#Italian Sign Langauge
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chasani · 7 months ago
get me a language learning app that teaches you words along side their sign language counter parts
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words-for-cat-bracket · 2 years ago
more propawganda for asl: the sign for cat is different across different signed langauges!
for example, asl mimics as whiskers, as does russian, german, danish, and british sign language!
meanwhile, finnish, swedish, spanish, chilean, and others use a petting motion!
italian and japanese use claw and paw motions respectively :]
theres a whole ton of them on spread the sign :3
asl is the one submitted, but you could theoretically make a whole tournament with just signed cats, they're very unique and lovely
i love all the propawganda being submitted!! and the sign for cat has gained a little bit of a lead on killing so it must be working :D
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werspinna · 1 year ago
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On the topic of Wolf not knowing sign-language: As a member of a convent, she obviously knows monastic sign language (including the finger alphabet) that was used in cloisters and convents between the monks and nuns when they were under a oath of silence, or just in general when it was the hours of the day where it should not be spoken or when during the prayers or during the time they ate together and one of them read loud in the bible and the others should listen ( Obviously, as people are, the sign langauge was specifically used during dinner time to tell jokes and make fun of the one reading.) However, as it is with languages: While there were many books about the finger alphabet and the monastic sign language that the oldest known text is a Benedictine sign books from 1075, the signs would different in the languages and even between the cloisters in the same area. The easiest way to communicate around that langauge barrier, would be signing in latin. Accordingly Wolf might be able to make signs for verbs (Kneel, pray etc) that would be understood by another person who had lived in a cloister for a longer time, there still is a barrier between people from different langauges and she very much would not be able to communicate with a person who has no monastic background. SHe however,would be very much able to sign with a person through that language in latin, but not specifically with the signs typical for the Pisa italian of her convent. So Wolf does know sign language, specifically the latin sign language used in her convent, but it is not specifically an own language with which she could communicate with people outside of a monastic background and some of her signs might not be understandable for people with a monastic background outside of her convent in Pisa specifically.
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they-call-me-z · 4 years ago
growing up (up until 4 or 5) i spoke a mixture of english. spanish, and polish
which is weird bc im italian? and was around no one that spoke any sort of spanish except my mom (who's only somewhat fluent bc she had spanish from like first grade until 10th or 11th grade). My mom never spoke spanish around me.
And the only person who spoke polish in my family was my polish great grandpa. but he never spoke polish around me either.
and now i only know basic spanish words and no polish.
aka things you'd learn from dora.
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luna-loner · 3 years ago
Irina Jelavic: Of Lovers and Languages
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@bismuthwisdom sorry I didn't see your tags earlier. I've actually wondered about what languages Irina speaks, and since you've brought it up, I now wanna talk about it.
First, we're gonna need an important screenshot:
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So, it's said that Irina is fluent in ten languages. She's stated that the best way to learn a language is to get a lover who can speak it. The above map is list of some (pretty sure some) of her "lovers" who will help us determine which langauages she speaks.
Note: some of these hearts don't necessary fall over the man's country of origin. For example, Shinji's heart is placed next to Japan's map, likely because it'll cover it if it was placed on top. Likewise, David's heart is placed above Great Britian.
Okay, let's move on to the list:
Serbian: Of course, we're gonna start the list with her mother tongue.
English: Yeah, this one's obvious.
Japanese: Another obvious one.
Japanese Sign Language: As I've mentioned before, she communicated with Karasuma and the kids through sign language during the island arc.
French: Again, the Reaper Arc reveals she's been teaching Megu French.
Arabic: In that same arc, Yada mentioned one of Irina's story involving Arabian royalty and nearly lead to a war. 7 years later, she's sent to infiltrate an organization in the Middle East.
Portuguese: Pretty sure Anderson is from Brazil because apparently, his name is a popular there. I'm not sure how popular though, but we've got some Brazilian celebrities, namely athletes like Anderson Silva, Anderson Varejão, and Anderson Luís de Abreu Oliveira. So yeah, Irina knows portuguese.
Korean: First, we have Ji Sung (also spelled Ji-seong), whose heart is right next to South Korea. Second, in chapter 25, Irina briefly talks about Korean pronounciation.
So these are the languages I'm sure Irina is fluent in. There's still 2 more, and my guesses are:
Spanish or Italian: I'm not quite sure where Christiano is supposed to be from. I initially thought of Spain, but his heart can also be seen right next to Italy, so who knows? Maybe she knows both languages?
Eric...I'm not sure which African country he's supposed to be from, so I don't know which language Irina would acquire ro seduce him. Maybe she didn't have to pick up a new language though, maybe Eric already spoke French or Arabic.
Also, it should be noted Serbia has several minority languages. Maybe Irina is fluent in some of them.
For headcanons, I'd say she'd be fluent in Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese; all of which she learns during canon or during the time skip.
That's all I've got on Irina. For the second tag, I'll do another post for the students because this one's long enough. However, I can make some language hcs for Korosensei and Karasuma.
As a once notorious assassin, I don't doubt that he's just as multilingual as Irina is; I just don't know which langauges he would know. I like to think he's fluent in Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, and speaks in several dialects) since he keeps flying over to China and because he specializes in he Chinese cuisine.
English: We did see him use it in Episode 10.
Japanese Sign Language: Again, the island arc.
I like to think that after marriage, Irina insists he learn Serbian since 1) their daughter will have more speakers to communicate with and 2) Irina already speaks his mother tongue, why can't he learn hers?
I can see her suggestively offering her help and like the straight lace that he is, Karasuma declines. Nevertheless, he agrees with her reasons and Serbian becomes their secret language, though they use it even when they don't gave to be secretive.
Also, I can see Karasuma shooting down her advances only in her mother tongue. It's his way of teasing her and Irina starts wondering if asking him to learn Serbian was a mistake...
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xe-company · 4 years ago
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BIRTH NAME: Sybil Jeon 
KOREAN NAME: Jeon Kyungsoo
BIRTHDAY: October 31st, 1996
BIRTHPLACE: Melbourne, Australia
NATIONALITY: Korean-Australian/KIWI
HEIGHT: 5′4″ | 162cm
WEIGHT: 104Ibs | 47kg
French [Fluent]
English [Fluent]
Chinese [Fluent]
Korean [Learning/Professional Working Proficiency{lvl3}]
German [Learning/Professional Working Proficiency{lvl3}]
Italian [Learning/Elementary Proficiency{lvl1}]
Thai [Learning/Limited Working Proficiency{lvl2}]
HOBBIES: Composing and Producing
SPECIALITIES: Langauges, Rapping
TWITTER: @ SooSybil
YOUTUBE: @ JeonSooKyung
POSITION: Face of the group, Main/lead rapper, Leader
⇀ Mother is from South Korea; Father is also Korean but lived in Australia since he was a child
⇀ Was born in Australia but her parents moved her to South Korea so have her become a child actor
⇀ Was on her high school track&field and swimming team
⇀ Will befriend just about any idol who owns cats
⇀The group’s main translator; her group members and Sparks often refer to her as Google Translate 
Sézane [2018-Present]
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prossima-nebulosa · 4 years ago
There's a deaf girl in one of my courses and today we were discussing about difficulties in learning a new language. And this girl was telling us that most deaf people have a lot of issues with writing in "italian" (in this case) since for some people can be more like a second language (thus sign langauge is their mothertongue). And that prepositions could be signalled with facial expressions as well so it was hard learning italian ones.
