#Its not shown here but there is art
chaoticcutiewhirl · 1 year
Portal fans! Half-life fans! People who generally like the gay robots!
If you like to write and do general SFW RP stuff, where its semi-lit styling and is where you can be quite silly or can pump out quality! I have the Server for you! Portal 3: New Age Of Testing (Canonized items list: Portal 1, Portal 2, Portal Stories: Mel, Aperture Desk Job [Characters only], Portal TAG [characters only], Portal Reloaded [Good Ending], and maybe more! Portal Revolution has yet to come out.) https://discord.gg/FY9BnWaCWv
To help you gauge this server Imma grab screenshots for you to read some RP and the general Community! (Things that are crossed out in red are the general people in the server to who I decided to crossout incase they didn’t want to be shown)
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Oh yeah also, there are plans to include affects of Half-life down the line as the server will explore the lives of the escaped protagonists as well as the canon characters within and it also can include your OCs.
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vasiliquemort · 2 months
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Lies? In my house of God? More likely than you think.
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11thsense · 1 year
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Going through my files of my more illustrative work and this is a bunch of studies, abandoned pieces, and Wips. Some of which I posted then deleted.
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samuraijacksoff · 5 days
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HELLO i have finally finished putting together a little book of cross stitch patterns made w minecraft. for free on Internet Archive !! :)
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curlytsunamiart · 4 months
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ASH SEEKS FIRE, my ds3 blind playthrough sketchbook-journal, is now available to download! 50+ pages of drawings, comics, gameplay notes, story interpretations, and in-game perspective of my ashen one, all for free☝️‼️ i hope you enjoy it!
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gifti3 · 10 months
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awakenthebeing · 11 months
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SURPRISE piepoe art !!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️
don't know if i ever showed piepoe chase form but it is here <:3
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critterpdf · 2 years
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big run more like big FUN for the salmonids on their extended family vacation :)
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yandereworlds · 2 years
It’s been a long day. || {YANDERE!BUTCHER X READER}
hey everyone! this is dae-hyun’s intro, i hope you guys like it! not a lot of yandere-like behavior {yet} since it’s just the introduction, but i hope it’s interesting anyway LOL
here’s dae-hyun’s bio :3
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“Mama, this place smells funny..”
“I know honey, but we’re almost done, okay?” The woman smiled at the child, giving a small laugh to the boy plugging his nose shut with his tiny hands, coiling up into his jacket. The scent of blood, steel and raw meats can be very overwhelming, so nobody could blame him, especially with the loud whirring above them on the ceiling and cases below them. Places like this had a horrendous smell to them and were less cost efficient, you could at least guarantee higher quality products than the average supermarket. It wasn’t dirty here or anything, but the entire aesthetic felt more visceral and gross to most people, but that’s a small price to pay for what they had available.
Crouching down to his level, manicured fingers gently rested on his shoulder, her free hand pointing across the pathway towards the opposite end of the front desk to a small wooden display. “Why don’t you pick a snack from that counter over there?” The boy immediately smiled, hands still covering his nose.
“Okay, mama!” 
“Get something for your brother too, he probably wants one of those meat and cheese things.” 
The child rushed towards the counter, taking in everything there was to offer; which actually wasn’t a lot. Various meat type snacks were obvious choices, and a few packaged treats such as small muffins, sweet rolls and some generic candy options. As the boy looked for something he wanted, his mother studied the meat display-case, her hand over her mouth in thought. Brushing some blonde locks out of her face, the woman looked up at the man behind the counter, who had just finished wrapping up the last item she chose. She was unable to look him in the eye though. That was normal from customers though. 
“I think I’m gonna get some sirloin too..”
“How much?”
