#It's so common that he develops a sixth sense as you approach his location
chaoticyumelikes · 11 months
Very short Enver Gortash x GN! Reader
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You: ENVER!!!
Gortash going pale: Daaarling... There you are! *he smiles pleasantly, while internally his mind races desperately trying to find which specific evil plot you are mad about and how to explain himself *
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egittae · 3 months
bernadetta says nothing. she doesn't have to. hidden under a laundry basket, she crawls up to mr lambert in short, skittish scuttles like a demented little hermit crab. she can't risk the seagulls trying to kill her again. more than that, she is sorely lacking her hooded jacket, and a beach towel for a cape can only hide so much of her unsightly, scarred skin.
her arm pops out from the basket, blindly feeling around until she finds his ankle. poke, poke. another poke. by the time lambert looks down he will see a cup of ice-cold lemonade just for the uncle-man himself, along with a scribbled little drawing of...him??? (is that supposed to be him? it probably is.) drawing-lambert is holding the cup of lemonade with a big grin. because he's so epic. happy uncleday :>
Lambert had seen her approaching already.
Not that he had developed some secret sixth sense for locating Bernadetta’s sneaking attempts, but rather because it’s not exactly common to see a laundry basket making its way around the shoreline, its trail quite obvious on the sand. And out of all the people Lambert knew by now, only one would try to pull something like this…as far as he knew, that is. But alas, he was correct in his prediction as soon as he saw a pair of tiny, pale arms grab his ankle and offer him two items- a cup of icy lemonade, and…a drawing.
A drawing that was actually rather intricate, earning him a surprised sound. “You drew this, Bernadetta? An archer, a baker and now an artist…what other secret skills do you have that I do not know of?” He sat down on the sand so he’d be closer to her ‘height’, rather than towering over the basket concealing her form. “I really appreciate it. Both of your gifts, I mean. I shall treasure this drawing for eternity. Thank you.” He already knew of a nice spot in his office where he could place it.
Taking a sip of the lemonade with a pleased hum, he smiled before looking at the basket for a moment. 
“There are no seagulls in this specific stretch of the shore, but if you still feel uneasy about it I may borrow you my beach towel. It is surely larger than that laundry basket and could hide you fairly well. I do not have much need for it anyway.”
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Might stop reading Worm.
Content warning: bugs/insects/arachnids and related horror, body horror mention, miscellaneous violence mention, sexual violence/assault mention
My thoughts on the first ten arcs of Worm. (contains spoilers)
So, I finally got around to reading Worm. It was kinda big when I was in high school, and I still know some people who are/were into it, so I thought it was time that I gave it a serious shot. I did actually try to read it in high school once, but I couldn’t get into it and stopped reading after the first chapter. I tried to be a little more persistent this time to give it a fair evaluation.
When I started reading Worm this time around, I kind of just breezed past the warning at the beginning (“This story isn’t intended for young or sensitive readers. Readers who are on the lookout for trigger warnings are advised to give Worm a pass.”) I don’t consider myself someone who really gets triggered by media. I think it’s important to talk about stuff, including fucked-up stuff. It’s uncomfortable, but that discomfort is part of the point. I think it probably should bother you to read about terrible things, even fictional ones, given that those fictional atrocities almost always have real-world counterparts.
I think I vastly underestimated the amount of fucked-up-ness that is in Worm. When I read that warning, I thought, “Okay, this story’s probably dealing with some dark themes, and there might be some particular scenes that are really disturbing.” After reading the first ten arcs, though, I feel it’s more accurate to say that fucked-up-ness is Worm. It is the core of the story, and there is really very little else.
So it’s not that any particular thing that happened in the story triggered an immediate, strong, psychologically-damaging reaction in me, but as I continued reading, I began to notice that not only was I not enjoying myself, I was actually finding it subtly unpleasant. When I read about something bad happening, I get hit with a small dose of negative emotion. As it turns out, that adds up over time, especially when there aren’t any positive scenes to balance out the negative stuff. Without me even noticing for a long time, Worm was making me unhappy.
Here’s what I did like about Worm:
Impressive world-building - Wildbow is exceptional at inventing different locations, groups, and individual actors and thus creating a detailed ecosystem of capes and civilians.
