#It's just my honest opinion
kiisaes · 8 months
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momma's boy
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grimme-and-specs · 6 months
You know I had to do it to 'em too
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EDIT, 2024-4-5:
If this gets to 213 notes before 4-13 I will personally redraw this earlier than planned.
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The most infuriating thing about outrage grifters saying "you can't criticize anything nowadays" is that they're the reason it's so tough to criticize anything diverse. Every review of something that's being targeted has to be written very carefully so racists won't think you're one of them and even then you know your words are gonna be taken and used against you to fuel some bigoted agenda. A man wrote a negative but good faith review of Glass Onion and Ben Shapiro stole his points to clumsily camouflage the rest of his review which is just far-right rage about Elon Musk is above criticism and how much he hates female protagonists of color. You make a criticism that you would have made if the protagonist had been a white man and it gets quote mined for some Youtuber's video about how the movie would have been perfect if only the protagonist had been a white man. You mix in criticism and praise and they only hear the criticism, because they decided they hated it just for having marginalized people and are looking for excuses.
If you make your own opinions, you get swarmed by a mob of people who get told their opinions by outrage grifters. This happens regardless of whether your opinion is positive or negative. But there is something uniquely infuriating that genuine, good faith criticism that respects the creators is being drowned out by people who think bigotry is "criticism" and that if they slap the word "woke" on it that magically makes it not racist.
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utdrmv-confession-box · 5 months
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Transcript: Cross has been reduced to shipping fodder. His tag is literally filled with so much shipping. I get so frustrated because I dislike most ships with him. So his tag is just filtered post after filtered post for me.
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 months
Dungeon Meshi Episode Breakdown Predictions
I know people have done this before but I didn’t feel like looking them up so I typed up my own
13. Thistle
14. Orcs
15. Dryads
16. Kabru
17. Laios learns magic/cockatrice
18. Shuro & Kabru’s party reach Laios’s party
20. chimera falin pt 2 Laios Gets Punched
21. Shapeshifter (BARK BOY BARK!!!)
23. Marcille’s nightmare
24. Ice golem & barometz
the nightmare seems like it’d be a better place to end the season, so maybe they’ll change the chronology of those last two eps?
Season 2
25. Canaries arrive/Golden Kingdom
26. Griffin
27. Changelings
28. Canaries enter the dungeon/giant mushroom/thistle & falin/kabru & mithrun fall
29. Changelings pt 2/ BICORN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
30. Dullahan
31. Succubus
32. Kabru & Mithrun
33. Phoenix
34. Rabbits
35. Curry
36. Thistle pt 1
37. Thistle pt 2
38. Canaries interrogation
39. Marcille dungeon lord & THAT GAYASS KABRU SCENE
40. That bit where they pretend to be parasites in the familiar to reach marcille
41. Doppelganger
42. Cunty Black Dress
43. Rescue Marcille
44. Lion stuff
45. Laios becomes a monster
46. Final battle
47. Help Me Eat My Sister :)
48. Dinnar
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Do you think A wanted to get more out of Luke, than she is getting (publicity, work etc). Because we have to admit, the media is what she did herself and Luke's fans are just making fun of her.
Honestly, the publicity she has gotten so far is more than she should have ever expected
He is not an A list celeb, he's not even a B list celeb
He is C list bordering on C-
Love him but he just doesn't have enough notable work behind him yet
So I think the only attention she was ever going to get was from the Bridgerton fan base, and the only ones in that space that follow Luke hard like that are shippers
So she was fucked from jump
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qiu-yan · 2 months
based on this poll it seems we don't want lan wangji as chief cultivator
someone help him he's too morally good for politics :(
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myokk · 4 months
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“Class, today we’re going to repot the baby mandrakes because they’re getting a bit too big for their current homes! Aren’t they cute?”
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cringengl · 2 months
istg if deku and uraraka end the series together i'm never trusting another author to finish their their series correctly bcus sure while their platonic relationship is pretty fleshed out and developed, uraraka's 'crush' honestly just seemed to be there in order to further develop uraraka's character and her relationship with toga rather than to set up a future romantic relationship to deku if i'm being honest
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epickiya722 · 10 days
You know what, I don't expect everyone to like Yuji. Let alone Kusakabe. Personally I feel like the man don't particularly like anybody. Tolerate, yes! But like anybody, eh...
It just bothers me that he said what he said AFTER everything has happened and it comes off like only the children are to blame for the adults picking up the slack.
The thing is... it's not entirely the kids' fault. In fact, most of them lost more than some of the adults have.
