#JOKING . 70% joking
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managone16 · 1 month ago
James: So, Reg, you're straight? Regulus: Um, well- James: Y'know what else is straight? Regulus: What? James: Spaghetti until it gets wet and hot. Regulus: I'm gay, James. James: Oh... so the spaghetti was- Regulus: James, no-
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egophiliac · 10 months ago
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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forgrtashes-blog · 1 year ago
Barnaby got the blues
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You guys have absolutely no idea how much I enjoy drawing silly things like this.
Anyway, yeah. I used the beta designs because I love them sm.
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A little extra lol
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choccy-milky · 6 months ago
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herbology class 🌹🌿 (from chap 2 of my fic!)
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a-rayneart · 3 months ago
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It’s not a party until I’ve fallen in love with a fruity priest.
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goobersplat · 1 year ago
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1970s “Rock Concert” Paperweight
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ultravioletbrit · 4 months ago
“dark” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 358 words
cw: panic attack
James and Regulus are cuddled up on the couch. The curtains are closed, and the room is only lit by dimmed lights and the flicker of the forgotten film playing in the background. Suddenly, the minimal lighting is gone, and the room is bathed it darkness.
Regulus instantly pulls away with a sharp breath then immediately clings to James’ side.
“The power must have gone—" James starts before noticing Regulus has gone completely stiff. “Reg? Are you okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Regulus answers numbly.
“Reg?” James proceeds very cautiously. “Erm… Are you afraid of the dark?”
“No.” Regulus scoffs, very unconvincingly.
“You’re squeezing my hand pretty hard—” James says, his voice full of concern.
“Sorry. I just—" Regulus lets go of James’ hand.
“No. No, come here.” James pulls Regulus back giving him one of his hands and wrapping his other arm around him tightly. That’s when he notices Regulus’ irregular breathing.
“Okay, love. I’ve got you. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to, but I need you to breathe with me, okay?” James tells him and starts taking deep breaths until Regulus is able to match his breathing.
“It’s okay. You’re okay, I’ve got you.” James whispers and he feels Regulus give him a shaking nod against his chest.
“I’m sorry… I just… I erm… I used to—" Regulus sputters.
“It’s okay.” James says again. “Alright, we’re going to stand up—" Regulus clings to James tighter. “I won’t let go, and you won’t let go of my hand. We’re just going to walk to the hall closet and get a torch and some candles, alright?” James explains and he feels Regulus nod again.
They make it to the closet and back to the couch with the torch and James lights several candles. He wraps his arms around Regulus, and they cuddle up on the couch again.
“I’m sorry.” Regulus says again. “You probably think—"
“I don’t think anything, not about this.” James says and squeezes Regulus.
“I’m sorry about your hand.” Regulus tells him.
“You’ll make it up to me.” James says sweetly, and he can practically feel Regulus rolling his eyes as he cuddles impossibly closer.
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deswhomst · 1 month ago
An attack against Regulus Black is an attack against me.
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outromoony · 5 days ago
If you hate wolfstar i’ll just assume you’re boring and miserable
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icedcoffeebabyy · 6 months ago
i fear i need a james potter bf rn.
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managone16 · 11 days ago
Regulus and Remus kissing to fuck with people part 3 Remus: Who are you texting, Reg? Regulus: Your mom. Remus: Haha. Funniest joke ever. Regulus, rolling his eyes: Not kidding. I am texting your mom. *Shows him phone screen* Sirius: Why are you texting my boyfriend's mom? Regulus, grinning: Because she likes her son's side chick more than his boyfriend. *Leans in to kiss Remus on the lips* Sirius: James: Sirius: SIDE-CHICK?? MOONY-
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uhhlifeig · 19 days ago
Moonstruck - Feb. 12th - word count: 227 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Sirius’s jaw dropped as Remus walked into the room.
“What are you looking at?” he asked self-consciously, messing with his immaculately-tailored suit. “Do I look weird?” 
Sirius was thanking his past self profusely for taking Remus to Twilfitt and Tattings for a fitting. He was gorgeous, and the fact that the suit was custom-made to bring out all of Remus’s best features also made Sirius’s breath stutter.
“No,” Sirius said finally, snapping his mouth shut. “You… I- uhm, one second.” He scrubbed a hand over his face and rubbed his eyes, hoping that the image in front of him wasn’t just a hallucination.
Nope. It definitely wasn’t.
“Are you alright now, Padfoot?” Remus asked, walking up to him. “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, you’re just so beautiful that I was speechless,” Sirius said, watching as the tips of his boyfriend’s ears turned red. He enjoyed the sight of a flustered Remus very much.
“Padfoot,” he warned, evidently knowing what was about to come out of his mouth. “Don’t-”
“You might even say…” Sirius’s grin widened. “I was moonstruck.”
Remus groaned. “No, no, shut up.”
“Never,” Sirius said.
“Fine. We still have to go to James and Lily’s wedding though, Pads-”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go comfort Prongs. Ten galleons says that he’s already panicking.”
“Sirius,” Remus said slowly. “I’m not taking that bet. You know how he gets about Lily.”
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littleliterarylesbian · 9 months ago
it is 4am and all I can think about is dark obsessive jegulus rn.
just hear me out, the cloak and the map? perfect stalking material. Maybe it starts off innocent, James just wanting to check up on Regulus for some reason or James wanting to know more about his best friend's little brother but it spirals out of control quickly. One moment he's watching Regulus' name move on the map, the next he's under the cloak and trying his hardest not to be detected. He's sneaking into the Slytherin dorms, he's trying to figure out how close Regulus' friends actually are to him.
and I feel like I don't have to explain at all for Regulus, I feel his family name and legacy speaks up plenty. Regulus is smart, Regulus is cunning. He caught on quite quickly that he was getting trailed around. Maybe not knowing who at first, but he at least can tell when footsteps not matching his own sound off around him. He mentions wanting one thing, within the week it's his, he mentions doing something but just being too busy, suddenly at least half of his plans are cancelled. He mentions wanting someone gone and suddenly they're just simply buried six feet under. He eats up the power he's given. Then he finds out it's James Potter behind it all and suddenly it just got 10x better.
blah blah blah they're sick freaks and they fall in love and are crazy about each other. Carved their names into each other's skin and EVERYTHING. I just want freak4freak jegulus.
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nephilimbrute · 9 months ago
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jerma pearl (and marina) page
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wistfulwatcher · 2 years ago
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#pit girl identity confirmed #the only way mari would let misty get near the food #is if mari IS the food
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me leaving the Elizabeth Dane with the Ankaran Sarcophagus shoved up my ass
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