#It is actually possible to not be able to afford an email address and that is so stupid
arthropooda · 1 year
Duckduckgo search: email provider that isn't by subscription and doesn't require existing phone numbers and email addresses
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
JustIn from the Beyond!
Do I have plans for this? Yes! Do I have time to make them happen any time soon? Debatable! So you can have what'll hopefully be the first chapter, as a treat. -
Kravitz frowned down at his phone, double checking the address from the email was the same spot the map app had led him to. The office block in front of him didn’t seem like the kind of place that would contain Justin From the Beyond: your direct line to the spirit world, he was expecting some kind of difficult to find Victorian building, not a grey box with wildly unhelpful company names like Loccarion, Applewell, and Plaxistics on the sign. People in suits kept striding past him doing what he could only assume were important business things. Actually, scratch that, they all had a whiff of stock market about them, so maybe not that important. In fact, with that in mind, the location made a lot more sense - ghosts were a lie and so were stocks, of course they were in the same building. Maybe he could try and get an interview with some of them for his next block of episodes… no, one job at the time. He was a nightmare for dropping projects for the next fancy idea, but this week he was fighting ghosts, next week he could take down the stock market.
He glanced down once more, just to be sure, and the map pin stayed resolutely in front of him, definitely no GPS wizardry, this was the right place. It had taken him 10 months to get this appointment so obviously he’d shown up two and a half hours early. By the time Kravitz accounted for traffic, his own disorganisation, and the possibility of unreported strikes, break downs, and walking at half pace from the very furthest possible station in the city (‘just in case’ he missed four other stops) he might have slightly overestimated his actual travel time. He couldn’t leave though, if he went to grab a drink or something time would disappear and he’d end up late. Better to just stay put. In fact, if he could sit in the waiting room he might even be able to get an idea of the other clientele, all good background for his report. Flawless planning, every inch of it on purpose.
Kravitz gave himself a critical once over in the window, smoothed his long woollen coat, put on his very best business face, and headed inside. The email had instructed him to head to the 13th floor. Kravitz rolled his eyes when he read it - although on reflection, it was impressive dedication, it must have taken an age to find a building which actually had one. Oh, maybe the rent was cheaper because of the luck thing? He made a quick note in his phone to look into it - spooky aesthetic, money saver, or both? Probably both, Justin was smart, he marketed well, was consistently in demand, and somehow every public review was positive - regardless of where it was posted.
Sure, Kravitz could have investigated any old grifter and done it much faster, but the cons with a veneer of legitimacy were his actual targets. Most people knew that the bloke on the street corner offering you a direct line to death for a few dollars wasn’t likely to be the real deal - at least he wasn’t exploiting people as much. Justin though? This guy had a massive waiting list and prices to match. Most people could only dream of getting an appointment, let alone three. Thankfully Kravitz could afford it and the revenue from the episodes should more than cover the cost. Kravitz, of course, tried to keep his ethics intact but it was hard to turn down ads when they let him break stories that helped. If keeping people safe meant he occasionally had to extol the benefits of certain underwear brands or enthusiastically tell his listeners about his pubic grooming regime then sobeit.
The display ticked from twelve to thirteen, the lift binged pleasantly, and the doors slid smoothly open. Kravtiz stepped straight into a waiting area, “News JustIn!” was scrawled across a banner facing the lift, a ghostly phone cord underlined the writing. He’d clearly escaped faceless, corporate McBusinessland.
“Welcome to Justin from the Great Beyond, handsome. How can I help you out today?” The receptionist asked from behind an ornate wooden desk which appeared to rest on chicken legs, the work on the feathers was exquisite and Kravitz only tore himself away from admiring the craftsmanship to admire the man behind the desk instead. The receptionist was perched on a dusky pink cocktail chair which clashed marvellously with the fluffy mustard carpet (the kind Kravitz would love to bury his toes in). The receptionist was long and lean, clean shaven and his eyeliner was smudged just enough that Kravitz couldn’t tell if it was on purpose or not. His roots were showing, there was a gap in his front teeth, and Kravitz thought he might possibly be the most beautiful man he’d ever met. Before he could talk himself out of following that line of thought, the receptionist noticed Kravitz’s roaming eyes and winked lasciviously. Was Kravitz allowed to flirt on the job. Probably not? He’d better check with HR… He was HR and it was very important that he made the man call him handsome again.
“I have an appointment with Justin, my name’s Dante Bellefleur.” 
“Ah yes, Mr…” The receptionist paused and side eyed him. “...Bellefleur. You aren’t booked in for a while, are you happy to wait?”
“Of course, I was so worried about being late that I made it a little bit early instead.”
The receptionist snorted loudly and Kravitz glared before he could stop himself. Fuck, he couldn’t be sulky at work, that was how he lost opportunities. This guy could get him booted and it had taken enough effort to get this appointment, falling at the final hurdle because he couldn’t take a bit of light mocking would be mortifying. At least if the guy was going to mock him Kravitz could write off the flirting. He tried to settle his expression to something more neutral and looked anywhere but at the man behind the desk… which was a shame because even if the guy was a prick he was nice to look at. Maybe he could sneak a few glances as he waited? It was perfectly reasonable to occasionally look at the other person in the room.
Kravitz spent a few more moments staring placidly at the wall before subtly shifting in his chair and looking quickly towards the desk. Taako looked right back at him, Kravitz hurriedly looked away again and focused on retrieving his book from his bag. He could just chill out here, see if anyone else came in, see what Taako actually did. 
It turned out that the answer to that question was ‘Not Much.’ Every time Kravitz glanced over Taako had moved slightly, knee tucked up under his chin, one leg splayed out and the other curled under him, legs crossed under him. Every time Kravitz glanced over Taako noticed and smiled his handsome smile right back. Kravitz knew he should say something, but he didn’t know where to start. All he wanted to do was get a good long look at the other man. Instead he had to focus on his book, which of course was one he was reading for show and not enjoyment. After a painful hour in which he made it through three pages, retained none of it, and pointedly avoided looking at the man directly, Kravitz tried again.
The receptionist was now sideways, legs slung up on one arm of the chair, and, worse than improper use of furniture, he grinned wide and wiggled his fingers at Kravitz as if he’d been waiting for this. “So, come here often, kemosabe?”
“You’re the receptionist.” Kravitz replied flatly. “Wouldn’t you recognise me if I did?” Was this some kind of trap?
“Great point… So what’s a guy like you doin’ in a nice place like this?”
“The same thing as everyone else I imagine.” Kravitz’s tone remained placid and polite but if this guy wanted to get under his skin he was certainly doing a good job of it. He could smile his stupid lovely smile all he wanted, but that was outright rude. Sure, Kravitz was accustomed to this - personal insults weren’t uncommon when your job was uncovering dirty secrets, but that usually came after he’d been busted not before. Usually at that point he could give back as good as he got, but this guy might not even know what he was part of. There was no way he could retaliate though, he had to be on his best behaviour until he’d got what he needed, and that included not snarking or sulking. He took a moment to stamp out the sparks of irritation that ignited in his gut and decided to attempt redirection, may as well get some information out of this exchange. “Although, having said that, what’s the main reason people come?”
“Conversation with yours truly, mostly.” The receptionist replied. He slid a drawer open, slapped a magnetic badge on (Kravitz didn’t have any thoughts about the swathe of brown skin this motion revealed), then tapped it. “Taako Taco, here to blow your mind before Justin gets the chance to.” He wriggled until he was sat cross legged again, uncapped what looked to be a sparkly gel pen, and started doodling on the desk planner. Kravitz wasn’t sure if he hated or envied him - how much did this gig pay? It wasn’t like the phone was ringing off the hook. In fact, he couldn’t actually see one on the desk. “Is that why you’re here, Dante, to be blown away?” They made eye contact about that comment, they made eye contact about it really hard. Maybe he should look at a sexual harassment angle for the episode, but honestly, he had stared at the guy so much that he didn’t have a leg to stand on. He was going to choose to believe this treatment was specifically for him and not the usual experience clients had, certainly none of the extensive reviews had mentioned it.
“I’m here to get the answer to some questions I have.” That was true, he wasn’t going to lie if he could help it… well, any more than he had already, but there was only so much you could do when you were the first google result for ‘Kravitz’. “Have you ever…” Kravitz trailed off.
“There isn’t much Taako hasn’t done.” He uncapped another few pens and switched between them as he doodled. 
Kravitz wanted to see what he was drawing, Taako was concentrating so intently that his brow furrowed and Kravitz needed to know what was important enough to make that happen. More importantly, he needed to stop staring, he needed to remember that Taako was ridiculous and rude and bold and terrible at customer service. This wasn’t someone he should be interested in, Taako was hot as fuck and he knew it, he was conceited and unkind. That wasn’t what Kravitz wanted. 
