#It was talked about in articles that Jensen was too busy
Wasn’t there supposed to be a Batman flashback? Did I miss it or did they just decide not to do it because they couldn’t get Jensen?
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Just One Look
Series Masterlist
Warnings: dark elements but nothing too graphic in this one.
Please leave me some feedback either in a reblog or an ask! Likes are always appreciated as well. You know I love yall and hell yeah, you love Professor Steve.
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You sit against the wall, perched in a nest of textbooks, notes, and your laptop. Jensen's small bed has become HQ for your operation; cramming for final exams until your head splits.
You flutter back and forth, jotting down notes, scrolling through articles on the screen, furrowing your brow until your head hurts. You're encased in your fastidious fit as the door opens, barely breaking through the shell of your focus. It isn't until Jensen says your name that you manage to tear yourself away.
"Hey," you smile at him as the smell of caramel fills the room, two tall cups in a cardboard tray in his hand, "what's all this?"
"I told you. Recharge time," he grins, "and a few extra goodies."
He wiggles free one cup and hands it over, then takes one of the paper bags and sets in beside your laptop.
"Ugh, I'm gonna be so fat," you bemoan, not really bothered by the extra sugar.
"Me too," he sits on the edge of the bed, "so, how's it going? Are you an expert yet?"
"Shut up," you stick your tongue out, "you and your photographic memory."
"Hey, the lord blessed me in many ways," he winks before he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Oh my god, you're a dweeb."
"Well, I was talking about you," he smirks, "but also yes, there is a lot of Jensen to go around."
"Right," you roll your eyes and giggle, "stop trying to distract me."
"I'm not distracting you, I'm teasing you. The difference is that while you're sitting there trying to focus on English Lit or whatever dead guy you're reading about, you're fighting not to think about what's in my jeans--"
You grab your copy of Wuthering Heights and throw it at him. He deflects it as he stands, cackling as you feel your cheeks burning. He barely keeps from dribbling coffee down himself as he strikes a pose.
"So shirt on or off."
"Really! I don't have time for this, Jen."
"Ah, come on, we both know you're gonna ace this shit," he flexes his chest, giving it a look as he watches his tee strain, "and I mean... I'm into the whole bookworm thing you got going on right now."
"Stop!" You shout.
"Alright, alright," he relents, showing a palm as he takes another gulp, "I'll wait... I've waited this long."
"I'm sorry, Jake," you sit back and peel away the plastic tab on the lid, "I'm not meaning to... make you wait. It's just I've been so busy and tired and stressed and--"
"I'm not complaining. Waiting makes the heart grow fonder. That's Dickens, right?"
"I think it's a proverb but I don't know," you shrug, "still, it's not that I don't want to... do stuff it's... I'm... nervous."
He looks down and arches a brow, "heh, me too. I know I talk a big game but, yeah."
"Let's just let it happen whenever it does... oh, did I mention, I'm staying on campus for the holiday. Trip home is too expensive."
"Really? That's great."
"Great?" You wonder.
"Yeah, I didn't feel much like seeing my dad, anyway. He just likes to ask me why I didn't get a football scholarship. And the divorce is a bit intense."
"You don't have to stay for me--"
"Nah, really, you're giving me a solid excuse," he pulls up the rolling chair from his desk and sits, "and I mean, I can't think of a better way to enjoy my time off."
"Uh, yeah, awesome," you smile, pushing your shoulders up bashfully, "well, if I even make it through exams."
Your nerves swirl in your stomach. It's not just your usual pre-exam jitters, but the prospect of seeing Steve --Professor Rogers, after your last encounter. You keep your chin tucked down as you join the queue waiting outside the exam room, hugging your purse strap as you sway back and forth.
Rogers appears down the hall, greeting students by name, as he struts down to unlock the room and props the door open. You wait until a few others part from the wall to join the building wave of bodies shuffling inside. As you pass the professor, he sniffs, almost a tut, as if to deride you in particular.
You leave your bag along the front and find a seat along one of the curved rows. The professor waits for the clock to run out as he hands out the examinations, row by row, then starts the usual explanation of the rules, time limit, et cetera. You fidget in your seat, passing down the stack of papers for the next person to take one. You just want this to be done with.
As Professor Rogers calls for you to begin, you put your head down and flip the front page. You're ready. Your confidence in the material isn't undercut by the controversy. You won't let it.
Your hand hurts with the tightness of your endless scrawl. Short answer, then the big essay. The hall is silent and thick with the tension of students sighing and yawning over their finals.
You stop to think about your final argument and lift your head without thinking. You scrunch your brow and nose as you try to untangle the words in your head and your eyes meet Rogers'. You're shaken by the intensity of his stare. He doesn't move, he doesn't look away, his attention bores into you and has you cowering over the paper.
Fuck. He's definitely still upset. Well, so are you. He screwed you out of an income. You just hope you hear back from the tea shop about your resume. It's your last hope outside of commuting to the nearest McDonalds to sling burgers.
You shake it off, or try to. You finish the last portion of the essay but don't get up right away. You don't want to be the first to leave. You also don't want to walk up to Rogers alone.
So you wait, pretending to read over your booklet until you send a shadow rise from down the next row. You watch patiently. The first inspires a second and you get up, sidling down to the aisle to follow the trickle of students. You approach Rogers and hold out your booklet. He stares at it a moment before he takes it and flips to the first page, reading the first question.
He finally looks up as you start to back away, "good luck."
His words hang in the air and you flinch. The stone in his eyes crushes you. There's something in them, a promise, a threat. You back up and turn, fighting to stay calm as you reclaim your bag from against the wall.
At least it's over.
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lol-jackles · 3 months
lmao look at this anon (with ZERO RECEIPTS) claim that Jensen made $100,000 an episode of TB!! Omg, maybe if he was A-list but Amazon is notoriously low salaries unless you are way higher tier than Jensen (and he wasn't even in his Amazon deal at that time either):
Link. Where the hell did the Anon get the idea that Jensen was paid $100K for a recurring gig?????? Amazon is among the very best at undercutting actors’ salaries and undermining SAG-AFTRA’s residual agreements. At best Jensen would have been paid $10K per episode, not including a little extra for doing promotion work.
This Variety article explained why the SAG-AFTRA strike happened in the first place. Excerpts:
"frustrating to actors is the gamesmanship that often ensues with studio business affairs departments"
I shared my experience with business affairs here and here .
"Actors routinely describe having to fight with line producers and showrunners to ensure they’re paid the minimum episodes or weeks, as required by the extent of their role on a show"
Long time readers may remember my posts talking about how line producers undermine actors' salaries, which includes Supernatural's B/C-listers. I'm pretty sure the Teen Wolf fandom had that covered too.
"In streaming they’ve eliminated that [major role] tier of performers. So everybody is just relegated to the floor.”
Meaning everybody, even the top teirs, are forced down to union scale.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Now Jared will appear in Season 5 of The Boys. I wanted to ask you if you think he decided to accept because he really wants to do it or because he feels obligated. And why kripke wants him on the show. I just hope he didn't take the role against his will and that he won't regret it in the future.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So as of today 6/19/2024 I haven't been able to find any confirmation that Jared is 100% joining The Boys yet. I've so far read this and this about whether Jared is going to sign on for The Boys. I've said in multiple places I think it would go against his family man image he's going for with his brand but whatever I guess ha ha. The highlights I've read from both of those articles include the following quotes.
