#It's a lot longer than I expected
unikorpi · 5 months
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Fae animation practice
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kiwibrain · 8 months
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This bit of dialogue did something to my brain, i just had to draw it :^)
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tsukinoshinjiu · 6 months
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A little something I did over on twitter :)
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tempo-takoyaki · 9 months
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Happy (belated) New Year 2024!
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basementloser · 5 months
I would've loved an episode in which Danny and Dash switch bodies.
I imagine it happens because Dash is talking to Kwan about how cool Phantom is or something, and at some point he says "Man, I wish I was Danny Phantom!"
Of course Desiree hears this, she appears before him ("So you have wished it, so shall it be!"), and the next day Dash wakes up in Danny's body. Danny Fenton's body. In Danny's room.
At this point he's pretty familiar with Desiree, and he assumes she just heard him wrong, befause Fenton and Phantom do sound alike. ("Huh, how weird! How has no one noticed this before?" We hear Wes screaming in the distance as Dash makes this observation.)
But there is no way in hell that a puny little nerd like Fenton could be Dash's hero, so something must've gone wrong. He decides to find Desiree and correct his wish.
Meanwhile, Danny (to his horror) wakes up in Dash's body.
He assumes he overshadowed him for some reason, but when he tries to leave, he finds out he doesn't have his powers. He also doesn't feel Dash's presence in the body.
"I know i asked for a growth spurt, but not like this!"
This isn't good.
Dash makes his way downstairs, and is immediately greeted by Jack Fenton, who has a million chores for him.
"Come on, Danno! Those ghosts I fished out of the ghost zone with the Fenton Ghost Fisher™️ aren't gonna put themselves back!"
Before he can object he is pushed into the lab and has to fight a couple of ectopusses. This goes very badly at first, until Dash remembers the bit of ghost hunting training Danny gave him and his classmates, when they had to rescue their parents from that big pirate ship.
As soon as he's done, exhausted on the floor (Damn, Fenton really needs to work out more!), he hears Jack yelling down the stairs.
"Son, don't forget to change the ecto filtrator! You don't want Amity Park to blow up, do ya?"
More dangerous chores keep getting added for longer than Dash thought was humanly possible.
(At some point Jack gave him some fudge, which helped.)
How does Fenton live like this???
We switch back over to Danny, who is now looking around Dash's room. He already knew about the cute pink teddy bear collection, but he didn't expect to find what can only be described as a fan shrine to Phantom.
There are newspaper articles, pictures, merch ("Wait I have merch? How come i didn't know that? Who is selling Phantom merch?" it's Tucker), and a poster.
(the b-story of this episode is Sam & Tucker running a Phantom merch line, and trying to stop the Box Ghost from stealing all the boxes of merch.)
Danny keeps looking around Dash's room, and finding out more about him through his stuff.
At some point he finds Dash's diary. He contemplates if he should read it or not, but in the end he decides that since Dash is always such a jerk to him, he doesn't care about morals and reads it.
Reading the diary, Danny starts to feel kinda bad, because in the entries Dash actually seems human. He's insecure, and he actually struggles with a lot. He's afraid to talk about what he's going through.
His parents are very absent, and the A-listers kicked Valerie out when her life wasn't perfect anymore. He doesn't want that to happen to him.
(I personally headcanon Dash as an extremely closeted gay guy with a lot of internalised homophobia, who hasn't stopped trying to convince himself that he's straight, but his struggles could be about anything.)
After reading all that, Danny starts to feel kinda bad for him.
Over the course of the day ghosts keep showing up to fight or talk to Fenton, and Dash is incredibly confused by this. Also Danny must have a weird cold or something, because he's been exhaling cold air at random all day.
"I AM THE BOX GHO- Hey! Wait! Why are you running away? You never run away. You always trap me in your cylindrical contraption of doOoOoOm!" (The Box Ghost is wearing a Phantom t-shirt, and is holding a box full of other Phantom merch. After Dash runs away, Sam and Tucker appear, chasing the Box Ghost through the street, trying to get the merch back.)