That was seriously interesting I was so curious myself so i'm glad she joined this class, i hope she can intervene more since sign language isn't very much taught around.
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pudding-head-kenma · 5 years ago
hey no its okay, you didn't insult me! I can stop signing them if you want me to or its confusing? I was actually brought up on both italian and english, and it was a bit of a mess. it's not actually that hard to learn (I might be biased because I already knew all the vocabulary, but because I was brought up on both I had to learn which vocab belonged to which langauge)! sorry I can't really be helpful ahah ~J
Nooo it’s not confusing at all! I know how to recognise you now 🥰🥰🥰. You’re helpful! I can understand people speaking italian the same way I can understand spanish since I was born in portugal and speak portuguese, which means i can understand the basics of most romance languages (like italian), but i’d really like to learn it properly! Maybe I’ll give it a shot sometime 🥰 i just think it sounds so pretty? 
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lucy-pepperwood · 5 years ago
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Adelaide Suarez 
Adelaide is a Spaniard exchange student. She is in class 3-A. She does not have a flame type. Adelaide is apart of the Boxing Club, she makes up 1/5 girls is said club. Her friends make up the other 4. Adelaide becomes aware of the Mafia after being beaten by Mukuros gang. Adelaide is ranked number 7 on Futa's list. While Adelaide does not posses flames, she is still a very proficient fighter, she also takes up training in Firearms. Adelaide still becomes apart of Tsuna's familiga, she takes up rolls like manager for the more legal aspect of the family business
Adelaide goes by the name Naomi Sato while in Japan, she picked the name Naomi herself but Sato is the name of the family that is hosting her. 
Adelaide is very athletic, on top of boxing, she is also on the swim team and in the running club.
Adelaide is from Granada Spain
Adelaide is fluent in Castilian and Catalan Spanish, English, Japanese, Sign Langauge, and Italian. 
Adelaides favorite food is Chicken Parmasion
Adelaide is one of nine children.
Adelaide goes on to get her Masters in Business and Entrepreneurship.
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avengersmusings · 5 years ago
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FULL NAME: Anthony Edward Stark MEANING: Highly praiseworthy, Priceless One, Flower NICKNAME: Tonio, Tony MEANING: Tonio was what his mom called him growing up (and she’s the ONLY one allowed to call him that thanks), and Tony’s just the shorten version of his name. AGE APPEARANCE: 46 BIRTHDAY: May 29th, 1973 ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini SPECIES: Human GENDER: Cis Male ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual THEME SONG(S): Back in Black by AC/DC, Because of You by Kelly Clarkson, Bastards by Kesha, I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy
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HAIR COLOR:  Dark Brown with some grey peppered in because baby old. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Honestly a mess, but like a stylish mess. It’s longer on top and always in that spikey MESS. EYES COLOR: Brown EYESIGHT: 20/20, he paid for corrective surgery when he was younger thanks. HEIGHT: 5′9″, don’t let HIM FOOL YOU WEIGHT: 190 lbs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Tony’s probably wearing some band shirt with oil/grease stains on it and jeans. He also likes wearing tshirts, a blazer, and jeans. BUT ALWAYS THE SUNGLASSES. ABNORMALITIES: Miniaturized arc reactor in chest. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Tony’s got a couple of scars from his father childhood, some old track marks along the crease of his elbow from his wilder days, and a giant ass scar on his chest from the one a half two heart surgeries that goes from the middle of his sternum down to almost his belly button. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Tony either looks like he hasn’t slept in days or put together, there’s no in between. The only thing he really keeps maintained is his goatee. Because he’s vain about it. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: He’s Tony Fucking Stark okay, people either want to be his friend for his money or to hurt him so they try to impress him. SKIN COLOR: White BODY TYPE/BUILD: TINY BABY, he’s also fit but not like Steve level of muscle.  DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Tony always looks done with everything when in public. POSTURE: Oooooooof, Tony pretends to take up as much space as physically possible while keeping his back protected and everyone in the room in his sight. PIERCINGS: He has a closed up earring hole. DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Steve’s voice has a subtle Brooklyn accent and takes on a softer tone than you’d expect out of him. His voice hardens and deepens when he goes in Captain mode.
MOM: Maria Stark HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Maria and Tony had a bond that was built off of both of them being abused by Howard. They’d stick up for each other when he got too hard on one of them and when Tony got older he started acting out more so Howard would take it out on him more rather than Maria. To this day, Maria is still one of the most important people in his life. DAD: Howard Stark HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: HoWARD STARK CAN FUCKING CHOKE YOU DUMB ASS BITCH. Howard was not a good father, he was not Marvel can fight me. He was abusive and cold and distant and had his son kidnapped so that he wouldn’t break when it really happened. Howard’s better off fucking dead. SIBLINGS: Isabelle St. Martin (Half-Sister) HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Tony.........has no clue she’s his sister sorry. CHILDREN: Toni Stark, Morgan Stark, Peter Parker, and the Bots HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Tony’s kids are hIS LIFE. His biggest fear is turning into Howard so he treats them like they’re the best thing to happen to him (which they are). OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Edwin Jarvis (Father Figure), Peggy Carter (Adoptive Aunt) PAST LOVER(S): so MANY ONE NIGHT STANDS TONY PLEASE. CURRENT LOVER: Pepper Potts REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Tony’s analyzing what they want from him and why they’re talking to him, but he’s keeping up with the conversation and probably trying to see if he can make them hate him. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: It depends on his mood, honestly. HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Tony can be sociable, when he wants to. FRIENDS: Elise Burke, Bruce Banner, Peggy Carter, Thor, Nat, Clint, basically all of the Avengers. PETS: Ginny, a miniature poodle (who is also a service doggo for his anxIETY) LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: People who take advantage of him or use his tech for evil. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): THE BEST, his kids want something and they get it. FAVORITE PEOPLE: Pepper, Elise, Bruce, Morgan, Peter, Toni. LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Steve, Justin Hammer, most of SHIELD.
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Distant, Sarcastic, Pushy ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Warm, Loyal, Giving ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Cold, Mean, Closed-Off FAVORITE COLOR: Red FAVORITE FOOD: One of his mom’s old dishes or a Potts family recipe. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats (?) FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Piano FAVORITE ELEMENT: Fire LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: None of them??? LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Honestly, nothing. LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Rats LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Maybe a kazoo? Tony’s weird. LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Earth HOBBIES: building things he shouldn’t be, hanging out with his kids, annoying Pepper in her office, sciencing with Bruce. USUAL MOOD: Honestly Tony’s eager to please so he wants people around, but HE ALSO DOESN’T WANNA SEEM TOO EAGER so like.......you have to come to him first.
