual voice – not a slightly different sounding voice via phone – the voice that I have missed day and night.
Lucien: The “very important person” that I talked about. It was you.
He wanted to turn around, but I held onto him tighter because I didn’t want him to see my face. I cried softy as I leaned on his broad, warm back. I planned on giving him a ‘coincidental meeting’ with the happiest smile, but tears kept flowing endlessly against my will. 
He took my hand to his lips and blew warm breaths, thawing the coldness.
Lucien: Your hands are freezing. Let’s go to my place before your cold gets any worse.
I stayed where I was and shook my head. He didn’t push the matter further and indulged my unreasonable whims, like he always did.
Lucien: I want to hug my little fool too. Please let me look at you. Will it be okay if I do that?
With a sob I slowly let go of him. He pulled me in his arms and covered me with his coat.
Lucien: Next time, don’t use your ‘friend’ as a pretext. If you want to see me, you can say so to me directly.
Yōurán: Okay…
After feeling relieved I felt sudden dizziness, when I came to Lucien was holding onto me tightly. He looked at me with worry in his eyes, and his mouth kept moving. I didn’t hear what he was saying, but I vaguely remembered leaving the hydrangea garden and returning to his place.
When I woke up, the light of dawn was shining through the curtains.
Lucien: Your fever is starting to go down. Thank god. You must be thirsty. Should I get you a glass of water?
I was really thirsty. But I needed him more than I needed a glass of water.
Yōurán: Don't go... Stay by my side... please?
There were so many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't. I wanted to know whether he was doing okay on his own, why he didn't come back to me even after the marguerite daisies bloomed.... I used my feeble strength to hold onto his arm.
He sat by my bedside. He seemed to want to say something, but didn't. When I was about to ask him about that, his hands covered my eyes.
Yōurán: Lucien?
Lucien: Good girl. You need to rest. I promise you that I won't leave your side. You came all this way to see me and you worry that I'll be gone again. Is it because I didn't keep my promise?
I couldn't see his face but I could tell that he was feeling guilty.
Yōurán: I wasn't chastising you, I was just...
My words mumbled into a sob.
Lucien: You have every right and reason to blame me. I am with you now, so don't bear all the pain on your own.
I cried harder as I listened to his words. My voice didn't come out like something was blocking my throat, so I could only shake my head fervently to deny his words.
I wasn't angry that he didn't keep his promise that he'd be back by the time the flowers bloomed. I just wanted to know if he was okay. He kept sending me texts and pictures while he was away, but those little fragments were not enough.
He wiped away my tears, but they kept on flowing as if they forgot how to stop. He seemed at a loss to know what to do, then he leaned in and kissed my tear-stained eyes.
Lucien: Get some sleep and when you get better, I want to visit those places that I sent photos to you.
The hydrangea garden was the same place as yesterday, but it felt like the garden held a new meaning purely from the fact that he was here with me.
Yōurán: Did you go see the little mermaid statue while you were here?
Lucien: No, I did not.
Yōurán: I went there during the shooting, and I felt that the mermaid has a stronger personality than I originally thought.
Lucien: Did something happen there?
Yōurán: No, I just thought that she reacted courageously to the circumstances in the end.
When it came to love, she wasn’t submissive nor yielding. She didn’t surrender and maintained her will and belief even in front of the person she loved.
As if trying to live up to the sad tale, a sudden rain shower poured down upon us.
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Although he brought his umbrella, Lucien took off his coat and covered me with it carefully. I held onto his shirt and buried my face on his chest without a thought. I could hear his heart beating faster and faster, like it was trying to get away from something.
When I raised my head up slightly I could see his firmly closed pale lips. His arms held me tighter.
Yōurán: Lucien, are you alright?
Lucien: It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me. I didn’t catch your cold.
He pulled me into his arms as if he didn’t want me to see him in pain. I pushed away from him and touched his sweating hair and pale face.
Yōurán: It’s not nothing! You told me I can tell you everything, but you always hide everything inside your heart! Like now. I don’t even know why you are suffering…
He forced a smile as he watched me pour my heart out. But his smile was much sadder than crying.
Lucien: Is that what you’ve been thinking all along? If that is what makes you anxious, then I promise you, that I will never hide anything from you. All sides of me, even my weakest moments. Could you… accept me like this?
I stood up on my heels to look into his unstable eyes properly and nodded firmly.
Yōurán: Yes, I will! What I like is the entire complete “Lucien.” It doesn’t matter what sides you have.
Saying that, I hugged him strongly. He put his subtly trembling hands around my body and held me tight like he was trying to imprint me into his chest.
He couldn’t yet understand the mermaid’s selfless, brave, devoted love.
(I said selfless, but it more closely means ‘disregarding herself over others’)
But it came to him that he could understand the little mermaid’s last choice.
As long as she wants to embrace all of him gently and warmly, what would it matter if he were to bear the pain that’s added solely from her.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Dying Historic on Nudist Road
Sun, sweat, beach babes, and caaaars. Daten Beach was hyping up their biggest auto show yet and they're going to do it in style. By inviting Angels of course! The Abbey had received a bunch of fliers to the auto show along with an invitation that marked them as "special guests." Strappon didn't find label appealing. Last time they were special guests anywhere, an idol and boxer attacked them on separate occasions. But these are cars, what could go wrong? A man eating car? HA that's a good one. But now the Templar was worried that he may have jinxed it. Despite his caution, he decided it wouldn't be too bad to go to the auto show. It totally wasn't because some Angels came in and got excited about cars, nope. As the Angels and Heavenbents arrived at the beach there was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, this auto show looked fun! Food and nice cars, this is something you couldn't pass up. But something still felt off... Lo and behold, it didn't take too long for Demons to arrive and claim territory of the beach by impaling a sign into the sand. Proof of their ownership of it. These damn rich people. But the Angels weren't going to let this day be ruined, nor were they going to square up with the Demons. At the request of Strappon, of course. Let's just see what cars the auto show has to offer!
DIE HISTORIC ON NUDIST ROAD Are y'all ready for the Auto Show? --------
HITAGASHI:  Excited whispers in the air, the smell of metal and oil, and Daten  sunlight all set the stage for the Daten Auto Show.  An extravaganza  to end all spectacular extravaganzas!  Or, at least, that's what the  papers said.  The fliers all around town vouched for this as well and  the hype seemed justified.  There seemed to be nothing that could  possibly go wrong today.  If you didn't count the fact that angels  seemed to be cursed with bad luck but moving beyond that the cars were  beautiful and so was the feeling of being there at the show.  Except  for the demons but the angels were doing their best (after being  ordered) to not start a fight.
 Although, if you asked Abbie, the place was sorely lacking in  motorcycles.  She did, however, finally seem to not have a game system  with her.  Today should be good, providing she didn't need to kick  some butt.  Ugh.  She hated being in Daten some days.  She looked  around and saw Cammy blatantly walking in the beach sand with a camel  following her, still wrapped up tighter than a mummy.
KR-O:  A worried expression was hidden behind Shades' namesake. He managed to  loosen up after Angels obeyed orders, but he couldn't help getting  worried. Daten Demons sure did love to provoke them.
KR-O:  Massie patted Shades, telling him that everything will be alright.  It'd be too risky for Demons to pull anything without getting sued by  insurance companies. Perhaps the girl had a point. Before Shades could  thank her, Massie went off to admire some vehicles. She ended up  complainjng about the lack of motorcycles. This is lame.
NAPDRAGONN:  Sunny looked around. He didn't know much about cars, but they sure  were cool, so he had covinced Newsie to bring him along to the show,  as long as he stayed close by. Everything was shiny and polishe and SO  COOL, and if you looked close you could practically see the sparkles  in the young boy's eyes. Newsie, for his part, was playing the role of  caretaker very well, keeping Sunny's hand in his own as he idly looked  at automobiles himself and listened to his younger brother figure's  chatter intently.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt and Wristband walked into the show room. Although they came  together, the two had their own reasons for showing up. Undershirt  actually wanted to look at the cars. Wristband on the other hand was  looking for some hot action.
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls sauntered around idly, the cars were all very fancy and cool  but she didn't really have a lot of interest in who made them what  model they were ectera. She didn't touch any of them as she walked  down the isles of cars that seemed endless. She hoped to find other  demons to chat with so it was less lonely
NAPDRAGONN:  "Newsie, look at that one!" Sunny said excitedly, tugging on Newsie's  shirt sleeve, "It looks like a beetle shell!"  And it did, Newsie noted. The coat of paint was an iridescent purple  and the shap was sleek and aero dynamic. He hummed and smiled down at  his bug loving little brother, ruffling his hair. "Probably not a real  beetle in disguise though, short stuff." He remarked, and Sunny  giggled a little in response.
TJ:  It almost seemed like Cufflink was the only very irritated and  miserable one; with a harsh frown and glaring eyes he almost scowls at  the cars. Another normal day for him. The cars made no impact to him  and he was just trying to waste the time staring at the ceiling or  refining his schedule until his usual migrane forms
OSCARK9:  Today is going to be a good day for Gloves to see the new cars in the  Daten Auto Show. When he walk inside, he couldn’t believe how many  cars they were. All shiny and sparkly. So shiny that he could see his  face on the cars.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle had arrived a bit late but that was normal. She was never one  for punctuality. Noticing the section of the beach dedicated to  motorcylces, she pulled her chopper alongside the rest and pulled off  her helmet. Her hair fell on her face and she pushed her hand through  it a few times.
 "Wonder where the others are," she thought to herself as she scanned  the horizon of cars and people.
GAMER-GODDESS:  A small smile lit up Thigh High's face as she glanced around at the  cars, she didn't much care for them but they sure did look pretty  awesome. More in love with soaking up the sun she decided to take a  look at every model she could before the day was done.
 Meanwhile Brassiere had a seemingly permanent frown on her face,  likely due to the sun beating down on her pale skin. Hoping to make  the most of the day before she was burned to a crisp she jogged over  to Overalls to engage in some friendly banter.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  The two of them scanned the area before Undershirt looked at her  sister. "Now remember, we're here to look at cars and bikes, not  screwing everyone in sight. Just behave yourself" he said.  She stuck her tongue out at him. "You have no room to talk Mr. 'I want  to punch everyone'" She said.  "Whatever" he said folding his arms.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie arrived on the beach and scanned the area. She noticed that the  Demons were out numbered by the Angels. "Those little pests" she  thought, "I could burn them all to a crisp if I wanted to." She  sighed. But that wouldn't be proper would it? Oh well, maybe this car  show would be fun.
