#Ivana Tramp
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
de Vil family Headcanons revised:
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Trigger warnings: Child abuse, child neglect, mentions of dementia, mental health issues, unhealthy coping mechanisms, death, and animal abuse.
There is an 11 year age difference between Hunter and Carlos, a 5 year one between Carlos and Ivy, and a 4 year one between him and Diego.
Hunter, Ivy, and Carlos are tech geeks in my universe and can't do anything musical to save their lives.
Diego, on the other hand, is the only musically inclined one who cannot do anything tech related to save his life.
Hunter and Ivy were born pre-isle but died trying to stop one of Cruella's plots when she found out and pursued them. Causing them to crash.
Because of their childhood Villainous activities they were resurrected and sent to the isle the year Carlos was born.
Both Antia and Roger have met Hunter and Ivy but only Ivy has met their niece, Amber.
Funnily enough, all of the de Vil cousins have four things in common—their love for animals, their tempers, their competitive nature, and their very strong passion for fashion.
They have a lot of pets that they have to play 'Keep away from Cruella' with.
Including a chicken on Hunter and Ivy's part, which is funny because their ancestor— Dimsdale—despises chickens.
They are descended from both Melione (Hades' daughter) and the Villainous princess Ivy from Sofia the first.
Hunter's full name is Hunter Claudias de Vil.
Ivy's full name is Ivana Mallory de Vil.
Diego's full name is Diego Ethan de Vil.
Carlos's full name is Carlos Oscar de Vil.
Carlos is the son of Cruella de Vil and James Charming.
Diego is the son of Cecil de Vil and an unknown woman.
Ivy is the daughter of Carmen Sandiego and Cotton de Vil.
Hunter is the son  of Helga Sinclair and Charles de Vil, making him the older half brother of Harry Badun.
Carlos's dad either got taken forcibly back to Auradon or was killed by Cruella. No one is quite sure which.
Diego's mother left him on the doorstep.
Ivy's father was a pyro noir like detective and the youngest of his many siblings, which made her a favorite of the family. Her father died in a freak fire related accident when she was 3. Carmen had no idea where she went after Ivy's father died.
Hunter's father was an artist turned Archery teacher who went by 'Archer' and died in a freak archery accident.
Hunter de Vil is dating a grown up Jim Jr (from Lady and the Tramp) and Jane's cousin, Elisa/Eliza.
Diego is dating Derek, Doug's older brother.
Carlos is dating Jane.
And Ivy is dating Gordon, son of Grumpy— and yes, they are aware of the irony.
Together (meaning them, their partners, their cousin P.H, and Cruella) they have 18 pets. Including 2 chickens, 1 ferret, 1 dove, 1 lab rat, 4 cats,  and 10 dogs (most of which are Cruella's).
Hunter is still an influencer (he was one when he was a teenager) and is also an inventor who works at the local tech repair shop and a part time mechanic.
All of the de Vil kids love chocolates but different kids.
Hunter practically lives off of coffee and energy drinks and kinder joy eggs.
Hunter is also a YouTuber.
Ivy loves oatmeal with strawberries and blackberries.
She is an inventor, a fashion designer, a salon owner who makes her own cosmetics, and a beauty pageant veteran who always saw Amber dearly (The Radcliffe's niece)  as a rival. This was one-sided.
She takes after her mother alot— she's elusive, playful, badass, etc.
Kids used to call her Evilana. Which she hated.
Diego is the lead singer and guitarist of the Bad Apples and a member of Harriet Hook's crew and the Anti-heroes' club.
He is also a tattoo artist who loves coke (the soda) and fast food.
Carlos is a tourney and ROAR member who loves video games, tech stuff, animals, and inventing. He wants to be a veterinarian or app designer.
Hunter, Ivy, and Diego helped Carlos build his treehouse when they were younger.
They all love each other very much and are very protective of one another.
Unlike Carlos, the other de Vils are actually quite fond of the Badun cousins.