The odd thing for me is what was the point of even bringing up the Higher-Ups? The same people who have nothing but exploit and abuse the students and others. Like, Kusakabe, I'm sure if you crossed them in some way they would have found some way to kill you.
But I think that's just it. He knows how the Higher-Ups worked so he wasn't going to do anything to get on their bad side. So, no surprise that after Sukuna played Red Light, Green Light with him, he wasn't going to listen to reason and agree that Yuji should be executed.
Also, thinking about it I do think its coming from a place of being hurt.
Kusakabe lost a nephew and Yaga was the one to make a Cursed Corpse to fill in that void (more so for his sister). When he rescued Panda, he felt as if he owed it to him.
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Kusakabe probably feels some bit of sadness and anger over Yaga and of course, he would express it so towards Yuji (and Gojo). He can't do so towards the Higher-Ups, even though they were the ones who even ordered for and killed Yaga in the first place.
Yuji was accepted into the school by Yaga and Gojo was the one who saved Yuji from immediate execution.
Tracking back, yeah, I do feel Kusakabe is coming from a place of hurt but he expressed in a way that makes it hard to understand it. Also, he's clueless.
By that I mean, he's going to talk shit about two people he has no idea how they felt during their experiences.
Gojo was raised to be a weapon, not a person. Yuji was made to be one, as well, a cage, a vessel.
Kusakabe has no idea how Yuji felt during Shibuya and after because he wasn't there. Kusakabe has no idea how hard it is to be Gojo because he wasn't born Gojo.
Some people will talk shit about others when they don't know what they have to live through or will they stop to think about it.
Kusakabe may be that kind of character established here. Some of the other characters are even like that, clueless to how others may feel and why they behave in such a matter, but with him it's like he is meant to be the more kind of "cruel" one. Someone has to be.
Even on the same side, some characters will have that conflict.
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
the only scale that really maters:
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willowser · 4 months
just to make sure we are all on the same page in this corner of the internet, i want to be explicitly clear about my stance/feelings on some things:
if i come across "content"/fic in this niche that i absolutely do not like, do not vibe with, am not interested in, that icks me out completely and totally—i scroll past it as quickly as i can and i move on with my day.
in the case that it's "content"/fic that really bothers or triggers me in any way, i make sure that i have blacklisted/blocked certain tags and keywords so that in the future i may not come across those things again.
i also understand that there is a variety of tags used throughout the internet and that websites are not perfect/things slip through the cracks. people are also human, and mistakes are also made.
in the event i am exposed to something that i do not want to see, point blank, i would never and will never believe it is my right to harass and terrorize the person writing said thing/s, and if i witness this kind of behavior being celebrated among the people around me, whoever you are, i will be removing you from my space.
to be perfectly and abundantly clear: i will always be a supporter of dark content, and its right to be written. even if i don't understand it, even if it "disgusts" me, even if i never want to read it.
please understand that i do not say this with hostility, nor do i mean it as a threat or to be confrontational. you should protect the space that you are in; this is me doing that, this is me making sure that you do that, even if it's against me.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
guys I'm part of the crew that believes Ciel would be an all time serious gamer boy in the modern Era; monopolizing minecraft and what not. we all love it. but I couldn't help myself with the thought of how our favorite dry Victorian leaf would feel if being dropped into one of these modern settings.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
How would you rank each strawhat based on morality? Of cours they are all good people, but some are certainly more and others slightly less
I mean... I don't think morality is something we can make rankings of because it varies depending on your philosophy and a good person isn't always the one following the conventional, Kantian rules of morality. But I know where you're coming from. I guess I can just base it on my own understanding of what morality is, which basically follows the whole "an action is good when the outcome affects positively the majority of people/makes somebody external to you feel good/doesn't harm anybody external" (aka selflessness and altruism) and "an action doesn't have to be necessarily good and you can still be a good person because your initial intentions were good, even if the outcome wasn't the one you expected". So, basically, this ranking is based on altruism, selflessness, and the way their actions affect others and what are their views on society/how they behave with others. I also have in mind why they do the things they do and if their positive actions are done out of selfishness or pure altruism.
