#It's My Party (And I'll Cry If I Want To)
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deadpresidents · 1 month ago
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Well, if nothing else, Inauguration Day/Bad Birthday 2025 was at least good for my Tumblr notes.
At this point, I'm going to have to find the small victories.
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gee-roux · 6 months ago
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freewatermelon0 · 5 months ago
"it's my party and I'll cry if I want to"
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t3nebris · 5 months ago
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🐍♟️ ✧ tenebris ,, harrison (haz) | he , she , dark , it | intra19 + fictive. masc terms unless otherwise informed. θη | tagging system.
── [basic labels] radqueer gay rosboy , hypersexual.
─── [source] my source is a mashup of a lot of things, but essentially it's an au where i [harry] was captured by voldy at the beginning of the horcrux hunt & was turned into his pet.
── [extra] more information below the cut. pspspsps draco come here i miss you. main is @m-alaco-da . i will call myself a fag from time to time ^_^
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── [collective id's] chrono18, cisautistic, cisplural, cisapd (apathetic personality disorder), cisadhd, cisanxiety, trischronicpain, trischronicfatigue (transseverity for both). bondage.
──── [green id's are ones from source. cis = ones i currently am, trans = ones i was & want to be again or just want to be]
─── [cis id's] ciswizard, cissaviorcomplex, cisabused, cisclingy, cisharmed, cismanipulated, cisgroomed, cishallucinations, cisglasseswearer, cisimmortal, sourceharmed, iraeous, clingitty [<- xenogenders]
── [trans / source id's] transharmed, transpolyowned, transgroomed, transcollared, forcedtrisfemboy, forcedtransprogrammed, forcedtranspet, transramcoa, transabused, transkidnapped, transnullmagic, transSA, transpermaowned, transhypnotized, transtortured, transsexslxve, transslxve, permacollared, permahandcuffed, permapet, transdpd, transtbmc, permadissocciated, transcontrolled, transshapeshifter, transmasochism, transrxped, transmixed, transbritish, transleftleglimp, transstarved, transmartyr, transcrucio, transimperio, plus more probably
─── [para's] odaxelagnia, autobiastophilla, autoaptophilla, traumaphilla, apagophilla, cordophilla, autagonistophilla, serviphilla.
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lilmcttens · 11 months ago
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murderousink23 · 2 years ago
Savers earworm of the day:
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sorrowschengmei · 2 years ago
#i break my life up into pre untamed and post untamed#but really its pre xue yang and post xue yang#that man Changed me#t
xue yang looking at the candy and smiling as he died broke something deep within me i haven’t been right since
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deadpresidents · 1 month ago
Happy Birthday!!!
Well, thank you, I appreciate that but is it a happy one?
When your birthday falls on Inauguration Day every four years sometimes you don't get a very fun new President as a present. At least when George W. Bush was first inaugurated, it was on my 21st birthday, so I was getting good and drunk anyway.
I must admit that when I woke up this morning, I opened my eyes, looked up at the ceiling while lying in bed and immediately said "Goddammit" out loud because I realized I was still alive for what's happening today. I guess I'm going to have to try to live through this with everyone else.
I'll let YG and the late, great Nipsey Hussle get us started:
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ghouly-boiiiii · 9 months ago
You know what I feel so silly because I keep saying the only way Barb and Janey could still be alive is if they were either cryogenically frozen or became ghouls as well, but there's also a third option that I would actually love to see.
That Barb turned herself into a synth in order to continue her work for Vault-Tec and ensure they "outlast" the competition.
If this were the case, I think she would absolutely make the decision to freeze Janey in cryo with the intention of only waking her up when they finally succeeded in their plan of wiping out life on the surface and creating their "perfect world".
However, what I would REALLY love to see is Barb questioning the decisions she made all those years ago. Having seen the devastation that it caused, realizing how absurd Vault-Tec's plan is and that it's never going to happen, and struggling with whether she really made the right choice or not.
Especially after seeing Cooper and what he's become. A man she loved and possibly still has feelings for. And ESPECIALLY for the fact that she hasn't been able to see her daughter in 200 years other than frozen in a cryo tube.
