#It's gonna be a hot minute before I get to the end but I'll update y'all on my progress every once and awhile
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Wish me luck everyone- this fall/winter will be the seasons I get through Bleach! I'm determined to watch it!
Y'all want updates? 👀
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fuck-customers · 6 months
If you don't have the balls to come talk to me directly like a big girl and try to shame me over the radio in front of our coworkers, don't be mad when I call your ass out.
At my job, in order to clock in/out, we have to first sign into the desktop computer to get to the homepage that has the timeclock program shortcut. Think of it like windows 95 where each family member had a different log in to use the same desktop computer. The system also forces us to update our password every few months and sometimes doesn't register the new password after it has been changed. (yay technology)
SO when I tried to clock IN, the computer wouldn't accept the password that I changed it to a few days ago and I had to ask my coworker log into the computer so I could just clock in. I went about my shift as usual and planned to change my password before leaving for the day.
10 minutes or so before my shift ends, I have no customers and finished my tasks and I have a bit of downtime to change my password, so I get on the computer in between customers to do that. The computer is right next to the register and I make sure to watch the line and stop what I'm doing to ring up customers/answer the phone/etc. Changing my password takes only about 5 minutes.
Now, rather than coming up to me directly to privately talk to me and allowing me to explain the situation and why I'm on the computer, my chickenshit ASM decides to try to shame me over the radio for all of our coworkers to hear. (And probably some customers, because there weren't enough headsets for all the radios today-I know I had to use my radio with no earpiece) But I was not in the fucking mood for her shit and clapped back a little bit.
(I'll use a fake name, but similar enough to convey the idea)
*I see the ASM slinking around the register area a minute or two before this, but assumed she had some project to work on. She was alone and could clearly see when I was with a customer or not to come talk to me privately.*
ASM, over radio: "Whitney, if you don't have any customers, you should be doing something productive, like cleaning up the registers or the front end."
Me, not feeling so hot in the first place and hates her guts: "FIRST OF ALL, my name is BRITTANY, NOT Whitney. SECOND OF ALL, my login wouldn't work and I had to have Melissa log in to the computer just so I could clock in when I got here, so I'm trying to fix it so I don't have to bother anyone else when I need to clock out, since my shift is over in 5 minutes."
There was absolutely no need to make an issue of this at all and if you're gonna call yourself a manager, then you should be managing real people by talking to them like adults. Sometimes there's a legitimate reason for why they might be doing something a different or unconventional way.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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rabbitsrams · 9 months
angel — jschlatt x reader
based on the song "angel" by pinkpantheress
buckle up, she's angsty.
wc: 554
y/n's diary: dec. 9, 2023 ♡ schlatt's gonna take me out tomorrow. i'm really excited. it's been a while since we've seen each other. with his job and mine, it's been kind of hell. sure we've been texting and occasionally calling, but it's not the same. i miss his touch, i miss how his hands grip my fingers when they're cold. i miss him having his arm around me when we're on the railroad. he's just… everything to me. and i wish under better circumstanses we can see each other more. because no one is as romantic as him, i want you to know. he's my angel. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: dec. 10, 2023 ♡ he flaked. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: dec. 11, 2023 ♡ he hasn't texted me since saturday night. he can't check his phone, so he can't tell me he's okay. that's what i'm telling myself. he somehow can't get to the phone and that's why he flaked. why he left me waiting for him in the freezing cold. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: dec. 24, 2023 ♡ my baby just went away. he's gone. i'm blocked everywhere. i don't understand. so now i'll have to spend christmas crying in my room alone. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: dec. 27, 2023 ♡ my angel, you're what haunts me now that you're away. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: oct. 2, 2024 ♡ dang. it's been a hot minute since i've opened this book. everyone's telling me that life is hard but it's a piece of cake. i'm doing just fine. or, at least i was. i haven't thought about schlatt since i threw this book into my closet. i haven't gotten any answers from him since that day, but i made peace with it. it's okay. he's just another L. i'm never gonna allow myself to fall in love again. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: mar. 19, 2025 ♡ since this is my jSHIT diary, guess i'll update. i saw him today. just casually shopping like everything was normal. he had an arm around another girl. a girl who strangely looked like me. like i was easily replaceable. i wanted to cause a scene. i wanted to march up to them and scream till my lungs gave out before slapping him in the face. i really wanted to do that. but i didn't. he did catch my eye when i was leaving and he was still inside. that's all the closure i needed. i waited till i was home to scream. then i started writing in here. i'm fine. life's a piece of fucking cake. —————————————————————————————————— y/n's diary: mar. 20, 2025 ♡ he showed up at my apartment today. i should have slammed the door in his face as soon as i saw him. but instead i let him into my home. angel recognized him. she started thumping as soon as she saw him. that little bunny knew from the beginning that it was a bad idea. he did end up explaining why he flaked and ghosted me. it was honestly quite bullshit in my opinion but eh. oh well. it's been more than a year. it's over and has been. he can take his life and that girl and shove it. life's a piece of cake, after all.
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thefreakydeaky · 11 months
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part Eight
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Negan Smith x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language, I'll add more warnings as I post, so please check the warnings for updates on each chapter.
You parked your suv outside of your mother's house and turned to Hunter and Millie.
"Everybody remember the rules?"
"Don't touch anything." Hunter replied. "And don't go to other rooms."
"No playing rough and no running around." You reminded him.
He nodded.
Once you got Millie out of the car seat, you walked up the lawn to the front door and rang the doorbell.
You stood there for a few minutes and when no one came, you pressed the button again. Another few minutes passed and finally you heard the door being opened.
"Hello Sweetheart." Your mom greeted you, pulling you toward her to hug you.
"I see you brought Camilla with you."
"Of course, I did. Why wouldn't I?"
"I thought your mother in law babysat for you?"
You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
"Ma doesn't watch Millie all the time only if I really really can't find anyone else to watch her."
"Oh? Why is that?"
"She's in her late seventies. She can't be chasing after a little kid."
"Neither can I and yet I babysit for you regularly."
"First of all, you're only in your sixties. Secondly you won't have to chase her. I'm here. She will be fine, Mom."
She gestured for you to go passed her into the house and you did. The large foyer was redecorated in a classic italian style, earth tones, marble, and metal work. You waited for your son to catch up to you before you headed into the formal living room.
"Would you like something to drink? Iced tea, Lemonade?" She offered.
You declined, but Hunter asked for lemonade.
"I don't know if I have any plastic cups. Let me see." She left the room.
You could see Wyatt in the dining room doing homework. You went up to him and touched his shoulder.
"Hey Pumpkin, You okay?"
He nodded.
"We're gonna leave soon, so start getting your things together."
"Kay." He replied.
Your phone rang. Adjusting Millie on your hip, you picked it up.
"Hello, Doll."
You sighed and hurried back to the living room.
"What do you want? I'm busy."
"Hey now, I just wanted to check in. You didn't pick the kid up from practice today."
"You're right. I didn't and I won't be."
"Why the hell not?"
"Because you can't seem to get it through your fucking head that I don't want anything more to do with you!" You snapped.
He laughed.
"It's not funny. I mean it. Stay the fuck away from me." You stated.
"Oh it is funny. It's funny how you keep forgetting that I have the power to ruin your life."
Your finger slid toward the end call button.
"If you insist on not co operating, I'm going to explode your whole fucking world."
You gasped sharply.
"I want to know if the girl is mine. You are going to fucking meet me at the San Jose Clinic on Donovan road at eleven tomorrow or I'm going to show up at your house and ruin your six o'clock dinner time."
You squeezed the phone tightly in your fist.
"Are you done?"
"Don't take this lightly. I am a man of my word."
"I heard you. Can I hang up now?"
"Just one more thing," He added, "You look foxy today. Those leggings hug your body just right and that top...Mmm mmm mm..."
Your cheeks warmed.
"I see you. Even when you think nobody's looking."
You clenched your jaw. Your mom came back into the room and you relaxed your facial expression.
"Thank you for reminding me of my appointment. I'll be there. Good Bye." You forced yourself to say and hung up.
"Who was that, Sweetheart?" Your mom asked.
You put a small smile on your face.
"Just the doctor's office." You lied.
"How civil of you to talk to them. I just hang up.I know when my appointment is. I'm not senile."
You nodded in aknowledgement.
He sat in his truck watching the large two story house. It didn't matter what you said. You were his. It was simply the truth. There was no going back to your old life. He couldn't believe you hadn't realized that yet.Before long, you were coming down the lawn, your ducklings trailing behind you. He watched you all get into the suv. He waited for you to drive off down the road for a second before he followed behind you. Just far enough behind to avoid suspicion.
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Granting Favors 14 - Dances and Darkness
The day after accidentally hugging Azul, Jamil learns about an upcoming party at the Cultural Festival. As he wonders how he could ever bring himself to ask Azul out, someone in the VDC team slowly starts to crack . . .
Word Count: 5,129
Author's Note:
Finally an update after five months!! Thank you all so much for waiting! :'>
And thank you so much to @patchyegg87 for helping me with editing this chapter. I hadn't written for this fic in so long that it was a little difficult to get back into the rhythm of it, and I'm very grateful for her help~
I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3
(more notes at the end)
Jamil opened his eyes, seeing the unmistakable purple-silver of Azul’s hair. How long had he been pressing his face against it? Did he do anything else while he was asleep? Did he talk?
