#It astonishes me that they are so good at finding new and unique ways to blame everything on women
bonefall · 11 months
Warrior cats finds new ways to be misogynistic every day, I swear. We can't even get a full on "this relationship was abusive," we get a handwavey "[it was] problematic to say the least." And we only get THAT much in the context of laying the blame on Yellowfang for Ashfur's presence in StarClan. Her "pRoBleMaTic" relationship was only acknowledged because they directly connected it to Ashfur and letting him into StarClan, because poor Yellowfang and her skewed idea of what constitutes health love are to blame for why Ashfur was in the position he was in StarClan... MAYBE??? Because this article WRITTEN BY THE "STORY TEAM" is written like it's by a fan just throwing out theories! Just before the Yellowfang section is a part where they basically blame him being in StarClan on Hollyleaf for killing him! "The manner of his death MAY have been what clinched his place among the stars" and "PERHAPS StarClan took the deceitful circumstances surrounding his death into account and felt he deserved to live on in StarClan, despite his faults."
It really feels like they looked at this question of "how could such a violent, hateful man be let into StarClan where he could then become the main antagonist of a whole other arc later on" and answered it with "lol. Idk. But maybe these two individual women are to blame because they fucked up? StarClan isn't infallible and all, but we're gonna spend a few paragraphs specifically focusing on these two individual women being to blame before we start questioning StarClan's decisions as a whole."
God forbid we ask bigger questions about StarClan being flawed, ZOOM IN on these two women! Maybe it's his ATTEMPTED MURDER VICTIM'S fault he's in heaven because she successfully killed him!
I realized the article was from a few years ago, which feels even worse honestly. How the hell can you write this and then end your stupid arc on a cutesy StarClan oopsie, "Even we make mistakes sometimes 8)" while coming down so hard on Dark Forest redemptions in the same breath? Does SC believe in redemptions like the article says or not?
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pigswithwings · 1 year
What kind of computers are in The Stanley Parable/The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe? i spent about an hour trying to remember a lot of old brands and models, here are my thoughts!
(please note that there is a readmore because this post is long, and that i'll be making light fun about the silly way one of the computers is designed)
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as far as i know there aren't many computers in the game, so i'm only going to be looking at two versions of them: the computer first seen in Stanley's office (which I will refer to as Stanley's computer) and the computers seen in the rest of the office.
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the second computer (main office computer) is the easier one to identify! it closely resembles the ibm ps/2 (the image shown is a model 30, as i couldn't find many good images of the other models, but a good number of them also share similarities with the office computer).
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in my opinion, the two closely resemble each other - the same body shape and positioning of disc drives/switches. fun fact - portal 2 also features computers that strongly resemble these as well!
however, Stanley's computer is far more difficult. unlike the rest of the office, Stanley's computer is incredibly unremarkable (props for the connection to his character, i suppose?), which makes identifying it much harder. there isn't any unique shape to Stanley's computer, nor buttons (of any kind) that could give a good hint.
the best i would offer for this computer is that it vaguely resembles a philips nms9100 pc. they seem to share the sort of blocky head and body shape, but other than that i was unable to find anything that could be considered "very similar" to what Stanley has.
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so for Stanley's computer, i would conclude that it's a specimen all of its own kind, and this is where my critique of the computer kicks in. this isn't meant to criticize the developers of The Stanley Parable, but rather to emphasize how their design choices for this specific computer resulted in something very funny to me.
amazingly, Stanley's computer features no disk drives, no buttons, no brand name, and something that could be an attempt at ventilation but instead looks like two-thirds of a halfhearted honey dipper. this computer is most likely overheating constantly (considering the fact that Stanley is a loyal nine-to-fiver) and unable to run basic programs. frankly, i am astonished at the fact that the computer can even function, and i am left to assume that it must be held together by cardboard, tape, a bit of hot glue, and the willpower of the narrator. given that events of the strangest nature have occured on the parable, Stanley's computer isn't exactly the biggest concern - but it's definitely a fire hazard. please crowdfund this man a new workspace.
end notes:
- the stanley parable + ultra deluxe are great games, major props to the developers who worked on them for years at a time. it's only because of the aesthetic of the game that i first became interested in it, and its design continues to intrigue me. also computers are cool as hell
- i am entirely aware that my knowledge is limited and my computer diagnoses may not be fully accurate - if so, please correct me or propose other possible ideas!
- thank you for reading through the whole thing! :]
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kustas · 3 months
Do you have reccs for "ugly" art (manga, comics, movie, etc.)? Thanks for the Tekkon recs btw I really liked it
That really depends on your own personal media landscape and what your definition of "ugly" is! As a random example, I've seen many people call ONE's art ugly because of the wobbly linework when I think it's lovely. Ugly could also mean something a bit shocking/crass in its themes. Etc, etc... I'm going to go with the definition of "something that's a bit jarring to look at or go through" here :)
Disclaimer: a lot of these tackle sensitive topics, sometimes for fun and not always tastefully. If there's themes you really can't handle in media, do your research before looking into them.
I keep recommending yes because it rules but Dorohedoro and its scratchy messy art and gore galore. talking about the manga exclusively here the anime is too polished for my taste
God's Child (Kami no Kodomo): tbh this one is for the art only I hated the writing. very gruesome & unique looking short story
I hesitate to recommend this one because it's edgy as hell but I shan't lie I had a lot of fun with Hellsing. it's "bad" in the same areas as something like berserk but unlike that one it does not take itself seriously
if you liked Tekkon i strongly suggest trying out more stuff by its author (saying this with immense biais). the most ugly/messy thing i've read of his, which isn't a lot because i find his work very delicate, is No. 5 which i would less describe as "good" than "very compelling to me". i also recommend this wonderful essay tearing it down
Comics (non JP)
FLEEP: a short story about a man who wakes up in a phone cabin seemingly encased in concrete. one of the comics i always recommend for its length and storytelling. (link leads to the artist's website where you can read it for free!)
The Astonishing Exploits Of Lucien Brindavoine: a young artist gets drafted in the first world war and goes through a series of almost supernatural adventures. beyond the adventure book aspect, a harsh criticism of nationalism/patriotism that's still awfully relevant
Ruben Brandt: Collector: a psychiatrist suffers from strange art related nightmares ruining his life. his clients, a bunch of high profile criminals, decide to help him fight off his demons by organizing one long vacation where they steal every painting involved. extremely unique visually, a fun heist movie with thriller elements.
Junk Head: goofy post apocalyptic movie about a man on a quest to save, who keeps losing sight his goal because cartoony violence episodes have his head tumble into new lows, literally. this is, perhaps, one of my favorite animated films ever, it's earnest and fun and lovingly crafted. very unique of a watch
The Apostle: freshly escaped from prison, a thief is on a mission to find treasure hidden by his old cellmate, and finds himself stuck in an ancient village who's strange looking elderly inhabitants are way too insistent on his stay. classic spooky folktale with its millennial curses and foreboding warnings, it's also a nice peek into the culture of Galicia and old world medieval weirdass catholicism. you can buy a DVD on their website
MKFZ: dumb as hell high adrenaline animated B movie with excellent animation. there's a plot about alien living undercover in fantasy california but you don't watch this kind of film for the plot. fair warning this is adapted from a french comic so of course, it's crass and racist
Blow to the Head - Lightning bolt: awesome music video (YT link)(warning for flashing/strobing lights if you're sensitive to that!)
Canon Fodder: from the Memories omnibus film. little slice of the life of a fantasy war obsessed industrial nation
with its new movie on the horizon, it's a great time to get into Mononoke, despite traditionally pretty visuals its got a unique style and gets pretty offputting
Live action cinema
7:35 in the morning: short film about the fear in improvised musical numbers where you don't expect any. it's on youtube in bad quality
The Draughtsman's Contract: an artist is hired by a Lady to draw several vistas of her house, in exchange for money, good drawing condition, and the Lady. follows a good hour of cunts in powdery wigs being awful to each other for their own gain. if you're into dark humor it's a good test, otherwise it has a really satisfying murder mystery to follow too.
Three Kings: during the gulf war, a group of US soldiers decide to steal Hussein's gold for themselves under the mighty standard of kuwait's loot repatriation. extremely caustic take on good ol murican international politics. i was shocked at how far it goes and it's express, low budget treatment which i did not expect from a hollywood film. the movie tires itself fast and becomes less good in its second half but the it's opening acts are interesting
Delicatessen: a sliver of humanity survives in an old timey stone building in the middle of nothingness on top of a functional butcher's shop. gossip follows the arrival of a new roommate. how does one even maintain a butchery in a no man's land? weird film with a unique(ly goofy) take on the post apocalyptic genre
For traditional artists, I like the works of Beksinski (<3), Schiele, Giger. For modern artists Oleg Vdovenko (heavy gore warning for that one), Jeff Simpson
I'm less a fan of the MV and live performances they got infamous for than their music proper but I really like the band Cardiacs, who's judged by many of my friends to be extremely hard to get into lol.
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positivelybeastly · 10 days
X-Men #3
Again, late, but who cares? Let's do this.
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Fuckin' Vanisher. For the second villain the X-Men ever faced, he really has never been anything more than just a mercenary twit.
That being said, I do appreciate his presence as a furthering of the general vibe of post-Krakoa Earth - mutants are on the run and scrabbling to find stability wherever they can find it, whether that be X-Men, X-Factor or, in Vanisher's case, O*N*E. Some are pickier than others, it would seem.
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Ohhhhh my god, Hank. Hank. HANK.
Ahoy hoy? You Alexander Graham Bell Montgomery Burns loving bastard. I love it. Such a goober.
