#Its literally to the point where i can just admit it here
estelle-skully · 8 months
Oh me oh my
I just came inside after running around outside in the cold and now I CAN NOT remain warm its so annoying
and um
my coldness is giving me a lee mood
like its SO BAD I just feel so affectionate rn and I want to warm up hdjdjsisjdjfkdshdjdif
This might be one of the most unbearable lee moods ive ever had omg 😭 and my cowardly ass could NEVER ask to be tworded hhhhhhghhh
guys hwlp
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goemon-fan · 7 months
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This was easily one of the best Lupin episodes
#there will be a rant in the tags that you can ignore#but it is so upsetting how modern/current lupin took away the depths of these characters and flimsily tries to restore their earlier depth#i'm one of those people who craves depth in what i watch and it's so difficult to like this franchise because it will be so close to doing#something interesting only to abandon it#this episode and part one as a whole was peak lupin in my opinion with each character having emotional depth yet flaws to overcome#yet modern lupin would have you believe that these characters don't desire to improve in any capacity#if we were to just focus on Goemon for example right here he shows depth with revealing hidden emotional maturity and empathy for Lupin by#comforting him and admitting he himself is afraid (which is a big deal for a character like him who is supposed to be unflinching)#but in modern lupin goemon will literally say that he's not afraid of anything and this is written without any hint of irony or depth#i'm okay with mindless entertainment and i understand that this is a series simply about stealing but the character assassination is so#disappointing#and when this series does try to be “deep” they pick the most triggering subject matter possible to depict to the point where it's#practically unwatchable (this is in reference to Part 4 and its constant SA plots as well as the rampant gratuitous child abuse plots#throughout the entire series)#i want so badly to love lupin the 3rd but it's a huge problem when fanfiction understands the characters better than the source material#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#goemon ishikawa xiii#goemon#arsene lupin iii#jigen daisuke#daisuke jigen#fujiko mine#part 1
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faaun · 3 months
i feel rly sad and conflicted abt one of my best friends on earth but idk who to ask for advice bc i usually would have consulted her in this situation lmao
#shes cool and i dont want to lose her and i know Logically i love her but atm i feel so strange towards her#and idk what to do abt it bc i know in the past ive like...over-communicated a lot and over the last few yrs ive been trying to not do that#bc thats an anxious impulse i think .so like . self control#AND IMPORTANTLY . i may actually be the problem here ?? ok again i love her i dont want to lose her etc but basically ive noticed a pattern#which is that whenever she gets a bf/a man (even fwb) in her life she basically stops talking to me and the limited interactions we do have#become abt him. and while i support her it is acc too much. like we barely talked while she was w her ex bf until he became abusive and#then we talked a lottt like all our convos understandably were abt him . and then when they broke up we kept hanging out so i didnt rly see#the pattern there but still she seemed to centre men a lot in her life like sbe was excited to not date and find herself and then#immediately afterwards started seeing this other guy with whom shes basically in a relationship now#hes nice and all but like . HES ALL SHE TALKS ABT . actually we barely talk atp but when we do its abt him#she sends me reels sometimes but its all abt being jealous abt him etc . and shes bi but she said she doesnt like the idea of dating women#bc theyre scary . and i thought she was kidding in the ohhh women r so beautiful that theyre intimidating way but no she was being entirely#fr . she explained jts bc she was bullied by a girl in the past but like...bro ur ex bf literally abused you like surely you see men are#capable of just as much harm? but obvs who she dates is her own choice . but anyway she has consistently made plans w me then cancelled the#like an hr before . or asked to call me and then proceeded to not do so . when i ask her to meet/call its the same she just doesnt respond#or she cancels ? and while i understand anxiety sucks it feels SO WEIRD STILL . maybe im the problem slightly too bc ik i have no right to#feel this way but it rubs me the wrong way that ik she has so much time to spend w him/calls him all the time despite meeting him just a fe#months ago whereas i just have to like ...be ok w not actually having talked to her for a long time#its gotten to the point where when she says do you wanna meet/call i automatically respond yes and then just assume it doesnt happen . like#there have been several times over the past few months i double booked plans over when we were supposed to call/meet bc i was sure she#wouldnt show up and ive been right each time#like she sends me texts that she misses me or im her best friend etc etc occasionally and then acts rly . contrary to that ?#ive talked to her abt the issue w cancelling on me twice btw. when i was still dating the situationship person she would get sooo mad at#them for not respecting my time and shed tell me i deserve better etc etc and then like . she doesnt seem to respect my time at all#anyway she said she understand and she admits to like...being flaky etc but does nothing abt it#and its not like i can tell her to stop caring so much abt men bc we sorta had convos like that b4 she got This involved w this guy#and apparently it did nothing and the last thing i want is to police her relationships or get in her way#its just AUSHD AUGH#anyway i rly miss her it just doesnt feel the same at all anymore
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lesbiansanemi · 10 months
Finally finished revolutionary girl utena. Very underwhelming I must say
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snekdood · 2 years
i really dont think i actually deserved all that bullshit. the internets traumatized me now at this point and literally no ones gonna care unless my abuser is honest and its so fucking exhausting.
#at this point its my mantra that yall only care about believing the victim you like. if two ppl are accusing eachother you're going#to pick the person you like more. that just seems to be the situation. and its so fucking dumb#all these ppl who call themselves progressive who do this are so fucking dumb#you only want to believe the victim you like and i just dont understand why you're willing to throw me in the trash over a lie#not even CONSIDERING it could be me at all. nah. bc if you had to consider that you'd probably just have to feel guilty for the way you#treated me#but lord knows hardly anyone on this website ever likes to admit they did anything wrong bc they found their safe haven where they can#be an eternal victim and they dont want to lose that#i genuinely think yall are the worst people to walk this earth and you provide literally 0 benefit for anyone else#i have no idea what possesses you to think its okay to treat me this way like at all#how are you so sure. how do you believe them so storngly that you can have this reaction to me#and why do you think its fine#to the person reading this going 'omg hes so dramatic 🙄' i dont think you under fucking stand#humans aren't supposed to have THIS much criticism. our brain isn't used to having criticism from like 200 people like this.#ive lost friend and followers over this situation.i saw someone i thought of as a friend shit talking me on a different site#friends*#theres people irl who wont talk to me anymore#i dont think you understand what that does to someones psyche#imagine you were sent to prison for some shit you didnt do. you might in your heart know you're innocent. but the fact that you're#in prison makes you second guess yourself. and im tired of living by tumblrs rule of law since people on here dont even have#the basic human decency to give due process.#theres fucking people online who accuse me of shit i didnt do or dont believe in all the time on here now and i dont think they#wouldve done it so hardcore had my ex decided to be honest from the get-go#it feels like they know deep down theyre lying so theyre trying to find or even make up more reasons to keep believing im bad#like im sorry i had a messy past and im upset not enough ppl care about trans men#i have no idea how that warrants this response though#and im not like??? bad politically??? like at all??#like when ppl try to find reasons im bad its either disingenuous. a common misconception. things taken out of context.#someone just simply refusing to see my point or perspective in any capacity.#ot its something from my past but even as far as my past goes ppl are extremely hyperbolic about it. i wasnt a fuckin nazi or something
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luke-jace · 1 year
I log into Twitter. People have turned a charity event into a Hot Pot of Discourse and Gossip. People have edited videos to make someone look bad. People are taking statements out of context so badly. One dumbass doesn't make things better for himself as he posts dumb shit on his main and apologies on his private account. People are being parasocial as hell. I log off of Twitter.