1- Chopper
Isn't it obvious? His whole character is literally about helping others. He's a caretaker who looks out for everybody and the common well-being and happiness. He has a strong sense of morality that's based on other people's joy and freedom, and he fights for the rights of every human being despite their background. He doesn't care about whether you're evil or not when it comes to your life, always saving the ones who need saving. His vision of the world is pretty simple, honestly. Besides, kindness is often related to naivete and he's well-known for that too. He treats people with respect, and kindness, often mimics others to fit in, and the only times he harms people is to fight for what he thinks is right (which is pretty often related to basic human rights being violated in a medical sense). Being a doctor doesn't make you morally good, but being this type of doctor specifically definitely does. He'd pretty much sacrifice himself if it meant helping others, using himself as a tester for various antidotes. He's by far the nicest straw hat. He's both selfless and altruistic and he even has his own set of morals that involve protecting humanity's basic rights when it comes to living. Wanting to cure every illness and make a world in which nobody can die before their time is basically his whole character.
2- Brook
What sets Chopper and Brook apart from the other Straw Hats is that they are pretty active in their altruism and try to do good for people unrelated to them. His whole thing is quite literally making others laugh from happiness. He's a musician. His whole life before joining the Straw Hats was to be in a crew full of artists who lived to make others happy with music. That's the most selfless passion ever. His cheerful and jokester personality is pretty much meant to cope in a funnier way to make others laugh and save them from being worried about him. He keeps wanting others to be comfortable and together as a family, he enjoys unity from spending so much time alone but it doesn't come from a place of selfishness, because he keeps wanting others to enjoy their time together. He might need/want company, but the way he asks for it is in a very polite way and he never wants to bother other people. His whole character is literally focused on wanting to go see Laboon and make him know he's alive. He could've tried to k word himself in the years he spent alone, but he didn't because somebody else was waiting for him. He might be a pervert but he asks for consent, having in mind what women want and he doesn't push things further if they don't want to. Brook is the definition of a very jokester gentleman with knowledge for consent and a very selfless attitude towards life, valuing others' needs before his own. Although he doesn't hesitate to cut people in half, he only does this to his enemies and, y'know, pirate life. And often it's either needed or they don't even end up dead, so... The reason he fights is to always keep others safe, rather than worrying about his own life (even though he's already dead yohoho!). I think he's one of the characters, along with Chopper and Robin, that value life the most and that's what makes them so good at protecting others.
3- Jinbe
The reason why Jinbe is third is because his sense of morality varies from Brook and Chopper's more empathetic and nondiscriminatory way of protecting people. Jinbe tends to follow logic within morality instead of instant emotions and I personally value more people who extend their empathy to everyone without a second thought than genuinely thinking about it first before acting. He has his own set of morals and what he considers to be right or wrong. He thinks first before doing anything and considers the outcome of whether saving somebody is plausible or not in the situation. That doesn't make him selfish, but just a logical person. What sets the difference between the other two and him is that Jinbe won't help everyone and Chopper/Brook will not hesitate to do so. Jinbe's caring side is mostly shown to be to his loved ones and he doesn't generally extend that behavior to people outside of his circle. He literally refused to look after Luffy because he didn't know the guy, even if he was Ace's friend. He acknowledges he can't help everyone and just takes care of his people. And when he does that, he does it in the most selfless and self-sacrificing of ways! He would die for his loved ones without hesitating and his whole character arc is about Jinbe deserving a break from looking after everyone instead of enjoying his own life. They quite literally have to force him to follow what he truly wants and yet he still goes back to help his people before joining the Straw Hats. So the reason why Jinbe is third is because he's just like Chopper and Brook, except that he acknowledges the reality of the world and uses a more logical approach, being more personal when it comes to taking care of people. Also, he wants to keep peace around the world and the way he approaches people is in a very respectful manner and tries to keep conflicts at bay, which is directly looking out for common ground and pacifism. I almost forgot to mention his whole deal with the liberation of slaves, and that's obviously something that makes him an even greater person. He fights for a cause, against the unfairness of the world. He makes the world a better place.
4- Robin
I've had a hard time trying to think about whether she should go before or after Jinbe, but after some time debating it, I think this is the right place for her. Her whole character is basically all about learning how to live and love because she never had the chance to do so after so many years of suffering on her own. Her concept of helping others might be more altruistic than Jinbe's because I view her as somebody who would follow Chopper/Brook's standards and help everybody in need, instead of only keeping her protectiveness to her morality and circle. However, even if she's more altruistic and empathetic with outsiders, her view of socializing is more cynical than Jinbe's. She chooses a more abrupt way of fighting for what's right and instead of looking out for common peace and ground, she doesn't mind cracking a few necks and spines. She has fun with chaos and dark imagery, unlike Jinbe, who's a very caring man. And she is caring too! The sweetest! But Jinbe worries more about what could happen while Robin is still learning how to have fun and just vibes. She has this bit of selfishness and enjoyment for chaos and having a good time that Jinbe doesn't have because he's calmer than her. She's calm but she enjoys the fun drama, and Jinbe cares about his surroundings' well-being more. The way she treats enemies is crueler because Jinbe is polite while she doesn't care about cracking a few necks. Even if she's more empathetic towards strangers, looking out for the general peace is conventionally better for society than cracking people's necks, so, yeah. And she's a revolutionary and their views might follow a set of morals about freedom, but the way they deal with social issues is very arbitrary. Basically, she's a sweetie but she has a bit of a dark side.
