#Its just a say and we probably wouldn't be doing much of anything special anyway but
3o1am · 9 months
It's been a really hard couple days to be without you. I genuinely am so happy that you're there and that you're having fun and I've had a nice couple of days too but genuinely my heart aches not being able to spend Christmas together 💖
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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basil-does-arttt · 2 months
hold on wait a second i had a thought
in the DLC prolouge cutscene for DMC 5, when Vergil is in that stone passageway area, he says "its nearly time" (in reference to him splitting himself in half).
We know what day it happens, april 30th. The date is shown in Nero's flashback scene. This is of course assuming Vergil did all that on the same day, which i think is what happened. (He could open a portal to his house to travel, and why would he wait any longer and risk dying first?)
Anyway. Thats not my point, my point is: did he choose to do it on this day on purpose? Is this date special?
Im overanalyzing here so this may be a stretch, but: Could that be the day Eva died? Think about it. Him splitting himself was a "rebirth" of sorts: discarding his humanity to become a full demon in search of ultimate power.
Vergil being stabbed by those demons the day Eva died could also be counted as a kind of rebirthing for him: In the span of a few hours, he lost everything. His family, his life. And maybe even, his full humanity, as he gained his DT form in that moment too (shown by him having the same triggered-style eyes Dante uses when threatening V toward the start, also (half)triggered.) No longer was he a mere human boy, but now half a devil - the things that killed his family - too.
Knowing Vergil, it could make sense. In DMC 3 he's quite proper and a bit sentimental, much more so than Dante and i can see him caring more for these kinds of niche details in his life a lot more than Dante too. I also think he may have still been in that mindset when coming out of the Nelo Angelo body (however that happened), in a way that he hasnt really grown or matured while he was Nelo Angelo due to all the mind-fuckery performed thanks to Mundus.
(Could also be clarification for the reason Vergil still looks so young, quote "because of how much time he's spent in the underworld compared to Dante". He didnt live there, certainly not by choice. But he was captured and tortured by Mundus for 10 years. My thoughts is that he's technically still in his teenage body, as becoming Nelo Angelo and being in the underworld for so long thanks to Mundus halted (or at least very significantly slowed) the aging process. Time could move slower in hell but thats a rant for another time, ive gone off track.)
As such, him choosing such a special (traumatic) date to essential commit suicide on doesnt seem like much of a reach to me. Vergil has always been methodic. He doesn't do things hap-hazardly and never has, even as Nelo Angelo when he invites Dante outside to set up a proper fight rather than just taking the opportunity and attacking in the bedroom.
Of course you can argue it was coincidence, and he just stumbled across Nero by chance and decided to do it right then and there. He had to have found Nero first of all, figured out his plan of attack (probably so he wouldnt draw unwanted attention and possibly be stopped), then actually put it into motion. He couldnt exactly control the date Nero happened to be in the right place at the right time and gave him an opening. Im not trying to convince or anything, just sharing ideas, But wouldn't it just be so in character for april 30th to be a special date for him??
Overall i at least think the reason he chose to do it at the house was intentional for reasons stated above. If it wasnt, then why didn't he just... idk, find an alleyway or something and split himself there?
Those are my thoughts. Id love to hear other people's theories and such on this too.
It mustve taken him some time to get back to the house. Not hours, but not seconds. 15 minutes seems like a good amount of travel time for someone who can teleport using portals alongside a bit of walking. If he got there early he could've just waited too.
A specific date, april 30th, and at (likely) exactly 6:00pm. In VOV while it is black and white, i assume the attack happened late into the evening, since the sky is dark when he gets back to the house a bit later. Idk how he would've known that it was exactly 6:00 but... anyway, Mundus also seems like the type of guy to plan shit, especially an attack like he did to Eva and the twins, if that whole "eva died on april 30th" thing was true.)
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Hi again! If it isn’t too much trouble, could you also write some relationship headcanons for IDW Overlord and Trepan (separate) with a human s/o? :o
Heyyy, It not to much trouble, I am an Overlord girly, unfortunately! But thats okay, Hes like really an extremely bad character, but he's still on my love list :( Anyways, I hope this is what you were looking for and I do hope I got Trepan correct! Enjoy :)
Characters: IDW! Overlord and IDW! Trepan
Okayyyy, i know Overlord has like always been coo-coo but, i generally feel like if he had an S/O he'd attempte to like take it down a tiny bit. Not to much tho, he still has things he's gotta do.
He wouldn't want you to be apart of anything that has to do with killing or the decepitcons. He actually attempts to keep it this way.
If he can't then he just won't care, as long as youre not in danger on purpose. Get in a situation where you know you shouldn't be and he WILL NOT help you out of it.
If he can help you, he probably will make it seem like he won't and take his sweet ass time to do it. Maybe might get you to beg for him to save you. He's fucking crazy and would do it no questions asked.
I have this like idea, that since his human S/O is so small, he would just hold you in his servos. Lifting you up to places you find interesting and so you can see what he sees.
Since he also shows you what he see he talks to you about certain things, explaings who different cons are and why he(which turns into we) doesn't like them. It's kinda like when someone shows their S/O a reality tv show and is explaining people and lore to them. It's cute, he finds it cute that even in your small state you attempt to give advice and help him in situations.
He's ncie to you, but has a slight sarcastic tone and attitude at times, but its just his normal tone. He can sometimes be super mean, but its very rare he is mean towards you, since he mostly directs it towards Cons or Bots.
He doesn't have anything special about him while in a relationship, he's just kinda there. I can't even say he would attempt to take care of you, because he just doesn't. He spend time with you and trys his best to take you everywhere with him, he cares about you like a little bit. Ask him and he'll say no he doesn't but that simply beccause its Overlord we are talking about.
He just likes having you around, a constant in his crazy coo-coo ass life, and to be honest that the only thing he'd ask for. The rest of his time in the galaxy could just be spent with you, if he didn't have a raging ego and wasn't crazy ass shit, anyways I love Overlord and so should you :)
Im going to be real with you guys, he's also fucking crazy. he kidna gives off vibes of keeping his S/O down in his secret ass lab. Just because down there he knows where you are, can make sure you're at least a room or two over from him is he feels off.
I feel like he would try to keep your knowledge of what he does to a minimum. He simply does not want you knowing he is a "bad guy" as he thinks you'll put it.
If you don't care and he allows you to know, he'd be straight up with you, answering any questions you have about his work and why he does it.
He's not mean, he can be a little condescending but other than that he will let you know how he feels. I feel like he enjoys quality time too, so if he can't do something during an experiment or whatever, he'll go looking for you just so he can be in your presence. Either askig you what you think or just quitely doing somehting or watching you do whatever. If not this then his idea of idea of time together is you sitting watching him work on some poor Cybertronian, while he tells you what is happening andd going on. This is only if you show intrest in what he does, if not then uhhh he just sits in a room with you talking or listening to you.
I feel like he's the type to lie if he thinks its better for you, ask about why the autobots are bad and he'll make something up. He WILL lie if it means keeping you with him or on his side, but you don't need to know that
I also want to say that a relationship is nothing special, but I'd be lying, and my names not Trepan. He's kinda controling, never letting you talk to other Cons or Bots that show up asking for him, keeps you hiden away from the rest of the planet or galaxy, simply because he likes you. HE GIVES YANDERE VIBES, i feel like that's what he would do. I was like this bitch is crazy, and it lowkey feels like something a lot of people like in some characters. He CAN and WILL be a Yandere if he feels its nessecary, but if it can all be fixed with a few lies and a nice little kiss then he'll go that route. He doesn't want to scare you off, he just wants you to know he loves you, very dearly.