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls smiled at the girl approaching her, waving at her "hello" she  called in a sing song voice to her, stopped walking to let the girl  catch up. She admired the car she stopped by while she waited, though  it wasn't a very long wait
GAMER-GODDESS:  Bra stopped running and bent over to catch her breath, giving a "Hey"  in between gasps. Standing up straight she offered the demoness a  smile. "How's it going?" The young girl quietly shaking her head for  not having thought of something better say.
HITAGASHI:  There was a point in a young Irish lass' life where she should say no.   However, considering she loved cars and could now drive them  comfortably, Pastel tugged on the suit she wore as she considered  which ones to buy.  She refused to settle into the beach scene, trying  instead to find a better way to not shoot someone getting in her way.  Anger seemed to be a problem lately.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls waited patiently with a smile as the girl caught her breath "not  too much, just admiring these brilliant cars, what about yourself?"  she asked, not exactly sure why the girl wanted to talk to her but  would not turn down her conversation because she was kinda bored and  didn't want to be rude
KR-O:  "You should listen to your girl, Shades. Enjoy the show! Because this  is the most expensive showing any one of us is gonna be at."  Jokki popped up behind Shades to try to get him to loosen up a little  more. Well if this was coming out of a Demon's mouth, he may as well  take his word for it.
 "Yeah, You're right. Maybe I should go around the owners to see what  recommendations they have for my car. I think I see some people I  know? May as well hang out with them."
 Jokki smiled at the Angel as he left his side. Good. Now the perfect  umbrella space was all his.  Shades waved over at Newsie, ruffling Sunny's hair once he approached  the both of them. "Hey guys! How's it going?"
NAPDRAGONN:  "Hi mister Shades!" Sunny said enthusiastically at Shades, always  happy to see his older friend, "We're just fine! I was showing my  brother that care over there- look, it's like a beetle!" That said,  Sunny pointed the iridescent car out again, hopping up and down.  "He's been all about this place today." Newsie drawled, "I had to drag  him away to get some water because he was gettin' flushed and  dehydrated. Nutty kid is way too excited about this shindig if you ask  me. Least he's havin' fun, though. Nice to see you."
KR-O:  Shades looked at the car in question and chuckled, "Well, it is a  Volkswagen.../Beetle/." He winked at Sunny as if he made the best pun  ever. It was not. It was terrible.  "Well, can you blame the kid when they have really nice cars this time  around? Kind of intimidating if you ask me. These all look like  exports too."  All Shades could think about was their cost. They must of been in the  millions. He shuddered at the thought.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "I'm doing pretty well, have you seen any nice models yet?" Brassiere  asked, motioning towards the seemingly endless display of beautifully  glossy cars.
NAPDRAGONN:  sunny still laughed, though. He was a child, after all, and corny  jokes were about his level of humor in that point of life. Newsie was  rolling his eyes and groaning, though. Still...  "I wouldn't know much." Admitted the newsstand worker, "I'm not super  interested in rides. I mean, i can see they're juiced up and  expensive, but that's about it. Sunny just thinks they're cool." He  shrugged.
TIMERIFTS:  "They are all wonderful, but I saw one I really liked down there"  Ralls pointed in the direction to show where the car was, keeping it  friendly. She started to walk down the isle to look at more of the  cars, brushing her hair out of her face, starting to feel the heat a  little
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt looked up from the car he was inspecting and saw Shades. He  also over heard the bad pun that made him die a little inside. "Well,  well, well, if it isn't Mr. Uptight" Undershirt said as he walked over  to the group that was gathered. Wristband looked up from another car  and followed her brother over. She recognized Shades, but not the  others. She hadn't really met many people in the Abbey so this could  be a good way to break the ice and make some friends.
TJ:  Cufflink quickly adjusted his tie as he walked over to the exit. He  noticed the rising amount of Angels that were appearing and if there  was a fight, he'd rather not get overpowered.  "I'll just stay here for a little... Think I got work back in the  office anyways..." Cufflink mumbles as the heat slowly created a sauna  in his suite.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat walked in with his arms over his chest and a visible annoyance  on his face. He peered at the almost endless line of cars and within  the sea of metal, reeking of oil and gas, he spotted Overalls. He made  his way towards his personal assistant and called out to her once he  was just a few feet away from her and whomever she was talking to.  "Overalls. Did you pick up my dry cleaning? I feel like I'm going to  need a change of clothes after this."
 A blurred figure rushed through the air, jumping on top of the tallest  vehicle in the area near the majority of the people here. The figure  landed with their scarf starting to blow in the wind. The figure stood  up to reveal the greatest hero that no one knew, Buckle! She took her  usual pose and called out. "Fear no longer, the hero Buckle has  arrived!"
NAPDRAGONN:  Sunny looked up at the two new additions to their conversation group,  unsure who they were. He was still young and sometimes shy, so most of  his friends at the Abbey were people who had taken initiative and  spoken to him first, like Shades.  Newsie squinted his eyes at them both, not liking the vibe he was  getting, but he bit his tongue. Picking a fight in front of his little  brother would set a bad example. He'd have to just wait and see what  their attitudes amounted to.
KR-O:  "Yeah, they are. I sorta came down here to ask about parts since I  wanted to beef mine up-" Shades turned with a finger raised up, "  _Listen_ " He said. "...You're not wrong, especially right now, BUT  LISTEN."  He didn't continue after that, giving a smile to Undershirt.
OSCARK9:  Gloves smiled at the new cars that he been seeing passing by him. By  looking at the new cars and seeing his own reflection. Which makes him  distracted. He said to himself, "Man, I look good on these cars. Too  bad that I can't ride one of them." Which makes him feel down just for  a minute. He give it a good smile on the car's reflections and move on  to the next one.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle stopped guarding her motorcycle from passersby when she heard  her name called from across the lot. She gazed over and saw what  looked to be an angel doing some pose on top of a car.
 "The hell? She could ruin the paint," Buckle said quietly to herself.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Bra watched Ralls walk away before deciding to obtain a some type of  beverage to rival this heat.  Thigh High was enjoying the cars before she spotted a certain angel.  Bounding up to the girl she called out quick "Hey, Massie!" to catch  her attention
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls perked at the voice of her boss, twirling around to face him  "Yes, it's in my car at the moment" she smiled, her posture  immediately getting better as she stood at attention to him, glancing  over at the other girl she was talking to as she walked away
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Wristband's eyes lit up when she looked at Sunny "Hey sexy...OW" She  said before getting elbowed in the stomach by Undershirt. "I mean hi"  she tried again.
 "Sorry about that" he said as he glared at her. "That's kind of her  way of saying hello."
KR-O:  Massie stared in disappointment of the lack of certain vehicles and  shrugged, admiring what was available right now. She turned to whoever  was caller her out and smiled in return. "Oh, hello there."
 "Well, I'm used to that with my other friends, so no big deal with  me." Which was a big understatement for Shades to say but you know.  "But hey, nice to see you guys out here too."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "Good. Seems you've managed to earn your paycheck for this week." He  kept his arms folded over his chest before looking around at all the  cars around him. The potential for him getting dirty was immensely  high at the moment. He cringed a bit. "What exactly are you doing  here?" What was HE doing here?
GAMER-GODDESS:  Offering a quick nod "Haven't seen you for a while," Stretching her  arms above her head before asking "What have you been up to?"
TIMERIFTS:  She watched where he was looking "thank you" she smiled "I came to  admire these vehicles and get some sun, what are you doing here?" she  wondered, him being here was something even more out of the ordinary  because of the risk of getting dirty
KR-O:  "Ah well, making sure some new fallen are getting situated. Making  sure to keep my swords clean. Nothing too eventful." Massie responded.  "How about you?"
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat shifted his weight slightly, leaning to the side on his left  leg. "I was on my way back from a voicing job and saw that you were  nearby." On a GPS system he had put on her without her knowledge. He  has to know where his assistant is at all times, of course. "I decided  to come in and see if you were really doing your job."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Yeah, you too man" he said, still a little upset at Wristband. "It  feels like it's been forever since we've left the Abbey."
 Wristband agreed in that sentiment. "Yeah, I was beginning to get stir  crazy. I needed to get out of there for a while." And get some action,  is what she wanted to finish with, but she felt that it was best if  she just kept her mouth shut.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls smiled weakly, how did he know she was nearby? She let the  thought slide "how did the job go?" she asked him, keeping the  conversation on him to stroke his ego more, which she had learned was  an essential part of the job "I am always doing my job Sir" she  assured him, not really sure what her job consisted of anymore but  whatever he needed was it
KR-O:  "It has been a while. Kinda glad that tensions aren't high with both  groups being in the same area. I guess we can relax for once." Shades  looked around quickly to make sure of his words, but it was about the  same.
 Meanwhile, HP was getting something ready for the auto show. Of all  people to provide something for this show. Armlet, however, was a  little grumpy child. The sand was making him 'see' fuzzy, constantly  asking when HP was going to be done with his the thing he was working  on.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  He let out a small laughing huff. "It went splendidly, of course. You  know I am practically incapable of failure." He gave her a smug smile,  closing his eyes and putting his hand on his chest while speaking.  Furcoat opened his eyes to look at her again. "So the list of errands  I mailed you is done?"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie looked at Cufflink. So many new recruits lately. She decided to  talk to him. Walking over she noticed the apparent nervousness on his  face. When she reached him, she put on a smile. "Hi, I'm Bowtie, I  take it you're new here?" she asked him.
TIMERIFTS:  She smiled "of course!" she replied to his being perfect, he was kinda  charming in the fact that he was so confident, but it was testing in  the waters of cocky. She watched his body language as he spoke "almost  all of them are done, the one shop was closed today so I will get that  done tomorrow but everything else is complete" she assured him,  meeting eyes with him to make him know he had her full attentions,  that would help him feel even more important
GAMER-GODDESS:  "I'm doing great actually." Pondering for a moment. "Tell me about  yourself, I feel like we don't really hear that much about you." Thigh  High subtley faced palmed herself for sounding so creepy.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Yeah I noticed that" Undershirt said looking around. There were a few  Demons that he could spot. It was a really weird feeling that they  were just coexisting in this space, that no one wanted to kill each  other. "It just feels weird to me"
TJ:  Cufflink glances at her and nods. "Yes... My name is Cufflink.  Pleasure to meet you..." He bows slightly since his asian teachings  still follow him.
KR-O:  Shades shrugged, "I'm used to this. Demons and Angels coexist up North  and that's where I worked a good chunk of my life." He motioned both  Wristband and Undershirt to follow him. He wanted to look around while  chatting.
 Massie stared at Thigh High for a bit, sweating nervously, "O-Oh.  Really? I don't know. I don't have much to offer."
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle had made her way over to Furcoat and butted in on his  conversation. She glanced back at her motorcycle to make sure no one  had put their hands all over it while she was gone.
