#It's Lancetober
rainbowtransform · 7 years
Lancetober: Day 7, Water
The late start of Lacetober Prompts for myself! Thanks to @wondere11e for the actually prompts! (I don’t quite like it, but I’m posting it anyway. You can also see it on AO3 right here) Enjoy!
Water, Lance thinks.
Water is weird. He’s staring at liquid dripping from his fingers.
Why is it called water? Lance squints at the liquid, before wiping it off onto his jeans.
It could have been called something else. Like ‘wet’ or ‘blue’ or ‘wooo.’
There’s a purring in his ears. Lance turns around, head tilted listening. There’s someone else in the room with him.
But it’s called water. Why?
Lance pushes himself off the wall he’d suddenly found himself against. The wall is an old friend of his, Lance remembers. Walls don’t have feelings, or judgemental looks. They don’t judge him on his problems, or diagnose him with anything and it just listens.
I don’t know. But you can call it aqua, too.
Lance shrugs before turning around to stumble away from the wall.
Can you remember that, Lancey?
Yes, Lance thinks. He remembers to aqua means water. Should he go get aqua? He doesn’t know yet.
Water is weird, Mama.
Lance turns his head slowly to the side, watching a little boy and his mother walk hand-in-hand down the street.
They are eating ice cream cones. Lance misses ice cream; he misses burgers and pizza and everything else Earth has brought him.
I love the water.
The little boy turns to his mother, beaming a smile at her. The mother smiles right back, smile stretching, and she hugs the boy.
You’re drawn to the water. Just like your grandfather.
Lance blinks. “Just like abuelo.” He murmurs before he continues on his way. He makes it outside, and everyone is looking at him. Lance smiles at them, tightly, and Keith rolls his eyes.
“We’ve been waiting,” Keith says. Lance’s fingers are covered in liquid. Hunk is the first to notice.
“Buddy? What’s on your hands?” Hunk asks, coming closer. Lance blinks at him before looking at his hands. They’re red. Oh.
Red. Red it… bad, isn’t it?
“Yeah,” Hunk says, and tries to pry Lance’s hands away from the wound. “Red is bad, Lance.”
Lance makes a distressed noise before slumping against Hunk’s shoulder. With a shout, Hunk catches him and Lance passes out.
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isazolik · 7 years
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More Lancetober!!
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anescorner · 7 years
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Inktober Day 5 - Keithtober × Lancetober! The official prompt confused me so I went with this instead 😂 Prompts are 'Fire' and 'Comfort' + AvatarAU because I love it so much;;
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alexthepaladin · 7 years
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Lancetober: Space. Shiptober: Cuddles. Keithtober: Stars.
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giotanner · 7 years
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I love, love so much this character and love he is not only the ‘funny guy’, but he have really this thoughts, so deep, so angst. He don’t shows his fears, but he have a smile for everyone...
Reblogs are very appreciated!
Thanks for the prompt: @wondere11e ♥
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cerasiform · 7 years
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Lancetober: Razzle dazzle. By whatever he hasn't his sweater 😂 #lancetober #fanart #artwork #voltronlance #voltron #lancemcclain #watercolor
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racoonuki · 6 years
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I made this joke with a friend about doing something called “Lancetober”
And now her and my s/o is doing it SO
Guess i have to join in my own creation lmao
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“I'm upset that Lance's stans plunder everything from Keith. Like his birthmonth; it's supposed to be Keithober but then again they launched this Lancetober thing, ugh. It's like BOM!Lance thing again, where he replaces Keith. If July comes I'll post every other characters daily and never Lance, out of spite.”
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marmoraskeith · 7 years
im so disappointed about the lack of hype about keith's birthday
I mean the fact that there’s now a Lancetober tag when it’s Keith’s birthmonth is really just blowin my mind especially considering the fact that fans wouldve gone mental if anyone had tried to make a month for another paladin during his birthmonth but that’s none of my business☕️
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huntypastellance · 7 years
Eh just wondering, is Lancetober a thing? I thought it was Keithober this month?
Yes to both your questions, dear disciple. Judging from the tumblr search & the tumblr tag, Lancetober is an unofficial event (aka there’s no main blog advertising it with an FAQ & prompt list or something).
Lancetober is literally just Inktober. Except the topic for each day is Lance. That’s it. (Literally the most unnecessary thing ever.)
Keithtober is the same, but it’s got more relevant stuff since it’s about Keith (part alien -> sci-fi/body horror, isolation horror, dead family -> ghosts horror, cryptids/conspiracy theory horror, Halloween, Keith’s birthday, etc.). 