Later Johnny 13 shows up to fight, because he and Kitty broke up for the 4th time this week, and he wants to let out some steam. "Shouldn't you change for our fight, kid?" Change into what? Wait he wanted to fight, right? Dash puts on his gym uniform, and boxing gloves. Johnny looks at him weird, but doesn't question it. They have a little boxing match in the backyard.
Youngblood came by to play astronauts with him, and was very disappointed that Danny didn't fly up to space with him. (Wait didn't that dead kid kidnap Dash's parents??! Also why in the hell does he think Fenton has the ability to fly?????!! And breathe(!) in space?!!!)
After finishing what seems like a billion ghost related chores (and dealing with way too many ghosts), Dash finally manages to get out of the Fenton house, and starts to look for Desiree.
Danny walks out of Dash's room, and runs into Dash's dad. He opens his mouth, but he doesn't seem to care about what he's going to say. "Son I am so incredibly disappointed in you." the dad starts, then continues to list all the reasons he is a huge disappointment who should try harder. "Those weird little bears in your closet!" and "Why don't you have a girlfriend yet?"
The whole interaction is horrible, and makes Danny appreciate his own parents (weird as they may be) so much.
Dash's mom also berates him about being a disappointment, because they found his Phantom collection ("He is a GHOST, Dash! He's dangerous!"), and because his grades are so low. ("What do you mean tutor? Just study harder!")
They threaten to take Pookie away if he doesn't get his shit together.
At some point Danny has deduced that this body situation must be some ghost bullshit, and he decides to go to Fentonworks.
Then he runs into Dash in his body, and they have a little spiderman moment
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After the internal shock and "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BODY GET OUT!"s have gone around, Dash tells Danny what happened.
Danny informs Dash that most of Desiree's wishes become permanent after 24 hours. They decide to team up to get Desiree to undo this wish before that happens.
It's noted that Dash didn't say the word "puny" or any other insult, when he says "I really don't wanna stay in your body.".
We see a compilation of Danny and Dash searching Amity Park for Desiree, and other wishes she has granted. They fight off a couple of small ghost things together.
(during this compilation we see Sam and Tucker chasing the Box Ghost around. "How is he this hard to catch?? We've done this millions of times already!!!" -"Well maybe if you didn't drop the fucking thermos!")
After the fight, Dash sighs and says "Man, I had no idea how difficult your life is, Fenton. I've only been living it a day and it sucks."
they have a little heart to heart, and Dash sincerely apologises for bullying Danny so much.
"why did you want to be Phantom anyway? I assume his life isn't that easy either." Danny says.
"I dunno, man. I just thought it would be cool to be, y'know, going ghost."
White rings appear around Dash. He turns into Phantom.
they have another moment like this:
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Because of course, this is the moment that Desiree appears, and starts fighting them.
"I dont know how!!!"
The beginning of the fight is very awkward, with Dash not knowing how Danny's powers work, and Danny not being used to fighting Desiree without his powers.
Eventually they get the hang of it, with Danny telling Dash how to activate and use certain powers in the moment, and they defeat Desiree.
All the wishes get undone, and they suck her up into a thermos.
After that, they talk about Danny being Phantom. Danny tells Dash the story of how he died got his powers, and Dash shares some of his secrets with Danny so they're "even". (it's some stuff that wasn't in Dash's diary. Danny doesn't mention that he read that, but that can be conflict in a later episode)
They aren't friends yet, but it's a start. Now that he walked a mile in Danny's shoes, Dash feels so bad about bullying him all those years, and he starts to question his life choices. (start of a Dash redemption arc i guess). He promises to stop bullying in general, and help out Danny however he can. (He also promises to not tell anyone about Danny's secret identity.)
(The episode ends with Sam and Tucker, having finally caught the Box Ghost, only to realise that in the chase/fight all the merch got way too messed up to sell, so it was all for nothing. Tucker throws the thermos down in frustration, the Box Ghost gets free, grabs the Phantom shirt he wore earlier, yells "BEWARE!" and flies off. Sam sighs and gets ready to start chasing him again, but Tucker stops her. "I give up. Let him have the fucking shirt.")