 "Hey, Furry. Did you see that angel dancing around on the tops of cars  a few minutes ago?" She hit punched the palm of her hand. "I'd like to  beat some sense into her. I mean, vandalism is fun and all, but you  should never disrespect someone's ride."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie was taken aback a bit by the bow. "You don't have to be so  formal with me, after all we do work together. So how are you liking  this show so far? I personally don't have much of an interest in cars,  but I heard that a few people were going so I thought I'd might as  well go too."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Really? I haven't heard of that before." He said as he and Wristband  followed Shades.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  The demon peered at the woman as she agreed with him. That was a good  call not disagreeing with him. That's how his first assistant ended up  spending the rest of his life as an inner-city kindergarden teacher.  He narrowed his eyes on Overalls when she admitted that she didn't get  one thing done. That was grounds for firing. But.. he was feeling  merciful. Odd. Before he could say something, someone else butted in  on his conversation. He turned look at Buckle for a second, before  looking back to Overalls. "Who is this and why is it talking to me?"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Yeah, I thought that they wanted to always tear each other's throats  out" Wristband agreed. She was never one for geography or schooling,  but she was surprised that she hadn't heard of this before.
TJ:  "...Formal...?" His eyebrows raised in surprise and his eyes widen.  Then caught himself and realized the difference in manners here.  Clearing his throat and regaining his posture he calmly replies,  "No, in fact I was planning on leaving and heading for the office to  see if there was any work for me there."
GAMER-GODDESS:  Crap, you made her uncomfortable, think harder Thigh High, "Uh, I mean  do you have any hobbies?" Nice save!
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls smiled at him, noticing his displeasure in her not being able  to force a shop to open to run the errand, noting to do better next  time, glad he spared her "This is Buckle I believe" she introduced the  demon to him, letting that conversation take the front lines
OSCARK9:  Gloves was starting to get a little tired from seeing the new cars  that he pass already. He said to himself; "Walking around in the Auto  Show can make a person drain." So, he decided to get some cold  beverage and finding a place to settled down.
KR-O:  "Yeah. The North has both groups working together. They have kind of a  long history together and it's pretty chill up there." Shades paused  for a bit. "...They also have dragons and dinosaurs, which was kind of  cool."
 Massie began getting shifty-eyed, trying to think of something. "Uuuh.  I don't really do much aside from Abbey work if you ask me." Wow, her  life was boring.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Oh great I made him uncomfortable. Good job Bowtie" she thought. "Oh,  come one that's no fun" she said. "You're already here, might as well  stay and try to have fun. We don't get many chances to take a break.  Besides, I'm sure whatever work is there can wait."
TJ:  "...What does 'fun' mean?" Cufflink's curiosity was peaked at this  word, he heard so many people say it and had no time to look it up. He  looked at Bowtie straight in the eyes with a softened look and awaited  a response.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "I can see someone at least had the decency to read my file." She  glanced towards Overalls. "Now, you gonna help me beat up that  exhibitionist or what?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  "You don't, that's a shame." Snapping her fingers as a lightbulb went  off inside her head "I've got it, maybe we could hang out sometime!"  Thigh High exclaimed, "Is there anything you'd like to do in your  spare time?"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Wait, you mean ACTUAL dinosaurs and Dragons?" he said stunned. HOW  DID HE NOT KNOW THIS?! "Can you like, ride them?"
 "How are the angels up there? Are they hot?" Wristband asked.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "Buckle. Doesn't ring a bell." He spoke out before looking to Buckle  once more. He huffed when hearing her ask him or Overalls for help  with fighting someone. He wasn't sure who she was asking, but he  responded anyways. "I am not about to allow a fight in here. You could  destroy a car and get oil all over my clothes!"
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls nodded in agreement "Yeah, I am not really up for a fight today,  you know being peaceful and stuff seems kinda alright for the time  being" she smiled weakly "sorry though, hope it goes well though" she  nodded to the girl, even if she did want to fight she couldn't risk  losing her job because she got oil on his coat or something She smiled  at Buckle then looked at her boss, not sure how to end a conversation  like this
KR-O:  Once again, Massie just stared. She didn't know how to respond to her.  Honestly, she just didn't know how to socialize well with strangers.  "I don't know what I'd like to do in all honesty. I've been keeping  busy with work for a good while now. I don't know what to tell you."
 "YEAH!" Shades responded. "Like actual dinosaurs and dragons! And even  giant birds! They give them to you if you're gonna be a knight and  they're your life companions. I have one! But mom keeps it." Which was  unfair to him.  "Depends on your aesthetic." He said to Wristband.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "Well, damn. I'd sure hate for your clothes to get dirty," she said  sarcastically. "I guess we can just let her keep jumping all over the  hoods of cars and breaking all the rules." Buckle shrugged her  shoulders in an exaggerated manor.
HITAGASHI:  Tiara, like the little brat she is, did her best impression of a  Jack-in-the-Box the moment the mention of dragons appeared.  She shot  up from seemingly nowhere behind Undershirt and slammed her hands onto  his shoulders from behind to hoist herself up and look at him from  above.  "DRAGONS?  I'M A DRAGON."  She turned her attention to Shades  with an almost sparkle to her eyes.  "Dragons are GREAT."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie wasn't sure how to respond. How the fuck do explain to someone  what fun is? How do you have to be raised to not know what fun is?  "Uhh, fun is the feeling you get when you do something you enjoy." she  said. That was pretty a pretty good definition there Bowtie.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Dude, I want a dinosaur to ride! That sounds so cool. Why does your  mom keep it? Too much to have at the Abbey?" Undershirt asked. If he  ever had the chance he'd go to the North and get him a Dinosaur.
 Meanwhile Wristband conjured up thoughts of knights in shining armor  riding on dragons coming to save her. She smiled at that thought. "You  know the big strong Knight type" she responded.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "Well. She isn't bothering me. Whoever she is." He huffed lightly  folding his arms over his chest once more. "Besides. She doesn't seem  to be doing anything now." He shifted his shoulders a bit and groaned  slightly. "I need a massage."
HITAGASHI:  Cammy slowly made her way into the show, humming softly to herself as  she passed by Abbie who seemed to be scanning the crowd.  She seemed  to find what she was looking for as she practically stomped over to  where Massie was.  "How ya doin', yo?"  Because saving her friend's...  kid (she still didn't believe that) from discomfort was very  important.  Maybe they could talk about bikes.
TJ:  Cufflink's eyes harden once more as they go back to his usual cold  expression and only replied with, "Oh. I see, Thank you." It was a  familiar word... He shook his head and looked in the car show again.  Pursing his lips he slowly mumbled, "I suppose I can try having this  'fun'."
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh High was determined to open Massie up "Well, what if we  experiment with different activities. We could try sports or movies or  one of the various arts or, or..." Trailing off as she attempted to  think of anything, looking around the large expanse of cars "Or,  collecting cars!"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt and Wristband jumped at the sudden appearance of the demon  child. "WHOA, where the hell did you come from?!" Undershirt yelled.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls kept to herself, but noted to book him a massage soon. She  watched the conversation between the two demons, wondering why he was  still talking to her, she wasn't important enough for him to know her  name so why was he?
KR-O:  Shades almost screamed from the sudden child popping up behind them  but recognized her almost immediately.  "Oh hey, you're Hairpin's girl, right? Excuse me, Hairpin's dragon? Am  I getting it right?"  He wanted to humor the kid as best he could because that's what HP  requested.  "On, no. My Ziz is far too big to keep it anywhere. It's like. Huge.  And I mean HUGE. Think of like, half of the height of a giraffe."
HITAGASHI:  Tiara grinned wide, pretty much catapulting herself over to Shades and  bouncing when she landed.  "Yeah!  That's Meema!  I'm Tiara!  What's  your dragon's name?  Is it a boy or girl?  Is it grown up?"  Shades  seemed to have opened up a can of worms.
KR-O:  "I don't know, I have to focus on these issues that have been popping  up as of lately. I don't want my dad too stressed about them-" Massie  felt herself shrinking when Abbie approached them.  "Oh, miss Abbie.Hello." She did a slight bow, beginning to fiddle with  her fingers.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat eyed Overalls after he spoke out that he needed to get a  massage. "You don't know how to give someone a shoulder massage?" He  asked out to her, having expected her to give him one right on the  spot.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls looked at him "I was going to book you a professional one for  later this afternoon but I could give you one" she smiled, trying to  remain 'perfect' to please him. She walked up to him, to get started  working on his tense muscles
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "That's the spirit" Bowtie said. "So, what's your story? Where'd you  come from?" She asked. She felt that this was going well. He appeared  to be warming up to her, might as well keep the momentum going.
 "That's awesome man!" Undershirt said excitedly. "I have to get one  for myself. I could have so much fun with one of those!"
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "I'm gonna leave you to your pampering, Furry. Besides, my bikes been  left alone for a while now." She motioned towards the cycle section of  the show. "And if that angel gets anywhere near it, there's gonna be a  throw down."
KR-O:  Shades laughed at Tiara's enthusiasm about the dragons. "Well, I don't  have a dragon. It's more of a big bird. But she's grown! And feisty.  You know the cat man? I can ask him to show you a baby dragon one of  these days, he breeds them."
 Shades looked at Undershirt, "Well, they're only native to the North  so you'll need connections to obtain one. Which I can count as one. I  got a few buddies that have Ziz as well."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "This stiffness isn't letting me wait on one." He huffed lightly,  shifting his shoulders before she started giving him the massage he  wanted. He was started to loosen up a bit before hearing Buckle speak.  Hearing her call him 'Furry' caused him to sneer. "The name's  Furcoat." He stated.
HITAGASHI:  This information sent the little demon for a loop, eyes wide and hands  clapping together rapidly.  "You mean Mister Jokki has __dragons__?!  Why didn't I know that?  I thought he just had cats!"  She seemed to  be ignoring anyone else talking to Shades as he had her complete  attention.  Well, unless Jokki showed up and then he'd have to deal  with Tiara.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt smiled. He had no idea where he could ever put one, but  that doesn't matter. "Hey, maybe you could pull a few strings for an  old pal huh?" He said nudging him with his elbow.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls held her breath, he was not happy with that name. She continued  to work on his shoulders, trying to help him relax, them. She felt  weird touching him since he never usually let her even get close  enough to touch him since she was a 'peasant'. Usually she would be up  in arms about being treated inferiority but she kinda needed this job  and didn't take it personally since everyone else got treated like  that too
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Furry." Buckle turned, put her hands in  her pockets and started walking back to her bike.
