#Islam Iskandar
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theeleventhsignofthezodiac · 1 year ago
Iskandar Mirza, Timurid Dynasty
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The horoscope of the Persian Timurid ruler Iskandar Sultan, 1411. This is the only surviving individual illuminated horoscope from medieval Islam. Al-Mizan (Libra) is at 3 o'clock in the circle of zodiac signs.
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beritapatriotcom · 1 year ago
Didatangi Din Syamsuddin dan Perwakilan Ormas Islam, PKS Sebut Bahas Pilpres 2024
Didatangi Din Syamsuddin dan Perwakilan Ormas Islam, PKS Sebut Bahas Pilpres 2024 #AniesBaswedan #DinSyamsuddin #ormas #Islam #PKS #Pilpres #beritapatriot
PKS Sebut Bahas Pilpres 2024 – Mantan Ketua Umum Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Din Syamsuddin dan sejumlah perwakilan ormas Islam bersilaturahmi ke Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (DPP PKS) pada Kamis (26/10/2023). Kedatangan Din Syamsuddin disambut hangat oleh Presiden PKS Ahmad Syaikhu. Sejumlah tokoh juga hadir dalam silaturahmi tersebut antara lain l Wakil Ketua Majelis Syuro

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paganimagevault · 1 year ago
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Shoroon Bumbagar, tomb of a Turkic (Gokturk) nobleman, 650-700 CE
"Like Chinese historians, Muslim writers in general depict the ‘Turks’ as possessing East Asian physiognomy. For instance, Sharaf al-Zamān Tāhir MarvazÄ« describes them as being ‘short, with small eyes, nostrils, and mouths’ (1942: 53–4, 156). Similarly, TabarÄ« (d. 923) depicts the ‘Turks’ as being ‘full-faced with small eyes’ (1987: 21). In his QābĆ«s-nāma, the eleventh-century Ziyarid ruler Kai Kā'Ć«s also describes the ‘Turks’ as possessing ‘a large head (sar-i buzurg), a broad face (rĆ«y-i pahn), narrow eyes (chashmhā-i tang), and a flat nose (bÄ«nÄ«-i pakhch), and unpleasing lips and teeth (lab va dandān na nÄ«kĆ«)’ (Kai Kā'Ć«s ibn Iskandar 1951a: 103; 1951b: 64). The Arab historian and geographer al-Mas'Ć«dÄ« (896–956) writes that the Oghuz Turks residing in Yengi-kent, a town near the mouth of the Syr Darya, ‘are distinguished from other Turks by their valour, their slanted eyes, and the smallness of their stature’ (wa hum ashadd al-Turk ba’san wa aqsaruhum wa asgharuhum a‘yunan wa fÄ« al-Turk man huwa aqsar min hā’ulā’) (al-Mas'Ć«dÄ« 1962–: Vol. 1, 212). However, Muslim writers later differentiated the Oghuz Turks from other Turks in terms of physiognomy. RashÄ«d al-DÄ«n writes that ‘because of the climate their features gradually changed into those of Tajiks. Since they were not Tajiks, the Tajik peoples called them turkmān, i.e. Turk-like (Turk-mānand)’ (RashÄ«d al-DÄ«n FaĆŒlallāh HamadānÄ« 1988: Vol. 1, 35–6; Rashiduddin Fazlullah 1998–99:  Vol. 1, 31). Hāfiz TanÄ«sh MÄ«r Muhammad BukhārÄ« (d. c. 1549) also relates that after the Oghuz came to Transoxiana and Iran, their ‘Turkic face did not re-main as it was’ (1983: fol. 17a (text), Vol. 1, 61 (trans.)). AbĆ« al-GhāzÄ« Bahadur Khan similarly writes that ‘their chin started to become narrow, their eyes started to become large, their faces started to become small, and their noses started to become big’ after five or six generations (Abu-l-Gazi 1958: 42 (text), 57 (trans.); EbĂŒlgazĂź Bahadir Han 1975: 57–8). As a matter of fact, the mixed nature of the Ottomans, belonging to the Oghuz Turkic group, is noted by the Ottoman historian Mustafā ĀlÄ« (1541–1600). In his KĂŒnhĂŒ'l-ahbār, he remarks that the Ottoman elites of the sixteenth century were of mostly of non-Turkic origin: ‘Most of the inhabitants of  Rum are of confused ethnic origin. Among its notables there are few whose lineage does not go back to a convert to Islam 
’ (Ekser-i sĂŒkkān-i vilāyet-i RĆ«m meclis-i muhtelit ul-mefhĆ«m olub ā‘yānında az kimsene bulunur ki nesebi bir mĂŒslĂŒm-i cedÄ«de muntehÄ« olmaya) (Fleischer 1986: 254; Mustafā ĀlÄ«, KĂŒnhĂŒ'l-ahbār 1860–68: Vol. 1, 16)."