He took a breath to calm himself. What’s more important right now was to move away from Azul without waking him up. Azul didn’t even mean to fall asleep here last night; what if he woke up to Jamil hugging him from behind and accused him of being a creep?
Very slowly, Jamil lifted his arm from Azul’s waist, and moved away inch by inch until he got off the bed and stood unsteadily on the floor. He turned to get his phone from the nightstand and turn off his alarm, but he moved too quickly and his hand hit the lamp.
He caught it before it could fall, but the thing was so old and fragile that the lampshade and lightbulb got detached and fell to the floor. There was a crunch as the lightbulb cracked.
“Damn, that was my only light,” he cursed softly. The main lightbulb on the ceiling tended to flicker at random times, so he preferred to use the lamp whenever he needed light in the room, but it looked like that wouldn’t be possible now.
He steadied what remained of the lamp, then picked up the fallen lamp shade and lightbulb and put them back on the nightstand. He’d check later if the bulb would still work.
His phone lit up and the alarm rang. He felt an instinctive panic for a second, but reminded himself that it was alright now for Azul to wake up since he had moved away from him already.
He turned off the alarm as Azul began to stir on the bed. The Octavinelle Prefect sat up and blinked slowly, looking around in confusion. When his eyes landed on Jamil, realization dawned on his face.
“Oh dear,” Azul said and quickly got down from the bed and stood up, smoothing out his clothes. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here and take up space on your bed.”
Azul reached up to fix his hair, and Jamil tried not to stare as his fingers ran through those soft locks that he had been nuzzling just minutes ago.
“Your glasses are here,” Jamil said to distract himself. He picked them up from his nightstand and handed them to Azul.
Azul took the glasses and wore them. “I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“No,” Jamil shook his head. “I fell asleep almost immediately after you did.”
“You could have woken me up, you know,” Azul said as he took his backpack from the floor.
Jamil crossed his arms. “You rarely go to sleep early, I wasn’t gonna ruin it. Now let's go downstairs before Vil accuses me of oversleeping."
They went down to the lounge and ran into Yuu holding a cup of what looked like hot chocolate.
"Oh hey, guys! I didn't know you were still here," Yuu said to Azul.
"Ah, yes, I had accidentally fallen asleep while working on our project." Azul adjusted his glasses. "I hope I had not overstayed my welcome."
"Of course not! You're welcome to stay over anytime," Yuu smiled and headed to the kitchen.
"I should get going," Azul glanced at his watch. "Thank you for letting me stay the night."
"No problem. Our next schedule to work on the project is at lunch, right?" Jamil asked. They had two hours of lunchbreak and they decided to use most of it for their project.
"Yes, after Alchemy," Azul replied.
Jamil nodded. "Right, I'll see you then."
Azul tipped his head politely and smiled before heading out the door.
Jamil went to shower and stood under the water for a while, hoping the cold would help his mind forget what he had done in his sleep last night.
Morning classes went by without much trouble. They fortunately had less workload because of the upcoming festival; the teachers were busy preparing for it, too. He just had Alchemy left then it would be lunchtime.
A colorful poster on the bulletin board caught his eye, it was made by the Film Appreciation Club advertising the party they would be holding at the festival.
Jamil recalled how the senior members of the club had visited their Magical History class earlier to announce the event, explaining that it would have a buffet and a dance floor. He didn't think much of it, until after the club members left and his classmates started whispering about who they were going to take as dates to the dance.
He didn't know why, but his eyes had instinctively sought out Azul a few seats away from him, though Azul was busy continuing to answer the seatwork that got interrupted by the event announcement.
Now that he had seen the poster, questions nagged at the back of his mind. Should he ask Azul to the party? Would Azul even want to go at all, considering he didn't like eating a lot or dancing?
Anyway, the festival was still several days away, so he had a lot of time to think about whether he should ask Azul. He wasn't too worried about someone else asking him. Most of the students still found the Octavinelle Prefect intimidating; Jamil couldn't imagine any of them having the guts to ask Azul to go with them to such an event.
It was at the end of Alchemy when he realized he might be proven wrong.
They were all packing up their things after Professor Crewel dismissed them, and Jamil overheard a particular conversation a few seats behind him.
"Are you guys going to that party by the Film Club?"
"I dunno, not really into dance parties."
"I should like to go, yes. And I'm planning to snag myself a handsome date to go with me."
Normally Jamil didn't care for conversations that he wasn't a part of, but something about that person's smug and confident tone made him glance over.
His fellow Second Year had a Pomefiore armband, but he couldn't remember his name at the moment. More importantly, though, was where he was looking.
Jamil followed his gaze and saw Azul by the shelves, double-checking the test tubes for cracks before returning them to their holders.
The Pomefiore guy stood up, and before he knew it, Jamil was already making his way to Azul.
"Hey," he said when he got behind the Octavinelle Prefect. "Those test tubes look fine. Let's head to the library now."
Jamil subtly looked over at the Pomefiore student. He was caught up in conversation with another friend, but he was much nearer to them now. At any moment he would be reaching Azul.
"Just making sure," Azul said, putting the last test tube back on the rack. "I wouldn't want to get blamed for cracked test tubes when Professor checks the equipment."
The conversation close behind Jamil seemed to be ending already, and he found himself tapping his foot restlessly while waiting for Azul to be ready to leave.
"Alright, everything looks good," Azul said, adjusting his glasses. "Shall we?"
Jamil exhaled a sigh of relief. "Yeah."
He started pushing Azul toward the exit, joining the flow of students who were in a hurry to leave and get lunch.
Jamil kept glancing over his shoulder while they walked, and fortunately they lost the Pomefiore guy among the bigger crowd of students in the hallway.
"Well, I'd never seen you be so eager to go to the library before," Azul said with mild surprise on his face.
Jamil realized that he still had his palms pressed against Azul's back, gently pushing him to move forward.
He immediately let go and took a step back.
"Uh, yeah. We'd be working there for about two hours and I wanna get a good seat since we'd be staying that long," Jamil lied through his teeth. Their seating wasn't really his priority at the moment.
Azul nodded thoughtfully. "Good point. We should head to the more spacious tables before other students take them."
They headed to the library and took a seat near the back where the couches and bigger tables were.
Blueprints and notebooks were scattered on their table, and they had been working for about half an hour when a voice spoke.
"Azul, I had hoped to find you here."
Jamil looked up to see the smiling face of the Pomefiore Second Year.
This time Jamil remembered his name. He recalled it because of the way that his dark brown hair was combed more properly than it had been at Alchemy–Jamil could swear that it even had a subtle shine to it now–and he had replaced his school uniform jacket with a fancier-looking blue and white coat.
Hansel Finnegan of the Southern Isles. The bastard had dressed up for the occasion of asking Azul out.
"Hansel," Azul said in surprise, straightening up into a more formal posture. "To what do I owe this visit?"
"Please," Hansel elegantly waved a hand. "You know you can call me Hans."
Something about the way he said it reminded Jamil of another guy wearing fancy clothes.
"Please, just 'Rielle' would be fine."
It did not help his irritation.
Hansel smoothly sat across from Azul, not even acknowledging Jamil's existence. "I came here because I wanted to know if Mostro Lounge would be catering the Film Club's event. You know how much I adore your dishes."
Azul raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Really now? Then shouldn't you be having lunch at Mostro Lounge?"
Hansel chuckled. "I did go there just now, but they said you weren't in, and I wanted to speak with you personally."
"Oh?" Azul said with interest. "I should tell you that I don't do my usual contracts anymore, but I'm sure we can come up with an arrangement," he said with his polished businessman smile.
Jamil wanted to thwack him in the head with a rolled-up blueprint. He really thought Hansel was after him for business?
"Wonderful," Hansel said sweetly. "An 'arrangement' sounds too formal, but would you—"
"Azul," Jamil said a little too loudly.
Both of them turned to Jamil, looking startled.
"Yes?" Azul asked.
"Do you wanna go to the party with me?" he blurted out. He stopped breathing and his hand clenched his pencil tightly as he held Azul's gaze.
Azul's eyes widened and a faint pink colored his cheeks. "I—" he cleared his throat and assumed a more neutral facial expression. "Yes, I would like that."
"Cool," Jamil said lamely, feeling his heart thumping in his chest.
Azul turned back to Hansel. "Now, where were we? It's currently not my business hours so I can only spare you a bit of time, but you can come back to my office at Mostro Lounge later after classes."
Jamil relished the glare that Hansel was giving him. Yeah, now you notice me, asshole, he didn't bother to hide his smirk.
Hansel's expression soured, then he turned back to Azul. "No, never mind."
He stood up to leave, but looked at Azul one more time. "It has been nice speaking with you. Have fun with your… friend." He looked at Jamil pointedly then walked away.
"What was that about?" Azul asked him quietly after Hansel disappeared out of their sight.
"Who knows," Jamil glanced down at the blueprint he was working on. "Hansel had always been a weird guy."
"I wasn't referring to him."
Jamil looked up at Azul again and saw that he was raising his eyebrow curiously.
"What?" Jamil tried to sound neutral.
"Don't play dumb, Viper, it doesn't suit you." Azul shook his head. "Why suddenly ask me to the party in the middle of a conversation with someone else?"
