#It's past midnight and I'm going to bed
darkstarofchaos · 2 years
Opinion: Optimus is at his best when his narrative role is mentor, not hero.
Like. From the beginning, Optimus was meant to be this wise, noble leader. G1 is full of moments where he imparts some nugget of wisdom on the other characters, even if said nuggets are... not always context-appropriate (telling someone not to give up on their dreams is fine, but maybe not when they’re lamenting the failure of a mind control plot?). And of course, this was the 80′s, so the good guys always won in the end. Which meant that Optimus' decisions were always right - or at least, there weren’t lasting consequences if he was wrong.
There isn’t anything inherently wrong with having a character like that. The problem is that, if they’re already the wisest and most capable member of the cast, they have nothing to learn. And usually, when a character has nothing left to learn, they aren’t the protagonist. And, okay. It was an episodic cartoon without any real overarching plot. None of the characters grew or changed in any lasting way. But you still had lessons put in there for the kids watching: Spike and Sparkplug both had “you don’t give up on people you love” episodes, Bumblebee had a similar moment with Optimus, the Dinobots and the Aerialbots both had rebellious phases that resulted in their decisively siding with the Autobots, and more. As long as the kids were getting positive messages, it didn’t matter if the characters changed.
Again, nothing inherently wrong with that. But Optimus never has one of those moments where he learns from his team. Because he has nothing to learn (well, he does, but we never see it happen). And that makes him... not very interesting, except as a power fantasy with a side of dad jokes. Which is fine if you like that sort of thing, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most fanfiction portrayals of Optimus don’t have the dad jokes and trash talking during battle. Which brings me back to my main point: Optimus is at his best when his narrative role is mentor.
I know I have a something of a reputation for not liking Optimus, but that’s not a blanket statement. There are several Optimuses I don’t like, and at least as many that I haven’t met, but I do like two of them: Armada and TFP. Armada Optimus was very much a mentor character. He had no major plotlines of his own, save for his obligatory phoenix moment (and even that served more to advance the character arcs of Hot Shot and Starscream - our main protagonists by that point in the series). Most of the time, especially as the Autobot cast grew, Optimus was just there in the background. He fought battles and said wise things, and that was pretty much it. I can understand why one might say he had no personality, because his character didn’t change much over the course of the story.
But honestly, he didn’t need to. His purpose in the story was to help others grow, and he did just that. A plot-reliant story doesn’t benefit from having the character who already knows everything hogging the spotlight (and whether you liked Armada’s early episodes or not, most of the series did have a plot). TFP Optimus was the same. The only real change in his character - not counting the woefully brief Orion Pax arc - is when he accepts that the war is never going to end while Megatron is alive. The rest of the time, he’s in the background, and outside of battles, his main role is to provide wisdom for the other characters (though, again, it’s not always context-appropriate. “Revenge isn’t worth it” is a good lesson, but I still think Arcee should have killed Airachnid).
And yes. I know TFP Optimus is what some might consider boring. As an introvert, I don’t care. Let me have the Optimus I relate to and go watch G1 if you prefer basketball and jokes.
As a final note, I’m not saying Optimus can only be good when he’s a mentor character. Fans can write whatever they want, and even in canon, Optimus isn’t always the Wise One. TFA took a very different approach to his character, and while I’ve only seen a few episodes, it was an interesting approach. That version of Optimus could absolutely fill the role of a protagonist with much to learn, and he might not even be too annoying while he’s at it (his voice, sadly, is not as pleasing to listen to as Peter Cullen’s Optimus, or David Kaye’s Megatron. Which is sad, because I love David Kaye as Megatron). TL;DR: if Optimus is going to be wise and infallible, he’s better suited to a mentor role. Also, the Optimuses I like are probably the ones no one else does, which means I have gained exactly no ground with Optimus’ fans, and may have actually lost points for liking Armada (don’t care, it was my first Transformers series and I love it).
Opinion concluded.
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golyadkin · 1 year
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The ghosts and co. as images I have saved on my computer
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totally-italy · 3 months
European flags are just like… so boring. Like just blocks of color
Idk just random thought
Okay, I'm going to try not to take too much offense.... What is your favourite flag, then?
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lunaetis · 3 months
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─「エデン」─  " biting is hot. " stated as a fact, will not take no for an answer.
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jageunjagiya · 8 months
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remember when they tried to make Hank a disgusting alcoholic but in order to keep it kid friendly they had him addicted to hot sauce instead of actual alcohol
[Please do not like without reblogging.]