It almost sounded like a demand, rather than a question. His voice was low, and gruff. He sounded like he was threatening people half the time he spoke, even if he didn’t mean to. Put off again by his tone, the woman’s eyes flickered away in anxiousness. She didn’t wanna be here any longer than she needed to, just being in this man’s presence made her feel uneasy. At least he hadn’t shown any signs of aggression, but it was the way he looked at everything. The guy looked like a gang member. She chalked it up to maybe he was just having a bad day, and that the sooner she was out of his way he’d feel better. And she’d feel better. 
“Uh, I’m thinking.. twenty ounces.”
With no response, the male takes a few slabs of the meat to weigh it. Little green electronic numbers flashed on the screen above the scale counting it in pounds, soon enough getting to a pound and quarter-pound. Satisfied, the man began wrapping the beef into kraft paper, closing it tightly to ensure the meat would not be contaminated or spoiled. His clear gloves had a little smearing of blood and juice on it, his eyes solely focused on his hands as he worked, never even giving the mother a second glance. In her mind, she never could understand how someone can be just so comfortable touching raw meat. Yeah, she had to when she cooked, but even then she felt it was kind of gross. She couldn’t imagine having a career solely on handling them. It was creepy how unbothered and distant he looked while packaging it. Taking aluminum foil, he finalized his work with one final layer around the raw meat and paper. Once everything was wrapped, he slipped all the different meats into a brown paper bag, the sounds of pitter-patter coming closer.
“I got snacks, mama!”
“Good job, sweetheart! Put it up on the countertop!” 
The child set down two snacks; a meat-n-cheese stick combo, and some gummy bears. Taking off the rubber gloves before dropping them into the wastebasket by his feet, he used some sanitizer and rubbed them between his calloused hands without a word. The air was a bit awkward, the silence causing more awkward tension for the mother and her child to the point the boy used one of his hands to grab ahold of hers, still plugging his nose with the other. The man noticed this, but brushed it off. Grabbing the two items, he punched them into the register in front of him, along with the sirloin and other meats. Once complete, he pressed enter and the total came up on the small electronic screen on the -honestly outdated- machine for checkout. He pushed the snacks towards the edge of the countertop, gesturing for the child to grab them again, before looking back at the woman.
“Total is thirty-one dollars and sixty cents. You can round up to thirty-two if you wish to donate to our Paradise fund. It gives extra money to our local farmers to provide for their animals to ensure they live healthier lives.”
“Sure thing..!” Her voice sounded like she was holding her breath, giving a weak smile.
The blonde reached into her designer purse, digging around for her wallet as her son grabbed at the snacks again. Little brown eyes looked up at the taller male, who was well over twice his size. The man looked down at the child, the natural scowl on his face making the boy shrink back into his mother’s side, gripping onto her jacket. He didn’t mean to scare the kid, but he just couldn’t help how he looked. It’s not like he could just change his face. Though, he really wished he could. When cash was set on the counter, her thin hands immediately coiled back, as if he’d grab her if she lingered too long. Pulling the drawer open more, the man slipped the money into the machine, clicking some more keys until a receipt started coming out of the slot. Ripping it out, he set it inside the bag, wrapping the top in on itself to make a stronger hold than the actual handles, gesturing it towards her with his hand on the bottom of the bag to avoid breakage. The mom took the paper bag from him, almost cringing from how rough his hands felt. Using her free hand, she grabbed onto her child’s small one, making him whine from the smell now being able to reach his nose.
“Have a good rest of your night, ma’am.”
“You too..” She turned, looking down at her son as her smile changed from nervous to actual happiness. “Let’s go, honey. When we get home, do you wanna help mommy prepare dinner too?”
“Yeah! We’re having sgetti right?”
