#It's shaped like a bird duh)
the-halfling-prince · 4 months
I love the scissors in otgw because you just know one of the people making the show saw those embroidery scissors and was like "that feels like it can be a magical artifact" and ran with it.
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thinking some thoughts about ghost x sunshine!disneyprincess-energy!reader..
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OKAY THESE ARE JUST SOME CUTE THIUGHTS BUT LIKE OKAY. what if reader is just so incredibly sweet to everyone and everything n simon is just standing behind her like a guard, all scary and intimidating.. like shes such a disney princess!! BUTBUT what if she teaches him how to be gentle?? like he’s spent so many years of his life killing people for his job and using his hands to hurt others for his work. he’s been told his whole life that he needs to toughen up, so what if reader just completely brings out the incredibly soft side of him that he didn’t even know was there?
i can just imagine reader doing cute things and simon standing idly by whilst she picks flowers from the ground to put in her purse so she can make pressed flowers bookmarks for the both of them?? his heart just melts at the sight when you knelt down to pick some pretty yellow flowers in the summertime when you two went for a nice summer’s evening walk.
or you find this like baby chick by your home (cuz u both live in a cottage area, duh) and its wing is hurt so you squat down; a bright, but kind, grin on your face. you put your hands outward in a bowl-like shape, sweetly whispering to the injured creature as it chirps, “cmere, you poor thing..” when the chick waddles in your hands, simon swears you must be a fairy of some sort. simon watches you intently--one of his favorite activities. the way the chick trusts you immediately..he can’t take it you are so perfect.
the yellow fuzz ball of a chick chirps every so often, and you use gentle hands to pet it before standing up and looking up at simon, eyes wide and full of joy.
he smiles, his cheeks dimpling when you giggle and pet the chick.
“you wanna hold him?” you ask quietly, as to not threaten the bird—or possibly to relax simon’s tense body. before he can respond, you say, “here, open your hand---"
he hesitates. “what if i hurt it?“ he asks, genuine concern sounding in his gruff voice (although it's more quiet than usual as to not frighten the chicklet).
you pout slightly, glossy lips turned down.
“you won’t," you begin with a comforting smile, trying to comfort your burly boyfriend. simon nibbles his bottom lip as he glances his dark eyes from you, then to the bird, then you again. "i promise you won't hurt 'im, simmey. hold him like you hold me when im sad! okay?"
he nods faintly, letting out a small chuckle.
carefully, you bring the baby chick closer to him as you tell him to cup his hands together.
his body is stiff as he holds the chick, small chirps from the animal making him nervous.
“see? you’re doin so good, simmey !!” you encourage, running a comforting hand along his tattooed bicep. the chick is completely dwarfed in ghost’s tattooed, scarred hands.
something so innocent being cared for by someone so..not.
like the relationship between the two of you.
not that simon was a bad man—far from it. he just never knew the power of being gentle.
and he was so grateful that you brought that out of him; a soft, loving gaze and smile set on his hardened features as he watched you stand on your tippy toes and pet the bird gently with your pointer finger.
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frostiwars · 4 days
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let's pretend i live on the west coast and it's still DAY 5: AU!!
do you think we're gay in every universe?
in which i turn insane and draw 5 different drawings for one prompt. and as a result, the rendering is a lot rougher, but oh well! i hope the designs are fun enough!!
GORE WARNING!!!!! and design ramblings under the cut
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Role Swap: i referenced hanyuu from higurashi for king metata because, while dedede has no idea about how to properly dress in traditional voidborn-based royalty attire (because his parents never taught him), metata wears EVEN MORE traditional garb, fancified, and a tiara rather than a crown cap. instead of hiding his wings in his cape, he hides them in his silk scarf. i didn’t even have to change his hime cut. he’s still cocky and arrogant but less traumatized so he’s less serious and more haughty. also his bow tying his hakama is shaped like an M haha. meanwhile, knight dede is far more armored, aiming for bulk over dps, and of course his armor has his classic triangular patterning all over the place. instead of the jaw scar, his eyes are clawed over. i wonder how that happened...
Species Swap: voidborn dedede is shorty mcshort short, even shorter than regular meta. he’s so short he doesn’t even wear hakama cuz he’d just trip over them, so he sticks with just a kimono and obi (once again adding to the androgyny common in most voidborn designs). his geta are less bulky as well. it’s not seen fully because his wings are out but his cloak goes all the way to his ankles instead of his knees. additionally, his wings have a blue gradient that matches the new color of his robe. his hammer is more embellished, like if galaxia was a giant mallet instead of a sword. and to keep with the ‘circular’ feeling for the hair common to my puffball gijinkas, i gave him kinda croissanty hair. meanwhile, avian meta has eschewed much of his armor for the sake of piercing and aerodynamics. he’s much lighter and his sleeves flow out to make room for the wings he can spawn on his arms. and of course his hair is slicked back and feathery like Coo and Vul. even his mask has a few more spikes to imitate bird talons.
dedede is a negatively-to-neutrally charged voidborn. i talked with my sibling @clutzicone-dts and they suggested denial as a birth emotion. i also like @moonmacabre01's idea of using regret. very fitting for a redeemable character
Gender Swap: normal dedede wears his garb in a feminine fashion, wearing the kimono over the hakama, so fem dedede does it in reverse, tucking the kimono inside the hakama. different sandals again, and wearing just the crown while eschewing the cap, mostly so i can have her long flowing braids more visible. at least she has a top knot to resemble the pom pom tho. meta meanwhile is largely unchanged physically (duh, voidborns don't have physical sex) with outfit adjustments. she keeps some design aspects from her younger days to distinguish her from normal meta while still seeming in character. tassels on the shoulder pads, and a hood on the cape instead of the frill. plus her lower body armor is longer and more decorated to give the illusion of a skirt without actually being one and i gave her low double buns to keep the round hair shape without just leaving it as a bowl cut
Mirror Versions: i have a whole ass complicated headcanon for the mirror dimension. i think it would be best described that, in this gijinkaverse, the mirror dimension is less an alternate universe and more an alternate timeline that went wrong at a very specific point. it's led to shadow dedede being much more... in tune, let's say, with the dark matter blade within his heart. and dameta isn't very pleased about that. after all, the two never got the chance to reconcile over Meta Knight's Revenge before things went to shit in that world. so they have a very complicated, somewhat tragic relationship. but i can talk about that more another time. let's just say that all of this is why i made certain slight changes to the two's designs. but i also gave dameta striped legs because stripes are for evil people
Bad Ending:
no spoilers. feel free to theorize about it. i'm sure there are plenty of clues to let you figure it out on your own.
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themidnightcrimson · 1 year
familiar ࿏ wm
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summary: in which you are agatha's gift to wanda.
words: 6.1K
warnings: f!reader, magic, drugging, transfiguration, angst, captivity, meow meow, oral (r giving), fingering (r receiving), strap-on (r receiving), meow meow meow, witchcraft duh, i wish i was a cat, this is not a furry thing i promise
this post is for 18+ only. minors: dni.
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It’s cold. You can feel the goosebumps rising on your skin, your body shivering as you come to.
It’s dark. You open your eyes and see nothing at first, nothing but total blackness in front of you. Something feels very strange, and a flare of anxiety roars in the pit of your stomach, your heart racing fast in your ears. You feel cold metal beneath you, and as your eyes adjust, you see the shape of metal bars in front of you.
A cage. You’re in a cage, and there is a blanket thrown over it. Leaning closer and blinking your eyes wildly, your focus comes to, and you can see through the veil of the thin blanket covering the cage. You only see shadowy hunks of furniture, a table covered with some sorts of tools and objects, a staircase nearby leading towards the only source of light. Your breath comes fast through your mouth, chest heaving as panic surges through you like electricity.
How did you get here?
You remembered being on your daily morning walk through the Westview suburban neighborhood. You did that every morning. It seemed like it was always spring in the little town, always sunny with cool breezes and chirping birds. You soaked up every second at the rise of dawn when the town was still sleepy and quiet.
You minded your business. You didn’t talk to anyone except for your neighbors, Wanda and Agatha. There was the occasional conversation on the street. Wanda’s hand waving politely to you from her porch as you passed by on your walks. Agatha helping herself to your front door, always visiting you and inviting you over, which oftentimes you declined just out of being antisocial.
They were both different shades of nosy neighbors. Agatha was confrontational and upfront, wanting to hold lengthy conversations every time she saw you, always snooping around and asking personal questions. Wanda was a different kind of nosy. She watched you from afar, always. You’d learned to live with their eyes on you, but you didn’t always mind Wanda’s. She seemed like a nice woman, though you hadn’t been able to understand why she seemed so interested in you. You also didn’t understand why you seemed equally interested in her.
That morning, Agatha had caught you on your morning walk right as you were quickly jogging past her house, wary of her stopping you as she always did. Of course, it seemed like she knew the exact schedule of your walks and came outside right as you passed.
“Why don’t you come in for tea, dear!” she had said, boldly grabbing your hands. You remembered how tight her grip was. “I make the best tea in town!”
You were tired of always declining her invitations. You didn’t want to seem rude. You were just the lonely girl next door who minded her business and didn’t want to get mixed up with anyone in town, but she was persuasive and consistent. So, you said yes. You went into her house and found it quaint but charming inside. She led you into the kitchen to make the first cup of tea, and you sipped it slowly as she talked about random things.
She offered to make you another, one to go that you could sip on your walk.
You remembered her saying in the kitchen that she didn’t have any tea left in there but kept some in stock downstairs in the basement. She ushered you to follow her so she could show you her wide tea collection. You remembered stepping down those concrete steps into cold darkness. You don’t remember ever seeing her tea collection.
Shivering in the cage, you tried to cross your arms around your body—something suddenly felt very strange to you. For the first time, you glanced down at yourself. At first, you thought you saw your normal hands and normal arms and legs. Your brain was used to seeing the same body every time it looked down, so it tricked you in the dark. As you looked closer, the horrifying realization washed over you as you realized that your hands were now small paws wrapped in black fur.
You tried to scream, but it was like something was wrong in your throat. You only let out an animalistic shriek, a sort of growling and hissing screech. You stumbled in the cage, your back hitting the metal bars. It was then you saw your cat tail, and your hind legs, and you could see the shadow of whiskers in the corner of your eyes, protruding from your own face.
Your entire body, much smaller now, trembled and shivered, and you could feel the line of fur rising stiffly on the strip of your back. What the hell happened to me?
Your heart rate was faster now, faster than you had ever heard it in your entire life, and your ears flinched and stretched as they picked up noises nearby. Your hearing was shockingly acute—you could hear birds somewhere above the ground, outside of the basement you were now caged in. You could hear a car drive past, the sound of a phone ringing in someone else’s house down the block.
You crumpled into the corner of the cage and bent your body into itself, dwindling your new body down into a pathetic ball. You could smell everything—the iron in the metal cage, the dust on the walls, perfumes of strange potion-like smells from inside the basement.
Then you heard the front door open inside the house upstairs. Your eyes widened, pupils constricting as your ears twitched to listen. Footsteps down the hallway, the muffled sounds of Agatha’s voice, then another’s.
Wanda’s voice.
Your tail fluffed up when you heard the heavy door to the basement squeak open. You wished you knew what time of day it was, but it was completely dark in the basement. You could just barely see through the blanket as two pairs of legs walked down the stairs and towards your cage. You tried to back further away, but your fur was touching metal.
“The entrapment itself wasn’t so difficult,” Agatha’s voice spoke languidly. It was so much different from how her voice usually sounded—endearing, pleasant, charming. It was harsh and deep now, like she had pulled off a mask and was happy to be her usual deviant self again. “A few drops of draught in her tea, and she surrendered.” Her harsh laugh hurt your ears.
She poisoned my tea? you thought to yourself, fear broiling hot and deep inside you. You didn’t know it was possible to feel this afraid.
“I will admit,” Agatha said as her and Wanda’s legs stopped right in front of the cage. “The transfiguration itself was…difficult. Her body resisted, the stubborn little thing. I thought maybe she’d do well as a bunny, or even a turtle… Well, I hope you’re not allergic to cats because…”
The blanket was suddenly lifted from the cage. Even in the dark basement, the adjustment of light burned your eyes, and you let out an instinctive hiss, jumping up on your legs and turning your side flat against the back of the cage, back and tail fluffed into black, pointy spikes of fur. You felt a flare of passion in how intimidating you probably looked, but as you looked up at Wanda and Agatha who towered over you like giants, you realized just how small you were now.
Agatha crossed her arms and looked disdainfully at you, pursing her lips in disappointment. Wanda, on the other hand, was staring down at you with wide, misty eyes, her mouth forming into a soft, “Oh… y/n.”
Your eyes darted between the two women, and the dark of the basement grew even brighter as your pupils swarmed wide, your vision throbbing with your own fear. Your entire body was quivering and tensing uncontrollably, your back starting to ache.
Wanda leaned down slowly so that she came closer to the cage. Through the bars, you saw the teary look in her eyes. “Is she… still…”
“She’s still there in the head, unfortunately,” Agatha said, looking at you like you were rodent. “I know that’s what you wanted.” There was venom in her voice, but then she sighed and spoke happily again. “This is your first step to becoming a proper witch, not that you need my help in the power area.” She clicked her tongue jealously. “But a familiar is necessary for a witch’s emotional wellbeing.” She looked over at Wanda, eyes flickering down her to try and read her.
You stared up into Wanda’s big green eyes that looked now like shimmering full moons. You wanted to scream, to ask them what the hell they were talking about, to undo whatever Agatha had done to you, but all you could let out was a little catlike whimper.
“Oh, baby,” Wanda cooed, “It’s okay. You’re okay. Don’t be scared.” She started to put her hand through the bars of the cage slowly, her fingers passing between the metal. A hot instinct struck you from the inside, and without thinking, you hissed and swatted your paw towards her hand. You felt your claws, which you didn’t even realize you had, tear at her skin.
Wanda gasped and withdrew her hand, clutching it to her stomach. You saw a long, jagged scratch mark on the back of her hand, and felt overwhelmingly shocked and guilty at how fast it started to bleed.
“Bad kitty!” Agatha exclaimed and kicked the cage. The jolting motion scared you and you lost balance, clambering to crawl back into the corner of the cage into a defensive little ball.
“No, it’s okay,” Wanda quickly said, looking up to Agatha. “She’s just scared.” She looked back to you, forgetting all about her hand which was now dripping blood on the floor. “Can she transform back…into human?”
Agatha subtly rolled her eyes. “Yes,” she said reluctantly, “But it would probably take me days to do it. It would involve a lot of magic—”
Wanda cut her off by raising her hand, red embers flowering between her fingers. You suddenly felt a strange motion inside you, your body stretching and skin changing as you started to swell in size. You squeezed your eyes shut and let out an ear-piercing snarl, and slowly it turned into a human scream.
It stopped, finally. You opened your eyes and found that suddenly the cage was too small for you, and Wanda and Agatha were normal size again. You looked down—you saw your human hands and arms and legs, your normal skin. You were human again, bent nakedly in the small cage. You wrapped your arms around your body to cover yourself.