Funnily enough, I will start with what Kripke said before back in 2022:
"I would love a Jared [Padalecki] cameo! He’s always welcome on the show," Kripke told Variety back in 2022, although there are currently no concrete plans for Padalecki to appear on The Boys. The Supernatural creator surely has a strong relationship with his former stars, Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the latter of whom has since appeared on The Boys as the Captain America-wannabe Soldier Boy. Kripke cited Padalecki's busy schedule as the reason for his absence, but noted that "if he was free and found himself currently unemployed, I would put him on The Boys in a heartbeat." Now seems like just the right time.
Now that Walker was cancelled:
With the news of Walker's cancellation, Eric Kripke has spoken further about reuniting with Jared Padalecki sometime down the line on The Boys. "I feel like it would be a bummer to not have Jared on the show one way or another at this point, even if it’s just the one-episode thing," the showrunner explained. "He’s been shooting Walker, but with that show wrapping up, maybe he’ll have some time to come in and play with us." Kripke noted that there have been conversations about Padalecki jumping over to the Prime Video series, and that "texts have been sent." Of course, Walker itself has done fairly well on the CW, with Padalecki exercising his acting chops in a role that couldn't be more different from Sam Winchester, so whatever role he'd have on The Boys would have to be just as unique.
Interestingly so, Jensen did say this about his and Jared's careers after Supernatural:
Of course, Kripke isn't the only Supernatural alum to call for Padalecki to jump from the CW to Amazon. "He and I laugh," Jensen Ackles told the media outlet. "We were just talking about the fact that we thought after Supernatural, things would be smooth sailing and we would just be sitting back with umbrella drinks. And it has proved to be the complete opposite of that." Ackles echoed Kripke's statements about Padalecki being too busy to make an impromptu Supernatural reunion happen, but that hasn't stopped the star from continuing the Winchester saga on his own. In 2022, Jensen Ackles produced a spin-off series titled The Winchesters, which follows the parents of his and Padalecki's Supernatural characters in the 1970s.
Perhaps the most annoying quote of all:
“But now, unfortunately, [‘Walker’] got canceled — but the good thing is he’s free,” Kripke said. “And I feel like I have to complete my game of ‘Supernatural’ Pokémon and I have my one big one — very big one — left to catch.”
Well, at least the other castmates would be onboard with him coming on:
Kripke was speaking with Variety ahead of “The Boys” Season 4 premiere, in an interview alongside “The Boys” actors Colby Minifie (Ashley Barrett) and series newcomers Susan Heyward (Sister Sage) and Valorie Curry (Firecracker) — who were all very on board with the Padalecki casting conversation. “As a childhood fan of ‘Gilmore Girls,’ I would also vote for that,” Minifie said, referencing Padalecki’s role as Rory (Alexis Bledel’s) first boyfriend Dean on another iconic CW show. “That would be great.”
Spirit Animals, The Boys and Manta Rays
My best friend and I were talking yesterday about spirit animals as we have been a good bit lately. I mentioned that Jared's secondary spirit animal pair (yes, spirit animals can be pairs AND there are secondary ones too!) is the bat and manta ray. She then brought up the interview she saw the other day where 3 of The Boys girls castmates were asked "Which adorable animal would be terrifying if injected with Compound V".
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Karen answered the manta ray. Erin said she was thinking of her dog (Colby Minifie said this was her answer). Claudia said a bunny in which the video featured a white bunny photo but other animals were mentioned by Erin like "Instagram monkeys", butterflies and highland cows by Claudia, and highland cows both in their indecision to pick one. Susan Heyward mentioned squirrels (hello Jensen! ha ha) as her answer and Valorie Curry said "pigeons, pigeons like New York pigeons". Interestingly enough, the question is exactly 10 minutes into the video and ends at the 11:44 time mark.
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Manta Rays as a spirit animal from this website is said to represent as a brief synopsis:
Associates with the energy of the East and the element of Water
Connects you to oneness, wonder and self-reflection
Helps to release non-beneficial emotions
Aligns you to new opportunities and change
Opens you to connect to a deeper authenticity and truth in yourself
As Karen was saying in the video not all rays are poisonous. This is because she was trying to make the distinction between manta rays and stingrays. Both animals are considered rays so to speak but there are some differences. Manta rays do not have a stinger at the end of their tails unlike the stingrays. Manta rays also have a more elegant ritual than stingrays for picking a favorite male suitor, which involves making them go through a series of acrobatic twists in turns following the female and picking which male ray has the best moves. Male stingrays on the other hand will bite a female's fins in which he will stop when she essentially consents. Funnily enough, I was thinking about a Super Mario 64 star "The Mantas Ray Reward" when I read about the courtship ritual for the manta rays, which is apparently the 72nd star and is found in the 9th course Dire, Dire Docks where you have to go through all 5 rings in order to unlock the star from the chest near the whirlpool (appears above it when unlocked).
It was in fact a short-tailed stingray that stung the "Crocodile Hunter" known as Steve Irwin in his heart about 100x (not intentionally of course) who was 44 years old at the time of his death on 9/4/2006. Those who know Steve say that should he have survived being stung, he would still be advocating for these animals today that are generally not aggressive and tend to hide in the sand or swim away from threats. He is the 17th person known to have been killed by being stung via stingray.
From an astronomy standpoint, there is the Stingray Nebula located in the constellation Ara (The Altar) whose central star is the fast-evolving star SAO 244567 and is about 18,000 light years away. Interestingly enough, it is also a notably fast-fading nebula. Below is an image of the stingray nebula from a photo taken in 1996 and 2016 (Steven Irwin died in 2006, 10 years before 2016 and 10 years after 1996).
The Stingray Nebula is the youngest known planetary nebula. For half a century astronomers have witnessed its formation, and now they’ve noticed something strange: it’s fading away. “This is very, very dramatic, and very weird,” said Martín A. Guerrero of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía in Granada, Spain, one of the co-authors of a new study on the Stingray Nebula. “What we’re witnessing is a nebula’s evolution in real-time. In a span of years, we see variations in the nebula. We have not seen that before with the clarity we get with this view.” Between 1996 and 2016, successive Hubble images of the Stingray Nebula revealed that it’s getting weaker, dimmer, and less prominent. It’s a shadow of its former self, and getting weaker by the day. As an example, the brightness due to the presence of ionized oxygen dropped by an unprecedented factor of 1,000 in the twenty years between observations. What’s going on?
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As for my best friend saying "what if that's a sign he's going to play an evil supe or something?" This would be a pretty cool twist, as Jared has often played heroes like Sam Winchester on "Supernatural", Cordell Walker on "Walker" and Clay Miller on "Friday the 13th". He did however play a bully on the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen". Still, it is an interesting idea but it seems to me he may have just a 1 episode role but I could be wrong, since Jared is no longer doing Walker. I do know with Jared's higher self being Poseidon it's interesting to talk about the spirit animal business because in the Aquaman comics and movies, Black Manta is a supervillain and Aquaman's arch nemesis. According to the DC Fandom's Black Manta (New Earth) page:
The boy who would become Black Manta was an autistic youth who grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and loved to play by the sea. As a youth he was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship for an unspecified amount of time. At one point he apparently saw Aquaman with his dolphin friends and tried to signal him for help but was not seen. Finally, he was forced to defend himself, killing one of his tormentors on the ship with a knife. Hating the emotionless sea (and Aquaman, who he saw as its representative), the boy was determined to become its master.[1]
In Underworld Unleashed:
Black Manta later sold his soul to the demon Neron in exchange for more power, and transformed into a human/manta ray hybrid creature.[10] He took to wearing a new costume that completely covered his appearance, and inexplicably stopped tormenting Aquaman and instead indulged in drug smuggling from his new base in Star City. Here, he was opposed by Green Arrow and Aquaman.