There’s a blog called keithtober but it’s just a regular blog, it’s not documenting & reblogging all the keithtober stuff, so you’re better off just sticking to looking up posts tagged #keithtober or that have the word “keithtober” in the post somewhere.
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rainbowtransform · 7 years
Lancetober: Day 9, Sharpshooter
Day Nine guys! You can read Day Seven and Day Eight. Thanks to @wondere11e for the prompts!
Lance is precise, Keith realizes one day when they’re going to a planet taken over by the Galra years earlier.
Lance is the first person to get there, and is listening to Coran explain some things. “They basically worshipped Voltron; not surprising. They’d been the first to be informed of Voltron’s birth, and the first to realize the Lions could bond together.”
Lance interjects with “What year was that?”
They all pause. “It’s been lost to time, Lance,” Allura says. Her eye twitches.
“What happened to the people?”
“The Galra enslaved them.”
“Why did they enslave them?”
“Why do you keep asking questions?”
Lance blinks. “I’m inter-”
“Stop,” Allura puts up a hand and Lance’s mouth closes. “Please, Lance. I… I cannot think about this too much.
Keith knows it isn’t Lance’s fault. But that doesn't mean Keith won’t be angry. Lance pries way too much.
Lance is too precise sometimes.
Lance has sharp eyes. Pidge notices this when they land on a planet. Lance is looking around, eyeing things as if they were enemies. Then he turns and grins at everyone.
“There’s a lot of things people did here,” Coran says in Pidge’s ear. “Swimming, hunting, fighting, sacrificing, weaving, farming-”
“Wait, what?!” Hunk says. “Go back a few?”
“No, back further.”
“Up just a little.”
“That’s the one.”
Pidge sees Lance stiffen, immediately, eyes scanning the horizon again. “Don’t worry,” Coran says pleasantly. “The people have long since stopped sacrificing on this planet. Why, the only people who still do it are the ones who’ve tried to rebel against the Galra!”
“Aren’t those the people we need to see?” Lance says, reaching for his weapon.
“No,” Allura’s crisp voice calls from over the coms. “We aren’t here to see them.”
Shiro relaxes just a fraction. Allura sound honest, but they can’t see her face.
“Liar,” comes a whispered voice. “She’s lying, she’s lying!” The voice jeers. “You shouldn’t lie, Princess,” the voice croons, joined by multiplies now.
Pidge only has a split second to look around before something shoots off to her right. She hears a shriek of something dying and looks up at Lance who’s face is unreadable. He takes her hand and yanks her upward before turning around and shooting into a shadow. Pidge hears another shriek and the other Paladins all reach for their weapons again.
Something creeps forward into the light, and Pidge very nearly screams. It’s ears are flat against its head and it’s prowling around them.
“Such a good eye for a two-legger.” It growls softly. “Able to see my brethren sitting in the dark.” It sits down, and grins. “Join us,” it says and trots off. “The Queen should be informed he is expecting guests.” One of the things suddenly tear through the undergrowth, and Lance’s gun stays pointed at it. It runs off in a different direction, and the Paladins begin moving forward.
Pidge notices Lance’s fidgety movements and how his eyes dart left to right. She thinks he’s looking at the things that are walking (or running) next to them. He still hasn’t lowered his rifle, though it’s now resting on his chest instead of pointed at one of the tiger-look-alikes.
His eyes keep darting, and Pidge’s do the same. She can’t see anything, though. She wonders how Lance does it.
Shiro glances upward at the things sitting next to them. It looks like a tiger, Shiro knows. He’s seen pictures of it. The only difference is the tiger couldn’t speak, nor did they have Queens that are male.
“Our Queen is most excited,” the tiger says, eyes gleaming. “She’s been waiting for thousands of years!” Another one pipes up. “She’s outlived all our parents!” A cub squeaks from behind Shiro’s foot and he jumps. The cub flashes out of his sight and something else dashes into the light to grab it and jerks away.
Lance’s head is tilted, eyes closed, and he’s looks like he’s listening to something. His Bayard has already been reverted back into its original form and his eyes are still closed as he walks quietly through the dense forest.
He’s breathing quietly and Shiro thought he was asleep for a moment. But then he opened his eyes and grinned at Shiro. Shiro smiled back just slightly before he turns around.
The tiger’s smile turns feral as he growls “The Queen loves to entertain guests.” Shiro glances at the tiger and narrows his eyes. The tiger-look-alike laughed and said it was a joke. “The Queen doesn’t hate guests, but he doesn’t love them either.”