Ivy loves the color pink.
Their ancestor that everyone thinks is the literal devil was actually a somewhat normal human boy who was just unfortunate enough to have been born with hooves and a tail (likely due to them also being descended from Hades’ daughter Melione and sorceress like the original Ivana de Vil—aka Princess Ivy).
For some reason, Diego is Cruella's favorite. No one knows why or how.
This is entirely one-sided; Diego despises Cruella.
Yes, Hunter and Ivy were born pre-isle.
Yes, they committed their crimes.
BUT, they were also 12 and 6, and highly abused and neglected.
And they redeemed themselves and got killed in the process in my timeline saving the puppies from one of Cruella's schemes gone wrong.
But of course, Auardon brought them back a year after Carlos was born and sent them to the isle despite the Radcliffes' protest.
Hunter was 12 and Ivy was 6, and they both cried and pleaded for mercy. Beast and Belle ignored them.
They hate them because of this.
Like their parents before them, they're close.
Unlike their parents, they didn't have a falling out and would still die for one another.
Diego is the only non-tech savvy de Vil of this generation.
But that's fine with him because he's the only one who can play any instrument.
The other 3 can't play an instrument to save their lives.
Despite the fact that Diego is a part of Harriet's crew and that Harriet is in alliance with Uma, he and Carlos are still close.
Diego is the only non disabled, sickly, or mentally ill de Vil.
All of the de Vils are into fashion.
The de Vil cousins move out of Cruella's house after Carlos goes to Auradon. They had only stayed for Carlos.
The de Vil cousins have an unspoken agreement to always look out for each other, their pets, and the badun cousins.
The de Vil cousins communicate in Morse code sometimes. Other times they communicate in sign language.
They made up their own language to communicate in as kids. The Badun cousins  are the only ones who understand it.
All of the de Vil kids have pets and take care of Cruella's pets.
They all feel guilty about the fact that they couldn't protect each other or their pets. Or the Badun cousins.
Jace and Harry used to have siblings. The rest of the isle might have forgotten this but they hadn't. They never would.
None of the four de Vil cousins will ever turn down helping the Badun cousins. No matter what.
No one talks about the missing Badun girls and boys.
No one talks about how the Badun cousins don't live with them, Cruella, and their dads anymore.
After Harry Badun turned 7, learning medical care became a priority for all of the de Vil kids. Maybe it's guilt or maybe it's a sense of obligation. No one knows.
Diego is the only one of the group who sleeps.
He's known as the only 'normal' de Vil. He's the only one who doesn't have a nasty nickname.
He's the one who keeps everyone alive which makes up for his bouts of irresponsible stupidity.
Diego is also the only de Vil sibling who can write in cursive.
Hunter is the only blonde de Vil that the cousins can remember.
This earns a lot of jokes about him being adopted.
He is never amused by them.
Ivy looks the most like Cruella. Her hair is half and half like hers, and she hates it. Hair dye doesn't work.
She's tried. Her cousins had to beg her to stop because she would break out in horrible hives when she used it and they were afraid she'd die.
Carlos is allergic to Wool.
Hunter and Diego have no allergies.
Hunter is claustrophobic and afraid of the dark  and being alone and forgotten because of his time in the crate. His younger cousins know very few details about it.
Diego's hair is the opposite of Carlos's—his hair is mostly black with a few white streaks and specks, while Carlos's hair is mostly white with dark specks
Ivy is afraid of burning alive like her dad but also addicted to the flames.
Her and Hunter are scared of dying again.
Diego, Carlos, and The Badun cousins had to sleep in their beds a lot when they were younger to calm them because of the nightmares they had.
They still do.
The 3 oldest de Vil cousins were in pure shock and mourning for days after Carlos left for Auardon. They thought they'd never see him again.
Carlos, Hunter, and Ivy go to all of Diego's concerts and like all of his videos  and buy all his albums.
He does the same for them.
