#It's gonna be fun to tackle them though
shiroselia · 4 days
First half of the Goldenhills rewrites will get thrown up on Ao3 tomorrow (which means chapters 19-24)
Not to toot my own horn but these fucking slap
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Hermit Gals Designs :3
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I think I’ll make minor adjustments here and there, but I finally got around to making a reference page with their designs!
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beatrixstonehill2 · 8 months
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"Look at how big my titties are getting.... so full of milk! I look like a regular breeding cow already. It's so wonderful seeing my pretty little boobs start to get so heavy and swollen. Pregnancy is amazingly fun! I was a bit worried when my doctor said he signed me up for this! I mean, I've been living as a girl for a little while now and my transition has been going super well. But as soon as I turned 18 he was like, "Emily, now that you're old enough I think you're ready to start carrying a few kids, don't you?" I was like "Uhhhh, sure?" And he had me sign all these wavers, despite me not 100% knowing what I was getting myself into!
Soooo, apparently I was entered into a trial to be continually impregnated on high doses of fertility drugs for a decade. My paperwork says that 'the patient's uterus is expected to produce a minimum of 100 kids in that time.' The minimum!? Ummmm...... wow. But I'm not too surprised. I'm only like six months along and I look huge. It's definitely making playing field hockey a lot more challenging, but as expected we are college girls now so over half of us are pregnant anyway. So I guess it's not a huge deal but when the other girls check me or tackle me I feel like my belly's gonna pop like a balloon, which would be fun to see, I suppose.... Hasn't happened yet though!
So, not only was I forcibly entered into this clinical breeding trial or whatever but I realized the procedure was pretty quick.... I asked my surgeon and I'm not going on Rocket, so I'm not giving birth urethrally, and they didn't hook my birth canal up anywhere, so I won't be giving birth anally like a lot of trans girls..... I decided to ask if they intended to do a new surgery and they said no. So I asked how am I giving birth? The people running the trial said a small device is hooked to my womb, when my babies are ready it'll emit a signal, telling them where I am.....
Guys, get this: I won't know when it's going off. They said they only perform the retrieval between 9-5 Mon-Fri. So I'll be at school or out, going about my day and they'll come by. Allegedly they'll have me take off my clothes wherever I am, they'll smear my belly with numbing cream, and..... perform a C-Section no matter where I am. College? A crowded mall? A movie theater? I'll have no choice, they'll just rip off my clothes, prep me, and open my belly like it's a casual, minor test they're performing, like drawing blood or weighing me or something. Then they'll take my babies to the usual government-owned civilian living centers all these babies are raised at by all these government-appointed breeders who manage to make it to thirty. I might end up being a full-time mom like that one day, if I'm lucky and I don't pop! So.... I have public C-Sections to look forward to! Wonder if it happens even if some random guy is fucking me as I try to go about my day? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.....
Guess I'm still glad I transitioned, even if being forced to have a uterus and pump out babies like a factory was not how I envisioned my twenties. No big deal, I guess. I love having this huge belly, and guys and girls go crazy about it! They go even crazier when they see I have a nice, thick cock between my legs, too.... I feel like it's getting even bigger lately, maybe it's just getting swollen because I jerk off so often? And every other person I run into gives it a few healthy tugs when they reach up my skirt or dresses..... Mmmmm, speaking of which I think I'm gonna put on a cute tiny dress and go out clubbing tonight. My poor pregnant body is just begging to be pounded by twenty or thirty cocks..... I'm sure my professors will understand if I'm late to class tomorrow!"
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Ok si for the small snippet requests- ptm jadeyuu, but it's at the point where yuu starts getting a little downbad and just starts playing into jades lil scenarios more and he freaks out cause his day is going SO MUCH BETTER now. Thank you!
Having a crush when you're a mind reader can have its cons...but also some pros~
Also I wrote this while listening to Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey, I very recommend listening while reading for the vibe
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You blew hot air against your hands, rubbing them as you watched the snow fall outside the window.
Winter had come early this year and your dorm members had taken to playing in the snow. Everyone was enjoying themselves, even Aspen was smiling, though yelping as he was smacked in the face by a snowball.
You laughed as he chased after Tony, tackling him into the ground as they both cackled with a red flush over their cheeks.
Ramshackle had very little traffic, even with the students in your care, which left it rather pristine and ideal for making snowmen and fights. Plenty of students from the other dorms were hanging around between classes, some even in your kitchen making warm drinks and snacks.
Which is why you weren't surprised when a mug of hot chocolate appeared in your peripheral vision. Looking up, you softly smiled and gave a small 'thank you' as you took the mug from Jade, who took a spot next to you, leaning against the porch railing to watch the small group of students playing in the snow.
He was in the winter version of the school uniform, which just came with a thicker jacket, a scarf, boots, and snow gloves. Though, you're positive that Aspen mentioned that none of them needed it, as they were well acquainted with the cold. It was mostly to keep up appearances, Floyd being the exception as he forwent the gloves and jacket.
My pretty pearl, you look radiant against the snowfall. I feel like I'm falling for you all over again…
Your cheeks warmed, despite the biting cold, and you masked your smile behind your mug as Jade stared at you from the corner of his eyes. When you dared to look at him, his gazed immediately darted back to the others. He had a red flush over his cheeks, which could be due to the cold, but you knew better.
Both of you chuckled as Silas, holding a giant snowball over their head, jumped and slammed the snow on top of Yaqub's head with a shit eating grin.
“They seem to be having fun. I know Floyd is coming over to have a snowball fight with Tony in a bit, will you be joining?”
You shook your head, watching the marshmallows swirl in your mug.
“Nah, I'm probably gonna head in here in a few. My hands are freezing, and I don't have gloves anyways.” You sighed, drinking your hot chocolate and relishing in the warmth flowing to your belly.
Jade tilted his head, watching as you lifted one of your hands to blow on it again.
“Would you like some help warming up?” You weren't surprised at the flash of an image of Jade and you 'warming up' in front of the lounge fireplace under a lush blanket. “I'm happy to assist.”
You know what response he was waiting for. You know that he'd come to expect your flustered and panicked stammering, putting as much space between you two as possible. It's a very 'you' response.
I can do this, I can give the same energy! Yeah! No more playing around with me, Jade! It's my turn!
“Hmm? And just how do you plan to 'warm me up' Jade~” You cooed, batting your eyelashes and smiling up at him.
You're surprised just how…sultry that came out. I didn't think I could sound like…like…something out of Jade's daydreams! Jade seemed surprised as well, snapping his head to stare at you.
His face still had his same polite smile, though you swear his cheeks turned a bit more red.
“…Pardon? Could you repeat that?” Jade asked, though there was a bit of breathlessness to his voice.
Did you…no I must have imagined…
“Well, there's lots of ways to warm someone up,” You shrugged, looking down at your drink and tracing the edge of the mug. “You caaaan…start a fire…get me a blanket…skin to skin contact…”
Haaaah, is this real?
“Human lovers will cuddle with each other, and do more...intimate things together to warm up.” You finally turned to face him, watching him visibly swallow.
Now I'm just being mean.
“Is…that so? That's good to know.” Jade's voice sounded strained, though his face betrayed very little. If it wasn't for the screaming echoing through his mind, you wouldn't be able to tell this was effecting him.
“Mmh, so, Jade~” You slowly crept closer to him, your still free hand doing the same along the rail to inch closer to his fingertips.
“How do you plan to warm me up, Jade?”
You had to crane your head to look up, causing a creak in the back of your neck, as there was barely an inch of space between you two. Frankly, though, it was worth it to see the wide-eyed surprise on his face.
It's real! Bless the Seven! It'srealIt'srealIt'srealIt'srealIt'sreal—
“Well, I—”
“Can watch everyone while I warm up in the kitchen!” You chirped, quickly backing away and smiling. “I'm sure it's plenty warm in there with the others running the oven!”
Hmph, that's what he gets. You started walking away towards the front door, a smug smile on your face. Just a taste of what he puts me through every day—
You swallowed a shriek as Jade caged you against the wall with his arms, dropping your mug in surprise. You could hear it clatter against the wood floor and the hot drink fizzle against the cold surface.
Curling in on yourself, you looked up at Jade, who was giving you a smile and narrowed glare, his sharp teeth visible. He had a glint in his eyes and his flush was growing down to his neck.
“Now, now my dear,” he leaned down, speaking softly as he hovered his face closer and closer to yours, until you pressed your hands against his chest, stopping him.
“It's not nice to be a tease, stunts like that would get you eaten up in the sea.” Jade's nose brushed against yours, his smile growing as you grew more flustered.
“Unless, you're trying to be a tease~” Jade's right hand moved to graze your cheek with his finger.
This is going too far, I should…
Your skin felt tingly as he ghosted down to your chin, tracing the tip of his thumb against your bottom lip.
“Talking about lovers, acting coy.”
…I should make him…stop…
He pulled it down, ever so slightly, making you release a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
“You shouldn't play around with things like that.”
“I'm…not…” you let out a whimper as his breath mixed with yours, lips hovering over your own. You could hear his breath hitch at the sound.
“No? Then prove it, unless you want me to 'warm you up' in front of everyone?”
Swallowing another whimper and feeling your cheeks and body warm from something other than your drink, you licked your lips. You felt him shudder as your lips just barely brush, moving to press them together—
“Ooooh, how scandalous!”
You shrieked, out loud this time, shoving Jade away as you accidentally smack his face to get some space between you two.
“Ack!” Jade covered his face with his hands, wrinkling his nose from the sudden pain.
You stared in a mix of embarrassment and bewilderment at the small group watching you two at the railing.
Silas was grinning, fulling leaning his body over the railing as he kicked his legs behind him like a child. Yaqub and Tony looked just as amused, the former hiding his giggling behind his hand. Aspen, to no one's surprised, had a sour look on his face, disappointed even, while Wynfred was pouting. Marion had the decently to look embarrassed that he was caught staring, looking down at his feet like they were the most interesting things he'd seen all day. James, sweet James, just looked confused.
“…I didn't know you two were dating?”
“We're not!” You waved your hands in a panic, laughing nervously as you stepped away from Jade, who was now glaring at the group with an annoyed frown.
“Then, why were you two kissing—” James jumped, as did the rest of the group as you screeched.
You laughed manically as you clapped your hands, inching closer to the door.
“You know I'm still cold! Are you guys cold? Yeah, you are!” You continued nervously laughing as you turned and practically bolted to the front door, the snow on the ledges falling from the sheer force of your slam.
The group and Jade stared at where you disappeared, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop in the snow.
“…So you two were, like, totally making out, right?” Silas asked, letting out an 'oof' as Marion smack that back of their head, making them fall face-first into the wooden patio.
Jade gave his signature smile, bowing his head.
