#It is very late
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panaceatthedisco · 9 months ago
There's something about the parallel between how Orpheus got to the Underworld and how Charles got to Hell.
Cerberus appreciated Orpheus's singing and the way he played the lyre was so heartbreaking that it moved Hades to allow him to leave with his wife.
Charles didn't sing or play the lyre, but he laid his soul bare to the Night Nurse who started crying at the memory of him giving up his afterlife for Edwin, and that is what led to the compassion she had to open a door so he could save his friend
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cleverreports · 1 month ago
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We report about one of these days made of shifting light, unpredictable winds, short showers of rain and hail. We feel like we are endlessly catching up to the events above us, walking against the elements when they are not pushing us. But the sun is so bright when it comes out.
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foggythefandomgremlin · 18 days ago
I just had thought about TMA S5
Because of how most of the fear domains didn’t let their victims die and we don’t know how long the eyepocalypse lasted there could have very well been less deaths during the year that the world ENDED than other years
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spoontales37 · 6 months ago
AAAaaaaaaaaa I'm still drawing Outer Wilds, love this game to bits
Slight spoiler warning, nothing too specific though
Anyway, The Husbands��
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All of their dialogs are so cute ^^
I imagine Cassava would be working late and getting really frustrated and Daz trying to get him to take a break once in a while. They would not let each other give up on the search no matter how impossible it seemed I bet.
(some more drawings and sketches under cut)
A more whimsical, colourful version and my first attempt at drawing Cassava in a digital form
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And here's some sketches from when I was still trying to figure everything out
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I love them sm 🤍
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pa-pa-patato · 3 months ago
Did cuphead immediately wake up when bendys shadows kept him alive????
Did bendy immediately know cup was still alive???
Did he even notice the shadows in his chest????
Did he just stare at what he thought was the corpse of his best friend?????
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year ago
WAIT WAIT SHUT THE FUCK UP HAS RINGO OR AKEMI OR TAIGEN EVER EVEN ADDRESSED MIZU BY HER NAME??!!?? to her face??! NO!? I’m pretty certain only Swordfather actually calls Mizu, “Mizu”… ?!? Everyone else manages to skirt around calling Mizu by her name??
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beebopboom · 1 year ago
If Gabriel can leave Heaven and be with Beelzebub, why can’t Aziraphale do the same with Crowley?
That’s a general question right? Something along those lines? How Gabriel did the “good” thing and how Aziraphale did the “bad” one, yeah?
Well I have a few thoughts on this so let’s go through it real quick on why Gabriel could and why it shouldn’t immediately be equated as the “good” choice - especially in comparison with Aziraphale’s
Also none of this is a slight against Gabriel/Beelzebub - it’s just a different relationship, different circumstances.
and this is just my interpretation obviously so yeah - do with it what you will
ok actual rant time go-
Gabriel and Beelzebub meeting how they did would not have happened without Armageddon being adverted.
They would have been on opposite sides of the battlefield but instead they ended up actually talking and in the process finding someone they could relate to. Their spark had been ignited and they continued to flame it.
To put it simply-
Gabriel and Beelzebub’s relationship is that of one between an Angel and a Demon. Aziraphale and Crowley’s is a relationship between two beings that happen to be an Angel and a Demon.
And that is a very big difference
Gabriel and Beelzebub are each other’s Heaven and Hell - they said so themselves. They may not be choosing sides but those two are the only ones they see, Heaven vs. Hell.
Even at the very end of every thing they are still an Angel and Demon - and in the case of Gabriel at least still holds those same opinions of the other side with the exception of Beelzebub of course
They don’t really see the third side that Aziraphale and Crowley have placed themselves on - they don’t have that connection to humanity not really.
For most of their existence pretty much every interaction with humans has been strictly professional and by the book. Sure Gabriel likes the clothes and his statue - and they have their song but that’s it.
They don’t have that history - that need to do the right thing by humanity not just themselves. As long as they got to be together they could care less about the rest of it.