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cttrajan1206 · 2 months
hi!! im here to ask about your ocs!!
first of all i would like to say PLEASE read the shadows house manga if you werent planning on it already...! youll get so much more that wasnt offered in the anime since it cuts off at season 2 , its just so good.. SO GOOD ok. ok
about astral and anjem!
i know you said you dont have all the details worked out so its ok if you dont have an answer to any of this atm!
could you talk a bit more about their dynamic/relationship, if you have anything else you wanna say?
what are their goals in the house? are they pursuing roles within relief team, starbearers, etc? are they wanting to get invited?
how good is astral at controlling his soot power? do you think its likely any of his experimenting on anjem could go wrong + how would he react, would he be able to fix it?
love ur ocs :}
WAAA HELLO?? i never original post ever so i was really surprised and excited when you reblogged it saying you'd read it later - AND NOW IN MY INBOX TOO? WAAAA.... >O<
But waa ok ok so! Funny enough, @tsukiomoon was over at my house and convinced me to read Shadow House (having watched the anime) while we were at a bookstore. I'd already glanced at it a few times over the years so I was. Very easy to convince tbh djdhfjf So I actually began with reading the first two volumes!! Then after that, I was thoroughly hooked so we proceeded to binge the entirety of it together in two days. That said, I'd love to read the manga. I'm debating on it because the official translation -> scanlation currency exchange is not in my favour ToT but I think I like it enough to bear through it, the anime missed a few scenes from even just the first two volumes after all.
Onto the ocs!!
Dynamic/relationship: This is a fun one. I've mentioned they both very much love each other already, I think at first they're both very superficial about it and build up versions of each other in their head (Astral even moreso having known longer). It gets deeper as time goes on but Astral isn't obssessed with Anjem just as a person, but also for his quality of being human. Anjem is similar likewise but there's a mighty power imbalance there.
Astral is actually also a special shade! He remembers before morphing. He's probably the worst one to do so though because he doesn't really care about the Shadow House - not when it gives him license to not only have Anjem to himself, but also such close access to humans. To him, the memories just give him a clearer understanding if the Faces' limits. He gets very annoyed with seeing others treat their living dolls badly and will pick fights about it or ask Anjem to give them recompensary gifts to them.
Anjem I'm less clear on... He's bad at cleaning but Astral doesn't mind particularly (and also doesnt produce enough soot for it to be a problem). The rigid structure of his life gives him comfort in its reliability but he does often long for some of the luxuries Shades get. Like nice clothes and better food. He doesn't like coffee though haha. I don't think either of them ever realise the brainwashing thing bc Anjem's too picky and never fully swallows the coffee anyway, sometimes vomiting it out. He still gets the effects partially though
Goals: I think Astral does want to escape the House eventually - he doesn't care too much for getting everyone else out, he just wants to find more and more humans and learn everything he can about them. Anjem I haven't decided too much yet. He knows Astral's goal and wants to be there with him to see it too, to travel the world, but I think he'd be scared of taking that step.
I think he wants to see his siblings again, one last time
Roles: Oop... Astral's power is very good for healing wounds so technically the relief team would be good for him but I personally wouldn't put him in a room with so many humans in it XD He keeps his power very downlow but regardless, I think he'd have made his way into the relief team. He's their bigger advocate on training to treat dolls better.
Anjem wanted to be in the research team instead but, as a Face, he has to tag along and look pretty
Power: At first Astral was pretty bad at controlling his power. He doesn't have blood himself after all, it was very unknown territory. In fact, the only way he Did grow better at it was When his experiments on Anjem failed. They could be very dangerous failures too, in case his soot clogged a vein or he clotted uo the wrong part or forced it to produce too much blood. In his panic to fix it, he tended to reflexively reverse whatever he'd done and so far, though there have been catastrophes, Anjem hasn't died. There was a time when Astral stopped his heart but that's whatever, he's immensely better at controlling them now. He doesn't frequent the training room (especially since his powers require blood), but instead has perfected his powers through practice in his room. He does also keep a few vials of blood he requests from the relief team that uses to practice with at times.
He prefers it best when it's with Anjem though :)
There was once, when the brainwashing had worn off more, where Astral fucked up. In attempting to heal a wound on Anjem's wrist, he accidentally sped up the production of the blood and it poured everywhere, spilling out faster than healthy. Anjem, wide eyed and afraid that this time, he was going to die, scrambled away from him screaming. He tried to run away but the pain was blinding him so much he could barely concentrate. Nothing Astral said could convinve him to calm down, and the last thing he saw before passing out was Astral roughly grabbing at his arm.
Astral was able to stop the blood, working with this as an experiment to control his area of effect, and sealed the wound. He bandaged it up and treated it with care, pressing a careful kiss of regret on the bandage and on Anjem's hand, the black mark staining his skin.
Anjem woke later in his box. He was afraid and angry and upset. He didn't talk to Astral for a full week, only interacting with him as a Face. Astral was heartbroken by this and apologised many times. They made up finally, after Astral stopped him from cleaning and held his hands, about to apologise again, when suddenly Anjem lifted the shade's hands and pressed a kiss to each.
"I'm tired of this. I miss speaking with you. I forgive you, so stop apologising every time I enter a room."
That mended things but going forward, Astral started getting external vials until he was better at his control.
Astral likes his name but also wants to be separate from it. In private, he asks Anjem to call him "Aster" as a similar compromise. Anjem means "star" in arabic - he named his Face to match the name he preferred :)
Anjem is mostly good at reading Astral's emotions but they have a system of handsignals and body language to indicate the faces they want to make.
I've been thinking on them and their age awhile. I hadn't noticed when I made them that adults get finer clothes than the chikdren but I refuse ti change my design, I'm attached </3 I think they're similar to Barbara and Maryrose - old but still in the children's wing by virtue of not being given an invitation
This is partly due to Anjem's scar but mostly due to Astral's refusal to be useful outside of the bare minimum (this is not a noble thing, he's lowkey just lazy)
Oh my god I wrote a lot sdjbhf
Yeah!! That's them! That's my boys. I'm thinking of making a couple more too - I want to explore the idea of someone using their Face to hide disguise their real emotions
Thank you so much for asking 😭 it means the world to me and got me to think about them more
As an extra, have a doodle of Anjem's second sight of Astral:
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this chapter was honestly what I should've expected. mitsukouers we have been fed and are probably going to be put into the closet once more going forwards so let us say thanks for these last few chapters, as well as all the other 99 chapters that came before this one. it's been amazing and I hope it continues to be so!!
now, I'm not one for making long posts myself. however!! this makes for a special occasion so I will have to make do :)
this chapter was great! Though as always I wished that there had been more, what we got was a... pretty satisfying close to this arc.
I will say, as much as I loved what did happen, it felt like it was missing something. Like there was a part of this chapter bring held back. (and no I don't mean that there wasn't a mitsukou kiss this chapter, though that of course was missed as well)
I feel like they really needed to talk more about... well... fucking everything I guess? but, then again, it is so like them to not say shit even when its so important for them to communicate about it (i.e. the way they refuse to address the way they are both for sure going insane at this point, kou seemingly giving up on thinking about his morality when it comes to caring for mitsuba, mitsuba clearly only wanting kou to exorcize him regardless of the bs he said about teru being fine too, tsukasa, etc etc). I would've loved to see them have some proper talks about all of that and more, but also I can't see them doing that in anyway that wouldn't feel ooc and wrong for them.
Mitsuba and Kou just don't do that.
