#It's a Terrible Life
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angeloftuesdayy · 7 months ago
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This episode was so funny. But really, it was sooo urealistic that they didn't immediatly started making out in that elevator
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onespncap · 3 months ago
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s04e17 -- "It's a Terrible Life"
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future-dregs · 7 months ago
Having Sam be the way he was in It's A Terrible Life was wild. Like, he was right, but you can imagine propositioning your casual coworker to abandon their life and job to sleep out of motel rooms with you, because you've been having dreams about him and now you know that ghosts are real?
A man you have barely ever talked to, by the way. But now you're saying come live hand to mouth with me, in each other's back pockets, "details" like food and money don't mean anything to me because I'm just that drawn to you and I'm ready to upend my whole worldview and identity because of it?
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flugame-mp3 · 11 months ago
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waihtie · 10 days ago
Okay I'm never gonna get to where I want to be if I never watch
Season 4 Episode 17 - It's a Terrible Life
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1. Tf is Dean wearing
2. Where tf is he
3. Tf is he driving
4. Who tf is 'Dean Smith'
5. Tf is he eating (I know it's a salad, but why)
Okay, more questions popped up as I was typing the first one
○ Sam: "Do I know you?"
Dean: "I don't think so"
... "Save it for the health club, pal."
I know that's not normal Dean, but this one's a dick. I hate preps.
○ Dean's all fancy, high-up dude, Sam is Tech Support.
○ Sam's having dreams about things that actually happened in the normal worls . I'm guessing his psychic brain is allowing some of reality to slip through to whatever the hell this is.
○ Prep Dean being a dick again. It's so funny. He looks good with his hair done, tho
● On the other hand, Sam has lost his babyface. I am very sad about it.
Sam's trying to talk to Dean, but he's not having it.
Dude just microwaved his own head
○ People are all of the sudden getting too into their work
○ Tf is Dean wearing now
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At least he's starting to get suspicious
Oh good, he reached out to Sam
"Who the hell are you?"
○ They both started their jobs 3 weeks ago, so I'm assuming that's how long we've been in this reality
○ Them talking about ghosts as civilians is so funny to me
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○ "Did you just call me Sammy?"
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○ So cool. Dean found "actual ghost hunter" "geniuses" (Ghostfacers LMAOO)
● The Winchester-hate on the Ghostfacers videos 😂😂
That kinda means they are still in their own universe, at least
Someone please explain to me what possible benefit making my eyes suffer through this has on the plot
Seriously. Why.
Sam is way too casual about that. Just chill after seeing that. I'm scarred, and it's just a TV show for me.
○ Sam knows in his gut this isn't their lives. Dean isn't buying it, thinks he's kinda crazy
Aweee Dean trying to prove 'Dean Smith' is really him by explaining:
"My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo"
Sam still insists
○ Cinematic mastering. The way the colour drains from life the second Dean remembers who he is
○ Zachariah: Angel. Castiel's superior. Isn't happy about being in a human body.
● Also the one who set this all up
Angels love to mess with Dean's reality to teach him lessons.
Sending him to the past. Sending him to the "future". Putting him in fake lives.
Lesson here was to prove to Dean that he needs to be in the hunter life. Isn't meant to be a civilian.
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Zachariah: See above
Just a little note for me for when I'm wondering who tf he is in the future, bc I have 0 recollection of even the name
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marginofthought · 2 months ago
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Look at those huffy breasts - uh, I mean breaths...
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deanstryker · 5 months ago
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Suptober Prompt Fave Episode - It's A Terrible Life S4 EP17 - Dean Smith
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months ago
I can’t stop thinking about Sam Wesson being heavily pregnant with Dean’s baby during It’s a Terrible Life😩
Anon 😱😱😱😱 This gave me goosebumps. I have never thought of this before and I'm OBSESSED. So many variables to consider:
Who does Sam think got him pregnant in Zachariah's fanfiction? His ex? A one-night stand with Dean before he was his boss? Body horror version where he doesn't remember?? (With a side of "maybe there's suspense about abortion" for Zach's amusement 👀👀)
Imagine he doesn't remember, except that glimpses of his memories of Dean breeding him are mixed into those dreams he's having. Imagine his realization in the elevator that this is the guy. Imagine the baby kicking right then. Imagine Sam not being able to just tell Dean straight up that Dean's the father of his child (that would really sound crazy!), but trying so hard to make him realize--to remember Sam, too; to feel that connection; to put his hand--like it belongs there--over the bump distending Sam's long torso.