Agatha looked shocked and infuriated at the fact that Wanda had so easily changed you back, after all the work Agatha had done to transfigure you. “Well…” She cleared her throat and adjusted her shirt. “Just do that when you want her to be a cat again.”
You shivered in the cold of the cage, too afraid to speak in fear that the only thing that would come out were unintelligible meows. Even now, back in your human state, you felt unimaginably different, like something had shifted in your DNA. You could still hear and smell everything, down to the metallic scent of the blood on Wanda’s hand, and the sound of her own heart beating to make up for the lack.
It shocked you how differently Wanda was looking at you compared to how Agatha looked at you. Wanda looked mesmerized, hopeful, and guilty all in one. Her eyes flickered over you, and she started to slide her hand through the cage again. You felt the urge to scratch her again, but you realized your claws were now dull fingernails, and you didn’t like the way you had so primally swatted at her and how easily she had bled.
“Kitten,” she whispered, bringing her hand to your face. You cowered away but she continued, gently moving your hair with the tips of her fingers. Something in you wanted to purr, but you didn’t. “I’ll call you Kitten.”
The first few days of being Wanda’s familiar were tough. While she politely kept you in your human form, she kept you in a cage in her bedroom, a larger one that you could fit in, and told you rather apologetically that she must keep you there until she can trust you. You were silent at first, pained and confused by what had happened to you, until you started to break. You grabbed at the bars of the cage and jumped at her, screaming, “Let me out! Please let me out!”
You could see how much her heart broke at your refusal and denial, but what did she expect? You had been captured and sold like a slave. Even then, screaming at her and shaking the bars of the cage like an animal, you could feel that something had been bonded between you. Something changed—not just within you, but between the two of you. There was some kind of link connecting you.
She would open her mouth to say something, outreach her hand to comfort you, but you would not stop screaming. So she flicked her hand, and you shrunk down into your feline form again, your screams turning into wily meows and screeches. She would throw the blanket over the cage again and leave you there until you stopped making noises, until your throat burned and you tired yourself out.
Eventually, you calmed. The realization began to sink within you that you had been living around witches and fallen dumbly into their trap. Wanda called Agatha a few times, and through the walls of the house you heard her speaking. “Maybe we shouldn’t have done this… No, I am grateful, Agatha, I know it took a lot for you…I just feel like she’s not happy…I know that it takes time, but… Okay.”
Within a week, you stopped lunging at her from the cage, and though you had refused the food she offered you at first, whenever you were in feline form you could not resist the fish and milk she offered you in little bowls, lapping hungrily as if it was the last thing you would ever eat. Eventually, while she fed you, you felt her reach through the cage and comb her fingers through the fur between your ears. You froze for a moment, but you acquiesced, continuing to eat and let her pet your head. It was soothing, more soothing than you’d like to admit.
She let you out of the cage during the day and kept you in human form, giving you her clothes to wear around the house. There was one rule that was obvious—no running away. Of course, you tried, but the entire house was hexed so that no one could get out or get in except for Wanda. You started to wonder what her intentions were for keeping you here. From her phone calls with Agatha, it was apparent that you were meant to be some sort of companion to her. But she hardly spoke to you, even when she let you out of your cage and you sat on the couch watching TV together.
The bond started to grow stronger. You realized that you could hear her thoughts. When she dropped something on accident, you could hear her say Oh, shit even though the words never escaped her lips. When she prepared food for you, you could hear her thinking I hope she likes this. You had a feeling that she caught on and was now protecting her thoughts from you, because you could hear no further than mundane thoughts.
But she couldn’t protect her emotions from you. You started to realize, as you slept in the cage in the corner of her room at night, that something tragic and painful radiated from Wanda. It was grief, cold, and menacing. It gripped her helplessly. Although your life before being her familiar was fading away from your mind, you could remember that her house, which you could see across the street from yours, usually had two little boys and a man running in and out of it. Now it was totally empty besides her and yourself. Picture frames were turned on their faces, making it appear as if no one had ever lived there but her.
You learned that Wanda had only recently started to become a witch, though her powers already ten times that of Agatha’s. The Scarlet Witch, Agatha told her over the phone. The most powerful being in the universe, but she was baking you cookies and feeding you treats and putting a blanket over you at night and giving you all the space you needed and crying herself to sleep every night. For someone who could cause total destruction, all she seemed to you was soft and sad.
The urge to comfort her was strong. At night, she preferred to keep you in feline form in the cage so you wouldn’t be able to reach the latch and unlock it. Before you walked into the cage, you would butt your forehead against her ankle, twisting around her leg so that your tail curled around her knee. She was so moved by these little moments of affection, and it warmed you to bring them to her.
Wanda often studied from a big, old book during the day. She would sort of transform, her sweatpants and hoodie fading into a deep red suit fitted with a crown. She looked so majestic like that, hovering above the air, flipping through the pages of the book without even touching them, encompassed in her own red glow of magic. You would watch her curiously, between the glimpses of your attention grabbed by birds outside the window.
Wanda started to let you have more freedom. The cage is tucked inside the closet now, and the only time she turns you into feline form is when she takes you on walks outside, holding the red leash she had bought to connect to your red cat harness. It was a wonderful delight, experiencing the world that way, stimulated by every single movement and sound and smell. She had to keep you in that form on your walks because to everyone else in the town, you had simply disappeared.
Wanda gives you your own bedroom in the house, which you used for a couple nights, but you found yourself sneaking into her room and sleeping on the cot made up beside her bed on the floor, and one time you even woke up to find that you had crawled onto the bed and curled up on her feet in the night. It all happened so quickly and mindlessly, your love for her, your attraction to her, your loyalty to her. You weren’t just a familiar now, bound to her by magic, but you were her friend.
You started to fall in love with the way she smiled. You had a habit of knowing just how to make her laugh, and you basked in the glow of her giggles. She confessed to you that she had a crush on you ever since you moved into town, but she was too afraid to pursue it, even after Vision was gone. One intimate night by the fireplace in the living room, she said that she regretted telling Agatha about her crush on you, because it gave Agatha the idea to give you to Wanda as a familiar, as a gift. She said that she didn’t want you to be taken by force, that she wanted you to want to be with her. She even glanced to the unhexed door and told you, without thinking, You are free to leave. I will not hold you hostage.
It was then that you placed your hand on her thigh and tilted your head, looking at her wavy red hair and absorptive green eyes and trembling pink lips, and thought to her, Never would I want to leave you. It was then that you kissed for the first time, a slow and careful one. She was scared to kiss you too hard, to upset you, to make you want to run away since she had given you the option for freedom. Truth be told, you’d never felt freer in your life than when you were with Wanda.
She was happier after that. Your relationship, which had been rocky and reluctant at first, bloomed into something more than just a witch and her familiar. Your love grew like wildflowers in the pit of your bellies, deepening the spiritual bond that was already there between you. The relationship turned into something romantic, intimate, and special. It turned into desire that showed its head one night.
Although Wanda was happier now, she still had her moments when she missed her boys. You were sleeping beside her that night in her bed, arm cast over her, when you awoke not to a sound, but to a feeling. It stirred you awake forcefully, and the grief radiating from her stabbed you in the gut. You opened your eyes and gently turned her to face you—she was quietly crying.
“Wanda,” you whispered, gently holding her face and wiping her tears from her cheeks. “What is it, my love?”
“Detka,” she whispered, reaching up to stroke your cheek with her thumb. “Everyone has left me. My parents, my brother, Vision, my boys…” She stopped, a cry choking her throat. “I don’t know if I could take it if I ever lost you, too.”
Your heart broke at the sound of hers. You took her hand in yours. “That’s not going to happen.”
“I’m sorry that you ended up here,” she cried, sniffling and looking anywhere but you, too afraid to look at you and see hatred in your eyes. She had a habit of letting her mind get to her. “I’m afraid that you’re only with me because I forced you to be.”
Leaning closer to her, you looked deeply into her eyes, hoping that she heard how loud your love for her screamed from within you. “I want to be with you,” you told her firmly, and she listened, staring up at you with such vulnerability and conviction it made your eyes water. “I love you. Even if I hadn’t ended up here this way, we still would have been together. I love you in a million lifetimes and a million universes. I will never, ever, ever leave you.” You meant every word.
Wanda’s hand caressed your cheek and brought your face to hers, kissing you in the same soft, sweet kiss she always did. You always felt that twinge of desire within her, waiting for her to unleash it one day, desperate to seal your romance. But she was too scared to hurt you, too afraid of scaring you away.
Resting your body on top of hers in the quiet, dark bedroom, you kissed her deeply, running your tongue along her lower lip before slipping it inside her mouth, feeling her tongue slide against yours. Her body grew hot under you, her chest moving with the weight of her intensified breaths. She made a sort of strangled noise, her hand coming to your throat. You melted under the feeling of her fingertips dipping into your neck, but then she gently pushed you away.
Your mouth was wet with her kiss, and she was breathing hard, looking at you with both lust-filled and pain-filled eyes. It isn’t fair to you, she thought. She felt that the position of power was unbalanced, and she feared taking advantage of you even though she had thought about it so many times in her mind, had even blocked you from hearing her thoughts as she laid beside you at night and touched herself to the sight and smell of you beside her.
“It’s unfair for you to deprive me,” you whispered to her, pressing closer on her, feeling her hand tighten around your throat. “I need you. I want you.”
There was hesitance in her eyes as they scoured your face, looking and feeling for any sort of dishonesty. She wanted you to truly want her.
“Please,” you begged, trying to lean forward and kiss her again, but her hand on your throat held you away from her. You clawed at it, letting out a mewling sound that embarrassed you a little. Even in human form, you felt the urge to purr her for.
“Kitten,” she whispered, eyes falling to your lips and looking at them with desperation as her teeth bit into her own. “Are you sure?”
You nodded feverishly. “Yes, please. Yes.”
Finally, she gives in with a whimper, pulling you towards her to kiss you again. Her hands run over your waist, pressing you close to her as her tongue deeply explores your mouth. The blankets fall over your bodies as you move together, clothes coming off one by one until your skin is flushed together.
“Kitten,” Wanda moans when you move your lips to her neck, leaving butterfly kisses on her sensitive skin there. Her hands tangle in your hair as you move your mouth downwards, desperate to please her, desperate to love and cherish her body as much as you love and cherish her soul. Your mouth explores the expanse of her chest, the concaves of her clavicle, the rise and swell of her breasts which you grope and suck into your mouth, delighting in the noises she makes as your mouth lingers there. You go further down her body as if drinking down the winding expanse of a river, leaving trails of wet kisses down her stomach and hips until you’re stationed between her legs that open for you.
“Please,” she begs, urging her hips upwards as you bite and kiss at her thighs, inhaling the scent of her arousal that already sweetens the air. You don’t hesitate to give her what she wants, letting her hands in your hair guide your head to her slit. “Oh, fuck,” she breathes, her chest arching off the bed as you lap at her sensitive nub and suckle at it, feeling her juices cling to your chin.
Her breathing gets faster as her hips buck hard against your mouth, her fingers clutching your hair to push your head down harder. She seems to remember herself and loosen up, not wanting to hurt you, even in her pleasure. You moan at the taste of her, swallowing down every drop that collects on your tongue as you fervently pleasure her with your mouth.
“Kitten,” she cries, her voice rising in pitch as she grinds harder against your tongue, pulling your face impossibly closer to her. “Fuck, fuck,” she whispers in the most delightful string of curses you had ever heard as she comes to a climax, her thighs trembling around her face that is hot from the heat of her desire. You soothe her through her orgasm, lapping softer and sweeter, until finally she sighs and pulls you up.
You crawl up her body, shocked to see the flame of red in her cheeks, the tremble in her lower lip as she kisses you roughly. Whining, you wrap your arms around her shoulders as she sits up, her hands snaking down your waist and over your hips to grab the swells of your ass, squeezing you closer to her. She grunts into the kiss, breaking away to catch her breath.
“Did I please you?” you ask her breathlessly as she starts biting at your nipples, bringing a squeak from your throat. Your hands swim in her curls of hair as she groans a sound of confirmation, her tongue licking at your nipple before she bites it again, her hands on your ass tightening their grip.
Before you know it, she flips you around so that you’re on your back and she’s hovering over you, her mouth now biting at your shoulder and neck. “Can I touch you?” she asks, her fingertips quivering over the lower expanse of your tummy.
“Yes,” you whisper, feeling your face go hot as her hand dips down eagerly between your legs to cup you. You hum, feeling sparkles of pleasure fill you as her fingers rub at your clit perfectly, as if she somehow already knows exactly what pleases you. “Oh…” you moan, trying to pull her closer to you as her hands slip down over your folds, collecting your immense wetness that you hadn’t even realized was there until Wanda moaned at the feeling of it.
Looking down at the sight, Wanda slowly pushes two of her fingers inside you, listening to the way you gasp and moan as she slides them all the way in, spreading them out and moving them around to gauge your tightness—tight. Pumping them in and out, she feels for your sweet spot, finding that ridged spot tucked deep inside you and pressing at it.
Your hips jump suddenly from the feeling, back arching off the bed as she feels you from the inside. “Wanda,” you moan desperately as she thrusts her fingers slowly at first, until they pick up speed and her mouth is at your neck again, sucking dark spots into the fair skin there.
Something carnal unlocks inside Wanda at the way you moan her name, the way your hands are pulling her desperately closer, the way your walls clench and throb around her fingers. She lets out a whine and fucks her fingers harder into you, her own hips thrusting eagerly.
“That’s it, Kitten,” she whispers when she feels you tightening, your thighs trapping her hand between them. “Cum for me.”
A cry escapes your throat as hot, searing pleasure washes over you, Wanda’s fingers ushering your orgasm along within you. She shudders at the feeling of you cumming around her fingers, whining in desperation to be even deeper inside you, stretching you out even more, needing to be even closer to you.
You’re panting and still coming down when she pulls her fingers out of you, and glowing red magic flares from them, illuminating your bodies in momentary crimson light in the darkness. Suddenly, in a flash of red, there is a large dildo strapped to her hips, and she starts to lubricate it with your wetness on her fingers, stroking around the tip gently.
Anticipation fills you as she settles between your legs, pausing to look carefully at your face and stroke some of your hair away softly. “Are you okay? C-Can I?” She’s trembling with desperation.
“Yes,” you smile, gently running your hand up her arm. “I want it.”
Licking her lips, she smiles a little and leans down to kiss you gently, letting her body weight settle over you. She breaks the kiss to look down, her breath heavy, as she lines the tip of her strap to your wet entrance, slowly pushing herself into you. You take a deep breath as she slides deeper, your walls stretching around the widening girth. It becomes a little painful, and you let out a strangled whine.
Wanda stops suddenly, looking up at you with wide eyes. “Am I hurting you?”
“No,” you whisper, placing your hands on her face. “Just go slow, please.”
She nods, pressing her lips to yours again as she pushes her cock even slower inside you, one arm wrapped around you and keeping you close to her. She keeps her mouth on yours as she fills you deeper and deeper, stretches you out even more and more until her cock is lodged fully inside you, resting so deep that you can feel her in your lower tummy.
Your breaths fall shakily against each other as she dares not to break the kiss, as if for every ounce of the pain she is kissing it better. She stays still for a moment to let you adjust before she starts to pull out, and the pain comes back again, but so does the immense pleasure. She does this for a minute, just barely pumping inside you, kissing you gently.
