#J will stack his deck and count cards so any card game played with him must involve extensive deck cutting
tevintersnakes · 4 months
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Some downtime doodles in my weekend
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Trapped” Part 4
Almost one year ago, someone tried to kill The Joker in a speeding car and Y/N pushed him out of the way, getting hit instead. With a fractured skull and broken bones, she was out of business for 6 months; when she finally recovered, The Queen of Gotham wasn’t the same anymore. Trapped inside her own mind and exhibiting severe cognitive impairment, Y/N’s life switched upside down without any hope of ever returning to normal.
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Part 1       Part 2      Part 3      Part 5
Next Morning
“We’re done here, OK?” The Joker shouts and you stomp away, furious at his behavior.
“Of course we are done, who the hell would put up with you?!! You’re horrible!!!”
“It finally clicked? Good!!!! Come on, speed it up and disappear!!!!” he points at the top of the hill where your car is parked.
You walk faster and J is increasingly frustrated with each step you take.
“So what you said was a lie?!” he yells before he can stop himself. “You assured me I’ll get used with being loved and here you are running from me! Hypocrite! Who’s the liar now, huh?”
You turn around, stunned.
How dare he twist your most intimate confessions in such a manner?
Y/N and The Joker glare at each other for a few moments before you voice all the bitterness and resentment building up in your heart loud enough for him to hear:
“I hate you!”
“Oh yeah?” he smirks. “Perfect! I’m used to it!”
You reprise your stroll, determined not to fall into his little traps anymore: this time is over and you have to put as much distance in between the two of you in the next few seconds before he attempts one of his tricks.
Not that you would fall for it again, but you never know…
One last glare while you try to open the car door and you see him flair his arms around loudly screaming at his phone; your fingers keep missing the lock and you kick the metal frame, irritated. Another glance and you spot a vehicle driving in the parking lane towards where The Joker is.
“J?...” you hesitantly call out to him yet The Joker probably has the earbuds in so he can’t hear you. “J!!!” you wave to get his attention without success. “Oh my God!” you rush back in his direction when you realize that SUV will hit him if it continues the present trajectory. “J!!! J!!!!”
The King is too absorbed in his business conversation thus he finally sees Y/N next to him as she violently pushes him out of harm’s way.
The strong impact wakes you up and you gasp for air, panicked. Your troubled mind has difficulty catching up with reality: a damaged brain can’t possibly render any type of comfort in this situation.
“Why are you crying?” J mumbles half asleep. “Did you have a bad dream?”
You seem confused and unresponsive to his questions, no other choice besides waking up to check on you.
“Calm down. You had a nightmare, ok?” he pulls the agitated Y/N in his arms. “ Hey, it’s me!”
You whimper at the pain paralyzing your body and don’t complain when he drags you on top of him; it actually feels soothing having someone close that understands what’s happening to you.
“Don’t hold me so tight, I can’t breathe,” J pecks your forehead where the blood clot pressing on your frontal lobe should be. “Better?” he asks a tearful girlfriend that ultimately begins to understand she wasn’t hit by a car minutes ago: it’s an ordeal she already went through months ago despite the aftermath of the accident still creating problems. “Such an early bird,” The Clown yawns since he won’t be able to doze off after your episode. “Only 7 am Princess…” the grumbled noises make you receptive to his complaint. “What about you give me some sugar in exchange for my services?” J suggests, quite puzzled when you roll off him and stumble out of the bedroom. “Where are you going?!”
You don’t answer because you’re concentrating just on what your neurons were able to translate in such a short notice: your man wants sugar. That’s why you’re in a big hurry to bring him a bag containing the sweet product, happily offering the item to his majesty The King of Gotham.
“For God’s sake, Pumpkin!” he accepts the gift nevertheless and places it on the covers. “That’s not what I meant,” he snatches Y/N in his arms and kisses her.
“No…sugar?...” you inquire out of genuine curiosity.
“I already got it,” he mischievously smirks at your bafflement, deciding to exercise your skills at once. “Say Princess: if I give you two kisses and then I give you two more, how many kisses do you get?”