Their voices began to fade as they exited the door, the little bell ringing overhead. “Yep! We’re gonna be making spaghetti. You’re gonna help mama with..-” Her voice disappeared from the room, him watching as she walked into the small parking lot towards her car. It was dark out, she should really be more careful when it’s just her and her kid. Cruel people could take advantage of that. At least he knew they’d be safe on their way out, but nobody really comes by in later hours anyway. But seeing that woman and her son made her think back to his own childhood. Walking towards the snacks counter, he began mindlessly cleaning up after the kid’s aftermath of rummaging. The man knew kids were messy, he understood that, so he couldn’t be mad at him. Plus, it was an easy clean. Nothing to get worked up over, unlike what he saw from employees in other establishments. They’d freak out over the smallest thing, at just a child. He didn’t understand how grown adults could be so frustrated over something like that, especially if the kid didn’t mean to be. His parents never treated him like that.
When did he go out last with his own mother for errands like that? Dae-Hyun couldn’t remember. She died a decade ago by now, but he did remember going on little ‘adventures’ with her. He missed that. He missed when his mom would help him work in the shop, teaching him with a smile on her face. He brushed some black hair out of his eyes.
At least that little boy was still able to do things with his own mother, the man was glad he hadn’t gone through that loss, especially this early in his life. 
Now that he thought of it, after his mom died he never really went out after that. His dad didn’t have the energy or enthusiasm to go out like he did when his mom was alive. Both of them took it pretty hard, so it made sense they weren’t as spontaneous without her. Not to mention, his father wasn’t one to be spontaneous on his own at all really, it was mostly his mom giving them something to do or somewhere to go. Dae-Hyun wasn’t really either, he mostly took after his dad. His dad could barely even keep running the butchery after a few years with her gone, let alone go out. He’d stop showing up as much for work, and would hire people to run it until his son was old enough to take over the family business, and by the time Dae-Hyun could run it all on his own, his dad had stopped showing up at all. He turned everything in his son’s name, living off the profit made from the years prior. His father was lucky though. If he hadn’t promised his mother to continue the business, he would have probably turned down the offer. Yeah, his dad would want Dae-Hyun to keep the family line, but it’s not like he could force him in the end. Dae-Hyun was -in his mothers words-, her ‘little baby butcher’; he’d feel guilty if he let it go. At least the job was fairly easy once he learned the skills, easy money without risk of being fired.
As his thoughts continued to spiral into different directions of his family, he absentmindedly began wiping down the counters. A lot of the time, Dae-Hyun was on auto-pilot, not really putting a lot of thought into what he did, just went through the motions. His extended family was worried about him, but he didn’t mind living this way. Or well, at least he thought. He did what he needed to, and that was life. He’d been doing it for years, and he turned out fine for the most part. He began to wonder how life would have been different if his mom had been around. The black-haired man stared blankly down at the countertop, spraying then rubbing with the rag. He didn’t bother checking the time, or the door. Nobody showed up this late, he had about thirty minutes until he’d close. The only time it would be busy this late is during the holiday season, and it was the middle of May. 
Then, a little bell rang. 
A little shocked, Dae-Hyun lifted his head, meeting eyes with another customer. He didn’t recognize them. Well, that was new.
“Sorry I’m here so late in the day, but I heard you’d be slower during the night. You’re not closing yet, right? I read on the website you close at ten?”
“Uh..” He blinked a few times quietly, still looking all too intimidating. “Yeah, we’re still open.”
The person gave a relieved sigh, their hand resting on top of their chest. “Good, I was worried.” They gave a gentle laugh, smiling up at him as they approached the counter. “I’ll be quick, okay? I just need to get a few things.”
Dae-Hyun wasn’t used to such gleeful interaction, feeling almost a little off-put by it. “Take your time. You still have a little while.” His scowl remained the same, taking his spray bottle and rag into the drawer, reaching towards the sanitizer again. Giving himself a little to rub between his hands, the other nodded and went off to look around. The male snuck another glance at the customer, trying to get a read on them. They’re definitely new to the shop, he hadn’t seen them before. He watched as they picked an item from the shelf and eyed it. They didn’t look like the type to steal, they wore pretty decently priced clothes and looked well-presented, and their overall stature didn’t imply they were the thieving type. They were pretty cute honestly. Not that it really mattered though. 