5- Usopp
He's the sweetest guy of all time and normally wouldn't hurt a fly and he goes all the way to make everybody feel comfortable and have a sense of unity. However, the main difference between Usopp and the others (this is where the ranking kind of starts being more and more different in terms of complex morality) is that he's selfish out of fear and self-defense. A thing that is completely natural and proof that thinking about himself and his loved ones first doesn't make him a bad person, just careful and human. Selfishness is often seen as something bad and against the benefits of society as a whole, and it might be, but it doesn't make him a bad person (that again, I don't think we're able to judge this either). The cool thing about Usopp is that he's a growing character. He keeps learning more about himself every day and, even if he's a "coward", the bravest thing somebody can do is fight against fear. Especially when it comes to insecurities and when you're probably about to die. He isn't altruistic in the sense of risking his life for a stranger (unless he feels guilty about it or has the need to do so) but he is the kindest in the sense of embracing friendship and support. He brings domesticity and comfort to quite literally everybody he encounters. He's easy to befriend and to talk to. His whole thing about lying comes from trying to cheer up his mom about his dad leaving them, c'mon, even if he was suffering because of her illness. He fights for the ones he loves even if he's scared, and when he refuses to fight is when he doesn't know the people that much and, to be honest, fair. Nobody should be forced to sacrifice themselves for people they don't care about and I personally don't think that can talk about morality. Besides, the way he jokes around and does his little shenanigans with Luffy not really caring about the chaos around (besides when, y'know, personal safety) only makes everything I said more obvious.
6- Sanji
Sanji is a very... Complex character. The duality of men, basically. When he's kind he's at his best and when he's creepy he's at his worst but then he also has this view on how much people's lives matter depending on what he personally thinks. He's very emotion/trauma-driven, so perhaps that's why it's really hard to tell whether he follows a conventional morality or his own. His whole character arc is about him realizing that he's kind, empathetic, self-sacrificing, and everything the Vinsmokes aren't. But he also has a calculative and cold side that shows up when he doesn't give a single fuck about the people he's talking to. Basically, Sanji can be both the nicest and the meanest guy in the world depending on what he thinks of you, but he'll never let you starve due to his own morals of "nobody should die of hunger". Like he might beat the shit out of you but he's making you a damn risotto before the fight. Sanji is a very kind soul and he looks out for others and always puts them first, but his morality is pretty much focused on his past experiences. He also has these preferences for women, which are not morally correct (if you view this term as equality) because, unlike the other characters, he doesn't view their lives in the same way. However, that doesn't mean he hates men, he just puts women on a pedestal. He will put others first no matter what but if he doesn't care about you he won't give a single fuck. He literally was about to leave those kids in Punk Hazard and only helped because Nami said so. When he has to help somebody he cares about, though (or anybody, really) he always ends up self-sacrificing for the greater good. But it's not really coming from a place of "this is a good thing to do" but from a "their lives are more important than mine and I like to feel needed". Even if I do think he also does this out of empathy and love, both things coexist. He tries really hard to please others. He finds joy in feeling needed but also in making others happy, so it really is a mix of trauma and genuine kindness. He's quite literally the whole "doing good things because it feels good but also because it helps people, and helping people makes me feel good" but I don't think he does it in a selfish way, because he doesn't even realize he's doing it to feel better in the first place. He just doesn't value his life the way he should. So, TL;DR: Sanji's a selfless character when it comes to the people he loves and when his morals are at hand (huge difference between the other characters, who help people without having in mind those things), but if he doesn't care, he genuinely doesn't care. His self-sacrifice might come from a place of wanting to feel needed, and that could be seen as selfish, but I don't think he actively thinks about it. He just acts. The reason why he's number 6 despite being one of the kindest characters is because he canonically has preferences and uses his own morals to decide what to do instead of valuing everyone's lives equally. Besides, his whole thing being creepy with women (even if it's just a running gag) makes him less likable. But this is post-ts Sanji's fault mostly.