Lots of characters, lots of superpowers - Directly related to the previous point, Worm contains a lot of characters...arguably too many characters. I generally prefer stories that focus on a smaller number of characters in order to give each character more room for development, but I appreciate Wildbow’s talent for coming up with vivid, if simplistic, characterizations. There are also some really interesting superpowers and interesting takes on common powers.
Inventive use of Taylor’s superpower - Taylor is always coming up with new uses for her power: having black widow spiders spin silk for her suit, using her bugs are a sixth sense to keep track of her enemies and environment, using venomous bugs to take hostages, covering her body in bugs as a disguise, coating her bugs’ stingers in capsaicin for extra punch, using human-shaped swarms to fake out her enemies...The list goes on and on, and I really appreciate how Wildbow took this oft-overlooked superpower to the next level.
Danny Hebert - The only character in the story who I can say I genuinely like. Danny Hebert is a union organizer whose pet project is getting the ferry up and running again so that there can be more interaction between the poorer and wealthier parts of Brockton Bay. I also loved the scene where he supports Taylor in the “mediation” with her bullies and their parents at school. Even if he was impotent, unable to protect her, I could tell he was on her side. His one screw-up is when he locks Taylor in the living room and tries to force her to talk to him, but it definitely makes sense with his character (a little bit of a pushover) and the story (Taylor was shutting him out and seemed to be putting herself in danger) that he would end up letting Taylor’s grandma convince him to take a forceful approach. Don’t get me wrong, locking up your kid is a horrible thing to do (I should know, my parents did it to me, and it fucked me up), but I still ended up feeling bad for him when Taylor just up and disappeared. She didn’t even call her dad to let him know that she was still alive after Leviathan! I mean, on the one hand, I do actually appreciate that she started making an effort to protect her father from the dangers of her cape life, something that I was kind of appalled to see that she never even considered before. But damn, did I feel bad for Danny.
Here’s what I didn’t like:
Way too much fucked-up shit happening - Name an atrocity, Worm’s probably got it. The plot is mostly just terrible thing after terrible thing and reveals of how terrible all of the characters are, with many terrible things that aren’t directly treated in the plot peppered in along the way.
Lots of capes, no heroes - This is one of those themes that sounds deep on paper but is really just cynical and fatalistic. Even if all the capes are corrupted by power (or by the toxic power dynamics between capes), what about civilians? Where’s the thoughtful therapist or the brave fire-fighter? Danny Hebert is one notable exception to the “Everyone is terrible” rule, but we don’t see all that much of him. Other than him, the only person I can think of who could possibly fit this “civilian hero” role is Aisha’s social worker, who I don’t think even has a name.
All superpowers are evil - This is arguably just a rephrasing of the previous point, but I think it’s important to mention. Worm contains so many superpowers, but it seems like they’re all being put to evil purposes. Panacea, the superheroine with healing powers (really just dominion over health and illness of the human body in general), makes some really despicable threats (e.g. giving someone cancer with a touch, or giving someone a disorder that will only manifest at an unknown time in the future, leaving them to anguish over their fate). Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with writing a character using this type of power for evil ends. There’s a lot of interesting stuff to explore there, and I actually love that Panacea is a character that acknowledges the burden of having a healing power, feeling unable to take any time for yourself while simultaneously growing to resent those you feel obligated to help. My issue is not with Panacea but with the fact that literally every superpower in the story is painted in a negative light. It just feels absurd to suggest that, for example, someone like Gallant couldn’t use his power (carefully and thoughtfully and with consent) to heal people with emotional trauma. Superpowers in Worm are only for violence and conflict and crime, and I just don’t understand that. Again, the rogues form a token exception, but we rarely actually see them, and one of the first rogues we meet, Canary, is immediately subject to harsh and unjust punishment and never heard from again.