As for Poseidon's connection to Aquaman in the comics:
For example, in Aquaman Vol. 1, #17 from 1964: Poseidon, Olympian god of the sea, peers into the future with the help of Proteus, his court sorcerer, beholds Mera, and wishes to take her for a wife. Proteus provides Poseidon with “time pods” that allow him to travel back and forth in time. When Poseidon abducts Mera, Aquaman steals one of the Olympian’s time pods and follows him. Zeus proposes a contest to retrieve a golden apple beneath the sea, with Mera going to the winner. Despite Poseidon’s cheating, Aquaman manages to win the contest. Angered, Poseidon takes Mera and flees to Aquaman’s time. Aquaman and Aqualad follow, with the help of Zeus, and save both Mera and Poseidon from a berserk creature created by Mera. Poseidon vows to mend his ways, and Aquaman gives him a pod with which he can travel back to his normal era.
For the movies however:
Aquaman’s abilities to communicate with sea life, control the ocean and swim at superhuman speeds all resemble traits associated with Poseidon. Poseidon is well attested to communicating with (and even creating) sea creatures, and the nereids and oceanids – nymphs of the ocean – by which he is surrounded. In Homer’s Odyssey, Poseidon is a capricious, dangerous deity who delays Odysseus’ return home by ten years.
and also the Trident:
Aquaman’s weapon of choice - a trident - has always been associated with Poseidon. Homeric poets noted that Poseidon was gifted his trident by the elder cyclopes, the one-eyed giants of ancient Greece, to help him in the war against the titans - the previous generation of deities. In the comics, Aquaman’s trident is often referred to as “Poseidon’s trident”, or otherwise a trident known as “Neptune’s trident” is portrayed [was called Atlan's trident in the movies] (Neptune was the Roman equivalent of Poseidon.) Much like the trident of the Olympian Poseidon, Aquaman’s trident can create water.
YMCA in Instastory
So I see you sent this ask around 5:02pm EST. I noticed in Jared's Instastory from around 8:05pm EST he included in the second part of the story he had the song "YMCA" playing. The end of the song and video in Jared's Instastory ends with "the boys". Funnily enough, I listened to that song play this morning right before I walked out the door to go to work around 7:15am EST for the first time in a good while...
Is it possible that Jared will be in The Boys? I believe a lot of signs are currently pointing to it, even if it's just a one episode appearance as Kripke suggested in one of the quotes I mentioned above. If he does end up on The Boys, I hope he doesn't go on just because Kripke has been nagging him about it.
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songliili · 8 months
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i was tagged by @inexplicablymine and @cactusdragon517, thank you loves!
i think i'm gonna go for something different today, have an article from like father, like son.
The ‘Lometa Longshot’s Ranch’ once again in theaters: new Luna and Fox project to be their next venue.
The ‘Lometa Longshot’s Ranch’ is a name that most of you recognize by now. Owned by Ellen Claremont and her second husband, Leo Castalazzi, the ranch has reached international fame in the film-making industry for the quality of their horses. The studios sometimes have to plan their shootings according to the Ellen and Alex Claremont-Diaz, her son, schedule, or renounce to work with their horses.
Ellen Claremont started the business with her first husband, senator Oscar Diaz, while she was still working as a lawyer in Austin, and she won the ranch in the divorce. Alex studied political science at UT Austin, following the dream of getting into politics like his father, while also working in the ranch with his mother. In the end, Ellen Claremont won him too, as Alex became a horse trainer and wrangler alongside his degree, and stayed with the ranch.
We talked with Alex over the phone, about what this project would mean for them.
“Honestly? I am really freaking excited. I’ve admired Arthur Fox’s and Jensen Ackles’ work for years, since I was a kid, if I have to be honest. To work with them is a dream come true, and I never wanted to pursue acting! [he laughs] I don’t think that mom had this in her mind when she started the ranch, I think she only wanted to take a break from the city, y’know? But I am definitely enjoying this. The first few years were a little difficult, we didn’t really know what we were doing, but I’ve been working on sets for seven years now, and in most of them we felt welcomed and cared for, and I have no doubt that it’ll be an amazing experience this time too. Plus, it’s Raf we’re talking about. This is our fifth project together, he knows how I and my horses work, and I know how he works. It’ll be freaking great!”
Meeting In The Ashes stars Arthur Fox, Amy Chen, Miguel Ramos, Hunter Huntington III, Samira Wiley, Hari Nef and Jensen Ackles, and is set to release in Summer 2025.
no pressure random tags: @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @happiness-of-the-pursuit @leojfitz @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @saintlynomenclature @wordsofhoneydew @gayrootvegetable
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dotthings · 1 year
While I really, no really, do not care about the CW Network's goings on any further, the misguided takes still going on at the most popular CW Network stan account on twitter are just too much. I can't.
I find it so hard to relate to stanning a corporation and a platform this hard. I'm with the fans who are fans of the shows, and hurt because of losing the shows, that part I relate to, but I don't relate to this stanning of CW as an entity. I'm a fandom old and have been through 3 CEO's at the CW. I watched shows on UPN and The WB. I remember when The CW was formed. There is no era of The CW that hasn't made me feel like this was a dumpster fire of a platform, to greater or lesser degrees. When The CW was formed it wiped out a bunch of Black-led series on UPN. The CW was the evil network that people now think CW Nexstar is.
There was a brief period where I rethought my perceptions of it--at the height of the Arrowverse, back when Arrow was on the rise and spun off into The Flash and it was a very exciting time to me as a DC fan to have that. But it was short-lived and I quit the Arrowverse only a few seasons later.
There are good creatives who have done good work at The CW and I appreciate them, I also appreciate the more recent gen of shows that did seem to be course correcting on some systemic things that drove me nuts about many of the shows on The CW previously.
The evangelizing of Mark Pedowitz. Let's start there.
Mark Pedowitz, who showed he had no interest in SPN whatsoever beyond "maybe the franchise is only J2" and "we'll keep making more so long as the boys want to keep going" and that's all he ever had to say about it. He cared only for the draw of #1 and #2 on the call sheet, he never showed any sign he actually cared about the story, and he was immensely disrespectful about the show.
Pedowitz who said maybe SPN doesn't have any characters worthy of a spinoff.
Pedowitz playing to the very J2-only stanning toxics who are currently attacking Jensen Ackles and The Winchesters.
Pedowitz, who dissed Wayward Sisters. And no matter if that decision was actually over his head and out of his hands (it actually had to do with the CBS half of CW), there's no reason for that kind of tactless PR statement. "Not where we want it be creatively."
I find it hard to forgive all that, to this day. So excuse me if I'm not on board the Saint Pedowitz train.
Now, let's talk about this idealization that says that "they destroyed the network," they being Nexstar.
Oh I'm sorry. Excuse me, come again, WHO destroyed the network?
Who was it that operated it in the red?
Who was it that left such a mess where it was bleeding money and got to the point where The CW's owners, WB and CBS, realized that their loss leading, practically a tax shelter, actually never profitable, and making its money from streaming not linear, pseudo network, was no longer worth it and DECIDED TO SELL IT OFF.
To Nexstar. Who clearly love a challenge. Because they bought that mess and are trying to make it profitable, for reals, as a linear broadcast tv network that doesn't need to rely on a massive Netflix streaming deal just to pay the electricity bills. While overspending, over-renewing everything, and not giving a darn how deep in the hole it was making the platform.
And all of that. That era. Has fallen on the creatives and the shows and harmed the shows.
This is the consequences of that era.
This is The CW paying the piper. Oh, Nexstar ruined it? Are you SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??
