#J has a mini breakdown
booksandabeer · 2 years
The absolutely UNHOLY scream I just let out when I accidentally(!) discovered that a fic I adore was updated for the first time in 2 years. Three months ago!
I’m pretty sure I gave my cat a heart attack. Hell, I’m pretty sure I gave myself a heart attack. What. the. fuck.
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suntails · 1 year
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gentlehue · 1 month
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celestialholz · 2 years
Surrendering fucking Sunflora.
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Oh Brassius. Brassius, Brassius, Brassius. I'm going to have to murder you with my bare hands for this one. Don't even need to wake up the Armarouge - you take an extended nap, king, keep those cannons fresh.
Did you know guys that there are thirty-three Surrendering Sunflora in and around Artazon? I do, because I've just spent forty-five minutes of the only life I will ever have working it out. And then another twenty ensuring I'm not wrong, which I possibly still am because this bitch has hidden these things everywhere! Arceus has placed me on this earth only to suffer.
But in spending over an hour on this, finally my soul can rest, because I have confirmation. Confirmation of what, exactly?
... Well, every single Surrendering Sunflora location is representative of what Hassel means to Brassius, in one way or another.
Might want to get your popcorn for this one, friends, maybe grab a blanket...
First though, before I attempt the frankly ridiculous task of explaining all these locations and their meanings, corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures:
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They're the same picture.
Hassel is Sunflora in human form and with more dragons, right down to his mostly-green-and-yellow colour scheme and sunshine personality. And we know from this little extract that he is the direct inspiration for Surrendering Sunflora, because after Brassius tells you Hassel saved his life, he adds:
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Much like The Harvest is part-Arboliva, part-Brass and part-Hass, as seen here in respective shape, spikiness and dragon colour...
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... Surrendering Sunflora is part-Sunflora, part-Hass and part-Brass, in form, representation, and mood at the time of its creation.
Anyway, with that established, a map that took me another forty minutes to put together:
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This is the location of every Surrendering Sunflora in and around this goddamn hellscape of a town. (/j, it's very pretty, but I am a salty girl.)
Now, some of these are notably easier to figure out than others, but just for clarity's sake... one to thirty-three, a breakdown. (Of the numbers, not me. Although you pull any more of this shit Brassie, it will be my personal breakdown.) I would screenshot every one, but Tumblr's 10-pic limit is having none of it, so I'll show off the more interesting ones at points and note the rest in text. I will also be looking at them from the perspective of being the Sunflora - the direction the sculpture itself faces.
Now, bear in mind... these are allegorical. I've had to surmise what they mean in most cases, but... that's what an artist does. Art asks you to consider the artist's intent, to interpret what they meant by location, form, colour... whatever the piece entails. It's why we have art critics, why we have museums and art galleries - and all of these point to one singular conclusion: Brassius? Super fucking gay. If you've ever made a fic or a piece of art that hides small details or leaves things just a little to one's imagination, you've been Brassius with these sculptures.
... And frankly, why the hell else are they where they are? These are chosen spots. Most of them aren't even central, or helpful where they are, without an alternate dialogue to them.
So, let's begin!
One: just across and to the left of Two, and directly facing Glaseado Mountain. Hass leading him upwards, to literal higher heights. Doesn't get any grander or higher than Glaseado.
Two: atop a cliff face, and it's already pic time!
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This one has a few things to say. First, it's overlooking the gym, second it's pointing directly south if you look at my mini-map. This is one of several that faces south, which is valid - most of Sunflora's dex entries tell us that it loves facing the sun, and in terms of planetary orbit, south is the direction in the day where the sun is at its height... which is telling, when Hassel led Brass out of depression, being his literal sunshine.
Three: right beneath the centre of the maze. Hass guiding him to the heart, his 'core' - helping him find meaning in life.
Four: also in the maze, but near the entrance. A guiding hand when one is lost, at a genuine 'dead end'. A little girl in another dead end of this maze comments how lost she is.
Five: is actually hilarious.
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Sir are you fucking kidding me I will fight you in an Every Wich Way parking lot right now
Six: facing local small cliffs. Climbing the smaller hills first is a notable method of depression recovery, and given that Brass' health issues also seem physical, this is a small, easy-to-climb hill - a step to feeling healthier.
Seven and Eight: greeting you as you walk into town for the first time from the direction of Mesagoza. A feeling of comfort and homeliness, which two men with such a connection clearly have.
Nine: has a similar vibe - straight ahead of Seven and Eight, the first thing to greet you in the central plaza. The kind of welcome feeling Brass gets from Hass.
Ten and Eleven: are very obvious. These two directly face the maze, and are facing one another on opposite sides. Trust, warmth, familiarity. Interestingly, one faces east, and one west - where the sun rises and the sun sets. Hassel's always there for him.
Twelve: faces the way out to Levincia beyond, because welcoming works from either side of town.
Thirteen and Fourteen: are both either underneath the gym arena, or very nearly underneath, and Fourteen looks straight at the gym. What did I say about these two taking one another into battle?
Fifteen: is facing the pool... for a man who cries a lot. No further explanation required, but this is one of my favourites for how adorable and accepting it is on Brass' part.
Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen: the first of the climbing frame Sunfloras, and all of them are in a line, facing the gym. See Thirteen and Fourteen, but... these ones are also elevated, as though Hassel is watching over him during battle. Another gesture of support. They also happen to overlook a Heterarchical Loop, which we'll revisit in a mo...
Nineteen: is on the side of the climbing frame, staring at the Sunflora field used during the gym challenge. Given that it's also staring at said field's house, this is one of two things - emotional vigilance, or home comforts. It's also beside a version of The Harvest, which we know is part-Hass too.
Twenty: climbing frame, above Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen - an even higher guardian, and also one that can see the arena. This is also directly across from the Paradoxical Popper, and coupled with what I just mentioned about the Heterarchical Loop... well, this brilliant piece of meta that you've probably already read (top job, fellow theorist <3) shows us that yeah, these old pieces by an unnamed artist are probably also Brassie's, which makes this completely adorable - we know from Art (4) that Brass considers his old pieces 'shallow trash'. By his masterpieces overlooking them, they act as a reminder - that Hassel believes in him, that he can do brilliant things - that his new work has a purpose. Even if they aren't his old works, the fact that he places them literally higher up shows that he has more respect for something inspired by Hassel than any other works.
Twenty-One and Twenty-Two: the last of the climbing frame ones, and again, at height, and directly facing the gym. Just behind these is a climbing wall, which heads up towards a dragon-coloured Harvest. Considering that we can infer that Hassel influenced Surrendering Sunflora first, as Brass tells us that he created it directly after Hass saved him, having to head up to a Harvest coloured with Hass' type is really quite sweet as it was likely a result of their connection later down the line. But regardless of order, these two are again indicative of Hass' care for him.
Twenty-Three: is... well, at the back of someone's house. What's fun about this one is that A. there is literally no reason for this to be here if it's simply about showing off an art piece, and B. even in the daytime, as you can see, this spot? Perpetually in the shade. Even when Brassius feels dark, there's Hassel - his permanent sunshine, making sure he never feels too alone, or abandoned in a place no one would look for him.
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Another of my favourites - the symbolism here is gorgeous.
Twenty-Four and Twenty-Five: greet you if you walk into town from the Levincia side, which is very much along the same lines as Seven and Eight - a warm, sunshine welcome, a peacefulness of spirit.
Twenty-Six: stares directly at the side of the Go-for-Broke Grill... which just so happens to be where one finds Encounter Power: Dragon food. Goddamn gay people and their apples...
Twenty-Seven: is behind the Grill, and looking straight at the Sunflora field. The Sunflora field is not only a core part of the gym test, but the specific direction of this one points at the house attached to the field. So not only is this field full of sunshine, it's overlooked by it, too. Anything directed towards a house also speaks of hearth and home - a comfort, a feeling of literally being 'at home' in someone's presence.
Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine: stand as guardians to the Sunflora field, right on either side of its gate. Now, for this one, I would like to draw your attention to a piece of dialogue Hass gives you during the League:
"I am Hassel, the dragon guarding the final fortress of the Elite test."
Whilst this field is no fortress, these ones nevertheless stand taller than any other Surrendering Sunflora in the town - the 'protectors' of the field of sunshine, the warmth and the light Brass has experienced beneath Hass. Now, given that Hass also tells you in the League that his job as a teacher is to guide students and watch them grow... well, here we are. He's helped Brassius grow, prosper, and find his inner light, and he'll protect him at all costs from that darkness. And size matters, here - these are big, they stand out, therefore they are deliberately important. This is Brassius' greatest impression of his love - as a protector, and a guide to the light.
Thirty: stands in the Sunflora field itself. This one is notably smaller than the gatekeepers, the usual size of those around town, and is just across from a dragon Harvest in the same field. Again, why not put your emotional sunshine in a field of your actual ones? (And why not do it twice, y'know, because you're massively dramatic...)