“Perhaps you all should go back to playing, I should check on the poor Prefect, though might I advise not interrupting a pair's private conversation next time?”
Yaqub scoffed, elbowing Tony as he teased, “Conversation, sure. Maybe next time you two should have your next 'conversation' in the bedroom?”
The two snorted, Tony choking into a cough at Aspen's glare.
“Thank you for the kind suggestion, I'll be sure to consider it.” Jade called out as he entered the dorm, determined to continue from where you two left off.
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keekee-23 · 25 days
Daddy Tag Team
A Y/N X Damian Priest Fluff Fanfiction
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Summary: Damian Priest tackles his biggest challenge yet – caring for his daughter, Luna, while Y/N is away. Through diaper changes and sleepless nights, Damian discovers that being a dad is the most rewarding match of them all.
Damian Priest stood in the doorway of their home, Luna cradled in his strong arms, as Y/N zipped up her suitcase one last time. The look on her face was a mix of determination and unease. This was her first time leaving Damian alone with their baby girl for 2 days, and though she trusted him completely, there was still that lingering doubt.
"You sure you’re going to be okay?" Y/N asked, her voice laced with concern as she straightened up, her eyes flicking between Damian and Luna.
Damian chuckled, his deep voice full of reassurance. "Babe, I’ve faced steel cages, ladders, and even Gunther. I think I can handle our little princesa for a few days."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. “You do realize she’s teething, right? And she’s been extra fussy these past few days.”
Damian nodded, shifting Luna to his other arm. “We’ve got this, haven’t we, princesa?” he cooed at his daughter, who responded by drooling on his shirt.
Y/N tried to smile, but the worry lines on her forehead didn’t quite smooth out. "I know, I know… it’s just, you’ve never been alone with her for this long before. If you need anything, just—"
"—call you," Damian finished for her, leaning in to press a kiss on her lips. "I’ve got this, Y/N. “Go, save the world or whatever it is you do,” Damian teased. “We’ll be here when you get back. Hopefully, with the house still standing.”
Y/N laughed softly, still hesitant, but she knew she had to trust Damian. He was her rock, after all. She turned her attention to Luna, who was happily tugging at Damian’s long hair with a tight grip, her tiny face full of curiosity.
"Mama’s gonna miss you, sweet girl," Y/N cooed, leaning in to kiss Luna’s chubby cheek. Luna gurgled in response, her big eyes lighting up as she reached for her mother’s face.
Y/N reluctantly pulled away, feeling the sting of leaving her baby, but knowing that her work demanded it. As she slid into the waiting Uber, she looked back at Damian and Luna, both waving at her from the doorway. She forced herself to smile and gave them a little wave back before the car pulled away.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Luna’s face scrunched up, and her lower lip began to quiver. Damian looked down at her, already feeling a pang of worry. “Uh-oh. No need to cry, sweetheart. Daddy’s here.”
The lip quiver quickly escalated into a full-blown wail. Damian’s eyes widened. “Okay, okay, we can handle this.” He began to pace the room, gently bouncing her in his arms like he’d seen Y/N do countless times before. “You’re okay, Luna. We’re just going to have some fun today, right? Just Daddy and his little girl.”
After a few more laps around the living room, Luna finally calmed down, her big brown eyes staring up at Damian as if to say, I’m watching you, Dad. Damian took a deep breath. “Alright, first things first—diaper change.”
What should have been a simple task turned into a comedy of errors. Damian laid Luna on the changing table and began to undo her onesie, but the tiny snaps on the fabric seemed to defy him at every turn. “Come on, it’s just a snap,” he muttered, finally getting it open only for Luna to kick her legs and send a tiny sock flying across the room.
“Alright, you’re feisty today, huh?” Damian said with a laugh, retrieving the sock and placing it back on her foot. But the real challenge began when he opened the diaper. “Oh, man. How does something so small make such a big mess?”
He carefully wiped her clean, trying to keep everything under control, but Luna was in no mood to cooperate. She wriggled and squirmed, nearly kicking the wipes out of his hand. When it came time to put the fresh diaper on, Damian struggled to keep her still. The result was a slightly crooked diaper, but after a few attempts to adjust it, he decided it was good enough. “There we go, all clean. Let’s see your mom do better than that,” he joked, holding her up proudly.
The rest of the morning went by in a blur of tiny challenges. Feeding time was a mix of sweet moments and sticky chaos. Damian thought he had the bottle’s temperature just right, but when he went to test it, he ended up spilling milk down the front of his shirt. “Okay, so maybe I should’ve worn a bib too,” he chuckled, wiping it off.
Luna, for her part, seemed more interested in gnawing on the bottle’s nipple than actually drinking from it, which led to a minor battle of wills. “Come on, Luna, you’ve got to eat,” Damian coaxed, trying to gently guide the bottle into her mouth. After some persistence, she finally latched on, and Damian couldn’t help but feel a small swell of pride. “That’s my girl. We’re getting the hang of this.”
Nap time, however, was a different story. Luna had always been a light sleeper, and today was no exception. Damian tried everything—rocking her in his arms, walking around the house, even playing soft music on his phone. But each time he laid her in the crib, her eyes would pop open, and she’d start fussing again.
“Come on, princesa, you need to sleep,” Damian whispered, exhausted but determined. Eventually, after what felt like hours of rocking and shushing, Luna finally dozed off. Damian carefully placed her in the crib, holding his breath as he slowly backed out of the room. The moment he stepped on a creaky floorboard, her eyes fluttered open. Damian froze, holding his breath, but to his relief, Luna let out a tiny sigh and fell back asleep.
Damian tiptoed out of the room, collapsing onto the couch with a sigh of relief. “This is tougher than a ladder match,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He pulled out his phone to check the time and noticed a message from Y/N: How’s everything going?
He couldn’t help but smile as he typed back: We’re surviving. No major disasters yet. He added a winking emoji for good measure before setting his phone down and closing his eyes for just a moment.
He was startled awake by the sound of the baby monitor crackling to life. Luna was awake again. “Already?” he groaned, dragging himself off the couch and heading back to her room. He found her sitting up in the crib, wide awake and looking as bright-eyed as ever.
“You know, it’s supposed to be nap time,” Damian said, scooping her up and holding her close. She responded by grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging, which made him wince but also laugh. “You’ve got a strong grip, just like your dad.”
He spent the next few hours trying to keep Luna entertained. He tried singing to her, but his deep, gravelly voice only made her stare at him in confusion. He brought out her favorite toys, only to find that she was more interested in chewing on anything within reach—including his championship belt, which he quickly had to rescue from her tiny grasp. “Not a teething toy, sweetheart,” he said, holding it up out of her reach.
He tried reading her a story, but Luna seemed more interested in the sound of his voice than the actual words. She cooed and babbled back at him as if trying to have a conversation. “Yeah? Is that right?” Damian played along, nodding seriously as if he understood every word. “You’re already smarter than your old man.”
The hours passed, and soon it was time for Luna’s evening routine. Damian managed to give her a bath without too much water ending up on the floor, though she did manage to splash him a few times. “You’re a little troublemaker, aren’t you?” he said, wrapping her in a fluffy towel and drying her off.
Getting her dressed in her pajamas was another challenge. Luna was wriggly, and every time Damian tried to get her tiny arms through the sleeves, she’d pull them back out. “This is definitely harder than a chokehold,” he muttered, finally succeeding and zipping up the onesie.
Finally, it was bedtime. Damian settled into the rocking chair with Luna, cradling her gently in his arms. He tried to hum a lullaby—one he remembered his own mother singing to him when he was little. Luna’s eyes grew heavy, and after a few minutes, she was fast asleep.
Damian looked down at her, feeling a wave of love and pride wash over him. “We did it, princesa,” he whispered, carefully placing her in the crib and brushing a kiss against her forehead. “You and me—we make a pretty good team.”
He tiptoed out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. He was exhausted, but he couldn’t help but smile as he collapsed onto the couch once more. It had been a challenging day, but also one filled with sweet, unexpected moments that he knew he’d cherish forever.
Just as he closed his eyes, his phone buzzed. It was Y/N, checking in again. Damian grinned as he typed back: Survived the day. House still standing. Princesa asleep. I think I deserve a championship belt for this.
He hit send, leaning back on the couch and finally allowing himself to relax. Y/N’s response came quickly: I’m so proud of you. Can’t wait to be back with my two favorite people.
Damian smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest that was different from the thrill of any wrestling match or victory in the ring. It was the simple, undeniable joy of being a dad, and he knew he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
The next morning, when Y/N walked through the door, she was greeted by the sight of Damian asleep on the couch with Luna curled up on his chest, both of them snoring softly.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as she set down her bags and walked over to them. She gently brushed a kiss on Damian’s forehead, then Luna's. "Looks like you did just fine," she whispered, feeling a warmth in her heart.
Everything really had turned out okay—better than okay. It was perfect.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 25 days
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— In the light of new beginnings
pairings: lia walti x reader, caitlin foord x reader, katie mccabe x reader, leah williamson x reader
summary: caitlin and lia take things seriously as they head to the school to tackle the bullying concerns
here's the one you've all been waiting for to come out, so hopefully it doesn't completely suck 😌
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“Mum!” You beam a wide smile as you swing the front door open to reveal the Australian woman as you all but launch yourself into her arms.
“Hey kiddo,” Caitlins’ quick reflexes come in handy as she catches you and spins you around like she always does, “Someone’s in a happy mood, eh?”
“Ay, I’m here as well,” The thick Irish accent speaks up as she walks up the steps of your home, “Nice to know you’re not that pleased to see me,” She jokes, ruffling your hair.
“What’re you both doing here?” You ask, confused because don’t get yourself wrong, it’s great to have them here, but they rarely come over and especially not together.
“Your mama and I need to take care of things,” Caitlin explains, side stepping into the house she used to previously live in with you and Lia.
You tilt your head to the side in confusion, “Take things like how?” You ask, even further confused.
“We’re going down to the school,” Lia speaks up, appearing in the hallway as she shares a civil smile with Caitlin and Katie, “Katie’s gonna stay here and hang out with you.” She adds.
“But Leah’s here as well,” You furrow your eyebrows confused, gesturing to the blonde woman who is currently in the middle of a phone call with people you didn’t care to figure out, “No offence but the two of you don’t exactly get along that well when your together,”
“We can get along,” Katie says in defence, holding her hands in mock protest.
You can’t help but scoff in disagreement, “I don’t believe that very much at all,” You pause, “You two are always arguing about something.”
“We don’t always argue,” Leah pipes in now that she has finished her phone call and shoves it in her back pocket, “Have a little faith in us, kid?”
“It’s hard to do that,” You smirk at the blonde, eager to wind her up as you look towards both Lia and Caitlin, “Why can’t I come with both of you instead?”