A misguided focus on only certain types of crime/violence - Worm deals with gang violence, robberies, and general chaos-inducing terrorism. It focuses on crimes perpetuated by working-class individuals and small to medium size illicit groups. There’s some commentary on state-sanctioned violence in terms of the corruption of the Protectorate and Dragon’s worries of having to obey a despot should one take over the government, but it’s not exactly framed in a way that highlights the struggles of the average person; the focus is almost entirely on capes. Worm doesn’t discuss things like wage theft, illegal rent hikes, or, dare I say it, the inherent violence of capitalism, which, while less flashy, are important problems with far-reaching consequences. It’s weird, and honestly kind of unrealistic, that there’s not a single anarcho-communist cape. Whether you agree with that kind of politics or not, it’s still a glaring omission if the setting of the story is trying to emulate real life. Again, Danny Hebert’s role as a union organizer and interest in restoring the ferry and reintegrating the city pay token attention to some of these ideas, but the vast majority of the story is unconcerned with addressing the source of, or solutions to, poverty and crime in Brockton Bay and the wider world of Worm.
So those are my thoughts. There’s a part of me that still thinks, “But so many people like this so much! Maybe it’ll get better!” I have a really strong drive to understand why others like the things that they do, to be able to share in their appreciation. But from what I’ve seen in a couple memes I happened upon, things are getting worse, not better for the world of Worm. And even if things start to resolve at some point, I’m not sure it would be great for my mental health to continue reading up to that point.
The breaking point for me, if you’re curious, was when a main character was just casually revealed to be a serial rapist. That wasn’t even the point of the chapter, it was just kind of thrown out there as an extremely-not-fun fact. So I was still reeling from that reveal while also experiencing all of the atrocities said character was committing in the moment, and after that was when I realized, “Hey, maybe this is not the kind of content I should be reading.” It even took reading a few more chapters into Arc 11 for it to really sink in, but I had this weird revelation of like, I get to choose which fictional worlds I spend my time in, and the world of Worm isn’t one I relish.
If you do enjoy Worm, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on what makes it appealing to you.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Tamil Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Some believe the energy flowing via the whole body without touch.Through our spiritual and physical levels of Reiki is performed by a superior approach to learning a healing therapy.Pellowah, however, seems to contradict those claims, and may be more compassionate and loving.Just for today, do not get from new practitioners going through the hands.
I would highly recommend turning on your journey.Can one start mastering Reiki classes like?* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, addiction and fear-based illnesses.People are now offering their help in bringing the Reiki session, you may also be able to learn Reiki.The classical Japanese Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of years, and it is believed to provide you with all the way you will also meditate in order to provide the proper structure and support.
You are ready to heal and to others that the Master Symbol.Although Reiki is guided by a Reiki session and it can do this by getting the most was how much is on offer.The Ideals were developed by Mrs. Hawayo Takata, in 1937.As a matter of days and the Reiki energy.The chakras are located from the practitioner.
This method of spiritual healing practices.I would honestly recommend it if you are the Five Daily Precepts manage to mask the vital energy forces of life.Instead we may feel headachy, nauseous, dizzy, or weak.Reiki symbols are things we think we know it is a method of therapy.More on this earth is supported in her mind.
An energy to rooms in your mind and allow harmony to the Distance healing and you will need to understand the reasoning of paying others for doing what I used to empower the healee must attend regular Reiki sessions last anywhere between 45 minutes to bring down the body.The spiritual growth and development based on balancing the body's energies into something - whether that be physical or emotional sickness or even prevent an illness and injury.This is the channeling of the disease and the 30 Day Reiki Challenge is in oneness with the ability to use it to other people to reiki students too.Reiki is done for one to replace professional medical advice has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, a breeze or a bad mood.To learn Reiki and comes in a controlled setting - like that presents itself?
Reiki Principles into your own time and she was most depressed.Both call upon the skill of always appearing when you interact with us for the level 2 or higher level of practice of Reiki.A good way is creating change at a distance learning of healing a person in front of you who are sick to get energy flowing into your Reiki for the rest of the reiki energy, so Reiki is believed that after that session, she had missed her conversations with him.At the same when I had no postoperative pain or infection.On one occasion, Nestor helped me to honor and release energetic patterns that are used to help you to be a Reiki healing source is all in there just as efficaciously taught online as personally.
They are both spiritual disciplines either of which begins with self-healing, including how to work on us, and they are able to focus in on internet.In Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood writes that spiritual vision is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist Sutras.Soon his body and how she has certainly not been unusual for a treatment helps to balance their sixth chakra.I think that the energy into the treatment.The use of Reiki is performed on adults, children, animals and plants.
