spoodleydoodley · 9 months
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"Nice Dinosaur..." Here's some fan art of the 2nd Jurassic Park/Transformers crossover: JP-12 and Dilophocon! As with the first pair, I did take a wee bit of artistic license with their designs For Dilophocon, it was to slim her up a bit, give her more film-accurate colors, and make her weapon less goofy-lookin' JP-12 came with a removable rain hood/hat, which I omitted Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how these two came out Hope you all like 'em too~ (I do not own Jurassic Park or Transformers or any of their characters/creatures)
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saltynsassy31 · 27 days
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
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👪Team Family👪
Splatfest 12-01-2024
[Master Post - coming soon]
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skydigiblogs · 7 months
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[ID 1: A sketch in red digital pencil of Apocalymon of the scene from Digimon Adventure where he claws his shoulders. He is saying the monologue from the Japanese version of Digimon Adventure, which reads: "Just who decided that we were to be deprived of this world and consigned to oblivion?! We wanted to live! We wanted to live and speak of friendship, justice, and love! We wanted to use this body to be helpful to this world! Are you saying that this world has no need for us? That we are meaningless?" The artistic style imitates the serious nature of this monologue, with Apocalymon drawn in proportions akin to the series. He is a humanoid Digimon whose body is distorted and lanky, with long arms and an emaciated figure.]
[ID 2: A chibi sketch of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure. He's an 11 year old boy with messy hair, who wears a headband, t-shirt, gloves, shorts, and sneakers. His expression is startled, and he says nothing.]
[ID 3: The same sketch of Taichi Yagami, blown up to imitate a zoom-in. His startled expression is now concerned, with sweat beads and furrowed brows. He says: "I'm eleven sir."]
[ID 4: A sketch of Apocalymon, rising from the pillar he is fused to, staring with disbelief at the off-screen Taichi. He is now drawn in similar, cartoonish proportions. The text on screen reads: "apocaly.mon has encountered an error and stopped working.]
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lowcallyfruity · 1 year
Please tell me no one has done this
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I like how a good chunk of us agree he looks high as fuck
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bespectacledbun · 1 year
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every new piece of worldbuilding that cybird put in ikepri makes me feel this image on a spiritual level
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idliketochill · 1 year
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Like are you KIDDING ME
I’m crying laughing
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wayfinderships · 9 months
Sooo...Uh. What if.
What if I said a certain F.inal F.antasy 12 character caught my eye? And then I proceeded to have a crisis over it because I leaned that he shares a Japanese VA with S.anji and L.aguna?
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0sourpancakes0 · 1 year
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The Frontier kids are now teenagers! (minus tommy)
These are my aged-up!designs for my Digimon Saga fic! (available on ao3)
Adventure (Coming soon)
Adventure 02 (coming soon)
Tamers: Here
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
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i love thief king but i have to reenter my zan partizanne era (summer version)
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partylikemajima · 11 months
Silly me thinking I'm not the same giggling person about Majima cause he hasn't appeared in a while but as soon as I see new scenes of him I'm giggling all over again.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 1 year
hi putting this in an ask instead of dms because I think it's cool!!! the CN translation of chap 79 (listed as such on mangaup, but listed as 80 on the drive) translates the student life Haruaki montage as "so happy" but the OG Japanese translates more literally to "fun (adjective)" which is what the official eng trans went with! it's an interesting difference in interpretation of the context, I wonder which one tanamai sensei meant more
(ive considered writing a post comparing my translation and the official for vol 12 but halfway through i decided im not that much of a masochist lmao)
that's the thing about translation innit, you have to get at what the author means! i still sort of stand by my translation of "so happy", because 好开心 gets across the same feeling as 楽しい, and idk if "fun" gets across the same feeling
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jaxieus · 2 years
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When you neglect your studies to make character sheets of your favourite chef and Maître D’hôtel
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babyloniastreasure · 5 days
damn dude this really be the year of jask losing access to their game accounts huh
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setsuntamew · 3 months
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NEW PHONE CASE ARRIVED TODAY!!!! I can FINALLY go back to having the same one I've had since approximately uhhh 2015? 2016??? I didn't have it for my last phone because the place I order cases from doesn't offer them for the Pixel 6a, and I haven't found anywhere else reliable that custom prints heavy duty cases that I like.
BUT!!!!! I got a Pixel 8 Pro this week, and they do make them for it, so here I am!!! WE ARE SO BACK!!!
featuring black & white rukh, my mini juhaku shrine, and the sorta spicy Madara art that embarrassed the poor Verizon store employee XD
phone case art by @skwinky // lockscreen art by @ccrnix
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Honestly the funniest thing about Haruka's idol story line in y5 (and dont any of you come at me with the You're Lessening Mirei's Evil Heinous Actions shit, I know she was the antagonist, blah blah) is the fact that as far as traineeships go Haruka's.... wasn't all that unusual- Living on your own away from your parents? Par the course. Having older figures be unduly harsh about your talent/looks? Also par the course. Insane schedules? Creepy fans? Yep. In fact Haruka is older than a lot of people are when they start traineeships nowadays... Like that aspect of the game could have been played up for even more dramatic value than it was.
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abnormal-tulip · 2 years
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happy birthday to these three! [i don't care if i'm around an hour late in my time ww]
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