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g0dlyunsub · 2 months
for the night.
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the flight back from a case gets delayed and the team’s forced to book rooms for the night. what a coincidence that you’re paired with spencer.
pairing :: s5!spencer x fem bau!reader
warnings :: fluff, flustered spencer, this is literally just an excuse to write about spencer with crutches
word count :: 1.7k
author’s note :: one of my favorite tropes asfdfafssfsd we all know where this is going right ;)
accompanying song :: let’s fall in love for the night by finneas
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“i have to admit, i am quite surprised. engine failures are extremely rare — statistically, they only occur once every 1.4 million flight hours.”
“uh-huh, very interesting.” you roll your eyes, but the smile that tempts to play on your lips is too overpowering to withhold. 
“it is!” spencer excitedly flashes you a smile. “we’re actually incredibly lucky to avoid an in-flight shutdown, which typically happens once per million flight hours-”
“reid, i think our luck might be running dry here. it’s 1 a.m., the jet’s engines are acting up, and we can’t leave portland.”
you take both of his crutches in your hands with an exasperated sigh. it’s not his fault, and you know better than to project your annoyance at him, but the disappointment of not being able to enjoy a nice, hot shower in the walls of your home has you uptight.
with an apologetic smile, you extend your shoulder to spencer; slowly, he places his hand on you, and you help him carefully descend the jet’s stairs.
the two of you are the last to join the rest of the group on the ground, and hotch sends an acknowledging nod in your direction once he sees that you’ve been assisting spencer. 
“l/n, reid, you guys okay with rooming together for the night?”
the words don’t initially register, and it’s only until spencer speaks up that you realize hotch isn’t asking – he’s confirming.
“we’re rooming in pairs?”
hotch nods, and his sidelong stare roams over spencer’s face like he’s challenging him to continue, to contest his proposal.
“emily? jj?” you pipe up this time, sending a pleading glance at both of them. they look back at you with sheepish smiles. 
“it looked like you guys were having a really good conversation back there. didn’t want to disturb you,” emily returns, slowly raising her shoulders and mouthing sorry.
spencer clears his throat and leans into your ear. “i can probably book a room at another place-”
you widen your eyes and immediately shake your head. “no, that’s not necessary, i’m completely fine with it! unless you’re… not?”
this time, spencer’s the one shaking his head fervently. “oh no, i’m entirely comfortable, perfectly content, uh- sharing a room with you.”
you display an awkward grin. “alright then, perfect.”
“i’ll set your bag on the table, is that okay?”
“yeah, thanks a lot.”
you heave a sigh of relief as you close the door behind you and rest spencer’s bookbag on the wooden table. spencer slowly lowers himself into a chair, and you gently lean his crutches against the walls near the door. 
you’re pleasantly surprised by the room’s decor; its soft carpet floor and mahogany picture frames hanging from the walls easily exceed your expectations for a traditional hotel room.
you’re about to make a comment commending the room’s quality when your eyes zero in on a terrifying sight.
there’s only one bed.
you do a double take, circling around the bedroom once more to check if there’s an extra mattress lying around somewhere – at this point, you really wouldn’t mind if the bed has a trundle.
“fuck me.”
spencer’s eyes immediately divert to you, and he stifles his reaction to your comment with a hasty cough.
you point to the bed, which prompts spencer to crane his neck to get a better view. 
“there’s only one bed.”
spencer’s eyes widen, and his gaze snaps up to your face so fast you wonder if you’ve just made a grave mistake of telling him. 
he was bound to find out anyway.
“it’s okay, i’ll take-” you start, but he cuts you off short.
“the floor? not a chance.”
you press your lips together tightly and gesture to his leg. “please, take the bed. your leg… you’re injured.”
spencer looks down at the floor briefly, a light shade of pink spreading across his face. “no, we can… we can share the bed.”
you feel your cheeks grow hot at his suggestion, but a refusal fails to surface on your lips. 
moving your hands to your hips, you nod slowly. “only because you’re insisting,” you murmur.
a brief silence veils the air, and the two of you have utterly no idea what to do next — neither of you wants to be the one to crawl into bed first.
but the clock’s hour hand had just moved past the two, and you know your eyelids aren’t going to stay open for much longer.
with a weary sigh, you gesture towards the lightswitch. “do you mind if we dimmed the lights a little?”
spencer turns, almost hobbling on his leg, and flips the switch for you. the room turns dark almost instantly, but a faint light emanates from a lamp on the nightstand.
“are you, um, going to sleep soon?”
you hate to be the first one to bring it up, but you have to — you can practically feel the tiredness tempting you like a fuzzy blanket.
“uh yeah, we should sleep.” 
you watch as spencer grabs a pillow from his side of the bed and positions it near the edge of the mattress. you’re about to ask him what he’s doing when he props himself onto the bed and rests his leg on top of the pillow, elevating his casted knee.
oh. as the realization hits you, you reach for your own pillow and gently place it next to his head. “here, use this.”
“that’s your pillow.” 
“i know.”
a soft chuckle sounds from his throat as spencer raises his head ever so slightly, allowing you to tuck the pillow beneath him.
“thanks,” he murmurs, and pats at the space next to him, urging you to join him on the bed.
once you’ve slipped your feet into the blanket, spencer stretches his arm to turn off the lamp and moves back to whisper a hushed good night into your ear.
you turn to say it back. “good n-”
his hand gently starts to wedge under your neck, and as he moves, strands of your hair coil around his fingers. 
he’s offering his arm as a pillow.
you lie frozen, your breath hitched in your throat, as his arm extends fully beneath you. 