With that in mind I would absolutely LOVE TO SEE Barb redeem herself by making the choice to help Cooper take down Vault-Tec once and for all and probably sacrificing herself in the process.
But before she dies, she tells Cooper where Janey is and tells him to get her out, protect her and let her live her life, and express regret for what she helped cause and the fact that she won't be able to watch her daughter grow up because of it.
So Cooper gets Janey out, and while she's afraid at first, she recognizes by his eyes, voice and hands that its her daddy and gives him a big hug, because one of the last things she remembers is being pulled out of his arms and brought into a vault where he was not allowed to go.
Then Cooper buys that ranch up in Bakersfield and he and Janey and Lucy live happily ever after THE END.
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after-witch · 1 year ago
Horrorfest: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: Mahito just wants you to have a nice Halloween.
For Horrorfest request: Mahito putting his darling through a House of Horrors.
Word count: 2823
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, body horror and gore, Mahito is his own warning here
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Maybe it said something about your inherent ghoulishness that, when Mahito granted you the rare favor of allowing you to pick an activity to do outside the damp tunnel where he kept you, you chose this--going to a haunted house. 
A cheap one, too. One of those kinds that was retrofitted into an existing building during October and then packed out like a cheap weekend carnival on November 1st. The kind that ignored safety violations and tended to hire teenagers who showed up high or drunk or both. 
It was more cheesy than anything else. A series of dimmed rooms with strobe lights and spiderwebs, or people jumping out in mediocre costumes or revving up fake chainsaws. No, it wasn’t really scary… but to be fair, your definition of “really scary” had been completely upended the moment that you were kidnapped by a curse with a penchant for torturing people in ways you never thought possible before. 
But it was still a tradition, damn it, and if you couldn’t get through October without at least one Halloween tradition under your belt, you might just lose your mind. Or what was left of it, considering your circumstances.
Still, did Mahito have to be a spoilsport about it? He’d been grinning at the start, one arm slung around your shoulder, even though no one else could see him. By the time you’d gotten to the third room, he was pouting. Complaining. Whining. 
And now, at the end, as you walk out following one last jump scare involving an oversized doll costume, he’s rambling on and on about how these humans were terribly uncreative in their creation of a supposedly haunted house. Like you were just walking through the park and not a poorly lit room blasting spooky ambiance music as some tired teens tried to make you shriek. 
“I know humans are capable of better than this,” he muses, sourly, as you make your way out of the parking lot and back onto the side streets that will eventually lead you “home.” Not your home, never your home. But the only home you’ve known since he took you, and it’s better to consider it something familiar than to fully face the reality of your situation without a gloss of comfort.
“It wasn’t that bad,” you say, lightly, blandly. “I think you’re being too harsh.”
Mahito sighs, and pulls you closer. To anyone on the street without the gift of sight, you might look a bit drunk. Stumbling now and then, leaning into nothing at all. Mahito likes this, you think, and that’s why he does it all the time on the very rare occasions that you’re allowed out.
“But I’m not wrong!” You glance at him. The almost childish expression of disappointment is stomach-turning. “You didn’t even flinch or scream or anything fun. You weren’t scared.”
You start to answer, then stop. He’s right. A year ago you probably would have shrieked yourself silly, as simple and ridiculous as the haunted house was; but that was a year ago. That was before. 
“I’m… not scared of much any more.” Your words come out slow and carefully considered. It’s a habit ingrained in you by now. Mahito did love to take your words and run with them.
“Oh?” Mahito turns his head to look at you, and you catch the last moment of a grin that he pastes over with a solemn expression as soon as he sees you looking.  
“Poor thing,” is all he says. 
You don’t talk much on your way home after that.
“I promise, this will be fun!”
“Don’t worry so much, you’ll get wrinkles! Not that I’d mind, but I read this book from the 1980s on beauty perception and--”
Mahito pouts, puffing his cheeks out ridiculously. When he doesn’t say anything, you sit up straighter.
“I’m just saying this isn’t necessary.” You keep your tone gentle, sweet. You don’t want him to accuse you of being ungrateful again. The last time he did that--the less said, the better. “I already got my Halloween fix at the haunted house, really. And we watched a horror movie the other day, didn’t we? And you got me a book…” 
Your hand gestures ineffectually towards your nest of blankets, where a battered copy of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary lay. Mahito found it in a box of books someone threw on the curb and proudly brought it to you, like a cat bringing a dead sparrow to its owner.
