#J only gesturing instead of saying something
handfulofmuses · 19 days
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Tessa: Sir that's my emotional support robot
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lovinpelova · 6 months
stupid | k. casparij
summary; being in a hot country doesn't do you any favours when kerstin is around, neither does having to share a bed.
🎵 power trip - j. cole
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you had always forbidden yourself from even developing feelings for a teammate ever since you discovered your love for women whilst you were still in the england youth groups. you hadn't formed a crush on anyone or dated a girl on the same team as you and you planned on keeping it that way, you saw how messy it could get in the blink of an eye and didn't want to be involved no matter your age. you'd made the rule for yourself when you were fourteen and still maintain stubborn on it at the age of twenty-two whilst playing for manchester city and the england senior team.
well, apart from kerstin. she's an exception.
you thought you wanted to be her friend because you liked her accent, tattoos, style and got on well with her cat. a couple team bonding sessions later when you won bowling and hugged in celebration, you found yourself blushing and quickly scolding yourself for the butterflies that arose when her hand lingered on your waist. it didn't take long for your feelings to grow into a not-so-small crush and your teammates eventually started prodding at why you were constantly staring at the midfielder or blushing around her.
they already knew the answer, of course, they were just mean and wanted to hear you say it out loud. so you confessed after a month of teasing and had been subject to even more jokes ever since, now having figured today marked three months since your initial realisation and just to your luck, kerstin was your roommate for a two week long preseason camp in spain with your club. you had been fine so far since you weren't in your rooms for an extended period of time yet- but you knew when you headed up for sleep in a couple hours it would be difficult to keep your thoughts from racing; especially since there was only one bed.
there was a booking mistake with your room and it meant instead of having a twin bed suite or two doubles like all of your other teammates, you and kerstin were provided a single bed. not even a double bed, a single. the pair of you didn't make a big deal about it and figured one would sleep on the couch after a small argument on who does - but when you remembered there was no couch and definitely no spare mattress - you knew you were going to have to share a bed with kerstin after discovering there was no other rooms available.
so here you were, sat next to lauren hemp as you cooled down from your intense training session and watched your teammates try cut off some distance on their weekly running targets. the winger could sense you were trapped in your thoughts and after knowing you since you were fourteen, she had no doubt it was about your sleeping situation, how you were going to position yourself with kerstin right next to you was beyond your imagination. she nudged you gently with her elbow to break you out of your daydream and smiled when you returned the gesture, setting down your water bottle.
"you're probably gonna have to lie on top of each other or something. you do know that, right?"
her comment made you groan in further frustration and lie back onto the pitch, your arms covering your eyes from the sun that was blinding you.
"you mean cuddle, yeah?"
"pretty much."
the blonde laid down next to you with a sympathetic smile as she felt the stress radiating through your silence, her attention quickly being diverted as she heard footsteps headed your way.
"it won't be that bad. you're both sensible adults- and besides, something good might happen out of it!"
"what good could possibly come out of a situation like this?"
"i can feel your stress from the other side of the pitch, y/l/n."
a familiar voice broke into your conversation and you shot up just like lauren did a couple moments ago, watching the way she smiled sheepishly and quickly made her way over to the rest of your teammates. you looked up into kerstins eyes and nearly melted, the hot sun not doing you any favours when you saw how she'd rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and shorts to display her toned muscles and tattoos. immediately keeping your cool with a subtle deep breath, kerstin sat down next to you and leaned back on her hands to mirror yourself as the two of you admired the beautiful pitch you were on.
"if you want, i can share a double bed with one of the others?"
both of you were taken back by your sudden outburst and you cleared your throat in apology as kerstin smiled widely at you, her eyebrows raised slightly as a smirk grew on her face.
kerstin wasn't stupid. neither was she deaf or blind. your teammates make secrets very hard to keep once they're out.
"i mean- no. it's fine, honestly. we're both adults and we'll figure out how we're going to go about the sleeping situation when the time comes."
"i was thinking maybe i be big spoon for the first week and then we swap? i need my share of cuddles too."
you nearly choked on your spit when you heard her, turning to see the brunette grinning at your reaction and smiling wider when she took note of the blush on your face. shoving her shoulder lightly, you stood up and waited for her to rise with you.
"like i said, we'll figure it out when the time comes."
"yes ma'am."
the time had finally come.
you'd been thinking about it all day and stressing over every little thing you could do to make her uncomfortable. you were currently wiping the excess toothpaste from around your mouth and taking deep breaths as you looked in the mirror to calm yourself down, almost needing a peptalk. after deciding you were taking too long in the bathroom you headed towards the single bed and were met with kerstin sprawled across the entire mattress comfortably, her arms behind her head as she smiled teasingly.
"if that's how you always sleep, i'm sleeping on the floor."
"very funny. i need to find my charger quickly anyways, make yourself comfortable and i'll work around you."
the midfielder hopped up and began rummaging through her suitcase next to yours, taking note of how apprehensive your steps were towards the bed. she knew why you were so nervous about the whole ordeal but she also wasn't the type to make you stress even more by confronting you, so she plugged her phone on charge and watched you move about until you were comfortable, gently pulling back the covers from behind you and moving slowly once she heard your breath hitch.
you were about to share a bed with the woman you had hopelessly been crushing on for the past three months and the realisation had just hit you, feeling the bed dip behind your body as her quads brushed over your hamstrings. your body grew hotter and breathing picked up a tad, kerstin noticing and deciding she had to make you comfortable before you had a panic attack or jumped out of bed.
"can i-"
she started, her voice as hesitant as your bodies. a toned hand was hovering over your waist and if you turned to the right you would've noticed- thank god you didn't, or else you would have freaked out.
"can i touch you?"
kerstin asked gently, your mind running wild with all the other scenarios she could be asking you the exact same thing in as you nodded your head. her hand gently grabbed your hip as she pulled herself closer and the cover was now over her too, your bodies flush together with her arm wrapping around your waist to pull you even closer as your hand moved down to rest on hers that was gently tracing shapes along your stomach.
"you don't need to be so far away. it's only me."
"i just don't want to make you uncomfortable."
her chin rested itself on your shoulder for a moment as she took in your response, your breathing now slowing down whilst kerstin smiled to herself.
"you could never."
the dutchie pulled you closer and felt you relax in her arms within no time, silently wishing the moment would last forever.
you woke up to your dreaded alarm ringing out annoyingly, groaning and turning your face to bury it further into your pillow as you fell back into kerstin's embrace. the midfielder chuckled lowly at your reaction to being reminded you had to wake up eventually, reaching her arm further around you to turn off your alarm but not moving to unravel herself from your touch. she tightened her grip and nuzzled her head into your neck, smiling softly when your hand reached to tangle itself in her hair and gently scratch the bottom of her neck.
the two of you were so caught up in your own bubble that she placed a kiss to your shoulder and trailed her lips upwards until they reached your pulse point, your head leaning back to let her move further before you both gasped in realisation and shot up out of bed. staring at each other breathlessly with bright red cheeks and fists clenched by your sides, you tried to rack your brain for any reasonable explanation but nothing came out, quickly gathering your training kit and pulling it on before heading down towards breakfast.
in seperate elevators.
"so... she kissed you?"
"keep it down you idiot!"
you shoved lauren towards your breakfast table and made quick work of continuing the conversation before any of your teammates could follow and eavesdrop, the winger apparently not knowing that everyone could hear her talking.
"only on the shoulder and neck."
"wha- and you just got ready in complete silence after?"
you nodded your head in confirmation as you both began digging into your breakfast, lauren obviously trying to rack her head for any explanation that could stop your thoughts from running wild.
"maybe it's just a natural thing for her to do that when she wakes up in that position, you know from her exes."
"yeah, but it still doesn't explain why she did it to me."
your conversation was cut short by esme and kiara taking their rightful places on the same table as you, a new topic arising to take your mind off that mornings antics. trying to keep your eyes off kerstin was proven very difficult to do in general, but now you could feel her staring glances and lauren would bump your leg whenever she caught her staring. it seems the winger had remembered kerstin also had friends she could tell secrets to, so she suggested you try talking to jill and mary.
after a couple moments of persuasion and arguing from yourself she called them both over anyways and stole mary for her own entertainment, giving you a look that said 'i'll ask for you' as you racked your brain on how to start the conversation with jill. the midfielder slung her arm around your shoulders and smiled down at you, walking to the pitch in a simple conversation until she dropped in the name you hadn't been able to stop thinking about for the past three months.
"so, did you and kerstin eventually figure out how to sleep last night? she was telling me about it."
you froze up momentarily with the thought of kerstin telling jill what happened on the morning on your mind, then realising they weren't close enough for the brunette to let it slip the same way she would with mary- oh god, she's definitely told mary.
"er, yeah. we had to cuddle for it to work but desperate times call for desperate measures."
"i wouldn't call cuddling kerstin a desperate measure. i know you wouldn't mind it but the woman is a good hugger."
you nudged jill at her teasing as she held her hands up in mock surrender, obviously being one of the many girls (everyone knew) that wasn't blind or deaf or dumb.
just like kerstin.
she was eyeing you up as discreetly as possible, doing the same to lauren and mary as she pondered on why you'd both suddenly taken such a huge interest in talking to her best friends. sure, you'd spoken before, but never for this long. she soon came to the conclusion that it had to be about her and lauren had to know what happened.
kerstin wasn't stupid.
"y/n! do you have a sec?"
an unmissably australian accent called you over from your spot in the common room next to alex, you excused yourself and headed over to mary with a curious expression.
"am i in trouble?"
mary hadn't really ever spoken to you before, so her calling you over was a shock to your system. lauren must have said something.
she dismissed your joke and patted the seat next to her with a soft smile, taking note of how stiff you were when you tried to make yourself comfortable.
"chick, i don't bite! relax. i just wanna talk to you about you know who."
lauren had said something.
"what about her?"
"well, lauren told me what happened this morning- and so did kerstin."
you both relaxed back into your chairs opposite each other but kept the volume of your conversation low. you knew lauren would have let it slip and kerstin wouldn't have told anyone but mary, she's not one to tell more than a couple people she trusts otherwise it spreads like wildfire and others start asking.
kerstin isn't stupid.
"how you feeling about it?"
"i'm just trying to figure out why she would do it. i mean, she only sees me as a friend, right?"
the hesitance in mary's voice made your head shoot up in shock as she smiled sheepishly, your breath hitching in realisation. her eyes darted to your right and yours soon followed, watching as kerstin stood up abruptly with an annoyed expression, giving mary no time to apologise as she'd seemingly overheard.
"shit- kerstin wait!"
the common room was left in an uncomfortable silence that had you staring at mary in shock, lauren and jill giving each other knowing looks. it was obvious the aussie had just let a secret slip - a big secret - and kerstin was, understandably, not happy about it. the midfielder didn't need to hear the remainder of your conversation, all she needed to know was mary had hesitated to reply and you were hit with a sudden realisation, physically affecting you in a way that could be seen from across the room. the way both of you looked over to the defender meant you had to be talking about her.
kerstin wasn't stupid.
"are you at least gonna let her explain?"
you asked whilst leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom, waiting for an answer from your roommate as she rummaged through her suitcase. your question made her look up and sigh in a way that had her shoulders falling heavily, watching as the midfielder sat back on her heels before standing up.
she popped the 'p' just to make herself even more clear, the blunt response she rewarded you with indicating she wasn't in the mood to talk about anything. you hummed in reply and looked down at your feet in contemplation.
"look, i'm going down to play a couple rounds of pool with the girls. you know you're always welcome to join."
the brunette turned her head lightly to show she was interested, sitting on the edge of the bed rather awkwardly. you knew why she didn't take up the offer immediately like she usually did.