“spence,” you exhale, caught off-guard by the sudden move.
“it’s okay. don’t worry about me,” he softly whispers, inclining his head towards your face.
you smile, though you doubt he can see your face in the pitch-black darkness. 
“sweet dreams,” you hum, and close your eyes to let sleep overtake you.
you wake up not to the sound of your alarm, not to the birds usually perched on the tree outside your window, but to the sound of spencer clearing his throat.
you think it’s a dream at first, but you can feel everything — the vibrations coming from his throat like he’s talking to you, his hands stroking a pattern on your back, his breaths tickling your hair.
you open your eyes to see spencer staring back at you with flustered cheeks, his eyes flickering back and forth between your face and… 
you follow his gaze and look down, only to see that your leg’s wrapped casually around his hips, anchoring him to the bed. with a panicked yelp, you immediately retract your leg and leap out of the bed, frantically apologizing to him over and over again.
“i’m so sorry about that, d-did i hurt you?”
your voice sounds scratchy from your parched throat, but how you sound right now is the least of your concerns.
spencer chuckles softly before slowly sitting up. “no, you didn’t do anything.”
you let out a relieved sigh at his response.
spencer grunts as he lifts himself up, tenderly listening to your continued apologies with a warm smile.
“by the way,” he starts, fixing his tie and reaching for his suit jacket, “we're a little late.”
“what?” you gasp, hurriedly tucking your dress shirt into your trousers, “fuck. how late?”
a pause, and then: “five minutes and twenty seconds.”
“oh my god,” you squeal as you fling your and spencer’s bag over your shoulders, “they’re probably all waiting for us.”
quickly turning the doorknob and making way for spencer’s crutches to move past the door, you rush to the elevator and hit the juddering call button.
“next time, you’re-“ you cough out as you try to catch your breath, “-you’re welcome to just push me off the bed. it’s guaranteed to wake me up instantly.”
spencer looks at you questioningly, a small grin spreading across his lips. “next time?”
you clasp a hand over your mouth. “wait no, i meant – hopefully we’ll never have to sleep in a room together ever again, but i’m saying in case-“
spencer tilts his head and lets out an amused laugh. thankfully, the elevator doors open just in time, and you’re spared the trouble of having to explain yourself further.
you bite your lips as the image of his lopsided grin lingers in the back of your mind, and the fresh regret of your words burns your face like a hot fever.
the embarrassment doesn’t end, however, as the doors open once again to reveal your team standing right outside. when the elevator’s chime echoes throughout the lobby, everyone’s heads turn to you and spencer.
you walk out with nervous steps, grimacing when hotch merely nods and announces that the plane is ready for takeoff. spencer makes his way over to derek, who tousles his hair teasingly.
“so, how’d you sleep last night?”
you freeze when rossi’s husky voice drifts into your ears.
you force out a smile. “i definitely could’ve slept better.”
“really?” he hums with a smirk, “i slept like a baby.”
“yeah, you upgraded your room, we get it, you’re rich,” you sigh, eliciting a hearty chuckle from the older agent.
once seated in your usual seat on the jet, you’re accompanied by spencer and morgan, who slump into their seats across from you.
you watch suspiciously as morgan wiggles his eyebrows at you and nudges his elbow into spencer’s sides. “so, late night, huh?”
spencer looks at you briefly, flushed cheeks failing to suppress the smile splaying across his face. 
“shut up.”
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rayroseu · 5 months
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Never beating the Malleus' brother allegations, I think at this point he's just blatantly admitting it JDJKAJFJW !!
The profound contrast between Silver's love for Malleus and Lilia when almost the entirety of his "true nation" hated them, will always make me crash LILIA'S SON AND MALLEUS' BROTHER IS GROWING UP WELL 😭😭😭✨✨‼️‼️‼️
But isnt this a great card that showcases he's truly a "child of peace"?? The 3 good fairies spell on him was that he'll wake up on an era pf peace (and ofc when he meets someone that truly loves him), He is someone that carries "the face of Silver Owls (Knight of Dawn)" but his actions pays tribute to Briar Valley (to Malleus)
MIND YOU that this pose is almost exclusively to Malleus only yet they made Silver do it !! 😭😭JDJAJDJ And yk whats more profound about this pose is that in Silver's case.... his hand placed on the left side where the heart is KEJQKJRKWS !!!! Ohhh he's truly accepted that it can't be changed that hes from Silver Owls but he can always dedicate his actions to the ones that cares for him despite that (Lilia and I know Malleus as well (even if he finds out the truth(copium)💥💥💥)
The Knight of Dawn doomed to fight the Evil Princess.....
The Knight of Dreams doomed to fight the King of the Abyss
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
One of the most tragic and compelling aspects of Dunmeshi, to me, is that we’ll probably never know (unless Kui tells us lol) how Delgal actually felt about Thistle. I’ve seen people say that he genuinely cared for him as a brother and his journey to the surface was to save him from his madness as much as it was his people. I’ve seen people say that he saw Thistle as nothing more than a fancy accessory or tool that ended up going astray. Others I’ve seen (and personally agree with) say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But honestly, I think any one of these interpretations has the potential to be correct… and that’s just heartbreaking.
After all, Delgal is dead. Like, dead-dead. The very first chapter of the manga starts with his spirit leaving this mortal coil, taking that answer with him. And…
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How he talks about Thistle here… it’s interesting. He does not ask for him to be talked down, or captured or imprisoned, but instead “defeated”. Which Mithrun interprets as asking for his death… which is reasonable, because that’s likely how the vast majority of adventurers interpreted his words, too. Obviously as he was crumbling to dust he probably didn’t have the capacity to be particularly verbose or explain the complex backstory to how the kingdom ended up this way, but the effect is the same no matter how he may have felt with it. He asked for Thistle to be killed.
But… even in situations where he wasn’t under any such time limit to explain what was going on, he still seemed not to. Most glaringly:
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Yaad seemingly has no idea that it was Delgal’s fault that Thistle sought the demon’s power. Obviously he couldn’t talk to him about it because Thistle was, uh, a little out there by that point, but why didn’t Delgal explain? Was he embarrassed? Mournful? Couldn’t find the words?
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Delgal was scared of dying. He wanted prosperity at any cost, and how could Thistle possibly refuse? Did he even realize that what he was the one who pushed his own brother— One who basically helped raise him despite being a child himself, and in many ways is still a child— down this path? Or was it like watching an overzealous employee misinterpret directions?