Mahito’s expression turns sticky, and his voice coos to match. “Ohh, you’re being so sweet, pet! But I want to do this for you. Since you like Halloween!” He resumes setting out a small collection of large bowls, most with mismatched lids, humming a song you don’t know all the while. “I worked really hard on this, you know!”
“I…” You start to protest, but it doesn’t get far. There was never any use arguing with Mahito or even reasoning with him on most things. Curses did not have the same reason as human beings. That much you knew by now.
So you sit obediently on the ground in front of the beat-up coffee table he dragged in here not so long ago--for this very purpose, maybe?--and try to calm the writhing ball in your stomach.
“Where did you get this idea, anyway?” You ask. Your voice shakes a little, from the cold or worry,  you don’t know. 
Mahito hums, setting down what must be the last bowl and surveying his work. “I read it in a magazine of Halloween party ideas! Some of them look pretty fun. Bobbing for apples…” He looks up at you with an almost hungry smile. “Your hands have to be tied behind your back for that one. Humans sure get kinky on Halloween, don’t they?” 
Your cheeks heat up horribly but you don’t answer. It’s smarter not to indulge Mahito in any questions related remotely to sex. 
The line of bowls on the table looks like something out of a sad potluck. You wonder why he picked this idea, or anything in a book about Halloween parties.
You recognized the idea at once. It was one of those old fashioned party games where the host put food in bowls and told everyone it was something gross, like brains or eyeballs. You remember playing this game only once in your life as a child, and everyone thought it was dumb and boring even then.
Well, it was probably the easiest to do with only two of you; you’re grateful, anyway, that he decided not to go for apple bobbing, if what drew him to it was the rope.
“One final touch!” He practically skips over to you and holds out a ragged strip of black fabric. A blindfold. 
Oh, no. Nope, nope and nope. 
“Um, can’t we just turn off the lights?” There were a few flickering bulbs built into the walls--for service workers, you think, back when this tunnel was actually serviced--and Mahito kept a few battery powered lanterns around that he threw out and replaced whenever the batteries died. 
A pout. A shift on his legs, a hand on his hips.
“It’s more fun this way. Ugh, don’t be so boring…”
Ah, boring. The most dangerous word in Mahito’s vocabulary. And you aren’t being sarcastic when you think that, which is why you sigh and blow cool air out your mouth and nod at him. 
He giggles, and scampers behind you with the blindfold in tow.
“This is going to be so fun,” he says, practically trilling as he ties the blindfold around your eyes. The darkness is quick and artificial and awful. “Have you played it before?”
You hum something like assent. “Just once, when I was little.” 
Mahito presses a kiss to the top of your head and you fight the urge to squirm.
“If you don’t remember the rules, it’s like this: I put your hands in each bowl, and you tell me what you think it is!” 
Your heart begins to speed up, no matter how much you try to tell yourself to remain calm. It was just a blindfold, no big deal. It was just a stupid Halloween party game, no big deal.
It was just Mahito… well, uh, wait a minute. It was Mahito. You were right to worry. 
But you’re trying very, very hard not to--and that was as close as you’d get to remaining calm tonight.
You hear the sound of the various tops being pulled off the bowls, accompanied by little grunts and noises as Mahito perhaps struggled with the lids. 
Someone takes your hands--you jump, and Mahito laughs--and guides them to the edge of the bowl.
Something squishy and a little stiff. Wet, but only vaguely. Round, like bouncy balls. But they feel more organic than that. 
“Grapes,” you say. “They’re grapes.”
Mahito makes a choking sound. Did he not think you knew the tricks of the game? Maybe the first people to play the game decades and decades ago were caught unawares, but the answers were common knowledge by now. Grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for intestines; some people got creative and made fake brains and stuff, too. 
He pulls your hands out of the bowl and sets them on the next.
Your hands plunge in and find not quite what you expected, but close enough. Instead of strings of spaghetti noodles, Mahito has chosen sausages. You suppose that was more realistic when it came to feel and size, anyway. They weren’t cold exactly, but that was nothing new--there was no fridge around here. 