Earth just happened to be the place they met up as it was the easiest. Not moving forward with Armageddon was not in the interests of keeping humanity around - it was in the interests of this being the place where they meet up and hey it has some vaguely interesting things about it - nothing has to change for them if they keep it around
Also they are both coming from very high positions of power on their respective sides - positions that are hard to touch. They are the ones making decisions and ordering people about. They were the ones to play judge and executioner. 
No one in that bookshop at that moment was really in the position to stop them from leaving. The one being that really had that power, The Metatron, came later and really just benefited from all this.
and The Fear that is ever present throughout Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship is barely there for Gabriel and Beelzebub really.
Heaven and Hell’s relationship particularly between the higher ups is so fascinating. The “backchannels” are practically an open secret and getting the other side to do their bidding is a running trend.
What did Gabriel and Beelzebub have to fear? Any meet up they were caught at could very easily be explained away. And honestly both sides have been fumbling trying to come up with plans - they weren’t paying attention.
At no point in his trial does Gabriel look nervous - he is very nonchalant about the whole thing because it’s whatever, they had a plan in place for this. He is no longer obligated to hold his position of power and oh? they aren’t going to send him to hell? welp he’s still leaving anyway.
Him leaving was just not acknowledging the problem, the system. He didn’t benefit from it anymore as he found something better, Beelzebub. So what was the point of staying and being demoted when he could just leave?
And the biggest and most important thing about all of this is-
They weren’t the first
no no no that goes to Aziraphale and Crowley.
Making choices and picking sides - things they were not made to do
6000 years of hiding their friendship - thousands of years spent worrying about being watched, about the other being hurt - thousands of years of living among humanity somewhat doing their jobs, mainly just enjoying being there and interfering where they could.
They didn’t get the privilege of knowing the loopholes between the two establishments so they made their own
Coming up with guidelines and routines so they weren’t discovered - that were then shattered after they helped advert Armageddon and were discovered.
and when they survived execution no one knew what they were - they had gone native
Completely intertwined with history and the fate of humanity - Earth was their home
They became each other’s World
they protected each other from Death
but all those routines and structures going away is jarring - difficult to work through
they are each their own character - with their own way of processing and doing things - thrust into a space that they may have wanted but never truly thought they would get. This is all a lot
All the things that Aziraphale has had to deal with are things that have never even crossed Gabriel’s mind - the guilt, the doubt, the uncertainty
4 years is not a lot of time to work through that really - not to them (not to anyone really)
4 years where they both knew it wasn’t over for them, for humanity - that eventually there was going to be another Big Event.
Fear that has never went away for either of them.
this is not a case of “oh Aziraphale and Crowley had over six thousand years to work on their relationship and failed, yet Gabriel and Beelzebub were able to work it out in four”
this is “they both had four years - Aziraphale and Crowley just had an added six thousand years of fear and repression to dig through”
Aziraphale went back to Heaven because everything is at a higher stake for him than it has been or will ever be for Gabriel - Gabriel gets the trial and Aziraphale gets the execution
Because the thing about Aziraphale is he cares - he cares so much about the future of humanity and his own future - which is not a bad thing
If there is two things to never doubt about Aziraphale it is his love for humanity and Crowley
But there was no choice in The Metatron’s “offer”however it was an opportunity
and he has just been “offered” the same position he just seen the previous holder get to go off together with his demon partner and no punishment.
Aziraphale knows what “big plans” means for Heaven, even if he didn’t know exactly what it was - he’s been on Earth watching them play out for 6000 years.
His goal up there is not whatever these big plans are the Metatron was talking about - he is going up there to change it (and is that such a bad thing? I mean we saw how he was with Muriel)
He is making the best out of getting backed into a corner - unfortunately it resulted in both of them him getting hurt in the process
but if there is one thing to take away from their last look is that although they may be hurt there, there is understanding and trust - and love between them
Going off was what Gabriel wanted and Going back was never Aziraphale’s choice to make.
so can they really be compared as the right and wrong when the circumstances around the situations were vastly different?
ok I ran out of steam towards the end there and it might be a little incoherent but have a fun little headcanon to make up for it
you cannot convince me otherwise that Gabriel and Beelzebub don’t bitch about Aziraphale and Crowley - at the very least one of their meeting was just dedicated to bitching about the two of them
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themoonstonechronicler · 8 months ago
sja-anat is a little black cat that is a void with eyes and kitty cat ears doing the tongue blep. to me
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jukeloxing · 2 months ago
Trying to figure out all the possible flavors of yuri I can make before I start to repeat myself. I need to sit in a little thinking bubble for a while.