Thirty-One: sees our final return to the climbing frame - this is one of the ones I missed originally, because it's directly beneath it. There's another one down here too, right beneath the Popper, but as they mean the same thing as Twenty-Three, we'll count them together - a location always dark and in shade, illuminated. They're also hemmed in by the wooden walls of the climbing frame - they are, quite literally, trapped - like one might be in their own mind, during depression, without a source of light.
Thirty-Two: is probably my favourite of them all. This harks back to number One, overlooking Glaseado, except...
Well, this looks at another mountain, and it's literally not in Artazon - it's the one I showed you in the very first photo of this post. The location box for Artazon doesn't even crop up. It is, however, facing direct south, but... what's it doing here?
In facing the sun's peak, this one exists to show us that there isn't a mountain Hassel can't help Brassius overcome, however high. Look at where you end up, if you follow this cliff directly from this Sunflora:
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The highest peak you can see all of Artazon clearly from, considerably overlooking every other Sunflora that already overlooks core parts of the town important to Brassie. You know what they call that level of symbolism? Fucking love.
And finally, we end on Thirty-Three, which... well. I think we all know what a Pokemon Center does. It heals, it brings your Pokemon back from the brink of death - and who do we know, who's done that for Brassius?
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... Pokemon Centers are free, and in this generation, even feature a kindly Nurse Joy who will offer you guidance and assistance through the big, wide, open world of Paldea from the goodness of her own heart.
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... This whole town is a love letter. At every turn, you run into a new page of narrative through these Sunfloras: you slot together another meaning, you see the hearts of two men woven into every little stitch. And whether or not this was Brassius' intention, it was almost certainly the intention of those who made him. This is what art directors do, this is what devs hide for you to find. This is Pokemon's ultimate Easter egg, and it is fucking beautiful.
I don't know any more than you lovely people do if they're ever going to officially confirm Hassius as a romantic duo - in love, married, whatever. And I'd love to see it as much as you all would, but... well, I already have. Here it is, right in front of us, if only we're willing to look. Of all the meta I've posted on these two so far, this... yeah, this is the most gay and glorious of them all. And I've still got more to say, just... not on this. We're good here.
... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do that killing thing I mentioned earlier, though maybe after a nap... sir you must die by my own hand for CRIMES AGAINST MY FREE TIME. (jk, king. Love you, keep doing what you're doing. I am but an average poster without your delicious homosexuality. xoxo)
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mylifeisweirdok · 2 years
Hello hi yes a moot (@dnpanimationstudioclone) and i have been rewriting our own versions of Valerie from danny phantom (does this surprise you? It shouldn't lol) so without further ado 🥁🥁
Valerie Rewrite
To start the hcs, her suit don't slim her out no more, shes got a full on body builder body, let her show it. She could've started weightlifting at first to help with rubble as Red, but later found it to be a good stress reliever. Shes competed in competitions and placed. Prefers the snatch events to the clean and jerk events, as snatch events resemble rubble more than the c&j.
At her first competition, she accidentally floundered her c&j move, costing her points (?), but an older lifter saw and gave her some tips; at her second competition she placed 3rd.
Extreme gym rat, sometimes moreso than sam. Like, she has so much protein powder. There's a cabinet in the kitchen purely for her shakers and powders.
When she can't sleep she exercises.
Prefers sweet to spicy but will have her moments when savory just Hits Different
Loves emotional music, anything that makes her feel will be put in one of her playlists. It doesn't have to be good music, just music that can feel good. She always has earbuds in when shes in her civies, or a speaker going.
Doesn't play many video games but likes puzzles. Cross words, actual puzzles, rubix cubes. Things that make her think but not too much.
Has not only a nightly skin routine but a morning one. Sticks to these fairly well, also prefers korean skincare to american
Also, she needs a character arc.
Canon freshman val is extremely bitter, v hypocritical, fairly rude and overall mean.
Barring phantom planet from existence, lets say there's a bbeg that comes in early sophomore year that forces her to realize who rude she became after her dad lost his job, even before as a A lister
She reevaluates how she's interacted with the trio, specifically sam
Internally she's freaking out, cause the few people who treated her normal and loosely tolerated with her anti ghost propaganda she had treated like shit
She withdrawals for a few days, causing danny (the bloody hearted fool) to seek her out, where they don't have a come to jesus per say, more like a small slap by reality
Sam and tuck show up near the end of the convo, and ask her if she wants to change. This is her official first step to being a nicer human
From there, she starts treating the underlings nicer (finally puts Nathan in his place and calling him out on being a lowkey stalker). She briefly defends a few students from dash, also calling him out. Danny asks her to leave him n dash alone however, cause if the bully has no outlet he will explode (and it'll protect the students, adding to his Big O). She reluctantly does.
After they graduate high school, before sam starts train hopping, the quartet regularly meets up to haunt (ha) a few known teenager places. The nasty burger can only be eaten so many times when you have 3 very picky eaters. They explore abandoned buildings on the outskirts of town for fun not ghosts. They poke around the gas stations and alleyway shops. Since amity has such a low crime rate, shops are more open to stragglers and alleyways offer good temporary places for food carts
A few months after the reality slap, the hair incident as it is dubbed, occurs. So val and danny are fighting bbeg # whatever, and she gets hit in the back, and since shes tired the nanobots in her suit have to leave it. Later on in the fight, she dodges another blast, but since the hole in the suit is there, her hair is kinda out hanging and a good chunk is melted and hit. She doesnt realize until the battle is over, when she's back home and sees a mirror. Sam finds her a few hours later while she's having a mini breakdown, cause her hair was a big part of her emotionally, it took a long time to grow out that far. Sam helps her calm down, offers tuck and his mom to help care for whats left. While val is cleaning up, sam texts tuck and gets them ready for an emergency braid sesh. They finish her braids late in the night so the girls sleep over (thank goodness for weekends) and then the next day they all wake up and decide to do a self care day to take care of their skin n whatnot after the stressful yesterday. They even finagle danny into it (cause hes the worst at taking care of himself) and this establishes her trust in the trio after a shakey past relationship.
Trust has officially been built.
From here, danny pulls her into the group not taking no for an answer. She is used as a meat vs veg referee multiple times before calling them out on their bullshit and they also realize its time to grow up partially
She continues to grow into a well rounded individual who extends an olive branch to everyone, but has a lighter at the ready whenever. She sought to meet everyone in her grade. This helped her many times; a band kid covered for her while a ghost attacked the school, the nerds helped her with homework. When they graduated high school, she'll encounter people on the street and strike up a conversation. This doesn't mean she remembers their names, she absolutely sucks with names but will remember the brand of x product they're allergic to they mentioned once.
Before the end of her arc, (think 3/4) val ends up trusting the quartet enough to tell them she's red, and they have to tell her about phantom. After this convo she feels extremely betrayed cause they know how hard she's been working towards being more civil and they just didn't tell her she had been actively hunting and hurting a close friend. Not only that, she's betrayed cause they didn't trust her with the information prior, and they were right not to. She becomes withdrawn and only after a not-so-big-bbeg comes through forcing them to work together that she sits down and talks through her emotions with them.
What if when shes doing her character arc, she realizes Red doesn't have to be all fighter, she can use Red to start up a sense of community. So as Red, she starts helping out homeless folk and strays, maybe fills in a pothole or two; enough for the general population to start leaning towards community work too. Publicity for Red has never been higher, and more n more community spaces pop up.
After her stunt filling up some potholes, she's approached by various community members to help with various tasks; she helps clean up a playground, she helps install some sculptures, she promotes a soup kitchen. After a while, a reporter approaches her and does an interview, starting her media face. Realizing she needs a pr team but cant have one she opts to study communications and Becomes her own pr team.
Once shes officially grown, as Red shes more likely to ask questions than shoot, but still is less than pleased with ghosties. Red becomes more personable to the public, becoming a reliable ghost hunter and eventually starts doing press conferences after big fights. Still a vigilante but now has a social media account on the big ones (twitter, tiktok, and instagram) but also on amity's app, Amity Undead/"you've been ghosted." The app is similar in setup to twitter and tumblr mobile, however the og function was to send out ghost warnings, so like the "home" page is mainly the fentons phantom and red all giving alerts. The next page is like sightings of non harmful ghosts, the page after is the social part. Since red and phantom were part of the og posters, they have a decent sized following each and regularly do collabs when things calm down enough.
Eventually, she has to come to terms with how she treated Danny as phantom while they dated, making her look into herself (specifically her sexuality). While trying to accept her actions, she realizes shes part cupioromatic, and she immediately goes to sam about it, who shows her its ok to be that way. Sam and Val research it together and help val come to terms with it (remember, this is illinois in the early 2000s anyone who ain't hetero is gonna have Some internalized homophobia)
Speaking of, how does the quartet get together? Well, it starts once val started her arc, and they all grow closer. Fighting the world with each other tends to make you a bit closer. Once they graduate, val and danny attend college online, while tuck and sam forgo it all together. Tucker already has a name for himself in the back walls, (a hc black market online for tech) so he just uses that to make the bulk of his money, putting up a front of creating a small coding firm for the IRS (cause ain't nobody sane gonna mess with them). Sam does her thing with finding train hopping, and at age 19 leaves Amity Park to grow.