And try for once, sorting ratings BY DEMO WHICH MATTERS MORE THAN TOTAL VIEWERS. Yeesh.
Paying attention to readily available, public articles of industry commentary is a good idea.
Less time uwu-ing over a corporation that screwed its own shows over for years and left an inherited mess behind for the new owners who then, from a business perspective, had no choice but to burn it all down and basically remake it from scratch. Causing a lot of hurt in the process.
CW Nexstar does not care about The CW's legacy or the shows people loved there from the past. They Need To Make a Profit.
The shows wouldn't have had to be treated like this if The CW, originally, had been managed in a way to make it sustainable.
And that is on everyone not just the previous CEO. That's on WB/CBS who really didn't care so long as they got their streaming revenue. The CW was their neglected child. Something they threw together to make a profit off streaming, and off exploiting the viral fanbases that platform generated.
The corporation does not love you. The corporation never loved you. The CW was not destroyed by Nexstar. I'm not interested in uwu CW Nexstar, either. CW Nexstar has made it clear that they are ditching genre entirely. Oh, they might keep ONE dc series, as a treat. They don't care about that legacied genre audience from old CW.
CW Nexstar is not evil for having sports. Read the industry news for once I beg of you instead of just spouting off about how evil it is for a platform to have sports. Max is getting into sports. Amazon Prime does sports. Apple TV+ experimented with live coverage of baseball games. Get this through your skulls please.
It pains my brain to see twitter accounts perpetuating the misinformation and stans lining up to unquestioningly absorb it. I don't care about CW, I do follow media news closely, I do know some things about media myself, and what I care about is misconceptions and misperceptions.
I really think it matters, especially now, for fans to use critical thinking and read more media commentary and learn about what's going on in the industry. It's going to be hard on the stories we love for a while. I support the creatives. I don't care about your uwu big corporation that you stuck on a pedestal and insist on repeating misinformation about.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
Idk if you've talked about it before but what's Ethan and Jensen relationship like in your HC?
i really havent talked about it ngl (aka this is going to be long af)
jensen respects ethans professional opinions, but i think some of that started to fade when he came to edenbrook and actually got to work with him. his sour demeanor towards colleagues, the occasional outbursts about work, the clear favoritism in the competition—jensen didnt appreciate any of it. they're already working in one of the most stressful careers out there, and ethans inability to work with the majority of his colleagues was a big problem for jensen. even though the favoritism was towards jensen, that was another thing that he felt had no place in a professional space. there were good moments, yes, but ethan was the definition of Too Much for jensen.
listen, jensen isnt a ray of sunshine either, but he tries, especially in the beginning. yes, interns are interns, but most of them are still trying their best under a lot of pressure. jensen wouldnt ask to give them a pass, of course, but a little compassion goes a long way. he would never tell ethan to change—its none of his business, frankly—but keeping the unnecessarily annoyed and bothered comments to himself would be appreciated (theres a big difference between thinking something and saying it).
jensens job wasnt to make him pleasant, personable, or likable for his colleagues, and it never will be. ethan was cold, obnoxious, and honestly pretty rude in the beginning, to the point where jensen never wanted to get to know him better. sure, he could get through a day of work with him, but he needed time outside of it to find him tolerable for the next. he never expected him to become nice overnight, but for someone so smart, he would think he'd know better, more conducive ways to turning out good doctors.
also, on a more personal level, jensen couldnt relate to him in any way. ethans hobbies are coffee and the opera, neither of which jensen is interested in nor are they casual/cheap things available to people living on a budget. jensen grew up with the least amount of money you can, and was damn lucky to even get to college or all the way through high school, and ethans lifestyle in no way leaves room for that. if they wouldve talked more im sure they couldve related on some level with ethans mom leaving, but both of their stubbornness put together was never going to let that happen.
on some level, ethan also made jensen uncomfortable with that. i cant think of a time throughout the books where jensen ever wouldve felt safe talking to ethan about how he grew up. maybe a vague couple comments when ethans mom came around, but not the extent of true, valuable details. another piece of my hc is that, during the competition when landry was sabotaging mc, he dragged up a few articles from when jensen was arrested when he was younger and sent them to ethan. ethan showed them to harper and they called jensen in to practically interrogate him about it and why he "hid them" in his application. they didnt bother looking into it more than that where they wouldve seen that it had been sealed. it put jensen off severly because they immediately assumed the worst of him.
some of its jensens fault, some of its ethans, but either way they never click as well as many mcs do. i actually think ethan really liked jensen once he got over the initial mistrust just from him being an intern, but by then he had already spoiled any chance at them being friends. (i havent really decided if ethan was ever romantically interested in jensen, but im not ruling it out)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
sittin here thinking about a certain person trying to earn back into the intel when they were apparently told i was right.
this would have been so avoidable if people were honest. Honest about what they know, say. Flipped like a switch and tried to flop the dialogue an opposite way with an opposite lie. A shortlist of the history from market testing, confessions, finales, both before and that there were omissions, pilot scripts and more--just to list the major, not things like accurate casting leaks--and who arrogantly argued only to be wrong: people with far better contacts than that person, people with far better contacts than 2p0, and they still completely missed it the whole way through.
"That all happened?" yeah sweetcheeks. while you and 2p0 run rumor mills or don't know how to trade dms with professionals to not be shut out, there's been an actual trail of actual leaks accurate vs clods arguing against them the whole way until they wipe out bc they can't figure out basic business, who knows what, or how to not sound like a desperate fan.
but people read what they want, not what's actually being said, and even more rarely do they care much less know how to look into what's actually being done.
i think 2p0 knows. to them this isn't about being honest or right, it's about maintaining their relevance while seeing the train headlight bearing down on them all in the tunnel. But those of us who care, and know, well. sorry buddy. like. lmao, you just look sad
if yall weren't so obsessed with attention seeking online, maybe you could get shit done and be confident too
hey pat
i guess you could call this
a battle for dean's soul ;)
anyway idk man i keep asking if you wanna put down another 5K again since you didn't learn last time but weirdly, it's like you don't want to declare a clear concept of where the show is going, or risk that 5K against my very clear statements throughout, which I would gladly re-state top to bottom to initiate the bet if you did the same.
but you know
you aint gonna
you just talk, bitch. all you ever were. even today you changed your fucking tune, you can't keep a solid note
jensen is not your plaything. and you about to learn that real quick
all these motherfuckin cowards running their mouths online but not willing to make that bet because they goddamn know they're just anti trolls hated by the entire crew, everything else is theater. fuckers are only salty bc they DONT know how to have a real impact. In media. in life. it's a deep seeded attention seeking there and it'll never fix 2p0 or kelios or any of them.
i repeat, you all got headshot to the cast 2017, everything since then has you been digging your own holes so it's impressive that you're still doubling down right now even when you hear the train horn and see the headlights
oh am i hurting your precious ego? Are your buddies starting to recognize you're a pissant coward ducking a bet, or figured out why yet? Or are they all so emotionally fragile they're leaning on your shattered glass castle
i'm sure if you scrap at a few more paid M&Gs and articles tho you'll suddenly figure it out right for once, bc that's worked so well for you in the past. this time it's different, right? That's what you tell yourselves to not delete your accounts at this point, right?
admit it, you're all not even here for the show, just for making highschool drama.
you've still refused to let yourself see what's happening and it's honestly embarassing at this point. you can heckle from your idiot M&G fancorner all you want onto the internet, but you know it
lolj (called out even by jensen recently that they were too stupid to get)
anyone in your orbit including anyone stupid enough to onboard your auction list you burned 5k on that could be found or traced
congrats you're cursed marked troublemakers that sent jensen down the spite shipping hole even before the confession authentically broke him. hope your attention seeking was worth it.
is your only mission to instill disturbance here to make everyone as miserable as you are? Cuz if not. Bet or delete, bro. Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up. permanently.