“Spotted something interesting, Dante?” Taako had stopped drawing. He’d stopped drawing because Kravitz was staring right at Taako and Taako had noticed and fuck this was going badly. It was fine, he could fix it.
“I was admiring your name badge.” Kravitz said, gesturing at the incredibly ordinary badge with zero distinguishing features to offer any follow up on.
“Uh huh. Which aspect?” Taako didn’t resume drawing, of course he didn’t. Instead he smirked and waited patiently for an answer, the bastard. He knew why Kravitz was staring at him and sure it took a lot of bravery to investigate crime and put yourself in compromising positions with dodgy people; but telling a guy he was hot and you’d quite like to get into some compromising positions with him? Absolutely not. Especially not when that guy was doing his job - no matter how loose that concept seemed to be for Taako.
“The typeface.” The fucking typeface? “It’s satisfying to look at.” Just like the guy wearing it. This was fine. “I wasn’t bold enough to say it before, but I think I’m justified.”
Taako looked horrified. “Did you just…? Bad, terrible, illegal.” He paused for a moment and Kravitz felt anxiety bubbling in his gut. He was trying to make things better, but maybe puns would be what got him kicked out, not his snarky attitude. Then Taako continued drawing. “I’m going to have to do a citizen’s arrest because right now we’re Sans Sheriff.” Oh, oh okay, Kravitz could work with this.
“Oh no, did the last one experience some hard Times?” That earned Kravitz a long glare.
“Don’t make me curse…ive” Taako grimaced even as he said it.
Kravitz snorted. “Well now who’s going to pun jail?” Taako was hot, Taako was interesting, Taako was willing to play in this stupid space with him. Kravitz wanted to take him out then take him home. Could he just ask Taako out? It didn’t have to be weird. “Hey, can we go on a date, also I’m using a fake name and I’m probably going to be the reason you lose your job because I’m here to expose your employer as a con artist…” Maybe it had to be a bit weird. Kravitz should at least wait until this was over. If he did that Taako might appreciate his integrity? Surely he’d understand why the fake name was necessary. He’d think Kravitz’s dedication to doing the right thing was sexy. Obviously. Just like all his other boyfriends who were definitely still with him and didn’t break up with him because he was too busy doing the right thing and being boring.
“The view’s gonna be good at least, Taako could do some rotting in a cell if you we…” He stopped mid sentence and noticeably clammed up. As if this was the point where Taako decided he had professional boundaries, Kravitz wanted to know where that was going. Did he mean Kravitz would be a good view to see? Good company to be stuck in pun jail with? If Taako thought that then Kravitz could definitely ask him to dinner. Taako stood abruptly, knocking one of his pens off the desk and abandoning it to the floor. “What are you waiting for, kemosabe? I thought you were desperate for your appointment with Justin.” Taako didn’t look at him, just walked towards the door in the corner of the room. Kravitz had no idea what just happened, he didn’t even say anything, was he doing something weird with his face? Looking too eager? It was bang on his appointment time, so maybe Taako just had to be really prompt? Maybe this Justin guy was a horrible boss? If that was the case Taako would surely give him an interview for the podcast. He’d definitely understand why Kravitz had to lie if Justin was treating him poorly. He might even be a little bit grateful for Kravitz’s intervention!
Taako cracked open the door and slipped inside without looking back. Kravitz reached to push the door wider and follow, but paused. He didn’t know what was going on, but it felt wrong. He didn’t want Taako to be in trouble, but he also didn’t want to leave him upset. Kravitz quickly doubled back to the desk and picked up the gel pen from the floor - it was gold and glittery and boy if that wasn’t Taako all over. Kravitz quickly scribbled out a note on the jotter. “Sorry if I overstepped, it was lovely to meet you Taako.” He placed the pen neatly on the desk and, feeling mildly absolved, walked into Justin’s office.
Sat with his legs kicked up on the desk was a man wearing the most ridiculously elaborate wizard hat he’d ever seen. The brim was strung with rows of tiny stars and pom poms, there was an iridescent sheen to the fabric, and a spindly moon charm hung from the crooked peak. The hat was new, but the face it did very little to obscure was familiar.
“Taako? What’s going on? Is there a problem?” 
“Nope, you’re here to have a natter with the world beyond, I’m your guy.”
“But you’re Taako.”
“Nope. I’m definitely Justin.”
“You just said your name was Taako?”
“And you said your name was Dante. Apparently that’s what we’re doing here.” Kravitz didn’t flinch, but he didn’t say anything either. He waited an incredibly normal amount of time while the gears in his brain turned. This was a puzzle, he loved puzzles, he could solve puzzles. Sure, no one had ever questioned him so directly before, and okay, he didn’t really have a plan for this. Why didn’t he have a plan for this? Stupid, stupid overconfident prick. There was something about fake names, pride, and infernos in this, but he wasn’t calm enough to make the joke right now. Thank the goddess that Taako didn’t know who he actually was.
“So, Krav, are you going to call me Taako, or will Justin call you Dante?” 
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twdteacakes · 10 months
Writing Commissions Open!!!
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It is my pleasure to announce that for the first time ever, I am taking requests for writing and fanfiction commissions! If you would like examples of my work, then you can head over to AO3;
AO3 does not contain my full portfolio, only everything I have wrote post-2018. I have been writing for ten years but I will not subject you to my old work, because that would class as torture.
SFW - £10 – 1500 words
NSFW – The Ace Tax - £15 – 1500 words
After these thresholds, every extra 100 words costs £1
If you cannot afford it, then I am willing to negotiate a lower price, so feel free to have a chat with me, I don't bite! I’m sure we can work something out.
Any genre and fandom, first person POV, third person POV, ships, OCs, original stories and more.
FANDOMS I AM FAMILIAR WITH: Telltale’s The Walking Dead, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Resident Evil, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Bugsnax, Alan Wake, A Plague Tale, Lucifer. If the fandom you want me to write a story for is not listed here, then just ask me, I might be familiar with it and if not, then I am willing to dive into uncharted territory.
Please give me plenty of time to finish commissions, I have a full-time job that keeps me very busy. I’ll update you on my progress every 2-3 days, but if you haven’t heard from me, then I don’t mind if you shoot me a message, just don’t push me too hard.
Once we’ve agreed on the price, I humbly request that you pay half upfront and half after completion.
You must be 18+ to request a NSFW story. I will not under any circumstances write incest, r*pe or anything sexual involving minors. I reserve the right to turn down a request if it makes me uncomfortable.
If you’re unhappy with the finished product then I’m more than willing to edit it, free of charge, until you’re satisfied, but I don’t do refunds after completion, due to the time and energy I have spent.
If you contact me here on tumblr, we can discuss matters further or move the conversation to discord or email, which ever you prefer (I will, of course, provide you with my username/email address depending on what option you choose)
I accept payment via either Paypal or Ko-Fi.
Side note; If you've been following me for a while and enjoy my work, then you can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi, but only if you are financially able and actually want to, no pressure whatsoever!
Thank you so much for reading this long winded announcement, I look forward to possibly working with you in the future :D
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merlumina · 1 year
hi there, tumblr
So after quitting all other social media (twitter, instagram, facebook), I found myself 1) pretty lonely tbh and 2) at a loss for how to keep myself creatively motivated and inspired with nowhere to share my work. I'd heard from several people that tumblr is way more chill these days, and while I hesitated at first, I finally decided to give it a try. After a few weeks of waiting from tech support to regain access to my account (pro tip: don't sign up for anything important with your college email address), I regained access yesterday and spent some time doing some tidying up (i. e. deleting most of my old posts and likes).
So...hi! Feels weird to be back. Life has changed so much in the past seven years. It was interesting going back through old posts to relive those times. Since I was last here, this is what I've been up to:
hollowforest and I got married in 2020. While he was unfortunately not able to propose to me at MAGFest after a particularly victorious round of Gundam Xtreme VS, which would have been rad, we settled for eloping at county jail, which is also a cool story.
Ringo, my cat, is still with us! But now we also have a dog, Haru (named after Persona 5 Haru). Yeah I like dogs now. I like pitt bulls now. 2012 me would never.
After years of self-doubt and self-loathing about my life choices, I actually became what I wanted to be when I grew up - a software developer! In late 2020 I took the plunge to do a coding bootcamp and got really lucky being hired into an apprenticeship program before I'd even graduated. Now I'm making those big coding $$$ working from home, literally living the dream and still kind of in awe.
I joined the Diagnosed with ADHD in My 30s club! (Also, I'm in my 30s now)
We bought a house in October, 2022! I did not think it would be possible for the longest time, but due to the big job upgrade we were finally able to afford it.
I've played a lot of video games, but not beaten that many.