“We thought you would prefer to stay at home,” Caitlin admits to you, wrapping her free arm around you, “It’ll be fun for you to hang out with Katie and Leah though, kiddo!”
You can’t help but scrunch your face up in disagreement, “No it won’t be.”
“Oh, I won’t take offence to that at all kid,” Leah faux’s her hurt as she clutches her hand over her chest, “And here I was about to suggest that we have a game of Mario Kart, eh? See if you can beat me?”
“Please, I always beat you!” You grin at the blonde, flicking her hair over your shoulder dramatically, “But if you want to be a sore loser again then be my guest.” You add, cheekily.
Katie snorts in amusement and shakes her head, “Oh, that’s fighting talk right there,” She is keen to encourage your competitiveness, “Now this is something that I need to see.”
“We’ll be back before you know it,” Lia reassures you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Have fun and don’t set my house on fire.” She jokes, her tone half playful and half serious.
“No promises, Mama!” You retort, sticking your tongue out as you are ready make a dash into the living room to turn the Nintendo Switch on to thrash the blonde in Mario Kart, “Come on Leah, I’m gonna beat your–”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, kiddo,” Caitlin warns firmly as she points her index finger at you, “See you when we’re back, l love you.” She adds, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I love you, sweetheart,” Lia told you, following suit and kissing you on the top of the head and saying goodbye to Leah and Katie before the two of them left the house.
“Right then, who’s up for a game then?” Katie smirks, mischievously rubbing her hands together.
You reach out for the stray Nintendo Switch controllers and hand one to the blonde, “Game on!” You insist, loading up the home screen and tap on the game, “Don’t cry when I win again though, yeah?”
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“Alright, let’s do this,” Lia breaks the silence between the two of them as they arrive at the school creating a united front to resolve the issue at hand.
Caitlin nods in agreement with her ex girlfriend as she glances up at the school building, “I never realised how much this school looks like prison from the outside,” She retorts, shoving her sunglasses on along with the baseball cap, “It’s no wonder Y/N isn’t so keen on going that much.”
“The school is perfectly fine,” Lia tells the Aussie woman as she locks the car and the two of them walk in the direction of the entrance, “We both looked it up to make sure it was the right fit for Y/N and she’s mostly happy here.” She adds.
“Other than the bullying that neither of us were aware about,” Caitlin reminds her ex as she shakes her head and walks through the doors, “Seriously, how did neither of us not pick up on that?”
“I don’t know, but we’re resolving it now,” Lia exhales a sigh as she speaks to the receptionist at the school to let her know they are there for an appointment before both of them are gestured to take a seat and she’ll let the head teacher know they’re there.
“Even the chairs are uncomfortable,” Caitlin mutters as she shifts around in the hard plastic chair.
“Do you have to complain about everything?” Lia questions, exhaling a sigh and shaking her head, already done with her ex’s need to complain.
“Just making a point and all,” Caitlin shrugs her shoulders and continues to shift around, “But seriously, they are very uncomfortable. Are these the type of seats that they make the kids sit on? It’s unbelievable,” She continues to mutter about the state of the chairs.
“Sorry for keeping you both waiting,” A stern looking lady in her mid 50’s with a short bob and glasses steps in front of Lia and Caitlin, “Let’s take this into my office, shall we?”
“Thank you for seeing us,” Lia’s response is polite as she stands up from her seat.
“Finally,” Caitlin thinks to herself as she stands up and walks into the office along with her ex girlfriend and the head teacher as she sits down in the chair which to her relief are more comfortable than the ones back out there, “So, lets’ just cut to the chase, our daughter has been getting bullied at this school and we want to know how you guys are going to handle it.”
The headteacher’s brow furrows slightly at Caitlin’s need to get straight to the point.
“Caitlin,” Lia interjects, giving her ex an exasperated look, “What my… ex partner means is that we’ve recently been made aware of Y/N being bullied which has been going on for a few months and we have our concerns about things and how things have gotten this bad.”
“Right, that’s exactly what I mean,” Caitlin grits her teeth to stop herself saying some harsher words to the woman.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” The older woman says, genuinely concerned, “Can you give me more details? What kind of bullying has been subjected to?” She asks.
“It started off as verbal, name calling as such but it’s escalated now,” Caitlin explains to the women, frustrated with the situation at hand, “Now it’s physical and it hasn’t just been a one-off incident– Quite frankly, I’m concerned about my daughter’s welfare at this school, and I have a right mind to pull her out of it!” She snaps at the woman, making her point known.
“No, no, we’re not pulling her out,” Lia is quick to interrupt and shoot her ex girlfriend another look, “We just want this issue to be taken seriously, we don’t want our daughter to have to come to a school and be taunted by any fellow peers.”
The headteacher looks genuinely surprised and still concerned, “Of course, I see. I can assure you this is the first I am hearing of any physical altercation involving Y/N, other than the incident the other day,” She says, tapping her fingers lightly on the desk, “We take these matters very seriously. I will need to know more to address this matter properly though.”
“We can give details,” Liat tells the woman, not trusting her ex girlfriend to speak in case of saying the wrong words again, “Y/N has mentioned a name a few different times that it has happened.”
“We don’t want our daughter to not feel safe here,” Caitlin chimes in, trying to refrain from letting her frustration boil over again.
The headteachers expression softens, “I appreciate your willingness to work with us on this and rest assured, we will launch a thorough investigation into these claims,”  She pauses as she shares a genuine smile with them both, “We will speak to the other student involved, review any available CCTV footage and ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to protect Y/N.”
Caitlin’s eyes narrow slightly, “And what about the immediate measures to ensure her safety while this investigation is going on? I don’t feel particularly reassured about sending my daughter to this school if she’s going to be facing torment from that student.”
“Of course I do understand that,” The woman nods, acknowledging the concern, “For the meantime, we will look to make sure that Y/N comes nowhere in contact with the other student to make sure that Y/N’s safety is our top priority,” She tells them both honestly, “We will also keep you updated on the progress and actions were taking.”
“Thank you,” Lia thanks the woman as she shares a reassuring look with Caitlin before turning back to the headteacher, “We just want to make sure that this is handled properly and that Y/N feels safe and supported here at school.”
The headteacher gives them both a solemn nod, “I understand, we will take all the necessary steps to keep you informed every step of the way and if there is anything more you think could help, please don’t hesitate to let us know.” With that, the women shakes hands with Lia and Caitlin, the latter being more reluctant to do so before they leave the office and head back outside the school.
“Well that went well,” Cailtin mutters as she walks out the door to head in the direction of Lia’s car, “I just hope that they keep their word and keep Y/N safe.”
Lia hums in agreement as she unlocks the car, “Did you really have to go in all guns blazing with the woman?” She asks, raising her eyebrow as she climbs in the driver's seat of her car, “I mean, threatening to pull her out of the school? We didn’t agree on that.”
“Maybe we didn’t but it certainly got the message across that neither of us are playing,” Cailtin shrugs her shoulders as she climbs into the passenger side of the car, “That was me being tame, it could have been a lot worse.” She adds.
“Let’s just go back to mine and hopefully the house hasn’t been burnt down,” Lia retorts, exhaling a sigh as she starts up the ignition on the car.
“Well I suppose no phone call is a good sign,” The Australian woman jokes with her ex as they begin the drive back to the house.
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“Well I don’t see any smoke,” Caitlin remarks as they pull up outside of the house, unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing out the car, “See? Totally fine.”
“I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief,” Lia says, turning the ignition off before she unbuckles her own seatbelt and climbs out the car, “Wait– Do you hear shouting?” She asks, confused as she hears faint sounds of yelling inside the house.
“Oh God,” Caitlin’s face drops as the two of them rush up the steps to head inside the house.
“Nah. Nah. That’s cheating!” Lia and Caitlin are met by the loud protests of Leah’s voice, no doubt losing a game of Mario Kart, “You can’t do that!”
“Sucks to be a sore loser!” You retort cheekily, sticking your tongue out at the blonde as you can’t help but continue to poke fun about how she lost.
“Ha! She got you there!” Katie cackles with laughter, amused at the situation of Leah loosing against you in Mario Kart, again.
“What’s going on, in here?” Lia questions, relieved to find that the silly squabbling is over nothing serious other than a video game, “We could hear the shouting from outside.”
“Leah’s a complete sore loser!” You taunt the blonde before you chuck the controller to the side and bolt up from the sofa,  jumping over the back of it to rush over to Lia and Caitlin, “You’re back!” You exclaim, happy enough to see them.
“We’re back,” Caitlin chuckles as she runs her slender fingers through your hair, “What have you been up to while we’ve been gone?” She wonders.
“Completely thrashing Leah at Mario Kart– She’s still sulking about it now,” You remark, gesturing to the grumpy expression on the blonde’s face.
“I am not!” Leah interjects from the living room, clearly unhappy as she sits there with her arms crossed.
“You totally are,” You can’t help but be amused as you smile at Lia and Caitlin, “I missed you both.”
“We missed you as well, sweetheart,” Lia tells you, enveloping you in a warm hug.
“Did you get things sorted down at the school?” Katie questions, curiously as she leans her arm over the back of the sofa to look in the direction of where you all stood.
“We did,” Caitlin nods in agreement, “Your bully won’t be a problem anymore for you, kiddo.”
“Really?” Your eyes light up in relief, “Thanks!”
“We just want you to be safe and happy at school sweetheart,” Lia explains, giving you a genuine sympathetic smile, “We will do whatever we can to protect you.”
“Even if it means going in and shouting at your headteacher,” Caitlin admits, sheepishly smiling at you, “But it did get the message across that we want the matter dealt with seriously and ta-da, now it won’t be a problem at all.” She jokes, avoiding the look that her ex is giving her while you can't help but giggle.
You know that whatever happens, the two of them would protect you at whatever cost it took... Even yelling at the headteacher of your school, apparently.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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rabbitblackx · 1 year
chop-top,brahms,Jason and Bubba with a s/o who gets sick at the sight of gore,but has terrible separation anxiety so they’ll just stand there like “🧍‍♀️🤢” when their slasher is 🏃‍♀️🗡️ someone 😭,I know this is specific so feel free to ignore
Slashers with a Squeamish!Reader
Includes: Bubba, Chop-Top, Jason and Brahms
Bubba Sawyer💖
Bubba tried to hide as much gore from you as possible. He never killed in front of you unless absolutely necessary. He also encouraged his brothers to do the same. They never listened though, as they wreaked havoc around you every day. Bubba was sure to cover your eyes with his hands, or carry you out of the room when this happened
You followed Bubba around like a lost puppy, which meant you saw a lot of shit. He’d be brutally sawing a woman in half while you stood in the background, face green and head spinning
When Leatherface was done with the violence, you recoiled in disgust when he went to hug you. He was drenched in blood. While trying not to faint, you shakily asked him to go dry off
Bubba came back to you later after changing into a fresh pair of clothes. You threw your arms around him in a sweet embrace, making up for earlier
Chop-Top Sawyer💖
Chop-Top loved to tease you. He purposely waved gore or bodies in your face, while also flicking blood at you. It was all fun and games until you threw up all over your shoes. He was very sorry after that. He also went into full panic mode when you wouldn’t forgive him at first. How was he gonna get laid now??