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j2memories · 8 months
Looper article (October 11th 2022)
Jensen Ackles On The Catharsis Of The Winchesters Following Supernatural's Ending - Exclusive Interview
The ending of "Supernatural" may have been a gut-punch to fans who followed the series for 15 years, but imagine saying goodbye to a character you played for just as long. Well, Jensen Ackles has no intention of closing the Impala door on his character Dean Winchester. Not only are he and his wife, Danneel Ackles, executive producing the spinoff series "The Winchesters," but Ackles even reprises his role as Dean in a narrating capacity. No rebar will keep the eldest Winchester brother down for long. 
The series chronicles the young lives of Dean and Sam Winchester's parents, played by Meg Donnelly (Mary) and Drake Rodger (John), offering closure to both the fandom and the cast. "The Winchesters" also creates opportunities for beloved fan favorites to return to this world and gives alums, like Richard Speight Jr. (Gabriel), the chance to direct the new series. All in all, the show is just what everyone needs to keep this world alive.
Looper exclusively spoke to Jensen Ackles during the "Winchesters" New York Comic Con press line. Ackles discussed the catharsis of rejoining this world after the ending of "Supernatural," admitted that he'll never say goodbye to Dean Winchester, and detailed the production advice Jared Padalecki gave him. Ackles also teased some tentative plans to direct "The Winchesters" at some point. 
Ackles will never say goodbye to Dean Winchester
You mentioned before that you struggled a bit with Dean's ending on "Supernatural." Was jumping into "The Winchesters" in both an EP and narrating capacity cathartic at all in giving you some closure after Dean's death? And how does Dean's essence help shape the overall narrative of the show?
100%. It has been cathartic, and not just because of Dean's death or "Supernatural" coming to an end, but the way it ended too — not in story but with COVID. We didn't get to have a wrap party, and that's been a heartbreaker for a show to be on as long as "Supernatural" was on, for a cast to be together as long as we [were] together, for a crew to be together as long as we [were] together. A lot of the crew had been there [for] over a decade. It was heartbreaking to end the way that we ended.
So to have this world continue on in some capacity is absolutely cathartic and something that I'm very proud of and something that is helping me cope with "Supernatural" not being around. Also, the fact that I still get to mentally put those boots back on and speak like Dean about a family that he would die for it.
I said it before. People were like, "How hard is it going to be to say goodbye to Dean?" I was like, "I'm not going to say goodbye to him, and I don't think I ever will. Dean's a part of me and will forever be."
Brothers back in arms
Jared [Padalecki] has been producing "Walker" for a while now. Have you gone to him for any advice on producing or any input on the show's direction? And do you have any plans to direct yourself?
Yes, and yes, and yes. Jared and I are still very close. We still talk quite a bit, and I have gone to him and asked him questions, largely [about] the behind-the-scenes stuff and business aspects of it. Not necessarily the creative, but "How are you dealing with studio notes?" and "How are these calls going?" and "What are you doing when you get squeezed on this particular part of the budget?" It's things that we normally never needed to talk about but now we are talking [about]. We're finding ourselves having these conversations. "What are you doing about getting a preemptive for three weeks?" That kind of stuff. 
It has opened up a whole other part of our lives and [the ability] to discuss things — which, when you're with somebody as much as I've been with him, you think you['ve] pretty much covered all the topics. Now we have a whole new set of topics to discuss and talk about and spitball.
As far as directing goes, [I'm] hoping for the pickup of a few more episodes for this season. We're doing 13 right now. I'm not available to direct for this first 13. Plus, we've already booked all our directors. But if we can get picked up for a back five, or a back eight or nine, whatever that looks like, I should be available, and I'm hoping to slot in and direct one.
New episodes of "The Winchesters" air Tuesdays on The CW and stream on The CW's site the next day. 
This interview has been edited for clarity.
Link to the article
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Deus Ex’s Adam Jensen says “no one called” about a new game
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The latest significant installment of the immersive sim series, Deus Ex, was released back in 2016, and there has been no word on what comes after that. The actor who played Adam Jensen in the Deus Ex video game claimed that he hasn't received any requests to return to the series, even though RPG games are still timeless. Deus Ex might be in jeopardy if you add this to Embracer Group's existing situation. Deus Ex’s Adam Jensen actor, Elias Toufexis, has once again spoken about the future of his character and potentially the future of the iconic series, making it clear he would love to reprise his role as Jensen despite not receiving any calls. “Yeah, as happy as I am to be busy, I wish I was even more busy on a new Deus Ex,” Toufexis says on Twitter. “I am not under any NDA for Deus Ex because no one has called me about it. Truly.” Toufexis made it clear a few months ago that he’s interested in returning to Deus Ex, telling fans to get in touch with Eidos Montreal and Embracer Group to help make it happen. Embracer Group acquired Crystal Dynamics, Square Enix Montreal, and Eidos Montreal last year alongside multiple IPs including Tomb Raider and Deus Ex, but no new Deus Ex project has been announced. The group did say it sees “great potential, not only in sequels but also in remakes, remasters, spinoffs as well as transmedia projects” in all of these IPs though. So if there is a Deus Ex game currently in development, with or without Toufexis, it could very well be in jeopardy, as Embracer is currently undergoing a massive restructuring. An undisclosed deal that would have apparently brought in $2 billion over six years to Embracer fell through recently, so now the company is undergoing a massive restructuring, which includes layoffs, studio closures, and the cancellation of unannounced projects. There’s no word yet on what studios and games will be impacted, so even if there is a new Deus Ex game in development, it may not be for long. This isn’t the most absurd thing you could read about Deus Ex today though, as it turns out Twitter owner Elon Musk actually sleeps next to a replica of a gun from Human Revolution. If talk of Deus Ex has you reminiscing, we’ve got a comprehensive list of the best old games you can, and should, be playing on PC right now. We’ve also got a breakdown of all the biggest upcoming games too; fingers are crossed Deus Ex makes that list soon. Read the full article
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remythologise · 3 years
I don't have twitter and I'm seeing posts but a lot of them involve knowing what I'm looking at...can you pls explain the latest spn/Jensen news, pretty please?
Sure! Explanation of the events of the past week (some of these dates might be relative to my timezone, apologies for any errors):
JUNE 24: News breaks that Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles’ production company has a prequel in the works focusing on John and Mary Winchester; entire fandom displeased
Fandom ire at the prequel focusing on John and Mary momentarily overshadows the fact that it seems like Jensen Ackles has the rights to Supernatural (!!!) and has ‘five shows in the works’ of which this is only the first
Showrunner is Destiel fan-favourite Robbie Thompson, responsible for such Absolute Banger Episodes as ‘Meta Fiction’ (see more here)
A lot of blowback from absolutely all sides of the fandom - BiBros et al mad that it focuses on Not The Brothers, Destiel fans mad it focuses on Not Resolving Destiel, everyone largely mad it focuses on John Winchester (widely regarded as abusive) and the ‘epic love story’ of John/Mary (canonically forced by cupid magic)
Various cast members including Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Jake Abel, Ruth Connell and Julie McNiven reply to the article with comments indicating they’d like to be involved
Eric Kripke tweets that Jensen and Danneel are ‘the perfect people’ to take control of this story and Jared is ‘too busy Texas Rangering’ to be involved
JUNE 25: Jared Padalecki tweets about being left out of the loop on the prequel; absolute chaos ensues
See this ask reply for a list of tweets, events and reactions
I’ll also add that this gets large enough to get coverage on Vulture, Variety and other news sources
Robbie Thompson retweets his tweet from 2019 saying ‘I ❤️ you #SPNFamily’ in response to… everything
JUNE 26: A scramble for Jensen, Jared and Eric Kripke to do PR damage control on the Jared issue. Meanwhile, Misha Collins does his best impression of this scene from the Lion King to promote GISH
Eric later deletes all tweets about the issue, which is VERY funny. Man can’t handle the heat!
