#It's NOT going to happen
roach-works · 1 year
important tumblr tip for new and old users
there is absolutely no reason to leave anon asks on. you can disallow anon asks. it will improve your life right now and ward off future evil. if someone wants to be deranged and make that your problem, they will then have to go through the effort of typing up a call-out post. you need to make them have to do that.
turn off anonymous asks today.
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shameless-aquarius · 2 months
My friend and I are talking about IF 911 Lone Star gets cancelled, how Carlos and TK can move over to 911. Carlos working with Athena, meanwhile Bobby retires, Hen becomes captain, and TK works with Chimney. Buck and TK together aka the danger twins. How everyone would be so exhausted from trying to keep these two doofuses from dying.
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beth-will-rise · 1 year
Wouldn't be so amazing if we got a reveal that Logan/Quinn had feelings for each other pre bench scene... I WOULD LOSE MY MIND
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hastyprovocateur · 4 months
Hot take but... Blue Eye Samurai isn't and shouldn't ever be Mulan... like ever. I know the writers took inspiration from several pieces of media like Yentl, Lady Snowblood but Blue Eye Samurai is Blue Eye Samurai. There is no crossover. Tropes shouldn't carry a story, characters should. If they wind up in trope games in s2, it would be such a loss.
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rej11 · 1 year
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mayhaps-a-blog · 10 months
Also I am more and more enamored of a plot where it's all a trick. That's not Thrawn, Elspeth has been deceived, it's a trap and she walked right into it.
Like - it would be the perfect set up for a Grysk reveal. Thrawn isn't Force Sensitive. You know who are, kind of? The Agbui. And Elspeth's inner voice is probably screaming for a savior of her pretty perfect Empire, with Thrawn (possibly her favorite, being an alien and she being at least part Dathomirian and him also just being the best obviously to anyone not a human supremacist) at its head and her at his right hand (she gets to be pretty much in charge, he just does all the military stuff she doesn't want to handle anyway).
All it would take is a touch, and the right words to awaken a dream. Elspeth would do the rest herself, tricking herself into believing what she so desperately wants to believe. Skoll's an easy sell, he just wants power, and he brings Hati and Marrock with him. Between the four of them...
It would work so well. Heck, replace the Grysk with the Rakata and it works, they certainly have a history of whispering across the galaxy. Wind them up and watch them go, and may the galaxy forgive you.
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leandra-winchester · 1 month
sorry in advance if i come off degrading or rude here (not my intention at all) but i'm sending this to you because you mentioned fictional narrative re: buddie, so i wanna add my thoughts about plausibility in relation to narrative format and medium conventions. long rant & full disclosure, i just watched 911, so i don't know how the conversation around this was pre-tommy but i don't understand how people thought/think it's a slowburn romance arc they were building with buddie that could actually happen. literally no romantic relationship on this show has been slowburn because it's just not how procedural shows of this kind are written. bathena barely interacts in s1 and were put together in a couple episodes. madney are only friends for five episodes or so. none of buck and eddie's relationships have build-up that lasts more than a few eps. the closest i can think of is buck and abby and even that wasn't much. i just don't think it's the nature of these type of shows, with the exception of something like the show castle where two main leads are set up as one day becoming romantic, to give breathing room for romance to go from zero to established. they're written in on-average 6-episode arcs and planned according to audience response, this is basically how every aspect of these shows work including the romantic plots.
which brings me to my second point you already touched a little bit: medium conventions but especially in relation to queer rep. when we have queer rep in these type of mainstream shows they're rarely stories about bi/gay awakening. double gay awakening? honestly, i don't remember a single show where something like this happened. i'm shocked we even got bi buck AT ALL because nominally straight hot guy main character getting confirmed as queer rarely happens. i kinda find the notion of people genuinely expecting this to happen with two main characters over seasons-long burn kind of laughable. and don't get me wrong, i understand why people love the idea, i'm myself a slow-burn building-a-bond-before-romance type of gal but i just don't think that type of queer story would ever work in a format like this, considering the average audience. look at something like 911ls for example, carlos and tk are both openly gay and start having sex on ep 2 and are boyfriends by ep 10 - that's the space queer stories currently hold in mainstream media. where it's made clear from the start and executed quickly over a few eps (not saying there's no further story with them, i just mean the relationship development). so yeah i don't think buddie was ever an option for the writers beyond being aware of the interest in it which is objectively very small compared to the millions of people watching this show. tldr: i think being ship-baited by a mainstream procedural show on fox is like going to the hardware store and asking for milkshake.