Or at least, not anymore.
Before, I'm sure there would have been some sort of talking. Something just shy of an argument maybe or a full on breakdown.
But now I think it's a bit late for that.
They were both already teetering off and on the edge by the time the severance happened and I think after all of that I think any chance of having proper communication about all the shit they've been through together, for each other, and what bullshit they'll pull going into the future is off the god damn ledge kou jumped from in That One Chapter.
The ending of this chapter solidified this for me more than anything else I think. We got Kou basically asking Mitsuba to live if only to come with him to the school festival, if for nothing else, which is for sure going to be the next Big Event Thing. and then at the very end Mitsuba mentions being hungry and Kou replies with silence which makes me think that their night isn't over yet, and Kou is beyond prepared to get his hands dirtier to help him. This probably won't be addressed, at least not by these two directly after last chapter. If anything I'm kinda hoping Teru will be the one to do it but that's neither here nor there.
All in all, this was a pretty useless ramble of me basically saying I love mitsukou (derogatory) and that they are every reason for my unwell mind.
Anyways mitsukou is canon I'm the heart Mitsuba ate thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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toaarcan · 5 months
I find myself wondering how things would've gone down with the Hagah contest if Greg and Bob had never rejected the idea of the two special edition sets in 2005 being Dume and Nidhiki.
Because let's not kid ourselves, the Hagah contest was a shitshow. TTV decided to run all four subject characters at the same time, and Eljay and Mesonak took the whole thing on their own shoulders, and as a result it took basically the whole of the year. The arguments started almost as soon as the subject for the next contest was chosen, as some people wanted the creative freedom to do whatever, and some people wanted the designs to be restricted so they'd look good next to Norik and Iruini.
Not helping matters was that the first contest had demonstrated that the community's definition of a Toa was wide and the voters wouldn't necessarily choose something that looked good next to its official compatriots- Helryx is a good MOC, but she's built to match up with the Toa Mata, who were built to a much smaller scale than the entirety of the Order of Mata Nui sets, and she ends up at about eye-level with Mazeka, a character who notes her physically-identical Melding counterpart as being "Tall."
If they didn't have Norik and Iruini as a benchmark, though, that goes out of the window. With all six Hagah unseen, then it's highly likely that we wouldn't know anything about what they looked like. We wouldn't know about the metallic armour, we wouldn't know about the reshaped masks, we likely wouldn't even know about the Metru Build thing. Uniformity would go right out of the window, because of sets like the Mahri and 08 Nuva.
The contest would likely be an even bigger shitshow, of course. It took them around a year to do four characters, throwing two more into the mix would probably take even longer. There's a non-zero chance that a six-character contest doesn't finish before Greg gets laid off. However, it may have started earlier without the initial wave of arguments. Or they could've been just as bad for different reasons.
I think there'd still be a bunch of Metru builds in the contest, even without the two sets as a measuring stick, because the contest was just before (and likely contributed to) the tail-end of the fandom-wide obsession with the Metru build as the "Perfect" Toa (it's not, for the record). Without a whole year of incredibly same-y MOCs, and a contest where we had to judge them against each other, that love-affair may have lasted longer.
However, it's also possible that without there being the two sets, the Hagah would've been a lower priority for TTV. There would've been no incomplete team of official sets to round off. Instead, the characters that likely would've been in that position of being the "Missing" members of a team with two official sets would've probably been the Mangai.
I don't think TTV would've been nuts enough to run nine contests at once, but I do think there probably would've been the same arguments about whether a Metru build should be mandatory and what is a Metru build anyway, just about Tuyet instead.
And without the Hagah contest, I don't think we would've had that wonderful moment post-finals where people who had managed to avoid the hellscape that was the actual forums during the voting process got to see that team of six (mostly) new Toa lined up together for the first time in ages, and getting hit right in the nostalgia feels. For all its faults as an actual process, the Hagah contest ultimately did manage to create a team that mostly looks uniform, and mostly looks like they could've been sold as sets back in '05. The one outlier, Bomonga, still looks great too. I love him being the (relatively) biggest bungus of a Toa to ever grace the GSR, and the MOC's quality definitely outweighs the annoying brain gremlin that says "Lego never would've made him like that." Yeah, they wouldn't have, and it doesn't matter at all.
I'm still going to go to my grave insisting that Nidhiki is just Iruini with a green mask and a different weapon.
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kimberlyannharts · 9 months
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY: Sage is fully committing to the high school life, even if there are some obstacles like bullies, hard classes, her friend's tragic backstory, and the discovery of the Chamber of Secrets.
But there's no time to dwell on that, because it's time for the Morphin Trial, where kids are dumped in a hostile landscape to be color-coded by some weird old alien cult. Sounds legit!
It's Ranger Academy #4!
Before we begin let's take another look at that Katie cameo. Sure she doesn't do anything but drive the bus and I still have no fucking idea how these cameos work when they're appearing in-person vs those inter dimensional tubes but it's at least nice to see her
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ANYWAY. Time to drop some children off to die
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= So some lore stuff established already is the Bandorian Monks reside on the planet "Chromia" specifically in the "Zeo Chamber" in "Prism Peak." It only opens for a limited amount of time once a year. From what I can remember none of this, except the Zeo Chamber I suppose, was in Eltarian War's established lore, but I guess that can be chalked up to Ranger Academy being its own thing. (And for what it's worth, the Zeo Crystal itself is not in the chamber.)
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= yes yes guys we get it you want that video game/RPG adaptation
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= This is so valid of Theo but unfortunately for him I know what happens to PR characters with his kind of jokey, charismatic personality
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= So are they going to be the book's main romance or not. I'm calling upon protection spells against sisterzoning
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= So.....okay. Here it is. Here's the line
So obviously there are colors missing from the Academy and at the very least Theo's dialogue is implying that's on purpose. Which makes me hopeful for my old "Camp Half-Blood" theory that this book will end with more color campuses being added. And obviously, Theo's source isn't telling the whole story or getting facts wrong.
But. Look.
Even if Lindy's dialogue is only saying that Green and Orange Rangers don't exist in the Academy rather than the universe as a whole, the entire concept of certain colors being forbidden or unknown is ridiculous when this is a school that fully encompasses itself in Ranger history. Sage mentioned in a previous issue learning about Jen and why their library is named after her, so their adventures must be part of the curriculum. Even if it isn't, their teachers are Ranger alumni. ONES THAT HAD GREEN RANGERS ON THEIR TEAMS. Their bus driver was KATIE! She can't talk about Trip, her best friend? Crueger never brings up how Green is the third-highest ranking ranger at SPD? I think this wouldn't even annoy me so much if they weren't equating Oranger Rangers (of which there have only been three official ones in the franchise, with others being so-so canon) to Green Rangers (of which there's only been. four seasons, I believe? where there was no Green at all). I know Power Rangers wants Green to be special but it just simply doesn't work because by definition, it isn't.
I think this would only work for me if a) we establish that the present of Ranger Academy is set either extremely far in the past or extremely far in the future, where Rangers either barely exist yet OR it's been so long that the canon we know has been shrouded in legend or b) we didn't have the alumni ranger cameos and we establish this school is completely cut off from the established canon we know. And the last one doesn't work because they clearly want the cameos to be one of the main gimmicks of the series. So idk. It's probably Ranger Academy's biggest headache for me
And just in general I don't know how "forbidden colors" work when the students' color is just chosen based on what the Monks see inside them. It should be unique to them, not based on a criteria that can pick and choose or throw out different options.