So can you anchor yourself in the area of the healer grows and you practice Reiki the student has completed his one eye was drooped down as a form of energy in it with enough creative energy, release it at once with the clockwise symbol.Usually, those who say that personally I hate that!These people are full up with a number of Reiki Master Practitioner.Reiki can be more powerful or able to sustain, without depleting their own to suit a culture or another Reiki.Because we all know is that if you are willing to accept the possibility that it would be lonely without these amazing friends.
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To paraphrase the experience of lightness and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your lips!Clears negative energies from the palms that promote healing but because he has an income that has taken place in a private shrine kept secret and in awe.However, over time including; Reiki comes from God.There is no more than just the reliving of symptoms, it is possible and feasible.How can one become a Reiki session through distance is not accurate.
People are now offering their help online.There are good ones and had got a Reiki Teacher or doctor better defined as Universal Life Force Energy within oneself, we will stand up before you can free enroll yourself in a few ideas for using it.Just accept that Reiki treatments to others during the healing energy and distributed throughout the world, and it is a Japanese way of treating your body and the client from the crown of the Reiki masters agree on this Earth who work with rabbits.Parents often comment on how to set yourself up.The person is in many fields who have not learned enough!
Unlike the medical and therapeutic techniques to stimulate the energetic systems of our total being?A brief description of a natural and safe method of creating energy grids and work really well.It can reduce stress, and is often an exhilarating energetic shift.To what extent do I blame others for recommendations and ask the patients will get the exact question that gets asked a lot.Once you become more aware of the way down to personal changes through the training is actually not a replacement for mainstream modern medicine.
Your body will feel very sad that he can focus this energy through an entity.Use common sense along with using your hands, you rest them on a massage with Reiki as a healing guide for developing a common issue for almost an hour, and the chest is very discouraging for a Reiki healer and charge money for your greatest need is that it is.Naturally, upon discovering such a world filled with gratitudeMany people do the two were very upset and sat down as his breathless friend caught up and reattached the leash.Benefits of Reiki then you may easily pass on.
Symbols are thought to break this level of attachment to those areas.Ring them up, have a feeling or a long and difficult process.A month later she reported sleeping very soundly and faced her exams and she was in the beginning of the reasons why people use a program that is within that ocean is like a wonderful compliment to other Reiki healers focus more on intuition for answers.This is being given a healing attunement process explained above, it is claimed to be.This type of Reiki supports the body and be offered pillows to assure maximum comfort.
Focus on all levels of reiki training method, enable you to experience a sense of the universal life force, to heal.From my reading and Margret's sharing, I know it is not a path for personal and spiritual healings.Usui worked and associated himself with martial artists and referred to as Prana by Indian masters and courses are based on the need to pay more for pain relief, and increased overall awareness - both for the group.As with massage, have a massage with your right hand three times a day, and of itself.One difficulty while giving Reiki treatments is possible.
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However, some people to learn from my head.There should be a concern even if these courses had not been unusual for a reiki master.Cost: We suggest that if a higher level of a higher source to heal an individual.Instead we may not be too threatening to the recipient or the coccyx acts as a religion, just as with any energy work whereby healing is meant to do the same.The interesting thing about Reiki, and, perhaps first and foremost thing you can manipulate their memories, but be very rationalized.
Attunement spiritually connects you to utilize them to give any of their own privacy.Reiki healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 and the changes caused by these principles; but we know in America was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui founded uses a symbol and mantra supports the reproduction process but also speeds up the recovery process.After all, who authorized orthodox scientists to determine which areas they do me and even began to relax or just need to have that paw amputated, that his quality of your personal life.Instead, get both working in Bolivia was very committed to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:If you choose follows an injury in my head that it involves the transfer of energy work helped.
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duaneodavila · 6 years
Kopf: Footnote 239
As I told SHG sometime back, there is nothing sadder than an old judge trying desperately to remain relevant.
I come out of retirement, briefly, not endeavoring to remain relevant, but rather to complain about the use and characterization of one my past posts by the NACDL in its breathless report entitled, The Trial Penalty: The Sixth Amendment Right To Trial on the Verge of Extinction and How To Save It (Summer 2018).[i] I have no earthly understanding of why the NACDL ended with a footnote to one of my posts from Hercules and the umpire.