I do also appreciate that Hank's response here works because, even though we can assume that he knows vaguely who these people are - he's probably been reading the X-Men files to catch up on what he's missed, which, depending on when they were last updated, might mean he's reading his own observations on everyone else - he does not know how stubborn those four individuals are.
Half of them, Remy and Jubilee, he's never even met before, which is a wild concept, but true, nonetheless.
I do also like how easily Scott's fallen back into the habit of having Hank as his best friend. Like, I love Scott's friendships with a lot of the X-Men, they're all very unique dynamics, but I've made my case before that Hank was, at least up until 2009, Scott's very best friend, based on how much more free and able to talk about anything Scott was with him, and I feel like it's being born out here.
Even Illyana, who probably became closest to Scott after that point during the revolutionary era, never had the same emotionally intimate conversations that Hank and Scott could have during New or Astonishing X-Men. Among the O5, Scott's detachment and analytical side gelled with Hank's intelligence and social acumen in ways that Warren's easy going confidence and Bobby's immaturity simply couldn't.
Even back in the very original run, Hank is understanding of Scott's psychological make-up in ways that the others aren't, and you can really see that Scott allowed Hank to pull him along to being a little more open and free with his emotions, while being safe in the knowledge that Hank wouldn't try to force him out of his comfort zones. There was absolute, complete trust between them.
Was. And, seemingly, is again!
But yeah, you can really see it on display here. I don't know that Scott would be this willing to be this visibly frustrated and annoyed with Rogue's X-Men with, say, Kwannon or Max, but he can be with Hank, because Hank is gonna roll with him and work with him. I missed this dynamic.
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God, this conversation fucks. I'm so glad that Idie is being given the space and the time and the freedom to be fucking furious with Magneto here, because she has every right to be. Her relationship with the X-Men and killing and death is so historically fraught, so full of judgement and learning and ideology, that I completely buy her frustration and fury and lack of patience for Max's hypocrisy.
When the teams for the From the Ashes books were being announced, I remember a lot of people analysing the team make-ups and thinking, ooh, I wonder if they'll touch on this, if they'll touch on that - all the canon deep cuts, all the conversations that should happen, the dynamics that should exist.
And because Jed MacKay is gonna Jed MacKay everywhere, all of those deep cuts and conversations and dynamics are present. It just. Pleases me, immensely. He's even intimated that Hank might have his time displaced memories, which would awesome to explore, since his time in the future with his older self has never really been brought up again, unlike Bobby and Scott. So much potential . . .
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Lundqvist having to just sit there and take it is so good. I also appreciate the clarification of a bit of the world state that was going on in Fall of X, even if it is a . . . very disturbing and unfortunately realistic answer. Like, Christ, it doesn't surprise me to hear that the US just let Orchis do what they wanted, but it still just. Woof.
The demonstration of emotional control and the rattling off of the damage done to Scott in the wake of the Hellfire Gala is excellent foreshadowing, too.
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I do love how fast and loose psychic connection allows you to be with team scenes in X-books. Literal info-dumps and fast-acting stratagem crafting on the fly - this is absolutely a team that Scott hand picked, because even without him around, they perform like, well.
Also loving that Cain and Illyana continue to be bash siblings in the best way possible. Even if they don't get the same character focus that Hank, Scott and Idie have been getting thus far (still too early to say), if they come out of this with a fun dynamic, then I'll call this run a win for them both.
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I do love the continuing interconnectivity between the books - even though they're all separated geographically, people are aware of the changes in status quo, what everyone's doing, what their angles are, and it feels like a cohesive world. This was one of the better parts of Krakoa (and one of the more glaring flaws of X-Force/Wolverine), so I'm glad to see that the writers are clearly talking to each other a lot.
Also, ow, Scott, did you have to do Alex like that?
(I like unpopular X-Men, so, yeah, I have a soft spot for Alex Summers. Enough of a soft spot that I think that Scott is playing dismissive because it means that Alex isn't considered an easily exploited way to get at Scott, which keeps him safe. Scott has to play the lone wolf, no weaknesses, thinking five steps ahead leader man, and that means quite a lot of posturing. Hence the final line.)
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Goes hard, tbh. I remember people being worried that Idie was going to get the short end of the stick, going into this series, just because she wasn't front and centre on a lot of the promotional material.
I don't think people have much to be worried about.
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And then we come to the stinger, arguably the most interesting part of the issue - and the part that makes the most sense to me.
Now, I hate a certain contingent of Scott Summers fans. I hate the fans that act like he's some kind of alpha chad turbo mutant general boss man who gets all the hot telepaths and he's always right, because the amount of projection involved in that 'look at this introverted guy, he became a total badass that everyone respects' concept of Scott is off the charts, but also because it's just. Less interesting.
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Scott Summers has fucking garbage mental health. Always has done. How could he not? His childhood was a literal nightmare. His surviving parent is a deadbeat asshole. He's lived from trauma to trauma since he was 15 years old. He was never taught proper coping techniques, never given the help he needed by Professor Xavier to help him live a life outside of the X-Men - which is why he's always come back to them. Which is why he's always there.
Because he has nowhere else to be. If he isn't an X-Man, he's nothing.
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And now? Now, it's gotten to be bad enough that he's having panic/anxiety attacks. Because of course it has! His eyes got sewn shut! His wife got murdered! He's been through it!
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This is one of those stingers that catches you off guard for a second, and then anyone with a brain goes, oh yeah, nah, that actually makes total and complete sense, of course Scott Summers would have panic attacks, the guy has some of the most insecure psychology you'll see outside of a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders!
Absolutely fascinated to see where this goes, honestly. It's not often you get to see a 60 year old comic book character in a new light, and the idea that MacKay is really going to dive into Scott's trauma, into who he is now and who he's always been, into the man that people have made him, is just fascinating.
Issue #2 was good, but it did feel very much like filler. This, though. This is way more in line with issue #1, and it has me genuinely excited to see what comes next.
Just, uh. If we could get more than three panels of Hank, two of which have him unconscious on the floor, that'd be great, thank you. I need new icons, ya dig?
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livwritesstuff · 1 year
plant dad steve my beloved
“Alright, Steve-o, I gotta head out,” Robin says, sticking a wrapped granola bar between her teeth so she has a free hand to grab Steve’s car keys off the kitchen counter, “I have something for you, though.”
She shoves the plain brown paper bag she’d been holding into Steve’s arms with an expectant look on her face.
Steve raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, now. I didn’t want to wait until later because — well, just look and you’ll get it.”
Steve opens the bag and knows instantly it’s a plant. He reaches inside and pulls it out by the plastic pot.
“Oh shit, an alocasia! Thanks, Rob, this is a good fuckin’ find.”
Robin doesn’t respond immediately, her eyes on the big, green leaves of the alocasia plant.
Steve glances up at her.
“You good?”
“Yeah, it’s just…you think those leaves kinda look like the Mind Flayer?”
“What the fu—” he stops, glancing at the alocasia again, “Shit, man, it kinda does.”
Robin starts to snicker, because it’s been seven years since the gates to the Upside Down were closed for good, seven years of growth and healing, so she can laugh about some of those things now and Steve can’t help a laugh either.
“Stop ruining shit for me, Rob.”
“I’m sorry. Pretend I didn’t say anything. Look — when I bought it the guy said it hasn’t been watered in a while and needs a new pot and all that kinda crap you get excited about so now you have a project for today to take your mind off of how you’re spending your birthday all alone.”
Steve smacks her arm.
“Don’t be a dick, you’re the reason we’re in Tacoma, anyways.”
“No,” Robin argued, moving towards the door, “I’m the reason we came to Tacoma. You’re the reason we’re still here and will be for another two goddamn years. I’ll be back at, like, four, and there better not be potting soil all over the place.”
“Whatever. That’s still better than your fuckin’ paint,” he fires back as she’s walking out the door, “Drive safe. Don’t crash my car.”
“Uh-huh,” she calls, already halfway down the hall, “Love ya!”
And then she’s gone.
Steve looks back to his new plant. It really does look like the Mind Flayer — something about the shape of the leaves, he thinks — but a plant, in his eyes, is still a plant no matter how many traumatic memories it may trigger, so it doesn’t take long for him to put on a mixtape Eddie had made for him a few weeks back that he’s been listening to pretty much nonstop and busy himself with the alocasia.
Steve had started caring for houseplants nearly five years ago now, when his advisor had given out small ferns at a course registration event during his sophomore year of college. He had expected the plant to wither away and die after only a few weeks but, to his own astonishment, it actually thrived under his care. Not long later, the nearby grocery store put out a little display of houseplants in colorful plastic pots so, with all the confidence of someone who'd successfully kept one plant alive for a month, Steve bought two.
Honestly, Steve hadn’t expected to have a green thumb in the way he apparently does. After all, each one of his plants has different needs from the next, different light or water or soil or some unique combination of the three. He hadn’t expected that he’d be able to keep it all straight in his (somewhat mangled) brain — the same brain that still hasn’t memorized his course schedule for this semester yet — but pursuing a doctorate in psychology has taught him that he’s actually good at learning when it's something he cares about, something he can find a passion in.
And he really does like the plants, too. They look nice in the apartment — they bring the cramped little space to life, he thinks, and it’s nice to be surrounded by life, to be cultivating life after everything he’s been through and everything he’s done. It’s nice to know he can keep things alive, that he can take care of something so it can grow and bloom, so he leans into it. 
After those two grocery store plants (a pothos and a dracaena that are both still alive and kicking), his collection started to increase exponentially, hitting its peak about a year later when the apartment looked more like a forest than an actual living space. Eventually, it reached a point where even Robin had needed to put her foot down, and Steve had half-heartedly admitted she was correct. After a while of giving plants away (and the odd one dying every so often), it returned to a much more reasonable state.