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The way Yaad describes things here makes it sound like Thistle simply dug too deep in his studies and fell into madness, but we know that’s not true. Delgal didn’t “suggest” he learn magic, he wanted a mage who could help himself and his people defy death, which he admits to Thistle openly:
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So, why? Why not tell his grandson, at least, the truth of the matter? Did he worry it might make the remaining residents more likely to upset Thistle, and therefore suffer the consequences? Did he just not care? For what it’s worth though, Yaad does suspect the truth from Delgal’s behavior.
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He “always blamed himself” for his descent into the dark arts. This is just Yaad’s observation, and that’s without knowing that it was quite literally Delgal’s fault Thistle went down this path. So, why? Why was it all kept a secret?
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Of course, this made things ripe for the winged lion to manipulate to its advantage. Clearly despite knowing he’d pushed him into using it, Delgal still thought the lion was a force of good that was misused by Thistle as a result of his madness. His face in that last panel is particularly haunting. He looks terrible, gaunt and pale with overgrown hair and missing teeth. Had he gone mad, with grief and sorrow, as well?
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Could he no longer see Thistle the way he did when they were younger? No one can ask him, because he died long before the story even began.
To go back to the original question, well, how did Delgal see Thistle? None of the previous points make a definitive answer any clearer, and I think that’s just brilliant. And so, so tragic.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hiya! i’m literally in love with your writing!
i was wondering whether you do another part of the cat animagus collection?
maybe one where no one can find where r is, they spend ages looking for her. when they reach the dorms or something she’s in a really odd spot that only a cat could get to
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
After a thorough search of both the grounds and the castle, Sirius Black bursts through the door to his dormitory and looks wildly around the messy room. He sees Remus studying at his desk, James reading upside-down on his bed, several piles of dirty laundry strewn across the floor, but no you.
"Jesus, mate," James hisses, righting himself and looking bewilderedly at his friend, "What's the matter with you?"
'Gimme the map," Sirius demands, and when James doesn't scramble for it fast enough, he barks, "The map, Prongs! Y/N's missing."
Remus's nose scrunches, "She had a headache earlier. She's probably in her dorm."
"I've checked her dorm, Moony," Sirius resists the urge to sneer at the man, "I'm not stupid, thank you very much."
Remus doesn't appreciate Sirius's tone, no matter how restrained it is from what it could have been. He mutters something disdainful when he turns his attention back to his studies, seriously doubting Sirius's assertion of his own intelligence.
Sirius chooses to ignore it in favor of snapping at the map, the trigger words lighting it up in a coffee-brown display of home. His eyes flit to your dormitory first, finding it, of course, empty. Then the library, also devoid of your presence. The grounds show similarly none of you, and it's James who spots your name in their own bedroom, nose scrunching and raising his glasses as he points at the banner.
"Prongs, she's not- wait," Sirius huffs, shooting a glance at the corner of his room where you're supposedly lurking, "She hasn't borrowed your cloak, has she?"
"No, it's in my trunk," James shakes his head, studying the empty space of Sirius's bed and puzzling how you could be there and nowhere all at once, "Moony, is there an invisibility potion?"
"Not one that would last her since we've been here," He doesn't bother turning from his work, "We would have seen her by now."
"Well she can't just be there," Sirius scoffs, studying and re-studying the map like it'll admit to pranking him and showcase your real location in some hidden chamber, "Has anyone been in the closet today?"
"You think your girlfriend is hiding in the closet?" Remus verifies, once more not dignifying Sirius with a glance. It aggravates him, but he withholds from swatting Remus upside the head.
"Well, Moony, she can't have just disappeared, can she? She's gotta be in here somewhere, or else this map is shoddy. And I made it myself, so..." Sirius clenches the parchment in his fingers, grip too-tight and bruising it like skin. His eyes catch an old, out-of-use beater's bat that's protruding from the end of his bed and his words catch in his throat, silencing what would have been a very boastful statement about his magical craftsmanship.
"Hang on," He shoves the map at James, who smooths out its wrinkles with a grimace. Sirius darts for the end of his bed, reaching a tentative hand beneath it until his fingers meet soft fur and the blood rush of a beating heart.
"Gotcha," Sirius hums, peering beneath the space and, though his eyes have to strain in the little light offered by the rest of the room, he discerns that you've managed to wriggle your way into an old jumper of his; likely why you haven't heard their bickering.
"C'mere, darling," He croons, flat on his stomach as he gently pulls you out of the space. Your head comes uncovered and you wake with a start, but he's got a firm enough grip on your furry belly that you can't wriggle away from him.
"You gave me quite a scare," Sirius's tone should be admonishing like his words, but it's light and airy with mirth, "And a lot of exercise, darling. I was running up and down the grounds looking for you."
You knock your face against his in a love-warm apology, the fur lining your features ticklish to his slightly sweaty skin. He feels the stress of the hunt melt off of his muscles as he plants himself permanently on the floor, letting you curl yourself up again, this time against his face.
He should pick you up and move to his bed. He should give his sore body some reprieve on the mattress, but you look so perfectly coiled on the floor that moving you would be a sin. So he gets as comfortable as possible with his bony arm beneath his head, and lets your purrs pulse through his body and lull him into the same sleep that comes so easily to you in this feline form.
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yutarot · 17 days
IN PERFECT SYNC [j.jh smau]
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betrayal [noun]  /bɪˈtreɪ.əl/
1 : the act of dissapointing a persons trust, hopes or expectations.
2 : revelation of something hidden or secret.
3 : failure to keep or honour a promise, principle or cherished memory, etc.
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twelve — betrayal. wc: 1k
café neoro. 4:14pm
if you were to say you weren’t confused by the sudden cafe invitation, you’d be lying.
as you enter the front door, triggering the cafe’s bell to ring, you spot giselle sat in the far corner, biting her nails; a habit she does only when she’s dreading something.
that’s weird.
she spots you, dropping her hands to the table and nodding you over to come and sit with her.
“you’re here!” she squeals, “you’re here..”
the atmosphere is strange, you must admit and there’s something odd lining the air between you. so you begin to drone on about your class in efforts to ease off the weirdness.
“urg, im so sick of my professor just constantly leaving the hall. im literally paying to be here and he can’t even be bothered to stay!” you whine as you set your bag down beside you, sitting opposite giselle on the cafes patchwork coach.
it’s a cute little place, you and the girls come here often to catch up when you don’t see eachother for periods of time in exam season.
but for giselle to ask you here alone? when neither of you have exams for months?
there was something going on.