Shiro turns around again for his team, only to count three other heads. He nods and turns around again before whirling around. Lance is missing. Lance is gone. Shiro turns around again and calls out to Hunk “Where’s Lance?”
Hunk shrugs. “He was like this in the Garrison, too.” Shiro turns around to the tiger-thing and it sniffs the air. “He’s… mmmm… I can’t smell him.” Shiro furrows his brows and asks “How?”
“Because I’ve been trained,” Lance says next to Shiro. He jumps and turns around to stare at Lance.
“How can you be so quiet?” Shiro asks.
Lance shrugs.
Lance is a sharpshooter. He can be quiet or loud; precise or detail-free; and able to see things from far away. He’s not the very best, but he hits his targets and he finishes his orders. (Maybe not the way Shiro or them want, but he gets his orders done.)
Lance loves his Bayard, and his rifle is always just a hairbreadth away. Lance pulls away from the tiger Queen and the Queen leans closer to Lance.
“Aren’t you just a pretty thing?” Queen purrs, and Lance shrugs. “I am pretty.” He says. The Queen laughs, loudly, his head thrown back and everything. Lance’s fingers twitch and feels like he’s going to shoot the Queen in the face soon.
Just get past this. Lance thinks before placing a fake smile on his face.
As a sharpshooter, he needs to pretend.
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isazolik · 7 years
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My inktober 1~5!
(I skipped day 4 and 5 bc i wasn’t home :/)
I’m doing Lancetober this year, i love him so much, so I decided to draw him everyday :3 
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stars-sans · 7 years
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Stars- Lancetober
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Lancetober Prompts
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2z66kgc
by Rainbow_Transform
Lancetober prompts from Tumblr by Wondere11e
Words: 353, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance & Lance's Mother, Lance & Hunk, Lance & Blue Lion (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Langst, Injury, NO DEATH, Still don't know how to tag these, Twelve stories and I still don't know, Angst, Hurt, Flashbacks, thoughts, Blue's trying to help
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2z66kgc
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stars-sans · 7 years
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Ice- Lancetober (I got permission to trace this art, this is a old drawing) Stars & Pixy (I use to ship them)
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rainbowtransform · 7 years
Lancetober: Day 8, Blue
Day Eight of Lancetober! Enjoy, guys gals and non-binary pals! (Again, credit to @wondere11e for said prompts.) (You can read Day Seven’s here.)
There’s something sitting at the edge of the town. It’s huge but it doesn’t hurt anyone. It just stands there, waiting for something.
The women gossip about it. “They say it never leaves,” one of them say.
“I heard it hates having people near it.”
“I’ve heard it’s been there for years.”
They are all uneasy about it, giving it a wide berth. It doesn’t say anything, it doesn’t do anything. It just stands there and watches the townspeople go about their work. It’s eyes are dull, and it’s metal outer body doesn’t gleam like it used to.
The government came. People in helicopters, airplanes, soldiers, SWAT, everyone. They told the townspeople that the thing was just meant for an experiment and they’d all passed. They also told them that they shouldn’t talk about this to anyone ever again.
They take away the thing, and everyone sighs a bit of relief.
It is back the next day, and everyone ignores it again. “The government will come and take it away,” a  girl states with a smile. She wants to see them again. They looked cool.
Her little brother looks at her and then back to the thing. “They won’t.” He says, as if his word is law.
(They don��t come back.)
It’s said that the thing was once beautiful. That it shined and it’s eyes were bright. Now it wasn’t like that, and nobody knew why.
It is said that the thing once flew and could run faster than a cheetah. It just sits and lies in wait now. For what, no one knows.
They say that it once had someone with it, but he is long gone by now. They say that it’s dangerous, that it should be taken away. That it can’t stay, it’ll hurt the children.
A boy says that it should stay. “She’s just lonely,” he protests.
Nobody goes near the boy anymore.
It’s gone the next day. Just like that. And the boy who’d protected it was gone, too.
“Good riddance,” the townspeople say.
“He was good little bugger,” someone says, fondly.
“He was a problem-fixer,” another says.
“He was a good boy,” they all say.
Maybe they’ll find him someday.
There are stories about everything and everyone. But there is nothing more interesting (or mysterious) as the tale of the thing that sat outside their town, watching them, only to disappear with a child.
If they look up, some people swear they can see gleaming metal and bright eyes. They say the thing has a red thing around it’s back, and it has the color blue all over it. Others say that it looked like a lion, and yet others say it looked like a cat.
People say they can hear purring in the middle of the night. Others state they can hear a Lion roaring and a boy laughing with delight. 
But those are just stories. They aren’t real. 
Or are they?
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