Steve is halfway through moving the new alocasia plant that definitely doesn’t look like the Mind Flayer at all into a larger pot, his hands filthy with potting soil he’s valiantly trying to keep out of his hair, when the phone rings.
“Shit,” he mutters, dusting off his hands as best as he can before grabbing the phone, “Hello?”
“Do my ears deceive me or is that the birthday boy?”
Steve feels himself starting to smile at the sound of Eddie’s voice, his lips twisting up before he can even think about it.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey yourself,” Eddie replies, “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. Woulda been better if you were here.”
“Yeah, baby, I know. I wish I was there, too.”
“How’s Montana?” Steve asks, “Worth not being here?”
Eddie makes a noncommittal noise, “Not sure if traveling’s my thing. Nice to get outta Indiana, though.”
Steve hums his agreement.
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aiyexayen · 3 months
you NEED to tell me all your thoughts and the bts process of Everything You‘re Not Supposed To Do. and i know youre dabbling in a sequel so probably more like tell me Everything that has to do with this verse!!!! i NEED to know!!! the idea of this fic is so unique, i havent seen it anywhere else before! and its ingredients are so precisely and carefully mixed (as all your rarepairs are!) that im astonished its not ,, canon ,,
its such a cool set-up! lqq joining tianchuang, lqq seeking out siji manor years after qin huaizhang teaches her his disguise skills but finding an abandoned estate, han ying going from wariness to desire and affection for lqq! everything thats going on with zzs in the background and that we dont get to see!!!!!!! there are two moments of this AU that are burned into my mind—one is lqq reflecting on her own disappointment at finding what she hoped to maybe become her new home abandoned, the other is zzs realizing he has been outsmarted and giving in to his fate. idk why but these two moments moved me very deeply. the image of lqq taking qhz up on his invitation, but too late. finding only withered grounds, empty houses, dust. and then zzs surrendering to the fact that he has been outsmarted. that his two disciples turned what he taught them against him, that he lost because he, too, is human. the only reason they could outsmart him in the first place being that he let them so close to him, that he underestimated what he means to them, what they are ready to do for him. eugh!!!!! so good!!!
please ramble! i loved reading your thoughts re: The Only Place You Wanna Be! <3
ooouhoohoohooheehee i love this fic (Everything That You're Not Supposed To Do) and thinking about it and talking about it.
starting by dragging a point over from ao3 about having a difficult time believing zhou zishu would go that far in some of the scenes! because i actually had such a fascinating time myself playing with just how far i thought zhou zishu would go. how far would he push liu qianqiao and han ying? how hard would he make them work? as his lovers? as his subordinates? as the sole occupants of the venn diagram where those two circles overlap in such a complicated way. they're so *entangled.*
zhou zishu, of the infamously soft heart. zhou zishu, who knows this about himself and becomes colder and harder to compensate. zhou zishu, who murdered an innocent family down to the servants, down to a little girl he *knew* and cared about. zhou zishu, who drugged his san-shidi to keep him out of the way during that mission--to keep him safe from it--to keep him safe from the worst of tian chuang--to keep him safe from zhou zishu himself.
and i feel like the zishu in this story does a lot to keep both his family and his lovers out of the depths of his business, but while his family/sect he'll do more to protect, he *needs* his lovers to be able to protect themselves.
he'll go harder on them than anyone else because he needs them to be *the best*--no mistakes. no way they can be his weakness and vice versa.
or, at least, that's what liu qianqiao would tell you.
but a very delightful bit of ambiguity i have in this particular fic is pov. we never get zhou zishu's pov. *is* he so ruthless? how many backup plans on backup plans does he have? is he in the shadows after all, waiting to swoop in if they need him? does he retain much awareness and empathy for their humanity? has his own human fallibility projected inhuman standards on them to make himself feel safe, and it simply hasn't backfired yet? is it some jumbled mix of the above?
and! i love that we will never know. that, truthfully, we don't even need to.
anyway! all that was a big part of the bts process, sitting with zishu's character and his headspace in tian chuang, sitting with my pov characters and how i wanted to play with this perspective on it all.
and of course, as always, thinking about liu qianqiao. the idea that a choice that in another au might have been kinder to her than gui gu--to study further under qin huaizhang among the blossoms of siji shanzhuang--ends up merely being complicated in a different way.
something that still requires her to become the best at what she does, rise in the ranks, thrive in danger, make a home only out of the people she can trust.
going to gui gu ought to have her letting go of her obsessions and hurts, but it was never really good at what it wanted to be good at, this concept of second chances missing the mark with its meng po tang, and so it only let her steep in her hurts longer and let her grudges fester. meanwhile this other path both took her further away from the jianghu and required her to actually deal with her shit besides. there was enough of qin huaizhang's legacy, especially in some of the older members of siji shanzhuang that were definitely still around when she joined, to make that true.
i also like to think that in essence liu qianqiao's original choice set her up for more success, too.
in canon, in choosing to become a ghost, she chose to die in a sense, to stop living, but to become a ghost--a permanently frozen echo of the life she had lived up to that point, of the things that killed her.
because humans be human, she went on to still form relationships and find new purpose to an extent. but she didn't necessarily actively expect or want to, and her very identity as a ghost required her to always have the clinging cobwebs of her past laid over everything she did and planned and wanted.
but in choosing to go after qin huaizhang, she was *choosing* to live. she decided that she still had the capacity to be a person, to heal, to find meaning in living. and even if that road took her first to disappointment and then to tian chuang of all places, it still took her somewhere. and she was ready to embrace whatever it was she found.
i have a fondness for canon liu qianqiao and her role as yan gui and her relationship with luo fumeng and xie-wang and her tortuous journey through the weeds with yu qiufeng, trying to sort out and settle these matters that weighed on her too long in her state of self-imposed death.
but i'm also *so* compelled by a liu qianqiao, with all her passion and ambition and cleverness and *care*, who chose to live in that one crucial moment instead. and i just wanted very badly to see her reaction to and influence on a zhou zishu who was rapidly approaching his own choice on that matter.
anyhow! i am indeed working on a sequel to this fic. i haven't fully decided if i want to try another 5+1 things format for it, or if i want to explore zhou zishu's pov as well, or what.
but it will pick up right where the first one leaves off, with all the dramatic fallout of liu qianqiao's plan.
here's hoping it doesn't take too long to actually write 😅
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
In Love With The Same Cat
➥ summary : There’s no Spider-Man without the Black Cat just like there’s no Black Cat without Spider-Man. But what if we had a multiverse dimensional traveling jewelry stealing burglar Black Cat (try saying that seven times fast aye) that traveled across dimensions not only stealing the worlds finest jewels but also the hearts of four unlucky, or lucky depending on how you see it Spider-Man’s and Spider-Women’s hearts.
➥ chapter 12: Unlikely Connections
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As the project drew to a close, Miles and (y/n) found themselves putting the finishing touches on their presentation. They had poured their creativity, intelligence, and shared experiences into the project, and the results were nothing short of impressive. Their collaboration had surpassed all expectations, and a sense of accomplishment filled the air.
Just as they were preparing to pack up their materials, the door swung open, and Miles' mother, Rio, entered the room. Surprise flickered across her face as she took in the sight of her son with an unexpected guest. Her eyes met (y/n)'s, and curiosity sparkled in her gaze.
"Miles, I didn't know you had someone over," Rio exclaimed, a hint of amusement in her voice. She walked further into the room, her eyes scanning the project before landing on (y/n).
Miles, taken aback by his mother's unexpected presence, stammered, "Mom, I didn't think it would be a big deal. We were just working on our school project."
Rio chuckled, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. She studied (y/n) for a moment, as if trying to gauge her intentions. Sensing an opportunity, (y/n) decided to channel her inner Black Cat charm—the charisma and playfulness that had served her so well in her nocturnal adventures.
With a mischievous smile, (y/n) extended her hand and introduced herself, "Hi, Mrs. Morales, I'm (y/n). Miles and I have been working on this project together, and I must say, he's been an incredible partner."
Rio couldn't help but be captivated by (y/n)'s charm and poise. She shook (y/n)'s hand, her surprise turning into genuine interest. "Well, (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you. Miles never mentioned that he invited someone over. You certainly have a way of making an entrance."
Embarking on a new strategy, (y/n) decided to play the role of the good girl, showcasing her intelligence and knowledge. She effortlessly switched to Spanish, surprising Rio with her fluency in the language. It was a skill she had honed over the years, motivated by her desire to connect with her father's heritage.
Rio's eyes widened in astonishment, a spark of familiarity gleaming in her gaze. She leaned back, a smile gracing her lips. "You speak Spanish fluently? That's impressive, (y/n). Reminds me of my own teenage years."
As the conversation flowed between (y/n) and Rio, an unexpected bond began to form. The two women found common ground, sharing stories of their childhoods, dreams, and aspirations. Their laughter and shared experiences echoed through the kitchen, leaving Miles in a state of awe and confusion. He had never seen anyone connect with his mother so effortlessly, and he marveled at the natural rapport between them.
As the afternoon turned into evening, (y/n) and Rio sipped iced tea, the conversation continuing to weave a tapestry of shared memories and newfound connection. It was a moment of unexpected kinship, a meeting of two individuals who, despite their contrasting backgrounds and circumstances, had found common ground.
Miles observed from the sidelines, his heart filled with a mix of wonder and delight. The walls that had long separated his mother from those around her seemed to crumble in (y/n)'s presence, revealing a side of Rio he hadn't witnessed before. It was a testament to the power of genuine connections and the ability of two kindred spirits to find each other in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
As the evening drew to a close, (y/n) and Miles said their goodbyes, grateful for the unique bond they had formed not only as partners but also as friends. They couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected connection between (y/n) and Rio, a testament to the magic of human interactions and the capacity for shared experiences to bridge gaps and create lasting memories.