They're all scared of going nuts like their elders.
They were all scared of their other relatives when they got off the isle.
Hunter never forgives Ben's parents. Never.
He and Ivy both try to pretend that they don't want to kill them both.
Everyone but Diego has had depression. Diego has just always been optimistic (and a bit angry).
Ivy is named after their ancestor, Princess Ivy.
She resents this.
Divus de Vil, or Divus Crewel—as he is now known—is a professor at Night Raven College.
He teaches the school's science curriculum, including potionology.
He, like the rest of his family, feels strongly about fashion and refuses to compromise on what he wears.
He is Cruella and Crisitan de Vil's twin brother who somehow managed to stay out of any serious legal trouble. Unlike them.
When he was younger, Divus was nicknamed 'devious'  by his fellow peers. Right around the time they started to call his sister 'Cruella' instead of Ella.
He was the favorite of his mother—meaning he was the only one who ever got attention from her.
He has no pets.
He, Cristian,  and Cruella taught their 3 younger brothers (Cyrus, Cotton, and Cecil) how to work on cars when they were all kids.
Back before Cruella and P.H became cruel, all 7 of them were rather close-knit despite their age differences.
Divus's mother named him.  His name means "divine"/"godlike" or "god". It can aldo be considered a variant of "diva", referring to a narcissistic and self-important person.
Cyrus was a teen dad at 14.
Malevola and Cruella didn't hesitate at all to yell at and belittle him for this.
He ran away a couple of years later with his son, Charles, and became a farmer.
Cyrus was a natural blonde but dyed his hair black and white in an attempt to fit in with his family.
Charles inherited it as well. They both inherited this from Oscar "Count" de Vil.
22 years later, Charles met a woman named Helga Sinclair and Hunter de Vil was born.
Oscar and Dintia de Vil are the parents of Malevola de Vil and her brother, Malice.
Of course, those aren't their real names. Only the names those who didn't understand their odd family gave them.
Oscar and Dinita would never name them those names. They were actual loving parents, thank you very much (Unlike Malevola).
Malevola and Malice are actually named Mallory and Malachai.
Malachai's unflattering nickname doesn't really fit him at all.
He may be the mastermind but Malachai isn't really eVil at all. He's actually harmless and quite kind. Unlike his nasty sister.
Oscar de Vil was rumored to be a vampire and thusly nicknamed the 'Count' because he always wore a black, hooded cloak.
And no, he isn't actually a vampire. He's just severely allergic to sunlight and has to wear a hooded cloak while outside during the day.
It's actually kinda funny/sad considering the fact that his wife, Dinita, loves the sun and taking walks.
She stopped doing it as often when she began dating him so she could spend more time with him, so it's safe to say their love was true.
Both of them were loving, confident, lively people who saw the best in everyone and loved life.
Oscar was a businessman and a doctor who was quite charitable to those around him and Dintia was an architect.
Dintia actually was the one who designed Hell Hall and the other de Vil properties.
The two of them and their kids were loved in the small community they lived in for the first 10 years of Malachai's life.
And then Dintia slowly started to forget things.
It was small things at first, like Mallory's favorite color and Malachai's favorite snack.
And then it was big things, like her anniversary and birthdays.
It only continued to spiral from there until Oscar dragged her to the doctor during the day—causing him to break into hives mind you—and got her checked out to find out what was wrong.
Not long after, they found out she had early onset dementia and Dintia started to change.
Forgetting who Oscar and even her own kids were. Not recognizing her two birds, Stormy and Sunny. Not recognizing her own pictures.
Oscar began to distance himself from his kids, throwing himself into his work in hopes of finding a way to save his weakening wife.
Dintia kept finding ways to escape the house and could often be found wandering around town, confused.
Some less than lovely people started to call her dementia instead of her actual name.
She died four years later when Malachai was 14 and Mallory was 10. And it hit everyone hard. 