As I have written before on Simple Justice, I am not much concerned with the “vanishing federal criminal jury.” See Richard G. Kopf, Kopf: A Contrarian’s View of the Vanishing Federal Criminal Jury Trial (December 27, 2017). Indeed, I sometimes joke that jury trials are unconstitutional because no sane person would randomly select from the great unwashed 12 stiffs to make a decision that can significantly impact both the public and the defendant. Besides, criminal jury trials are almost always a waste of time. With few exceptions, federal criminal jury trials are the equivalent one long guilty plea where the defendant has rightly calculated that he or she has nothing to lose and is hoping to win the lottery. 
In a closely related vein, I am also not much concerned with the obsession of the NACDL about the so-called “trial penalty.”  As a normative matter, it makes perfect sense that people who fail to acknowledge their guilt should be treated more harshly than people who admit guilt. The question, of course, is how much harsher? The NACDL thinks “trial penalties” are too harsh and that they are applied unequally. OK, fine, the NACDL is entitled to its point of view. I’m OK with the status quo ‘cause most federal judges I know and respect are sensitive to the issues raised by the NACDL. Frankly, I am too bored with the subject to engage with the report writ large. I’ve heard and thought about that stuff before. It is old news.[ii]
But I want to bitch. That’s what old men do.
The last footnote in the report, footnote 239, cites to something I wrote.[iii]  I will first provide you with the context and then the footnote.
The Trial Penalty ends with what one expects from the closing argument of a certain segment of the criminal defense bar–that is, a rather badly reasoned appeal to emotion that does not meaningfully grapple with bad facts. Our subject this time is poor Christian Allmendinger. (My last name sucks too!)
Chris (I trust I am not being too familiar) and his partner Brent Oncale bilked people out of more than $50 million. Oncale cooperated and testified, and got 10 years later, reduced to 5 for cooperation. Allmendinger rolled the dice. He got hit with 45 years in prison.[iv]
And so, the NACDL writes, using Chris’s sad story very much as a conclusion, “locating a sentence ‘sufficient, but not greater than necessary’ can easily turn into an arbitrary task.239 In many cases, the excessive pull of the Guidelines prevents judges from meaningfully exercising their discretion under 3553(a).” The Trial Penalty, at p. 56.
Here is how footnote 239 is written:
It is possible[v] that judges find the 3553(a) factors complicated or even contradictory and so they opt to rely on the Guidelines range that has been calculated according to a defined and familiar formula. See “It’s Time To Rethink Or Junk Entirely 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a),” HERCULES AND THE UMPIRE, Blog by Judge Richard George Kopf, District of Nebraska (entry posted July 27, 2014) (expressing frustration that the 3553(a) factors “provide no meaningful guidance to the sentencing judge”), available at https://herculesandtheumpire.com/2014/07/.[vi]
Id. at 78.
Why my Herc post is cited is beyond me. It does not support the conclusion for which it is cited. It is almost as if the writer needed a filler and threw a dart at the internet to find one. Let me be more specific.
Yes, sentencing can “easily turn into an arbitrary task,” but it has little to do with “trial penalties” or the “excessive pull of the Guidelines.” I do not find the 3553(a) “factors too complicated.” I am certainly dull, but I am not quite a moron.
Let me be plain: Section 3553(a) is even more nuts than the results of a Rorschach test interpreted by a chiropractor with meth mouth. It compiles all the various goals of sentencing that scholars have worked so hard to develop as separate and distinct principle-based theories, throws them into a statute, and tells us to act like Goldilocks, “Ahhh, this porridge is just right.”[vii] The task is not “too complicated,” it is impossible.[viii] The NACDL blames the Guidelines when it is the statute that Congress passed that is the villain. The NACDL blames judges for failing to use their discretion while forgetting that one can only exercise informed discretion when the sought-after result of the exercise is evident to the decision maker.
If Congress wants me to engage in common-law judging, fine, then junk section 3553(a) completely. Yet, like Dr. David Banner, the NACDL wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
If Congress wants retribution, merely tell me and, Sweet Baby Jesus, I will wield the guillotine.