After a while, you can tell that she’s holding back. Her hand swipes over your lower tummy when she is at her deepest, feeling the bulge of her cock there, and she groans, breaking the kiss to bury her face in your neck. “Kitten…” she breathes, her body moving on top of yours as she retracts her hips and then buries deep inside you again.
Your hands run up her bare back to find that she is incredibly tensed, using every ounce of her strength to withhold from absolutely ravishing you. You goad her by hooking one leg up around her and bucking your hips. “Faster,” you whisper, feeling yourself throb with need. “Fuck me, Wanda.”
Wanda instantly obliges, her hand grabbing your thigh that is hooked around her as she pulls out and then snaps her hips harshly into you, bringing out a gasp from your lips. She growls and does this again, and again, and again, until she is pounding you into the mattress and squelches from your wetness fill the air.
“Oh, fuck,” you moan, arching your chest against her as she drills into you, letting out her own symphony of noises. She is desperate and animalistic, driving herself into you with the force of something primal and carnal. You become a melted mess of nothing beneath her, barely able to keep up with her power and hunger as you scratch helplessly at her back, feeling cuts form there on her skin.
“Kitten, fuck,” she growls into your neck. Your bodies are pressed flat against one another, humid skin rubbing smoothly against each another as she forces herself into you fast and hard. She’s shaking again, grabbing your thigh so hard it bruises under her touch. Her teeth sink hard into your neck, but you don’t even feel it from the blinding force of pleasure coming over you. You’re both feeding off each other’s pleasure, soul and body and mind and heart connected, tangled so deeply with each other that you wouldn’t even know where your body starts and hers ends. You can tell she’s been waiting for this night, as much as she has held it from you. She is letting it all out now, her love and her pain and her desire and her grief. You’re the vessel for her soul, taking in every single thing and inch that she’s giving you.
You can feel pressure twisting within you, and your hips start to move and legs squirm against her, but with two hands bruising into your hips, she holds you still and pins your hips to the mattress. “St-still,” she says, leaning up to press sloppy kisses to your mouth. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her mouth is open, and it’s the most glorious sight you’ve ever seen.
“Fuck!” she groans, dropping her face back into your neck as her hips stutter, thrusting wildly and aimlessly into you.
“Wanda,” you whine as your climax crashes down on you, and with another string of curses and growls from the witch, hers does too. You’re blinded as she fucks into you as she cums, your nails scratching hard at her back.
It’s an orchestra of grabbing, thrusting, and moaning until you both slow down, and her weight rests fully on top of you, her body going limp as she breathes hard into your neck. Panting, you close your eyes and just feel her, her heart beating hard against your own, her body warm against yours, her cock still tucked deep inside you, a bundle of wetness between both of your legs, both still trembling.
Eventually, she moves up, looking down at you with a placated look in her eyes, as if she has been hungry for years and is finally fulfilled. “Are you okay?” she asks sweetly, as if she isn’t still ten inches deep in you.
You nod, reaching up to stroke her face. For the first time, you don’t feel grief radiating off her, nor do you hear painful thoughts of insecurity and trauma. She is just Wanda, your satisfied little witch, and you her loyal familiar, bound to each other in life and in death, in spirit and in flesh.
She smiles widely, those green moons filling with euphoria.
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604to647 · 3 months
Gouda Girl
1.3K / Modern AU Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: On a lazy Sunday afternoon, Din learns a few things about the Netherlands, and you learn a little something too.
Warnings: None - fluff! Bad puns! Established relationship, nicknames (pretty bird, pretty girl, baby).
A/N: This is for @happypedrohours' Charcuterie Board Challenge – I chose 1A and got Din and Gouda!  I legitimately tried to play around with ways that 'Grogu' could be mispronounced as 'Gouda' before settling on a kind of cheat and writing the story in the Safest with You universe with Modern!Din 🫣  (You don't have to read SwY - just know it's a modern au! If you do read SwY - here's a little fluff before we embark on some angst in the series 🫣) If there are any Dutch people reading this, I love you please don't be offended if I got anything wrong, and shout out to Mr. 604 who did in fact go to school in Rotterdam! Please see #happypedrohours for all the other wonderful works!
Orange divider by @saradika-graphics; all moodboard pics are from Pinterest, but I suspect the top and bottom Pedros are from the same source/edit. I’m sorry I didn’t have more info to go on but if you recognize your work, pls let me know so I can credit you properly 🥰
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“Hey pretty bird, do you know it’s not actually pronounced ‘Goo-dah’?
“Yup.  It’s pronounced ‘How-duh’.”  You add a little roughness from the back of your throat over the H.
“How did you know that?” The truth is, Din is hardly ever surprised by the things you know – you’re generally a fountain of information; what he can't usually guess is how you come to know the things you know.
“The Dutch pronounce their hard Gs with an H-like sound.”
The two of you have very tentatively been talking about taking a trip to Europe, and a lazy Sunday with no definitive plans but to stay in seems as good a time as any to do some casual trip research.  You’re on opposite ends of your couch, you lazing on one end, one knee propped up against which you balance your sudoku book - twirling your pencil as you study the numbers in the grids.  Din’s extended his long legs on the L-shape end of the sectional, with his laptop open on his lap.  Alfredo the dog stretches out in between the two of you, his furry snoot and one of his paws curling over your calf.  Din was just reading an article entitled “10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Netherlands,” but apparently the proper pronunciation of Gouda, the Netherland’s most popular cheese, was something you knew.  Hmmm, he realizes that you didn’t exactly answer his question. 
“Do you… speak Dutch?”
“Ik doe niet. (I do not)” you grin playfully, still not looking up from your puzzle.  You don’t actually speak Dutch, but like a lot of other languages, you know a random phrase or two.
Din scrolls slowly through the listicle and picks a few that he thinks are the harder ones:
“Do you know what the iconic windmills are used for?”
“To pump water from the land.  A quarter of the Netherlands is below sea level.”
“Why is the national Dutch colour orange?”
“The Dutch royal family is from the House of Orange.”
Din smiles - looks like his smart, pretty bird knows all of these.  He’s now super curious just how familiar you are with Holland, and he knows the exact question to ask to get some additional insight. Pulling up a new web search, he asks, “What would you say are some common Dutch foods?”
“Stroopwafels, bitterballen… and kapsalon?” You look wistful at the memory of these dishes, clearly having actually tried them.
Clickity click click tap tap tap.  After a few seconds, Din’s eyes widen at his screen, “Oh wow, that does look delicious.”
Ok, this is fun, thinks Din – he’s not trying to stump you, he’s happy learning new things about this country and you.  And even though you haven’t actually looked up, he can tell by the way the corners of your mouth are curving and the shine of your eyes, though they remain focused on your puzzle, that you’re having fun too.
Click clack clickedy clack.  Din’s quiet for a few minutes while he reads.  Apparently not satisfied, he enters another search and reads through the new results before throwing out, “Do you know what they call peanut butter in the Netherlands?”
“Pindakaas,” you grin, “it translates to Peanut Cheese.”
“Do you know why?”
You do, “They can’t call it Pindaboter because only things that are actually butter can be called butter.”
Din scrolls, thoughtfully, “Do you know that the Dutch are the tallest people on Earth?”
“I think it has something to do with all the dairy in their diet? The Netherlands has the 3rd highest per capita milk consumption in the world.”  The truth is your knowledge of random Dutch facts is super limited, but by some hilarious coincidence Din is asking you the exact few things you know.  You can’t help but continue to tease him – he’s looking at you with a mixture of wonder and suspicion.
“Did you used to date a Dutch hockey player or something?”
“Don’t be silly, everyone knows that the Dutch winter sport of choice is speed skating.”
Again, it didn’t actually answer his question; Din’s sure that by now you’re just playing around, but he can’t help but picture you with some impossibly tall blonde with thick tree trunk thighs named Jan or Piet or whatever.  Involuntarily, he makes a face as he looks back down at his laptop, typing stoically.
You giggle - you’re out of facts and you want to give you big, pouting boyfriend a hug.  You and Din don’t have any secrets about your respective past relationships, and moreover, Din isn’t prone to jealousy or insecurity, but you feel the strong urge to reassure him nonetheless.  Putting your sudoku down, you hold out your arms, “Come here, baby.”
Din closes his laptop and wedges it against the back cushions before crawling over to your side of the couch; careful not to disturb Al, he comes to a rest between your legs, laying his head against your chest as you run your fingers through his soft curls, lightly scratching your nails against his scalp, “My firm sponsors an MBA program at Erasmus in Rotterdam, and I visited one year with my boss to give a talk.”
“Oh cool,” Din mumbles against your chest, “did you have fun?”
“I did!  We were given a lot of tours and did a few orientations with the students – that’s where I picked up a few Dutch facts and a little bit of nederlands.  It’s really such a lovely place - we should go together, Din.”
“We should, pretty girl,” and after a pause, “so, no 6’8” blonde speed skating paramours?”
“No, baby, I find that these days I only have a thing for brown haired boxers,” your eyes full of love when they meet the soft brown pair that peer up at you.  Then suddenly, those same eyes crinkle in mischief,
“What you’re saying is you’re my gouda girl?”
It takes you a beat before you get the good girl pun and you groan, but Din’s not done yet,
“And that I’m the only one who gets to stroop your waffle?”
You roll your eyes hard and attempt to push Din off, “Omigod, stahhhp.” You giggle as he settles more of his weight on you.
“Hang on, I almost had a good one for ‘bitterballen’ – it was right there.  Boter give me a minute.”
You shriek in laughter as Din lifts up and peppers your neck and face with a flurry of butterfly kisses before he gets off the couch.  Once he’s rounded to the other side, he leans over the back and peers down at you, still with a shit-eating grin on his face, “I’m going to get dinner started.  You gouda with that, pretty bird?”
Din narrowly dodges the swat of your book before chuckling all the way to the kitchen.  He’s ducked into the fridge, pulling out ingredients when you remember something, “Oh!  Can we do something new with the potatoes tonight?  I saw this recipe that I think you might like – and we can use up that dill we have.”
You phone is just out of reach on the coffee table and Al’s snoozing head has your lower half pinned down; you reach over by your feet to grab Din’s laptop so you can find the recipe you were looking at earlier.
Opening up the search engine, you click into the search bar and snicker at all the most recent searches:
Netherlands hockey team
hard little known facts about the Netherlands
Random facts about the Netherlands
How to spell capsulon Dutch food
common dutch foods
travelling to the Netherlands
2 week trip Europe best places to go
But when you get to the oldest recent search, you let out a little gasp that you hope Din doesn’t hear from the kitchen and your eyes widen to the size of saucers:
romantic European proposals
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
The Vampire Hunter pt. 3
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Vampire Kai x Hunter Reader
summary: Vampire Kai leaves his nest, but doesn't forget about you. Especially when the Blood Moon is out how can he forget about your sweet scent.
content: it's here,,, smut but with a whole lot leading up to it :/, mentions of blood duh, the whole band are vampires, dom kai, sub/fem reader, oral (f. rec), fingering, BITING, marking, kai has a nice body..., slight praise kink, no protection
word count: 3.4k
pt.1 <- pt. 2 <- pt. 3
the bright star rises disturbing the current dark calm setting of the room. birds began to sing to one another and a faint sound of centaurs galloping in the distance was heard from your opened window. warm sunlight shines through the blinds awakens you, rubbing your eyes you look over at kai staring at you.
"ew how long have you been watching me" you try to push the man away from you.
"your heartbeat is like a metronome" kai gives you a toothy grin showing off his fangs.
you give him a playful glare, reaching over for a pillow to slap the man with. kai catches the pillow before it hits him and shoves it under his head. you both lay there staring at each other in comfortable silence.
"are you ready to leave the nest, little bat?" you ask softly.
kai's faint smile looses itself as he turns on his back looking at the textured ceiling.
"aw, don't worry kai you've done well with your training. you're going to do fine without me."
"although i am excited to be with other vampires... i also want to stay with you" kai looks back at you.
you blush at the sight of his big burgundy eyes and soft features. before you could stop your instincts you stretch your arm to caress his cheek. kai closes his eyes finding comfort in you actions, he also found it hard not to smell your sweet scent of blood that he endures so much. the two of you stay like that for a while until it was time to get his things put together.
soobin's clan arrived at noon while making quite a ruckus outside your front door. one of the boys were pounding the entry to let them in. all whining at the heat and bright sun. you rush to the door swinging it open to see four wide eyed men.
"can we please come in" asked the vampire adorned with steam flying off his long wolf-cut hair.
you repetitively say "yes" until all the vampire clan came in. huening kai comes up to you, the tall man was doing a bad job hiding behind you as it was his first time meeting the rest of the clan. as the boys enter your house soobin grins at kai greeting him. kai gets introduced to the three other man still keeping close to you. looking at the fledgling slowly crawling out of his shy cave you look over at soobin with a smile.
you slowly stepped in kai's room, it was dark and groggy just like it was when kai was caged in. his presence made the room feel warm with the help of his collection of plushies. you sigh with a pout walking in a circle in the room. lifting your head up you see the vampire you're going to miss so much standing there.
"i'm not running away. i'm just living somewhere else" kai reassures you, walking closer and pulling you into in chest, "i'm going to visit you often" your pout shapes into a smile.
you give him a hug before he leaves with the clan. kai nestled his cute nose against your neck before he parts himself away from you. the red glow of his eye fade into his usual dark burgundy. opening the front door guiding them out, you wave your hand in goodbye like they're going to war as the vampires leave.
dragging your feet on the wood of your cabin porch, you slump over the door handle trying to unlock it in your fatigue state. being a supernatural hunter has been slow these days, but a full moon was coming meaning you were spending time preparing the human population to get into safety before it comes. usually humans know what to do when a full moon comes, but apparently this moon will be a blood moon attracting the wild the most.
wiggling the doorhandle one more time before it opens you finally realize that a man was sitting in a rocking chair on your porch.
"kai!" you say as all your fatigue fades away "you're here early!"
it wasn't long until kai found himself in your house again. you both made it a weekly thing that every Sundays you have a day together. somedays turn into sleepovers and then multiple days. you liked it because you can have quality time with the handsome man and he tells you all the supernatural news which helps you out immensely. today was the day you had kai and all of his clan invited to your house.
kai rocks out of the chair to join you inside, "just wanted to help you prepare for the day."
you smile at him as your thank you for such a nice offer. however, a few minutes in making the feast for 5 men you were noticing that kai seemed to be in a clingy mood. when you thought his face was going to be in the cooked meat, instead his face was in your hair and neck. when you were washing and cutting the blood oranges for desserts, his usual position of being at your back was added with arms around your waist. you were not going to deny it, you did find the closeness tender, but when you decided to wash up for the party you had to use all your strength to get the broad man out of your room.
sitting at your vanity, you were finishing up your look for the night. looking at the reflection of the peach sky from you window, you yell out for kai to be on the look out for his clan. knowing the man heard you because you could see his see his shadow from the cracks of your door. kai senses his clan close by and opens the door stopping yeonjun from knocking. letting them in you hug each man and told them food was ready.
it was always a fun time having all 5 men in your house. although they were undead, they knew how to make a place lively. conversations and laughter filled the place until sunset, you couldn't help but stare at kai and his smile. only soobin noticed how the two of you reacted to one another, with lingering touches and constant glances.