KR-O:  "I'll consider it." He said. It sounded so half-hearted from Shades,  but hey. He wasn't one to deny a request that doesn't hurt anybody. "I  just hope you're ready to research in taking care of those things."  Now his attention was back to Tiara.  "I thought he had cats too until he brought over a hatchling- Wait."  He removed his namesake and stared off into the distance."I have a  baby dragon at home." He completely forgot.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Well, if you ever change your mind."  Thigh High sighed. "I heard  there were refreshments, and I intend on finding them!" She said while  clenching her fist. And with that Thigh High proceded to just stand  there staring around the room with a hand stroking an imaginary beard.
OSCARK9:  When Gloves got his beverage. He was finding a place to for him to  settled down in. He decided that he will go outside and settled down  their. Inside the Auto Show was getting a little muggy and making him  have a headache from the oil fumes. So, outside is a best choice for  him.
TJ:  Cufflink flatly stated, "My Atunie Grace black mailed me to come work  here and to abandon my company for a few years." He glanced over at  the scene and stared at a car with interest.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat furrowed his brow when hearing the woman calling in that name  again. He huffed, almost hissing in annoyance with the disrespect he  received. He was a celebrity! How dare she treat him like a joke! He  waited until the woman had walked away before he spoke again. "I don't  like that one."
HITAGASHI:  Tiara's attention seemed caught until she spotted something in the  distance.  Eyes wide, she shifted her attention around and jumped up  to pat Shade's on the face lightly.  "I gotta go I saw Faust but I  wanna meet your dragon baby soon!  Bye Mister Ironee!  I'll tell Meema  you're super nice!"  And with this she ran over to what she seemed to  have spotted in the distance.
 As this happened, Abbie seemed to be glaring at the person in front of  her in confusion.  Why were they talking to Massie?  "Hey, Massie,  who's this?  Actually, wait no, you."  She pointed at Thigh High.  "Who're ya, yeah?"
TIMERIFTS:  "noted" Ralls tried to speak quietly, so the girl had no chance of  hearing her. She knew it would aggravate Furcoat to hear himself be  called something like that, she was getting pretty good at guessing  what his reactions would be
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "What was that?" Undershirt asked. A baby dragon? How do you forget  that? "Wonder if he'd let me have it?" he thought.
 "Oh that's rough" Bowtie said. "I know how that feels. I got sent here  after burning down my school with fire magic. It was terrible."
OSCARK9:  Gloves was outside taking a deep breath from the fresh air and said to  himself, "(exhaling) Ah! Now that's better. It's nice to smell oil  once in a while, but air is where is at."
KR-O:  After many "Are you done yet?"s from Armlet, HP finally finished on  what he was working on. To him it was purely elementary, but he  basically made a beefed up GTR from scratch.  "Nothing to it!" He said in a smug tone.  "Finally!" Armlet called out, throwing his hands up in the air."Are  you gonna announce the competition?"  "In a bit," HP responded, "Or right now, actually." Grabbing a PA  microphone, HP announced that the car competition for their special  was about to begin and that everybody make their way to other parts of  the beach.
 Tiara left a big smile on Shades face and waved her goodbye as she  left. "What was what?" He asked Undershirt. But before he could ask  something else, the announcement caught his attention.  "Competition between the special guests? That wasn't anywhere in the  invite...And we're the special guests.." Something didn't feel right  here. Were these Demons up to something?
 Massie could feel some hostility coming off Abbie and decided to  answer herself anyways. "Oh, this is Thigh High. She's another Abbey  resident. Anyways, should we make our way to this competition?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  Freezing mid stroke, Thigh-High glanced up at the person disrupting  her mission. "I'm sorry, what'd you just say?" Glancing at Abbie in  confusion, only to hear Massie clear it up.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat grumbled something about ruining lives and making people get  stuck in dead end jobs, but he quieted down after a moment. He started  to relax with the help of Overalls' massage. But that stopped when the  announcement blared over the PA and caused him to jump. "What the  hell??"
TIMERIFTS:  listening to the PA ralls sighed a little "you wanna watch that?" she  asked him, not stopping his massage, she was glad to of helped, even  if only for a short time before the loudness that blared across the  area
TJ:  Cufflink jumped the sudden noise and looks over to Bow tie.
TJ:  "Competition...?"
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat gazed up at the PA, but still stayed in place for her to  continue the massage. "Watch it? Only if I get a box seat. I'm not  going to get soaked in smoke and smell like exhaust for two weeks." He  grumbled. "Is that what you're here for? A competition?"
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt and Wristband jumped at the sound of the PA. They listened  to the announcement and when it was finished, Undershirt turned to  Shades. "I KNEW something was up" he said. Wristband nodded her head  in agreement.
 Bowtie just finished her story when the PA went off and made the  announcement. "What the hell?" she asked in confusion. Today might  prove to be much more interesting than she thought.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle got back to her bike just as she heard the message.  She  grabbed her helmet and noticed a scratch on her bike. "Really," she  shouted. "I was gone for maybe two minutes!" She angrily jumped on to  her bike and sped off towards the competition.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls continued to massage his shoulders, even working on his upper  back "I see," she stayed put "nah that was not on the flier, Seems  kinda interesting though" she shrugged, she kinda wanted to watch, but  now that he was here she was back on the clock and all her decisions  would be based around him
OSCARK9:  While he was outside. He heard from the announcement that there's  going to be a Competition. He said to himself, "Competition? Sweet! I  don't know what it is, but I hope it's fun." So, he head off towards  the competition.
TJ:  Cufflink stretched a bit and wondered whether to back out now or not.  "I'll just sit in the back..." He whispers to himself and walking over  to the competition. "Are you coming?" He glances back at Bow tie and  tilts his head.
HITAGASHI:  Abbie considered it, shrugged, and stared at Thigh High for a moment  more.  "Yeah, sure, why not, yeah?  It's bound to be fun."  She stared  at Massie and waved an arm in a way that indicated she go first.  She  vaguely noticed Cammy actually tearing ass to the competition from the  corner of her eye.
 Having heard the announcement, however, made Tiara beeline straight  for her Meema and the PA system.  Pretty much skidding to a stop, she  reached to grab it from HP and narrowed her eyes.  "Give it."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  He shifted a bit, leaning back into the massage while listening to his  assistant. "Do you want to take part in it?" He asked out. He seemed  to be in a rather generous mood today. "If so, you have ten minutes to  find me a seat away from the smoke, if not a box seat."
KR-O:  HP didn't hesitate and handed Tiara the receiver. "Knock 'em dead. Not  literally, though."
TIMERIFTS:  She blinked, not used to him being so nice to her "uh, sure" she  smiled, trying to keep the surprise out of her voice "I will do that  for you" she wiggled out of their situation to find them seats,  checking her watch to make sure she would be back before her 10  minutes was up
GAMER-GODDESS:  Bra had finally gotten a drink and was about to take a sip when the  sudden noise from the PA caused her to drop it a little too close to  one of the displays. The young lady practically sprinted away from the  incident, she did not want to deal with whoever was supervising the  cars. Making a mad dash to beach, Bra scanned the crowd for any good  spots to spectate.
 Thigh High was still thinking about food but decided to tag along with  Massie and Abbie to avoid being abandoned. She shoved her hands in her  pockets and matched the girls' pace as they walked towards the  competition.
KR-O:  Jokki had been asleep for a good majority of the auto show and was  abruptly woken up by the PA speaker going off. His poor ears. Shaking  his head, trying to wake up, he started walking towards the  competition. "Why can't we enjoy a simple beach day..." He groaned.
HITAGASHI:  Taking control of the PA like it was her birth right, she grinned  broadly and let out a victorious hissing noise when she finally turned  it on.  "Is everyone ready?!  Get jumping and pumping gas because  we're about to race!  Burn the tracks and get going to your cars if  you've got 'em!  The winner gets uh..."  She paused, trying to think  of a prize.  Looking at all the cars, she shrugged.  "The winner gets  a car!"
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle was first to pull up to the starting line. She flicked down her  helmet's visor and revved her engine, ready to go.
KR-O:  HP got up on stage to explain Tiara's terms for the competition.  Seeing as he was a tall bean pole, he knelled down to her level and  spoke into the receiver, "This competition is to see which species has  the most powerful vehicle to offer. We will race 12 cars and whichever  side wins, gets the loser's most priced car." Ending his speech, the  curtains retreated to show of the GTR he had just finished. "This will  be one of the cars representing the Demons. Wonder what will Angels  offer."
 Shades stared at HP in pure disbelief. This guy. "That wasn't in the  terms of service you asshole!"
TJ:  Cufflinks watched the commotion and leans back in his seat. Racing  wasn't really his thing but with the raised stakes, it could be  interesting. Although with the surprise they brought up... Cufflink  cautiously shines his cuff links.
OSCARK9:  Gloves could not believes what he just heard. "Were going to have a  race and the losers will lose their car? That's crazy! However, I do  like to race against somebody." By thinking his thoughts for a minute.  He made his decision. "Ah, why not. Let's do this!" He said. He rushes  back to his green motorcycle and drove down to the starting line.
KR-O:  "Nothing's ever in the Terms of Service, that's how some businesses  work." HP said. "Anyways, I'll be driving this lovely car. I hope you  all have something to accompany the bike that just entered, because  against a GTR? Oof."  He had a point. Those cars take off faster than you can blink.
 As Massie arrived she looked at Shades and then to the car, then back  to Shades. "Why don't you enter your car, father?"  Shades nearly choked on his own spit, "ME
KR-O:  Shades nearly choked on his own spit, "ME? WITH MY CAR? __ABSOLUTELY  NOT!__ " He's not made of money, you know.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt gave Shades a nudge. "Dude, it's a car show, there are  plenty of cars to choose from" he whispered. "While you look around,  I've already got my car picked out" he said out loud. He walked over  to a car a little ways out. "The Hennessey Venom GT, worlds fastest  car. No one will be able to touch me" he said as he slipped into the  seat of the bright orange supercar. Wristband followed her brother and  got into the passenger side. Undershirt pushed the start button and  the car roared to life.
 Bowtie looked around for a suitable vehicle for her. Eventually she  landed on one. The McLaren P1. "Fast and stylish, I like it" She said  as she circled the car before getting in to the black car.
KR-O:  Shades followed Undershirt, then compared the chosen vehicle to the  Demons' chosen one. "I don't think I've seen a model like that before.  So it must be custom. If it is, we're screwed."  Massie followed along and when Shades made that inspection, she  squinted at the vehicle, "You could be right. The actual specs? We may  have to ask if those were imported or custom made too.."