Oscar and Malachai both fell into a deep depression and due to the time period they were in, they received little to no help at all.
Oscar became a shut-in and rarely left his house, glaring at anyone who approached him on the rare occasions that he did.
Malachai became a shell of his former self. He stopped talking and smiling and goofing around as much, and daydreamed often of his mother never getting sick and his life never going to hell. Hardly able to accept reality.
He actually checked out for a bit—becoming emotionally detached from everyone around him—and didn't speak for years.
If his son, Philip Herbert aka P.H, hadn't been born, he would have never come out of it.
Unfortunately, while he and Oscar were emotionally dead to the world, Mallory started to change.
She became bitter and resentful and apathetic to everything that wasn't fashion. And her morals and what she saw as important slowly started to distort until she wasn't recognizable anymore.
And she was oh so hateful to anyone who wasn't her love, Dupree, who would go on to be her husband—earning her the alias Malevola.
Dupree was head over heels in love with her and blind to all her faults, which would come back to bite him later.
They'd go on to have 5 kids in this order; Cruella, Divus, Cyrus, Cecil, and Cotton.
Malevola/Mallory didn't even attempt to be a good mother. Ignoring them when she could get away with it and being out of town often.
She'd even snap at and belittle them from the moment they were born.
Cruella would go on to be a fashion designer as did Crisitan and you know the rest.
Cyrus became a teen dad and a farmer.
Cecil became a film director and willingly went to the isle for Cruella.
And Cotton became a detective and a pyro.
Cotton eventually met Carmen Sandiego, one thing led to another, and Ivana/Ivy de Vil was born.
Ivy is Malevola's favorite grandchild.
Malevola tried to make up for her parenting mistakes with Hunter and Ivy, and the other two kids, but failed.
Mainly because she played keep away with them and their mothers.
Oscar (Malevola) was a good grandfather who visited on occasion but couldn't undo the damage his daughter had done.
Dupree died before he could meet Hunter, Ivy, Diego, or Carlos.
He admitted openly on his death bed that he regretted not divorcing Malevola when their kids were young because, while he loved her, she wasn't a good person and screwed up their kids in ways that couldn't be fixed.
Most of the de Vils are mentally ill in one way or another.
Harry Badun is Hunter de Vil's younger half-brother.
Cotton died in a fiery accident he caused.
Cyrus died in a farming accident.
Charles died in a freak archery accident.
Oscar succumbed to his old age, a bitter, angry old man who the children of the Village feared.
Hunter and Ivy died in a car accident while trying to free the dalmatians from Cruella and got resurrected and sent to the isle.
Cecil died from not taking care of himself when he fell depressed upon realizing he had damned his son and that his niece and nephews would never be free of the isle.
Malachai got sick and died when P.H was very young, causing him to be taken in By Malevola and Dupree.
Due to the sudden loss of the only parental figure he had and the neglect and belittlement he suffered from Malevola, he went mad.
He was introduced to science by Divus and started to experiment on any animal he could get his hands on. It rarely ended well for the animals. But Malevola allowed it as long as her dogs and Malachai's snake weren't touched.
P.H ended up experimenting on his father's snake and it died.
Cruella helped him hide the evidence.
Malevola was devastated and never found her brother's snake, leading her to assume she lost it.
It was one of 4 times Cruella and her siblings ever saw her mother cry.
Malevola told Carlos once that he looked like her brother at his age. It was the only time she ever mentioned her brother before her death.
Anita knew all of Cruella's generation growing up. P.H always scared her.
Once when they were all little, Cruella convinced them all to try her favorite drink; ink.
They all got terribly ill from it and never did it again.
No one knows how Cruella can stand drinking that stuff.
Carlos lives a long, healthy life with his friends and Jane.
Divus was delighted to meet his niece and nephews. Along with all their partners and friends.
Horace and Jasper were friends with the de Vils and Radcliffes growing up.
Requested by @kivamyths .
