#&& bellatrix interacts.
fiasco95 · 4 months
The Black sisters being the overprotective and feral older sisters to Regulus.
Andromeda: I’m sorry to Sirius but the moment we saw that Potter boy—
Bellatrix: We knew—
Narcissa: —that we wanted him for our Reg.
The black sisters nodding and agreeing,
James: Yes. I thought so too.
Sirius: What’s going on here?? Why was I not invited??
Sirius, pointing at James: Better yet, why are you here???
Regulus: What in the ever loving fuck?
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
idk why im in such a bad mood rn but it actually PISSES ME TF OFF how the entire marauders fandom collectively decided to take this bum-ass loser character with one discernable impact on the storyline (regulus. im talking about regulus) and make him a super complex, three-dimensional MAIN character in the era that’s being literally paired with JAMES POTTER(???) when they could’ve taken a character who AREADY has existing complexities and everything they could ever want and develop them. but they won’t because that character is a fucking woman ☠️☠️
the way the black sisters would have the entire fandom in a fucking chokehold if they were boys. do you actually think sirius and regulus would be as cherished as they are now if they were women? hell fucking no, regulus would be hated on so badly. the way we were given narcissa and fucking andromeda too? here’s the entire fandom yapping on and on about how cool regulus is for rebelling against the dark lord when narcissa was doing it and fucking getting away with it too (because she’s better and doesn’t suck ass). here’s andromeda going against her entire bloodline ON HER OWN but yet shes still so overshadowed by sirius (who literally came after her). then you got bellatrix who is canonly one of the most powerful (and cuntiest) witches in the hp-verse and you decide to go and develop BARTY instead. think about it. they’re both crazy except one is more of a loser and is a male so of course the fandom will choose him.
and then. of course. lily evans who is literally the mother of the entire verse itself is still out here fighting for literal recognition and development from the fandom. and those mfs still give it to regulus instead ☠️☠️
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siriuslydontknow · 1 year
Sirius being asked what he thinks about his cousins
"Andromeda is by far the most tolerable. I can actually have a conversation with her without wanting to rip my hair out for the most part."
"Narcissa... has her moments. Doesn't mean we get along, though."
"Bella- *incredibly dramatic groan that sounds suspiciously like he's holding back a scream*. That about sums her up."
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purebloods-mudbloods · 2 months
Había estado organizando ese evento con ayuda de su hermana y de la suegra de esta, a pesar de que las típicas tareas de esposa purista no eran lo suyo, tenía que aparentar —Espero estes disfrutando la velada— comunicó a la persona que se encontraba a su lado aunque aquel sentimiento no había llegado a sus facciones.
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daughterofyourdarklord · 11 months
Trick’or’Treat please!!
Delphini’s eyes were drooping, her lids so heavy she could hardly keep them open.
Dinner with the Blacks was certainly never a timely affair, but that didn’t make Delphini any less excited each and every time their little family floo’d over. Tonight’s event in particular took an exceptional toll on the three-year-old. Draco had just begun to really get a handle on walking, which, of course, resulted in Delphini running circles around him all night, teasing and encouraging her little cousin. He chased her - as best he could at least - with a gleeful laugh and incredibly sticky fingers despite Auntie Cissy's many cleaning charms.
They’d worn each other down rather quickly. Narcissa and Lucius had left with their now sleeping baby shortly after dessert, all a smile as Delphini planted a goodbye kiss atop her cousin’s wispy white hair.
Both of her parents opted to stay for one more nightcap, resulting in Delphini haphazardly fighting off sleep in her mother’s lap.
Or rather, hardly even hanging onto her mother’s lap. 
“What do you think of the elvish bitters, Bella? Druella and I decided to try something a little more seasonal for this time of year.” 
Bellatrix glanced up at her father quickly, right arm looped awkwardly around her daughter who was now pulling tightly at her dress. 
“It’s delicious, daddy. Adds just a touch of cherry, no?” Bella attempted to re-arrange her grip on the little witch who was slipping out of her lap, causing Delphini to stir lightly before cuddling closer. 
Walburga hummed in agreement beside her. “It’s definitely something sweet, mulberry maybe?”
“No - it’s elderberry.” A commanding voice offered, Delphini eye’s cracked open a bit at the sound of her father.  From across the table she watched as her grandfather lifted a glass towards Him, completely missing the scathing look Walburga shot His way.  
“Elderberry indeed.” Orion confirmed, eyes drifting back over to his daughter’s predicament. “Though it doesn’t seem Delphini is keen on letting you enjoy it much, hm Bella?” At the calling of her name the three-year-old gave another sleepy look at her grandfather. 
“She’s getting too big for you to balance with just one hand.” Druella added, smiling into her glass.
“Here let me-” Her great-Auntie said from her mother's left, Delphini flinched as Walburga reached for her. 