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shortbreadly · 1 year
well barbie and blitzo’s interactions killed me just as i expected, but i just want to talk about this:
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we can see that barbie’s mad at blitzo for whatever reason, but something about this scene feels off to me. and i think i’ve pinpointed why
blitzo is no stranger to people being mad at him, in fact it happens in most episodes. of course some people‘s feelings mean more to him, such as maybe m+m, stolas or even fizzarolli, but he doesn’t shy away from defending himself and speaking his mind to even them. he always has some shit to say, and always sticks up for himself in his own blitzo way
but with barbie he doesn’t, he just stares at her with that sad little look of regret on his face. even in this scene:
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blitzo recoils away from barbie. doesn’t defend himself. doesn’t argue with her. just recoils.
blitzo obviously feels shame and regret over whatever has happened between him and barbie, otherwise he would’ve stuck up for himself. however i also think he views barbie as completely innocent and out of the wrong regarding whatever happened, instead possibly blaming himself, due to one thing:
barbie was never in blitzo’s bad trip. striker, fizz, verosika, moxxie and stolas were, but not barbie. all of these people he views negatively (or has previously viewed somewhat negatively in moxxie’s and stolas’ case) but barbie is no where to be seen. obviously something has happened in the past with her as with the others, but unlike them he can’t bring himself to hate her for it
edit: just gonna throw it out there that blitzo recoils when barbie presses their mother’s choker. make of that what you will
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
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doodles bc i miss drawing things that are rendered lol
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🥤The OC Café🥤
Want a choccy milk?
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In order from left to right!
Carrie Caramel - by Yours Truly @the-pianist-from-accumula-town ❤️ (Runs the café and hosts this event!)
Colt Cattlemen - by @thelone-copper (Colt's farm provided the milk for the Choccy milk. Thanks, Colt!)
Robbie Robs - by @clownsuu (Silly little beetle. Almost depleted choccy milk supplies all by himself.)
More under cut!👇
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Skittles - by @saxophonelover1160 (BABY. SMOL. One of my faves 10/10 would draw them again)
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Ida - by @stormcellarwitch (Enjoys her choccy milk with a nice book)
(don't have a name for this next one so I'll call him) Bee - by @lexieshomee (Look at him buzzing around happily!)
Poppet - by @cupophrogs (The embodiment of that one "Sitting in a sofa the wrong way" meme)
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Dusty Bunny - by clownsuu (again! Can't get enough of his characters!)
Molly Moon - by @glitch-pep (She found herself a nice pillow❤️)
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Andre Macaw - by @dottyorange (I modified the feathers and legs to resemble Poppy's, hope that's ok. We need more animal OCs I love them)
Gnostica Discreet - by @moth-lover-not-mother (Dancing to the music with her bestie!)
Berry Beloved - by @shadytreelucy-blog (According to her description chart she had to be dragged out of her lab to join the fun, and honestly? Mood.)
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gay-little-izzet · 5 months
I would absolutely love to see your take on a Hades style Elspeth!
Here goes! I know I brought it up, but it’s my first time trying this style so I don’t think it’s quuuite there yet. I still like how this came out!
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Even if it means I’m still exploring the style, I wanted to draw Elspeth first, because of the whole escaping Erebos schtick. I could totally see her as the protagonist of a Hades sort of game (that’s why I didn’t draw her with a weapon—I figured since she has multiple, she’d need a weaponless pose)
I know it’s not perfect, but I really had fun trying to replicate this art style 😅
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medusas-daughter · 2 months
I had to block so many Alicent stans bulldozing my posts lately but I need to vent. Yes, Alicent is a product of her father, yes her marriage to Viserys was traumatic, yes the way her council and her own son are treating her is awful.