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londondziban · 1 year ago
Barty and Evan used to definitely promote themselves as a package deal when dating people (like "you have to be approved by my best friend and get along with him or we will not work because I'll always choose him" type of situation) and it kept sabotaging their relationships because each partner was either never deemed good enough or the approved partners couldn't get along with the other.
And they definitely complained to Regulus, Dorcas, and Pandora like
"We don't get it. Why do all our relationships fail?"
And Regulus, completely over both their shit just responds like
"Because all your exes could tell you two are in love. Merlin, just date each other."
So, they did because the moment this option was brought up to them, who were they to ignore it?
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pigeonstab · 28 days ago
I'm gonna stop here for the asks, will try to do more tomorrow ^^
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tilkikedi-blog · 2 months ago
Maybe Nightbringer was Solmare all along
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omgtheykilledstenny · 9 months ago
Yet another drought in the stenny Fandom... I fear the youngest may not survive through the 82° winter, perhaps next year we'll feast on the crumbs if we wish to make it
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lanterns-and-daydreams · 10 months ago
Random post. Because I currently have no one to talk to. You can scroll. It's just me ranting about the most mundane things and talking to myself :)
Okay, now I dunno what to say. I'm not texting anyone cause I'm not gonna bother anyone in my DMs with this
That's so vague HAHAHAHA
I like cats SO much. OH MY GOD-
Like, if you do not like cats, I do not trust you.
Theres a cat near where I live, but she won't let me pet her babies :(
I used to call kittens 'cat babies'. I still do. It sounds cuter. But like, cats are so cute, if I get one, I'm gonna love it forever and give it lots of kisses and hugs and treats and everything it could ever want and a little cat bed and a tiny blanket and a scratchy thingy, idk what it's called, and dedicate most of my life to it and love it so so sosososososososoooooo much and they're so cute and lovable and huggable and kissable and if my future partner doesn't like cats I'm kicking them out cause I want a cat, and I'm gonna love it so much and show it off to everyone cause it's mine and I love it and I also reallllyyyyyyyy love flowers
Like, flowers are so cool. How could you NOT like flowers???? And i can name so many flowers and I told my best friend about soooooo many flowers like lotuses and sunflowers and peonies and lobelias and Cordelias and bleeding hearts and foxgloves and poppies and and and-
I love cake SO much. Red velvet is my FAVOURITE. Maybe thats why i have memory issues. Oh oh! Did you know that if you consume too much sugar, it gives you memory issues
And diabetes
Reminds me of the time I used to sometimes eat sugar because why not? And ice. I liked chewing on ice. And I used to read so much as a baby. And zooooooooooom everywhere. I used to have a cycle and it was pink and white and so cute and I used to take it everywhere
Sometimes I feel like rapunzel. Cause ivory tower, yk? Like, my dad never let's me leave the house after 10 and says I'm not allowed to exit the apartment floor n stuff, and I used to make up little songs about leaving and seeing the world n stuff, I don't so that anymore though. I gave up on that dream. But I still wanna leave yk?
And the one time I was sitting on a sofa and looked at the arm of the sofa and saw a tiny spider there and we maintained eye contact for like 4 seconds before it jumped off the arm and onto the floor and lay there unmoving and I laughed while crying. Reminded me of the time when I tried to climb a tree in muree that was on a mountain and nearly fell off both the tree and mountain.