"if you want, i'll text when mary heads to bed."
the dutchie needed time to forgive and forget when it came to watching someone betray her trust, you'd known that for a while now just by judging her character.
"if you don't mind."
her quiet response was all you needed to walk over and place a hand on her shoulder, smiling softly when you felt her hand rest on top of yours.
"you're gonna have to speak to her eventually though."
kerstin wished she told you to stay and come to bed with her, truth is she was too tired to play pool in a couple hours time when she knew mary would decide on going to sleep- but if it meant she got to spend time with you she would stay up. within a couple hours you'd became the reigning champion at pool once again, potting the black more times than you could count as all the teammates that volunteered to play against you lost.
soon enough, mary said goodnight alongside the rest of the girls, leaving you downstairs with lauren and jill once again. you knew that they would want to talk about the situation so decided on keeping the silence present, texting kerstin that mary had headed up with the others and it was just the three of you that would no doubt welcome her if she came down for a couple games or some conversation. she responded in record-breaking time with confirmation that she was coming down and within minutes she arrived, taking a seat next to you that jill and lauren had so obviously left for her on purpose.
the couch was fairly small so your legs were touching and neither of you were pulling away, your friends taking note and discreetly nudging each other. they made a silent agreement to head up in a few moments with a reasonable excuse, watching as you and kerstin challenged each other to a game of pool.
"oh, you're so on."
you spoke cockily as kerstin smirked in response, clearly confident in her skills but knowing she'd never really played pool before. jill and lauren snuck upstairs without telling you, seeing you were too busy interacting with each other and this could be the moment you confessed your feelings if you were alone. a game of rock, paper, scissors determined you were breaking and you did so confidently, potting a solid as kerstin groaned and remained to the side whilst watching you think about your next shot.
"where'd those two go?"
her question broke you out of your game face as you searched around for them, discreetly rolling your eyes at their antics.
"probably got tired."
you covered for them whilst aiming your next shot and missing, kerstins mouth falling open at your form.
"how are you apparently so good at pool when my form is better than yours? i've literally never played before and even i know you're supposed to keep your elbow up!"
"if you're so good at pool show me how it's done then."
you replied sassily, expecting the brunette to take her own shot but were instead watching as she placed her cue down and walked over to your side of the table. she positioned herself behind you and put her hand behind yours on the cue, your fingers brushing.
"bend over."
the low tone she used sent shocks through your system and you had to take a deep breath whilst doing as she said, hearing a hum of approval come from her throat didn't make it any easier either. she bent down with you and her body was placed flush against yours, head almost resting on your shoulder with her hand placing itself on the table for a steady support.
"put your hand on top of mine and make sure your fingers are in the same position. that's it, just like that."
you followed her demand with ease, trying to focus on anything but her and failing miserably when mindless praise left her lips.
"which one you going for?"
"you choose."
the woman aimed for the ball you'd initially missed and shot after a moment of eyeing it up she was draining the ball into a pocket. she smiled in pride and turned her head to quietly speak.
"i have better form than you."
your head turned to hers and you were immediately taken back by the lack of distance, eyes unmissably flickering down to her lips as your breathing rates picked up in sync. kerstin moved her head towards yours slowly but surely, licking her lips in anticipation as her hand on the cue fell to your hip instinctually. her breath was fanning across your lips and you could practically taste her already; she was so close.
you both wanted this- you wanted it so badly. if you could, you would've had kerstin pick you up and take you right then and there on the pool table after carelessly moving the cue balls out of the way. her lips would be molded with yours as tongues clashed shamelessly, you would be reeling and kerstin would be claiming you as her own to take forever more with no resistance.
her other hand reached to hold your cheek intimately, both of you leaning in until lips were brushing. her mouth was practically on yours and you just were waiting for her to make the final move, close the gap.
"oh, sorry!"
a familiar scouse accent burst the bubble as you dropped your pool cue and quickly bent down to stop it from clattering, taking a deep breath whilst kerstin stepped away to a respectable distance and you both stared at the ground with bright red cheeks.
"i forgot my phone."
"no, you're okay alex don't worry."
the defender smiled sheepishly and rushed to grab her phone, apologising once more as you waved her off with a soft smile and watched her head back upstairs. you turned to kerstin and found her already looking at you, eyes dark and wanting. her gaze sent a shiver down your spine and you had to forcefully tear your eyes away, looking to find your phone whilst mumbling about how late it was.
the elevator ride wasn't awkward, neither was getting ready for bed in the same bathroom- being in the same bed after nearly kissing though, that was another story. she was unreasonably stiff and pulling away to her side of the bed, obviously not wanting to make you uncomfortable and you weren't fighting against it, only because you didn't want to make her uncomfortable. it was the worst night's sleep you'd ever had.
but waking up in kerstin's arms the next morning wasn't something you were ever going to complain about.
it seems you'd shifted towards each other in your sleep and adjusted out of instinct, her arms were wrapped tightly around your midsection as yours were around her neck. your head on her chest and legs either side of her waist with one hand drifting towards a thigh indicated kerstin had moved you there herself to gain more comfort, her head turned away from you to let yours rest in her neck.
a raspy voice spoke after taking a deep breath and stretching out lazily, arms pulling you closer as kerstin tucked her head further into your hair. you felt her shamelessly inhale the scent of your shampoo, resisting the urge to pull away and deciding not to when she continued to ignore the realisation that she was doing it again.
"hope you slept well."
your hand traced shapes along her back comfortingly and a shared sigh left your lips, both of you remembering you still hadn't confessed your feelings. pulling your heads away and looking into the others eyes, you made no move to back up fully as kerstin let her gaze travel to your lips once more, quickly pulling her eyes to yours again.
"are we going to talk about what happened last night?"
"not until you let mary explain."
you response was quick and put kerstins hopes down immediately, letting her relish in the moment for a couple more seconds with her eyes closed and your lips knowingly teasing the skin of her neck to persuade her into hearing mary out.
"five more minutes."
her arms tightened themselves around your waist and trapped your bodies together before you could move any further to get up. luckily you had the day off, so a lie in wouldn't be frowned upon.
kerstin turned to furrow her eyebrows at you disapprovingly when you shoved her towards mary, playfully flipping you off and making her way over to a hopeful aussie. you watched the two converse for a couple minutes whilst finishing up your breakfast, smiling at the hug they shared before kerstin got up and made her way to sit with you once more, stealing the last strawberry in your fruit bowl as you smacked her hand.
the defender caught your suggestive drift immediately and sighed heavily as she made herself comfortable, racking her brain to remember everything that was said.
"we're cool, forgave each other- back to besties."
you smiled and nudged her shoulder with your own teasingly, both of you laughing lightly and falling into a momentary silence as kerstin took a small breath to indicate she had something else to say.
"she also said what we have is really special and she wouldn't mind being my wingwoman."
"i think you were your own wingwoman last night."
"true, alex was a bit of a cockblocker though."
you gasped and shoved kerstin teasingly, both of you laughing with bright red cheeks once recalling the events of last night.
"speaking of last night, would you maybe wanna continue what was going to happen before we got interrupted?"
"are you asking for permission to kiss me, casparij?"
the dutchie smiled shyly and shuffled closer, an awkward aura taking over her body language as she grew more nervous by the moment. you placed a hand on her cheek to tilt her head towards yours, deciding to take the lead and just go for it, your lips connecting in a soft kiss before cheers were heard around the cafeteria.
"it's about time you two got together!"
"took you long enough!"
the girls confirmed that kerstin had been blind to your pining for longer than she thought, confusion written all over her face as she realised you'd liked her for longer than she thought. when it came to mutual pining, kerstin could be stupid.
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nmakii · 7 months
‘Can I ask you to do something about Alastor×reader? About y/n being a modern girl (2023-2024), and she often has strange gestures or words towards Alastor. One time she talked to him in modern language, making him confused and very curious. (You can expand the situation as you like, sorry my English is not very good)’
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— alastor x modern!reader (platonic or romantic!)
— alastor calls reader “good girl” so mostly fem!coded
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alastor gets slangs that are common such as LOL, WTF, IDK but doesn’t get some that aren’t as common like LMFAO, IDRC, or WTAF since they’re just making them longer, so it’s quite useless…
he also doesn’t quite get shortcuts for words. one time you left him a note “lol brb rq imma b back in like 20 min. j gon pick smt up” most of it was honestly gibberish to him, but at the very least, he understood you’ll be back in 20 minutes.
gets really angry when you say things like “stop reaching, gooner. you’re just pissed that you’re a beta.” because; one, you’re blatantly disrespecting the radio demon and telling him to shut up. and two, he doesn’t get what any of that meant. what’s a gooner?
also gets annoyed often when you start singing songs like “i’m the alpha, i’m the leader” or “sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler” because, it’s a reflection on modern society and how music quality in modern times have plummeted significantly.
what happened to those beautiful songs such as “the man i love”? has it been replaced by this rizzler nonsense??? honestly, you’re giving alastor more and more reasons to dislike modernity… you’re lucky he finds your company enjoyable
in a desperate attempt to connect with you, he asked angel about your humor, hoping he’d understand. alastor knows that if anything, velvette would know. but, he’d rather get beaten by lucifer than ask the vees for help…
sadly for him, angel is just as confused. although, he at least knew what this alpha bullshit was, vaguely explaining furries and the alpha-beta-omegaverse to him…
you were in the hotel den, scrolling on social media as alastor walked in. “s/o, be a dear and fetch me some chicken breasts from the butcher, would you? i’d like to prepare something for tonight’s dinner.” alastor smiled
“hmm… nah. go do it yourself, furry” you giggled brattishly. “hahah… what did you call me?” alastor asked sternly, his face now close with yours, antlers increasing only slightly in size. “ah…” you stuttered.
alastor was never this mad when you said stuff like that, what was so different today? maybe he was in a bad mood? “ah… ill get it…” you conceded, using your hands to lightly push alastor away, lest he decides you’ll be for dinner…………
alastor snickered before patting you on the head. “good girl. don’t call me that again, this old dog can still learn new tricks, y’know?” he teasingly sang out. “huh?” you asked. “did you learn what a furry is?” you bit your lip, holding back your laughter.