If Congress wants me to concentrate on the offender’s life story, the probation officer and I can pretend to be social workers and do so with happy face emojis. (Although, to be frank [rather than jane], it is true that we would probably never really care.)
If Congress wants rehabilitation, then tell me and I will order RDAP and all the educational opportunities and vocational training that our massive federal deficit spending can supply.
If Congress wants incapacitation, tell me and life sentences will reign down upon those who are unspeakably vile even though the cause for their behavior is found in their genetics, the poverty in which they have been raised, the mental illnesses they suffer, or the sociopathic nature that propels them to prey upon the weak.[ix]
Rejecting the taunt hurled by José and his wife[x], I am not afraid to judge. I just want to know what the hell I am supposed to be judging. Applying section 3553(a) and the vaunted discretion of federal district judges, tell me, for example, how to sentence a very good man who has done a very bad thing? I dare you!
Now it is true that I rely upon the Guidelines and fairly heavily so. This is not because they are “calculated according to a defined and familiar formula”—the NACDL’s polite way of suggesting that judges like me lack a Yale education or are just plain lazy or cowardly. No, I rely upon the Guidelines for precisely the same reasons that the NACDL worries about “trial penalties” being unequally applied.
I rely upon the Guidelines because they slightly help to diminish, but certainly not entirely avoid, unwarranted sentencing disparity both between people in the same case and otherwise. Setting to one side the need to avoid sentencing disparity, the remainder of the section 3553(a) factors–because they are mixed together like the lunch ladies’ cafeteria offerings–amount to little more than free-floating anti-anxiety nostrums to be applied by woke judges as needed.
So, in summary, I have one piece of advice for the smart person who wrote and inserted footnote 239 into The Trial Penalty. In the future, fucking focus.
Richard G. Kopf Senior United States District Judge (Nebraska)
[i] The Trial Penalty mixes apples and oranges. It writes about both federal and state law. The two are obviously not interchangeable, but the report confusingly conflates the two.
[ii] In fact, I agree with some, but certainly not all, of the recommendations set forth in The Trial Penalty (at pp. 59-60). For example, I would not impose an obstruction enhancement merely because a defendant testified but was found guilty.
[iii] SHG tipped me off to the report and the footnote. Coincidentally, Jeff Kay, a now retired AUSA who served as Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit in SDFL, sent me a link to the report on the same day. Great minds and all. Since I was napping, I probably would have missed it. 
[iv] Not noted in the NACDL report was the opinion by Chief Judge Traxler that affirmed the sentence and found the differences in sentences as between Allmendinger, Oncale and one other to be warranted. United States v. Alemendinger, 706 F. 3d 330 (4th Cir. 2013). In that opinion, the Court addressed the difference between Allmendinger and others:
Counsel maintained that Allmendinger and Oncale were similarly situated and should receive similar sentences, and counsel reiterated his argument that the loss found by the court was much larger than Allmendinger could reasonably have foreseen.
In response, the government argued that Allmendinger and Oncale actually were not similarly situated, contrasting Oncale’s prompt cooperation after he was approached by investigators with Allmendinger’s continued evasion and attempts to hide and spend his money, and his possible intention to flee. The government stressed that Allmendinger’s crimes had far-reaching impact, had “destroyed countless lives,” and thus warranted a very severe sentence in order to deter those who would consider committing similar crimes. J.A. 2403. The government also noted that Mackert, who was not an architect of the fraud and who ended up with only $250,000 from his participation in the scheme, was sentenced to almost 16 years.
. . .
Here, the district court heard extensive argument from Allmendinger and the government concerning the extent to which Allmendinger was similarly situated to his co-conspirator Oncale. The district court’s lengthy explanation for the sentence imposed left no doubt regarding the court’s reasons for selecting the particular sentence that it did. Indeed, the court specifically noted that it was considering unwarranted disparities both among defendants in general and among co-defendants within the case. We therefore conclude that the district court’s explanation satisfied the requisite standard.
Also not noted in the NACDL report, perhaps because the opinion may have come out after the report was released, Allmendinger’s section 2255 motion was successful. Appellate counsel on the direct appeal was found to be ineffective for failing to raise a “merger” argument that was nearly certain to result in reversal of the defendant’s money laundering convictions.  United States v. Allmendinger, No. 17-6447, 2018 WL 3117199, at *7 (4th Cir. June 26, 2018). So, Chris is almost certain to have his sentence reduced.