Okay, so I don't agree that slow burns aren't possible at all on shows like 911. Afaik, that popular ship on the Rookie also took several seasons, and there are many more shows that had a "will they, won't they?" situation with two main characters. Sure, it's much more difficult to write, plan and pull through, but it does get done.
Many people were hoping Buddie was FINALLY gonna be a queer version of that trope, and the thing is, there was enough subtext in the previous few seasons to support it. There were scenes that were shot and composed with commonly used cinematographic and contextual tropes that are usually used for romantic couples; there was all that stuff with Eddie having panic attacks over Ana, seeming very distanced with her, Carla's "Make sure you follow your heart, not Christopher's", and much more.
I do believe that backdoor was always open a tiny crack wide, and the writers were aware of it being a tiny, tiny option and therefore included all these little bits that would later make it plausible. There were interviews in the past with Tim where he even hinted at something like that, or left the option open; and there were other writers and directors who also subtly confirmed some subtext. It was never explicitly spelled out but hinted at.
So I'm pretty convinced that it at least was some level of consideration, in the past - always with a tiny probability to become possible, but it WAS there. (And before anyone reading this says "oh so that WAS ship baiting?" Nope, it wasn't. Giving yourself the option to maaaaybe do something in the future as a writer is normal procedure.)
Also, just because something was never done before (i.e. a queer slow burn) doesn't mean it'll never get done. It just makes it a lot less likely and subject to MANY external factors.
But yeah, I definitely agree that putting TWO queer awakening arcs around main characters into the story is extremely unlikely to ever happen on a show like this. And actually, we kinda already had two: the show started with Michael coming out to Athena. So yeah, even though we were thrown into the last stage/aftermath of that arc in s1 rather than seeing it play out from the start of its development, we had that.
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annarexcouture · 19 days
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Delvin Mallory: If Vex is not going to pin me down and kiss me like she means it, what is she even doing?
Brynjolf: Not having to listen to this, which is a blessing for her.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
saw a yt video where someone was able to rip all of wesker’s character/combat data and unofficially “unlock” him for mercenaries. it’s still technically just a mod, but all his animations are there and his mayhem mode is even there.
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
lmaooooo the idea that Elaena was named after Laena Velaryon is so funny. The only Elaena naming theory I will buy is that she maybe named her daughter Laena Penrose after Baela’s daughter, her older cousin? Or maybe she named her after herself bc why not lol
It was definitely a "theory" this fandom can be proud of XD
Also Laena and Elaena are not the same name in case anyone needs to be told. Or if people think they are, since they only have one letter that is different, then Daemon and Daeron are also the same name and Viserys named his third son for his brother -> that he exiled but details. And Aemond is also the same name as Daemon so his second son was also named for his brother -> that he exiled but details. And Aemon is also the same name as Daemon which is also the same name as Aemond which is...
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Also here's a groundbreaking idea. I hope y'all are ready. Sometimes we can name people a certain name because we like that name. Not everyone was named after someone.
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deliciousnecks · 2 years
the only thing that will heal me is if they give me the full version of Sunrise, Sunset being sung by idiot vampires.
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metatemu · 9 months
Crack theory that the eventual plot of duel links will be Kaiba channeling timelines and shit to resurrect Atem
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daisynik7 · 1 year
me trying to finish my WIPs and requests today because I just found out I'll be working overtime the next two weeks:
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respectthepetty · 2 years
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Japan, it's Cherry Magic all over again with this second couple. What's with you and second couples?! You rarely have them, and when you do, you don't know what to do with them!
Asuka has been the best wingman for Akira and Shin! He showed up late for the bus, so they would have to stay. He claimed he lost his phone, yet he was on it all day. He snatched that other bed up, so they would have to sleep in the room together. He was awake but kept quiet during their special moment.
Yet he gets home determined to confess to Shuu.
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Him and his belts deserve better.
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deepseatedrage · 1 year
I'm tired of hearing about how Rhaenyra sucked as a leader. The show indicates that she started overshadowing her father early on and it became the Greens' sole purpose to undermine her as much as possible. Bye.
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