"Oh I'm sorry," Jamil's voice was sharp with sarcasm. "You didn't want your conversation with the pretty boy to be interrupted? Well he interrupted us first, just showing up in the middle of our work."
Azul's lips pressed together in a hard line and he turned away from Jamil, continuing on writing in his notebook as if nothing happened.
Jamil felt sick to his stomach. He hadn't meant to lash out like that, but everything happened too fast and he instinctively felt defensive.
"Because I wanted to go with you," he mumbled, feeling his face warm.
"What?" Azul looked at him in surprise, as if he wasn't expecting Jamil to speak again so soon.
Jamil averted his eyes, and he couldn't help the frown on his face. "I wanted to go with you, and if I hadn't asked you when I did, Hansel would have beaten me to it."
"Hansel was going to ask me to the party?" Azul sounded genuinely confused.
Jamil looked at him and his frown deepened. "Wow, you really are oblivious, huh?"
Azul shook his head dismissively. "If Hansel were indeed going to ask me to go to the party with him, it would be because he wants to flaunt me to his friends. He did the same thing last year when he took Kristoff Andersen to Mostro Lounge's grand opening. He merely wants arm candy, he doesn't like me."
"And how would you know? You can never tell when people like you," Jamil said irritably.
Azul frowned. "How was I supposed to know that about Rielle? We rarely interacted in school, it didn't make sense."
I'm not talking about Prince Rielle, you blind octopus, Jamil barely stopped himself from saying. 
"Whatever," he shook his head and cleared away their previous sketches on the table to make more space. "Let's just get back to work."
"I wouldn't have gone with Hansel, anyway," Azul said quietly, turning a page in his notebook and continuing to write. "Even if he asked me."
Jamil looked at him. His thoughts were overlapping, and he couldn't grasp what words he should say next.
He took a breath and remembered Rook's advice.
Honest, honest. Come on.
"Well I'm… glad you wanna go with me," his voice faded out so much that he wasn't sure if Azul had heard him.
He pursed his lips and went to label the parts in the blueprints, like what he should have been doing instead of all these distractions.
"Admittedly, I'm surprised you asked me," Azul turned to him. "I wouldn't have thought that going to such events was something you'd like to do."
"It sounded fun when the Film Club members were announcing it," Jamil said, even though he barely remembered the details. "And if it turns out to be false advertising, I can always entertain myself by watching you complain about the food presentation."
A smile pulled at the corner of Azul's mouth. "So you're bringing me along as your personal entertainer?"
Jamil shrugged. "Things are always more fun when you're there with me."
Azul looked surprised for a moment, then he chuckled and adjusted his glasses.
Jamil realized that Azul was trying to hide the hint of pink that had dusted his cheeks.
If being honest would get such reactions out of Azul, then Jamil could get used to it much easier.
"Consider me honored," Azul said playfully and went back to writing in his notebook.
Jamil should get back to work as well, instead he found himself staring.
The library's soft lighting highlighted Azul's features; the way his forehead was furrowed slightly in concentration, his eyelashes that subtly reflected the light whenever he blinked, the slope of his neck.
Jamil forced himself to turn back to the blueprint, fighting a smile at the thought that Azul chose him over Hansel Finnegan.
They were on a break from rehearsals, and Jamil was walking down the corridors of Pomefiore. He didn’t have a destination in mind, but it was nice to just be alone for a while in the quiet of the dorm, especially after what just happened.
Their breaktime would be longer than usual, considering that two of their group members had walked out. Rook had followed Deuce, but Jamil had no idea if that helped at all.
“That little potato doesn’t appreciate my efforts at all,” Vil’s offended voice said quietly from around the corner.
Jamil stopped in his tracks.
“Now, now, it isn’t like that, mon étoile,” Rook’s voice says reassuringly. "Our little Pommette might just be getting overwhelmed by it all. Unlike you, my dear, he's not used to being in the spotlight with such expectations."
Vil huffed, but didn't contradict him.
"He wants to be strong, yes? Then you only need to explain how his inherent adorableness would help him achieve that," Rook said optimistically.
"I'm not sure I even have the patience for any more explaining," Vil replied, irritation evident in his voice.
"Why don't you get some rest for a few minutes?" Rook said gently. "It wouldn't hurt to take some time to yourself for a while, everyone else is resting for now."
"I can't be just like everyone else, Rook," Vil snaps, the bite sharp in his voice. "Not if I want to defeat Neige."
Jamil had never heard Vil speak like that before, especially not to Rook.
Cautiously, Jamil stepped forward and peeked around the corner. He saw Vil's face and instinctively held his breath.
The Pomefiore Prefect's beautiful features were twisted in an expression that seemed to run deeper than anger, something almost disturbing that made goosebumps appear on Jamil's arms.
A casual observer might not notice anything strange from Rook's stance, but Jamil could see that he was leaning away from Vil ever so subtly. Rook, whom he had never known to be afraid or even shy away from anything.
Rook blinked and put on his usual smile. "Then how about you post that photo of you drinking the apple juice that Epel's family had sent us? You had been planning to do that this afternoon, right? Perhaps when our dear Epel finds out that you like the product that his family sent, it might soften him up a little and you two would be able to have a proper chat?"
“Fine,” Vil huffed, his expression mellowing under Rook's calm voice. “I might as well be productive while on this break. Posting on MagiCam would give our team more online presence."
Jamil could hear Vil’s high heels clicking against the floor as he walked away.
He took a breath and stepped into the next corridor.
“Ah, monsieur!” Rook greeted him cheerfully as if nothing amiss had happened. “On your way to the cafeteria?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jamil said, even though he didn’t really have a destination in mind. “Is… Vil okay?” he asked hesitantly.
“Of course,” Rook nodded reassuringly. “He and Epel do get into arguments sometimes, but it’s nothing that they cannot resolve eventually.”
“Has it ever been that bad before?” Jamil furrowed his eyebrows.
Rook hesitated for the briefest moment, and worry flickered across his eyes, but he hid it with a bright smile. “Don’t worry anymore about the both of them, I shall personally make sure that they are on good terms again before this day is up. How about you, then? How is Monsieur de l’Effort?”
“Oh, um…” Jamil looked down at his feet as he and Rook walked along the corridor. “We had lunch. It was… nice.”
He kept his eyes averted, as if Rook could guess just by looking at him that he and Azul had slept in the same bed last night. Again. And Jamil had woken up with Azul in his arms.
Great Seven. He could feel his face warm just at the memory of it.
“Merveilleux,” Rook beamed at him. “So you have decided to spend more time with him after all?”
“Yeah,” Jamil nodded. “He seems to like spending time with me too, anyway, so…” he trailed off and clenched his teeth to keep himself from smiling.
Rook gasped dramatically. “And how did you come to such a conclusion? I want to hear everything!"
"Well, uh…" Jamil wasn't sure if he should tell Rook, but everyone's gonna know anyway once he and Azul show up together. "I asked him to go with me to the Film Club's party, and he said yes…"
"C'est génial !" Rook was practically glowing. "I'm going to that party myself, and I am just sure it's going to be absolutely beautiful!"
Rook starts to ramble about the party details that he helped the club with, but Jamil was only half-listening, his thoughts occupied with his obviously growing feelings for Azul, Rook's worry that he was trying so hard to hide, and Vil's features morphing into a visage that even Vil himself wouldn't call beautiful.
"Something on your mind?" Azul asked Jamil sitting across from him, trying to keep his tone casual.
Jamil had barely spoken since they started working on their project in the Ramshackle lounge, and he had a look about him that showed something was weighing on his mind. Now that the lounge was empty except for the two of them, Azul hoped Jamil would feel comfortable enough to confide in him.
He blinked distractedly at Azul. “Sorry. I just…” his forehead seemed to crease with worry. “Vil seems even more stressed out lately. And not even only during rehearsals when we make mistakes, but even when he’s alone and there’s no one to scold.”
Azul waited patiently for Jamil to continue. He had a feeling that there was more to the story; if it were only as simple as Vil being stressed by VDC pressures, Jamil wouldn’t look so worried.
“I don’t know, I just have a bad feeling…” Jamil shook his head.
“What is it?” Azul gently encourages. He didn’t want Jamil to just dismiss his worries, especially if it was something that was affecting him this much.
“Vil has a sort of… dark aura around him these days, whenever he gets upset,” Jamil's gaze looked distant.
"Dark aura?" Azul furrowed his eyebrows.
Jamil shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "At first I thought it was just stress from the competition, but earlier he had this big fight with Epel, and afterwards he was like a different person. Even Rook seemed scared of him. And his face…" he felt a chill down his spine just thinking about it. He looked at Azul, waiting for him to understand.
Azul’s face went slack in realization. “You don’t think…?”
“I don’t know,” Jamil mumbled, looking lost.
Azul tapped his pen on the table, and it was a few moments before he spoke again. “I was afraid this might happen," he muttered.
Jamil looked at him, a frown creasing his forehead. “What do you mean?”
Azul looked around to make sure that the lounge was still empty. Still, he leaned forward and lowered his voice.
“All four Overblots happened within an interval of mere weeks,” he explained. “It has almost been a month after yours, which means, hypothetically… the next one is right around the corner.”