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domorebemore · 3 years
leisure suit larry 5 featured a villainous organization titled “Conservatives Against Nearly Everything”, George HW Bush, Dan Quayle and his wife, AND Donald and Ivana Trump (”Tramp”) they really did all of that not even knowing.......
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wdonnait · 3 years
Morto Rossano Rubicondi, ex di Ivana Tramp
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/morto-rossano-rubicondi-ex-di-ivana-tramp/111908?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=111908
Morto Rossano Rubicondi, ex di Ivana Tramp
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E’ morto Rossano Rubicondi, l’attore e showman aveva 49 anni.
Era il quarto marito di Ivana Trump. A dare l’annuncio è stata Simona Ventura sui social.
Rubicondi era noto ai telespetattori per le sue partecipazioni ai Reality italiani, tra le quali quella dell‘Isola dei Famosi nel 2008.
La causa della morte pare attribuirsi ad un melanoma alla pelle
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misfittcys · 5 years
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Did you see LAYLA ‘LADY’ DARLING from LADY & THE TRAMP walking around Limbo? The CISFEMALE looks like IVANA BAQUERO, and is TWENTY-FIVE years old. I’ve heard she can be ROMANTIC but also FIERCE. When I think of them I think of BLUE COLLAR NECKLACE, SOFT BROWN EYES, LOVE FOR ITALIAN FOOD. They’ve been here WITH their memories as a DOG WALKER at LIMBO SPCA for ONE WEEK. I heard they’re still trying to figure out how they ended up in Limbo. ( ray )
i’m surprised i haven’t picked her up sooner cause lady is the loml
quick one tonight !!
so lady was a dog so she’s now turned human and is kinda freaking out
she’s set after the end of the first movie so she’s in love with tramp and become a better dog person
she’s just super confused but such an angel honestly
she wants all the friends
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raystart · 7 years
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Home is Where the Art Is
The E.U.’s architecture of international relations may be taking a beating, but one international organization at least is still building cultural ties in Europe. The Artist’s Studio Museum Network links the cottages, castles, and farmhouses that artists once used as homes and studios. The buildings now serve as museums of the artists’ domestic lives and work routines; where Monet tended his waterlilies, where Rosa Bonheur could wear work pants without a government permit, and where Beatrix Potter fed lettuce to the furry inspirations for Peter Rabbit. From Croatia to the Canary Islands, the goal of artist house museums isn’t just a history lesson—it’s a 360-degree understanding of the lifestyle and context of an artist’s work.
While some studio museums are front and center in bustling metropolises like Paris, many are tucked in far corners of the globe. When the founding Network museum, the Watts Gallery Artists’ Village, put out a call for the Network, they weren’t surprised when house museums came out of the woodwork. “Many artists seek seclusion in which to work,” says Kirsten Tambling who administers the Network. “Many of the studio museums we found are set in picturesque and inspiring, though remote, locations.”
The curators share a passion for keeping alive the soul of the artist whose home they steward, from preserving tubs of oil paints, to polishing the silverware, to asking visitors to be respectful in the crypt. “There’s a strong tradition in many studio museums of artists both building and then being buried in the estates,” says Tambling. 
We selected ten of our favorite studio museums for your next road trip through Europe – with a few suggestions for additions to the Artist’s Studio Museum Network. 
Galerija Meštrovic
Built as a summer villa for Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrovic and his family, this museum perches like a Greek temple over the sparkling Adriatic. Visitors on art pilgrimage can rent bicycles in Split and peddle the cliff trail, stopping at pebble beaches along the way. Once there, you can wander the sculpture lawns and pass through the galleries, contemplating Meštrovic’s larger than life figures, which range from serene goddesses to the tormented figure of Job asking his eternal question: “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Meštrovic was imprisoned during WWII for refusing to exhibit for the Nazi regime. Much of his life was spent in expatriation to Paris, Rome, Yugoslavia, and the United States. His sculptures, most notably his emaciated Pietà in Paris’s Notre Dame Cathedral, dot the global map and once you become a Meštrovic expert at this gallery, you’ll notice them everywhere.