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Not anymore. He used to do all three and stopped when he became Iron Man. Well, drinking stopped when he got together with Pepper. DARK VERSION OF SELF: OH FUCK. AN EVIL GENIUS. The entire world is metal and humans arE GONE. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: hello see Tony thanks. Maybe less self-doubty and more willing to work with others. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Tony can be serious if he wants to be, he just doesn’t want to be most of the time. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Nope. Science can’t explain it so they aren’t real :) (IN)DEPENDANT: Tony likes to pretend to be independant but CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT HE HAD FOR BREAKFAST. please help him. SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: anybody hurting one of his kids or Pepper, failing the team, turning into Howard, people needing help in general. OPINION ON SWEARING: Will say fuck in front of a child if needed. Morgan probably knows a LOt of swear words. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Both??? He’s mostly just a menace to himself and lack self-preservation skills. MUSIC TYPE: Ear-shattering rock. MOVIE TYPE: .......Tony doesn’t watch movies he doesn’t have the attention span for them. BOOK TYPE: ..........i don’t see Tony as much of a reader either. Maybe scientific journals??? GAME TYPE: Tony can kick your ass at poker without even trying. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Tony likes it a little bit warmer than comfortable. The cold reminds him of the cave and being trapped in space :( SLEEPING PATTERN: .........tony stark..........sleep???? what. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Tony is the cleanest messiest person you’ll ever meet. He never picks up after himself but IF YOU PICK UP ONE OF HIS TOOLS AND MOVE IT ANYWHERE IT THROWS OFF HIS ENTIRE SYSTEM.  DESIRED PET: who needs pets when kids keep showing up at your doorstep amiright HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Bothering Pepper, hanging out with a kid of his, building up suits for the team. BIGGEST SECRET: Tony Stark has had three “suicide” attempts in his life and only one of them was intentional. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Everyone because he’s short.  His mom, Pepper, Steve to an extent. WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: A cat. FEARS: BECOMING HOWARD, losing one of his kids or Pepper, space, failing the team. COMFORTS: Pepper’s shampoo, Morgan’s childlike scent, the smell of motor oil, being utterly surround by someone he loves.
SAD: Tony bottles it all up until it spills out and he can’t control it anymore. He’s getting better about opening up about when he’s sad, but he WASN’T ALLOWED TO BE SAD when he was younger THANKS HOWARD. HAPPY: Talking fast and probably waving his arms around TOO MUCH, getting up in personal space, SARCASTIC JOKES ANGRY: OOOOOFFF, the cold creeps in and Tony shuts off all other emotions. He tends to let the anger control him and doesn’t think things through. AFRAID: Tony’s not allowed to show he’s afraid because FUCK HOWARD so he keeps it to himself. If it gets too bad he has panic attacks. LOVE SOMEONE: Everything you’ve ever been in debt for is suddenly paid off and you have a nice vacation to look forward to and ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED he’s giving you thanks. HATE SOMEONE: Tony’s cold and distant and probably wishing he could blast them with a gauntlet. WANT SOMETHING: Tony will take whatever he wants, he was raised spoiled okay. CONFUSED: tony stark doesn’t get confused HOW DARE YOU.
DANGER: If Tony’s in danger it’s no big deal, but if someone else is? He’s doing everything in his power to GET THEM OUT even if it means getting hurt in the process. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Bitch bye, Tony doesn’t have time for people he hates. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: He’s already married sooooooooooo unless it’s Pepper he’s gonna say no. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: It depends on how close they were. But he’d probably hide away until the sadness went away unless someone makes him face it. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Tony will not rest until he’s solved it thanks. INJURY: Yeah no, Tony doesn’t tell anybody when he’s injured. He was literally dying and didn’t tell anyone so. SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: My guess is Tony would want to make sure it’s taken care of. LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: .............he’s sleeping with his boss so.
LANGUAGES: English, Italian, knows conversational various other langauges. SCHOOLING LEVEL: He has 3 doctorates. FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Science, Science, and more Science. INTERESTED CAREERS: An engineer or inventor. EXPERTISE: genius level intellect, master engineer, master scientist, master buinessman, pilot of the iron man suits PUZZLES: Puzzles take him a minute but the serum helps him figure them out rather quickly. CHEMISTRY: Tony likes making things explode and probably has a good understanding of chemistry. MATH: TONY LOVES MATH. ENGLISH: Tony can speak it but has NO interest in interpreting what authors were trying to say in books thanks. GEOGRAPHY: Who needs maps when you have an AI running everything? POLITICS/LAW: Tony knows about them, and probably participates in them.  ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: yOU DON’T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY WHEN YOU’RE RICH. COOKING: Tony can cook three things: scrambled eggs, spaghetti, and cereal. That’s it. SEWING: No. MECHANICS: Tony rebuilds classic cars in his spare time the fucking nerd. BOTANY (FLOWERS): lol no MYTHOLOGY: Tony knows about the different mythologies but doesn’t really believe in them? Atheism is a thing. DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): besides the fact that tony is a DRAMA QUEEN, no. READING LEVEL: WAY ABOVE AVERAGE HE GRADUATED CO LLEGE AT FI FTEEN. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: no. just.......no this why he has Jarvis and Pepper.
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: YES he loves bothering Pepper when she’s busy and a l w a y s gets his way. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): .........he’s Tony Stark.....that’s enough right there. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Tony can be gentleman like when he’s done something he’s not supposed to (or when he wants something) but other than that HE’S A DEMON. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: he was used to going fast and doing the one night stand thing, but with Pepper it was easier to take things slow (and then go really fast once they realized how WELL they worked together). PROTECTIVE: Yes. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS:  B O T H. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: ......tony doesn’t buy presents because he forgets birthdays and anniversaries. TYPE OF KISSER: It depends on his mood and what he wants :) DO THEY WANT KIDS: He didn’t want them, but now he has a small army of them so. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: he’s ALREADY MARRIED. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Bad decisions are unintentionally made because Tony might be a genius but he’s a dumbass. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Y E S. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Tony Stark literally did one night stands and one night stands only. He’s A M A Z I N G in bed he knows how to treat Pepper the way she should be and how to take car eof his WIFE. GET JEALOUS EASY: nO.  WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: nOPE. MARRY FOR MONEY: tony IS MONEY. FAVORITE POSITION: HOnestly? Pepper on top. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A five star hotel while someone takes care of Morgan so Pepper can just relax. They spent as much time as possible in bed or relaxing. OPINION ON SEX: Sex was always just something Tony thought he HAD to do because people wanted it from him. And then he realized it was fun so he kept doing it because WHY NOT. But with Pepper it’s different and he could never go back to the one night stand thing. He likes the intimacy of sex with someone who cares about you beyond just getting off. 
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alloyent-a · 6 years ago
hey so i see a lot of clint blogs (and other muses that use asl or have Deaf/mute characters) and while i’m personally not Deaf, i have quite a lot of friends that are and i like to think that i’m pretty active in the community so here are some Cool Things to remember when you’re writing sign!
if your character is signing and you’re using it as dialogue, please don’t put it as ~words~ or dialogue here, please put your sign as you would literally any other fucking language and put it in quotation marks.  you can easily just put: [character] signed: “blahblahblah”.  it’s okay if it messes up your flow a little bit.
please remember that asl (american sign language) is not the only sign-based language out there!  if your muse is from britain, their native language isn’t going to be asl.  it’s okay to cross-learn sign languages, but just remember there are unique dialects across the world.  
another note:  characters can learn sign languages for languages that they don’t speak.  i.e. lsm (mexican sign langauge) without knowing spanish.  this is acceptable and pretty well known.
please take the time to learn the roots (origins) of what sign language your muse speaks to know what other sign languages they would be compatible with and would easily understand!  just like italian, spanish, french all have a similiar base,  french, american, russian all have a similar base. 
yes, it is speaks and not anything else.  Deaf people speak their language, just like everyone else, even if they aren’t LITERALLY speaking.
you may notice that i capitalize the ‘d’ in Deaf. this is because there is a Deaf community, separate from simply being “deaf”. aka ‘D’ symbolizes the group of people and anyone (deaf or hard of hearing) that is part of the community and is active in the community. ‘d’ is simply relating to the condition of being deaf, physically. Deaf people, community, language, culture, are all to be capitalized and considered when referring to your character. if you’re talking about the condition, you can use the lowercase d. 