7- Franky
He's a family man. He puts his family and the people he loves first. He has his priorities and follows his morals about masculinity and that's it. Great pal that cares deeply about his loved ones and would beat the shit out of somebody if that person were to hurt him/them/his ideals. The reason why he's number seven despite seemingly being so nice at first, is pretty much because of his background. The whole Franky family? Beating up Usopp? Stealing the money? He was into very dark stuff, man. Mafia type of shit. That doesn't mean he's a bad person but his morals are pretty questionable, and they basically follow the "Protect family, protect home, protect ideals, befriend cool people, beat up people I don't like". He's very... American. I mean. He is technically canonically American and it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. He befriends people quickly but he can despise them just as quick too. Once again repeating the whole "only looks out for the people he likes or for his morals/what he loves" but if he isn't interested in something he'll just... Don't do it. But, yeah, he might be pretty empathetic because he resonates with all the sad stories he hears and doesn't hesitate to save people, but as I said, it's not really an "I save people because all people deserve to be saved" and it's more of an "I like this person so I'm gonna save them" which is exactly what happened with Usopp back at Water 7/Enies Lobby. I must say he's also kind, helpful, and energetic and loves to spread fun around the ship to make people happy. Seeing the ones he loves full of joy makes him complete, and that comes only from love. But he doesn't spread that love the way the characters before him would, you know? The reason why he's here is both because of his past and his behavior toward helping others which is basically about turning them into friends right away (which, you know, is exactly what Luffy does too).
8- Nami
She's a bitch. In the best of ways. But she's still a bitch. I'm always the first one to say she's one of the kindest characters. Her heart is just so, so big and she treats people in need with so much love it's obvious she has motherly traits and just loves to take care of people. However, the girl is greedy. She's greedy. Selfish. A liar. A thief. A bitch. A flirt. A queen, basically. To me, she's the best of the best and she would go on top if we were talking about best characters, but here we are judging based on morality and... She's just that. A bitch. With a very warm heart that just freezes the second she gives no fucks about you. You know, she's not evil, she just uses people to her advantage because (especially back at the start. Arlong Park things) she isn't used to trusting people. She has really obvious trust issues and she pretty much only loves a few specific people in her life. She would do anything for them. And yet, even when she loves somebody, she's still a manipulative menace. Morally speaking she's fucked up because she looks only for herself and the ones she cares about, and when she needs to run to save her ass, she does it. She doesn't leave anybody behind if she knows it's gonna be THE end, but if the one who's with her is only gonna end up hurt and not dead (usually Usopp. RIP Usopp) she's running for her life. Also, she's shameless and uses the strength of the Monster Trio to her advantage and I absolutely love it. She's the brains, let the others protect her fr. She knows she can fight, she's just scared af of dying and I find her so real for that. She likes teasing people and wrapping them around her finger to get what she wants! She doesn't care about anybody except for her crew because why would she? They're pirates! And she only does it when it's either about kids (she has a huge, soft, warm spot for them) or somebody she grows fond of. So, she's a sweetheart and a very caring girl to the ones she loves (or she's the meanest too, as a sign of true tough love) but she gives in between -10 and 0 fucks about others and will steal from them, no hesitation needed. She breaks so many morality norms within society that she makes the perfect pirate. Honestly, it looks like she's the only one in the crew interested in the part of being a pirate that's about stealing and treasures. I love her so damn much...
9- Luffy
A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but this is the one part of the ranking I'm 100% sure about. And it's not even hard to explain: Luffy is selfish. He's a very selfish pirate. But he's empathetic, kind, and really easy to befriend if you manage him to like you. He also sees the good in people. But he isn't altruistic. He only helps people he chooses to help because he either likes them or finds them interesting enough or perhaps he owes them one or whatever. He loves people in such a huge way that, if he likes you, he'll do anything for you. Anything. But he only helps people he considers his friends/acquaintances without wanting to be seen as the hero of the story because he's literally just helping a friend out. If he doesn't care about somebody, he will just ignore them. Or be straight-up mean to them. He has no filter and if he hates somebody, he does it explicitly and without any remorse about it. He might be extremely empathetic and sacrifice his well-being but only when it comes to the people he cares about. Otherwise, he'll just groan in pain and boredom. On the other hand, Luffy is also Chaotic Good (haha me too!), and he has his own morals. They consist of freedom and liberty. He will help to free a whole village. Or prisoners. Slaves. Even if they aren't his friends. But only because all of his ideals are about freedom and choosing how to live your own life. It just bothers him personally. And it's not even "I'm helping these people be freed because they deserve it" it's more of a "The concept of cutting somebody's wings makes me so fucking furious I'm gonna make this everybody's problem. I don't care what these people do after this adventure, but they should be able to have the freedom to choose". So, yeah, basically Luffy follows his ideals of "I do whatever the fuck I want" and "Don't hurt my friends. Don't go against freedom. Or I'll beat you up". He's very stubborn, too. Chaotic. He doesn't think about how his decisions will affect others. He's a very independent person when it comes to decision making but he's also very needy in the sense of needing people around him to feel safe because he is, after all, an extrovert who loves his friends/family to death. Luffy is selfish because he does whatever he wants, even if he's empathetic, kind, and understanding. Those concepts can coexist perfectly.