ANYWAY. The trio finds Kartyr and Maev and, unsurprisingly, these children are about to die
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= what's with Green Rangers having to rescue their rivals that suffer broken ankles. Oops, spoilers
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= Sage has only been part of this school for a few months and she's already indoctrinated into their religion
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= Kartyr is such a hater for no reason. You should be connecting with your green-haired brethren
= Also I just realized that Kartyr is most likely a Xybrian yet he doesn't follow the naming motif that Trip and the Supersonic Rangers did. I won't hold it against the author as the Supersonic Ranger origin story is pretty obscure but still, it's funny to me.
Though wait if he's a Xybrian shouldn't he know about Trip and how he's a Green R [I am yanked offstage via a giant hook]
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= Okay guys I get we're using MMPR theming but are really trying to say Pink Rangers are good pilots? Because what, Kim had flying zords? That's getting a little ridiculous. What's next, Pink Rangers are all amazing archers?
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= Maev becoming Yellow was a little surprising since Mathis is already a major character who's yellow, but at the same time I'm really not sure.....what the guidelines are to what color each person becomes. It feels kind of arbitrary at this point tbh. Though maybe it's just because I don't really know Maev as a character yet compared to Theo, who fits the Black Ranger archetype like a glove
and speaking of which
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= Lindy not being able to morph genuinely pissed me off like. Again. What are the guidelines here. What about Lindy isn't ranger-worthy. Can I just call the Bandorian Monks racist for denying a Black girl the chance to morph because I think I'll just do that
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= SHAME SHAME SHAME SHE HAS THE MARK OF THE DEVIL (her novelty lightning bolt coin turned green, a color that has never existed before this)
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theverumproject · 2 months
An Interview with Luce Balton (Verum)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
Year: 2093 (The Robotic Era)
Basic Questions + Appearance
Basic Questions
First name?
Middle names?
Don't have one
Not really a nickname, but the world knows me as Verum.
Date of birth?
I was born on the fifth of March, 2024
I am 69 years old. Funny age, huh?
Physical / Appearance
I am 183 centimeters tall.
About 70 kilograms I think.
I train very often, at least once a day. I know I should have rest days, but it's fun! Uh anyway, that's why I have a rather lean build. I train for agility and speed. Strength too, of course, but it's not my main focus. My muscles aren't too visible. I guess I have a sleeper build!
Hair colour?
My hair is brown
Hair style?
I had waist long hair once, but I've cut it a few years ago, now it's shoulder length. My hair is straight and I don't really do anything special with it.
Eye colour?
Green! Natural green!
Eye Shape?
Uhhh, eye shaped? Wait, let me look up the names for different eye shapes…
… Upturned eyes? I guess?
Glasses or contact lenses?
Nope, we don't really need that anymore in our time. Except for style, you know? I never had problems with my eyesight. But you know, with keeping my body young, I also had to eventually fix my eyes. Like the rest of my body.
Distinguishing facial features?
I know that green eyes aren't that common, but they're not really something that you notice the first second you see me. I'd say my face looks pretty normal.
Which facial feature is most prominent?
I feel like my forehead looks a little big sometimes. I also have a rather long nose.
Which bodily feature is most prominent?
I'm tall, so probably my legs? I don't really have much… Thickness… Which I don't mind!
Other distinguishing features?
Not really. I think I look like any other person.
I keep my skin healthy and don't try to expose it to too much sunlight. I'm not porcelain white, but I do have a rather pale complexion.
Hmmm, long fingers, keep my nails short. Wouldn't be practical.
Make up?
Don't need any. But I might wear some eye make up during special occasions.
We have the ability to completely heal scars. I have kept the one on my left leg, since it was my first one.
We all got some little spots all over our body. I don't have any big ones though.
The longer you exist, the more likely it is that you have at least one tattoo. I like the look of clear skin on myself though. But I might have gotten two or three small ones.
Physical handicaps?
Not anymore! I did have problems with my knee for quite a few years, but now its fine! It just often ached and walking too long made it worse. Running and jumping… Oh god…
Type of clothes?
I like to keep it monochrome and plain. I guess the most exciting shirts I have are some AC/DC, Metallica and Iron maiden ones. But usually I wear unicolor.
My armor on the other hand is black with faint swirly spirals. Torso and all limbs are plated with bulletproof material. Even my head and face, I have a hood pulled over it. The goggles we wear are also bulletproof.
How do they wear their clothes?
Pants on my head and shoes on my ears.
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc)
I wear basic sports shoes, the kind everybody has. But the ones of my armor are boots plated with metal.
Race / Ethnicity?
I'm Australian! Mainly british ancestry.
I'm usually moving some part of my body. Not sure about anything else.
Are they in good health?
Pretty much ideal, I try to be as healthy as possible and I get great support too!
Do they have any disabilities?
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gifti3 · 1 year
asmo x reader x priest AU rough outline
I had a nightmare I was being chased by a monster in a church and ended up coming up with this au because of the priest i saw in it! So I just wrote an outline cause I wanted to get it down I'm calling reader mc here (i use these two interchangeably in relation to obey me)
mentioning religion, i also mention sex like once or twice
i wanna say it's more of a modern setting cause it's easier to write but that lowkey doesn't make any sense so we are gonna just glaze over setting the time period (so its whatever makes sense in ur head)
asmo is asmo (so kinda unhinged at times especially in this AU)
mc i feel is one of those people who have had a lot of supernatural experiences their whole life
since they were young they would see and sense things other people usually wouldn't and i feel that's part of the reason asmo was attracted to them in the first place
one time mc offhandedly said that asmo isn't the first demon they've talked too but he is one of the nicer ones
this ability is an aspect of themselves they've accepted and even embraced at this point
but because of this, some people might be put off by them since they give off a "unique" vibe
i wanna describe the priest a little: -- he's an oc (i guess lol) cause he appeared in my nightmare for a moment -- he's probably in his 40s and could be considered a dilf to some people -- pale with dark hair and clothes (you know stereotypical broody, reclusive character) -- takes his position very seriously but lacks that warmth and approachability i feel a priest should have -- tldr: priest you would see in a horror game taking place in a church/cathedral
the story starts off with mc needing somewhere to reside for a few weeks until they can find a permanent place to stay -- they probably got kicked out of their home for various reasons related to their "gift"
i don't think the priest himself had the actual idea to bring in mc
instead it was one of the other cathedral hands who suggested it to help them out and whoever is in charge agreed to it (so i'm guessing the bishop??)
the thing about mc though is that they have a special friend no one else can see who likes to pop up time to time to spend time with them
(sometimes this friend can be sensed by people who are more sensitive to the environment which can freak them out)
this friend is Asmodeus, a demon who decided to keep coming back after meeting mc and ended up befriending them over time
they've known each other for 2-3 years at this point and would consider each other good friends
sometimes they toe the line of more than friends though -- they're interested in each other and there was no denying it since asmo could literally feel the moment when mc began feeling attracted to him (and of course he's attracted to them too, that aspect was there from the start for him)
however mc is worried to get intimately involved with asmo cause they think they have actual feelings for him and don't want become more emotionally attached to someone who doesn't like them just as much as they do (they are assuming this)
so sometimes they're kinda flirty but don't do anything past that
when asmo pops up to visit mc he's a bit shocked that they're just hanging out in a cathedral
i feel this demon has a bad rep with priests in general
its our boy asmo, i know he has been up to some nonsense in the past (and recently too)
he's probably been exorcised out of several facilities over the years for stuff that could have easily been avoided
and according to asmo, MAYBE he was trying to corrupt some religious figure's son or something but they didn't need to be so harsh~ -- we aren't gonna get too detailed we just know he has had bad experiences with religious folk
and even if he didn't have bad experiences, demons are usually code red level threats to humans involved in religion
anyways mc tells asmo they literally have nowhere else to go and they get a free room and food staying here as long as they help with chores, so he needs to just hold on tight until they find somewhere else to go
mc and the priest surprisingly kind of get along
I think mc themselves being somewhat (unwillingly) isolated from others and being used to putting people off made them kind of gravitate towards the priest
They aren't put off by his demeanor at all and treats him like any other person
asmo is whatever about it and is actively trying to stay away from the priest UNTIL he releases that the priest is starting to actively gain an interest in MC
And not in the ahah i have a small crush way
Like this is a I WANT you physically, mentally and emotionally type deal
I feel like the priest is so lame too trying to convert the mc behind the guise of him being a priest and that's what he does--save people's souls from possible damnation. when it's actually for very personal feelings
And mc is like nah its not really my thing (their current lifestyle would literally clash with this)
now asmo is a little worried
but he shouldn't be because hes asmo right?