HITAGASHI:  Like she had been, Abbie followed Massie and stared at the car.  She  then turned to stare at her friend and pulled out her wallet.  "Do you  need me to buy you a car?"  Because this is obviously how things work.   As she said this, Cammy was hopping into the car she was actually  debuting at the show because of all her custom changes to it.  She pet  the wheel and kissed it, grinning wide as she ripped off her mask,  jacket, and turtleneck and left herself in a tank top as she revved  her car to life.  Her Ferrari wouldn't fail her and if it did at least  they'd go out in a blaze of glory.
 As all this went on the little girl holding the mic grinned.  "Ladies,  gentlemen, and everyone who is neither, both, or some combination  thereof!  Please remember we aren't reimbursing you for losses!  You  enter at your own risk!  If you have the money, buy a car on display  that isn't custom!"  She jumped a bit in place and then turned to her  guardian.  Eyebrows furrowing, Tiara stared at HP intently.  "Meema,  if you get hurt can I light people on fire?"
KR-O:  HP winked at Tiara and patted her head. "That won't be necessary when  they get burned by the nitro boost. But, please take care of your  brother. He doesn't like sand, remember?"
KR-O:  Shades backed off from Abbie with his hands raised defensively,  "Nuh-uh, I ain't taking that much money for a car that's gonna get  wasted. You can't make me, yo."
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  As Buckle was driving in and out of the crowd towards the starting  line, she noticed the demon she had met earlier and steered her bike  towards her.
 "Hey! Coveralls right?" Buckle shouted over the crowd of people.  "Where'd your boss run off to?"
HITAGASHI:  Ignoring him, she turned to Massie.  "Please pick a car, I have the  money to spare."
 Grabbing Armlet's hand was Tiara's response as well as a big grin.  "I  know!  I can spook him but sand's bad.  It's gross anyway!"  She  turned to her brother and squeezed a little with her hand to let him  know she was talking to him.  "We can stay on the sidewalk!  'Kay?"
TJ:  Cufflink had been walking along the board walk, wandering with no  destination planned.  "With all the commotion at the race, it's like the whole beach has  been desserted..." He thought while walking slowly.
KR-O:  "What." Massie stared in disbelief. "I don't know how to drive,  though."
 Armlet nodded, "The sidewalk sounds good. Concrete is so much more  appreciated than sand, really." He waited for her to move, he's not  taking any chances of touching something gross on this sand.
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls smiled "I was actually here finding a spot for us to sit and  watch" she didn't bother correcting her on her name "nice bike by the  way" she smiled
HITAGASHI:  "Just pick a car for him to drive.  Whichever one looks coolest to you  I guess."  The girl shrugged and grabbed Shades by the collar.  "I  have money to spare, you moron."
 Bouncing, Tiara lead him over to the sidewalk.  "People do a lot of  gross stuff on beaches.  I don't like all the water either."
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "C'mon really? I mean do you really just want to sit and watch?"  Buckle scooted forward on her seat. "I need a partner. Hop on. I'll  deal with your boss later."
KR-O:  "Why not buy the competition and make ourselves the automatic  winners?" Massie suggested. It was an auto show.
KR-O:  Shades stared at Massie,  "...That's so stupid it's genius."  "Just like you, I guess." She replied. OH SNAP.  Conveniently HP called out to them saying the custom GT wasn't for  sale. There goes that plan.
 "Fine, we'll get the car next to Undershirt. I'll be a driver I  guess." Shades said reluctantly.
 "Pretty sure at one point I stepped on something gooey. Litterers are  gross." Though, Armlet was now contemplating if he could lift a car up  or not with magic. It would be pretty cool.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls gave a nervous laugh "I would rather not lose my job, so maybe i  can ask him right now" she looked at her watch, she had like 5 minutes  to find him a spot and get back to him "give me a few minutes" she  smiled weakly spotting a place that Furcoat would approve of and went  to find him "I would love to join you though!"
TJ:  Within in a few minutes Cufflink found himself completely lost.  Looking around confused he quickly spots Tiara and Armlet. His cheeks  light up a pale pink as he asked them, "Sorry to bother, but do you  know where we are?"
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  "Can't even find a seat himself. What a pushover." She flicked her  helmet's visor down. "Meet me at the starting line." Buckle sped off  before she could hear whatever response Overalls would have given.
KR-O:  Armlet turns around in the general direction of Cufflink's voice. "Hm?  We're at an auto show, are we not? I know dad announced a race  happening in a bit. Uh, I can't exactly point out the direction but  Tiara can."
HITAGASHI:  Coming up behind Shades as she was investigating a car, Pastel looked  over at someone she knew as a human and heard what the person next to  him said.  Eyebrow raised, she smirked beneath her mask.  "_Dia duit_,  Mister Shades.  Ah'm 'fraid Ah'd 'ave t' buy 'er ou', aye?"
 Pausing in her excited thoughts of how to announce, Tiara regarded the  person that had approached.  "Meema said we're on the beach at the  Daten Auto Show and I made sure me and Armlet were on the sidewalk  because we don't like sand!"  Not very helpful, Tiara.
TJ:  "Ah I see... I must've walked all the way back...And I have no idea  how to get home." Cufflink ended his thought out loud as he scanned  the area. His cheeks flush into a dark red as he gets more and more  flustered from getting lost.  "Damn it....!" He mumbles as he grits his teeth,
TIMERIFTS:  Overalls walked up to her boss "I found you a spot" she hesitated  "also someone asked me to join them in the race" she added quickly  hoping he was alright with her doing that, then realized why did she  care what he thought about what she did in her free time, but kept her  mouth shut because she liked having an income. Right that is why she  cared
KR-O:  Well there was a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. He turned,  somewhat excited to meet up with Pastel after so long. But he was  caught off guard by her current form. "Whoa...Sorry, but. You kicked  the bucket?" Changing the subject real quick in terms of the car,  "Well it's not like we can buy it off HP since he told us no.
 Armlet tilted his head, "Man, you feel tense. Is everything okay?" He  scratched the back of his head, not sure what to make of this Demon.  "All I know is that the entrance to Hell is in the offices, so maybe  try to go back to the Mayor's building?" He said that, but he doesn't  exactly know where that is either.
TJ:  "Ah... That
TJ:  is a good idea! Thank you!" Cufflink's mood seems to imrpove for 3  seconds until he starts to chide himself for not thinking that. "Have  a nice night." Bowing again he quickly sprints off to who knows where.
HITAGASHI:  "Aye, kicked th' bucket, got on th' news, e'en 'ad a funeral.  Fasc'natin', that."  Scratching at the horns protruding from her head,  she grimaced.  "Wishin' I coul' figured ou' tha' disguise shite.  An'  th' fact's tha' Ah've go' bets on this race, aye?  Gotta win i' good.  So Ah'd nae le' 'er buy 'em all."  Abbie glared at the blue lady, eye  twitching hardcore.
 Tiara waved at Cufflink as he left, yelling out directions for him to  follow to get to Hell Corps faster.  She turned to look up at her  brother.  "Why do people ask me stuff?  I thought everyone knew to  talk to Meema or Papa."
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat was in the process of a yawn when Overalls walked back up to  him. Well, she was back before the ten minutes were up. That was a  good sign. "Good." He replied, about to tell her to lead the way  before she mentioned that someone wanted her to join them in the race.  "The race? Well. If you get dirty, you aren't allowed to touch me or  my clothes until you clean yourself." He spoke sternly. It was wise  for her to not mention Buckle as being the one who asked. He would  have likely not allowed her to go out of spite. "Now, show me to my  spot before you go."
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls nodded, leading him to the spot she found, hoping so badly he  liked it, since she actually did look and stumble upon it before being  interrupted  "Will do sir" she smiled at him, happy to get more of a  longer leash so to say, she looked at him, watching to see his  reaction to the spot
KR-O:  "Wow, it made the news? Now I feel like an asshole for not seeing  that. I'm sure you'll figure things out with your new powers. Maybe  ask HP? He's an expert on that. Just how do you think we have perfect  cosplays?" He was pretty much ignoring anything that had to do with  the race, he was just wanted friendly banter.
 Armlet shrugged, "Probably because they may not know who dad and  father are." I mean, that's a safe bet.
 HP spoke into the receiver again, "Alright, if you have your cars  ready, make your way on to the track and we'll begin shortly!"
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Furcoat followed after her, stopping when she showed up to the spot  she found for him. He stepped forward and looked over the spot. It was  a decent spot, far up into the stands. Far enough that the smoke  shouldn't cover his face and body. "Wonderful." He walked over and  took a seat, laying one leg over the other. "Go on. And you're not  allowed to lose."
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls nodded, heading down to the track, looking for Buckle, not  exactly sure how Fur would take her riding on the bike with the person  that disrespected him, but to her she was just excited to get invited  by anyone to join them in this.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was waiting for the others to show up. He turn off his  green motorcycle and plays his favourite music; "The Other Side" by  Jason Derulo, before the race starts. "Man, I love this song." He  smile with the music.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt heard the announcement and laughed. "HAHA Finally! Let's  kick some ass Wristband!" He yelled as he revved the engine. Peeling  out from where the car was parked, he drifted around a bit as he made  his way to the race track.
 Bowtie heard the message too. She however was much less flashy. She  casually drove over to the race track and took her time doing it. She  did get very annoyed by Undershirt's showboating.
OSCARK9:  When Gloves saw the others coming to the track. He cut his music short  and put his phone away in his pocket and starts his engine. "Alright,  lets do this." He said to himself happily and roaring his engine  loudly.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle was at the starting line fiddling with something on her bike  when she saw Overalls walking onto the track.
 "So Furry let you race with me after all."  She shouted from the  starting line.
HITAGASHI:  Laughing, Pastel shook her head.  "Aye, breakin' news.  Got pumped  full o' lead.  Ain't so fun, ye ken?  Messy an' all tha'.  An' agains'  th' rules.  Nae guns 'llowed."  She shrugged, shaking her head once  more.  "Ye'd think some'n who borrowed money from me would ge' tha'  bu' sadly tha' ain' 'ow thin's wen' a' all."  She seemed to give  thought to his suggestion and nodded.  "Bu' aye, might 'ave t' do  tha'."
 "Meema why didn't you tell him where to go?  We don't know and you  were __right__ there!"  Tiara pouted up at him but spoke once more to  her brother.  "They're dumb then, right?"  Cammy grinned from her  position in her car, helmet firmly in place and heavy duty seat belts  ready.  She was definitely ready.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls walked up to the bike, kinda shrugging "he doesn't exactly know  I am racing with you, also he does not like being called Furry" she  shrugged, trying to defend him
KR-O:  "Yeesh, sounds rough. At least you're doing fine right now." At least  she wasn't DEAD-DEAD. But ok, I have to go and. Participate in this  race. Massie you're being my passenger." Shades got into the car and  started it. Massie shrugged and went into the passenger's seat bucking  up. Safety first and all that.  "Laaaater!" Shades called out as he left.