Here's why I don't have a shred of empathy for her: she chose, actively, of her own volition, not manipulated by her father or husband, not pushed to it by whatever trauma, to slutshame Rhaenyra over and over, and chose, actively, to raise her sons to believe they are better than women simply because they're men. That is a choice. Don't tell me she was protecting her children because Rhaenyra would have killed them when she became queen. Rhaenyra said in front of all of ther father's council that she wanted her son and Alicent's daughter to marry. She wanted to bind both families even more. Kinslaying is a curse that Rhaenyra would have no reason to invoke if they hadn't stolen her crown. All those arguments of Rhaenyra hating her brothers stem from nothing. She literally ignored them 99% of the time, they're the ones who were obsessed with her and her kids because of Alicent's poison. Rhaenyra just saw her brothers as kids. If she hated them she wouldn't have let her sons near them. Alicent chose to torment Rhaenyra to the point where her sons only call their sister "the whore of Dragonstone" and that is not something that was imposed on her by a flawed system, that was a choice on her part.
She also chose to abuse Rhaenyra's sons for their birth. Bigotry against bastards still exists to this day. There are countries where bastards weren't allowed a last name until the last couple decades, that's how recent it is, GRRM didn't invent that. And that's just the legal repercussions, the social ones are worse. I don't take that hate lightly. Alicent chose to remind the whole of the Red Keep over and over to keep calling those children bastards. She made them feel unsafe in their own home. She chose to make her sons hate their nephews and torment them for being bastards. That was a choice that wasn't pushed on her, she did that all on her own.
I have been slutshamed and abused by women like Alicent my whole life. And guess what, the patriarchy those women suffered under? We're all suffering under it. Some of us chose not to take it out on other women. And some of us chose to pander to the man and uphold the patriarchy like it's their life's purpose. Is Alicent a complex nuanced character? I would argue yes actually. She was a victim of certain circumstances and guilty of others. She's quite realistic. She's every right wing woman I've ever met. And no I don't have empathy. She made her bed. She can die in it for all I care.
Also, I don't hate her anymore than I hate the rest of the greens. I'm just angrier at her because a man calling his ex a whore is like a dime a dozen there's so many of them. A woman calling another woman a whore? That stings. That hurts a lot more than anything a man could say.
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kimdokjas · 1 year
wait wait, what’s the change tumblr did to the reblog chains ? 🥲🥲🥲 I’m so lost
okay so basically, let's say you see a post on your dash
before the update, if you clicked on a url, you could do 3 things:
view that specific reblog on the blog you follow (A)
view the previous reblog on the blog A reblogged it from (B)
view the original post on op's blog (C)
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however, staff recently implemented an update where clicking on a url no longer takes you to that specific post. now, clicking on a url just takes you to the blog itself.
this means that you now get 5 things:
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view ONLY that specific reblog on the blog you follow (A) -> changed location near header. also, you will now ONLY see that post and nothing else
view ONLY the original post on op's blog (C) -> changed location near header. you will only see that post and nothing else. and ONLY if the op hasn't deleted it, otherwise it just shows an error
view the blog of the person you follow (D)
view the blog of the person D reblogged it from (F) -> option B no longer exists
view the blog of the op (E)
you might be thinking: "cool! i get more options so that's good, right?" well, no.
there are SEVERAL things wrong with this and it goes beyond the prev tags issue
1) first of all, it's counterintuitive that A and C changed locations to the area near the header, especially if your userbase was already used to the previous functions. it just seems like horrible UX design to me but let's put that aside for now.
2) as you can see, option B which allowed you to see the previous reblog of a post no longer exists.
now, if you click on the previous url, you will just be taken to their entire blog. you can no longer view the post itself.
someone asked staff about this, and they replied in this post that the change was INTENTIONAL and if you want to view the previous reblog you would have to "go through the notes view".
to borrow what someone else said:
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basically, this update just killed the prev tags culture in one fell swoop.