10- Zoro
I don't think I need to explain this much, honestly? He's very introverted and doesn't let people in easily, so he just doesn't care about people who aren't in his circle. He fights for his loved ones to death and holds the people he loves close to his heart, to the point of doing anything for them. But... But his morals are basically shit outside of that. He used to kill pirates for bounties without any hesitation. He still pretty much murders the people they fight against without any remorse. And, y'know, they're pirates so I'm not judging here. He's selfish in the sense of being a very protective person with his things and his personal space, and he can come off as rude to outsiders because, well, he is genuinely rude to them because he genuinely doesn't care about them. Unless he befriends somebody, strangers to him are just strangers and he couldn't give less of a fuck about them and their tragedies UNLESS they're going through something that goes against his own/or a nakama's morals. I personally think he's a sweetheart, but if we're following moral codes about the well-being of society as a whole and how much positive impact somebody does? He's, like, the last one to choose from the crew. He cares about Kuina, his swords, Luffy, and his Nakama. Perhaps he befriends somebody along the way but it always feels more like just respect and not really a friendship. Not saying Zoro is a bad person for his introverted personality and cynical behavior, I just think he's very intimate with his circle and will only do what he thinks necessary instead of focusing on selflessness and altruism as a society. He's pretty strict about the pirate code and he follows those rules solemnly, so he does have a type of morality, but he doesn't focus on society's well-being. He doesn't mind causing chaos if he gets what he wants. He's just chilling. Passing by. I honestly think Nami/Zoro is a great friendship because they're both little shameless bitches. TL;DR: Zoro loves crew only. Fuck other people. Might respect acquaintances. Strong pirate/swordsman moral code. But he isn't an altruistic/society/people person.
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solidcarbon · 6 months
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old stuff too. got too emotional about lotus after the end of new war
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i-write-things · 10 months
Don't read this unless you want to ruin your day
Alright, I need to get something a bit controversial off my chest. Here goes:
Chrollo would still prize the troupe over his darling.
There, I said it! Here me out! The spider is everything he's ever fought for. He gave up his personality, his childhood, his life for the spider. He's not going to give it up for one person, no matter how much he loves them.
I get it, I'm just as fond over the idea as Chrollo holding you over anyone else, but it's time to face the sad truth. It's not to say he wouldn't feel sad picking you over the troupe. But he wouldn't feel bad about it, unless it happened to be the death of you. Because part of dating him and loving who he truly is, is accepting the things he does, has done, and will continue to do. It also means he you'll just have to accept the fact that the spider is his first priority. Again, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Of course he does, and he'll sure put up on he'll of a fight to make sure you know he loves you and to keep you safe. But, c'mon, let's be honest with ourselves here. Do it truly sound characteristic for Chrollo to give up the spider because he fell in love?
I feel like you could make an argument for Yandere Chrollo, because Yan! Chrollo is mostly about interpretation. So this one is a personal belief of mine and I'm open to debate this with Yan! chrollo. I can see Yan! Chrollo maybe Carrington more about the reader than the spider, but also not. I mean, yandere is an obsessive love. But deep down, it's still Chrollo. And I feel like something everyone is forgetting that regular! Chrollo is a yandere, too. Not your stereotypical kidnapping and forcing you to love him yandere, but still. It's very subtle, but the man is a mass Murderer and theif. But that's a separate debate. The point is, exaggerated Yan! Chrollo could possible hold darling over spider, but again, it's open for debatd.
But regular Chrollo? I'm sorry, love, but it's just not true. Chrollo would love you with all his heart, and a huge part of his heart belongs to you. But the whole of his heart belongs to the spider. I'm sorry. And the sooner you accept that, the better.
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