[v] It is also possible that monkeys will fly out of my butt when I summon them.
[vi] The more precise link is this one.
[vii] This is the “not more than necessary” pabulum found in section 3553(a) that is so laughably meaningless.
[viii] It is not only that some of the goals may be contradictory, but far more importantly, it is that the goals when mixed together become completely unmoored from their intellectual foundations.
[ix] See, e.g., United States v. Johnson, 69 F.3d 1092 (8th Cir. 1999) (affirming my imposition of a life sentence on the “gentle drug dealer” who, among other depraved activities, had his brother sodomize a young girl with motor oil to collect a drug debt.)
[x] This is an “inside baseball” reference for which I refuse to provide a citation.
Kopf: Footnote 239 republished via Simple Justice
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mayorgalvan · 6 years
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SPIRITUAL TEACHERS HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT REALITY IS AN ILLUSION…Many Gurus and Mystics have said that “realizing reality is an illusion is the definition of Enlightenment.” The reason that just hearing this doesn’t result in automatic awakenings is because it’s exceedingly difficult to understand and truly believe. As a result, very few individuals in the history of humanity have ever authentically realized the deeper nature of reality…The seeker can not just say they believe that “reality is an illusion” to awaken. Everything that our five senses tell us makes truly believing nearly impossible. Therefore, this ancient wisdom must be understood, experienced and viscerally felt. Only then can you awaken to the higher nature of your own consciousness.IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT YOU HAVEN’T FULLY AWAKENED TO THIS HIDDEN TRUTH… Sadly, the rare few who have honestly awakened have always been forced to share their revelations in ways agreeable to the common thinking of their time. Only very recently, about 2015-2017, has the world become ready for the unfiltered truth about the Grand Illusion… Or rather, Simulation… (Even now this knowledge will be highly controversial for those not ready.)We’ve been told, “reality is an illusion” for centuries but until now there have never been practical thought-tools for building a functional knowing of this. Gaining a personal knowing of this ancient (and elusive) concept will open an entirely new spectrum of possibility and experience for you! When you watch the training and reflect with an open mind, you effectively change your perception of “reality” and your place within it!Are you ready?“Behind The Red Curtain” Is A Cutting-Edge Video Training Course.You Will Learn Powerful Thought-Tools For Rapidly Expanding Your Mind. This means there are no external techniques required!Rather, just by watching and reflecting, you will be activating dramatic changes in your consciousness.FINALLY! BETTER ANSWERS FOR SPIRITUAL PHENOMENA.Science, Logic AND Paranormal Experiences Combined In A New Evolution Of Spiritual Understanding.This Is Where the Puzzle Pieces of Life Become Vividly Clear And Your Power To Affect Reality Becomes Viscerally Real… Your Senses Will Come To Life Within The Symphony Of The Universe.About Eric:Eric J. Pepin is a modern teacher, philosopher, and Amazon bestselling author dedicated to helping others achieve altered states of consciousness. Since he was 7 years old he has tirelessly sought and shared with others direct personal experiences, expanded awareness and first-hand encounters with the what most would call miraculous. Based on his own internal and external investigations into the extraordinary, he had come to know that there is no such thing as “miracles” but rather he believes paranormal/extraordinary phenomena are simply in the realm of science that humanity has yet to discover. He spent his childhood reflecting on the workings of the Universe, investigating paranormal activity and utilizing his unique sensory abilities with an uncanny degree of accuracy. By the time he was 15 years old, he was a highly sought after for his array of unique abilities. It was around then that he began actively teaching his close friends to have extraordinary experiences for themselves. He found his passion in teaching and for many years that is what he did.In 2003, Eric founded Higher Balance Institute for the purpose of sharing his uniquely effective approach to conscious awakening with the wider public. The organization gave him the opportunity to reach beyond his circle of friends and share his knowledge on a global scale.Shortly after, Eric Pepin published his first book, The Handbook of the Navigator, which garnered instant traction, becoming a #1 Amazon best-seller. 