“indeed, i did. horrifying that you’d think i would indulge in such hobbies…” he sighed, looking a little uncomfortable through his stressed smile. “what..? i don’t think you’re a furry, alastor. it’s not that deep. furry is just something that i used to laugh about with my friends back on earth.” you shallowly laughed, copying his actions by rubbing his hair.
he has to admit, that little mistranslation was a little funny looking back on it. but, he is a little disheartened that he got you scared over nothing. you were just having your fun and he got all pissed off. he’d definitely try to instead ask you about your slang as to prevent such a thing again…
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euphemiaamillais · 9 months
nsfw alphabet with coriolanus snow 🎀
cw: 18+//mentions of sex, cum & other bodily fluids
an: i’ve tried out something new—i hope you guys enjoy it!!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he’s not one for affection, but once you or he have finished, he brushes your hair out of your eyes, and presses a few soft kisses to your neck. but typically, he goes back to his cold self. not that you mind, he gets out all his affection as he fucks you senseless—you know he loves you more than any other woman
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he loves your neck, how his hands look around it, how tiny it is as he chokes you out, especially when you’ve been disobeying him. he adores leaving bruises with his fingers, as well as marking you up with his mouth—another reminder that you are his, and that he owns you
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
coriolanus’ favourite thing to do is to cum inside of you; fucking you full of his spend, knowing that you’re all his and nobody else’s. however, he also likes it when you swallow his cum, and he makes sure that whenever he fucks your throat you lap up every last drop, like the good girl you are
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he loves it when you beg for him like a little whore, but he dreams of you squirming under him, pleading for him to stop. he has this fantasy of kidnapping you, taking you away from the world so only he can look at you, only he can touch you. he’d make you the perfect wife, and whether you liked it or not, he’d get to fuck you whenever he pleased
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
coriolanus isn’t the most experienced man, having had little time for sex while at the academy, but after his stint as a peacekeeper in 12, let’s just say he knows what he’s doing
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
while he adores seeing your fucked-out face as he pounds into you in missionary, his favourite way to have you is in doggy. bending you over, having you on your hands and knees, elicits something primal in him. the way your ass bounces as he drives his cock into you, and how he can grab your hair to pull it if you’re being a bad girl
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s a very serious man, and not prone to humour even at the best of times. you’d never catch him cracking a joke while he fucks you. no, you’re all his and he’d never let you forget that
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
although he’s famous for his bleach-blonde waves, the downstairs hints that perhaps his blonde tresses aren’t natural. that’s to say, he grooms occasionally, but he’s not one for the strange beauty regimens in the capital. he’s not bothered by how you choose to groom yourself, only that you know that it’s all his
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
coriolanus likes to be very intimate. he’ll spend hours touching you, winding you up, so that when it’s time to fuck you, you’ll have already been begging him for hours. in the moment, he can’t stop reminding you that you belong to him, that your body is his and his only. outside of sex he’s one for romantic gestures, such as buying you flowers—roses are a favourite of his—but he also likes giving you expensive presents, such as pretty bags or dresses to wear to fancy dinners. in public he has to keep his true feelings at bay, but you know he adores you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he would rather have you instead, but when he’s away, or he’s had a long day in the office and you’re sound asleep (that’s not to say he hasn’t woken you up at times), he’ll jack off in the shower, not wanting to dirty his expensive sheets, and finish in his hand to the thought of your wet cunt clenching around him. he doesn’t do it often though, making sure you’re always satisfying his needs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he’s definitely got a breeding kink—he already loves cumming inside of you, and the thought of you growing his child inside of you, that you’ll have to be his forever now, makes his cock hard. however, he’s also quite into consensual non-consent. he’d never do anything to hurt you, no, but he loves the thought of spoiling you, bending you over while you beg him to stop; too fucked out from overstimulation
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
because he’s one for appearances, coriolanus prefers to keep things in the bedroom. that’s not to say that he won’t fuck you over his desk, or have you on your knees, sucking his cock prettily while he attempts to complete his work
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
whenever you walk around in your tiny little skirts, ass barely covered, knowing that you’re only doing it to tease him. you find that his hands are on you instantly, having you which ever way he pleases. he also gets turned on when he sees other men staring at you; wanting to fuck your brains out, but he knows you belong to him, and that they’ll never get to fill you with their cum. no, that’s his job
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
while he likes spitting in your mouth, and cumming on various parts of your body, he’s too much of a clean-freak to like the thought of other bodily fluids being involved. he’s also not one for you being dominant; always having to have the upper hand—after all, you belong to him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
coriolanus much prefers receiving; enjoying nothing more than the sight of you on your knees after a long day at work, the way you wrap your lips around his cock and relieve his tension. you’re so pretty, the way you gag around him, your eyes watering because you can’t take him all in. but he’s very good at giving, and when you’ve been a good girl and obeyed him, he’s more than happy to eat you like you’re his last meal, paying particular attention to your sensitive clit, and the way you squirm as he laps at it with his tongue
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
most of the time, he likes to take you roughly, reminding you that you belong to him, and he gets to do whatever he likes to that pretty little cunt of yours. he isn’t fast though, taking his time to thrust into you, feeling the way your tight walls stretch around him, taking you all in. however, if he’s in a particularly good mood, he loves making sweet love to you, kissing you all over, calling you his ‘good girl’ and not finishing until he’s made sure you’ve cum. however, these occurrences are rare, but you relish them everytime
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
coriolanus prefers to stretch out the foreplay, teasing you for hours, making you beg for it, but when he’s had a rough day, or he’s got an extra long lunch break, he’ll find some place to have you quickly, whether it’s across his desk or up against the wall in a tiny closet. you’re there to satisfy his every need, after all
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s not one for big risks, but sometimes if you have guests over, he’ll slip a finger in your cunt and watch as you try your best not to squirm and make a fool of yourself in front of everyone. if you’re a bad girl, he’ll make sure to take you back to his rooms and fuck some sense into you, making sure they can hear your screams, knowing that he fucks you so well; that the president’s pretty life wife is always obedient
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
usually once is enough for him, especially with how tired he gets from his work, but on a good day, he can take you two or three times until he’s completely exhausted. it helps to relieve the stress of being the president of panem, after all, and you’re more than willing to oblige
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s against the use of toys, much preferring to use his hands, mouth, or cock on you. once he found you pleasuring yourself with a vibrator, crying out his name as the toy rubbed against your clit. needless to say, the vibrator didn’t get to finish you off… coriolanus made you spread your legs like a good girl, and he fucked you until he was sure you were spending all over his dick.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s a terrible tease. he likes to wind you up, playing with your hair in the mornings, touching you a little too much when you’re out at events, hand ghosting your ass. he likes to nip at the sensitive skin behind your ears, caress your arms. when he’s going down on you, he takes his time to press kisses up your thighs, his breath hot against your skin. if you’ve been particularly bad, he won’t let you cum, enjoying the way you beg for him, how you’re left whimpering and trembling as he fills you with his cum; but leaving you completely unsatisfied
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s not the loudest, but he loves telling you how tight you are, hearing the squelching of your wet pussy as he pounds into you. he groans quite often, but you’re the loud one in this relationship, crying out his name, screaming with pleasure as he takes you so well.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
coriolanus loves when you suck him off while he’s busy working, knowing that you’ll always be there to satisfy his every need. oftentimes, you’ll sneak into his office while he’s hunched over piles of paperwork, and crawl under his desk. he knows you’re there when you unzip his trousers, and wrap your pretty lips around his head. it doesn’t take much for him to get hard, and you suckle and lick until he’s cumming all down your throat. sometimes he likes to pull at your hair, or push your head down, delighting in hearing you gag around his cock. he finds that this helps hone his concentration in afterwards, and he’s able to get his work done much faster
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
coriolanus is big. he’s not one to boast about it, and you wouldn’t have guessed. his ego suggested to you that he was small, but boy, you were wrong. his cock is one of the biggest you’ve seen, at least eight inches, and it has pretty veins running up it. you love to run your tongue over them, watching as he groans as you tease his sensitive shaft. he’s so big that it still hurts, sometimes. and the first time you fucked; you could barely take in half of him—he was delighted to know that you were a virgin, and watched you squirm as he stretched you out.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he doesn’t seem it to the public, but behind closed doors he’s desperate. he has to fuck you at least once a day, but most of the time it’s more. whether it’s an early morning blowjob to get him ready for the day, or an evening spent fucking you on the sofa, coriolanus snow has a high sex drive. his favourite time is when he gets you with your face down in the mattress, slamming into you as you beg him to fuck you harder; pounding your cunt until you can’t take it anymore. he likes that you’re willing to do anything for him, and you’ll never say no
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
when he’s especially exhausted, he’ll fall asleep almost instantly. but most of the time, he’s up for a while afterwards, always busy and having to settle some sort of affair. he comes back to bed with you eventually, and although he doesn’t like to be too affectionate, he’ll wrap his arms around you to fall asleep. he thinks you don’t know about his little secret, but each morning you wake up feeling his warm embrace—he almost looks like a poor puppy, so gentle as he sleeps—and you rest assured knowing that he does actually love you
taglist: @personalque @justacaliforniandreamer @jacesvelaryons (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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jasmines-library · 1 year
Up and Down
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WHUMPTOBER 2023: Day three, prompt ‘solitary confinement/make it stop’
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: After returning from being tortured by the devil himself, your brain can’t help conjure up its own images which refuse to leave you alone.
Warnings: Hallucinations, manipulation, glass shattering, negative comments about reader.
Word count: 1.3K
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
He was there again. 
That tall, looming figure that seemed to always wear a shit eating grin on his face. He was lounging across a chair, drumming his fingers against the wooden table and singing obnoxiously loudly to some song you had never heard before but had promptly decided that it was already getting on your nerves. With elbows resting on the table opposite him, you clenched the hair on your head into fists and let out a frustrated sigh, rising to your feet and storming away from the library. 
“Aw, come on.” Lucifer pouted. “I thought you liked my singing Y/N?”
Rolling your eyes, you made your way into the kitchen to where Dean was thickly spreading peanut butter on a slice of bread, trying to drown out the jests from the archangel he was still hurling at you. At the sound of your footsteps Dean raised his head greeting you with a grin. 
“Hey Kiddo. How’s it going?”
You were hesitant in your answer. Dean knew the toll that coming back since being tortured by Lucifer was taking on you. You were much more jumpy than usual and opted to spend much more time locked up alone in your room than spending time with your beloved hunter friends. Dean couldn’t help but feel guilty everytime he heard you cry out in your sleep from across the hall. He couldn’t help but feel deep down that all of this was his fault. After all, it was he and Sam who decided to reopen the cage - it was he and Sam who Lucifer wanted revenge on. Instead of responding verbally, you opted to nod, knowing that an unwanted tremble would snake its way out between your words, like it had your hands. 
You couldn’t help but stiffen at the voice behind you. It didn’t go unnoticed by Dean, who moved away from his PB&J to place his hand on top of yours.  “It’s okay sweetheart. It’s only Sammy.”
Turning, you watched as the lumbering man struggled in through the door. His arms hugged a selection of paper bags awkwardly. He smiled; a gentle gesture before placing the bags on the counter, and wrapped you up in one of his bear-hugs. Returning the gesture, you smiled into his blue flannel, letting out a breath you didn’t even know you had been holding. Detaching yourself from Sam, you began unloading the groceries he had brought back with him, listening to the eldest Winchester talk animatedly about the latest show he had decided to binge watch on netflix. It brought a grin to your face.
Here, with Sam and Dean around you, you felt much safer. That was until that irritating voice drifted into your ears. You dug your nails firmly into your palm, leaving little grooves on the soft skin, hoping that the dull pain would distract you from the image of the Archangel. When that didn’t work, and his remarks still rang through your head, you turned to flee the room. 
“Y/N?” Sam tilted his head. 
“I’m fine, Sam. Promise.” You nodded. 
Sam was about to say something, but shut his mouth as he watched you flee the kitchen, your bare feet pattering on the wooden floors as you retreated back down the corridors and into your room, locking the door, and the hollering of Lucifer behind you. Albeit, you could feel him lingering over your shoulder. Taking a deep breath and screwing your eyes shut, you pinched yourself harshly. 
Lucifer chucked deeply. “Real cute, Y/N.”
You turned and pushed past him. 
“You know you can’t ignore me forever.” You stopped abruptly. “I miss our little heart-to-hearts.” 
You rolled your eyes, moving towards your desk and beginning to shuffle the contents around. That was when he started singing. It was an old song. A sad song that you and the Winchesters used to listen to on particularly difficult nights. One that you associated with comfort.
“Stop.” You told him firmly. 
He didn’t. Only sung louder, edging closer to you.
“Stop it.” You said once again.
Lucifer continued to sing mockingly. 
“I said stop it!” You yelled, throwing the glass that you were moving at him. It sailed straight through the illusion and shattered on the ground. He grinned manically. 