IF you use lip-reading as a way for your muse to communicate with others,............ reconsider.  lip-reading statistically is 20% accurate, and that’s generously.  imagine if YOU had to lip-read everything.  please consider hearing aids, or EVEN BETTER!  the cochlear implant! 
if your muse has hearing parents or deaf parents, please read into the asl debate, as well as the cochlear debate. lots of hearing parents don’t want their children to learn asl. lots of deaf parents don’t want their children to have cochlear implants. learn how that would affect your muse!
know that there would be a difference between a Deaf person signing and a hearing person signing.  we have different dialects based on our ability to use rhythm and sign.  Deaf people typically don’t have these rhythms and sign in a more fluid, clear motion with no breaks.)
learn about name signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay i’m gonna stop this here i could go on forever lmao 
obviously i am not Deaf, i’m hearing! this is just based on what i’ve learned from the Deaf community and my Deaf friends, and what i’ve learned to implement to the rp in my own Deaf character. if you’re Deaf and you have something to say and it’s better than this, please feel free to correct me!!!!!!!!! i’m not the end all be all, and this isn’t my area of expertise!!!!! at all!!!!!!!! this is just from experience okay bye
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anthropolos · 8 years ago
RE the Linguasks thing: All of them? (if you're okay with that?)
WOW alrighty
1: What is your native language?
2: Have you learnt any other languages? If yes, what are they?Turkish, some Spanish3: Have you ever read a book in a foreign language?Not a whole book, no4: Did you learn any languages at school? If yes, what were they? I learned both Turkish and Spanish at school5: What is the prettiest language? I’M AN ANTHROPOLOGIST 6: What is the ugliest language? I’M AN ANTHORPOLOGIST 7: Have you ever made up your own language? 
My friends and I spoke pig latin from that one movie beverly hills something i still speak it with my sister sometimes
8: What languages do your parents speak? English9: If you were granted a wish that allowed you to instantly be able to speak any language, which would it be? probably french since ive randomly developed this hard on for france after watching too many french films (i know real fuckin imperialist)but really arabic because who wouldn’t hire me10: Have you ever tried to learn sign language?Not seriously tried but i know some11: Have you ever watched a movie with subtitles in a different language, or vice versa?Definitely I actually really like foreign films12: Choose a Scandinavian language you’d like to learn. Is “scandinavian” not a langauge13. Choose a Slavic (eastern European) language you’d like to learn. Is German slavic??? If not then lithuanian 14. Choose an Asian language you’d like to learn. Japanese 15. French, Spanish, Greek - which is the best? again im an anthorpologist 16. German, Dutch, Italian - which is the best? I, a humble anthorpologist, 17. Have you ever been embarrassed by a native speaker of the language you are trying to learn? Yes everyday of my got damn life18. Name a dead language that you wish to make a come back. uhhh19. What is your native language / homeland famous for? Imperialism 20. What language is overrated? English21. What language do you think is too intimidating to learn? Probably Navajo 22. What language should more people speak? Arabic23. What language uses the prettiest alphabet?imm mammam ann nthropo lgoiisttisis24. What language uses the weirdest alphabet? ii.. … immm a … aa… annthroo .. …  p;o llogistttt….25. Try to find some foreign currency in your house. Where is it from?Its lira
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juniperpublishers-gjaa · 6 years ago
Savena, Volvona, Ravona: The Origins of Bologna- Juniper Publishers
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In this study the origins of the city of Bologna are investigated by analysing the geographical names of its area and comparing them to similar toponyms and ethnonyms in Italy and in Eurasia. In this way, traces of the ancient peoples that migrated to the Italian peninsula are detected. In particular, the role of Proto-Scythians, Proto-Umbrians, and Proto-Etruscans in populating the Padanian Valley and Bologna area are analysed. To this aim, archaeological finds in Bologna territory are taken into consideration. The names of the earl peoples that inhabitated the urban area of Bologna are then reconstructed and the peoples themselves are put in relationship with the phases of the ancient city.
Keywords: Bologna; Felsina; Etruscans; Umbrians ; Sabines ; Migrations
It is widely known that, before the Roman domination and the Gallic infiltration, in the teritory of current Bologna an Etruscan city was located. Etruscans called this city by the name Vélzena (where the second vowel actually was a sound intermediate between Lat. e and i, corresponding to η Greek letter), translated into Lat. Félsina. Since Etruscans frequently used in writing to omit internal unstressed vowels [1], the city name was usually written as Velzna. However Velzηna / Velzna was not the only name used by the Etruscan people nor the oldest one referred to the place. In fact, even the current name Bologna has an Etruscan origin. Moreover, other peoples living in the area before and beside Etruscans left to us testimonies of the name by which the place was indicated at their time.
According to a recent diffusion theory [2,3], Etruscans were a confederations of tribes descending from two disticnt peoples: *Thyrgwaunas and *Gwaulgw. The latter descended from Proto-Scythians and spoke a Proto-Indo-European language. Like their ancestors, they lived mainly on cattle breeding. *Thyrgwaunas descended from tribes living on the border (cf. Gr. θύρα, door) between Proto-Scythians and mongoloid morphology peoples. They resulted from the crossing of theese populations and spoke Proto-Altaic dialects. Being a border people, they where subjected to commercial and cultural exchanges, developing the attitude to the commerce and reaching an higher cultural level. The tribes descending from *Thyrgwaunas that settled in Italy, specialised in commercing with the other Italic people, absorbing their cultural influence. They lernt the script, probably by Greeks [4], and developed an alphabet adapted to their own language. The Italic descendants of *Gwaulgw probably acquired the script already elaborated by those of *Thyrgwaunas and use it in an ideographical way. That means that they wrote Velzna but they read this sign as the name by which they called the city in their own language. This is the reason for which in the Etruscan inscriptions we do not find alphabetical translitterations of this name. However, it survived with minor deformations until nowadays in the oral tradition. Moreover, we can reconstruct it, as well as other toponyms still used in the Etruscan age to indicate the place of current Bologna, by analysing ancient and modern geographical names in the territories occupied by Etruscans and their ancestors.
    Proto-Scythians and Proto-Hiberians
Proto-Scythians were originally known as the “cow breeder people”. The names reconstructed for their tribes [2] can in fact be derived from the term *swagwaus, to which the meaning of “own cow”, “bred cow”, or “herd of cows” can be attributed. The most common derivations of this term are *Swagwau-tas, *Swagwau-nas, and *Swagwau-las, from which for example the historical Gr. forms Σκύθαι [5] and -σαγέται (as in Μασ-σαγέται [6]), the Ass. Askuzai [7] and the Hebr. Askenaz [8,9] (from the ablative *Swagwaun-at, “from the country of cow breeders”) can in turn be derived.