I picked up game dev as a hobby and have made a few small games during game jams.
My mental health is overall a lot better now! Part of that is from therapy, part of that is from self reflection, part of that is maybe just growing up. See also: quitting aforementioned social medias.
Improved mental health aside, my hangups about my artistic abilities and creative capacity still haven't improved any in the past 10 years. It's one of my biggest personal insecurities, but also one of the reasons I'm trying Tumblr again! I wanted somewhere to post my practice routine to keep myself accountable, as well as a place to get inspiration from other artists.
I'm going to make a concerted effort to keep this blog focused on art and personal things that make me happy. After I left Tumblr in 2016 I started working on myself and trying to focus on bringing more empathy into my interactions with others. Whether or not I've been successful at that is another matter, but in general it has helped me be a happier person. I am not interested in participating in Discourse. I don't think you can judge the "goodness" of a human based on a handful of things they've said/done online, and I won't be made to cast judgment on anyone. I think we should spend less time tearing down people in our own communities and more time asking why it's so easy for the people in power to trick us into fighting each other. In general, the overall vibe that everyone's social media account is a personal soapbox where they can make declarations about what is Right and what people Should be doing makes me uncomfortable. So I'm going to try not to do any more of that here. I do like still having those discussions sometimes, but I prefer a more personal venue, where I feel like I'm talking with people rather than at them.
Let's be cool to each other! -Liz / merlumina
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cybersecuritynews2 · 2 years
The reason why Your Small Business Needs Such 6 Tech Resources
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cybersecurity news
Technology plays a progressively integral role in corporate. It can open opportunities and create extraordinary opportunities for forward-thinking small businesses. If you’re looking to move while using times, here are 6 tech tools your business interest needs.
cybersecurity news
1 . Fog up Solutions
Cloud precessing is increasingly popular amongst small businesses. Cloud offerings offer an array of gains, including flexibility together with scalability, reduced will cost you, seamless software integration and improved collaborative working. With fog up systems, businesses will eliminate risks involving downtime and spar for customers on a level using field with opponents who have already bought innovative IT assistance.
Cloud computing is furthermore a more cost-effective replacement of the more traditional kinds of technology, and it gives safe access to data, programs and reports on the go, which is important for remote teams and additionally individuals who are working from home.
2 . not Voice over Web Protocol (VoIP)
VoIP (Voice over Online world Protocol) phone devices are incredibly valuable for small businesses.
Because of this type of phone program, you can lower the buying price of making and getting calls significantly and you'll enjoy a range of elements, including video in addition to conference calls. VoIP affords seamless shopper interaction and it’s also reliable along with secure.
Organization Management Platforms
Effort is key so that you can successful teamwork. Nowadays, small businesses can take benefit for a variety of tools together with platforms, which are meant to make life less difficult for groups and let teams to get with each other and work on jobs virtually.
Outsourced Managed IT Products and services
If you run a company, there are significant important things about outsourcing IT. Handling an experienced IT supplier will give you peace of mind, give back time to focus on your core aspects of jogging your business and show you how to benefit from expert tips and tailored THAT services.
Outsourced was able IT services include everything from security and additionally cloud services to be able to consulting, infrastructure in addition to disaster planning, which happens to be essential for companies working with where there is a possibility of hurricanes along with storm damage.
THE APPLICATION experts will work on hand to draw up a good package that caters to your requirements and your funding. With managed products and services, you’ll have access to THIS support and your specialist will also help you make best use of efficiency and work flow to boost performance together with save money.
Cybersecurity is an significant consideration for decision makers. Although many people anticipate that hackers solely target large firms, small businesses are actually a lot more vulnerable. Statistics declare that over 40% from cyber attacks include small companies. Being business owner, there are various steps you can take to try and limit risks and look after your business.
A VPN, or virtual exclusive network, encrypts your home business data and your speaking, preventing anyone who’s not authorized to find your systems out of getting hold of your data. In addition , a VPN definitely will strengthen security concurrently as allowing fast and simple access for certified employees.
Fraud Blocking Software
Junk emails account for greater than 50% of all e-mails. Spam blocking program is designed to prevent inboxes clogging up along with fake emails and additionally junk. It is estimated that relating to 2019 and 2023, around 60 thousand spam emails shall be sent every day.
Like cybercrime becomes far more sophisticated, investing in fraud blocking software is normally increasingly useful for business owners. With the right application in place, you can steer clear of potentially dangerous e-mail addresses from reaching inboxes and increase staff member productivity.
At the moment, by using millions of people working remotely, and Internet application at an all-time high due to Coronavirus lockdowns, spam postings are more common than ever before. Google alone can be blocking around 17 million Coronavirus rip-off emails daily.
It’s important to note that designed for business owners and their particular employees, being aware of a signs of phishing emails and junk can be extremely beneficial, even so the best thing to do is usually to install spam preventing software. This will give up spam from approaching your business inboxes in addition to save your employees time frame when managing e-mail.
Technology has revolutionized the way businesses get the job done. If you run small businesses and you’re hoping to push your business in front, save time along with money, minimize cybersecurity risks and provide your visitors and employees by having a superior experience, think about investing in these ground breaking tech tools.
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a1flooring1 · 4 months
Experience The Difference With Professional Floor Sanding And Polishing In Adelaide
Our floor sanding and polishing Adelaide
Floor sanding and polishing Adelaide is an effective and affordable way to add a contemporary feel to your space, without compromising the traditional character of your existing flooring.We do the research to recommend the most reputable products in floor protection; designed to withstand wear and tear while highlighting the unique wood grains that give your floor an exclusive look.While the quality of products and coatings have an impact on the life of your flooring, workmanship is crucial to the final result. That’s why A1 Flooring deliver a holistic service, enabling us to oversee quality control from end to end. To achieve the best results, we invest in the most advanced technology and practice methods for tidy and efficient service. Our European dustless floor sanding equipment is a good example of this; significantly reducing the amount of dust left after our floor sanding and polishing Adelaide.
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Floorboard repairs and replacements
Floor sanding and polishing Adelaide is ideal for old floor in heritage homes that need to be renewed. In many cases, old floorboards have actually been covered up by carpet or floor coverings, which may even necessitate some repair work. If this is the case for you, the A1 Flooring team are able to carry out high-quality repairs and replacements using genuine recycled floorboards. We blend the floorboards as closely as possible with your existing flooring for a seamless blend. Using this same method, we can also replace out old fireplace hearths. Capture the natural ambience of your wood by taking advantage of our professional floor sanding and polishing Adelaide. If you live in an older home, it might be worth scoping out your flooring to see if you have traditional floorboards that are waiting to be restored! We’re simply a phone call away for your free measure and quote.
Choosing the right floor coating for you
We recommend different coating options to finalise our floor sanding and polishing Adelaide. For example, if your floor is in a commercial space where it’s subject to more foot traffic, we might recommend a more hardwearing option like the Water Based Polyurethane. Here’s a little bit more information:
Wattyl Estapol Oil Modified Polyurethane: This option provides a durable finish that helps improve resistance against chipping and cracking. It has a relatively low toxicity level in comparison to other coatings.
Water Based Polyurethane: This is a commercial-grade product available in a matte, satin or gloss finish. It has excellent wear-resistance and is non-yellowing. However it’s also a more environmentally friendly alternative to solvent based coatings.
Solvent Based Polyurethane: This selection offers the highest gloss finish, and is the most durable option. However, it is advisable that application is carried out when the premises is vacated due to strong fumes.
Our team will take care of the entire process of floor sanding and polishing Adelaide to completely revive the look and feel of your interior space. Give us a call on 8333 2999 to receive your free measure and quote, or stop by our showroom to compare the difference between coatings!