Since Val and Danny both attend college (val in communications, danny in engineering and precise machinery) they hang out often, using each other as a study buddy to create a somewhat schedule for themselves. Further on in their college career, they realize they're Extremely close, and Val has to tell Danny about being cupio. He takes it as  well as sam, and shows her its ok to be lgbtq; he himself is pan afterall. Val decides to tell tucker, since sam and danny both know now, and he also supports her, stating that he's loosely bi but prefers no label, just that he likes who he likes. This prompts the three of them to all look at how they've all interacted in the past, and realize that all three want to date the others (in varying degrees, in d&v's cases) so the next time sam is in town, they all decide to talk about it in tucker's apartment.
Its a bit of a confusing process that changes a handful of times, but eventually lands on t romantically dating all 3, d romantically dating s&t and platonically dating v, s romantically dating d&t and platonically dating v, and v platonically dating d&s and romantically dating t. It takes them a while to get used to this arrangement, more than a few rough patches to realize communication is Key, but once they settle they realize they could've never come up with a better solution.
Queen Dorothea comes by eventually to congratulate the four of them and offer to make their union bands, a ghosty version of marriage. Its traditionally taken up by the siblings of the union holders, but since v&s&t are all only children, dora and jazz have a blast designing them.
Danny and Val want rings, danny a thinner black band that has a more gothic tone, with black and green zone stones. Val has a thicker band has the black stones of danny's ring but with a dark grey metal holding them in place with fleur de lis embellishments along the band. (Kinda like this:)
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Sam and Tucker opt for bracelets instead. Sam has a bunch of layered zone-bark braided bracelets, one for each of them-danny's has star charms and black zone gems, val's has miniature baptisma flower charms and a muted red center stone, tuck's has mini acacia leaf charms with zone stones that colors "glitch" in earth light, and her own was braided in a pattern that looks like train tracks with a charm from each of theirs plus one for her: a hebrew script saying home. Tucker's bracelets are 2 gold wristlets, each inscribed with a symbol for each of them, inlaid with gemstones and covered in mini hieroglyphs describing each of his union-partners. Sam's symbol is a thorny vine which is intertwined with Val's baptisma sprigs, danny's is a star rising above the horizon that is the girls' vines. (Again, kinda like these but use your imagination)
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When Val and Danny graduate, the quartet go on a "honeymoon" ei they go to the ghost zone to explore. Val is extremely off put by the idea but says nothing, letting her partners enjoy their time. This comes to light when they visit dora, who approaches her while the other three are off doing something Ghostly and val confides. Dora snitches, saying her brother would never allow his partner to be uncomfortable. Big feelings come out. The trio realize their mistake and offer to cut it short, but val says she'd rather continue going through the zone meeting Danny's entourage. They take val through a much safer than originally planned route, showing val the great calm and peaceful parts of the zone, and val finally understands why the others like it so much. When they make it back to earth red appears much more ghost friendly, still a fierce protector but more empathetic to the regulars and the non threatening ghosts.
They all move in together about a year after the college graduation, each of them saving up enough to help with the deposit on the house. Tucker still covers almost all of the bills, but danny (and later sam) covers groceries and the like. Val does most of the chores since she doesn't have a job other than Red.
She enforces self care weekends on the rest of her quad once they all get together properly.
Is the second best cook but the best baker. Like previously stated, she's got a sweeth tooth so sugary beetles chase after her lol
The only one of the quartet who can legally drive. Tucker failed his test too many times, danny doesn't need it, Sam didn't need it before she left and has too much going on after she came back and recovered, so Val took it up.
Her room is the second biggest and the only one on the main floor of the house, cause the rest of the quartet couldn't handle listening to her midnight exercising sessions. She has display cases for all her trophies from weight lifting and karate, fake vines on her ceiling, a closet without doors, and lots of quilts. More quilts than blankets. No she cannot sew; for the life of her she can't.
Not all of her equipment fits in her room, so she has a small portion of the garage dedicated to her bigger weights and mats and whatnot.
Once she went to state competition and took Tucker with her; they were both approached by a very pretty person and both struggled™️ when flirted to directly to their face (pre union). Val went on to tie with said pretty person while lifting and had to do an extra event to split it, they ended up doing some weird flexible one and Val won because of her time as Red. Afterwards pretty person gave val their number and they're still good friends to this day and get a meal together if they go to the same competition.
Eventually her suit is redesigned once more. The suit is red until the bust, where it begins to be a black taper that encircles her waist and up, with extremely understated black vines along the outer seams that become red at the color change, so understated it's just bold lines from the public's view until you get really close. It has sharper lines across the face and visor, and the gloves have reinforced knuckles to have the ability to punch ghosts. The suit also adds miniature embossings, looking a bit like explosions. Her board also gets a touch up, becoming longer and wider so she can sit on it in the sky on slow days.
As her arc progressed, she would incorporate more beads and fun touches to her hair, eventually using wooden beads in a nice mid length braided style.
In her civvies, as Val, her fashion sense drastically changes. I hesitate to use the term bohemian cause its just romani culture (which is closed practice i think?) but i feel like she would like the free flowing and flowers of that fashion niche, so once she and sam get their heads together and research it properly, val ends up buying romani inspired clothes from romanian companies that are sustainable. Her fashion style is rather mixed beforehand, very athletic with arty elements before settling. She still throws in her own elements, artsy and hippie stuff here n there, athletic stuff occasionally. She has an eye for making them clash in a good way.
Don't let her fashion choices fool you though, she is fierce when crossed and is quick to burn bridges. Even after her arc she is a bit hot headed, but friendly enough to the general population.
While Red and in her mid 30s, a bbeg comes through and wrecks havoc; danny comes in and saves the day but val gets hurt Badly. A civilian finds her and gets her to the hospital, where she is unmasked. Afterwards, their house is barraged with reporters aiming for an interview. Sam has to threaten charges for them to leave. After it calms down for a bit, the public mostly is okay with her being Red; some people still give negative backlash against her being there but its not like they can stop her.
After recovering partially, she's out on a brief patrol when a ghost with meh powers comes through trying to cause chaos. Sam came with her, so they face it off together, before being sucked into the thermos the ghost does end up cursing Sam to be "a dreaded creature of night" aka a vamp. However, with meh powers comes meh curses; she ends up with slightly sharper teeth, an aversion to garlic, the craving for iron and coconut milk, and slightly stronger and faster reflexes. Val blames herself a lil bit for this but Sam honestly finds it pretty cool. Val buys sam her first iron fish to boil to bring up her iron content.
Thats all for now, I forgot to grab photos of my val redraw so early tomorrow after work I'll snag those.
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theboywhocan11 · 1 year
My Thoughts on Children of Dune Novel by Frank Herbert
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Novel Title: Children of Dune Author: Frank Herbert Date Published: 1976 Edition: Ace premium edition / June 2019 (as shown above) Pages: 477 This would be my first time in returning to read the Children of Dune book since the last time I read it back during my high school years in the early 2000s. At that time, my mind was not fully developed enough to understand the intricate details that were presented in the book. Fast forward to April 2023, I finally picked up the Ace premium edition of the said novel from my local, public library and I can now finally say that I’ve completed my reading journey of all 6 Dune novels written by Frank Herbert and the the Dune 7 duology books (Hunters of Dune and Sandworms of Dune written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson) with Children of Dune being my last.
In the next several paragraphs, after clicking the “Keep reading” demarcation line below, will cover my thoughts about the Children of Dune book (Ace premium edition of June 2019), the Children of Dune Mini-series adaptation, and the list of the details in highlighting the differences between the book and the adapted TV mini-series that aired on the then Sci-Fi Channel of Children of Dune.
When I watched the Children of Dune mini-series on the then Sci-Fi Channel so many years ago, it helped me in having a visual reference when reading the Children of Dune novel recently, this year. The mini-series in my opinion did a great job in being concise and getting the point of what the Children of Dune’s main points are about. That is, every revolution in overthrowing the previous, corrupt government / regime, gets replaced with a newly corrupted one that’s led by a new ruling class of entrenched bureaucrats and corrupt institutions that brought great harm to many people. Furthermore, Children of Dune mini-series (which covers both Dune Messiah (2nd book) and Children of Dune (3rd book) also does a great job in showing the consequences of how people’s over fanaticism of worshipping Messianic hero-leaders, too, can lead to harm to many people along with its effects on the breakdown of the various customs and traditions of a society. In this case, the transformation of Arrakis as a planet that led to the degradation of the Fremen culture, beliefs, and customs.