“-No!” She whined, turning into her mother further, the witch in question could only laugh in response. 
“Come on, Delphini,” Bellatrix coaxed. “Mummy needs to get you in a better position so you don’t drag us both to the floor, hm?” Delphini shook her head against her mother, refusing to be moved let alone passed off to Walburga. 
“She’s a bratty little witch, Bella - wonder where she gets that from.” Walburga teased, across from them Druella almost spit out her tea in a laugh.
"One can only imagine." The former Rosier said rather pointedly.
“Come on, darling.” Bellatrix tried again, getting a second hand around the cranky witch who was really making this much more difficult than it needed to be.  "No."
“Bella,” That commanding voice spoke again. “I’ll take her, Bella."  
Now that was something Delphini had no issue with.
She sat up eagerly in her mother’s lap, earning another bout of laughter from the table of Blacks as she lifted her hands towards her father.  The dark lord very obviously rolled his eyes at the little witch, almost reluctantly pulling Delphini into his arms. She could do nothing to hide the massive smile breaking out across her features as she snuggled closer.
Lord Voldemort sighed before reaching for his glass.
“I’m almost jealous.” She heard her mother murmur as the witch reached over to pull some of Delphini’s loose curls out of her face. 
“Don’t be,” her father started, long fingers coming to rest on Delphini’s back to steady her. “I’m beginning to think she’s been planning this.”  
The little witch giggled into his chest. The voices around her resuming in a steady hum, one that was quick to lull her to sleep.
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nrcissasblack · 3 months
When: Firefly Festival (After Dark) Where: Drinking Garden Who: Narcissa & Bellatrix @xbellaxlestrangex
"I'm not so sure you got the dress code memo," Narcissa teased lightly as she came to stand beside her older sister, handing a goblet of Elderflower Wine to Bellatrix. "It's a nice dress, though." Narcissa was only teasing, the idea of her eldest sister wearing something bright and colorful was truly laughable. Narcissa had always respected that Bellatrix did as she wanted and let nothing hold her back.
Narcissa brought her goblet to her lips and took a sip of her wine. She was thankful that this place had something more classy than the standard fair of Firewhiskey or Butterbeer. She had been a little bit worried. "Have you been enjoying yourself? I'm not quite sure where Lucius wandered off too," she sighed.
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widowlurker · 1 year
outing myself as a hp brainrotter to ramble abt the Black Sisters
Cygnus: the youngest of his siblings. The most forgotten yet the most fortunate—with Walburga having descended into putting the mad in madness and Alphard declared a traitor for helping Sirius. Passive in all he did, happy to grow his branch on the family wreath tree enough to simply appease the Lords and Ladies. A once acceptable husband wilting away as his wife grew more desperate
Druella: An outsider in name and nationality. The youngest of her own scrutinizing family fleeing to England to not drift away in the chaos of high society. A subject of speculative whispers regarding whether or not she’ll too fall victim to the infamous Black Family Mania. What those same people who whispered that they were proven right don’t know is that that mania is not familial but a product of centuries of perfectionism. A woman reduced to a counterpart—a failed mother with 3 daughters contesting with Walburga’s 2 heirs. A mother who passed her own familial unfavorables to her daughters. A woman who saw herself in her third daughter and final child—a child she titled only in her head yet announced to everyone as her greatest failure—and named her not after the starry patterns of the Blacks but the flowery thorns of the Rosiers
Narcissa: A woman content to fade into the background as the pretty-faced third daughter of 3 children. A woman named after a natural beauty defaced by its grimy background. A girl who was not Black, Malfoy, or Rosier yet above all was loyal to whoever she called family—disregarding what they called her. A woman who saw the women in her life be called mad disgraces, malevolent traitors, and failures and upheld the scraps her branch of the family tree left her with not because it was anywhere close to the romance she dreamed for or the quiet life of obscurity she knew to expect but because no matter how she may lay awake at night comforted by the agony of her blood she couldn’t stand to break her mother further. A lady who married her best friend because she knew that’d be the best bet she had of a happy marriage, and had only one son however much she both longed for and dreaded a daughter.