For More Information
call-  8333 2999
Address- 228 Magill Rd Beulah Park SA 5067 Website-https://a1flooring.com.au/floor-sanding-and-polishing-adelaide/
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just6f · 7 months
PLUSH OCTOPUS HAND WARMER DOLLS STUFFED, 13% OFF! A good sale only comes every so often -- so don't miss out on our amazing low price on Plush Octopus Hand Warmer Dolls Stuffed Round Octopus Pillow Sofa Cushion Sleeping Toys. At this store, we guarantee a quality selection of products including our {mainword for a wonderful shopping experience. Buy now and enjoy our worldwide shipping. Take a look at the sections below to learn more about our product. SEE MORE DETAILS Filling: Pp cotton Material: Cotton Gender: Unisex Features: Stuffed & plush Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Moreover, it’s your chance to buy this premium quality product at a low price! However, if you don’t believe us, look at the feedback our previous customers left and hurry up to click on ADD TO CART before we’ve sold it out! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Are the colors real? All the colors shown on the pictures of our Plush Octopus Hand Warmer Dolls Stuffed are real. However, keep it in mind that the exact shade you see on your screen depends on your device specifications and other technical factors. Do your products meet the manufacturing standards? We can assure you that our goods, including the Plush Octopus Hand Warmer Dolls Stuffed, strictly live up to the necessary manufacturing standards because we care about their quality. Is the purchase tax-free? The terms of taxation that are going to be applied to your purchase depend on your country’s legislation. However, you will be able to see the final purchase cost on the checkout page. Is it actually affordable? Having completed our own market research, we can assure you it will be challenging to find something of identical quality for a lower price than $29.32. Is it OK if I write a review on the Round Octopus Pillow Sofa Cushion Sleeping Toys I bought? Customer reviews are highly important for any online store. Therefore, you are more than welcome to email us your feedback or share it on any external platforms! If I put my photos with your product on social media, is it alright? You can freely share the photos of our products. Moreover, we’d be happy if you did. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Can I order two or more products at a time? Please, order as many products as you want because there are no limitations. How do you prevent the package from damage during shipment? We try to foresee all the problems that your package may face and, therefore, use the most secure ways to ensure its safety. How to get in touch with the support managers in your store? You are more than welcome to contact our support team through any of the contact channels listed at the bottom of the page. How to buy it? Click on the Color you want to buy, then click ADD TO CART button. After that, you will need to indicate your first and second names, address, etc., and pay for the order. Then relax and wait! We will do everything possible to send your package in the shortest time. Can I trust this store? As you can see it from our buyers’ reviews, there is nothing to worry about. We value our online reputation and do our best to treat the buyers with the highest quality service. There are tons of other online stores. Why should I buy from you? Our main priority is to build friendly relationships with our clients. We do our best to make our business mutually beneficial both for us and our clients. That’s why we always offer quality products and set fair prices. https://just6f.com/plush-octopus-hand-warmer-dolls-stuffed-round-octopus-pillow-sofa-cushion-sleeping-toys/?feed_id=6877&_unique_id=65db17ae02682
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mesadentalsandiego1 · 9 months
Best Dental Implants San Diego @ Mesadentalsd to Transform Your Smile
Mesa Dental San Diego is your one-stop for natural-looking, natural-acting and natural-feeling teeth replacement options! Helmed under the able guidance of Dr. Qadeer, Mesa Dental San Diego is your trusted cosmetic implant dentist in San Diego.
Benefits of dental implant are immense and dental implants in San Diego team at Mesa Dental San Diego ensure that you have a tooth replacement that feels and looks better than your original teeth.
Dental implants San Diego are high-tech replacement tooth that mimics the whole tooth structure. A titanium “root” is snugly inserted into the bone and is used to support a crown, bridge or denture. Your dental implant looks feels and acts like a real tooth and can last a lifetime if properly cared for.
One Goal of team Mesa Dental San Diego is “At Mesa Dental, we have just one goal, to put the patient at ease and make the experience of Dental Implants as clear as possible. From your consultation, lab work, the creation of your teeth, to the procedure and recovery after treatment, have all been categorized and made simple and easy to understand.”
The board-certified surgeon at Mesa Dental San Diego uses a medical-grade titanium implant fixture that, over time, actually fuses to the living bone cells of the jaw. This fusion forms a durable and robust anchor for your new teeth, meaning there’s no slippage or other movements after affordable dental implants.
The Mesa Dental Implant team have worked closely together for more than a decade; treating complex implant cases. With best dental implants San Diego from Mesa Dental so many people have got a second chance to enjoy the foods they love and cherish the most, to smile with confidence and to get their lives back after tooth loss.
Michele C, one of the many happy patients at Mesa Dental San Diego says, “Dr Qadeer is very caring and will always make you feel comfortable. I have been taking my family to Mesa dental for 12 years now! I also recommend all my clients to Dr Qadeer!!! Best dentist in San Diego!!!”
About Mesa Dental San Diego:
At Mesa Dental, you will find superb dental treatment by experienced doctor. You can trust Mesa Dental for dental implants, teeth whitening and emergency dental care as well as complete oral health. Mesa Dental offers a complete range of cosmetic treatments for residents in San Diego, managed by expert San Diego dentist. They also offer free consultations for dental implants, Invisalign retainers, and 2nd opinion consultations.
Contact Details-
Address- 6215 Beadnell Way, San Diego, CA 92117, United States
Phone No. / Fax- 858-877-9540
Email- [email protected] Implants San Diego
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concerthopperblog · 1 year
RE:SET Complement Burger
I want to approach the Re:SET Concert Series like a friend that needs a little guidance.  If Re:SET can be pointed in the right direction, it has a possibility of being the next great touring festival.  If not, it was a thing that my concert hopper crew did once.
A brief summary of Re:SET for those who might need it.   It is a touring three-day festival with four artists a day. It tours with the same artist lineup but will be on a different day, for example… Boy Genius will play in New Orleans on Saturday and Atlanta on Sunday, while LCD Soundsystem visa versa.  All this is on one stage in each city. 
Speaking of which, the headliners this year were the previously mentioned Boy Genius and LCD Soundsystem, and Steve Lacy.
This festival was great, but it also reminded me of the burger I ordered there.  I really needed the burger to keep up with the calorie count I lost dancing during the Idles set. The $18 burger, though, should be the peak burger,  but I just got the mediocre burger. 
So with the continuation of the food metaphor, I want to call out RE:Set’s good with the bad, and good again with a compliment sandwich, but the middle is so important to be addressed that it needs to have a bigger filling than just a regular sandwich.  
May I Pre:SENT… The Re:SET Burger. 
The Top of the Bun: Best Festival to Explore a City
I love Atlanta’s Shaky Knees Music Festival.  Shaky Knees Festival books my favorite Alternative and Punk undercard on the east coast.  The first couple of times I went, my crew and I had planned on cool touristy things to do in the city. However, if you go to Shaky Knees fashionably late because you spent too much time shopping in Little 5 Points, you are missing music. Resulting in missing out on that aforementioned best alternative and punk undercard on the east coast.
With RE:SET in Atlanta, we were able to nerd out at Emory University's Michael C. Carlos Museum and the High Museum of Art and ride bikes on the Beltline. We finally had the time to some top-tier burgers from Slutty Vegan that were worth every penny before the late-night crowd.
The festival is a great way to explore a city and actually do things.
For example, attendees of Re:Set Nashville could go chow down on Prince’s Hot Chicken and regret thinking they could handle two heat levels too hot later while getting down to the Tori y Moi set.
A New Orleans cemetery tour with all the other sad girls to see would have really set the mood to see Boy Genius in City Park.
In D.C., you could have stormed* the capital and been back in time to sing about your Big Habit with Steve Lacy. *Publisher note: Do not “storm” federal buildings. There are plenty of other fun, affordable and legal things to do in Washington, D.C.
If this is an annual event, I might use it as an excuse to visit a different city.
The Patty: The Re:SET Communication
It was a failure of the little things that can only be explained in bullet point form that bugged me.
The lineup was released early, but the time of the event was posted almost less than a month from the day of the event.
You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather. With that in mind, the festival should be better prepared to share updates. At Re:Set Atlanta and some of the other city stops sets had to be rescheduled due to extreme weather. Instagram Stories should not be a primary way to receive updates, and emails about rescheduling should not be sent out an hour after the new schedule starts. 
Speaking of Instagram, be excited about your festival.  My beloved Shaky Knees posted schedule updates and pictures and imaging and stuff, maybe too much stuff all the time.  It seemed that RE: Set went months without posting anything.  I chose your festival, let me know I’m going to enjoy it.
A lot of people ignored this, but no blankets? Re:Set is one stage,  I’m there for four hours, and the grass gets uncomfortable to sit on without a blanket.
It felt like it was lucky it happened. When the crew and I left, we were all, “That was nice. Hope it happens again,” and not, “That was great! Can't wait until next year!”
That being said, “I was like, that was great, let see them in Nashville!”  which brings me to the bottom of the bun.
The Bottom Bun: Each Day a Different Vibe
On the first day, Steve Lacy and the other artists brought the funk.  The freaks came and got freaky.
LCD Soundsystem and others brought the energy.  The energy was reciprocated back to them.
The third day brought the chill. Everyone chilled.
In each city, the rotation will be different, but the vibe remains.  Every undercard really did elevate the headliner. My crew really loved the Idles, Jamie XX, and LCD Soundsystem energy so much that we were eyeballing the Nashville show.
The organizers really did a good job with each day's lineup, but they really did drop the paper plate on some of the small stuff.
I really do hope this concert series continues, though.  I have mentioned Shaky Knees before, and there was a time when their headliners were Gary Clark Jr and LCD Sound system; now, there are giants like The Killers and Muse.  Those crowds kill vibes.  Re:Set was all about vibes.