“Baby! C’mon, I said I was sorry!”
You eventually forgave Chop-Top, causing him attack your face in kisses. He grew more and more fond of you after that. You were his fave. This meant he was less hostile around you. He rarely lashed out at victims when you were near
If Chop-Top had to kill in front of you, he made you spin around and face the wall first. It wasn’t as fun killing them clean, but whatever made you happiest
When Chop-Top was done with his killing, he ran over to you and hugged you from behind. He grinned into the crook of your neck, giggling like a madman
Jason Voorhees💖
Jason did not care that you were squeamish. He was going to kill as much as he wanted. If he heard a single peep outta you because of this, he swore to god—
You felt pretty unsafe in the woods without Jason, so you were always close by. This meant the both of you had to see things you preferred not to. You had to watch him brutally murder people on a regular basis, while he had to watch you throw up everywhere because of it
Jason started gifting you with old things from his childhood. He brought you some of his toys, like his teddy bear or maybe even a picture book. Just anything to distract you from his violence, and it actually worked!
You were so touched by Jason’s gentle gesture, all you could do was tearfully gawk at his old toys while he murdered campers in the background. It just sucked though because once he was done, you wanted to hug him. But he was drenched in hot blood and gore, making it hard. You knew damn well he wasn’t gonna wash it off for you either :’)
Brahms Heelshire💖
Your squeamishness was never really an issue, as Brahms rarely killed. If he did, it was because somebody was breaking in, or trying to hurt your pretty self. It was very bad if this was the case. Because if a another man laid just a finger on you, he wasn’t going to back down
Brahms would apologise for the gore later. As of right now, he was tackling the intruder that hurt you to the floor. He fumbled for a shard of glass from the window he broke into, gripping it hard. All you could do was gape as Brahms drove it deep into the man’s neck, twisting it around and making a red mess
You had to sit down, holding your dizzy head in your hands. Brahms kept stabbing at the dead man, causing more and more blood to spill. The sight alone was enough to make you faint
Brahms eventually got off the man and stumbled over to where you sat. The blood on his hands made you screw your eyes shut, but he didn’t care. He loomed over you in the dark, gently taking your hand in his
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hcsiqs · 2 months
Can I make a request where the reader and Caitlin spend the day with their nephews at home
| the right side of my neck
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• pairing: caitlin clark x fem!reader
• summary: your sister asks you to babysit at her house so she can go on a date night with her husband, so you and caitlin watch them together
• warnings: nonee
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“Go! Go! We got it!” you were pushing your sister out of your house for a much needed date night.
“Just call me if anything happens and I’ll be home right away!” your sister had her feet planted in front of the door.
“Nothings gonna happen! Now go have fun!” you smiled with one final push to get her out of the house. She then continually thanked you as she closed the door and left you and Caitlin to your nephews.
You walked through the hallway of the house, into the open plan kitchen and living room. Your sisters twin sons were sat at the kitchen island eating the pizza Caitlin had pulled out of the oven a couple minutes ago.
“Our friends are gonna be so jealous that Caitlin Clark is our babysitter,” Charlie, the other twin, nudged his brother.
“What? They aren’t gonna be jealous I’m your babysitter?” you dramatically dropped your jaw as you walked beside Caitlin, her hand finding its way to your waist.
“They don’t know who you are Auntie Y/N,” Camden laughed shaking his head at you.
“I mean, I’m The Caitlin Clark’s girlfriend,” you countered, cocking your head to the side with a smile across your lips.
“Mmm that’s true,” Camden tapped his chinned dramatically, “But you aren’t The Caitlin Clark,” he said quoting you. Charlie then immediately joined in agreeing with his brother.
“Whatever, whatever,” you laughed, plopping a piece of pizza down on your paper plate.
“Your Aunt’s pretty cool though,” Caitlin chimed in, her hands resting on your hips while standing behind you.
“Not as cool as you!” Charlie smiled, pointing his finger at the brunette. Caitlin just started laughing, hiding her head in the crook of your neck.
After the two kids finished eating their food you went over to the TV and turned on Back to the Future for them to watch as the both of you cleaned the kitchen up.
You were standing against the sink washing off the tin tray that the pizza had been sitting in. You were looking up every few seconds to make sure the boys weren’t getting into anything. Then Caitlin came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your stomach.
“Hi,” she sweetly said, her head rested on your shoulder.
“Hi baby,” you kissed her hair before focusing on cleaning the pizza cutter.
“They’re so cute,” you could feel her smile against your shoulder.
“Right,” you giggled, your eyes flickering over to the sweet boys on the couch.
You finished cleaning up the dishes, while Caitlin put up all the stuff y’all had gotten out. And once the kitchen was cleaned, the two of you walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Both of your nephews immediately went over to Caitlin and tackled her, loud laughs leaving her lips. She started playing with the both of them as you watched from the other side of the couch. All three of them wrestling, Caitlin ultimately letting them win by dramatically showing they ‘defeated’ her.
“Wow! You guys are so strong!” she laughed pulling them both into a hug. They both then settled down and you put on another random 80s movie once Back to the Future ended.
Through the second movie both the boys fell asleep against Caitlin’s chest and you couldn’t help but look at her with pure adoration.
“We should probably put them in their beds,” you suggested, getting up from your seat on the couch and walking over to Caitlin.
She nodded her head, carefully getting out of the boys embrace. She then picked up Charlie, while you picked Camden up and then you both quietly walked through the hallways to take them to their room.
“I can get him if you want,” she nodded her head to the boy in your arms, but you just brushed her off still holding him.
You both then entered the dark room and tucked them both into their beds. You placed a kiss on Camdens forehead and then walked over to Charlie doing the same, as Caitlin watched from the doorway. You then walked over to Caitlin, who pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you into the air slightly.
“I can’t wait to have a family with you,” she smiled, her dimples deep in her cheeks as she looked down at you.
“I can’t wait either,” you smiled, going on your tiptoes to place a kiss against her lips. “You’re gonna be such a good mom Cait.”
“No that’s gonna be you baby,” her hands ran through your hair before she closed the door behind you both as you stood in the hallway.
Your lips pulled into a bright smile before you turned away to hide your blush. Even after being together for years she still managed to make you feel like a teenager, all giddy every time she smiled at you.
You then grabbed her hands from behind you and dragged her through the hallway. She dropped your hands and pulled you in by her waist, trailing behind you until you guys got back to the couch. She pushed you onto the couch and then flopped on top of you.
Caitlin then placed a soft kiss to your stomach, “I’m so excited to have kids with you,” she beamed before meeting your face and kissing you gently. You just giggled at her and agreed completely.
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allie’s corner
ok i kinda went haywire at the end my bad…
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pyrpaw · 4 months
Can i have uhhh first year gang visiting yuu in their world? Thank youu
hell yeah you can have that 🙏 I did a little intro to the situation, and then some head cannons
(contents: might be a but ooc because I imagine they'd be pretty happy to see you again after you disappeared without saying bye, (name) is mentioned to go to school and have a job, their age isn't mentioned but they are implied to live alone(for plot reasons<3))
How did... you get here?
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(I had no gif ideas)
You thought you were crazy, you got transported into some place called "Twisted wonderland" and then, you randomly got back home! and seemingly no time had passed, was it just an elaborate dream?... you had no clue, but you had to continue your life like normal. So, going back to school, your job, all of that, left with no one to rant to about how you missed your friends from Twisted wonderland... because are they even real?
Turns out, they were real! because at 2 in the morning you were doing your homework and heard banging and talking from another room, it sounded like multiple voices so you quickly tried to find your phone... only to realize it's downstairs. So, grabbing a hammer in your room you silently made your way outside your room and as silently as you could, downstairs. You heard the voices growing closer and closer, your anxiety peaked as you held your breath and froze, panic filling you as when one of the figures was about to round the corner. Once you saw a foot step out you immediately stood up and lifted the hammer up in a panic, ready to strike down.
And once your hands were already going down you met eyes with a familiar green haired fae who flinched as his head was struck with a hammer. You two stared at each other in shock and confusion, as the other first years came over to see what happened, everyone's eyes widened when they saw you... and the hammer that connected with Sebek's head.
"... Sebek?" You spoke in a quiet voice, slowly pulling the hammer back down as you stared at him. He silently nodded as the others stared at you in awe. You couldn't comprehend any words, before getting tackled into a hug from Ace as he buried his face into your neck and spoke with a shaky voice. "... I thought I'd never see you again.." and before you could even reply, Deuce came up and tightly hugged you too. "... you didn't say bye to anyone" he mumbled as he pulled back and stared at you with teary eyes.
So, after a whole lot of reunions, the boys explained that they didn't know how they got there, or how to get back, so obviously they're allowed to stay with you.
Ace Trappola
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He's definitely gonna make fun of your decor, your clothes, basically anything... even though hes gonna steal your T-shirts even after they all got their own clothes
If you're not constantly going out with friends or talking to them he's gonna bully you about being a loser, however if you are constantly talking to friends, he's gonna complain that you're not giving them enough attention and you're being a bad host (even though he really only means that he wants more attention)
Deuce Spade
He won't automatically think about getting a job, but if he hears that you're struggling with paying for all of them then he'll find some kind of job and complain about it 24/7, especially because it'll probably be in customer service due to his age and having no records of anything
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Unlike Ace, Deuce automatically starts to help you with funds, he'll probably find a customer service job, maybe even two
Jack Howl
He'll probably get a good reputation with your neighbors, always offering them any help, and usually being gifted something, whether it be muffins or just money
I think that he would kinda just stay home mostly, really only going out with you where he can follow you like a lost puppy (only because he doesn't know this world like you!)
also-he totally takes note of what decor, music, and clothes you like even more now, so that he has ideas for a potential gift and or way to bond with you
Epel Felmier
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So... he kinda had to be... barricaded in a way, until you could find a proper hat to cover his ears, he couldn't leave... because some preteen will bark at him
Once he can leave the house though, he immediately gets a job... and spends a bit of the money on a gym membership (also, if you go to the gym he is hyped, he's following you around it the whole time totally not trying to show off his strength)
I think he'd honestly get a job at a gym, maybe a personal trainer even
He basically took up the chore of grocery shopping, like he meal preps and all, it's mainly just veggies and meat that he buys
Sebek Zigvolt
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He's thrilled to finally be away from Vil and Rook, now he can actually be himself! His stupid dirty jokes and overall roughness has definitely amped up now that he knows Vil won't find out
He couldn't really find a job due to having no proof that he wasn't a girl, but like Deuce he takes up jobs from your neighbors, getting some cash here and there
He also usually goes on grocery trips with Jack, with Jack getting healthy food, and Epel begging him to get at least a few junk food items, plus he's great at picking out what fruit and veggies are the best
Ortho Shroud
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Hes definitely having a hard time with the whole... all humans... no magic thing, to the point that he kept accidentally using his magic in public and got house arrest by you, leaving Ortho to make sure he didn't leave
He's still allowed to go out with supervision though, and anytime you go out to town with him he basically acts as a body guard, glaring at anyone would date approach you
He was given the task of cooking, because he obviously had to learn so he didn't have to eat Lilia's cooking, so him and Jack discuss meek plans for the week/month
He's also like a guard dog when he's outside just in the yard, he's keeping coyotes away, Bobcats, bears, any predator, he's keeping it away with no doubt
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Much like Jack, he couldn't leave the house due to being a robot, technically he could leave and would just get some weird glances for having a "cosplay" on, but he decided to stay back and keep Grim company... and watch Sebek
Whenever he gets bored he'll rummage through the house and find old objects that you clearly don't use anymore... and somehow end up upgrading any technology in this house?? like you came home and suddenly your laptop had the power of a damn PC
He'll also go around when he's bored and clean up for you, putting things away, sweeping, mopping, everything, he's very considerate!