Proto-Scythians as well as Proto-Hiberians descended from *Suparsthas [2], a caucasoid morphology population that concentrated on the mountains of Armenia probably as a consequence of a flood on Mesopotamia after the melting of glaciers of the last glaciation. From the name of *Suparsthas those of the historical peoples of Subarus, Hurrians, Parthians, Kurds, Hattians, Persians, Arsi, Ari, Asi can be obtained through common phonetic changes [2].
While the ancestors of Proto-Hiberians (*Suparas / *Subaras / *Hubaras) expanded northward through Caucasus, those of Proto-Scythians moved eastward through the Iranian highlands and northward into the grasslands of southern Russia, where they miggled with a minority concentration of mongoloid peoples. As a consequences of this crossing, the morphology of Proto-Scythians differentiated from that of Proto-Hiberians. The former were for example less dolichocephalic than the latter, having a flatter forehead and different orbital curvature.
In the last half of the III millennium BC Proto-Scythians started to move eastward from current Kazakhstan, forcing Proto- Hiberians to penetrate Europe or flow back through Caucasus. At the beginning of II millennium BC the border line between Proto-Hiberians and Proto-Scythians was approximatively located from Anatolia to current Poland. In this border area some hybrid peoples generated from *Swagwaunas and *Hubaras (> *Gwaunas Hubras > Gwaumbras) and from *Swagwaulas and *Hubaras (> *Gwaulas Hubras > *Gwaulubras): Gwaumbras rose inside the Únětice culture [10], in a cultural exchange area where the main ancient commercial routes between Europe and Asia (along Rhine, Elbe, Vistula, Danube, and Boristhenes rivers) crossed; *Gwaulubras developed in the southern part of the border zone being the ancestor of the Anatolian Chalybes and the Italic Calabri. Chalybes were considered the inventors of metallurgy, while the italic descendants of Gwaumbras started by the Adriatic coast a metal processing tradition which continued until nowadays and probably passed their name to the Latin word faber (< *gau’ber < *gwaumbra).
During the great migration of the beginning of the II millennium BC the borderline was displaced up to the Rhine valley while Proto-Hiberians and the hybrid peoples were pressed to the peripheral areas of Europe. In particular Gwaumbras were forced to move to the North Sea and Baltic Sea and to descend on Italy, where they overlapped *Hubaras / *Lubaras (ancestors of Ligurians) previously immigrated. By analysing the names of the historical descendants of Gwaumbras (Cimbri, Cambri, Cumbri, Humber, ‘Ambrones, ‘Umbrians), we can recognise the tendency of this peoples to transform the labiovelar gw into unvoiced velar also aspired and muted.
In the historical age the descendants of Gwaumbras in Italy, Ambrones and Umbrians, were located in Liguria [11] and around Umbria, respectively. However, between these two regions some geographical names attest the past presence of relatives of these peoples. In particular, we can cite near Bologna the Sambro river and further south the Ombrone river, whose names can be derived from Gwaumbras (for the change of gw to s see belove).
Shortly after the arrival of Gwaumbras, Proto-Scythians started penetrating the italic peninsula. We can recognise the names of *Swagwautas / *Swagwaunas / *Swagwaulas in the historical names of Sabates, Sabines, and Sabelli, whose ancestors enter Italy from the north, and in those of Sicani and Siculi / Asculi (> Apuli), whose ancestors reached the peninsula through the Otranto strait.
In the historical age Sabates were mainly located by the Ligurian coast and in western Lazio, Sabines in eastern Lazio, and Sabelli further south. However some geographical names demonstrated the past presence of peoples descending from Proto-Scythians also in north-eastern Italy, and, in particular, in the area of Bologna and around. The names of Aposa torrent and Savena river can be in fact derived from *swagwaus (> *Savaus > *Savos > *Abos > Apo-sa) and *Swagwauna (> *Savaina > Save-na), respectively. The change from Abos to Apos can be explained by noticing that in the Etruscan alphabet the voiced occlusives were missing and substituted by the respective unvoiced ones [12]. However, trace of the voiced labial remains in the diminutive form Avesella. Moreover, the Etruscan change from b to p leads us to find testimonies of peoples relatives of Sabines in Emilia- Romagna in the names of Savio (Lat. Sapis; but the voiced labial survives in current name) river and Spina (< *Sabina; with Etruscan omission of the internal unstressed vowel) city, both near “Ravenna Sabinorum oppidum” [13]. Livy mentions a Tribus Sapinia inside the Roman army against Gauls Boii [14].
It is important to notice that Gwaumbras spoke a langauge similar to that of *Swagwaunas. In the historical age, the descendants of these peoples in Itlay, Umbrians and Sabines, respectively, spoke dialects belonging to the Osco-Umbrian language family. In the endonyms of the descendants of *Swagwaunas in northern and central Italy the labiovelar gw then resulted probably in velar, as in the name of their relative Sigynnae [15], in the Danubian area and France, and of Siculi and Sicani in southern Italy. However, in northern and central Italy we received the names of the descendants of *Swagwaunas through people in whose languages the labiovelar resulted in labial. In particular, in Bologna and its region we received this names through the descendants of *Gwaulgw, who changed the labiovelar into v and later b. Therefore, we received the names Savena and Sabina as well as derived toponyms such Savigno or Savignano and family names such as Savini.
       A trace of the Osco-Umbrian result in velar of the labiovelar gw, can be found in the dialectal name of Reno river, which flows west of Bologna (Figure 1). This river took it name after the descendants of *Thyrgwaunas who settled in current Casalecchio to control the commercial route through Reno and Ombrone valleys. The name Reno is in fact a shorter form of Gr. Tyrrhηnos corresponing to Etr. *Tarchηna (< *Targainas < *Thyrgwaunas). In Bologna dialect this river is called Raggn (< *Ragghena), in which the voiced velars correspond to the sibilant in the name Rasna (see below).
Moreover, it is important to observe that in the name of *Swagwaunas the most important part is gwau, which indicates the cow breeder nature of the people. Therefore, this syllabe was stressed. In the names of *Thyrgwaunas and *Gwaulgw the most important parts are Thyr and Gwaul, which distinguish the one people from the other. Therefore, this peoples stressed the first syllabe of their names and tended to do the same on the name of their neighbours. In Bologna, where the descendants of *Thyrgwaunas and *Gwaulgwaunas were the majority, the accent on the first syllabe (Sàvena) prevailed, while by the Adriatic coast, where they were the minority, the second syllabe remained stressed (Sabìna > Sapìna > Spìna).
                   The Mixed People
*Thyrgwaunas were originally located, as we said, in Central Asia on the northern border of *Swagwaunas. In the III millennium BC the latter broke into the territory around Volga river, separating the former into two branches: the eastern one was forced towards Mongolia and China, the western one towards Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Eastern Europe [2]. The former would flow back westward during the great migration of the XIII-XII century BC, caused by the expansion of Mongol and Chinese peoples. *Swagwaunas bordering on *Thyrgwaunas then assumed the name *Gwaulgwaunas. In the course of time the two peoples fought each other, interacted and joined into a multilingual confederation of peoples, that in the Aegean area was known as *Mykgwaunas, the Mixed People.