Very funny contrast between Jared’s ‘have a talk, as we often do’ and Jensen’s ‘miss these talks'
Jensen later changes his twitter header and bio from Supernatural/Dean Winchester to The Boys/Soldier Boys which IS somewhat unfortunate and perhaps deliberate break-up related timing
Jared tweets that he ‘doesn’t want anyone to receive hate or threats’ which is like… Jared YOU started this, YOU tweeted this to your millions of followers
JUNE 26: Jensen Ackles does further damage control by tweeting ‘Canon? we got you’ and linking to this article about what the show might hold, which points out the Problems of John Winchester
See article for further details but this implies Jensen actually does care a lot about doing right by the fans and the narrative canon
This, combined with the fact Robbie Thompson is running it, convinces most Destiel-side fans that the show Might Be Better Than Expected and one CW-approved stepping stone to greater things
BiBros are furious because article is written by ‘known Heller’ Natalie Fisher, who is friends with writers such as Meredith Glynn and Robert Berens
Meanwhile, Steve Yockey references the ‘Steve Yockey is dead?!?’ tumblr meme on twitter in a reply to Ruth Connell
JUNE 27: Gen Padalecki posts an instagram story which may or may not be shady commentary on Jensen Ackles
However, yesterday Danneel Ackles also promotes the Padalecki MLM product on HER instagram - can I just say I simply love the use of a) product promotion and b) instagram stories as tools of warfare and diplomacy
JUNE 28: Various scripts drop thanks to the team at tumblr’s spnscripthunt (go support and fund their efforts if you can!)
Notable changed content includes Castiel telling Dean to ‘parent’ Jack in 14.16 and Castiel texting emojis to Claire in 12.16 (possibly an in-script joke about Dean being attracted to a poodle?)
JUNE 29: News breaks that Chaos Machine Productions was started as ‘Free Will Entertainment LLC’
The name was apparently changed in October 2020 - was that as a result of the 15.19-15.20 filming? Or something else?
The idea that Jensen set up a company called ‘Free Will Entertainment’ to continue telling the story of Supernatural is honestly BONKERS. A lot to unpack here to do with the textual and metatextual narrative of Supernatural that I don’t have time to get into, since there’s about twenty wild implications that could be speculated from that name alone
Stock price on ‘Jackles’ Sexy Silence’, conspiracy that Jensen didn’t like the ending of Supernatural and was quietly plotting to take the narrative under his own control, to bring Dean back to life and possibly to canonise Destiel, reaches historic high
The fact does not go unnoticed that, through coincidence or not, Jensen and Danneel registered the company on a Thursday very close to September 18, the Lazarus Rising/Castiel Anniversary Date when Dean was saved from Hell
JUNE 30: Misha Collins makes a social media post with Castiel art for the last day of Pride Month
Twitter post liked by Robbie Thompson
On his instagram, Misha also puts music on the story of ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You’ a song made famous by Elvis and then subsequently Destiel AU Fanfic Twist and Shout
“The song was initially written from the perspective of a woman as “Can’t Help Falling in Love with Him”, which explains the first and third line ending on “in” and “sin” rather than words rhyming with “you” - Wikipedia knowledge obtained via @jurisffiction
Falling… sin… But we don’t have time to unpack all of that-
JUNE 30: 8.17 Goodbye Stranger script excerpt surfaces with Dean’s ‘I love you’ to Castiel
Fandom has long known that the ‘I need you’ was formerly an ‘I love you’ because Jensen believed Dean saying it in that moment to Castiel was out of character - but we did not have the script to prove specific changes
Additional ‘I forgive you’ not included in the episode - the original scene reads as very romantic, since this was Dean absolving Castiel for past crimes and telling him he loves him in the moments before death, as well as ‘I love you’ of course being what ‘broke the connection’ of Naomi’s control
Notably this episode written by Robbie Thompson, the very man Jensen and Danneel chose to helm their next project
JUNE 30: Misha Collins misses his blanky text
To cap all this off, Misha Collins texts fans a selfie of himself at ‘the spare room at Jensen’s apt in Vancouver’, saying he ‘misses his blanky’, implying he has spent many nights there
It has been an open secret that Misha basically shared Jensen’s apartment in Vancouver since around 2018 due to [redacted dubiously obtained information] but it’s never been publicly stated (to be clear, this does not imply anything other than friendship, as actors in Vancouver often share accommodation and Misha had previously couch-surfed at Jared and Jensen’s places)
Cockles shippers go wild. Does the ‘blanky’ refer to Jensen? Was there a reason to send this on the last day of pride month? Will this man ever shut up?
Hope that helps! May this wild carousel of News About A Show That Ended Eight Months Ago never end!
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Well Jared did give an interview with the NYTimes regarding the prequel debacle and said that they’ve talked privately and it was miscommunication. No one knows what they said, so Jared did apologize in private. I do like Jensen, but the whole prequel debacle could’ve been handled properly on both ends. Especially since Kripke claimed Jared was too busy, when in reality Jared had expressed he would love to be apart of some spn project in the future and that he had found out about the prequel when the whole fandom did. Then Kripke went on to say he thought Jared had already been told and then apologized for making assumptions. That ended up making Jensen look bad. I bet you that Kripke did think Jensen had told Jared, or Jensen told Kripke he had already told Jared before the article was released, which is another possibility. Side note, didn’t Jensen reveal in the Rosenbaum podcast that he knew the article would be released that day? If that’s the case, then I’m not sure how that would classify as a leak. Also if that’s the case, he could’ve given Jared a heads up. I’m still a fan of both guys and they have both moved on from this, but you seem to criticize Jared more, when their both a fault (arguably to some, Jensen is more at fault). I feel like most also forget that Jared told people to stop hating on the Ackles and that it was awful and wrong. But hey, you do what you want.
Jared was drunk and got pissy and was egged on by his “friends” to message Jensen. Instead of messaging him privately IN THE FIRST PLACE he went to Twitter where he knows his fans will attack if he gives the word. It’s a repeated behavior of Jared’s where he acts before he thinks and then refuses to take accountability. Even claiming he was drunk is an excuse for him to not take responsibility. 
Yeah, he told people to stop hating the Ackles AFTER his mantrum. And if he was so sorry and wanted his fans to chill, he would have deleted his mantrum tweets and he hasn’t. To this day they are still up. 
Jared continues to skirt around accountability for everything, it’s always someone else’s fault. So yeah I will do what I want and say Jared was an asshole. 
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Real swing and a miss with the US Weekly love story article. I feel bad that the CW wasted their money on it, not even the Danneel/Jenneel stans on Tumblr are talking about it and those people are so thirsty for content they’re typically the first to shout from the rooftops when they get something. US Weekly didn’t even have the article in their Instagram stories, which is where they normally promote C lister content and fluff pieces meant for clickbait.