Andromeda: Always picking up and picking up the pieces for the people around her, as all she’s ever known how to do is love. A woman who saw firsthand how her eldest sister was broken beyond repair despite her attempts and shielded her youngest from witnessing the truths she carried with her as she left her dreaded house (because she can’t possibly call it home, no matter how often her mother or sister—who can really tell the difference—did so, not even trying to act as they genuinely believed this could somehow be anymore than a fortress), her mother’s screaming voice no longer being able to echo in her. A woman who was not saved by the man she loved but floated up to the surface
And Bellatrix. Ohhh Bellatrix. A powerful woman broken and broken by curse upon curse and memory charm upon memory charm for daring. Daring to break against the rigid bark of a tree from which the sword that cut her into pieces was forged, daring to be the first of what many called failures but what should be called those who were failed. A woman who left claw marks in whatever semblance of power she had yet, like any other, fell limp as she took her last breath. A woman who died at the hands of a mother’s love as a woman who never got to know what love would be. A woman who saw a glimpse of herself in blue eyes (not cold and sharp like that of her blood, but like the stars she was named after and would lay on soft grass and needlessly watch with a blonde girl who saw too much and knew too much. A girl who saw a person in a woman who knew too little) before someone else took that from her too. A woman who never knew power and thought she wielded it even as she sat in a cell haunted by what doomed her to the fate she was only halfway through living
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sk1fanfiction · 6 months
Most people's Boggart is Voldemort, but Mafalda's is Bellatrix.
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rxsegarden · 2 years
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( @lcvcndcrhcze )
For the last five, maybe ten minutes or so, it was hard to tell the time exactly, a customer had been glaring at Regulus. He couldn't understand why. She wasn't sitting in his section so she couldn't be mad at him. Maybe she wasn't happy with the service? He walked over to her table. "Is there something wrong, ma'm? Do you not like your order? I can have the chef make you something else. Or is there something wrong with the table? You can move, we have plenty open."
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
@mischiefxmuses​ asked: [  FOURTEEN  ] :  “ how do you really feel ? ” - Rabastan to Bella
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“that is for me to know, rabastan.” the witch replied. she had long since made her peace with the other, but that didn’t mean she had any desire to share her feelings with him.
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infcinity · 2 years
hiddenwashington event14 - rhiannon & bellatrix ( @tragcdysewn​ )
“the only good thing about this stupid party is the alcohol,” she paused, bringing her glass up to her lips to take a drink. “but it’s a bonus to see all of these idiotic muggles making a fool of themselves,” 
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rblcck · 2 months
Where: Twilfitt and Tattings When: Midday Who: Regulus & @xbellaxlestrangex
After the events of the Firefly Festival, Regulus actually felt rather fine about going out in public again. He'd spent years hiding within the walls of Grimmauld Place, but now knowing that he wouldn't be harmed for being a public traitor, he felt better. Although he still felt quite uneasy about his run-in with Bellatrix, he at least knew that she wasn't going to out-right murder him. Not when others were around, anyway.
So, he'd been making an effort to go out more often. Always making sure he was in a public place, it made him feel better. Wanting some new clothes, Regulus found himself in Twilfitt and Tattings, a shop he'd not been to in years. He was browsing the men's section when the front door to the shop opened, and he watched as his cousin entered the shop. Regulus quickly turned around, pretending he hadn't seen her while hoping she hadn't noticed him.
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potentialbreakupscng · 5 months
there's a sharp intake of breath at her sisters words. bellatrix was always annoyed with her hopeless romantic outlook on life. she holds onto it, despite knowing that all of them are going to be married off to whatever pureblood wizard that their parents deem acceptable. "just because you've given up on trying to find love, bella, doesn't mean we all have to." she was never as harsh to andromeda as she was to her. or maybe andromeda knows how to handle their older sister better than her. narcissa has always been the more emotional of the three of them. she knows how her and lucius' . . . situation looks like -- a girl who's pining and longing for someone who will barely glance her way. he wasn't one to outwardly show affection, she understands that. she understands him far more than her sister ever will.
her hands clench in her lap, an attempt to keep herself calm and to keep herself from snapping back at her sister. "you think he's out of my league? careful, bella. it might sound like you're interested in lucius for yourself, and if that's the case maybe i should turn my attention on rudolphus lestrange. he may be better suited for me. lesser." sensitive narcissa, allowing her sisters words to get to her. her jaw sets and her eyes settle back on her older sister. "or is everyone too good for your little sister? i didn't realize you've started thinking so lowly of me." she swallows back tears and shakes her head. "if you continue to insult me i won't have anymore conversations with you."
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@dcmoniism x
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nightwhispcrs · 7 months
closed minievent starter for @hiddenpxpercuts ( richie jerimovich & bellatrix black ) / richie didn't have super high hopes for this evening , or for his date . it wass rare for richie to have high hopes for anything these days . that said , he did have a little hope . "so like , bellatrix . that's quite a mouthful . you go by bella , or ... ?" richie asked as he waited at the bar for his drink , trying to get through the awkward date introductions .
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“Are you doing anything tonight?”
La pregunta de su marido sin duda la extraño un poco pero no tardo en dejar su copa en la mesilla a su lado para dirigir la mirada a su marido. —No realmente, no tengo ningún encargo de nuestro señor y hasta donde sé no tengo que actuar como tu dulce y adorable esposa en ninguna gala— expresó con una expresión neutral en sus labios —¿Por qué lo preguntas?—
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What do you think of Severus Snape
I do not think of him.
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