The lounge seemed to get colder as his words hung in the air; a sense of foreboding weighed down the atmosphere, and for a few moments everything was still, as if the very room was holding its breath.
“Are you sure that the others Overblotted?” Jamil asked. “They could just be rumors.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
Azul nodded grimly. “I had Jade and Floyd look into it after my Overblot. It’s true, both Riddle and Leona Overblotted. And apart from the consistent intervals, there was another pattern. Until you, everyone who Overblotted was a Prefect. I wonder if it’s because we’re more powerful than the other residents, and therefore more susceptible to Blot. It would also explain why you Overblotted instead of Kalim. Between the both of you, you’re the one who has more magical energy.”
Jamil was looking at Azul with mild surprise.
Azul averted his eyes. “I had thought about it a lot after you Overblotted. I wanted to understand it. I kept wondering if there was anything I could have done to have prevented it from happening to you but…”
“Hey,” Jamil said softly. “That’s done, okay? There’s no use beating ourselves up over what’s already happened.”
Azul nodded and stayed quiet. It was something that he thought he could leave behind, but now it seemed like they couldn’t just forget about it.
“You… really wanted to know if you could have prevented my Overblot?” Jamil asked uncertainly. “Why would you still agonize over that? Is it because you already suspected that it might happen again to someone else?”
Azul let out a humorless chuckle. “Ah, my reasons were not nearly as noble. No, I wasn’t trying to figure out a way to prevent the next one. I just wanted to be absolutely sure if there really was nothing that I could have done to protect you from it. Because if there was something but I failed to do so…” he sighed. “I cannot allow myself to make that mistake again.”
Jamil stared at Azul. “Why do you care about me so much?” he asked in bewilderment.
Azul met his gaze. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Jamil seemed at a loss for words, and before he could think of anything to say, Azul cleared his throat.
“Anyway,” he began, sitting up straighter and trying to compensate for whatever vulnerability he had shown earlier. “Even if it is true that another Overblot is at hand, it is still not certain if it would be Vil. We need more information.”
“Yeah,” Jamil nodded, though the notion that someone else besides Vil might Overblot wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“I can put Jade and Floyd to work in keeping tabs on Vil,” Azul said. “They’ve seen two Overblots already and they might notice the signs, if there are any.”
“I should talk to Yuu,” Jamil realized. “They’ve seen four Overblots already, right? If anyone can figure it out, it’ll be them.”
“Right. I’ll review my notes on Overblots and look into it myself,” Azul said, eyebrows furrowed in thought.
Azul stretched his neck from side to side and massaged the back of it as he looked over their project designs. Jamil noticed the exhaustion in his eyes and wondered if he had taken a break today at all, what with the booth preparations for the Mostro Lounge and the Board Game Club, and now their project.
Jamil looked at the setting sun outside the window, then started tidying up their things.
"Let's just continue this tomorrow," he said as he put his notebook in his backpack.
Azul frowned and looked at his watch. "According to our schedule, we still have half an hour left."
"Uh-huh, and when was the last time you took a break today since waking up?" Jamil raised an eyebrow.
Azul pursed his lips and averted his gaze. It almost looked like a pout, and Jamil had to suppress a smile.
"I thought so," Jamil said. "Can't have you passing out on a desk again at some point. We made a lot of progress today, I bet we can get this more than halfway done by tomorrow."
He picked up their empty teacups and stood up to place them in the sink.
"Fine," Azul relents, tidying up the blueprints. "I'll be going over to Sam's shop on my way back to Octavinelle to pick up more materials for this. Shall I get a new lightbulb for your lamp while I'm there?"
"Nah it's okay," Jamil said, raising his voice a little as he entered the kitchen. "I'm not sure if it's broken anyway, and I can probably fix it–" he froze as the realization struck him.
He placed the cups on the sink and hurriedly went back to the lounge where Azul had finished tidying up and was standing by the table.
"How did you know I might need a new lightbulb?" Jamil squinted at him.
Azul stopped midway through buttoning up his coat. "Well, um…"
Jamil had mentioned his possibly broken lightbulb exactly once, right after he had gotten out of bed that morning when he realized what he'd done in his sleep…
"You were awake?!" he yelled, his eyes widening as warmth rapidly started rising to his cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry!" Azul said defensively. "I figured it was an accident so I didn't wanna say anything–"
"What are you apologizing for, you idiot?!" Jamil turned around and put his hoodie up, his face burning as he crossed his arms and glared at the floor. "I should be the one apologizing."
"Jamil, it's fine," Azul said reassuringly. "I'd only been awake for less than a minute before you let go of me, and it isn't like you harmed me in any way."
Jamil stayed quiet. Maybe if he just didn't say anything, Azul would leave already.
"Oh come now," Azul said in a slightly playful tone. "You were quick to reserve me for the dance but you're embarrassed of an accidental hug?"
Jamil whipped around to glare at him. "I asked you about the dance, but not the hug. I never would have done that without your consent–" his face burned as he realized what he had said. Did he just admit that he'd hug Azul if he let him?
He turned his back again and pulled his hood down even lower, tensing up to stay rooted in place and spare himself the indignity of running out of the room.
He heard Azul's quiet footsteps approaching him, and before he could guess what was about to happen, Azul's arms wrapped around him, his chin resting on Jamil's shoulder.
"There, we're even now," Azul said softly, speaking just on the other side of Jamil's hoodie. "So you don't have to feel so bad about it."
Jamil's eyes had gone wide, and he seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. Azul's hold on him was loose; he could easily push him off if he wanted to. But Jamil was too focused on Azul's warmth, his chest pressing enough against Jamil's back that he could feel the merman's thundering heartbeat in sync with his own.
Azul let go of him and took a few steps backward. "Anyway, I shall be getting back to my dorm now."
Jamil stayed frozen in place as Azul's footsteps faded away and he heard the door open and close.
Azul quickly walked away from Ramshackle as soon as the door closed behind him. He must have gone mad, suddenly hugging Jamil like that. But truth be told, he didn't regret it at all. Hugging Jamil felt just as nice as being hugged by him. He could only hope that Jamil didn't resent him for it.
His face still felt warm as he made his way over to Sam's shop, deciding to buy a spare lightbulb along with the other materials.
Author's Note:
I'd been writing an AshenViper AU (where Azul ended up in RSA instead of NRC) with @patchyegg87, which is part of the reason why this fic took so long to update.
We had already written around 10 chapters of it already, so we'll just be editing the first chapter and posting it tomorrow, hopefully. After that, we aim to post a chapter of it every week~
Anyway, thank you for reading! ^_^
<- Chapter 13
Chapter 15 ->
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morroodle · 1 year
Towards the end of day 4 of top surgery recovery and figured I'd share how it's going. Idk if this can help anyone else but its at least going to help me. Prepare for out of order chaos
The pain isn't too bad! Like yea it hurts but I got used to it and I can take pain meds to help
Getting out of bed is a pain in the ass though. Going from laying down to sitting up is HARD (it's definitely not because I have no abs)
Speaking of pain: the drains. They don't hurt by themselves but when I shift wrong and they tug? Not fun. Not sure how to explain it but pinching isn't inaccurate
Drain fluid. Does not smell good. It's not a very strong smell and you get used to it pretty fast but it's still not fun
I also. Do not smell good. God I can't wait to shower
My mom spilled the drain fluid on me. Twice. Ew.
It's fuckn ITCHY. Always just below where I can reach through the bandages. I am going to kill someone.
Other itches are annoying too. They may not be covered by bandages but with such limited mobility it's annoying. I got a back scratcher but those don't help much when you can barely move your arms
I've probably been moving more than I'm supposed to
Love it when I move wrong and suddenly there's pain and a very suspicious warm feeling and I can't check to see what's wrong because of the bandages
Bendy straw my beloved <333 the $20 ninjago cup I got from legoland is finally making itself worth it
The first day I was incredibly nauseous. I could barely sit up for a few minutes, much less stand. Made eating dinner... not easy.
Day 2 I was feeling great! Even touched some grass!
Day 3 morning: nearly threw up when changing my shirt. I didn't but oh god it was not fun. I've never been nauseous like that before, I was hot inside but my skin was cold and my mom said the color very literally drained from my face. Made me stuck in a chair for like 20 minutes until I could stomach going back to bed.
I'm fine now (probably)
I've been enjoying being taken care of. I'm lucky enough to have a very good support system and I appreciate it. I also appreciate always getting my pic of food >:D
God I want a hug. I'm gonna get so squished once I'm healed and I fully accept my fate
Mentioning again my hatred for the drains. I was very scared of them going into this, I didn't like the idea of having tubes both in and out of my body. I don't really care about that now, I don't see it and I've gotten used to it, but god they are so annoying
I'm not nearly as tired as I was expecting! Sure I'm a bit sleeper than normal but it's really not that bad.
I'm bored
I wanna draw ;-; I havent had motivation or ideas for weeks but the moment it becomes inconvenient? Release the floodgates!