-Joo-Yup Lee & Shuntu Kuang, A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Historical Sources and Y-DNA Studies with Regard to the Early and Medieval Turkic Peoples
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 days ago
I just wanna ask for the Muslim human formers in this au. What would be your opinion on Shia Muslims. I ask this because 1: the Muslims transformers are all Sunni and 2: I’m Shia (despite the name
HELLO HELLO it’s genuinely amazing to meet a Shia Muslim here!
1. Omar Parvez/OP’s direct family is Sunni but he has Kurdish Shia Muslims as part of his extended family! As I’m told it’s not uncommon among Kurds to have that mix, so he’s very welcoming of Shia Muslims.
2. Fatima Adnan/First Aid and Hassan Shandrel/HotSpot have no strong opinions on the matter—they’re Sunni but with Shia acquaintances (and Hassan is only a recent convert so he’s not as well-versed or read in the sects, he’s just most familiar with what his brother converted to prior to marriage). As far as they’re concerned, a Muslim is a Muslim either way.
3. Suraya “There are what now” Widodo/Soundwave has been OUT OF THE LOOP religion-wise for about a decade (not of their choice, they forcefully fell out of touch with it as a captive in a lab aimed at turning them into a govt asset since childhood). The version of Islam they remember is frozen in time from when they were eight or nine and they’re JUST rediscovering/reclaiming that part of themselves, so they’re not at a point where they want to or can formulate a strong opinion on the matter. The concept of Shia Muslims is just a genuine “Oh interesting!” Point of note for them. (They’re very intrigued by Sufism!)
4. Tariq Bukhari/Trailbreaker has. Confusing thoughts on the matter. Though he’s aware that they’re likely ingrained biases from his environment (he’s Malaysian) and he’s not closed to the idea since the version of Islam that has proliferated in SouthEast Asia is in itself, quite culturally diverged from what’s seen in the Middle East, with elements of old animism thrown in (he’s Malaysian).
5. Iskandar ‘Skandar’ Waheed/Skywarp is Saudi Arabian and his version of Islam is molded by Wahhabism. He’s pretty crudely dismissive of Shia Muslims as such, though as far he’s concerned, don’t start shit with him and shit won’t be had.
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selamat-linting · 4 months ago
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Vivian Rubiyanti Iskandar is the first trans person in Indonesia to obtain legal recognition of gender. She is of Chinese descent and was born in 1944. Vivian is a businesswoman who owned a beauty salon, and a number of her apprentices became household names in the Indonesian beauty industry.
She starts transitioning in 1973, by undergoing gender confirmation surgery at Singapore. She would be 29 years old at the time. Afterward, she returned to Indonesia and petitioned for a legal change of gender. This is even though there had theretofore been no Indonesian law concerning legal changes of gender.
Despite that, notable expert witnesses in her case argue in favor of her gender reassignment. Theologian and reverend Eka Darmaputera argued "according to the Christian faith, God [wanted] human beings to be happy in their [lives]" while The Islamic scholar Buya Hamka also testified in support of Vivian, saying that "[her desire to transition] does not run contrary to Allah's law, but in keeping with the teachings of Islam, which hold the advances of humankind's science ought to be used to improve the lives of human beings"
As a result, the presiding judge granted Vivian's petition, and as of November 11, 1973, she was legally recognised by the Indonesian state as a woman. Vivian's case has become a landmark one in Indonesian jurisprudence, being cited in similar future decisions as regards a legal change of gender. Her story was later made into a movie called "Akulah Vivian" in 1977. As of me writing this, she is still alive at the age of 80 years old, living in Australia.