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now.... Grim obviously can't leave, he has fire ears! So he's pretty pouty, but after you got him a few toys and a tablet (iPad baby I'm sorey), he calmed down, but he's still not happy!
There are a few acres of forest nearby, so sometimes he'll sneak out there with Ortho to get some outdoors time, but he's almost gotten caught a few times, each time getting scolded by you or Jack
He's secretly very happy to be able to sleep on top of his henchmen again, hes always clinging onto you now, after having the biggest scare of the one person he considered "family" randomly disappearing and leaving him all alone!
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playgrl0 · 1 year
thoughts that i have about baji
that's my baby bruh😭
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⁂ i feel like if you know me, you already know what i'm gonna say first:
⁂ baji BITES. he bites you whenever he can and he does it all over your body. he doesn't do it in public since you don't want that and he respects it. but behind closed doors? he bites every part of your body and he doesn't give a fuck. the public eye will see the bite marks he left though.
⁂ his favorite parts to bite you are your neck, your thighs (especially inner thighs) and breasts.
⁂ neck kisses. so so many fucking neck kisses.
⁂ he always holds your throat🫨 when you guys kiss. he doesn't squeeze it or anything, he just holds it instead of placing his hand on your cheek for example.
⁂ forgot to mention that he also loves when you bite him. do it do it do it. don't be shy!!
⁂ he loves when you brush his hair for him. he will walk up to you and hand you his brush without a word and you brush it for him. he thanks you by pecking your cheek and disappears again
⁂ he can get extremely clingy when he's tired or stressed out
⁂ tries to act tough on your wedding day but will literally burst into tears once he sees you. chifuyu hands him a tissue and laughs at him. "shut up, man." he sniffles and wipes his tears away.
⁂ calls you baby, babe, angel, mama or comes up with a silly nickname himself
⁂ if you're not sitting on his lap you're doing something wrong like, why sit on a chair, on the couch, on the floor, literally anywhere when his lap is RIGHT THERE??
⁂ he tackles you randomly, gets up again, walks away and acts like he didn't do anything.
⁂ a tease. a fucking tease. loves making you nervous.
⁂ he is so so loyal. would never even come close to the thought of cheating on you. he would never.
⁂ when girls hit on him, he literally ignores them. if they keep being pushy he tells them to leave him tf alone because he already has a girl. they could never compare to you anyway.
⁂ he definitely has a staring problem. he stares at you all the damn time, not matter how you look like or what you're doing. big fan of eye contact.
⁂ he's always horny
⁂ very protective. he doesn't play around when it comes to you
⁂ ppl say he takes good care of his hair but i disagree. personally, i think he uses 4 in one shampoo and that's it i think he's just blessed with good genes. or his mama forces him to take care of it lmao idk
⁂ he's obsessed with your ass. doesn't matter if you have a small one or a whole wagon, he loves your ass. he uses it as pillow or drums. he slaps it when walking past you. one hand is always on it.
⁂ forgot to mention that he also bites your ass heheheh.
⁂ likeee you're laying on your bed on your stomach wearing shorts. baji jumps on the bed between your legs and his hands travel from the back of your thighs, up to your ass below your shorts. his big, warm hands resting on your cheeks, squeezing them before he leans forward and bites each cheek to leave a bite mark
⁂ you flinch at the contact and push him away, he just grins at you, slaps your ass and then lays down to take a nap on your ass yeah yeah
⁂ has no concept of personal space. your personal space is his.
⁂ makes fun of you all the time but if someone else dares to make fun of you they're dead. nobody is allowed to bully you except for him
⁂ i see him with a tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, helix piercings and one nipple piercing
⁂ and many, many tattoos 🫨
⁂ tough on the outside but definitely the absolute biggest softie on the inside
⁂ you'll definitely own at least two cats together. maybe even three.
⁂ if he falls in love with you, he'll never love anyone else after you. he loves hard. you're his one and only, his entire world. you two are endgame.
⁂ he's a slut.
that's all for now,,,, bye
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tags: @shamelessperfectionhideout @vmlnrz @saintokkotsu @satanlovesusall666 @kiirsteinn @noritopia @gothamgurl2024 @ranscutedoll @bertholdts--butt @torakeii
<3 @ playgrl0
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sweetestcaptainhughes · 3 months
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Word Count - 1500 roughly
Author's Note: Originally this was suppose to be a fluff piece. But then I started typing and it turned into light smut. 😬 Let me know if you guys would want a part 2 where it would be more smut. As always thanks for reading. 💜
Possible Triggers - use of y/n, light making out, grinding, heavy flirting - VERY VERY vanilla compared to other things I have on this blog. 🤣
Summary - Quinn is surprised when he comes home with a new video game Mario Kart and he sees a whole new side of his calm girlfriend. Someone who becomes super competeive and it's very hot.
It was no secret that Quinn had a competitive personality. Most men naturally do, but for professional athletes it’s a given. Plus he had brothers who were naturally competitive in everything - whether training in the summer, wakeboarding, bored games - but especially video games.  During the season when Quinn felt more separate from his brothers not only through the distance but sometimes mentally since they lived together now since Luke started playing for the Devils. 
You were the complete opposite, sometimes you could be competitive when it came to board games during the summer. But besides that you truly didn’t have a competitive bone in your body. Except when it came to a particular video game from childhood - Mario Kart. Which you failed to mention to Quinn, even though he buys you what he calls “cozy games” for your switch randomly all the time, because he knows they’re your escape from the stress of the world around you. You also told him that you find yourself gaming more when he’s on roadies because it gets your mind off him being away. Buying you games has become one of his ways he shows his love, especially right before a long roadie. So it came to a shock to Quinn when you came home one day and saw him playing Mario Kart, and seeing your face immediately light up. “Ooooo Q when did we get Mario Kart.” As you stand next to him, and start bouncing on your toes so excited to see one of your favorite things from childhood in your new life you’ve built with Quinn. 
Quinn had just finished Rainbow Road so he paused his tourmount he was playing. “I just picked it up today, I went to pick up that new game I saw for you, “Stardew Valley” figured it was time to get you a 2 player game so we could play together. But I also saw Mario Kart and figured it would be fun for when the guys come over.” He says a full grin on his face now as he’s watching you fixated on the T.V. “Baby.. what are you thinking about?” As he gets up and slowly wraps his arms around you from the back. 
“Hmm…” you say, finally giving attention to Quinn. 
“I asked what you're thinking about?” as he kisses the side of your neck, your own little ritual for when he comes home or you come home. Even 2 years later, he loves the way your cheeks blush when he does it. 
“Oh just how I love this game and I’m gonna kick your ass” As you turn around his arms so you can see his face finally for the first time since you came home. A huge smile displayed on your face, your eyes glittering with excitement. 
“Really?” he asks in a smug voice. “Baby I have never seen you play anything that isn’t relaxing.”
“Uhh Mario Kart is relaxing sir.” You say snutching your face almost with disgust because he didn’t know this as basic face. “It was actually the only game that would get my mind off of everything growing up - I would stay up for hours with (your sibling’s name) and play until ma would catch us and force us to go to bed. In fact, ma banned the game along with “Smash Bros” because we would physically tackle each other when we didn’t win.” 
Quinn is now full blown laughing imagining you fighting them. “Okay fine you're on, but I’ll have you know I never lose.” 
“Oh baby boy, that's so sweet you think you can beat me.” As you go to grab the second controller that was charging. 
“Alright we’ll see.” He says as he starts exiting the tourmount he started so that you can switch to 2 players. 
“Alright, since you're so cocky, let's make this interesting.” You say as you get comfortable between Quinn’s legs like you always do when he’s gaming with his brothers and you're on your switch. Quinn always whines when you aren’t close to him when he plays, he says it makes him focus. In some way, bickering  at his brothers while playing “Call of Duty” brings your anxiety down too. 
“Ooo like what, the person that loses gives the other a kiss.” He says glancing down at you as you're picking your character, you know it sounds cliché but you’ve always played as Peaches as a kid and never lost when you did. Now that you're playing with Quinn, the superstitious part of you won’t risk it. 
“Aww that’s so cute you were thinking of a kiss. But I can kiss you anytime I want. I was thinking more like.. Whoever loses has to let the other person do whatever they want to them.” you say as you turn in his lap and because of how you were laying your boobs laying on his cock. As he looks down at you, your boobs falling out of your shirt giving him the perfect angle of them. 
“Fuck..” he mumbles under his breath. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?” as a smirk is plastered on his face, as his mind is wandering to all the things he wants to do with you when he wins this tournament. 
You puff off a breath of air, a mix of a chuckle and gasp. “Lately yes… today no. So does that mean we have a Hughes deal?” Sticking your hand out for him to shake to the agreements like it’s an official bet. 
“Oh baby girl I love you so much,” His hand is going to crease your cheek making your breath catch in your throat. “ And we 100 percent have a deal Y/L/N”As his hand moves your cheek casually touching the top of your boobs on display as he goes to shake your hands. Both of you have devilish smirks on your face as you turn around to have the screen as you both get ready for the tournament. 
Let’s just say 10 minutes later Quinn is shocked he didn’t win a single round. He didn’t even play during the award ceremony but you got first. You go to sit up and turn on. “Well like I said I love this game, now what do I want you to do first” As you bit your lip.
