peelingitwithpeels · 2 years
It's spooky season soooo
The wilds headcanons Spooky edition
Dot is a witch, she prepares for the worst and brings small bags of herbs and salts wherever she goes. She is a solitary hedge witch instead of a coven witch because she prefers to work alone and without the distribution of others. They comes into town every two weeks to restock on supplies. She leaves a protection spell on her doors and windows to ensure nothing can come in while she’s gone and nothing can come in when she’s asleep. She feeds stray cats that often follow her home.
(Round applause for @fruitybishop who helped me with this idea they are amazing ) Kirin is a werewolf, but he absolutely doesn’t look like one. He look like some big fluffy golden retriever instead of a traditional wolf. After being bitten by another werewolf, his nose got stronger to the point where he can sniff out when someone is sinister or has ulterior motives. Everytime he transforms his hair gets longer and more fluffier than the last time. He gets warm very easily due to his fur when he's in wolf form so when he's in his human form he's a human body heater. He runs with a pack and one time, they hyped him up to fight a bear. Was NOT the best idea.
Rachel and Nora are Siren sisters; they live further in the sea on three small rocky islands called Sirenum Scopuli. Unlike some of the other characters, they were born sirens, daughters of a river god Winged creatures that lure sailors to their deaths, they only sing at night to ensure that they aren't seen and the possibility of escape is lessened. Nora plays the harp while Rachel sings the alluring song to draw the sailors in. Sometimes they disguise themselves as humans to go out on the mainland to scope out what times the ships go out to the sea and which ship has the most men on there.
Ivan is a vampire. He writes tons of journals since the moment he got turned to account for the journey of his undead life and he exaggerates the hell out of it. During the Harlem Renaissance, he found an old mansion that seemed abandoned and made it his main home for whenever he comes back from his travels. He dated plenty of famous people through the centuries. He uses his super hearing to listen in other’s conversations and he flies around everywhere he hates walking. The first time he drank blood he went overboard and killed a mayor and had to leave town. He doesn't wear mainly black because he thinks that's lame (he wears a cape)
Leah is a mermaid, she explores shipwreck ships and collects items from the ship and she swims to the surface late to show to Rachel and Nora who never have the time to examine human culture. Her tail is a beautiful sapphire blue colour and scales are up her forearms. Unlike the sirens, mermaids tend to be wary of humans and try to live their lives away from human intervention. Humans who do not heed warnings are usually trapped in a violent storm and never seen again. However, Leah whose curiosity knows no limit goes to land and befriends local humans to gather more information. Also, she accidentally drowned someone by thinking they could breathe under water
Josh is a ghost, he died from tuberculosis back in 1897. For the longest time he was lonely, only able to watch his family live on and die and unable to speak a word to them. With only animals being able to see him, he friended a flock of ducks and for year's the same flock goes by the house and he greets them. By 1923, Ivan found the house and Josh was so surprised someone can see him. Whenever Ivan comes home, Josh is overjoyed and accidentally spooks a victim away from the house (Ivan never is mad and just happily greets him). He can turn the lights on and off and whenever someone tries to get the house that isn't Ivan he knocks on the doors at night and turn the lights on and off and scare the living shit out of them making them leave.
Martha is a green witch. Unlike Dot, she lives on a farm closer to the town. She sells oils and herbs to the locals and some people come to her farm to seek medical help. On her farm, she had rabbits, sheep and cows. By developing a close relationship with them, she harnesses the energy of the nature sources around them. When she gardens, she compliments her flora and greenery and gives them cute names to help them flourish. She carries small potions and wears a black tourmaline necklace and gave one to Toni when she visited. Martha and Dot have weekly afternoon tea chats to catch up at Martha’s farm and Dot buys a potion from her before she leaves.
Raf is a Orc. He lives on the outskirts of town, not because he hates people but mainly because crowds make him nervous and he sweats a lot. Also adding to the fact that he is an orc he would prefer to never attract attention to himself. He sleeps on the ground because with every bed he buys he breaks on accident. The only person he felt comfortable enough to be around was Martha and she goes into town a lot for him. He taken to sewing because none of the clothes he found is ever his size because he is so tall. He mainly gardens vegetables and gives to them Martha so she calls to sell them for him (entirely inspired by Gorgug)
Toni is a werewolf. Unlike Kirin though, she looks like a wolf when she transforms. She doesn't believe in the pack mentality so she is a lone wolf and strays away from wolf politics. She stays at Martha’s farm and protects the farm animals from predators and out-of-town werewolves who pass by. She met Kirin by chance when she caught him in the middle of fighting a bear while his pack cheered him on and helped him cause the bear was winning. When a full moon comes out, Toni locks herself inside the barn and chains herself to a bed. As a result of being a werewolf, she has a larger set of teeth and a hint of gold in her eyes.
Scotty is half Faun and half Satyr, unlike Satyrs, Fauns are not women-obsessed as them and have a strong sense of direction. He once led a werewolf pack in the wrong direction because he wanted to protect the animals that would've gotten eaten if they had gone the right way. He lives in the middle of the forest but goes into town disguised to play his flute and earn cash. He met Kirin also by chance because he thought he was a regular wolf and tried to kill him for his wolfskin. He uses his flute to cast spells on travellers who have ill intentions of venturing out into the woods.
Shelby is a demon, to be specific she is a crossroad demon. There is a specific spot that locals know called the devil crossroads and people only go to strike up a demon in exchange for their souls. People wait till midnight and she shows up underneath the dim light of a lamppost. She gives them at least five years to enjoy their wish and she sends her hounds to give them a heads up that time is almost up and if they run, well, she loves the chase. She comes to Earth sometimes to scope out the bars and sees who would be her next customer and who she could tempt. She started to visit town more often to see a certain werewolf.
Bo is a centaur and he lives with Scotty in the middle of the forest. Normally Centaurs would live in Thessaly but Scotty convinced him to travel with him to a bigger and newer town that doesn't have that many centaurs. As much as Scotty enjoys wine, Bo is unable to handle wine as well so he usually drinks a glass of water when Scotty drinks. He uses a bow and arrow to hunt deer and rabbits and brings them home cooking them stew that would last them days. He bakes bread from scratch and goes to the abandoned mansion to chat with Josh while Ivan is gone.
Fatin is a Fae. Faeries are known for luring children into the forest and swapping them with a faerie changeling. She isn't interested in none of that, though she doesn't mind the fact that people don't talk badly about faeries because of how afraid people are of them. She often visits Dot and helps her with her chores in exchange Dot hands her children teeth (it's better if you don't ask how Dot has it). Dot usually plants roses in her garden if she misses Fatin and want to talk. Once, someone littered in the forest, and when midnight struck, she performed poltergeist in their house.
Henry is a witch, but unlike Dot and Martha, he is a Cosmic witch. Cosmic witches focus on celestial energies and perform rituals based on the elements. He waits till Midnight and travels to the woods to get a clear view of the stars and draw energy from the sky and stars. He keeps up with the natal carts and focuses most of his energy to astronomy and astrology. He carries crystals bought from Martha and learns basic steps to protection spells to keep his house marked and protected. When Ivan met Henry, he mistaken him for another vampire and exposed himself on accident.
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pastryfication · 1 month
Hiiiiiiii! Could you maybe write something about how Oscar's girlfriend is a BIG autumn girly and wants to decoeate in August and while he'd usually do whatever she asked, he just can't abide by it so they have a little bit of a bicker about it and reader goes out with friends to shop for fall instead and comes back late. . . To find their apartment all decorated spooky and halloweeny bc Oscar feels bad and hates even the idea that he's disappointed her? Thanks! X
spooky season | oscar piastri
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note: hi i’m so sorry this took me absolutely forever to write but i have to admit that i’m not the biggest fan of halloween so it was a bit difficult 😭 but i really hope you like it!!
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you wake up on an early august morning, the sun barely peeking through the blinds. oscar is still asleep beside you, his breathing steady and peaceful. you stretch and slide out of bed, your mind already buzzing with excitement. today’s the day.
you’ve been itching to start decorating for autumn for weeks now. the pumpkins, the cinnamon candles, the cozy blankets—all of it just waiting to be brought out. you know it’s early, but august is practically the prelude to autumn, isn’t it? you’ve never been one to wait until the actual season to start celebrating.
you head to the kitchen to make coffee, already thinking about where you’ll start. the mantel could use a new garland, and the front door definitely needs a wreath. your mind is spinning with ideas when you hear oscar shuffling into the room, hair tousled, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“morning,” he mumbles, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“morning,” you reply, trying to contain your excitement. “so, i was thinking we could start decorating today. you know, get ahead of it this year.”
oscar’s smile falters a little. “decorating? for autumn? already?”
“yes!” you say, a bit too enthusiastically. “it’s never too early to start. besides, it makes the apartment feel so cozy.”
he scratches the back of his neck, looking a bit unsure. “but it’s still summer, love. we’ve got weeks before it even feels like autumn. maybe we can wait a bit longer?”
you feel a twinge of disappointment, but you try to push it aside. “come on, oscar, just a few things. it’ll be fun, i promise.”
he hesitates, clearly torn. usually, he’d do whatever you asked, no questions. but you can see he’s not exactly thrilled with the idea of pumpkins and skeletons in august. “i don’t know… can we at least wait until september?”
you sigh, a little bummed. “but september’s so far away…”
“it’s just a few weeks, babe. i’m not saying no, just… not yet.”
you know he’s trying to be reasonable, but you can’t help feeling a bit let down. you’d been looking forward to this, and now it feels like a small piece of your excitement is slipping away. but you don’t want to push him if he’s really not into it, so you just nod. “okay. we’ll wait.”
oscar gives you a soft smile and pulls you into a hug. “thank you. i promise we’ll go all out when the time comes.”
you nod against his chest, trying to shake off the disappointment. but as the day goes on, it lingers. it’s not a big deal, you tell yourself. it’s just decorations. but you can’t help the little cloud that’s settled over your mood.
later, you decide to head out with some friends, figuring a bit of shopping might lift your spirits. maybe if you just buy a few small things, it’ll satisfy your craving for autumn without turning the whole apartment upside down. you text oscar to let him know you’ll be out for a while and head off, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.
shopping helps a bit. you find a few cute things—some hand towels with little pumpkins on them, a new mug with a spooky cat, and a cinnamon-scented candle that smells like heaven. by the time you’re done, you’re feeling a little better. still, there’s a part of you that wishes you could just dive into autumn full force, like you always do.
it’s late by the time you get back to the apartment. you unlock the door quietly, not wanting to wake oscar if he’s already gone to bed. but as you step inside, you freeze. the apartment is… different.
pumpkins line the windowsills, the cozy blankets you’d been dreaming about are draped over the couch, and there’s a garland of autumn leaves hanging above the fireplace. even the cinnamon candle you’d just bought is lit on the coffee table, filling the room with that warm, spicy scent you love so much.
you stare, wide-eyed, as oscar emerges from the kitchen, a sheepish smile on his face. “surprise,” he says softly.
“oscar… what is all this?”
he rubs the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed. “i felt bad. i could tell you were disappointed, and i hate the thought of you being unhappy because of me. so… i figured, why wait?”
your heart swells as you take it all in, the familiar warmth and comfort of autumn wrapping around you like a blanket. you can’t believe he did all this—especially after your little disagreement this morning.
“i can’t believe you did this,” you say, your voice catching a little. “it’s perfect.”
he grins, a little relieved. “yeah? i wasn’t sure if it was too much, but i figured you would want to go all out.”
you laugh, throwing your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “thank you,” you whisper against his chest.
“anything for you,” he murmurs back, holding you close. “besides, i kind of like it. it’s… cozy.”
you pull back to look at him, a playful smile on your lips. “you know this means we’re doing halloween early, too, right?”
he chuckles, nodding. “i figured as much.”
and as you settle in on the couch, wrapped in one of your new blankets with oscar beside you, you can’t help but think that this is exactly how you wanted to kick off the season. early or not, it’s completely perfect.
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ssahotchnerr · 7 months
It’d be funny if she was into something completely off the wall, like maybe chucky? baby girl loves it so much that Aaron buys her a chucky doll and she take it everywhere
PLEASE can you imagine 😭😭😭
chucky literally becomes a part of the family. baby girl finds him at spirit halloween one autumn and falls in love immediately. she's grabbing and pulling onto aaron's leg all, "daddy i have to have him🥺🥺🥺🥺 please" aaron's looking at her like, 'are you fr💀'. he quickly finds your eyes, yours widen and you shake your head, basically saying- 'you're dealing with this one have fun'
aaron tries to brush the doll off because one, it's scary. two, it'll be forgotten quickly (plus its expensive) and three, he's sure she's bound to find it scary at home amongst all her other, happy, toys. but he complies, after a small meltdown and because he'll do anything to make his little girl happy 🥺 AND if his suspicions are correct, chucky will just be halloween decor and be put away in november, so it's not a total waste
but no, he's wrong; chucky has a spot at the table, is in the middle seat in the car, baby girl INSISTS he's snug under her arm as she sleeps 😭 and will NOT sleep without him. carries him all over the house and everywhere in between
both you and aaron find it HILARIOUS but also slightly terrifying at the same time 😭 there's the rare instance chucky is on the couch at night, so while doing his rounds before bed, aaron is jumpscared by chucky chilling in the dark 😭 in the car, aaron peers back in the rearview mirror, only to see chucky sandwiched between baby girl and jack just staring at him. just, how can someone so sweet love something so scary 😭 but he loves it because she does 🥹<3
and can you imagine the first bau family get together at rossi's, post-buying chucky. one by one, the hotchners all come in as normal, everyone's saying hello, giving hugs, and then everyone sees chucky cradled in the littlest hotchner's arms, as happy as ever 😭 LMAO
OR when she visits aaron at work 😭 same thing, chucky piques the interest of everyone within the bullpen
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 20 - "This better be good."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A green Vortex swirled in front of them and Constantine held his breath. This was not like any of the summonses he usually did. He looked over his shoulder at the others present, wondering if he could somehow bullshit his way out of this. But one thing was clear, whatever he had summoned was not one of his demons.
The Vortex continued to swirl before them, slowly greenish smoke started to rise out of him. Then suddenly a melody started to echo around them and Constantine felt like face palming.
"Uh… isn't this the Melody of This is Halloween?" The Flash asked aloud, exchanging glances with the others present.
"Constantine." Great Bats was getting grumpy, the JL Dark member thought, refusing to turn around to face any of the heroes. Ignoring them might make them stop questioning what was happening with this summon. It wasn't like there were any pressing situations, forcing this summon in hopes to prevent whatever interdimensional war Trigon was about to start. No, they hadn't forced him out and away from the curse he had been working on. Not like there were other members of the JL Dark, Constantine clearly knew the big bad Bat liked to work more with than him.
Humming resounded from the vortex now too, clearly depicting the chorus of the well known Halloween song, and John's eye twitched. The fuck kinda demon spirit did he summon now? Was whatever he summoned making fun of him just because that being got summoned in October? The rising smoke started to move, taking on a shape that appeared more humanoid as the humming started to become clearer though it sounded like it was filtered through static as it still sounded somewhat distorted.
"Shadow is the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing green! Spectra is the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in her hair."
The voice echoed sounding like a mix of static and white noise but became clearer the more or the green smoke escaped from the vortex. None of them really knew what was going on and Constantine was cursing up a storm in his mind. What the hell was happening right now, he just wanted to get the Spirit of Balance to help them out with Trigon? They were supposed to symbolize balance, surely they would have the easiest time to fix that imbalance the demon was about to wreck across dimensions.
"In this zone we call home, everyone hails to the ghost-like song! In this zone, don't we love it now? Clockworks' waiting for the next surprise!" The smoke was twirling around and moving like they were picking something up from inside the vortex, its shape still smokey but slowly Constantine was able to make out certain shapes of the head and arms as the voice continued to hum and then sing the static was more and more receding.
"Freakshow is the clown with the thermos to his face, sucked up in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call, 'Who's there?'. Dani is the wind blowing through your hair. Dan is the shadow on the moon at night, Frighty filling your dreams to the brim with fright!" The voice was now very clear, no interference, the smoke had fully formed a human-like body and appeared to be a white haired teen boy, though John noted, his summon was turned with his back to them appearing not to notice him or the heroes in the room and holding… Was that a Halloween party garland?
"This is Halloween, this is Hallo- who the fuck are you guys?" Mid lyrics the kid appeared to have turned around his arms raised like he was going to hang the garland of cut out pumpkins on a wall. White green eyes stared at them before the summoned eyes went to the garland in his hands that were then quickly hidden behind the teens back.
"Spirit of balance-"
"It's Ancient actually."
The spirit, ancient, cut in and Constantine hurried to correct his mistake. "Ancient of balance, we are the Justice League and have summoned you to seek your help…" Constantine started his usual spiel, ignoring Green Lantern's mutter of if that kid really was the spirit of balance as well as the judging looks and burning glare he felt on his back from Batman. He was not going over with them again about the fact that demon, spirits, ghost and the likes can look like whatever the fuck they wanted.
"Okay, stop!" The summoned teen held up a hand before John could continue. "I was in the middle of an important Halloween themed stabilization party preparation! To finally celebrate Dan after Dani pestered him for months! So this better be good, to get in the way of my first fight free weekend in years!"
"A war with demons is about to start." Constantine's head whipped around to glare at Batman, does he need to hold another course of how to properly communicate with interdimensional beings?
"That's Demon Realm Issues, not Ghost related. Could you humans stop mixing us up? I am not even from the same dimension as them and we have enough troubles with them breaching the Ghost Zone borders every month!" The summoned teen arched an eyebrow at them, crossing his arms and bringing that damned Halloween garland back into view again. They clearly didn't want to be here and if Constantine knew anything about unwilling summons then one wrong world could screw them all over right now.
"Trigon is the one starting it." Batman added and once more the JL Dark member sent the Dark knight a seething glare. That hypocrite put him through a lecture about hero behavior and cautions before, John would return the favor once the crisis was handled.
"Trigon?" His head whipped around to look at the suddenly very interested ancient of balance floating over to Batman.
"What did that big toddler do now?" It appeared like the Ancient was talking to themselves more than them as he crossed his arms completely forgetting about the wall decoration in his hands as they tilted their head in thoughts and started to ignore them. They were mumbling something John couldn't hear, for once he wished Superman was around so he could tell them with his super hearing.
"I have no idea who you guys are but, fine! I will help but only because Dan mentioned wanting to fight that overgrown toddler again. That's going to be his stabilizing day present! He can't complain this way that I got him something lame."
Constantine was about to sigh a breath of relief until he noticed the Ancient of Balance opening a good damn vortex and pulling out a snarling, red glowing eyed and blue flamed haired spirit by the neck. He paled then realizing that the being of balance just pulled the Spirit er Ancient of Wrath into their dimension. John then also noticed what appeared to be a little girl hanging like a koala of Wrath's back and then remembered a passage in the summoning text of the Spirit of Balance, he apparently had carelessly ignored.
Summoning Balance, Wrath and Mischief always stuck together. Sweating heavily, Constntine ignored any and all looks sent his way, because he was sure he might have just doomed their Dimension or at least plunged them into chaos for the time being.
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mingsolo · 1 month
Say My Name
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incubus!hongjoong x f!reader / genre: demon au, supernatural au, smut, romance  / warnings: alcohol intake, cursing, clingy woosan, manifestation of paranormal activities, f! masturbation, sex toys, an almost hook up, scaredy cat mingi, pet names (love), the word kill used in threatening context, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), oral f!receiving, , squirting, creampie / wc: 7k, r: 21+
done for my beloved @flurrys-creativity 666 milestone from two years ago! yep. another repost im too proud to let go. and idc this is a supernatural/halloween themed party, we celebrate summerween in this household from now on!
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Another boring Halloween night indoors.
You wanted to do something fun, but most of your friends told you they were “too old to costume parties” and left you without plans for the night, so just like last year, you were bound to spend Halloween night laying on the couch watching another mainstream horror film that will be as bad as the previous one.
Doing just that, sipping straight from the wine bottle, because there was no one to impress after all, you emptied what was left of the liquid, hoping it made you drunk enough to lose the critical thinking from your brain and enjoy this plot-less movie. 
The doorbell rang, interrupting your mental count of how many cliche moments had been in the film already. You look at the hour surprised to check it was barely past nine. Dragging your feet to your door, you checked the peephole to find your friends San and Wooyoung standing next to each other, San kissing Wooyo’s cheek,  as clingy as ever.
“Hey hey, don’t be mushy in my house!” you shouted, opening the door, to which San abruptly let go of Wooyoung’s ass. “Let’s not eat in front of the poor?.”
“Someone is really sensitive tonight.” San said, letting himself in, followed by Wooyoung who smiley showed you the two bottles of wine and packs of beer they had brought with them. 
“Well I’m the most single person on earth, so I have the right to complain.” you sighed, dropping yourself on the couch same as you previously were. 
“Very dramatic.” San arched his eyebrows, sitting on the carpeted floor next to you, opening the bag he was carrying. 
“What are you doing here anyways, weren’t you going to a haunted house with those friends of your dance group?.” 
“We did,” Wooyoung responded, opening the wine bottles in the kitchen, searching for something through your cabinets as if it were his own home. “But Mingi fainted half way through and the paramedics needed someone to accompany him while he was still zoned out, his apartment is on the other side of the city so there was no point in going back.” 