Šetalište Ivana Meštrovica 46, Split, Croatia
The Galerija Meštrovic overlooks the sparkling Adriatic. Image courtesy of Zoran Alajbeg © Muzeji Ivana Meštrovića.
The Hortamuseum isn’t just for fans of the Baron Victor Horta’s architecture. It’s a hub for lovers of the organic whimsy of the art nouveau style. From the doorbell to the dishware, the aesthetics of art nouveau invade the home of the Belgium architect. Horta’s self-designed house presents the leaps and bounds in functional capacity that the Industrial Revolution meant for iron and glasswork. There are few straight lines at the Hortamuseum. Botanical figures blossom from every corner and grow into load-bearing architecture. Voluptuous windows suffuse light. Wall-paintings and mosaic are in petal-like interplay. Parade up and down the stairs and into the tiled dining room, which can be rented for private dinner parties. 
25, rue Américaine, Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium
Château de By, studio of Rosa Bonheur
It shouldn’t take the full American Indian regalia presented by her friend Buffalo Bill Cody and the walls of taxidermy animal heads displayed at the Rosa Bonheur studio to tell you that this painter was a badass. Bonheur is famous for her action-packed landscapes populated with powerful animals. To learn to paint her subjects, she frequented farms, horse markets, and slaughterhouses, inspiring generations of women artists with her no-shits-given attitude and her internationally-renowned career. When Bonheur moved from painting horses to lions, she ordered several of the large cats for her castle estate at Fontainebleau. There are no lions at Fontainebleau now, but a tour of Bonheur’s former studio is a dose in the robust energy of a woman who took a close-minded society by the scruff of the neck and shook it until it awarded her all the top honors the 19th century had. It’s a little off the beaten track to make the forty-minute trip from Paris. But hey! If Bonheur could go off the beaten track, so can you.
Chateau de Rosa Bonheur, 12 rue Rosa Bonheur, Thomery-By, Fontainebleau, France
Taxidermy animal heads and antlers are displayed alongside paintings at the Rosa Bonheur studio.
Red House
William Morris fans sometimes make strange bedfellows – they include design and decorative arts aficionados, wallpaper lovers, architecture buffs, socialists, Medievalists, and art historians. If Morris was a midwife to the birth of the Arts and Crafts Movement, Red House is the birthplace. Morris’s home was a nerve center for a fellowship of Pre-Raphaelite thinkers, writers, and painters whom Morris hosted in his Gothic Revival dining room. The house manifests Morris’s conception that modern manufacturing had corrupted the decorative object and that home décor should be made by guild-style artisans and handcraftsmen. In addition to Arthurian inspired tapestries and Gothic stained glass, you can see the origins of Morris’s design company: Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co., a furnishing and decorative arts manufacturer founded on the principles Morris’s circle and developed at Red House. While the company disbanded in the early months of World War II, Morris’s focus on the handcrafted and the artisan has certainly seen a resurgence in the early 20th century.
Red House Lane, Bexleyheath, London, United Kingdom
Foundation Claude Monet
This museum in Monet’s country home in Giverny is for all those who ever wanted to live in a painting. The house, with its floor to ceiling windows thrown open to the flower gardens, makes you realize that Monet’s passion was the outdoors. En plein air, or outdoor painting, may be a staple of the vacation watercolor workshop now, but back in the day, Monet’s move to turn the garden into his studio was revolutionary. Don’t leave without strolling through the gardens, where you can see the Giverny waterlilies that Monet made famous around the world.
84 rue Claude Monet, 27620 Giverny, France
The Monet Museum’s kitchen windows open onto the vegetable and water gardens. Image courtesy of Fondation Claude Monet-Giverny/Droits réservés.