“There we go, Y/N!” He howled, clapping his hands together joyously. “That’s what I’m talking about. This is the you I miss. Where did all that fire go, huh kiddo?”
“Leave me alone.” You spat out through gritted teeth. 
“Mm” Lucifer pinched his chin between his thumb and his index, tilting his head towards the ceiling. “I don’t think I want to…You see, now you’ve acknowledged me, you’ve let me in.”
You shook your head, backing away from him as you approached. “No.”
“Oh yeah. I can see everything Y/N.”  The devil proceeded forwards until your back hit the wall. “I’m inside your pretty little head. “ He sang. 
“You’re lying.” You shook your head, trying to convince yourself more than him. There were voices outside your door, but they were drowned out by Lucifer. “Sammy said that nothing you say is true. He- knows. He’s been here before.”
Tutting, the blond rolled his eyes. “Sammy, is a lying, untrustworthy piece of shit.”
“Don’t say that.”
“He doesn’t care about you Y/N. None of them do. They’re just using you Y/N.”
“You’re lying.” Rouge tears began to snake down your face.
“They just feel bad for you. You’re a liability, Y/N. You’re gone as soon as they get the chance to get rid of some dead weight. They don't need someone like you on their team, dragging them down. I mean, think of how easy it was for me to get to you. Poor, helpless, useless-”
“STOP IT!” You cried, sinking to your knees.
Your heart pounded in your head, beating like a drum to the rhythm of an army march.
“You are nothing Y/N. You’re nothing without those Winchesters. You are nothing without me!”
“Get out!” You sobbed “clutching your knees to your chest.
“You are worthless.”
The pounding grew louder as you buried your head between your knees. Fat tears fell down your cheeks, pooling on your jeans as Lucifer continued his onslaught of words. That was when you realised that the drumming was not your heartbeat, but the sound of Sam and Dean trying to break down the door to your room having heard the commotion. When they managed to barrel themselves in, Sam’s heart dropped when he saw you rocking back and forth in the corner of the room, lip trembling with hands plastered over your ears. He took one cautiously in his hand. You drew back sharply, eyes moving frantically across his features. 
“Please…” You whispered. “Make it stop.”
Wrapping you up gently he allowed you to bury his face in his chest, ignoring the dampness that followed as you continued to weep silently. Dean pulled you in close from the otherside, encasing you in between them. He never would fully understand what you were going through, no matter how hard he tried. He could sympathise, sure. He had been through decades for torture himself. But he would never be able grasp onto exactly what you were experiencing. Sam would be able to understand more; he too saw Lucifer for a while. But they both knew that no two experiences were the same. They knew that people cope differently and that was okay. All they could do was stick by you and help you work this out. And was exactly what they chose to do.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
🏷️ whumptober taglist:
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doctorcatastrophe · 9 months
Movie Night with Kento Nanami
Friday night is movie night 🎉
It becomes something that both of you look forward to 
Kento letting you choose the movie because he doesn't really care what you end up watching, as long as you get some time to relax together
You end up choosing cheesy rom-coms because you KNOW he loves them (even if he scoffs and rolls his eyes whenever you tease him about it)
I'm talking pretty woman-bridget jones-love actually type beat
He's a groundhog day, you've got mail, breakfast at tiffany's sort of man and you're a sucker for anything with 2000's J Lo
Working together to make a list of all the classics that you want to watch
Methodically working your way through the list and feeling accomplished every time you get to tick off one of the films 
Rewatching all your favs after those really tough weeks that have the life seeping out of Kento or have you tearing out your hair 
Needless to say, the two of you would be a power couple when it comes to movie trivia (so get ready for sore loser, pouty crybaby Gojo)
Pajamas, blankets, pillows and SNACKS- so many cosy things because you both deserve it 
He loves watching your face light up whenever the happy ending comes around or the couple finally gets together
It just makes his heart warm y’know
By the end of whatever movie you're watching, you're leaning against him, practically in his lap cause there's no better way to end movie night than cuddling up with the man of your dreams 
His arms wrapped around you loosely and you snuggle deeper into his side
He's just so warm (argh!)
The credits roll and you yawn, glancing up at your lover whose eyes are closed, a smile on his lips
A small, soft, rare smile that you would have died a thousand times to see 
For a second you think he's asleep, until he opens his tired brown eyes
Either him dragging you to bed or you dragging him, depending on whoever is more exhausted (likely him) 
Your eyes slide over the names rolling across the screen, not really taking any of it in before you turn to the dark room around you. The darkness is comforting, made so by the warmth of the body beside you and the slow, steady sound of breathing that comes from it. You can tell Kento is treading the line of sleep and you briefly wonder whether waking him is the best course of action. He had come home more exhausted than usual. He tried to hide it, but you weren't blind to the way his broad shoulders sagged or the way dark shadows collected beneath his eyes. Even his suit had seemed lifeless, like the stress of the day had worn out the straight iron-pressed lines and drained the colour from the fabric. You had asked him if movie night was a good idea,  pointing out how he was practically swaying on his feet. He immediately turned to give you a confused look, but his eyes softened when he noticed how concerned you were.
“I’m fine sweetheart.” 
“You don't look fine Ken.” You sighed, reaching up to trace the dark lines etched into his face. As his hands came up to place themselves over yours, you suggested moving it to tomorrow night instead. 
“We are not skipping movie night. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” He shook his head and you knew better than to argue with your stubborn boyfriend, so you settled on giving him a playful flick on the nose.
“As you wish Buttercup.” Your teeth clamp down on your lip as he chuckled gently,  humouring the reference with a smile. 
“I guess I know what we’re watching tonight then.” 
Ultimately deciding that sleeping on the couch would not be good for his already fragile and overworked body, you press a hand to the side of Kento’s face, dragging your thumb over his defined cheekbone. His eyes flicker open, head nuzzling into the warmth that your hand offers.
“Finished already?” His voice is barely above a whisper and the softness of it has you mentally keening. You only hum in response, reaching up to run your hands through his hair. The gesture has him melting against you, arms wrapping tight around your body to bring you closer to him. 
“Bed?” You whisper against his chest, just loud enough for him to hear. His fingers entwine themselves in your hair as he breathes in your scent. 
“Bed.” He confirms, but makes no effort to move. You laugh under your breath and peel the blankets off of you both, pulling yourself off the couch and away from Kento whose brow furrows in complaint. He sighs, having lost the warmth of you and no longer surrounded by your embrace, but you offer your hands to help him stand and Kento takes them gratefully. In the fragile light cast by the tv, shadows gather along the sharp lines of his face but you can make out his eyes, the warm brown reduced to a glossy black in the darkness. You stare up at him as he leans down and you smile when his lips meet your own. Shivers run down your spine as his fingers thread through your hair, tugging gently to make you gasp. He deepens the kiss and hums before pulling away to mumble something against your lips but you’re so warm and so tired and so happy that you don't hear him and let out a faint, “Huh?”. When you open your eyes, he's staring at you, a lazy lopsided smile gracing his tired face.
“You taste like popcorn.”
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eoieopda · 11 months
problem | myg
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pairing: min yoongi x darksided!reader summary: yoongi’s got a problem, and she’s dressed like elvira hancock. type: drabble, suggestive fluff (?) au: darksided; halloween; established relationship rating: 18+ (minors do not have my consent to interact) word count: 1k cw: yoongi’s on his tony montana, more money/more problem shit shit; afab!reader dressed as female character (elvira hancock); no smut but definitely suggestive thoughts/statements; kissin’, gropin’, nibblin’. a/n: happy halloween! i didn’t plan this, lmao. this is partly to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the darksided series. you don’t need to have read the series to read this drabble, but context is fun 😌
For the past eight years, Halloween has been spent on the couch, eating candy straight out of a party-sized bag and watching movies. A low-key holiday for low-key people, both of whom prefer going to bed at a reasonable hour over getting stupid into the wee hours of the morning. 
It’s been your favorite holiday for the better part of a decade for that reason — the lack of pressure and commotion, as well as the guarantee of quality time spent in the comfort of sweatpants. It’s nice, doing fuck all with the person you love doing nothing and everything with. Nobody has ever caught you complaining; and they never will.
This year, to your shock and awe, Yoongi bucked your expectations for the millionth consecutive time. Not only did he RSVP “yes” to a Halloween party, he decided that you would both attend in costume.
Apparently, one of the multitudes he contains kind of likes the idea of coordinating outfits with you.
You damn near fell over when he brought his idea to you in the first place; but now that he’s kneeling in front of you, dressed in a white suit and a torturously unbuttoned red button-up, you’re struggling to stay upright for an entirely different reason.
“Left foot,” he murmurs, gesturing to one of the legs you have dangling off the edge of the bed.
You oblige, resting your bare foot on his thigh. Silently, you watch while he slips your heel onto your foot, lips pursed in concentration as he deals with the tiny buckle on the ankle strap.
It shouldn’t fuck you up to see his fingers moving deftly, doing something this mundane, but it does. 
Makes you want to blow off this party and spend the night with those hands instead.
Those hands.
Their gentle grip on your ankle, the glint of his rings in the lamplight, the slender length of —
Yoongi is smiling slightly when his words nudge you back to reality with a jolt. If that smirk tells you anything, it’s that he’s called out to you at least once before. All you do is squeak in response; your brain is a bit too scrambled to think of better.
And he knows it, too.
Slowly, he shifts your heel off his thigh. To emphasize his instruction, he taps your right ankle lightly. “Right foot, jagi.” 
You’re boneless but acquiesce, nonetheless. 
Then, he has the audacity to say, “Good girl,” with his fingertips brushing softly over your bare skin, and you may as well black the fuck out. No part of the moments that follow registers in your mind; you may as well have lost it.
When Yoongi demands your attention the second time, he doesn’t bother with pet names. He leans slightly forward to where the high slit of your dress leaves a knee exposed, presses a kiss to the piece of you on display, and keeps his lips there just a fraction of a second longer than necessary.
“All set,” he says innocently, as if there’s anything angelic about the way he’s looking at you.
Dark eyes match the dark hair he’s pushed back off his forehead, and there’s a wickedness to them that you’ve never successfully ignored — not once in eight years.
“Ready to go?”
You make some unintelligible noise in response that you can’t parse yourself. Just like always, Yoongi manages to find the meaning you’re unable to locate; and he pushes himself to his feet. Two hands extend to help you do the same, and — just like always — you take them, no hesitation.
When you stand on unsteady legs, teal silk slips down the length of you and falls back into place with a flourish, fanning out at your ankles. Yoongi pauses, drinks in the sight of you like he’s drowning. He hums appreciatively to himself before reaching up to brush synthetic, blonde hair off your cheek.
“We’re running late,” he eventually notes. 
Neither of you makes a single move towards the door. It’s only his arm that moves, hand dropping from your face to skim over the fabric covering your waist, hugging the curve of it. You shiver, although it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the way your dress is cut.
“Michelle Pfeiffer’s got nothing on you.”
You swallow hard, going tense all over.
An hour passes in a second.
“Have I told you that I love this dress?”
You’re crawling out of your skin, vibrating on a frequency only Yoongi can hear. Fuck this dress, fuck this party, fuck me. Even though you don’t verbalize any of it, you know that he knows.
His eyes flick down your frame like he’s weighing what he wants against what he’s obligated to. Like he’s starving, and he’s searching for permission to sate his appetite.
There’s no weight to your voice when you say, “So, take it off,” but it hits him heavy. You feel the force of it when his hands grip your ass and pull you close. Chest to chest, it’s present in your heartbeat, too; thudding violently with anticipation.
He repeats himself, voice low, “We’re running late.”