“… And since we knew you were going to be here alone drowning in your own misery, we decided to come play with you with the little thing we bought at the gift shop.” San added, taking out a wooden board and placing it on your coffee table. “Tadda!.”
“A Ouija board?, really?.” You rolled your eyes at the thing. You have played with them in the past, a few times in fact, and nothing interesting ever has come out of it. 
“It’ll be more fun than sitting on your ass all night watching… that.” Wooyoung sat beside San, taking the remote and turning the TV off. 
You scoffed, accepting the glass of wine Wooyoung handed to you. Sitting cross-legged next to San, with Wooyoung in the center of the other side, you sipped half glass, and placed your hands on the planchet as they did. 
“Alexa, dim the lights to minimum.” Wooyoung shouted.
With the ambiance now up to Wooyoung’s Ouija board session standards, He closed his eyes and you and San did the same. The whole thing was silly, but it was better than what you were doing for sure. 
“I’m now speaking to whoever demon or spirit that roams close to us tonight!” Wooyoung shouted so abruptly after a minute of silence that both you and San got startled, popping both your eyes open. “We meant no harm! we only want to communicate with you.” 
San and you were containing the laughter, which Wooyoung noticed giving you both a sharp glare. You catched San looking at his boyfriend so earnestly that you felt your heart ache a little, they really were in love with each other. It made you happy and melancholic at the same time. How much you wished you too had someone. 
 “Please! Manifest to us, give us a sign that you can hear our calling.” Wooyoung continued, the tone of his voice becoming louder with each sentence. 
“Wooyo shut it, the neighbors will complain about…” 
Your words were interrupted by the piece you and your friends were holding slowly moving to the “H” marker. 
“gET oUT!” Wooyoung giggled excitedly. San let go of your hand to put a fist in over his lips, failing to repress a high pitched Oooooh. 
“H? So there is someone here with us,” Wooyoung closed his eyes without dropping a smile. “So tell us your name then, I’m Wooyoung, that’s San, and the sulky one is Y/n,” 
“Shut up!” you replied annoyed, letting go of both their hands, but they quickly grabbed them again, putting them back. Just as you were to keep complaining, you got interrupted again by the marker making your hands move to the “O” letter, then “N” next “G”, until it spelled a complete name- Hongjoong.
“Who the fuck is Hongjoong?.” 
“The demon, woman!” Wooyoung squeaked.
“Ok that’s enough you almost had me,” you let go of them and stand up, taking the glass of wine with you. 
“You are no fun.” San pouted, taking a sip himself. 
“Y/n comeback, you need to say goodbye to the demon or else it will stay here with you!.” Wooyoung whined again. 
“Well I’m kind of lonely, so welcome home, HOngJoOng!” you mocked, raising your glass to the air, finishing it in one shot. Both your friends interchanged worried but amused glares. They then took the marker again, saying their goodbyes to the supposed demon, and set the board aside.
The rest of the night went without any more talk about the Ouija board. You ordered pizza and watched random horror YouTube videos while finishing the booze your friends had brought. 
San and Wooyoung left your apartment around two in the morning. Despite having tried to tease you with the demon thing, you enjoyed having them over tonight and were grateful they decided to show up so you could have some fun on Halloween night. 
“You really spooked her with the demon thing,” San chuckled, while he and his boyfriend waited for their uber downstairs at your apartment building. 
“What do you mean?” Wooyoung asked, yawning widely.
“By moving the board to spell that name, where did you hear that anyway?” 
“That wasn’t you?.” Wooyoung suddenly got very awake. His posture getting painfully straight. 
Both looked straight into nothing, a sudden breeze running through their backs, cold and intrusive. 
“She didn’t say goodbye to it.” Wooyoung mumbled, as the uber arrived in front of them.
That night you went to sleep right after your friends left. Drowsy thanks to the alcohol, you started snorting as soon as your head hit the pillow. That’s how you didn’t notice the lights on the whole apartment flickering all night until you woke up later that morning. 
Over the next couple of weeks, something started to change in your apartment. 
Small stuff at first, like things you swear to have left in certain places, appearing on others. Then, things that disappeared completely. You started thinking the stress of working extra hours was messing with you, so you decided to complete your shifts normally and go to sleep at early hours trying to get more rest, but this didn’t end whatever weird thing was happening. 
On top of that, every time you went out with your friends, you were reminded how single you were and it was starting to be really annoying. Of course you were happy for them, but you would be lying if you didn’t wonder what was about you that was impossible for you to get with someone. Hell, even a one night stand was starting to sound good at this point. 
Sadly, your work was just entering its demanding season, with you having to stay late again and unable to go out as often, so even that wasn’t on the table right now.
Besides, the stuff going on in your apartment continued to worsen. The more you paid attention, the more weird things happened, and it was coming to the point where you couldn’t keep ignoring it. Every day, the presence of someone living with you was more tangible. It was as subtle as feeling a stare over you, while cooking, working or even taking a shower. Creepy shadows behind the curtains or sudden shivers on your spine, as if someone was standing behind you. 
It all started on Halloween night, you knew it had to do something with that stupid Ouija board but you weren’t going to admit it. Doing that was accepting it was real, and then who knew what this thing could do. 
A couple of months living like this, you started to feel more at ease, ignoring all signals, convinced that whoever was living with you, wouldn’t hurt you, or it would have done it already, besides that, the little time you spend in your apartment was sleeping, so what would the spirits or whatever was inside your home do?.
One particular evening, you got this urge to do a deep cleaning of your home, so you spent a big part of the night looking through stuff stacked in your closet. At the top of one shelf, you found a shoe box, with old cards and random objects, one of them being a rubber item with the shape of a teardrop, your forgotten vibrator. Your eyes pop open when you instantly remember having bought the thing last year, pressured by your friend Yeri, who told you “every girl needed one” as if it was a lip tint or favorite perfume. 
You took the vibrator to the bathroom, and cleaned it neatly with some body wash. After drying it completely, you took the charger and connected it, pressing your lips together when the white light showed on, telling you it worked. 
You didn’t remember why you stopped using it, or when was the last time you did, but right now you were happy to have found it. 
After finishing with the usual night routine, you were ready for bed. Throwing an old shirt over your head you were about to put on your worn out pajamas, when your eyes landed on the toy laying on your nightstand. 
“Well fuck it.” you said to yourself, throwing the pajamas away and taking in your hands. You lay onto the bed, pressing the + button to which the thing began to vibrate with slow repetitions. You pressed the same button again and it started vibrating continuously, now faster. Quickly you removed your underwear, closing your eyes, pressing the vibrator on the spot between your legs. It was cold and the vibrations made you gasp a little, sending a twirl of sensations right after it touched your skin. 
Slowly you began pressing it harder, building up the sensation, making your legs relax, opening more and more to give access to your entrance, until it was placed right on the spot where it could begin sinking inside you. 
Lost in the pleasure, you began moving the thing automatically in circles, up and down until it was half way inside you, making your legs shake and the knot in your stomach build up quickly. Either the toy was surprisingly efficient, or it had been so long since you experienced an orgasm that in mere minutes you were too worked up and ready to let go. 
Moaning softly, the same time you were riding your release, you clearly felt the sensation of something making pressure on the bed at your feet, as if someone was sitting on it. You got startled at how clearly it felt, all while your orgasm continued to hit you until the sensation started to wash away. You opened your eyes, noticing the lights in the room quickly flickering, stopping immediately as your vision cleared. 
Ignoring the lights issue for your well being, you placed the vibrator on top of your nightstand, too worn out over your first orgasm in weeks. Having no energy left you barely threw a blanket over you, completely relaxed. 
The next morning you woke up refreshed, a sensation that didn’t last long as soon as you looked at the clock. 
“Oh fuck!.” 
It was way past nine, and you were already late for work. You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the motion to close them again, noticing your blanket wasn’t over you. You were half naked and uncovered, and it made you shiver. The wind from outside makes your curtains move, letting you know your window was open when you were sure you left it closed, same as you knew you were wearing underwear before falling asleep. 
Whatever the case, you didn’t have the time to contemplate that right now. You clumsily got up and ran to the bathroom, got into the shower, throwing whatever clothes you saw first and leaving for work before your boss decided to send you back and take out a considerable amount from your weekly paycheck.
After that the day continued to be awful. Your boss had waited for you to scold you for coming in late, the clients you saw that afternoon were a pain in the ass and you had to skip lunch in order to finish something someone else didn’t do on time. 
Besides, there was something on the back of your mind. You remembered the sensation of someone sitting at the foot of your bed, the lights acting weird, the missing underwear, the window… It was starting to feel kind of dangerous. But even by having all those things on your head, plus the work stuff, the only thing that could possibly help you relax was to go home to your toy, as desperate  as it sounded.
That evening, you felt something was particularly off the moment you stepped foot into the apartment. The presence in your home felt heavy and oppressive. It felt as if whatever it was, was right there waiting for you, you just couldn’t see it. It wanted attention, and you weren’t going to give in.
Acknowledging it was accepting it was real. And you weren’t ready for that. 
A few weeks into the paranormal stuff going on in your apartment, you could almost say it was becoming the new normal. The thing in your house wanted your attention, but so far it hasn’t done anything to directly hurt you. It was as if it was presenting you an endurance test, and you were decided to  win. 
A particular thing you noticed was that on the nights you decided to play with yourself, it seemed to trigger this thing even more.
The windows slammed louder and repeatedly, the tv turned on and off nonstop, your bedroom stuff fell off their places. All while you could clearly feel someone hovering over you, breathing beside you. At one point you even felt fingers caressing your skin as you did, and you swore you must check yourself into a mental facility but the sensation of being watched gave you a push, something new you didn’t know you enjoyed so much. 
It was crazy, but it felt so good. 
This is how it went for another month, until one night a few days before new years eve. 
It was a Friday when you and your friends met up at a new club close downtown. 
San and Wooyoung picked you up, and together you entered the club waiting to meet with another couple of friends from their dance group. Yeri and her girlfriend were already inside, waiting for you.
The night was going on great, you spent the time since arriving dancing with San and Yeri, drinking and having a good time, so good that you even forgot about the crazy stuff happening at your house. One moment as you asked for a martini at the counter, Wooyoung reached out to you with a devilish smirk on his lips, and you knew it was trouble. 
“I can tell you are scheming something.” you said glaring at him, waiting for your drink. 
“I have someone who wants to meet you.” He said with a teasing tone. 
“My friend Mingi, he’s been wanting to talk to you but you just haven’t stopped dancing with Yeri since he got here.” 
“Mingi?, isn’t that the dude that fainted at the haunted house?.” 
Wooyoung arched his eyebrows, his smirk so big that you felt like slapping him out of his face.
“Wooyo, he sounds like a wi…” You swallowed your words as a shadow approached you both, showing a guy half chest and head taller than Wooyoung, coming out from behind him. 
To say he was handsome was an understatement, cause was gorgeous. Sharp eyes and nose, beautiful plump lips. His hair was styled up, dark with shades of blue on the sides, shining from the lights on the ceiling. 
“Hello,” He spoke with the deepest voice that you’ve heard, so clear despite the loud noise of the music and people around you. 
“Y/n, this is Mingi,” Wooyoung said with an irritating tone, “You were saying he sounds like a whi-” 
“Nice to meet you,” you waved at him, pushing Wooyoung back softly. He let out his particular loud witchy laugh but took the hint and walked out back to the rest of your friends.
Mingi nodded, smiling as he looked at you straight into the eyes. 
This Mingi you were talking to didn’t seem like the type to faint in haunted houses. 
As you two chatted, he was confident, cool and very interesting. You spoke and danced with him for a good amount of time, admiring how much of a natural he was. You were so at ease that you completely ignored your friends, knowing they were happy to see you getting along with someone. 
“We will be opening a show later this month,” Mingi spoke softly, practically whispering in your ear, as you danced with him so close you could feel the friction of his muscles over your chest, his hand resting firmly on your waist. “Would you like to come up backstage and cheer us on?, And maybe go out with me after?.” 
You smiled like a dumb high school girl nodding your head yes, but you didn’t care. Mingi smiled too, hiding his flustered cheeks looking up at the ceiling.
 God not only he was hot but so freaking cute.
When the song was about to end you asked Mingi to take a break to get more drinks. Mingi ordered a beer and a cocktail for you. Drinks in hand, you bit your lip, watching him lick his, savoring the rest of the beer on them. You knew what you were about to ask was maybe too rushed, but fuck he looked incredible hot and you were already tipsy from the alcohol. Inviting him over to your apartment was too tempting to let it go. And by the way he was eyeing you from head to toe all night, you knew he also wanted it. 
Just as you were about to say the words, Mingi shuts you up by pressing his lips into yours, softly at first, the kiss slowly becoming more hungry. 
Your hands went to his chest, roaming through his muscles until you reached the back of his head. Mingi let go a soft spoken growl, that with his deep tone sounded even more hot. You stood up from the stool, placing yourself between his legs and continued kissing him, his lips were so soft that you wanted that kiss to last forever until there was no more left of them. 
You bit his bottom lip and you could feel his bulge hardening by having him so close. It was now or never.
“Want to get out of here?.” 
Mingi smiled against your mouth, taking your lips just as you did before and grabbing you by the waist so he could stand up, leading you by the hand between the people dancing and shouting on the dance floor. 
Before leaving you sent a text to Yeri, to inform your friends you were leaving with Mingi, to which she responded with a smirk, eggplant and teardrop emojis, making  you laugh out loud. 
Mingi asked for your address and called an Uber, you two kissing softly outside the club the entire time until the car arrived. 
The ride home was too long in your opinion, not wanting to waste more time. Your mind wonders the things Mingi would do to you, having seen how good he moved on the dance floor, you could only imagine how he would move in your bed.
Just as you arrived at the front door, Mingi hugged you from behind, his large hands roaming through your hips and ass, pressing gently but firmly. You giggled and wished he wasn’t so playful right now because it was taking too long for you to get the right key. 
When you finally entered your apartment, he slightly pushed you against the wall, making you feel his length on your stomach, while his tongue explored all of your mouth. 
“You look too good.” He breathed on your neck and you could feel the warmth in your lower abdomen, the space between your legs aching for some touch. Mingi seemed to read your mind by the way one of his hands went to touch your sensitive spot, fingers toying with the fabric of your underwear, teasing your entrance.“Want me to keep talking?.”
You were already so wet for him and you smiled proudly seeing how his eyes dropped lazily, anticipation shining on them. He kissed you one more time, sliding his fingers beneath your cloth, when suddenly you felt it…
The presence, it was there. 
The vibe in the apartment shuffled instantly. Mingi didn’t seem to notice but you did, and you gasped out loud when something grabbed Mingi’s hand between your legs away, making him break the kiss, and look at you in confusion.
“Are you ok? You want to stop?.” 
You wanted to say no, that you didn’t throw his hand away, but you didn’t have the time to.
The sudden stomp of your front door slamming open by itself made Mingi jump pack, and you pressed yourself against the wall. Then your kitchen cabinets opened and closed repeatedly, the contents inside of them popping out falling into the floors making a mess. 
“What the fuck?!” Mingi screamed, pressing himself against the wall too. The look on his face was of someone so terrified that he will probably have a hard time adjusting to normal life again. 
“Mingi…” you tried to calm him down but it was no use.
He fainted halfway at the Haunted House. You remembered. You suddenly got scared what would happen if he died right here in your apartment. 
Your windows then open at unison, making your curtains fly high into the ceiling, the cold air from outside making your magazines and lightweight items fly around as if a little tornado had born inside your home.
“Nah fuck this…” Mingi said to you barely audible, hands over his chest. You tried to get close to him but he walked back, scared of you. “Fuck this!!.” He repeated, his glare changed into that one of a scared puppy. Then he sprinted through the already opened door, which slammed shut behind him.
The flying objects, slamming doors and cabinets and all the shit happening around you stopped as soon as Mingi walked away. You stood still for a few seconds, gathering your thoughts and trying to collect yourself, but you realized you have gone past beyond that.
You shouted at the air, the anger built up from months ready to explode from your body. 
“I know you are listening! what the fuck was that?!”
You waited for a response, a cracking door, a flickering light, but nothing. 
“So now you don’t want to do anything huh?!,” you walked in circles in your living room, trying to provoke whatever this thing was. You knew it was there, invisible as always, watching you, mocking you. “So now what?, you screw my fuck over? And then you go silent?!”
Still nothing. 
“I’ve had enough, Fuck you!” you whined, the anger now becoming frustration. “And who’s going to clean this mess up, motherfucker?” you were crying shamelessly,  kicking the first thing your foot could reach, hurting your foot a little in the motion. A brown wooden box slid off, landing in front of your coffee table. “This is ?...”
Walking over to it, you crouched and opened the Ouija board your friends had left in your apartment since that Halloween night. You walked towards it as if it was going to explode at any second, bending over to reach it, carefully placing both hands on the marker. As soon as your fingers touched the piece, it violently began moving - first to the letter “H”, then the “O”,  next an “N”… until you said what it spelled. “Hongjoong.” 
Just as you finished saying his name you felt a violent gust of cold air behind you, and a soft spoken voice dragging his words,  whispering right over your ear. 
“Fucking finally.” 
You have thought countless times what would you do if you had whatever that was hunting you in the flesh, so to speak. You had imagined yourself screaming, running away _ the poor Mingi, you didn’t blame him for doing so. But right now, what you had in front of you wasn’t anything you would have expected.
The figure of a man crouching beside you, his face was what you saw first.  You froze, admiring his features, and god he was magnificent. 
Pointy nose, seemingly carved to perfection. Large almond eyes, shaped like that of a red fox, that were now eyeing your own face, almost earnestly. Pouty lips, pink in shade and soft looking. Ashy blonde hair falling into most of his forehead. His face alone was stunning and he seemed to notice your staring. 
“I could look at you all night too, but I have better plans, my dear Y/n.”
He helped you stand up,  grabbing your chin between his long fingers as he did. His outfit was weird, and it seemed heavy but it accentuated his slim but toned figure. 
“You were the thing making all these weird things all this time?.” You asked, your tone way calmer and softer than the shouting and cursing you were doing moments before. 
He chuckled dryly, leaving your face and walking away, watching the mess in your living room visibly amused. “Do I look like a thing?,” he said, picking up the Ouija board from the floor, chuckling and throwing it over the couch. 
“No- I mean…” 
“I had to mess up your stuff, and even that way it took so long to say my name for the third time,” He walked over to you again, and you instinctively walked back. “I’ve thrown this thing many times at you and you always ignored it.”  He eyed the Ouija board again. “Hope you have learned not to bring anyone over ever again, sorry your friend shit his pants.” Hongjoong chuckled with malice, but you were unable to move or say something back. “You do it next time and I won’t be so gentle.” 
“Gentle? You destroyed my apartment.” You replied bitterly, to which Hongjoong glared at you. You took a step back and he smiled again. 
“Gentle meaning I won’t kill whoever you bring out next time.” He teased, and you felt a shiver down your spine. “Relax, I would have hurt you if I wanted  to already.”
That was true.
“What do you want then?.”
Hongjoong smirked, finally the conversation was heading his way. 
“You know what I want,” he came closer to you, his hand grabbing the hem of your dress, playing with it. “You know I like to watch you…” Immediately your mind went back to the nights when you pleased yourself, now having clear that it was him every time, leaning beside you, guiding you with his presence. 
The thought made you feel incredibly aroused, you shook your head in denial. It was insane. Whoever he was, he didn’t belong to this world, yet he was right here in front of you. He looked and felt so real, and it was overwhelming. 
Hongjoong got even closer, cupping your head with his fingers, black chrome shades painted on them. His touch was burning, it felt dark and forbidden, as if you needed to get out of his presence as soon as possible, or you would be sucked into something you wouldn’t be able to go back from. 
“What’s wrong, love?,” He leaned to brush his lips into yours holding you by your waist with his free hand. “Don’t you want to play with me? We have waited for so long.”
Your eye level was almost the same as him, which let you look at him in the eyes as he brushed and softly licked your bottom lip with his tongue. Your lower abdomen was on fire, and by the way he made pressure with his fingers on your skin, you knew he could feel how worked up you were. 
This felt wrong, off limits. But his aura was overpowering, and you needed this, he was right about that, you have waited maybe too fucking long.
“What happens after?,” you mumbled, closing your eyes as Hongjoong pressed gentle pecks on your neck, now both his hands sliding under your dress, making pressure between your thighs. 
“After what?,” He continued kissing your neck and making his way between your legs, with force he lifted your leg up, so he could easily caress your entrance. You were damped already, Hongjoong scoffed at the feeling of your ruined underwear. 
“After we-.”
“Why so prude?” He faced you again, brushing your pussy with his long fingers, so much bigger than your little damped spot. “After we fuck all night until you never think of someone else but me, ever again?.” He then slid his finger under the cloth and pushed his finger inside you, making you moan softly. Hongjoong didn’t wait for a response, instead pushed another two fingers inside, lifting you up first until you were sitting on your now empty desk. He curled his fingers, causing you to clench around them, which made him groan. His voice was so gentle and soft, and yet you could sense he might have sounded like it, but he wasn’t going to be. 