 HP looks up at the sky trying to think of something, "Well, Tiara. I  guess since I'm not wearing the black suit, they don't know. Don't be  too hard on them. Now, you two be good, I'm gonna gonna have a little  fun." He walked to his car before running back to the children, "And  _NO_ Earth magic shenanigans!" As soon as HP turned around, Armlet  stuck his tongue out. He was SO doing Earth magic shenanigans.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle chuckled (badumtss). "You didn't tell him? He's gonna have a  fit once he sees us in the winners circle with the angels' car. Oh,  and take this." She grabbed a helmet off of the ground and handed it  to her racing partner. "Safety first or something like that."
TIMERIFTS:  She laughed weakly "yeah, he is gonna have a fit if we lose" she put  the helmet on "thanks" feeling like a bit of a badass climbing onto  that bike, she was gonna race with a buncha other people which was  pretty cool, right?
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle put on her own helmet and hopped on the bike in front of  Overalls. "Race should be starting soon. Might want to get your weapon  out." She put a hand on her belt. "I can always use mine in case  things get too hairy."
KR-O:  HP drove up to the starting line and checked to see if the other  competitors were ready to go. Well, he didn't actually care. He was  not playing by the rules, he just wanted to show off this cool car he  made. "Alright, if you're not by the starting line in a minute  well...You'll have to catch up!"
 Shades put down his phone once HP rolled in, "About time. Hopefully I  don't turn this car on its wheels." Last thing he wants is to wreck an  expensive car that isn't his.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls looked down at herself "I would have to get off the bike to  summon my weapon" she laughed nervously "yours would probably work  better" she stated, as she climbed on the bike. She looked at the spot  she picked out for Furcoat, hoping she doesn't disappoint him.
HITAGASHI:  Tiara turned her attention to Armlet.  "Is it earth magic if I light  rocks on fire and have you throw them at people?"
KR-O:  ". . ."  "Yes." Armlet replied. "It does.That could make the race interesting,  huh?"
HITAGASHI:  "We'll call it dragon magic he can't argue because if he does I'll  light his shoes on fire."  She nodded to herself, pulling the mic up.  "Drivers get ready!  We've got less than a minute before the race  begins!  No cheating and by that I mean if you play it safe you play  it lame and you're a cheater cheater pumpkin eater!"
KR-O:  Jokki walked into the starting line, in a position he thought he  wouldn't get run over by cars... Hopefully. He had a flag in hand,  looking at a watch before he picked it up. "On your marks.."
 Meanwhile, Armlet began to compress some of the sand into stone.  "Let's start out small. Like if this was hail...But aflame."
 "Get set..." Jokki continued. " ___GO!___ "  Right before the drivers could hit the gas pedal, Jokki launched a  sand pillar into the air for his own safety.
CURIOUS PYROBIRD:  Buckle gunned her engine and sped past Jokki's pillar. "Here, take  this." She unfastened her belt and it transformed into her  trident."It's got quite a reach, so don't let any angels scratch up my  bike, alright," Buckle shouted over the wind as she passed it behind  her.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt put the hammer down and rocketed off the starting line.  going 0-60 in 2.5 seconds made it easy to pull out front for the  moment.
 Bowtie put the pedal to the metal and peeled off the starting line.  She did spin her tires a bit, causing her to not get quit the jump  Undershirt did. But none the less she did get a good start.
TIMERIFTS:  Ralls took it, nodding, readying it. She decided as they were moving  to turn around, so she kicked her legs over so she was facing  backwards, all in one smooth movement. She was ready to push away  anyone who got close to the bike. Her heart was suddenly beating  faster as she got super excited to be doing this
KR-O:  HP hit the gas pedal, causing the tires to kick up ridiculous amounts  of sand into the competition behind him. It didn't take him to long to  be up to par with Undershirt who looked like a good first target.
 As Shades sped off, Massie unstrapped herself from the car and  summoned two swords form her namesake, merging them to summon her  electric guitar. "Uh, Massie, I don't think that's safe!"  "That's the point, Massie replied, putting on some goggles to protect  her eyes. "If we're gonna get wasted, we will do it historic on the  fury road!!"  Shades has never been more mortified in his life.
 "Besides, I don't think a lot of cars can handle sonic booms." She  added before she climbed outside the car.
OSCARK9:  Gloves summoned his gloves into gauntlets and drove his motorcycle  like there's no tomorrow. Excitement was in the air and catching up to  the other racers. "Yahoo!" He scream in excitement.
HITAGASHI:  Swerving out of the starting line to distract those behind her, Cammy  tore through sand to catch up to Shades and Massie.  A manic grin was  on her face though it looked more like rage than anything and her  Ferrari tore its way up to the angel pair.  Bring it on, lady, she  could definitely see Massie.  This was gonna be fun!
OSCARK9:  He was catching up to the racers and as he saw at his first racers. He  saw 2 demon girls driving on a same bike and one of them was holding a  trident.
(( OOC: For OscarK9 go to this link http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/119/event-dying-historic-nudist-road ))
(( OOC: This is where you will roll to get actions done for the race ))
(( OOC: To anyone here who is not in the Skype chat!  Please note that being in the chat makes RPs much easier as we can talk to you and not just to your character. ))
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt looked over and Saw HP closing in on him. "What the hell?"  he asked in anger. "Hey Wristband, take care of this guy will ya?"
 "You got it boss" she said as she jumped on to the roof of the car.  She transformed her wristband into he butterfly swords and jumped onto  the roof of HP's and plunged her blades into the cockpit roof. She  lost her balance a bit and had to bail back to Undershirt before  falling off.
 Meanwhile Bowtie set her sights on Gloves. She speed up and rammed  him. But she miss judged the speed and didn't do as much damage as she  would have liked.
HITAGASHI:  Wild grin firmly on her face, Cammy swung her car about, whooping and  hollering loudly as she slammed the side of her car into Shades' and  sped forward a bit to set her sights on the end.  Man, if only this  were Mario Kart, she'd get a Blue Shell for sure.
KR-O:  As the sword pierced the roof of his car, HP hit the breaks to try and  tried to get Wristband off her balance. Setting the car on autopilot,  he climbed out of the window to get the sword. It should come in  handy.
 "What the hell!?" Shades swerved a little to get away from Cammy  before getting back on track. But this may have cost him something....  Massie fell of the car and he saw that via the side mirror.  "That's what you get for not wearing a seat belt, pendeja!"
 Massie lay there in the sand for a bit before lifting her head up and  spitting out sand. "Gross...."
OSCARK9:  "Why you..." Gloves set her sights on Bowtie and rammed her. She took  some damage the way that he liked it.
KR-O:  Armlet got a decent sized rock ready. He got Tiara to light in on fire  and tried his best to see through all the fuzziness the sand offered  him. "Alright, hopefully I don't blow up dad.." He threw the rock  before launching it with a strong kick enhanced by Earth magic.
 Quite a kick too because it SMASHED through the hood of Bowtie's car,  taking out the motor.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "What the hell" Bowtie said as she regained control of her car. "Why  you...." She started before she looked up at the sky and noticed a  giant fire ball hurtling toward her. "Well fuck" she said as the ball  of fire exploded her car. After the explosion faded away, Bowtie was  sitting on the sand charred black and some of her hair on fire as she  held the steering wheel in her hand. She coughed some soot out of her  lungs before collapsing on her back.
(( OOC: The roleplay will be continued at some other time. Thank you for participating today! ))
LAST TIME ON DCM: Angels were invited by an anonymous individual to come and look at Daten's annual Auto Show by the beach. All was going well until Demons showed up. Despite Demons coming off as provocative to Angels, they decided to call it truce after both sides were asked, nicely, to not make a mess of all these cars. But Demons always have their ways, they own the damn beach! Deciding that Angels can't have fun on the beach for one day, they call for a sudden race against a custom made Nissan GT-R made by your's truly. With the race underway, the first competitor is out. Will the Demons reign supreme in the auto world? Will Angels??? Or will both suffer heavy losses in good cars!?
(( OOC: Reminder to also have this page: http://dcmissionaries.boards.net/thread/119/event-dying-historic-nudist-road open! You will need it if you're participating in the race. ))
KR-O:  Seeing he had a good chance to get back at the pair of Angels in the  lead, HP readies the weapon left behind by Wristband. His grin widens  as he inserts the weapon into something that looks like a cannon  mounted on the passenger's seat. Putting the car on autopilot, he aims  carefully. Then he fires, popping one of the tires successfully. He  cheers to himself before going back to the wheel where he presses a  button. Some tricked out tumbaburros appear, probably spiked. Hitting  nitro boost, he catches up to Undershit before ramming the front of  the GT-R with the back passenger's seat, taking out the other back  tire.  "That's what you get for thinking you're hot stuff!"  HP then hits reverse before speeding off back into the lead.
 Armlet readies another stone with Tiara setting it aflame. He's  aiming, but that won't do him any good. It's not like he can even  "see" properly. Taking a gander he launches the flaming rock into the  air before giving it a good kick to send it off. He can't tell if it  missed or not, but judging by no exploding noises, he assumes he  missed. No big deal, he's got more stones where that came from.
KR-O:  Massie is picked up by Jokki who immediately starts to dust her off  and see if her injuries are treatable with a simple first aid. She  tells him she's fine and Jokki brings her along to find any others  that may have been stranded on the track.  Massie points out a charred part of the racetrack, as if some  meteorite came by.  "Yeesh," Jokki started, "Hey, you. Are you ok?" He asked Bowtie.
HITAGASHI:  Tiara grinned wickedly following her brother's failed launching and  proceeded to switch her namesake into a hammer, light the hammer on  fire, and then hurl it into the race.  Mostly to avenge the miss.  But  also because her Meema never said she couldn't throw her hammer.  She  watched as it sore upwards and then came down, smacking into one of  Shady's doors.  Not hard enough to destroy it, but definitely enough  to stick into it with a spike.  "Oops."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt saw HP fire one of Wristbands swords out of some kind of  canon thing and popped one of his tires. "That dirty bastard!" he  yelled as he struggled to regain control of the car. When HP popped  the other tire, he lost all control and the fact that Wristband was  trying to strangle him as she held on for dear life. Undershirt was  sent into a wild spin out before hitting a dune and flipping over. The  two of them flew through the windshield and both ended up getting a  mouthful of sand. The two of them spat out the sand. "Ow, my pride"  Undershirt said before yelling at the top of his lungs "YOU CHEATING  BASTARD!"
KR-O:  Shades was starting to feel pretty safe after Massie's blunder. He may  be dead last, but that was alright. He glanced around for a bit and  then something caught his eye. What the hell was....oh shit that was  coming in right for him. With very little timr to react he hit the  breaks, letting his car take the hammer's impact. There may or may not  have been a high pitched yell. It's a mystery.