But his actions tell you that he doesn’t give a shit about the clock. His mouth finds the skin beneath your jaw, and the heat of his breath warms your neck in the seconds before his lips do. At first, it’s just a kiss. 
Then, it’s a whisper.
“Really late.”
Then, it’s the faint graze of his teeth when he nips at you, followed by the flick of his tongue, eager to soothe the sting.
“We can be later,” he muses on an exhale, as if either of you needs to be convinced. His grip on your ass tightens just enough to pull a whimper out of you. “What do you think, Elvira?”
Your brain has liquified with the rest of you, but you summon the strength to run your fingertips along the edges of his lapel. “Tony,” you start with a sigh.
“Hmm?” He hums, mouth too busy to form words.
You grip those lapels and push him slightly backwards, interrupting his ministrations in order to look him dead in the eyes. Loving the challenge, he smirks back at you with one eyebrow arched expectantly.
“One of us’ll die if you don’t kiss me for real, and it won’t necessarily be me.”
Just like always, Yoongi only needs to be told once.
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likes are always appreciated, but it's feedback that means the most — whether that's in a comment below, PM, reblog, tags, etc. tysm for reading ✨
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Silver Lining 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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After some correspondence, you agree to an interview. It feels a bit shady but the potential employer agrees to meet in public. Conveniently, you're given the choice and there's no argument to the cafe by the bookstore with its delicious seasonal treats.
You resist the draw of the bookstore as you approach, gripping tight the folder with your printout of the sample you submitted. You enter and think of ordering but figure it might be better to focus on the task at hand. You check your phone as you felt a message buzz only a minute prior.
'In the corner, blue plaid jacket.'
Their message is straight and to the point. You can appreciate that. You lower your phone and look around, blue, blue, blue.
You see a head of silver hair above the plaid collar and near them. You hug the folder, your purse dangling from your elbow as you come to the table. You summon a greeting but it dies on your tongue before you can let it out. Oh no. Your shoulders slump as the man's blue eyes find you, they're a shade brighter than his coat.
"Oh," you let out the single syllable.
"Oh," he grunts and stands. You try not to cower as he does. "You're..."
The timbre of his voice turns your blood cold as he says your name. You cringe and nod. You sway and look through the window.
"I-if you w-want to cancel--"
"Sit," he ignores the suggestion, gesturing to the other chair as he waits.
You obey, too stunned to come up with any resistance. You sit with your back to the window, feeling the cold seeping from the glass. He lowers himself and stares at you. He's equally as speechless as his face creases. Disappointed, just like everyone else.
You push yourself straight. You told Lisa you're going to try. Even if you and this guy got off to a bad start, you've worked with many people you didn't get along with.
"James," you begin, "I-I th-think maybe we g-got to a b-bad start."
"Bucky," he corrects you and looks down at the brown leather folder in front of him, "let's just go over the script."
"U-um, okay, I--"
"Are you alright?" His eyes flick up, "you cold?"
"N-no?" You're taken aback by his concern.
You frown. Oh, he's asking about your stammer.
"J-just how I t-talk," you shrug and swallow tightly. You're not ready for this. You're stupid for even trying. "I--" you look around, no, you won't let him scare you away. You might have to put up with him but he also has to put up with you. "I'm g-gonna grab something t-to drink, is that a-alright?"
He nods and sits back. You leave your folder on the table and stand as he opens the folder, his eyes scanning the page. You hesitate before you pass him. Despite his age, he's not entirely repulsive. You imagine when he was younger, he was probably a catch. Maybe less grumpy too.
You join the line and wait your turn. You think of ordering more of the candy cane hot chocolate but opt instead for the toffee latte. Your drink pops up quickly at the pickup and you return to the table, still not ready to face this man.
You sit down again and hug the cup between your hands. You can be normal. It's not about whatever happened before, it's about money. It's about moving on. Lisa says that's most important.
"S-so, I'm open to n-notes--"
"I have a few," he says discerning as he slides a pair of glasses out of his front pocket and unfolds them. He puts them on and you try to ignore the snarky comment needling in your brain, "first of all, you make the argument that the Tiger tank is mistakenly branded as the most effective tank in the Second World War but I'd argue it is. No mistake."
"W-well, you'll see from my argu-m-ment that there i-is no b-best tank. Overall, tank w-warfare was more a l-liability. The discussion isn't w-which is best, it's merely an examination o-of t-tanks in b-battle."
"You know, I have a degree in this. Several. I've studied Tigers, Shermans, Panzers. Your script, it's well-crafted by your evaluation is off."
You blink. Your heart is once more thumping away. You look down at your cup and take a sip from the frothy top.
"I d-disagree. I d-did my research. Every tank had substantial p-pitfalls. E-even the t-tiger. M-maybe better th-than the e-end of the First W-War, b-but still a d-danger in the field. A-Again this isn't t-to say they w-weren't useful--"
"And what background do you have to make these statements? What degrees?"
"I know h-how t-to r-read," you eke out.
"Mmm, oh, you read and drinky cutesy drinks. Got it."
"I-It's coffee."
"Doesn't look like coffee. Smells like pure sugar."
You resist rolling your eyes. You look away. You don't even know if finishing your drink is worth staying. Clearly this isn't going to pan out.
"Th-thank you for meeting w-with me," you say at last, "s-sorry to waste your time."
He lifts his cup and slurps noisily. He lowers it again, the porcelain clinking, "you didn't. You've submitted the most coherent script I've received. I'll send you my notes. Fix it and we'll go from there."
"R-really?" You perk up.
"Sure, why not? I've wasted enough time trying to get this done."
Your cheeks twitch but you don't let yourself smile, "th-thanks."
"Yeah," he grits out and stretches his neck, giving a long look around the cafe. His eyes focus on the door before he faces you again and clicks his tongue, "I'm not that old."
"Wh-what?" You stutter.
"You called me an old man. I'm not." He puffs out and shakes his head, "whatever, doesn't matter."
"Okay, I t-take it back."
"You what?"
"I t-take it b-back," you repeat, "Lisa s-says it's g-good to admit w-when you're wrong a-as much as i-it is to b-be right."
He squints and takes another gulp. "Lisa?" He wonders.
"M-my therapist," you explain.
"Ah," he accepts crisply and sits forward, draining the last of his coffee. "Well," he slips the glasses off, "I'll head out. Got work to do."
You nod as he stands. He buttons up his plaid coat as he looms. You finally get the nerve to look up at him. His brows draw together and he dips his chin again.
The curt farewell allows no response as he twists on his heel. He's halfway to the door before you can react. You stare after him and lean over your cup. The world has a strange way of throwing you curveballs and you're not very good at hitting them.
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eerna · 1 month
Not to like compare who's better among all the Orpheuses, but who do you like best and in ascending/descending order (not to say that the lowest is the worse) among the Orpheuses?
I've only listened to Reeve and Damon btw hehe
Huehuehue ofc!! I have heard audio boots from quite a few, watched a couple on video boots. I only saw Donal Finn live.
8.) Reeve Carney (2020-2024). I know you said that lowest doesn't mean the worse, but for me... I can't stand this performance. You'll see my ranking of pre-2020 Reeve super high up, so I have 0 idea why this happened. He became breathy, shrill, started speaking every other line (for a role THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE MEMORABLE FOR HIS SINGING) and his acting turned wooden. His arms do the Bill Cipher thing and I feel 0 chemistry between him and Eurydice. It is painful to watch bootlegs from this period, which sucks because MOST of his bootlegs are from this period. I can't tell if this happened right after the opening night in 2019, but he wasn't like this in the previews, and idk why the change happened.
7.) Jordan Fisher. Idk if this is controversial, but I think he doesn't get the role at all. His voice is good, but I feel no humility or honesty in his emotions, he performs it as he would any other role he is cast in. He plays himself playing Orpheus, if it makes any sense.
6.) Damon Daunno. I like him, but the NYTW Orpheus just doesn't mesh well with me.
5.) Reeve Carney (2017-2018). Similar to Damon, Edmonton/London Orpheus is just not my thing. Ranked higher than Damon because I think he's vocally better.
4.) Nicholas Barasch, J. Antonio Rodriguez. I like them! But it's a little like they are playing Reeve Carney playing Orpheus.
3.) Reeve Carney (2019-2020). The Orpheus who made me fall in love with this show. The bootleg from the previews was my optimal Hadestown experience before I saw it live for the first time. This is where Orpheus as a character became who he is, gentle and romantic, and the way he looks at Eva Noblezada in that bootleg specifically makes me feel faint. My fav version of the couple.
2.) Chibueze Ihuoma. Good lord. He is number 2 by a hair, he could easily share the no 1 spot. The fact that he was never the principal Orpheus even after 5 years of understudying boggles my mind. He is the one who does the "poor naiive little romantic boy" take on the role the best. I believe every expression, every gesture, every line. He is just a confused artistic dreamer who loved this world so much and tragically lost his optimism!!! And his vocals? He glides across that falsetto like an ice skater and makes it seem effortless. His voice feels like an extension of him instead of something he puts on for a show, which is to me one of the best ways to sing in a production - I don't want to be reminded the person onstage is a singer who has done this 1000 times before in different roles. He entirely embodies the clear, perfect voice of Orpheus - truly, "he sang just like a bird up on the line". I feel like he is to Orpheus what Eva Noblezada is to Eurydice, hearing them together would probably forever change my world.
1.) Donal Finn. Completely different take on the character from Broadway, he is halfway between NYTW's charming confident musician and Broadway's gentle romantic dreamer, and somehow this is the perfect combination that makes me personally fall in love with Orpheus. I can't describe how it felt to walk into that theater so sure I know the production inside and out and that nothing could surprise me, and then seeing this performance. He has something that I haven't seen in any other version: he is utterly broken and entirely rageful. If It's True begins with him pressing his face to the floor, heartbroken, and ends with him angrily screaming out rallying calls, and Donal manages the transition PERFECTLY. There's something about seeing Orpheus not only gradually lose his optimism, but also gentleness, while remaining so vulnerable and tragic. His voice is so melodic and beautiful and he can really nail the balance between singing and speaking in ways Reeve never succeeded. Even when he "ugly sings" it is still on point. Like Chibueze, his voice is an extension of him instead of a karaoke-like performance, and his accent is so damn endearing idk how I will ever NOT hear Orpheus as Irish. Also he couldn't stop sobbing during his final curtain call and I've never seen that before which makes him all the more endearing. I hope he will play Orpheus on the West End recording!
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peyton-warren · 1 year
Syverson and 🛎?
You know of all people I can't say no to Sy, ever. Who would. And waiting on him hand and foot... hmmmm. Got a bit angsty but there is potential smut coming in another part in the future.
Three-Jump Cowboy
Characters: Gender Neutral Reader, Captain Syverson Pairings: Reader X Captain Syverson Fandoms: Sandcastle, Henry Cavill characters Word count: 1400 Type: angsty, fluffy. Warning: 18+. Minors DNI. Injury, surgery, hospitals, no blood, vague description of accident, and a teeny tiny mention of spanking Summary: Reader waiting on Sy hand and foot. Author's Note: Blame @ronearoundblindly, I do. She sent me ask from this as game if you would like to play too. Thank you to @adulting-sucks for the beta. And thank you to @sarahdonald87 for the injury idea. Ask Box: Open Masterlist
“Sugar,” Sy exasperatedly stated.   If you thought too hard about it , his tone would almost seem like a whine.  You just smiled softly at him as you set the tray of food across his lap where he was sitting up in the guest bed.  “I coulda come to the table, I told you that.”   