he's beautiful and gets pretty much anyone he wants. mc is already interested in him too!
but part of him fears mc might fall for someone else one day
especially since mc always cuts things off before things get too spicy
also him being a demon and mc a human makes things kinda complicated for multiple reasons that i wont go into -- just know mc preferring a human partner is one of the things he worries about
So now he's like….i'm sabotaging and makes sure to actively monopolize mc's time so they won't seek out the priests company
no way is he losing his precious lamb to a PRIEST of all people
the priest has started expecting mc to show up like they always do to talk to him but they haven't in awhile so he goes looking for them
when he goes to their room mc is talking normally to asmo and the priest can hear them through the door
he knocks and mc is like oh shit and motions for asmo to get gone for a moment but asmo's being a brat and doesn't actually leave
so when MC opens the door, the priest is immediately like something is wrong
there's definitely something not of god in here
and mc is like huh what are you talking about but the priest is insistent and comes in to investigate
but there's not really anything obviously amiss since he can't see asmo and he fortunately leaves after
but after that he's paying more attention and starting notice weird things are happening around mc
sometimes for a split moment he'll see a shadow near them and sometimes even in mirrors (yes asmo is probably just moving casually about the building even though mc told him to be careful)
i'm thinking later on, he's passing by mc's room and thinks they're in there cause he hears humming and sees the shadow of feet passing by the door
but when he knocks and enters no one is there
and i feel that's when he does some shit to like purge evil spirits out of mc's room, cause he there's definitely something wrong and he's worried something has latched onto mc
so when asmo is like Okay time to go visit mc~! Nothing happens
he can't teleport like he usually does to them
and he's bitching and whining about it later after mc undoes whatever the hell the priest did
now i'm jumping to the last few days of mc staying in the cathedral
at some point, asmo and mc have a heart to heart and end up doing the devil's tango (out of all the places they can have sex it happens here SO cool of them lol. the priest may or may have not heard something going down. why is he always near mc's room hmmm 🤔)
the story is coming to a climax once mc is like yay i have found a new place to live and will be leaving soon and the priest is a bit surprised when he hears the news
he's gotten used to mc being in this place with him and he doesn't want them to leave (what will he do oooo~ i think he would suggests to the mc for them to stay and like join the church or something but mc is just like...no thanks)
asmo on the other hand is like I AM READY TO HIT THE BRICKS 🏃‍♂
he literally doesn't even have to be here, like go home dude but nah he wants to be with mc A LOT
he doesn't like the vibes of the place and honestly the priest is starting to annoy him with how he's always lurking around mc
i think this is around the time asmo and the priest have a proper confrontation
i don't exactly know what happened to make it get to this point but for some reason asmo shows himself to the priest
i'm not sure who even initiates it but asmo is just taunting the shit outta him for wanting mc in a worse way than asmo himself
in my head, the priest doesn't exactly see mc as a person with their own agency
they're more of someone he can hopefully mold into a more "god honoring person" (something like that)
someone he could be with long term without feeling like he's going against his own values
So it's ironic in a way having a demon being the better option of the two
and i bet asmo has like so much unresolved anger from past interactions he's had with religion, and then all of his feelings for mc and being in this place too often
just all these emotions mixed together just has him REALLY reckless
and he's projecting everything on to mr priest (regardless if all of it is his fault or not): "God you're so annoying! I wanna splatter your innards across the walls…" (Can demons use the lords name in vain idk lol)
So yea idk how this would end but I think at least one person should die fr AND i've decided i'm gonna talk about asmo dying cause of the angst:
He's already gone by the time they arrive. They quietly call out Asmo’s name, hoping he's just passed out or maybe even messing around. But the way he was laid upon the dirty floor wasn't right at all.
They kneel on the bloody ground. "S-Stop joking around Asmo." They gently shake the demon's rapidly cooling body. Realizing they will receive no response. They wouldn't hear his voice ever again.
A step sounds nearby and they sharply look up into an apathetic pale face. "Why?"
"Demons don't deserve mercy. It doesn't deserve your sorrow or tears."
"But he was my…" They trail off knowing it wouldn't be smart to finish.
"Even though you were…intimate with a demon. God is benevolent with his children." The priest reaches a hand out to them. "Repent and you shall be forgiven."
Mc would run away in this ending but i think its so sad they lost someone very important because they got too close to someone they thought was safe…
There can be other endings too tho! My favorite being mc and asmo leaving the church and being all happily ever after (well as happy as u can be after running off with a demon who attacked a priest in a cathedral and now you can never return to this town cause it's suspicious that you disappeared the day the priest was found dead/half-dead in the building)
Okay that's all! Thanks if you read this far. Hopefully some people liked it Heres a shoddy edit of asmo blocking someone's reflection in the mirror:
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cursedvibes · 1 year
you!!! you get it!! yuki's entire existence feels like such a slap to the face for the spvs. shes the only one that escaped n has a ct but she still ended up fighting n dying for tengens sake, despite building up herself from the ground (i dont think the higher ups wouldve rly empathized with her situation, most definitely made it wayy more difficult to deal with, if geto n gojo had such a hard time she prolly got much worse 💀). i wonder what it wouldve been like to hear all the spv xP but alas we can only hope gege remembers this bit....yeah honestly i wish we got more drama out of their interactions n a bit of yukis own childhood instead of choso crying abt his brothers for the nth time 😭 pls tell me more abt the thoughts u have abt those two its always nice to read see ur thoughts (me who has read every single kenjin fic on your ao3 😁😁😁) the tengen situation rly showed who all read the manga n who all just saw the pictures n came up with their on hc for the situation 💀
Thank you for reading my fics <3 it means a lot to me
Well, we don't know if she's the only SPV with a CT, but I'm sure it's why she was able to escape. Riko doesn't seem to have one and that might be one of the reasons why Tengen saw her as an ideal candidate. We don't know about the other two that got merged, but it would make sense for Tengen to choose the ones that would have less means of defending themselves. The Heian one might've had one because that was probably still more of an experimental phase and she might have had less options, unlike now where there are multiple popping up in one generation and she picks the ones with characteristics she likes most and who probably also have a closer match.
So Tengen most likely knew Yuki's CT, but didn't tell the higher-ups, since Kenjaku got their help, but couldn't find it out. They basically promoted her to special grade based on mission results and I assume a good word from Tengen. That might've also helped her break through the glass ceiling of misogyny. As we see with Maki, it really doesn't matter how skilled you are, you can only advance as far as they let you and if you're a woman or they don't like you for some other reason, you're not getting anywhere. But she had her results to show off and what Tengen says goes, so they couldn't protest. It's impressive that she managed to keep her CT and status as former SPV a secret for so long, although the foreign missions definitely helped there.