The Fries
The house music between sets was pretty lit.
Re:SET, improve your communication, and it will be biscuits and gravy, babe.
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digitaljunkcars · 2 years
Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Junk Car To Cash In Melbourne
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It may be time for you to sell your vehicle. It's much more affordable to sell it to get the parts it doesn't need rather than spending cash on repairs. If you're the owner of a vehicle that is in disrepair and would like to dispose of it as quickly as you can, cash for car service is the ideal option.
The car removals Melbourne service is likely to offer the chance to make some money when you sell an unwanted or used car. You'll receive the highest amount for your vehicle by eliminating the middleman and selling it directly to the cash for cars business.
You can't accept new things without letting go and allow yourself to move forward in life. You need to get rid of your junk car so you can get on with your life. We at Melbourne Cash For Cars convert your junk into a hefty amount of money and ensure you receive the most money despite the condition and make of your car. These are the best reasons you should consider selling your old vehicle to earn cash.
You'll make cash quickly
You can dispose of old and junk cars in Melbourne for cash the same day and get money that you can use to fulfill any need. Although selling your junk vehicle may not net you an enormous amount of cash, you'll be able to make use of the cash that you receive.
Avoid Repair Costs
Are repairs to your car becoming costly? It'll need a large amount of money to fix the car that has been severely damaged. Finding spare parts to repair your vehicle is near impossible if you own an antique or vintage car. The repair cost is a critical factor in determining whether or not to sell an old vehicle. It is possible to replace your vehicle if the price of repairs exceeds the value.
Avoid the Buyer Search
Finding a buyer who will pay a reasonable price for your old car can appear to be a lengthy job. Melbourne Cash for Cars service providers will pay cash for your car and then resell the vehicle to you in exchange in exchange for scrap metal or parts. You will be able to cut down on time and money by using junk automobile removals.
Seamless Selling
Selling a car fast takes lots of effort and time. You have to spend lots of money on advertising and have to meet with a lot of people who don't have any intention of buying the car. Selling your cash for cars Melbourne is smooth and easy thanks to Melbourne cash for cars. This makes the process simpler and more efficient, and shorter in time.
Find More Space
You don't really need that junk car, so why let it occupy your garage space? You can free up more space in your garage to store those things that you actually need. You only need to contact the junk car buyers Melbourne. They'll give you a great deal, take the car and hand you the cash.
Free Car Removal
Junk car buyers will arrive to your location with towing vehicles and inspect the car. They'll discuss the cost and then remove your car for at no cost. Selling your junk car to cash buyers will cover the entire towing cost. A junk car buyer will provide free towing and flexible pick-up times.
Environmentally Friendly Disposal
Junk cars can contain toxic chemical compounds and dangerous spare parts, which pose environmental dangers. Junk car removal firms recycle and reuse most of the parts, before getting rid of the body. You can make extra money by selling your old automobiles and also have the chance to help in the preservation of our natural environment. The final decision to get cash for junk cars will benefit the environment.
If you sell your car, you can get all the above benefits and more. Selling a car you don't want is not easy and it may take time to find the perfect buyer or dealer. Melbourne Cash for Cars Removal Service is here to assist you in selling your vehicle quickly and easily.
Junk Cars
Ph: 042 0800 014
Address: 29 first Ave sunshine Vic 3020
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looye29 · 2 years
The Forex market is a complex one that continues to baffle a lot of people. Having said that, if you are reading this review, you’ve already done a bit of homework on your own and have decided to try and see if there are any products out there that might help you make sound financial trading decisions in the Forex market. Here I’m giving you an in-depth review on the 1000PIP CLIMBER SYSTEM, a Forex trading product available via ClickBank and one that sounds promising from the very start. Let’s take a closer look at what it’s worth! The Product The website starts off by saying “The 1000pip Climber Forex System is a state of the art algorithm, designed to make it as easy as possible to succeed at Forex”. This is a Forex-robot – a rule-based Forex investing indicator that does all the complex analysis work for you. It is a system that analyses the market, works out high probability trading opportunities, and sends out signals to you via visual alerts, emails, and texts. It’s a 100% mechanical system that’s already in place – you just need to install it and follow instructions. This system is at work 24/7 as the Forex market, being an international one, operates worldwide across all time-zones, so be prepared to receive alerts even at 2 am! However, you needn’t jump in and invest on every signal (crucial factors like entry price, take profit, and stop loss are stated clearly) that you get; you need to exercise caution and diligence before each trade. My advice here is – invest on what you can afford, never stretch yourself thin! Each risk here is a calculated one with only high opportunities ones being relayed to you, but there are the chance losses too, so just evaluate the fund availability and risks involved at your end too. How it Works We are of course, not privy to how the analysis algorithm works but what we do know is that it is a mechanical code-based system that is suitable for both long term and short term work. To achieve substantial results, a long term period is always preferable. The signals are generated at time gaps of 15 minute, 1 hour and 4 hours and across six key currency pairs. The currency pairs are USD-CAD, USD-JPY, USD-CHF, EUR-JPY, EUR-USD, and AUD-USD. Who is it For The target audience for this product is the average Joe – someone who doesn’t have much market knowledge. However, this is not for a complete newbie. You should have some idea about Forex trading before actually getting into it with this product as although the product does the calculations for you; you need to make the actual trade by yourself if you set it to a manual mode. However, there is a full-auto option too. Just remember, every signal is not a 100% success guaranteed signal; it’s a high-probability low-risk signal, so invest accordingly. Set-Up Process The 1000pip Climber System works on the MetaTrader MT4 platform. This may be new to most of us, but they do have a helpful video that they send out which will make it just an easy point-and-click exercise for you. They also provide a “Beginner’s Guide” PDF, which is quite comprehensive. Should you have any queries, even after all this, their support is quite prompt and helpful. The Creators The product has been around since 2016, but not much is known about its creators. The only information that seems to be available is that the creator is Jim, and he, along with his team, provides complete service on the product. All we were able to obtain is an email ID to get in touch with support. There is no office address listed. The Positive Side Here are some of the advantages of the 1000pip Climber System that really works in their favor: The Forex robot follows a complete rule-based trading system. The support is extremely helpful and professional. They are just what you are looking for in a support team – timely answers, exact solutions to your problem, and tailored answers. You do not get any of those annoying canned responses back which do nothing for you.
The system generates about 1200-1400 pips per month, and at frequent intervals, so you are never at a loss for tips on days your mind is set on Forex trading. The Negative Side To put things in perspective, here are some of the negatives of the product (not too many are there!): Not much is known about how the robot works. They do not give any insights into their algorithm. However, to be fair, that must be their trade secret! A Myfx book is provided by the creators, but the one provided is more than two years old. Something more recent i.e., from 2020, would help build more trust. My Verdict The 1000pip Climber System seems to be a reliable robot Forex analyzer. What was surprising to me was the lack of negative reviews online for this product. I did not see people complaining about the product when I did a search, which says a lot about this system. After all, being around for four years and not getting complaints is an achievement in itself! As is usually the norm with dependable products, this too comes with a 30-Day full money-back guarantee. Priced at a one-time lifetime membership fee of $97, this is definitely worth a shot if you are looking to get into Forex trading.
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specialability · 2 years
Extremely long life update:
tl;dr I bought myself a 2020 Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 from BestBuy and it was an awful experience but it's in the mail, also I really like mastodon a lot actually, and my cat got worms :| if you read or scroll to the end you get cat photos as a reward.
A couple weeks ago I decided to buy myself a new laptop as Black Friday sales were starting (even though I live in Canada where Thanksgiving happened a month ago) and my current MacBook Pro is from 2015 and showing its age. The battery menu just says "Service Recommended" on it now. I basically can't stream sports video without closing everything else that's open. That sort of thing. I got a bunch of money in Sept due to being approved for disability support so I can afford something low-medium nice so I start searching for "budget gaming laptops" and doing a probably excessive amount of research. Most review sites decide to consider things "budget" if they're less than $1000 but they're going by USD and let's just say a $900 USD laptop goes for more like $1400 CAD if it's even stocked. So finding something that's actually under CAD$1000 involves a lot of manually checking multiple sites because of all the different possible configurations. I am repeatedly reminded of why I previously bought only Macs.
My criteria ended up being: under CAD$1000, AMD processor (because they play better with Linux), discrete graphics card, removable/upgradable RAM, upgradable SSD, not hideous, not extremely heavy or large, in stock.
I settle on two main options: Lenovo Ideapad 3 Gaming or Asus TUF A15, both of which were going for about $999 and were relatively well-reviewed but emphasis was made on the fact that they were heavy and battery wasn't great. Also the TUF is hideous. I'm not a student any more so I don't really need to worry about all-day battery life, but I also don't want something that basically needs to sit on a desk all the time plugged in to be used. Because I don't have a desk and there isn't room for a desk in my apartment. Which is why I'm buying a laptop instead of a desktop in the first place.