“honestly, i wish my professor would leave sometimes.” she replies. “she’s so boring!”
you laugh, spending the next 20 minutes complaining about your courses and gossiping about overheard conversations.
that’s until you decide to bring up giselle’s absence from the party the other night.
“where did you even go?!” you ask, too excited for your own good. but you know giselle.
and you know she’s forcing her smile.
“oh, just some room upstairs, no idea who’s. could have been chenles for all i know.” she laughed.
you take a sip of your coffee as you laugh in reply, winking at her jokingly. “so, who was the guy? was he good at yk… that stuff..”
she giggles as she nods. but her smile withers.
“look, yn.”
the sudden change of atmosphere brings you right back to the feeling of the beginning of your meet-up, the cold, stark vibe of something being wrong, of something eating away at whatever is between you.
“i told myself that i should be honest with you, so i will.” she continues.
“what is it, giselle? you’re scaring me.”
she’s silent for a moment.
the silence kills.
but you soon find out that it isn’t the silence that is killing you, its the thought that in these mere seconds, giselle is counting down the moments until she tells you who it is.
until she knowingly breaks your heart.
“it was jaehyun. the guy i slept with was jaehyun.”
your mind feels heavy, unattached even.
how could she do this? after everything you went through. she was the one who was there the entire time, she was the one who comforted you, telling you how he was in the wrong and how he deserved the worst kind of punishment for what he did.
and yet, in the end, she must have never truly believed it. because now she has betrayed your trust.
and she has betrayed you.
“what?” you can feel your vision going foggy, tears welling up in your eyes.
“i know, i know. i shouldn’t have, but can you really blame me?”
“yes!” you raise your voice, and your thankful that the cafe is near empty. “giselle…”
there’s a pause of silence as she lets you figure out what you want to say.
but you continue. “you know what he did to me. you hugged me as i cried when i found out. i had no friends because of him, none! all the girls in highschool hated me giselle, do you know how that feels?”
you’re crying at this point, but she listens, watches as you burst into tears.
“do you know how it feels to find out your bestfriend had been shit-talking you to all the girls just so he could get in their pants?! he had used me as a pickup line giselle, he had embarrassed me, telling girls he thought i was ugly, annoying, that he only tolerated me to make himself look better, all so that they wouldn’t get jealous! do you know how that feels?”
“so why would you do that?” you quieten down, almost to a whisper as you struggle to get your words out. “you know how much he hurt me, about how i can never be friends with half the girls in this college because to this day they still laugh and point. and yet, you don’t care about any of that.”
“it was one night, yn.”
“and yet you still felt that that one night was important than my feelings. how do u think im going to look when people find out my best friend has slept with him? i already look stupid enough!”
“yn, noone will know, i promise.” she replies.
“i know. that’s enough.” you stand up, leaving giselle sat there as you make your way to the door as you let the tears fall.
you feel 18 again, you feel the eyes, the giggles as you would when u walked down the hallway with jaehyun, unaware of what he had been doing behind your back.
jaehyun was probably so smug right now, knowing he had not only used you in highschool, but in college too, and with your own bestfriend on top of all that.
so now, you hate him even more that you ever did before.
you’ll never understand him, you’ll never know why he did what he did.
but there’s one thing you’ll know you will always do:
you will always hate him.
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mlist — next
notes; so!.. i guess the truth is out now….. hope u guys don’t hate me too much! 😄😄 (btw there won’t be a chapter tmr bc im busy all day and don’t have the next chapter written, the next update will be sunday! sorry😞)
taglist — open; @https-yeonjun @chenlesfavorite @therealbobbyshloby @f6llsun @jkslvsnella @nanaxwi @cloudmrk @neocrashed @vernonburger @vividwritess @taeeflwrr @mmjhh1998 @cyjzzl @stareaa @minkyuncutie @mrkleelvr @dudekiss3r @nattan127 @slayhaechan @jaeveil @tynlvr @mslora @nosungluv @grassbutneo @dokyriu @girlz4jaem @axo-l0tl @yyangj3lly @solvrse @m1ng1swife @gentlepeach @xiuriii @soobinbunnie5 @tocupid @apolloxxivmin @ctrlstar @gyuguys @tokitosun @i-kai @flamingi @mrkleelvr @en-dream @queenrachelpink @ssweetreveries @swanyvess @flaminghotyourmom @hyuck-me @cryingforjae @hizhu @starfilledgaze
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
Hello, I have a request
One where the reader flirts with Spencer and asks him on a date, he is all blushing and stuttering.
Have a nice day!! 💖
༉‧₊˚. 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 || 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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— pairings: spencer reid x plus size burlesque dancer!reader
— summary: spencer has friends all over, but he chooses to visit his favorite who just so happens to be a dancer and completely out of his league.
— warnings: literally none! this is just a big fluff-fest!!
— wc: 648
⋆ a/n: HEYYY so i don't know if you guys can tell but i'm dabbling in all kinds of au's and stuff? they're just so fun to write and really shakes up my writing :]
masterlist | AO3
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Spencer gives a shy smile to your co-worker at the ticket booth as he lets him in, bidding him a small but soft thanks.
Though the club had a few more hours until opening and he really shouldn’t be there, everyone knew the drill. Spencer tries to come and visit you before your shows just to get that one-on-one time with you before you’re all glammed up to go perform.
Perhaps Spencer should thank Penelope for choosing the BAU’s rare outing to be at a Burlesque club, because he met you, one of the prettiest dancers. It made sense that Penelope would frequent here, and now he found himself here often too.
He takes at the table he normally does when the bartender drying out glasses tells him you’ll be down in a second. Spencer takes the time to drag his eyes around the interior of the room. It looks so different during the day, the lack of lustful yet comedy ridden performances gives off the impression of a small theater.
Though you own the place, you don’t often sit on the sidelines, choosing to dance with your girls, though you try to limit the amount of dance numbers you give yourself so the others are able to have more stage time. You’re just selfless like that and it causes a swarm of butterflies to flutter around in Spencer’s stomach.
Spencer isn’t at all surprised when you approach him in a frilly robe, your face bare and hair pulled out of your face. 
“Spence, hi!” You always greet him like it’s the first time you’d seen him, your large smile on your face to match the excitement in your body. 
“Hey!” He says as he pulls you into a respectful hug. You make a point to deepen the embrace, giving him a squeeze. When you pull away, you almost melt at the sight of his cheeks blushed that admirable pink hue.