“Nope nope nope, rematch now.” He declares brows pulled down with a look mix of determination and pouting on his face. As he is already setting up for a second round, as he shifts himself on the coach so he’s sitting up and it would be physically impossible to lay back down. 
“Quinny… it won’t matter I will still win but if it will help you sleep better tonight then okay.” As you adjust yourself so your sitting criss-cross applesauce on the coach. 
“Oh baby I’m not gonna go easy on you this time” He says as you're about to start the first race.
“Easy Hughes you couldn’t even place, ONCE and I could feel you stiffen under me after the first 2 races but okay if you “going easy on me” is your excuse for losing.” you say as you take off leaving Quinn in the dust. 
You win again without a problem.But you will say Quinn was able to place this time with Bronze. You don’t have the heart to tell him you were going slowly on the last race so he would do better overall in the tournament. “Ssso.. do I get to cash in my price yet.” As you climb into his lap and lightly grind against him to feel his semi-hard cock get harder. 
“Okay.. I give up.” as his hands go down your arms finding their way to hips and squeezing. Encouraging you to continue as you start kissing him, as he quiets your moans with his tongue sliding into your mouth. His hands going to your ass, the need to feel all of you at once slowly taking over his body. He pulls his mouth away from you just far enough to ask “okay where do you want me ms. winner.” As you go to chase his lips again. “First bed.. I want you to carry me up the stairs and fuck me against the wall. But the wall furthest away from the mirror so I can see your full body and how well you fill me up as I cry in pleasure.” You say connecting your lips again this time Quinn moaning and whimpering into your mouth at the thought.
“Fuck baby. Your wish is my command.” He says as picks you up off the coach, you let out a squeal of shock and he carries you effortlessly upstairs. “Can I just say I see why your mom banned Mario Kart.” As you enter the bedroom your black slams against the wall you requested. You let out a small moan welcoming the pain your shoulders are feeling from the impact. “But I don’t think we're at the level of banning yet.” He whispers as he continues his attack down your neck. You let out a moan, letting yourself get lost in the pleasure. To say that you were happy that you got to play Mario Kart for the first time in probably 10 years would be the understatement of the year. 
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0asisbliss · 2 months
Hello! If you're still taking requests, I'd love to hear your headcannons for how Uvogin, Shalnark, and Nobunaga (Or just Uvo if that's too many!) React to their s/o trying to play wrestle with them? :) If you don't feel like doing this one, no worries! ♡
A/N: HIII! I love this request! Here’s a 🎂🧁
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•Thinks you’re the cutest! Will totally take you up on your offer.
•He lets you win though. You know he’s being nice letting you win, but it’s all just fun a games.
•After the first time wants to do it often.
•After you two are done he brings you into a bear hug and feels your face with kisses.
•You pump up Shalanark’s mood so much. Even when he’s not in the mood to play with you he will because of his love for you.
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•Likes the confidence you have when you try to tackle him.
•Totally takes advantage of the situation to have sex with you. He’s a perv
•Thinks that your totally adorable like Shalnark does.
•He might not let you win every time.
•When you loose he thinks your pouting is cute. Now he’s gonna make you loose even more now.
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•Thinks it’s a little funny how you want to tackle him all of a sudden
•It’s a good idea to him.
•This man is clearly big so it might take some of your energy, but Uvogin’s knows this so he uses this as a strategy to win against you.
•He wins. Every time never lets you win. He sees this as competition honestly.
•Sometimes takes it too seriously and slams you on the bed.
•This dude literally thinks things out in order to win.
•Sometimes makes up for it by letting you get blows in.
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mokulule · 2 years
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached 1
So figured I could show what else I am working on aside from Salt in the Bones with @clockwayswrites. I still blame Clock for this though, they are way too fun to brainstorm with, and I have too many WIPs already. Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence
Danny was sick and tired of this city, this entire dimension in fact. And this vigilante family, or whatever they were, were more dogged in their pursuit of him than the GIW or his parents had ever been - all this for a few gizmos.
Danny rolled his eyes and ducked a kick from the most violent midget since Youngblood.
Seriously he was just trying to build a portal home, and it wasn’t like he was hurting anyone. He’d mostly stolen from villains anyway! And Wayne industries was like a multibillion dollar company, they shouldn’t miss a few scraps or prototypes. It would hardly put a dent in their budget.
Midget was back on his feet and had now drawn a freaking sword. Yeah, this was it, Danny needed to leave before bigger and battier arrived. He faked left but then spun right around the probably actual literal kid with the real sword, jumped to the railing and kicked off towards the next rooftop. Ignoring gravity’s pull for a just a couple of seconds was the only reason he landed safely on the other roof.
He felt a moment of worry that the kid would try following him and glanced back, but the child was fuming in safety on the other side, having lost that grappling gun thing he used earlier in the chase, it seemed Danny was safe for now. The kids mouth was moving, probably talking to more of the heroes.
He wasn’t gonna be safe for long, but Danny allowed himself a moment to breathe in relief. Suddenly his breath stuck coldly in his throat and he froze. Impossible! The shades of this city barely tickled his throat, he hadn’t met anything that would even halfway classify as a ghost to his senses. Urgency was like a cold hand around his throat, a desperate longing hummed in his core as he slowly spun trying to get a sense of where - he only managed to see a blur of red before a heavy weight knocked into him slamming him to the ground. The cold mist in his throat was pushed out in a pained oof, and his head bounced first on one thing then another, but that didn’t matter because his core was singing; close, not alone, hug!
Danny’s head spun, his whole body felt pained and smushed. A man, no a freaking tank, was laying on top of him. Body armor dug into his ribs, probably something there was bent or broken and he felt certain that ominous red helmet had left a mark where it hit his forehead. Also his hair felt a bit wet beneath him. Yet that didn’t matter because he was so overwhelmed, warm with hands and feet tingling from the humming joy in his chest. Hug! His core sang again.
Somewhere in the fog in his head he recognized this was no hug, but he hurt, his head was spinning, and he was not alone and he was happy and wasn’t that more important than a bit of pain? Oo o oO
Jason was unsure what was going on.
He’d managed to tackle the elusive thief Dick had so “creatively” nicknamed the Ghost for his ability to go invisible and the inability for them to land a decent hit on him. In fact if he hadn’t seen footage from previous run-ins with the man, Jason would have thought they wildly exaggerated his skills.
After all the man had frozen up strangely when Jason pulled himself onto the rooftop as he listened only with half an ear to the demon brat angrily grumbling in the comms, that he would have had him had he not been a coward who ran away all the time. Their thief was slowly turning around as if looking for something, the green glass of his goggles reflected in the moonlight and for a moment gave the illusion they were glowing.
Jason had not wasted a moment, got to his feet, crossed the distance in a mere three large steps before he crashed into the man - so, he’d halfway expected the man to move and therefore hadn’t prepared to soften another person’s landing. His helmet hit the shorter man’s forehead and his head rebounded and hit the roof with a sound that made Jason internally wince. The next moment there was a snapping sound and a gasp as the man’s ribcage was caught between the roof and Jason - he really wore no armor, just that thin hoodie. No matter what B said about the danger of the stolen items, Jason was really starting to doubt they had a budding super villain on hand.
He immediately made a move to get up, but stopped, a strange feeling of something overtaking him. It took a moment for him to discern because of the dichotomy, but it was… happiness? What the fuck, it wasn’t his emotions, that made no sense. The pits had only ever sent him rage and in rare moments gruesome satisfaction. This was joy, he felt almost like he was floating caught in a wave at the beach, weightless, happy, warm in the sun. He shook his head pushing the foreign emotions away like he would the pit and focused on his dazed perp.
There was something wet glistening in his unruly black hair.
“Fuck,” Jason muttered, thankfully too low for the helmet to project, but loud enough that he got a breathless but insistent “report” back from Bruce where he was clearly hurrying toward their destination.
“I knocked the Ghost down, he’s bleeding from a head wound,” he muttered at his comms as he pulled the goggles up to get a look his eyes to check for signs of concussion, but immediately froze. The goggles, he’d thought it was a trick of the light earlier, but no, his eyes were glowing - bright and green and just a shade lighter than the Lazarus pits. A shudder ran cold down his back. Somehow the foreign emotions were coming from him, Jason was sure of it, but it explained absolutely nothing! Unrestrained joy? Was this some kind of shock response?
More footsteps landed on the roof and Jason didn’t need to look to know it was Bruce with the Brat along for the ride. He finally remembered he’d been trying to get off the other man at some point.
Oo o oO
No, no, no, Danny’s core protested when the other ghost moved away, and he clutched onto what he could grab, which he dazedly recognized as a very nicely muscled arm. The other arm, because human shaped ghosts have two arms (good job Danny), supported Danny by holding onto one of his arms and that was good. Getting upright gave him the worst moment of vertigo, and his breath whooshed out of him. His legs were like jello and didn’t support him, but that didn’t matter, because his new friend had a good firm grip, could probably even hold him up entirely without Danny clutching his arm, good friend, mine. He butted his head into his chest because that was what he could reach and just leaned there. His core hummed so happily he felt like he’d almost shake apart.
Good friend
Why no response?…
Hello? Danny was confused, why wasn’t he getting a response. Also why did his head and chest hurt so bad?
“Tt, what is the matter with him?”
The question, delivered in a haughty voice was like a bucket of ice water on his senses. He gasped and pushed away from where he’d been nuzzling some guy’s chest! Alarmed, he stumbled, but dodged the hands reaching for him, to support him, to catch him, he wasn’t sure. There was the big bat and the midget and the tank in the red helmet; the guy who felt like a ghost and he just wanted nothing more than to go back to him, and- Danny shuddered taking another step back, his face was hot and flaming red right now. This was, this was- he couldn’t-
Hiding his powers be damned; he sunk through the roof.
So embarrassing! He closed his eyes fighting tears as he sank down down down, all the way into the ground where they for sure couldn’t follow him. All the while his insides screamed, because he didn’t want to be lonely anymore. Fuck, he just wanted to go home.
He was so sick and tired of this city.
So... yeah hope you enjoyed this, now I can reveal why I blame Clock, they said and I quote "Danny, like a cat with catnip suddenly" and now Danny is a cat, what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Jason's gonna have to lure this feral ghost in slowly with food and hugs.
edited with link to the next part:next Masterpost where you can subscribe: link
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yorshie · 1 year
Dunno if you still take requests. But maybe for when you feel like it? (No pressure tho. You can totally ignore this if it isn't up you alley.)
How do them turtle dudes like to romance their honeys? Like who uses strategy (badly)? Who goes with the flow (also badly)? Who just blurts it out the first moment they realize what they're feeling (so SO badly)? And who just buries it behind heaps and heaps of repression (the absolute worst)?
And what about after being assured that their feelings are reciprocated? Is there a change in behavior or demeanor?