"hey soobin i'm going to stay with y/n tonight" kai abruptly mentions. soobin's smile falters slightly but he nods his head.
it was getting late and conversations were dyeing down. the sound of crickets' constant chirping and soothing smell of spring to summer air was calming all of you. the clan decided to call it a night, leaving you to walk them out. all the boys saying their goodbyes, you send them on their way except soobin when he gets a hold of your arm.
"you do know its a full blood moon tonight right?"
"yes,,, i thought kai was doing well with his blood-lust?"
soobin stares at you contemplating what to say.
"do i need to lock him up?" you ask sternly.
soobin shifts in his spot looking over at kai cleaning up your dining table. "i hope you know what you're getting yourself into"
you tilt your held, you knew that a blood moon would increase a vampire's cravings more along with their natural sexual behavior, but you felt kai was different... right?
"and don't be surprised when i laugh at you the next time i see you"
your eyes bulge out of your head hearing soobin's comment. now you were confused. you watch the honey blonde smirk and leave your house with a swoosh he's gone. closing the door you turn to admire the innocent domestic kai in the kitchen.
do you know what you're getting yourself into?
the cedar smell hits your nose like it always did when you enjoyed the outside air. you two were enjoying the view of a deep navy blue sky, rocking on the rocking chairs. you two were enjoying simple conversation until something caught your eye. lifting yourself out of the chair you walk towards the railing at the end of the porch. a breeze brushes through your hair as you look at the dark blue sky turn into a purple hue. looking higher up the atmosphere you see the blood moon at its peak. the brightest full moon you've ever seen, with craters the hues of red and a striking scarlet neon ring around the satellite. you smile at the sight and then look over to kai was who was looking up too however, he was not smiling. he had a serious face with a hint of distress, you found yourself mesmerized by his crimson eyes, they seem to resemble a glittery potion.
you didn't realize you were hypnotized by him until he suddenly left the porch to walk back inside. you blink, shaking your head at his attitude, and then glance back at the moon looking even more like a drop of blood in the sky.
walking back into your house "kai the moon looks great. i thought you were going to go crazy for it-"
you stopped what you were doing when you saw kai drunkly walk to the guest room. guilt bubbling up in your stomach, worried that somehow he had gotten sick. you go up to his figure holding his hand to help him but he swats at you. eventually, kai gets into the room, you watch as he falls into his bed weakly getting the handcuffs, mind too foggy to figure it out.
"kai,,, what are you doing?"
kai sits at the edge of the bed, hands gripping the bed cushion, visibly breathing hard.
"i don't want you to reconsider my skills from my training but-" he palms his face and looks at you "but i'm suddenly hungry"
you stood there in shock, yes you did think he had enough restraint for tonight but maybe you underestimated the power of the blood moon. the room fell silent, kai stayed still watching closely to your breathe and sound of your heartbeat. you took a step of courage towards the vampire, and another until you were inches away from him. lifting your hand hand to caress his cheek, the vampire slightly melts into your hand. nose brushing against your wrist he gets a good scent of the blood rushing through your vessels.
"kai, I am allow-"
"y/n, don't. just handcuff me and go-"
kai stops when you remove your hand from his face to rest both fists on his knees so that you're now face to face. "don't interrupt me" kai nods, feeling very dizzy by your presence, "i am allowing you to feast on me, i trust you enough to not to kill me"
the vampires irises glow, shifting from your eyes to your lips. you notice his hesitation and take the first action of leaning into a kiss. this was a seal of approval for kai to do what he has been wanting to do ever since you stabbed him in that dark alley.
his hands instantly roam your body, graze every curve until he touches your thighs, pushing them so you could straddle his hips. messy, open mouth kisses full of passion has gotten your core clenching around nothing. kai kisses you deeply obsessing over your small sounds and knowing the fact that you're going to have to stop to get some air. as you did, you lean your head back showing off your neck to kai. the vampire smirks admiring the flesh then leaning down licking and nibbling every spot he could.
"do it" you whisper to him
before his training he wouldn't be this slow to attack, but you weren't a victim, your were treasure. kai's eye's squeezed shut, he lets his instincts take over. face buried in your neck, his cold nose and pale lips grazing your skin, he feels for the strong pulse of your carotid artery, canines elongated before he pierces his teeth into your soft neck.
a gasp of pain, your knees tighten around his hips and your hands in his long hair slightly yank the strands. you clench your jaw at the pain which then begins to fade. kai's hands underneath your shirt rubbing circles on your waist, you soften into him. you felt weird, the pain gone but you felt lightheaded and heated. your core felt especially in need for some attention. you whimper in kai's ear waking him up from his drinking. unlatching from your neck he looks at you to see if you were hurt. you lay your head down on his shoulder and started to grind your hips against his. kai groans gripping your hips tightly guiding your movements.
"do you want me to do more than to suck your blood?" kai purrs into your ear.
you pathetically whine a small yes, too dazed from the loss of blood and the horny state you were in. kai chuckles not being used to this weak version of you. you were always so confident and stern in your actions, kai found it amusing to see you slumped over like a ragdoll. grasping you in a steady hold he flips you on your back against the bed. hovering over you, the darkness of the night takes over your vision, the only thing you can see were the vampire's eyes. kai leans into your lips, hungry for more. he helps you out of your top and he loosens your bra to free your breasts. gently lay you back down, he wastes no time to start undressing your bottom half. you whine again clenching you legs together finally feeling the vulnerable state you are in.
kai smiles "don't hide you're beautiful"
he leaves a trail of kisses from your lips down to your neck, licking the pierced skin, then making his way between your breasts. lightly fondling the mounds, his fangs graze a nipple triggering you to curl your back into him. the vampire continues his trail down in between your legs, head between your thighs kissing the plush flesh. he had his sight on your dripping cunt how delicious it looked to him. kissing your thigh one last time before sinking his teeth in the inner part of the flesh. he watched you moan, and your pussy making more of a glistening mess. while he feasted on you he fingers you to feel the smooth flesh of your pussy. soaking his middle and ring finger enough to slide into you, noting every sound you make from his fingers. disconnecting from the flesh of your thigh he licked the blood before diving his mouth towards your clit. you had a hand yanking the vampire's hair and another one gripping the sheets of the bed. too fucked out to let the kai know you were about to cum, but the vampire could sense it just by the way your heart rate was racing, the shaking of your legs, and how you were clenching around his fingers. kai leans back with a face with mixtures of you on it. he looks at his cum drenched fingers before sinking them into his mouth.
"god, you're hot" you pant
the vampire kneeled in-front of you, dark hair already sticking to his forehead, blood that dripped on his chest dried up. you grab at his shirt trying to unbutton it to finally be as exposed as you are. with the help of his slender fingers he slide the shirt off. then gets off the bed to reveal all of himself to you. you gulp on your drool, this man was meant to be a vampire, you thought to yourself. adoring his pale physique, lightly toned abs with the most beautiful dick. kai looks down at you scrunching his nose giggling at your reaction. he crawls over you to kiss with the outmost passion. your back to the bed, hands cupping his face to get even closer to him. then you could feel his tip gliding against your folds. moaning into his mouth, the electric feeling isn't enough.
"kai, please"
the vampire had no objections to your beg and slowly inches his way into your core. stretching you out in the most delicious way, throwing your head back for kai to continue to mark you. no vampire not even his clan would want to mess with you after they see the maroon necklace kai has made upon your neck. kai rubs his nose with yours when he bottoms out letting you have time to get adjusted. having a moment staring into each other's eyes you nod. kai's thrusts were inhumane, fast and hard, you dug your fingernails into his back enticing the man even more. bruises blossom from his big hands wrapped around your hips guiding them to his erection. tears beginning to well up you tell how good he was doing. kai was melting at all the noises and praises you were giving him. it was the attention you knew he needed.
the pleasure, the stretch, the sensual pain enveloping you. your eyesight of kai's silhouette in the dark room was becoming burred from all the tears. the familiar tight heat in your belly appearing in your senses. kai still at his rough pace whining trying to push through the overwhelming clenching of your walls. holding himself back to cum before you even though he knew you were about to burst at any moment. leaning into your neck again he licks at a tense spot and bites you which sends you over the edge finally releasing yourself all over his dick, milking the erection nicely as he combusts into you.
kai freed his fangs from your flesh knowing he took more than you could handle. slipping his dick out of you making you whine from the empty feeling. you laid there with blurred vision and a headache, slightly sulking from not having enough of the vampire. too busy in your own world you didn't realize that kai left the room until he came back with a glass of water and a leftover blood orange. you gladly took the offering as kai placed pillows behind your back so you were elevated. opening the curtains of the window, you witnessed the man in all his glory, body glowed red from the shine of the blood moon. kai looks over to you noticing your rise of heart rate also identifying your legs crossed from you becoming wet again.
kai smirks "you wanna go again?"
the once a dark scarlet room became a orange one from the rising sun. bodies spread wildly across the bed, still naked from the long night. the vampire's arm around your waist, head in his favorite spot against your neck. you were sleeping peacefully while your skin was turning back to its appropriate shade of life. however, you have a lot more color added from the bite marks.
a knock at the door rouses you out of your slumber. you look around at your position, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. a knock on the door rings in your ears again. quickly trying to find some underwear and a shirt, you ended up going through kai's wardrobe to slip a black tee that could be considered to be a dress on you. you drag your feet to the door, opening it up to see soobin.
a nasty grin is plastered on his face when he gets a look of the state you were in. messy hair, dark bags drooping under your eyes, and bruises all over your neck along with your shoulder that was popping out of the oversized shirt.
"what." you grimaced
"i'm just checking if you're still alive" the honey blonde chuckles "i told you don't be surprised if i laugh at you the next time i see you"
you roll your eyes suddenly feeling arms snaking around your waist and kai's head on your shoulder.
"hey, soobin! you look like you had a good night too."
you look at soobin closer noticing hints of hickeys on his collarbones your eyes widen and laugh. right when you were about to say something soobin scratches his neck looking flustered.
"i'll leave you guys alone" soobin says not wanting to get investigated by the couple in front of him.
closing the door, you twist to face the tall man giving a peck on his lips. "do you want to stay another night?" you ask having the vampire grin widely.
check out my vampire diaries -> link
As always
a nuisance,
TxT's Devil
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Baizhu x Reader (Arranged Marriage)
I know this is a bit (lot) different to what I normally post on this account, but I am a SUCKER for arranged marriages in fanfic, so I am choosing to disregard my sagau roots (not permanently dw) It’s a bit out of my comfort zone, but I really hope it comes out well :)
Contains - You getting injured, you and baizhu having beef (enemies to lovers fr), you and baizhu not realising that you are engaged to each other, arranged marriage (duh) your dad kinda sucks tbh
It took you rolling your ankle to realise how bad an idea climbing a mountain unprepared was. Granted, when you had started climbing the mountain, you had thought you were prepared. Your clothing was (somewhat) practical, you had stolen a pair of your father’s shoes that he used when hiking and you had found a nice leather satchel to hold your snacks and hand shovel. 
It had been fine at first, nothing more than a pleasant hike, with bird chirping and a soft breeze whistling through the trees. But with every step you took, the path became steeper, the sun became hotter and the god-damned shoes you bothered from your father hurt more. They had seemed a bit large when you first put them on, but now it felt like you were going to trip over them with every step. 
Your clothes weren’t faring much better. Your good, practical clothing had caught on nearly every single branch and shrub you passed. You would have to hide them when you got home, because you did not want to have to explain to your parents exactly how your clothing got so tattered and torn. The only things that hadn’t let you down was the satchel and your snacks, although the snacks were long gone now, despite not even reaching the top of the mountain.
Looking back on the moment, it seemed almost like one of those comedy performances, that wandering artisans performed in the town square. It was ironic, truly, how quickly everything fell apart. A single stone in your path, that you hadn’t even noticed until you were stepping on it. Your father’s shoes skidded off it, causing your ankle to twist painfully and send you careening into a nearby bush, your shirt tearing even more as the branches scraped your skin. 
And there you lay, facedown in a bush in the middle of nowhere, close to the peak of a nearly abandoned mountain trail, with nothing but a satchel and a sprained ankle. 
All of this for a fucking flower.
It was silly, you were aware of that. Your mother had told you stories about a kind of flower that only grew on this particular mountain, whose petals formed a distinctive heart shape, and which was said to bless whoever received one with true love. It was cheesy, yes, but that didn’t stop many young men and women from climbing the mountain in order to pick them for their fiances. But as the years passed, the flowers became more and more sparse, thanks to the droves of hopeless romantics picking them all. And now, they are said to only be found at the very top of the mountain, where the lovers were too scared to climb.
You didn’t even know if Baizhu liked flowers. 
You’d never met him, which was surprising considering how long he’d been a client of your father. Your father, a renowned supplier of medicinal herbs, was thrilled when Baizhu first began working with him. Prior to that, all his business had been to local doctors and healers, but having a client in far-away Liyue Harbor excited him, especially a doctor of such a stellar reputation. 
You almost felt like you did know him, with how much your father talked about Baizhu. Every shipment of goods that was requested meant another long monologue over the dining table about how fortunate he was to have such a consistent and well-paying client. You almost asked your father if HE wanted to marry Dr Baizhu, but you thankfully refrained. 
You knew your father had been dropping hints to Baizhu for a while now, about how he hoped his child would be married soon, about how Baizhu surely must be so lonely without a spouse, about how Baizhu really just felt like he was part of the family already. What you hadn’t expected was for Baizhu to accept.
And now, here you were, a week out from your wedding and nearly passed out on the side of a road, trying to get that god-damned flower. 
There was no way that the situation could get any worse.
“Oh dear! Are you alright?”
Or maybe it could. 
You truly had the worst luck. How was it that during the most embarrassing moment of your life, a person had to appear? This was an abandoned trail! 
“Please … just leave me here. I’m already contemplating my life choices and regretting the actions I’ve taken to get here, my pride can’t take another hit.”
“I really… can’t just leave you here, you know that, right?” The voice, which you could now identify as male, sounded like it was trying to hold back laughter, while also truly sounding concerned.
“I assure you, you can. Please do. Keep continuing on your way.”
There was silence for a moment, and you almost allowed yourself to hope that whoever this man was had left, until you felt a pair of hands grab your shoulders and pull you out of the bush, depositing you in a rather undignified heap on the ground.  
“My sincerest apologies about your pride. Are you injured?”
You sighed and made your best effort to fix your hair, attempting to look less like you just fell into a bush. Your saviour had the audacity to look perfectly put together, with barely a hair out of place, despite having just hiked the same distance as you. Though he also looked far more prepared, with shoes that actually fit and an entire bag filled with supplies.
“Only the aforementioned pride and my ankle,” You sighed, looking down at the already bruised and swollen skin, then up at the nearly vertical path ahead of you.
“I truly hope you don’t plan on continuing to climb with that ankle of yours?” He questioned, squatting down to get a better view at your injury, laying a gentle hand upon it.