By analysing the historical names of the peoples descended from *Gwaulgw and *Thyrgwaunas we can observe that the internal labiovelar gw mainly results in labial or velar in Indo- European dialects, in unvoiced velar also aspirated or muted in dialects of Western *Thyrgwaunas, and in dental (d, dh or z) and s in dialects of Eastern *Thyrgwaunas. Moreover the initial labiovelar gw results in labial, velar and less frequently in s, while the initial th results in t, s, and ph [3]. From the terms *Gwaulgwaus and *Gwaulgw we can then obtain for exampe the historical names Volga, Volcae, Belgae, Caledones, Halizones, while from *Thyrgwauas and *Thyrgwaunas we can derive those of Thraces, Phryges, Arzawa, Tarhun, Perkūnas, Tyrsenoi, Tyrrhenoi, Shardana. Finally, from the terms *Mykgwaunas and *Mykgwaunas we can obtain the names of Mysians / Moesians (Gr. Μυσοί / Μοισοί [16,17]), Mygdonians (Gr. Μυγδόνες [16]) and Mycenaeans (Gr. Μυκήναι [18]). Moreover, we can observe that in the course of time the derivations of the term gwauna lose the original meaning of “related to cow”, “group of cows”, “refuge for cows” and assume that of “group of cow breeders”, “community”, “fortified village”.
Western *Thyrgwaunas reached Central Europe between the end of the III millennium BC and the beginning of the second one and partecipated to the Únětice culture. They were forced to Italy together with Gwaumbras, to whom they had handed their tendency to aspirate the velars. They also reached the Italic peninsula by sea from Anatolia through stopovers on the African coast and the Italian islands. The descendants of Eastern *Thyrgwaunas reached Central Europe at the end of the great migration of XIII-XII century BC, pressing westward descendants of *Swagwautas (*Sgwetas / *Sgwytas later Sveti, Svitti and Itali), Proto-Gaul-Latins, and the descendants of *Gwaulgw, all peoples who had settled in the area between Black Sea and Baltic Sea. These peoples entered Italy the one shortly after the other. The last to settled in the peninsula was the Mixed People, i. e. the confederation of the discendants of *Gwaulgw and *Thyrgwaunas.
In the historical age the Mixed People was known as Tusci or Etrusci, ethnonyms derived from the alternations of the names of the merchant tribes, who descended, as we said, from *Thyrgwaunas (or Thyrgwaus > Turkas / Tursas > Umbr. Tursko [19] > Lat. Tu’sci / Lat. E-trusci). They were settled mainly by the Thyrrhenic coast from Liguria to Campania, on the border between Tuscany, Lazio, and Umbria and also in the Padanian Valley and by the Adriatic coast from Veneto to Marches. However, by analysing the geographical names we can find testimonies of the Mixed People in the whole northern Italy and we can recognise the presence of descendants of *Gwaulgw inside the Etruscan people. In particular, the name Velzna or Velzηna can be derived, through the discussed phonetic changes, from *Gwaulgw (> *Vaildainas > Velzηna > Velzna / Velsna), thus appearing to be the name by which the tribes descending from this people were indicated by the other ones. Therefore the toponym Velzna (and later Velsna) indicated a place inhabitated by descendants of *Gwaulgw. Beside Bologna, we know the existence of at least one other city which Etruscans called Velzna. It was probably located where is now Orvieto [20] or Bolsena [21] and was called Volsinium o Volsinii by Romans. However, several modern Italian toponyms can be derived from Velzηna, as Bolzano, for example.
It is probable that Velzηna also was the original name of Vallescura torrent, which in the Roman age flowed along the western side of Bononia. According to some authors [22], this torrent originnally flowed aproximatively in correspondence with the western side of the XIV century walls of Bologna and was diverted in the late Etruscan age or later (Figure 1). It is possible that Etruscans just created an eastern branch to bring water inside Velzηna or Romans diverted the torrent to protect their city. The current name of the torrent in Italian means “dark valley”. However, this name does not corresponds to the torrent location. In fact, Vallescura torrent collected the waters from the northern side of Osservanza hill, where no deep or narrow valley is osservable and the slope of the hill side does not cause shadow in most part of the day during the year. In earl documents (XII century AD) the name of Via Vallescura, the street located at the hill side where the torrent flowed, is attested as Val de Scura &Vallis Scuris [23]. However, these names should be reformations of the popular voice, which was probably Val Scôra, a reinterpretation of the terms derived through the tradition from Velsena, Volsona, or Valsona, in turn derived from Velzηna. To support this hypothesis, on the watershed between the Vallescura and Ravone basins is now a street called Bellinzona. The name of the street was reformed during the Fascist regime, as occurred to many toponyms (cf. Agrigento / Girgenti). Previously, the street assumed the name “Stradello dei Capuccini” after the Franciscan monastery [24], but the original name, alternately used, could be Belzona (< Velzona < Velzηna), which sounded as a dialectal corruption and was corrected in Bellinzona by the reformers.
The descendants of *Thyrgwaunas called themselves Tarchuna [25] (< *Targunas < *Thyrgwaunas), Rasna or Rasenna [26] (< *Trazηnas < *Tardainas < *Thyrgwaunas), Sarsna (< *Sarzηnas < *Sardainas < *Thyrgwaunas; whence Sarsina-tes [27]), and Phersna (< *Pherzηnas < *Terdainas < *Thyrgwaunas; whence Phersna-las [28]). By considering the Indo-European phonetic changes and the current name of Bologna we can deduce that the descendants of *Gwaulgw inside the Etruscan People called themselves Volvona or Volvoni and later Bolboni. Volvona and later Bolvona, Bol’ona, Bol’onia, and Bolbona were the name by which they, and later the Gauls, called their settlements. When Romans founded their colony in 189 BC on the remains of Felsina, by the time destructurised by Gauls, they gave it the name Bononia as an reinterpretation of Gaulish Bolbona. However the name Bolonia survived in the local population and we received it with just a minor change.
By comparing Velsna with Volvona we can deduce that the descendants of *Gwaulgw called Rasna or Rasenna by the names Ravona or Ravenna. We can find attestations of this ethnonyms in the territory of Bologna and nearby in the names Ravone and Ravenna. The former indicates a torrent which flows through western Bologna, the latter the city that Rasna probably refounded on the village of that people they called (at least in writing) Sapina or Spina.
As we said, Volvona called Sàvηna (> Sàvena) or Sàbηna (> Sabìna) the descendants of *Swagwaunas and Ràvona wrote the name of the latter as Sapina or Spina. Moreover, Savena spoke an Osco-Umbrian dialect, in which probably the labiovelar gw had resulted in velar as in Umbrian. Therefore, they called *Kailkana (< *Gwaulgw) or *Kai’kana (< *Gwau’gwaunas) the descendants of *Gwaulgw. The latter form contracted in Kaikna, Ceicna, and Caicna, is attested as family name in the area between Bologna, Volterra, and Volsinii [29]. In Bologna the family name Kaikna was particularly diffused. This family probably descended from some Volvona who originally lived where Osco- Umbrian speakers were prevalent. Their members subsequently immigrated in the Volvonian urban area and assumed Estruscan individual names showing the Volvonian origin, as in case of Vel Kaikna [30]. From the form *Gwau’gwaunas also the name of Faenza (Lat. Faventia < *Faezna < *Vaizna < *Gwau’gwauna) and Cesena (Lat. Caesena < *Kaizna < *Gwau’gwauna) can be derived. As in case of Cesena, several current geographic names derive from a mix of the Volvonian-Savenian or Ravonian-Savenian form. This is for example the case of Calvana mount chain and Calenzano city nord of Florence or Calbano mount by Sarsina.