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casuallivi · 1 year
The Midnight Kiss
Azriel took a hike this chap 😬😬 his inner thoughts were secluded from me😓😓 Fear not, Elain had no problem in blabbing for three two . Enjoy your Elain-fest, i guess… Adopte an author today, and win the privilege of helping to keep the flame alive! See ya 😻😽
Enjoy. Comments are welcomed and cherished :)
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Part 6: In need of a Scotty to beam her up
Hands roaming each other's bodies in a hurry, a trail of discarded clothes leading to the bedroom, ragged breaths and frantic steps finding the way towards the bed, two bodies rolling around the sheets, her soft moans and his rough groans matching the “thud, ” of the headboard denting the wallpaper, a symphony of,
“There. Right there,”
“Yes, yes, yes.”
loud enough to haunt her nosy neighbor for days to come!
Had they been a regular couple, that’s how their third date would be coming to an end; in a steamy encounter between the sheets.
Since they were Azriel and Elain, their third date came to an end with the couple talking in his car, the engine roaring smoothly on the background.
Elain Archeron had been away from the dating scene for five years, yet the rules had not changed much: People expected to get laid by the third date. Sometimes on the first date, or even before having a first date! Bottom line is, go down dirty and hard in the first opportunity you have, put all the chemistry to test to avoid settling down with someone you have no interest in sleeping with. Despite not understanding the appeal of sleeping around, Elain agreed that a couple’s sexual life played a big part in the relationship. She also knew good bedroom chemistry turned into shackles when a guy treated you like shit outside of it. Worst bargain coin ever. Elain had been in one of those relationships before. It took so long for her to see how shitty her last relationship was, and finally break free from it, that once she did, Elain retracted from men all together. Hence the birth of her Crush Land.
Elain’s Crush Land was her happy place, a safe space where she could fantasize about the men she found attractive, without actually having to get involved with them. After all, it was much easier to crush from a distance than to get close and end up disappointed, especially when she had no confidence in maintaining a healthy relationship. In her Land the men were all perfect, flawless, fulfilling all of her expectations without her having to explain a thing. As every good sovereign, she establish ground rules for her Land, two unbreaklabe rules that kept her reign peaceful for years:
1º)This cannot be a one-Crush-land;
2º) The maximum of days a Crush can remain in his throne, is seven days. After that, he's trouble.
With time, Elain grow attached to her delusional lifestyle, content with her fantasies, her Crush Land providing all the male interaction she needed. Until she met Cassian.
Goddamn Cassian Marino, with his massive size and perfect round ass, sauntering into her life flaunting his silky hair and megawatt smiles, destroying everything she worked hard to perfect.  Cass refused to fit into her equation, shattering her one-week-crush mold, frequently appearing in her mind till he was the only guy she could fantasize about. Funny thing is that was her wake up call. Ah, Elain thought sadly, I must be lonely.
Loneliness was a bitch. Especially for someone like her, who had been in relationships more than she had been alone. That’s why her Crush Land was important. No matter how silly it sounded, it helped her to learn to be alone, feel fulfilled by herself, not depend on a partner to give her worth. Elain was worthy. And her ever growing infatuation with Cass was proof that she was ready to get back into the dating world, preferably with him.
Life was also a bitch, slapping her, laughing at her pathetic hopeful plans, rubbing Cass' smoking-hot grilfriend in her face, before she could even have the chance to embarass herself with a confession. Cassian deciding to start when Elain decided to start dating, only to end up dating someone that was not her would be hilarious, had it not happened to her. It did happen to her, and Elain was devastated. But no matter! She would not let that stop her from taking a leep of faith with another guy.
Did she expected for this guy to be Cass' brother? No.
Did she expect for this guy to be her work-nemesis? Also, no.
Did she expect for this guy to be both, and despite the fact she knew that, to accept dating him anyway? Absolutly not!
Sometimes spontaneity made her do crazy things.
Elain would be the first one to admit Azriel's credentials were not looking good. But no matter! Azriel had showed he was interested in moving on too, and Elain was nothing, if not an optimist. She was confident about her abilities to move on, ready to conquer any challange life throw her way! All she needed was a guy who was willing to take her, not tame her, and everything would work out.
That’s how she found herself in boss-turned-boyfriend situation. What Elain and Azriel were doing was different from everything she had ever tried. This time she started dating her boyfriend before even liking him properly, going on dates to get to know each other. And Elain was enjoying this “get to know me” stage, enjoying discovering the little things she would not know simply by working with him.