You chose to ignore the question, still hoping to find a way to get to the top of the mountain, instead taking the opportunity to stare at the man. He had the most intriguing golden eyes, with slitted pupils like a snake, which were sharply fixed on your ankle.
“Your lack of a response speaks wonders, so let me rephrase. You will not be continuing to climb with that ankle of yours.” His eyes met yours, looking for any argument.
“And how do you plan to stop me?”
For a man who initially seemed so polite, he sure had a way of getting on your nerves. You’d spent the first 10 minutes of him carrying you back down the mountain (over his shoulder!) trying to convince him to put you down and when that hadn’t worked, you’d settled on silent treatment. But even that was testing your patience, you’d become tired of watching the sun creep towards the horizon, of listening to the birds singing up above, of resisting the urge to ask him what hair products he used to make his hair so silky.
“Oh, you want to make conversation now? Finally given up on ignoring me?” He laughed at you, making you grit your teeth.
“Alright, I get it! You’re acting in my best interests by not letting me continue climbing the mountain, you don’t have to act all high and mighty about it!” You cut your angry tirade off with an annoyed huff, turning your face away from him.
“Why were you even climbing up there to begin with? It’s certainly not a beginners trail.”
“Oh, uhm, you know…”
“I certainly don’t know, which is why I’m asking you, but I appreciate the faith you have in thinking I can read your mind.”
You smacked his shoulder once, then a second time when you noticed he was laughing.
“But seriously… why?” He turned to face you, eyes searching your face for some sort of answer, before sighing and turning back towards the path.
You were silent for a long moment before remembering that this man had seen you half-knocked out in a bush on the side of a road. Your dignity was long gone.
“Don’t mock me for it, but I was going to try and find one of those flowers…”
“The True Love’s Bloom?”
“Yes and don’t you dare make fun of me for this, I get married in a week and I’m emotionally sensitive.”
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting your feelings and anyway, that’s what I was looking for as well.“ 
It took you a moment for it to sink it, before you turned to look at him.
“Really? I didn’t take you for the romantic type. Which poor soul got roped into marrying you?”
“I could say the same to you. Here I was, being nice to you and you repay it by insulting me? I’ll have you know, I was the one who got roped in. I think I would’ve had assassins sent after me if I refused one more time.”
You laughed and turned back around, but as you did, a small alcove in the nearby rock caught your eye. It was becoming darker by the second, but even with the fading light you could make out the shape of…
“Over there!”
The man paused and gave a sigh.
“This better not be a ploy to get me to put you down, so that you can do something potentially life endangering again.”
“The flowers! Over there!”
He turned his head and gave a small laugh of surprise as he spotted them too.
“Well, what do you know? Maybe being forced to carry you back down this hill was a blessing in disguise?” He wandered over to the sheltered patch of dirt, where, hidden from most prying eyes, were two perfect flowers.
He placed you down next to them and began rummaging through his bag, pulling out two shovels.
“I’ll have you know that I actually brought a shovel, I don’t need your equipment!”
“Really, how surprising. Did you bring a pot as well?”
“... can I borrow one of yours?”
“Well, I’ll have YOU know…”
And as your bickering echoed across the mountaintop, bringing life to the abandoned trails of a once vibrant mountain, the flowers almost seemed to grow just a little bit more.
“Baizhu, what’s that flower sitting over by the window? I’ve never seen anything like it before?”
“Ah Traveler, you have a good eye! It’s called True Love’s Bloom. However, those are actually two flowers. My spouse and I planted them in the same pot when we got married all those years ago and they have grown together over time, becoming so intertwined we can’t separate them. I like to keep them close to me at work, to remind me of my dearest.”
“Your spouse? I didn’t know you were married!”
“You didn’t? I could’ve sworn I had mentioned it? Well then, I shall have to tell you the story of how we met. It all started with them stupidly trying to climb a mountain…”
Guys, this was so much longer than I intended wtf. This was supposed to be a SHORT STORY to go with two other arranged marriage stories. I seriously need to throw my plans out the window at this point. Anyway, I love writing sassy characters, even though im shit at banter, so hopefully this is good/funny?
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aclowntiny · 1 year
🦉 Seventeen as Hogwarts Students 🏰
This picture filled me with so much serotonin 🥹 y’all can refer to these headcanons as the basis for all the Hogwarts AU fics I’m going to be writing 😌👀 get ready I can’t believe I held out this long 😂
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☆ When the sorting hat was placed on his head, it paused in thought for a moment as it decided between Slytherin and Gryffindor. In the end, though… “Must be Gryffindor!” His caring heart won out the ambitious houses’ battle! At least, that’s what the hat said, and Seungcheol is determined to prove it right!
☆ Seungcheol is a Half-Blood, but both of his parents are wizards, so he grows up pretty chill on all the purity stuff but not knowing much about how people with no powers live. It’s definitely a curiosity for him, though.
☆ His favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts because he likes the idea of being able to protect others from harm and Charms because he likes small, quick, useful spells.
☆ He signs up for Ancient Runes because it sounds cool then highkey regrets it. It just kind of goes over his head.
☆ Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team right here 😌 Athletic and a great leader, Seungcheol is honored to receive this role even though it’s so obviously well-suited.
☆ Intimidating AND adorable. Seungcheol’s Patronus can do it all! His guardian takes the form of a Rottweiler dog: brave, loyal, protective, sweet to those who it cares for 😌
☆ When the Sorting Hat hits his head, it immediately rumples in confusion. “Oh, you’re an interesting one, aren’t you?” It waffles between Hufflepuff and Slytherin before finally declaring… “Can you hear him trying to bargain? Must be a Slytherin!” Jeonghan, for his part, just laughs.
☆ The Yoons are an old wizarding family and their son knows next to nothing about the Muggle world. Thusly Jeonghan makes up a bunch of bullshit at school about Muggle life to convince everyone he totally does. It works every time…so long as no Muggleborns are present at least.
☆ Jeonghan adores Charms class because it paves the way for so many useful spells and gives him a whole arsenal of things to use. He also loves Divination aka bullshitting class because he thrives, duh 😌 the professor loves him, too, because he participates so much and knows what to say, but somehow it escapes his notice how often his predictions are actually accurate.
☆ History of Magic is a lot to remember and not an interesting enough class to give him the drive to study hard, so it’s his hardest subject.
☆ He plays on the Quidditch team because his friend convince him to, but man does it turn out he’s a skilled Beater. This man is a menace with a Bludger.
☆ Thinking of his happiest memory, Jeonghan exclaims “Expecto Patronum!”, unsure what to expect until he sees the burst of light come flying out, taking the shape of a little crow that lands on his shoulder. Not what he was expecting, but the bird charms him immediately with the way it playfully tries to get his attention.
☆ “Oh, aren’t you a fun one?” Joshua, frankly, isn’t sure how to take that. Try and be more fun? “What are you planning?” The hat chides, bringing a slight flush of embarrassment to his face. “Lot of crafty ones this year, eh? We have another Slytherin!”
☆ Joshua’s a Muggleborn, so sometimes he feels like a fish out of water, but man is he liking the air. He wants to see it all, understand all that’s moving around him, and use magic to his advantage and enjoyment as much as possible!
☆ Being skilled at languages, Joshua takes up Ancient Runes as an elective and actually really likes it. Decoding is fun and it could prove useful if he decides to become a Curse-Breaker. He also likes Potions because it’s a nice, calm class.
☆ Transfiguration lowkey stresses him out, like what if he goes to transform his stuff and it never comes back??? Or a person?
☆ Slytherin’s Keeper. Good luck trying to score when Joshua is on the pitch 😌
☆ A bunch of other students ooh and ah at Joshua’s stag Patronus because that’s the one famous people get. Or something like that. The tall, antlered figure is elegant, imposing, and yet with a gentle side as it bows its head to its caster regally.
☆ “You spend a lot of time thinking about others.” Junhui’s eyes widen- he wasn’t expecting to have so much revealed through the hat. “I- I try to,” he replied modestly, at which the hat chuckles. “An innocent mind. Hufflepuff it is!” He’s still trying to wrap his head around how the hat read him and what it meant as they help him off the stool.
☆ He’s a Half-Blood, his mother being a witch and his father a Muggle. He got more experience with Muggle culture than his brother did, so he ended up getting to bond over showing him non-magical inventions 🥹
☆ Care of Magical Creatures is absolutely his favorite class, like Jun gets so excited every day they meet wondering what amazing being he’ll interact with next. The day they had a kneazle cat was pretty much his favorite day at school ever. He also enjoys Muggle Studies because it gives him lots of materials for letters home to his lil bro 🫶🏻
☆ Doesn’t really have a class he hates, but Arithmancy takes the most work so 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ He tries out to be a Hufflepuff Chaser, but doesn’t make the cut 💀 avid fan and watcher of Hogwarts matches who sometimes tries to follow the commentator up to his post.
☆ Can’t suppress a grin in Defense Against the Dark Arts when a cute little striped cat bursts from his wand, turning around to rub against his legs.
☆ “Bravery aplenty!” Exclaims the Sorting Hat, which makes Soonyoung grin even wider, his excitement growing, “Eager too. A hard worker, sure, but this one’s too daring for Hufflepuff. Better be Gryffindor!” “Yes!” Soonyoung knew he’d be happy anywhere, but he wanted to be sorted with the lions and it looks like he got his wish!
☆ Soonyoung is a Half-Blood. Pretty much all of the Kwons are wizards, but somewhere up the family tree are some Muggleborns, maybe even a Muggle or two. All are welcome in Soonyoung’s family, so he grows up with little understanding how anyone could care about things like that!
☆ Loves to fly! It’s his favorite thing ever, like good luck getting him out of the sky. He also likes Defense Against the Dark Arts because it’s an active class, one where he can move, duel, and practice being in a real-life situation.
☆ Feels like History of Magic is all in one ear, out the other 🤕 that class is a cram before the test vibe for sure.
☆ One of Gryffindor’s Beaters. A little too excited about it, so some accidents have nearly happened but hey, it makes for an exciting game 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ When that time comes in Defense Against the Dark Arts, a bunch of his friends tease him that he’ll have a small Patronus like a hamster or something, but he insists it’s going to be a powerful tiger, and he’s right 😌 is too overjoyed at the sight of the glowing tiger to rub it in their faces, though 🐅 big memories and emotions = big Patronus??? Not guaranteed, but in Soonyoung’s case certainly!
☆ “Smart kid,” the Sorting Hat comments when it’s set upon Wonwoo, “sure, you’ve got a bravery about you, you’re kind, but you’re a Ravenclaw!” Wonwoo just nods, thanking the hat- he agrees with the verdict, happily joining his table.
☆ Being a Muggleborn, Wonwoo has a drive to learn about how magic works. Why do some people have it? Why don’t witches and wizards seem to know this or care, especially if they care about bloodlines so much? He also wants to be one of the best just to put the people who doubt him in their place.
☆ One of the few Hogwarts students who actually enjoys Arithmancy and History of Magic. To him, they’re just calm subjects he can focus on and pore over, which is kinda his study method anyway tbh. It kinda works out though because then they go to him for tutoring.
☆ Boy is good at everything, none of the classes are really a struggle for him. Divination seems like the biggest waste of time, though, once he gets in there.
☆ Joins Quidditch as one of Ravenclaw’s chasers. He isn’t sure how much he’s going to like it, but he loves being part of the team! Quite an adept scorer.
☆ People all assume it’s going to be a cat, but Wonwoo casts a polecat Patronus. So, you know, he gets it in the name even though it’s more rodent. Polecats are crafty, comfortable in their home groups, and probably more similar to their caster than everyone might have originally suspected.
☆ “Someone’s a hard worker,” comes the Sorting Hat’s teasing comment upon touching Jihoon’s head, “you’ll study well, won’t you? But that dedication…that’s Hufflepuff for you!” Jihoon is a bit surprised, his mouth forming an ‘o’ shape at the news, but he likes to think the hat is right: he’s dedicated to his dreams, hardworking. Maybe that is his home.
☆ Being a Muggleborn, Jihoon has a bit of a tough time adjusting to magic. In some ways, he’s almost a bit resistant simply because he doesn’t want to rely on waving a wand for every little thing he could handle himself.
☆ There’s something so inspiring to him about looking at the stars, so he looks forward to Astronomy class. He also enjoys Transfiguration, the ability to make something new totally amazing him. He wonders what it feels like to transform like that.
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts is kind of a boisterous, stressful class in his mind. All the running around and fighting isn’t really his style.
☆ Has enough other extracurricular stuff going on that he passes on Quidditch tryouts, but enough good friends play that he tries to make it to every game he can!
☆ At first, he isn’t sure why a bat Patronus would suit him, especially when everyone thought he was going to get a cat, but bats are known for using their voices to guide their way. They rely on their music and take time to trust, and Jihoon sees that as he bonds with his little guardian. Both of them take time to themselves, but thrive best in their circles when they come out of their shells.
☆ “Bad thoughts don’t often cross your mind, do they?” The voice of the hat muses upon its placement atop Seokmin’s head. “And you’ve a big heart, yes, indeed… most definitely a Hufflepuff!” Seokmin claps, happy to be in a house with some friendly-looking people and a bit shy to hear the hat say such nice things.
☆ Seokmin is a Muggleborn, both of his parents so proud to have magical children. He thinks it’s super cool too and always says he knew all along his family was magical 🥲 all the magical stuff absolutely amazes him, even the most tedious things are things he wants to experience!
☆ He loves Care of Magical Creatures because omg look! A unicorn! A real-life hippogryph!!! Bowtruckles! It’s all so unbelievable, yet so real, like dreams have been laid out before him. That’s the same reason he looks forward to Herbology, like where else can you see sentient plants?
☆ Loves every class! They are all exciting! *Ancient Runes has entered the chat* Ok, maybe classes can be stressful.
☆ He wants to get over his nerves on a broomstick, so to do that he tried out for Quidditch and makes Seeker. He likes that position because it’s a little removed from the pandemonium of the game and he can think like a Snitch 😌
☆ He’s honestly expecting a small animal, not feeling very brave as he shouts “Expecto Patronum!” but well aware he’ll just be ecstatic if he gets any animal form. Imagine his surprise when he gets a magical creature, a beautiful unicorn leaping from his wand! “I- I made that???” He grins, immediately reaching up to try to stroke its mane, awestruck at the beautiful, pure creature even if he doesn’t realize how perfectly it suits his heart.
☆ “You’re a bit bold, aren’t you?” Mingyu nods, thinking he’s supposed to answer the hat. “Not exactly the most courageous…” “Hey!��� “Confident, confident certainly…” “M-hm,” he nods again. “You believe you have skills to offer Hogwarts.” “Yes,” Mingyu agrees. “Send this one to Slytherin!” The hat chuckles.
☆ The Kims are an long line of wizards, Mingyu one of many Pure-Blood sons. He doesn’t know much about Muggle culture, frankly, but has more privilege in lifestyle than he does prejudice against people with different blood.
☆ Potions ace. So good at it sometimes the other students are salty at him, but he just shrugs. It comes naturally for him, whether it’s preparing the ingredients or knowing just how much to add. He also likes Divination just because it’s fun. What do his tea leaves say? He legitimately wants to know.