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timothy-kang · 1 year ago
News/King of Malaysia—1 Feb. 2024
It's interesting to note that there are still monarchs in the world. Recently, Malaysia announced that its billionaire, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, has been crowned as the nation's king. Since Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957, there have bee
It’s interesting to note that there are still monarchs in the world. Recently, Malaysia announced that its billionaire, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, has been crowned as the nation’s king. Since Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957, there have been nine rulers who have held the position of king. The title “sultan” is used because it’s the name given to the official head of Islam in the

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kbanews · 1 year ago
AMIN Selangkah Lagi Menang Pilpres 2024, Saan Mustopa: Mimpi Besar Kader HMI Menjadi Presiden RI
JAKARTA | KBA – Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) resmi mendeklarasikan dan mendukung pasangan Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) di Grand Ballroom Swasana Lippo Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu, 27 Desember 2023. Dukungan HMI dihadiri langsung oleh calon presiden-calon wakil presiden, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar. Wakil Deputi Teritorial Pemenangan Timnas AMIN Saan Mustopa menuturkan HMI

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yonarida · 1 year ago
Belajar Memahami dan Peka terhadap Perasaan Anak
oleh: Ust. Erlan Iskandar CATATAN 15 Oktober 2023 A. Pijakan-pijakan penting, ada 3, yaitu: 1. Meyakini bahwa mendidik anak adalah ibadah. yang namanya ibadah mesti ikhlas karena Allah SWT. Penting kiranya kita niatkan untuk bisa memahami anak, membersamai, membangun kelekatan dg anak, membimbing dan mengarahkan anak niatnya krn hanya mengharapkan balasan dr Allah. Krn mendidik itu ibadah, berarti harus ikhlas. Jika kita yakin itu ibadah, maka yg namanya ibadah itu membuat hati kita jd bahagia. 2. Meyakini bahwa rujukan terbaik sbg panduan dalam pendidikan dan pengasuhan adalah Islam karena Islam mengatur segala macam hal, mulai dr urusan kecil (semisal ke kamar mandi), juga urusan2 besar (semisal mendidik anak). - prioritas yang dipelajari - meneladani Nabi 3. Meyakini bahwa yang memiliki dan membolak-balikkan hati manusia adalah Allah - banyak berdoa - perbaiki hubungan dg Allah B. Kaidah Mendidik - Sentuh hati sebelum sentuh akal - Nasihat akan mudah diterima jika sudah ada keterhubungan yang baik, dg menyentuh hati anak. - Connection before Correction - Anak2 butuh dipahami perasaannya, kesukaannya. Dg begitulah kita bisa menyentuh hati anak. C. Cara menyentuh hati anak Nabi mendidik dengan menyentuh hati anak: a) Ekspresikan rasa cinta ☞ ekspresikan dg kata2 Al Barra' ra bercerita, "Aku melihat Nabi dimana Al Hasan bin 'Ali berada di pundaknya. Lalu Nabi SAW berdoa: 'Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mencintai Hasan maka cintailah dia.' (HR. Bukhari & Muslim) ☞ ekspresi dg ciuman kpd anak
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☞ ekspresi dekapan dan pangkuan kpd anak
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☞ ekspresi dg sentuhan kpd anak Dalam psikologi ada teori namanya teori tangki kasih sayang. Cara2 tersebut menjelaskan teori diatas.
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Setiap orang tua mesti mencintai anaknya, tetapi tidak semua orang bisa mengekspresikan rasa cintanya. Setiap anak butuh untuk dicinta dan disayang dan kita sebagai orang tua perlu menunjukkan dan mengekspresikannya b) Berlemah lembut dan tidak mudah marah Anak adalah makluk yg bisa jadi belum banyak pengalamannya, belum matang kognisi, dan cara berpikirnya. Oleh karenanya lebih banyak pemakluman yg harus kita berikan sbg orang tuanya. Anak jg belum mukallaf (belum dibebankan perintah dan larangan dalam beragama/ syariat). Syariat sj memaklumi mereka, kalo belum belum baligh/ dewasa belum dicatat dosa2nya, bgmn dg kita thpd anak? Kalau kita sudah memahami perasaan anak, peka thdp kondisi mereka, biasanya kita akan lebih mudah utk lemah lembut dan tidak mudah marah.
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Hukum asal dalam memberi nasihat & pembelajaran: dg kelemahlembutan, tapi tetap harus berwibawa & punya ketegasan. c) menunjukkan perhatian dan bercanda dg anak - kita perlu responsif. Peduli dg perasaan anak - tanyakan perasaan anak ketika pulang sekolah, jangan cuma tanya tadi belajar apa - perhatian dg kondisi anak
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Sebetulnya Nabi sudah tau, tetapi Nabi tetap bertanya untuk mendengarkan dan memvalidasi perasaannya. - Perhatian dg memberikan nasihat - Nabi bercanda - diperhatikan adalah kebutuhan anak. Jangan sampai anak lebih responsif dibandingkan gadget. Kenapa anak suka gadget? karena gadget responsif.