After finishing the book, I say that Children of Dune (the novel) has more intrigue and more political maneuvering involved by various characters and their factions in one upping the other in their goal to have greater control of the Imperium of humankind. This ranges from Alia Atreides plotting an abduction on her mother, Lady Jessica Atreides and blame it on House Corrino. Then, there’s House Corrino being led by Wensicia Corrino and later her son, Farad’n Corrino trying to find a weakness in the Atreides Imperial government to exploit and initiate their takeover it. Then, there are various Fremen groups who are neutral and do not want to do anything with Alia’s led government and there are rebel Fremen factions who are totally against the mediocrity of the Muad’Dib religion (Paul Atreides worshipping) that’s embodied in the current government of the Atreides Empire on Dune and how it’s corrupting the Fremen culture and customs. This includes how Fremen no longer possess high quality stillsuits to survive in the deserts to how Fremen relied more on advance technology outside of Planet Arrakis and thus forgetting the old ways of how their forebears used to live. In addition, various Fremen groups are also concerned and even opposed the transformation of the deserts of Arrakis into a lush, paradise, which can potentially end all spice production that could bring about a demise to the entire human human civilization in the Dune universe.
With that mind, the following list below highlights some differences between the book version and the adapted Sci-Fi channel’s TV mini-series version of Children of Dune in showcasing how much the adapted TV mini-series condensed and simplify several details from the book in order for it to be presentable to a television audience
In the novel, the Atreides twins, Leto II and Ghanima are 9-year old children with heightened mental faculties in remembering the genetic memories of their ancestors and how it affects their behavior towards others.
In the mini-series, Leto II and Ghanima were made to look like they’re in their late teens / early adult years.
In the novel, there are way more minor characters who do not show in the mini-series. This includes Muriz, Sabiha, Assan Tariq and others.
Halfway into the the novel, Farad’n Corrino took more leading role in the internal affairs of his House along with his loyal, Sardaukar officer, Tyekanik. This occurred during his meeting with Duncan Idaho and Lady Jessica where he ordered his mother to step aside and have him take over.
In the mini-series, all plotting and masterminding of House Corrino’s attempted return to power on Arrakis were all done by Weniscia Corrino, Farad’n’s mother. This includes a scene where House Corrino abducts a giant sandworm from Arrakis. In the book, however, there’s mentioned of a rumor of a giant sandworm being captured and being grown off-planet, but it’s not explicitly illustrated.
In the novel, there are two sietches that are part of Leto Atreides II’s arc. The first sietch being Jacurutu / Fondak where he was tested by Gurney Halleck to undergo a spice trance in order to uncover the memories of his ancestors as per Lady Jessica Atreides’ orders. Then, later, Leto II will go to another sietch called Shuloch where he placed the sandtrout on his body that begins his transformation in becoming the God Emperor and rule the Imperium for the next 4,000 years.
In the mini-series, the above named sietches were combined as one. However, only the plot point about Leto having sandtrout living skin on his body was used.
In the novel, Leto Atreides II remembered his ancestor, Harum who was a cruel and autocratic leader whose leadership style help maintain the safety of his people. The novel does not provide further details of this Harum, but it’s implied he was a ruler from ancient Earth. Harum’s leadership style would become the basis on how God Emperor Leto II would rule the Imperium before his demise at the end of the 4th Dune novel, “God Emperor of Dune.”
In the mini-series, Harum did not get shown.
In the novel, Alia Atreides heard the voice of her ancestor, Agamemnon. The novel also does not reveal whether this is Agamemnon of ancient Greece on Earth or the Agamemnon from the Butlerian Jihad books by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
In the mini-series, Agamemnon did not make an appearance.
In the novel, there’s a scene where Ghanima, after she gets captured and returned to the hands of her aunt, Alia Atreides, Ghanima got into this big argument with Irulan Corrino and Alia Atreides about her marriage to Farad’n Corrino. Ghani is totally against the marriage, but she agreed to a compromise with her aunt that she’ll marry Farad’n on the condition that she gets the chance to end his life as a way to exact revenge of the death of her twin brother, Leto II. However, the memory of her brother’s death was a false memory that was implanted in her mind.
In the mini-series, this specific plot point is not shown.
In the novel, Paul Atreides as The Preacher got assassinated by one of Alia’s priests.
In the mini-series, Paul’s life was ended by a rogue Fremen.
In the novel, Alia’s demise is where she committed auto defenestration, the act of propelling oneself off the building.  This happened after Leto bust open a window and two options were presented to Alia: the Trial of Possession or auto  defenestration.
In the mini-series, Alia ended her knife by using Leto II’s given crysknife and stabbing herself. Thus, freeing her from the control of her ego-memory of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. In her final words, Alia told her mother that “I [she] want her brother,” which is a call back to the same line in the Frank Herbert’s Dune mini-series also aired on the Sci-Fi channel. In my opinion, this is a better scene of Alia’s demise because it provided emotional closure and mourning from the other characters who are closed to her and pity her when she fell into a state of “abomination” where she’s controlled by the memories of her ancestors.
In the novel, Stilgar was offended, but reluctantly agreed to Leto II’s plan to ensure the survival of humankind for the next thousands. The plan includes the potential end of the Fremen culture.
In the mini-series, this above mentioned scene did not get shown. What we did have instead that’s somewhat from the book is the scene where Leto II gave the watery remains of Alia to Stilgar to be poured over the desert sands of Arrakis. Then, there are lines of dialogue where Leto II told Stilgar that all leaders are human and they too make mistakes. Thus, solidifying the end to stop defying hero leaders and putting them on a pedestal.
In the novel, at the very end, Farad’n Corrino was given the name Harq Al-Ada and he, like Stilgar, got taken back about the idea of what’s going to happened to the Sardaukar. That is, they’re given over to the command of God Emperor Leto II, which will ultimately lead to their demise. In God Emperor of Dune (the 4th book), both the Fremen and Sardaukar no longer exists as actual groups in the Dune universe. Instead, there’s an emergence of the Fremen and Sardaukar warriors where their descendants become the Fish Speakers, an all-Female army of God Emperor Leto II. However, at the very end of Children of Dune (book), Farad’n caved in and told Leto II to take the Sardaukar away from him. 
In the mini-series, we don’t have the above mentioned scene. All we got instead is where Ghanima and Farad’n had a brief one-on-one dialogue about how Farad’n will never be made husband to Ghani, but there will be a time for love between the two where they will sire a line of descendants that will live on for the next thousands of years.
Overall, the Children of Dune novel has so much events going on that I think an individual with a much more analytical mind and patience can get through the myriad of details in the text. After finishing the novel, I say that I have much more appreciation to what Frank Herbert wrote for this 3rd installment of the Dune series in showing the rise and fall of Muad’Dib. The same appreciation goes for the Sci-Fi Channel’s TV adaptation in bringing a more understandable version of the story on the silver screen.
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anna-neko · 2 years
Scary Marlowe - cosplay breakdown post
how did the original post get 200+ O_o' ... wow ok... did say a long post would happen if it did, so here we go!
The ultimate joke: this Seeker of Darkness was supposed to be a "closet cosplay" Spoiler alert: no, it wasn't
rest of photos frm prev posts: [ post 1 ] [ post 2 ] [ post 3 ] [ post 4 ] [ post 5 ]
PS: hopefully this outfit ramble will be useful for anyone's attempts? ✺◟(^∇^)◞✺ yeah, everyone else plz cosplay these dorks too!! This nerd is desperate for others to photos with
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Original plan: buy the Scorpion Slut shirt from the DnDaddies site, pair with whatever own, ??, Profit! oh right… Unisex sizes are a lie, not with my build. Not buying legit merch to have to disassemble & destroy (unless someone wants to buy it for me ... j/k)
No big deal, there's another still-easy-enuff second option. Lets look at the podcast official art*nods* right.. shirt with words on it, can manage this Went and bought a rando t-shirt size too big, cut off the long sleeves, started figuring out the words placement. Absolutely took too long getting the letters Exactly Right - in both duplicating the font AND spacing out the words (busty girls, ya know the pain of prints on tshirts)
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Then had a minute when forgot how to letters, while trying to draw a nice "S" (resisted the urge to make the meme-S. My girl would not be that mainstream)
The "stencil" is on freezer paper, any white markings is just soap fun sewing trick: if don't wanna go buy specialty pencils or chalk - sliver from an old bar of soap works just as good!! Been doin this all my life.