The article is also terrible even by US Weekly standards. All old quotes, most of their relationship timeline pictures are random ones from Instagram and it’s clearly all about Jensen despite it being a couples article. They could have at least pretended Danneel was an actress like she claims to be. No one is saying “wow, they’re so in love! So rare to see relationships like that in Hollywood” after reading the article. The aim was clearly to paint the Ackles as a power couple, and they missed by a long shot.
I know that this article is PR clean up to make up for the bizarrely cold and unimpressive showing of the Ackles at Upfronts, but it’s hard to push a love story when everything else points to the contrary. They should have turned their focus onto Danneel, sent a few sighting of her to Deuxmoi and then wrote an article about her holding down the fort and doing her part for CM while Jensen had to be in Europe for The Boys promo. That way she gets a little attention and legitimacy and it turns Jensen ditching her into a business choice.
A better story:
“Jensen would have loved to have his wife by his side, but work never ends for this couple! While Ackles promoted The Boys overseas, the other half of the producing duo was busy networking in New York. It’s nothing new for the couple who recently celebrated their 12th anniversary, this hardworking couple even had to postpone their honeymoon back in 2010 due to Danneel’s busy schedule. The actress may not currently have any projects in production, but that doesn’t mean she’s taking this time to rest! After throwing the cast of her and her husband’s new show The Winchesters a spectacular party to celebrate the show getting picked up, she spent the weekend in the city working out final details with network executives and hanging with the cast of the show. An inside source says that she’s not only a producer on the show, but as already become a mentor to a few of the cast members. She was seen shopping with Jojo Fleites (they’ll be playing Carlos, a hunter who embodies the free spirit of the 70s) and sharing a cozy lunch with leading lady Meg Donnelly, a Disney starlet is launching her post teen career by playing the young and wild version of the Winchester matriarch, Mary Campbell.Jensen Ackles will be returning to reprise his role as Dean, though this time around instead of hunting monsters he’s searching for the truth surrounding his parents and their love story that led to the Winchesters becoming legends in the mystical world of monsters, heaven and hell. And Dean’s involvement in the story opens the door for other fan favorites to return; like Anael (played by Danneel), an angel with a twisted moral compass who only looks out for one person- herself. The Winchesters, best described as a tribute to Supernatural and the era of the 70s, is set to air this fall on the CW.” See, it’s not hard to write a good article.
I can't believe this is what the writer came up with. I mean, US Weekly got paid to run the article and it is so badly written and just a collection of old quotes without threading a beautiful or informative story, just a full on mess and it comes off as the cheapest click-bait. Given the low quality and the miss, I wonder if maybe this article was not actually ordered by PR but by Danneel herself through one of those cheaper publicity websites that have article packages. What you wrote is a better story indeed. Too bad they never focus on doing things with the utmost professionalism and essence. Thank you for sharing your view, Anon.
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Best Friend
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Imagine you and Jensen have been married for almost four years and you two get divorced bc Jensen had cheated on you with one of his exes. You and your friend Leonardo DiCaprio take a vacation to Saint Tropez .
Y/N Maggie McKenzie is An American Actress. She plays Rose on the 1997 Titanic Movie.
Born : December 13th, 1976 ( age 37 years ) , Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'8''
Spouse: Jensen Ackles ( m. 2010 -2014)
July 10th, 2014 ( Saint Tropez )
Hey. Are you ok," Your best friend Leo asked as he sits down by you on the beach chair .
Yeah I'm ok ," You lied .
Y/n. We have been best friends for seventeen years now and I can read you like an open book and Ik when you aren't fine. Is it Jensen," Leo said as he gave you a little smile.
Yeah, it is.  Why would he cheat on me," You said with a sad smile.
Idk but he doesn't deserve you. I was only happy for you bc you are my best friend and ik that you loved Jensen," Leo said as he smiled at you.
You bite your lips before you smiled at him.
I had loved Jensen but I wasn't in love with him. I love someone else but I can't tell them about my feelings bc I don't want to ruin that," You said with a smile.
I think that Ik who you are talking about, " Leo said as he smiled at you.
Ok. Who then, " You said as you smiled at him .
Me," Leo said as he grinned at you.
Yeah, it is. I was scared to tell you bc I didn't want to ruin our friendship and I understand if you don't feel the same," You said as you gave him a little smile.
I have always had feelings for you and I had wanted to tell you but you were getting married to Jensen," Leo said as he gave you a little smile.
Why didn't you tell me sooner how you feel about me," You asked as you smiled at him.
I wanted to but I didn't want to ruin our friendship and I was scared that you didn't feel the same, " Leo said as he gave you a shy smile.
You looked at him before you grab his face and pull him into a kiss.
Leo's eyes widened before he started to kiss you back.
You two pulled back and looked at each other.
Does that get your mind off Jensen, " Leo asked as he gave you a little smirked.
Yes, it does," You said as you smiled at him.
Jensen and I were almost married for four years. We never had kids and I had always wanted kids," You said with a smile.
Do you want me to make you a mother, " Leo asked as he smiled at you.
Really.  Are you sure, " You asked with a smile.
I'm completely sure.  You want to be a mother so bad and I want to make you one even though you are my best friend," Leo said as he smiled at you.
You know that the world and your fans will go crazy when they see the title. Leonardo DiCaprio is going to be a father , " You said with a grin.
Oh yeah. I can see it now," Leo said with a grin.
We have some business to take care of, "You said with a smile as you stand up from your chair .
Leo glanced around before he grabs your hand and leads you two back to the room.
( Two Weeks Later. July 24th, 2014)
You're pregnant , " Leo said as he smiled at you .
Yeah, I am," You said with a smile.
I'm going to be a father," Leo smiled at you.
Yeah you are," You said as you looked into his blue eyes .
I love you so much," Leo said before his eyes widened at what he had said.
You looked at him in awe.
I'm so sorry about that," Leo said with a shy smile.
It's ok. I love you too," You said as you smiled at him.
I'm so glad that you had said it back bc I didn't want to make it more awkward," Leo said with a shy smile.
You smiled at him.
Few days later .
Have you seen this , " Jared said .
Seen what, " You asked ?
This, " Jared said as he shows you an article about Leo.
Question is that on everyone's minds. Who is the mother of his child?
I wonder who is it. I say that lady is very lucky to be carrying Leonardo DiCaprio's child ," Jared said .
Yeah, " You said.
I'm very lucky indeed " You thought.
Ik that you and Jensen only have been divorced for five months now. But when are you going to tell Leo that you like him ," Jared asked?
What. I don't like him like that ," You lied.
I called bullshit on that. You two have been best friends for seventeen years and you two had work again with each other after the titanic. You always called Leo when there is something wrong and you two called each other babe. Friends don't do that and he had walk you down the aisle at your wedding. I had lost count by how many times you two had kissed and you were eye fucking him at your wedding for more than three minutes," Jared said with a smirk.
You looked away as a little blush comes upon your face .
Ik that you had loved Jensen but even Ik that you loved Leo more. Ik that I'm right about this," Jared said
Ok. You are right about that, " You said.
If you loved Leo. Why don't you tell him that you have feelings for him ," Jared asked?
I'm scared. I don't want to ruin our friendship and what if he doesn't feel the same , " You lied.
Just tell him ok ," Jared said.
K ," You said  .
( Nine Months Later. April 14th, 2015)
Lauren Juliet Rose DiCaprio was born on April 14th at 9:45 am.
She had weight 8lbs 9oz 23 inches along.
Wow. You are so beautiful and I'm your daddy," Leo whispered as he glanced down at his daughter with a smile.
( Two Years Later )
Y/N Maggie McKenzie is An American Actress. She plays Rose on the 1997 Titanic Movie.