d) apresiasi anak Perkembangan Anak a) 0-2 tahun (Fase Shabyi), indra yang dominan potensial pendengaran) b) 2-7 tahun (Fase Ghulam, indra yang dominan potensial pedengaran dan penglihatan) Memahami karakter anak di masa Golden Age ➙ Banyak bergerak dan tak bisa diam ➙ Imitater ulung ➙ Keras kepala dan menentang bukan berarti anak itu bandel & nakal, tp anak2 di fase usia itu sedang menguji respon lingkungan. Maka org tua tugasnya konsisten mengingatkan dan tidak memberi label2 negatif ke anak. ➙ Tak bisa membedakan mana benar dan mana salah wajar jk anak banyak trial error, coba2, banyak bereksplorasi. ➙ Banyak bertanya kalo anak nanya2 mulu ke kita, syukuri, ini karakter anak pada umumnya. jangan malah sebel. Anak bertanya kpd kita krn dia trust/ percaya pada org tuanya, krn dia comfort/ secure, merasa aman dan nyaman. Trust+comfort+secure= 3 aspek kelekatan antara org tua & anak. Harusnya kita syukuri. ➙ Ingatan yg tajam ➙ Suka apresiasi dan disemangati ➙ Suka main dan bergembira ➙ Suka berlomba ➙ Berpikir dan berimajinasi ➙ Cenderung untuk eksplor keterampilan ➙ Perkembangan bahasanya cepat ➙ Cenderung suka bongkar pasang sesuatu ➙ Potensial perasaan takut, marah, cemburu Anak2 punya perasaan2 yg harus kita pahami. Pencapaian anak yg terlihat sederhana bagi kita, ternyata adlh sesuatu yg besar bagi mereka. Apresiasi dg proporsional, dg begitu mereka akan merasa kita hadir dan ada utk mendukung tumbuh kembang mereka. source: Kaifa Turobbi Abna-aka, hal. 21-28, Syeikh Ahmad Nashrir Ath Thoyyar - Cara menegur anak, apakah dg larangan atau menegur dg perintah yg jelas? jawaban: dalam menegur, lihat usia anak. Jk di bawah 7 th, dia belum mengerti arti kata jangan, lebih disarankan dg langsung kasih arahan yg konkrit dan jelas. contoh: tidak efektif: nak kalo ke pipis jangan disitu efektif: gandeng anak ke kamar mandi, tunjukkan, kalo pipis disini nak.. - boleh melarang dg kata jangan apabila anak sudah paham, sebutkan alasannya kenapa tidak boleh. jangan blabla, karena blabla
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fellharder · 2 years ago
Stay Away From Me
While watching Wu Di In Love I've been digging around a bit and I found another Malaysian BL, Stay Away From Me (2021). I can only find two episodes, I don't know if more were made. That's it, as far as Malaysian BL goes, it looks like.
And no wonder.
Stay With Me was made to air in-app on Blued in Malaysia and it's hugely controversial, even more so than Wu Di In Love.
One thing is making queer content in a country where homosexuality is illegal and LGBT rights are non-existent, that's really fucking brave. Quite another thing is hiring young Muslim influencers to act, at least one of them a minor as far as I've been able to figure out, and then allegedly leaving the romantically flavoured scenes out of the script until right before shooting and then springing those scenes on the actors. I say allegedly, because the other actor, Reese Ayman, seems to have been fine promoting the show for a while. It's possible they knew what they were doing when taking on the roles and panicked when SAFM drew unwanted attention. It's also possible Blued's production people manipulated them.
Either way, Danish Iskandar was unhappy and considered taking legal action.
It seems Iskandar and Blued reached an agreement, judging by this interview with his father about blurred pictures from Stay Away From Me used by promotion elsewhere (link to the article Google translated to English). At least I and my amazing Malay research skills haven't found any other mentions after this.
Meanwhile, Wu Di In Love putters quietly on over at AMM's streaming service. It's made by and for people belonging to the large ethnic Chinese minority in Malaysia, not by and for the mostly Muslim Malays.
Malaysia is very very very conservative. That's not just the homophobia of the government and Islam (the official religion), it's also culture spanning all ethnic groups and significant religions. Malaysia even seems to have grown more conservative in later years - I've seen it compared to Russia in rising intolerance. The LGBT rights summary table on Wikipedia is a chilling overview that gives some broad hints on what it's like being gay in Malaysia.
Malay Muslims playing gay characters just isn't done. The ethnic Chinese can get away with making a small BL for their own people, although I'm sure it's not entirely without repercussions for the cast or crew.
Personally I almost find it a duty, as a queer person in a country with a very different rights summary table, to give Malaysian BL views. Wu Di In Love wasn't great and it doesn't look like my machine-translated watching of the two available episodes of Stay Away With Me will be great, but I cheer the people making them.
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ashitakaxsan · 8 days ago
When Light is Shed On Ancient fables
There are depths to how archaeology gets properly conducted enables us understand the past,and learn to go for the future.So here are great cultural news :
Archaeological discovery in Shiraz may rewrite city’s history
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TEHRAN - A new archaeological discovery beneath a local park in Shiraz, the capital of Fars province in southern Iran, may push back the historical timeline of the ancient city by several thousand years.
The stone tools were first discovered on a site, known as “Tall-e Badi,” beneath layers of concrete and mosaic flooring during a park extension project, Mehr reported on Monday.
It was in February 2020 when an archaeology student, participating in the park’s development project, accidentally found stone tools and reported them to his professor at the University of Shiraz.