“Sausages.” When he doesn’t respond. “Like, a whole row of them.” 
Mahito huffs. 
He’s such a spoilsport, you think. Maybe you ought to start guessing around to appease him. Or would he catch on that you were lying and get more annoyed at you treating him like glass? Or would that make him feel good? It was so, so hard to tell what you were meant to do sometimes. 
But he does take your hands, now a little slimy with cooking water, and set them on the next bowl.
This one is… a little different from the rest, and you couldn’t quite place it. It was soft, smooth, but almost sponge-like in texture. Like a gummy or…
”Gelatin?” You’re not quite sure for this one, and it comes through in your tone. Still, your fingers squish the mystery item. “Like, an organ?” You remembered once cooking beef liver for your dad and it had the same gummy, gelatin-like feel before it was cooked. Unpleasant and odd to touch, for sure. You didn't know if it tasted good.
“Yes!” Mahito sighs out the word, and at least he’s no longer acting like a pouty child when you guess right. It makes the ball in your stomach shrink down, just a little. Even if you’re still waiting for something to happen. Maybe he’ll try to jump scare you at the end or something. 
The next bowl is liquid, and you almost jerk your fingers back out by instinct. It couldn’t be water, it wasn’t thin enough. There is even a slight smell to it, almost artificial--red dye. Mahito would dye the fake blood red just to make it more authentic, wouldn’t he? 
“A smoothie, maybe? Or whole milk, or cream…” 
If Mahito cares that you didn’t give a singular answer, he doesn’t let you know. He only lets out a pouty whine and you wonder which of your three guesses was right. 
“Last bowl,” he says, before placing your hands on the edge of the plastic container. 
What in the world?
When you put your hands inside, your fingers are immediately met with a multitude of small, firm… somethings. Your fingers fiddle with one of them, feeling over the grooves. Wood, maybe? Figurines? You’re reminded, suddenly, of when cereal used to come with toys in the box. But you very much doubt Mahito collected a few dozen old cereal figurines. 
“I’m not sure,” you admit. “Really big wood chips? Figurines?” 
There’s a few moments of unusually heavy silence, and then Mahito whines. Whines! 
“You’re awful at this game. You only guessed one of them right! I thought you’d be better at it, since you’re into this human holiday…” 
You scoff, though you’re not offended. Just confused. And tired. And wary. Nothing new there, when you think about it.
“What do you mean? The only one I wasn’t sure about was this last one… maybe the one before it, but it’s hard to tell the difference between milk and cream or whatever.”
You feel the presence of Mahito leaning over the table, feel his fingers fiddling with the back of your blindfold, and blink as the artificial blackness drops away to reveal Mahito sitting in front of you with a pouty look on his face. 
And then you look down at the mystery bowl, your hands still resting inside, and bile immediately rises into your throat when you realize two hideous truths:
One. The bowl is filled with transfigured humans. Small distorted shapes of horror. A whole bowl of them, piled high, like a candy dish on granda’s counter.
Two. Your hands are red. Not just red, but red with slick, thick gore. Blood. There was no mistaking the feel of it. The second-to-last bowl is filled halfway with blood. Real blood. Human blood.
Your neck turns slowly, like you’re a broken, mechanical doll that can’t quite complete the movement. The acidic bile in your throat reaches your mouth and you swallow, swallow, swallow. But all you can do is cough and hope the real vomit stays down. 
It shouldn’t surprise you, what you see. But somehow your stupid self thought he was playing a party game, a copycat out of one of his magazines. 
The bowls are not filled with peeled grapes and sausages and blobs of gelatin.
The bowls are filled with eyeballs of all different colors, most of them still trailing red optic nerves like tails; with strings of intestines, thick and slimy and pale; with livers in varying shades of brown and red. 
“Oh,” Mahito says, perking up, when he catches you looking at the bowl of livers. “I wanted to show you, look at this one!” He grabs one of the livers and holds it up for you to see. “He had some kind of disease, I think… see the funny lumps?”
You’re only aware that your body is shaking when your neck jerks and twinges in pain. 
“What the fuck,” you mutter. “What the fuck.” 