I'd also like to have a bit more background on Yuki. Did she have the same religious upbringing as Riko? She was likely groomed into a sacrificial mindset too, so what made her be able to resist that? Did Tengen wait too long and teenage hormones ruined it for her? Just natural instincts? She is very rebellious in general after all. How did her first meeting with Tengen go down? So many questions that will likely never get answered. But that also means there is no limit for how we can imagine it all happening.
It's a real shame that Tengen and her intentions and past never really got questioned by anybody besides Kenjaku. Yuki has her complaints, but she ultimately doesn't do anything about them. Gojo suggested at one point to kill Tengen if she wants to force the merger with Riko, but apparently completely forgot about that once Toji came into the picture. He was so close to the root of the problem, but then didn't act on it. Riko would've died anyway, even if Toji wasn't around, just in a different way. And even if they managed to rescue Riko, it would've been some other kid that got sacrificed in her stead.
Mind you, I don't think Gojo could ultimately do anything against Tengen, certainly not at 16. He wouldn't even be able to touch her and she knows the capabilities of six eyes users better than everyone else. But I feel like an effort should have been made. The issue should be addressed. There could've been a lot of interesting stuff between Tengen and him too. After all, she also created him to make him protect her, so if he went against that, that would be a nice source of conflict. But I don't think he knows about his purpose and will likely never find out about it.
Either way, I would've liked more skepticism of Tengen in general. Kenjaku brings up right to Yuki's face that there is something very important about the Culling Game that Tengen has been keeping from them, but nobody fucking listens to them. It's so frustrating. Megumi also brings up that they should maybe not 100% trust Tengen, but nothing comes off it. The kids get so caught up in their plans and the opponents that keep popping up around them, that they forget who put them in this situation in the first place. That's how Tengen likes things to go I guess. Make people just forget about her and that's how she keeps getting away with it. And she relies a lot on the influence she established early on.
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pinetreeshack · 2 years
do you have any thoughts on fiddleford and ciphord interacting because I fucking love that shit. its always SO tense
oh boy do i!! lots of words under the cut
fiddleford is VERY standoffish and realises the cue when bill possesses ford almost immediately. at first, of course, ciphord tended to roam around in private. fiddleford being blissfully unaware of anything, until a lot of his triangle memorabilia started to find itself as common decor in their living room and kitchen. fords obsession with it was.. weird, at first, but fiddleford knew what he signed up for when he agreed to help him. he knew what it was like to want to find something in a higher being, and respected fords beliefs diligently, until ford started bringing his posessions and ramblings outside of his worship room.
i would even go so far as to say fiddleford was probably the first other human being bill came into contact with when he started posessing ford. its uncomfortable, and awkward, and fiddleford doesn't get it, but who is he to deny someone of their god? he'll try to distance himself from ciphord, but ultimately fail, because that is his partner, demon or not. even though he knows bill wouldn't purposely bring physical harm to fords body (at least while building the portal, anyway. anything after would've probably been free game considering it would've been the end times. thats fun to think about. weirdmageddon in the 80s. has anyone explored this idea? probably. anyway) instead he resorts to a sort of 'helicopter-parent' like state. he's hyper-aware, ciphord is scary, and even fiddleford catches himself scoffing at how silly it is to be afraid of a literal triangle (putting his own beliefs behind him for a minute to instead try and understand another. but it is no longer a belief. it's a parasite.), but there are risks on the line when it comes to his friend.
at first bill tried to play it off. maybe he wont notice this guys shockingly yellow scleras or the way his pupils keep shifting shapes from time to time. (wouldnt be surprised if he wore shaded glasses. ford did keep multiple spares, who's to say he didn't have special possession ones). as i said in the tags of a previous post, bill can sort of manipulate peoples perceptions of him, meaning you will most likely never see him unless you want to see him.
that's where i think a lot of their interaction comes from. fiddleford can't help but see ford, therefore he has no choice but to interact with bill, no matter how much ford denies the possession or this other wordly being, and no matter how much religious belief or superstition gets in fiddlefords way, he has no choice but to accept the facts as he sees them (even if sometimes, what he's seeing isn't real.) maybe he thinks acknowledging bills existence will further push him into madness.
perhaps we shouldn't give all the credit to fiddlefords genius when we were told the speed at which fiddleford crafted the memory gun. (which is kind of ironic, when you think about it)
rambling a bit more here, but this also brings me onto a fun topic that i've thought about before: ciphord (bill) using the memory gun on fiddleford to erase his memories of witnessing countless possessions and lost mental battles between ford and bill. it stops after a while, because bill realises just how fragile and frying it is to constantly take over someones body. he still thinks the memory gun is a neat little toy, though.
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doctorguilty · 1 year
I feel like this is gonna sound dumb but I'm just emotional and that's how I am so whatever...... there's just something something can't stop thinking about
A couple days into my last visit with gloomy, I came out of the bathroom and made some silly comment about the bar of soap I washed my hands with, I think maybe it was something stupid like I washed chocolate off my hands after we shared a pastry, and I was like omg it was making the soap brown I had to wash it off I wouldn't want your sister to think there was poo all over the soap 🤣 and gloomy said like, "oh well that's there for you anyway" and I was like huh?? And they reiterated they had put that bar of soap put for me specifically. I'm the only one that uses it. They and their sister use the liquid soap pump.
And I was just like stunned for a moment cause here's the thing... that bar of soap was there when I FIRST visited their apartment. I didn't question it like plenty of people have multiple kinds of hand soap. So I'd been using that the whole time during that visit.. and when I came back it was there again so I mindlessly used it again.
It wasn't anything super fancy or anything, just a plain old bar of ivory soap. But gloomy bought that, and a cute soap dish to hold it in, to put it out for me.. even though I don't live there. So I asked why? Like, I can just use liquid soap I don't need my own soap ;w;" And they said, simply, "because I know you like to use bar soap"
Gloomy says things in such a matter-of-fact way that always gets into my head but I mean that in a good way. When I say and do things for others, I'm emotional, my tone often has a flourish, my instinct to be so external about the love behind my intentions. But there's something so.. different, in a way I'm drawn to, that with gloomy it just.. it's concise. It's a fact. It's not a grand emotion.. not the way I'd experience it.. buying something for someone, feeling excitement over it, I know what my emotions look like.
No.. when i picture gloomy just.. being at the store, seeing soap, putting it in the basket. Setting it out on the sink so it's waiting for me. Done. Its mundane. It's normal. And to me that's so warm like..... like it's all part of the reason gloomy feels like home anywhere I am
So anyway.. I told them I was so moved by that.. and yknow, I don't think I ever EXPLICITLY emphasized my bar soap preference, because again its not terribly important, it must have been something offhanded or maybe just a mental note that's what I had in the bathroom where I live, that I used
I know it probably doesn't seem all that deep.. but to me it really, really is. And they never outright told me, like NEEDING me to know!!!! They did it for me!! Which would be fine ofc, but again it's the mundane-ness (is that a word?) No, its not about their own emotional fulfillment at all.. it's enough to just make me comfortable, on purpose.