Born : December 13th, 1976 ( age 40 years ) , Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'8''
Spouse: Jensen Ackles ( m. 2010 -2014)
Children: 1
October 17th, 2017
Back in June. There was an article about Leo. Leonardo DiCaprio is going to be a father again. What was your reaction to that, " Jimmy asked?
I'm happy for him, " You said with a smile as you bounce two-year-old Lauren on your knees.
You are about to welcome your second child in five months," Jimmy said.
Yeah. I'm going to have my hands full with a toddler and a newborn," You said with a smile.
Back in June. You and Leo had met up again with a vacation to Saint Tropez  ," Jimmy asked?
Oh yes. Leo and I had taken a vacation back in July 2014 to Saint Tropez. Leo had a break from filming and I need a vacation after the divorce. I'm surprised that he trusted me again with the water after the Titanic movie, " You said with a smile.
You and Leo have been best friends for twenty years now. Some of your fans think Lauren is Leo's child , " Jimmy asked ?
Maybe it's time to tell the world," You said as you smiled at him.
Yeah. But are you sure about this," Leo asked as he rubs your arm.
I'm sure. The world needs to know, " You said with a smile.
Tell us what , " Jimmy asked?
The big question was who is the mother of my child and she is sitting beside me. Yes, my best friend is the mother of my child, " Leo said with a smile.
Is that true y/n," Jimmy asked ?
Yes, it's true.  I'm the mother of my best friend's child," You said with a smile.
I knew it! ," A voice from the crowd said.
Jared," You asked?
I'm not surprised at all , " Jared said with a smirk.
Oh my, " You said as you cover your face.
Is your second child Leo's , " Jimmy asked?
Yes, it's, " You said with a smile.
You two are just great friends that share children together , " Jimmy said .
Yes ," Both You and Leo said.
I mean seriously Leo, you knocked her up. Two  Times! If she carrying your baby, it's far beyond the zoning of friends!" Jared said.
You looked away as a blush came upon your face.
The fans want to know if you two will ever get together or just stay good friends," Jimmy asked?
Maybe we should tell them," You whisper to him.
Yeah, we should," Leo said as he gave you a shy smile.
Tell us what," Jimmy asked?
We had both admitted back in July of 2014 in Saint Tropez that we had feelings for each other and we were both scared to tell each other about them bc we didn't want to ruin our friendship but it didn't ruin our friendship and look at us now with a toddler and another one on the way," You said with a smile.
We just have been private about our relationship. Back in July had made three years for us," Leo said as he smiled at you.
Do you guys remember who had made the first move, " Jimmy asked?
Y/n did. She just looked at me before she had grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, " Leo said with a grin.
I had enjoyed that so much and the little fun," You said with a smile.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
7, 11, 26, & 40 for Jensen!
7. Favourite snack/beverage to munch/drink on while doing rounds, lounging?
jensen isnt huge on snacking at work (thankfully cause usually at home its just a spoon and a jar of peanut butter) but he def likes to have a drink on him. its either ice cold water in his Emotional Support Water Bottle (as jackie likes to call it) or a monster. he always has the water bottle with him, but if he needs caffeine 99% of the time it'll be a monster (he dislikes coffee)
11. If they could choose their own mentor among these people, who would they choose and why? (Harper, Ethan, Dr Banerji)
naveen for sure. i talked about it in the last one i answered, but ever since landry sent harper and ethan those articles theres always been a bit of contention between them. neither of them did further digging into the updated versions where they very easily couldve seen that jensen didnt lie about it on his application, they were just sealed. they immediately assumed the worst of him despite that he was at the top of the competition and was entirely respectful and professional the rest of the time
jensen has his problems with ethan besides that, and harper and jensen just never clicked, nor will they ever. jensen and naveen, though, they get a long well and could bounce ideas off of one another all day. naveen reciprocates jensens respect for his professional opinions, too, where ethan and harper rarely did
26. How does their cultural background play a role in their day-to-day life?
ooh i love this one! jensen definitely has a lot more knowledge and sympathy for immigrant patients, especially those who have language barriers and/or little understanding of the health care system. while it was a bit different because he was so young, he spoke very little english when he came to the U.S. and spent a lot of time in school and with his mom learning it. he knows its difficult, especially with all the medical language. he got his certs for medical interpretation in spanish and ASL during med school (he of course would have translated no matter what, but most organizations/businesses prefer having the official certification)
40. Do they get famous later in life? How does it affect them, especially when you've got several pairs of eyes fixated on them and the LI of their choosing?
this ones interesting because jensen already has a bit of recognition in the public eye. not only is some from his performing days, but aliyah is still his best friend and she talks about/features him plenty on her socials, so a lot of people know/follow him through her. within the medical world, he definitely starts getting some "fame" eventually, too, especially with how loud he is about his opinions on healthcare and moving away from prior practices into a more progressive view. he talks A Lot about trans healthcare, how healthcare views fat people, etc etc, both on socials and interviews and such
i think because of his experience with "fame" (i put it in quotes because its not like hes movie star famous or anything) through the music world better prepared him for it in the medical world. it never affects or clouds his judgement; no matter what the case is, he has always been fully and 100% himself, and no outside influence could change that. i doubt he interacts with it much in person, mostly just online, so its not like a daily thought/occurrence or anything
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Can you explain the jared/spn drama? I have no idea whats happening
Sure! I'm answering on mobile so I don't got no links at hand, but if you look under tags such as "j2 fallout" and "spn prequel meltdown" on my blog, you can find a lot of links and screenshots recalling the events.
Basically, just last week Jensen came out in an interview saying that a prequel to the Supernatural series is in the works. His production company that he co-owns with his wife, Danneel, and a former Supernatural writer, Robbie Thompson, are all signed on to moving forward with the pre-production of a series pilot.
(I can go into more details about that, but you've specifically asked about the J@rpad thing. So here that is:)
Jensen tweets out the article with the interview. Twitter (and Tumblr) go nuts. Mostly 'cause we're not too hot for the premise. J@r tweeted out that he was happy for Jensen, but "gutted" that he found out via Twitter and saddened that Sam Winchester had no part in it (it being... I guess pitching the prequel? That's about all that's happenened.) He continued to tweet out that he was not joking, he didn't know before the Twitter post, and even went as far as to tag the writer Robbie Thompson claiming that he also felt betrayed by him. ("Et tu brute? #brave for a coward." But he has since deleted that specific tweet.)
After an hour or two stewing on that, he tweeted out that he and Jensen had a long talk, like they always do, and this was just one bump in the road of their lifelong brothership. Jensen retweeted that saying he was happy to talk to J@rpad as they hadn't spoke in a while due to their other commitments, and things have (seemingly) smoothed over.
So long story short, J@rpad got offended that Jensen hadn't told him about the prequel, took to Twitter to publicly criticize him over this, and then was soothed by a reassuring Jensen. What this means for their friendship, I have no clue. I'm not them and I don't know them, but even Jensen's aunt had taken to Twitter on the defense of her nephew, telling people who persecuted Jensen for his actions that they didn't know what they were talking about.
Obviously, the only one person who it seems like truly new prior to the article (as the rest is speculation) outside of the production and writing team was series creator Eric Kripke. He had tweeted out congratulating Jensen, and then eventually tweeted out acknowledging that he had no idea J@rpad was not informed about the continuation of the series by means of a prequel.
I, as is probably easy to tell, am very biased on the event. I think J@rpad acted very immature and prematurely. While I've got conflicted feelings on the prequel itself, I'm very confident on my stance in regards to that.
I hope that was sufficient enough an explanation. If I need to go into more details, I can. It was a a busy few days.
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