Anyway, I kept going back and forth because I wasn't really happy enough with either of them to justify the price, the configuration of the Ideapad that I wanted went out of stock so only a more expensive version was available, I had a bit of a meltdown on twitter where I started totally second-guessing myself and maybe I should just buy a shitty $300 refurb laptop?? Like what am I doing I don't need to game on a laptop, I've spent all these years not being able to play PC games and I still don't own any consoles other than the switch. Am I being too greedy??
And then it was like 4am and I was on the BestBuy site and they must have updated their sales at midnight because the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 showed up. (insert holy choir singing hallelujah) It actually matches all my criteria aside from being 14", which is a bit small but I can live with it. It has excellent reviews, better than the other two. It's actually small and light enough to be portable and and has a much bigger battery than the other two somehow?? AND it's on sale for $899 so great, I put in the order.
Nothing happens. No shipping notification or anything. Until two days later I wake up to the order being cancelled. No email even to tell me why. So I open up the chat and they say it's a security issue, the billing address you put in wasn't matched by the bank so the charge was refused. This makes no sense because I paid with paypal which has had all my info in it for ages and has always worked before. I google and there are people complaining about this on reddit so sure, fine, I'll redo the order and make double sure the address is correct. I pay directly without paypal. Next day, wake up, order is cancelled again. This time I call them. They can't override the system, but what the person says is I can physically go into the store and ask them to put in the order through their system and then I just pay at the store and therefore it won't be checked in the same way by the system. This is because I want the open box price that is $100 lower. If I was willing to pay the extra $100 for the non-open box version I could have just physically gone to the store in the first place, a week ago when I started all this. But fine. FINE. I want to buy this stupid laptop. It better be absolutely flawless when I get it because seriously. The only other place that has it in stock it is $350 more and is a newer version so I can't even just say fuck BB and go somewhere else and ask for a price match.
So after navigating the local transit situation which is totally off its normal route due to construction and then walking enough to give myself a blister I make it to the stupid BB store. First of all it's nearly impossible to find a sales person. Then she tries to pressure-sell me into getting the $999 version and then keeps insisting that I also need to buy the extended warranty. I almost buckle because I am into negative spoons but am saved by the fact that my credit card is, again, declined.
So I walk off and call my stupid bank, thinking they've cut me off for fraud because I've tried to buy this laptop so many times. Nope, says the person on the phone, you just hit your credit limit because the previous purchases are still sitting there pending and haven't cancelled yet. Once again I want to strangle whoever is in charge of BB's checkout system. I actually have a totally different credit card, but it's at home. Am I going to go all the way home and back again? Am I going to go home and try to order it online with the other credit card and run into the same problem?? Absolutely not. But the bank phone person actually ups my limit while I'm on the line with them, which is amazing, and gives me just enough space to buy the stupid laptop. I am seriously at the point where I'm doubting all my life choices and do I even want a new laptop my old one still functions what am I doing wasting money like this etc.
So I go back to the desk and the previous sales person is gone, thank god, so I explain what happened to the person who's there and they're, shockingly, like "sure we can def do that". So they log into their shit and we go through putting in my info and making sure they order the exact right one and then I pay for it (with no pressure sell of the warranty this time) and it goes through! I would be more excited if I wasn't so exhausted.
aside: it is so unseasonably cold out I can't believe it. it is never this cold around here, I never have to get my full winter coat out in November let alone there being snow and ice on the ground. climate change!! what are you doing!! we can't have incredibly hot summers and incredibly cold winters!!
aside2: the reason why I didn't want the warranty is that aside from it being like $25/month, more than my actual renters insurance, is based on my reading of it there is no coverage of accidental water damage. which is the no.1 reason why I might need repair. Anything else that's going to fail will either fail in the first year and be covered by the manufacturer or I'll deal with it myself. I'm not a pro repair person I don't even own a soldering iron but I can follow ifixit instructions. In my impatience for this laptop to arrive I have actually already looked up the instructions for upgrading/repairing various parts to make sure it's possible, because most cheaper laptops these days solder the RAM to the motherboard and therefore aren't upgradable in the future.
back to the main story: Being a depressed cynical person I am not jumping with excitement yet. The next day I wake up and... there's a shipping notice!!! They have printed the shipping label!! I have never actually achieved this stage of the purchase process before!!!!!!
It is now the weekend so the only progress that gets made is that the package is scanned in at the nearest warehouse. So the laptop exists. Or a box that a laptop should be in exists. It might arrive Mon or maybe Tues. I will believe it when I receive it intact and turn it on and it works. The only plus side of the trip to the BB is that I got to look at it and try out the keyboard and touchpad. The screen is indeed a bit small but now that I (my roommate) owns a TV that is less of a real issue. I am going to wipe and reinstall Windows 11 to start with and then dual boot it with Pop OS.
I am, at this point, both looking forward to and dreading getting used to using a non-Mac computer for the first time in ages. I've used WinPCs for work in the past, but never as my main daily use machine and after 10+ years of using various MacOSes I have such a deeply-ingrained workflow that it's going to take some getting used to. I learned to program in Unix! I know all the ways in which MacOS tends to break! I have already researched different desktop environments that might be more similar to Mac and made sure that my most often-used software has either a Linux version or an equivalent I can migrate to.
And of course the twitter meltdown is happening so I checked out all the different social media offerings that people were talking about and since a few of my techie / librarian friends moved to mastodon I put a little more effort into learning it than the other ones. In terms of their philosophy of decentralization and consent I am behind the software 100% but if of course depends on how it's implemented.
So I'm invested in finding one or more mastodon servers to live on in the future as a replacement or adjunct to twitter but already I prefer the interface and functions to twitter by a lot. For one thing, twitter hamstrung 3rd party clients a long time ago so the one I've been using for like 5 years is very clunky and laggy, but the tusky mastodon client looks pretty much the same and is incredibly snappy. I find myself much more motivated to use it and let it crosspost to twitter than use twitter and crosspost in the other direction. Even if I still mess up on most of the tweets I send and have to go back and fix the permissions or CW.
I have already moved one of my accounts to a different server from the first one I signed up to and have a second account going on a newbie fandom server. I haven't found my ideal server yet but I am looking at the more anarchist-oriented ones.
another aside, do I qualify for an ADHD diagnosis yet?: I understand the ass-covering required by saying 'no illegal stuff' but lol I am not a totally law-abiding person and am not going to totally censor myself on that, the DMCA can go fuck itself, scihub and libgen are great, and yes I occasionally shoplift from the pharmacy.
If I had the money I would probably just start my own, it sounds easier to install than Arch Linux and, if nothing else, I have a lot of free time. I wrote a really long screed on why I think mastodon (and the fediverse more widely) is better for fandom than twitter ever was but then deleted it because my knowledge changed just within the 24hrs since I wrote it. Anyway, I like it a lot, it has a nice vibe so far, I suspect that a lot of people will quit after this initial rush but that's fine. It's much less frantic than discord but allows for more frequent smaller posts unlike tumblr, so it's good for my kind of diary-style posting. Basically the main reason why I'm writing this post is because I haven't been able to write it out in bits and pieces properly because of all the twitter/mastodon migration.
With all this going on, I also had my cat show signs of being infested with tapeworms (ew) so I had to suddenly get him to the vet. The vet agreed with me and gave me some meds for him so hopefully that is dealt with. I haven't bought pokemon yet because I don't even want to play it, I just want to deal with one thing at a time... or preferably zero things for a while... It is hard to keep up with fandom when I am not even showering every day because I am so tired.
cat photo time: the fat one is the one with worms, but it's not the reason why he's fat (probably) the other one is my roommate's and he's a real gremlin
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aygmam · 2 years
thoughts 10/29/22
October 29, 2022
Today was the shoot for Rosa Parks. The process of filming it was fine, but securing the equipment was a shitshow. Yesterday, I had a Zipcar reserved for prop shopping and picking up equipment. When I got to the place, the Zipcar wasn’t there. I called Zipcar and he said it was at 63 York St (I was in a parking garage at 60 York St). The address was the same parking structure. He was like “You can go to the place where the car is,” and I said, “It’s literally not here,” and he was like “Our GPS is showing that it is here, actually,” and I was like, “That’s so funny because not only are there no cars in the Zipcar parking spots, I just did a lap around the entire floor and the car wasn’t there either. So what the fuck are we going to do about that?” I was kind of a cunt, but I was super frustrated because I had planned for the day to go a certain way and then they were just kind of screwing me for no reason.