Your whimpers and moans had him biting his lip, chasing your release knowing you wouldn’t resist much longer like this. Your arms were hung over his shoulders, eyes shut, your legs numb, lost in the sensation of his fingers playing with the softness of your clit. 
“Oh, please…” you whined, pushing yourself deeper into his fingers, making Hongjoong groan in desperation. 
“Fucking tease.” He growled, looking down exactly where his hand was connected with your entrance. “If this is how you feel around my fingers, I can’t wait to be inside you.” 
His words made electricity run through your whole body. Is this some kind of magic, hex or something unnatural? How he has you like this by his fingers only. Whatever the case it was too much when he crocked his fingers hitting your sweet spot, making you jolt and moan with your face buried on his neck. 
Hongjoong could feel your release dampening his fingers, and somehow knowing what you liked, he caressed the outside of your entrance so gently that the tingling sensation made your legs give up and you collapsed over him. 
He carried you wrapping your legs around him, you tightly hugging him, too worn out to move. 
“And that’s one.” 
The short trip to your bed was enough for you to recover your breath, shaking as you hear what he said. 
Hongjoong placed you at the center of the bed, letting you rest a little more, as he took out his flashy jacket, and began unbuttoning his black silk blouse. He stopped at the third button, showing you just a glimpse of his chest, soft and firm skin teasing you. He then unzipped his belt, giving you a show, how fucking delightful. You just came, but the knot on your lower stomach was building up again. 
“I’ve seen that expression so many times,” His tone lowered this time, almost in a whisper. “Can’t believe I had to go through the pain of watching you do that to yourself, when I could have been fucking you every night just like I would do now.” 
You were ashamed of how much his words affected you, your entrance dripping wet by the way he looked at you, how his words enveloped you. “Please…” you find yourself about to beg him to touch you, you desperately want him to be deep inside you, like you never wanted anyone before. 
“Shhh.” Hongjoong lowered himself on the bed, placing himself between your legs, opening them slowly as he kissed your knees and legs with soft brushes of his lips. “For now I only want to hear your moans and whimpers, I want to hear the sound of my name while you scream it.” 
You pressed your lips together, letting out a soft Hum that made Hongjoong chuckle. 
“You better say it countless times, you have to make up for me, for all these months you refused to say it.” He then grabbed your underwear and ripped it off, throwing it to the side. He took a good look at you from behind your legs, sliding your dress up until you were exposed from your abdomen down. 
You saw his eyes, glowing with a crimson tone in the darkness of the room and his black eye shadow. They shone brightly the more he stared at you until they disappeared as Hongjoong buried his face between your legs. 
Hongjoong had wished for this moment for so long. Watching you had been both a torment and a blessing all these months. 
It’s been so long since he had been summoned in the flesh, and the first time someone made him feel the need to really feel someone else’s skin, a vulnerable and delicate skin.  You as a mortal were invaluable to him, because you wouldn’t just disappear and be a stranger to him as all of the demons, ghouls and entities he was accustomed to surrendered himself with, all of which had no substance or meaning, but again what did on his seemingly endless and pointless life anyway?. At least here he could watch over you, protect you.
He had realized how much of a domestic life he wanted. His past human self is still attached to this world, now finding comfort in you, his precious master. 
But of course he wasn’t going to tell you that just yet, first he had to make you feel good, knowing perfectly how much you needed it. 
You softly gasped when his lips brushed your entrance, he took his sweet time flickering over your pussy lips, savoring them. He licked your dripping slit with one long strip, making you clench and arch your back at the sensation. 
Still sensitive from your previous high, you couldn’t hold back, unwinding slowly letting go of any inhibitions. Hongjoong smirked with his head buried in between your legs, proud of how you were losing control. 
He was licking at a faster pace, up and down and then wiggling his tongue making you whimper loudly. Impulsively your hands went to his hair, making a mess out of it. You pushed your hips against his mouth, urging him to keep going, and he groaned against your pussy sending vibrations to your whole body. Hongjoong could feel his hardened length throbbing at how good you were taking his tongue. He needs to be inside you or he will come just by looking at you getting high on his mouth only. 
“Hongjoong, please…” You threw your head back, your hips moving letting him burying his tongue deeper inside you, where he had no problem reaching your sensitive spot. 
“Come for me again,” He whispered, going back to suck in your pussy right after. 
Your whines and moans had gotten him so hard, his dick leaking already, desperate to be out of the restraint of his pants.  Without letting your pussy alone, he skilfully removed his belt, dragging his pants down a little so his length could break free. 
“Love, I want to taste it.” 
He licked you from top to bottom before sucking in your little nest of nerves once more, to which you couldn’t resist longer. The explosion in your lower abdomen crushed you over. It was a hundred times more intense than the previous one, and you felt an unfamiliar sensation you never experienced before. Shocked, you saw your juices leak from you with a little splash, Hongjoong expertly making filthy noises as he sucked in the sweet release until there was none of it.
“Oh God… I-” you excused yourself, kind of embarrassed of what just happened. 
Hongjoong licked his lips, and your pussy throbbed from the sight of him smiling devilish as he brushed his thumb over his lower lip.
“Bet your damned toy couldn’t do that huh?.” 
He stood up finally removing his blouse, letting you admire his slim but toned figure. Then he pushed the rest of his pants down, his length in full display so hard and erect that it wobbled, and you could feel your pussy dripping once more. You couldn’t believe you weren’t drained out already. 
“Take the dress off.” 
You obeyed, sitting on the bed and unzipping the back of your dress, throwing it over your shoulders until it was completely off. Hongjoong let out a moan at the sight of your breast bouncing as you took the dress off, a sight he wouldn’t be tired of anytime soon. He then took his length on his hand, stroking it gently the same time he eyed your breast attentively. You adjusted yourself on the bed purposely making them bounce, to which Hongjoong let out a giggle full of devilish intent. 
“Such a tease.” 
You took a deep breath, watching him hovering over you until his face was in front of yours. He kissed you gently and slowly, both of you unable to keep your eyes open. He pressed himself beneath you until you were laying down in the bed again, making you feel his hardened length over your stomach. Your hands trailed the firmness of his chest, the warmth of his skin feeling so good against your palms. You then caressed his back, kissing him deeply as you never kissed anyone else before. 
As you were lost in the pleasure of the kiss, Hongjoong took the chance to spread your legs apart with his knee, shifting from his position so he could align himself with your entrance. 
He breaks the kiss apart, taking in a deep breath. You both opened your eyes as he slowly pushed himself inside you, so slowly it was almost as if he was punishing you. When he was finally inside you, he stood still looking at your face, your eyes dropping lazily unable to keep them open. 
Him stretching you out was the most exquisite sensation you have experienced probably ever, it felt so intimate and personal, as if your body had been waiting for him to fill you up like this. 
When he was sure you had adjusted to him, he began moving, slowly at first, trying not to hurt you, but soon his pace intensified and he was going in and out with force. 
Your vision was blurry, head spinning as Hongjoong slammed inside you repeatedly, leaving hickies in your neck, kissing your breasts and caressing the back of your thighs as he fucked you desperately.
Looking for something to hold onto you grabbed the bed sheets with your fist tightly, Hongjoong burying himself deeper and deeper inside you with rhythmic movements. You were becoming louder by the second and it was making him crazy. He harshly took your hand from your mouth when you tried to repress your moaning. 
“Don’t, I need to hear you.”
His choice of words really resonated with you. He wasn’t just fucking you just because he could, he was fucking you so good cause he wanted to, he needed to. Even if his presence was dominating, you could feel he wanted to do this, maybe since the first night he was summoned. 
He leaned again to kiss you on the mouth, stroking his tongue against your lips as his dick slammed into you with the same motion. You took him in your lips, licking and sucking on his mouth as well, everything building up the sweet sensation right there where your bodies were connected. 
Hongjoong continued fucking you so hard that you had trouble keeping up with the kiss. The sound of your bodies slamming against each other was obscene and so beautiful to hear, it invaded the entire house, allowing no other sound to come in. Each of his strokes sends electric waves through both your bodies. Your breast pressed against his chest, which now Hongjoong caressed with his palm, in circle motions over your hardened nip. 
“Fuck, Hongjoong,” you moaned, arching your hips for him to bury himself deeper. “Faster” you begged, looking at him with hungry eyes. Hongjoong smirked at your requests, happy to oblige. 
He pushed himself in, adjusting the angle by grabbing one of your legs and throwing it over his shoulder. You whined, cursing under your breath with your head thrown back. The movements plus Hongjoong breathy moans driving you insane. 
“Yeah, right there.” you threw your other leg over his shoulder, making Hongjoong groan loudly. “Deeper Hongjoong, fuck me deeper.” Hongjoong knew he would be done if you continued to be so vocal about what he was doing to you, but he couldn’t stop. Every word and sound coming out you was delicious, making him realize he could be fucking you so good like this every night for the rest of your life together. 
You whined when he pulled out almost entirely, but when he slammed himself all in one motion again, you couldn’t resist any longer. 
“I’m so close…”
“I know.” He responded, pulling out again, and pressing all his length softly, stroking your clit with his hand at the same time he pushed in and out. “I want you to make a mess again, would you?.”
You let out a few breathy Yes, rolling your hips close to him, like wanting his dick to reach even deeper, until you could feel it almost touched your heart. Your hand reached his back, when he bent over too close to your face, firmly holding your legs still hanging to the sides of his shoulders. He looked down again at how he slipped inside and out of you and he let out a guttural sound, biting his lip almost hurting himself. 
You took his head and made him look at you, letting him know you were about to come. He moaned when he felt your walls tightening around him, and a warmth drizzling sensation covered him up. You closed your eyes and let go of him, moaning loudly riding your release. 
Hongjoong continued to thrust inside you,  massaging your clit in circles wanting you to come again, the over stimulation so much that you cried out  his name, grabbing the sheets again looking for something to hold onto. Hongjoong couldn’t hold any longer and spilled all inside you, still pushing inside wanting you to come once more. When he pulled out, looking at his dripping cum spill out of you, at the same time he watched you squirt again, it was a view he would never get tired of, and will probably have on repeat in his mind on the times he can’t have you like this. 
 When you finally took a deep breath, waves of pleasure still tingled inside you.  You opened your eyes, finding Hongjoong looking at you, one hand stroking your jaw gently.  
The windows opened again, this time without any loud bang, letting in a cold breeze than in any other circumstance would have been too cold for you, but right now it felt so good how the air cooled your burning bodies. The light from the night sky illuminates the afterglow of what just happened. 
“Right. I almost forgot you are a… demon?.” you smiled. Hongjoong chuckled, still admiring your face, caressing your waist with his fingers. 
“It’s funny. I can make a mess out of things, but I don’t have the power to clean the mess out.” You arch your eyebrows. It was very convenient and didn’t make any sense, but the thought of cleaning was the least thing you cared about right now anyways.
After a moment of silence, as you rest against each other you finally ask. “What happens after?.”
Hongjoong was taken aback from your sudden question. Now that it had already happened, he had to give you a real answer. He got tense for a second, but his face softened immediately after. 
“I’m yours to take.” He whispered over your lips, brushing his bottom lip against yours. 
“Yours.” You caressed his face, his body comfortably on top of you, skin still burned against yours, but you felt no discomfort. You then kissed him, softly but deeply. 
Hongjoong felt a spiraling sensation over his chest, a feeling he thought he had lost so long ago. With his energy building up inside him, it started causing the lights to go out, so intense that it reached not only your apartment but the whole building. The fainted sound of cars and the city at night echoed through the room.
Still kissing, your naked bodies glowing against the night light coming from the opened windows was the only thing that could be seen against the total darkness.
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@mingsolo do not repost/translate to other sites
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five-rivers · 3 months
One day Danny comes home to his parents having tea with clockwork
I rather liked this. Here's the AO3, and I might continue it later.
Oh, of course Clockwork didn't look like Clockwork. That is, he looked like himself, or else Danny wouldn't have recognized him, but he didn't look like a ghost, or else Danny was sure the scene wouldn't be nearly as peaceful - or unbelievable - as it was.
He blinked a few times. Hard. The scene didn't change. Clockwork - or Clockwork's human twin - was sitting at the kitchen table with Danny's parents. Sipping tea.
Danny hadn't even known they had tea in the house.
As Danny stared, Clockwork met Danny's eyes and winked. Neither Maddie nor Jack, who was enthusiastically describing their latest ghost capturing invention (something to do with a modified leaf blower), noticed. So. Clockwork. Not Clockwork's twin.
What was happening? What was happening right now? Why was Clockwork here? Had Danny screwed over the timeline somehow? And if he had, why wasn't Clockwork just grabbing future versions of Danny's enemies to assassinate him again? Why was he talking to Danny's parents? In a human disguise of all things?
Thinking about it made Danny's palms itch and his heart speed up, and he wasn't the best at being subtle when he was anxious.
"Uh, hi," he said, loudly, putting on just a touch of teenage lackadaisical spin, "who are you?"
"Oh, Danny!" said Maddie. "You're home early."
Danny winced. He got detention often enough that his parents usually didn't expect Danny home for another hour. The ghost fighting didn't help, either. Of course, the ghost fighting was why he got so many detentions. That and stuffing Dash's locker full of FentonWipe. And being associated with Sam. He had to admit that was also a significant contributor to his detention time.
What had he been thinking of again?
Rather, what had he been avoiding thinking of again?
Right. Clockwork. His parents. Tea. His future doom. The potential end of the world, as initiated by him, personally.
“Uh, yeah,” said Danny.  “I guess I am.  But…” He tried to gesture at Clockwork without pointing, which was rude enough that Maddie would comment.  
“I was just describing our new Fenton Blow design to our new neighbor, Clark!  Two new things at once!  It’s like it’s double new!”  Jack jumped up and picked up Clockwork’s chair so he could turn it to face Danny.  Clockwork continued to calmly hold his tea throughout the motion.  
“Neighbor?” squeaked Danny.  
Something that had been constant at FentonWorks for as long as Danny could remember was that it didn’t have neighbors.  The properties adjacent to FentonWorks weren’t empty, exactly, but people didn’t live there.  One was a vacation rental that saw the most traffic during Halloween.  The building on the other side was a community store where people in the area sold things they’d made.  And the back lot was split between a haunted house attraction and a rare permanent Spirit Halloween store.  
FentonWorks was maybe a bit of a tourist destination.  But it wasn’t as if normal, sane people would live anywhere near FentonWorks.  
Clockwork was neither normal nor sane.  Obviously.  Still, even he had to hesitate at being next to Danny’s parents.  
What property had he bought, anyway?  It wasn’t like there were a lot of options.  
Danny would not be able to cope if he’d bought the haunted house.  
Why was he here?
“Yes,” said Maddie, “he bought the place behind us.  The costume store.  We were talking about how he could make the costumes more accurate.”
Clockwork cleared his throat.  “Assuming that I will continue to manage the franchise is somewhat premature, but your work is truly fascinating.”
Maddie smiled.  “Oh, you’re a charmer.”
Jack laughed as well.  “Almost as smooth as Vladdie used to be, huh?”  He patted Clockwork on the shoulder.  “Good times, good times!  We’re going to have a lot of fun!”
Oh god, were they flirting?  Danny was glad he didn’t have a much of a gag reflex since half-dying.  
“If you aren’t going to be running the Spirit store, what are you going to do?”
“Previously, I owned and managed an antique store.  Worthy Antiques.”  A small smile playing around his lips, he took another sip of tea.  
“From his name!” said Jack.  “Clark Worth!  Isn’t that clever?”
Danny knew he didn’t have any room to talk about pseudonyms, but that was… Wow.  That was blatant.  Of course, the whole thing was blatant.  Still.  
“Sell many clocks?” Danny asked, because he was an idiot and had some sort of death wish.  
“A few,” said Clockwork.  “People do seem to like antique clocks.”  
“Why move to Amity Park?” asked Danny, taking a few steps over to the table so he could stand between Clockwork and his parents.  Was the gesture futile?  Yep.  Was he doing it anyway?  Yep.  
“Issues with the local government.  You seem to have it handled quite nicely here.”
“That’s true!” said Jack.  “We’ve got the government in the bag down here!”
“Yes, we’ll have to show you what they did when they hit us with zoning complaints of all things,” said Maddie.  
Danny was not hearing this.  He wasn’t here.  This was some kind of impossible fugue state.  Or a hallucination.  Or a dream.  It could be Nocturne.  It wasn’t like he was above using people’s fears, conscious or otherwise, to mess with them.  
But, if he could put his parents being weird aside (a task difficult bordering on impossible), then what did Clockwork mean by local government?  Walker?  Pariah Dark?  Could Danny even take Clockwork’s words as an analogy?  He could just lie.  It wasn’t as if ghosts were bound to be honest.  
“It is time for me to go now, unfortunately.  Thank you for the company and the excellent tea.”
“No problem!” said Jack.  “We didn’t even know we had it!”
“Feel free to drop by any time, it was lovely to have you over,” said Maddie, reaching over to Clockwork’s hands.  
“That’s very gracious of you.  Allow me to extend the same invitation to you and your family,” said Clockwork.  He stood up, raising the empty teacup towards Danny in a sort of toast before putting it back down.  “It was wonderful to meet you as well, Daniel.”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  Then, grudgingly, “You, too.  I can show you out.”
“No need,” said Clockwork.  “I know the way.”  He gave them all a short, shallow bow, then left.  
Danny looked at his parents. 
“Wow!  What a great guy!” said Jack, planting his hands on his hips.  “Hope his business works out!”
“Twenty percent of new businesses fail in the first two years,” said Maddie.  
“But he’s got experience,” argued Jack.  “And, who knows, maybe we’ll be customers!  Lots of haunted antiques out there, huh?”
“Yes… I wonder… Could we modify the Fenton Finder to determine what kinds of objects are most likely to be haunted…”
Before Danny could get sucked into whatever antique-related discussion his parents were about to have, he slipped away up the stairs.  He needed backup for this.  Lots of backup.  
“I’m sorry,” said Sam over the phone.  “Who?”
“Clockwork,” said Danny.  “You know, the one who sent us into the messed up future where I was evil and you were dead.”
“His name was Clockwork?”
“Yeah?  Did you–  Did you not know that?”
“I’ve got him down in my book as Clockstopper,” added Jazz, helpfully.  
“Isn’t that, like, a movie?” asked Tucker, fiddling with his PDA.  “With a kid who can stop time?”
“It’s the watch that can stop time,” said Danny, distractedly.  “Did I not tell you his name?  I’m sure I told you his name.”
“Didn’t we lose half a day of time in there where we all died again?” asked Tucker.  “I remember something about that.”
How did Danny tell them about that and not Clockwork’s name?  Seriously.  He had to get his priorities right.  And figure out how not to break down and spill potentially traumatizing information whenever Sam and Tucker prodded him even a little.  
(Was it a response to keeping a million secrets from everyone else?  Probably.  But lying had been invented for a reason.  A million reasons.  And one of them was not traumatizing your friends.)
He rubbed his face.  “Okay, so, the guy’s name is Clockwork.  Clockwork.  Not Clockstopper.  He’s the Master of Time.  He actually helped me once, when Vlad gave you two ecto-acne.  Well.”  His expression pinched inward.  “Sort of.”
“What do you mean, ‘sort of?’” asked Sam, leaning forward.  
“He, uh.  Kind of unpersoned me.  Or let me unperson myself.  I’m… Yeah.  Okay.  More the second one.  But he sent me off to do it.  I’m actually not clear on how he undid it…  What?”
“You know,” said Tucker, who was now looking up from his PDA, “I didn’t really question it when you brought back the cure at the time, but I really should have, huh…”
“Yeah, you’re going to have to run through how you got unpersoned,” said Sam.  
“What do you even mean by unpersoned?” said Jazz, concerned.  “Like in 1984?”
“Uh,” said Danny.  “I never read that.  Does it involve time travel?”
“He’s dodging the question,” said Tucker.  “What did you do, Danny?”
Danny squirmed.  “We’re talking about why he’s here.”
“A conversation that would be much improved by telling us about your past interactions with him,” said Jazz.  She had produced a pen and notebook from somewhere.  
“I barely interacted with him that time.  We were only in the same room for, like, ten minutes, total.  The part where I was the subject of a ‘would you murder baby Hitler’ question is much more relevant.”
“Actually, why didn’t Clockwork murder baby Hitler?” said Sam, somewhat indignant.  “Actual baby Hitler.  Not Danny.”
“He didn’t kill me, anyway, and future me wrecked the entire planet, as far as I could–”
“Wait, wait,” said Jazz.  “I’m still writing this down.”
“You don’t need to write this down.”
“Don’t worry, I’m doing it in code.  Basically unbreakable.  Just a minute…”  She licked her lips, then, slowly, sounding out the words, she said, “Time… master…”
“Clockwork.  His name is Clockwork.  Why are you like this?”
“I think it’s just how siblings are,” said Sam.  
“You’re an only child,” Tucker pointed out.  “What would you know?”
“I’ve watched my cousins.  It’s basically the same.”
“That’s completely different,” said Tucker.  
“Okay, okay,” said Danny.  “I thought that maybe if Vlad had never become a half ghost, then he’d never have gotten ecto-acne, and he wouldn’t have wanted to give you guys ecto-acne.  Or have even been able to.  So I asked Clockwork to send me back to his accident and pushed him out of the way.”