☆ He does have a fear of flying, so broom lessons are not his favorite 😅 he’ll stay on the ground, thank you.
☆ Obviously does not join the Quidditch team, but is on the stands cheering super loud at every game!
☆ Everyone can’t help but tell Mingyu how perfect his husky Patronus is once it manifests, the goofy, vocal, affectionate dog running around practically looking like his twin!
☆ As if drawn in by his aura, the hat muses as it rests upon Minghao’s head. “An artist, eh? Kind, forgiving, wise, and very calm too. A bright one. Ravenclaw, certainly Ravenclaw!” Between what he felt was a suitable sorting despite telling himself he’d be happy with anything and all the attention, Minghao practically glows at the hat’s words.
☆ The Xus are a Pure-Blood family, but Minghao’s parents are both avid Muggle Studies enthusiasts, so their son grew up with lots of knowledge and no prejudice. They all see magic as a chance to help others with less.
☆ Nature is important to this boy here, so Herbology is where his gifts lie. He’s so gentle with the plants and genuinely appreciative of them all, it’s a rewarding class to be able to track their lives. Following the movement of the stars is another joy of his as well as sketching the sky and making star charts, so Minghao does great in Astronomy too.
☆ There’s no class he really hates, but his magic isn’t as Charms-suited as it is focused on creative magic, so those quick spells actually take him more time.
☆ Because he likes flying, he tries out to be Ravenclaw’s new Seeker when the position opens up and earns it 😌 he’s so calm yet fast as he flies, it looks like he always knows exactly where his little gold friend is!
☆ People make jokes about his Patronus being a frog or something of the like, but they’re sure proven wrong by the beautiful swan that slides out, skating gracefully on the air around Minghao.
☆ The moment the Sorting Hat hits Seungkwan’s head, it shouts out “Oh, we have a loyal one here. This one is a Hufflepuff!” A very decided ceremony for Mr. Boo 😌 he’s both shook at how little time it takes and happy the hat thinks he’s loyal.
☆ A Half-Blood! His mom is actually Pure-Blood, his father a Muggleborn. He loves magic, but also really enjoys learning about the Muggle world. Totally open to differences. Would even consider marrying a Muggle.
☆ LOVES Care of Magical Creatures. One of the students who almost always volunteers for demonstrations because he wants to touch all the animals! Unless they’re, like, giant bugs or something that’ll try to kill him, of course. Muggle Studies is really fun because it’s a way to connect with a part of his heritage and understand others. It gives him social ground with Muggleborns and even non-magical people he’ll interact with in life.
☆ Who made Arithmancy a class??? It stresses him out just to look at 💀 You’re allowed to drop electives, so he straight-up nopes out of Arithmancy and signs up for Divination instead.
☆ He enjoys flying, but being up that high and being chased by sporting goods that want to break your bones? Nah, he’s good, thanks. It’s much more fun to watch and offer comment, so Seungkwan becomes the school Quidditch commentator…and often gets chastised by professors for sassing rival times and whining about missed shots that were so easy, come on.
☆ Really really hopes his Patronus is strong enough to take an animal form, so when it comes out looking big he’s kind of proud yet shook. The light forms a dolphin that bobs back over to his owner, leaping in circles in the air around him and bringing a smile to his face.
☆ “Interesting mind on this one, eh?” Those are the first words the hat speaks when it’s set on Vernon’s head. “A perfect fit for Ravenclaw, this one!” He’s proud. His mother was a Ravenclaw during her Hogwarts days, part of the most artful and creative-minded house. He can’t stop smiling all night!
☆ He’s a Pure-Blood wizard, his maternal grandmother having actually attended Beauxbatons before settling down in England. His father’s side always attended Hogwarts, so the school is really what joined his family. People tend to assume Vernon’s a Muggleborn, though, just because he looks so spaced out or amazed sometimes.
☆ Yet another lover of magical creatures right here! They love him right back too 😌 other students get jealous of how much they approach Vernon. He’s also quite good at Arithmancy, there’s just something about it that clicks in his head.
☆ Accidentally set something on fire in Potions class once. Enough said.
☆ Enjoys playing Quidditch for fun with his friends, but doesn’t try out for the formal team. He’s happy to support Ravenclaw alongside his classmates.
☆ Can’t help but laugh when his Patronus comes out as a small turtle. It’s cute, though, he and others defend it, a good embodiment of happy memories.
☆ Another pretty fast sort. “You’d make it in Gryffindor, sure,” the hat mutters, “but I believe your place is in Slytherin!” And with that, Chan is off to his table! He’s a bit surprised, having expected Gryffindor, but hey, Slytherins are ambitious, so the hat’s probably right. He’ll do anything to succeed.
☆ The Lees have a whole-ass family tree on display- they’re Pure-Bloods. A little proud of it, but frankly Chan himself doesn’t care, almost feeling that much more like being the one to break the line just to shut them all up about it.
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts star! That one kid that always gets called up to show everyone how to do it right 😤 such a natural dueler and just really good at dispelling negative vibes 😌 he also enjoys flying a lot, it just helps him feel free to soar into the air!
☆ Conversely, he has a lot of difficulty in Potions class, which makes him want to double down on it so he’s no longer stressing about it!
☆ Slytherin’s Seeker 😌 he’s such a nimble flyer with great control, Chan was born to play this role!
☆ He lowkey wants something big and intimidating like a dragon or a rhino, so when a small burst of light appears he fears he’ll be disappointed. The moment the otter slides into view, though, all he can do is smile and reach for it, taking its hand to run after it and play, too.
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takotakigum · 1 year
kiss it off me — gojo satoru
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characters: gojo satoru x fem!reader
warnings: dubcon (probably noncon), food play, making out, gojo satoru is a pervert, this is messy: both literally in writing and content, breast fondling, and breast kissing
word count: 1.8k
synopsis: that one summer day you find out gojo satoru might have a liking to your breasts…covered in melted ice cream.
takotakigum’s kinktober 2023 | please read at your own risk!
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“i bought ice cream! anyone wants to share?” you hear an excited voice echo through the outside hallways of the classroom, a chill creeps through your spine despite the humid atmosphere all around you. of course, before you could even answer—which you didn’t even think of—the shoji loudly slides open with much force coming from gojo’s foot. there he stands, a big grin stretched along his face holding two cones of ice cream; his eyes becoming crescent shapes as his glasses fall loosely to his nose. “oh? there’s one one else here again?” from your desk, you shake your head to a no. although gojo doesn’t falter with his smile, but instead, he seems to get brighter. “well, more for us!” there’s only two cones in his hand, so you want to ask: how? but you don’t even know if he’ll give you a useful answer.
with the sweet tooth gojo satoru has, you’re in no way surprised that he absolutely loves eating ice cream on a particular hot summer day in jujutsu high.
however, something you did not expect is him also being extremely clumsy with his precious dessert that his arms are flailing by the second, his own ice cream cone abruptly dropping and splattering on the confinements of your jujutsu high’s uniform.
“gojo,” you sigh, looking down at your table, hoping the ice cream cone landed there. unfortunately, the cold, seeping substance you feel directly on your breasts proposes otherwise. “oh no, i’m so sorry!” overly dramatic and overly sarcastic is what gojo sounds like. “gojo,” you say again, eyes fixated on your messed up uniform as you hold in a deep frown. “it’s the fourth time this week.” you manage to say, goosebumps sprouting all over your arms when gojo leans closer to use his bare hands to wipe away the ice cream off your chest.
his fingers are slow, feeling up the accentuated curves on the upper half of your breast that got contaminated with the dessert. your breath quickens, and you bite your inner lip as you feel the pads of his fingers give little controlled pinches on your uniform’s fabric—acting like he’s soaking out the absorbed melted dairy when really he isn’t.
“has it been? gosh, i’m so sorry, really!” by now, irritation eases back the goosebumps that went up. “i don’t have any other spare uniform now, gojo.” your voice becomes smaller, yet it weighs the same. gojo knows it, he isn’t stupid—clumsy but not dumb. at least, not dumb on purpose. “hmm, but you shouldn’t even be wearing the outer uniform when it’s summer. did ‘ya know that?” with your three years of studying in jujutsu high: no, you didn’t. but it doesn’t even seem real, you should know.
before you could say anything, gojo’s hand now rises higher to the dry part of your uniform—the buttons on near your collar. for a brief moment of shock, you stay still, and you gulp at the sensation of gojo’s knuckles teasingly flutter against your neck. within that still moment, gojo was able to snap off the buttons in charge of closing your uniform’s top together with ease. naturally, your vest loosens, and the white button up you’re wearing inside peaks through. once more, your breath gets heavy. and it piques the interest of gojo in front of you even more.
“what are you doing?” you ask so sweetly—so innocently in gojo’s end. your hands try to close the buttons back up, getting conscious. “helping you clean and letting you cool down, duh!” gojo’s hands regress, sticky hands grab onto your outer uniform tighter, pulling it down until it’s crumpled up on your elbows. “‘s killing two birds with one stone.” he says, face too close. you feel his hair tickle your forehead with the way he’s leaning towards you eyes fixated down rather than in front of you. with your jaw going slack and face going hot, you quickly rush your hand to hide under his glasses, palm pushing tighter onto gojo’s eyelids when his hand squeezes on your shoulder.
in that moment of purely fluster, you realize gojo hasn’t moved. at that moment of broken composure, you forgot to remember some things. “you know,” your hand can feel the way gojo’s cheekbones contract as he—you assumes—smiles. “i can still see. even if you’re covering my eyes.” almost, you almost slap him. your still clothed breasts, with a faint stain of melted ice cream that has seeped through the first layer of fabric and onto the second—has been stared at by gojo for the past five minutes. “d-did you have to keep staring, then?!” your face is hot, your legs stiffly closed together under your table. “maybe?” from between his teeth, gojo sticks out his tongue as he grins.
taken aback by everything, you fail to feel the waving presence of gojo in front of you, then, a glob of white ice cream replaces the dollop of white hair that was once in front of you. “sorry, sorry.” even so the apology, gojo’s voice is still laced with amusement; his hand holding the cone obnoxiously swaying the ice cream side to side without care. like he wants it to melt and holler down back to your chest. “what do you want me to do with that?” you ask, the sweet treat getting closer to your lips by each word you speak. gojo only shrugs, not stopping until your mouth has been smothered with the cold temperature of the dessert.
suddenly, the wave of coolness disappears within an instant. instead, it’s replaced with gojo’s own lips. you dare not admit how soft it feels, or how if he pushed his body a little bit more onto yours, your mouth would’ve been so weak that it would open up just enough for his tongue to slip in and taste the rest of you. but somehow, your senses get a hold of you. and this time, you really were about to slap him—that is until his hand wrap around yours and nonchalantly holds them with a level of strength you struggle to be released with.
your breath is heavy as gojo’s tongue prods into your mouth. disgustingly so, it’s sweet. all of his essence is so, so disgustingly fucking sweet. his tongue is deep in your mouth, saliva of which you don’t even know is from trickles along the side of your chin, mixing in with the remains of the melted ice cream down on your neck. with a loud, needy release from your mouth, gojo pants along with you. you’re unable to speak, though. with the way his tongue is undying as it laps on your lips hungrily for every bit of stray sweetness, you’re in no shape to move an inch.
however, when gojo’s mouth roughly kisses down from your lips and follows the trail of melted spit and dairy to your neck and collarbones, you make an attempt to push him off. somewhere along the desperation of touch by gojo, his glasses falls on the ground, although you nor him spared the time to glance at anything other than the moment. you feel as though each push you project onto him, he places more of his body weight to you. you whine in each attempt of defeat, and with each whine slips out an undistinguishable moan from the back of your throat. your body naturally lets it out, continuously, too as gojo begins sucking on your neck, leaving pink bruises.
“so sweet, aren’t you?” with a voice so hoarse like that, you can’t seem to deny the way your nipples harden under your clothing anymore. “gojo,” you whine, eyes shut close as blood continues to rush up to your cheeks and stain. “no,” you whine again, head turning left and right with all your strength when you feel his tongue play lower than your collarbone.
“be a good girl and hold onto my shoulders for a bit, ‘kay?” you shouldn’t. god fucking knows you shouldn’t when the opportunity to distance yourself is right there. but alas, you obey. your hands weakly clutch on the fabric of gojo’s uniform—exactly on his shoulders, as he asked you to. your body and mind do not intersect into any agreement. your mind is telling you to use your strength to pull gojo away, to use your arms to do something that would retain your self respect. but your body? it can’t hear it—can’t understand it.
just like how gojo’s ears sign deaf when you whisper and choke on your own words trying to tell him to stop—to not go anywhere lower than your neck. after successfully undoing the buttons of your last remaining top, gojo’s fingers scoop up the last bit of ice cream that’s almost liquid on the table. you yelp out at the cold substance being massaged onto your breast, especially the nipple. “tastes better like this, i have to say.” gojo speaks like he’s ever had a hold of your tits before. his tongue is back with more fervor than you’d imagine. it flicks over one of your nipples, sucking loudly and groaning when the soft skin easily gets squeezed by his other hand.
you, are a different story. as gojo seems to bask in your melodic, repetitive moans of his name, you feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes angrily as gojo’s pace is too far beyond enjoyable; layers of sweat accumulating on your skin, giving it an extra shine gojo is murmuring about. but even so, why did you not beg of him to stop? when did you forget to shake your head no after the first few times? even with gojo’s hands and mouth dissipating all the innocence on your body, even with his bite marks charring your skin with evidence of sin—why does your lower abdomen twist for more?
as your thighs subconsciously rub against one another along with your fingers gripping on gojo’s hair and shoulder so tightly—gojo’s phone rings—too loudly.
“fuck,” he clicks his tongue, licking one last stripe of whatever your breast has to offer and rises his head to give you one last deep kiss for you to feel the fleeting moments of his sore tongue. gojo takes the call right in front of your face, his lips swollen as his eyes are gazed in lust. “gotta take this mission, sweets.” gojo says, face morphing into a look of stoicism as he finds his disregarded glasses on the floor. gojo wipes some excess spit-mixed-with-dairy with his hand from your cheeks to suck in his mouth. you, being dumbfounded, is unable to say anything before gojo is near the open shoji already.
“gojo! are we not going to talk about this?? fuck that mission, please get back here and-” as if nothing ever happened, gojo beams a smile at you. red lips unwavering as he bids you farewell.
“i’ll buy ice cream again when i get back, then we can continue~ ah, but first, you should fix up. you might get cold next.” with a wink, he’s gone. leaving you in your heated, disheveled state: clothes crumpled all apart, hair disorganized, chest heaving with large breaths of hair—and all the possible things gojo has done to you.
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© takotakigum | do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works.
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fandonnavyce · 7 months
Danny Phantom Side Hoes Week 2024
March 7: Dani Phantom, self defense
Down by the Beach AO3 Link Danny Phantom x The Owl House
“That’s an amazing sandcastle.”
Collector whirled round, stunned to find that someone had managed to sneak up on him. It was a white haired girl who felt as human as much as she felt of death and power.
“Do you wanna play hide and go seek with me? I bet we’d have so much fun!” Collector blurted out starry eyed.