Despite not having his brother’s easy disposition to accommodate strangers and make everyone feel comfortable with a flash of his white teeth, Azriel wasn’t the cold-hearted tin man she anticipated. As she got to know him, Elain discovered Azriel had no problem in being open and honest about his feelings, his expectations regarding their relationship, his desire to fall in love with her.
Elain was surprised to know he wasn't just interested in moving on, he was interested in her too! Initially, she thought they would help each other get over their exes, gain confidence with the opossite sex, and move on to find actual partners. Azriel nearly blew a fuse when she told him that.
"Let me get this straight. You wanna date me, to date another guy?" "Yeah, we," "No." He stopped her. "You'll date another girl, too," "No." "Let me finish," "No. You are not dating another guy! Are you out of your damn mind?" He interrupted, a vein popping in his forehead. "I warned you, Elain, I warned you I don't do casual. You date me, you are mine, and I do not share what's mine. Fuck no, you'll not date another guy."
Elain thought women's hormones sure worked in mysterious ways, because she had no business finding a domineering man that sexy. So, she changed routes, treating him as a real boyfriend, trying her best to box all his annoying bits to focus in his qualities –a feature she spent the better part of a year believing he did not have. Turned out he did.
It pained her old self to admit this, but Azriel was excellent in his job. He was also beautiful –she was dying to get him in front of her lenses– educated –when he wanted to be– from a good family, with good values, and apparently, extra sexy when he claimed his domain of her. It would be a lie to say a man like that, showing interest in you, didn’t send butterfly into a frenzy in a girl’s belly. Azriel being an attentive boyfriend didn't hurt either.
Even busy, he made sure to text her here and there throughout the the week, matching his free time to hers so they could go on dates. Since their relationship changed from coworkers to lovers, he started watching his tone, policing himself to not lash at her as he usually would – in fact, Azriel was treating the entire team better. Taking did breaths to control his temper while rejecting ideas, reducing the number of times he indiretcly called them stupid during a day, and he had only told her to shut up twice this week – a progress if she ever saw one. It was her fault, honestly. Elain couldn't help it, provoking him was fun.
Plus, bantering didn't end with her wanting to punch his teeth out anymore, now they ended with him cornering her in the empty pantry, his office, the elevator, he parking lot, deseert corridors, Azriel tracking her down to bite the snarkiness out of her lips.
“Jesus, you are such a biter,” she pointed out one day, after a particularly sharp nip. “Learned from you,” he breathed in her mouth.
Guilty. Elain couldn’t get enough of his plushy lips, nibbling and sucking on them till Azriel lost his stark facade, self-control thrown out the window, forgetting they stood in company property to press her on the nearest corner, groaning into her mouth, closing his long finger around her throat, making a mess of her hair. The man seemed obsessed with her hair and her neck. Elain was quickly becoming obsessed with his neck too, tip-toeing to fill it with wet kisses, leaving hickeys at the base, just shy from the collar of his dress shirts, like a little secret hidden in plain sight. It felt good to brand her teeth on his skin. A small punishment for all the times he made he want to punch his face.
At the end of the day, Elain wasn’t in love with Azriel, but she sure liked being his girlfriend. So much so, that when he pulled up in front of her building, she began to stall, coaxing him into conversing a little bit longer, not wanting to part.
Now she sat in his car, asking him endless questions about a subject most girlfriends would avoid like the plague: His ex.
“So you never had a girlfriend? Like, never, ever.” She asked for the third time, stunned with the complex and crazy history of her boyfriend.
Elain knew it wasn’t proper to use their date night to play 21 questions about his ex, but she was a curious person.
“If you want to get technical about it. She didn’t want labels. Had no problems getting the advantages of one, tho.”
His eyes dipped to her leg, which was bare, courtesy of her peach pleated skirt, a question clear in his hazel orbs. Elain allowed silently, watching as he gently ran his knuckles over the longitudinal scar dividing her kneecap in two halves, the line of scar tissue lighter than her skin.
"Does it still hurt?"
"Only if it gets too cold. My doc said it’s psychological, I said he isn’t the one feeling the pins burning. I swear to you, my orthopedist is whack, never trust your knee to Edgar Montero from Beacon Hill, never."
"How many pins?"
Elain lifted two fingers. Azriel removed his hand.
"It's fine, most of the time I forget about it."
He reached for his jacket on the back seat, draping it over her legs.
“Thanks,” Elain undid the straps of her sandals, not noticing him adjusting the temperature, and crossed her legs under his jacket, snapping a quick pic of her covered legs, catching the shoes on his carfloor. Then she returned to the subject of her interest. “Oh man, that’s a lot of responsibility, being someone’s first girlfriend. Just so you know, I had a lot of boyfriends, lots of experience.”