“Doc said you are to stay here unless you absolutely have to move.  Eating can be done here,” you assured him as he reached for the silverware.   “I’ll let you cut your own meat up,” you teased.  “Let you keep your masculinity intact.”
You hid your smirk from him as he scowled menacingly at your comment.  You knew keeping James Syverson in bed was going to be an issue from the second the doctor told you both that his femur was broken and would require an extended period of time in bed.  James wasn’t used to being stationary, and you weren’t used to him being dependent on anyone but himself.  This was going to be a trial for both of you and likely your relatively newish relationship.  
You had only been together a few months when you got the call from the base that he had been in a training accident.  You didn’t even know he had put you down as his emergency contact, but you had quickly headed to his bedside, scared at what you would find there.  The nurse on the phone had not been overly loquacious with the details. 
The woman at the information desk told you how to find where his room was going to be, that he was in surgery and who you should talk to once you got there.  The nurses on the floor were kind but busy, telling you they’d let you know if they heard anything and then gestured to the corner room where you should wait.  
You did as you were bade and sat in the uncomfortable chair beside the neatly made institutional looking bed.  Your mind whirled at what his injury was, who else you should call.  He mentioned his mom somewhere back home, why was she or his brother living in Michigan not on his emergency contact list?   How would you get a hold of them if something else happened to him?   
Your heart lept at the sound knuckles on the door.  Your eyes refocused on the woman dressed in scrubs standing in the open doorway.  “Just wanted to let you know he did well, just needs to rest and heal now.  He’s in recovery and will be brought down in a bit.  I’ll be back once he’s settled and awake to talk to you both about next steps.”
“Thank you,” you barely squeaked out with a nod.  It escaped you to ask what his injury was until after she was gone.  By then she was probably long gone, moved onto another patient who needed her. 
 You heard the sound of wheels and a few pairs of feet approaching a little while layer.   As predicted, your beast of a boyfriend was rolled into the hospital room, eyes open but glazed, his normal sober face lit up like a child’s as he noticed you.  “You came?” Sy asked gleefully, as if you were on a date instead of sitting in his hospital room.  
“Of course I did, Sy,” you said softly as he tried to sit up in the gurney.   The  man at the head of the bed placed a hand on his shoulder.  He was almost as big as Sy, his rust colored beard, hair pulled back into an elastic at the back of his head.  “You need to stay still, sir, just a few more moments.”
“But-“ Sy tried to protest, gesturing to you.  
“We are blocking their escape,” the other orderly joked.  
You smiled at them all, and stayed seated as they managed to transfer Sy from one bed to the other.  When they pulled back the sheet to move him, you noticed the new cast running from his calf to his hip on his left leg. 
“Oh shit,” you whispered, your sight trained on his leg.  
“Ain’t nothing,” drugged Sy confessed.  “I’ll be up chasing you before you know it,” he said teasingly, reaching a hand to your knee, squeezing, his fingertips pressing harder into your inner thigh, making your legs close right around them.    
When the doctor returned a few hours later, Sy and you learned his injury was far from nothing.  He had landed wrong on a routine training jump.   His ‘chute had fully deployed but something had happened to the rigging, preventing him from decelerating his speed, the brunt of which ran up his left leg upon contact with the ground, breaking his femur.  The puckered brow on his face told you he struggled to remember much of it, but the doctors assured you both that it was the pain meds talking.   
“Six months??” Sy sternly asked a few moments later.  “I have to be in bed for 6 months? Are you-“ 
You laid your hand on his forearm, sliding your smaller fingers down to curl between his, silencing him.  “When can I take him home?” you switched tactics, trying to keep him calm, and focusing on the next few steps.  
A few days later, Sy was delivered to his own home in town by ambulance.  There was no way he was going to fit in your tiny car nor be able to get into his truck with a full leg cast.  By the time the paramedics brought him home, you had worked with a local in-home care service and set up the guest bedroom on the main floor of his home to fit his new needs.  
He was grumpy but complicit as he was carried on the gurney into his home.  He was agitated, looking exactly like a caged animal, clutching his jaw, eyes flicking around at the EMTs, at his home, at you.   They softened just a touch at the sight of you standing off to the side, dressed in one of his beat up old button-ups, sleeves rolled up to your elbows, leggings and old boots you had stashed at his house to help around the yard.  You hadn’t really been back to your own apartment since you got the call from the hospital at work 4 days previous.  You did a drive by to grab some essentials the first morning after his accident and then had set up in his home (with his consent) to get everything ready and settled for his arrival.  
Catching him looking at you as you stood off to the side out of the way of the two paramedics doing their jobs, but yet still hovering like the protective mother hen you suddenly felt like, you gave Sy a soft smile, happy to have him back in his home where maybe he could relax and let himself heal and  recover.  
It was later that evening when you brought him his dinner on the wooden tray, a steak, mashed potatoes and creamed spinach, one of the meals you made for him when you first started dating.  Only thing new was the side of painkillers and post op antibiotics that were waiting for his belly to have some food as a buffer.
As Sy looked at the tray in front of him, he softly, ruefully sighed and you pecked his forehead, rising to leave.  “Sugar,” he said quickly, but quietly, his hand wrapping viper fast around your wrist, stopping you, surprising you a bit. 
“Yes?” You looked from his hand to his face, seeing the man struggle with the words he was trying to share.  
“Thank you,” he sincerely stated, his crystal eyes clear and possibly sparkling.   “For all this.” He gestures around the room, the bed, the dreaded walker, the other equipment, as well as the food in front of him.  “You didn’t-“
“I know,” you assured him.  “But I wanted to.   I’d like to think you’d do the same for me if the roles were reversed.”
James nodded and smiled a little wider, the dimple you adored making a rare appearance even through all of his beard.  “I woulda.  After I finished spankin' you for jumpin’ out of a perfectly good plane.”  
You both laughed for the first time in almost a week. This was going to be a long journey, but together you were gonna make it to the other side.  
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General Tag List: @littleone65, @mysweetlittledesire @jvanilly HC Tag List: @m07belzen, @used-to-be-bourbonwithice, @hawklin, @geralts-yenn
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strawberrybobamilk · 1 year
SFW Alphabet - Trevor Philips Edition
TWs: Some swearing, brief mentions of violence and drugs
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Trevor isn't the most romantic guy, but similarly to how he acts around Patricia, when he is truly in love with someone he will tend to become a soft sweetheart. Either by holding hands with you, calling you pet names (ex: "cupcake", "sweetcheeks", "gorgeous" etc) and other small gestures, he will always find a way to show his love to you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Trevor as a best friend would be that kind of friend that loves to tease you and mess around with you enjoying your annoyed reactions, but still always being there for you, hanging out with you (mostly to get drunk), and killing whoever wrongs you. Trevor would meet you for the first time by seeing you at the Yellow Jack Inn getting harassed by one of that bar's usual old drunk customers, so Trevor beat up his ass and got kicked out for the hundredth time; you got out to thank him and that's how your friendship started.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He cuddles with you everyday! He loves cuddling with you in bed or on the couch spooning you, playing with your hair and holding you like a big teddy bear until he falls asleep. You're the only one who can calm him like this.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Michael says that Trevor isn't the marriage guy. In some way you could say that is kinda true, but if Trevor really loves you he'd gladly settle down with you. As for the houseworks, as you can tell by the state of his trailer, he's preeetty bad at that; if you ask him, he'd try to do some cleaning and actually manage to make things worse, so you'll be the one taking care of the cleaning: you'll clean the house and as soon as Trevor arrives he'll undo everything by leaving behind a path of chaos. He'll sometimes try to cook you something, but ends up burning the food, or in the best case scenario, the food isn't reduced to a piece of coal but tastes absolutely vile (but it's the thought that counts).
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Let's be honest, this is Trevor. He would NEVER break up with you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As also said in the D part, Trevor would love to get committed with you if he feels like you're the perfect one, same for the marriage part: he'd ask you to marry him kinda quickly, like after some months you've been dating.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Trevor is anything but gentle. With people in general. But with YOU it's like he's a different person. His usually gruff voice full of insults towards everyone is instead softer and respectful with you, and his hands that are strong enough to break someone's bones in the blink of an eye treat your body as if you were made of crystal.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He LOVES hugging you and being hugged by you, literally everyday he needs hugs. His hugs aren't only bear hugs, he also likes to catch you by surprise: for example, you are washing the dishes and he surprises you by wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzling his nose in your neck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
When you phone him (or he phones you), shortly before ending the call you will always hear him say that. He likes to say it in messages too (typed like "i luv u bb :) ;)"), which always gets a smile out of you. But the moments he says it the most are those moments that could be specified only if this was a NSFW post.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
You can bet your ass he's jealous, VERY jealous. Anyone who even dares to look in your direction will be in deep shit (and dead if they try hitting on you). You're his and only his goddamnit!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are often sloppy and clumsy but always full of passion, they can range from little pecks to full on devouring your lips. He likes kissing you on your lips, cheeks, forehead, neck, everywhere, and he also likes to get kissed everywhere (he prefers neck kisses though).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Trevor is surprisingly good with children. Back in his North Yankton days he was basically a second dad to Tracey and Jimmy; when they cried he was even better than Michael and Amanda at cheering them up by playing with them (he would never change their diapers though, in his own words that's a job for Mikey).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Unless there's still speed in his body, he'll spend the morning sprawled across the bed snoring until 12 AM.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights on the couch eating take away from Burger Shot and watching silly action flicks (the only kinds of movies he'd manage to sit through) are the best nights.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Trevor has A LOT of things to say about himself, but it would take a while for him to reveal them all to you. His troubled childhood, his dysfunctional family, his failed career projects, his relationship with Michael and Brad... he will tell you about all these things only if he really trusts you, and even then he doesn't tell you about them right away all at once, not only because they hurt him but also because he doesn't want to scare you. Bit by bit he will tell you, and bit by bit you'll connect the dots and understand him better.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Easily angered is Trevor's second name.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Trevor will remember EVERYTHING, everything you say, everything about you, every little detail. For example in a passing conversation you'd briefly mention your favorite food and forget what you just said, but Trevor won't, and from now on will go out of his way to get you your favorite food (leaving you surprised like "how did he know that?!").
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One night when he was returning to his trailer he saw his mother, mocking and belittling him like always, asking him to get a truckload of Deludamol. He went to do that but when he came back with the truck she was gone; he fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably and just in that moment you came back as well, and you immediately rushed to comfort him, asking him what's wrong and hugging him. It was a horrible moment for him, but your presence and your attempts to comfort him made him feel a lot better. It's his favorite moment in the relationship because that's when he understood he could always count on you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Overprotective. Aside from his clinginess and jealousy, he also knows his criminal lifestyle could potentially put you in danger. If he has to go out alone he'd ask Ron and Wade to keep an eye on you; if you two are out together he'd be very careful and always holding your hand, and if someone poses a threat to you, Trevor will soon "take care of them". He'd be okay with leaving Sandy Shores with you if he feels like it has become too unsafe for you to live there. Sometimes you'd worry for him as well, especially when he comes back covered in blood, but he laughs it off saying that it's just a scratch, or that you don't need to worry about him (even though he actually appreciates you being worried about him).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Trevor remembers anniversaries and loves surprising you with unexpected gifts (usually something crafted by himself). As for dates, he isn't a fancy dates kind of guy (unless you ask him), he prefers fast food or pizzeria dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A lot. Poor hygiene, drugs abuse and smuggling, a tendency to get pissed off very easily and getting coated in blood as consequence...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn't give two shits about how he looks. Whatever is in the shop is what he gets.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absofuckinglutely. Just the thought of losing you by any means would make him break down in tears and despair.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He likes playing with Impotent Rage action figures with you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you are a hipster he probably wouldn't like you. But there are two kinds of people he hates more than hipsters: liars and backstabbers. If you ever betray his trust, he will NEVER forgive you nor forget it (cough cough, Michael, cough..).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
If you are around, he falls asleep while snuggling you. If he is alone, he will fall asleep on his back, hands on his chest or on the mattress.