“Ummm…” you debate on the question,”… not enough?”
“Due to your high standards, certainly,” The Joker huffs at the genuine reply. “Your solution is not wrong, but I’m looking for a number. Two plus two? Come on, you already know this one!”
“Mmmm… Four?...” you blur out and get groped as reward.
“Good girl!” J proudly applauds your abilities at crack of dawn. “Enough algebra for this morning,” he changes topic. “Your doctor appointment is at 10; you should take a shower soon,” and he rambles on until something is clear: the blank expression on your face hints at the outcome.
“You’re not listening, are you?” he suspiciously inquires.
Why would you? Your brain’s self-defense mechanism prevailed at all the information flooding your deteriorated synapses and the result was blocking the outpour of sentences.
“That was a 10 minutes speech, Pumpkin!” The Joker grouchily admonishes the carefree Y/N.
“11,” you gesture at the clock on the wall.
“11 what?”
“11 minutes, not 10,” you nonchalantly conclude.
“Oh, so you have the audacity to time me while you don’t bother keeping up?!”
“Yes,” you giggle and hide your face under the pillow.
“That’s preposterous!”
“Hm?...” your nose emerges from under the cushion at the fascinating word you can’t recollect being in your current vocabulary.
“Preposterous, Princess!” J repeats.”… Stop laughing, would you?” he forcefully hijacks your pillow and you snicker because whatever-the-heck- it-means Preposterous Princess sounds like a hilarious nickname. “You wanna play games?” The Clown Prince of Crime sucks on his silver teeth willing to bring a final showdown to this magical day. “Fine, remember you made me with your abominable behavior!” he reaches for the nightstand in order to grab his favorite deck of cards. “Pick a card, any card; I won’t peak,” J watches the captivated woman pluck her choice from the mound. “Now put it in the stack,” he urges and you follow the instructions.
The Joker vigorously shuffles the cards then searches for yours.
“Is this it?” he triumphantly flicks the Joker card out of the bunch.
You nod a yes completely smitten he guessed again and your terrible half steals a kiss, triumphantly growling to himself:
“Who’s  laughing now, huh?”
After Your Doctor’s Appointment
J slides the screen on his phone and before he can utter anything you announce:
“Hi, this is Pre… Pro… Mmm… W-wait,” you stammer and gather your thoughts. “This is Preposterous Princess.”
The Joker sighs, definitely unamused at your 5th call in a row to tell him what’s going on at your routine consultation: he barely finished counting the ammo boxes he received with the shipment after you left and going over the heist scheme for next week it’s made impossible by Y/N.
“Pumpkin, I will remind you that’s not what I meant when I said that word. It was Preposterous COMA Princess!! Two separate entities, alright? We need to have a serious discussion after you get home.”
“I have to go, Pro… Ummm… Preposterous Princess is at…at the gates,” you say it very fast and hang up, excited to share news with him.
Yet The Clown is already acquainted with the whole development on your condition: the doctor’s office contacted him after your departure in order to brief him on Y/N health. The blood clot is a bit smaller since it keeps reabsorbing; the cognitive issues are there, tests ended up pretty much within normal range except one, thus it’s necessary for the two of you to have the dialogue he mentioned about.
Five more minutes and you barge in his office holding your yellow teddy bear and for the first time in his life The Joker can’t help regretting he’s about to burst someone’s bubble.
You approach the desk and set the ultrasound picture in front of him waiting for his reaction; your bright smile doesn’t go well with how gloomy he appears, literally an understatement anyway.
“Baby,” you tap the image just in case he didn’t realize what he’s staring at.
“I know, Pumpkin. We can’t keep it.”
“Hm…?” your smile gradually dies out as you comprehend he’s not on the same page with your wishes.
“We can’t keep the baby, it’s very dangerous given you merely survived a severe trauma. I was told it’s nearly impossible for you to have kids, that’s why I didn’t use… Anyway… I admit this one’s on me and the conclusion is… … we can’t keep the baby.”
“No baby?” you sniffle.