Azriel turned on his seat to better face her. “I have a decade of experience.”
She used her hand to make and “0” shape, saying, “stil had zero girlfriends. Were you lonely?"
Elain was. In her last relationship, Elain felt lonely even though she wasn't alone. She never wanted to experience that feeling again.
Azriel merely shrugged. “Work kept me busy enough.”
“Life is more than fashion, Marino. Life is bitter without the sweet frosting of love."
"Let me guess: that's why you fall in love easily."
"touché." She winked at him.
His raven-hair touched the headrest, Azriel closing his eyes. "How many boyfriend are we talking about?" he asked casually.
"You sure you wanna know?"
"Most people prefer not to know about their partners past..." she taunted.
Azriel opened one eye, giving her an incredulous look. "You are so full of shit. You literally spent," he looked at his watch, "one hour and twenty minutes interrogating me."
It was her time to shrug, playing it cool. "I'm confident like that." Bullshit. Freaking curious enough to put George to shame, that's what she was.
"Stop stalling." Damn it, he knew her antics.
"Since you insist. Don't go crying later!" she gave him a last warn, putting a hand on her chest. "Just so you know, I'm extremely loyal. Got my first boyfriend entering high school, dated him till senior year. We broke up, I started dating this other guy in college, we were together till I turned twenty-four – he kind of traumatized me a little, but that's story for another time. Then I met this cute guy on tinder, he was stinky rich, but I think his mom wanted to bone him." Elain grimaced, using air quotes to repeat the nasty words she had to hear. "That lady was not happy to see her 'precious golden boy' with a 'lousy photographer'. I am not lousy. A goddamn amazing photographer, that's wha I am. Dumped his ass and won a contest later that month, thank you very much, mama Vanserra.”
Six months after breaking up with Graysen, Elain got into a bad funk. She missed intimacy, missed sex, and the worst part, she missed Graysen. To avoid crawling back to him, she tried a dating app, finding Lucien Vanserra on the first swipe, who she got involved with for three blissful months. Then his crazy mother started wanting to compete with Elain for her son’s love and affection. The woman acted like her son was her late husband. Yikes.
“And?” Azriel urged to go on, his voice bringing her out of memory lane.
“And what?”
"You said you dated a lot, I'm waiting for the "lot" part."
Elain grabbed the front of his shirt, twisting the fabric. "How dare you criticize my lovely love history? You never had a girlfriend. You are like, like – a dating novice!”
Azriel made sure his eye roll was a deliberately slow one, grabbing her chin to bring her closer. “You dated two guys and a half.”
"Why a half?"
"You never dated the third asshole."
“Still dated more than you.”
Elain snorted, impressed with his audacity to judge her when he never managed to get a single girl to date him. Before she could tell him to shove it, Azriel ran his thumb across her lower lip. He knew just how to shush her, because Elain went inert instantly. 
“Are you done interrogating me, now?” She nodded. “Or do you wish to reminisce about your harem a little longer?” She shook her head.
There was no need to think about a witty reply. Azriel wasn’t actually interested in an answer, didn’t wait for on either.
He kissed her with all the patient she didn’t have, taking his time in tasting her lips; and there they were without fail, the goddamn fireworks blowing behind her lids like they did every time he touched her. Elain melted into him. His kiss was unhurried, throughtful, lips moving with the same tender assurance of the hand palming the beck of her neck, finger tangling in the waves at her nape, tugging in delicious way that was neither too harsh nor too tight. Perfect. His touch was perfect.
Elain endure the slow tempo the best she could, the kiss lingering like the sweetest of punishments. She let him conduct the pace till she was tingling all over, goosebumps coating her skin, Then she exploded, untamed and unleashed.
Where Azriel was calm, Elain was the storm. She wasted no time with gentleness, sticking her tongue in his mouth to deepen the kiss, delighting in his small flinch of surprise. Elain throw her arms around his neck like a desperate drowning girl in search of a life jacket to cling to, Azriel shuddering under her embrace, matching her wild pace with no struggle. Elain loved how versatile he was, changing from one type of kiss to another with easy, allowing her to guide him, to coach him as she saw fit. Heavy panting soon filled the air, the peculiar couple getting lost in the erratic kiss. When Azriel released her, his voice was lower than usual, rough on the edges, a black ocean smothering the beautiful hazel of his eyes.
"Is the experienced up to your standards, madam?"