“And then the butterfly effect meant that you were never born?” asked Sam.  “Actually, no one born after that would have been the same as the people who were born after it in this world…  Would they?”
Danny shrugged.  “I didn’t really look into that, to be honest.  I was kind of distracted by, uh.  Dad having gotten hit instead.  I didn’t really realize…  Mom and Dad were like right behind him.”
Jazz looked up at him in horror.  
“It didn’t actually happen,” said Danny.  “Or, uh, it hasn’t’ve happened now?”  What tense what he even supposed to use here?
“No, no, it isn’t that,” said Jazz.  “It’s just that they had no lab safety even in college.  It’s a miracle they’re still alive.  But does that mean Dad was a half ghost?”
“And how did Mom take that?”
“Not sure, actually.  They were kind of.  Not married.”  He waited for Jazz to flip out.  She’d freaked badly enough when it just looked like they might get a divorce.
Instead, she just nodded.  “That makes sense,” she said.  
“It does?” 
“Yeah, Dad’s socially awkward enough to begin with.  If he was isolated the same way Vlad was when he was sick, there’s no way he’d be able to keep up a relationship.  I don’t think they were even dating at that point.”
“Right, well, anyway, after I figured that out, I knew I had to undo it.  A bunch of stuff happened, but I eventually got back to Clockwork and he reset it.  So that’s it.  Whole story.  Can we get back on topic?”
“Pretty sure you're lying, but whatever,” said Sam.  “But what do you expect us to do in this situation?  It kind of feels like he could just wave his hands and… poof.”
“Yeah, he was definitely not trying in that fight,” added Tucker.  
Way to be supportive, guys.  Jeez.  “I'm not going to fight him.”
“Good, if you were, I'd be asking Jazz to check you for a concussion.”
“I just want to know what he wants.  Like, if he's here because I've screwed up the timeline again or what.  But the guy talks in riddles - not literal riddles.”  Danny just knew Jazz would start calling him Riddle Master or something if Danny didn't clear that up fast.  “But he doesn't give straight answers.”
“At least we know he's not homophobic.”
“Tucker, that joke was only funny the first ten times.”
“It's always funny.”
Sam cleared her throat.  “And is that something we can do something about?”
“Yeah.  Sort of, anyway.  It's just… I know what my life is like.  I know what I’m like.  If I go talk to him alone, I’ll miss something or say something stupid.  But you guys actually pay attention to stuff.  You think about things.  I need you to come with me so I don’t say something sarcastic and wind up on a cross-time road trip to learn about the importance of customer service.”
“If we could stop you from saying dumb things, you’d have a lot less detentions,” said Sam.  
“So you’re going to abandon me?  Your best friend?  To a ghost who’s beaten him up before?”
Sam rolled her eyes.  “Don’t be so dramatic.  I didn’t say I wouldn’t go with you.  I’m just pointing out that you’ll have to put in a little effort if you want us to be your time ghost lawyers or interpreters or whatever.”
“I will!  That’s why I want you to come with me.”
“Well, I’ll come with you, at least,” said Jazz.  “I want to know more about this Clockstopper.”
Danny squinted at him.  “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“I’ll come with you, too,” said Tucker.  “But if we wind up on a customer service road trip, I will be blaming you.”
“Well, yeah,” said Danny.  “That’s a given.”
“I can’t go tonight,” said Sam.  “Family dinner.  Tomorrow?  Right after Danny gets out of detention?”
“You don’t know I’ll have detention tomorrow.  I haven’t gotten one yet.”
“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” said Sam.  
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
BOYFRIEND!JIN who gives you a new stuffed animal on every special date. it was already a tradition that came from when you were friends, but Jin simply couldn't get rid of that habit — not when there were so many different stuffed animals to give, not when he saw you always happy and returning to childhood times that left you feeling safe. “our family is growing! we are great parents. i am so proud of us.”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who insists on dressing up for halloween with you. from choosing your costume, to browsing stores, to trying on and laughing at each other, all the magic of halloween was precious to Jin, just because long days of laughter and planning and going out filled your schedule — it was like a constant cascade of good mood that he liked to see in you. “this year you choose the costumes! but can we please match? just so people can see that we’re together, you know?”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who wakes you up with chaste kisses half an hour before the alarm goes off, just so he can spend those thirty minutes loving you. hugging your body, hiding his face in your neck, Jin's lips released small kisses that covered your skin with infinite promises of eternal love. “good morning. it's still early, don't worry. let's just stay like this a little longer. together. please.”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who sends you selfies whenever he has the opportunity. when he is most beautiful or when he is most tired, when he wants to make you laugh or when he wants to remind you that he loves you, the choices were endless; your cell phone was full of exclusive photos of Jin that, on more complicated days, made you realize that the love between you was too intimate to be fake. “honestly, whenever i remember you and you're not with me, i feel the need to send you a photo. sorry about the amount by the way.”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who turns the music up to the maximum and sings duets with you while the two of you take care of the house. Jin made everything a party, because he knew it was good for your spirit; as such, Jin decided to turn the boring chores at home into something good, something to celebrate, something that would make you forget the tiredness they caused and make you focus only on the joy of the songs and screams. “next week, we’re going to make a set list as if it were a concert! oh! we can wear our matching pajamas! it’s going to be so fun.”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who likes to try new restaurants with you. it was almost like a mission for the two of you to find new restaurants in the cities you visited and lived, gastronomic curiosity being just an addition to moments well spent and memories created. “i think a new restaurant opened down the street. want to try it? if you don’t like it, i promise i’ll buy you a pizza.”
BOYFRIEND!JIN who said he loved you on your birthday before the day even started. the sun still painted your room melancholically when Jin gently woke you up; Jin's hand caressed your face, his lips formed into a smile as he saw you slowly waking up to a breakfast in bed and a confession that had been weighing on Jin's heart for a long time. “happy birthday, nugget. thank you for being in my life. i love you.”
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hey can I do one of the spirit Halloween requests. Sour Patch Kids/Butterfinger. And can it be with Eddie please. Can include smut if that's OK. Thank you 😊
Enemies-to-Lovers/Shy!Reader/Eddie Munson
(+ 3 other anon requests)
I couldn't figure out a way to make it smutty without it seeming forced, but there are definitely some raunchy elements. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Eddie is mean to Reader, allusion to masturbation (18+ only, minors DNI), Reader wears a skirt
WC: 1.2k
Divider credit to @saradika
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“Absolutely not.” Eddie crosses his arms over his chest, a sneer cursing his lips. 
“Come on, man!” Mike grumbles, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “I told Nancy I’d help her out.”
Eddie scoffs, turning away from you and your best friend’s younger brother. “Yeah, well, I didn’t promise shit,” he retorts. “We don’t need anymore players, and we definitely don’t need her.”
Your lower lip quivers, and you bite it to stop from crying. “I, um, i-it’s okay, Mike,” you hurriedly reassure him. “I’ll tell Nancy you tried.” You turn around and leave the drama room, tears blurring your vision. 
“What the hell is your problem?” Mike yells loud enough that you can hear him halfway down the hallway, despite the pounding in your ears. “Nancy said she’s really into DnD. She could, I dunno, be our sub when Lucas has a game or something.”
“Am I speaking a different language? No. N-O. Not happening.”
Gareth cocks a bemused brow. “Are you still pissed off about—”
“SHUT UP!” Eddie’s bellow reverberates around the tiny room. “Look, are we gonna play or not?”
“I gotta go make sure she’s okay before Nancy kicks my ass,” Mike huffs, slinging his backpack over one shoulder. “Thanks for nothing,” he spits at Eddie.
No one says anything for a moment; the Hellfire Club is eerily silent. Finally, Jeff speaks up. “That was pretty harsh, Ed.”
“That was harsh?!” Eddie guffaws and clenches his jaw. “Me telling her she can’t join Hellfire is harsh, but she can talk shit about me to her friends, and that’s totally fine? Cool, got it.” He shakes his head at the memory. Just a few weeks ago, he’d been walking to your locker to ask you out, only to overhear you telling Nancy that you wish he would disappear and leave you alone.
“Why do you even care so much?” Lucas asks, now thoroughly invested in the drama.
“Because he loves her,” Gareth pipes up, “and she thinks he’s an obnoxious prick, which is accurate.” He’s unfazed by Eddie’s glare, having been on the receiving end of his anger many a time. “Dude, you embarrassed the shit outta her in history! Why would she be nice to you?”
Dustin rolls his eyes. “What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Eddie insists at the same time Gareth says, “As soon as she walked into class, he jumped on his desk and shouted, ‘there’s the prettiest girl in Hawkins!’”
All of the guys let out a collective groan. “You can’t do that with a shy girl!” Lucas groans. If Eddie wasn’t six inches taller than him, he’d smack him upside the head. “Max would kick my ass if I did that to her.”
“She probably thought you were making fun of her,” Dustin points out, and Eddie’s face falls when everyone else nods in agreement. “Have you tried, like, talking to her and not at her?”
“No,” Eddie admits, scuffing the toe of his Reeboks on the tile floor. “Shit, I gotta fix this–I’ll be right back.”
You’re nearly at the double doors of Hawkins High’s entrance when you hear a familiar voice calling your name. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and muster up all of your courage, but your words still rush out too quickly. “I’m gonna tell Nancy that Hellfire wasn’t my scene. You’re in the clear, okay? Just…go away.”
But he doesn’t go away; he comes closer. The anger that previously flamed behind his eyes is extinguished, replaced by concern. “Can we talk?” he softly asks. “We can go in my van so it’s more private. Please.”
“Fine.” The desperation in his tone convinces you to give in. You follow him to the van, offering him the smallest smile when he opens the door and motions for you to go inside. Pushing aside a stray guitar pick, you take a seat on the carpeted floor. 
Eddie takes a deep breath, twisting his rings around his fingers nervously. “I, um, I’m sorry. For, y’know, the whole thing in history class.”
You suck your lip between your teeth before responding. “S’okay,” you mumble. You really want to tell him off so he knows how hurt you were by his teasing, but you can’t bring yourself to say the words.
“No, it’s not. I…I should’ve told you when it was just the two of us,” he counters, drawing a confused look from you. “What?”
“Told me what?”
“That I think you’re the prettiest girl in Hawkins.” He offers his own puzzled expression when you scramble to your knees and lean for the door handle. “Wait! Where’re you going?”
There’s a lump in your throat that you force yourself to swallow before you can speak. “This is obviously a big joke to you, Eddie. ‘Ha ha, let’s point out how ugly the nerdy girl is!’” 
“No. No.” Eddie’s voice is firm but kind. “It wasn’t a joke. I really think you’re the prettiest girl in Hawkins. And I like you. A lot,” he adds with a nervous laugh. “That whole, uh, performance was my way of flirting.”
You’re still unconvinced, cocking a brow in disbelief, so he continues. “How about this: since I embarrassed you, I’ll tell you an embarrassing secret. And if I’m lying about liking you, you can tell everybody.”
You relent for the second time today. “O-Okay. That’s fair.”
“All right.” Eddie rubs his palms on his jeans, slick with anxious perspiration. “So, remember that time that I got to class, all…sweaty and out of breath and stuff?”
You nod. “Mhm.” He’d told Mrs. Click that he’d been in gym class, but you knew he’d just come from lunch like you had. You’d figured he’d had a deal out in the woods and ran back to school. 
“Well, um,” he looks down at the carpet, “it was because I saw you in the cafeteria wearing this cute little skirt, and I had to…take care of myself. In the boys’ room.” He presses his palms to his eyes and says, mostly to himself, “No fuckin’ way did I just admit that.”
You’re shell-shocked. Like joining Hellfire, the skirt in question was another one of Nancy’s ideas to ease you out of your comfort zone. You had no idea he’d even noticed. “Y-You liked it?” you ask dumbly. 
“Ohhhh, yeah,” Eddie chuckles. “I gotta stop thinkin’ about it before…” His eyes drop to the zipper of his jeans, a small tent already visible against the seam, and he hurries to switch subjects. “D’you still wanna play DnD with us? I promise I’m usually less of a dick. And a perv.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I have my doubts about that last part,” you tease, only half-joking, “but, yeah. I would love to play with you guys.”
“Awesome.” Eddie’s face lights up. “And maybe after, you and I can grab something to eat? Maybe catch a movie or somethin’?”
Before you can chicken out, you kiss his cheek. “It’s a date.”
The two of you walk back into the school, Eddie’s hand on the small of your back. “Oh, um, one more thing?”
“Can you change into that skirt?”
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 11 months
Okay so assuming there is absolutely nothing going on come Halloween night, no ancient threats or out of nowhere invasions or anything, which of the HoM would be up for trick-or-trwating, from most to least hyped?
These 6 would be especially excited for trick-or-treat out of the lot!
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Their trick-or-treating would probably consist of them crashing people's homes (enemies and friends alike) to play some harmless (or not) pranks in the spirit of Halloween.
Randy just in general enjoys Halloween and dressing up. Danny is more excited to have Halloween fun with people not from Amity Park (or more like fun to mess with people who are actually afraid/get scared of ghosts unlike most of Amity citizens). Ben and Jun just likes any excuse to mess with people. While Zak and Rex are all up to have some relatively 'normal' fun with a group of friends (something they didnt have many opportunities for when they were younger).
The other three wouldn't mind joining them, but they would be more excited about hosting a big Halloween Party!
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Kim, Jake and Jenny always sought out more social forms of holiday celebration, and they really would enjoy hosting a big party, open to all of their friends, be they magical, alien or human. Rex would also be incredibly excited (if not to actually host but to participate in it) because it is another 'normal' experience he never had a chance to get before.
Also can you imagine how rad the party would be???
There is also another thing two of them would be very excited about...
Haunted House/Maze.
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Danny and Ben would get into a contest of who could make a better Haunted House/Maze for the party (with some assistance from Randy and Rex).
As I said before, Danny, with all his ghostly powers and expertese would be excited to make a Haunted House for people outside of Amity Park. While Ben would probably rise the challenge to Danny's efforts, saying that he could make a scarier maze.
And the truth is, despite all the ghostly things Danny can do, Ben would make a very decent opposition (and for why, you really need to only refer to Ben 10:AF episode Above and Beyond, that kid can be very sinister lol).
So the party would end up with two haunted mazes, one themed around ghost /spirits /magic, and the other themed around horror movies/sci-fi/aliens, which would fit really well, considering the diversity of their friends. ;D
also i dressed them up like that because
Danny as Phantom, dressed as Fright Knight because i just keep thinking about the dude. Danny as Fenton, a low effort t-shirt because he would be spending more time as Phantom.
Randy as Sorcerer, because despite defeating him, Randy can admit that he was pretty freaking spooky.
Zak as Francis (agent clone boy), because they planned to crash their agency HQ and Zak knew it would annoy Francis.
Jun as Loki of Marvel Variety, because she knows it would annoy Taylor (their universe Loki's demigod son) and it just amuses her in general how popular and different a Marvel Loki is, compared to that Loki she knows and is imprisoned.
Kim as Warmonga, mostly because i wanted to dress her as one of her enemies, but didn't want to go easy way of dressing her up as Shego or Dr. Krakken.
Jenny as Vexus, because Vexus design slaps and i wanted to.
Ben, Rex and Jake went the low-effort easy route (because they are like that), with Jake just freely walking around as Dragon (and people complimenting him on his scaly suit lol), and Ben and Rex transforming freely and whenever the want.
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prolix-yuy · 11 months
Crawling Back to You
Pairing: Incubus!Dieter Bravo x Virgin F!Reader
Summary: Have you no idea that you're in deep?
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, religious corruption kink, bastardizing prayers, brief drug use, mentions of alcohol consumption, grinding, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, breaking a hymen, descriptions of blood, biting and drawing blood, pheromone incubus anatomy, size difference/kink like whoa, monster transformation, monster fucking, PiV sex, wildly unrealistic sex, kind of dubious consent in the way that she has no idea what she's getting into so Dieter checks in A LOT, consent is sexy and monsters especially should ask for it, Reader has no idea what she's doing when it comes to summoning an incubus.
Notes: Like most things Dieter's involved in, it takes twice as long but you reap the most rewards. A little late for Halloween, but spooky season is 24/7 and I needed to put this out into the world as soon as possible. Very special gold star mutual thanks due to @ezrasbirdie who gave me the prompt for this story and then talked me through some of the ideas she had. Religious corruption kink is super new for me, not being raised in a formal religion, but it was incredibly interesting to explore in this way. Apologies for the sacrilege, friends, it's all in the pursuit of sexyness.
A big disclaimer! This is not a blueprint for losing your virginity! This is some wildly unrealistic sex, especially for someone who has never experienced PiV intercourse before! Please be safe and careful with your bodies. While we thirst over these scenarios and would love to take monster cocks, always practice safe and fun sex with partners who care about your comfort.
A second disclaimer that in this fic, the Reader defines losing her virginity as experiencing penetrative sex and breaking her unbroken hymen. Virginity does not look the same for every person, and each individual's circumstances may be very different. Virginity is also a social construct that has some gross stigmas around it, which we'll be briefly addressing. I've also kept the reader's age unspecified (18+ of course) but that she has gone to college, so whatever age you may be reading this, your own sexual journey moves at your pace and if/when you define that you've passed this milestone, that's the right time for you.
Cross-posted on AO3
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The lines chalked into your hardwood floors glow with a sudden and panic-inducing heat, smoldering as a phantom breeze whips around your kneeling body. The lights in your apartment flicker and dim as a sooty haze hangs around your ankles. Springing to your feet, you frantically search for something to smear the careful symbols to nonsense while a crackle of electricity raises all of the hair on the back of your arms and neck.
It’s much too late to go back now.
Something pulls in the center of your chest as the room expands and contracts like a great beast breathing. You try to stand strong but the tremble in your frame chatters your teeth. Suddenly the room plunges into darkness, and a crack echoes in your ears before the light swells back to full strength. Bracing yourself for what may be in the circle you foolishly copied, you peel open your eyes. 
Then, your mouth falls open, because never in your wildest dreams did you expect Dieter Bravo, famous actor, to be sitting in the middle of your half-assed summoning circle.
“What the fuck?”
He looks just as bewildered as you do, cross-legged on the floor and pulling his lips from a turquoise bong cradled in his lap. He’s wearing sunglasses - did you spirit him here from halfway around the world? - and an open silk bathrobe patterned with roaring tigers. The waterfall of folds bundle in his lap, and for a mouth-drying moment you wonder if he’s got anything on beneath. Then he shifts, billowing a cloud of skunky smoke at your ceiling and placing the bong at arms length. 
Well, he is wearing socks at least, pulled halfway up his legs and under Crocs. You don’t know whether to laugh or choke on your tongue.
“What the fuck to you too,” he grumbles, creakily getting to his feet and dusting little frills of ash from his shoulders. It’s now easy to see he’s sporting tiny black boxer briefs, and your eyes fight to land anywhere but there. They finally find the book, opened to the page you scoffed over until your finished glass of wine goaded you on.
“This can’t be happening,” you finally squeak out, shifting on the balls of your feet as you spin and press your fingers into your cheeks. 
“Sure is,” Dieter says, one hand on his hip and looking at you with naked curiosity. He’s swept back the robe on one side, showing off the shapely curve of his thigh, the soft definition of his stomach, how large his hands…
“I didn’t…I couldn’t have…you…go back,” you stammer, heart and head pounding. Does this mean you’re a witch? Did you honestly summon something with a book you rented from the library? Nothing makes sense with this man staring at you - practically leering - as you contemplate whether you’re having a dusty-old-book-based hallucination.
“Breathe, baby,” Dieter purrs, hands making soothing motions in the air between you. Taking in a big breath and letting it out explosively, you follow Dieter’s motions to sit down with him. The floor is hard and unforgiving on your bottom, but you criss-cross-applesauce with him as he leans back on his hands.
“Normally when I show up, people aren’t all that surprised,” he says, and his voice is raspy and sonorous in the room. You swallow hard, finding comfort in twisting the hem of your pajama shirt in your palms.
“Well, it’s pretty damn surprising to have THE Dieter Bravo in my living room,” you say, a momentary swell of pride when you realize your sarcasm hasn’t flown the coop with your sanity. Dieter chuckles, tilting his head onto one shoulder.
“Who were you expecting?” 
“Honestly, no one. Nothing,” you lie. Half-lie. You were hoping for something pretty specific.
“Very cute, but let’s not pretend we don’t know what’s going on here. I know exactly what you were hoping would pop up in this pretty little circle of yours.” 
Your eyes wander to his inner thigh, then snap to a symbol on the floor. 
“I thought…” You sigh, ducking your head. “I thought I was summoning some sort of…sexy demon. At least that’s what the book said.” 
“An incubus,” Dieter offers, and you nod. 
“But clearly something went wrong, because you’re here, somehow.” You scrub a hand over your face. “No idea how I messed up this bad. I didn’t even know you could mess up this badly.”
“Oh, you didn’t,” Dieter says in a carefree voice. “Mess up, that is.” You arch an eyebrow at him.
“But I got…you.”
Dieter leans forward, elbows on his knees as he cocks his head with a knowing smile. In the dim light of your apartment his eyes seem even darker than before.
“Exactly what you asked for. At your service.” He tips his head, tongue slipping from between his plush lips to swipe along his full lower one. A sudden patter of arousal grips your hips, and he half closes his eyes and breathes deep.
