misfittcys ¡ 4 years
A wide smile reached her face, pulling Katie into a tight hug. “Yeah, didn’t want to put up with you.” She teased back, although it was the furthest thing from the truth. Katie and Alicia had always been her best friends, it was as simple as that. 
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Katie put a hand over her heart, pretending to sob. “Angelina... You... You break my heart. Why do you treat me like this?” The witch teased with a giggle before giving her friend a light squeeze. “I’m so glad you’re here! Both of my two best friends are here, what could be better?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“I’m okay. This town isn’t helping a lot, but I suppose it is better than being back in Riverdale dealing with all of that. I’ve been through worse, trust me.”
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Tina sighed softly. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve been through worse. You shouldn’t have to suffer through anything.” She mused before sitting closer to her. “Can I help? In any way, no matter how small?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“Yes, in the beginning, it seemed to be just a family of them, but over time they started to gain more people to help them take out the Supernatural,” Scott explained to her before nodding. “Of course. I just want to help. I know how hard it can be on your own, especially with the turns and all.”
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She shook her head, wincing at the mere thought. “I’m sorry. A lot of our kind were killed in my world too but... We were made to live in secret. One of my teachers was one too, he lived in poverty for a long time, he suffered in secret.” Lavender mused. “Thank you. I haven’t had any friends who are the same as me.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
Regulus’ wand was in his hand in a moment, studying her warily before he responded.  “Maybe I am one cousin.  I don’t think our family was on the right side.”
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Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at him. “Regulus. Watch what you’re saying.” She started, wand pointed at his face. “Do not be like Andromeda or Sirius. I let the two of them walk away and it was a mistake. I will not allow another traitor in our family.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“You are so right! Plus, telling your best friend that you are in love with them. That is kind of crossing a line that you can never uncross, you know? “
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Isabelle smiled at him. “That’s true but... Think of it this way, if her feelings for you are the same... You’re crossing that line but for the better! You two can be a lot more than just friends.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“I’m million miles from home though. I’ve never been here and things are so different. I confess I’m still not used to this technology and new things from this place. Even clothes” Romeo said with a nod and a small smile. He chuckle a bit. “Not the first time I hear this”.
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Sophia smiled softly at him. “It’s really scary for you, I’m sure. I admit.. When I first got here... I was much like you are. Things were incredibly different but it gets better. At least you have your girl with you too!”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“It’s a rat, that has no fur basically. He’s all skin. A lot of people think he looks creepy but I love him so much.”
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Belle chuckled a little. “Really? I can’t say I’ve ever seen one but... It does sound pretty awesome. I wish I could’ve met him.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
Beetlejuice chuckled softly at the other. “Not hiding but I am still learning what I can do as a human. From what I have seen, I can’t control anyone. I have tried and nothing.” He sighed. “Which sucks, you know?”
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Lydia raised her brow at him. “Bee...” A nickname that she had created for him recently, trying it out for the first time. “It’s sucky but also a good thing. You don’t need to control anyone.” She reached for his hand. “I think, it could improve you as a human. To live as a human, just with some super cool powers too.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
He wasn’t too convinced he hadn’t died now that he was looking at Mina. Did it really matter if he had? Gretel was here, Mina was here - sure, the kid and the troll weren’t, but maybe they were still out there killing more bitch witches. “Not sure what happened at all.” Hansel stepped closer, his hand reaching for her face to see if she really was there. 
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Mina’s lips curled into a smile as he reached for her. She closed to remaining distance so his palm rested against her cheek. “I’m real, Hansel. This isn’t a dream. Though I do hope you’ve dreamed about me a lot.” The witch teased as she rested her hands atop his chest. “I’m alive. You’re alive. Whatever good there is in the world... It knew that we deserved a second chance.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“Is for a upcoming project. Can’t reveal too much details but is a thing that me and my Aunt are doing together. But we work with technology”.
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Lyanna raised a brow. “That’s very ominous. Should I be worried that we’re going to end up dead because of this technology?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
Irene almost tear up, being relief her daughter was around and being less concern and worry how she was. “I know. Rogue is your mutant name. Your real name is Anna Marie. You don’t remember me?” she  asked the other and sigh sad. “I’m not younger. I just rebirth on this body”.
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“My mother only ever called me Marie.” Rogue whispered as she eyed the other. “You’re not my birth mother, right?” She stepped closer to the other before sighing. “I’m afraid I do not remember you now, I remember... My parents back home. I ran away from them... M-May I ask questions?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“Oh wow…Coraline?” He asked, giving her a smile. “I know right? I thought I got trapped or something. Although it still feels like we’re trapped here.”
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She chuckled a little before rushing foward to hug him. Coraline wasn’t much of a hugger but it was such a long time since she’d seen him. “Better to be trapped here than with the Beldam, right?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“I will admit that I did get a tad obsessed and I promise not to get that crazy. However, I am very excited to celebrate both of these holidays in this town!”
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Sally chuckled, shaking her head. “That’s one way to describe it.” She teased as she held his hand. “Me too, my love. I will say also... It’s strange to feel flesh on you but... Also you’re so warm. Cuddles are going to be wonderful.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
“Awesome. No, that would be kind of awkward, I’d assume.” He chuckled softly before nodding, following him. “Sorry, about the pause. You are the first guy to ever ask me out.”
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Damian smirked a little. “I really find that hard to believe. You’re an incredibly handsome man. Does it make you uncomfortable? Me asking you out?”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
Klaus was taken back by the question and decided to answer it truthfully. “Yes, I do.” He told her with a soft smile. “That’s what I’ve heard. I know what I first got here, my mind was playing tricks on me and everything.”
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Caroline sighed softly as she looked at him. “I think... I think I’ve seen you in my dreams. A fair bit. I seem to remember uh... You’re a rather good kisser.” The woman mused with a shy smile. “What’s the last thing you remember? About me too? It might help..”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
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.。.:*☆“I get that,” Laura nodded. “I have been running as well, when searching for Logan. And, later, as well. They have been afraid of us mtants, and yet, they did use us to experiement on…” She made a face. “This city seems to be different, though. Things seem to be okay here.” 
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Angel sighed softly before offering a small smile. “I know this... This may sound very weird but I’m kind of glad I’m not alone in this aspect. That I have someone who understands. I have my family but... It’s nice to know I can talk to you.”
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misfittcys ¡ 4 years
.。.:*☆ “Jane was…” Maybe Thor should have expected that question, but still, it was hard to find an answer to it.
“She is a great woman, always will be. But my feelings for you are growing stronger, each day, especially in this place, and Sif, if you…. if you would agree to giving us a chance, you would make a very happy man out of me!”  
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Sif blinked a few times before silently edging closer to him. “You’re... You’re really serious?” The Asgardian found herself whispering before nervously reaching for his hands. “Thor...” Sif sighed softly and looked down at their joined hands. “I have had feelings for you for a very long time, long before you met Jane. I kept it secret because all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. Being with you... I-I would love nothing more, if you’re sure.”
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