Cupcake Nonnie, I am so sorry. I have no excuse. I have no idea why this was so hard to write, or why it took so long.
I decided two birds one stone sort of thing with this one, a blurb about how exactly starting a relationship with each turtle might go, followed with headcanon style of what they would expect out of a relationship, how it would progress, and how a good relationship would affect them.
As always set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25, SFW
By the time Michelangelo asked you to be his girlfriend, you low key thought you’d already been going steady for about a month. The turtle shows up like clockwork every Friday at your place, with a pizza and a soda, and the two of you stay up late watching movies while cuddling on the couch. Several times, you’ve woken to him stealing a hug or a nuzzle before leaving before the sun’s up. 
So when he turns from the movie unexpectedly one night, the last item on your ‘what is Angelo about to ask me’ bingo card was a sheepish:
“Hey, babes, would you- will you be my girlfriend?”
You stared at him for a whole scene, taking in those baby blues, before you blurted out your own question. “I thought I already was?”
“Oh. Ok. Cool.” And he grinned like it was nothing, turning back to the tv, leaving you still staring at the side of his head like he’d turn back around with a ‘gotcha’. 
Needless to say, you didn’t pay attention to the rest of the movie. Mikey, to his credit, picked up on your mood during the credits, and you had a long conversation over what exactly the two of you wanted to be to the other.
Mikey’s love language is physical touch and quality time spent together
Angelo loves PDA. Soft kisses and nuzzles, hugs, you name it, he’ll try and get away with it. One of his favorite things to do, because he’s a little shit, is to see how many innuendos he can fit into a conversation while still maintaining decency, just to make you turn red and his brothers sigh in exasperation. 
Lowkey though, he doesn’t expect much from you other than your affection, and doesn’t have an overarching game plan. Sure, he celebrates anniversaries, but all the big milestones are simply tackled without him making a big deal out of them. One day you’ll just look up, realize you can’t tell where his stuff ends and yours begins, and have to come to terms with the fact that somehow the two of you are living together with no conversation about it happening.
Sunshine turtle approaches romance the same way he approaches life, with the firm belief that fun is the most important factor. Get ready for movie dates, late night parkour trips, canoodling on rooftops, etc. Just as often though, he will want to stay in. He’ll cook for you, cuddle while you while playing video games or watching a movie, include you in schemes and plans to drive his brothers crazy, anything to include you in his life or show off your bond to others. 
There isn’t a big difference to Mikey’s behavior after he knows you’re into him, though now when he gets in your space he doesn’t hold back from touching you. Turtle was a flirt beforehand, he’s a flirt afterwards. The only difference is, now when he says something you know eventually he will get around to trying it. He says something flirtatious that gets a reaction? He’s not gonna forget, and he’ll bring it up at a later date. 
He will stop flirting with everything that walks by eventually however. Guess calling you babes/babycakes/angelcakes in private had some spillover connotations (ie he can’t say it without thinking about you and it makes him gag trying to say it to anyone not you)
Donnie’s blurted out his feelings for you in the middle of the Lair during Sunday Football. You’d arrived to find the turtles acting weird, leaving the room whenever you entered to grab snacks, suddenly making excuses and disappearing so every time you were left with an increasingly nervous Donnie who seemed to trail you around the Lair. By the time kick off happened, Raph, who seemed increasingly edgy, asked you to bring him another beer from the kitchen. You readily agreed, but when you turned from the fridge with the cold can Donnie blocked the way back to the others.
“Hey Don. You ok?” You asked, giving him a smile, craning your head back to meet his wide eyes.
“I like you.” He blurted out, practically looming over you.
You tilted your head, fighting the blush, convincing yourself not to read too much into it. “I like you to, Dee.” 
When you went to move around him though, thinking the moment was over, he caught your hand, grip slightly sweaty. “No, I mean…” He waited for you to meet his eyes again, and he visibly swallowed. “I- I like you.”
You eyes widened, a second before your smile followed. “Oh! Dee…” You set the beer to the side, covered his hand with your own. “I like you too.”
His answering smile lit up the whole room.
Donnie’s love language is gift giving and quality time. 
This turtle wants affection, but he doesn’t always know how to ask for it. You’ll have to pick up on his little cues to catch what he wants. Such as, if you notice him standing over you for periods of time before moving off and then returning, he might want to cuddle, and is just working up to asking for it. If you want things to go smoothly between the two of you, it’d be prudent to make a list of things you’re comfortable with and things you aren’t. It’ll stop him from worrying over things like hand holding and kisses, if he knows you’ll welcome his advances, and it’ll save you some headache trying to parse out what his nonverbal cues are if he is given free reign to just tell you what he would like. 
Dee’s idea of romance is to spend time with you, in whatever way you’ll let him. If you want to park your butt and watch him tinker in his lab or the garage, this turtle is all for it. If you mention there’s a play you want to see or a museum you’d like to go to, he’s already scheming on how to get the two of you in. The turtle disguise doesn’t work as well on him since he’s so tall, but he can sit in the very back and turn into a ninja statue just for you. 
He makes gadgets for you to stay in touch when you’re not with him, and readily goes into tangents about things you’ve said or done, or projects he’s working on for you. His brothers have learned to tune him out to various success. 
As far as changes after the two of you start a relationship, it’s easy to say that that it’s leverage over him and his habits. If he needs to eat, sleep, or just get away from his computer’s before the blue screen fries his brain, his brothers send in you. He gets in a snippy mood and clearly needs a night out or a break, you’re the only one that can convince him to go. Ooo, feel the power.
With you in his corner, Donnie blooms. Yes, he’s a genius and a sarcastic little shit beforehand, but now he has a cheerleader, a partner in crime, someone to fuel his crazy schemes and to be his rubber ducky on occasion. Anytime any old doubt trickles in, he only has to turn to you and be reminded that someone is always there for him, through thick and thin.
You ended up confessing your feelings for Raph long before he’d gotten the courage to say anything. He probably would have continued to ignore his feelings, if you hadn’t cornered him in his weight room and spelled it out, angry that he’d been successfully giving you the cold shoulder for weeks.
“Hey, you wanna tell me what I did wrong, or are you gonna go sulk in the corner?” You asked, arms crossed and hip cocked, blocking the entrance to the weight room.
“M’not sulking.” Came the instant reply, though Raph didn’t turn to address you directly. “What’re you doin’ here?”
“Leo said I could find you here.” You narrowed your eyes as he rolled his.
“Course he did, stickin’ his nose into-”
“Your brother isn’t my concern, you are.”
“Yeah?” He grumbled, still not looking at you, moving to rack up the manhole covers on his bar. “Why’s that, princess?”
Normally, that nickname made you feel special. Now, it pissed you off. Made you stupidly, sarcastically honest. “It’s probably because I’m not into him, I’m into you, dum dum.”
The weights clanked loudly together, and he turned just his head, glared at you. “Oh, real funny. Don’t go jokin’ about that.”
“I’m hilarious.” You answered. “And I’m 100 percent serious, Raphael.”
He turned to face you fully, head cocked, eyes slowly going from defensive to wide the longer you stood your ground. “You serious?”
You nodded emphatically, and he snorted, ran his hand over his face. “Damn. That’s fucked, babygirl.”
“It is not!” You started angry, but the wide smile on his face broke you out of the emotion.
Raph’s love language is verbal affirmation and physical touch
Yea this turtle can’t decide which is worse, telling you how he feels or seeing his large hands next to your small ones. But he so desperately wants to find the words, so desperately wants to ask you to hold his hand. Expect for him to start coveting private moments with you. He’ll agonize over what to say, what to do. You’ll have to lead the way most of the time, at least at the beginning, until he gets over waiting for the other shoe to drop, for you to change your mind about him and all the issues that come along with him. 
Date nights with him are simple. He doesn’t like people, doesn’t like to be out of his comfort zone. He’d rather stay in with you, or up on the roofs where no one can see the two of you. He is very aware of how he is different from a human though, and so he will go out of his way to make sure he can bring normal things to the relationship. His gut instinct is to turn down anything new immediately, but all you have to do is pull out the goo goo eyes and he will bend. He wants to be helpful as possible to you to make up for the things he can’t do, and it’s up to you to make sure he understands how appreciated he is.
He loves to hear you voice your feelings for him, but he won’t outright ask for confirmation. Expect quiet moments where the two of you simply exist in the same space, or maybe cuddling while talking. Raph doesn’t like to be reminded of how different the two of you are though, so you might spend some time reassuring him that you love him, without telling him you don’t care about how different he is, because he will not believe you, or worse will get upset.
The differences in Raph are a long way down the line. At first, he might be even a little more standoffish, doubt and worry overtaking his usual responses. You’ll have to be dedicated to get anywhere past the initial ‘there’s no way this is gonna work, we’re both crazy for thinking this would work, you’re crazy for liking me, and I’m crazy for listening’ phase that will grip him hard. If you can weasel past that, however, be prepared to have someone that will never give up on you, ever. You’ll have a significant other that will come to your aid at the drop of a pin, at the first sign of trouble. 
He’ll mellow out over time, become a little softer around the edges and a little less ‘the world is out to get me and mine’. He might even tolerate his brothers’ teasings over the two of you, as long as they do it where you can’t hear, trading huffs and denial for small smiles and easy laughter at their pointed questions.
You found Leo waiting at your window, the same way you’d found him countless times. This time however, when you let him in, you were concerned at his formal movements. He was always careful, but now he was watching you as though waiting for something.
“Hey, Blue?” You asked, moving automatically to start tea, the way you had every time he came to visit. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” He answered, and you could tell it was a knee jerk reaction, but you let it slide.
“M’kay, well, I was just about to start dinner? How does that sweet chicken with the rice I made last month sound?” You asked, already knowing his answer, moving to grab the ingredients.
He surprised you by moving into your space, catching your hand. “Can we talk, for a moment, first?” 
You turned to give him your attention, careful to keep your movements slow as you took his hand. “Sure. Of course.”
Leo stood there for a moment, petting his thumb over the back of your hand, before he took a deep breath. “Stop me if I’m overstepping, but I need to speak my mind.” 
At your nod, he continued. “I like you, more than a friend, more than I should. I wanted- wondered, that is, if you could feel the same for me?”
If he had lifted his head at all, he would have seen your answer in the high wattage smile plastered across your face.
Leo’s love language is verbal affirmation and quality time spent together
This turtle has thought of everything. He’s intimately turned his feelings for you over and over in his mind, viewed them from every angle to inspect for marks or imperfections before he even accepts how he feels for you. Once he’s accepted them, get ready for slow burn romance. He has a sequence of steps the two of you must dance through in his head, and if you try and skip any steps he will want to backtrack to correct it. You want to hold hands for the first time and share a first kiss? He’s not going to turn down smooches, but he might not even notice you are posed for one, considering he’s too busy marveling at the feel of your much smaller hand in his.