“That can’t…you’re Dieter Bravo.”
“You’re an…incubus.”
“Also yes.”
The next question blurts out of your mouth too quickly to stop.
His laugh is just as quick and breaks some of the tension digging into your spine. The warmth of it wraps your head in cotton, smiling along. 
“Oh, starlet, I should be pissed as hell to be pulled away from that fantastic party I was about to ruin, but this is turning out to be much more fun.” Your cheeks warm at the affectionate name. “How many people do you think summon incubi these days? A demon’s gotta get by.” He’s sliding closer to the edge of the circle but not moving past it. A small voice in the back of your mind notes that he might not be able to.
“So…acting,” you say, not without a little smirk. He seems to like that, smile stretching wider and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
“What, should I be slinging burgers?” he asks with another snort of laughter. “C’mon, don’t tell me it doesn’t make sense. Beautiful people, sex appeal galore, fast living and high octane relationships? I haven’t been hungry in ages.”
Your hands still in your lap, studying your fingers as you let the silence linger. Dieter allows it for a time before his voice pulls you back.
“But you summoned, and I came. You must have a reason.” 
Now that the silly half-buzzed fantasy is mere feet from you, saying it aloud is daunting.
“You’ll…you won’t get it.” 
His eyebrows lift in slow surprise. 
“Try me.”
You're turned on more than you’ve ever experienced in your life, and Dieter’s nostrils flare as his jaw ticks.
“I was having a drink. A couple,” you correct, the dregs of the bottle giving you away. “And I was just hating the way I was feeling about everything going on and I looked at this book and it seemed like a funny thing, to try and summon a demon…”
“Incubus, get it right,” Dieter purrs, and the air thickens.
“I didn’t think it would work,” you protest, hands coming up to cradle your temples. 
“But you hoped, enough to do all this work on the one day of the year when magic is easiest to grasp,” he teases, tilting his head to the side to catch your eye. It’s definitely not helping the situation that he’s Dieter Bravo, solid C-list star who’d captured your attention in more than one of his movies. Thoughts of his dark eyes and full lips drew your hands down your body on more than one occasion before…
Dieter growls low and frustrated. “Let’s cut to the chase, starlet. You’re laying out a buffet and I can’t even have a taste.” You blink owlishly at him before he smirks, licking an incisor. “I can smell how much you want me.”
Shock slams your mouth shut, face burning. Your traitorous body has failed you again.
“You called and I answered. I’m still in your circle, so you could send me away, but I doubt you know how to do that.”
He’s right. You’ve trapped him here. With little old you.
“Or, you could tell me what you really wanted when you spent all this time writing all these little symbols so carefully.” Dieter’s fingers dance along the chalk lines, smile turning cheekier. Steeling yourself, you let the truth out into open air.
“I called you because…I’ve never had anyone before.” 
Dieter’s face remains cooly neutral, but you can see his nostrils flare briefly. 
“You’ve never…”
You shrug, self-deprecating smile cutting through the awkwardness.
“I’ve done some things, by myself, but never…I’ve never had sex with anyone in the…classical way.” The words are starched and wooden but hit a chord with Dieter. He repositions to sit back on his knees, hands splayed on his bare thighs. The smooth expanse of his chest begs to be touched.
“I thought I smelled something special here, and I was oh so right,” he rasps, nipping at his lower lip while he drags his eyes over your body. “Human virginity is a social construct, but inexperience in pleasure? Being allowed to revel in your body discovering all the ways it can feel? That is a rare treat.” 
You don’t expect the sudden rush of emotions at Dieter’s eagerness. Years of people either finding you broken or fetishizing your “purity” had given you an even larger complex than you thought. 
“It’s not…fucked up that I’m doing this?” you ask. 
“What sounds better to you, letting some Chad fumble through trying to pleasure you when his dick can barely handle your sweet cunt, or allowing someone with centuries of experience give you everything you ever desired?”
Your aforementioned cunt knows which one she wants.
“May I ask why you’ve waited until now?” he says, interrupting your railroading thoughts. Shyness and shame clouds your eyes.
“My parents were very religious. Lots of ‘thou shalt nots’ and ‘obey thys’. But I wanted to be a good daughter. So badly.” Dieter’s eyes are darkening as you speak, fingers pressing divots into his thighs. “So I did everything they said. Followed all the rules. And I grew up their perfect little girl. Never got caught sneaking out with a boy, never drank or smoked or anything.” 
“How…boring,” Dieter comments. It stings between your shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much all I heard when I went to college. That I was boring for not liking weed. A buzzkill because I was nervous about breaking rules. And sex…”
Here you swallow, your lower lip trembling before you bite it back. 
“I thought I was doing everything right. Everyone told me I was doing everything right. And then I get into the real world and nobody wants…” Looking up you catch a softer expression on Dieter’s face, true understanding blunting the lust.
“How have these fumbling fools tried to pleasure you?” he asks, and maybe the wine is still thrumming in your veins (it’s not), but your tongue is looser than it’s ever been.
“Grinding mostly. I think they’ve…cum…but I don’t. Not like when I do it myself.” 
Dieter snarls softly. “Fuckers,” he rumbles, an oncoming thunderclap crackled with electricity. 
“Every time I feel like I’m damaged goods,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I thought maybe this would…fix me.”
The lights in the room dip low as Dieter chuckles. Darkness seems drawn to him, settling around his shoulders like a fine stole.
“Betrayed by the God you worshiped so faithfully,” he muses, rolling his shoulders and licking his lips. “Don’t worry, starlet, I’ll take care of you tonight.”
“Can I…do anything for you?” you ask. Dieter’s smile softens, tutting quietly.
“Believe me, you’ll be perfect,” he praises, the heat in your cheeks even more unbearable. “Like I said, I’m rarely hungry anymore, but your arousal will be delicious. I’ll gorge myself on your peaks and leave you sated…and ruined for any after me.”
That should be a warning. It only makes your want greater.
“Okay,” you breathe out. Dieter’s smile widening again. Are his teeth…sharper?
“Now we can fuck to our heart’s content in this summoning circle here,” Dieter says, tapping his finger in the air. Motes of copper light and sparks rain down from an invisible barrier. “I’ve had more challenging obstacles. But if you would like me at my best, break the circle starlet.”
Standing back up, you retrieve a cloth from your kitchen table. When you return Dieter is standing in the center, prowling ever so slightly in his tiny prison. You move to wipe the line connecting the circle when…
“Are other celebrities incubi?” you ask, kneeling in front of him with open curiosity on your face. Dieter’s predatory smile quickly shuffles to confused and incredulous.
“I mean, maybe, I don’t keep close tabs.”
“Tom Hiddleston could totally be one. Or Robert Downey Jr. Heck, maybe Marvel just employs incubi to keep their revenue going…” Leaning down, you move to wipe the mark. 
“Strange little starlet,” Dieter chuckles, and a warm breeze tickles the back of your neck. With one swipe the circle is broken.
“Hannah Waddingham would totally be…” you start to say, nerves tumbling words from your lips, but thankfully Dieter’s stop them. 
He moves so quickly for a moment you’re sure he’s going to devour you, tear you limb from limb for imprisoning him. Instead he crashes your mouths together, hand firm on the back of your neck as his broad shoulders press you on your back. His hips slot between your thighs so smoothly you’re arching into them before you can think straight. Once your head is carefully lowered to the floor his hands find your wrists and press them above your head, maneuvering your thighs to wrap you around his waist. The dizzying feat of agility pales in comparison to his kiss.
Dieter commands your mouth to submit, tongue hot and lewd between your lips. You’re afraid you’ll choke on your own but he strokes delicate paths into the lush depths that keep you barely breathing. His lips are plush and yielding, pulling away to drag against the corner of your mouth or teasing the edge of your lips. And his teeth. You’d had boys clack against you, or press them harshly against your lips. Dieter knows exactly when to scrape them against your tongue, how much pressure to put with your lower lip trapped, the anticipation of them sliding against your skin before he dives in again. 
“What a soft, pretty thing you are,” he rasps, and there’s a deep grinding quality to his voice now. Like stones moving slowly past one another, it vibrates straight to your clit as he inhales deeply behind your ear. 
“Dieter…” you manage, his face lifting from his ecstasy to study your own. His eyes are somehow losing the edge of white, expanding into inky blackness. He lazily laps at his lower lip, and when you lean up to kiss his chin he snarls and presses deep into your apex.
“I’m sorry, starlet, I forgot you’ve been waiting to break promises,” he teases, sliding a hand down to knead at your ass. As quickly as you were laid out you’re suddenly in the air, legs wrapped around Dieter’s waist as he carries you out of your living room. His strength has you feeling light as a feather, barely a nuisance as he searches out a place for his plans.
“The bedroom.” You motion to a half-opened door and Dieter’s knowing smile precludes entering. 
“Eager, aren’t we? What if I wanted to lay you out for everyone to see?”
The image of your body laid bare, covered in moonlight and monstrous hands, flutters your eyes as the bedroom door shuts behind you.
“No, tonight you will remain in my confessional,” he says, kneeling down on the bed and letting you fall back into the mess of pillows and sheets. 
“You’re very fond of religious metaphor,” you rib, rubbing your thighs together as Dieter sheds the robe and his Crocs, a brief moment of clarity bubbling a giggle up your throat. Dieter’s motions slow as he regards you again, kneeling between your legs.
“Maybe I am rather fond of…corruption,” he husks, the word lighting on your skin like sparks. “Maybe I like seeing you forsake all for me.” 
If he asked, you just might. The high of his attention is so great.
“But in this moment, what I mean is we will speak no lies in this room.” His hands trail down your thighs, and now your body remembers it has no experience from here. You shake, heart pounding as Dieter crawls up your body with only brief brushes to guide his way. “My promise is that you will know pleasure as great as I can offer. And you will tell me everything you think, and feel.”
He hovers over your body, broad enough to block the paltry light through your window.
“Would you like to be pleasured?”
“Yes, Dieter, please.” 
His smile is wicked, and the scrape of his fingernails up your ribcage arches your back. In a fluid slide of his fingers your shirt is over your head and tossed into darkness, leaving you bare-chested under him. He hums with appreciation as his face descends, curved nose dragging along your tender skin. Time hangs in the balance as you tense for what may come, but Dieter only traces dizzying paths with the tip of his nose and the fullness of his lips. Up one side of your ribs, placing kisses at intervals, then along the underside of your breast. His hot breath warms skin, nipples hardening sharp and sensitive at the scratch of his facial hair. Then down the center of your stomach, a long and cyclical detour around your bellybutton. Stomach trembling, he hushes you as his fingers slide under your waistband and bunch your sleep shorts and underwear in his hands. 
Another fluid drag and you’re nude, still swimming in endorphins at Dieter’s skilled touch. It’s only when hot palms wrap around your knees and begin easing them apart do you balk. Instinctively you clamp your legs together, heat flooding your face. Dieter tuts, smoothing his hands up and down your jittery thighs.
“What are you afraid of, starlet?” he asks, ghosting his fingers over the apex of your sex. Just the brush against your mound steals your voice, that same hot shame and anxiety pulling you in on yourself. When you don’t answer, Dieter commands more firmly, “Look at me, sweetheart.”
Dragging your eyes from the ceiling back to him doesn’t help. He’s all mischievous eyes and knowing smiles, pressing a kiss to both of your knees as he rests his chin on them. 
“I can make it easier for you,” he says, fingers finding a soft crease in your hip and stroking along it. “Give you something for the nerves, for any pain. I’ll only let you feel good here with me.” 
You take two more grounding breaths and ease the pressure on your knees.
“”Sorry, I’m just…no one’s ever…” you say, but before you can explain your woeful inexperience he’s wedging his way between your legs and holding your thighs open in his firm tight grip. 
“I’m the first to taste this forbidden fruit?” he asks, and you clench involuntarily. He waits as you gather yourself enough to nod. A deep, dark chuckle falls from his lips. “Starlet, you have no idea what you’re in for tonight.”
The question claws up your throat but no sooner has he glanced at your pussy he’s diving in to press his tongue deep and sweeping through your folds. The velvet slither arches your back off the bed, a strangled cry earning a satisfied hum between your legs.
“Holy shit, Dieter, oh my god,” you rasp as he flicks his tongue in fast swipes over your clit. It’s foreign and taboo, so much wetter and softer than your fingers and you can barely stop your hips from bucking into his mouth. One hand presses you down to the bed, his chin tilting up to catch your eye. Slick shines his mouth, and your pussy throbs when you realize his eyes are the shiny black of nightmares and creatures used to the dark. 
“No god here, sweetheart. Only me. Only take my name in vain,” he growls, and the rush of blood in your ears speeds up when you realize the hand pressed on your abdomen spans the width of your hips. Black-tipped claws indent the flesh, prickling your skin just shy of pain. Dipping low again, Dieter swirls at your entrance and prods in, nose pressed tight to the button of your pleasure. The supple stretch is unfamiliar, pulling at a primal need to let him fill you. It tightens your thighs and shudders you against him as he forces you down again, the bite of claws a sharper warning. His jaw doesn’t stop, plunging and delving into you as deep as he can manage. 
“Dieter, it’s never…oh fuck, it’s never felt this good before, please…please, I can’t stand it,” you beg, a rush of slick coating his tongue. Now a true snarl seeds your cunt, and in the charcoal dark his silhouette thickens, shoulders broadening under your knees. He pushes you further up the bed, pulling even greater cries from your chest. Dragging his tongue from your sopping hole, he sucks greedily on your clit, hands wrapped around your waist to lift you half off the bed. Suspended and flowing with arousal, your hands unclench from the sheets and circle his wrists. The skin is hot under your palms, and they dig deeper in at your scrabbling touch. It’s not enough, so with a boldness you pull from a dizzying depth you bury your fingers in his curls. 
At first touch they’re soft. Long enough to wind around your fingers. You give a gentle tug and swear you feel a shudder around you. But as you bury them deeper another sensation tickles your palm. Something unyielding and curved, smooth like bone. Two protrusions fit in the webbing of your thumb and forefinger, short enough that the blunt tip brushes your knuckles. Horns, you think. A demon is eating me out and he has horns. And where you might have tried to wake yourself from a nightmare at this thought, instead you wrap your fingers around them and tug.
Like lightning something changes in Dieter. His lips tear from you with a roar that fills the room, your mind, spreading like forest fire and drying your mouth out. You hold on as he drops you back to the bed, the sound still ripping from his throat. Then there’s pain, supernova-like in intensity and scorching through arousal and fear. Your eyes snap down to Dieter’s mouth, but it’s no longer defiling your pussy. It’s clamped hard on your inner thigh, air puffing sharply through his nose. The pain radiates, and you realize he’s bit you. Not an overzealous love bite, you can feel the puncture of incisors and pump of blood into his mouth, the same pattern as your racing heart. Your hands release his horns, pushing you up as your mouth drops open in horror. 
“Dieter,” you gasp, but with his horns released the pressure abates. His eyes open slowly, catching your terrified face. The curve of his brow morphs from surprise to apology to determination. Then a thumb presses firmly to your clit and circles it, washing pain away with pleasure teetering right on the edge. His fangs remain in your thigh as you stare at him, incredulity on your face but pleasure rocking your hips. He adds pressure to the bite again, speeding up his fingers as your brain struggles to differentiate one from the other. 
Then, just as your spine begins tingling and your fingers go numb, one slick finger penetrates your cunt, smooth and deep, barely noticeable compared to the symphony of sensations. Like a reward, Dieter gives you the final stroke that crashes your orgasm over him, slamming you back to the bed as pain and pleasure and shame and exhilaration floods your brain. You barely register Dieter’s jaw releasing, fingers working you through your orgasm as the slow laps of his tongue lull you back to your body. Every muscle quivers, attempts to sit up failing twice before you manage to come up to your elbows. 
Between your legs Dieter is pressing devotions to the spot he bit, open-mouthed kisses with peeks of tongue soothing the injury. His finger is still inside, a lazy caress of your walls foreign but not unpleasant. Finally he lifts up to his knees and turns his attention back to your face.
“I’m sorry, starlet, you got me a little too riled up there. I’ve fixed it, but you might be sore tomorrow.” A bloom of teeth circle your inner thigh, but no blood oozes out. You felt the pop, felt him inside you, and somehow he’s taken it back. “Can’t have you injured because of me, not very professional.”
“I hope it stays,” you pant, fingertips tracing the dark marks. The tenderness arcs down your spine. 
“Fuck, you’re made for sin, starlet,” Dieter purrs, and now your attention can turn back to him. Grounding yourself with a healthy, “oh fuck,” is the only way you can fathom what he’s become.
He towers over you even kneeling, broad body only more tantalizing as he’s grown in stature. The well-known triangle tattoos you’d seen in paparazzi photos are joined by swirling patterns up and down his arms, concentric rings and text you can’t read patterning his skin. Where only wild curls were before now jut two smooth horns, curved away from his face and looking suspiciously similar to a goat’s. His skin almost steams in the room, wisps of smoke or condensation haloing his silhouette like an ominous aura. 
Then his hand flexes again and you realize how full you are with just one finger inside, even observing how thick and wicked they’ve become.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, and there’s only a hint of teasing now as he works his finger inside.
“It’s…okay,” you gasp, staring at the place where you’re connected. His thumb ghosts over your clit again, but so soon after your high it’s over sensitive, making you hiss and tremble. 
“Shhh, starlet, just relax. Thought it would be better to take advantage of the pain.” With a final stroke that lights up your nerves he slips out, holding his fingers up for you to see. They’re wet with your arousal and a little blood, a lot less than you thought. “Now that’s out of the way, we can take our time giving you the best fuck of your life.” With a knowing smile, he pops his fingers into his mouth and licks them clean. 
“Fuck, you really are…an incubus,” you say, acquainting yourself with the dull ache of your loss. There isn’t much fanfare, no swelling of emotion. If anything, breaking your hymen is probably the least memorable part of your night. Dieter’s smile falters briefly, and in a dizzying turn of events he shrinks back, closing in on himself. Ducking his head, you might think he was embarrassed, or shy. It looks stranger than the horns on him.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Touching the horns got me a little too worked up. Let me open you up on my fingers for a little while longer, that’ll give me enough time to…change back.” His smile is sheepish now, hands roaming your thighs and stomach. Instead of the skin-crawling terror you thought that would instill, you’re practically preening under his touch.
“Is this you? This form?” you ask, and you let your boldness move to your hands. You stroke your fingertips over his, investigating the smoothness of his claws, how the joints of his fingers are more pronounced than yours. He scoffs an uncomfortable laugh.
“Uh yeah, mostly. But you’ll have a lot more fun bragging that you lost your virginity to THE Dieter Bravo,” he redirects, shaking his head like he’s annoyed he’s not that man yet. 
In your brief and paltry handful of intimate moments, you never considered yourself bold. You’d let men touch you until your discomfort was too much, or your embarrassment pulled to the forefront. You never asked for the touches you enjoyed, or sought out the pleasures you dreamed of. But now, with a creature that’s endearingly vulnerable before you, your voice is finally strong enough to be heard.
“I’d like you to stay this way,” you say. Sitting up further, you skim your hands up his arms to cup his face. Your touch snarls his lip briefly before he settles.
“You can’t handle that, starlet. I’ve kept my human form reasonable, but you will not be able to take my cock,” Dieter husks. Tugging your wrist down to his waist, you palm him through fabric barely able to contain him. Thick and long in your hand, he drops his head and thrusts against you and gets bigger.
“Ruin me, then,” you whisper, filthy and naive into his ear. “I’ve waited all this time, saved myself for no one but you. Make me take no lover but you. Make me pray to you for ecstasy.” Leaning in to the metaphor rewards you. With a dangerous rumble he pushes you flat on your back, one hand wrapped around your throat.
“You want this, starlet? All of it?” he grits out, sickening cracks and pops echoing in the room. His hips force yours wide, planting his other hand by your head and carefully watching your face. The shine of his fangs whips your heart into a gallop, more ink dancing on his skin as he transforms from something beautiful to something magnificent. The room darkens perplexingly until you realize wings spread from his shoulders, thin light gleaming through the stretched web of skin. His aura crackles with molten motes, a whiff of fire and smoke making a home in your lungs. When he looks back at you, half familiar and half transcendent, his roguish smile brings one to your lips.
“Strange little thing, wet and ready for me,” he croons, removing his hand from your throat. A rip of stitching signals he’s as nude as you are now, and your eyes widen when the heavy length of his cock rests on your mound, curving past your navel and thicker than your hand can circle. 
“Say you want Dieter Bravo back, and I’ll have just as much fun wrecking you in that form,” he says, but there’s something cautious between you now. A shimmer of anxiety and distrust. You’re holding a thread of something truer than he intended to give you, and if you drop it you’ll never find it again.
“Can you help me make it feel good?” you ask, sliding your palms along his chest. Without proper pupils it’s hard to track his expression, but you think it’s awestruck.
“Of course, starlet. You’ve learned to cum from pleasure and pain, but I won’t have you suffer more than necessary.” Dieter leans down and cups your head, bringing your nose to his neck right where it meets his shoulder. “Breathe,” he instructs, and you inhale deep. Below the smoke and heat you smell sweet new earth, lush and fruitful. It makes your mouth water, clutching at his shoulders as he begins rocking his hips against yours. His monstrous cock slips in the wet mess between your legs, slicking the underside generously.