I haven't actually noticed the lack of boobs much yet. Maybe it's because they're still bandaged and I can't see or maybe it's because I live in my mastectomy pillow but I haven't really had a rush of emotions yet
It's kinda weird. I was expecting to feel so much but everything so far just feels so... normal? It's not normal but I've gotten used to it. Its like I'm waiting for my emotions to catch up
That being said there is one thing I've noticed and definitely felt things about. I had a pretty big chest and there used to be quite a dip between them and now there's just... nothing. It's flat. I'm sure this is just a fraction of what I'll feel when I get the bandages off for the first time but this tiny bit that I can see and feel right now is... wow. It's weird. God I can't wait for the rest of it
That's all I can think of for now, I'll keep yall updated on how things go from here and hopefully this can help someone! I know most of this has been complaining but I am not trying to discourage anyone from this, I've just only experienced the bad parts so far. I'm sure I'll make a similar post listing all the positives once I get there but for now things aren't very fun
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queerdesire · 2 years
September 30, 2022
It's been a minute since my last update.
What have I accomplished this week? Well I drove for the first time in the dark last night and honestly I think I smiled all the way home. I'm getting so much more comfortable driving and it's starting to feel so fucking good. I'm hoping to have my license by the end of the year. Driving is not as scary and anxious as I always imagined. I'm proud of myself for this.
Let's see what else am I proud of? Oh! I have paid all my bills but two, both are due on the 6th so not late but I'll probably do it right now as all the other payments should of went through. I'ma be a broke ass bitch but it feels so fucking good to be able to pay everyone time.
I also deleted some girls number! She's been semi dicking me around for a month, and I let her >.< She was the one who hit me up and was interested and wanted to go on a date. I was going with the flow of it. Started out texting strong and things like that but then it became 8 separate times of excuses. Like we were not anything where a conversation of her no longer interested would of been perfectly okay. I even said as much during excuse number 6 lmao. But deleting her phone number and not replying back to her bs felt good. And then my toxic side may have left her on Snapchat 🙈🤡, I don't look at her snaps but she has replied to three of my hot story ones since I've deleted her number and ignore last excuse text and it feels kinda good to be like yeah I'm hot and you missed out. Even if it's in my head and even if that may be a bit toxic lol regardless I'm glad I was able to be like I'm done, and it was okay that it took me a month 😭 because I still was able to stop the pattern instead of continue the pattern of letting ppl use me like that.
I've had two therapy sessions now, the first session I felt hella guilty leaving and the second one I felt like I was on a good high. I was given therapy homework though and I haven't accomplished it :( and I don't think I will before Tuesday. I'm supposed to go out with someone and do something out of my comfort zone. The issue with this assignment is I'm scared to ask ppl to hang out that I wouldn't normally cuz that fear of the rejection and I guess that's the whole point. I did ask a girl one hinge if she wanted to hangout in person and I didn't get a reply so I'ma go with that as my assignment completed lmfao. Oooh and in therapy my therapist at one point said "I'm seeing a pattern here do you?" And I didn't so hopefully I will see the pattern she spoke of with the more sessions I have as she didn't tell me lmao.
Hmm what else? Oh completely over my ex! Well for the most part. Obviously I'll always wish it would be different but I've come with terms that she will never want to be friends and I haven't looked at her socials so much so that I missed her bday lol so that felt like a win. Only looked at her socials the last few days. But to be honest I think I'm using Tumblr as a distraction 😅 I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing tho.
Let's see what else...oh the new job is going very well! Last night it felt so easy, I think I asked someone one question and I remembered to bring silly things like the pizza stand, app plates, pepper mill, instead of forgetting until last minute. Oh and a coworker has now started to play with my hair and honestly makes me feel a bit loved, as touch is my love language. She's super sweet. Also last night one of the "favorites" told me I was, "the better new servers" and that I am a "hard worker" my cocky ass knew this, my cocky ass knew i would be but I can't say that :P I'm playing a political game here. But I said thank you lol oh and I was sitting next to some girls and they included me in conversation and one was like yeah when deena first met me she told me she thought I was gonna be a bitch 😅😂. So then everyone wanted to know what I thought about them. One of the girls was like did you think I was gonna be mean? And I told her yes I said "we didn't speak until Sunday!! So yes I thought you were going to be mean but you're very nice." Turns out she told me she's shy and I 100% can see that. I did not tell any of them that I think all pretty girls are going to be mean because they are hot lmao
I don't think anything else happened this week that is note worthy. I havent cried or felt hopeless in awhile and that is a wonderful feeling. I honestly think that has to do with therapy tho.
My period is very late and I'm pregnant jk jk jk 😂 but it is late af. That bitch needs to get here.
OOOH I REMEMBERED SOMETHING. One of my best guy friends works at my new job, he is why I went there. And a different coworker came up to me and was like "do you know Sean talks about you alot?" "I think he likes you" etc etc. And I was dying absolutely trying not to laugh because Sean is such a homie, I would say brother but we playfully flirt sometimes to hype the other up so what ever that makes him. But I had to explain to the coworker that Sean is a close friend, my homie is how I think I worded it. The dude was so small minded though and wouldn't stop and I was like I'm extremely gay and Sean knows this so there isn't anything between us. (I think it's because Sean and I hug at work) because the kid still didn't let it go. I went over to Sean immediately after and him and I got a huge laugh. Sean also said he had never even spoke to the dude before lmfao so I'm real confused but find it amusing nonetheless.
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unrequited-words · 2 years
I haven't had a chance to write down how I'm feeling lately. Since it's January 2nd I just wanted to write down how the first day of a new year went.
It was an okay day. I had Sunday off like I normally do. I woke up around nine and got to sleep in. The bed we have is a piece of dogshit and my back has been fucked for a while.
We had the older kids for a week and it was the last day we had with them. They mostly stayed in their room we have set up for them. My stepdaughter on her phone/tablet and my stepson on his tablet.
It was snowing all day. The baby was pretty okay for the most part. Doing toddler things like getting into everything and asking me to watch Paw Patrol for the 72nd time which is normal for her.
Later that afternoon I put her down for a nap and I got to relax with the older kids and my husband. She woke up around 4:30 or so and about 5:15 I had the bright idea to shovel the driveway to help my husband since he did the porch in the back yard earlier that day.
I figured since I'm out here let me get the kids ready to play in the snow. The baby lasted ten minutes maybe as she kept putting her hands directly in the snow and cried and said ouch (I need to buy her some damn gloves)
My stepson made a snow Angel, we had a snowball fight with the older two kids. After ten minutes I took her back in to warm up with her dad who stayed in because it was too cold.
My step daughter went in and after five minutes I had my step son play in the back yard with the snow. My husband finished up dinner.
Later that night, we watched Star Wars. The two older ones could give a flying fuck about the movie. My stepson I guess is on the spectrum so I had to get on top of him on certain things. The baby was in and out of watching the movie and would rather watch Cocomelon.
I fell asleep twenty minutes before it ended. Around 10 the kids went to bed and so did the baby. Husband fell asleep on me which was fantastic because I never see him or get to spend time with him since I've been working a lot of overtime.
Not a bad first of the year.
January 2nd
I woke up at 830 because my back has been fucking killing me since I shoveled the snow last night. I picked their bags, made breakfast and of course yelled at my stepson because he can't pay attention to anything more than five seconds at a time.
Around 11 am we left. Husband is driving and we've seen several cars spin out because of the snow, multiple car wrecks and Utah drivers who can't drive worth dick.
This trip usually takes three hours to drop the kids off and it's taken an hour more due to heavy traffic, having to rebuckle this toddler and readjust myself over and over to get comfortable.
I'll write more when I have something else to update with besides get off my lawn, my back hurts etc 😂
2:30 p.m 1/2/23
Dropped off the kids with their mom. Due to weather and snow for us she beat us by ten minutes when we are normally early. I changed the baby in the bathroom. I came back out and had the older two hug their sister.
I strapped her in and husband said we'll stop in an hour and I said well let me pee. I went back inside to pee and while in the bathroom my stepson hugged me and I cried. I owed went back out with the kids and their mom. My daughter hugged me and I hugged her right and cried again.
I tried so hard to hold it together but the connection I feel with her has always been there since day one. I made sure the baby was strapped in tightly since she Houdini'd herself out of the damn car seat during the way there.
I forgot the tablet and husband said I was gonna say to hop back with her. I almost dove back there since she was complaining already. She had my phone the whole way.
Between where we live and Nephi it got really scary. We made it home at 6 pm and left at 11 am. What a long stressful drive. It's eight and a hot shower is calling my name.
Happy New Years for what it's worth
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dancing-cockroaches · 2 years
A bitch finally snapped. I have two friggin jobs plus the jobs of every doctor I go to apparently. Apparently I'm the only competent human within a 500 mile radius.
Every doctor I go to, the office staff cant tell their ass from their elbow but I'm just gonna limit myself getting pissed to what has happened in the last month alone. I had a Neurology appt. They sent a referral for MRI. Simple enough, right? No. My MRI was cancelled day of because they didnt receive all necessary clinical forms from my neurologist. I call my neurologist. Apparently I have no followup. I have a card on my desk for Jan 10th but nope, when I called back they said "nope you dont have a follow up. We can schedule you for Jan 15th" ok sure whatever I'll take it. I get transferred to some other dept to get them to send the clinicals. I leave a voicemail. Call back the next day, "oh it looks like you dont have a follow up. We are all booked for January, we have Feb 15th". Now I'm more mad, but not like I can do jack shit about it. Nevada sucks. They tell me they're going to send over the clinicals.