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Leave t-shirt for 24hr for paint to set (then its safe to wash)
Here's where things happen: personal headcanons for this chara start bleeding in Fanart exists and is frellin AWESOME
Headcanons bit first: Scary absolutely had to have PURPLE somewhere on her (because Warlock, patron 'pact' is a Purple Robe ..etc etc etc…) The t-shirt wasn't to be too badly damaged yet because wasn't sure if would find a full fishnet shirt to wear under it OR only like.. those cheap elbow-ish length arm-warmers. If a skirt was to be involved it hadda be plaid and match other shit in the outfit* She's also a former sports kid, which somehow overlapped in my head with her still owning like 'sport branded' clothes, and either cutting off or just like badly ripping out logos, this is why holes in a specific spot *Shut up brain, we aren't literally tryin to recreate what wore back in ancient days of 2003 with the shortest-sleeves tops and long-sleeved fishnet shirts under, it paired with plaid mini-skirts
blah blah saw a bunch of cool fanart, and it sat in the back of my mind, fermenting for a few days, adding to the mental image
Oh hey, my tshirt is dry now! Don't own a good skirt to use with this, lets go to the mall real quick This is where HT completely fails me by havin anythin plaid be themed with HarryPotter, and the only other skirts (that would fit me!) are tacky as fuck or in wrong print (am all about some cute Kuromi... but not today), also comeon… not spending 40bucks for something would literally wear once. Also apparently fishnet shirts aren't a thing right now???
Bought a skirt size 3X (aka too big) for $9.50 at some random place, purely because it happened to be the closest color/print was looking for.
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this is where pause for a second to blast whatever factory made it Their own site photo is already bad, but damn accurate. Didn't bother matching the print at the sides? You bet! Not even pretending to care with the waistband match seam! That model is also like 20feet tall, i promise on me skirt was knee-length
but why not just go buy some fabric and the conglomerate monoculture has made sure no small local fabric stores exist! the only thing left is Amazon (aka buy online, fabric dot com is them) or go drive like an hour to closest Joanns for some quilting cotton and pray for the best....
So anyway! now i have "fabric", can arrange a skirt
At first was gonna slap some elastic inside the waistband nope, it bulks up too much, plus the skirt is too damn long on me!
K, imma just rip off the waistband and keep the zipper in side-seam and refold.... why are the pleats 'drifting' off so badly???
OH RIGHT THEY CUT THE PRINT WRONG, and here I was tryin for the easy way of eyeballing it: folding fabric by orienting to the vertical stripes printed on it
Now this is gettin personal! It is 2 in the freakin morning, and it's seam-ripper time. Everyone plz visualize this gremlin sittin on the floor, balancing an iron on her lap, ironing out the fabric to start over
Took apart everything, cut off a portion at the top (didn't wanna deal with rehemming entire bottom later, so shortening skirt goin up instead), do some damn MATH and start folding pleats with a ruler Not trusting fabric to drift yet again, baste every thing down, press everything remember kids, hips to waist difference exist! if you're doing pleats Do fold at slight angle, pin both top and bottom of pleat "closed" and try on. If your math is right it will fit both at waist and hips w/out twisting outta shape Also, if you're gonna do any sort of temporary stitching, use obnoxiously contrasting-color thread! You want it Very Visible for easier later removal
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blah blah, trim the length off the waistband piece, sew everything together. Have a skirt now! Plain long-sleeved shirt goes under the black one. Now that shirt situation all sorted - took scissors to sleeves and whatnot. Fistful of safety pins to keep them together. Looks like my clothes are very red and black, so the PURPLE will need to be in hair
at this point we remember fanart exists... or more specifically @midnigtartist because I saw those space-buns and was like ... yes... fuck yes that's whats happening with my hair for the thing!
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Also since she drew that check-pattern belt, and im here like hmmm, wasn't gonna have a belt but do have one in that exact colorway... Why not!
Was planning on wearing bike-shorts under the skirt - but this fanart does bring a good point - leggings! Dug up some tights didn't really care for, stuck a safety-pin on one side (to mark where front is, and it just kinda lives there now), cut them shorter (again, just drawing lines on 'em with soap while wearing them) and then (as per that silly holes headcanon) carefully sliced in some tears
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Now its just down to lil bits and ends ... and HT failing me yet again because apparently ridiculous bracelets with studs is no longer a thing, they all about cutesy mushrooms, charms and... wannabe bondage garterbelts and chokers? dunno ... is this what kids r into now?
Dug around my room yet again for things to use. The braided-looking bracelets were a gift from a friend just weeks prior. He bought a bunch of those online & they didn't fit him. Plastic "tat" bracelet & choker set have owned for ...ahem... that 2003 mentioned earlier The wide leather cuff came from a RenFaire visit over a decade+ ago. The strip with the studs is a broken headband (wrapped around my wrist, held by safety-pin pilfered from friend's wallet)
cheap purple hairspray from SpiritHalloween (is a damn biohazard! holds up tho), and instead of buying black lipstick just smudged eyeshadow on lips
too many steps for an image wanted to get outta my system because of ONE EPISODE but there ya go. Cosplay just be like that! (getting Scary & Terry jr picture, worth it!)
if you've made it this far: THANX FOR READING! HAVE FEW SNAPS
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blondrichclosetwitch · 11 months
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New recording 15 October 24, 2018
(I’ve started randomly listening to a tape daily to fill in the puzzle pieces; she said I should put this one up. At the time I worked at a restaurant over in Washington heights, and someone was leaving things there for me to see…and then this happened.)
(Champagne supernova by oasis plays in the background. A lighter is lit.)
She either wants… Tell me what’s up. It’s the anniversary of the abortion… They leave a Fucking Plant from my WORK that they pulled, in front of the apartment. They had left a seed from it on my doormat a week ago. I didn’t put it together. She either wants me to rake her over the coals publicly, or she’s out of her mind. Because she’s doing shit every day, and I’m just ignoring her.
And she does not like being ignored.
I’m done being her victim, I’m done. Hear this loud and clear, I am done being Chloe’s victim, I am done. It’s over. It’s over. I’m done with it.
That girl wants to go head to head, Fine. Because in case it’s not obvious, I can hold my own.
What was my session with jamieson about today? My session with jamieson was about:
As if you, Katie, didn’t fly in and watch!
It was about memories of what happened and how no one takes this seriously, and that I’ve been psychologically tortured for a year and a half. And that my brain’s different, and that there’s always this question of surveillance, and how I’m always trying to walk away from this woman.
But let’s face facts, this has been coming since Anthony first talked to us in December 2016. He said she was so vindictive towards me and J, and that I needed to do a past life reading on her. I had no idea!
Chloe’s spirits are not allowed in my house anymore, at all. I know I’ve taken it easy on her in the past, I’m done. (Outkast plays: “you will be banished.”)You’re telling me to get a Patreon going.
(LCD someone’s calling.)
I just got out the performance stuff. Something keeps coming up about twin sisters. You know I thought that Katelan was my twin. I don’t know if this is right, I just heard that Chloe and I were twins and… There was something maybe… Maybe off… And I married J, and left her, she saw it as leaving her. And that that’s what this lifetime is about, and that’s why she’s keeping us apart. But I don’t know.
Dainichi said in that past life reading we were traders which I still don’t get, and the only thing I could see about us drowning is that she’s a Pisces. And that we both were drowning in emotion.
And like how many times do we have to hear this? But that Chloe went to katelan , convinced Katelan to derail me.
Like how far back does this go, and how fucked up is it?
Who all is involved?
(Reading a scene) the scene is so good. This is how people are now. It’s intense stuff, all this stuff. (Looking at another one) This one’s hard, this one is about going to variety, it’s very intense for me to look at, it needs to be rewritten. It was the first day I touched a tree. I mean more like I needed the tree to hold me up, I couldn’t hold myself up that day. That was after I was told J was coming, after that child smiled at me at variety. It was after he texted me and said that I imagined him being shot, the whole thing. That was fucked up. That…..I think I had a mini breakdown.
Those few days, going into italy, I… Didn’t know what was happening. I mean they told me that he…that was the first time they told me he was shot. I told my mom he was shot. I told jamieson he was shot.
I mean when you think of like what my mom went through because of me telling her what was happening….that’s where it started. It was her getting a call from me saying J had been shot. And then… They didn’t know if I was totally ill, or what. They didn’t know if I should go to Italy. And mom did everything in her power to make it happen, she really wanted me to go. But they also knew I was sick, Things were happening, I had to go to a doctor! And what’s fucked up is to think it might’ve been Katelan who made me sick. because dainichi said she did a hex on my stomach, my back, and my uterus. (Soul kitchen plays)
(About soul kitchen playing: it plays a lot and I’ve never quite figured out the symbolism, except maybe cutting up the soul, “cooking” it, and serving it for others to devour )
Today jamieson said what am I gonna do with the voices. So what jamieson said…was what is it that we want to make?
This is very different than when jessica and johan were here. I guess I just wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to live with people. If they hadn’t been smoking weed every day, it would’ve been a different story, I wouldn’t have fallen back in. 
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(She starts writing. Laughs. Sighs as she writes. )
This is a lot of writing. (A light flickers on)It just went on for some reason. It went on when I wrote “I’m grateful for j,” for some reason. (She continues to write. End tape.)