“Y’know, I’ve heard good things about this place.” The sudden voice startled Dae-Hyun, quickly looking away so that they didn’t realize he had been staring at them, unintentionally warding them off. “I read online that this was a family thing?” 
The man nodded, resting his hands on the counter. “Yes, it started as my grandfathers.”
The person smiled again, still holding the item in their hand, a sauce bottle. “That’s so cool!” Walking towards the front, their {E/C} eyes met with his deep brown ones. They weren’t looking away, what was up with them? “But..” They gestured at the emptiness behind him, “Are you the only one who works here..?” The man nodded silently, almost looking away from the eye contact himself. It was a weird feeling. They frowned, setting the bottle on top. “Don’t you get lonely?”
Now that was an unexpected question. Most people just got what they needed and left, and any small talk was usually to cut tension, not actively start a conversation. They didn’t seriously worry if a guy like him was lonely, right? His scowl softened a little, tilting his head to the side. He actually felt.. more focused right now. Mostly intrigued by the approach.
“I mean..” He paused, he did feel lonely. But just saying ‘yes’ felt a little undeserved on their end, afterall; they did make the effort to actually converse with him. He kind of felt like he owed more than that. “Yes, but it’s not anything I can’t handle.” He pulled out a brown bag from under the countertop before opening it and setting it down, then pulling out a pair of clear gloves. “Have you decided what you’d like?” Did he always sound this mean? He never really considered it before, why did he only really notice it now? No wonder people looked at him funny. It’s not like he was unaware of how he sounded, but it never really caught his full attention.
“Oh..! Uhm..” They looked down at the glass display, reading off what they wanted. “I was thinking.. Ten pounds ground beef, and just a pound of boneless ribeye.” They pointed at the steak within the case, nodding. “Yep, that’s the one.”
Dae-Hyun nodded, quietly opening the casket. Pulling out the tray of ground beef, he wrapped it in some extra protective layers, setting it inside the bag before grabbing the ribeye. Watching as the man worked, {Y/N} looked up at him. They pursued their lips for a moment, before giving a small laugh. “Y’know, you’re not as scary as I heard you were.”
That caught his attention. He turned a little, meeting eyes with them with a startled look, letting out a quiet ‘what’. 
“Yeah, a bunch of my friends said you had the best meat products but that you were absolutely terrifying.” They let out another playful scoff with a slight shrug, “I mean, I can see why they’d think that, a big hulky guy carrying around bloody meats and cleavers” they leaned over the counter, “But.. I don’t know, you don’t seem all that scary to me.” Being told that he was lonely, made {Y/N} feel a little sympathy for him. That answer alone made him feel a lot more human than what the other people in town said about him. {Y/N} liked to think they’re a lot less judgy than their peers, and wanted to come see for themselves if ‘the scary butcher guy’ was as terrifying as they heard.
Unaware to even respond, Dae-Hyun felt a little pang in his chest. He just.. stared at them. He could feel a little warmth spread across his face, almost sweating. That felt.. Good, but also very intimidating. Intimidating? Since when was he the intimidated one? It felt.. almost terrifying. Catching himself in his trance, the man quickly looked back to the scale, trying to fixate his eyes on it and not retreat back to the customer, muttering an apology. He nodded. “Th.. Thank you.” He swallowed, mind a little aflutter from the comment, almost missing the scale’s number. This was so odd, he’s barely even met this person and he’s already feeling a little anxious. And that smile on their face.. When did he last see someone smile so genuinely at him like that? While wrapping the meat, he snuck a glance at them, noticing they were already reaching into their bag to pull out their wallet. He carefully put the steak into the bag, taking off his gloves and sanitizing again. He really used it too much, it certainly didn’t help the callousness of his hands. Typing away at the register, as {Y/N} tossed a sweet roll on the counter top. He must have been too in his head to even realize they walked over there. Punching in the extra numbers, he turned to them, noticing the debit card in their hand.