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ghostphobic · 1 year
what if reader knew a little how to surf? and, when surfer!abby finds out, they start playing and fighting in the water and then their heads collide, giggling and all, and their lips are so close.. 😞🫂
this is soooo insanely late im so sorry anon ive had sooo much going on skmfkg... BUTTTT ur a geniussss omg. i hope i did ur idea justice ! i think reader is definitely the type to fake being completely clueless about surfing just to get a little extra hands on time with abby.
it's not like you're a prodigy or anything, you really only know the absolute bare minimum— how to stand up and how to balance for a few seconds, but it's not like you're able to do either of those things for long on an actual wave.
abby had offered to teach you the basics one night, and who were you to tell her no? she'd started her lessons with you on the sand, instructing you on where to put your hands and your feet on somewhere solid ground before she took you into the water. her hands on your waist, arms, and occasionally your legs to help you position yourself better. it had all been apart of your master plan, but that doesn't mean heat hadn't risen to your cheeks at every touch and little "there you go. i knew you could do it." that leaves her mouth.
after about a half an hour of teaching you on the sand, she finally decides to take it into the water. "it's probably gonna be a bit harder in the water, but i know you'll pick it up in no time." she says, an encouraging smile on her face. her unwavering support almost makes you feel bad.
you paddle out just a bit into the water with her swimming alongside you. "alright. why don't you try standing up?" she says, swimming back just enough to give you space.
you already know how to do this. palms on the board, push yourself up in something that resembles a plank, bring your back foot forward so it's aligned with your knee, then bring your other knee forward to rest in between your arms, and stand.
you do it easily, not struggling in the slightest. you turn to look at abby, wondering why she's quiet instead of cheering you on for getting it on your "first try". you're met with her staring at you— brows furrowed, eyes flickering with amusement, and the corner of her mouth tilted up in the beginning of a smile.
"what?" you ask.
"you've known how to do this the whole time haven't you?"
"miss anderson, im afraid i don't know what you mean."
"a pretty girl being so obsessed with me that she has me teach her things she already knows how to do, just so she can spend a little time with me? and i thought my ego couldn't get any bigger." the tilt at the corner of her mouth has morphed into a shit-eating grin.
her ego really can't get any bigger, but she'd be lying if she said her heart didn't feel like it was about to start beating out of her chest right now.
"oh you little—" you start, but before you can finish your sentence she's pushed you off the board and into the water.
you don't immediately pop back up, which causes her to worry. just when she's about to call your name, she feels your hands grip her legs and pull her underwater.
she opens her eyes to look at you under the water, and though you can't make many facial expressions because you're trying to hold your breath, she doesn't miss the amused look in your eyes.
she tries to swim back up, but your legs have locked around hers in an effort to keep her under. she points up the surface and you shake your head, tapping yourself on the arm as if to say 'tap out and i'll let you go.'
her stubbornness level is high right now but her need to take a breath is even higher, so she taps your arm and you immediately let go.
she swims up first and you're right behind her. both of you inhale largely when you reach the surface, but that's followed up by both of you breaking out in laughter.
your hands are on each other's arms and shoulders, an unconscious gesture that can only be chalked up to a mutual 'i'm okay. are you okay?' you don't realize just how close your faces are to each other until the laughter dies down, and suddenly you're both very serious.
the moment is perfect. the moon is full and bright tonight, the water is calm, and there's nobody on the shore. abby doesn't know whether you're going to kiss her or she's going to kiss you. when she sees that you look incredibly nervous she decides to take the reigns, lips pressing against yours.
it's not an overly long kiss nor is there anything sexual to it, it's soft and intimate and it causes both of your hearts to pound against your chest. and it's enough for both of you to realize just how much you both like each other without going too fast all at once.
"you know," you say as the two of you part. "i think you're a major hypocrite."
"how so?" she asks, voice filled with amusement.
"maybe i did lie today to spend time with you, but that was just once." her brows furrow a bit as you push yourself away from her just a little bit. "at least i haven't been paying for smoothies i don't like just because the pretty worker recommended them."
you don't wait for her reaction and immediately start swimming back to the shore, completely oblivious to the way she's staring at you in disbelief.
'son of a bitch...' is her final thought before she starts swimming after you.
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Georgette and sekido part 8
This one is kinda a continuation to the last one i made yesterday
Even since the beginning of there first encounter she had always tried to keep away from him because he was very intimidating but after finally bieng alone to talk to him that fateful day there relationship started to slowly develop from there but would revert back when his anger got the best of him towards her accidentally.
But on this particular day she was avoiding him for a week now and soon his rage would dwell into fear he thought he was going to lose her for good and choose to be with the others instead of him permanently.
He was in his working station in his room mot even able to concentrate as he fidgets around his pen while the other massages his temple his leg making the same movement as his working hand he was nervous more so that his beloved could possibly be thinking to leave him now because he went to far in his words.
He may be the embodiment of anger but still shares the same anxiety as hantengu just not to that extreme. Soon his chest almost felt tight and suddenly hes gulping down his weakness near the edge of wanting to have a paranoid breakdown never in his life has he felt such guilt for his actions not like this hes not used to this feeling at all and it only agitates him more that hes in this vulnerable state of despair and shame.
But then the door slides open he had forgotten to lock it. it was georgette, she had come to check up on him after never leaving his room all day today sne was worried for his well-being but before she could even say anything something was already wrong by the shaking body gesture and hands clutched onto his head "sekido!" She called.
Immideatly he jolted to her way. His eyes where wide in fear and it looked as if he was fighting back tears seeing the glisten of his eyes while sweating. His panick attack was about to hit full blown but her presence and look of genuine concern blocked it from happening.
"g-gerogie..." Just before she could move towards him with open arms sekido jumped out of his seat to hold her missing her warmth her gentlness her scent everything about this woman he missed it all. Wrapping his arms around her waist before he fell to his knees the wetness of her dress as he silently sobs of relief.
"sekido! Sekido! Hey whats wrong? My thunder storm why do you weep?" She kneels down letting him rest upon her lap as he lets it all out fingers caressing his soft auborn colored hair.
His words took time to put together, pulling together to stop from hyperventilating until finally words managed to escape his mouth.
" i-i-...im sorry! Ok there! Sorry! I know im not the kindest of person in the world infact i dont even deserve to be treated with such gesture! Y-you deserve better ok! Go with ai hes more empathetic o-or urogi! He can make you smile! Even stupid karaku would be better of with you! J-just...*fighting the urge not to cry again* anyone but me ok! I dont want to hurt you like that ever again I'm sorry georgie im so sorry!...."
She sat there and listened to his woes, she had no idea that he would have been affected by her absence, she only wanted to give him room to breath no matter how long it taked but that wasnt the case sekido missed her since day one of leaving him alone and now his guilt took a toll on him that she would leave him for somone else somone better and kinder. Yet little did sekido know he was kind a very different kind of kindness that was rare to see.
" my love, why do you say such nonsense? I already have the most kindest most understanding man right her on my lap." She moves her other hand to rub his shoulder.
" your motherly nature when you look out for your comrades is something i admire, perhaps strict but nonetheless its because you care for there safety"
" and dont think ive forgotten the time when you nurtured me during the time i came home with my face disfigured you still complimented me thoughtful after i was feeling low self esteem in that moment and to top it off you even came to my care when i was sick due to my ability even though you didnt have to. i think about it often "she chuckles placing a kiss on his forhead.
" you are loved sekido, and you are wanted. Nobody is perfect and thats ok...im not eather. No matter how rocky our relationship gets i want us to be able to solve it together because at the end of the day while i love the other three i want to be with *you* more than anyone sekido.."
He listened and the more he did the more he was gaining his composure again. He needed to hear that this was something hes been needing to hear for a long time now. Hes flawed and thats ok she is aswell. As his worries finally drift away sekido finally had the courage to slowly lift himself up to her nuzzling on the crook of her neck the same she did to him during that day of her mental breakdown.
"thank you, my rose..."
"i really needed to hear that..." He deeply sighed feeling true relaxation now.
" i think if you hadnt had come here any time i would have already bashed my head againts the wall along with the other idiots."
She only laughed
" where going to have to work on a different approach for a better anger management for example"
Hands him a rubber stress ball "tada!'
"....what the fuck is that?'" he looked at it with disgust the texture feeling wrong to him
" a stress management ball you can squeeze it throw it and smash it to let your anger all out see? Im good at this!"
He just stares at it and then clutches it with his fists then snorts.
" well this sure looks fun.."
"because it is my little lightning bolt ❤️"
Dividers by @/elryisia
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foolishlovers · 6 months
hi jane! how are you? 💕 i looove your fic recs and i always wanted to ask for some, too... but i never knew what kind of fics i would ask for bc i'm uncreative af lol ANYWAY i've been feeling pretty low these past few days now and i could use some fluffy sweet ineffable idiots/friends to lovers fics to cheer me up..? doesn't really matter if short or long, au, fix-it, explicit or not... i'm not picky (tho i prefer longer fics) 👉🏻👈🏻 do you have some recs? or even personal faves? i'd love to see them, pretty please? (i'm also reading/have read your wip's and finished fics and i love ALL OF THEM V MUCH just so you know that!! anyway, i hope you're doing good! have a great start to the week mwah 💕✨️)
addi hi you’re are so very sweet!! i’m sending you all my hugs and i hope you’ll feel better soon 💜
here are some of my favourite idiots/friends to lovers good omens fics:
Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak by triedunture (M, 17k) "Yes, exactly. Retire." Aziraphale reaches for the last remaining tartlet brimming with summer berries. "Somewhere along the south coast, perhaps." Or: Crowley and Aziraphale learn to move in tandem.
You are HoMe (Half of Me) by angelsnuffbox (T, 28k) Aziraphale had gotten dumped, plain and simple. But that small detail wasn’t nearly as important as all the things that happened after he’d gotten dumped - such as coming to a few realisations about his best friend of sixteen years.
Hope Is The Thing With Feathers by Gefionne (M, 28k) Because they can’t see each other more than once every few decades, Aziraphale suggests that he and Crowley write to each other to pass the time apart. As quills for their letters, they exchange wing feathers: a gesture of great intimacy that Crowley is convinced only he perceives the depth of. But time will tell that it’s not just him who sees it that way.
32 Questions That Lead To Love by ffonippop (E, 32k)
”First formulated in 1997, [32] questions to fall in love is a study by psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron which took place at Stony Brook University, New York. The aim? Speeding up the creation of intimacy between two strangers.” The Cosmopolitan
Okay, fine.
Crowley was 32-Questions-That-Lead-To-Love-ing Aziraphale. Sue him.
He had no expectations, all right? Just, an innocent curiosity.
Between Comfort And Chaos by anathxmadevice (T, 45k) “And how long have you two been a couple?” “Oh, I—” Aziraphale panics. “Ha, well, that’s a funny… We’re not actually—” “We’re just friends.” Crowley says, their voice clear and calm and lightly amused, either because of or in spite of Aziraphale’s flailing attempts to divert the conversation. “Ah, yes, quite.” Aziraphale says, then takes a sip of his drink just for something to do, instead of focussing on the way Crowley said just friends, and how it causes a painful throb in his chest that he has never fully got used to. His memory can only scrabble at the edge of a time where being just friends with Crowley didn’t feel like a particular form of torture. Or, Aziraphale has been desperately in love with his best friend and housemate Crowley since they were students, but is too scared to do anything about it.