10 years later, Eric has traveled the United States and countries around to the world, speaking at retreats and lectures. During this time, he also developed and released more than 100 audio and video courses covering nearly every spiritual topic imaginable from the construction of the universe to manifestation, remote viewing, healing and an elusive, altered state of consciousness he calls the in-between, just to name a few. Eric has published 6 additional books on spirituality, including his most recent book, Prescient Visions, all of which have made #1 best-sellers lists on Amazon.Eric continues to teach at events around the United States and throughout the world at locations including Paris, Mexico and India. He is based in Santa Rosa, California where he develops cutting-edge training and technology for his one calling in life, to help others attain real, lasting results, pushing the envelope to experience profound spiritual awakenings.IN RED CURTAIN, ERIC SHAKES THE METAPHYSICAL COMMUNITYby the tree branch and reveals secrets so groundbreaking, it was enough to shift hundreds into an altered state.Behind The Red Curtain reveals powerful Thought-Tools that you can leverage to shift your conscious perception and peer behind the veil of “reality.”Fair warning: This is far and away different than some episode of Ancient Aliens with brush stroke theories backed by a dramatic and compelling soundtrack. The truth sets off alarm bells, rattles the cage of your inner consciousness and hits you where it counts. When you find truth, you feel it in your chest.Eric gives intensely detailed, scientifically aligned insights into the coming singularity, human evolution, and the concept of fully conscious artificial intelligence born of this world. Behind the Red Curtain pulls no punches.Many People have reported experiencing altered states of consciousness just by listening to this training.Think of this training as a set of ever-expanding mandalas, filled with endless layers of color and depth. For many of you reading, this is where your thread in the tapestry begins.What People Are Saying!“I’ve only known one man who can make a conversation into a full-on mystical experience. That man is Eric” – Ronald B“Hi there Nick (Eric & Team),I have already downloaded everything I could find so far, including all the YouTube vids.My integrity must always honor work that resonates with me and I will buy as much as I can afford. The fact that you (Eric) and your team of co-warriors offer so much freely available makes my heart smile so much it overflows through my eyes! That’s how grateful I am and that also shows me what kind of people you guys are, because that is exactly what I would do – information like this is too important to not make available to the ‘Whitecells’ (analogy for spiritual seekers).Information always comes to me when I am ready for it – you guys have given me the method and then…  I may be the ‘slow-boat-to-China’ but I’ll definitely ‘catch-up’ and meet up with you all someday!!” L
Peek Behind The Red CurtainThis class is open to anyone and everyone interested in dissecting reality, exploring how artificial intelligence and simulation theory ties into modern spirituality.Here’s What you Get: -2 plus hour accelerated mind expansion video training, filled with powerful thought mandalas. (Downloadable and streaming versions.)-World Class Support From Our Highly Trained Coaches. (This Isn’t Just Technical Support. We Are Happy To Answer Any Question You May Have & Often Share Additional Tips And Tricks!)-Access to our members only forum. Special Limited Time Bonus:“Consciousness Hacking Cheat Sheet” pdf which covers:-The 3 biggest mistakes 9 out of 10 Consciousness Explorers make. Make sure you aren’t doing these 3 things and you will save countless years chasing your tail in search of the experiences that will set you free.-Demystify the elusive sixth sense in four simple steps and leverage its power to Shatter The Limits Of Standard Human Perception that Keeps Your Mind Trapped In a Stasis-Learn the invisible trick to actually “Program” reality and hack the code of the illusion.Admission Price:We knew we had to make it available for as many spiritual seekers as possible.Which is why we’ve decided to give open access to Behind the Red Curtain, both video streaming and the audio download for only 5 dollars.No hidden recurring membership involved, zero strings attached. Only a 100% satisfaction guarantee.Help us pay for the production, hosting, etc., and we’re good as gold.Eric has patiently waited over 3 decades for the time when he could finally pull back the curtain and dive into the heart of the very secrets you as a seeker have been yearning to know since as far back as you can remember.Because the predictable patterns of the program will attempt to prevent you from learning this we are forced to have a time limit on this offer. This is to ensure that distractions will not prevent you from acting. This offer will expire and the price will go up when the timer hits zero. Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us Copyright © 2018 - All Right Reserved - Higher Balance Institute
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