(sure, you can still use it to reply directly to the person you're reblogging from, but it's now literally useless to use "prev tags" for everyone else involved. sure, you can choose to copy tags or peer review them, but again, if people will have to copy them then the less people are likely to use them, and not every prev lends itself to peer-reviewing imo)
now, listen. i know not everyone likes the prev tags culture, but it just seems like such a poorly-thought decision to kill a culture that like... half of your entire userbase uses (see this poll as a quick reference) and that's UNIQUE to your site and sets you apart from other social media.
but it's also not even just prev tags. let's say you want to remove an annoying addition on a post's reblog chain? you can no longer do that.
however, i feel like this is the most important point:
regardless of how you may feel about the prev tags culture, the pure UI aspect of it should remain
what i mean by this is: even if you don't like prev tags, simply 1) being able to access the reblog chain, and 2) clicking on a post and actually have it take you to their BLOG (and not just a page with that one single post) is literally essential navigation.
this update threatens to drive down user engagement (which is already critically low) by making it harder to navigate. which is actually another point:
3) even if you click on A and C now to view those specific posts, it's NOT the same as it used to be.
before, you could view the reblog directly on the blog. so you could just scroll down and see the other posts leading up to it. now, you will be taken to a page where you will ONLY see that post and nothing else.
but also, you can no longer easily navigate other people's blogs.
you know how sometimes you would see like 50 notifications of someone going through an entire tag on your blog? that's going to happen a lot less, i'm afraid.
let's suppose you want to go to op's blog because they're an artist and you want to see more of their art. so you click on C and see that the tag they use for posts with their art is "#my art"
cool! before, you could just click on that tag and immediately view ALL of their art as long as the posts have that tag.
but now, if you click on that tag, it will take you to the ENTIRE tumblr tag with literally all the posts that everyone in the history of time has tagged with that specific tag.
now, to do the same thing that just took 2 clicks before, you would have to: click on C to view the post -> look for the tag you want to navigate -> click E to view their whole blog -> scroll and look for a post that just so happens to have that tag (the search function is literally useless) and hope to god that there's a recent one or you'll have to scroll for ages or simply give up -> if you happen to find it, click on that tag to navigate their posts.
you see how this is counterproductive, right? you see how this can literally drive down engagement with content creators, right?
if you make people's blogs harder to navigate, you will literally drive down the number of likes and reblogs on their posts, which have already been steadily declining for years now.
4) options D and E to view the blogs and not the posts are literally useless because you could already access other people's blogs before. you just had to click on their url to view their blogs starting from that specific post AND you could choose to just refresh it to view their newest posts.
either way, the change just seems completely unnecessary. and again, it's not just about the prev tags culture but about basic UI.
so what can we do about it?
i normally don't advocate for flooding staff with messages but i do feel like this is one of the worst updates staff has ever done (and that's saying something) and something needs to change.
even if they don't retcon the entire update, that's fine, but staff could at least add the option to view the reblog chain as a different feature (maybe even opt-in) for example. there are better ways to go about this than just axing an entire existing feature.
also, this same issue that makes it harder to navigate blogs needs to change. i feel like content creators will be especially affected by this unless this changes because you can no longer easily navigate their tags, so it will inevitably drive down engagement.
so please, contact staff and let them know we want a change.
you can contact support here!
here's a template for a possible message you could send, but feel free to edit it. (under category you can choose "Feedback")
Hi, I would like to politely request a change to the recent update that affects the reblog chain of posts. Regardless of the "prev tags" culture itself, the UI aspect of being able to view the reblog chain of a post is essential for navigation on this website. Even adding it as a separate, opt-in feature would be a huge help. Additionally, clicking on a post and then on one of the tags now takes you to the entire tumblr tag instead of the tag on that blog, which makes it harder to navigate blogs. Both of these issues have the potential to drive down user engagement by actively making it harder to navigate Tumblr, but especially for content creators. I hope you can do something to address these issues as soon as possible. Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
also, if you can and/or want, reblogs are appreciated to help spread the word!
that's pretty much the gist of the issue from what i've seen, but if anyone else has anything to add or a different way we could contact staff to make ourselves heard, please feel free to let me know!
TLDR: it's not just about prev tags, this update affects basic functionality and content creators as well
Update Sept 07, 2024: this issue was "fixed" a few months back, although with some caveats / downgrades. You can check out this post for how to view the reblog chain, but all the other issues addressed in this post still remain.