With newfound hope and a renewed sense of purpose, (y/n) and Miles continued their journey—armed with the knowledge that they were not alone. The path they walked was filled with unexpected connections, unlikely friendships, and the potential for growth and understanding.
As they stepped into the world, they carried with them the memories of that day, a reminder that sometimes, the most profound connections are forged in the unlikeliest of places—the humble confines of a school project, the warmth of a kitchen conversation, and the shared laughter that echoed through the years.
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c7thetumbler · 16 days
Quick Game Reviews: August 2024
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Continuing on with August! A few days late because I was neck deep in the last game on here. It's very platformer heavy this month as well, but I was on a roll.
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image from Steam page
Earth Defense Force 6 (Steam)
EDF is a series that knows what it's about. Having played 4 and 5 on Steam as well, this is just more of that. The game boasts half as many more missions as 5 had, which is astonishing because 5 had 100 and that felt like way too many. I'm playing with friends and still haven't beaten it, but I hope to sometime soon.
The main difference I would say between this and 5 would be the plot. It's still the same tacky, B-movie plot with funny stilted dialogue and crazy scenarios, but they introduced a new element to it that lets it get even crazier but also makes me interested in what's going on past "How are we going to win". Gameplay wise, there's new weapons and enemies of course, and some of those new enemies require much more specific ways of dealing with them, but it still usually boils down to "Shoot them all really fast, and if they have a weak point shoot that." It's good, near-mindless fun and I appreciate that.
If you've played an EDF game before, this is more of the same and definitely best with a group of friends. If you haven't, keep that in mind and maybe wait for a sale.
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Screenshot from my switch
New Pokémon Snap (Switch)
I didn't own Pokémon Snap on it's original release; I believe the first time I played it was on Wii VC, if not WiiU VC, so I had gotten far past 1st-gen hype that carried it a lot. It's a fun game, but it's pretty short and the lack of variety on each individual course wasn't doing it any favors. That's not to say I disliked it, but when this new one was announced I wasn't really in any hurry to try it out.
To it's credit, it's done a great job of adding features in a way that solves those issues with the original. You can level up each area as you get more points in it, which unlocks alternate routes and events in each one, and a number of them allow you to go at night which is a completely different experience as well. Your Pokedex also store 4 different rankings of pictures which have their own scoreboard, so you're encouraged to take pictures of the same Pokémon over and over again to get the best you can. I'll say this is a huge improvement, and worth the price of the game in terms of length at least, and that's without me going too far into the "post-game" content.
The game is a lot prettier than its current generation at the time, Gen 8, which is really funny given how poorly that game is run. It does a good job of showing you how expressive, interesting, and deep world that the Pokémon games have built but never have been able to explore upon fully due to the scope of those games and Gamefreak's... development practices. Pokémon's a franchise with a lot of incredibly unique gaming potential and side games like this do a great job of exploring that.
I did however find myself getting frustrated at some points. The Challenge system they have where NPC's give you tasks to try and get unique photos is very finnicky. I've often done pictures that I thought would fulfill their requirements, only for them to not even acknowledge it. I didn't complete a vast majority of them because of this; this kind of game benefits from not having to look things up online because the wonder and discovery is the point, but this could've used some work or an additional hint system for dumdums like me. Some of these challenges can also only be completed after unlocking levels and features and using them correctly, so it's especially frustrating to see the challenge pop up and attempt to do it several times only to discover that it's not possible until you hit level 3 and unlock the special glowy orb.
Overall though, this is Pokémon Snap but much larger and with a lot of great additions to the formula. If you enjoyed the gameplay of the original and want more, this will scratch that itch, but be prepared for some moments where you're confused on what to do next with little guidance.
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Image from Steam page
Kitsune Tails (Steam)
I 100%'d this!
This is an adorable, very well done game. It's very much a love letter to SMB3 with some smaller SMW elements thrown in, and they're not only aware of that they've fully embraced it. I'd recommend it for anyone that just loved those classic Mario platformers, as it'll check all those boxes you know and love.
Kitsune Tails also features its own support for importing custom levels or even minigames based off of Lua and its own internal assets, complete with documentation and examples inside the local files for the game. That's something you don't see a lot, and even though I never made anything for it it was fun to mess around with. I will say that they will do themselves some favors if they find a way to make that work with Steam Workshop just inherently so players don't have to hunt around for files or join a discord with no anonymous accessibility (like forums used to do), but I won't count that against them because I have no idea how complicated that is. Update after I wrote this, Steam Workshop is now supported! That's the third time time they've updated the game with design changes and fixes that I was counting against it, which is very rad.
My only real complaints with it come in some more specific issues. A few levels could use some work design-wise; a few vertical levels really enjoy having enemies off-screen jump down to the next available platform to the player which is never fun, and there are some jumps and challenges that just don't feel right. Some enemies have clearly been designed to exploit difficult jumps and player behaviors. Monkeys that throw down diagonally at unforgiving intervals, and then drop down at an unavoidable rate. Ninja raccoons throw 3 projectiles very quickly as opposed to the traditional single projectile from piranha plants, ghosts perpetually chase you rather than being more manageable about directions your facing. It can lead to a lot of frustrating, repetitive fails that don't feel as fair as they could be, but ultimately with enough practice and patience nothing is insurmountable. Midway through my last run to get the hardest achievement they updated some of the problem jumps to be a bit easier which is appreciated, but these enemy issues don't feel addressable in the same way.
The story is adorable and lovely and genuine. Don't let "SMB3 but with fox girl lesbians," while true, color your perception of how the game presents itself or should play. This is a labor of love from a group of speedrunners, Mario fans, and the community that has kept that alive and evergreen.
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Screenshot from my Switch
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX (Switch)
I wanted to get a game I could chill with on the couch while listening to podcasts with a drink and my cat, so I picked this up again. I had played the original game on DS and remember liking it a lot, and I've played a number of Mystery Dungeon-esque games in various forms so I figured this would be a good fit. The amount of time between then and now of course (20ish years?) allowed me to forget most of the story beats and I'm not sure entirely of everything that changed, but I'll try and recollect as much as I can.
Visually the filter really works for it; the storybook aesthetic is a lot more interesting than just generic Pokémon cartoon looks, and they recreated everything in 3D very well. The inclusion of several Gen 4 Pokémon, something which at the time of the original release wasn't out yet, was fun to see again and made me nostalgic for when Gamefreak actually tried to do tie ins like that. In terms of changes, I wish they had kept in the Basic Attack that was in the base game, as without it PP management becomes a real chore. While it's cool to see some enemies Mega-evolve in the later dungeons as well, it's not really much of a feature because every Pokémon gets that stat bonus if the right conditions are met anyway.
So from my perspective, this is really just an HD port of the original game; if they added new Pokémon or dungeons to it then they're VERY late in the game and I never grinded enough to get to them. So now I have to jump back to my running bit with Switch remakes releasing at crazy prices. This is available for $59.99 digitally, full brand new Switch Game price, despite just being a rerelease of a GBA/DS game. That's criminal; something like this should release for $30 tops, and without any real new content to justify that price increase there's absolutely no reason it should be less. They really undercut my point here though because just after I picked this up, they released the GBA version of the game on NSO+, so like. Just play that. Or if you don't have NSO+, I'll fall back on my previous statement from last month that The value of these 20+ year old games is essentially free given that it's so easy to find them online, they've been iterated on so many times, and the original developers aren't getting a cent of that anyway. I'm not against remakes, but let's start being realistic about it: if pirating the original takes as much effort as buying it and gives you a near identical experience to the remake, then the remake wasn't needed.
Save your cash. If you want a great Pokémon Mystery Dungeon experience, Explorers of Sky for the DS is generally considered the best in series, and I'd like to see them actually make an effort to drastically improve on this side-series next time.
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Image from Steam page
Penny's Big Breakaway (Steam)
I 100%'d this as well!
I was super-excited for this when it was first announced. It was developed by Christian Whitehead and the team behind Sonic Mania, which is hands-down the best 2D Sonic game even still, and they proved that they could figure out and distill the formula down to one the best it could be. So seeing them do a 3D platformer that looked like it would build off of 2D Sonic momentum mentality in a way that 3D Sonic never did was exciting.
I may have over-hyped it. That's not to say this is a bad game; far from it! I had a lot of fun with it and enjoyed a lot of the challenges it brought. It's movement is well crafted and a lot of thought clearly went into the different ways a player could move around the world. But the game is less "3D, momentum-Based Sonic" and more "Mario Odyssey with a Yo-yo instead of a cap." There are a few ways to quickly build or gain speed, but overall most of your movement is going to be rolling on your yo-yo until you get to precision platforming, and then you need to take it slower to do your normal jump, swing jump, double jump, forward dive, etc. to get where you need to go.
The game has a combo system that reminds me a lot of Pizza Tower's combo system mixed with a skateboarding game's points. You do combos by doing tricks (any movement that isn't just walking and a normal jump), and the game feels like you can carry a combo through the entire level if you play your moves very precisely. In my experience however, that's pretty close to impossible and it's a little unclear what specifically breaks your combo. Often times I'm left trying to ride my yo-yo back and forth to figure out how to land on ground without actually landing on ground, and it didn't feel great in those moments. When everything worked out though it felt really fun, and I could see how a mastery of the mechanics could really make everything feel good.
Aesthetically the game looks great. Very heavily stylized in a way that reminds me of Sonic 3D blast and well-selected palette's and themes to bring it all together. Character design is a little wacky, but it fits within it and it's a very well executed look overall; something a lot of indies struggle with so it's great to see that they were able to carry over that skillset from how well they handled Sonic Mania.