She barely nodded, lipstick smudged all over, eyes glazed with need, searching for his mouth again.
Few were the things capable of turning Elain silent and compliant.
Azriel's kiss was on top of that list.
Elain sidestepped into the conference room carrying four colorful binders, arms feeling like jelly under the heavy weight, huffing from the small walks from the room to her desk. Okay, maybe the material wasn’t that heavy and she was the one out of shape. Christ, she needed to exercise more frequently. Elain could not remember the last time she did some cardio, except for running to the bakery two blocks down from her place. Fine, she needed to exercise, period.
She dropped her cargo on the long table, organizing the variety of fabric swatches, reference data and sponsoring proposals Nuala left in her care, snapping a quick photo of it all. Nuala caught a nasty flu she was trying to nurse before their business trip, leaving Elain, Miguel and Azriel to run their last meeting without her.
Speaking of Azriel…
Elain glanced expectantly at her boss, who was casually leaning against the table, focused solemnly on his tablet, scribbling over the interview draft Miguel presented to him. The assistant writer stood by him, eyes moving furiously from the object to his boss face, fidgeting like a child who waits for parental approval. These days Elain wasn’t much different, constantly rocking on her heels as she waited to snatch his attention.
The reminiscence of daylight seemed to clung to him, highlighting the deep navy of his dress shirt, the color making his profile stand out. The top button was undone, giving her the smallest glimpse of bronzed skin, Elain biting her lip as she remembered what was hidden by his shirt. At the height of his second button laid a little purple bruise, made by her. Elain sighed. How come he was able to stand there, doing nothing but breathe and be serious, and look as good as a seasoned model posing for the camera? Life was unfair. Well, not so unfair since she was the one who got to enjoy this big, sexy, handsome,
“Did your toddler redacted the last questions?” Azriel’s sharp remark interrupted her silent inspection of him. He didn’t raise his voice, didn’t have to, directing his piercing stare at Miguel, who scratched his head, saying,
“I don’t have kids.”
“Figured. A toddler knows better than to ask Wang personal questions. Keep it professional, focus in the progress of her career, she’s prone to be volatile if you don’t. Tis last page is useless. Do it again.”
“Yes, boss man. Will do.”
Behind them, Elain rolled her eyes at Azriel for ruining her sweet memories with his unwanted crudeness. Moments like this, she didn't like him one bit. Azriel wasn't lying when he said it was hard for him to connect with people, and once he got hyperfocused in his job that little detail shined light a beacon. The man was in serious need of an interpersonal relationship coach. Learning the difference between constructive criticism and public humiliation would do wonders to his character.
Elain slammed a clipboard on the table, making a grand show of pretending to sneeze three time, just to slip in the words, “quit,” “being,” “a jerk,” in between. She could hear Azriel taking a deep breath before his neck turned like the little girl in the exorcist.
“Excuse me?”
“You should say “bless you, love”, but thanks.”
Elain could swear the lights flickers. "Are you doing that?" Shuddering, she made the sign of the cross.
Azriel scowled harder. “Are you out of your meds again?”
Oh, the nerve of this man. Liked being his girlfriend her ass. Elain gave him the sweetest smile she could muster, ending up looking like a psycho on the loose.   
“Of course not, Marino. I have my medicine right here,” she pinched his cheeks, Miguel sucking his lips inwards to avoid laughing. “How could I look at this face and not feel healthy and energized? Don’t be a jerk, love, scowling gives you winkles, and God did not make me this hot to date a wrinkled old geezer.”
“I’m not old.”
"You are. Age is a state of mind, and yours show in your grumpiness." She tapped his cheek lightly, smoothing the frown from between his brows. "Relax for me," she said, then, a bit quieter, "that sounds awfully sensual doesn't it? Relax for me."
He seemed peeved, but Elain was positive he wanted to laugh. She could see his lips twitching in the corner.
"You know I'm still your boss, right?"
"So you've told me. Now stop scolding the poor boy, I don't his beautiful soul to be crushed by corporate world. You done with the interview, yeah?" she pushed the remaining binders closer to Azriel, explaining their contents. “Nuala asked to pass this along. This one has partnership proposals. She said to email her if you have any doubt, she’ll be glue to her phone in case you need her. This one has secured sponsors. Take a look at these gorgeous Jacobsen settees we can display on set.” She flipped all the way to page twenty-four, showing him a variety of furniture to choose from, watching him overseeing the selection with keen attention.
“They look rigid,” Azriel commented absently.