TJ:  Cufflink suddenly appeared in HP's car out of thin air.How he got  there, he doesn't know. And honestly it doesn't matter because it  looks like he's having three mini heart attacks at once.
KR-O:  HP didn't know how this kid got in his car, but might as well make it  worth it.  Putting the vehicle on autopilot (again) he grabbed Cufflink by the  collar and brought him close. "I don't know who you are. But I have a  particular set of skills.... Anyways I have no fucking idea how you  got in here but don't go about doing any funny business."
TJ:  "Wasnt planning any!" Cufflink promptly said and made a slight choking  sound. He was at the office one minute about to open a file and now he  was in a car at an insane speed with a chance of death.
KR-O:  "That better be the case. Anyways, you don't look familiar. I'm  guessing you're a new employee. If that's the case, I hope you're  ready for your first real job. You're going to help take down the rest  of the competition from getting the lead!"  He let go of Cufflink, getting back on the wheel.  "Don't worry, though. We're not in any immediate danger." HP said  confidently. Hopefully he didn't jinx himself.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie walked over to Undershirt slightly charred and her shoulders  slumped. "Holy shit, what happened to you?" Undershirt asked with his  arms folded. "Shut it" Bowtie said. "Wow, what a bitch" Wristband  thought. "Hey is that Massie? HEY OVER HERE!" he yelled as he waved  his arms.
TJ:  He nods and gulps; he was really hoping that he could avoid all of  this.  But it looks like he has to be useful. Cufflink looked back at  the other cars and immediately felt a lump form in his throat; close  range weapon plus cars racing equals him either losing his name sake  or falling out the window.
KR-O:  Massie waved at Undershirt and started to jog her way over with Jokki  to them.
 "Wow, you all look like you've seen better days..." Jokki remarked as  he looked over to Undershirt's wreck. "Anyways, no broken anything for  medical assistance?
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was still in the race with his green kawasaki motorcycle.  He saw Shades and his car stop on the side of the road. Gloves was  wondering to himself why Shades stop his car. So he slow down for a  bit and drove his bike besides Shades car to see what's going on.  "Hey, sir. I was wondering why..." he was about to finish his own  question until Gloves saw a hammer on his car's door and switch his  own question to a different one. "Why do you have a hammer on your  door?" he asked Shades.
KR-O:  Shades stared absentmindedly into the abyss. He shrugged and sighed as  if this was something normal.  "Cause Demons' ain't shit." He pointed to the hammer stuck on the  door, "Them's Demon colors. Someone's playing dirty."  He wasn't sure if he was to keep going, he already did lose Massie  somewhere back there.  "Anyways, aren't you participating in the race?  You should try to catch up to others. I'll be fine."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "We're fine" Undershirt said as coughed out the last bit of sand.  "Just a little scraped up. Yeah, HP really screwed us over."
 "Freaking cheater is what he is" Wristband said.
 "Speak for yourself, I had a giant meteor come out of nowhere and blow  me up" Bowtie remarked.
KR-O:  Before Massie could say anything, she stared at Bowtie in disbelief.  "A...meteor?" It was strange. The news said nothing of a meteor shower  hitting the Earth.
 "Well at least you lot are fine." Jokki said, "And you should expect  Demons to cheat all the time. We're never honest with our games." He's  not wrong.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt raised an eyebrow. "You guys are admitting to your own  cheating?" he asked with a laugh. "That's a new one."
 "Yeah a meteor. At least that's what I think it was. I only got a  glimpse of it before it, you know, blew up my car" Bowtie said,  clearly pissed off by the whole thing. To be taken out by another  competitor was one thing, but to be taken out by a freak of nature was  another. At least she thought it was a freak of nature.
OSCARK9:  "Yes I am." He answers him. "Well okay, sir. Just be safe and hope to  see you on the road again." He said to him. "See ya!" He shouted at  him while he drove off and waving behind his back to him.
KR-O:  Shades waved back before looking at the car with his hands on his  hips. "Like hell am I going back on that road. I'm too old for this."  He did try to pry off the hammer but to no avail and decided to walk  off back to the auto show, hoping to catch up with anybody else that  lost the race.
 "The things Western Demons do is anything but noble, you should know  this." As if Jokki himself was an honest man.  "That's pretty rough," Massie commented to Bowtie. "I'm still not  buying that it was a natural occurrence. I'm investigating this." Then  she started off back to the auto show.
HITAGASHI:  While all this chaos happened, Bifocals had been poking around at  cars, taking pictures for her brother's boss, and vaguely observing  the situation over in the race.  Well, until she heard mention of a  meteor?  That was odd.  She looked up at the sky, blue eyes trying to  track anything being there.  Nothing.  That thought in mind, she  stepped closer to Jokki and his group in time to hear him talk about  Western Demons being, well, the way they were.  "Oh trust me, they  used to be noble.  And then technology happened and no one seemed to  grasp what truces, cease fires, and peace treaties were."
KR-O:  "Western Demons used to be nice kids," Jokki said in agreement with  Bifocals. "But then everything changed when Frock started  infrastructure in the West. Might as well give the cherry the West if  he wants to keep it as a colony.."  Massie squinted her eyes at Jokki. She was hearing history she never  heard of or Jokki's metaphors were getting...too out there.  "I can't tell if you're serious or not.." She said, only to be  responded with, "I'm being both."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "All Demons are the same to me. But you're the first I can actually  tolerate a conversation with. So congrats bud!" he said with a cocky  smile.
 "IF YOU FIND THAT A PERSON DID IT, LET ME BURN THEM ALIVE!!!" Bowtie  yelled as Massie ran away.
KR-O:  "You sound like the whitest motherfucker I've ever come into contact  with..." He grabbed Undershirt, opening his mouth, "Hello, is Donald  Trump in there?"  Massie snorted, trying not to laugh.
 Shades managed to find the group, tilting his head at what's going on.  He wasn't going to ask questions, curious to see where this was going.
HITAGASHI:  Bifocals felt her mouth open and close a few times at both the  statement from the angel in front of her.  Undershirt, she thought his  name was, had just said something stupid.  And the demon he was  speaking to had said something weirder.  "I don't think I've heard a  statement that stupid since World War II.  And there was a lot of  stupidity then."  As she said this, Abbie cracked her knuckles from  right behind where the group was.  Yeah.  Undershirt, why?
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Undershirt was taken aback by this, though quickly grew pretty pissed.  "I take back what I said about you being tolerable. When was the last  time you brushed your teeth?" he asked plugging his nose and  pretending to gag.
 Wristband and Bowtie just looked at each other and shrugged. "Does he  always get like this?" Bowtie asked.
 "Unfortunately" Wristband replied.
KR-O:  Jokki let go of Undershirt laughing, "Says you, I am very hygienic.  You are questionable at best!" He widened his grin to reveal his  pearly whites, all nice and sharp. "You Western Angels are so easy to  anger." He added in.
 "Oh come on, Jokki, you said you'd stop teasing people." Shades said,  resting an arm on the Demon's shoulder.
 Seeing as she had nothing to contribute to the conversation, she  continued her investigation of these meteorites. She checked all  possible places, but she hasn't exactly gone behind the stage where  the race was announced. "Hmm.." It was vacant at the moment, so she  should be allowed to head back there, right?
HITAGASHI:  Shaking her head, she rubbed the bridge of her nose as she felt a  headache coming on.  "Seriously?"  Turning to Jokki to give him her  full attention and to dismiss Undershirt as, well, not worth her time,  she held out her hand.  "I'm sorry these modern day angels are stupid.   This guy," she pointed at Shades, "doesn't count.  I'm pretty sure  he's an oddity."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "Well my mouth would be a lot cleaner if I did just receive a mouthful  of sand" Undershirt said said. before turning his head the other way  and folding his arms.
 "So, what happened to you Shades? I thought you were still racing?"  Wristband asked. She tried to do a mental count of who that would even  make left in the race.
 "Yeah, get hit by random Meteors too?" Bowtie asked. Mostly because  she didn't want to be the only one taken out by nature.
KR-O:  Jokki stuck out his tongue at Undershirt before teasing Shades about  being called an oddity. "Hear that, you're SPESHUUUUL." He said,  piking at Shades' cheek.
 Shades let out a weird noise, smacking Jokki's hand away. "Anyways...  I would be racing it if weren't for the fact that a flying hammer  wrecked my car's door. The car is operable, But Demons ain't playing  fair."
 Jokki looked around the auto show, "Come to think of it, none of the  demons here so far have done anything suspicious. Everybody's pretty  tame so far."
HITAGASHI:  There seemed to be a distinct pause, the pa system seeming to come to  life.  "Sorry, Mister Ironeeeeeee!  I didn't mean to throw it at your  car!  I was trying to hit the motorcycle!"  Crackling noises came from  the other end of it as well.  "Can I have my tiara back?"
KR-O:  "Dern kids," Shades said. He looked back at the distance he walked.  "I'll get the tiara later."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "I told you man, Demons are always up to something" Undershirt said  turning back around to Shades.
KR-O:  Well that totally didn't give Massie people to suspect. She let  herself into the backstage where she caught Armlet and Tiara preparing  another flaming rock. She crossed her arms, tapping her foot. She  cleared her throat to announce her presence.  "So I guess this explains the 'meteorites.' "
 Armlet froze in place at the sudden voice. Feeling caught, he was  ready to start crying and beg for forgiveness, but he wasn't going to  submit so quickly. He felt a tear or two fall from his face, but it  could have been the sand.
HITAGASHI:  Turning around quickly, Tiara hissed loudly at the intruder.  "GO  AWAY!  You're not allowed to upset my brother!  LEAVE."  With that,  she spit a fireball at Massie's feet, more a warning than anything  else.  She thought it had to be a rule to not sneak up on Armlet.  It  was rude, after all, since he couldn't see.  "We're playing, you go be  stupid somewhere else!"
KR-O:  "W-We're not going to be in trouble, are we?" Armlet said with a meek  voice.
 Massie backed up from the fireball and went back to her initial spot,  standing her ground. "Depends. But I don't think making rock fire  balls is something you two should be playing with." She tapped her  chin and shrugged. It's not like an Angel was hurt so she couldn't  instigate anything against the children. She just let them be.  She arrived back to the group, with her hands behind her head. You  know, the usual anime elbows up pose.  "Well, they weren't meteorites, just some shenanigans by kids."
 "Well at least you Demons kept it fair for once," Shades said to Jokki  and Bowtie.