Fortunately, the white haired girl didn’t look fazed at all at the sudden fervent invitation.
“Yeah sure, you’re it!” she grinned widely. “Don’t forget to count to 100!” Then she zipped away, soaring into the air, her legs now a ghostly tail trailing behind her. The Collector blinked before giggling. He closed his eyes and started counting.
“98, 99, 100! Ready or not, here I come!” The Collector opened his eyes. Of course the beach was empty when Collector gave a quick scan of the immediate area. Then he levitated into the air to get that sweet bird’s eye view. He couldn’t find anything in the Electromagnetic Spectrum for miles around. He switched over to heat vision and then x-ray. But still nada.
“Oh, she is good!” the Collector praised as he soared through the sky on his flying starboard. 
“But now you gotta tag me”
“No fair, the ocean is so cold!”
“Oh you think this is cold? I’ll show you cold.”
“I call hacks!”
“What for?”
“Animating your sandcastle into a walking fortress is totally unfair.”
“I don’t want to hear that after you froze the ocean. With ME INSIDE IT!”
“Listen, you can hear the ocean's roar inside,” frog crouching down next to a tide pool, Dani cupped a beautiful exotic conch shell to her ear. Hovering cross-legged beside her, Collector mimed turning a hand crank; amplifying the echoing sound so that he could hear it too. 
“I’m gonna add this to my collection,” Dani declared whilst admiring the shell, it glimmered a fierce red and spooky silver.
“You have a Collection?” the Collector asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah, I‘ve got all kinds of cool rocks and souvenirs from all over the realms. Do you want to see it?”
“Yeah, totally, of course.”
“I mean it’s back at my place, but you can come over.”
“I can?” the Collector’s voice cracked.
“Obvsi,” Dani teased in a ‘duh’ voice, “we’re friends”
“AWESOME!” the Collector yelled giddily into the bright blue sky. This was the first time in his entire existence he had been invited over to a friend’s home. “Whatcha doin’?”
Dani was currently holding some kind of hand device. It looked really funny. It was slab with buttons and a screen.
“I’m calling for a portal pickup” Dani explained.
“With that?! But what is it?”
Dani blinked in surprise, “It’s a long distance communication device called a mobile phone.”
“What, like a crow phone?” Collector cocked his head in curiosity.
Dani squints, “Maybe?” she draws out, “what’s a crow phone?”
“It’s a long distance communication device but it’s shaped like crow”
Dani shrugs, “then probably”, she looks back at her phone. “Hmm a portal should appear any second now.”
Just as she said that, Collector felt his ears pop as reality suddenly burst, like a pin in a helium balloon. Suddenly, a green swirly portal formed in front of him.
“That’s actually really cool,” Collector admits.
“Yeah c’mon,” Dani led the way through the portal.
Collector eyes widened at the Palace of Death, Ice, and Celestial Beauty floating before him, imposing and haunting against a backdrop of abyssal Cosmic Space.
“You live here?! Are you a princess? Where’s your tiara?” Collector asked, rapid fire.
“I’m not wearing it, yes I am, yes I do.”
The Collector looked around, his head on a swivel. “This place is so cool!”
Dani looked over at the Collector’s star themed outfit, “Yeah I had feeling you might like it,” she smiled. She flew up to her bedroom’s window, up in her tower, with the Collector following behind her as they entered in.
Taking up one entire wall, were shelves of her collections and souvenirs from her travels across the realms and Dani gleefully showed it off.
The door to Dani’s bedroom slammed open and Dan was standing there in all his asshole glory. Dan looked down with all his stupid height at the two little kids in the room who looked back up at him.
Dani glared up at her brother’s intrusion. W̴̡̛͍͚̳͊͌H̶̦͑A̸͎̩͇͂̓T̷̞̻͖̜͑̾̉͝?̶͚̩̍̆͊!̸̳̱̐̓ ̷̞͙̀ (leave-get-out-get-out) (anger- confusion-disdain) she silently scowled in ghost-speak.
Gone, Dan slammed the door behind him. There was a moment of confusion and surprise. Then heard hollered throughout the Palace,
Dani’s face was aghast. The Collector’s was bewildered. They could hear the building thunder of a stampeding herd of wildebeests.
“Oh look, Dani brought her first friend over,” cooed Jazz.
Danny firmly denied the sight in front of him. “No! No! You’re too young to be bringing boys over!”
“Oooh who gets to do the shovel talk?” Dan cackled.
“Sam” “Sam” “Me” Tucker, Jazz, and Sam said together.
“What about me?! I’m the Ghost King! I’m her Father!”
“Yeah,” Tucker acknowledges, “but Sam’s the scariest.”
“Excuse you, I’m right here,” Dan protested.
Sam rolled her eyes, “Yeah but you’re not gonna bother.”
“... nah you’re right,” Dan shrugged.
“No wait, hang on, I can too be scary. I can be very scary.”
“Danny, you have multiple times needed either Sam or I to correct your order when you receive the wrong one,” Jazz pointed out.
“OK!” Danny blustered. “This and that are two different things!”
“Sorry bro, just take the L. You’ve been outvoted.” Tucker rested a commiserating hand on Danny’s morose shoulder.
“Anyway” Jazz cheered, “it’s very nice to meet you…”
“The Collector” the boy introduced himself feeling shy all of sudden.
“It’s very nice to meet you, the Collector. Nevermind the noise, you’ll always be welcome here.”
“I’m glad to be here,” Collector sheepishly replied.
“ALRIGHT,” Dani started yelling, “OUT, OUT”, she shouted as she pushed her family out of her bedroom. “I’m so sorry,” Dani apologised to the bemused-looking Collector, “my family is so embarrassing,”
“You better keep the door open!”
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seulgishaku · 2 years
Jason and Nico both think valentine's day is the dumbest thing in existence. Like why would you not give gifts to your partner anyday? Why would you not make them feel special every day? They just don't get it.
So naturally, they turn it into a competition of who can be the most over the top.
Nico's never really been good at grand gestures but no way in hell is he losing to Grace at anything. He shadow travels to a mortal shop and spares no expense at buying whatever cheesy, generic cards and chocolates he can find. (They have a whole section just for this stuff?)
He figures that's probably not enough to top whatever Jason's been trying to pull off for the past couple days (hes taking this very seriously) but he knows one thing he one ups grace on.
Jason can't cook for shit and he knows that and more importantly Nico knows that and he will be using it to his advantage.
Cut to Jason whose been working on something for days. He wants to win (duh) but he also really wants to make Nico feel special (in spite of the holiday, of course) so he's been building.
Or rather, sculpting, really.
It's a statue. Of an eagle and a crow that are making heart shapes with their wings. Gods he wanted to do so much more but unfortunately, he just didn't have the time.
He wants to have it painted too so another sleepless night he guesses.
He does get it finished though. And the day of the competition approaches.
Nico begins trading in all his gifts that he brought for Jason and Jason just. Freezes. Nico went out and brought all of these professionally made gifts for him. His favorite snacks and things like the brownies from the New Rome bakery that he hasn't had in years.
But when Nico takes him out to the plains near the strawberry fields, and shows him the dinner he made (made, he made it. For Jason.) consisting of some of Jason's favorite foods he knows he's lost.
There's strawberries and watermelon and carbonara and Jason sees fast food burgers that don't quite go with the rest of the meal but Nico knows he loves them despite how unhealthy they are.
Jason almost tears up. He knows Nico loves him but this competition (is it really, Jason thinks Nico's won by a landslide) has really shown that Nico is willing to go all out for him.
It makes his gift feel like an arts and crafts project.
Which is kinda what it is.
He feels embarrassed to have spent days working on it. But he'll be damned if he didn't show it now.
When they're done eating Jason takes Nico back to his cabin (and Nico almost thinks this is going in a different direction) and opens the door to his storage. He tells Nico to close his eyes and all Nico can hear is Jason dragging something across the floor.
When he's told to open his eyes he stares for just a moment. One awkward moment and Jason thinks Nico is silently laughing at him in his head, but then Nico pulls him into a hug.
Nico. Nico di Angelo just initiated a hug with Jason Grace.
They stand like that for a while. Jason gets over his shock and eventually hugs Nico back. (He swears he hears sniffling but he doesn't know whether its coming from him or Nico)
They both want to declare the other the winner. (Nico insists upon it being Jason the whole rest of the night.)
They spend the night together watching cheesy hallmark movies and eating the expensive chocolates Nico bought. Every once in awhile Nico will glance back to the statue of them (in bird form) with a dopey smile on his face and Jason thinks maybe he really did win.
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 28 days
Some Nebulous Slaughter Family (Game) Headcanons of Mine:
SLIGHT spoilers for Museum Mode, especially the ending
Drayton is actually a good cook. I know in the second film it's canonical, but until we get Choptop, I'm saying that he's REALLY good, I'm talking fully seasoned, he does a variety of different techniques to cook or do certain things, he can make pastry, he can make bread, he can do it all as long as there's meat involved
Nancy, on the other hand, would boil an arm and serve it, bright white gross flesh with no seasoning and a few boiled vegetables and call it a balanced meal (my friend @soggymari and I actually had this discussion whilst playing one time so I kinda owe this one to her-)
Hence why the whole family tries their best to convince her to let Drayton do the cooking-
Thanksgiving at the Slaughter House would be ELITE, probably the only time of year that the family get along (they basically perpetually live in stress, so a typically stressful occasion for most American families (I assume, from across the ocean) is actually quite chill for them so long as everyone stays out of the kitchen unless called for and let's Drayton cook), Nancy makes a dessert and it's actually quite good, the cousins all come over and they like, have an extension for the dining table so they can all fit somehow, they probably don't have to hunt anyone down or have any interruptions because everyone else is with their families, idk, I imagine it's actually kinda cosy
I've said this before on TikTok and it was a clip in my lil edit I posted recently sort of inexplicably, but I personally think that the Luggage Room upstairs in the Family House used to be Sissy's bedroom. One of my lil issues with the Family House is that Drayton, Nubbins and Grandpa have a bedroom each, but Bubba and Sissy don't. Bubba obviously sleeps in the basement now, but I imagine that the study was once his room, and Drayton converted it once Bubba started staying downstairs. As for Sissy, I think she had the Luggage Room, and the reason it's in such bad shape is because either Drayton, Johnny, Nubbins, Bubba or perhaps all of them at different points fucking tore it to shreds when she ran away, angry and betrayed from her leaving them. I have more reasons for thinking this, going from "it's one of the only rooms in the house with a poison station, duh" to "the shadowy birds outside the room symbolise Sissy's desire to be free, but she'll always have to live in shadows or away from normal people because she's a Slaughter; she will always be alienated from them" so... I can talk more about that some other time-
I've seen a lot of people saying that you can see the Family House from Nancy's, and like, MAYBE?? But if you look at the house next door from her front garden, and then go down to outside Johnny's Shack... They're basically in the same spot, and that house next door is DEFINITELY not the Family House
However, I also think that the Valve Exit on Family House (i know that Museum Mode doesn't have the valve exit, so canonically speaking, it's likely just a fence there) leads directly to the Car Battery exit on Nancy's House, and Johnny walks through the woods up the hill to come see the others
I have made three separate family trees for this family of how I personally think they might be related. I know part of the point is that we don't know and will never know HOW they're a family, only that they ARE a family, blood relation be damned, if you're family, you're family. But these are MY Headcanons, I get to decide how these people are related-
The reason Nubbins' room is so big is because he used to share it with his twin brother before he went to Vietnam, hence the spare mattress in there in Museum Mode (it might also be in there in the regular gameplay, I can't remember rn and I'm not booting up a private match to check rn)
Sissy gives Bubba her old makeup
Johnny is actually very thoughtful; he brings back little souvenirs from his trips with Uncle Hands (like the Phlugerville sticker he gave Bubba for his chainsaw) and used to bring a little something back for everyone, even Drayton. He's stopped doing that as of late.
Harold was Nancy's first and most beloved husband. She only killed him because she felt like he was the reason she couldn't have a baby, and wanted that more than anything in the world, and though she has kept all three of them in the Man Cave and is fond of all three, Harold is her favourite because she actually loved him and married him when she was young, and was meant to have a long life with him and their children.
Hands' hammer introduces a new brand to the world of the game, Pearls, and I like to think it's a reference to Pearl by Ti West because I'm delusional ♥️
The second Johnny and especially Grandpa declared Maria "safe" from being dinner, Bubba became as fiercely protective of her as he is the rest of his family. I think he was really sweet to her and took care of her in the basement, and if he saw the Victims trying to help her escape, he would fucking saw them down as brutally as if he saw someone trying to hurt his family (as seen in Museum Mode's ending)
I have way more than this but I could literally talk about the Slaughter Family for hours 😅 I fucking love them so much, man, they're so interesting and all of their dynamics are so deep and qodkkekwoeb I love them smmmmmmmm
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Find the word
Thanks to @loopyhoopywrites here and @dyrewrites here!
My words: broken, whole, together, crane, sweetly, smirk, bite, fall, red, black, shrub, street
Your words: provide, surface, cream, road
Tagging @badluck990 @andyswritings @rickie-the-storyteller @cat-esper @winterandwords @reignofartonline-blog @pertinax--loculos @leahnardo-da-veggie @elsie-writes @writernopal @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @thegreatobsesso + anyone else!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Ash struggles with her locker
Alium forest description
William's experiment worked!
Noelle and Hye-Jin's height difference
Liam is concerned about Maddie
Ash wants to join robotics
Unibison burger
Carmen is annoyed
Color analysis with Robbie and Akash
Maddie shapeshifts
Ecology with Lexi
The moms talk
Don't worry the excerpts are much shorter this time due to length
Broken - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
My locker was in the math hallway, right next to Ash’s and her Pre-AP class. I came up to her struggling with her broken locker again. “How was your birthday?” I asked as I spun my lock. “Alright,” said Ash, spinning hers. “God, I hate this thing. In band, Mr. Taylor had everyone play ‘Happy Birthday.’ He had a score and everything.” She pulled up on the handle. When the locker didn’t open, she pulled in rapid succession. She swore under her breath and set her binder on the ground. She used her now-free hand to push against the locker and began to input the combination again. I laughed as I slammed my locker shut. “How’d Gwen like that?” Ash scoffed. “She loved it.” She pulled the handle again. “Ha-ha!” she said when it opened. “Doing that from now on.”
Whole - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I blinked my eyes until the spots disappeared and they adjusted to the normal light. A piney scent hit my nose, but it was interlaced with some fruity smell. I now surveyed my surroundings and realized I now lay in the middle of a forest—a pleasant juxtaposition to being in the middle of nowhere. Well, maybe I was still “nowhere,” though the variety of plants was nice. Woah, a big variety. There were ferns of all sorts of colors with a wide variety of leaf shapes. I lay in a cluster of magenta flora I didn’t know the name of. I noticed the humidity was back, but the air was cool enough to where I didn’t remove my hoodie. A soft rustling of leaves above my head with interesting bird sounds gave the whole place a magical feel. It was… venerating. That was a good word.