“Nope, it would be too harsh on your body. Plus, you won’t be able to use your anti-inflammatory medication if you’re pregnant.”
“I want baby!”
“Are you deaf??!” J slams the desk with his fist, annoyed. “You can’t have a child, it could kill you. Do you want to perish?!” he rises from his chair.
“No… I want you and baby.”
“No way in hell!” he snarls at your defiance.
“Why can’t I h-have baby? Because… because I’m stupid?” you cuddle with your plush toy, heartbroken at his approach.
“You’re not stupid, but I’m beginning to have doubts if what I told you doesn’t make sense!”
“I want baby!” you whisper on the verge of crying.
“I want baby,” The Joker mocks and watches your demeanor change: it doesn’t take a genius to detangle the mystery of how hurt you seem.
“Are…are you making fun of me?!”
The King is a jerk, no doubt about it. Despite his obvious flaws he never ridiculed someone’s disability; it’s simply beneath him. One could say this is a new low for him and he cannot erase it: Y/N’s cognitive impairment is clearly sacred ground he trespassed on a whim when he shouldn’t have.
“If…if you were like me… I wouldn’t laugh at… at you,” you wipe your tears, sobbing. “I’m not smart… anymore but I can m-make decisions, ok? I want baby!”
“I said no!” J yells, fired up you won’t listen to reason.
“I don… I don’t care!” you storm out of the office and trip on the carpet, almost falling to the ground. “It’s my baby!”
“It’s mine also unless you have another boyfriend!!”
You’ve been gone for the last hour; it’s a big place yet it shouldn’t be so difficult to find one’s partner.
The Joker dials your number and inquires as soon as you blow your nose on the other side of the line.
“Is this The Preposterous Princess?”
Dead air again; Y/N isn’t in the mood to speak to the man she can’t forgive for his transgression. In addition to him disregarding her intention of keeping the offspring, he made her feel dumb and that’s unforgivable.
“Y/N, where are you?!” J descends the steps leading to the basement, the last area he didn’t searched for his missing woman. He opens the boiler room, nothing. The pantry reveals zero clues either. The janitorial supplies closet is a different story; a box of sponges flies by his ear, immediately accompanied by a hateful tone:
“Go away!”
“You almost broke my nose,” he over exaggerates. “What are you doing here anyway? I’ve been looking all over the house!” “I’m hiding baby from you,” you clearly enunciate without stammering.
“Give me a break,” he drops on his knees in front of you. “I don’t want you to kick the bucket, why is that a bad thing?”
“I want baby!”
“Stubborn mule, you sound like a scratched CD that skips and skips and skips,” he barks at your persistence.
“Hm?” you crinkle your nose.
“Scratched CD!” he brings his face close to yours, pleased an opportunity for his plan has arisen. “First of all, if you want to keep the kid you have to promise not to die; second, I have no desire to become a father and third of all pick a card!” he shoves them in your fingers, perfectly aware that if you can’t process all the stuff he’s yapping at an amazing speed, you’ll get distracted and forget you’re mad at him; including one of your favorite games to the equation should seal the outcome.
“Chop, chop, pick a card Pumpkin!”
You suspiciously pluck your item and then shove it back in the bundle.
The Joker steals a kiss while figuring out your card and you protest:
“I don’t… I don’t want your four kisses!”
“That’s too bad, I do come with four kisses, it’s a bundle deal!” J dismisses your logic connected to this morning’s algebra lesson. “Is this your card?” he shows you the Jester card and your mouth opens in amazement.
He fights with himself if he should disclose the secret: you don’t seem totally diverted and his plot could misfire due to inaction.
It’s not worth it.
“Do you know how I select the correct card?”
“Each single time Pumpkin you invariably pick The Joker card.”
You sulk at the revelation since it’s true: you don’t recall sorting another card from the deck.
“I do… I always choose you…”
He doesn’t have a response and the chat is taking a strange turn, not precisely what he was aiming for.
“Yeah, well… good for you, Princess…” he stands and offers his hand to help you up.
Another smooch as bonus for his assistance whilst The Queen pouts at his impertinence: he has such a nerve!