Imagine when they go to Dean's after their first ghost encounter, Sam saying he wishes he could have a beer just then, and rubbing his belly. Dean FLINCHING because he suddenly feels so jealous of the fact Sam is carrying someone else's baby--wtf is wrong with him--looking at Sam's hand there covetously. But he doesn't let himself reach out, and he changes the subject.
But Sam saw it in his face. He still can't tell him, "I think you're the father of my baby," but he CAN drop in that nothing about his life seems right. And that he's single, although saying it feels like a lie.
Imagine during the hunt the next night, when Sam meets back up with Dean and he's covered in blood, Dean doesn't stop himself from putting his hand on Sam and asking if he's okay. And something about his touch feels so familiar and right, and Dean's hand stays there a noticeably long moment. The baby kicks and Dean rubs soothingly--another deja vu moment for Sam.
Imagine later when they finish the hunt and Sam says they should keep doing this together, Dean's argument is: How would we take care of the baby?!
And inevitably this leads to Sam kissing Dean and Dean fucking Sam over his desk with his hand over the baby bump possessively.
And Zachariah pops in like, I thought for sure you'd end up in an abortion clinic this time. Sigh.
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shirtlesssammy · 11 months ago
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Dean Winchester every day -- 77/326
Supernatural 4x17//It's a Terrible Life
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friendlyneighbourhoodfreak · 6 months ago
Did they make 'It's a terrible life' just so that they could have an "I don't swing that way moment" between Sam and Dean?
This really is the Insect show.
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letsdropdeaduniverse · 5 months ago
!Lost Destiel fic!
Terrible life universe, Castiel Novak ruins Dean Smiths composure by placing box of donuts on his desk for multiple days in a row.
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spnyouresostupid · 2 years ago
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purgaytorysupremacy · 1 year ago
friend who is watching Supernatural because I won't shut up about it: I dunno, the episode "It's a Terrible Life" feels kind of empty and doesn't really make a lot of sense. Like, the message is just "ghost hunting is mad fun, bro"
me, buzzing with murder board energy: no, no, but you see... *writes hundreds of words about how this is one of THEE Dean Studies episodes, especially when paired with the season two djinn episode and endverse, and builds important parts of the angel's lore and plans, and is a meta example of the show's creators misunderstanding their own characters and stories*
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samdeanbitchjerk · 19 days ago
Sam: "More like brothers really"
My brain (out loud btw): "More like lovers really" 🙈
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hexedwinchester · 4 months ago
Supernatural S04E17 It's a Terrible Life
Dean Winchester in suspenders, driving a Prius, listening to news on radio, eating salad, taking weightloss tips is so wrong!!!
isn't that cubicle a little too small for Sam Wesson from tech support?
Gamble, my foreshadow queen!! I loooovee when Sam Wesson is over at Dean's talking about how he feels he should be doing something else, he mentions "there's something in my blood". Now this could just be that Sam's destined to do something other than be in tech support but of course it can also be about the demon blood in his blood!!
Sam smashing the phone was hot! Don't ask me why, just go with it!
ughhh, Ghostfacers!
Zachariah is one of those characters I love to hate!!
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ladylilithprime · 5 months ago
Day 14: Favorite Episode
AT ANY GIVEN time during the work day, if you were looking for Sam Wesson, he could most often be found sitting at his desk down in Tech Support with his headset on. He even ate his lunch at his desk, and unless he had been called out to do in-person support or data recovery for one of the many technological luddites employed by Sandover Bridge and Iron, he didn't actually go anywhere from the moment he clocked in to the moment he clocked back out again at the end of the day. His productivity on the job was also the best in the department despite one sour manager complaining about the monster movie figurines on top of his computer and the fact that Wesson could occasionally be seen handling a tech support call while knitting. His attitude on call was still completely professional regardless of what his hands were doing, and the manager had been reprimanded by HR for attempting to incite unnecessary workplace drama and discrimination.
Dean Smith, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, was completely smitten. He had been granted the honor of having Wesson come up to his office once to sort out a problem with his computer that had turned out to be a badly frayed cable hidden among the nest of cables connecting his computer tower to the network router, secondary hard drive, and three separate monitors. Dean had tried to tell himself that his blush was from missing such an obvious problem and not from the sight of a perfectly sculpted ass in tight khaki slacks waving up at him as the younger man had crawled around under his desk, because that was a stern warning from HR about sexual harrassment waiting to happen. Wesson had assured him that it was an easy thing to miss if you were focused on the connection points rather than the cables themselves, even though it had only taken him five minutes of being on his knees sorting through the connections to find it, and if he had noticed Dean's preoccupation with the shape of his lips more than the words they were saying, he hadn't given any indication.