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fistfuloflightning · 11 months
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I’ll never get there, but if I put the work in, maybe I’ll get close enough that I can chase just behind perfection — and have a front-row seat as you achieve it.
Chapter 20, Cultivate by @neonghostcat
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ying-doodles · 3 months
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I heard it was yuri day and dropped everything to draw my girls so here's them!! :>
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raphodraws · 11 months
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The Duke
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so is the first chapter just human characters? ):
No, it's not just human characters. Chapter 1 part 2 will be posted tomorrow, and it has robots, please be patient.
If you are a transformers fan who dislikes any humans in transformers media for the fact they are human, then Synergize is probably not going to be your thing, sorry. Synergize focuses a lot on human and cybertronian relationships. Synergize is an ensemble cast with multiple characters who get a decent amount of focus, some of those characters being human, I intend to put just as much care and time into developing the human characters as I do the bots. The human characters are not an afterthought or something I'm adding just because I felt like it, they are important members of the cast, both the human cast and cybertronian cast are essential for each other development/character arcs. cybertronian in Synergize are written to be much more alien than in most Transformers media. Synergize's cybertronains have more alien-like behavior, morals, instincts, social dynamics, social structure, anatomy and society, having human characters to contrast that help better show the alienness of the bots. Along with having a character who can learn about the bots alongside the reader and ask questions a cybertronian character wouldn't. It also creates a lot of interesting human bot dynamics and plot opportunities.
Human characters also have an extreme amount of plot utility, Sure, they can't fist-fight a giant bot, but that is not the only way a character can be useful. They have more knowledge on Earth than the bots, so even an unintelligent human has at least a little useful Earth knowledge a cybertronian wouldn't know. Earth is built to cater to humans, and my bots don't have Haloform, so if they need something done only a human can do, then they gotta rely on a human to do it. Humans are also great for disguise, and my bots are trying to stay hidden, getting pulled over and having a human in the driver's seat is way less suspicious than a car driving itself. Humans are small and quiet even compared to small cybertronian, humans joints and internals usually don't make as much noise, along with humans having a much fainter energy signal, making them perfect for stealth and sneaking around. A human might not be able to fight a robot, but if they are mechanically inclined, they could learn how to fix/repair cybertronians. Once you know how to fix cybertronians, you can usually figure out sneaky little ways to break one without needing to be a giant robot (though you still have to risk getting close to one). Humans are immune to some very common cybertronian security systems and weapon types, magnets, EMP devices, malware, and stasis tech, yes, humans are squishy, but you're not gonna kill one with magnets or EMP blast or by trying to give them malware. Also, humans are also just smaller and can fit in more places. Humans are clever creatures, and even though they aren't as strong as a bot, it doesn't mean they can't contribute a lot. Not every plot features human characters, but most do because of both their utility to the plot and the fun dynamics they have with many of the bot characters.
Synergized as a story, both plot structure-wise and thematically, does not work without human characters.
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kit-williams · 3 months
What do you think yandere Alpharius would be like? I think he would be one of the scariest yanderes in my opinion.
I hope you like intense stalkers because that is the kind of yandere they would be. But yes they would be some of the more horrifying/terrifying yanderes to have given how through they are with knowing their target and manipulating things around the target.
SO I was inspired by the twins and wrote a whole ass situation/fic
tw: stalking, yandere
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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You're just a pet project the twins had... nothing was suppose to come from it just their usual figure out everything about their target; manipulate them using proxies, social engineering, or how unobservant they were... the usual for the twins to keep their skills up and then the end of getting as close to the target without them realizing it.
You look at the package in the mail as you didn't order anything and it looks official with the seal on it. Was it a summons? Did you fuck something up. You sit at your coffee table as you open it up. The letter inside is vague but disturbing as you have a sinking feeling and you open up the folder. Picts printed out and they are of you.