“Fuck, you arousal is so delicious, I could taste you for centuries,” Dieter whispers. Lifting up, he smiles at your dazed expression and wandering hands. They trace his features, lingering on his lips. “How are you feeling now?” 
You want him inside you, filling you up to bursting, to breaking. The need is hotter, all-encompassing. It’s surety that he won’t hurt you, that you’ll be shown pleasure beyond anything you’ve experienced. It’s lust but also trust. 
“Can you kiss me?” is what you say, and Dieter’s smile is a touch softer before he leans down and claims your lips. 
You swear you hear a hiss when he touches you, his skin scorching but not enough to burn. Parting his lips and nudging your jaw open, he traces the inside of your lower one with the tip of his tongue. One hand cups the back of your head, cradling you to his mouth, and with a forbidden thrill you realize his hands are now large enough that his fingertips caress the perimeter of your face. The threatening pressure of claws in your skin arcs arousal back in your cunt, winding your fingers into the curls at the base of his neck.
“Tell me if it hurts,” he orders, and with a magnificent beat of bat wings his silhouette glows with dancing light much like a breath sparking fire to life. The warm hue of his human skin has gilded to gold, tattoos moving along the dips and peaks of his body. Eyes black and fathomless, his smile is a lifeboat in a raging ocean. He lets the heavy weight of his tongue wet his lower lip as your eyes widen, hefty cock lifting from your mound to press at your entrance. Scrabbling fear overtakes you, and you clutch at Dieter’s shoulders as the pressure mounts. 
“Again, starlet,” he croons, but his voice is the rumbling of great stones moving over one another as you inhale deep of his scent. Cool water pours through your limbs, easing your muscles and letting your legs drop open wide. His other hand presses at your lower back and arches you off the bed, resting your thighs atop his own. Then, with a controlled push his head breaches you, wrenching a wrecked moan from deep in your chest. He stops as soon as he’s engulfed in your heat, the only betrayal of his own state residing in the long exhale of breath that tickles across your chest.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Tell me if you need me to stop,” he grits out, but you shake your head and roll your hips. It’s sloppy, inexperienced, but he moves ever so slightly within you and it punches a groan from between Dieter’s clenched teeth. 
“Please, Dieter, more,” you beg, his claws tightening around you again. Another measured advance, another wail, more snarling and groaning from the creature stuffing himself inside you. Whatever aphrodisiac he’s fed you is working magnificently. You’re full, the pressure intense, but the pain is dull and quiet. He’s watching where you’re joined so closely, stretched obscenely around his cock, waiting for your thighs to unclench before backing out and pressing deeper in. 
“Touch your clit,” he gasps, “Rub that pretty clit so you can take all of me.”
Your fingers are nowhere as decadent as his tongue but they pull bursts of ecstasy close to the surface. Venturing a look down, you’re dismayed to see he’s barely halfway there, so much more of his pulsing cock still to take. He already feels like he’s in your stomach, battering against your lungs. Tears spring to your eyes, lower lip wobbling.
“It’s not going to work,” you whisper, and even with the knowledge that Dieter could turn human at any point you still wallow in the rejection you anticipate. Not good enough for anyone, not even the person you called for.
“Shhh,” Dieter soothes, easing you back down to the bed. He tugs over pillows to tuck under your hips before covering you with his body, still looking in your eyes even at his towering height. “Breathe. Do you want me to stop? I can let you rest, change back to my human form. If you can take all of this…” His hips twitch forward, a soft cry tumbling out. “...then you can take my human cock perfectly.” With a tenderness your eyes water for, he strokes his thumb along your cheek. “Do you want me to stop?”
It’s already so much, so intense and mind-blowing, but you can’t help yourself. 
“I want all of it, Dieter,” you say, consequences be damned.
Much in the same way touching his horns unleashed something in Dieter, hearing those words unlocks something even more primal and greedy in his face. Dropping down to his elbows, he presses your face against his neck. 
“Bite,” he orders, the word igniting every pleasure center in your body. “Hard, starlet, give me one as good as I gave you.” The words are barely out before you sink your teeth into the crook of his neck, but instead of blood or other ichor you’re flooded with pleasure. The sensation rips an orgasm out of you, hips bucking on his cock. You register Dieter pulling out to the tip before slamming his hips into yours, seating himself fully inside your throbbing cunt. You don’t know how your body makes room for him, how you’re not screaming (well, maybe screaming some), but he’s inside you and littering your body with, “oh fuck, oh fuuuuucks” as he swirls his hips. 
“I did it,” you coo in pleasure-dipped delirium, head flopping back on a pillow as Dieter starts thrusting into you in slow passes.
“You sure fucking did sweetheart, look at that perfect pussy taking my monster cock,” he praises, now sliding along your clit with focus. The overstimulation rolls right into desire again as your cunt learns how to gorge itself on pleasure. 
“It feels…good,” you say, bearing down on his thrusts to meet him with a little more force. He purrs in admiration, starting to speed up ever so slightly. 
“Yeah? Like how good you feel all stuffed full?” Dieter asks but it’s nonsense now, his focus pulling between your face and his cock pumping in and out of you. There’s a little more pain now, places where his cock brushes that zip sharp up your spine, but it’s far from unpleasant. In fact, you might like it. Maybe really like it. 
“More, Dieter. Want to feel you. Please,” you moan, restraint flickering in Dieter’s eyes. 
“Fuck, baby, you can’t say shit like that when I’m so deep in you, I won’t be able to…” His thought falls off as his thrusts speed up, a little more force at the end each time. It’s kissing at something devastating inside, something clawing its way to the surface through years of shame and dread.
“Please Dieter, I’ll beg for it. I’ll…” Your brain wraps around a wicked idea. “I’ll pray for it.”
That does the trick. Dieter’s lips curl back in a snarl as he rears up to his knees, wings spreading to fill the room with only him. Hands gripping your hips, he looks down at you not like a lover, but like a fallen god. 
“Then do it, starlet,” he challenges. His smile is cool, but his cock twitches in your cunt. You have him. 
“Glory be to you, Dieter,” you say, and hellfire light erupts around him. Dragging himself out of your cunt, he holds tight as a bowstring.
“And to your…fucking massive cock,” you continue, eyes rolling back as he fills you to the brim. “And to your true form, in all its beauty,” you add, softer now, drawing his eyes back up to you. Time hangs as he studies your face before dipping down and sealing your lips with a kiss that means too much for words. When he lifts away you finish the prayer.
“As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.”
Dieter’s smile glints.
“A-fucking-men,” he rasps, giving you just enough time to press your hands against the headboard before he starts railing you. 
You’re lost in pleasure and ache and sin and Dieter pounding recklessly into your cunt. His grip paints bruises along your waist, battering thighs marking the inside of your hips. His claws dig into your flesh and sharp scrapes tighten your nipples. Hands roam up over your breasts, around your neck, pressing your wrists into the bed as ominous splintering and cracks echo in your ears. 
“Another before I cum on your tits, sweetheart,” he pants, spitting down onto your clit and circling it with vigor. You cry out, hips bucking as the thickness of his cock impedes on your quivering walls. “It’s so close baby, just cum around me. Let me feel you cum on all my cock this time.” 
“I can’t,” you cry out, shaking and sobbing around him. Dieter tuts, his rapidly increasing slap-slap-slap of thrusts maddening. 
“You can, and you will starlet. You didn’t think you’d take my cock. I didn’t think you’d take it, and look at you now. So you’re going to cum. You’re going to cum now.”
The order shakes the room, pictures rattling on the wall as a final flick hurtles you off into oblivion with Dieter’s roaring triumph right behind. He’s somehow still fucking his cock into you even though you’re so tight it almost hurts to be cumming so good. A final crackling roar and you’re achingly empty, followed by a hot splash of cum across your stomach. Then another cresting your breast, and more and more until you’re covered in it, sticky trails sliding to pool in your bellybutton and drip over your sides onto the covers. Dieter is gasping above you, glowing like a sacred artifact as he pumps the last drops from his cock. 
You close your eyes once and it’s a mistake. As soon as you let your eyelids touch exhaustion grips you, fighting your desperate attempts to reopen them. It’s battling this bone-deep tired when you experience Dieter’s return to a human form. The horns receding, tattoos fading to just the ones that grace tabloid pages. The wings fold away, and soon a sexy as hell rumpled and soft body replaces the supernatural one. 
“Wore you out, starlet?” Dieter Bravo asks, kneeling between your parted knees with a rakish smile. You try to return it with a nod but your whole body is heavy, the mess barely bothering you. Dieter hums thoughtfully, and in a few moments a warm washcloth is cleaning up his cum.
“Side effect of my influence, helps a lot in the moment but it’s got some pretty strong sedative properties. Good for a speedy exit.” His chuckle sounds faraway now, even as you try to clutch at it.
“Stay,” you manage to croak out, hands seeking his body. You find his hair again, nose buried in your sex as he licks softly at your folds. The building ache there creeps back down to something dull and manageable.
“Our contract is up, can’t stay once you’ve given me what I’m owed.” Dieter’s lips start leaving small kisses along your abdomen, fingers soothing your skin. “Even if it was very, very good.”
“Please,” you try again, racking your rapidly puttying mind for anything to keep his hands on you. 
“Even when you say it so sweetly,” Dieter says, but there’s melancholy now. It glances off your fingertips as sleep pulls you under. 
In the between world of dreams, you think he says something more to you, but Morpheus snatches it away. 
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Hail, starlet, full of grace, Dieter is with thee. 
This might be the silliest thing I’ve ever…well, hmm…
Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, all those delectable orgasms you gave me.
Holy starlet, bringer of…something special.
Pray for this sinner.
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There’s blood on your sheets when you wake, though less than you expected. There’s also less pain, though the ache takes your breath away when you sit up too fast. Hobbling to the bathroom with the cool pink of morning light guiding, you inspect your body in the mirror. 
You don’t look much different than before. Some strange notion of losing your virginity making you suddenly appear “mature” is dashed away. Maybe there’s a little glint of a secret in your eye, but not much more. Actually, surprisingly not much more. You expected bruises, scratches along your body and love bites marring your landscape. Instead your canvas is unblemished, no marks or injuries to hide. It’s almost as if he’d never been there.
Sitting down on the toilet, you wonder if maybe he wasn’t. That you dreamt up debauchery due to food poisoning or someone spiking the punch at the Halloween party. You couldn’t possibly have summoned an incubus. 
A dark mark inside your thigh catches your attention, and any doubts dissipate. A ring of teeth, four larger fangs prominent, marrs the inside of your thigh. Brushing your fingertips over the circle, the skittering thrill of those memories settle in your chest. 
You ride on the endorphins for a few days, a handful of people noticing. A work friend tries to interrogate you on it but “a lady never tells” is a saucy enough reply for her to give an approving look. You buy a new bed online, the base of yours splintered to ruin, but you keep the cracked headboard like a souvenir.
Online dating doesn’t seem as daunting now that you’re not so worried about the dreaded “first time.” You even accept a few dates, meet some generally nice men with generally boring personalities. They don’t make your heart race like a certain celebrity whose name you googled briefly before slamming your laptop shut. They certainly don’t kiss like him, or make sexy little jokes or terrify you as much as intrigue you. 
So for a while you try to move on. There’s no other option, right? Dieter Bravo the Movie Star would never give you a second thought. Dieter Bravo the Incubus surely has better things to do, more lascivious living. So you try to find something even remotely like what you felt that night.
It’s mid-November when you find yourself sitting on your living room floor again, piece of chalk in hand. You lit candles this time, bought black lace lingerie, made yourself up to feel pretty. It doesn’t help your shaking hands as you pull the rug off the summoning circle. Touching up a few spots, you settle by the broken line where you released Dieter. It all popped off when you completed the circle last time, so with a deep breath and a swipe of the chalk, you reconnect the chalk.
And you wait.
And wait.
A bulb in a lamp flickers but it’s brief. An errant breeze almost snuffs out a candle. But nothing happens. Your knees are sore, eyes watering but you blink the tears away. 
It was a long shot, you have to admit. A fluke chance, never to be repeated. You’ll have to settle for something bland, safe, loving but…
Nothing like Dieter.
You’re about to get up from the floor when one other idea tempts you. Something you thought he might have said before leaving you ruined.
Pray for this sinner.
Clasping your hands in your lap, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. 
It’s been a long time since you last prayed.
“Dieter…” you whisper. The fine hairs on your neck rise up, but you press on.
“Dieter, I pray to thee,” you continue, closing your eyes. “Come to me in my hour of need.”
A pause, then a final entreaty. “Please.”
A rumble creeps into your body, tiny puffs of candles snuffing out reaching your ears. You dare not open your eyes yet, too hopeful for disappointment. Instead you wait, and hope.
A hot hand, thick fingered and human, slides up your chest, over your throat and cups your chin. Relief floods your body, melting back against a solid chest and chuckling lips.
“Hello, starlet,” Dieter croons in your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist and tucking his head into the crook of your neck. Your fingers search for curls, burying in his hair as you lace your fingers with his.
“You came,” you breathe, sparks igniting on your skin as he presses a line of kisses from your shoulder to your ear.
“How could I not, when you prayed so sweetly?” he teases, tugging you back to sit in the cradle of his crossed legs. “Smart of you to try the circle, but outside of all hallow’s eve you don’t have access to enough power for that trick.”
“But you came,” you repeat, turning your face into Dieter’s ministrations. He nips at the side of your jaw, soothing it with his lips before murmuring a confession into your skin.
“I hoped you would call again.”
A thick emotion swells in your chest, and you spin in his grasp to crash your mouths together. The momentum knocks him backwards to the floor, letting you straddle his waist and feast on his ample lips. His hands roam your back, reverent in their paths. When you break to suck in lungfuls of sweet air he leans up to mouth at your neck, possessive hand on your ass urging you to grind against him.
“Have you let anyone else fuck you?” he growls. To your delight the anxiety and trepidation that colored your first encounter is nowhere in sight. You smile wolfishly down at him.
“How could I? You’ve ruined me for any man,” you tease, and under your body he writhes, the whites of his eyes trading for inky black. “Plus, one time is hardly enough to know if I even like sex. I’ve barely begun to explore.”
The fangs flash between his kiss-swollen lips, and under the promise of any delight you desire you glimpse the even more exciting fondness that will draw you back to him again and again.
“Then we have a lot of work to do.”
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Crawlin' back to you Ever thought of callin' when You've had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I'm too Busy bein' yours To fall for somebody new Now, I've thought it through
The Arctic Monkeys, "Do I Wanna Know?"
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heavenlyhischier · 11 months
𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬, 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬, 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐙𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬
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word count: 3.4k
summary: three’s a party, right?
warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ CONTENT BELOW— smut, threesome, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), spitting, slight degradation maybe, drinking mentioned
note: i’ve never written something like before so like pls don’t judge me too harshly ahhaha. z is a tiny bit neglected but not by much
It was the weekend before the actual day of Halloween, and Nico’s apartment was packed to the brim of people dressed in various types of costumes. Some went all out, while others grabbed a last minute costume from spirit halloween, but one thing everyone had in common tonight? They were all absolutely hammered and having the best time of their lives.
You had gone dressed as Sidney Prescott with Jack going as Ghostface, and you would be a liar if you’d said his costume didn’t turn you on a little. When he’d slipped the mask on, all you could of was him hovering above you as you laid underneath him, completely and utterly at his mercy. The most unholy thoughts flooded your mind, and they were all you could think about as you watched him mingle with his friends.
Nearly everyone doubled over in laughter when Trevor, whose team was conveniently in town the same day, showed up to the party dressed in the same exact costume as one of his best friends. When the two of them playfully pointed at the other before embracing each other in a friendly hug, you couldn’t stop yourself from biting your lip as you let your mind wander to something that is shameful for someone who was secretly in love with their best friend. You blamed it on the alcohol, but God you couldn’t stop imagining them both. 
You were talking to some of the girlfriends and lost sight of Jack a while ago, but you didn’t really mind much. He was off having fun with his teammates and that’s all that really mattered to you. The girls around you were keeping you plenty company, and you enjoyed being around them just as much, if not more, than Jack and his friends. Cat was finishing up some of her work gossip when you politely excused yourself to go to the restroom.
The half bathroom was occupied when you tried the door, so you went further down the hall to where the guest bedroom was. Ensuring that no one was fucking on the bed, you pushed your way inside and darted towards the bathroom. Breaking the seal wasn’t exactly ideal for the night, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer without risking a UTI and you’d simply rather die than do that.
You were in the middle of washing your hands when the door was pushed open and someone was stepping into the bathroom with you. You came face to face, well face to chest, with a ghostface costume, but you couldn’t tell if it was Jack or Trevor. You knew that Jack was slightly shorter than Trevor, but in the moment, you couldn’t fucking tell, or maybe a part of you didn’t care.
“Jack,” You’d still asked as you wiped your wet hands on your jeans. 
He simply cocked his head to the side, taking another step towards you so that your chests were touching now. He carefully dragged his fingertips from the back of your hand and up the exposed part of your arm, sending a shudder through your body as goosebumps rose on the skin. You can faintly make out the silhouettes of their eyes through the mesh part in the mask, but it was giving you no clue as to who was behind it. 
“Trevor,” You tried again, heart slamming into your ribcage as his palm hovered over the expanse of your neck.
All he did in response was take your jaw in the palm of his hand, his thumb brushing over your lips. He applied a slight pressure to them, silently telling you to open before he slid the digit into your mouth. Your eyes were wide as he gripped your jaw and held your mouth open before carefully lifting the bottom of his mask to show just his mouth.
Definitely Trevor, you thought to yourself. If Jack knew that you were in such a position with his best friend, you’re certain that he would never talk to you again and any chance you’d had with him would be out the window. A part of you felt guilty, but another part of you wanted this as much as he did, so you told yourself to give in to your desires for the night.
You let him tilt your head back and watch as he brings his lips close to yours, but he stops just before they’re touching. Your fingers twitch towards him, wanting to pull him close and close the gap between you, but you stop when you realize what he’s doing. Trevor lets his saliva slowly fall from his mouth and into your own, keeping your mouth open by squeezing your jaw. 
“Don’t swallow,” He orders, letting his mask fall back down into his face as he lets go of your face, “On your knees.”
Without hesitation, you sink to your knees and peer up at him, waiting for him to make another move. Trevor rips the cheap black piece of cloth off his body, revealing a tight fitting t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants underneath it. It also provides you with the exact confirmation you’d needed that it was him; his unbelivably attractive tattoos. 
He quickly slides his pants down his legs and lets his cock spring free in front of you, your pupils dilating and your already open mouth dropping even more. He jerks his head towards you, and that’s when you take his length in your hand. You grasp the base of it, gently squeezing as you lick a strip from where your hand ends to the tip before wrapping your mouth around it. Trevor lets out a low moan, his hand cupping the back of your head as your tongue swirls around the sensitive head.
You use his saliva mixed with your own to wet his cock as you slowly took him in your mouth as much as you could until tears were pricking the corner of your eyes. Just as you’d moved your head back, you heard the guest room door opening and you were pulling away from Trevor with eyes as wide as a deer who’d been caught in the headlights. 
“Hey have you seen- Oh,” Jack stutters when he sees you kneeling in front of his best friend, “What’s going on?” 
Trevor says nothing, instead looking down at you through the mask that’s still covering his features, but you know he’s got a smug look on his face. Your already racing heart increases tenfold as you stare at Jack, trying to get your mouth to form a coherent sentence, but you were coming up blank. How do you tell the best friend you’ve been sleeping with that you were about to give his best friend a blowjob?
“Jack, I—,” You tried, but you snapped your mouth shut when Jack switched spots with Trevor and he stared down at you.
“It’s okay, baby. I don’t mind sharing,” He teased, tilting your chin up with his fingers so you were looking directly at him, “Now, why don’t you go take your clothes off and lay on the bed.”
Your throat dried as you attempted to wrap your head around what he was saying. He remained standing in front of you, his mask discarded somewhere that wasn’t his head as he waited for you to do what he’d asked. Jack could see the gears turning in your head, and it amused him. He’d caught you off guard with his suggestion, little did you know he’d planned it.
You slowly stood and walked out of the bathroom, taking notice that Trevor was locking the door as you started to strip yourself out of your clothes, but you were stopped by Jack grabbing your bicep.
“Are you okay with this,” He asked, his voice soft and careful, “All you have to say is no and we can walk away.”
You always melted into him when he looked at you the way he was; like you mattered. His soft blue eyes were boring into your own, calculating the way your face moved as a way to gauge what you were truly thinking. He wanted— No he needed to know you were okay with it before they continued.
“I’m okay with it,” You nodded.
Jack let go of your arm and let you finish undressing while he watched, admiring each and every inch of your body as he did. His eyes flicked towards Trevor, who had now removed his own mask, and was mirroring the same expression, minus the hint of love that Jack held in his gaze. He felt his cock strain in his pants when you were completely naked in front of them, eyes still wide and full of feigned innocence as you glanced between the two.
Jack knew you were waiting for him to tell you exactly how to lay on the bed, so he did. He’d wanted you on your back with your head slightly hanging off the bed, and that was the moment you knew exactly what was going to happen. The pool between your legs grew with anticipation as you crawled onto the bed and positioned yourself like Jack told you.