Shes bullying me with uwus. I'm not gonna open her chat >:(
My best friend is actually sososososo cool and I love her sm. I've known her for 3 years and she can actually make me laugh genuinely. Props to her. That's hard to do. And shes sososososo pretty and bossy makes me giggle and I feel so happy, she reminds me of Sunflowers. I tell her so many stories like the time I ate something I shouldn't have and almost got lost in the woods at the dead of night behind the farmhouse we were visiting. And she's a doctor and she's sososososo cool
You say you love me. You say I'm your friend. WHAT'S MY FAVOURITE SONG, YOU WEENIE.
I gave her a watch and she wore it. I almost cried
I saw a bird yesterday. My best friend hates crows. So I always chase them off for her.
I miss the humming birds near our house. They were pretty. I'm sleepy. And I'm also thinking. Well, not really. Thinking is wierd. Because when you start thinking you start thinking about everything. Like, how do we know the big bang happened when none of us were alive when it happened and how do we know an alternate reality doesn't exist, because maybe it exists, and maybe aliens exist too, because who are we to conclude that aliens don't exist? Because we are literally smaller than specks as compared to this entire universe and mermaids could exist too, because we've py explored 5% of the entirety of the oceans and yeye
You ever think about how 'crises' sounds like 'cry sis'? Because I do, because I cry. Now im thinking about Lobelias and how to murder my English teacher. I want to experiment on her. What will happen if I inject glitter into her veins? Or glue? Or glitter glue? Maybe give her tiny heart attacks by injecting small doses of air into her veins. Would that work?
Maybe i can cook up her remains and shit and give it to the other people I hate
Assign me a Taylor Swift song
I like The Prophecy from TTPD. I relate
Im so selfish it's funny
I like bows. Especially blood red ones. Did you know my favourite color is blood red?
This talk post is longer than most fics you've read hehehehe
I still don't know what a loubtine is. How do you spell it? Louboutine? Lobetine? WHAT IS IT
Idk I give up.
Alina thinks I'm cute. I am so not. I am evil. Safa (my best friend) agrees with Alina (the music girl) and I have to defend myself everytime. I am not cute. I am evil. I ONCE STOLE BACK MY ERASER FROM A GIRL WHO STOLE MY PINK ERASER IS THAT NOT EVIL ENOUGH FOR YOU????
Safa's younger sister once gave me a flower and a sketchbook. I drew stuff in it. I want to draw Edinburgh. Paint it, I mean. This post is very messy.
Cosmo Sheldrake by Come Along is stuck in my head rn
And chase altantic songs.
Idk the name of that one song that goes in a way I can't describe
I just noticed I wrote the cosmo Sheldrake song wrong
But im not gonna go back to fix it cause this is a messy post and I like it
I meant Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
Cool song.
Reminds me of the fae.
Now im thinking about Cassian. Why not? He's my blorbo. He's also my favourite. And his cousin Zinnia is sososososo pretty and theyre as close as siblings. I'm gonna draw them when I get an iPad (even tho I'm a Samsung girlie but I need procreate)
I just remembered my cult. It was called the Cat Cult. I was the leader. It was all just cats except me and one of my friends. We plotted to take over the world. I wonder how that fat orange cat is doing now
Fuck math, do meth.
Sometimes I wonder if there's someone out there who's gonna listen to me yap for hours on end and love it. A girl can only dream.
Ngl I'd rock an enemies to lovers trope. That or I'd completely flop. No in between. Cause I'd call him the weirdest names that he wouldn't even understand like 'frostingless cupcake' or 'dry ass oatmeal' or a weenie.
Did i say that before?
I have brown eyes.
I wanna be pretty so bad
Am i pretty? Kind of
Im not gonna call myself ugly. I'm not ugly >:(
Calling people darling or love is so fun
How are you darling?
I am good
I am a good babie
I gave chicken to a cat today
And saw a birb
And a tree
And a cloud
And i ate icecream
I am sleppy
Goodnight, ma belle
This is not even a rant
It's just me rambling
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poolboyservice · 9 months ago
🐊 how do I use tumblr
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speg-draws · 10 months ago
the pill guy from osmosis jones is kinda hot not gonna lie
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