Perhaps because he comes with four kisses.
It’s a bundle deal.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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bestbluebouquet · 6 years
“We’ve met.” 
Roman surprised himself at his curt tone that made Virgil flinch slightly, turning away from Roman.
“Are you ok Virgil?” Talyn asked, slight concern painting their face. He looked over at them.
“Y-yeah, my ear just started ringing, but its stopped now.” Virgil wasn't looking at any of the others, walking quickly and stiffly, Was he favoring one leg?, despite not really knowing where he was going. Roman watched Talyn and Joan share a conversation through looks he couldn't quite decipher
Their next hour was off, where Roman met with his friends in their usual spot in the cafeteria. Virgil sat at the end of the long table and put his headphones on, visibly turning up the volume on the side. Pulling a deck of cards out of his backpack, Roman shuffled it a few times, before dealing cards out for BS.
Glancing at his hand, he also glanced over to Virgil, who by this point was doodling in his notebook, tongue tip tucked into the corner of his mouth. His glance must have turned to staring, because Virgil looked up as Valerie nudged him to signal it was his turn.
He hurriedly turned back to his hand and counted around the circle, before playing his cards. Out of the corner of his eye, Roman saw Virgil stare at him for a second, before frowning and returning to his notebook.
They finished the game- which Roman won- and the two went to math. As they approached the turn they needed to make, Roman put his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, not missing his quick, confused glance, but kept looking forward. Roman walked in first, smiling at the older woman who taught the class, and Virgil shuffled up. 
He introduced himself and the two talked for a second, the teacher gave him a few packets and pointed him cheerfully to his seat. As Roman walked to his seat, Virgil sat as well, spinning and twirling his pencil around as he looked over the first of multiple packets he had been giving.
Roman listened to the lesson, glancing over at Virgil doodling on the second of the packets he had been given. After a long explanation of math Roman was a little lost on, the teacher handed out that nights homework. He happened to glance over and caught Virgil’s expression of utter dismay as another packet landed on his stack. 
The hilarity of this expression caused Roman to snort and Virgil to look over at the boy who looked away quickly. He could feel the other boy study the side of his face for a second before dropping his gaze to his papers. Roman felt an unrecognizable pang in his chest, and attempted to complete the math work. The teacher came down his row, asking each student the same question before reaching Roman,
“Everything making sense?” 
Roman smiled and nodded, writing down a few steps that looked right. A few minutes later, he stretched backwards over the, thankfully, empty desk behind him, looking around. The teacher had made her way to a couple rows over, where Virgil was sitting. She placed her hand on his back and he flinched. Either she didn't notice it, or simply didn't mention it, asking Virgil a few questions, all of to which he nodded. 
Logan’s class was next, where he gave a lecture on comparing and contrasting the anatomy of various other animals to humans. Afterwards, it was lunch, which functioned pretty much like off, with the exception of a little more food. Roman noticed that Virgil didn't have any food in front of him. 
Silently, he slid a bag of chips towards the boy, who looked at both it and him in surprise, before shrugging and opening it, crunching a few chips as he turned his attention away from Roman. The next four classes had nothing notable during them, unless you counted Roman falling out of his chair a few more times, which most teachers and peers didn't.
And then; it was time for practice.
j-just dont think about the scheduling too much..... ill probably make a different thing explaining it but for now its a little messy.
sorry for so many title shifts 
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mitchdee012 · 3 years
Qi Coins Trick! Cheating The 퍼스트카지노! - Stardew Valley
Bingo is also the basis for online games sold through licensed lotteries. http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=007카지노 Andrew Dougherty began making playing cards in 1842, in Brooklyn, New York. His earliest work can in no way be described as some of the finest examples of craftsmanship from the era, but his tacit persistence would eventually pay off in establishing him as one of the big players American card making industry. As the same game is played repeatedly among a group of players, precedents build up about how a particular infraction of the rules should be handled. E.G. "Sheila just led a card when it wasn't her turn. Last week when Jo did that, we agreed ... etc.". Sets of such precedents tend to become established among groups of players, and to be regarded as part of the house rules. Sets of house rules become formalised, as described in the previous section. Therefore, for some games, there is a "proper" way of handling infractions of the rules. But for many games, without governing bodies, there is no standard way of handling infractions. After the cards have been dealt, there may be some bidding. This varies very widely from game to game, and is not treated here.