“Uh..” He paused, “We only take cash..” 
“Oh! Sorry!” They stuffed the card back, giving an awkward laugh as they looked at the numbers on the screen. Twenty-two dollars, and thirty-seven cents. Pulling out a small wad of cash, they cursed under their breath. “Shit, I don’t have enough right now. Can I put the roll back? Sorry again..” They gave an apologetic smile, scratching their neck.
Giving a little thought, Dae-Hyun sighed. “It’s fine, the roll is on me. Just give me what you have.”
Looking a bit taken back, a brighter smile soon spread across their face. “Really..!?” They handed over the money to his hand, grinning wide. “Thank you..! That’s so sweet of you!” Sweet? He never heard that word to describe him before. But he also hadn’t offered free merchandise before. Slipping all the money into the drawer, a receipt popped out before he tore it and put it in the paper bag. Rolling it, he pressed his hand under as he passed it off, letting them grab the roll with their free hand. Laughing to themselves, {Y/N} adjusted their grip. “See, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” 
They hadn’t made a whole lot of conversation, mostly because he didn’t really allow a whole lot of room for any, but he couldn’t deny it felt kinda good to have someone talk to him like a person for once. And hearing this person defend him almost made him feel.. Happy. It clearly wasn’t everyday someone described him so positively. He almost didn’t want them to leave. Getting out of his thoughts again, he realized the customer already made it to the door. 
“Thank you again! Have a great night!”
Before he could even respond, they were already out the door. He stared at the glass from afar, his chapped lips parting a little. He muttered a small ‘you too’ under his breath. His mind was a little blank now, just standing alone. Dae-Hyun wondered if, or when they’d be back again. They didn’t seem to be scared off or anything.. Then he realized something.
He never even caught their name.
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birdcatt · 7 months
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2 of my pmd ocs, scylla and vanya
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kirkhammr · 7 months
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Recently had the ABSOLUTE JOY of commissioning my Durge from the incredible michfoolery on twitter!!!!!! ( I HAVE BEEN LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS IMAGE. ← THIS CANNOT BE UNDERSTATED HAHAA 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 )
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trapdoornumberthree · 2 months
$25 funky-style fundraising commissions!
My dear friend is aiming to move across a few states and into my place next month, but is running into some financial trouble- I'd like to help em out!
It needs $450 to cover its last bills and get its car road ready!
I'll be offering $25 fullbody commissions in this sketchy rough-colored style I've been playing with- they look a lil somethin like this!
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Please DM me if you're interested in getting one of these silly doodles for yourself!
If you'd just like to help out, you can donate directly to its kofi here:
You can also check its art out @vivificationart - there's been some discussion of opening comms on its end as well ^-^
I appreciate you for reading through all of this, sharing it around or giving us a bit of help!
7-18-24: $0/450
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mossymenagerieart · 29 days
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Drew my bimbocore demon weredog oc who got revamped! His name is bubblegum and he’s literally exactly the same except a guy now! Trying to draw one of my most special and older fursonas as a boy w epic boobs to heal my soul and also chest dysphoria (I do not have tits anymore but I’m trying to get over my lingering dysphoria over drawing “dog that represents me” with boobs by microdosing w Bubblegum)
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Here’s @gxdcomplex’s werewolf Gumdrop in some fun accessories
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💖Friendship 💖
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ell-arts · 11 months
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Quickly put this together today, I hope you like it! I'm really happy with the textures and emotional storytelling in this :3
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bonetrousledbones · 5 days
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btw in case anybody's wondering what i've been working on as of late i've mostly been redesigning this guy for the 4th time because sometimes good ideas are bad
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nymphacae · 2 years
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it’s only gonna eat you
The second one is a trainwreck min playlist cover, all about Him! Wow! You can listen to it here
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