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10/27/18 talking to Katie about play October 2018
Just in case, Katie and I are going to try to talk about the play. So we have an idea of writing a scene from each month, that’s our first homework. And the scenes don’t necessarily have to be scenes with me, they can also be with the J character or the Chloe character, and also write a scene After the abortion, where I go see Katie? And she sees me crying. That scene. We want to see the contrast between…We want to see that the picture is her closest ally. Especially after losing the stick. Cause it’s not the same thing. When will we ever again find our stick? Or is that, We had one of our magical tools and now it’s gone. But you know that that was magic. That had so much in it. Sometimes I just expect to see it somewhere, like they’ve been holding it, they grabbed it off the train, and it’s just gonna show up somewhere in three pieces, they’ll throw it in our flowers or some thing at some point. I’m always still looking for it. I just don’t think that jamieson understands, where we are conflicted is how can she just… If Katelyn did these things,Like Dainichi said she did, and like it seems they happened, if somehow I got psychologically tortured by Katelan or Chloe or both of them, then like this is one of the most insane cases of psychological harassment that has ever been, and I know that you know that. I know you know that.
We both know that my brain is not the same. And you’re telling me that that’s why they want me to OD before I can write it. That fine line needing something to open, but… What was the scene today? Holding the drugs in my hand… It’s like everything‘s a scene.*
(in the background radio cure plays by Wilco, with the lyrics “cheer up honey I hope you can, there is something wrong with me, my mind is filled with radio cures.”)
We have to take our pills. (I was still on meds from the psych ward)
Man I let down my mom. What is this side, Russian roulette? Yes I promise I’m not going to get another, I promise I promise I promise. (Starts giggling quietly )we have an agreement. How many tapes do we have of me actually talking to you? To you. Not the bad spirit, when you think about how many of those conversations are just me crying…fuck.
Like the time that I was told that you caused Chloe to miscarry when she was in jail? (Guffaws) remember that one? And then you got drunk? And you were spending all this time with J getting drunk at the bar (laughs disbelievingly) you were traumatized by what you had done, you couldn’t deal with it. And it was tearing me apart.
I’m afraid of talking out loud.
And how many people did they tell me they killed? Jay the mechanic who I now talk to regularly. Neil. And uncle chuck. That Chuck tried twice to kill himself??
What were they trying to do? Like, they said whatever fucking bullshit they wanted to.
(End tape.)
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neo-shitty · 1 year
hope you dont mind me popping in to your inbox to scream abt whc1 bc you are truly the only person out of my friend circle that has watched it 😭😭 first of all
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facts. he can do no wrong.
second of all its been days and i am still processing like this has never happened to me before ?? usually i am a lil :// until the rest of the day when i finish a sad drama but with this im just so heartbroken still. yesterday during a big mental breakdown (unrelated to the drama i am not THAT crazy ok) i realised why it hit me so hard and i think its bc i somehow relate to sieun (anger issues and all /j) and so i somehow projected into his character and so when it all went down with suho i just couldnt deal w it ?? I LEGIT HAD A MINI PANIC ATTACK it felt like it was happening to me 😭😭😭 like he was such comfort for me. he broke the cycle of loneliness and stereotype for sieun and i just really adored each interaction they had. the fact that they would both kill and die for each other makes me bawl my eyes out.
but when it all comes down to it, i understand beomseok, i really do, but i also dont. i dont think ill ever forgive that character, i just cant. i cant imagine how it must have felt for him and i couldnt be able to deal w life either if i was in his shoes, but my brain just cant grasp the lengths he went to hurt people that did nothing but care for him and tried to help him with everything. he's a complex character for sure, one you have to analyze to get, but i dont have it in me to have a single ounce of sympathy after the ending of the drama.
but to think that the parents and the adults were truly at fault here ?? beomseok being abused, sieun abandoned and neglected, suho not really having parents around either (i read somewhere that they are canonically abroad or something?? not too sure), the policemen not taking sieun seriously at first, the teachers seeing the shit happening and not doing anything to stop the bullying... where were everyones parents when all those kids got caught up w the gang? its truly sickening and heartbreaking to think that this truly could be happening anywhere and to anyone.
and it broke me so much bc i could accept beomseok drifting away from them and stuff, but to gang up on suho on his fucking birthday? sieun cooking and decorating with young yi and taking pics for her insta (i strongly believe her and sieuns friendship is SO underrated they were so cute together) and both of them just hid it from everyone to protect suho,, their sunshine ??? the poor boy must have been so confused and lonely on his bday and it makes me :( and then when he saw sieuns cast and went to avenge him ?? I read something about how suho always fought only in self defence but when he saw sieun hurt he crossed the line and fought with the purpose of hurting somebody only bc his best friend was put in danger and that- that broke me.
also i find it funny how i found the drama through a clip on tiktok where jihoon cried at watching the last scene where sieun breaks the window and i was like oh this should be just the right amount of sad for me rn and then i got emotionally damaged. :,)
yeah anyways my fav trope is found family and FUCK all of those who hurt my sunshine bc now im forever heartbroken.
sorry for the rant toffee but it did felt cathartic to write this all out
bar, please don't worry about it. feel free to come back any time you have to yell about it and i'll try to get back to you as soon as i can.
sooho was just too easy to love. we headed into that show blind HAHA we should've known it was too good to be true! i never saw it coming actually.
same !! took me days to get over this too. *hugs* i'm sorry about the mental breakdown, i hope you're feeling a bit better now !! oh the projection must've made the whole thing twice as hard. again, sooho was such a comfort character :( his happy go lucky nature was such a breath of fresh air esp when the themes occasionally got dark. i want that dynamic for me actually (to kill and die for each other, yes). i usually find it corny but it was so well executed here.
oh bumseok :( i think it's valid to simultaneously understand him but at the same time, find what he did unforgivable. i get where he was coming from and how he was just looking for a place to fit in—where he wasn't looked down on. idk how to describe it but when he started misreading the situation (like that whole bit abt sooho not following him on ig but following young yi), i think something in him snapped. he was so fed up with being helpless at home and at his previous school that when it happened a third time, he did everything to get back and lashed out.
I 100% BELIEVE THE ADULTS WERE ABSOLUTE SHITTIEST NEGLIGENT FUCKERS AROUND. like???? leaving a scamming syndicate to be dealt with by high schoolers?????? bumseok's fake ass politician dad??????? sure, sieun's parents were 'present' but emotionally distant, like check on your kids bitches or not have them at all god dAMN. i thought some of the aspects of the bullying were exaggerated bc from where i'm from it never gets that bad but hearing that to an extent, it was truthful about it just left me dumbfounded. how could parents allow things like this to happen under the radar? it's unbelievable and heartbreaking to me.
yeah, i thought bumseok would just join his cool boy squad but he really had to do whatever the fuck he did :D my girl, i know you read my tags and i was vile as fuck towards him but at the time i was just so angry too. also yes! youngyi and sieun's friendship <3 i wish they had more time </3 and honestly, if bumseok didn't do a whole 180, i think the four of them would make such a cute squad. like the way they would protect each other??? hmp :/
'i read something about how suho always fought only in self defence but when he saw sieun hurt he crossed the line and fought with the purpose of hurting somebody only bc his best friend was put in danger and that- that broke me.' i saw that the other day and that broke me to fucking hell i could sell anyone's soul to see them together again (SPECIFICALLY, with the other one being fine and out of comatose yes i would love that for me.
ohhh, i've been meaning to watch that vid of them reacting to whc1 but at the time it didn't have subs. jihoon's acting was so fucking effective like??? the sadness the eyes of that man has can sway me to do anything !! so sorry that you got so much more than just a little sad bout. heading into this drama blind was like bringing a knife to a whole war.
this show made me realize that tragedy could strike any pairing on any show and i wouldn't bat an eye but have the same happen to a found family and then i'm instantly destroyed. THE SHOW ACTUALLY REMINDED ME OF YOUR CHENJI FIC????? FUCK. please do let me know if you ever get around to writing something related to them haha i'm ready to be destroyed.
please do not ever apologize for ranting especially about this show !! i went through this whole phase ALONE last year (watching it after christmas was the biggest mistake, i ended my year DEPRESSED as FUCK) so i'm offering as much help as i can.
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zhongrin · 2 years
also there's this funny thought i wanted to share with you that i cant get out of my head. so yk bedo has that voiceline about eating/cooking spiders right? now im thinking what if he has like a whole stash of them hidden somewhere in his lab. and i somehow find it when im helping him reorganize things. i turn around and see him eating one already :D (that aside i'd tell him no kithes until he washes his mouth out :< ) ~Lycoris
i'm... pretty sure he would have food stashes, and he would definitely have those spiders yep. personally i would freak the fuck out and get a mini breakdown (i l o a t h e arachnids). you do you bedo you weirdo....
hey albedo kissers how do those hairy spider legs in your mouth feel like i bet that's gotta be super romantic huh /j
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fruit-teeth · 2 years
Anyways. I feel like crying lol
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Can you suggest some lgbtq movies and books?
Recommendations eh? Well, it really depends on what type of films/books you enjoy.
Note most (though not all) feature same-sex pairings, and not all are romances per say...