Two weeks later, I call the radiology office. They still havent received it. I get the fax number and call my neurologist back. They say "they need the referral?" "No, they need clinical forms" "what do they need?" Now a bitch snapped. I was ready to rip the skin off my body. Nice bitch left the building "I dont know, why dont you call them? Why am I doing your job for you? Why is nobody coordinating a simple fucking referral correctly? Do you need me to come in and do your job for you? Is that where we're at? What forms do they need.. ain't that yall job to know?"
I was especially mad because my dentist pulled some tomfoolery as well. I got work done. Very expensive work. It took several months to do, I just assumed it was all billed at once. I dont know, I only worked in a dental office for like 2 months, it's not exactly my strength. It's not my job to do their job, I thought they had it handled. I go in today, and they say "we see you didnt have insurance for two of your visits. The delta dental didnt cover two of the claims so you'd receive a large bill if we dont get updated info" (my work had to be done in different visits, and I had to pay a large amount of money so I assumed that was all I had to do on my end. Stupid, I know). I pull up my phone to find my insurance info for Feb/March. As I was leaving, it started to hit me. What the fuck?? Everytime I've worked with billing or insurance verification, it is done before every visit or at least before a very expensive visit. When I was in billing I literally checked eligibility before any claims was sent, everytime. It takes 5 fuckin minutes to do, if you dont have hot air for a brain. How the shit does this go unchecked for 10 fucking months??? Why was I not contacted about this months ago?? Do I really need to micromanage every office I see a doctor at now since this shit just keeps happening all the fucking time?? Can I never think "they should have two brain cells left to be able to properly bill my visit without oversight" ever again??
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. traveling iced coffee drinker honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
How are you this morning? I'm not sure if you guys have left Oklahoma or have already arrived in CA, but I hoped you guys had a safe flight! 😅 hopefully not much troubles during the TSA stuff.
I've read the fic before. I'm really not a big fan of dark Wanda lol I can't see her as evil, even after MoM, I can't see her as the villain. But I like the story! I like how you incorporated the stuff from the movie. Although, I did wonder back then if you were going to make a part 2.
Yeah I'm on wattpad, but not very much. The people I follow haven't posted much. But I found your stories on tumblr. I don't remember how though.
I'll give them a listen. Do you have a favorite album by Glass Animals?
For your questions about my crush, I should really say crushes ahahaha but they are from real life and tiktok. I think I have a tumblr crush too, but I'm not sure yet.
That's cute. I'm like your husband. When I was with my ex wife, I would always sing to her when I bring her breakfast. Or when I'm being silly.
Any big plans for the day when you're in CA?
Hello corn-punn!
Hahha it's funny that u used ice coffee drinker nickname today.. because this morning it was like 20 degree outside n i ordered cold brew with salted caramel foam . N i was so happy because it was so good.
So we woke up at 4am to get ready but my flight got delayed. It was supposed to be at 8am n it was delayed to 1h40minutes. The Oklahoma airport was surprisingly not that busy. I wrote a bit in flight but then fall asleep for like 20minutes.
Anyway, how r u? Hows ur day today? Sorry for the late reply..it was a very very busy day. Spent time with the family, been talking with the in laws n i finally got some time alone just now.
We got here like 10.40. N we got at my in laws at 1.15. Im so tired right now..
N the weather here is so much warmer but we brought mostly warm clothes, i can only pray it will be cold. I hv vbeen sneezing. I think it's because the extreme difference of the temperature. I was in 15 degree this morning n end up in 70ish sunny weather. N on christmas here it says it will 80 degree.. 😩😫
Haha yeah i got what u meant.. i never see her as villain either but not gonna like, dark wanda / scarlet witch is hot.. 😅🤣 n i love that kind of dark fic that has obsession or stalking or jealousy in it. I like movies like that too.
I dont think i would make pt. 2 for that fic.. i actually have another my own idea and i have 2 more requests of dark fics wanda. So i probably gonna scratch my own. Haha. Or atleast postpone mine for a while.
Ah i see. Im in wattpad too n i havent really update there.
I havent really listen to all their albums but i know some of my favorite songs which i think they r from different albums.
1. Gooey Rework
2. Gooey
3. Youth
4. Your Love (Déjà Vu) and this one inspired me an idea of a fic which i havent write it yet.😅
5. Tangerine (with Arlo Parks)
6. Hazey
Ouh about ur crush... interesting! It gets my attention! 🤭😆 okay, so currently u have a crush with multiple people? Or some of them r past crush?
Alsooooo... u have tumblr crush?? N what do u mean with u r not sure yet? Why? (Sorry for the rows of questions. U dont have to answer it if u dont want to. Didnt meant to cross the line or anything.)
Wow, u sound like a romantic person.. that's adorable.. i would prefer small gestures like that than any jewelry money can buy.. 😊
Since i answered this too late. Im just gonna tell u, how was my day whn i got here.
I bought lunch from the chinesse place near where i used to live before we went to my in laws (we used to live like 5 minutes away driving) then i have been talking n talking with the in laws. We catched up. N we went for dinner with the brothers, nephews,his parents n his mom's husband, one of the family friend also came to see us n joined the dinner. There were 12 of us. We had pizza but i ordered spicy wings and spaghetti meatballs. Was gonna order spumoni ice cream but i forgot.😒🙄 i was craving it.
I bet u r asleep now but feel free to leave me next questions? N i will reply as soon as i can.
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cherryriotcrash · 3 years
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Last Updated: 26 Jan 2023
Anything missing a hyperlink is pending upload. All series hyperlinks will redirect you to the masterpost.
[🔥 - NSFW] [🌈 - Fluff] [🖕🏾 - Angst] [😂 - Crack]
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My Hero Academia
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✨Anonymous Character (unable to be identified without spoiling the end)
All The Time 🔥
Fuck me like you hate me. Kiss me like you miss me. Anything I want to is what she always lets me...I could fuck you all the time.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
✨Katsuki Bakugo
Stormfronts and Swear Jars🔥🖕🏾
You move to Japan following a large scale accident and, following yet another mishap, the most explosive person you meet is your softest place to fall. Also, the real villain is Eri and her godforsaken swear jar.
Not Nice 🔥
Girl yuh not nice, yuh rude; want me to feel like I'm new, want me to watch you do you. Don't girl, you look so nice but yuh not nice, yuh rude. Look what yuh puttin me through, I'd never do this to you.
Bitches Broken Hearts🔥
Somebody new is gonna comfort you like you want me to, somebody new is gonna comfort me like you never do. Every now and then, it hits me that I'm the one that got away.
Greek Tragedy 🔥
Cars are flipping, I’m in hot pursuit; my character’s strong but my head is loose. He hits like ecstasy, comes up and bangs the sense out of me (so free up the cheaper seats, here comes a Greek tragedy).
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✨Izuku Midoriya
Wicked Games [Drabble]🔥
Dom!Deku has a playlist to let you know what mind games you're in for. Your favorite one is the game not played.
Had Some Drinks 🔥
I’ve been around, brought you down, it’s true. If I said too much, I know you’re mine to lose. I think too much, I’m out of touch, it’s true. Don’t give a fuck, yeah actually, I do.
Graveyard [Frozen Hearts Collab]🔥
Oh, when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the grave yard. (It's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies).
Six feet tall and super strong, we always get along. Oh, he'd pick me up at eight and not a minute late because I don't like to wait. Kind, and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his mama right. That's right, that's what I like.
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✨Shoto Todoroki
You Are My Home 🔥🖕🏾
When Shoto becomes your research partner, Touya becomes insufferable. Shoto, who is intimately familiar with the fact that his sibling is an entire fuck, decides to stick by your side. Sometimes, the things you need find you before you know you need them.
Good girls go to heaven, and bad girls go everywhere; and tonight I will love you, and tomorrow you won't care. Precious little diamond, I leave it all to you. You're in love with something bigger than love, you believe in something stronger than trust.
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✨Eijiro Kirishima
Red 🔥
Know that you dug your own grave, now lie in it. You're so cruel but revenge is a dish best served cold.
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✨Hitoshi Shinso
Bang the Doldrums 🔥
Hey, Toshi? Do you think you can brainwash someone's gag reflex away?
Bitches Broken Hearts🔥
Somebody new is gonna comfort you like you want me to, somebody new is gonna comfort me like you never do. Every now and then, it hits me that I'm the one that got away.
Retrograde 🔥🖕🏾
So be the girl you loved, be the girl you loved. I'll wait, so show me why you're strong; ignore everybody else, we're alone now. Suddenly I'm hit, it's the starkness of the dawn; and your friends are gone, and your friends won't come, so show me where you fit.
Love, on the Rocks
Here’s a simplification of everything we’re going through; you + me is bad news.
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✨Natsuo Todoroki
Tadow 🔥
She'll just have 'em runnin' out and in, man they want to sin; talking deadly sin with Ms. Lady I don't understand why she hit 'em like tadow, tadow. (girl you knock 'em dead)
Her [Omegaverse Collab]🔥
I'm glad we made it this far, sometimes you just don't know. So many days spent apart but now I'm finally yours so just move my body, do it right; left, right, side, side. Not about to waste my time waiting all night.