After initial examinations, both the professor and renowned archaeologist Alireza Askari Chaverdi, who is currently the director of the Persepolis and Naqsh-e Rustam historical sites, confirmed the historical significance of the findings.
According to Houshang Esfandiaripour, a prominent archaeologist in Fars province, the stone tools have been found around an electrical grounding pit, at a depth of 1.5 meters, indicating they were near the top of the ancient hill. He believes these artifacts could led the archaeologists to a period older than the 7,000-year-old Tell Pustchi, another archaeological site in Shiraz.
Esfandiaripour suggests that if deeper layers of the hill are excavated, there may be evidence of civilizations even older than previously thought, potentially pushing the history of Shiraz back by another two or three millennia. He compared the stone tools found in Tall-e Badi to those from the Bakun era, indicating that this site could predate Tall-e Pustchi, where similar artifacts were unearthed.
Efforts to have the site officially registered as a national heritage location have been unsuccessful. Despite its significance, the authorities have yet to recognize Tell Badi’s historical value. Esfandiaripour expressed frustration over the lack of action, noting that less significant sites have received national recognition.
As mentioned by the archaeologists, the discovery holds the potential to offer a rare glimpse into Shiraz’s ancient past, as much of the city’s historical landscape has been lost to urban development.
Archaeologists are eager to continue investigating the site, hoping it will yield evidence that could transform the historical narrative of Shiraz and the surrounding Fars region.
Celebrated as the heartland of Persian culture for over 2000 years, Shiraz has become synonymous with education, nightingales, poetry, and crafts skills passed down from generation to generation. It was one of the most important cities in the medieval Islamic world and was the Iranian capital during the Zand dynasty from 1751 to 1794.
Shiraz is home to some of the country’s most magnificent buildings and sights. Increasingly, it draws more and more foreign and domestic sightseers flocking to this provincial capital.
Eram Garden, Afif-Abad Garden, Tomb of Hafez, Tomb of Sa’di, Jameh Mosque of Atigh, and Persepolis are among the historical, cultural, and ancient sites of Shiraz that are of interest to domestic and foreign tourists.
The ancient city is also home to some magnificent historical gardens such as Bagh-e Narenjestan and Eram Garden, which are top tourist destinations both for domestic and international sightseers.
Below: Modern Shiraz
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Eram Garden Shiraz:
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Original Source:https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/504667/Archaeological-discovery-in-shiraz-may-rewrite-city-s-history
Discover ‘Alexander’s Prison’ and its fabled dungeon
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TEHRAN - This 15th-century domed structure, better known as Zendan-e Iskandar (“Alexander’s Prison”), derives its name from a reference in a Hafez poem and legends surrounding its origin
According to folklore, a deep well in its courtyard was constructed by Alexander the Great and used as a dungeon.
Situated in the heart of Yazd’s historical Fahadan neighborhood, this monument lies close to the eleventh-century Davazdeh Imam Shrine. The name Zendan-e Iskandar is tied to the tale of Alexander building a castle in this region to imprison captive princes. In some literary works, Yazd itself is referred to as Zendan-e Iskandar.
The mausoleum, located in the southeast corner, is connected to the courtyard and main iwan through two doorways. It is a square structure, 8.8 meters per side, supported by thick walls to bear the weight of its 18-meter-high dome. The mausoleum’s prominent dome dominates both the courtyard and the surrounding skyline.
Constructed primarily of mud brick, with baked brick used for the dome’s outer shell, the building features a decorative three-tier muqarnas cornice in the octagonal zone of transition. While the courtyard and surrounding spaces lack ornamentation, the tomb chamber’s interior is adorned with floriated Kufic inscriptions and painted plaster vegetal motifs, characteristic of the Muzaffarid period.
Historical accounts suggest the structure and its adjoining buildings were part of the Madarasa Ziaiyya, a religious school commissioned in the late 13th century during the Il-Khanid era by Ziya’ al-Din Husayn-e Razi and his family. According to the Tarikh-e Jadid-e Yazd (The New History of Yazd), the school featured a grand portal with towering minarets and was surrounded by opulent mansions equipped with tall wind catchers (badgirs). However, as noted by Iraj Afshar, the exact identification of the building as Madarasa Ziaiyya remains uncertain due to the absence of epigraphic evidence.
The existing structure follows a typical 13th-14th century madrasa layout, with a rectangular courtyard flanked by three iwans. The larger western iwan is accompanied by smaller northern and southern iwans, each adjacent to rectilinear cells of varying depths—likely the result of later alterations. At the courtyard’s center lies a payab, an underground chamber providing access to the qanat (underground water channel) beneath the building.
Zindan-e Iskandar served as a site for oil production until the 1970s and fell into disrepair before its restoration by the National Heritage Organization of Iran in the 1980s. Since then, it has become a tourist attraction.