“Couldn’t wait until tonight to see me, huh?” You tease as you sit down next to him. “I wish I could,” He begins with a frown, “But I’m pretty sure I’m going to be pretty busy these next couple of days and I just wanted to tell you, y’know, so you don’t think I disappeared on you or something.”
You laugh that twinkling laugh that sounds like bells in his ears. “You’re such a gentleman, Spence. But thanks for letting me know, really. I look forward to our chats.”
“Yeah,” He admits bashfully, “Me too.”
“You know…” You began, “We don’t always have to meet here.” You’re nervous, it’s written clear as day all over your face and in the way you nibbled on your lower lip. “What do you mean?” Spencer asks with furrowed brows. 
“What I mean is, I'm asking you on a date and trying to not psych myself out of it.”
Oh God, Spencer’s heart was about to beat out of his chest.
“Y - yeah.”
“Yeah?” You asked in amusement. “Yeah, I mean no - I mean! I mean yes, I would like to go on a date with you.” His face flushes an even darker red through his stuttering, and a place of sickening endearment worms its way into your heart.
“Great!” You exclaim with a sigh of relief. “You know… I have a few hours to spare before the club opens. How about brunch?”
“That sounds good.” 
“Cool, just let me get dressed real fast and I’ll be back down in a sec.” 
He watches in admiration as you walk away and he smiles to himself, already thinking of ways to pay for your food before you do it yourself. You’re quite difficult when it comes to things like that, but Spencer feels like it’s a battle that he looks forward to, a fight that he wouldn’t mind having for the rest of his life if you would let him.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna @moonysreid
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wintersera · 1 year
g!p lesserafim and their friend (thoughts)
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g!p le sserafim x f!reader non idol au
notes: wanted to make a g!p le sserafim au as well. it’s connected to the aespa one too :)) reader is le sserafims friend in this au
cw: SMUT, g!p idols, cockwarming, degredation, oral (giving), somnophilia, brat chaewon, choking? mentions of not breathing, exhibitionism, voyeurism?, shibari, use of toys (vibrator), overstimulation
word count 1.8k words
WOAH so now your aespa roommates’ friends have cocks as well?? is your college heaven or something?
kkura has a decently sized cock 6.5 inches, plus its really cute and pretty. a complete virgin loser PLUS she games making her more of a loser. usually is stuck in her room because of her coursework, and if she has the free time she’s playing her games, making you the one who initiated the first move. loves getting head from you but is too embarrassed to ask so she hints at it, sometimes you have to demand for her to use her words. not coming out of her room for hours and hours you grow worried about her, sliding yourself into her room you witness her sound asleep at her desk, BUT OHHH whats that you see? you decide to close some background tabs on her pc to lessen your guys’ electricity bill but ohhh is that porn on her screen??? looking back down to her hunched over figure you squint your eyes noticing her completely obvious boner 😭😭. an avid porn watcher tbh, she’s always stressed out with her coursework the only way of relieving her stress is through ejaculation. wanting to de-stress the eldest bc youre so kind :> subtly kneeling down and sucking her off while she’s asleep? PERFECT FOR HER. is so into somnophilia because she’s too busy all day so she doesn't have time for you during the day. start hopping on her dick at like 3am in the morning and she’s whining your name whilst she’s passed out asleep. doesn’t admit it, but loves when she wakes up to you on top of her seeing you straddling her. first time you ever tried out somno with her she was so shocked, waking up gasping at the sight of you bobbing your head under her desk. didn’t know what to do :(( so she starts squirming in her chair holding your hair asking you to stop, obviously she doesn’t want you to stop but she doesn’t want to say that out loud. loves cockwarming as well <33 sometimes she’s just too busy doing whatever and you’re just equally as horny as she is busy. sitting in her lap whilst she plays games??? whenever she gets mad, dies or loses in one of her games she instinctively moves around in her chair in a fit of rage, pushing her cock further into you accidentally. you’re not really complaining though it feels great for the both of you. highkey into shibari on her end. i think the sensation of being unable to do anything under your control kinda puts her mind at ease. so worked up about her college work it frees up her mind. loves using pink lace whenever you do decide to tie her up. use a vibrator on her tip while she’s tied up she cums extra hard at that <3
chaewon isn’t really that big either but she’s pretty girthy which makes up for it 🤭 everyone on here can agree that she’s a complete brat and they’re not wrong. will start arguments with you just so you can prove her wrong and top her in bed. is all smug when she’s initiating things but is complete mush when you start pumping her dick in your hands. gets so overwhelmed when you're wrapping your tongue around her length, drools maybe i think she’d feel so good to the point where she loses most of her motor skills. head pusher for sure will keep your head still so she can start fucking your mouth, not really giving a fuck if you can breath. will do anything and i mean ANYTHING to cum. ask her to get on her knees and beg for it? she’s already kneeling. will endure endless amounts of edging even if it makes her tear up, would literally start crying if she doesn’t cum in the next hour. loves being overstimulated and it makes her cum harddd. has so many good reactions as well, whining, screaming, shaking, ehem drooling she’s genuinely feeling every single drop of pleasure in her body her body is literally on fire. i feel like she’d be the type to record sex tapes as well posting videos of you bouncing on her dick on twitter (of course both of your faces are blurred imagine your college finding this out 😨) very big on exhibitionism, likes recording, or just having general sex outside of the dorm. tease her by rubbing her dick through her pants in public and she’ll be suggesting that you should fuck right here on the table😭 she knows she’s hot so she doesnt really gaf if someone sees you and her fucking outside, given that it turns her on more if someone catches you two in the act. is a self proclaimed switch, but you rarely see the dom side of her. only when she gets jealous or mad is when she starts pulling that scary dom chaewon demeanour out. degrades you when she’s mad <33 ugghh just imagining her calling you a ‘slut’ or a ‘whore’ whenever some person she’s jealous of hits on you. yes i know its not your fault that some random guy hit on you but she’s so jealous that she doesn’t know what to do. starts leaving hickeys literally everywhere after that, on your back, neck, shoulders, arms, thighs ykyk EVERYWHERE. after a while she’ll feel kinda bad about behaving like that and to make up for it she still fucks you good but she’s more caring about it telling you that she’s sorry while shes pounding into your cunt, kissing your forehead and everywhere else that she left her marks 😭.