So I called Lindsay and she was luckily home and willing to let me use her car. I took her car to BarnDoor, Target, and Trader Joe’s. While I was in Target, I got an email from the CCAM saying there was an emergency closure due to illness and that they would not be able to complete any of the reservations from Friday. This was perhaps the worst possible message I could have received lmao. I texted Frederick to see if he would be able to let us in and check us out equipment anyways. He said yes, so I got him some Matcha Ice cream as a thank you. When I got back, I didn’t have time to park at home and walk over, so I tried to park outside of Saybrook. I circled the block literally five times. Then I found a spot, went in, gave the worst walk-through of my life, and then came back to the car, which had gotten ticketed in the maybe 20 minutes I was gone. Absolute nightmare, but only $25. I thought it would be $50, so it wasn’t that bad.
Then. This morning. I wake up. Haul ass to the CCAM to rendezvous with Frederick. The Black Magic Kit didn’t have a mixer for the boom. I start looking to see if there’s a mixer at like Best Buy or something that I can just buy. Frederick suggests school of art. We haul over there. He goes to swipe into the ELO. No access. Apparently the swipe is time sensitive. I send him downstairs to grab a security officer while I try to calm down. Security swipes us in. We get all of the equipment. I take it downstairs. Frederick leaves for rugby. I meet Geo with his wagon and we take everything to the Underbrook.
We get to the fucking underbrook. Start setting up. Cameras are fine. Costumes are fine. Lights are tricky but fine. The mixer connects to the boom but doesn’t turn on. We try new batteries. Nothing. We take a rode mic that’s in the theater and attach it to Geo’s camera and just shoot with that. 
After we decided to just fuck the boom, it was fine. Filming was pretty efficient. But we were there from like 12-1:30 just trying to troubleshoot. It was a huge waste of the actors’ time, which sort of sucked, and I felt bad about. But we finished shooting at around 4 and then cleaned up and got back to Geo’s at around 5. 
So a lot went wrong. I took some notes about things to do differently for next time. I think because Vitamin D is fewer people and in just one location, it will hopefully be even simpler. We’ll also have the benefit of having shot two sketches already. I think we can afford a longer rehearsal process, especially because we’re not planning on shooting until December. 
I am feeling tired and a little bit run down. I am glad I woke up on time for this because I was really afraid I would sleep through it. 
So for next time: 
No walk through. It was useful for Movie Money but was sort of a waste of time for Rosa because there was no coordination of extras or figuring out a giant space. 
Double check the equipment like several days before if possible. Self explanatory.
Check out equipment from the School of Art, not the CCAM. Their equipment is much better quality and they’re more organized.
Take a picture of the inside of the kit before you take any equipment out. This is useful for clean up. 
No shoulder rig. Geo doesn’t like it. 
Test equipment before the day of the shoot. Self explanatory.
Here are some thoughts on next steps while I have them:
Action Items
Check date with Simon, crew
Reach out to Carson, other intimacy coordinator for school
Figure out Simon’s costume
Make equipment reservations
Check in with HOC about next sem (filming?)
Check in with HOC about when this CPA expires and we can’t use the money anymore
Equipment for Vit D
Boom kit
Sony zoom lens
Slate board 
0 notes
Cancelling your credit card can save you money and avoid future problems!
Introduction: You may have heard that cancelling your credit card can save you money. After all, you don’t want to be in a future situation where you have to pay off your debt and owe more than you can afford. But is this really the case? And what if it isn’t? Here are three cases in which cancelling your credit card could actually cost you money.
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Cancelling Your Credit Card Can Save You Money.
When you cancel your credit card, you may be saving money in the long run. By cancelling your card, you'll avoid future problems with your credit rating and avoid costly settlements. How to Cancel Your (money order) Credit Card If you want to cancel your credit card, there are a few steps that you must take:- Make sure that you have an active account with your credit card issuer- Go through with your cancellation by sending in a written notice (usually within fourteen days of the original purchase date)- Pay off all of your outstanding debts on your account as soon as possible- Reapply for new credit cards without delay
How to Cancel Your Credit Card in Minutes.
If you have a credit card and want to cancel it, there are several ways to do so in minutes. The most common way is through a phone app, such as the ones mentioned in section 2.2. However, if you’re cancelling your card through a manual process, you may need to be more exact about your information. For example, you may need to provide your name and contact information (such as your address), as well as your account number and expiration date. How to Cancel Your Credit Card in a Phone App When cancelling through a phone app, make sure that the app is open and ready for use. Then tap on the “cancel” button at the top of the screen. After clicking on this button, your card will be cancelled and all funds will be withdrawn from your account within minutes! This method works best when using an iPhone or Android device. How to Cancel Your Credit Card in a Manual way If you want to cancel your credit card manually, there are three steps that you can take: First step: Log into your account online . In order to cancel your card online, first log into your account online and select “my cards” from the menu options. On the left-hand side of this window, you will see a list of all of your cards – select yours based on whichever one is currently active (if any). Click on the “cancel” symbol next to it to cancellate it! Second step: Print out or type in your cancellation notice . If you’re cancelling through email or other communication methods (like text message), you will need to print out or type in a cancellation notice so that it can be mailed to yourself or sent electronically along with other documents needed for future transactions! Third step: Postcard or Email Notification . If you have chosen mail notification as our third step, once we receive confirmation that we have received both physical and electronic cancellation notices filed against our credit card(s), we will send out an email notification announcing that the credit card has been cancelled! Please note that this method does not work with direct debit cards; those must be cancelled by calling customer service directly!
Cancelling Your Credit Card Can Avoid Future Problems.
When you cancel your credit card, you need to be sure to follow the specific cancellation instructions that are given to you. sometimes these instructions can be hard to follow, but by following them carefully, you should be able to avoid any future problems. Cancelling Your Credit Card Can Avoid any future problems If you have any trouble cancelling your credit card, always reach out to your creditor and ask for help. This will help ensure that your account is cancelled without any further issues. By doing this, you can prevent yourself from having future problems with your credit card and ensure that your financial planning is successful on the trip!
Cancelling your credit card can help you save money and avoid future problems. By cancelling your card in a few easy steps, you can get the most out of your financial situation.
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just6f · 2 years
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sineala · 3 years
How would you say fandom culture has changed over the years? What are some differences you notice between older and younger fandom folks?
I’ve been thinking for a while about how to answer this, and I’m not sure I have a really good answer, but I’m going to try.
I’ve been in fandom since approximately 1995. Maybe 1994. At that point, the world wide web was a relatively new part of the internet, and the fandoms I was in had most of their activity on privately-hosted mailing lists (predating eGroups/OneList/Yahoo Groups) and on Usenet newsgroups, with fiction beginning to be available on websites as part of either fandom-specific or pairing-specific archives as well as authors’ individual pages. Fanfiction.net did not yet exist. LiveJournal did not exist. AO3 definitely did not exist. If you wanted real-time chat, there was IRC. I was coming in basically at the tail end of zine fandom; zines were no longer the only way of distributing fanfiction, as fandom started to move online. So I have a selection of zines from 90s-era Western media fandoms but even by then zines weren’t where I was doing most of my reading.
I think in terms of generally “what it was like to be in fandom,” the big-picture stuff hasn’t changed. Fandom still produces creative fanwork and likes to, y’know, get together and talk about fandom. Also, almost every fight or complaint that fandom has about something is a thing that has been going on for actual years. People complain that, say, the kudos button is ruining comment culture because back in the LJ days the only way you could comment on a story was, well, by leaving an actual comment, or sending an email on a mailing list, and this might mean that people who would have otherwise commented have left a kudos instead. But back in the LJ and mailing list days, people were complaining that commenting was going downhill since the days of zines, when in order to comment on a story you had to write a real paper letter and mail it and because you had to do that, the quality of feedback was so much better than you got nowadays because people could just dash off a quick email or comment. You get the idea. Top/bottom wars are not new either. Pairing wars are not new. If you’ve been in fandom a while, you will pretty much have seen all the fights already. I think one thing that is new, though, is the fandom awareness of things like privilege and intersectionality and various -isms, as well as things like “providing warnings might be nice” (do you know how much unwarned deathfic I have read? a lot!) and I sure won’t say we’re perfect at any of this now, but I think fandom is trying way way more about all that stuff than it used to.
There are some fights we actually don’t have anymore, as far as I can tell. I feel like it’s been years since I’ve seen the “real person fiction is wrong” battle, but also I don’t hang out in a whole lot of RPF fandoms, so it’s possible that’s still going and I just don’t see it.
