#It's so unbelievably silly
steakout-05 · 6 months
huegehgshhgeehu big slappy
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mydaysaresmall · 2 months
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Garden of Pixelly Delights: Hell.
Closeups of some of my favourite guys:
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sculkshrieking · 3 months
Saw IV and V but make it one of those classic children's cartoons
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izel-scribbles · 3 days
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this blog is a DEMOCRACY‼️‼️‼️🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
alr this is gonna be a long one (click for hd of each one bc tumblr absolutely obliterated the quality)
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this is Kari (my son actually)
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Ezra no-last-name-yet (its been a year)
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Alia (they look very similar to my human john doe design by accident lol)
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some random sketches lol
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robinfollies · 3 months
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smth smth arthur gets sleepy when it’s cold…
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Draw your characters like this! (src)
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coffee-bat · 5 months
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oh right. peepaw doodles from the ward bc i just realized i forgor to post them
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hirakiyois · 1 year
my school president was like "what if i became one of the best gmmtv shows of all time?" and didn't wait for an answer
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nyaacinth · 6 days
oh my goddd, silliest guy ever <33
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ickmick · 4 months
so im relistening to tma
(i said id wait longer but... i missed having it in the background :< plus im working on digitalizing that silly jonmartin drawing so it fits to listen to tma teehee)
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bobosbillionsknives · 7 months
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Millions wojack
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homicidal-slvt · 10 months
I'm sexy in the same way that a mentally ill guy who's been nearly beaten to death is sexy
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theartichrist · 3 months
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Happy borthday Kenneth McCormick
Sorry it’s messy, I was messing around with new brushes… also I was drunk🤠🤘
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sparkdoesart · 7 months
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Update, i didn't write shit!!! As it turns out i still have one whole day to do it tho sooo i dunno
I do however have these guys i guess. i dont think i posted them yet
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The Waters of Time
The waters of the canal swirled violet and blue around Iadra. She swam up toward the surface, and emerged with a splash of water into a glorious city—bridges, boats, canals, palazzos—at the height of its power. The buildings were beautiful—the mosaics bright, the carvings crisp. Nothing like the water-logged ruins they’d be in a few centuries’ time.
The humans walking alongside the canals, draped in embroidered robes, dripping with jewels and expensive fabrics—seemed another species altogether from the humans Iadra knew. Not one of them glanced at the canals, all too busy in this bustling city to notice one out-of-place mermaid among the ever-moving boat traffic.
Iadra swam to the edge of the canal, waited for her fins to shift into land-worthy feet, then pulled herself onto the cobblestone pathway. Her dress dried instantly, and merrow fashion was, fortunately, timeless. Iadra shook out the sleek wine-red skirts until they brushed her newly-formed ankles, put a pair of matching soft-soled shoes, and walked among the crowds just as if she belonged to this century.
She instantly spotted her destination among the domes and balconies of the grand buildings arrayed along the canals. The palazzo stood not far from where the first Great Library would stand in a few dozen years’ time. It was grand, but not opulent, belonging to a wealthy, but not one of the wealthiest lords. Which meant, in this time period, that his ambition would be fearsome to behold.
Iadra lingered near the palazzo for most of the afternoon, watching the comings and goings of visitors and servants, scoping out possible entrances, noting that the location of the library matched what she knew from the plans she’d found of the building.
When Iadra had determined her course of action, she slipped into the canal and pressed the wide, flat bangles on her wrist until they glowed purple in the water. Above her, the light shifted and faded, turning from golden to silver as the shadows of boats floated above her almost too quickly to see.
When she emerged a few minutes later, it was the middle of the night. The streets were silent, the waters still. With her skirts girded around her knees, Iadra approached the palazzo, and swiftly climbed up the bricks and trellises until she landed lightly on the chosen balcony. A quick tap of the window with her bangles aged the latch until it crumbled into a pile of rust, and she silently opened the window and slipped through.
The library held three shelves full of books—all hand-written and hand-bound, except for one, which had been designed to have a similar appearance, but whose glossier, modern materials stood out sharply in this moonlit room. Iadra grabbed the book and flipped through the pages, which detailed future events and diagrammed war machines that no one should know about in this era. Dangerous knowledge stolen from the Great Library in the hopes of changing history. Now, she could put everything right.
She tucked the book beneath her arm and turned toward the window. Just as she stepped into the beam of moonlight, a deep voice spoke from the shadows.
“You Great Librarians really ought to read some of those books you keep locked away.” A human man, with dark hair and a face like flint, dressed in the height of this era’s opulence, stepped into the moonlight, a pistol leveled at Iadra’s heart. “If you did, you might know about something called hubris.”
With two long strides, he crossed the room and snatched the book from Iadra’s grip. “Were you really arrogant enough to think you could just come in here and take it? That after I’d gone through all the trouble of taking this book back through centuries, establishing myself into a position to make use of the knowledge in it, that I’d just leave it sitting on an open shelf?”
The book thieves that Iadra had dealt with hadn’t exactly been intelligent. They tended to assume that taking the books into the past made them untraceable. She’d been on countless missions that had gone just as easily as this one had seemed to, especially with the appropriate preparations.
Nothing could have prepared her for this.
The man laughed at her astonishment. “You came with no back-up. No weapons. Typical merrow arrogance. You thought you were on a routine retrieval mission, but little mermaid, you have stumbled into a war.”
He placed the book on a nearby desk, then, with the gun still pointed at Iadra, he used his free hand to snatch the bangle from her nearest wrist.
Seeing the bangle—the most powerful time travel device in existence—in his hand made everything fall into place. “The book was bait.”
The man examined the bangle with a grin. “And I've caught a lovely prize. You merrows hoard all the knowledge in the world. Even travel through history to shape it to your liking.”
“We don’t change history.”
“You don’t need to. You already conquered this city. Established the library. Kept all knowledge—all power—for yourselves. We humans have the time travel capability to change little things—but with this? The world can be ours again.
He dove for her other wrist, but now Iadra was ready to act. She had a duty to the Great Library, no matter the danger to herself. She ducked, spun, and moved toward the gun—toward the desk, toward the book—and placed her remaining bangle against the book's cover. With a quick flare of light, the pages faded, yellowed, decayed, and at last crumbled into unreadable fragments.
With a deafening bang, the gun went off, but the bullet sank harmlessly into the wood. Iadra ducked through the window and then dove off the balcony into the waters of the canal. In an instant, her feet became fins again, and she swam like lightning through the still waters.
When she reached the other end of the city—knowing no human could have traced her so far—she emerged from the canal, and stood shivering in the shadowed recesses beneath a bridge, as she calculated her position.
It wasn’t as bleak as it first looked. Without her second bangle, she couldn’t travel through time—but neither could he. Though she’d lost a powerful tool, this human had given her something more valuable—knowledge. He’d revealed his part in this war, which meant she could now play hers.
At dawn, she made her way to a low building in an insignificant part of town, where a handful of books, chained down, were kept available for the public’s use. A precursor to the Great Library, whose books would one day be taken up into its shelves, preserved for the centuries.
She found the sturdiest-looking of the books, which fortunately had a few blank pages at the end of its final signature. Then, in an ink that would only be readable by book-restoration machines that wouldn’t be developed for centuries, Iadra wrote down everything she knew, and prayed her colleagues in the future would get the message.
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sleepy-crypt1d · 5 months
love people making jack this suave sexy put together badass like babe we are talking about a man who canonically wont say fuck and says "yahtzee" when hes excited
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