You felt someone move between your legs, their hands gripping your thighs and spreading them apart. It was only when Jack stood in front of you that you realized who was were. You felt Trevor began to kiss up the expanse of your inner thighs, and the feeling had you throwing your head back in pleasure, your mouth dropping open in a soft moan. Jack used the opportunity to grip your chin and keep it steady as he brought his dick to your mouth.
“Be a good girl and open your mouth for me,” He goaded, gently caressing your cheek.
You did as he asked, doing your best to stay still when Trevor swirled his tongue around the swollen bud between your thighs. The moan you let out vibrated against Jack’s dick, and he swore he could’ve came then and there from the sensation alone. You hollow your mouth out and flatten your tongue as Jack begins to thrust into your mouth and Trevor licks between your slit before his tongue finds your clit again. 
Trevor’s fingers slide through the slickness of your center, brushing against the place his tongue just was and sending jolts of pleasure through your body. He slides his fingers into your aching pussy, and you had to force yourself to focus on the fact that Jack was in your mouth so you didn’t unintentionally hurt him. Trevor flattened his hand on your pelvis and pushed down, holding you in place while also intensifying the feeling of his fingers as they curled inside of you.
“Fuck, baby, you’re doing such a good job,” Trevor prasied from between your thighs, his words humming against you, making the coil in your stomach tighten.
Jack said something to Trevor in return, but you could barely focus on anything as fingers slowly pumped in and out of you, brushing against your g-spot with every curl of them. From the feeling of your lips wrapped around his dick and your moans and whines that vibrated against him, Jack was nearing his breaking point. His hips slowly began to stutter as he thrusted into your mouth, and it was only when he’d thrusted a little deeper and elicited a gag from the back of your throat that he was releasing himself in your mouth.
Meanwhile, Trevor was working his mouth against you as he quickened the pace of his fingers when he’d felt you wiggle your hips down closer to him. Jack watched as his friend devoured you like he hadn’t eaten in his days, and he watched as your fingers tangled in his hair while moans of ecstasy filled the guest room of his captain's apartment. He’d felt bad for anyone who walked by, but it was only a fleeting thought before your moans grew heavier and louder as you came all over Trevor’s mouth and fingers.
Your orgasm washed over you in a wave of euphoria, stars dotting your vision and mind hazy as you fell from your high. When Trevor removed his fingers from you, your walls clenched at the empty feeling, yearning for something more. Your eyes were still closed as you felt Jack’s hands lift your body up so your back was pressed against his chest, his lips attaching to your neck and fingers ghosting over your nipples.
“Thought you could sneak off and fuck my best friend like a slut and I wouldn’t know,” Jack groaned when you pressed your ass into his hard-on, “Gonna give Z the same attention you give me?”
“I don’t think she was gonna do that,” Trevor snorted, climbing onto the bed in front of you, “She thought I was you at first, anyways. It was hilarious.” 
Your cheeks flushed as Trevor outed you, but you had no time to speak up before he was crashing his lips on your own. Jack had dropped his hand down to your center and was sliding his fingers through the remnants of your orgasm. A moan tumbled from your lips when he prodded at your entrance, and Trevor used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You maneuvered your body so that you were sitting on Jack’s thighs, pressing against his hard length as he fingered you. As Trevor’s hand grasp at your breasts, you blindly reach out and take his cock in your hands, swirling your thumb over the head.
“Oh fuck,” Trevor groaned, briefly pulling away from your mouth as you pump him in your hand.
Jack removes his fingers from your center, and the whine you let out into Trevor’s mouth morphs into a moan when you feel him slide the tip of his length through the juices between your legs. Your grip on Trevor tightens when you feel Jack slightly push into you, both boys hissing at the feeling.
You can’t think of anything other than the way they feel, the way they sound, the way they touch you. Your mind was clouded by only Jack Hughes and Trevor Zegras, and that was okay with you. Never in a million years did you think you’d end up in the position you were in now, but you know that it was something you were never going to forget. 
“Scoot back, Z,” Jack tells him, his fingers digging into the fleshy part of your hips to stop you from taking any more of him inside of you.
Trevor pulled his mouth away and carefully moved away from you, tossing you a wink as you gave him a confused look. Jack’s grip on you tightened as he lifted your hips up and pushed your body forward, your hands coming out in front of you and his cock staying in you.
You fell him press his chest against your back, his fingers carding through your hair as he huskily speaks into your ear, “You wanna be a slut, I’m gonna fuck you like one.”
“What about Trevor,” You ask, noting the way a flicker of jealousy flashes in his eyes.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Trevor teased, taking your chin in between his thumb and forefinger and moving your stare away from Jack, “Hopefully your jaw isn’t too tired.”
Your jaw was tired, but you didn’t mind it when Trevor was presenting himself in front of you. The pressure on your back from the man behind you disappears, but it was replaced by a pressure in between your thighs. If it weren’t for the hold on your jaw, your head would have fallen forward as a whimper passes through your lips when Jack buried himself inside of you.
Trevor gathers your hair in his hand like a makeshift ponytail as he guides your mouth to his cock. With the force from Jack’s thrust, you unintentionally take all of Trevor in your mouth and he’s hitting the back of your throat. A mangled gag escapes you as bob your head against Trevor and Jack is slamming himself inside of you.
Jack’s hand comes in contact with your ass, a sharp, pleasurable sting coursing through your body. He’s set a rhythm that he knows you enjoy, but he’s hitting into you deeper than he ever has before. He feels you clench around him and he’s letting out a string of curse words as he stutters in his pace.
Trevors grip on your hair tightens when your teeth carefully scrape against him, and he finds himself slightly enjoying the feeling. You had pulled your head back, Trevor’s length nearly all the way out of your mouth so you can swirl your tongue around the head. The moan he lets out mixes with Jack’s, and you swear you’ve died and gone to heaven in that moment.
Jack is reaching around you to place his hand between your legs, his fingers rubbing circles in your clit as he quickens his thrusts. Tears of pure rapture fall down your cheeks as you take both of them inside of you, the feeling inside your stomach growing with each thrust and each passing movement of your head.
Trevor’s cock begins twitching in your mouth, and you knew it was only a matter of time before he was releasing his load into your mouth. You let out a quiet hum, a trick you’d learn from the many blowjobs you’ve given Jack before, and it sent Trevor toppling over the edge. His hips stutter into your mouth as the sticky liquid shoots down your throat.
Jack watches as his best friend removes himself from your mouth, a string of saliva mixed with cum falling from your mouth. A part of him is grateful that Trevor was done with you, because now you were all his. He can sense you’re close by the way your walls clench around him and your moans become breathless and needy, and he’s not far behind.
“C’mon, baby,” He prods, “Want you to cum on my cock.”
You let out a scream that you’re certain anyone within a close proximity could hear, but that was a thought that was so far out of your mind it might as well not even be there. Jack slams into you a few more times before your second orgasm is crashing into you at such a force that your arms give out from underneath you.
Jack is still ramming into you, but you feel him start to slow as his own release nears. Your walls milk Jack for everything he’s worth as you clench around him, his hips bucking into you as he fills you with his cum. Your face is pressed against the mattress as he stills inside of you, his breathy pants echoing throughout the room.
You feel him pull out of you, and that's when you open your eyes to see that Trevor had slipped out of the room unnoticed. Jack carefully lifts you off the bed and pulls you against him as the both of you attempt to catch your breath. Your mind is still foggy from what had just occurred moments prior, and your vision is still slightly blurred from the tears.
“Good job, pretty girl,” He mumbles into your ear, hand stroking your hair as he holds you, “You took us so well. Now, get dressed before someone else needs to use the room.”
Once your clothes were back on and you’d tidied the room after Jack left, you carefully slipped out of the guest room and joined the rest of the party. You found the girls, who were still in their same spot from before. They’d asked where you had gone, and your cheeks flushed as you replayed what just happened in your mind. They immediately began teasing you, begging for details, asking if it was good, asking if they were good.
You weren’t ashamed of what occurred, but you’re aware that wasn’t exactly a group setting conversation, so you just shook your head and mumbled something about kissing and telling. You hoped that no one knew, but when you glanced at Nico, the way he avoided eye contact with you told you that he’d heard. Well, at least you took the sheets off the bed.
let me know if you see any mistakes! also ik the ending kinda sucks but endings are my worst enemy
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vipwinnie · 11 months
Love spell
Halloween special n°3
Theodore Nott x reader
Summary: For fun, you decided to create a love spell and it may have worked
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The day before Halloween was filled with excitement and anticipation, but I had something else on my mind. A certain Theodore Nott had occupied my thoughts for quite some time. He was charming, intelligent, and there was something about his mysterious demeanor that had me captivated. The problem was, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him, let alone confess my feelings.
That evening, my friends Hermione, Cho, Ginny, and I had a sleepover to celebrate Halloween's arrival. We had our share of laughter and spooky stories, but as the night went on, I couldn't shake the thought of Theodore. In a fit of giggles and a few too many sweets, I had an absurd idea.
"What if," I said to my friends, "I make up a fake love spell for Theodore ?"
They all exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. "A love spell? You really think that would work?" Hermione raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident.
I shrugged. "Of course not, it's just for fun. I'll make up some ridiculous incantation, and we'll all have a laugh."
Ginny grinned mischievously. "Sounds like the perfect Halloween prank. Let's do it!"
So, we gathered our ingredients, a mishmash of herbs and candles, and I made up the silliest incantation I could think of, rhyming words with "Theodore Nott" and "hearts caught." We lit the candles and chanted the made-up spell, our laughter echoing through the room.
I went to bed that night, amused by our antics, thinking it was all in good fun and that nothing would come of it. But as I lay there, the room bathed in the soft glow of the candlelight, I couldn't help but think of Theodore one last time before drifting off to sleep.
The next day ,Halloween had arrived at Hogwarts, and it was a night of excitement, magic, and enchantment. I couldn't have been more thrilled to spend it with my friends Hermione, Cho, and Ginny. We decided to prepare for the grand Halloween party together in the common room of Slytherin House.
As we gathered in front of the mirror, the room buzzed with excitement. Cho looked devilishly stunning in her demon costume, complete with intricate red makeup and horns. Hermione, on the other hand, embodied an angelic presence with her flowing white gown and feathered wings. Ginny exuded a daring pirate charm, wearing a black vest, a tricorn hat, and an eyepatch.
And then there was me, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. My costume was a short, red outfit with a corset and a neckline that, I must admit, was quite revealing. I couldn't help but feel slightly self-conscious as I adjusted the hood on my head.
Hermione smiled warmly and fixed my costume with a gentle touch. "You look lovely, don't worry."
Ginny chimed in, "Absolutely, you're going to turn heads, especially Theo's."
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, but I couldn't help but wonder if Theodore Nott would be at the party. I had secretly admired him from afar for quite some time, and the prospect of seeing him at the Halloween celebration added to my excitement.
After we were ready, we descended into the Halloween party in the Slytherin dormitory. The room was transformed into a spectacular spectacle of Halloween magic. Pumpkins adorned every corner, and cobwebs clung to the furniture. The haunting glow of candlelight added an eerie ambiance to the festivities.
As the night went on, we danced and mingled, and I couldn't help but feel more confident in my costume as I embraced the Halloween spirit. My friends were right; I was turning heads, and it was an exhilarating feeling.
Just when I thought the evening couldn't get any better, Theodore Nott entered the room. He was dressed as a dashing vampire, and my heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. The allure of his presence was undeniable.
As the night continued, I couldn't help but steal glances in Theodore's direction. The Halloween party was filled with enchantment, but it was Theodore who had truly bewitched me. I hoped that somehow, amidst the magic of the night, our paths would cross, and we would share an unforgettable moment.
But for now, I joined my friends on the dance floor, lost in the joy of the Halloween celebration, my heart brimming with the magic of the night and the enchanting possibility of love.
A little later in the evening, Theodore saw him approaching the dance floor. Maybe he was just going to dance a little, you tell yourself. But that thought was quickly put aside when he approached you. Theodore asked, "Would you like to dance?"
My heart soared with excitement, and I gladly accepted his invitation. He extended his hand, and I accepted it, feeling the warmth of his touch as he led her onto the dance floor. The music enveloped us. His hand rested gently on my waist, and I could feel the electricity of his touch coursing through me. 
We danced with grace and an unspoken connection, lost in each other's eyes. Time seemed to stand still as they twirled and swayed, their laughter blending with the music.
As the song drew to a close, he held me close, their breaths mingling. It was a moment I wished would last forever, a moment I would treasure as a memory that would stay with me, etched in my heart. 
 We swayed to the music, lost in the enchantment of the moment, and I couldn't help but wonder if the fake love spell had somehow turned into a real one.
In the end, it didn't matter. Whether it was magic or fate, I was finally getting to know Theodore Nott, and Halloween had turned into a night of enchantment I'd never forget.
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otterneuvillette · 11 months
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⋆🍷— pairings: vamp! wriothesley x fem! vampire hunter! reader
⋆🍷— Sypnosis: You are Fontaine's biggest vampire hunter (Van Helsing vibes) and your dream is to eliminate all vampires in Fontaine. You were trying to lure one of the oldest existing vampires, Wriothesley at the Musée du Vampirisme until someone approached you. Confrontation ensues.
⋆🍷 — content: fem! reader, angst, spicy but NOT SMUT‼️‼️ (OOC wriothesley?)
⋆🍷 — A/N: In favor of the spooky szn, I give you this!! (Also Reader has a history of some sort with Wriothesley. Also sorry if this is too rushed and doesn't make sense, I was trying to finish this before Halloween lol!!)
You wandered through the marble halls of the Musée du Vampirisme, marveling at the exquisite artworks on display. You paused in front of a particularly alluring painting, captivated by the man depicted in it. It was a portrait of a man, in his late 20s or so, his eyes held a icy stare piercing through at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine.
"Quite a captivating piece, isn't it darling?" The voice was deep and smooth. The voice had a mysterious tone that both intrigued and unnerved you.
A tone you knew all too well.
Your crazy plan worked! But now what?
"It is. It's really truly one of a kind." You said, before realizing what he said.
Your eyes widened, cheeks ablaze with embarrassment.
The nerve of this-
"Did you just call me darling?!"
"I did indeed, my dear." He replied, gaze still fixed on the painting before us. His demeanor was still casual, the mystery of his character only making him more annoying. 
"I don't see a problem with that, do you?"
You huffed in annoyance, Wriothesley could see the feistiness in your spirit, the burning life in you.
And he loved every second of it.
"You know, darling, your fiery temper only makes you more desirable." He turned his attention to you, his gaze never leaving yours. "Don't you agree? I would assume that you are quite the passionate lady." Wriothesley took a step closer to you, unable to resist your innocent charm.
"And you, my lady, do you know who the man in the painting is?"
Oh? He's playing coy with you now, well, only two can play that game.
"A Night Child, or in human terms, a vampire."
You explained.
"This painting specifically was painted in the 1800s. The peak of vampirism, where vampire activity was at its highest."
"Very impressive darling. You know your history." Wriothesley nodded approvingly. "It's not every day I meet a lady so knowledgeable about that time period." My gaze became more intense, and I could see the way it affected you. 
"Would you like to know something else about that painting, my dear?"
"Hm?" You made a noise of curiosity. Wriothesley leaned closer to you, his gaze still locked on your frame. "That painting is, in fact, a painting of myself." 
He gave you a satisfied smile, allowing the truth to slowly sink into your mind. He knew how he had one-upped you, that he was leading this game, he loved the way your expressions changed as you went through different emotions: confusion, shock, disbelief-
As soon as it happened, your expression turned blank, emotionless.
"Oh, I know." You chuckled with a toothy grin, eyes shining with familiarity.
"Did you enjoy my expressions, Monsieur?"
Wriothesley's eyes narrowed, slightly upset that you were poking fun at him so brazenly. You noticed how his eyebrows furrowed a little, and you smirked, knowing that you'd won.
But it's okay, he'll have to make sure that you get what you deserve later.
You cleared your throat, and you saw how his eyes darted quickly to the movement.
"Hello, Wriothesley. Fancy seeing you in the museum after closing hours, no?"
A faint smile curled up on Wriothesley's face. 
"Hello, my sweet. It's been a while since we last met, no? You must be that hunter the humans speak of. I've heard rumors about you; your abilities, your tactics, the number of vampires you have slain over the last few years." 
He paused, admiring the way you carried yourself so far.
"That's quite a reputation you have created for yourself. It's a rare sight, that determination of yours. I don't know if it's by sheer luck or recklessness that kept you alive."
"Hah! It seems like my reputation precedes me!" You grinned wolfishly.
Wriothesley swears he could feel the waves of pride escaping you, it was adorable actually.
He chuckled, still admiring your strong sense of self. 
"Indeed it does. It seems like you enjoy this little game of ours, but let me tell you, my dear. You have no idea what you're going up against. I am a vampire of the ancient world, my powers have been cultivated for centuries. There truly is nothing like me; no other vampire in this world can match me."
His voice still carried a hint of amusement, you could tell that he enjoyed this little game of dominance with you.
"And I have taken down many powerful vampires Fontaine could offer!" You kept your gaze dead straight on his, the confident grin still plastered on your face.
"So, what are you doing here? Any ill intentions on that head of yours?" You asked.
"I don't have any ill intentions, my dear. I simply came here to appreciate some old-world artwork. You know, humans were a lot more artistically inclined back then."
He took a deep breath, in a bit of a teasing tone. "And I must say, you look quite fascinating too, my lady. Your beauty, combined with your fierce attitude...quite the combination, to say the least."
"Hmm...your sweet talk will never work on me this time, Wriothesley."
You said, enjoying the conflicted look in his eyes.
Wriothesley's grin widened, the confidence in his words growing even larger. 
"And who's to say I want it to work on you. If anything, I enjoy my reputation being challenged by an outstanding young lady such as yourself..."
He took a deeper breath, slowly approaching you. "But, what if I want to taste your beauty, your fierce attitude. What if I simply want to...devour you?"
"I wouldn't want to try that if I were you. I've got my reputation for a reason, you know? Fastest kills in this business."
"Is that a challenge? I don't see how a little woman like you could ever overpower me. Just look at me...I stand before you as a vampire lord. No one can possibly resist me."
His hand ran through his hair, and I looked deep into your brown eyes. "But I also cannot deny that I am quite intrigued by this little game of ours. It has been so long since I last saw a mortal that could match me."
You gave him a cocky grin and took a step closer, so now you're basically toe to toe with him.
His gaze locked on yours. The smell of your sweet blood was intoxicating, and I felt my fangs itching to pierce your skin, to taste all of you.
"Tell me, my dear, would you mind if…I take a little bite?"
He leaned in closer to you, lips just inches from your neck. Wriothesley's voice was whisper-quiet as if asking you for a forbidden delight.
The glint of silver under your coat shines brightly underneath the museum's lightning. The sharp blades lined up against your belt prepared and enchanted.
"Don't try it, Wriothesley."
Wriothesley let his tongue dance across his fangs, words becoming an intimate whisper in your ears. 
"...Please...I beg of you."
He was completely and utterly drunk by your beauty. Your blood, it was calling his name. He wanted it too badly, he'd been fighting these urges for so long, surely he couldn't wait any longer
"...I want to take a little bite." His breath was heavy, and his voice became more desperate...hungry even.
"I will sink this blade into your heart if you try."
You growled, challenging him.
Wriothesley couldn't help but be impressed by your determination. A human being who was always prepared; always ready for a fight. You were different from the rest, the ones who cower in fear at the sight of a vampire.
"I see that, my dear. I see that. But I also see this...what is it? A necklace, an amulet, around your neck." 
His gaze was locked on the glinting, pure silver you wore. It was too obvious to ignore. "Tell me, what does it do?"
"It doesn't concern you."
Your bluntness and self-assurance intrigued him even further. "Oh, but you see, my dear...it does concern me. I am the one who has to deal with it, after all.
He took another step closer to you, hand reached out towards the necklace. His other hand remained ready to catch the dagger if you decided to strike.
You moved at a speed, pulling out a vial from the many pockets of your coat, the speed of it even stunned him.
Before he could say something, you had already crushed the vial in your hand.
The scent of your blood fills the air and Wriothesley gets distracted from it. It was sweet but in a mellow smell, a little flowery. The same scent that he used to remember.
His face contorted as he could smell something else than your blood that corrupted the scent that he craved.
Holy water.
Wriothesley snarled, his gaze went back up to you, and his eyes narrowed. His fangs bared and his eyes let out a dim glow.
"No human in his entire life had ever been able to pull off something like that." Wriothesley thought.
He could smell the faint scent of the holy water wafting through the air, and his body tensed up. He was too distracted by the beauty of your neck, by the lure of your sweet blood. That moment of distraction almost cost him his life.
"My goodness, my lady. You're quite dangerous." He whispered, his fangs glinting in the dim light. "How did you obtain this?"
"I have my ways, connections to the church and all." You shrugged, your hands dripping with your own blood. The holy water slightly stung your wounds.
Wriothesley took a deep breath, the smell of your blood still lingering in the air. 
"You're smart to come prepared. Too many hunters have come at me unprepared, cocky even." He laughed.