You cover your mouth as you slowly look through the stack of photos as they start out at a distance hand written notes written on the photos. You come to photos of you getting recaf... dates with x's marked through their faces and on the back of the photo it says their fate... no murders you're thankful. You feel so cold as a photo looks like it was taken by someone sitting in the booth right next to you... you notice two sets of notes by different hands on the photo. Clinically pointing out your features... on the back written out is your recaf order... and a note how you like hot chocolate too.
Pict after Pict the notes get less clinical and far more into stalking territory... you don't know what this was for. Your chest feels so tight as you flip through pict after pict as they start to get you in vulnerable states... a pict of you dozing off on the bus... a pict of you out drinking with your friends... notes about your friends and again no one died but you realize now what this insane man... men? Have done as you felt your circle of friends was getting smaller. A pict of your drink left unattended and a note saying We watched it for you <3. You hold your breath for a moment as you worry about them watching you now.
You flipped through picts of you through the windows... some right up against the windows... picts with notes about your family... and then the picts from inside your house start. You feel the tears form as you had always felt safe in your house and now it's been shown that hasn't been the case. But the real horror begins of pict after pict of you in your bed. You felt sick as there was pictures of you asleep and then someone's hand on your skin... these were all different nights... this had happened multiple times. The final picture is of you in your bed deep asleep as there is a large hand holding your throat and you can see another set of hands holding your hands above your head... there were two most likely men in your house... stalking you.
You let out a sob as you feel so unsafe as you wipe your eyes as your phone buzzes. You really should have checked the number as you see a photo... and its you looking over the photos, with the message attached to the photo just being... <3. Your phone whistles as it gets a new message and it's of your back door, You really should lock your door <3 the message underneath says and you panic as you run.
You're scared oh so very scared! As your phone continues to whistle at you occasionally as you see pictures of you with comments attached to the photos. You feel yourself start to hyperventilate as tears roll down your cheeks and you run into an alleyway as your phone whistles its chime at you again. You shouldn't look but you open it up... it's you in the alleyway, Don't cry sweetheart... stay there and I'll wipe away those tears <3. You swallow the scream as you run down the alleyway determined to get away.
Whistling makes you look at your phone and you come to a stop. The photo is of you heading right for the other side of the alleyway. Whistle your phone chimes again as it's of your back you spin around and no one is there... Whistle and you see another photo of your back again and you look around and you're all alone. Whistle your damn phone goes again and you press your back against the wall as pictures of you right there in the alleyway with your back against the wall flood your phone getting closer and closer but you don't see-
The air shifts and your eyes stare at it wide and unblinking as you can see something moving. Whistle. Your phone chimes again and you bring it up instead of looking down... its once more you staring right at whoever was there, Do you see me sweetheart <3?
"Yes." You say so softly... so fearfully.
"Hmm very good." A deep voice says as like ice cracking the shape is revealed and you realize you have to look up more.
You look on in horror as teal power armor manifests into existence. A Space Marine... you were horrified as you looked the other way you could see another set of teal armor manifesting in the same way. You were trapped... "Come here sweetheart." They said in unison.
You screamed, pushing everything out of your lungs as you sounded like someone dying. You put everything into that scream as they closed in on you and you tried to get away but you were caught as you just screamed so utterly desperately. Till something sharp pinched your shoulder... you felt so numb as your screamed died in a slurred whimper. Hands.... hands were touching you.
"Shhh shh that's a good girl... relax." One of them or both of them said as you tried to not drown in your own spit just feeling your whole body go slack... feeling the world spin as your eyes darted around and you were bleating like a terrified animal. "Shhh relax sweetheart... we've got you. Brother... should we tell her?"
"I think we should." You didn't know who was talking as you were fighting something or maybe it was working as intended.
"We've been watching you sweetheart. For a long time... and normally we don't get attached like this but... you're an exception. We're certain you'll come to love us just as we fell in love with you. Don't cry sweetheart... just let go."
You couldn't stay awake any longer and with a whimper you passed out. The twins were so excited to bring you home with them. As they figured it was time to collect what was theirs as they were no longer satisfied with loving you from a distance... they always did enjoy the personal touch.
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