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✨Mirio Togata
Hayloft 🔥
Young lovers with their legs tied up in knots; with his long, tall gun, Pop went a-creeping to blow their hayloft dead heads straight off.
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✨Shouta Aizawa
Streets 🔥
And it's hard to keep my cool when other bitches tryna get with my dude, and when other chickens tryna get in my coop, 'cause you're a one in a million, there ain’t a man like you. I found it hard to find someone like you; send your location, come through.
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✨Tenya Iida
House of Balloons
Been on another level since you came, no more pain. Look into my eyes, you can't recognize my face. You're in my world now; you can stay, you can stay, but you belong to me. You belong to me.
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✨Touya Todoroki
Hatef--k 🔥
If I put my hands around your wrists, would you fight them? If I put my fingers in your mouth, would you bite them? So many things that I would do if I had my way with you, and there will be no tenderness. I have no mercy for you; you had no mercy for me.
You Are My Home 🔥🖕🏾
When Shoto becomes your research partner, Touya becomes insufferable. Shoto, who is intimately familiar with the fact that his sibling is an entire fuck, decides to stick by your side. Sometimes, the things you need find you before you know you need them.
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✨Denki Kaminari
Bubble, Pop, Electric.🔥
Tonight I’m gonna give you all my love in the backseat; gonna speed it down and slow it up in the backseat. Bubble. Pop. Electric.
Snowglow. [Frozen Hearts Collab]🔥
You loved the snow, and Denki loves you.
Aurum and Argentum 🖕🏾
If he’s silver, you’re gold, and he’ll make sure his enemies bleed rubies to protect what’s his.
Meet Me At The Altar
When your best friend marries the explosive Dynamight, you're put in charge of wrangling one of his groomsmen. Sparks fly.
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✨Mina Ashido
Fuck Up The Friendship🔥
We’re already six feet deep, let’s fuck up the friendship. Come get in my head; baby, cut the tension, I’m hung by a thread. Maybe it’s something, but let’s not pretend; or maybe it’s nothing and this is the end. We could never be, we could never be friends.
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✨Hanta Sero
...And to Those I Love, Thanks for Sticking Around
One last pic and I'll be gone; make it count, put the flash on. Never really felt like I belonged, so I'll be on my way and I won't be long; I'll be dead by dawn.
Can you stay up all night, fuck me till the daylight? Baby, you might need a seat belt when I ride it; I’mma leave it open like a door, come inside it.
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✨Rody Soul
How'd You Get So Good?
Fuzzy duck, ducky fuzz, does he fuck? Fuck he does! What makes this even better is that this could be love! (Or just to fuck around)
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avenirdelight · 3 years
Only for You
Jadon Sancho
Jadon was working out and going live on Instagram. Someone wasn’t really pleased about that.
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Jadon noticed the notification popped up on his phone screen.
He was doing a workout session with his friends. It was an ordinary afternoon and it was quite hot in Manchester. Jadon was quite pumped up and had just jumped on the treadmill, when he thought that maybe he could give the people on Instagram a little update. His move to United was exciting not only for him but also for the fans. It would be good to show everyone that he was keeping himself in shape even on his holiday, that he would be fully ready when he came to train at the club.
He posted a few videos to Instagram story and decided to go on live for a bit. Comments and hearts were flooding in and Jadon slightly smirked when he saw some people saying that he looked good. He was all shirtless and sweaty, absolutely enjoying himself, and he had to agree that he indeed looked good. Just some more work to do and he would be in the shape he wanted.
But his smirk immediately vanished. The live hadn't even gone for two minutes, when he noticed the message, in full capitals, from someone whose contact name had a red heart and a red rose on it. Only one person had those special emojis attached to their name. After reading the message properly, with a slight panic rising in his mind, Jadon quickly ended his Instagram live.
"Bro, can you turn the music down, please?" Jadon said to his friend, who kindly did what he asked. The next second, Jadon was already calling someone for a video call.
"Really?" She stared at the camera in disbelief.
"Really?" She stared at the camera in disbelief.
"Really?" She stared at the camera in disbelief.
"What? What did I do?"
"You're just trying to get all the girls to drool over you, aren't you?"
Jadon had a confused look on his face as he tried to process her question. But then he was laughing out loud, he even needed to hold on to the handle for balance. He lowered the speed of the treadmill, before adjusting the position of his phone for a better angle.
"Are you jealous, baby girl?" Jadon teased her. She rolled her eyes as a response, making Jadon chuckle again. "Admit it, you like this view, don't you?"
"Why does it matter? It's not me you're trying to show it off to," she shrugged. "Well, just inform me later, if those influencers have slipped into your dms again," she sounded really displeased, and Jadon was taken aback by the hint of irritation in her voice.
"Whoa, whoa, are you okay, baby?"
She pouted and huffed, throwing the pen she was holding to the table. "Sorry, it's just another stressful meeting. And it's cold here, I think it's going to rain tonight... And you're not here."
"Oh, babe... I'm sorry," Jadon said, realizing that she wasn't in a good mood. "Hey, come on. You're gonna be here in two weeks, right?" He tried to offer her a smile. Things had been tough on her, his moving to Manchester clearly made it harder, and he wished he was there with her in Dortmund.
"Yeah... But it's hard, Jadon." She didn't say what was hard, but Jadon understood that being far away from each other was hard, a long distance relationship was hard.
"I know, baby, I know. But it won't always be hard like this, okay?"
She nodded. "Just don't go on Instagram looking like that," she protested. "I'll only be able to see that in person once every two months, you know?"
Jadon chuckled again. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," Jadon said with a softer tone. "I miss you, baby girl. Hey, should I send some selfies? Looking like this? Only for you this time."
Jadon could see her pout turned into a grin, the cheeky grin of hers that he missed him so much, and it sent some butterflies to his stomach. He bit his lower lip, trying to control himself. Because, damn, she also looked super good in that brown blazer.
Jadon saw her face getting closer to the camera and he knew she was teasing him now as she said, "You better."
Jadon felt his heart skip a beat. If he was there right now, he knew he would already be attacking her with kisses.
finally wrote a one shot for jadon! he went live two hours ago...I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF🙂🙏🏼 also i’m not sure about the title so i might change it😂
My Masterlist🤍
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 1
A/N- I've teased y'all for so long I hope this series is going to live up to expectations, I'm confident it will though because I'm addicted and it's been super easy for me to write - I'm up to chapter 3 so far so updates can be on time! There's a slight age gap between my professor Hemsy and OC Jess but she's twenty and completely legal. You know this is gunna be a giant tease fest for the first couple of chapters cos that sexual tension is fucking gold 🥵
Summary- Jess meets the man of her dreams and then stupidly leaves without getting his number. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 1.5 K
Pairing- Professor!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, age gap
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
@skyfullofsong123 @swaggysposts
Chapter 2
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I pulled out a chair at the last available table in the unusually busy coffee shop, I thought I might've caught a break choosing the one outside of campus but alas I was wrong.
I was about to sit down when the chair opposite me slid out from under the table, my eyes lifted to meet with the most sparkly blue eyes i'd ever seen. The sight of him took my breath away. Literally.
I stood staring, frozen on the spot, my mouth slightly ajar as I looked him up and down. He was tall, so tall, definitely over 6ft and built like a dream. Thick thighs straining against his fitted trousers, wide muscular shoulders and I just knew there was a six-pack hiding behind that tight t-shirt. 
"Sorry. You were here first, I'll just grab a take-out." He smirked a side smile, amused at how I was so obviously checking him out but his sexy Australian accent distracted you from anything else.
"It's fine, I'm on my own. I don't mind if you want to sit there too." I mentally face palmed myself, drawing attention to the fact I was alone wasn't the best idea but then again he was alone too. "I don't bite." I added trying my best to flirt.
It seemed to work, he smiled at me as he sat down and I took the time to admire his handsome face. He was quite clearly a lot older than me, the laughter lines around his eyes a tell tale sign but he was still quite possibly the best looking man I'd ever laid eyes on. His hair was fair and the short beard framed his face perfectly but the one thing that stood out the most were those piercing ocean-blue eyes.
"So do you come here often?" I cocked my eyebrow at him over my coffee cup making him laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, it's been a while." He said nervously, running his hand through his hair.
"It's been a while since you spoke to a stranger or…?" I questioned casually.
"It's been a while since I spoke to an attractive woman." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he watched me almost choke on my drink.
"Oh, I err…. I don't think you're doing too badly." I absentmindedly circled my finger around the rim of my cup, crossing my leg over my other and accidently rubbing my foot up his leg. My cheeks felt hot and flushed as I looked up into his eyes and saw him smiling slyly.
"Evidently. We're already playing footsie under the table." He smiled widely, a genuine smile that stretched the corners of his mouth. I smiled back at him shyly, thinking of something to say to change the subject before I ended up looking like a tomato.
"What part of Australia are you from?"
"I'm originally from Melbourne but I lived in Byron Bay before I came to America." 
"Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Australia, the Spiders put me off though." 
"Yeah I think they put most people off but in heavily populated areas they stay pretty much hidden, I think it's the size that scare people." How have I made this conversation go from flirting to talking about spiders? And how do I get back to flirting?