So in short, if Mario Odyssey-style movement in Mario 3D land type linear levels appeals to you, then this is a good pick-up! It will however take a little while to get used to the movement in order to properly understand how the game wants you to traverse it.
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Image from Steam page
Haiku, the Robot (Steam)
I nearly 100%'d this game! There's an achievement for going through it without repairing yourself or getting chips that help with that (ie, only healing at checkpoints), and I ruined that pretty early. I might go back and do that someday though.
This game is the "prequel" to Rusty's Retirement, which I reviewed last post. It's more that Rusty's Retirement just uses the same characters and some of the aesthetics. But it caused me to be interested in it, and I had a good time with it! It's very much a Hollow-Knight inspired metroidvania, right down to the healing ability and "chips" working like badges. It doesn't hold your hand for exploring, but to the game's credit I never felt lost, which is a problem I had with Hollow Knight itself.
The aesthetic is post-apocalyptic, rusty metal underground entirely inhabited by robots under attack from a virus that causes them to attack each other. The color palette is very muted; You're going to see a lot of Oranges, greys, and browns to match the very rusty look. It works well for it and a few bosses make a point to throw in other accents, but I can see some people getting tired of it.
Gameplay wise it's pretty solid! Everything feels pretty good, some of the traversal abilities are fun to mess around with, there's a lot of build options without feeling like some are objectively better than the other. Honestly, it's just a really solid title. If you like Hollow Knight or tried it and were a bit put off by its difficulty, then this is a great pick-up or alternative.
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Image from Steam page
Psychonauts 2 (Steam)
I also 100%'d this
I really, really liked Psychonauts when I first played it on steam over a decade ago. It had a few issues, but overall was a really fun and quirky 3D platformer at a time when those had fallen a bit out of favor. The story and visuals were wacky, it was funny, and had a lot of unique challenges. I did not back any Psychonauts 2 funding attempts though due to the things going around about double fine and Tim Schafer's inability to handle scope, so I was never expecting this to come out. When it did I bought it and it's been in my backlog ever since.
I do really want to like this game; the platforming is fun, the progression and exploration are like how I remember. But this game really seems like it doesn't want you to play it. It took half of my time with the game to start to feel like there's more gameplay than cutscenes. Over and Over again it'll remind you how incredibly linear it is as you get to a new obstacle, area, or just story beat and then just say "hey you need to stop right there and listen to the story." It feels like it inherently clashes with the collectathon genre it's a part of; you want time with yourself and the world to go and explore and find things, but you're not sure if you've fully explored an area before you're thrown out of it entirely and usually irreversibly for a long time.
The story itself is interesting. It too a while to get into due to its first half doing some poor setup of the previous game(s) that made me uninvested in the nuance it was trying to get me into. I shouldn't feel like I need to have played Rhombus of Ruin, the VR exclusive game that occurred between 1 and 2, to have an understanding of a lot of these characters, but I feel like I missed out on a lot having not played it. Eventually though it starts building it's own story with those building blocks, and that's when it gets really good.
After I unlocked the real hub world and done about 3-4 sub worlds related to it, it started to feel like what I remember. It'll still do cutscenes to contextualize the strange, psychedelic worlds and challenges you see, but then it will for the most part let you play in them without throwing you into a cutscene and then out of the level entirely again. As I approached the end the cutscenes interruption got a little more bare able as the story's various threads tied together into something that didn't feel like padding, but the rocky start is a big ask and I can see players who haven't even touched either of the original games not being able to get key elements.
Combat is still a little wonky. I find myself mostly sticking to ranged attacks and gimmick abilities that you need to counter with rather than using the melee abilities that much. The PSI abilities themselves really could've used an update in terms of how they're accessed; You can map them to any one of the 4 shoulder buttons, but you'll always want levitation and your hand abilities available because they're just incredibly useful in and out of combat. That leaves you constantly opening a poorly handled radial menu to swap between you fire, ranged attack, and more situational abilities they like to swap between frequently. Given the either contextual nature of the gimmick abilities vs the universal ones, it feels like they didn't need a swap menu at all and could've incorporated the movement ones more easily into a context-specific button. I'm only ever going to need to jump between thought bubbles when there are thought bubbles around, use clairvoyance when creatures are nearby, slow time when a platform nearby is moving too fast etc., and that would free up the remaining buttons for your way more present actions of jumping/rolling, grabbing things, and combat abilities. It would lower the amount of unaccounted for freedom in handling combat and traversing levels, granted, but the game doesn't feel like it has enough depth and isn't open enough for that to feel like a bad trade-off.
If you liked the original Psychonauts and don't mind your gameplay being interrupted, having to to go back to worlds way later to 100% them, and are interested more in story, this is for you. If you want a seamless 3D platforming collectathon experience, I'd stay clear.
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Image from the Gamebanana page
Super Mario Eclipse (Super Mario Sunshine GC mod)
This one surprised me; I had heard of a number of great Sunshine hacks that expanded on the game a lot more, but this one combines elements of a lot of them into one to make basically the most definitive Super Mario Sunshine experience + features and worlds that really bring it together well.
For the basics, the game starts out introducing new movement options and changes from vanilla, which is great. The hover burst, basically a double jump that sacrifices the length of the hover for an added boost, and it makes the game play a lot better. The hover nozzle course shows off dive boosting so you can fly crazy distances, and the turbo nozzle no longer has a charge up and controls much easier. Yoshi has also been updated to hatch automatically without fruit, and in this state he can enter water without dying until he eats a fruit, in which case he changes back to normal behavior. It all adds to the controls Sunshine really struggles with, and while the base layer is still there they're vast improvements.
The game contains the entirety of the original Super Mario Sunshine, including the tedious blue coin hunt, but adds quite a few additional levels. The levels are now interconnected, with physical paths between them being separate mini-rooms that add a lot of character to the game and make the world feel cohesive. Delfino also has 4 new levels that tie directly into the game and link nicely as well, though you can clearly tell what is new content and what isn't just because of the way Level geometry works out. Still, it really brings the whole game together, and with additions such as not kicking you out when you get shines that don't require a reload and a pause-menu Shine/Blue coin counter you're not left struggling as much as the original Sunshine had you doing.
Once you beat Bowser, you unlock Daisy Cruiser and a bunch more levels that, while smaller than the Delfino levels, are still pretty fun in their own right. I would've liked it if they had kept with the tropical + interconnected themes with these levels personally, as I think the best one of these levels is Yoshi's Island which actually does, but still it's a great amount of new content. Daisy Cruiser and Peach Beach are brought in directly from double dash, so there's some scaling issues and problems with layout that could've used some work rather than a direct port, but again they're still pretty fun. There's 240 Shines in this game, with 420 Blue Coins, and even after that there's still a large chunk of game for the 100% completion bonus, so you'll be spending a LONG time with this if you really love sunshine.
If you've not revisited Sunshine in a long time or have the itch to pick it up again, this is definitely the best way to do it. Really rounds out what was otherwise a pretty incomplete feeling game into a cohesive world and fun experience.
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jellyjamoh · 3 months
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Halfway through the year, here are the bookish photo that I have took each month.
-The photo was taken at the National Library in Kalaw, Manila. T'was a typical sunny day and since I had nothing important to do, I went out to read. Twas my first time visiting the place and its nice (as in neat, orderly, and quiet). It kinda gives you a CCP vibe when you're in the vicinity. It's a perfect spot for a dorky person like me. Aside from outlets they also offer free services like wifi. The library is very accessible and highly recommended. :>
BOOK: Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers
-It is a series and I got curious the moment I saw the book. The summary defined an old garden that used to be beautiful and astonishing and Leota (the main character made some reconstruction). I picked it personally just so I could read something new. It is not my go-to novel and something that I'd choose to read on a normal day. Hence, I still bought it. Not expecting it to be a drama-heavy story. Though the author ended it beautifully. I would give it a 3/5 star rating then.
By the way, I bought the book in Booksale SM North the Block. The cute bookmark was purchased in Fullybooked Greenbelt. :>
-Photo taken while I was traveling on my way home. We were passing through SCTEX at that exact moment (if I am not mistaken). It was a fine day to read a book. The weather was partially cloudy and I was seated in a relaxing spot on the bus (luckily) where I got a glimpse of nature's wonders. The clouds looked like meatballs. (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) lol
BOOK: Henry V by William Shakespeare
-I bought this book in the National Bookstore Puerto Princesa City Palawan. I was accompanied by my friend Rj when I decided to buy it. That moment I couldn't wait any longer. I already had in mind to visit my Grandfather in the cemetery because I missed him with my entire being. Normally, it would take 3-4 hours of ride to get there from the City. I just couldn't travel without a handy book to keep me sane.
-I adore Shakespeare and his creations. I wouldn't elaborate any further on why I wanted to read his writings. He is very unique, gifted, and has a brilliant mind. He's a good companion I would say. I'll give this book a 5/5 star rating :>
-Brought a token of appreciation to a friend of mine. T'was an advance birthday card and I gave it to him because we only get to catch up once every two years. I hadn't even greeted him for more than 3 years already. I was alone when I took the photo and spent the remaining time of my staycation reading instead of watching a film. Mainly because I was so obsessed with this book.
BOOK: Surgery Platinum by Doc Ron Baticulon (lods) and a lot more
-Good heavens know how much I'm dying to read this. I wished summer of 2023 to own a copy of this edition. Unknowingly there's an available epub on the internet. It just took me some time to discover though. The moment I realized it, I downloaded a copy right away. ofc. :>
What do you like most about the book?
Amongst the 6 books that I've read, this is actually the top tier. To be honest I didn't plan on splurging with novels. I was supposed to be studying starting last year. I still have pending neuro journals on my lappy and they're scheduled to be read during my past time. I just stopped studying med-related stuff because as we all know Tanchi has willfully prevented me from studying my premed course. (which sucks. I know he sucks!)