Won't You be My Neighbor? by Spiro, ProblematicPitch (T, 52k) When Mr. A. Z. Fell moves to the quiet English village of Tadfield, he expects nosy neighbors and inquiries into his eccentric, solitary life. What he doesn't anticipate is Anthony J. Crowley, the surly nuisance / next-door-neighbor, who might very well need a friend as much as he does.
Good Endings by WyvernQuill (T, 56k) A Narrative of Certain Events following the Ending of the World (Except Not Quite), as vaguely hinted at in The Slapdash and Not Very Helpful Prophetic Tidbit of Agnes Nutter, Witch (And Matchmaker.)   "Their lives are in horrible, terrible danger that only we can save them from!" Anathema held up the Prophetic Tidbit. "It says so. Right here." Madame Tracy peered at the page. Raised a meaningful eyebrow. "Dearie, as a woman of, well, considerable experience, I really don't think that's what 'the lyttle Deathe' means in this context…" "Huh." Anathema squinted. Flipped the page. Read another bit. "….huh."   (Or, alternatively: Eight - give or take - matchmakers trying really, really hard, honest; two clueless ethereal/occult beings mutually pining their endless days away; and one witch, who can't leave well enough alone when it comes to matters of the heart, no matter how many centuries ago she died.)
Barriers, and the Breaking Thereof by Cardinal_Daughter (M, 71k) Ezra Fell has long been comfortable in his loneliness. He’s content to simply run the Soho Public Library and otherwise keep to himself. However, when a handsome stranger bursts in one evening with a baby, frantic and in need of help, Ezra finds those carefully constructed barriers he’s long maintained begin to crack. Perhaps it’s time to let them fall. Human AU. Complete.
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim (T, 133k) Aziraphale finds himself in a very awkward position as some sort of spell makes everyone merely glancing in his direction instantly fall deeply and desperately in love with him. Absolutely everyone. Well, apart from Crowley, that is. And while both angel and demon search for a solution to this fairly unique problem, Crowley can’t help wondering whether Aziraphale might finally figure out some things he kept hidden for so very long. [you can request more fic recs here]
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heongiu · 1 year
Hiiii, saw your simp headcanons and I loveee it. May I request smth similar to that but reader who doesn't look like a simp because she only shows this privately with Gojo , Nanami, and Geto? You're quite good at hiding it still it's fun for the boys to watch your reactions especially how extremely easy for them to get a reaction from you, ranging from making you fluster to even making you forget your act and simp to them
Thankyou for the request Anon! First of all gotta say I love writing for JJK it's just so fun! They're not gonna be hcs because j can better imagine them as in a scenario! (Sorry for that if you wished for hcs!)
Gojo, Geto and Nanami with a simp reader
Gojo Satoru
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Gojo was, quite the ethereal person, Well No wonder he had so many girls dying to be his one and only.
You were too deep down, you wanted to be his one and only too. But that could only be a dream for you.
Though you were quite close to the snowy-haired man, since you worked besides him as a teacher at the Tokyo metropolitan curse technical College. (Fuck that name was so hard to remember?!)
He was tall, quite literally very pale, and he had soft, pink lips, sometimes deep down you wish you could lay your lips on his, very gently kissing him.
But then you would snap out of it.
"Y/n-chhi~ you wanna take a walk together? It's quite literally a beautiful weather outside!" And there he was, acting childish as usual. That was a habit of his, a very peculiar behaviour which many would find annoying. But to you it was honestly, quite cute.
"I guess we can" you replied to the man.
You were outside the dorms, when everyone else was sleeping peacefully, walking together in the ground. The grass was cut finely.
It was a nice walk, he just blabbered some random shit, and all you could do was listen. Until...
He took off his blindfold, his bright sky-ish irises shining so bright, even in the dark, his frost dusted eyelashes. And you never thought he could look any more beautiful until today.
You gazed at him, caught in his beauty, or more like lost in it.
Until you realised he was looking at you.
"Y/n, do you have a thing for me?~" he cooed, his light laugh was quite attractive.
Fuck, maybe you should've been more careful with the way you were expressing your emotions on your face. Instead of being caught like this.
"Wh-what do you mean?" You replied, your voice all high pitched. He inched his face closer to yours, your cheeks turned red.
"I said what I said~"
Fuck, you legit screamed inside.
Kento Nanami
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Well, it's quite important to say, you and Nanami worked together at the same place, even at the Jujutsu Academy.
You had known him since you guys were 2nd years, and thats when you joined the Academy too.
He was, well quite the rebellious at that young age, but you'd admit, he had grown into a fine gentleman.
Fuck, maybe you had fallen too hard for him. Who knows, well it was just something about the way he talked to you, it wasn't like how he talked to Gojo Or anybody else. He actually was nicer to you.
Today it was quite strange that you guys had to work together to take down few curses in a building and to save some children. Otherwise you'd be doing the usual missions on your own without any partner. But he was there today
"Y/n, you've gotta focus, there's plenty of curses in this building" He warned you, before you both stepped in, he told you to stay behind him.
He took out his weapon, quite a strange one you'd say, but even so, it was quite the powerful.
Everything was nice until he started folding the sleeves of his shirt, his muscular and veiny arms were now pretty much visible to you.
The way he did that gesture made you feel butterflies in your stomach. Your ears and your nose had turned deep shades of red. You were so lost in his gesture, that you forgot he was speaking to you.
"Y/n" he called out to you, you looked at his face, it was normal, maybe he was just making sure you're still there, since you got zoned out.
"Let's go" he spoke to you, you were sure you couldn't properly see his face, but you did see him smile lightly. Perhaps, he found out how much of a simp you were for him.
Geto Suguru
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Of all this time that you had known Geto for, you could say he was quite the flirt, yet indirectly. He wasn't necessarily very flirtatious, yet he was a smug.
It was quite the self explanatory.
Geto was not a very open person, he was quite careful when it came to who he chose to converse with, or who he chose as a friend. He was quite the cautious guy, even though he never seemed like one.
He was also very calculative, he knew exactly how a person was, before he could even talk to them. And the same happened with you.
When you met him, it was abnormal for him to approach such an ordinary looking fellow like you.
Well he was quite right, though you looked ordinary, you weren't really ordinary at all. You were the absolute and complete opposite of the word.
And he could sense it. He could sense your aura from the beginning, though that was the first time he had doubted his calculations. But in the end, he wasn't disappointed in finding an apprentice like you, or you could call yourself his friend.
Though you wanted to be more than friends with such a man. You desired him, quite desperately, and well let's just say you were quite the genius in hiding those feelings, just like him.
You two were sitting together, outside. It was evening, around 6 or 7. The bright white coloured clouds hovered over your heads.
You sat there, talking to him about the old days, how you missed everyone, how much it saddens you that you cannot see them again. And he too expressed his feelings, not his usual thing to do.
It all was all quite gloomy. Perhaps you wanted to talk about something better. And before you could change the topic, Geto ran his hand through his hair, positioning his arms behind him, throwing his head back lightly.
"Fuck" you cursed inside your head. You didn't realise, you were lightly biting at your lips. Your hands ran up and down your thighs. Desperation took over you.
He turned to glance at you, your flustered expression. Somehow he could tell you were simping for him inside your head.
He grabbed your arms to shift you towards himself. You gasped at the sudden motion.
His face was mere inches away from yours, he wasted no time to plant a kiss on your lips.
"You seem to be quite attracted to me, that's adorable" he teased you, his hands running through your hair.
"S-shit you found out" he laughed at your innocent expression.
"It was quite easy to figure out"
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dilys-min · 11 months
Pairing: Yandere! Chuuya x reader
Warnings: Toxic relationship, mentions of past abusive behaviours, obsession
Words count: 889 words
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The sky is gloomy with dark clouds, threatening to burst into rain. You could sense a tang of moisture mixed with the smell of the soil as a few droplets begin to fall down. You hurriedly go back home- your shared apartment with Chuuya. 
When you finally arrive at the door, you feel hesitant for a moment. You could leave, if you really wanted to. But who would you go to? Chuuya was your only family, your home.
As the door clicks open, you are taken by surprise when you see Chuuya- your boyfriend, who is currently busying himself in the kitchen. Noticing your presence, Chuuya flashes a grin toward you:
"Babe! You came home early. Sorry about the mess, I just thought that a romantic dinner would be a nice surprise."
The table is set up nicely, with candles and rose petals scattered around. A perfect candlelit dinner, just like from a cliché romance movie. You could tell he had put a lot of effort into this, it makes a part of your heart flutter. Soft-hearted thing you are.
He says with a shaky breath and pleading look in his eyes:
"I know I had fucked up badly. Just let me make up for you, please."
Again, you find yourself unable to say no to him. Instead, you just nod and let Chuuya pull out the chair for you.
The room is quiet, too quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Maybe this time he will change, maybe this time things will actually work out for both of you.
Your mind flies back to times when he had hurt you. Emotionally and otherwise. You think about how bruising his grip was when you came back from work too late or how suffocating his hugs are when you sleep at night, as if he was scared that once he let go, you will disappear into thin air.
His hand reaches out for you and intertwined with his, making you jump at the gesture
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to… I was thinking about something. About us."
You raise your head and look into his blue eyes. If you were in your younger days, you would confidently say you understand him more than anyone else. But now, you can't even figure out the emotions behind those eyes.
" I know what I have done is unforgivable. You could lash out at me as much as you want. But please, all I ask for is a second chance. I promise I won't hurt you again, [First]". His voice cracked up, the hand holding yours was shaking.
The sound of your name on his tongue feels strange and familiar at the same time. Like a moth to a flame, you nod and give his hand a small squeeze
"Okay. J-just don't mess up this time. This is your last chance and I mean it".
His lips curl into a smirk and he quickly presses a kiss on the back of your hand. 
After finishing dinner, both of you decide to settle down on the couch. The rain outside continues pouring down while droplets of water gently tap on the window. The sound lulls you to sleep. You lean against Chuuya. His arm wraps around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his chest as you slowly drift off, wondering exactly when Chuuya had become home for you.
In your dream, you were back to your younger years, when you met Chuuya for the first time.
"Hey kid! What are you doing here?" You turn around only to see a boy, no younger than you, standing. What caught your interest was his deep blue eyes.
"You are a kid too, you know. And stop bothering me, gingerhead. Why don't you go home and drink more milk?"
The boy looked like he was about to burst out. The silver haired man standing next to him quickly tries to calm him down.
"Whatever. Just go back home before your parents-"
"If I had one, I wouldn't be here in the first place, genius." He seemed to be taken aback by your words. Ever since you could remember, you have been living in the slums, you have grown accustomed to the occasional rat and crumbling walls. 
The ginger-haired male looked deep in thought for a moment and speaks:
"Then how about joining the Sheep with me? That way you won't have to live like this anymore".
You have learned better than to trust anyone. But there is something about him urging you to agree. 
Despite his friend's- whose name you learn later on is Shirase- protests, he still reaches out his hand. You have nothing else to lose anyways, you thought as you take his hand, he grins at you:
"The name is Chuuya, by the way".
Maybe at that moment, Chuuya has become home for you.
Chuuya looks at the sleeping form beside him. He gently snakes his arms under your knees and scoops you up, carrying you to the bedroom, carefully not to wake you up.You always look so peaceful in your sleep. You make him feel like he is a fully functional human, not an artificial vessel for a god. If the day when you aren't by his side comes, he isn't sure what would become of him then.
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