There also used to be a recurring debate about whether gay relationships that were canonical were slash or not. When slash started, obviously this wasn’t a question because there weren’t canonical gay relationships in fandoms, period. But as gay characters began to appear in media, people started to wonder “does slash mean all same-sex relationships, or does slash mean only non-canonical same-sex relationships?” Now, you may be reading this and think that sounds like an incredibly weird thing to get hung up on, but that’s because what appears to have happened is that the term “ship” (originally from X-Files Mulder/Scully fandom) has, as far as I can tell, come up and eaten most of the rest of the terminology. Now people will just say, “oh, I ship that.” For any pairing, gay or not, canonical or not. Fandom seems to have decided that for the most part it no longer actually needs a term specific to same-sex relationships as a genre.
Similarly, there are a few genres of fic that we used to have also pretty much don’t exist anymore. There are also plenty of genres that are well-entrenched now that are also extremely recent -- A/B/O comes to mind. But there are some kinds of fic we don’t write a lot of now. Like, I haven’t seen smarm in years! I also haven’t seen We’re Not Gay We Just Love Each Other in a while. There was also a particular style of slash writing where you’d basically have to explain, in detail, what made you think that these particular characters could be anything other than straight. You’d have to motivate this decision. You’d have to look at their canonical heterosexual relationships and come up with a way to explain why all those had happened in order to reconcile how this one guy could have romantic feelings for another guy. When had he figured out he wasn’t straight? Who might he have been with before? How does he interact with people in ways that make you think he’s not straight? That kind of thing. You had to, essentially, show your work. And these days a lot of fanfic is just like, “Okay, Captain America is bisexual, let’s go!” It’s... different.
Fandom also used to skew older, is my sense. A lot older. I don’t know, actually, if it really was older, but I get the sense now that there are some younger people who are surprised that adults are still in fandom. I have seen people saying these days that they think they’re too old for fanfiction because they are not in middle school anymore. And I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that the barriers to access fandom are a lot lower than they used to be. You used to basically have to be an adult with disposable income (or know an adult with disposable income who was willing to help you out; but even then if you were reading explicit fiction you also had to swear you were 18+, usually by sending in an age statement to whoever you were buying the zine from or to the mods of the list you wanted to join, so a lot of fandom was very much age-gated). Internet access was not widely available. Even if you had internet access, you maybe didn’t have your own email address, so you couldn’t sign up for mailing lists; free email providers didn’t exist. If you wanted to buy zines, you had to have money to buy them. If you wanted to go to cons, you had to be able to afford the cost of the con, travel to the con, et cetera. If you wanted to have a website you had to know HTML. Social media did not exist. You want to draw art? Guess what, you’re probably drawing it on paper! You might be able to upload a picture to your website if you have a digital camera or a scanner, but both of those things are expensive, and also a lot of people don’t have the capability or the money to download pictures from the internet (some people have data caps with overage charges, and some people have text-only connections!), so they won’t get to see it. Maybe you can sell your piece at a con! You want to make a fanvid? We called them songvids, but, anyway, you know how you’re doing that? You’re going to hook two VCRs together and smash the play and record buttons very fast! If you want anyone else to watch them, you are either making them a tape personally and mailing it to them or bringing your vids to a convention. Maybe you can digitize them and upload them, but it’s going to take people hours to download them!
(Every three hours my ISP would kick me off the internet and I’d have to dial in again. If it was a busy time of day, it might take me 20 or 30 minutes to get a connection again. And that was assuming no one else in the house needed to use the phone line. Imagine if your modem went out every three hours now.)
And now, for the cost of my internet connection, I can read pretty much whatever fanfiction I want, whenever I want it. I can see all the fanart I want! I can watch vids! Podfic exists now! Fanmixes exist! Gifsets and moodboards exist! If I want to write fic I can write it with programs that are completely free, and as soon as I post it everyone in the entire world can read it. If I want to draw or make vids that may require some additional investment, but I may also be able to do it with things I already have. Do you have any idea how good we all have it?
There are a couple of kinds of fan activity that don’t seem to exist anymore, though, and I miss them. I know that roleplaying still goes on, but I feel like these days most people who do real-time text roleplay have switched to things like Discord. I know that in the LJ days, RP communities were popular. But I really miss MU*s (MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, MUXes..), which were servers for real-time text-based RP with a bunch of... hmm... features to aid RP. There were virtual rooms with text descriptions, and objects in virtual rooms with descriptions, and your character had a description, and they could interact with the objects as well as with other characters, and you could program things to change descriptions or emit various kinds of text or take you to different rooms, and so on. Just to, y’know, enhance the atmosphere. It was fun and it was where I learned to RP and I’m sad they’re pretty much gone now.
I also don’t think I see a lot of fanfiction awards in fandoms. Wonder where they went.
Going back to the previous point, the barriers to actually consuming the canon you are fannish about are way, way, way lower now. You can pretty much take it for granted that if right now someone tells you about a shiny new fandom, there will be a way to read that book or watch that show or movie right now. Possibly for free! Of course you can watch it! Why wouldn’t you be able to?
This was absolutely, absolutely not the case before. I’m currently in Marvel Comics fandom. If there is a comic I want to read, I can read it right now on the internet. I have subscribed to Marvel Unlimited and I can read pretty much every comic that is older than three months old; the newer ones cost extra money. But I can do it all from the comfort of my own home right now. I was also, actually, in Marvel Comics fandom in the nineties. If I wanted to read a comic, I had to go to a comic book store and hope they had it in stock; if they didn’t, I had to try another store. Not a lot of comics were available in trade paperback and they definitely weren’t readable on the internet. I used to read a lot of Gambit h/c fic set after Uncanny X-Men #350. I never found a copy of UXM #350. I still haven’t! But I did eventually read it on Unlimited.
Being in TV show fandoms also had similar challenges. Was the show you were watching still on the air? No? Then you’d better hope you could find it in reruns, or know someone who had tapes of it that they could copy for you, otherwise you weren’t watching that show. It was, I think, pretty common for people to be in fandoms for shows they hadn’t seen, because they had no way to see the show, but they loved all the fanfic. The Sentinel had a whole lot of fans like that, both because I think it took a while for it to end up in reruns and because overseas distribution was probably poor. So you’d get people who read the fic and wrote fic based on the other fic they’d read, which meant that you got massive, massive amounts of fanon appearing that people just assumed was in the show because it was a weirdly specific detail that appeared in someone’s fic once. Like “Jim and Blair’s apartment has a small water heater” (not actually canonical) or “Blair is a vegetarian” (there’s an episode where his mother visits and IIRC cooks him one of his favorite meals, which is beef tongue).
Like, I was in The Professionals fandom for years. I read all the fic. I hadn’t seen the show. As far as I know, it never aired in the US, and it certainly never had any kind of US VHS or DVD release. I’d seen a couple songvids. I eventually saw a couple episodes in maybe 2003, and that was because my dad special-ordered a commercial VHS tape from the UK and paid someone to convert it from PAL to NTSC. I didn’t get to see the whole show until several years later when I got a region-free DVD player someone in fandom sent me burned copies of the UK DVD releases and then I special-ordered the commercial release of the DVDs from the UK myself. But if I were a new fan and wanted to watch Pros right now? It is on YouTube! For free!
I think also one of the things about fandom that’s not immediately evident to new fans is the way in which it is permanent and/or impermanent. There are probably people whose first fannish experience is on Tumblr or who only read fanfic on FFN and who have no idea what they would do if either site, say, just shut down. But if you’ve been in fandom a while, you’ve been through, say, Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, Pillowfort, Imzy, DW, JournalFen, LJ, GeoCities, IRC, mailing lists. And sure, if Tumblr closed, it would be inconvenient. But fandom would pack up and move somewhere else. You would find it again. It would, eventually, be okay. Similarly, if you’ve been in a lot of fandoms, if you’ve made a lot of friends, drifting through fandoms is like that. You’ll make a friend in 1998 because you were in the same fandom, and then you might go your own ways, and ten years later you might be in another fandom with them again! It happens.
But the flip side of that is that I think a lot of older fans have learned not to trust in the permanence of any particular site. If you like a story, you save it as soon as you read it. If you like a piece of art, you save it. If you like a vid, you save it. Because you don’t know when the site it’s on will be gone for good. I have, like, twenty years of lovingly-curated fanfic. And I feel like people who have only been in fandom since AO3 existed might not understand how much AO3 is a game-changer compared to what we had before. It’s a site where you can put your fic up and you don’t have to worry that the webhost is going out of business, or that the site might delete your work because they don’t allow gay fiction or explicit fiction or fiction written in second person or fiction for fandoms where the creator doesn’t like fanfiction, or whatever. Because all of those things have absolutely happened. But, I mean, I still save pretty much everything I like, even on AO3, just in case.
So, basically, yeah, fandom is a whole lot more accessible than it used to be. I think fandom is pretty much still fandom, but it’s a lot easier to get into, and that has made it way more open to people who wouldn’t have been able to be in fandom before. There is so, so much more now than there ever was before, and I think that’s great.
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