yunjin my favourite american. knows you from aeri (aeri bragging abt how she’s ur roommate and not her lmaoo) oh definitely has a massive cock and is really cocky about it, pun not intended. really vulgar about it too like? always saying to you how you love her big dick (she’s not wrong) while you’re having sex. wearing grey sweats on purpose around the dorm to ,not so subtly, show you the outline of her dick. is such a loud moaner honestly she could wake up the entire dorm bc of how loud she is 😭 AND SHE HASSS. sometimes you would catch sakura knocking at the door telling her to stfu. high ass fucking libido, is fucking you everywhere she cannot wait to go home she’ll most likely drag you to the nearest empty bathroom stall or in an empty alleyway and will definitely ask you to give her head. or maybe you just came back after your classes and she’s dragging you to her bedroom just to pound into you. doesn’t care if any of her roommates are home, i mean if she’s hard she’s hard and she needs you badly calling you as soon as her classes are done or maybe even at 1am asking and begging for you to come over to the dorm. NOT only is her libido high but her stamina is quite literally terrifying, she could go on for hours and hours- night till day and day till night. obviously you ending really sore at the end of each session but you still go back to her anyways. has fucked with the door open before 😨 got really really horny one day and she forgot to close the door, dragging you inside already taking your clothes off. yes you did get caught by the others but it ended up with you going around the entire dorm that night… FUN. is open to many positions but her favourite is you sitting on her lap whilst you two are watching netflix or something. a GOD when it comes to hitting the right spots literally making you cum so easily its insane. her stroke game is too good always hitting your gspot seconds into the act. definitely has a curated sex playlist i’m not kidding, taking her shirt off and realising that she hasn’t put on her playlist so she’s frantically looking for both her speaker and her phone while her boobs are out lmaoo okay jennifer huh. i can just imagine her being silly like that, loudly saying “awh fuck wheres the speaker? y/n have you seen it anywhere?”. service top fr fr will never catch her bottoming… well maybe you will but that’s not often, on the rare occasion she bottoms she’s so smitten, staring into your eyes with adoration. the cutest smiles while you’re on her. really really clingy as well, she needs to hold onto you somewhere be it your arms, your legs, YOUR NECK etc etc :>
zuha my love so shy, so cute, but can be so dom out of thin air. i dont know who, but this one creator on here who made this omegaverse kazuha au went hammm and i agree wholeheartedly on their characterisation of her. she’s built, and works, like a machine. but anyways around a little smaller than yunjin but wowww her cocks pretty veiny. ERMMM A PERVERRTTT. sorry but the pervert kazuha agenda is plaguing my mind. i love the contrast of someone so calm being an utter pervert behind the scenes. steals some of your clothes whilst you're outside and jacks off to the lingering scent of youuuu <33 she hopes you catch her in the act but she also really doesn’t, she doesn't want you thinking she’s a massive perv 🤭. she’s really hot but she doesn’t know how it effects you badly, usually walking around the dorm with croptops (HER ABS?!?!?) and grey sweats when you’re hanging out in their dorm. can get really desperate, she wants to have your hands around her shaft so bad but she’s too embarrassed to ask for your help. kinda forces herself to go and ask you because she’s that needy for you to jack her off. saying that it’s not gonna be good unless it’s you. lets out the cutest mewls once you touch her dick, continuous whimpers being let out from her pretty lips. usually holds her moans back because she doesn’t want anyone to hear her moan out loud, you tell her not to but she’s still adamant on not letting any slip out. however as soon as you drop onto her dick she lets out a really loud guttural moan, wrapping her arms around you saying that your insides are so warm. doesn’t usually swear but does when she’s close, or actually, cumming. letting herself relax, letting out various of swears you would never think she’d say, ever- is really strong, she could treat you like a doll but she chooses not to :(( she’s just really caring like that. can pick you up and carry you when you’re actually having sex, pins you up against the wall and fucks you while you’re legs are wrapped around her waist. has been lost in pleasure many times before forgetting that you’re there, so in love with the way your pussy feels around her cock she’s in an aroused haze, thrusting hard into you when you’ve already came multiple times. clearly she’s pussy drunk on you. crazy stamina and agility as well?? doesn’t get tired at all even if she’s slamming into you roughly.
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DAMN i need g!p brat chaewon asap
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miwiheroes · 1 month
Light = Truth
So this whole Byler post is literally just based off something that my friend who has a studies film at school said to me about lighting. Me and my friends do a presentation night like every few months and obviously my hyperfixation atm is byler so I did '10 reasons why I think byler could be canon'. My friends were convinced by the end btw, which is fun (and they kept pointing out yellow and blue things afterwards i loved life), but they also contributed so many things that I have never even considered or seen on byler tumblr before.
For example, my friend who studies film (btw we aren't just kids who like movies or smth, we are adults studying film lmao), stopped me during my presentation because I wasn't talking about lighting choices that were super clear.
I guess you can take what they said with a grain of salt because they aren't like, a professional ig, but they said that so many times during film, light is symbolic to mean truth. And it's like... oh my god. Suddenly, after they said that, everything made sense. Of course, light means truth in all these scenes! So I just want to point out two Byler/ Mike is gay moments that I think are related to this:
Light in the Closet tm
Hello??? Why is there a light in the closet here, not just to draw ur attention towards it, but also to symbolise something. Who tf has a light in their closet unless its massive, and why would it even be on in this scene?
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The truth is, you're in the closet, Michael. We've all seen these images before and how he has his eyes open, yada yada, but the light literally means truth here, and its framed on his head, like he's thinking of the truth.
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In literally the first scene in season 4 with Mike, as we know, we see a closet. That's almost comical. Not only that, but the light is on. Meaning, the truth is, Mike's still in the closet, again it's framed near his head. (Pair this with the one way sign, it's very obvious what they're trying to say here)
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Let's talk about this image right here:
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First of all, the light is literally shining out of the closet, not just in a blurry fashion, but it's literally a ray of light pointing at Mike who's standing in front of it. This being in the very first scene with Mike in it sets up the sort of arc he has in season 4, the fact that the truth is he's in the closet, but the one way sign shows he's still in it.
I showed this image to my friends during the presentation and the one I mentioned earlier also said that the set designers put the lamp where it is for a reason as well. The lamp in Mike's room is, of course, lighting up Will's drawings on his notice board as well as the buff guy posters. So, his true feelings are that... he likes men. Yah
2. Lights on Will
In the Van scene, everyone knows about how they spent a reallyyyy long time getting the lighting just correct, and if it was meant to mean truth, it all makes sense. (Also to get that heart in Will's eye lmao)
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In this shot, (not particularly this frame but yknow) Will is literally bathed in sunlight, and it could just mean that Mike's seeing him in this light because he's pretty to him or something, or it could mean that Will's literally telling the truth/ Will is Mike's truth. Playing D&D and Nintendo for the rest of their lives is really what he wants, as established in season 3.