“You know all about that, don’t you?” See? Easy to provoke. “I’m aiming for uncomfortable. Is part of the first act. Nuala and I were playing with a couple of scenarios, and I did some sketches. My goal is for it to be hard on the edges, unpleasant, transitioning into a more and welcoming atmosphere once her apprentices come into the picture, color bleeding in. They are her missing piece, her equilibrium.”
She located the blue binder, spreading it open in front of her boss, displaying all the confidence and grace that she had mastered dealing with her previous clientele. Anxious brides needed reassurance, and Elain was an expert in gving it, gently guiding them into her vision with steady steps, making sure to accommodate their hidden desires to create the perfect shooting.
She showed them the pages, giving visual representation of how the model would look in the set, how the poses would convey the message. Azriel analyzed each page quietly, lost in contemplation, contrary to Miguel, who silently shook beside him, clutching his fist to his mouth.
Elain reached in front of Azriel to slap Miguel's arm. “What are you laughing at?”
“You said you sketched.”
“I did.” 
“Angelita, you drew a bunch of stick people.” He lifted the tip of a paper, trying to discern what the heck she had done there. Lots of circles and lines, that's what. “It’s impossible to understand this.”
Elain gasped out loud, dramatically clutching a hand to her chest, gluing the back of her other hand to her forehead.
"Here we go," Azriel muttered, getting out of her way.
Elain staggered towards Miguel, clinging to his jacket, shaking him left and right.
“My own friend. My brother in army!”
“Brother in arms.” Azriel corrected with a shake of the head.
Elain ignored him, way too deep into her theatrical redemption of a betrayed person, continuing her absurd discourse.
“My ally! Here I was, defending your maidenly honor, and you, you! You throw me under the bus! Thou shalt not kill, Miguel, thou shalt not kill! Why do you murder me like this! Have you no compassion? Have you no honor? Why do you betray me, why?" With a final cry, she sobbed into his shirt.
"Alright, alright. Get up now." Miguel held Elain up right, who was still pretending to be weak on the knees. “Couldn’t you have cut some old mags or something?”
“And give you some else’s vision?” her face twisted with horror, Elain pushing away from him to clean her fake tears. “No, thank you. This is an original shooting, with original concept, so we needed original drawings.” She tapped her index on the paper. “You have to look with your third eye, friend.”
“I have that?”
“Everyone does.” Fixing her hair in a ponytail, Elain wiggled herself between the two man, preparing to give a class they would not forget. “Pay attention, por sabor.”
“Por favor," he corrected amused.
“That’s what I said. Look, these are all different poses, kneeling, standing, laying down. I gave my blood for the stick people! Look! Here, she’s falling from a cliff into darkness, see, her arms are trying to grab salvation. Here, they are lying down, bored to death, in desperate need of something new, excitement. Then, boom! Wangsalvation. And here comes Vera," her passionate speech mellowed, for a shadow was casted over her, a strong frame trapping her between his body and the table. Elain wondered if Azriel had an inner furnace, because he always seemed to run hotter than her.
She cleared her throat, struggling to remain professional. "Vera is – Vera...? Yes! Vera. Vera will be waiting for her pupils, reaching her hand like the statue of a goddess, teaching her ways to the youth.”
The heat of Azriel's body seeped into her naked arms as he gently took a hold of her wrist, long soft fingers wrapping around her skin. Mouth-watering muscles flexed as guided her, making her point at something she could not care less.
"What's that one?"
Elain licked her lips, imagining how much prettier he’d look holding both of her wrists, pinning her hands above her head, binders dropped to the ground because she’d be the one spread on this table, harsh hazel eyes darkening with desire as he bent over–
“Models in opposite sides, touching each other’s faces.” She mumbled bewildered.
“Mmmh.” His purring vibrated on her back, Elain gulping at the awareness that she was straight out resting against his front. Her cheeks heated, eyes darting quickly to the witness in the room, only to find him distracted by his phone.
“Hey, Jerry read my email. He'll see me first thing tomorrow,” Miguel said casually. Jerry was their chief-editor, responsible for all the journalist aspects of an issue. “I’ll cut the last page and brainstorm new questions tonight. Maybe he can finish proofreading before we fly out.”
Azriel's hand moved from her wrist to her waist, resting casually at her hip. "I rather you proofread the winner's interview first. Wang is the last to go, there’s time to fix hers.”
“You sure?”
The two exchanged more words Elain didn’t pay an ounce of attention to, too busy digesting her latest daydream. The fact that her fantasies were now starred by a different Marino still caught her by surprise sometimes.