-On the other hand, I am not yet through reading this. But so far, I can't express how happy I am every time I dive into it. The most interesting part for me was Chapter 3 I guess. The Medical Aspect of Surgery. Learning about different levels of transfusion reactions was cute (mild, moderately severe, and life-threatening). I also find the pre-op use of anti-coagulants interesting. It is so informative and a meticulous surgical technique nothing like I've heard before. Indeed, it is a 5/5 star rating for me. <3 <3 <3
-Photo taken in my room. :>
It was so random that I picked this book. I was waiting for the bus to arrive cos I just booked a ticket going to Occidental Mindoro at that moment. T'was my first time traveling to Mimaropa alone. (like alone alone) Such a fun-filled experience and I enjoyed reading a few pages on the ship.
BOOK: Extra Virgin Amongst The Olive Groves of Liguria by Annie Hawes
-I bought this in booksale Paranaque Bus Terminal. A novel like no other. When all you have in mind is a good trip and a total vacation experience, you might also pick something like this randomly. I loved Italian cuisine even when I was younger. Maybe, that's the sole reason why I find it interesting. I'll give this book a 3/5 star rating.
Bought matcha tea latte at a doughnut store just to get a decent photo of this book (for bookstagram purposes only). :> I thrifted 3 books this day too. I went out actually to set an appointment at a clinic.
BOOK: His Last Bow Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The book was purchased at Bonifacio Global City National Bookstore. I stayed there after my shift and bought it spontaneously. I spent the whole day at McKinley because I was contemplating whether I should or should not continue working in our company. lol I just had the worst shift that night and I almost wanted to give up.
I couldn't make more comments about Arthur Conan Doyle. He is wonderful. I am touched by a certain chapter though and I think it is edifying. Watson is a very caring person and Sherlock wouldn't be Sherlock without him I'd say. It's a 5/5 book star rating for me.
PLACE: Starbucks Cybergate
This has been my go-to study space. I think next to our office it has become my 2nd comfy spot in Araneta. I always buy matcha and or chai here before I start working. I've already read a lot of books here too. It is quite a memorable place for me. This night however was different. I waited for a friend while reading and we spent time catching up afterwards.
BOOK: Circles of Seven by Bryan Davis
Last year there was a book fair in SMEX Convention where I purchased this current read. :> It was a birthday present for myself. Couldn't rate it yet. I'd have to finish it first.
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corhore · 1 year
I was thinking about getting into X-men. While I know asking where to start something with cape comics is like asking someone to explain the first time a recipe you want to try was used, I'll ask you anyway.
Where do I start with X-men?
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If you want a easy introduction thats a bit more modern then thats gonna be Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon. Now I know what your thinking "Whedon? eugh" and yeah I get it, but hear me out his X-Men legit fuckin rocks hard. The art and characters all work off eachother so damn well and if you don't come out of this loving Cyclops then idunno what to tell ya.
Morrison's New X-Men is also a good start, but it might be a bit too weird and cerebral for some. Its also the beginning of Emma's fleshing out and solidifies her as a X-Men mainstay albeit a flawed one.
For a true "i want to go down the fuckin rabbit hole baby" experience then that'll be Chris Claremont's run starting with Giant Size X-Men all the way to X-Men (1991) #3. All or most of the X-Men shit you hear started with him. He's hands down the most prolific X writer and its no contest. He's the best Storm writer writing her best stuff, wolverine, Inferno, God loves man kills, Mutant Massacre, Dark Pheonix, Days of future past ect. He also wrote stints on New Mutants, Excalibur, X-Factor and several minis.
Now his run has been collecting all over the place and its pretty tough getting all his stuff, but my tip is to not worry about it. Just find any of his shit and read it.
Now as for Krakoa. I'd say thats another almost good place to start. House of X-Powers of X is legit a great book and Jonathan's stint on X-Men is very unique and breath of fresh air for the ip after years of shit/mediocrity.
However. He left the ip somewhat suddenly without really finishing his ideas so now X-Men is sorta in this weird place where Marvel is still trying to continue his ideas and themes with mixed results. Though Immortal X-Men, X-Men red and Exterminators all rule hard.
So yeah there ya go.
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story] 19 Sharing the news
Roman POV
"Too bad we have to work again today. Somehow the holidays were way too short," Y/N sighed as I opened the door of our rental car and held out my hand to her.
"Yes, I know, but I promise you that in return our honeymoon will be longer. I can't wait to take you to a tropical place where no one can bother us," I said to her as we walked hand in hand to the entrance of the arena where today's show would take place.
"Hey guys! How are you all doing? How were the holidays?" we heard Dean ask as soon as we were through the security check. He came up to us, closely followed by Seth.
"Hey boys. It's been great. We've got lots to tell you!" I replied.
"Oh like what?" wanted Seth to know, of course. It was just in his curious nature that he always wanted to be up to date.
"Oh thank God, Y/N. You're already there! We have a problem and we need to find a solution right away!" said Amanda who suddenly appeared in front of us.
"Sorry guys, work calls. I'll see you later. Love you." said Y/N to me and then stretched to give me a goodbye kiss.
"Love you too!" I replied.
But then she paused for a moment and looked at me smiling. She raised her hand to wipe my lips with her thumb.
"Lip gloss?" I asked.
"Yep. See you later." she laughed, turning around and then followed Amanda.
"Dude, nice watch! Is that new?" Seth wanted to know as he looked at my wrist.
I raised my hand to show it to him. I looked with pride at the special piece Y/N had picked out for me.
"Yes, well new to me. It's a vintage Rolex from 1985, the year I was born. Y/N gave it to me for Christmas." I replied as we made our way to the locker room together.
"Wow. That's great and a really great idea," Dean said.
"Right? I have the best fiancée!" I replied, waiting for what I had said to sink in with them both.
When I saw the astonishment on their faces, I couldn't help but laugh. They both definitely looked like they couldn't believe their ears.
"Your what now? Seriously?" Seth then asked.
"Yeah, I asked Y/N to marry me and she said yes," I explained to him.
Before I knew it, both had already pulled me into a bear hug. I would say it was safe to say they were happy for me and my angel.
"Congratulations, Roman! That's so great. I'm so happy for you guys!" said Dean.
"Me too. Very much so. I knew right away she had you hooked. But now if you'll excuse me," Seth added and then took off running.
Dean and I watched him for a moment as we shook our heads and then kept walking. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was going on in his mind.
"How the hell did this happen? This has never happened to us before! Everything was safely packed, as always, wasn't it? What does the record say? Who was responsible for packing?" I asked as I went through the makeup products with Amanda that hadn't survived transport from our last location.
"It was Sophie. I'm so mad. We need to make a list quickly and get to Sephora and the drugstore. We are now missing quite a few foundation colors. And so on..." replied Amanda anything but happy. That was perfectly understandable, because some of these products were not exactly cheap.
"Yes, that would be best. And we need to-" I began.
But suddenly I was spun around and lifted up. It was Seth and he was grinning at me enthusiastically. I guessed it was safe to say that Roman had told the boys our news.
"Woooo, Seth, put me down!" I squealed as he started spinning me around.
"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!" he shrieked, sounding almost like a little girl.
I had to laugh at his joy and exuberance. He set me back on my feet and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you, Seth. Thank you so much." I replied, touched.
Then he reached for my hand and looked at the beautiful, unique ring that sat firmly on my finger.
"Damn. He did a good job with that one." he praised.
"I know. I can't believe this is really happening." I said softly, stroking the ring.
"Oh I'm going to make sure of that personally. No one deserves this more than you two." replied Seth and I saw his eyes glisten a little.
"About that, we were going to ask you for a favor, but we need to talk to Dean as well," I said.
Immediately I had Seth's full attention. I was sure they would do a good job. And Roman, my handsome fiancé saw it the same way.
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helphensteeple · 2 years
it’s really frustrating to see people continue to act like from games have no story. like if that style of storytelling isn’t to your taste & you don’t care, there’s nothing wrong with that, but claiming it doesn’t count as a “real” narrative is laughable and honestly a self report
i know this isn’t a new thing by any means—in my case, my first entry into the series was bloodborne and i was hearing people say the exact same kind of things about it back then. “plot what plot?” or “it’s just a bunch of cryptic nonsense randomly thrown together lmao classic from!” which i accepted at face value……. only to find once i started playing that it did in fact have quite a clear story with incredibly well-defined themes PLUS tons of lore to give flavor to the world and additional context to the story??? where i was having the enjoyment of experiencing a great story PLUS the fun of actively putting that story together piece by piece as i went through it???? imagine my shock.
and yes from’s storytelling is one of the main draws for me, it’s such a wonderful change of pace that fits the medium of interactive media so well!! there’s nothing inherently wrong with the more cinematic style of presentation, obviously. like…. my other main game interest for the past few years is a story that’s famous for having walls of cutscenes so long it pops up a box to warn you beforehand. but good god it’s really so refreshing to be given this intricate web of a story that unfolds & deepens the more you look at it, something that encourages you to engage with it at your own pace and come to your own conclusions. and it DOES take a ton of skill to write that way! i’m tired of people pretending it doesn’t!!!
the aspect of open-endedness is what makes these stories something we can come back to for years and years in the community as new things are uncovered and speculation evolves. every time i go looking into some rabbit hole with elden ring story/lore to see how others read it i’m astonished by how much thought went into constructing it. i love that feeling of someone’s analysis giving context to something i got a vibe for but wasn’t able to put into words! or seeing how someone’s unique perspective results in a completely different reading i never would have thought of! it is a feature not a bug!!!