"Are we still talking about spiders?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly and laughed at the innuendo, flicking my hair over my shoulder. I noticed something in his eyes when I did so, a hunger, just a little flash and then it was gone again. I'm sure I didn't imagine it though because his eyes lingered on my exposed shoulders.
I checked my watch subtly, not wanting him to think he was boring me but I had to get to class and couldn't be late again, not when this semester had only just started.
"I'm really sorry, I'm gonna have to run, I'm going to be late. It was really nice meeting you." I gathered up my bags, ready to leave.
"Already? You've only just got here." He looked disappointed, his smile fading. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something else and then closed again when he saw I was ready to leave. "It was really nice to meet you too, hopefully I'll see you again." His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine, standing from his chair to get the door for me. I felt fireworks when his hand brushed against the small of my back and his face lingered close to mine. The tension was unreal, like we were the only people in the room as his eyes hungrily stared into my soul, undressing me with his eyes. My heart stopped beating when his face moved closer to mine so I could feel his breath on my lips, the smell of coffee and his aftershave filling my nostrils. I paused, my feet routed to the spot, I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I moved away at the last minute. Surely he wasn't actually going to kiss me, we'd only just met, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I spent most of class daydreaming about my tall handsome stranger and the way he looked at me but most of all how I didn't even get his name. Or his number.
Now I was feeling sorry for myself because it would just be my luck to meet the man of my dreams and then never see him again. So I'd moped about all day and avoided the invitations for drinks after class. Instead I'd
gotten home early, changed into some sweats and settled myself in front of the TV for the night.
"What's up with your face?" My roommate, Ellie said as she walked into our room, throwing her bags onto her bed.
"What're you talking about?" 
"Your face. Looks like you're chewing on a wasp."
"Feeling sorry for myself." I pout pathetically.
"Why, what've you done now?" She rolled her eyes, kicking off her shoes and throwing her legs up onto the bed. I felt so lucky to have a roommate like Ellie, during our freshman year she'd become my best friend practically straight away and now after two years together we were practically sisters.
I sat up in bed cross legged and faced Ellie, getting myself ready to spill my misfortunes of the day with her.
"Well, I went to Impresso's this morning to get my morning coffee before class." She nodded, showing her enthusiasm by also sitting cross legged on her own bed, facing me. "And it was packed full of students, there was only one table left. So I went to grab it as soon as I could." She raised her eyebrow at me, wondering where I was going with the story. "And I kid you not, the most attractive man I have ever seen, pulls out the chair opposite me." 
"Oh my god! No way. Did you talk? Oh my god, this is like the perfect chick flick. Carry on." I smiled at her excitement.
"I told him I didn't mind if he sat there, I mean of course I didn't mind, you should've seen him El. Oh, oh, oh I almost forgot" I flapped my hands, bouncing on the spot. "He was fucking Australian."
"Fuck off, you're lying. Drop dead gorgeous with the sexiest accent ever. How is this even real? Now remind me why you're sat there with a face like a slapped arse?" 
"I panicked when I had to leave, didn't want to be late for class and I didn't get his number, didn't even give him chance to ask for mine." 
"Wow! Ok, now I understand. What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking and you know what I'm like when I panic." You sulk.
"It's ok, maybe you'll bump into him again."
"Yeah, right. I should be so lucky."
"Cheer up." she says throwing a cushion at me. "There's a party at Alpha Kappa this weekend, I'm sure we can find you someone to help get over your mystery man. Or under should I say?" She raised her eyebrow at me, smiling slyly and making me laugh. She always did know how to cheer me up and maybe a party is what I needed.
There must be some good looking boys around campus that could make me forget about my Australian hunk. Surely? I thought about the guys I'd seen around campus, the guys I'd seen at frat parties and that's definitely not what I wanted. How could a twenty year old boy match to the masculine, experienced man I met this morning. My mind was set, I'd dipped my feet ever slightly into the mature pool and that's what I wanted more than anything. There was always something missing with previous boyfriends and I was tired of all the game playing. I wanted someone who knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to get it.
The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again. If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
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milkweedman · 3 years
washing a (small) fleece in an afternoon
it's very rare that i feel like i have the energy to do a ton of fleece washing all at once, so usually I'll do a few handfuls at a time, fairly frequently. but I've noticed the frequency of my small batch washings has gone down a lot lately (due to feeling like death 24/7) so I'm gonna see if i can wash all 2 lbs 10 oz (1.2 kg) of this raw jacob fleece today, before i lose my steam. apologies in advance for the bad photos, it's dark already and the light in my apartment is terrible.
things you need:
a fleece. a big pot for washing (one that you won't use for food again). something for stirring (ditto). a sink to drain everything into. dish soap. hot water. optional: a vent for fast drying. a plastic tub to make rinsing easier.
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initial steps: remove the fleece from the bag. present some to your resident fleece inspector (chuck, whose enthusiasm for fleece knows no bounds). try and unfold the fleece. if it's been rolled up nicely, you should have no problem getting the whole thing laid out so that you assess it. if it's a massive jumbled mess like mine is, just get it somewhat flat.
mine is in several distinct pieces, and im not able to tell what's what. you might be able to sort through yours and pull out the extra soft stuff, or the particularly rough or gross stuff, or the extra crimpy stuff. in my case, i can't really feel any difference between most of it (yay severely reduced sensation in my hands), and i don't see what might be any breech pieces (the part under the tail, which is usually... gross). it looks like it's already been skirted pretty well (i.e. the worst bits have been removed from the fleece before it was shipped), so i decided to start out with a test run, just to make sure i have a handle on what I'm doing.
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i took the smallest detached section, weighed it (8 oz/225 grams), and put it in my wool pot. chuck was, at this point, asleep on the chair i brought out for myself. i filled the pot with hot water and some dish soap, and stirred it gently with my trusty wooden wool dowel (took it from the dumpster a while ago, works fine). i put the heat on medium and let it cook for 38 minutes, which is coincidentally exactly how long it took to do all the dishes in the sink and then write out this post.
after it's cooked for a while, i drain it into a tub in the sink. i drained a little of the water off first so that you can see how gross it is in the first picture
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once the fleece is in the tub, i drain all the water down the sink, and then fill the tub back up with hot water.
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it looks pretty clean after the first draining, actually, but it's still very gross. the water gets murky almost immediately. i continue draining and refilling the tub until the water runs fairly clear.
then i feel the fleece between my fingers. it's free of dirt and gunk, but still very tacky, which means that it has a lot of lanolin in it. some people like spinning wool that's very greasy, but I'm not one of them, so it needs to be washed in hot soapy water one more time.
i rinse out the pot and add the fleece back in, then fill it with more hot water and a fair amount of dish soap. it goes back on the stove to cook for another 20 minutes or so
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as you can see, we're already in much better shape--the water is much less murky than it was the first time around.
a benefit to washing this way is that a lot of the second cuts come out with the repeated drainings. i was able to grab a small handful from the bottom of the sink at the end of this.
I'll be back in a bit with updates and more pictures, as I've hit the photo limit already.
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literally-inlove · 3 years
Hi there! I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to ask if I could ask for some Najimi headcanons (from Komi-San can’t communicate)? Perhaps with an introverted and nerdy s/o? I just think it would be interesting to see that kind of dynamic and I can’t find any fics of them🥲. Thank you in advance!
I've been in need for headcanon's but my brain has been fuzzy lately. I'll be great at this cause Najimi is the love of my life.
Osana will be referred to as They/Them to avoid confusion.
I love them. <33
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Najimi Osana with Introvert s/o
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You and Najimi were obviously childhood friends. You knew them as a boy your whole life so it confused you like Tadano.
Unlike Najimi, you didn't like social interaction. You could be found in the school library studying or just plainly reading.
They would try and join you but would always get bored before the timer even hit the 10 minute mark. The most they've sat down with you in the library is 7 minutes and 43 seconds.
Help them study. They're gonna need help. Especially with math.
They act all smart, but they're a social butterfly. They don't like studying.
They're all about fun and games.
They deadass don't know how they fell in love with you. Maybe it's cause you did like studying??
Nah. It's cause they thought you were both hot and cute. Anyways.
Najimi gets all fussy when you deny their offer to go to a park or something.
You don't particularly like going outside already and they knew it. So you found it weird that they were asking.
They do force you to go places with them a lot of the time. In return, you give them the silent treatment.
But curse Najimi's secret ability. You can never stay mad at them for more than 24 hours.
You thought they were joking when they first asked you out. But they proved to you that they love you so you're both good.
Tadano was confused how someone like you could date Najimi. But you're okay with that confusion.
Overall, you both love each other.
An extrovert with an introvert.
It doesn't seem like the best couple, but you make it work.
You both love cuddles so it works with you both. Affection for an extrovert and quiet for an introvert.
It all works out in the end.
They get you more friends. You don't want friends.
That's okay.
And you become good friends with Komi. Najimi just went, "This is my quiet s/o. Treat them nicely!"
And you think Komi's peaceful nature is a nice change of pace.
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All the Oneshots and headcanons I have in the drafts are gonna take a while cause still having mental breakdown (And the fact it's a bunch of Oneshots and I'm trying to do a navigation). Really important shit taking forever and I'm stressing. Family and friends putting stress on me. I won't go into too much detail but yk.
More updates are still gonna take a while. But thank you for 100 followers!
Requests are Closed - But Here's What I Write for!!
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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