Surely, all that making out, like a couple of unsupervised horny teenagers, was messing with her brain chemistry. Because Azriel went from being nothing but a cranky boss, who made her blood boiling with impatience after their interactions, to be the protagonist of her x-rated story lines, sending her spiraling simply because he touched her wrist –not even her ass or titties, her goddamn wrist! This man’s touch needed to be studied.
The more she thought about it, the clearer it got: Elain not only liked to be Azriel's girlfriend; Elain liked Azriel.
A kiss on top of her head startled Elain back in the present, Miguel long gone from the room.
“I can smell your neurons burning.” Azriel joked, smelling her hair, kissing the same spot from before. The little excited thing in her chest went crazy. “Why is your heart beating so fast?” he whispered in her ear, “I can feel it in my chest.”
Crap, he could feel it?
Elain groaned.
At first, she thought Azriel Marino didn't had a flirtatious bone in his body, later, she understood he simply wasn't into cheesy reckless pick up lines like her. No, Azriel enjoyed other ways to take her off her feet, generally pointing things a gentleman should pretend he hadn't noticed! Sometimes it felt like this man was put on this earth to humble her. Christ, how was she supposed to flirt her way out this? Elain was in need of a Scotty to beam her up and away from here, before this man discovered her weakness. He was already way to powerful for her taste.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that my boss being inappropriate during office hours.”
“Now, she remembers I'm her boss. And you are inappropriate all the time.”
“Yeah, but it’s weird when you do it. I'm the funny partner in this relationship.”
Azriel used her jeans beltloops to turn her around till her ass was pressed on the table “Are you?” Since when had this man confused face been so adorable? "You are fun, but funny, tsk tsk. Funny is a big stretch."
His fingers dug in her in waist, cutting her cognitive abilities, stopping her from registering the insult. Was he going to put her up the table? God, she hoped he would. "Cute shirt."
Elain looked down on her white tee design, where two potted plants were having a conversation. One saying, "Aloe, how are you?", the other "Hey, long Thyme no see."
He traced her lower lip, muttering. "No lipstick, today?"
Before she could control herself, Elain let her tongue dart outside, meetind the pad of his thumb. "Didn't want to smear you," she replied in a daze.
"Glass walls. Office hours." Came his low warning.
"Technically, we are past office hours. I'm friends with Marie, you know, the cleaning lady. She gave those glass walls an extra glow this morning, I can guarantee you'll find no germs in it. Now, if you wanna put some germs in it, I have a few ideas about what we could press there. Who. You. could press there. But I should warn you, the dress code suggestion may get a little skimpy."
There was no hidding his smile now, except he wasn't amused. His smile was wicked, smoldering hazel eyes hiding delirious promises. Azriel cleaned her saliva over her cheek, finding her neck.
Knuckles rapped against the glass wall; a melodious voice calling his name. Worse, calling him by a pet name.
"Az." The affectionate sugary tone made Elain grimace. And she wasn't the only one.
One blink and the burning desire in his eyes morphed into anxiety.
"Az?" His face paled. As if he couldn't believe the sound reaching his ears. Elain looked from him to the gorgeous woman in the doorway, checking her from feet to face.
Black stilettos, red strapless jumpsuit and sunglasses greeted her. Manicured red coffin nails clutched a tiny mini purse, beach blonde hair gathered at her nape in a low, elegant, ponytail, once again making Elain feel inadequate in her jeans and tee. Morrigan took her sunglasses off, giving Elain a view of her red swollen eyes.
"Az... Azriel." Her trembling voice calling his full name seemed to wake up Azriel from his trance. He withdrew from Elain completely, turning to Morrigan at last
"Hi." Uncomfortable silence stretched when he didn't greet her back. If Morrigan was saddened by his stiff reaction, she did not let it show. "Can we talk? Please. I really need to speak with you."
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fbwzoo · 11 months
Well. Bearded dragon ended up coming home with Jack last night due to work shift making it easy to just get him then.
Sometimes I hate being right. I'd been getting increasingly certain that this kiddo was gonna be in bad shape from the info and pictures we kept getting. Well. Let me introduce you to Ed.
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Yeah. Poor bub has moderate to severe MBD. He can't even lift himself off the ground really, and he moves by shuffling along on his belly, pulling himself with his front legs. His legs feel like undercooked noodles.
They dumped crickets in the 20g with him, so we moved him over to the 40g last night. Weird makeshift set up bc we didn't even have a lid yet, getting one today. Used the heat and (unused??) Uvb light they had for right now, getting proper stuff ASAP. He's got cloth puppy pads for the floor right now, which seems to work well. Soft, but stay put so he can move.