Mahito quirks his head. You hate that you know the confusion on his face is real. He really is curious about everything, all the time. Especially human thoughts and feelings and behaviors. A mad scientist if there ever was one; but at least a mad scientist had some sort of lofty, if fucked up, end goal. Mahito just was. 
“What’s the matter?” He scoots on his butt around the table, not stopping until he’s sitting next to you. You don’t fight--you can’t--when he takes your hands and holds them. He doesn’t mind the gore being smeared on his own fingers, you’re sure.
You feel like your eyebrows would fly off your head if they could.
“What’s the matter? What’s the--you… you used real human body parts--real people--for this game. That’s what’s the matter! Christ--”
Mahito’s eyebrows furrow.
“But that’s the game! You put all sorts of creepy things in bowls and people guess what it is.” He squeezes your hands. “Are you sure you aren’t just a sore loser because you stink at guessing?” 
How many people are in that bowl, anyway? The thought comes and goes; it would be like playing some fucked up game of “guess how many beans are in the jar!” Only there is no knick-knack prize if you guess right. Just a solid number to the bowl of horrors sitting only inches away from you.
How many were there, how old are they, do they have family, did it hurt, did they scream--
Your lips are dry when you lick them and speak, voice shell shocked and dull. “It’s a party game. You’re supposed to use things like, like--peeled grapes for eyeballs or spaghetti for intestines. It’s a dumb party game because it’s silly and no one is really freaked out by that if they’re older than 7 years old.” 
The game isn’t meant to end with you realizing that you’d been feeling up the organs of murdered people, is what you should say. But you’re not sure Mahito would recognize that for the rebuke that it is. 
“Ohh,” he says, and you can see it all clicking into place in his mind. After a few beats, he grins with pride. “Well, my version is an improvement.”
You must look incredulous again, because he continues. “See, my version is more fitting ” He nods to himself. “I’m much better at Halloween than humans.”
For once, you can’t disagree--not even in your own thoughts.
His version is really scarier than the original
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t3nebris · 5 months ago
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can you keep a secret? <- general posts
i wish you were dead babe <- asks
with the way things are going i won't last another day <- negative posts
welcome to the panic room (former tag.) blood still stains when the sheets are washed <- hoarded ID's
i see things that nobody else sees <- reblogs
it's my party & i'll cry if i want to <- important
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your-soup-overlord · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake & Danny Fenton, Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Alfred Pennyworth, Jazz Fenton, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Justice League (DCU), Teen Titans (DCU), Guys in White (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton's Parents, Vlad Masters, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Frostbite (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Danny Fenton-centric, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Ghost Cores (Danny Phantom), Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Protective Tim Drake, Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Batfamily Members (Danny Phantom and DCU), Tim Drake-centric, Eldritch Danny Fenton, Ghost Zone (Danny Phantom), Ghost Zone Culture (Danny Phantom), Vivisection, Fluff and Angst, Runaway Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Jazz is mean in this, So is Sam and Tucker, It's for the angst, Siblings Tim Drake and Danny Fenton, Ghost Obsessions (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton Has Multiple Ghost Obsessions, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Danny and Tim met when they were young. Danny looked up to Tim, he was so good at everything he did! He wanted to be just like him. Tim adored Danny, he was so bright and curious. Danny was the younger brother his parents would never give him. As the years went on, they only grew closer and closer.
Tim thought Danny told him everything. (Unlike himself, too afraid to let Danny know he was Robin, and then Red Robin, fearful of what trouble could come after Danny if he knew.) So, tell Tim why his little brother is at Wayne Manor after two weeks of radio silence, looking so sickly and like he ran from Amity without stopping even once? Someone is going to pay.
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chaoticlad · 1 month ago
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No song will ever measure up to this masterpiece, that is Mario party 9 bower jr's mad extended
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ask-emma-the-cat · 23 days ago
It's My Party
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year ago
Old timey songs are like *repetetive tune that just rolls along* *THE CATCHIEST HOOK YOU'VE EVER HEARD IN YOUR LIFE FOR 1.5 SECONDS* *repetetive tune that just rolls along*
the song is over in 2 minutes.
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jessaerys · 8 months ago
i let spotify show me some songs while i was doing some routine library migration to itunes and waht do i get. what do i get. a melanie martinez song stuck in my head is what
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