Hill Top
Hill Top is a charming country cottage where Beatrix Potter wrote and illustrated more books in the vein of The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Her affection for farm life as a retreat from London suffuses the whole property, from the parlor, to the bedrooms, to the vegetable garden. From dust pans to dolls houses, the building is stuffed with the accoutrement of Potter and her stories. The staff frequently rearranges the furniture–as Potter often did when she magpie-like added new trinkets and trophies to her décor. The staff is knowledgeable, but the only guide you need is The Tale of Samuel Whiskers; many of the scenes are recognizably set in the different rooms of Hill Top. When you’re through, hop next door to the Tower Bank Arms for a drink before the fire. The pub was around in Potter’s day, and it makes a cameo in The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck.
Near Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Halosenniemi Museum
If your dream house is a log cabin by a lake, the museum dedicated to Finnish painter Pekka Halonen might be the place for you. Halonen built the timber villa with his brother, allowing him to self-design the two-story studio he had seen while studying in Paris. From here, alongside his eight children, Halonen painted many works that contributed to the Golden Age of Finnish painting. Visitors can stroll down to the lake to watch the ice-skaters or tramp through the forest that inspired Halonen’s works. Halosenniemi Museum is a quick twenty-minute car ride from the airport – perfect if you have a layover in Helsinki and a few hours to kill.
Halosenniementie 4-6, Tuusula, Finland
Halonen designed the two-story studio after ones he’d seen in Paris. Image courtesy of Museokuva / Tuusula Art Museum.
Camille Claudel Museum
Until 2016, it was a cruel irony that, to see some of the best work by a sculptor whose artistic legacy has been overshadowed by her relationship to Auguste Rodin, one had to visit a museum with his name on it. But recently, a museum dedicated to Camille Claudel opened in her former childhood home. Claudel never gained prominence in her own time. Many of her onyx and bronze sculptures were considered too erotic by her contemporaries. Claudel herself destroyed much of her own work out of paranoia that her ideas would be stolen. Sadly, the decades it took for Claudel’s star to rise from obscurity means that the interior of the house museum in Nogent-sur-Seine was not preserved. However, the exterior has been restored and the interior is the best collection of Claudel work in the world.
10 Rue Gustave Flaubert, Nogent-sur-Seine, France
575 Wandsworth Road
The Kenyan poet Khadambi Asalache bought this Georgian townhouse in 1981 and almost immediately began decorating every inch with hand-cut salvaged pine. Several homes on this list might be called a ‘gesamtkunstwerk’—a total artwork—but 575 Wandsworth Road beats everyone in square inches of handmade décor. Some art critics also use the home as an example of ‘horror vacui’ or the fear of empty spaces. Figurines and geometric forms dance along the walls, lintels and mantles. Perhaps not surprising, given his love of latticework, Asalache’s life partner was basketmaker Susie Thomson. The museum has recently launched a composer in residence program, which will interpret the house carvings into music. 
575 Wandsworth Road, Lambeth, London, United Kingdom
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timesdeli-blog · 7 years
Donald Tramp's Wives Picture
Donald Tramp’s Wives Picture
Donald Tramp’s Wives Picture
Donald Tramp Wives
Tramp and his first wife Ivana Mary Zelenichka
Donald Tramp was born on June 14, 1946, as the fourth child of the five children of Frederic Tramp and Mary Anne McLeod in New York.