Dates are simple things, he’s too paranoid to sneak into movies like Donnie or Mikey, instead he’ll go for walks with you, try and spot stars with you through the light pollution. If you want to do nothing but watch movies and lay against him, he’s in heaven, but he absolutely loves to hear you read from books out loud to him.
Expect lots of talks with Leo, but it’s less about sharing information and more he just wants to hear your voice, turn his brain off and simply exist for a moment where no one expects anything from him. Not to say he doesn’t listen, and not to say what you tell him isn’t important, but its calming to listen to simple workplace gossip after dealing with crime fighting and high stakes espionage. On the flip side, there will be times when he comes to you clearly lost in his head. In those instances, he just wants to be reminded that you care for him, that you’re by his side, that you willingly chose to be with him.
Most of the changes with Leo are the two of you are together happen privately, after all he is a very private person. The others don’t get to see him unravel, set aside everything bothering him. The first time you realized you cracked the code, is when Leo told you something that was bothering him, without getting defensive. Like he knew even if you disagreed with him there would be no judgement. After that, the two of you were inseparable. 
The only outwards change, that everyone picks up on, is his sense of humor. Before, it only came out in high stress situations, during fights, one-liners to goad others into making mistakes. But after meeting you, it morphs into quiet, humorous observations. The first time he dropped a joke in the middle of dinner just to make you snort into your soup, his brothers froze, wondering what the hell was happening. Raph legit asked Donnie if body snatching was a thing and if they needed to quarantine Leo. 
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rotten-pomegranate · 5 months
Uhmmmm, I don’t have too many ideas…But how do the yanderes in the phantom troupe like the chase/brattiness ? I brain rot thinking about being chased in the deep woods around where a Yandere keeps their darling
The idea of being caught, of the different reactions. Of being dragged back to the prison of a home or even being punished still in the swamp or dirt <3
Hnnnn just thinking! I’ll try to come up with some ideas later on to quench my thirst for your writing🙏
Yandere Phantom troupe members chasing darling through the woods
Warnings: torture, punishment, hitting, yandere, chasing, some Noncon, spanking, oral, abuse
Characters: Chrollo, Feitan, phinks, shalnark, uvogin, machi, Pakunoda, shizuku, Nobonuga. I only did the characters people like ;-;
Also sorry this took so damn long it got lost in the void
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Chrollo was testing you, he wanted to know if you where well trained or if you needed some more disciplining
He makes sure you don’t hear the loud lock clip into place, he makes sure you hear him leave and drive away then he just waits
When he hears you leave he gives you a few minutes to see if you’ll change your mind, when you don’t he calmly yells your name
When he actually starts chasing you he’ll make himself as quiet as possible, you aren’t gonna know he was close until you get tackled into the dirt in the middle of the woods
He wouldn’t been gentle of you behaved and just walked back to him like you should’ve but not now, now your going home and getting punished
Feitan wants you to run, he wants an excuse to drag you down to the basement and lock you in the chair just like he’s don’t to do many victims before.
He says he’ll be gone for a few days and that he’s leaving you unchained so you can eat and use the bathroom without trouble, but in reality he’s just waiting in the shed to see if you’ll take the bait
He locks the door but leaves the keys in his nightstand right where he made sure you saw him put them days earlier
When he sees you leave he grabs you and lets you know you have a head start, catching something right away isn’t fun after all
When he gets you just hope you didn’t excite him to much because if you do he’s gonna pin you down and fuck you before you can even get back to the house
he didn’t have a lot of hope, he wanted to know if you would chose to stay with him if given the opportunity to leave
Obviously you wouldn’t, he kidnapped you, yelled at you for everything and abused you in the most intimate way possible just because he was bigger and stronger then you, he knew you couldn’t do anything
So when he left the door cracked open of course you took the opportunity, you did not expect to see him standing right outside it though, pressed up against the wall so you wouldn’t see him
He garbs you and slams you against the wall, tells you how the door is open and he’s giving you a thirty second head start before he catches and punishes you for trying to get away, he also lets you know your punishment is a broken leg so you better run like hell
Shalnark is out doing somthing and he sees you on the cameras, he’s sad that your trying to get away but not surprised
He’s not even worried, he has cameras all over the woods by his house and your prison
He finishes what he was doing and drives home at a normal speed, but when he gets there it all changes, he lets his presence be known and he yells that if you come out now the punishment will be fast and easy, maybe he’ll spank you once for every camera he seen you on, or maybe you can suck him off and call it a night
But no of course not, you had to be difficult, you had to keep running, now what he’s gonna do is run after you and beat you up when he finds you, all with that sweet little face of his, smiling down at you while he kicks you in the stomach
When he brings you home it’s gonna be hell to, just him using your tied up body as a sex slave, and he won’t out a antenna in you either, he wants you to remember it all
Uvogin is a beast but he’s not stupid, not stupid enough to leave the door to the house unlocked no he did that purpose, he just wants a good chase, one that he gets a reward at the end of, your the reward by the way
He waits in a tree until he sees you start running down the pathway he let you decorate with flowers, how ungrateful he’ll be sure to make you show him how grateful you are while he’s using you body
He’s makes sure you know he’s fallowing you, he’s loud and he’s talking about the stuff he’s gonna do to you when he gets you, talking about how he naught break you hips while he’s gripping them and using you like a fleshlight or how he’s not gonna gag you because he wants to hear you
He’s gonna fully tackle you to the ground when he’s close enough but he won’t do it right away, he does want a chase
He’s pinning you down and ripping you cloths off right there in the dirt under the moonlight
When he’s done he leaves, you better fallow him in your pitiful fucked out necked form if you Wanna clean up and get a bath when you get home even though as soon as you walk through the door your just getting fucked again and again no matter how much you scream no
Machi genuinely forgot to lock the door, she was focused on something else and just left it open
She was half way to her destination when she just got a hunch that something was off and she was right there you where just disappearing into the woods when she pulled in to the driveway
She’s mad at you for running and herself for giving you the chance to
She uses her nen threads to catch you, putting the all around to you can’t move without getting small painful cuts from invisible threads
When you finally stop she’s gonna calmly walk towards you and drag you back to the house, she’s not gonna punish you to bad because she did leave the door unlocked so she’ll do something simple like a spanking or having you sleep on the floor
Pakunoda this sweet women was just trying to give you some freedom, she was letting you move around the house freely but only the window in your room was sealed shut
She gets home with some sushi and soft silk pyjamas for you and her but your nowhere to be found, she’s so sad the you left her after she was so nice
She understands she kidnapped you but she really thought you where getting used to her
She’s so gentle when bringing you back home, your emotions are already so wild at the moment she doesn’t wanna set a permanent image of herself as scary
She so calmly brings you to your room and talks to you about how she hates punishing you but she has no choice
She spanks you with a paddle and makes you count, she gives you thirty spanks before she holds you and gives your the pyjamas and sushi, she’s so sweet about it, telling you it could’ve been different if you just didn’t run away
She forgot to lock the door, poor girl is trying her hardest to manage having you locked in a room while continuously forgetting everything
She’s just drinking her morning tea when she sees you running into the forest outside, she’s so confused at first, like no that can’t be them, they are sleeping in their room
Your weren’t, she went to check and finds out it was you, she gets blinky to tear the forest apart so she can find you
She literally doesn’t care, she just puts you back in your room and gives you breakfast
She has no shits to give
Nobunaga takes it the hardest he gets home and just freaks the fuck out
Screaming, ripping your house apart and then going outside and doing the same to the forest
Your poor little self will be running for dear life while he’s talking about you never getting anything ever again
Another one that completely jumps on you and takes the breath out of your lungs
He’s just holding you into the dirt by your neck saying how dangerous it is out here and how you guys have to go back to the house now
He’s gonna make you show him how sorry you are as soon as your in the door don’t worry
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lukolabrainrot · 11 days
Calm theory anon here and I seen an ask as I was scrolling that made me think. One question was why would Luke continue to see Ant if she was involved with pap gate? And another question was why would he continue to date ant it he knew it was hurting nic? So let's tackle the first one. My question to you is do you automatically think the worst of the people in your life? Do you automatically have bad things happens and assume it's someone attached to you? I personally don't. I think to figure out who was behind pap gate would be difficult and he might have just assumed they followed him from the after party to the hotel. He might not have even put two and two together. We know the girl been baiting the fans but an outsider would just think she taking pictures and posting them. So why would Luke think any type of different? To him she wasn't nasty. She I'm sure showed all her best qualities to him. Remember even though they been "seeing" each other for a year he's been gone for most of that. So did he really know her? No how can he when he spent so much time touring, and even when he was back I'm sure he was exhausted in between countries. So yes there is a possibly he didn't put two and two together. We still don't know who called them we still have just theories and I'm sure he's not gonna ask backgrid who called. Actually why would he even go that route mentally and assume it was his people? I'm sure that thought didn't come in his head till it became a pattern which was Italy. Now why would he continue dating Ant if Nic was hurting? Now this one made me pause a bit. Why would he? then it dawned on me who to even say they had that discussion on how they feel about each other. How would he know how she felt unless she told him? I personally am a people pleaser and honestly at times it sucks. I always put myself last. So it goes to stand if Nic knew he was seeing her then why would she get in the way of his relationship? She would never be the reason they broke up. Men naturally are able to communicate feelings as good as woman are. They are naturally logical thinkers. They react to issues using logic where as woman react using feelings. So Nic did why I would have done thrown herself into work and just have some fun try not to dwell on something you can't change. I seen an article that spoke on she went from the Tour to straight to filming. She didn't have to dwell in the Luke stuff cuz she kept herself busy. Now personally I think they have talked since then. I think it was after Italy. Who knows if they spoken feelings? But i do think things are moving in the right direction. Hey maybe this JD photos got a certain person moving.
Hard to know EXACTLY what's been going on BTS with L/N since the beginning of the year. I personally think they have seriously been working on their romantic relationship since the Italy stop of the WT. I think papgate threw a wrench in everything though and things were definitely not all rainbows and sunshine between L/N this summer. I think they took some space this summer to figure out there stuff, and there was some type of positive shift between them after the Italy bday trip. I also personally think things have been kind of off and on between L/N for a while, and they have known each other so long, that if they can get on the same page, I think things will get serious pretty quickly. And I have this theory (based on everything I've seen between them this year and PARTICULARLY N's chaos week), that they have finally gotten on the same page 😉
I am also going to say this. I think it speaks VOLUMES what L/N have on their public grid of each other (and the other people in their lives they DON'T choose to put on their grid). Especially N (who's a lot more SM savy than L). I've said it before, and I'll say it again. L (not Colin) is ALL OVER N'S GRID 🤔
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