In the following we call Sàvena, Vòlvona, and Ràvona the descendants of *Swagwaunas, *Gwaulgw, and *Thyrgwaunas, respectively.
                   Archaeological Finds
The archeological finds dating back to the period commonly associated with the Etruscan presence discovered in the territory of Bologna can be classified referring to three phases [31]: formative (IX-VIII century BC), proto-urban (VIII-VI century BC), late-urban (VI-V century BC).
In the formative phase an initial increase can be observed in the concentration of the habitative structures, which were less distantly spaced with respect to the villages of the previous late bronze age. Most of the discovered habitations and cemeteries were located near the river Savena [32], which flowed further west than nowadays (Figure 1).
In the proto-urban phase an additional increase can be observed in the concentration of the habitative structures, which were mostly located inside a limited area between the torrent Aposa and the western limit of the XIV century city, where probably Vallescura torrent or a branch of it originally flowed. Most of the structures of this phase were located along the streets of the current city, beacause they were mainly discovered during municipal works for canalisation and route restructuration, starting from those directed by Antonio Zannoni in the XIX century. Cemeteries were located east of Aposa torrent, west of Ravone torrent, and north of the urban area. The zone near Savena torrent, previously inhabitated, was almost abandoned.
In the proto-urban phase, the habitations still were huts covered in straw as in the previous one. Wall were made of vertical poles joined by filling of clay or straw. The base shape was circular or elliptical. The archaeological finds concerning this huts consist in holes in the ground where poles had been driven and fragments of building materials. The other finds of this phase are objects discovered in the inhabitaded zone and in the cemeteries. In particular, in the western part of the city several bronze objects and fragments have been found. In current San Francesco square, a vase was discovered containing nearly 15000 bronze pices probably destined to be fused [33]. This leads to think that this part of the city was dedicated to the metal processing. Moreove, in the adjacent zone up to Ravone torrent few holes have been found in the ground while cemeteries have been discovered across that torrent. This leads to think that this area could be occupied by less stable structures which left no trace. In cemeteries, tombs became in this phase monumental and decorations assumed orientalising characteristics.
In the late-urban phase the urban characteristics of the city were enhanced. This is few appreciable on the basis of the scarce archaeological finds concernig the habitations. However this can be deduced by observing the development of an area dedicate to the rite and the sacrality in a high ground zone of the city (acropolis) in the middle between Aposa and Ravone torrents. Moreover, this can been understood by reading the inscriptions, mainly found in cemeteries, reporting the names of military and administrative roles which demonstrate a more specialised organisation of the city and control of the surrounding territory. The urbanisation of the city can be also appreciated in this phase by observing the development in the communication structures. In particular, the ancient route coonecting the city to the Reno valley was provided with a new cobble pavement and lateral drains, assuming monumental characteristics matched with those of the cemeteries that rose around. The particularity of this phase is therefore the fact that the habitative structures discovered in the city are not appreciably different from those of the previous phases. Tiles, which were a kind of roofing usual at that time in the near settlement by the Reno river (Casalecchio di Reno), have not been found in Bologna area except for the acropolis [34].
In the area surrounding Bologna archaeological finds have been discovered, which date back to the formative fase in Castenaso, Villanova-Ca’ dell’Orbo, Ronzano, Casalecchio, to the proto-urban phase in Castenaso, San Lazzaro-Caselle, Casalecchio, to the late-urban phase in Casalecchio [35-37] (Figure 1).
After having considered the earl archaeological finds discovered in Bologna and in the surrounding area, and the peoples that inhabitated Italy at the corresponding times and some centuries before, we come to the following conclusions. In the middle of the II millennium BC, the lands around Bologna were mainly inhabitated by Gwaumbras and *Swagwaunas. The latter lived on cattle breeding, the former also on agriculture, craft and trading. Gwaumbras had arrived in Italy as the first from Central-Eastern Europe (Únětice culture). Shortly later *Swagwaunas had occupied the Padanian Valley with their large herds of cows, chasing Gwaumbras on the hills of the Apennine chain from Liguria to Marches.
Toward the end of the II millennium BC, new tribes of *Swagwaunas (*Sgwytulas/*Sgwetulas), Proto-Gaul-Latins (*Gwaulatanas), and the Mixed People arrived in Italy. The first peoples just crossed the Padanian Valley, descending on Tuscany and diffusing along the Tyrrhenic coast, pressed by the Mixed People. The newcomers also forced a part of previous *Swagwaunas to cross the Apennine and settle in Tuscany and later in Lazio, and Gwaumbras to move eastward in the Apennine and to Romagna. Inside the Mixed People, *Gwaulgw occupied the grasslands in the Padanian Valley and along the Tirrhenic coast and *Thyrgwaunas headed to the commercial ports.
In the Villanovian age Gwaumbras who previously had descended from the hills to the grasslands of Romagna breeding cattle, started concentrating in the hinterland of Rimini, while *Swagwaunas who remained in the Padanian Valley concentrated in proximity of Bologna. They were nomads, probably moving through the grasslands on charriots and living in tents. In the Villanovian age they assumed an organisation with a central controll which required stable structures, similar to tents but with fixed larger poles more deeply driven into the groung. We can then observe in Bologna the holes of the poles of such structures. They were mostly located by a torrent, the Savena, which took names after *Swagwaunas. Near this structures were cemeteries. Probably, the most of the population still was nomad, living in structures which left no trace.
In the formative phase, the descendants of *Gwaulgw, the Vòlvona, started concentrating in Bologna and in the protourban phase took the control over the territory. The descendants of *Swagwaunas, called Sàvena by Volvona, still lived in the area between Aposa and Savena torrents and further east, but the administrative structures were moved into the new city sector founded by Volvona. These were confederates of the descendants of *Thyrgwaunas, the Ràvona, who called themselves Ràsna and had their villages along the commercial routes. Near Bologna, in particular, Ravona had settled in current Casalecchio by a river, the Reno, which took name after them. From Casalecchio, Ravona had the controll over the commerce between the Padanian Valley and Etruria through the Reno and Ombrone valleys. They also had commercial exchanges with Volvona in Bologna, whom they called Vèlsna or Vèlzna.
Probably, Ravonian merchants frequently visited the city of Volvona and lived in the closest part of the city, the western one, by the Ravone torrent, to which they left their name. They come with their charriots, put up their tents, and exopsed their merchandise, remaining the period necessary to sell all their own goods and to buy wares from Volvona and other peoples visiting the city. It is also likely that in the course of the time some Ravonian artisans also settled beyond the western branch of Vallescura torrent around a street which now is called “Via del Pratello” and previously “Peradello”. This name may be derived from *Perdela < *Pherdaila < *Thyrgwaula as well as other similar toponyms such as Piratello near Imola or Fiesole (Etr. Viρsul, with a Greek rho, Visul, and Viesl < *Phirzola < *Phyrdaula < *Thyrgwaula) near Florence. For their activities, among which metal processing, such artisans required stabled structures which left traces in the ground. Ravonian merchants and artisans habitually visiting or settled by Volvona had their cemeteries beyond Ravone torrent.