And that just... means the world to me.. because in my life, I desperately battle for (and often lose) my right to take up space, everywhere I go. I'm used to every little thing being in someone's way. Having it criticized. Being emotionally beaten down and shrinking just to keep my sanity.. for someone to feel I'm worth that... not the literal price of soap but the PRINCIPLE, the fact that something JUST FOR ME can just take up space in SOMEONE ELSES SPACE, they CHOSE to do on their own volition and not feel compelled to draw attention to it.. that is the most wonderful thing anyone can give me.. truly.. space. That's what it is. Space I don't have to battle for or earn. It's just there. I'm starting to tear up writing all this. That's how much it means to me .
I love them.. I love the way they are , so different from me in ways I admire, in ways that make me feel special because my brain is wired up differently where I wouldn't have the same exact thought process over the same exact intent
I was also told, anecdotally, when gloomy put the soap out, their sister criticized it like "that's pointless no one uses bar soap 🙄" and they said "some people do, seth does, its for him" and that's important to me to that without me even being there or knowing, they had no issue defending the space (literally physical space, AND the concept of it, why my arbitrary preference matters more than HER opinion) they wanted me to have.
I always end up beating myself up at the end of my yearning, because i still don't have the ability to keep out the thoughts that I don't deserved to be loved, how does my partner tolerate me, etc.. and that's how I'm feeling now.. how does someone so good love me? I just can't be worthy.. I've been taught time and time again i am no ones priority and the space I take up us a burden.
But nonetheless I am grateful for their love. I love them so much .. so much... every time I've washed my hands in the bathroom since then, I think of the soap at their apartment still there for me .. SO far away, yet space is still filled by me, whether the soap stays on the sink or gets put away in a drawer or whatever. It's there. Taking up space on purpose...
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asknarashikari · 5 months
So apparently the killed supporters aren’t dead, another of the Geats’s narrative as some of people have said to be a retcon, although we already knew of that retcon when the trailer first came out.
Here’s the scenario, suppose Keiwa gets a special someone, and its someone unaffiliated with the DGP.
How would Keiwa react when Kekera returns… would he break up with his S/O in an attempt to keep them safe?
How does Sara and the rest of the Geats cast react if that is his course of action.
Honestly, part of me thought it was a likely scenario... between what Ziin says about how people are basically genetically engineered in utero + having the ability to implant memories in people, it seems like they could simply ask to be revived if they do die, like by having a cloned body on standby they could transfer their memories to.
If Kekera came back... honestly, I think Keiwa would find him more of a nuisance than anything. He wouldn't be in the mood for Kekera's mind games, not now that Keiwa has the benefit of hindsight from his experience with him, and he'd just cut straight to the chase (or the fight, I guess).
And while he'd definitely be cautious of Kekera's antics, he'd also know that breaking up with his SO won't really deter him from going after people Keiwa cares about, and Kekera would probably know about them anyway because future DGP tech or whatever.
If he was brash enough to do that, I think Keiwa would get quite an earful from pretty much everyone lol
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Hey Bestie 🖤Can I please request a Cash scenario? We are best friends with him and have secretly feelings for each other. One night he tells us that he goes on a date but shows up later at our place telling us that his date didn't show up. But after having a few drinks and trying to comfort him he admits that he couldn't go on that date because he has feelings for us and it ends with a night of sweet lovemaking🥺🖤Take your time Bestie, love you 🖤🖤🖤
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I am more than happy to write this one 🤗 I hope you like it, love you too 😁💚💚💚
Contains: sexual content, female oral receiving, sexual intercourse.
Ever since you knew Cash, you were always head over heels for him. How could you not be? His blue eyes that remind you of the ocean, his white hair that looks like pure silver, and his smile...god that smile of his was better than perfect. Whenever he looked at you and smiled, the cute little smirky one he did whenever he was trying to make you happy, it worked like a charm every time. He was your bestfriend and you trusted him with everything, but how could you tell him that you wanted more? That's you wanted him?
One night you were just talking at his place over a cup of coffee, when he tells you "Oh hey by the way, I got myself a date" You smile and try to look happy about that. "That sounds nice Cash, so tell me, who is the lucky lady?" "Well I met her in town the other day when I was getting some new shoes. We bumped into eachother outside the shop, anyway we started taking and we both ended up discussing about meeting up and going for a drink on Friday night" "That's sounds lovely Cash, I'm happy for you" He doesn't answer back, but he does give you a smile.
"So uhh? Are you up to anything Friday night?" "Well my Friday isnt as exiting as yours is going to be. I'm just going to be at my place, probably watching some comedy special on Netflix. As you can tell I'm really living it up" You both chuckle at eachother at your last comment, but even though Cash has himself a date, your happy that he can find someone to be happy with. "What time are you meeting her?" "7.30 at the cocktail bar near that clothes shop you get great deals in" "Oh yeh I have been in that cocktail place before, my favourite is 'Sex on the beach', it's such a great drink" "Are you sure it's just the drink?" "Alright shut up idiot" You say as you giggle.
You both carry on with your chat until you head home, and before you know it, its Friday night, and you were sat on your sofa by yourself while Cash was out on a date. You shouldn't be upset about that, but you are. You knew that Cash didnt see you in that way so you shouldn't be jealous, but you still were. Sat on the sofa about 8.30, you were watching a comedy show with a glass of wine and bag chocolate buttons, just trying to keep your mind off Cash being out with another woman, when all of a sudden there is a knock at your door. "Who is it?" You shout from the sofa. "Hey Y/N it's me Cash" Cash? Why is he hear?
You get up and open the door to see him standing in the hallway. "Hey, what's up Cash? Dont you have a date?" "Yeh uhh...she kind of stood me up" "Oh Cash I'm so sorry, come on in" You invite him in and he sits down on the sofa, you then grab the bottle of wine from the kitchen and a spare glass before taking a seat next to him. "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" "Theres nothing much to say, I turned up and she didnt. But honestly it's ok, it's not the end of the world" "I'm sorry you got stood up Cash, she didnt deserve to go out with you. Your too good for her" "Well I wouldn't go that far, but thanks. I dont suppose I could hang out with you could I?"
"The fact that you have to ask almost hurt my feelings Cash" "Your feelings? I didnt know you had those" "Oh you #sshole!" You say before starting a play fight with him, playfully pushing him down on the sofa and him trying to protect himself with a pillow. He is laughing so hard before saying "Alright! Alright you win! You have feelings!" "Good boy! Now, do you want some wine or not?" "The day I say no to a glass of wine, just assume I have been abducted by aliens" You giggle as you pour him some wine, and you spend the next couple of hours just talking, laughing and having a nice time hanging out and watching funny things on TV.
It was about 10.30 now, and the wine bottle was all finished. "Aww would you look at that, no more happy juice" "Y/N did you seriously just call wine happy juice?" "Technically if you think about it, wine is made from grapes which is a fruit, and can be made into fruit juice. And when we drink it is makes us happier. So I'm not exactly incorrect about that" "Touche Y/N, touche" You chuckle at him before putting your empty glass down on the table, but when you sit back up to face Cash, he is looking at you differently. "Cash why are you looking at me like that? And what's with the smile?" He looks down as he chuckles, then back up at you as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"You uhh, you know were bestfriends right? And we tell eachother everything?" "Yes...Oh Cash what did you do? Did you take my last chocolate bar out of the cupboard again? Because I swear if you did-" "No! No, Y/N no. I just wanted....I wanted to tell you something" "Alright? What is it?" "Well..." he says while running his fingers though his hair again "You remember when I told you about that date I had tonight? And how she stood me up?" "Yes....what about it?" "Well hears the thing, I wasnt completely honest with you" "In what way Cash?" "I uhh, I didnt get stood up. I went and she was there...but I couldn't go through with it. I couldn't have the date with her"
"Wait what? But why?" "When I was there I, I dont know it just didnt feel right. Like I knew that it wouldnt work between us, and i couldn't see a future" "Cash it was a first date! Of course your not going to feel that kind of thing straight away, I dont know why you didnt stay and give it a try" You keep listing reasons as to why he should have had the date, but it just seemed like white noise to Cash at this point. He couldn't help but look at you, and find you so unbelievably attractive. "You should have at least had one drink with her Cash, I mean it's the least-" Your talking was very suddenly cut off, by Cash sitting right next to you, taking your face in his hands and him pressing his soft and inviting lips onto yours.