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Promises Chapter 2: Findings
Chapter 2: Findings
Disclaimers: In this AU that is my Fanfiction Neji is not dead, neither is Fuu nor Torune.
Konoha 11 is a group of well-known shinobis from the village who fought furiously during the Third Ninja War, Uchiha Sasuke is not part of that group due to his well…rebellious phase. They were well-known and most importantly feared among the nations, the elite of Konoha was something to bear in mind, even Akamaru was considered part of it and Sai who entered team 7 quite late. This mission was something quite different from what they were used to, a hidden village that no one ever knew. The fact that the head of the clans have to come with them to the mission. That urgency that Sasuke claims to have…? Hizashi Hyuga went with Hinata and Neji as representatives, Ino brought Fuu and Sai with her, Shikamaru brought Kiba and Naruto, Chouza was with Choji and Sakura, Shibi with Shino and Torune, and Sasuke was heading the team together with, soon to be Hokage, Kakashi. Seventeen people was quite a big fellowship, everyone clearly saw how this could be turned absolutely wrong. Sasuke insisted that the head of clans should go with him as well as Team 8 who was good at rescue and tracking; yet Tsunade decided that each leader should have at least one person to escort them and protect them just in case. Therefore, one extra person was sent to protect them, Kakashi’s job was that of counsellor and political mediator with that strange village. The papers that they have found said that apparently during the First Ninja War some clans decided to protect their people by hiding them and seeking shelter somewhere far from the battle. 
The young Uchiha brought grim news, they were protecting that village but the cost that they were suffering was far from beyond. – So, this clan Kome, has settled themselves as some sort of Danyo. Apparently, during the first generation, as they mention it; Ashina Uzumaki went a little bit berserker when it came to the protection of the village. They said that it was Koroshi Kome’s fault, he tried to well rape her daughter. However, the village saw it as an act of aggression. As a result, and to try to set things up, they decided that those shinobi’s send by the now noble clans should bow protection and fidelity to the village, and to the Kome clan as repayment for that aggression. – Everyone was listening carefully – Yet… Ashina decided that a way to protect all of them was to set a barrier, actually two, quite astonishing may I say. Plus, she well… kind of… soils the earth.
-Soils the Earth? – Naruto enquired about it
-How can someone soil the Earth?
-It is like Lady Tsunade’s Byakugo, isn’t it? – Sasuke nodded to Shikamaru’s question.
- To assure that the promise was fulfilled the other five member of the clan swear protection against the Uzumaki’s. To do so they seal the Uzumaki members… with a really unique jutsu. Apparently, Ashina herself taught them how but never shared with her own descendance. Only, that the head of the clan can break it. Meaning…
-Us… - said Ino.
So, the purpose of the clan leader to head in that direction was to retrieve those seals from the Uzumaki member. – Excuse me for my intermission, but… If they decided to seal the Uzumaki’s there must be bigger reason than that. – mentioned Shibi.
-I have seen the Uzumaki’s heir. -  Sasuke kept talking – She is not a problem, definitely. However, the issue here is that what the Kome clan has been doing to set the village as a refugee for Bingo ninjas – everyone was astonished – Apparently, because they still have the popular opinion that the noble clans misbehave, they have settled this village as a paradise for the lowest of the lowest. Additionally, the noble clans are trying to do their best to keep the village at ease and calm. They have shown me proves that everything was settle because of that rape
-Are you sure they are not fake? – inquired Kakashi. He nodded.
- They want freedom, sensei – mentioned Naruto
- Plus Naruto’s and Ino’s sensor chakra will actually help to clarify this situation, although there are some people there that I trust too and I am certain that they are not lying. – Sasuke was sure of his words. Everyone looked quite puzzled, who could they been?
After three days of non-stop tracking something completely invisible, Sasuke led them towards a mountain. It was quite rocky and full of flora and fauna like the rest of their surroundings.
-It is here – Sasuke took of his coat and look at the rest – They would open the passage this evening. We have arrived in time – The team nodded and proceeded to make a small camp. They were not that sure of what Sasuke meant, yet they kept working as promising. Hoping that soon everything would be clarified.
Night came and with it the anticipation to see who they were. Although the Uchiha remain calm and unalerted, the rest of the team had their senses sharpen and their body ready for a fight if needed. Suddenly, everyone felt it, a burst of chakra an explosion, a controlled one, but nevertheless an explosion. Everyone kept closer and the mountain, well, its base, started to fade an open. It was a barrier! A good one for that matter that was for sure, one so powerful to have been deceiving shinobis for years. At the opening 7 figures appeared. There was a hooded one knelled on the floor closer to another taller hooded figure, a voice startled them – Sasuke…just in time. Come quick everyone – it was a harsh female voice. Everyone entered the barrier, cautious, but they enter. Once inside, the barrier disappeared and from the other side there was a forest so deep that they felt a twitch of fear. Hizashi was the first one to be impressed. A Hyuga greeted him with a wide smile. He was rather tall and slim; his face was quite rounded, and his long hair was tidy up in a messing bun at the top. His clothes were more like rags that tried to conceive his body from some cold. His eyes, white and bright as his startled him. He made a bow as everyone else did, except for the knelled figure. The hooded one by their side stood up. It was tall, even taller than Shibi, who was the tallest of the fellowship. They took of their hood, like everyone else they were covered in rags that they called clothes. Their eyes were covered with a cloth. – As the eldest let me greet the Heads and thank your aid. My name is Aburame Takehiko, this is my great-granddaughter Aburame Reina. – The man was indeed old. His face was wrinkled but in a fashionable way, his mane looked straighter than the Konoha’s Aburames. Completely white but with some brushes of what it was a deep black colour hinted that his hair colour tried to remind more than expected. The knelled figure rose, he immediately tried to help her, but she did it for herself. She bowed- Thank you – muttered in a feeble voice. She fainted and quickly the tall Aburame took her in his arms. That allowed her hood to be lifted down, her face was unseen for a great mess of hair covered her. It was deep black, but the Aburame’s saw it differently. It wasn’t black, completely in their eyes they could see the rich red that was hinted underneath. Shibi had seen that red hair before, it had a very similar saturation -Uzumaki – muttered underneath his breath. Takehiko seemed to have heard him and nodded.
Torune suddenly noticed, that man did not have kikaichu only… The man seemed to try his hardest not to seem weak, something that comes with age. He grabbed hiss great-granddaughter tight- We need to hurry before they notice. – And so, he led the way out of the forest.
They climbed a small mountain. Underneath it a small village appeared at their eyes, all houses where white but there was one bigger than the rest that catch their attention. On the west side upon the mountains that were surrounding the village they could see what seem ruins of much more antique houses. – We have time to reach hour home. Let’s be quick just in case – It was the softest voice ever, the Akimichi gal was the one who said so. She run fast together with the Yamanaka cleaning their way so everyone could reach their home faster. Apparently, the Aburame girl was mumbling something towards his great-grandfather, because he kept nodding. They reached the ruins. A big woman with a savage hair which she let it free embrace them – I cannot believe! – she said. Her skin suddenly glow like gold, and her tanned skin became sunrays together with her big smile with a chopped off teeth. She embrace everyone of all a sudden – Oh for what was old and for what it is to be. I can…
-Hush Jun – said Takehiko – The woman was clearly a member of the Akimichi clan – Oh boy, he really looks like his father! – mentioned her while having a great look at the commutive- Jun
-Oh Take…
- You should be calm; your lass knew was she was doing
-Jun, bring some food and that’s it – said the old man carrying the Aburame girl towards one of those ruined houses. – Call the rest so we can talk properly
-Their father’s too?
Takehiko did not say a thing while he kept his journey towards the ruins – Oh Sasuke-kun~ you were right everyone has come. Oh, my sweet boy! Thank you so much
-Mum stop- it was the sweet voice
-Chikako calm down, oh we should introduce ourselves properly, shouldn’t we? The name is Akimichi Jun, this is my daughter Chikako.
-Mother… I am sure they are tired have you…?
-Oh yes, I cleaned and fixed things up with Toshiko. Oh we did it! – she said trying to cheer them up. She clearly was nervous and exhausted. – Come on, please over here.
Kakashi ventured – Before moving to any place, we need to know where we are and what is going on, madam. – His voice was deeper than usual, he was serious.
-Oiii Kakashi, is that you?
Everyone froze, they recognize that voice. Shikaku Nara, or better said what was left of him and Inoichi. The brave soldier was beaten up by time and the war. Shikaku was missing a whole arm and part of a leg, he had some short of rudimentary orthopaedic leg that let him walk with some difficulties. Inoichi’s eyes looked foggy, as if he had lost a great deal of his sight. He also leaned his head towards Shikaku, as to hear him better, he walked with great difficulty as if his legs were not answering him correctly when he commanded them to walk. However, hard it was he achieved that and walk with slow and steady steps. Ino rush towards him, unable to control her feelings. Shikamaru couldn’t move. When Inoichi felt that embrace he inspire her aroma – Ino… - she smiled and hugged her with his trembling arms. How was that possible?
-Let us explain what this whole mess is, Kakashi – said Shikaku while walking towards the fellowship. He looked at his son, the scars of his face were even fuller of scars. -We have a lot to catch up, don’t we? – said to his son.