In terms of films, some of the best that I've seen are:
Angels in America (2003) - an epic 4 hour mini-series based on the award winning play about AIDS in 1980s
God’s Own Country (2017) - Farm boy meets migrant falls in love
Happy Together (1997) - Starring Leslie Cheung (a favourite OF Tae's) about the dysfunctional love between two men
Hegwig and the Angry Inch (2001) - A musical about trans person with an inch of a penis
My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) - Interracial love set against the backdrop of 1980s England
Milk (2008) - Chronicles the assassination of the first openly gay politician in the US
Weekend (2011) - A love story told over a weekend
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - Based on a true story about a bank robber robbing a bank to finance his lover's sex reasignment surgery
Y Tu Mama Tabien (2001) - Not gay really, but there is a under current throughout with a final moment of strained realisation.
Orlando (1993) - Fantasy film of a man who changes sex from man to woman and lives for centuries, meeting the key figures of English history. Considered a feminist classic.
The Birdcage (1996) - The classic comedy of gay/drag queen family dealing with a ultra conservative future in-laws
La Cage aux Folles (1978) - The original film that Birdcage is based on.
Priscilla Queen of the Desert (1994) - Three drag queens travel across Australia, on a bus for a gig and a family reunion.
Beautiful Thing (1996) - A love story between 2 teen working class boys
Pride (2014) - The story behind how striking miners and LGBTQ people supported each other.
Call Me By Your Name (2017) based on the book of the same name
Any film by Pedro Almodóvar really, some of my favs are:
Law of Desire (1987)
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988)
All About My Mother (1999)
Bad Education (2004)
For Books:
Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City Series
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
The Front Runner by Patricia Nell Warren
Anything by T. J. Klune
Alex Sanchez's Rainbow Trilogy (Rainbow Boys / Rainbow High / Rainbow Road)
Anything by Timothy James Beck
Where the Rainbow Ends by James Currier
Little Bits of Baby by Patrick Gale (really anything from Mr Gale is good)
Orlando by Virginia Wolfe (Orlando the film is based on this book)
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (she has other LGBTQ book but I've not read them yet) - their making a movie of this book
Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman - graphic novels and novellas (also a high profile nextflix series)
What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera (both authors have written other LGBTQ books, such as Love, Simon
Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
ALSO WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT FOMO LIKE what is that episode focusing on and also the Buckley Diaz family scenes in dumb luck
Fear-O-Phobia, Dumb Luck, and FOMO has the POTENTIAL to be the Buckley-Diaz family's next great mini arc that I'm totally not ready for. 5x13: Eddie's in therapy + possibly the breakdown 5x14: Buck with Chris, there is a rope rescue (danger for Buck???) 5x15: Eddie decides to go back to the 118 (will obviously tell Buck) [basing this off of Eddie in gear for May Day] Also, with Dumb Luck, the director is John (J.) Gray?? Like, the guy who wrote Stuck?? The first episode featuring the Buckley-Diaz fam for real?? What an interesting choice... 👀
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cosmic-acee · 2 years
Here have a goddamn list of "musical songs explained in crack" because its 1 in the morning and I'm bored and i caNT SLEEP(contains spoilers and the "the pants song" one is based on the bootleg-)
Four jews in a room bitching: biTCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH
A tight-knit family: he divorced his wife he left his child and ran off with a friend
The thrill of first love: Gay gay homosexual gay
Marvin at the psychiatrist: a three-part mini opera: mendel is bad at his job part one
My father's a homo: trina is not thrilled at all.
Everyone tells Jason to see a psychiatrist: geT THEE TO A PSYCHIATRIST
This had better come to a stop: act 1 marvin is the worst person ever part one
I'm breaking down: local woman has a breakdown while making a banana carrot surprise
Please come to our house: exorcise a deVIIIIIIIIIIL cause it inhabits marvin's son
Jason's therapy: local kid is scared he's gay
A marriage proposal: mendel is bad at proposals
A tight-knit family reprise : whose side are you on???
Trina's song: *trina sings about how she's tired of happy men who rule the world* marvin, jason, mendel, whizzer: this is so sad, alexa play march of the falsettos
Trina's song reprise: s h e ' s b r e a k i n g d o w n , g e t h e r a p s y c h i a t r i s t
The chess game: act 1 marvin is the worst person ever part two
Making a home: THE POOR DOG
The games i play: we worship andrew rannells in this house.
I never wanted to love you: you fucked uo marvin
Father to son: okay that dialed it down a little.
Year of the child: if this song isn't how your family reacts to some big event that involves you i dont know anymore
Miracle of judaism: ...at least he's not gay-
A day in falsettoland: mendel is bad at his job part two | mARVinS baCK wiTh wHizzEr | NOUVELLE. BAR MITZVAH. CUISINE. SHE'S BEEN PRACTICING. | 1234 1234 1234
Everybody hates his parents: HE'S A PSYCHIATRIST GET LOST
What more can i say?: good song. the last happy song you will ever get in this musical
Something bad is happening: oh shit oH SHIT
More racquetball: oh look tears
Holding to the ground: local woman tries not to feel bad
Days like this: the almost is there for a reason
Cancelling the bar mitzvah: "jason we cant be certain if he'll ever get better" oh look my heart shattered
Unlikely lovers: MORE TEARS
Another miracle of judaism: PLEASE MAKE HIS FRIEND STOP DYING
Something bad is happening reprise: OH WOW MARVIN HAS IT TOO HAHAHA I AM NOT FINE
You gotta die sometime: damn the tears are back
Jason's bar mitzvah: MORE GODDAMN TEARS
Be More Chill:
Jeremy's theme: sci-fi noises
More than survive: ccccmon ccccmon go go
I love play rehearsal: christine is amazing. thats it theres no crack thats just a true statement
Two player game: someone called for gay energy?
The Squip enters: screaming
Be more chill pt. 1: j e s u s c h r i s t
Be more chill pt. 2: ah yes bribery
More than survive reprise: no masturbating you horny fucking twink
A guy that I'd kinda be into: LOL IT AINT YOU JEREMY
The Squip lurks: sci-fi noises 2.0
Do you wanna hang: GET AWAY FROM HIM CHLOE
Michael in the bathroom: ah yes the most relatable song in this musical
The smartphone hour: rICH SET A FIRE CUZ HES TOTALLY GAY
The pitiful children: lets go nano drug the school
The pants song: w h a a a a a a a t ?
Voices in my head: wE UN-NANO DRUGGED THE SCHOOL
Six the Musical:
No way: bitch nO✋
Don't lose ur head: 👏👏👏
Heart of stone: what's worse than a broken heart?
Haus of holbein: *screaming with a German accent*
All you wanna do: katherine deSERVED BETTER
I don't need your love: FUCK YOU HENRY
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youngjusticeslut · 2 years
Hi there, its the Plot Shit™ dude.
Personally, I think that if they were going to give 5 episodes to any arc, Kaldur's arc should have been the one to get it. Personally I think that all the slideshow side-plots in Zatanna's arc were added in so that they could stretch her arc for five episodes in order to not leave the show on a cliffhanger going into the mid-season break, which is fair I guess. But! You asked for my thoughts on the final ep and oh boy I am here to deliver.
I think we should have seen more of Kaldur and Co in the caves. Like a whole episode of that where we got to see Kaldur slowly fraying at the edges before just, y'know, snapping. It would have done a lot more for the catharsis of his arc and maybe contextualized his decision to take a break. For only having one episode to do that, they did their best (and I did like the callback to Bruce being an absolute asshole to 16-year-old Kaldur because I too would have internalized that shit if an adult in an authority position said that to me at 16). I just think that he didn't really reach the breaking point that would have justified his decision to take a break in a way that makes sense for his character. At least not onscreen.
Yes Mera becoming king is very girlboss of her. I didn't like it. It felt like Orin kinda just made that decision on her behalf, and presented it in a way where she kinda had to go along with it or risk a huge riot. Like yes he asked her if she was okay with it, but at the same time he had already done his 'She is your One True King!' speech. I get that it was a shitty situation all around but at the same time I got the vibe that she didn't want it. And she didn't really get a choice where she could think about it and decide, she kinda was strongarmed into it on the spot. Idk, maybe I'll change my mind, but that's just how I feel. I am respectfully looking at her in the crown though.
Aron being a clone wasn't surprising. Aron being a clone with Orm's implanted memories was actually kinda a cool twist, even if YJ has simply done too many clone twists in my opinion. Also it proved my mini-theory that there would be two Orm clones (because clones always come in pairs on YJ) right in a way.
Traci as Fate was [*chef's kiss*] and also I love her.
I like that the bus, the only thing that was actually not a hallucination, was the thing that made Connor go 'huh. maybe I'm losing my mind here'. From his viewpoint it makes sense but also from a meta stance it is funny as hell. Also the end credit scene implies that Zatanna didn't tell the rest of the team that Connor might be alive, like what the everloving fuck girl.