A don’t-miss destination
In July 2017, Yazd’s historical core was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors frequently describe Yazd as a must-see destination, celebrated for its mudbrick houses with innovative wind catchers (badgirs), atmospheric alleyways, and numerous Islamic and Iranian monuments that define its striking cityscape.
Cultural heritage experts view Yazd as a testament to the resourcefulness of its inhabitants in adapting to desert conditions. The city’s historical core is a treasure trove of mudbrick houses, bazaars, bathhouses, water cisterns, mosques, synagogues, Zoroastrian temples, and ancient gardens. Yazd’s harmonious coexistence of Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism further enriches its cultural and spiritual heritage.
Original Source:https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/508688/Discover-Alexander-s-Prison-and-its-fabled-dungeon
Archaeology conference kicks off in Tehran 
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TEHRAN-The 22nd edition of the Annual Archaeology Conference commenced at the National Museum of Iran in Tehran on Sunday.
The conference opened with the presence of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Seyyed Reza Salehi-Amiri, as well as Mohammad Ebrahim Zarei, the head of Iran's Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Mohammad Beheshti, the former director of the institute and a select group of prominent professors and veterans in archaeology, CHTN reported. 
Speaking at the ceremony, Jebrael Nokandeh, director of the National Museum of Iran welcomed the attendees and highlighted the conference as an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and scientific collaboration among archaeologists.
He also mentioned an exhibition showcasing selected findings from archaeological research conducted in Iran in 2023, featuring 273 artifacts unearthed from 13 archaeological sites. This exhibition will be open until April 19.
During the ceremony, a book compiling articles from the 22nd Annual Archaeology Conference was unveiled, along with a summary of findings from archaeological research in Iran for 2023, an archaeology journal, and ten archaeology reports.
Additionally, the exhibition of selected findings from the 2023 archaeological fieldwork in Iran was inaugurated in the presence of Seyyed Reza Salehi-Amiri.
Archaeology in Iran boasts a rich and diverse history, reflecting the complex tapestry of civilizations that have inhabited the region for thousands of years. As one of the cradles of human civilization, Iran's archaeological landscape is replete with significant sites that offer insights into ancient cultures, trade routes, and the development of urban centers.
One of the most notable archaeological sites in Iran is Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Persepolis showcases magnificent palaces, monumental staircases, and intricate reliefs that depict the grandeur of Persian culture and its architectural achievements.
Excavations at this site have revealed valuable artifacts, including inscriptions, pottery, and precious metals, shedding light on the political and social structure of ancient Persia.
Another critical area of archaeological interest is the Zagros Mountains, where early human settlements date back to the Paleolithic period. Some of these sites are pivotal for understanding the transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled agriculture, as well as the development of complex societies during the Neolithic era.
Additionally, Iran’s archaeological pursuits have unveiled the significance of the Silk Road, which facilitated trade and cultural exchanges between the East and West. The discovery of caravanserais, ancient fortresses, and intricate pottery illustrates Iran's role as a hub in this extensive network.
Research in Iranian archaeology has faced challenges, including fluctuating funding for the preservation of historical sites. However, the commitment of local scholars and international collaborations continues to foster advancements in the field. 
Modern archaeological practices involve the use of technology such as satellite imagery and remote sensing, enhancing the exploration and documentation of Iran's extensive archaeological heritage.
Archaeology in Iran is vital in reconstructing the narratives of ancient civilizations, highlighting the region's historical significance and the enduring legacy of its cultural heritage.
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hepodcast · 13 days ago
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NJWA took center stage at the recent Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF) with a breathtaking performance. Her ethereal voice and soul-stirring melodies set the tone for an evening that was not just about fashion but also about artistry and the beauty of cultural expression.
The emotions NJWA evoked through her soulful voice fused naturally with the festival’s theme, creating a moment of collective reflection on identity, faith, and modern artistic expression.
Beyond the fashion, art, and music, the evening held together to celebrate the birthday of KDPB Tengku Ampuan Pahang Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah Binti Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj, honoring her grace and contributions to Tenun Pahang Diraja.
The night has brought the story of NJWA to life. HE is honored to feature her this week on the journey of overcoming adversity, finding hope, and emerging stronger after challenging times to dive into the idea that even after the darkest storms, the sun will eventually shine again.