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
November 2008
November 10, 2008
“always feel astonished.”
when i was younger i was sure i was from another planet. i felt sent here from another world. only i had forgotten my mission. i had forgotten how to call home.
only to realize that i was as normal as the boy to my right or left.
now you have the whole world at your feet and you cant find the words to say.
it feels the same.
now they boo.
this towns dry and i aint talking about
November 18, 2008
im sitting here under this kind of self imposed house arrest. waiting. its been good for self reflective thought. i have been reading all of these other people's ideas about the new record. its kind of strange because i feel like i have a unique perspective on it. when i realized that about 90 percent of our fanbase didnt like me-it kind of freaked me out. it made me think of "likeability", it made me self conscious. i think on the last record i felt the need to explain my perspective, kind of pleading before a jury. now when i look back on "ioh", i hate it. i think it is one of our weakest records, perhaps, due in part to this pleading. when i try and sit in someone else who loves fall out boy's shoes i think "ttyg" is our best record. it has a nostalgic newness to it... but when i truly just think about it "fuct" was by far my favorite. the only reason i bring this up is because i truly believe that this new one is our best. we applied every once of what we knew and loved to this record. but by far the best part is after looking back on our "ioh" i felt as though i had lost what i loved about fall out boy. it felt unrelatable. the best thing about this new record to me is that there are so many songs from other members of fob's perspective. blah. okay back to reading books and waiting.
and back to wall-e.
November 28, 2008
“i hate hate the way logic follows me around”
now if i sit here and bash reviews and articles that are completely poor and unresearched- and get me or my band completely wrong. am i not also obligated to bash the same reviews that are good if not great but again get me or our band completely wrong?
or should i just be quiet like i have been?
havent written anything in sometime. even with this new bright star shining in my house.
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iviarellereads · 3 months
A Wind in the Door, Chapter 4 - Proginoskes
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index for the Time Quintet, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we get a new-old word to use!
Meg wakes before dawn, suddenly. Still wondering if the previous night was a dream, she rushes to get dressed and go out to the rock where they left Progo. She promised to go to him before breakfast anyway. She doesn't encounter any fake Mr. Jenkins this time, nor Louise the snake, just Progo. He thanks her for not taking too long to come out, and when she says she has an hour before breakfast, he says they can do a lot with just an hour.
Progo guesses that if they're to work together, then Meg must be a Namer, too.(1) At Meg's puzzlement, he says last time he was with a Teacher he had to memorize the names of every star in the universe, just because. Some aren't known to many people, so the stars get lonely.
Meg asks if that's all a Namer does, and Progo thinks it's about making sure each name is distinct and unique to its owner in some way, and perhaps Meg's job is to make humans feel more human. Meg asks what that means.
Progo asks how he makes her feel, and Meg answers honestly with "Confused." Progo asks who makes Meg feel least confused, and she says Calvin, without hesitation. So, Progo says, Calvin makes Meg feel more like herself, that's the feeling he means. He asks who makes her feel the least like herself, and that answer is Mr. Jenkins, so Meg has to explain who he is to explain why she's so upset at the thought of him. Only, Progo says there's more to it than that.
Meg admits that something happened to scare her, and at his prompting that it might be important, she tells him about the fake Mr. Jenkins. He names it an Echthros,(2) and after confirming details, he's almost as sure of it as he is terrified of them. More, he's sure they have to talk to the real Mr. Jenkins as part of their trials. Meg says that's impossible, she doesn't go to that school and she can't exactly fit a cherubim with a ten foot wingspan in her backpack.
Progo maintains that having seen an Echthros makes everything different, and he can be invisible to go with her, no problem. He demonstrates this, and while he's out, she can feel him. He asks if she feels brave, and she says no. He says being brave should be easier together, then wonders if Blajeny knows there's an Echthros involved.
Meg finally asks what Echthros means, Progo mentally draws her into yesterday,(3) where they watch the cosmic scream and the rip in the galaxy. He explain that this is what happens when the Echthroi have Xed things from existence.(4) Meg finds it even more terrifying than the Mr. Jenkins Echthros.
She closes her eyes and tries to think of a happy memory, which she feels Progo help with, except she hears her father and mother talking about the phenomenon she just saw, and the way that even their own country, their own town feels less safe than it did ten years ago. Mr. Murry even posits, in the memory, that the wee farandolae might be related to the cosmic disruptions.
Mrs. Murry makes the connection: the same cry that the new instrument detected in distant galaxies is the one she heard in the ailing mitochondria with her micro-sonarscope.(5) She gets upset, and Mr. Murry says it's not like her, and reminds her of the good and the order in the universe. Progo says he's a wise man.(6)
Meg is a little surprised that Progo heard the memory with her, but he says she's learning to kythe, to communicate mind-to-mind directly. She asks if Progo would mind helping her to try and see the calculation Mr. Murry was doodling on the tablecloth, it feels important. They go back into the memory, together, and find he was writing the Greek characters for "Echthroi". She's astonished that he'd know that, but Progo points out that her parents know well enough the evil in the world.
Progo asks her to look at the rip in the sky again. She does so, reluctantly, and asks how the Echthroi could have done that. He says the Echthroi are like un-Namers, annihilating things from existence instead of firming them up. When Meg wonders what that has to do with Mr. Jenkins, Progo says he thinks that's part of their first task together. So, time to get going. He draws her back to the present in the real world again and asks what they do now. Meg hasn't the foggiest, and feels this is too much responsibility for a child.(7)
In fact, Meg is so resistant that Progo has to ask her if she's refusing the ordeal. She says she'll do it, she has to help Charles, but it's so much. He asks her again, what they should do now. She decides to go have breakfast, and get on the schoolbus, and asks Progo to meet her at the bus stop at the right time to leave.
Progo dematerializes with an acknowledgement, and Meg heads back to the house. She encounters Louise the snake on her way, but thinks the snake mostly wanted to wish her well, which is comforting. She eats her breakfast less enthusiastically than usual, and heads to the bus stop with the strangest feeling she won't see it again for a while. The twins, walking with her, wonder what will happen today, and decide it will be the usual: nothing.(8)
(1) A very childlike assumption, that someone you're made to work with must be like you in some way, and not because your strengths are different and complementary to each other. (2) Ancient Greek, meaning stuff like, something hateful or hostile, or an enemy. Not easy for my fingers to keep spelling over and over, I'm using find-and-replace on this sucker to fix what my brain wants it to be. (3) Just a mental-power exercise, or are they Tessering somehow? Could Progo have some control over that ability? The vision of the rip seems distinct from the memory dive shortly after to me. (4) Wow that's such a readable term for this. [unamused face] (5) Gotta love a good goofy scientific instrument name or two in the same sentence. That's surely half of why Star Trek is so popular. (6) I feel a need to point out that chaos is not inherently evil and order not inherently good, those associations are things humans assigned to them to justify our preconceptions and biases. But, it does make children's storytelling easier to stand with the assumptions. (7) I'd tend to agree and apply that to MOST situations kids get into in children's literature, but that is half the point: learning how to have the big feelings so they don't feel so overwhelming. (8) Subtle setup, ma'am. Real sneaky.
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s-implicity11 · 11 months
It's been a minute.
I crave for words. More so I crave for expression.
I feel they came to me easier before. Was there more clarity in my emotions. Maybe they were less complex. Maybe they were more singular at a time. It feels muffled now. The words are too far, hidden behind layers of unattended to feelings. Left with wanting to express but no medium to do so.
I want to talk about purpose. I want to feel purpose. I want to feel proud of myself. I want to feel rewarded, emotionally rewarded. I feel like a closed shell, it's looking pretty nice on the outside but it's feeling a bit empty on the inside. It's a different kind of loneliness when you are well aware of the loved ones in your life and yet feel alone. The loneliness is coming from within - I want to contain multitudes, but feel lacking in identity. Who am I? What are the characteristics that make me me? I feel like there was more to me. So here is the me I thought I was on the path to being:
She is sporty, she likes martial arts, not because she is competitive or combative but because she likes feeling strong and like she can protect herself. She is adventurous, always wanting to throw herself into new situations, new places, new neighborhoods - as much as she seemed the new experience it was the self-exploration that she loved about traveling. She wants to feel, she wants to be multitudes. She wants to work for a meaningful cause, she wants to contribute and be valuable to a meaningful cause. She never limited the scope but it needed to be something that helps the less privileged, the less heard, the environment. She is studious, she seeks knowledge, she wants to grow in all ways possible. She does not like arguing or debating - she likes reflecting perspectives, because how can there possibly be one truth in this day and age. She believes everyone is entitled to their opinion but no-one is entitled to enforce them on someone else. She wants to be driven and challenged and she wants to succeed in her eyes, her family's eyes and also in the eyes of those that surround her. She is a free spirit, she wants to embrace the goodness in life especially the small moments. She wants to romanticize the little things because all the little things make up a vast majority of our life. She loves her family, she wants to have a bring them together more often, she wants to host and be a person and place for others to come together and create memories. She loves nature, she wants to spend more time with nature, learn more about it, appreciate it more. But she also needs adrenaline, she needs the urgency to get things done., she needs to be put in challenging situations to figure them out and grow through them. As hard as they may be, they are a big source of her pride. She wants to share stories, she does feel like she has stories to share. She is particular, she has her own way of doing things, she is her own version of organized and chaotic at the same time. She loves aesthetic and she believes she has a really unique one though she wants more space to express it. She loves dancing, she wants to immerse herself in a type of dance and feel the energy. She wants bizarre experiences, not the expected ones that grant you the answer to 'oh, did you do that when you were there?' - she doesn't want to do those, she wants to find authenticity. She wants to celebrate the odd, astonishing, unique things of life that possibly get overlooked by others or are slowly disappearing. She wants to contain multitudes. She wants to live different lives, but not ones of escape, but ones of meaning, ones where you feel and give love. She wants laughter and silliness and ease of being - that is the essence of who she wants to be. She wants to be passionate, to feel deeply even if that comes both ways - good and bad. She wants to be present and she wants to love being present. She knows when to turn away from something that no longer serves her. She is not limited by what others believe or worse yet what she thinks others believe. She wants to feel free. Most of all she wants purpose - a cause and people that are important to her.
I feel I have lost sight of that purpose and I am not sure how to get to it.
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