Together - from The Secret Portal Part One
The snakefly’s wings continued to rapidly beat together, then slowed as if stuck in treacle. It froze midair, dropping to the ground by the forces of gravity. William let out a sound that would have caused him to flush if anyone was around to witness as he abruptly shot out of his seat. He cleared his throat, though still vibrating from excitement, then called his wife on the comm. “Atsila! Atsila! I did it!”
Crane - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Noelle POV)
“Well, in that case, maybe we should sit down?” “Why?” “So neither of us hurt our necks,” I stated. Most of the time when people talked to me they took a couple steps back so they wouldn’t have to crane their necks too far back. Hye-Jin was not doing that, and opted to stand pretty close. Maybe she didn’t know much about personal space. Regardless, she had to bend her neck practically all the way back, and I had to bend mine all the way down, and my neck was frankly starting to really hurt. I already had bad posture from doing that my whole life. “Oh, yeah, duh, um, sure.”
Sweetly Gently - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
Liam bit his lip like he was trying not to laugh, but he looked angry about it. He sighed, pressing his palms together and resting his forehead against the tips of his fingers. “I did this so I could see where your gaps were in my teaching. You have shifting down very well. Now, you need to assess yourself and how you’re doing. And Sam is right. You’re done for today.” “It’s not even lunch, though.” “Then the morning, but no heavy stuff after this, okay?” I ran my tongue over my braces. “Alright.” “Go take a shower,” Liam said, more gently than he usually spoke. I nodded, then slowly headed toward the elevators.
Smirk - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
I looked around to see if anyone was nearing us, and my eyes landed on Greyson Buchan. He took the eye contact as an excuse to quicken his pace toward us. “Hey, Lexi!” He handed a flier out. “Wanna join the robotics club?” “Robotics club?” Ash repeated, taking the flier before I could. “Hm. That actually sounds kinda interesting.” “What happened to not having any time?” I asked, smirking slightly. Ash matched my smirk. “I’ll make time.”
Bite - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
George walked over to an array of buttons on one of the walls. In a streak of orange, he pressed some of them, faster than the naked eye could have seen. Below the buttons was a small alcove, from which he pulled out a meaty sandwich that resembled a cheeseburger, but I sensed wasn't cow. “Metabolism,” George explained again. “Sorry. But hey, you should try our program’s unibison meat. To die for.” He took a bite of the unibison burger and sighed. “Unibison?” Lexi whispered to me. “I assume it’s a unicorn. But a bison.”
Fall - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“This is stupid,” I said, crossing my arms. “You’re messing with me because you think I’m a child who can fall for this. Well, I’m not.” “Well,” said Dr. Asghar, “you are a child.” “I’m an adolescent.” Dr. Asghar’s jaw clenched so hard it looked like she was biting her own teeth off.
Red - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Robbie POV)
“I feel like I’d have to include the word ‘scarlet’ in my name somewhere.” “Why?” “Because it’s the color of my powers.” “Oh, I thought it was because it was the color of your jacket.” I looked down to see I was, indeed, wearing a red jacket. “Nah, this isn’t the exact color. It’s more… hold on.” I pulled out my phone, typing in “shades of red” into the search bar. “Um, uh… vermillion.” “What the hell is vermillion?” I showed him. He nodded. “I’d actually say your powers are more vermillion than your sweater. Your sweater is more… la—” He squinted at the screen. “La-ter-i-tious. Lateritious? That’s a color?”
Black - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
Orange and white fur tore out of the follicles of my skin, with high-frequency black stripes coating my body. My skull squatched and stretched and crunched into a new form, ears and muzzle rearranging themselves into a feline structure. My spine and hips warped and elongated into a longer torso, stretching into a tail, contourting until I had no choice but to put my hands, morphing into padded paws, on the ground. My nails grew alarmingly quick into claws I could retract, my teeth burst out of my gums into fangs. My entire body tensed in the exhilarating pain. Once I was comfortably in the complete form, I almost collapsed out of relief. I opened my eyes, looking up at Liam, who smiled down at me. “For a small tiger, you’re pretty big, kiddo.”
Shrub(bery) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
A movement in nearby teal shrubbery caused me to jump, but even more shocking was the creature that emerged: a bright blue hedgehog. Wait, hedgehogs aren’t native to America, right? Was this someone’s pet that got loose because it was mad it was dyed blue? That was the only rational explanation, unless I was somehow in Australia. It seemed like the type of place to have blue hedgehogs.
Street - from The Secret Portal Part One
“Is it supposed to take this long?” Mrs. Morgan shrugged. “I’m not sure. I left Alium before Lexi was born—I’m not sure I even like the idea of her joining the Aequales, even as a self-defense course.” She paused. “Was Hannah this long?” “Hannah….” Mrs. Hathaway tried to remember how long her stepdaughter took on Alium a few years before. “A while, but not four hours.” She looked up at the brick wall of the school, only illuminated by the street lamps. It was hard to believe that her husband and daughters were from a dimension secluded behind that wall. Why, if she hadn’t seen Dean show off his powers, she likely wouldn’t have believed him. It did explain why he was always eating. “I hope we don’t get arrested for trespassing.”
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at this point they should just hand the Riddler to the creators of one of those weird point and click puzzle games tbh he deserves their energy. The writers of those games are always off the walls weird , they'll put you in some surrealist escape room hellscape shaped like a cabaret theatre and make you say shit like "oh of course I had to use the bbq tongs I got from the animatronic bar man on the restroom toilet to retrieve the baby doll with the talking plush parrot head so I can put that into the singing bird cage that is connected to a pulley system that reveals the morse code that makes the doors open! duh!" and it will somehow make perfect sense
you. you get it. kiss me on the mouth.
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thejabberwokk · 2 months
City Elf Appreciation Week- Day 2 - Folklore (and history)
Day 2 - Folklore (and history) for @cityelfweek
- Show the folklore that city elves have created over time. Superstitions, stories, heroes, villains... anything!
“Did yah hear! Did yah hear!”
“Hear what Lani?”
“The bride spirit! The bride spirit killed all the snooty shem up in the castle!!”
“That’s nonsense, Lani. Spirits aren’t real.”
“They are too Peytor!”
“Yeah, well why are you only just telling me about this ‘bride spirit’ if they’re real? Hmm? I bet you don’t even know what they look like.” Peytor rolled his eyes and pretended to humour his young cousin, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed with a mix of agitation and childlike wonder.
“I d-d-do too! She’s super pretty! Prettier than Mamae!” The little girl fisted her tiny hands in her penefor, stomping her feet.
“Oh yeah?” Unimpressed, Peytor grabbed a stick and started to scratch patterns in the dirt.”What do they look like then, that you’d risk Aunties wrath?”
“She’s beautiful! Her eyes are red like my bird's favorite berries! And her hair is so hot it’s on fire!”
“So she’s a wrath demon?”
“Nuh-uh! She’s vengeance, Peytor! And her wedding dress is so pretty and sparkly, nothing can make it dirty!” Lani was twirling her own dress, its dirtiness forgotten in the fantasy.
“If she killed all them shem, how is she still clean? That doesn’t make sense, dummy.” Peytor’s drawing was taking shape. Fiery hair, big ol eyes. Fangs.
“She’s a bride, duh, they’re always clean and pretty. BUT!” Lani jumped, arms raised, little hands waving pudgy fingers. “Everywhere she walks she leaves a trail of shem blood!” the little girl grinned, her eyes scrunched up in little girl glee, her ears pricked up in excitement.
“That’s gross, Lani” he laughed, scribbling more waves of blood onto his dirt doodle.
“Is not, she’s beautiful~” The girl giggled again. 
As a couple of adults walked by,  Peytor pulled his cousin out of the way. Glancing at them, an elven woman with crimson eyes caught his, winking once, before looping her arm around her companion and going on their way.
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lazerswordweilder · 6 months
(Check the post itself not the reblogs I’ve made some changes)
Okay but Batman fic where he’s not actually human. He comes from a whole other planet of humanoids who have wings, the wings vary from swans to bats to parots to pidgons even to some more aqutic or zero-gravity looking ones! With other quirks that vary too, some people have markings, or skin tinted a specific colour, or scales, or those ears with feathers, or anthing else.
Batman was bat wings (duh) and black markings that are gnarled and dig into his flesh, almost like scars or wounds with orangeyred-gold instead of blood. They form lines around where his cowl is, his gloves are, his boots, his belt, on his thighs where the outside underpants are, and even a vaugely cirle shaped one where his bat symbol is.
He was orphaned and the Waynes found him, Martha (ever the rebellious) was like “Tomas I found and alien bird child, he’s ours now.” and Tomas is like “Okay.” and he becomes the dad who didn’t want a cat. Bruces wings are only little at this point so he can easily hide them in suits most of the time.
But they die of course, and Bruce freaks out so hard, and Alfred (who showed up when Bruce did and is secretly a bird elder making sure that the child survives with human, he’s like every crypid old man/wizard with all of the not explaining stuff and smirk) decides Bruce has had enough enrichment and brings him to his home planet and raises him as his second parent(s). Also Alfred had dove wings because he’s bruces angel and stuff, and also he keeps them really well groomed and regal, and his hair is white and has feathers in it, like water proof feathers that make his hair smooth, but that’s pretty much the only other change.
Roughly 50 human years later (which is when their species becomes teenagers lol) Bruce realizes that he is hell bent on revenge, and Alfred is like absolutely not, go to school you baby. So 80 years later Bruce graduates what was pretty much primary and intermediate school but better becasue it actually teaches you things (I speak from experience) Alfred is like, if you are so insistent you may go. But I’m coming with you.
So Bruce shows up, and wears a superhero suit (like all the other protectors did) that took inspiration from his own markings, and protends his wings are just a cape. All the meanwhile Alfred bullies Bruce into doing online schooling while he fightes crime, and that’s it, for like two years, that’s it. Then the Flying Graysons show up, their whole act is being bird folk who tie up their wings to do tricks that are actually dangerous. Not sure if I touched on this before but bird-folk live waaaaay longer than humans, so they raised Dick and taught him everything and so much more over about twenty or so years? That was about his infant to kid range (some people have theirs longer, occasionally shoter, he was always an early bloomer).
And then the Flying Graysons die because of it. And Dick refuses to wear hoodies to hide his wings because he doesn’t want to tie up his wings, even if they aren’t big enough to fly yet. And Bruce is like, okay, because of your trama we’ll make do with just quick stops everywhere, the police have worth things to deal with than reports of bird children at Walmart.
(Dick)Robin has robin wings of course, and specifically the yellow and black ones. His wings are built more for speed and zipping around rather than long flights or power which Bruces happen to be (bats wings have different used depending on the species). The black on the outside of his wings is a little too dark for shadows but over all don’t stand out much even when he’s in plain sight, they are useful for hiding. The yellow on the underside of his wings stands out howerever, barely anything in Gotham is such a vibrant yellow and he can often scare people by opening his wings wide if they’ve been in gloomy dark colours like the Gotham harbour for too long.
(Dick)Robins wings aren’t actually big enough/developed enough to fly yet and still have baby fluff but he’s just starting to fly by the end of his Robin years and almost all the baby fluff is gone. The wings go down to a bit longer start of his legs (the area below your but). For plot reasons there’s about a years gap between him being Robin and being Nightwing, lets say Jason showed up and took up the mantle of Robin and Dick decided to take a break from all the action and promptly becomes a police officer for only that year instead of keeping it as a job, the uniform was uncomfortable and hard on the wings you know?
But anyways in the year or so Dicks wings got a little bigger and lost a lot of the black on the outside as well as the yellow turning golden and the feathers growing longer and staying as ‘sharp’ (sharp as in sharp, not fluffy or round, sharp and defined). It’s not too much of a change but he looks older, this is also unusually fast, he was one of those kids who got really big growth spurts at random, I imagine this hurts because the bones are growing (like growth spurts) so that would be another reason for him to take a break.
Anyways by the time he shows up as Nightwing his wings are almost down to the bend in his legs but not quite, they have black stripes almost but not obviously meant to be stripes because they’re not, and his bright poping yellow has turned to gold and it’s less bright but more smooth, but it’s only really noticeable if you have a picture of him when he was Robin and comapre.
By the time we get the buff Nightwing ratehr than the teenger-looking Nightwing which is probably about 5 or 6 years his wings have grown about 5 or so inches past the bends in his knees and there are small groups of black feathers in the fluff of his wings and on some of his longest feathers, they haven’t changed in about two years so he thinks they’re going to stay roughly like that. Also the yellow has changed obviously to gold, it isn’t bright anymore, and doesn’t clash with his suit anymore, he also keeps more gold in the suit instead of the black and blues he has in cannon.
(Jason had the more classic red and grey wings, grey on the outside, red on the inside, he also had red feather ears and a few other patches of feathers like at the base of his wings and back and his wrists, with yellow and green feathers dotted around the red of his wings that he grew out of with age, as well as the red becoming more saturated and the grey a little darker, patches of red feathers also apear on his skin all over his body looking alarmingly like splashes of blood)
Also of course Gordon gets these bird child reports and is validly concerned given his citys rouges, and after having Batman dodge the questions for about two hours, Gordon is like, okay the winged child is with the winged man, sure their different species, why not. Oh also both Bruce and Alfred absolutely refuse to let (Dick)Robin go around jumping off buildings, acrobatics? Yes. Actually dangerous stuff? Wait until you have wings to rely on then you can.
Barbara Gordon of course shows up, she immeditely becomes Orcale as instead of getting paralysed she just has no wings, as the daughter of Commisioner Gordon (or wife in a few comics but I’m pretty sure that’s not cannon anymore?) she’s human. She still does Batgirl stuff, but no solo missions, she has accepted this is just concern for someone without wings and is okay with it and still gets into the actions and villianous plots a lot, just less. Due to this she never gets paralysed by Joker.
Okay and then the Justice League show up, and Batman’s like ‘haha, yes, normal human things, I do those to.’ because he lost touch with normal humanity a long time ago and the bird people have a vastly different culture. And he gets seen through in minutes, litterally minutes, the invasion ends and they just all collectively turn to Batman and tell him he’s standing next to at least two aliens, a amazon warrior princess, and like seven other crazy things, and that there’s no need to pretend to be human.
So they all try to teach Batman more human stuff, while freaking out, because he has literally been living in a cave (it was under Wayne mansion which Alfred had somehow kept clean even now and everyone found it suiting and nice), not even beds or anythings, just pilllows a a blanket so the spikes aren’t sharp. But anyways, this leads to members like J’onn and Wonder Woman getting more acclimated to human culture as Batman needs help too and they cannot have who’s supposed to be the smartest of them all not knowing what elevators are.
They have days where the League (or just as many non-acclimated members can go and two or three acclimated members) just go to theme parks and stuff under their civillian idetities, and Bruce always wears dresses or big jumpers and sweat pants/skirts because there is no other way to hide his wings and it’s always really akward in situations like that time Green Lantern got into a fist fight becuase people were being homophobic to him for wearing a dress.
Not only does this help the non-acclimated members learn humanity, but it builds a lot of trust between the Justice League and everyone seems to consider the league a second family, everyone is trusted with everyone elses lives. Also they went to a convention one time and Bruce got so many compliments, Green arrow just stright up wore his normal outfit but without the bow and mask, and the hat not the hood.
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