In VI-V century BC Greeks took the control over Tyrrhenic Sea, forcing Etruscans to trade through the ports in Adriatic Sea and the routes toward the North. This caused an enhancement of the commerce between Etruria and Padanian Valley through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine valleys and the plains further north and east. Ravona, who controlled some centers along the commercial routes, required the cooperation of Volvona, who uccupied the sourrounding countryside. Such a cooperation was particularly necessary in Bologna, whence the main routes to the Adriatic ports and to the North departed and Volvona controlled the Savena valley. Therefore, in the late-urban phase of the city the ancient route connecting Casalecchio was paved and Ravona partecipated to the restructuration of the city by erecting with their techniques new buildings for rite and sacrality in an high ground zona in the middle between Aposa torrent, the eastern limit of the previous Volvonian residential area, and Ravone torrent, the western limit of the previous Ravonian commercial area. Such kind of cooperation reflected in a restructuration of the city can be observed in other urban centers interessed by the enhanced trading between Etruria and Padanian Valley as, for example, Kainua (Marzabotto) in the Reno valley [38].
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10 best Italian learning apps for Android! Italy is a beautiful country with a rich history. Its language is among the most popular in Europe and spoken in many countries outside of just Italy. That makes it a popular language for tourists and travelers as well as scholars. There are a variety of language learning apps that support Italian. We can help you narrow down the best ones for you. Here are the best Italian learning apps for Android! More European languages! 10 best German learning apps for Android! German is a surprisingly popular language. It's the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and several other regions. It's a West Germanic language along with English and other dialects. There are a variety of apps … 10 best French learning apps for Android! French is a beautiful language. Its also a popular language. There are a variety of apps that teach French. In-person classes are still usually more effective. However, don't underestimate the value of having a tutor … Busuu Price: Free / $69.99 per year DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Busuu is a solid option for learning Italian. It's a community app with a bunch of various lessons by members of the community. Italian lessons include vocabulary and grammar stuff as well as audio pronunciations, games, and various quizzes to test your abilities. The app also comes with social features, offline support, and cross-platform support with its website. The app still needs a bit of work, but it is functional. The subscription is also a bit pricey. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Drops: Learn Italian Price: Free / $7.49 per month / $48.99 per year / $109.99 once DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Language Drops is a newer language learning company on Google Play. They have apps for a variety of languages, including Italian. Drops focuses on quick, short learning sessions. You learn conversational words and phrases first. The app doesn't emphasize grammar as much as others. Thus, you cut straight through until you learn a whole bunch of the language. It's outstanding for beginners. Some of the content is free. Everything is available with the premium version. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Duolingo Price: Free / Varies DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Duolingo is one of the most popular language apps. It's also probably the best free app in its genre. Of course, Italian is an option in Duolingo. The app emphasis short learning sessions, vocabulary, audio pronunciations, and conversational Italian. You build your vocabulary, diction, and reading skills over time. Duolingo claims that 34 hours in the app is equal to a semester of learning at a university. We're not sure about that. However, given its free (usually, like 99% of the time) price tag, it's difficult to complain much. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Google Translate Price: Free DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Google Translate is an outstanding tool for travelers and language scholars. It translates between 103 languages online and 59 languages offline. You can translate words between languages fairly easily. However, its best feature is its live translation feature. You can talk to it in Italian and it'll spit out whatever other language you want. That makes it excellent for practice. It even has a camera feature that translates things like menus or signs when you point your camera at it. Of course, it's a Google app, and that means it's free. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY HelloTalk Price: Free / $1.99-$4.99 per month / $21.99-$29.99 per year DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY HelloTalk is an interesting idea for language learning. It's actually a social community. You pair up with people and learn languages together. You teach them your language and they teach you theirs. This one works best for intermediates who need additional practice. However, it is friendly for beginners as well. It also offers video and audio calls along with text, picture, and audio messages. The app is a great secondary source of study and pairs well with something like Duolingo, Memrise, or Rosetta Stone. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Yep, we got more! 10 best Russian learning apps for Android! Russia isn't the most popular place in the world right now. However, plenty of people want to learn the language anyway. Over 140 million people speak the language. That makes it one of the most … 10 best Hindi learning apps for Android! Hindi is one of the top five most popular languages in the world. It's the dominate language in India. Tons of people speak the language and, apparently, many people want to learn the language as … Memrise Price: Free / $9 per month / $59.99 per month DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Memrise is one of the most popular options for learning Italian. It's also one of the more expensive. Memrise takes a broad approach to learning. There are standard style lessons for grammar, conversational Italian, and vocabulary. Additionally, you get quizzes, games, social elements, an audio pronunciation guide, and more. Its broad approach is a little overwhelming at first. However, it does seem to work quite well. This is a good one for serious learners who need a lot of different types of learning. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Mondly Italian Price: Free / $9.99 per month / $47.99 per year DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Mondly is another popular option for language learners. Of course, it supports Italian. It focuses very heavily on conversational Italian. The majority of your grammar and vocabulary learning come from conversations. The app slowly builds your vocabulary from there. It's a neat premise that works fairly well. You also get offline support, speech recognition, a leaderboard, stats about your learning, and more. This one is slightly more expensive than Memrise. However, we can't say which one is better. It all depends on your learning style. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Rosetta Stone Price: Free / $94.99 per year / $199.99 once DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Rosetta Stone is a big name in language learning. Of course it supports one of Europe's most popular languages. The app works a bit like Mondly. It focuses a lot on conversational Italian while slowly building a vocabulary and grammar base from there. The app leans heavily on audio learning rather than visual learning. You talk a lot with this one. Rosetta Stone is the most expensive software on the list. However, it does have a single purchase option unlike many of its competitors. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Simply Learn Italian Price: Free / Up to $7.99 DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY The name says it all with this app. It's actually a better phrasebook than a learning platform. It has well over 1,000 common Italian words and phrases. They're useful for quick recall and quick study. The app also includes audio pronunciations, quizzes, and audio controls to slow down speech for easier learning. This works best as a secondary study aid. You can pair this with a heavier app to get a more well-rounded experience. Thankfully, this one isn't expensive and that helps as well. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Tandem Price: Free / $6.99 per month / $34.99 per year DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Tandem is a lot like HelloTalk. It's a social community with language learners. You pair up with people, teach them your langauge, and they teach you theirs. This one also supports video and audio calls as well as text, picture, and audio messages. Tandem also offers professional tutors for additional study and you can request the topics of study before pairing up with people. It works as well as HelloTalk. Whatever one you prefer will work fine. We recommend this as a secondary study aid. This combined with Memrise, Rosetta Stone, or Duolingo is a potent combination of learning. DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAY Thank you for reading! 10 best Japanese learning apps for Android! Japanese is a difficult language. However, it's growing in popularity among non-native speakers because of media, anime, and a general uptick in interest about the culture. The relatively newer wave of Japanese learners means that … 10 best language learning apps for Android Learning a new language can be difficult. It's a whole new set of vocabulary, grammar, and cultures to learn. There are a variety of tools that can help the process. We can't teach you a … If we missed any great Italian learning apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists! , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2wZmcnH
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bitterangrybrownwomyn · 12 years ago
L'Artista Rapper LIS Eugenio Scarlato assistito dall'interprete LIS Francesca Fantauzzi 
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