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Joel is getting greens this morning, Jack is getting the lid and some slate & bricks for a better basking spot. May have to do just the slate if he can't even get up a ramp right now, but hoping he can so it can double as a hide. He's dehydrated as well, so that's adding to his current struggle. We decided against trying to syringe him some water last night, to avoid stressing him more than he already was.
Jack's going to work on hydration today, and also calling the vet so we can get him in next week. We're expecting at least bloodwork, probably x-rays, and then we'll see what the vet thinks about the chances of improving his state. Honestly, euthanasia is on the table, but we're still hoping to avoid that. We'd really like to at least see how he responds to a proper set up & food, and if there's any improvement with some treatment time.
And I guess I'm eating my words, bc if we don't euthanize this bub, he's probably fucking staying now! He's going to be disabled to some degree for the rest of his life, and I suppose we could still likely find someone willing to take him, but it does add further complication.
My boys know me well though. Apparently they were already taking bets on how likely we were to keep him. 🤦 I chose my life partners well, I think.
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lateral-rex · 5 months
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holy fucking shit i am finally FREE
i present to you, the artwork that took up most of my brain space for a week and probably took like... 16+ hours to make (even with a few day break bc ow my hands)
individual pieces and more thoughts below the cut
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i'm fairly certain you can tell when i just... gave up on this lol (hint: the backgrounds)
maybe one day i'll go back and fix redo this, but... not any time soon
as for my take on future donnie? he and raph end up switching to similar style headbands as the other two (raph bc he is... significantly more spiky in my future design and couldn't keep wearing his old one, donnie bc leo and mikey didn't want him feeling left out - they found some black thread and embroidered eyebrows on his headband lmao)
there's a pretty good chance my future donnie design will change (spoiler alert - i'm not a good artist and i struggle with character design) but uhhh yeah that's what we're going with for now.
(in case it wasn't obvious, future donnie is dead o7)
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agentravensong · 1 year
i don't want to in any way contribute to toby fox feeling self-conscious about the potential "frivolousness" of chapter 3, and i'm not at all opposed to there being sections of the game that are lighter on the story in theory,
...but i just can't imagine how you could set up a chapter to be kris *making a fountain* **in their own house** ***with their mom and new best friend there***
and have it not be "too heavy on the story".
i mean, i figure there won't be any knight stuff this chapter, so maybe if "the story" is referring to that specifically - the overarching plot that will likely lead to the roaring - then that still leaves room for the chapter to be very character-focused?
or toby could be pulling something similar to when, shortly after the weird route was discovered, he tweeted for the first time since before chapter 2 dropped, about how he hoped people enjoyed how silly the chapter was and how the next one would be silly too.
but also, i'm not one of the people who thinks toby is a serial liar, so...
idk. this isn't to say i'm disappointed in the newsletter or anything, or even in the seeming confirmation that chapters 3-5 are basically guaranteed to not be coming out for at least another year (based on how toby described their progress); the game can take as long as it needs to, as long as we're still getting semi-regular updates with fun sprites and lore/characterization tidbits like these.
i've just been thinking about stuff like this - espec having newly joined another deltarune theory-centric server, with some of the conversations i've had in there. about how deep dr's story is or isn't going to go in certain areas. and i don't want to set my expectations too high for certain things that might or might not even get some focus... but i'm starting to feel like i might have in some regards.
it's... a complicated feeling.
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fluentisonus · 1 year
like do you think they ever sat together & talked long into the night about what it's like to lose your spouse and leave your home behind forever and have to look after what people you have left to you and try to build them a good life. do you think they were healing from that together maybe. and how it must have felt to aeneas to have all that thrown in his face by mercury as him abandoning his duty. and how it felt for dido that aeneas couldn't even bring it up to her after everything. and
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yeehawmeowqing · 1 year
sometimes the ache will press against your bones as though searching for a home you cannot give and yet still you yearn for something unidentifiable something just out of reach as though it exists only directly to the left of your field of vision no matter how far you turn to seek it
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mishkakagehishka · 2 months
It's fine my dad sleeps the same way + wakes up periodically and he's still kicking
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i need to stop watching insane decadent dessert videos late at night
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resuri-art · 1 year
I made the lesbians happy. My work here is done 😎
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arsillious-goose · 5 months
I have to stop reading before bed...
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see-arcane · 7 months
Cease this nocturnal existence!
It's technically not nocturnal if you make it past 5 AM :)
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