Millions of dollars in the wealth of the Tramp family came from the work of the housing deal, and he also left his father’s bed, and even the student’s time spent buying…
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mndstz · 7 years
Ovo možda niste znali o Ivanki Tramp (FOTO, VIDEO)
Znate već da joj je tata Donald Tramp, a mama Ivana Tramp (potiče iz Češke). Ivanka ima 35 godina, muža i troje dece. Visoka je 180 centimetara, bavila se manekenstvom, ali i dizajnom odeće. Sada je i savetnik svoga oca. Međutim, postoje neke činjenice u vezi sa ovom lepom plavušom koje možda niste znali: Njen bivši dečko je uhapšen zbog posedovanja heroina Ivanka i Džejms Gabelmen su se zabvljali četiri godine, od 2001. do 2005. Uhapšen je sa kokainom u rukama 2016. Zabavljala se i sa "poniženim" biciklistom" Pre nego što je upoznala svog sadašnjeg supruga, Ivanka je bila u kratkoj vezi sa bivšim američkim biciklistom Lensom Armstrongom, koji je 2012. doživotno suspendovan zbog dopinga, a oduzeta mu je francuska Legija časti.  Promenila je veru Zbog svog supruga Džareda Kušnera je prihvatila ortodoksni judaizam 2009. godine, kažu da se strogo pridržava košer ishrane. Želela je da glumi u "Jadnicima" Došla je na kasting za ulogu Kozet - ćerke prostitutke Fantine. Film je snimljen 2012, a ulogu koju je želela Ivanka dobila je Amanda Sejfrid. "Glumila" ipak jeste U šestoj epizodi četvrte sezone serije "Tračara" pažljivijim gledaocima nisu promakli Ivanka i Džared. Izvor: YouTube Podržavala je Hilari Verovali ili ne - 2008. godine Ivanka je novčano podržala demokrate i Hilari Klinton, rivalku svoga oca. Godinama kupuje "iste" cipele Otkako je pokrenula sopstvenu modnu liniju, plavokosa lepotica nije kupila cipele drugog brenda (osim sportske obuće). Pravo ime joj je Ivana Uspešna poslovna žena i mama troje dece, ime je dobila po svojoj mami - Ivani. Godinama je imala progonitelja Nakon višegorišnjeg uznemiravanja i praćenja, Ivankin progonitelj uhapšen je krajem 2016, u blizini "Tramp tauera". U jednom periodu, živela je kao Kardašijanke Kad je imala 22 godine, rijaliti šou "Rođeni bogati" pratio je njen život u blagostanju. Kao devojčica, spavala je u posteljini od 7.000 dolara Mama joj je davne 1990. kupila Pratesi posteljinu koja je tada koštala 7.000 dolara, a danas bi ta cena bila bliže cifri od 14.000 zelenih novčanica. I lepa je. I bez šminke: Pogledajte fotografije: Ivanka Tramp: Jesam (očev) saučesnik Saudijci poludeli za Ivankom (FOTO, VIDEO) Ivanka Tramp se kaje zbog OVOGA! (FOTO) Let's block ads! (Why?)
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Nude joj milione da raskrinka Trampa! (FOTO,VIDEO)
Producenti rijalitija ponudili su vrtoglavih dva miliona funti ženi koja zna sve Trampove tajne! Britanska štampa prenosi da je Ivana Tramp, bivša žena američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa, dobila ponudu da se vrati u britansko izdanje VIP Velikog Brata i raskrinka bivšeg pred kamerama! MONDO aplikacija ponovo na Google Play Store! PREUZMITE JE! Ivana Tramp (68), koja je za Donalda bila udata od 1977. do 1992. godine, već je 2010. bila u tom britanskom rijalitiju, a sada je producenti "jure" i nude joj dva miliona dolara kako bi u VB iznela "prljav veš" o Trampu. "Postoji šansa da će otkriti informacije koje će ga raskrinkati ili izblamirati, a pošto su se odavno razveli, ništa je ne sprečava da govori o njemu," rekao je neimenovani izvor za britanske medije. Izvor: YouTube "Miror" ističe da će osoblje Bele kuće prvi put u istoriji morati da bude zaduženo i za praćenje rijalitija, pošto bi informacije kojima Ivana raspolaže mogle da kompromituju predsednika i ugroze njegov brak sa prvom damom Melanijom Tramp. Ovako je izgledalo kada je Ivana ušla u kuću Velikog Brata! Izvor: YouTube Izvor: YouTube Let's block ads! (Why?)
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