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After its inception in the Caribbean, the game spread quickly and was first introduced to bricks and mortar casinos in the United States in the early 1990s. The physical security force usually patrols the casino and responds to calls for assistance and reports of suspicious or definite criminal activity. Online casinos staff their live dealer studios with attractive, friendly dealers. These staff members provide conversation and entertainment throughout the Caribbean Stud Poker session. If you have questions, a real person answers them. Live dealers provide a personal touch that no software ever could. The minimum bet is five of the minimum units. For example, if the minimum single roll bet is $1, the minimum World/Whirl bet is $5.
Games of pure chance. The higher payoff of the flush attack represents one of the higher overlays of video poker. These machines, once common, are now relatively rare. Once the procedures required by Section 4 have been completed, the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by the dealer or by an automatic shuffling device. Caribbean Stud Poker tables have varying minimum and maximum bets. Before you sit down, please check the sign displaying the betting range at the table.
Players wager by choosing numbers ranging from 1 through (usually) 80. Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings. Odds play a very important role in determining the possibility of winning any sort of casino game. Caribbean Stud Poker is a game which strongly resembles the game of 5 card stud which is typically played by using a deck of 52 cards. Whilst playing the game, you can get any one of the 2,598,960 possible five card combinations. Baccarat lies in the district (arrondissement) of Lunéville in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle.
Royal Flush: A-K-Q-J-10 of any one suit: Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs.Straight Flush: Any 5 cards in a sequence of any one suit.Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank. The player loads one or more balls into the machine, then presses and releases a spring-loaded handle, which is attached to a padded hammer inside the machine, thus launching the ball into a metal track. Most multi-roll bets may fall into the situation where a point is made by the shooter before the outcome of the multi-roll bet is decided.If the dealer has an ace, and counting it as 11 would bring the total to 17 or more (but not over 21), the dealer must count the ace as 11 and stand.
The comp programs serve as a valuable marketing tool for the casinos, as well: they develop a patron database that can be used for advertising and to track trends in game preference and spending. In 1459 the city was best known for its drapers as well as wine. Louis XV authorized the creation of a glassworks in 1764 at the instigation of the Bishop of Metz who was anxious to sell the important local production of firewood. A glassworks named Antoine Renaut responded to the authorisation. The dealer will place the odds on top of the come bet, but slightly off center in order to differentiate between the original bet and the odds. 메이저사이트목록 Taking vig only on wins lowers house edge. Players may removed or reduce this bet (bet must be at least table minimum) anytime before it loses. Some casinos in Las Vegas allow players to lay table minimum plus vig if desired and win less than table minimum. Lay bet maximums are equal to the table maximum win, so if a player wishes to lay the 4 or 10, he or she may bet twice at amount of the table maximum for the win to be table maximum.
The House is one the funniest gambling-themed movies around featuring Amy Poehler and Will Ferrel, and it might even stand right next to other classics like Vegas Vacation. Also typically at this level of play (house rules allowing) the experienced croupier caters to the needs of the customer and will most often add the customer's winning bet to the payout, as the type of player playing these bets very rarely bets the same number two spins in succession. The other gambling game where your decision matter is video poker.It looks like a small loss with the 6 to 5 game, but the losses are significantly experienced when you bet with a large amount.
In either case, all single or multi-roll proposition bets may be placed in either of the two rounds. While some are down to pure chance (keno, scratch cards), there are other casino games in which you can improve your chances of winning (blackjack, poker) depending on how you play. Therefore, casino games take place in massive resorts as well as in small card rooms.The probability of a favourable outcome among all possibilities can be expressed: probability (p) equals the total number of favourable outcomes (f) divided by the total number of possibilities (t), or p = f/t. But this holds only in situations governed by chance alone.
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