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  "WHO THE FUCK WAS IT I WILL DESTROY THEM!!" Bowtie yelled as flames  emanated from her eyes. Chill Bowtie, damn. Undershirt and Wristband  just stared at her
HITAGASHI:  A hand came down on Bowtie's shoulder, grip firm as the person held  her in place.  "Miss, I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it.  Now,  I know you're likely upset but even demons have to have some standards  about not harming children."  She grinned, rather coldly, Bifocals'  eyes narrowing on the demon in her grasp.  "Right?"
KR-O:  "They're all spoiled rotten if you ask me," Jokki chimed in. "I know  who the children are and will report them to their parents if you want  that Bowtie. They'll take it from there."
SUPERSAIYAN5100:  Bowtie exhaled slowly, the fire slowly disappearing from her eyes.  "You're right, I guess my competitive nature got the best of me" she  said as she relaxed a bit more.
 Undershirt and Wristband were relieved that the situation was defused  without any damage.
OSCARK9:  While Gloves was back on the road and catching up to the other racers.  He was thinking of what Shades had told him right before he left him.  "Them's Demon colors. Someone's playing dirty." Shades said to him.  "Someone's playing dirty? Why would they do something like that?" He  question himself. "Well, whatever it is. I better finish this race as  fast as possible." He said to himself and he drove his motorcycle  faster than before.
(( OOC: Due to lack of activity and other general things (such as one of us mod people being sick), this RP will be postponed to a later date! Thank you for participating and sorry for the inconvenience. ))
(( OOC: I do apologize for joining late ,I've been a tad busy as of late ;3; ))
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mightbedamian · 8 years
#TMIishTuesday #53 - I Dyed My Hair!
Hey,It's finally happened! I've been telling you about dyeing my hair for AGES! And I finally did it!! It's not blue, like I first had in mind. But it looks AWESOME!Hey there mighty people of the internet!And welcome to issue #53 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and on what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week I ranted  about dubbing and the habit of the German speaking countries to voice-over virtually every international film. And I told you about my experiences in the Netherlands - where they simply subtitle films. Interested in the pros and cons of dubbing? Click the link above! // So I will divide this post in several parts: 1) Who inspired me to get my hair dyed, 2) What people told me beforehand when I told them I was planning to dye my hair blue, 3) What colour I went for, which part of my hair I dyed, and how people reacted to that. 1) The inspirations for the colourations Let's start with how I came up with the idea to dye my hair at all. I can't tell you exactly when it was, but I know for sure WHO was the first person that made me go: WOH, that dyed hair, tho! (Damian, just stop your poor attempts to rhyme all the time!) It was… the one, the only… Tyler Oakley. Self-entitled Queen, 100 % gay-looking (the stereotypes, I know, but come on! If not him, who else??) and trying which colour of the rainbow (how fitting!) looks best on him. When I subscribed to him in December 2013 (9 December, if you're interested - which I bet you aren't :D), he had dyed his hair rather blonde. However, soon after, he decided that was boring. So he explored a bit. From bright blonde, to the iconic purple - which, imho, is the best one he ever tried! -, to extremely bright purple, to green, to green-turquoise, to bright blue - another one of my favorite colours when his hair is concerned. And then he stopped it. At the beginning of 2015, he was back to blonde and in the meantime he has his natural colour again. That was the time that I discovered Dave Brown, known on YouTube as boyinaband - then for his music, now for his fascinating philosophical explorations into the world of society and technology. Very warmly recommending his latest videos on what artificial intelligence (aka. computers) is capable of - and what it might become capable of. Okay, enough promo. Why I talk about him in a hair-related post is - obviously - his hair. Until I discovered him, I thought that Tyler had crazy hair. Wait for Dave's hair! Long grown (in the meantime it has almost reached his waist :P). AND: One side dyed red! THE ENTIRE LENGTH of it! It looks incredible! Sometime later Fabian Grischkat, whose videos with his friends I've been following for two-and-a-half years now - sometime, Fabian dyed his hair blue. Completely. A rather light blue, pastel colour-ish. I've loved it from day one. And I should mention ChanUndSo, another YouTuber, who in fact was one of the first YouTubers I discovered. Chan has had his blonde streak ever since. And it looks great!
To conclude the inspirations chapter: Though it's not hair-related, I feel that Troye Sivan and Connor Franta also influenced my hair dyeing. In being proud of who they are. And doing "extravagant" things that the average male wouldn't do. Troye pierced his nose. Something I've seen very rarely on guys. And Connor painted his nails. On video. It's a rather rambly video, but still: He did it. Oh, and obviously Troye just SLAYED that black nail polish!! Like, it just looks SO good on him?! Both Troye and Connor just showed to me that being a little bit off the mainstream can look cool. And it’s totally acceptable. As you see, I've basically been playing around with the thought of dyeing my hair for about three years. And now I did it. 2) You sure ‘bout this? When asked about the reasons why I dyed my hair, I always have to swallow down a rude comment. Like, EVERYONE asks me: "But why have you done it?" - Do I need a reason to dye my hair? Why DON'T you dye yours? :D Like, I get that you don't see too many people with colourful hair. But especially the way I did it - one patch of turquoise on one side of the fringe (quite like Chan actually) - it's not that much of a deal?
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Forgive my selfie skills. They’re non-existent.   I told my colleagues beforehand cause I wanted to ask my boss about it. I work for a government institution and people can be rather conservative there. Especially, if you are working with patients - which I do. Another thing: The clinic I work for is located in a rather rural area. Yes, it's "only" 30 minutes by car until you get to a city that has it all. But right there… like… There's not much? After all the place has only 7k inhabitants. That multiples the "that's weird!", "you shouldn't do that!" comments. As I told you briefly last week I talked to my boss  beforehand and he didn't really like the idea of me getting blue hair. In fact he told me he thinks that people, who dye their hair colourful, "are just begging for attention". Even though I told him it would only be one streak, he didn't like the plan. He did ask some other people (probably his bosses), though. And apparently they told him he couldn't forbid such a thing. All I know is that I got a text a day after when I was in school: "Dear Mr. X, I got your number from Ms. Y and wanted to write regarding your hair dyeing question. If you wish to bring about a change of appearance, you may do so. KR A. Z." Okay, three things about this: 1. I couldn't even make it sound as posh and formal as it is in German. It's just unreal! 2. I got the f*ing official GO by my boss! 3. Props to him for taking the effort! I asked him on Wednesday and was only going to return to work on Monday. He did that extra mile to ask a colleague for my number and then texted me. That's cool! Anyway, so my boss knew about my wish to dye my hair. And as you would expect in rural areas, word spread from there. :D When I returned to work on Monday, the entire department knew. And I was their gossip. For the entire three days that I was there this past week, they only knew one topic: Damian is going to dye his hair! And blue as well! "Are you sure you want to do that?", "But why blue? Can't you dye it a normal colour?", "How did you even come up with that idea?", "Be aware that that really sticks out. You will get the looks by lots of people then" And I was like: You know what? I'm still gonna do it! They didn't quite understand. And they didn't want to. But that's fine. I just did it anyway. After a failed attempt to bleach my hair, it worked the second time (with more bleach). Then it was time to choose the colour. And my hair dresser (who, btw, has dyed her entire hair a bright pink - and it looks f*ing great!) showed me one she had used before. On the paper on which she put it, it looked like a blue tone with a tiny note of green. It turned out to be a rather bright turquoise. But I loved it! And I still do. Three days in. 3) The after-English. Er... After-Math. The first one, who saw, was a good friend of mine. He said he didn't even realise at first sight. To be fair, he was facing the sun :D But he liked it. Never in a million years would do the same, but said it looked good. His mother passed as well. Was surprised. Not sure, if she liked it, but didn't back off in shock as well. :D Then it was time to show my parents. Apparently my dad had overheard part of my convo with the two others and was prepared. So was my mum who he had told. But they hadn't seen it. I had told them I was debating getting my hair dyed a year or two ago. Now it came as a surprise to them. They really liked the colour. Since I spent the weekend at my parents, I also saw friends of my parents and my aunt and uncle. The friends REALLY liked it. They were going crazy about it! Really cool as a start! My aunt and uncle, who are quite the conservative kind of people (AND live in a rural area), didn't make any comments about my hair. I'm surprised at that. Then came Monday. And work. I have to say I was a little bit unsure about it. Like, so many colleagues had told me they probably wouldn't like it. And none had been really excited about it. But: Things turned out really chill. Almost everyone was surprised I didn't dye ALL my hair. It's not like I had told each and everyone a dozen times before it would only be a small part, but hey! Who listens anyway? -.- Anyway, most people made remarks about it. Most positive, a few neutral, but none negative. I don't know what happens behind my back, but to be quite honest: I don't care! Let them have their gossip really! I dyed my hair - and I like it. I'm confident enough that I'd tell any haters off. And I think being that confident actually is part of the reason for the positive feedback. So what's the take-away from this? People are cool with it and it looks absolutely awesome! Oh, and it's sometimes scaring me when I face the mirror. But that'll ebb away eventually. :D Before I go let me know your thoughts on colourful hair. Would you ever dye yours? If so, which colour? Tell me, I wanna know! Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. This week's Queer Shoutout goes to freakodelic, a small YouTuber, 23 years old (if his bio is still up to date :D), who makes videos about his experiences being a trans man in Germany: The "typical" changes testosterone brings with it videos, but also on the whole bureaucratic hassles of getting your name and gender legally changed, and the like. He's the first German trans person I found on YouTube who talks about all this kind of stuff. Check him out, if you're interested. As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! Linkage: - Tyler Oakley: Kissing Straight Boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcF0Qwozxmk - Tyler Oakley: Embarrassing University Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCLf4UvGj_c - Tyler Oakley: Streaking With YouTubers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l-xHazwYcw - Tyler Oakley: My Deadly Sour Cream Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBOkSrQ-Fo4 - Tyler Oakley: 20 Emojis That Need To Exist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh8SzLOgCTE - Tyler Oakley: How I Met My Queen This Week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0LACGwbRuE - Tyler Oakley: Tyler Oakley Reacts to Teens React to Tyler Oakley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNS04P8djk4 - Dave Brown: These Google AI experiments are crazy! This is the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4thhWiWnqI - Dave Brown: Why AI will probably kill us all.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPAmbUZ9UKk - Fabian Grischkat: http://instagram.com/fabiangrischkat - ChanUndSo: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChanUndSo - Troye Sivan: https://www.youtube.com/user/TroyeSivan18 - Connor Franta: https://www.youtube.com/user/ConnorFranta - Connor Franta: Painting My Nails & Other Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X2ZG_isjBI - Queer Shoutout: freakodelic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBn_3X1D-R_lcsBe-tQUWtg Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/158117749249/tmiishtuesday-52-dubbing-sucks - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on personal topics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/me - More very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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