That was very unexpected, but it was an incredible feeling. His kiss was slow, and so sensual. It definitely shut you up that's for sure. You had always imagined kissing him, but now it was happening, his lips were soft and warm, and his tounge was moving in your mouth and against your tounge and lips in the most perfect way. Most guys you had been with either used too much tounge or not enough, but Cash was perfect. Once the kiss ended, you both still had your eyes closed as you slowly both backed up, to then look eachother in the eye. "Wow ummm....you just kissed me Cash"
"I certainly did Y/N. I have wanted to do that for so long, and the reason it didnt feel right on that date tonight, is because she wasn't who I wanted....she wasnt you. And your the only one I want" You cant belive your ears, your cheeks felt very warm against his hands and your heart was beating so hard you could hear it. It was finaly happening, Cash felt the same way you did, but you couldn't get words out. So instead you just pull him in for another incredible kiss just like the one he gave you. It was even better the second time around, and this time things just got even better. He pulled you onto his lap while the kiss never broke, and with his arms around your legs he stands up with you wrapped around him as he takes you into the bedroom.
Once he enters your bedroom he presses you up against the wall and holds you there with his incredibly strong arms as he stars kissing up and down your neck. Your hand runs through his silver hair as he kisses you, and when he looks back into you eyes, he kisses your lips again before throwing you onto the bed. You just lie there as he stands at the edge, smiling at you as he pulls off his shirt and unbucles his belt infront of you. You then pull your shirt up above your head, and as you do that, Cash is leaning on top of you as his lips find yours again. His lips leave yours for a moment, but then his starts moving down your body, running his tounge over your cleavage before unhooking your bra.
Once the bra is pulled off by him, one of your nipples is in his mouth as he sucks, and the other is in his hand as his fingers ever so slightly twist. You cant help the little moans that escape your lips, and he is loving watching you squirm under his touch. Once he has given attention to both your breasts he starts leaving a trail of little kisses from your chest all the way down to your trousers. He pulls off your trousers slowly, observing your every expression and move, then he wraps his finger around the top part of your underwear and slowly pulls them down your legs. He looks so damn sexy as he is turning you on, you dont even have a chance to think before his mouth and tounge go to work again on your sensitive clit.
"Oh fuck, oh Cash" His hands hold your hips as he devours you, making your excitement build and build. You try to reach down and pull his face up as your so close by putting your fingers through his hair, but his hands gets to yours first and pins it to your stomach as your orgasm hits you like a wave. Your screaming as the sensation hits you again and again, you now understood the meaning on multiple orgasms and he wasnt going to stop until you were spent. You were shaking by this point, and his pace slowed down so you could breath again, but that didnt mean it was over. He crawls on top of you and positions himself inbetween your legs as he looks into your eyes. "God you look so beautiful like this, I have dreamed of being like this with you for so long"
"Then dont let it be a dream anymore....take me" you say looking up at him and cradling his face in your hands. He smiles before kissing you again, and his hands takes his rock hard cock, guiding it inbetween your legs before he plunges into you all at once. He was so big, so thick and you could feel so much of him. The kiss breaks momentarily so Cash can bury his face against your neck, then he grabs a pillow, placing it under your hips and he repositioned his hips so he can go deeper, and his pace quickens until he hears your moans get gradually louder, and your begging him not to stop. Again and again his cock is slamming against your G spot and your nails dig into his back as he continues to fuck you mercilessly, eventually bringing another orgasm just as powerful and amazing at the previous one.
This amazing sexual experience goes on all night, and by then time your both finaly done, your both left lying on your backs in bed out of breath, your legs are shaking and Cash has a smile on his face a mile wide. "That....was incredible! It was better than I had ever imagined" you say, still a little breathless. Cash leans on his arm and looks over at you. "So you imagined this too? Why didnt you say anything before?" "Why didnt you say anything?" "Honestly, I didnt know weather you felt the same" "It seems we both had the same reason then" you say as you both chuckle. "You were incredible Y/N. So i know we have just had sex but, I feel like we should do something else?" "Oh Cash I dont know if I can go another round just yet" "No Y/N I wasnt thinking that. I know we kind of did it the other way around but....can I take you out for a date? A really date?" "Cash, I would love nothing more"
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ohgodmyeyes · 8 months
are you into the feederism kink? or just a fat kink? because i’ve seen some not so nice stuff about the feederism kink and (from what i’ve seen) it sounds pretty morbid, but idk if you are into the morbid side of it or not. is it just a fantasy thing? just curious :)
hi! thanks for asking!
short answer is that yes, i'm into all of it — including a lot of things that most people would probably consider dark or morbid. :))
the longer answer is a bit more nuanced (and a bit more personal), but imma give it anyway because i feel like talking about it! woohoo!
basically, i consider my attraction to fat bodies as being separate from (albeit deeply intertwined with) my feeding kink: they're both as inherent to my sexuality as being attracted to men or women, and i've lived with my preferences since before i knew what they were or what they meant.
i'll be the first to admit that feederism as a kink can certainly go to what most people would consider some pretty dark/morbid places, just like any other kink involving power dynamics... however, i also feel obliged to specify that when i say "dark" or "morbid", i'm not actually talking about mobility issues or health problems. 😅
the aspect of feederism i consider to be the "darkest" is the notion that my (or anyone's) partner might end up feeling obligated or pressured into looking a certain way to keep me (or anyone) happy.
feeder/feedee relationships are delicate and complex in the same way as bdsm relationships; when you form one, you run the risk of your dynamic becoming so ingrained that your partner might come to fear changing it. being a feeder puts a person in a kinda-super-specific position of power — and it doesn't have anything to do with heart attacks or diabetes, because frankly, those things can happen to anyone of any size (and for some of us, are even inherent parts of indulging the kink).
personally? for just me? sex and close relationships go hand-in-hand, and while i would happily forge a romantic/sexual bond with anyone of quite literally any size (all while enjoying the hell out of everything that could potentially entail, including bed pans and insulin shots), what i wouldn't feel comfortable doing is encouraging a real human being to in any way alter their appearance for the sake of my sexual gratification— even if they said they liked it. that's a boundary i won't cross, at least not outside the realm of fiction.
although you were kind about it, i'll admit to being a bit put-off when i hear people who don't indulge in feederism describe it as being "dark" or "morbid" — because while i might not understand the appeal of (for example) things like knife-play or erotic choking, i also don't think it's especially strange that people who aren't me might want to fantasize about (or even assume the risk of actually practicing) them.
not to go off on too much of a tangent, but i wholeheartedly believe that the special kind of fear fat (being fat; getting fat; seeing fat; touching fat) seem to occupy in our collective consciousness informs our biases in more ways than we commonly acknowledge. in a less body-conscious/less fatphobic world, i truly don't think this kink would stand out as much... and if i'm being completely honest, normalizing its presence in a bulging, heaving sea of other sexy content is part of what motivates me to keep sharing my fantasies.
thank you again for asking, and for asking so nicely! i really do love talking about this. <3
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