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turisiancom · 1 month ago
TURISIAN.com - Ketua Umum Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB, Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar atau yang akrab disapa Gus Imin menegaskan komitmennya terhadap nilai persatuan, toleransi dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Hal itu disampaikan Gus Imin saat menghadiri acara refleksi Imlek bersama komunitas Tionghoa di Season City Mall, Jakarta Barat, pada Jumat 24 Januari 2025 malam. Dengan tema "Menjaga Bumi, Menjaga Kehidupan," acara ini menegaskan komitmen PKB terhadap nilai persatuan, toleransi, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Gus Imin dalam sambutannya menyoroti keberhasilan Indonesia menjaga stabilitas di tengah dinamika politik, termasuk Pemilu dan Pilkada. “Kita telah melewati ujian persatuan dalam pemilihan umum yang berpotensi menimbulkan gesekan sosial. Namun, dengan menjunjung persaudaraan dan toleransi, kita berhasil melalui semuanya dengan damai,” ujar Gus Imin, disambut tepuk tangan para hadirin. Dalam pidatonya, Gus Imin mengajak masyarakat untuk berperan aktif menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Ia menekankan bahwa bumi bukan sekadar tempat tinggal, melainkan bagian esensial dari kehidupan manusia yang harus dilestarikan. “Menjaga bumi adalah wujud rasa syukur kita kepada Tuhan. Ini adalah tanggung jawab bersama untuk memastikan keberlanjutan hidup di masa depan,” tegasnya. [caption id="attachment_24091" align="alignnone" width="800"] Jamuan makan khas perayaan Imlek bersama Ketua Umum PKB Muhaimin Iskandar. (Foto: Ist)[/caption] Acara refleksi Imlek ini juga menjadi pengingat akan tradisi panjang PKB dalam merayakan keragaman budaya. “Selama 24 tahun, PKB konsisten menggelar refleksi Imlek. Kebersamaan seperti inilah yang merepresentasikan wajah Indonesia—penuh harmoni di tengah perbedaan,” kata Gus Imin. BACA JUGA: Penantian Istimewa Imlek di Kota Pahlawan, Merayakan Tradisi dalam Harmoni Budaya Tahun Ular Kayu Tidak lupa, ia menyampaikan harapan bagi seluruh masyarakat yang merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek, yang kali ini memasuki Tahun Ular Kayu. “Saya dan keluarga besar PKB mengucapkan Gong Xi Fa Cai 2025. Semoga Tahun Ular ini membawa kedamaian, kesehatan, dan keberkahan melimpah. Menjaga bumi berarti menjaga kehidupan,” tutup Gus Imin. [caption id="attachment_24092" align="alignnone" width="768"] Henry Husada saat foto bersama dengan H. Faisol Riza selaku Wakil Menteri Perindustrian RI. (Foto: Ist)[/caption] Dalam kesempatan tersebut, komunitas Tionghoa menyampaikan aspirasi agar Presiden ke-4 RI, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), diusulkan menjadi Pahlawan Nasional. Acara ini juga dihadiri sejumlah tokoh lintas agama. Termasuk Budi Santoso Tanuwibowo (Konghucu), Bhante Vijaya Kusuma (Buddha), Kanjeng Astono (Hindu). Kemudian juga , KH Saifullah Ma'shum (Islam), Pdt. Lorens Manuputy (Kristen), Romo Hans (Katolik), dan tokoh masyarakat Tionghoa. Seperti Wilianto Tanta, Tedy Sugianto, serta Vinsen Effendi Lie. [caption id="attachment_24093" align="alignnone" width="768"] Henry Husada pose bersama Hasanuddin Wahid, M.Hum selaku Sekjen DPP PKB. (Foto: Ist)[/caption] Hadir pula Sekjen PKB M. Hasanuddin Wahid, Wakil Ketua Umum PKB Faisol Riza, dan Ketua DPP PKB Daniel Johan. Sementara itu, Wakil Ketua Umum (WKU) Paguyuban Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI, Henry Husada menyampaikan  bahwa makna perayaan Imlek bukan hanya  sebagai tradisi. Namun juga sebagai refleksi tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Henry Husada menekankan perayaan Imlek ini harus menjadi momentum untuk memperkuat harmoni, baik dengan sesama manusia maupun dengan alam. “Imlek bukan hanya tentang perayaan, tetapi juga tentang perenungan. Kita diajak untuk menjaga tradisi, melestarikan bumi, dan memastikan kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk generasi mendatang,” ujarnya. ***
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satu-komando · 1 month ago
Satukomando.Bangko.com.-, Kamis, 23 Januari 2025 – Dalam rangka memperingati momentum Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIB Bangko menggelar acara yang penuh hikmah berupa Tabliq Akbar pada hari ini, Kamis (23/1). Acara yang berlangsung dengan khidmat ini diisi oleh Ustad Tengku Iskandar, seorang penyuluh agama Islam dari Kementerian Agama Kabupaten

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historyforfuture · 3 months ago
⭕ The Israeli Occupation Army Commits Four Brutal Massacres in a Residential Neighborhood Near Kamal Adwan Hospital and Other Areas, Leaving 112 Martyrs, Including 64 Children and Women, 22 Missing, and Over 120 Injured
The Israeli occupation army has committed four heinous massacres by bombing a residential neighborhood near Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern governorate of the Gaza Strip. Other massacres were carried out in the Abu Iskandar area in Gaza Governorate, in Nuseirat Camp in the central governorate, and in Khan Yunis Governorate. These massacres resulted in 112 martyrs, including 64 children and women, 22 missing persons, and over 128 wounded and injured.