Dean Smith was also, at least according to his long-suffering secretary, a goddamn coward.
"How difficult is it for you to just talk to the man?" Nancy groaned from where she sat on the edge of Dean's desk, ostensibly going over his schedule for the next week.
"Considering he hardly leaves his floor and I always seem to be stuck in meetings?" Dean sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Very. Short of staking out the elevators for when he clocks out and hoping I get on the same one he does, I'm almost tempted to go looking for a suspicious email to open just for an excuse to ask him up here!"
"That would be highly unprofessional and a misuse of company time and resources," Nancy sniffed at him in that tone she had when she was making fun of him and knew he couldn't call her on it. She studied his schedule for a moment, then made a few notes and copied it over to his screen. "There. I've blocked out an hour in your schedule for today around when he's supposed to take his lunch break. Go invite him to lunch, tell him you heard he could recommend a good kosher deli."
"When did I hear that?" Dean blinked at her, startled.
"Just now. I'm telling you," Nancy sighed with a forgiving pat on his shoulder as she got off his desk to head back to her own. "If Adler comes looking for you, I'll tell him you had a very important lunch meeting."
"You're a treasure, Miss Mulligan, and I don't know what I'd do without you!" he called after her.
"Burn out like the overworked star you are!"
CLEARING HIS SCHEDULE for lunch to give him the time to try and get down to Wesson's floor turned out to be the easiest part of it. He ended up having to dart into an elevator going up in order to avoid being seen by Adler, and then he had to ride back down an elevator that seemed to want to stop on every single floor between the top and the Tech Support level. When he finally made it to the correct floor and stepped off the elevator trying not to look too horribly out of place in his buttondown, tie and suspensers surrounded by yellow company polo shirts, he almost chickened out at the sound of raised and exasperated voices. One of the voices was Wesson's, however, and so Dean found himself drifting closer.
"--can't exactly stake out the elevators hoping to catch him between meetings when my ticket list is chocked full all the time," Wesson was saying. Dean rounded the corner of the cubicle farm and caught sight of Wesson's long form leaned back in his spindley chair.
"You could always try hacking his computer to break something so he'd be the one calling in a ticket for you to fix," another of the Tech Support guys suggested from where he was draped half over the top of the cubicle. The skinny man caught sight of Dean and his eyes went wide in panic, but Wesson didn't even notice.
"That would be a completely unprofessional misuse of company time and resources," he said, unconsciously sounding exactly like Nancy had, if slightly more sarcastic. "Remember the elevator incident? I thought he looked familiar and he said--"
"'Save it for the health club'," the other guy chorused with him, making Dean wince. That hadn't been his finest moment, but they'd been in the elevator with Thaddeus Blade from Legal and Hester Wingfield from Accounting and he'd panicked. The guy was starting to look a bit thoughtful now, which was making Dean nervous again. "You know, he might be just as likely to find some excuse to come down here to Morlocktown looking for you..."
"Sure, Ian, because a rising company star like Dean Smith would even have an opening in his schedule to come looking for a nobody tech support monkey on his own time," Wesson scoffed, finally looking up at his coworker, who was still looking directly at Dean. Wesson froze. "....He's behind me, isn't he."
"Good luck, man!" Ian gave a sloppy salute and disappeared behind his cubicle barrier. Wesson closed his eyes and took a deep breath before slowly sitting up and spinning around in his chair to look at Dean.
"So, uh... I probably don't want to know how much of that you heard," he said, looking up with some incredibly effective puppy eyes that Dean suspected he didn't even realize had been deployed.
"If it helps at all, I was contemplating going looking for a deliberately suspicious email to open before my secretary talked me down," Dean offered, his face heating when Wesson looked incredulously up at him. "Nancy's also the one who cleared my lunch break and suggested I come ask you about kosher deli recommendations instead."
"Uh," Wesson blinked, then blinked again and seemed to shake himself. "Yeah, I know a couple places. Vegetarian, too, or is meat okay?"
"I'm good with meat," Dean said quickly, wincing when Wesson coughed and blushed. "Um, I mean... I'm not vegetarian, so I'm good with wherever you wanna lead me." He coughed again, trying to regain a little of his equilibrium. "That is, if you can spare the time for a lunch meeting, Mr Wesson?"
"Not if you're gonna call me Mr Wesson the whole time," his prospective lunch date said dryly as he stood up. Dean tried not to swallow obviously at the way the man being tall enough for him to have to look up was doing things for him. "Call me Sam, Mr Smith."
"Only if you'll call me Dean," he returned, and had the pleasure of seeing Sam Wesson's dimpled smile aimed at him. "Shall we?"
"Yeah, okay."
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