A side note on Connor; how come he gets to have a mental breakdown in the Phantom Zone, but Kaldur can't have a mental breakdown while being trapped in the caves? What the fuck is up with that, huh Grandon? Huh? /j
Overall I give the episode a 7/10. It was good, I just think it would have worked better if there had been another episode between it and Emergency Dive. Too much Plot Shit™ to wrap up neatly, even with the exclusion of most of the non-Atlantis B-plots. This probably should have been split into multiple asks, so sorry that this is so long. I didn't realize how much I wanted to say until I started typing.
Hello SaintClay, the Plot Shit™️ dude! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, long as they may be ☺️
I agree, I think this was the arc that could have greatly benefitted, and would have succeeded all the more with five episodes. The cave-in episode idea would have been *chef's kiss* and I lament that it doesn't exist.
I did predict Mera becoming the #girlboss king in the end, but I feel a little neutral on it because of the lack of buildup. She didn't seem like she wanted the title and I think back to a post that someone made earlier (I forget whom) about Orin's lack of emotional intelligence and oof they were right on the money about that. Fun fact about Mera in Arion's crown, if you look back at the trailer for 4b, the scene where all the magic users are circled around the bell in the Tower of Fate, you can actually see her wearing the crown there 😂 #spoileralert.
The episode was a solid 7 out of 10 for me too. Was good, could have been better!
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robinrequiems · 3 years
Now that you mentioned it, can I have some track star player! Damian and basketball captain! Jon 👀
• Baskebtall November-march, & outdoor track & soccer is March-June. pspspspspsps! I know Jack shit about sports (:
• in freshmen year, damian found himself bored, he had so much built up on energy that he needed to release. damians not a.. team player, so he joined a sport that didn’t really require you to be a team player. track.
• damian could run okay? he could run fast. so it was perfect, so now, as a junior, he was known for winning the school track trophies but Damian wasn’t as well known as jon. captain of the basketball team, a boy cherished by the school for bringing home a trophy for the first time in years. their basketball team was bad, but then, little freshmen jonny joined
• he just joined for fun, he didn’t expect to get in, he also liked played basketball with his brother, so he just tried out. ( that’s what he said at least ) sure, at the start he wasn’t the best player, but then, during their first game? he was playing amazingly. apparently the boys great under pressure
• he slowly rose up in the team and became well known, there was always a girl or two chasing after him in the halls ( jon didn’t really care for them.. he was more interested in the track star )
• jon fell in love with damian. no.. well.. jon had a crush on him since freshmen year. why, you may ask? ..he likes his personality, jon remembers getting lost in the falls as a freshmen and then sophomore Damian going to help him. was he laughing at him? definitely.
• people said damian was rude, jon said otherwise. he may not know damain that well, but he could see kindness in him
• his team members called him a simp. he.. no.. he wasn’t a simp? all he did was defend damian
• people said jon didn’t even know damian, but jon feels like he’s known him for years.. like they were partners or something ( am i hinting at reincarnation and a potential reincarnation arc in this au 👁 or am I hinting at doing a reincarnation au? the world will never know)
• jon believes there’s more to Damian than people think
• Maya is the captain of the girls soccer team, Tai is apart of the basketball team, Kathy is a cheerleader, and billy is a football player
• damian is friends with maya and sorta friends with tai due to club activities ( art ), & an acquaintance of Kathy because Maya is dating kathy ( today is a date I ship kathymaya )
• jon is friends with tai, Kathy ( childhood friends ), Maya ( Kathy’s gf so he knows Kathy’s gf ), & billy
• damian often saw jon in the halls, jon tried to smile at Damian, but damain just ignored them. he didn’t know Jon. stranger danger
• jons last game was coming yo, the championship, damians track season was about to start soon, the school was amped up
• it was the final game and jon was so hyped
Jon: Hey! Damian!
Damian: what.
Jon: the um.. my last game.. it’s.. it’s friday.. and I was wondering if.. if you’d go?
Damian: I was already going.
Jon: really!
Damian: yes, tai invited me.
• a slight lie on damians part
• but he briefly heard tai ask Maya if she would come, and Maya normally brought Damian along ( much to his dismay.. )
• jon eyes lit up when he heard the name tai. Damian knows tai. TAI KNOWS DAMIAN
Jon: TAI
Tai: Jesus Christ, jon-
Jon: you know Dam— d a - frick - Damian
Tai: yeah?
Jon: set us up! match make! okay cupid!
Tai: are you sure english is your first language, ‘cause..
Jon; tai!
Tai: why do you even want to go out with him???
Jon: he’s pretty…
Tai: he’s mean
Jon: he is not!
• tai did not know what world jon wad living in
• but. tai was one of jons best friends so, he of course, tried to help:)
Tai: hey, shithead
Damian: oh my god, don’t talk to me
Tai: I need a favor
Damian: no.
Tai: you owe me.
• damian did owe him, tai took him to the er one time when he he fucked his ankle up after doing something stupid
Damian: what.
Tai: I need you to wear the number 3 to the game
Damian: 3– that’s - the boys- jons. why?
Tai: don’t ask.
• so that’s how Damian ended up wearing a shirt with the number 3 on it, Maya laughed at him
• oops. but Damian didn’t really care that much. but him wearing jons stupid number started rumors
• damian didn’t really label his sexuality, jon was openly bi, do that wasn’t the problem. the problem was that they thought they were dating
• damian didn’t like that and found it annoying. you see, damian didn’t really know of jons crush, he didn’t pay enough attention to the boy, it wasn’t like he was in any of his classes anyways.
• ( tai and Damian are sorta actually good friends, they have that insulty friendship and share a lot of classes, Maya is senior, along with Billy, Kathy’s a junior w/ tai n billy )
• damian really didn’t care for jon. at all.. until he actually saw him. the last time he saw jon. he was.. noodle like.
• now? he was not. he didn’t really fully pay attention to jon before. sure he’s saw his smile and face, but oh my god.
Damian: hes hot
Maya: what?
Damian: n.. nothing. Sorry.
• he did not mean to narrate his thoughts there. Damian didn’t care for team sports, but looking at jon play? wow.
• the way jon ran around, he was so. Elegant.
• damian was seriously ogling jon. Damian has never felt more embarrassed. he hates when people focused on his looks and here he was. doing the same. he wanted to commit mass murder. on himself. right now.
• meanwhile, Maya was just trying to watch her girlfriend who was sitting on the bench while Damian was having a mini breakdown on how shallow he was being
• ( told you guys, Damian will always be dramatic in any universe )
Maya: you good there-?
Damian: no.
Maya: great, it’s half time, I’m gonna go say hi to kathy
• he couldn’t believe Maya was leaving him in his misery
• meanwhile, jon was fsngirling. Damian was here. Damian. Wearing his number. Oh shit.
Jon: tai tai tai tai!!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
Tai: yeah yeah, you owe me
• jon played so well that day too, they ended up winning the game. no one knew where jon got that sudden burst of energy when he was beginning to get tired, but he did
• and he got the winning shot
Kathy: geez, jon! good job!
Jon: thank you!
Maya: thought you guys were gonna lose
Tai: thanks Maya
Maya: anytime <3
Jon: I’m gonna say hi to damian, wish me luck!
Maya: luck wished
Tai: don’t combust when he looks at you!
• tai is the best wing man <3
• but anyways damians still in the bleachers, trying to hide from the world
Jon: Damian!
Damian: yes?
Jon: thanks for coming! I think you were my good luck charm
• jon should have not said that out loud, but he did.
• and Damian chose to just: not comment on it.
• a week or something later and it’s damians track meet
• he has started looking forward to jons smiles in the halls, but he still pretends that he never sees it. he learned a few things about jon, how he’s truly a sweetheart, probably the nicest person in the planet— as long as you don’t mess with his friends, and failing English class
• but damian doesn’t have the time to pine, he spends his hours now running, jumping hurdles, jumping, and yadayada.
• he was excited. he was. he was just: wow. he was hyped up, energy was building up in him as anticipation built up for the first meet. It was currently Monday, the first meet will be Wednesday. Three days.
• and in those three days, he was his own enemy. sleep- sleep did not come easily. Not at all. His thoughts kept him up and awake, thinking about the possibilities, it was absolute garbage.
Maya: geez, you look like a zombie
Damian: feel like one
Tai: hey dude did you bring th— ooh yikesss
Damian: shut up.
• damian was 100%my grumpy that day and glared at all passing bystanders
• but jon had began sitting at Damian’s table, along with Tai ( 😡 )
• damians table consisted of Maya, sometimes Kathy, Maps, && Colin. Colin was also apart of the track team
Jon: uh, D- are you okay?
Damian: mmhhhshshshjsnm
• jon and Damian started calling each other by D and J, they don’t know why, it just happened
• jon wanted to go to damians meet, but he didn’t exactly know if Damian would like that? it was.. complicated
• he didn’t even know if him and damian were friends, they barely even saw each other minus the small times in the hallway and lunch
• but he did go to damians track meet, damian would never admit that he liked that Jon was there
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