"I had to give you credit. You seemed to be the only hunter that could possibly match me. Your beauty combined with your intelligence made your presence even more alluring..."
His grin grew even wider, fangs gleaming with more intensity. The thought of your lovely blood trickling down his throat...the image alone sent shivers down his spine.
"Now tell me, Wriothesley, why were you following me here?"
The two of you stood facing each other, one hand bloody and another one clenching into a fist as an act of self-control.
Time to put the plan into action.
His eyes widened in surprise. "I wasn't following you! I merely happened to be here for a different purpose." He took a few deep breaths to keep himself calm. He couldn't give you any hint of the real reason he was here.
"I came here to appreciate the artwork, as I have previously stated."
He lied.
"And I must say, what a coincidence that you happen to be here as well. But do tell…why is it exactly that you also happen to be here, my dear?" Wriothesley's eyes narrowed. He had already suspected it, but he still wanted to hear it from your mouth.
"I was trying to see if you were following me." You said, it was kind of the truth yet also a lie.
You were trying to lure him here.
A faint, sly grin appeared across Wriothesley's lips. "You really think I am dumb enough to follow you around, without even hiding my presence?"
He took a step closer to you, his face dangerously close to yours. The scent of your blood intoxicated him, and it was becoming more difficult to control himself. "I am not the type of vampire to just follow you around without you knowing."
He moved his lips closer to your neck, voice was barely a whisper. "After all, I'm much more subtle."
"But let me ask you something, my dear. What if I really was stalking you from the shadows? Would that have scared you or made you feel more…exhilarated?"
He paused, his warm breath lingering on your neck. A faint smile curled up on his lips. "It certainly feels like the latter in this moment. The thought of a vampire stalking your every move, with you never knowing. Is that why you're so tempted to give yourself to me, my dear?"
"I never said that I would give myself up to you!" You teased, turning to face the other side.
"No, but the way that your voice trembles when you speak to me, and the way your body shakes ever so slightly in my presence." He tilted his head.
"You may be brave, my little dove. But your heartbeat has been racing in your chest since the moment you first saw me. And there is a reason for that."
He stepped closer to you, my gaze fixated on your skin. "We both know your secret desires deep in your, my sweet child,"
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, and your temper flared up again.
"Lies. I feel no such thing."
You whispered harshly, stepping away from Wriothesley.
"Tell me, my dear. Why do you fight me? Don't you want the bliss of surrender? I can provide you with everything you've ever longed for."
"There's nothing you can provide me that could sway me from my path!" You exclaimed.
How dare he-
Wriothesley laughed, closing his eyes for a moment. He savored your boldness, your stubbornness, your courage.
"Is that so?" He said, in a teasing tone. "That path won't be for much longer if you get in the way of my plans."
His eyes opened, and he locked them onto yours. "Tell me, if you could have anything you wanted, what would it be? Money? Power? Fame? I can provide all those things if you just abandon that hunter path of yours."
He chuckled silently. He was still enjoying our little game. The moment of tension, of uncertainty, of danger. It was such an intoxicating feeling. He loved seeing the way you stood your ground, but also loved knowing that your will could be broken.
"But what if I don't want those things?" You asked, your voice quiet.
"I already have everything I need, it would be selfish for me to ask for more."
Wriothesley didn't understand your response at all. Was it stubbornness, or was it courage? Perhaps both.
"Selfish? What an odd reply coming from my little dove."
"Why would it be selfish to ask for everything your heart desires?" He said in a whisper.
"What if I'm the person who can grant you that wish?" He offered.
You chuckled, before cocking your head to the side.
"I don't need anything from you, but, you want something from me."
Wriothesley chuckled, unable to deny the truth of your words. "You're very perceptive. Yes, I do want something from you." He paused, thinking of the exact wording I wanted to use. "I don't just want something. I crave something you have inside you."
His fangs were sharp, and my lips were so close to your skin. "And that, my little dove, is why I've come here."
"Come on, won't you let me have a taste of your irresistible blood?"
"I'd kill you if you tried." You said in a low voice, eyes glinting with a dangerous glow.
Wriothesley smirked. "Kill me how exactly? With this tiny silver dagger you carry?"
He glanced down for a moment, then looked back up at you. His face was filled with amusement. "If you can manage to pierce my heart, then by all means… I'll welcome the sweet release of death."
Wriothesley was not cocky. nor arrogant. Death is the only thing that ever truly frightened him. And yet…the sight of you holding a silver dagger to his throat while looking into his eyes with that determination of yours, was truly enticing.
"But before that happens, I want to savor your beauty. I want to feast my eyes on your delicious neck, I want to have you right here in my arms." He moved my face even closer to yours, until your lips were centimeters away from each other.
"Imagine you and I together. A mere human girl, and an immortal vampire." His voice was filled with passion and seduction.
The two of you were so close from each other, so close from being united in a sensual embrace.
But then you pushed yourself away from him.
Wriothesley let out a faint growl as you jerked your body away from him. The smell of your fear and panic excited him. He wanted you to give in to your desire. He wanted you to throw that dagger away and surrender yourself to him.
"C'mon, my little dove. Isn't this what you want? Isn't this what your heart has been longing for?" He reached for you again. "Come to me, little one.."
"N-No! I will not fall for your tricks again—"
You rushed towards the doors, breathing hard. Puffs of steam escaped as your warm breath met the cold air of the museum.
He watched you run towards the doors, his hungry gaze fixed on your body. The shape of your hips, the curves of your legs, the soft texture of your skin. He wanted to have you, and he wanted it now.
Quickly, Wriothesley moved over to you. He grabbed your wrist and forced you to halt. He moved his face closer to yours, once more. "Now why are you running away my dear? Do you not want this as badly as I do?"
He leaned in, just centimeters away from your neck, right above your pulse point.
Wriothesley couldn't help but savor this moment. The look of fear and doubt on your face, the sweet temptation of your slender neck. He didn't want to hurt you, but his urges were so difficult to control.
"But what's life without a little danger, my sweet dove?" He whispered, his lips lingering just above your skin.
"Just a slight taste…I promise I won't even break your precious skin…" He panted slightly, his cold breath sent shivers down your spine.
You managed to slice him with the silver blade on his arm as he was distracted by the scent of your blood under your skin.
"Let go of me!" You growled.
Wriothesley's eyes widened, and he quickly let go of your wrist. "My my, my little dove." His voice was dripping with amusement. The smell of your blood, the taste of your fear, was more arousing than it ever was before.
"I'll be honest with you, my dear. You're an incredibly fascinating human being. You've impressed me with your boldness, your courage, your resilience."
He held up his bloodied arm, the smell of blood lingering in the air. "And now that you've hurt me…I want you even more."
He ran my tongue against the cut, the taste of blood only serving to heighten the desire he already felt.
How he wanted to drain you dry, to let you slowly dissolve inside of him. The way your eyes fluttered in fear, the way you trembled before him…
"Tell me, my dear. Are you sure death was still your preferred option?" He whispered. "After all, death means an end. And I can offer you an eternity of pleasure if you just came with me…"
"I swear, I will kill you. I'm letting you off easy here, let me go, or I'll make sure you won't see the light of the moon anymore." You threatened him.
This wasn't going the way you planned at all.
He chuckled, my eyes sparkling with sick and twisted joy. "Such boldness, my little dove. You're right, this does turn me on."
He moved even closer until your faces were just a few inches apart. "A mortal like yourself has the gall to threaten me…an ancient vampire." His hands slid up your arms, his cold, undead skin against yours made your heart skip a beat. "Do you know how adorable that is, my dear?"
Wriothesley couldn't help but let out a faint growl. There was something different about you than the other hunters he had encountered before. You weren't the type to back down. You had fought back even when everyone else would've been terrified and run away. Your courage was alluring, your spirit intoxicating.
"Your fearlessness. Your determination. It arouses me, my little dove. I want more." He moved one of his hands to your cheek, caressing your skin with his thumb.
"Please don't resist, my dear. You'll only make this more addicting for me."
"I understand perfectly, my sweet dove. But do you understand what happens if you don't give in to me?"
He was staring deep into your eyes with his hypnotic gaze. "The longer you resist me, the harder I will find it to control my urges. And if your luck runs out, there will be no one to save you from me. Not even your precious Archon."
"Surely you want to survive, my sweet dove. Just let me have a taste."
You hesitated.
But then you had an impulsive idea, and it could just work. Maybe your plans on killing him might work after all.
Yet now, you felt as if you couldn't bring yourself to kill him.
You loved him still.
So you settled for the next option, capturing him.
"Fine." You whispered, pretending to give in.
He smirked as you finally gave in, and your lips came in contact with his. The taste of your lips, the warmth of your breath. The softness of your skin. It was all so addictive.
He parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slip inside. He had let out a deep moan, body trembling with pleasure. Wriothesley didn't want this moment to end, he didn't want you to escape.
The taste of your blood was on his tongue, and he had never wanted anything else more than to drain you dry.
The two of you remained like that for a few moments, your tongues locking in a playful battle for dominance.
After what seemed like hours, Wriothesley pulled away, breathing heavily. Your blood was on his tongue as well, the sweet taste driving him wild and he had to admit…
He had never felt more alive than ever.
Suddenly, it all stops.
His voice was barely above a whisper. "What…have you done…?" As soon as you had kissed me, the hold he had tried to control had weakened. He could feel your heartbeat throughout his body. It was louder than usual.
He realized that you had sedated him with some kind of special tranquilizer.
He stared at you, suddenly realizing what you'd done. His lips parted slightly, breathing growing more labored. "Darling..." He whispered. "Why did you do this…why…"
His heart grew heavier, and his racing thoughts began to dim.
"What…what's happening…?" He moved my hands towards his chest, his heartbeat growing increasingly erratic. "Y/N…what's happening, please…"
"I'm sorry, my dear. I just need you to go under for a bit." You whispered, gaze turned cold yet you felt pity in your heart.
"It shouldn't kill you, just knock you out as I capture you."
"Why you…" Wriothesley's voice was strained, his breathing shallow. My eyes grew heavier, and his legs gave out from under him.
He crashed into the floor, unable to move. "My dear…" He gasped, his hands clutching his chest. "…please…darling"
His thoughts blurred, and his breath was shallow as he tried to remain conscious. "Don't….make me…sleep…please…my love…"
"Goodnight, Wriothesley, I'll promise I'll keep you safe from the church."
Wriothesley remained unresponsive as he listened to your voice, his body limp.
He was completely at your mercy, a state he had never experienced before.
A small smile spread on his lips, his heart flickering with joy. He felt alive. He also felt loved, and desired. He was no longer alone. There was someone who cared for him.
It was such a strange feeling.
A tear fell down his cheek as he drifted into unconsciousness, his thoughts quieted down.
He prayed that the next time he woke up...
It would be in your arms.
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kestrelteens · 1 year
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Okay so I had this idea even last year! But I had already done my pumpkin patch (I peaked here lmao) and I was really bummed out that it was constantly crashing and unplayable (it was on the biggest lot size possible) so I decided to wait until this year to execute it! 🎃
So here's Will O' The Wisp's! It's a functioning restaurant inside a carved Halloween pumpkin? Yes! I thought why not? It's silly and it's cute and totally in the spirit of Simblreen. 👻
And it's got everything your simmies might need for an unforgettable spooky time: fine dining, a pumpkin patch to stroll through, a woodsy area with a big screen for some scary movie viewing and a concert area where you can listen to your neighbors rock 'n' rollin'. 💀
Have a looooot of fun! 🦉
download (sfs) // alt download (mediafire)
A bit more technical information (and preview pics) are under the cut! Please read it in order to make this community lot work properly in your game! It's super easy ♥
There's actually not much CC so I packaged the lot with all of it, please let me know if something's not showing up for you and I'll help you out ♥ Please use CleanInstaller.
BUT the lot was built with invisible walls so I'm assuming you need them in your game or else the pumpkin is going to look really weird lmao. You can get them HERE and they're super easy to install.
Other than that, you need the invisible door and the invisible tiles. Your sims will be walking through the pumpkin because I placed it on this special OMSP, so make sure to get that as well.
The pumpkin mesh is originally by vintagesimmer and I converted it and re-textured it completely for this purpose. It's included with the download so please, just in case, plop it in your Downloads folder 'cause it's the most important thing. I so desperately wanted to make it 'hood visible but unfortunately I didn't clone it the correct way from the beginning and would have to start the entire thing over, so... :(
Other than that, it's all good I guess? 🎃 Here are some more preview pics:
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I WANT A HALLMARK HALLOWEEN MOVIE. Put in the same energy as they do in their Christmas ones.
Like I know they did do Halloween movies a couple years ago but it’s not what the people want.
Those are like almond mom Christian movies that take the fun out of the spooky month.
I want coco to be replaced by pumpkin spice. Snow replaced by fallen leaves.
Girl moving into a small town and somehow finds herself at the widowed lumberjacks barn who turns out to be Frankensteins monster or moth-man.
I don’t want a Christmas prince! I want a Halloween prince. Where we get married on Halloween and by some lazy writing our baby is born on Halloween!
Decorating the Christmas tree with the town bad boy? I want to carve pumpkins with the loner werewolf.
I want that corny romance stuff. With a sprinkle of Halloween spirit of spooky miracle. Idfk.
I doesn’t even have to be hallmark that does it. There are tons of other small studios that make those kinds of movies. I just Halloween girlies to feel special.
busy businesswoman from New York City is back home for her small hometown's annual Halloween Festival/ Parade/ Celebration. She thinks Halloween is corny and for kids but also her birthday is October 31st- a fact she tries to keep secret from the rest of the town although her family eventually lets it slip.
she has a meet ugly where the town handyman jump scares her with a plastic skeleton Halloween decoration and she trips back and falls into a puddle of mud ruining her busy business suit! the man isn't a bad guy though and he gives her a change of clothes and hey- she actually looks better dressed down out of that stuffy suit.
She's still pissed though and is in the middle of threatening him with the dry cleaning bill when her Execntic Uncle/ grandpa/ town old man walks in and officially introduces the two. Definitely not a werewolfman, who's been doing all this work setting up the town Halloween festival and Female Lead Back from the big city for the holiday and for some convoluted business reason too. even though they might not like each other now they have to at least be polite for the sake of this weird random old man they both know.
It becomes clear that Definitely Not a werewolfman is too kind for his own good and keeps trying to make everyone happy by promising impossible things at the Halloween festival and puts off planning and arranging things to play with kids and drink warm apple cider with old ladies so Female Lead has to step in with her busy business skills and get things in order, things start to fall into place and hey- they make a pretty good team. and even if Werewolfman isn't as serious as her new york boys...maybe that's a good thing.
They spend the night eating pumpkin spice cookies and drinking hot chocolate while making paper bat banners for a parade float and share a kiss. things are going great until oh no!! it turns out he's a werewolf and transforms in front of her.
she is inraged he never told her this huge secret over the week that they've known each other. She doesn't care that he's a werewolf- she cares that he lied to her and the town. Then she gets a call from Business Inc. back in New York. they need her back in town TOMORROW but- tomorrow is Halloween. what will she do? will she choose the town that accepted her and the Halloween festival she worked so hard on? or job?
Werewolf man sets off the festival and it's a huge hit but the whole time he's looking for Female Lead but can't find her...she must have gone back to NEEEEEW york... but then someone jumps out at him with a plastic skeleton it's Female Lead!! she staid after all and has been at the party in a Halloween costume. something she swore she'd never wear. he apologizes for hiding the fact he's a werewolf from someone he's known for less than a month. she says she's quit her job and is staying in town with him. they kiss and say i love you. then he pulls her away from the party to make a wish on a small cupcake with a candle on it- it is her birthday after all.
The cammera pans out to a shot of the old man from before who winks at the camera. he was the spirit of Halloween magic all along (sorry there's no Halloween equivalent of Santa)
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calmcoldevening · 7 months
Can you do a Valentine's day themed thingy for slashers x reader please?
Happy Valentine's day, kitten ♡⁠ I hope you spent this day with your love)
Slashers x reader, Valentine's Day headcanons
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Michael Myers
• Michael basically doesn't see any special importance in this day, it's not Halloween. But seeing how you fuss that day, Michael just gives up.
• He returns home from hunting, and you meet him in the kitchen with a bright smile and a delicious dinner on the table. It causes a strange, mixed feeling in his chest. He doesn't know what it is, but it's something warm and pleasant.
• You have dinner together in almost complete silence, only sometimes you tell something about your day. Michael doesn't give this dinner that much importance, after all, you often have dinner together.
• After dinner, you sit on the couch together and watch a movie. This time you chose some kind of romantic melodrama, after all, it was in the spirit of today's holiday. And even though Michael didn't give you the special attention you wanted, you just liked that he was with you tonight. Michael liked horror more, he didn't particularly like movies with feelings other than fear. But it made him put some kind of puzzle together in his head.
• In the morning, as usual, you woke up alone. The sheets on Michael's side were cold. It left a painful feeling in your chest. When you came downstairs, you found a large bouquet of scarlet roses on the table. Next to the bouquet was a small note with an inscription on it, written in a sloppy handwriting: "Sorry ♡⁠".
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Jason Voorhees
• Before meeting you, Jason didn't really know much about holidays, but now he wanted to please you on such special days. Valentine's Day was no exception. And although he didn't have much money for this, after all, Jason lived in an old camp, which was quite far from the city, and he didn't like people, the guy tried to make this day as romantic as possible for you.
• You did not return to your cabin until late in the evening (perhaps you were at work or studying). You were very tired and your mood was almost at zero. You just wanted to go to bed and forget, this day wasn't anything special. You slowly opened the door to your bedroom.
• What was your surprise when you saw Jason sitting on the bed. Your whole little room was filled with various, mostly red candles. Maroon petals of some flowers were scattered on the bed.
• Jason was sitting facing you, his cheeks flushed scarlet even through the cracks of the mask. He looked up at you nervously and pulled out a pink box from behind his back. You carefully picked it up and opened it. It was a big postcard with lots of pages and cute inscriptions on them. Everything was bright, although a little messy, but it looked nice. Hearts and seals were painted, compliments and words of love were written. Jason shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly nervous.
• You carefully put the postcard on the desk. As you got closer, you climbed onto Jason's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. A nervous mutter escaped from the man's chest. You smiled, "I love you." Jason blushed visibly. A nervous "I love you too," Jason signed, wrapping his arms around your waist.
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Bubba Sawyer
• Bubba was very worried. He knew about the upcoming holiday and didn't know how to please you. Besides, his brothers made fun of him because of his excitement. This made Bubba completely discouraged.
• And yet, the brothers understood his excitement, after all, you were the first and only person Bubba ever loved and who loved Bubba back. They are in no way going to interfere with his romantic plans.
• Bubba asked Drayton to do some shopping, which he agreed to, wanting to help Sawyer Jr., although not without a little joke. But not wanting to make the guy blush any more, Drayton and the twins left the house that day for 'important things'.
• You returned home after a little work in the city and were greeted by a pleasant romantic atmosphere. All the lights in the house were turned off, and the dining room was lit with wax candles. You walked in, smiling softly and looking around the room. Bubba couldn't hide his excitement and fear, he was nervously biting his lower lip. Finally, he looked up at you and handed you a big teddy bear. You smiled happily as you accepted the gift and hugged Bubba. He was overjoyed. After a sweet kiss, Bubba showed you the dinner he made just for the two of you.
• After dinner, you lay in each other's arms all evening. Bubba held you gently to him and covered your face and neck with kisses, whining softly. He was overwhelmed with emotion. He was happy to love you and be loved by you.
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Hannibal Lecter
• This man will spend the best valentine's day of your life with you.
• Hannibal will bring you breakfast in bed first. It will be something light but delicious, like a classic American breakfast and a cup of your favorite coffee.
• Later in the evening, he will take you to a nice expensive restaurant and ask you to wait. The man will return with a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small gift bag. Inside was an expensive necklace with a bright stone that accentuated your eye color.
• If you prefer something simpler, Hannibal will suggest you take a walk after the restaurant. Gentle kisses under the night sky and caring hugs. Hannibal will offer you his jacket to keep you warm.
• This day will be full of tenderness and love on his part, Hannibal will try in every way to show that you are really dear to him. "Even in a room full of art, I would still only look at you."
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Harry Warden
• This is a pretty difficult situation, because for Harry, Valentine's Day is a reminder of that tragedy in the mine, so it's unlikely that he will decide to cancel it, even with you.
• But the next night, he'll just decide to spend romantic time with you. The man will cook some simple but delicious dinner, and then offer to watch a movie. You will be sitting on the couch in the living room and cuddling. His arm is around your waist, your head is on his shoulder. This is a moment filled with pleasant silence and tenderness.
• A few hours earlier, Harry gave you a beautiful piece of jewelry, a box of your favorite candies (not in a heart box, no) and a neat bouquet of beautiful flowers. It's his own way of apologizing to you for ruining the holiday.
• You will also sleep in an embrace. Harry always falls asleep much later than you, but today it was especially noticeable. You were already snuffling in his arms, while Harry held you protectively in his arms and stroked your hair. His gaze is entirely focused on you and only you. He's just surprised how your wonderful angel agreed to be his soulmate. Harry is so happy. The man leans closer and kisses you briefly on the lips. "Sweet dreams, my love."
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