These retaliatory massacres come after the failure of the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the war waged by the occupation on the Gaza Strip. The United States alone objected to the Security Council resolution and used its veto power against it, reaffirming its entrenched partnership in the genocide against Gaza.
The occupation army deliberately continues to commit more crimes and brutal massacres against civilians, children, women, and the elderly, following threats of forced displacement and compulsory migration. These massacres occur while the occupation knows that its victims are all civilians, deliberately targeting homes and densely populated civilian neighborhoods.
These crimes continue in parallel with the systematic and deliberate collapse of the health system orchestrated by the Israeli occupation as part of its destructive plan against civilian sectors in the Gaza Strip. The occupation has managed to destroy hospitals, rendering them non-operational, and has devastated local and municipal sectors.
We call on all Arab and Islamic countries, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to take a historic stance by expelling Israeli occupation ambassadors from their countries due to the ongoing genocide committed against our unarmed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. More than 53,000 martyrs have been killed, including those who reached hospitals and others still under the rubble of destroyed buildings across the Gaza Strip governorates.
We strongly condemn the continued Israeli occupation massacres against civilians, children, and women, as well as the daily new atrocities. We also condemn the U.S. support that enables this genocide through its objection to a ceasefire at the UN Security Council. We urge all nations to denounce these horrific massacres against displaced persons, civilians, children, and women. Furthermore, we call for condemnation of the U.S. partnership in the genocide against our Palestinian people in Gaza.
We hold the Israeli occupation, the U.S. administration, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and all states complicit in the genocide fully responsible for the ongoing ethnic cleansing, extermination campaign, and brutal crimes against civilians in the Gaza Strip.
We urge the international community and all international and global organizations to exert maximum pressure on the Israeli occupation through all possible means to stop the genocide, halt the ongoing bloodshed in Gaza, and end the war against children and displaced persons.
21, Nov
Official website -Hamas movement
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m1totocsdua · 4 months ago
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Menko PM: Para ulama banyak berkontribusi untuk pembangunan negara
Jakarta (ANTARA) -
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Menko PM) Muhaimin Iskandar mengatakan bahwa para ulama telah banyak berkontribusi untuk membangun kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia, sehingga sudah selayaknya mendapatkan apresiasi oleh pemerintah.
Ia menyampaikan para ulama, santri, dam pejuang Islam telah banyak membantu untuk membangun pendidikan mental atau karakter, serta turut serta mencerdaskan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia sejak sebelum kemerdekaan hingga saat ini.
"Mereka para ulama terdahulu dan sekarang sudah memberikan segalanya untuk negara," kata Muhaimin saat menghadiri peringatan Hari Santri Nasional (HSN) 2024 di Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Mahasina Darul Quran Wal Hadits, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Selasa pagi.
Baca juga: Menko PM sebut pesantren harus jadi pionir pendidikan antikekerasan
Menurut dia, para ulama dan santri yang telah berjuang pada saat itu setara dengan pahlawan nasional yang diakui oleh negara, sehingga nilai-nilai luhur yang telah dilakukan harus menjadi contoh bagi generasi berikutnya.
"Para santri saat ini harus bersyukur karena dilahirkan atau dididik di lingkungan pesantren yang banyak memberikan nilai luhur kehidupan," ujar pria yang kerap disapa Gus Imin itu.
Ia menambahkan pemerintah sejak 2015 atau di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden ke-7 RI Joko Widodo telah menetapkan 22 Oktober sebagai Hari Santri Nasional.
"Hal itu merupakan bentuk apresiasi negara kepada para ulama dan santri yang telah banyak berjasa kepada bangsa," ujarnya.
Muhaimin menegaskan pesantren harus menjadi benteng utama untuk melawan segala bentuk penindasan dan kekerasan kepada masyarakat.
"Para santri harus menjadi contoh teladan yang baik untuk masyarakat," ujar ketua umum salah satu partai nasional itu.
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Anies' Pledge to Transform the Fate of Madura's Farmers, Ranchers, and Fishermen
SUMENEP | KBA – Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar, embarked on a mission to connect with the heart of Madura. Gathered amidst esteemed Islamic scholars, religious leaders, and the steadfast Nahdiyin community, Anies Baswedan reinforced his unwavering commitment to reshape the destinies of Madura’s farmers, ranchers, and fishermen. This visit marks a significant stride toward a more just and

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