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(my fave byler scene yes pls) When I showed this photo to my friends in my presentation, my film studies friend literally laughed. Yes, it is very very clear what they are trying to tell viewers here. The light is purposefully shining perfectly on Will only. Mike is completely cut off from the light and is in the dark. Some think that it's because he's 'in the dark about Will's feelings' (and yeah he is) but I think it's because by the end of season 4, Will has kind of admitted the truth to himself. He loves Mike, but Mike hasn't admitted his truth, that he loves Will.
However, we get clear foreshadowing for the next season in this scene because:
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Mike reaches into the light, for the truth. It also foreshadows him supporting Will more in season 5 perhaps, but the fact that the next shot is this:
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kind of just makes it super duper obvious that he's going to (very cheesy but) 'find his truth' or true feelings with Will/ in the next season.
Okay thanks for listening to me ramble about how light = truth, i would love to hear any other moments that could also mean the same thing :) Anyways, byler endgame.
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
I know you asked for something with Ford and i’ll request something for him once i brainstorm it up i promise T-T
BUT with the Sub masochist Bill, i can totally see where it’d go. I feel like Bill would be the type of person to never even think about touching himself, because the whole ‘trying to end the world thing’, and he was too busy with all of that and experimenting with pain in the human body it never even occurred to him that pleasure would be as awesome as it was till the [insert reader] showed him
Like literally after he figures it out he prolly wouldn’t even wanna stop. Man could go hours overstimulated and sex crazy because after a while of getting overstimmed it hurts insanely bad, but that’s lowkey more of a reason for him to keep going.
And whenever you’d tell him no to fucking or you’d be busy or something, it’d drive him literally nuts because ‘how dare you reject HIM.’ And he’d think it would just be casual questions of ‘Sooo you wanna have sex now, toots?’ but it’d get the point where he’d just be BEGGING you to touch him.
Speaking of touching himself, like i’d said before, he never really had till his first time with you, and whenever you’d reject his advances he just couldn’t help but touch himself while throwing a little hissy fit about the whole thing. You’d once walked in on him in one of these moments, on the bed, dick in hand while ruthlessly beating himself off. Sometimes he’d even slap himself and things of the sort and imagine it was you doing it and that usually through him over the edge.
ALSO FLUFF 🤩 So i don’t imagine him to be the most open about cuddling or anything but when he’s in the mood he’d get upset when you wouldn’t. Sometimes he just forgets you can’t read his mind. But honestly he seems clingy in the type of way that when he’s not horny out of his demonic mind, that he’d learn to just enjoy your general presence. Even when you guys aren’t having playful banter, he would bask in the silence knowing you’re there with him by his side. Don’t get me wrong, this man is a pest and would never admit any of this outloud, but he also feels as thought you know it so he doesn’t HAVE to tell you.
ONE MORE THING: Star gazing. now i really need you to here me out of this one.
So his dimension (or whatever it was) was destroyed, right? And even when he eventually came to earth, he must’ve been traveling in the stars for a while just tryna find a new home. So sometimes when he’s really feeling it, you guy’ll be on the roof to your place and he’d point out the general direction of where is dimension once was, or even go into detail about constellations he knows you don’t know about. Like i said this man is not a gooshy-ass person and can be a real dickhead to you more or less all the time, but i feel like there would definitely be those insanely rare moments where you could look at him and see a bit of human in that demonic entity (BYW ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE IVE BEEN IN THIS FANDOM SO I MIGHTVE FORGOTTEN IMPORTANT LORE SO LEAVE ME ALONE 😭😭) Anywayss lemme think of some Ford shit to keep you sane pooks 😌🫡
-👻👽 Anon
I love asks like this because you guys literally do all my work for me. Much love Alien anon, much love. Also oh my god??? Everyone took my Bill fic and ran with it and I am LOVING IT, you people are so creative!
The fluff is actually really cute, by the way!! I don’t know how into cuddling Bill would be.. his human form is probably the most likely that situation would ever be. lol, imagine Bill experiencing the foreign need for human touch for the first time. i also like the point about him touching himself anyways-
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sturnioz · 2 months
ohh cas u did it with this one.. i fear i might go crazy bcs i literally just started my cycle and my tits hurt and cramps are already kicking in :/
can totes imagine matt just being one of ur #1 friends!!! (stalker!matt x naive or perhaps shy!reader tbh has my mind spinning like.) took him awhile to befriend you and even when you two are so so close he's so careful to keep all the info he has on you secret and fights to bring up random facts in conversations that would reveal he knows some sketchy shit about you. he doesnt care tho bc ur soo sweet to him and the friendship is at a point ur just soo comfortable you tell him about your sex life (he already knows everything) and about your exes and he gets so hard hearing you talk about how you havent had many enjoyable orgasms (or none at all.. or ur a virgin....) its like terrible. and then hes jerking off secretly in ur bathroom when he excuses himself, biting his lower lip or his necklace between his teeth to keep all the groans down because ugh when is he gonna be able to fuck you?? also has to hide his annoyance whenever u bring up other male friends/any exes <3
ugh yes. has to fight the urge to roll his eyes and snap when he hears you talk about anyone that isn't him — especially male friends or any exes you've had because honestly... how dare you. doesn't understand why you can't open your eyes fully and see that he's right here, that he's the perfect guy for you because he knows you (quite literally knows every little thing about you). he can treat you so much better than you so-called friends and past exes.
despite being careful and calculated, i fear he sometimes slips up — you're at dinner with him and unfortunately (for him) a few of your friends, a small but lively diner decorated in white and red, and you're talking about vacation spots that you've been to and you fail to mention one because you only went for a day just to relax with your family.
"you went to that lake house three years ago," matt states as he munches on a fry, and you turn your head to look at him, your eyes wide in alarm because how would he know something like that ???
"how... how do you—"
"you told me, remember? yeah.. went to that lake house with your family. you — you mentioned about that cat you saw on the uh, the boat dock with the green collar 'cos it reminded you of a childhood cat. remember? you told me." matt immediately begins to gaslight you and you frown deeply, trying to go back on your memories to the time where you admitted that to him because not even your group of friends know that about you, especially the childhood cat who you hardly talk about as it pains you to bring up.
"i did?"
matt laughs, "'course you did, kid... you tell me everythin', don't you? because — because we're close. we're... we're best friends, right?"
and of course you nod your head because he is your bestest friend !!! and you end up feeling a little stupid and sheepish for not remembering you told him something like that while your other friends are giving looks at each other from across the table.
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